Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 13, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : fc&TUKDAY , APRIL 13 , ,1805.
Easter Garments
Boys' and Childrens'
Mens' Departments.
On Saturday of the present week we shall ex
hibit on our counters the most attractive and inter
esting collection of Novelties in New Fresh and
Unique Designs and Fabrics ever shown to the
trade of Omaha.
Ill Our Childrens' Department
We offer Fancy Worsted and Wool Fabrics in
Childrens' Suits , in Juvenile Designs from 3 to S
years and in regular Boys Double Breasted Reefer
Suits , from 6 to 15 years , at Prices never before
approximated- call attention to a few of the
particularly attractive bargains which we offer :
Lot No. 1
We offer 50 Chiltlrcns' Double Breasted Jacket
Suits , ages 0 to 15 vctirs , only , intulo from u
vniro nil wool chuviot fabric , which if sold ut
nn ordinary price would not bo less than $4.00 :
you can buy them tit the Continental while .05
they last for
Read the pi ice njjnin. Wo menu just what wo
say $1.95 , and every suit worth $4.00.
Lot No. 2
175 Fine Block Worsted Finish Suits , with
Double Uroastcd Jackets now dobirablo pat .75
Worth $5.00.
Lot No. 3
100 Strictly nil wool Light Cusslmere Suits .lo
Usual retail price is $4.00.
Lot 4
' 150 all wool Saxony Finish Cassimoro Suits at .75
Ages to 15 years ; worth $5.00
Other lots at $1.50. $1.75 , 82.00 , $2.50 , $3.CO , $3.50 to $0.00.
Our limited space prevents our mentioning but
a very small number of our extraordinary bargains.
But we propose to make our Childrens Department
worth a visit from every Man , Woman and Child
within 100 miles of Omaha.
In Our Mens' Department
Wo offer $2.75 Cassimoro Suits , now , fresh , stylish U Ct.OO
goods at . Per Suit , MP- * - .
Simply a leader ; simply a bargain. Every suit is
. worth $10.00 today.
Wo mention a Gray Oxford Cheviot Suit ut . ( Jl'T.95
Regular sizes ; Now Fresh goods. Ask to see it. * P - * - ,
Our Easter Offerings
100 ninck Clay Diagonal Suits , Cut in the latest
styles bucks and frocks at the astoninhinglv low 4UQ.75
price of . ! . " . . . . 4'- ' =
Usual price , $15.00.
We nrc showing this season better suits nt $10 , $12 ,
$15 , than were formerly retailed at $18 , $ ' 20 to $2'2.
Do not fail to seethe stock at the Continentil bt-
fore purchasing your Spring and Summer Clothing.
JS' > Holler. No Steam. No 1 _ _ _
JJEST I'OWKH for Corn and Feed Mills „ , llallns
liny , Ituunlug Separators , Crenmcrics , ( So.
Stationary or Portable.
1 to 120 H. T. H to SO H. P.
Penil for Catalogue , Trices , etc. , describing work to bo done.
Chleaeo , 25 take St.y" THE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS
Omaha , 321 So. 15th St 33il & . Walnut „ IMI1IA1)ICL1MIIA. J > A.
Today Marie Jauscn and her excellent
company will close the picscnt engagement
at IloyiTs theater by Riving two perform *
nncea a matinee at 2:30 : this afternoon , at
which the prices have boon flxcd at bO and 75
jjenta for the first floor and " 5 and CO cents
"tor the balcoliy. Tli'i pluy at both perform
ances will be Glen MacUonagh'g sparkling
comedy , "Dclmonlco's at 6. " Today will be
the last oppoituulty to tee Klaw & Krlancer's
One company.
