lUtlK " - - - < * -wi > * TW"'iwiit ' ' TOr m THE OMAHA SUKDAY , APIim Id , 1895. PUSHING INTO THE COUNTRY Tnlloy Lines Beaching for Urban Buslnca in the East , CHALLENGING STEAM TO A CONTEST Klectrlo Hand ConnectlnR t.urifn nnd Snmll fltlt-i nnd ( loblilliiR th Tmnic of Htrnm Hii.-idn-Tho llnttlo , Itojnl. Measured by the experience of similar en terprises In the cast , thcro Is very llttlo reason to doubt the success of the projected trolley line from Omaha to Fremont. Al lowance must be made , however , for the difference In volume of traffic. Tha urban population adjacent to the cities of New VorU , Boston and Philadelphia affords prompt returns on the Investment , but this Is off set , to n limited extent , In this section , by reduced flnt cost. The extension of trolley lines from large cities la ono of the serious problems con fronting managers of steam roads. Those already In operation have cut Into the rev enue from local traffic , which forms one of the chief sources of Income of railroads , and by which they linvo hitherto enjoyed a mo nopoly. In Philadelphia the trolley lines have absorbed much of the suburban traffic of the Reading and Pennsylvania systems , and both companies arc preparing to slash rates and compete energetically with the new rivals. Companies have been organized to connect New York and Philadelphia and New York and lloston with trolley lines , practically paralleling existing steam roads. The latter cnlcrpiise has become so dangerous that the New York , Now Haven & lloston road an nounces Its Intention of controlling the rival line by purchase. WHAT C1TIKS LEAD IN TUB TROLLEY. It U hard to say In which of the great cities the trolley has been most notably de veloped. Haltlmore Is at the front with the press and twelve freight. No doubt there will ba a itltl further In crease ns noon a * the proper changes In stale laws can be made , for In come states , nota bly Pennsylvania , Hhode Island and Massa chusetts all states In which trolley develop ment has been extensive electric freight and express service has hitherto been pro hibited. PROGRESSIVE REVOLUTION. No such enormous development as that achieved In electric traction could pojslbly take place without working a revolution In more than ono contributory Industry. In till * case there hns been a great Increase In the building of very large and strong station ary steam engines , running much mere rapidly than any others nt all similar In size anil weight , excepting those of ocean steam ship. ( Ireat Impetus , too , has been given to the manufacture of wire. It Is estimated that three miles of copper filaments are needed for every mile of track , and the wire In actual present use would more than reach entirely around the world. Add to this what has been discarded as worn out , nnd the necessary surplus , and It Is likely that the trolleys have already used up quite 75.000 miles. Fcr heavier rails , too , there 'nas been a great demand , as It was early discovered that the old type ued by the horse railroads would not do all nt under the new order. The wheels of horse cars merely roll over the rails , thus wearing tlitm but slightly ; but the wheels of the trolley cars bite the metal at every turn , and the light , old-fash ioned rails were soon worn out , For this reason ralH weighing ninety pounds to the yard have had to bs substituted for the thirty-five pound rails that were amply ade quate under the old system. It was feared for a time that the additional expense thus rendered necessary would bs so great as In Eomo cases to compel a change back from trolley to horse power. Of course there have boon enormous de mands for dynamos , switch-boards , cars , rail road tics and sleepers and wooden and Iron poles , and equally , of course , the brains of hundreds , perhaps thousands of Inventors , have been set to studying how to Improve the various apparatus so as to make It possi ble to operate the roadsi more cheaply and satisfactorily. RCLATIVn COST. Statistics of tha cost of operating electric roads nro furnished by the railroad commis sioners In Massachusetts In recent annual reports. In their report a year ago the com missioners said : "A well located and well managed electric railway , It may be fairly & 2 $ gZiite&ai Mh ' 'M'lmsw ' TROLLEY FREIGHT CAR. first underground electric railway In America ; the Brooklyn surface system Is a marvel of Intricacy and extensive mlleagf. the system that Interpenetrates and cornice's St. Paul and Minneapolis Is n model of rapid transit and systematic operation ; the llnfs in St. Louis arc a ccnstant Joy to the- people there , who erstwhile were mainly dependent upon the mule for street car motive power ; the