Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 17, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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    TJIE OarAITA DAILY BEE ; W/EPyESDAY , APTITt ; 17 , 1805.
. ,1
A warm bath ulth CUTICUHA
60A1 % ami a single application of
CUTICUKA ( ointment ) , the ( ? reat
eliln euro , ulll afford instant relief ,
permit rest nnd sleep , nnd point tea
a speedy , permanent nnd economi
cal cure of the most distressing ot
Itolilng , burning and sculy skin
and scalp diseases after all other
aiotltods fall.
Potter Drug & Chemical Corp , ,
Sole Proprietors , Boston , US , A ,
National Board of Trade Suggests Improve
ments in Gathering Data.
Consular Agent * Should AUo .Scud In
Monthly Itrpnrla from All 1'orclnii
Countrlm I'rimltlca for 1)1-
WASHINGTON , April 16. The convention
of cotnmcrclal organizations which has been
considering tlio Imiirovctncnt of crop reports
today adopted the following suggestions for
submission to the secretary of agriculture :
"That It Is the judgment of the Interests
represented In this conference that the olll-
clal crop reporting service should be contin
ued and that the reports now regularly
Issued be continued , with such modifications
as are later suggested ; that the April report
on winter grain bo discontinued , but that
all other features now embodied In thut re
port be continued.
"That In all reports concerning acreage of
various crops reported upon , the department
give the area by states In acreage , as well
as by the percentage of the previous year's
area ; that the department. Instead of having
a principal correspondent and three assist
ants In each county , as at present , make an
effort to secure the regular service of one or
more reporters In each township , all to make
their reports directly to the department at
Washington ; that In the selection of these
correspondents they should not be taken
from farming classes exclusively , but should
Include , as far as possible , representatives
of all classes of rural Industry ; that the de
partment discontinue the employment of sal
aried state agents In the regular crop ro *
porting work ; that returns of reserves of
wheat , corn , oats and cotton be had for
dates representing the close of the report
years wheat on July t , oats on August 1 ,
corn on November 1 and cotton on Septem
ber 1 ; that arrangements bo perfected with
the United States consular service for send
ing by cable to the department on or about
the Oth of each month , a statement giv
ing the best available Information concern
ing prospects for crops of grain and cotton
In their respective districts , to be published
In connection with the domestic crop report
when Issued ; that It Is the sense of this
conference that a law should be enacted
punishing by fine and Imprisonment any
employe of the Department of Agriculture
who divulges to any ono outside of the De
partment of Agriculture any statistical or
other general Information of the depart
ment previous to the time appointed for olll-
clally presenting the same to the public. "
The conference then adjourned ,
I'rnposnl Mndo to tlin Chlc.tgo I'hy lclnti hjr
ttin If it\rtitln ( Snvurniiicnt ,
WASHINGTON , April 16. Mall advices
from Hawaii state that the government
authorities have communicated with Dr. Al
bert Halo of Chicago , with a view to having
him take charge of the government experi
mental laboratory for the discovery of a
means to eradlcatn leprosy. Dr. Hale visited
Hawaii sometime ago and expressed
a desire to take charge of the bacteriological
experiments under government direction and
It Is In pursuance of that plan that the health
department has submitted n proposal which
It Is believed he will accept. The lepers on
the Island of Molokal have organized a brass
band , and Admiral Denrilsloe , In command
of the United States steamship Philadelphia ,
Is taking an active Interest In their efforts
In order to secure Instruments for the lepers
a concert was given at Honolulu and Admiral
Ileardslee tendered the services ot the Phila
delphia's band for the occasion.
The Hawaiian sentiment toward the Unltet
State : Is shown by the annual banquet a IK
election of the national guard. The star :
mid stripes were on either side , "as de
fenses" to the Hawaiian flag. The musk
of the event was "Marching Througt
Georgia , " Rally 'Round the Klag , " and "Stai
Spangled Banner" as a finale.
The Hawaiian legislature Is expected tt
convene next month and frame laws as ti
passports and lands.