Funny clown , horrid hobgoblins , beautiful
talrlci anil a thousand other Interesting
creatures cut capers at Iloyd'a ( or llvo
nights and \VeJnesuay matlnre , commencing
Sunday night. They are all Introduced In
the bcautjtul talry spectacle , "Suporba , " the
master \\orlc ot tha famous Hanlon broth
ers. The public ro nuxloun for a
Hanlon entertainment , and the coming CM-
gagement is almost sure to tlnd the theater
packed to Ita capalty at every performance ,
A whole lot of npyejtles are promised In
this new nnJ up-to-date "Suporba , " tricks
which William Hanlon has held In rescrvo
tor years , nud mechanical effects which only
a Hanlon possesses the ability to success
fully launch. As the Hanlons promUo a
" " the U almost
revelation In "Superbn , puMlc
sura to find It to when they go to see It , for
( hese mechanical geniuses always give what
they advcrtUe. Their audience * always have
confidence In them , and that confidence li
A K < wiul lautlal foundation. Not
withstanding this confidence , the public w
still bo surprised , for no conceivable lilea
the wonderful tilcks , the tons of brand m
Kcenery. the dazzling costumes and complc
gorgeousness of "Superba" could be put
cold type. The cntlro production IB said
be almost entirely beyond description. T
company , which Is thorouchly Hanlon , ci
braces cevcnty-Ave people flnd Includes ) t
Sctiroile brothers , Charles Quyer and othei
The sale cf Keats opens this morning.
Trilby , lovely Trilby , dawned upon us. a
Omaha took her to her heart and she fou
herself-1 the heroine of the hour. Trll
evenings crowded one uppn another and "II
Holt" was whistled upon every street corn
The story was the passing fancy of an h
moment , time liau known , for since tno i
nouncement that Sherman's "Tableau 1'ha
tasnui" was to bo produced by Oniah
"four hundred , " Trilby's triumphant si
has faded and the echo ot her fairy footsie
In our drawing rooms Is no longer hea
The air of mystery surrounding " 1'hi
tnt > ma , " wlut U Is , how Is It produced , a
who will talto part In It , has brolien I
Lenten quiet , and a growing mllemi
Is everywhere manifest. It Is whispered II
In Its productions Omat.a vlll see her II
"living pictures" not the living plctu
which have aroused a ctorm of critic !
from press and pulpit , but pictures ; rent
and Idealized , until the living , breath
. conceptions of the master minds of art sts
before u : . Mr. Sherman , with his delight
entertainment , will " Visit ' * Omaha oo May
( ana 11. Y "
Prices on Good Shoes Saturday that Will
Make You Bay ,
You Want n Xcw Pair of Shoes for
liny a 1'ulr nt llnytlrn Itros.
mill S vo it
or TITO.
Droolts Bros.1 Ilochcstor make ladles' vlci
klcl { 5.00 button shoes , $3.00 , I ) to U widths
and latest style razor toes.
A due vlcl kid lace shoe for Indies at $3.50
In Brooks liros , ' make , worth f 3.00 in other
Fine tan and black hand turned Jullctt
congress slices at $3.75 , worth $5.00 to $0.00 ,
I ) to 13 widths and all sizes , razor or plcca-
dllly toes. If you wont a stylish shoo you
should sec thess , at only $3.70 tomorrow.
Ladles' flue French dongola $3.00 Prince
Albert low bhoes , patent trimmed and razor
toes , $3.00 tomorrow , B to 13 widths.
Ladles' flue $3.50 dongola button pic tip
shoes , $2.50 , C to E widths and all sizes.
Ladles' $3.00 Ludlow button shoes , with
narrow opera toes , at $1.9S tomorrow.
Hisses' line $2.00 patent tip dongola spring
heel shoes , $1.50 , sizes 11 to 2.
Children's flne dongola spring patent tip ,
$1.35 shoes , OSc , sizes 8 to 11.
In fa nl'.s line 75c shoes , 50 c.
Men's $3.00 satin calf pic toe lace shoes ,
Men's $2.00 satin calf congress and lace
shoes , $ l.-t8.
Hoys' $1.50 lace shoes , OSc , sizes 12 to 2.
i Saturday Shoo Sale.
Why People Miiko UK llu-y l < i Probably llo-
CHIIMI U'o Muku Such Prices n These.
Fashionable neckties , 10c , worth 23c.
Elegant neckties worth 50c at 25c.
All the 75c and $1.00 neckties at 50c.
Wl'son iir s. ' white and reglljeo sHr s 75c
If yon get one for $1.50 anywhere else we'll
give you one.