Phila delphia system covers many miles , and repre sents millions of capital ; and systems quite as perfect , though less extensive , are to be found In scores of smaller cities east ami west , north and south. New York nnd Chicago are far bshlnd most other cities ns regards the trolley , New York being by all odds the most backward of nil. Probably the most extensive single mburban nd Intra-munlclpal system Is that of the Now Jersey Traction company , which connects Jersey City ( New York ) , Hoboken , Newark , the Oranges and other cities nnd towns In the ( late whoso population Is chiefly sulnirhtin. Before this year Is completed , unless disaster overtake It , this gigantic corporation will greatly Increase Its mileage , and compete still more hotly than now with tha steam road for the enormously profitable passenger traffic of the region It has pre-empted. Wherever the trolley tracks parallel those of the old steam lines. It has been noticed that the trains run lighter than ever before , while the trolley cnrs , with their more fre quent schedules nnd cheaper fares , arc crowded. THE DATTLE ROYAL. Now the trolley men arc getting ready to put up a big fight with steam for long-distance transportation. It will bo but a short time before the electric webs will begin to come together. That centering at IJoston will touch the ono spreading from Providence ; It will communicate with the Connecticut webs , and they will reach along the coast of the sound till their lines are continuous with those of Westchester county , New York. When between New York and llohton there will be unbroken electric communication. Thui the llrst battle between the power of the locomotive nnd the power of the dynamo I * likely to take place along the line of the Consolidated railroad , connecting Boston and New York. Already the steam railroad people under stand this , and are preparing to themselves supplant steam with electricity. The Con solidated Is not the only trunk line that Is Kt'ttlng ready to take this step , either , for It Is understood that the Pennsylvania's management proposes soon to operate Its branches by wire. The Consolidated road , however , has gone- farther than any other steam line , since It has engaged a compe tent electrician at a high salary , has built two extra tracks from New Haven to New York for the special purpose of Introducing electric traction , and has had many of Its new cars built light , so as to be better adapted to the new traction method. Trolley men generally understand that many problems have yet to be solved before long-distance electric traction will be a suc- cosi , not the least of which Is the leakage due to the fact that trolley wires have to ho left bare. This will render It Imperative that power houses be built at short Intervals along luch trunk lines as use electricity , nnd some exports say the expense of constructing and maintaining an adequate chain of power houses and the necessary wire between New York and Philadelphia , for Instance , will be greater than the cost of operating the same trotch of road by means of locomotives. .MAIL , EXPRESS AND FREIGHT UY TROLLEY. While the steam lines are getting ready to fight the trolleys with their own weapons , the latter have already Invaded the field cl said , stands a similar chance of financial success with a well located and well managed railroad ( steam ) or horse railway. Upon the present showing and outlook It stands no better chance. " In their 1895 report the railroad commissioners show that the average percentage of operating expenses to gross earnings on Massachusetts street railways Is Gfl.5 percent. In six Instances expenses were considerably In excess of 100 p r cent of gross earnings ; the ratio on three other roads was 90 per cent and more. In addition to the above , three other roads show expenses of bHween 80 and 00 per cent ; the number operating between 70 and 80 per cent was twelve. Wo see , therefore , that twenty-four out of the forty-five operating street rail ways of Massachusetts were last year oper ated at a cost of 70 per cent or more of gross earnings. Of the remainder , twelve were operated at CO to 70 per cent , and five at 5G to 59 per cent. Ono road reported operating expenses of only SI per cent , nnd to this fact Is due the average expense for all the roads of G9.5 per cont. This low figure , It may be added , Is duo to the fact that the road In question was opened only a year ago. and has been obliged to spend practically no money as yet on repairs , nor to charge anything to de preciation. Furthermore , It obtains abnor mally high rates , n fare of 25 cents being charged for a trip of thirteen and a hall miles. Had the