In order to set at rest reports of torture
Inflicted on Captain Davis as a result of thi
recent Insurrection , Davis has furnished tin
following affidavit , witnessed by two persons
After reciting the reports , the affidavit states
"I wish to set at right such a fearful prc
varlcatlon and denounce the whole thing as :
most Infernal falsehood. Not one ot th
tortures alleged was practiced upon mysel
or upon any other prisoner. On the con
trary the government from 'the first ha
treated me with the utmost fairness an
justice and my confession to the authoritle
relative to the landing of arms was mad
freely and not after having been subjecte
to torture. I make this statement bellevln
It only fair that such Imputations against
government that has dealt so fairly an
justly with me and other prisoners , shoul
bo denied by the one who Is best able to d
so. "
The Hawaiian government has been aske
to adopt the Krag-Jorgensen rifle now I
use by the United States.
s -CT ) itiovH.MJi : COLMCTOK ;
About Ton I'm' Out of I'ornonn I.inblo fo
Income T.ix Full tn 'Millie Knttirnx.
WASHINGTON , April 1C. The followln
Instructions wore today sent to all intern ;
revenue collectors :
In cases nf Incorrect Income tax re
turns now Illed In your otllce you wl
notify the persons who Illed such return
that they must appear within n rensonsibl
lime , specifying the date nnd place for ni
iwmrniice , to correct or explain said rt
turns , nnd that on their failure to nppea
and make said corrections you will correc
nnd Increase the nmouiit of such return :
stntlnff the particular corrections whlc
8lmll be made nnd the amounts byMc
nalil returns will lie Increased.
Where persons nnd corporations llnlil
to muke returns have neglected or refuse
to make return , nnd where In your oplnlo
false or fraudulent returnn have ben lllec
you will Rive notice on form SC9 to the tic
UnciuenU nnd to those who made sue
fulse or fraudulent returns to appear nn
show cause why penalties shall not t
assessed against them.
All returns made by thp taxpayers fc
IS'JI , exrppt such ns are delayed by reupo
of appeals , must bi completed nnd fo ;
warded to this olllco not later than tli
IGtli day of May next.
Although no olflclal statement of the fac
would bo given out today for publication
la believed the returns received today Hho
almost conclusively that a largo number <
persons In all parts of the country who ai
subject to the income tax have not made at :
return of their Incomes. The proportion
thcso to the whole number liable to the ta
Is by some placed as high as 10 per cen
The result must necessarily \ nn asses
ment of the CO per cent penalty In a Ian
number of cases , as the officials no donl
will strictly enforce the act so long as
remains the law of the land.
I > IATII or cii.uti.r.s MAN&UK.
AMlatnut Comptroller of tlin Trcnmirjr lie
IMrtmeut 1'imrs A way.
WASHINGTON. April 1C. Mr. Charli
Mansur. assistant comptroller of the Treasui
depirtment and formerly a member of coagrci
from Missouri , died at 7 o'clock this mornlr
at the National hotel. His death had bet
expected for about a week.
M. ' . Mansur's remains are being taken '
Hlchmond , Mo. , for Interment. The funer
train left his city at 3:10 : this afternoon.
Yunmcnt : ! l Nullvo .In | > .inr > .
WASHINGTON , April IC.-Offlclals of U
Japanese legation hero are tn a position I
explode the sensational story printed I
the London Standard thut Japan's flei
marshal , Count YninuKatn , Is In r mil 11
Archduke Johann of Austria , who ( llai
peareil several years ago. Count Yamagai
Is well nnd personally known to Counsel )
Htevens of the legation here. He vUHi
WusliliiKt.n u few years UKO and inai
uuuiy friends. Mr. Stevens says Yamagai
Is a native of Japan , being one of tl
chosen element which lias produced sue
men us Count Ita uii'l Count Inaye. Ynm :
KUta'H whole life almost has been spent I
Japan. _ _ _ _ _ _
riilncin A k Ainrrlriin Protection.