All our own make men's suits , dressy
cheviots nt $1.50 ; three shades , light effects.
Fine black clay worsted and French twills
t $ S.50 , sacks or cutaways.
An elegant line of children's reefer suits
or spring wear , $2.50.
Fine black cheviot and clay effects , ages 1
o 14 , at $2.00 to $3.50. worth $1.00 to $7.00.
Spring top coats and line box mackintoshes
'or rain or cold at extra low prices for Sat-
13th and Farnam.
For your Easter eggs go to William Gen-
leman's , 10th and Cass ; only lOc per dozen.
Chicago , Knok Inland & Pacific Ity.
Monday , April 15th , $10.00 to Denver ,
Colorado Springs and Pueblo ; $17.00 for the
ounil trip. Ticket office 1C02 Farnam street.
Kxtraorillimrliy Low Itittei
o Denver , McCook , Sheridan , Droken Bow ,
Sterling , Colo. , and a number of other points
nro offered by the Dilrllngton route Monday ,
April 15.
Ask the city ticket agent at 1321 Farnam
street about them. You will be surprised and
l > leascd to leain what ho will tell you.
Through Service.
The Nickel Plato rood , ( N. Y. C. & St
L. U. n. , ) the favorite line between Chicago
and the cast along the south shore of Lake
Erlo , bslng the shortest line to Cleveland and
Buffalo , offers a splendid through car service
to all classes of passengers. Mag
nificent Wagner sleepers and dining
car dally on through trains to
New York and Boston. For reservations o (
sleeping car space and further information ,
address J. Y. Calalmn , general agent , 190
Clark street , Chicago , 111.
A t'otv Advximiirt-n.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St ,
Paul railway , t.e ! short line to Chicago. A
clean train , made up and started from Omaha ,
Baggage checked from residence to destina
tion. Elegant train service and courteous
employes. Entire train lighted by clectrlcltj
and heated by steam , with electric light Ir
every berth. Finest dining car service ir
the. west , with meals served "a la carte. '
The Flyer leaves at C p. m. dally from Unloc
City Ticket Office , 1504 Farnara street. C
S. Carrier , city ticket agent.
Ten Dollars to Sheridan , Wyo. ,
Is the rate offjred by the Burlington routi
Monday , April 15.
Only $17 for the round trip.
Ask the city ticket agent at 1324 Farnan
street for full Information.
To the Traveling Public.
Before purchasing tickets to points cast o
Chicago , first ascertain the rate to tha
point over the Nickel Plate road. City tlcke
office , 199 Clark street , Chicago , 111.
llniulhnuor ( lolilcn Wedding to lie Cclo
united Sunday Afternoon.
An event of no little Importance In Bo
hemtan society will be the celebration of th
golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Alfs
Vaclav Bandhauer of this city , which will b
held at National hall on South Thirteen ! !
street at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Th
affair will bo In charge of the Bohemlai
Ladles' society and aside from the genera
festivities an excellent musical program wll
bo rendered.
Mr. and Mrs. Bandhauer were married 1
their native country , Bohemia , April 15 , 18K
They came to America In the fall of 185
and settled In St. Louis. They remained 1
that vicinity until 1SGG , when they moved t
I'eorla , 111. , and subsequently to Chlcagc
They were among the sufferers from th
great Chicago fire and were obliged to mov
heir household gcods no less than six time
.tiring . the eventful night which left the bcs
iart of the city In uahes. They came t
) maha In the fall ot ! Si2 ! and slnco then hav
resided In the city. They have two chlldret
) oth of whom arc residents of Omaha. F. \ \
.lordhauer , their only son , Is n clerk In tli
olllco of the city treasurer and a member <
he Board of Education. They make thel
lomo with their daughter , Mrs. Anna 1
In 1S30 "Brown's Bronchial Troches" wei
introduced , and thtlr success as a cure f <
colds , coughs , nsthnm and bronchitis hi
tr. i
ri s
Past ? No. 5 , IVi pints milk , 3 tablespoon-
fills com itarch 1 cup eupar , 2 tablespoon-
: ar fult butter , 1 leasvoonful each Uoynl Extract
ips Lemon , CloveJ and Cinnamon , Juice ot 2
rd lemons , yelks at 4 fggi. Doll milk , add
in corn starch dUtolved In a little milk ; when
inn < U rebolU , taU eft , beat in } tilts , butter ,
: ht lemon Juleo un.l . extract * ; pour at once Into
Ml pl platei lined with paste , having hl h rim
ia as described In Custard PI * take In hot
rs oven , until pmti b cooked , about 20 min
re ulcs.