report of this road been omitted by the railroad commissioners when they made up their average figures for the year , the operating cost of all the other roads nf the state would have been found to be 77 per cent of the gross earnings. An Interesting comparison might bo Insti tuted between the electric roads and the steam roads , in the matter of operating ex penses. The five operating steam railroad companies In Massachusetts reported last year percentages of operating expenses aver aging CS.37 per cent , as against G9.5 per cent reported by the electric companies ; and the highest ratio , that of the New York & New England , was 70 per cent. Thoao figures , of course , Include the cost of transporting freight ns well ns passengers. Unfortunately the commissioners furnish no data by 1110,1113 of which the earnings and cost per passen ger per mile of steam and electric roads can bo compared. ELECTRICAL POSSIDILITIES. After describing nnd Illustrating In his article on Nikola Tesla's work. In the Aprl Century , the process nnd apparatus employed for manipulating the electrical charge of the earth Itself , Mr. T. C. Martin makes this comment on the unique phenomenon prc- eented : Considering that In the adjus me .ts necessary , n small length of wire or a smul body of any kind added to the cell or brought Into Its vicinity may destroy entirely al effect , ono can Imagine the pleasure whlcl the Investigator feels when thus rewarded by unique phenomena. Aflor toarchlng with patient toll for two or three years after a result calculated In advance , Mr. Tesla Is compensated by being able to witness a most magnificent display of fiery streams and light , nlng discharges breaking out from the tip of the wire with the roar of a gas well Aside from their deep scientific Import am their wondrous fascination ns a spsctacle such effects point to many new realizations making for the higher welfare of the htimai race. The transmission of power and In telllgenco Is but ono thing ; the modification cf climatic conditions may be another. Per I chance wo. sh-all "call up" Mars In this way some day , the electrical charge of boll planets being utilized In signals. It must not be supposed that the now clcc trlclty represented by Nikola Tesla Is Icono clastic. In the minds of a great many people of culture the Idea prevails that Invention Is as largely a process of pulling down as c building up ; and electricity. In snroadlm. A TKOI.LBY LOCOMOTIVE , Ihe former In other wsjn than by compet ing ( or passenger trailc ! In suburban , regions Ind between towns. Late last autumn sixty- two lines In the United State * and Canada wer carrying the mall , llfty-tMght on gov- irnraent contract ; thirty-flie lines had Inau- curtted express service. ud fifty-live wore touting freight , Six llnci hauled xteam road freight core over rlectrlo ralU , thlrty-saven bad special freight rar stTVlco of their cwn , nine liad upeclal express cars , five spe cial mill cars , nnd eight had combination wall nnd express cars , These figures , Ihe bteat arftlUMo , should all bo Increased to be accurate now , ( or at the time they \UTP made ten mora lines contemplated carryini ; the malls , seven were preparing to carry ex- | trom ono branch of Industry to another , en counters the prejudice that alwayi rebuff the Innovator. The assumption Is faUo. I may be true tliot In the gladiatorial aren ; where the principles of science contend , cm parly or the other always succumbs am drugs out Its ( loud ; but In the arts long cur vlvnl Ii the law for all the appllinces tha have been found of any notable utility. I ulniply becomes a question of the contractlni jphcre within which the old apparatus Ii hedged by the advent of the new ; and tha relation once established by processes com plex nnd long continued , capable even o mnnicmatlcal determination , the two go ut toe. ( her , complimentary In their adjustmen to specific human needs. In Its latest out growths , electrical application exemplifies his. After many years' u o or dynamo-elec- rlo machinery ( firing what Is known as a 'continuous current , " the art has reached he conclusion that only with the "alternating urrent" can It fulfill the later duties laid ipon It nnd accomplish the earlier tasks hat remain untouched , With Uic continuous current we have learned the rudiments of IghtltiK and power distribution. With the alternating current , manipulated nnd coaxed to yield Its highest efficiency , wo may solve the problems of lerlal and marine navigation by elcc- rlclty , operate large railway systems , trans- nit the energy of Niagara hundreds of miles , and , In Mr. Testa's own phrase , "hook our machinery directly to that of nature. " JlOUltH . 