WASHINGTON , April 10. The Unlti
States government has been requested I
the Chinese government to take under 1
protection the Chinese residing In Guati
mala. The suggestion wan brought n bo ut
by n sealed not" transmitted to the Chinese
minister In Washington by the United
Stntos minister In Guatemala. The note
was signed by about 100 Chinese In Guatr.
mala , representing they had na ono lo
look to for protection. As China hnd no
diplomatic or treaty relations with Guate
mala , Minister Yang Yn last August np-
to Secretary Greshnm to hnvn the
tenleil States minister nnd consular ofllcers
In Guatemala undertake to care ( or these
people. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
run sioux ciTvs w.vni : : rnoNT.
tup ! ti I n Ilmlccs * I'lim for Improving the
Itlvrr Tliorc to Ho Adopted ,
WASHINGTON , April 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The secretary of war today approved
the project submitted by Captain Hodges
for the use of the $40,000 appropriated for
the Improvement of the Missouri river In
front of Sioux City anil on the Iowa side of
the river. In his letter to the department
the engineer says : "I propose to expend tha
sum of $40,000 In the construction of a sys
tem of short spur dikes ; to begin the work
for the dikes immediately above the point at
which the bluff leaves the water's edge ; to
continue the work progressively down
stream , making the dikes about 100 feet
long and placing them at Intervals of about
200 feet. Should any funds remain available
after the construction of the dikes , I propose
to extend the system up stream' by dikes
and mattresses. For that part of the dikes
In the water I propose to us ? two rows of
pressed and screened piles , with weighted
foot mat ; for that part of the dikes which
can be built on the dry bar during low
water I propose to use alternate layers of
brush and stone , set In , the crest ot the
dikes to be at or above ordinary high water
line ; the piles In the dikes to be ten ftet
apart In Intervals and distance ; all dikes to
have T heads on the river bank. I propose
to construct and weight the mattresses and
to furnish the ptlrs by hire of labor and to
purchase the material In accordance with
law and to drive the piles by contract. I
consider these methods to be those most
economical and advantageous to the gov
ernment. "
Captain Holgps makes the following sub
division of the funds available : Plant , $1,000 ;
l.COO feet of dike at $700 , $11,200 ; fifteen T
heads at $ SS4 , $13,2GO ; labor. $10,500 ; Con
tingencies and administration , $1,040. The
expenditure probable in this project Is $5,000
Orilrrn tor Army Mon.
WASHINGTON , April 1C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) I'rof. James Morcur , United States
Military academy , will proceed to Fort
Monroe uii business concerning ! military
engineering and the nrt of war.
Lieutenant Colonel Theodore Schwnn , as
sistant adjutant general , Is granted twenty
days extended leave ; Klrst Lieutenant David
J. Ilumbougli , Third artillery , one month
extended ; Second Lieutenant Henry G.
Lyon , Seventeenth Infantry , three months ;
Second Lieutenant Frederick T. Stetson ,
Fourth Infantry , three months.
\v riMtniDKti-rn.
WASHINGTON , April 10. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Postmasters were appointed today as
follows : Nebraska Hynnnls , Grant county ,
L. P. Vnuuhan , vice M. 13. Harmston , re
signed ; Phillips , Hamilton cunty , J. F.
Klrkpntrlck , vice Jesse Paddlefonl , re
signed. Iowa Grant Center , Monona
county , William Rarnett. vice G. L. Wright ,
resigned ; Leonard , Taylor county , H. G.
Plympton , vice It. S. Palmer , resigned.
Cirri ! I'liclr ( oinmUMoiK.
WASHINGTON , April 10.-Speclal ( Tole-
gram. ) Iowa postmasters were commis
sioned today as t jllows : George F. Parker ,
Gladbrook ; Ulchard W. Lloyd , Lake Mills ;
Lee Falk , Hepburn ; Ucn F. Felt , Portland.
\Vnco Dlsputo In Wyoming Arbitrated
Without Any ItnnpcemiirY Itlgiimiirolp.
UAWLINS , Wyo. , April 10.-Speclal (
Telegram. ) Yesterday afternoon J. W. Con
nor , mall contractor on the Saratoga route ,
nnd Sam Lee , n former driver , met at Rim-
kin , the half-way station , nnd soon pot
Into n dispute over a matter of wages , Lee
claiming that Connor was owins ? him , while
Connor accused Lee of overdrawing his ac
count nnd wanted Lee to return the amount
overpaid , which Lee refused to do. Connor
reached Inside the door and grabbed up n
gun , remarking ; he would make him do It
nnd fired nl Lee , missing him. Lee re
turned the lire with his pistol , hitting Con
nor In the left arm Just nbive the elbow ,
nor In the Itf arm just above the elbow ,
shattering the bone and making a very
dangerous wound. Connor wlU probably
lose his arm. As yet Lee has not been ar
rested , ns Connor appears . not to wish tc
prosecute. _
UNVlfo My t.rlmiily Doluvod.