Hi I'listc No. 1 ( TeinbBln I'nt * ) .
Ing Thrtj cupfuls lifted flour. 1 4 cupfula but-
ind IJT , y lki 2 eggi , ? i cup itv wa'r. V4 tta-
indul spoonful Royal lulling Ponder Silt to
10 gether flour and powder on i > amy ilub , form
U In HUE vHn bauk-vf baod ; Pit Ju middle
ll.VYDRH ailtUS <
Urenteit Clothlnr BnM tarer Held Yet-Ono.
liny H < lltl ilr.
Tomorrow , April 13 , nvc placd on tnle about
iOO men's All wool spelnjj suits , In light and ,
medium shades , cherlob and the gray and
jrown Victoria , far superior to anything ever
seen In Omnha In workmanship as well as
InlngB and will In aycry Instance be found
absolutely correct. Not ; one suit In this en
tire lot worth less tbam $7.50 , and the most
of them $10.00 and $12,50 ; all sizes from 34
to 42 , In frock or Mok'Style. Remember for
ono day only , choice for $4.75.
Easter prices In ounboyi' and children's de
Children's two-piece suits , ages 4 to 1C
years , black , blue and fancy mixtures , would
jo $3.00 or $4.00 elsewhere ; here only $1.95.
Children's Junior and Eton suits of strictly
nil wool fabrics , ages 3 to 7 years , beautiful
styles ; patterns and colors that no clothing
store would sell for less than $3.00 ; tomor
row $1.50 and $1.75.
Boys' long pant suits In all sires from 13
: o 19 years In black , blue and the fine mix-
.11 res in cheviot and worsteds In the newest
designs of three and four button sack styles ,
tomorrow at $4.25 and $5.00.
Children's dresses. We have Just on sale
ten cases of children's wash dresses which
we propose selling nt prices never beoro heard
One case of fast color percale dresses , sizes
2 to 5 years , full skirt and rufllc bodice at 25c.
One case same material , but more- elaborate
finish at 39c.
The other styles are In percales , chambrny ,
ginghams , dimities , etc. , at 50c , C9c , 79c , S9c
uid $1.19 ; all "nandsomely trimmed and made
In first class manner.
Wrappers. Our special sale of ladies' wrap
pers still continues.
At 39c wo sell a fast color print wrapper ,
Ight colors and well made , worth 76c.
At C9c a medium shade heavy print wrap
per usually sold at 95c.
At S9c a line summer weight outing cloth
or a heavy medium shade of percale sold by
our competitors at $1.25.
Spring suits. Our special sale of ladles'
spring suits still continues.
The cashmere dresses at $7.45 and $11.60
and English mixtures at $9.90 , $11.50 , $12.60
and $14.50 arc lined with the best linings
and canvas and finished In the best possslble
At $19.50. At this pricewa are selling all
our dresses above ? 25.00 ; In this lot ladles
will find costumes which cannot bo duplicated
at less tlian $50.00 In other stores.
Our stock of Jackets for children , misses
and ladles Is the most complete ever shown.
Everyliody wanting a spring cape , n skirt
or a silk or wash waist should Inspect our
Send for inscriptions and samples of our
dresses , capes and Jackets.
Your last Easter bonnet chance. Every
hat of whatsoever shape , style or quality ,
whether domestic or Parisian Imported nov
elty , goes on sale tomorrow nt half the prices
asked by millinery shops. Many thousands
to select from.
100 dozen men's fast black cotton sox , regu
lar 20c quality , go at 9c.
One lot of men's fine silk and satin teck
scarfs worth 25c to 50c , go at 15c.