1' . The publishers of Chips take umbrage at our remark made In n previous number to he effect It contains "selected extracts from ho best current literary productions , " for vhlch wo owe an npology. Chips contains rlglnal matter cnly , and Its April number ts irlght , orlop and full of sparkling gems. The 'hips Publishing company , 101S Downing building , New York. The Importance of perfect polss is explalnej n the Law , Order and Art In Dress depart- nont of the April Jenness Miller Monthly. An admirable paper by Miss Alnsley Crawley ells "How tn Knjoy Painting and Sculpture ; " Miss Jane Pratt has some good words to say on "Overworked Dables , " and Mr. Amos II. Wells contributes an amusing essay entitled 'A Psycologlcal View of Pockets , " In which 10 demonstrates the enormous advantages neil gain from the single source of having an abundance of pockets at their service. Solid sense , as usual , Is the characteristic feature of this popular Journal. Jenness Miller Monthly , 114 Fifth avenue , New York. 'Our 'Civic Renaissance' " Is the tltlo un der which Albert Shaw In the April number of the He view of He views outlines the work of various civic federations In the leading American cities. An Interesting paper , ' The foundations of Dellef. . " Is contributed by W. T. Stead. The Greek of today Is portrayed > y J. Irving Manatt In a paper bearing the title "Tlio Living Oieek : A Glance at Ills Politics and Progress. " In the department 'Leading Articles of 'the Month" a large variety of topics of the day are ably dis cussed , among them "The Pacific Hallway Debt , " "Has tht > Missing Link Ileen Found ? " 'The Single Tax , " "Tho Church and the I'ubllc Schools. " "T1io Hugest Cataclysm Since the Deluge. " The Itevlew of Reviews Co. , 13 Astor Place , New York. Not since the flood , so graphically described n the old testament , has * uch a catastrophe as Mr. Jean T. van Gestel relates , been told jy an eyewitness. The eruption of Krakatoa swept out of existence nearly 120,000 persons. Of this terrific cataclysm Mr. van Gestal , the only living eyewitness , tells the story In the April Cosmopolitan. La'ly Colin Campbell's nterestlng article , "nngllsh Country-House Parties , " Is the first presentation In nn \merlran periodical of nn Interesting plmso of Kngllsh life. No one could write with better diowledgo of the subject , or a brighter pen , : han Lady Campbell. The last six pages of the present number exhibits a new feature which appeals to lovers of art. These six full-pjge copies of six famous pnlntlngs of recent work rellect what Is being done In the world of art. The famous Spanish artist , 2ibrinetyt Is again seen to advantage through Ills beautiful drawings as shown In Gertrude Hall's clever ftory , "The Late Heturnlng. " The Cosmopolitan U giving Its readers n thorough discussion of the Chlm-Japan war. General Ird > Wolesley presented the first paper , and Is followed In this number by Hon. George Frederick Seward. for many years plenipotentiary at Peking. The Cosmo politan Magazine. New York. The leading place In the April number of The Monthly Illustrator Is given to an artl clc of Prof. HJalmar HJorth IloyeScn. who considers the aspects of "Hoyhood and Girl hood. " comparing and contrasting the re semblances and diversities of character which gradually separate them as year after year leads them farther apart. The Illustrations are from the telling pictures of G. A. Held , until lately one of the most prominent acad emicians of Canada , hut now a resident of the United States , and excelling In composi tions nf a domestic sort , llealdes the pictures of child-life by Mr. Held , the number exhibits the work of several American painters and Illustrators accompanying essays and stories In great variety. Among these representa tive artltts are Charles S , Helnhart , whose pictures accompany a valuable study , by Edward King , upon "Art's Collaboration with Literature , " In which he declares that "It Is to art's precious and unacknowledged col laboration that we owe some of the finest triumphs of literature. " The artists have taught the writers to bo accurate and careful , and , what Is more , have added largely to the field of literary activity and Inspiration. "A princeof illustrators , " remarks Mr. King , "who. like Mr. Helnhart , scatters abroad with lavish hand the wclath of sketches made In a dozen lands. Is doing for the novelist , the poet , the essayist , a service tha value of which cannot be estimated In money. Harry C. Jones , 92-98 Fifth Avenue , New York. The April Midland Monthly is a fine num ber artistically. It Is also full of goad read- Ing. A young lady's "Outing In South Africa. " and