P. F. Kennedy , an employe of the Unlov
Pacific Hotel company at Hunting-ton , Ore.
Is In the city trying to find his wife , whi
left here March C for a visit to her mothei
nnd sisters In Rochester , N. Y. Mrs. ICcn
nedy was to have nrrlved in this city 01
the evening of the llth , but she is not ye
Mr. and Mrs , Kennedy got a six weeks
leave of nbsense. dating from Kie 1st o
March , and a few days ago they wen
notllled to return to Htmtlngton. Mr. Ken
nedy , who was In the city at the time
wired his wife to return to this city Im
mediately nnd received an answer saylni
she would leave Rochester Friday morning
When she failed to arrive at the appolntei
time Mr. Kennedy wired her mother ti
learn If she was on the way to Omahi
nnd received 'la reply stating she < hai
started on the date which she had wlrei
him. In answer to another telegram sen
to her mother the reply stated that sh
had bought n scalper's ticket over the Wes
Shore railroad and that her ticket wa
through to Omaha nnd her baggage hni
been checked accordingly. Mr. Kennedy 1
much worried over the affair.
Fifteen .Miner * Cnrruul ( Hit IJnronfxdonn ,
ALBUQUERQUE , N. M. , April Ifi.-Re
ports have reached here that one of th
mines of the Crescent Coal company n
Gallup caught fire nnd fifteen men wcr
almost suffocated from smoke and Km
They were carried out of the mine nfte
the lire was extinguished. Jim Flynn , th
well known middleweight flchtcr. who wa
to sign articles to light Hilly Lewis her
In May , was one of thi > miners taken fror
the mine In nu unconscious condition.
VcttirmiH In hoMlnu nt Mncnn ,
MACON , Mo. , April 16. The fourteen ! !
annual encampment of the Grand Army o
the Republic occurs here tomorrow. Th
lex-Prisoners of War association nnd th
Woman's Relief Corps are In convcntlo
now nnd are well attended. Meetings o
both orders were held.
Itpmilt * Kxprcteil friini the ( 'miforciici' .
DOVER , Ueln. , April 1C. There wns n
break In the senatorial deadlock today anne
no change Is looked for until after th
republican conference tomorrow. The bal
lut today resulted : HlRRlns , 9 ; Addlcks , f
MaBsey , 4 ; 1'ennewlll , 1 ; Rldgely , U ; llaj
ard , 1.
Hcntrlca nhno Stock Hold.
BEATRICE , April 1C. ( Special Telegram
The Browning shoo stock was sold toda
at public auction , W , J. Austin of Omnh
buying It In for the King Shoo company c
Denver. The stock Invoiced $7SOO and wa
sold for ? 4G50.
' l > lHml 8fd tlui IVPH Impeachment.
" '
, 'g ST. PAUL , April 10. A little after mill
night a vote was taken and by 80 to 17 th
Impeachment case against Judge Ives wa
_ _
rii.K < ut.iniiv jiittitrs.
The National saw works nt Clnclnna
burned last night. Loss. iOOGoO.
Five mines on ths Wheeling division c
the lialtimore & Ohio started up ycsterdu
nt the CD-cent rate.
< dce Grosseup passed a restless day yes
te.ifuy anil the Indications are he has tn
fore Film a long Illness.
Edward A. Ilrown , the nntl-A. P. t
candidate for mayor of Rockford , 111. , wa
elected by llfty-llve majority , '
State Senator Goebcl of CovliiRton , Ky
has been acquitted of the murder of Jon
L. Sandford on the plea of self-defense.
An ordinance has ben Introduced In th
city council of Westport , Mo. , prohlbltln
women bicycle riders from wearing bloorr
Alfred Hlanchard nnd Michael Artmai
neighbors at Norwalk , O. . quairiled yet
tfiduy and the latter shot and kllle
Rev. J. J. Dunning" , n Catholic priest c
Kansas City , has sued the bishop of tli
district for salary due as priest at Foi
Scott , Kan.