Men's white laundered shirts , 75c quality ,
reduced to 48c.
Wo are now showing a. beautiful line of
fancy laundered b'nirts worth 75c to $1.00
Your choice 50c.
We carry a full line of Manhattan shirts
In white and fancy at $1.00 , $1.50 and $1.98.
Best quality linen collars 12 > , c , worth 20c.
Over 10000 ; on exhibition. See ICtli street
One lot of school umbrellas , 26 Inch , 50c
worth 75c.
One lot $1.50 sunshades reduced to 9Sc.
500 2G-inch umbrellas worth $2.50 and $3.00 ,
go at $1.50.
100 dozen boys' bicycle hose 12' c , wortl
3 ca cs ladles' fast black cottoni hose 15c ,
worth 25c.
Children's 'fast black cotton hose'Scnvortli
Special sale of corsets tomorrow.
No Chinco to > uu * Vorlc ami Hoftlon.
The through service offered the traveling
public by the Nickel Plate road , ( N. Y. C. &
St. L. U. R. ) . Is unsurpassed. The perfect
passenger service of this road with the well
known excellence of the West Shore and
Fltchburg roads recommends Itself to the
traveling public. Wagner palace cars and
dining cars dally on through trains to New
York and Boston. For additional Informa
tion se3 your local ticket agent or address
J. Y. Calalmn , general agent , 109 Clark
street , Chicago , III.
Chicago , ItocU lulanit & I'liclllc ICy.
Monday , April 15th , $10.00 to Denver ,
Colorado Springs and 1'ueblo ; $17.00 for the
round trip. Ticket office 1C02 Farnam street.
I'lciiBiint to Taiio
The Northwestern line fast vestlbuled Chicago
cage train that glides east from the Union
Depot every afternoon at 5:45 : and Into Chicago
cage at 8:45 : next morning , with supper and
la carte breakfast. Every part of the train Is
Other eastern trains-at 11:05 : a. m. and
p. m. dally good , too.
City ticket offlco , 1401 Farnam street.
Ton Dollar * to llnnver ,
Colorado Springs or I'ueblo. Only $17 foi
the round trip.
These arc the rates at which the Burling
ton route will sell on Monday next.
Correspondingly low rates to many othei
Sco tha city ticket agent at 1324 Farnan
street and get full Information.
Julia I'arker the Victim cif Tom JofTerion'i
Yesterday morning , Julia Parker , a colorci
woman , living at Seventeenth and Cumlnj
streets , was dangerously , If not fatally , cu
about the head and arms by Tom Jefferson
a negro who lives on West Manderson street
The woman received hulf a dozen slashes or
the face and head , In several of which arter
les were reached. The most severe cuts an
over the left temple and just behind Uie Icf
i. ear. Her nose was almost cut off , and sh
c also received cuts on both cheeks and on
under the Jaw. In addition , her wrists an
badly cut. Dr. King was called and scwei
up the wounds. She was taken to the Pros
byterlan hospital , where she is now lying li
a critical condition , with chances agalns
her recovery. After- cutting the womoi
Jefferson ran out of' the back door of th
house and has not ydt 'been ' captured. Wlici
last seen he was going : south , and the pollc
in the towns south "ot this city have bee :
notified to watch for him.
Julia Parker has lived In the city for tw
years. For- year HIO | has been acqualntc
with Jefferson. Forisome time she "ker
company" with hlra i but sometime ago h
is was discarded. On tills account ho threal
ened to kill her.
Opening the Spring Trade with Soms of tbo
Grandest Bargains ,
Its the Prominent feature of This Sale
Ita the lllg Drawing Card
A llcitl , Genuine 85.00
.Shoo for SI.00.
A lady's lace boot , n $5.00 $ style , our regu-
ar $3.00 shoe , for tomorrow , one pair to a
customer , $1.99.
It's n narrow , square-toed lace shoe , with
n patent tip , of the bsst of dongola ; a shoe
lint's stylish and comfortable , and one that
every shoe house In the country get $5.00 ,
we get but $1.99 now.
There Is not n style made In tan shoes that
we arc not showing.