a Chicago Journalist's "Trip to the Black Hills. " are Its chief illustrate ! ar ticles. "Literary Dubuque" will Interest many. This number Is strong tn Its fiction. Including two charming Raster stories and the opening chapters of the first of the two- numbered stories , "In the Valley of the Pecos , " a prize story of rare power. The poetry , social nnd economic study , the home themes , the Midland war sketch , and other features , give something of Interest for every body. "The Stamp Dlznoss" ts a laughable burlesque on the postage stamp craze of the period. MAGAZINRS UKCEIVI3D. HOOK NEWS. John Wannamaker , Phila delphia. THK STATE'S DUTY. W. H. Moore , 106 and 10S Pine Street. St. Louis. Mo. THE KINDEHGAHTEN NEWS. Milton Hradley Company , Springfield , Mass. THE CHICAGO 400. Holland H. Pcrslnger , 212-211 Monroe Street , Chicago. WOMANKIND. The Hosterman Publishing Company. Springfield. 0. THE CHAUTAUQUAN. The Chautauquan , Meadvllle. Pa. DONAHOE'S MAGAZINE. Donahoe's Maga zine Company , Hnston. Mass. PAVING AND MUNICIPAL ENGINEER ING. Municipal Engineering Company , In- dlanapolii. THE NEI1HASKA WHEELMAN. Howe & Milmlne , Lincoln , Neb , In order to give employn-cnt to the hun dreds of Idle men now In San Francisco , the merchants of that city are pushing forward a movement to pave all the streets. Manufacturing Is rapidly growing In Salt Lake. There are now In that city , according to the- statistics furnished by the Tribune , 303 establishments devoted to the manufacture ol standard articles. Three factories afford em ployment to 2.530 persons , pay out annually $1.230,003 In wages , produce goods and warea to the value of J3.3S9.072. and represent $3.321,732 of Invested capital. Glass Is a material whose astonishing pos sibilities we nro only beginning to under stand. Incredible progress has been made In Its manufacture the last ten or twelve years. We , who saw the glass gown spun ( or the Princess Eulnlla at the Chicago ex position , will forgot the wonder with which that dainty creation Impressed us should we bo lucky enough to BOO the exposition In Paris In 1900 , when M. Henrlvaux , an en thusiastic French maiufacturer. promise ! to show us a house entirely made of glass and with furniture and even tapestries made of the same material. Ex-United States Senator Walsh of Geor gia , In an article In the Independent , says that It the south would raise Its own bread and meat during the next five years and nol mora than 6,000.000 bales of cotton It would become- absolutely prosperous and financial ! ) Independent. Last year the south produced over 9.000.000 bales of cotton , when there has never been n pressing need for more thar 7.500.000 from the United States. This Bur plus has caused the fall In prices , as a sur plus of other articles always does. The lockout In the English boot and shot factories affects over 200,000 operatives , am as many more , It Is said , will also quit work The dispute grew out of the unwillingness o the employer * to arbitrate- difference aboul the wages for machine work , their oxplnna tlon being that tha workmen had refused t' abldu by former arbitrations. Amerlcnr manufacturers , having free hide * , Improvet iraehlnery and better tkllled labor , have bcei enabled to Invade the English market , anc the consequence * have proved dlrastrous t < British manufacturers- THE ELtoRICAL MAGICIAN 'nvontor Tcsla'a .Wonderful Work Described " By an Expert , WHAT THE'R&ENT ' FIRE SWEPT AWAY The Cnmhlnntlon Hirnm I'njzlno nnd " mine nml'ltii I'rnctlcnl Operation ' The .Hew Method of Creat ing Light. .1 The current number of the Century Magn- zlno contains nn article on "The Latest Elec- rlcal Inventions and Discoveries of Nikola Tcslarlttcn by Thomas 0. Martin , cd- tor of tlie Electrical Engineer. The artlle Rives a summary of the progress made In electricity during the last flfty years , ns well ns n forecast of the work of the next Hty years , and. owing to thu destruction of Mr. Tesla's laboratory , with all contents , a few weeks ago , Its text and Illustrations are now the only record of some of the In ventor's most. Important discoveries. One of the most wonderful of Tesla's Inventions Is he oscillator , which combines the steam en- ; lne and dynamo. In speaking or It Mr Martin snys : "In his oscillator Mr. Tesla has not simply a new practical device , but a new Implement of scientific research. With it , If he hns nets \s yet actually determined the earth's eUe- trlcal charga or 'capacity , ' he has obtained striking effects , which conclusively demon strate that he has succeeded In I'.sturblng ' It. He connects to thn earth , ; > > one of Its ends , a cell In which rapidly vibrating currents