Frank Hutehlnson of Joplln. Mo. , an
Orren Warren quarreled yesterday un
Warren was fatally stubbed In the ultra
which followed
Haywood Williams of Tellurlde , Cole
quarreled with his mistress , Gray Whit
and shot and killed her. He then wound u
by shooting himself.
The expert who Is checking up tj
Whisky trust books has discovered n til
crepancy of 5510.131 In the accounts of tl
old managers of the trust.
7,121 , Citi/.ons of Omaha aiul Stir-
romiUliii ; 'JL'ovv'ns.
Ilccclvo a 1'rcti Sninpl'l I'lirlntRc of Ills
Ills bold niul liberal niniinor In pro\
Inj ; to tliu piilj.ic tin1 merit of his
rntlon moots with umiunllllotl approval.
.las. S. Klrl. < S : Co. , luinounci'd that they
would Klvo away nhsottiti'ly five ,
from The Hue olllco , ton thor-
sand paeUaRcs of his now disco1 -
cry , "Kuln Water Maker , " request liu ;
the newspapers of this city to Investi
gate and publish the results In each
wise , as reported to them , either need
or bad. In this way , Kirk proposed to
prove the elTlclency of his discovery ,
before asking the public to spend one
Never before In the history of thin
country has there been a chemist or
company who dared to risk their reputa
tion In mi actual test by the people.
This utivo tlu > public conlldonco In them.
On Monday nearly -1001) ) samples were
Clven away ; on Tuesday , over : t ( > 00
were handed out , and today more than
' ( M)0 ) persons are test Inn the discovery
f Kirk , which Is bound to revolutionize
11 water used for washing purposes of
II descriptions.
During the past year , ,1ns. S. Kirk &
'o. , have given out ninny thousand
laekagett , and , remarkable as It may
loom , in not one single instance has he
eardanything but praise from the lips
f those who gave the pucparatlou a
rial. Kit-It Is probably the most talked
bout man In the country today , and
, vhy should he not beV Any man who
s enable to Invent a simple , harmless
Ittle powder that would change the
ilrudgory of wash day into a day ot
'oniparatlvo ' ease for the housewife ,
mil has been the means of saving many
ilollars to single families In the course
f a single month , as a result of saving
n soap anil the wear and tear of wear-
ng apparel would naturally become
Kirk's "Kaln Water Malter , " not only
n-opares the water so that half the later -
tor Is saved , but clothes are sweeter
mil cleaner after being washed in the
olvoty water prepared by Kirk's "Hain
Water Maker. "
The .Mimy I'lirpUfttiM for \Vlilvh It Wn *
Mr. Kirk and his representatives are
frequently asked the question , "Is your
aln water maker simply a hard water
softener ? " We answer emphatically ,
; No. " Kirk's new sclent illc discovery
lot only softens Instantly the hardest
water , but Is equally valuable In rain
: > r cistern water , as it renders all water
soft and velvety. Clothes washed In this
n-oparation are much sweeter and wid
er ami will hold colors from running
n printed goods ; prevents bluing from
nrdllng In water : prevents flannels
Tom Hlirlnklng.
For the bath or toilet it Is indlspensl-
L > Ie. Accelerating the ' notion of soap ,
giving the skin a' healthy glow , and
lolplng to remove any superllous excre-
: ions that may . the body.
For dishes and general washing pur-
loses , it Is very essential.
Kirk's rain water maljoi- absolutely
larmless , and must not be confounded
with soap powders , as It contains no
soap , lye , amonla , b0ra.v , lime or any
ileletcrioiiH ingredients , .and saves Xi pot
ent of soap , and CO per cent of labor.
Kirk's rain water innltel1 can be had of
nil druggists , and grocers , "ic for 2-lb.
. Dentil to Froolilos.
Mme. M. Yale was recentlj
asked the question "which o
her discoveries she considerec
the most wonderful. " Her re
ply was as follows : La Freckla
because it unmasked my own
face from a filthy mass ol
freckles and gave me the
beautiful rose leaf complexion
which you see and which has
been admired by the people oi
every nation. Before 1 dis
covered La Freckla I was 2
freckled face .individual dis
gusted with my own appear
ance. Today I am the cnvj
of every woman1 who looks i
my skin.