are produced , U' ' ? other end being free In space. With this cell he does actually what one would bo doing with a pump forcing air Into an elastic foot ball. At each alternate stroke the ball wouM ox i ) niul and contract. Hut It Is that such a ball , If flllr-d with air , Mould , when suddenly expanded or contracted , vibrate at Its own rate. Now If the strokes of the pump bo so timed that they nre In harmony with the Individual vibrations of the ball , an Intense vibration or surging will be ob tained. The purple streamers of electricity thus elicited from the earth and pouring out to the ambient air are marvelous. MAGICAL HALOS. "The currents which are made to pass In and out of the earth by means of thl < coil can also be directed upon the human body. An observer mounted on a chair nnd touch Ing the cell with a metal rod can , by care ful adjustments , divert enough of It upon himself to ciuse Its manifestation from nud around him In splinters of light. This halo effect , cbtalnsd by sending ( he electricity of the earth through a htiTan using the high est charge positively ever given In safety Is , to say the least , curious anil deeply sug gestive. Mr. TeslH'a temerity In trying the effect first uflon his own person can b3 justi fied only by his close anil accurate calcula tion of what the amount of the discharge from the earth would be. " As to the econpmlc value of the oscillator the article eaysi' "A moment's thought will show that one naln object must bs the elimination of crtaln steps In the ( raiisfer of the energy ; and ob viously. If englneji and dynamo both have large losses , it will bp a gain to merge the two pieces or apparatus. The old-fashioned electric light station or street railway power house Is a giddy maze of bolls nnd shafting : In the latter plants engine , and dynamo are coupled directly together on one base. This Is a notable stride , but it still Uaves us with a dynamo In which some part of the wire wound on It is not- utilized at every Instant , and with an engine of complicated mechan ism. The steam cylinder , with Its piston. Is the only thing actually doing work , and nil the rest of , the imposing collection of fly wheel , governor balls , eccentrics , valves and what not , Is fo < - the purpose of control and regulation. "In his oscllla or Mr. Tesla , to begin with , has stripped the engine of all thli governing mechanism. Dy giving also to the cells In , which the currei ; Is created , as they cut the lines of force of the magnets , a. to-and-fro or reciprocating mo Ion , so that the Influence on them Is equal In every direction , he has over come the loss of the Idle part of the wire ex perienced In rol itlng armatures ; and , more over , greatest tchleveini'nt of all , he has made the cumnts regulate the mechanical motions. No matter how close the governing of the engine that drives the ordinary dynamo with , revolving armature , there Is some Irreg ularity In the generation of current. In the Tesla oscillator. If Its Inventor and the evi dence of one's eyes may be believed , the vibra tions of the current are absolutely steady and uniform , so that one could keep the ttmo o' day with the machine about as well as with a clock. "Hack of the tendencies to Irregularity In the old-fashioned electrical apparatus were the equal or greater tendencies In the steam engine ; and over and above all were the losses duo to the Incfllcient conversion In both of the power released from the fuel under the boiler generating the steam. Gain In one direction with a radical Innovation usually means gain In many others , through a growing series. I confess I do not know which of the advantages of the oscillator to place first , and I doubt whether Its inventor has yet been able to sit down and sum up all the realities and possibilities to which It Is a key. Ono thing he does ; he presses for ward. " PHOSPHORESCENT PHOTOGRAPHY Relativeto Tesla's experiments In pho tography by phosphorescence , Mr. Martin writes : "In the field of lighting by phosphorescence we reach hitherto untrodden ground. Phos phorescent light has been associated with the Idea of 'cold light , ' or the property of becom Ing luminous with the omission of the Inter mediate step of combustion as commonly un derstood. Aa u physical action wo know It In the light of the firefly , which Prof. S. P. Langley rates at an efficiency of 100 per cent , nil Its radiations lying within the limits of the visible spectrum. Ily means of the Tcs- lalc currents phosphorescent light strong enough even to photograph by has been obtained ; nnd the picture , representing the Inventor himself , Is the llrst portrait or pl'Otograph of any kind ever taken by phos phorescent light. A bulb whose light-giving member Is coated with sulphldn cf zinc treated In a special way was rendered phos phorescent by means of a current obtained from n high-frequency transformer coll. The current used was alternated cr oscillated about 10,000 times per second. The exposure was about eight minutes. "In order to test more closely the-actlnlc \alue of phosphorescent light , some bulbs , subject to high frequency currents , were photographed , or. If wo may coin a new word , 'phosphcgrEphed. ' with a somewhat lorger exposure. Otic bright pair illustrated utilize sulphide of'zinc In some form for luminosity. The 'third bulb , seen faintly to the left of thorn. hall a coating of sulphide of calcium. Although , ' judged by the eye. It glowed with a lirlrthtncss fully equal to tint of the other two. tile actinic value was evi dently much less. It Is , perhaps , needless to say that thesP-'dPirionstratlons ' Invlto to nn endless variety of experiments , In which Investors will 'find ft host of novel phenom ena awaltlne then ! a"s to phosphorescence and fluorescence pi-educed with electrical cur rents. " Mr. Martin lmi describes the new method of creating lIRht which Tcsla discovered : "Between u and' the sun stretches the tenuous , sensitive V > ther , and every snsatlcn of light thatMhe'eyo ' experiences 1s caused by the effectlot > f 'live hundred trillions of waves every Veconfl'Impressed on the ether by the moleclrtkrtttfrgy of the sun travelIng - Ing along ltlHliy < mnlcally. If the waves have a lower frequency than this 500,000- 000,000.000. they will chiefly engender heat. In our artificial methods of getting light we Imitative- ! agitate the ether so poorly that the waves our bonfires set up rarely get above the rate at which they become sensi ble to us In heat , and only a few waves at tain the right pitch or rapidity to cause the sensation of light. At the upper end of the keyboard of vibration of the ether Is a high , shrill , and yet Inaudible note light which we want to strlk * and to keep on striking ; but e fumble nt the lower , ban end of the Instrument all the time , and never touch that topmoit ncte without wast ing the largest p rt of cur energy on the Intermediate onei , which we do not at all wish to touch. Light ( the high note ) with , out heat ( the loiter , nofi ) Is the deslder- i iituin. . 1 "Now , Mr. Teslft takes h s currents of high frequency and high potential , subjects the incandescent lamp to them , anil , sklppln * 1 . . EASTER OFFERINGS are many , but we name only a few 9 which hold good the year round. HONEST VALUES , LOW f PRICES , CORRECT STYLES , IMMENSE SELECTIONS. WEEKLY PAYMENTS. Whatmorecan we dotomakeyou happy ? . v f Our price on this Couch is $10.00 , worth $17,00. f We have twenty-eight styles to select from , with prices 9 from $8.00 to $30.00 , We can certainly please you , for f you see 9 4 Our Stock is Entirely New , PERHAPS you would like u Parlor Suit or ti few odd pieces to brighten up your house this spring. Let us show you the new things we bought for you. Our Extremely Modest Prices will tempt you and our KASY PAYMENTS will induce you. I Pretty Uttlc Divans , diinty Reception Chairs , Beautiful Cabinets , Parlor Tables and Rockers. We arc just aching for a chance to show them to you. CARPETS MATTINGSRUGS. . We are headquarters for C.irpetlngs , an.l will washer we have the finest , newest and best Carpet Department west of Chieago. Nice , bright , tasty designs direct from the best mills in the countryIf you want to be in the swim ( as they say ) with a new Hour covering , look ns over. It will prove a good investment. AVK ARK Furniture , Carpets , 6 6 Cutlery , Stoves. Sole agents for the 6 Jewel Gasoline Stove , 6 Gash or Weekly Payments , 6 6 Send for Send for the 6 our new Jewel 6 Haby Gasoline Carriage Stove 6 Catalogue. Catalogue O A LARGE DKNTAL PRACTICE BUILT UP N SWIN YEARS By doinc good work at reasonable prices. Dr. R. W Bailey , 812 Ptixton blcck , locatoil la Oimha s-ovc-n yenra n o , nnd today hns ilio hvrjjost prnotlco in the city. This Jnis bcon nccotnpliahoh by doing honest work nt low nricus which are uniform nnd thn same to all , the wuno price' boinjj charged in the ollloo as is itdvortiseo In the news" papora. A dental practice conducted on business prln ; eiplcs. Durable work Htunds the test of time. PRICES-DENTAL WORK : Alloy anil silver nillnp ; t j oo Pure gold nlllnR 2oO ! Gold Crowns. 22k c 00 ' lirlilRo Tcctli , per tootli c'oo SM Tooth n.OO Ilcst Tcctli 7 ro Thin Plate , best teeth lo'.OO Painless Extraction cj GAS KCPT CONSTANTLY ON HAND. OFFICE : THIRD FLOOR. 