La Freckla will remove anj
case of freckles in existence
and leave the skin as trans
parent as crystal , One or twc
applications removes tan anc
sunburn. It takes from three
to nine days to , destroy cverj
trace of freckles. It is the enl )
remedy known tb the work
that do this. Now is the time
to use La Freckia , as i
strengthens the skin ; remove !
and prevents freckl ssandsu n
burn. Si per bottle. Sold b }
all druggists or
MME. M. YALE , Temple of Beauty , 1J
Statc-sL. Chicago.
tlte Jaffray Stoc -
We were first on the ground and bought first therefore best
The goods are arriving daily and \vc place them on sale at prices
never before expected in Omaha ,
Dress Goods
JalTray's to 50 Inch Hlaek Crepons
go on saje tomorrow nt
JalTray's llucst10 Inch Henriettas , nil
colors and black , worth SSo , nt
Jaffray's Inch black Novelty Suitings
$1 quality , tomorrow at ,
Jaffray'B r > 2 Inch Cropou , regular $1.50
qualities , choice tomorrow
.lalTray'a 54 Inch Imported Diagonals ,
such as retail for $1.75 , go tomorrow at
.laffray's Novelty Suitings in crepe ef
fects and novelties In all colors. . . . „ . ,
JalTray's HO inch navy blue Serge and 30
inch Novelty Suitings , go at i
.laffray's 'M Inch Henriettas , In all colors
ors , worth 25c , go at
JalTray's SO Inch all wool novelty Suit
ingsI0c quality for _ . . ,
JalTray's all wool Challls , such ns ho
wholesaled at10c , go at „ . ,
Jam-ay's Inch all wool Cheviots , 50c
value , go tomorrow at - . ,
Jaffray's > 10 Inch Imported Plaids , iu
high colors , go at , . . . . . . . „ ,
JalTray's 52 Inch Cheviots , Iu small
checks , at the low price of. . . . „ . . . - ,
JatTray's Inch silk and wool Crepous ,
worth ? 1 , start at . . _ ,
Subscribe for "The Delineator , " now the largest and best fashion
magazine published in the world , $1.00 a year.
We are sole agents for Buttcrick's Patterns ,
Fashion Sheets and The Delineator.
This department is now in the Ladies' Parlors , bet , 1st and 2d floors.
Many persons know n good thing when
they see It , but comparltlvely few know a
better when they see it. There have been
Oak Clinmber Sets sold before In this city
under $1-1.00 , but NO SUCH SUITE AS
Hero are three pieces ot the finest furni
ture on which the price- ought to be at least
$20.00. They could not be built singly for
twice this sum.
\Vo have selected this popular Chamber
Set as our special leader to open up nn early
spring trade. To this end we shall sell a
limited number ot them at
Remember this Is simply one form of our
spring advertising. Instead ot spending
extra money In the newspapers wo select an
artlcl" of assured Intrinsic worth and offer
It nt a price which will be sure lo bring a
imndred purchasers to our warerooms the
next morning.
Do you want one ?
Clias. SWverick & Co. ,
Furniture , Curtains
And Upholstery
120(5.1208 ( DOUGLAS ST
* E Htf Id < 0'J ' 0 8,000 PAtltMTS.
Write for Banlc References
-x.-nr ir * - EXAMINATION FREE.
No Operation. No Detention from Business ,
C37-30B N Y Life Bid ? . . OMAUA , NEB.
JiilTray's t'olorod satin Duchosse , navy
brown , myrtle , urny , cnrtllnal. The 85c
prottli'st Imi-Kiiln oC all
Juffray's ' 1'alVctta Silks for waist nnd
skirts , hi-aulll'ul colors ami small neat
JalTray's lllack Ores Pp Londres , small
dosl us , neat and pretty , your choice
tomorrow at
JnlTray's llsht Tafft'lu Silks , In an en
tirely new cheek and stripe comhlmi-
tlon , $ you'll pay , If you don't huy $1.25
of us at
.TalYray's Ilhick Cropou Silks. In the
very latest designs , retailed the world $1.25
over at ! ? 1.S5 , our price
Wash Goods-
Tomorrow is 5-ccnt clay in the Wash
Goods and you can buy more and better
styles for a nickel than you ever did before ,
Prints , 5c.