1'AXTON BLOCK Telephone , 1085. Lady Attendant. SIXTHUNTH AND German Spoken , FARNAM STS. some of those Intermediate wasteful heat stages of lower-wave vibration experienced In the old methods , Rets the ether-charged molecules more quickly into the Intensely agltateU condition necessary to yield light. Using his currents , produced electro-mag- netlcally , to load each fugitive molecule with Its charge , which It receives nnd ex ercises electrostlcally , ho gets the ether medium Into a. state of cxcltemcn' In which It seems capable of almost anything. " SUMMING UP THE EFFECTS. In summing up the effects upon science and commerce of Tesla's work , the article says : "It must not bo supposed that the new electricity represented by Nikola Tesla Is iconoclastic. In the minds o ! n great many people of culture the Idea prevails that In vention Is as largely a process of pulling down as of building up ; and electricity. In spreading from ono branch of Industry to another , encounters the prejudice that al ways rebuffs the Innovator. The assump'lun is fa's > . It may ba true tint In the g'adlator- Inl arena , where the principles of sclenco contend , ono party or the other always suc cumbs mid drags out Its dead ; but In the arts long survival Is the law for all the nppllnncer that have been found of any notable utility. It simply becomes a question of the contractIng - Ing ipherc within which the old apparatus Is hedged by the advent of the new ; end that relation once established by processes complex and long continued , capable even of mathematical determination , the two go on together , complimentary In their adjustment to specific human needs. In Its latest out growths electrical appllanc1 exemplifies this. After many years' use of dynamo-electric machinery giving what Is Itnown as n "con tinuous current. " the art has reached the conclusion that only with the alternating current can It fulfill the later duties laid upon it. and accomplish the earlier tasks that remain untouched. With the continuous cur rent wo have learned thn rudiments of light ing and power distribution. With the alter nating current , manipulated and coaxed to yield Its highest efficiency , we may solve the problems of aerial and marine navigation by electricity , operate large railway systems , transmit the energy of Niagara hundreds of miles , and. In Mr. Tesla's own phrase , 'hook our machinery directly to that of nature. ' " L.I no it AOTIM. John Hums has been re-elected. San Francisco has 15.000 unfrnployeJ. A national trunkmakers' union Is to bt > formed. Chicago has an exclusive bicycle wet kerf' union. Nashville printers have started an after noon dally. Cincinnati will have a big May day cele bration. Massachusetts Is liable to have a legal eight-hour day. Commonweal Coxey Is speaking In Ohio to large audiences. Sllverltes are trying to get control of a New York dally paper. Unions of Lafayette , Ind. , ettabllihed a labor club and reading room. The Iron and steel workers have refused * * < KHH 4HHHHHHH CH fi * i i "VfOW that we are ; ; launched in the I ! furniture business and ; r have a new stock to ' - > ' i i show , we want you to I ! come and criticize us. f we k n o w we can't 'ff ' < i > make a success of the $ furniture business without - $ out you , so we shall be IE under many obligations if you will come and tell us how you like our new stock. We want to please you and are coming at it through your pocket- book. Good furniture has never been sold as low in Omaha as it is now marked. You will find a little money has a wonderous power in furniture buying. A Special Sale of short pieces and remnants of Brussels Carpets in the basement. ORCHARD MJIRLM CARPET CO , OMAHA. H4 * < HHHW44 * to accept a reduction of wages , and a lock out may follow. The Colorado legislature proposes to look Into the blacklisting business. Coxey and furl Ilrowne have started a dally campaign paper at Masilllon. Cincinnati printers .ire preparing for war. Dosses demand 20 per cent reduction. The big strike of New York electrical workers Is off. Only slight concessions were gained. "Hlx Six" Typographical union of Nrw York paid $11,000 , last year to Un une.n- ployed memberi. "Nothing to arbitrate' Ii the motto at the head of a ticket nominated by the eoclallsti of Patcrscn , N. J. A national union of printing trades com posed wholly of negroes , wa formed In Chlcigo by fifty-seven delegates. Great Drltaln ha * S.OOO trades unloni. with 1.290.000 financial . - m.-iubers aud an c tlmatc < l fund of $10,000.000. Machinists In the Philadelphia and Headlna car shops have had their working hour * In- creaucd to fifty-five per week. The wlridrawers1 union * frntn all part * ol ttiu country met at New Ca tle. Pa. , and or. ganlzcd a national union.