Jaltray's finest new style Indigo llltio
1'llsse. Prints , Se quality , for 5c.
Percales , 5c.
JalTray's very finest , yard wide Garner
Printed Hhlrtliig and Dress Percales ,
DC , worth IL'lic.
Ginghams , 5c.
JaTray's ( very finest and bust quality
domestic Dross and apron Check Ulng-
hanis fie , worth up to 12 .e.
Dress Prints , 5c.
JalTray's finest new Summer Silk styles
of dress Prints , worth at wholesale
7' c 5e tomorrow.
Outing Flannels , 5c.
JafTray's. These cost nearly lOc at the
mill. Wo cleaned up all that Jaffray
had at Oe ; best .styles.
r " 456" " 456" " 456"
\ To Retail Dealers of Cigars :
To Introduce our new brand " 150" without expense of
of traveling will send you the
Oimitm Dnlly Bee [ or 3 months firntls
With each thousand cigars purchased. These cigars
are without doubt the finest S3.00 cigars in the market.
A trial order will convince you ,
Terms HO dajs 2 per centfor cash.
DUFFY & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
tin Ilnllrr. No Strum. No I2liliicrr. |
11EST I'mVKIl for Horn nnd Feed MlllH , Haling
Jliiy , Running K'-pnratorn , Crcamcrlos , < ic.
Stationary op Portable.
1 to 120 II. I' . 8 to ! II. I' .
6n < ] forCnUlnciic , 1'rii'cs , etc. , ilcsctlblng work to Irt clone.
Chicago , 245 take St.
Oinalia , 321 So. 15th St. ; i3ilVuluilt Klk.i IMHIjADIJI.I'lIlA. 1'A.
i'lTl'IIUlXi : utrennttioMiariil rcitorrsumall wcakoignn * ,
The ri'iivin miftercrs nro not cured liy In * torn U heuiuiro ninety r < T rent nro troubled with
I'tcBlnfllln. rUI'IUKNKIittioonly known rcincily to euro vvliliout mi oiu-ratlun. OnoirHilmiml.
din. A wrlltnn Kunninti'OKlvon and money returimOlfBl.t Imxpii ilovn not urbcl u ixjruiauciHcurcL
f l.OOdIrfn.ill f rVOliy mull. Hcndfor ruuncliciilaranil lollmoulaU ,
A , i. i i > AV l < 9Iii > ICIMc < > . , r. O. lk > xaClBjtilrBiicbcoCal.VSifoty (
ron BALE HY aooDMAN nnua co. , & KUIIN & co. . OMAHA. NEBRASKA ,
TliU Kama ii llernrily cure quickly , nennnnBnltj
nil nurvciui ill JHUBOJVfuk Murnnrr.ljOMur llraln Toner ,
lluuitucliii , Wttufultiu , l.oil Vitality , uluUlljr unill-
flom.iivil Ori'U'ix. liuiutenc/uiid | WU 'IIIHI ' UUIU. CIIU *
0 < 1 by jiiuihl'iil vri-iin IIP * ce n . ( .uiitaiiu no
oplat i , Uutivrviiliiiiloiinilliluuit bulldvr , Mul.iM | ana I' ' my ttrontf nn I plump. Kail , j-rnrri' Jin
Tfiti > o kct. fel rerbonHf jrSft. llymrulprxinl ) wltli
nwr'tU'iiinmrantuo ' tocuroor monBy rufumlcUVntuui. .
frvn inaillcnt honk. Honied plain wrapper , with tc tl-
l i > i kD > r joumi , Mi'iur , inoiilnu nn. | HnniiPlal refnronocs. Koclian-tjore > ntuia-
if m aioni. Soldby ourBKenW , oruililro , < Krve Hec < l Co. , ilu onioTcia | > lut'lilcMHk.
Boll la Oiciha t7 B&irm&a St UcConailU Kuui. ft Co. and br Vlckut A Uci