Our ladles' * low tan shoes surpass anything
lierctoforc shown , and at prices fully 20 per
cent lower than last season.
At $1.76 wo arc selling a ladles' needle
toe , tan , low shoe , which was considered
cheap at $2.50 last season.
At $2.00 and $2.50 our store Is chucked full
of perfect gems of ladles' fine foot wear.
We want every lady In Omaha to see our
ladles' lace boot , that we are going to sell
tomorrow at $1.99.
A new low tan shoe Is the Trilby , made
with a narrow , square toe , cloth top , fast
ened over the Instep with a two-button strap
We have never shown anything so nice ; wo
can lit any foot , from AAA to E.
Be sure and see our ladles' lace boot ,
which wo will sell tomorrow at $1.99.
Misses' shoe ; , In Inn and black ; girls as
well as boys want to weir laced shoes. It
will do your hearts good to see our spring
line of misses' and children's lace shoes , nil
styles of toes , and made up in different col
ored tan.
Don't miss seeing our ladles' loco boot ,
selling tomorrow at $1.99.
Look at our east window , It's full of new
things. See that dandy cloth top tan shoo
with big buttons , narrow razor toe and half
Haltlmore edge. It's no finest shoe ever
brought to this city.
Ladles' lace boots. $1.99.
Men's tan lace shoes , with the razor toe , of
$4.00 value , will be $3.00 tomorrow.
There are razor to ? tans tomorrow that you
men will pay $3.50 for some place else , that
will bo but $2.50 with us tomorrow.
$1.99 Is the price of the ladles' $5.00 style
lace boot.
The biggest lot of new spring styles In
boys' and youth's shoes In this city in all
sorts of styles , and at prices from $1.25 up.
Selling ladles' lace shoes for $1.99.
1419 Farnam St.
Hayilcn linn. % . Co. II , Sil Infantry ,
The above teams will cross bats on the
lattcr's " grounds , Fort Omaha , on Sunday ,
April 14 , 9:45 : a. m. The teams line up as
follows :
Hnyden Bros. Co. II.
Thlessen Pitcher Smith
Swnnson Catcher Toohey
Luce First 15aFt > k McOlnnlH
O'Connor Second llase..Launchhongh
McCoiinuck. . . . Short Stop Mnran
Fyfc Tlihcl Hare Horn
Sanlborn Right Field Moore
Foster Center Field Herman
Johnson Left Field Hutcheu
Samuel Burns. 1318 Farnam , Is having a
sale on Easter vases. 300 to go for from lOc
to 50c.
Important Change In Time.
"Great Rock Island Route" to Chicago ,
Peorla and all points east : Atlantic Express
leaves 11 a. in. ; Vestibule Limited , 4:30 : p. m. ;
Night Express , C:25 : p. in. To Lincoln , Fair-
bury , Belleville , Denver , Colorado Springs ,
Pueblo and all points west : Vestibule Lim
ited leaves at 1:40 : p. m. ; Texas Express , via
Lincoln and Belleville , leaves at 6 p. in.
Ticket ofllce 1C02 Farnam street.
Preparation * on the May Day Ileo Are In
The Presbyterian women who are preparing
to Issue the May Day Bee are going to work
In a businesslike manner. They have estab
lished headquarters In The Bee building ,
rooms 417-121 , and Miss Plckard Is to have
charge of the ofllce. All correspondence is
to be sent there and all solicitors are re
quested to send In their reports to the same
place. All subscriptions should be sent to
Mrs. Charles Townsend and all matter per
talning to the advertising Is to be sent to
I Mrs. Robert Hunter , at room 417 , Bee build
The telephone number Is 519 and any
further Information will be chceriully fur
nlshed by the office corps.
Mrs. Tildcn , general manager , may usually
be found at the office , which already begin
to assume an air of business.
A reporter who visited the rooms yesterday
received a positive shock to preconceived
ideas of wc-n.en's work rooms of n newspape
ofllce. A table and some plain wooden chair
constituted the furnishing. No tidies o
"drapes" were visible , not even a bow of rib
bon on a chair , which on earnest perusal o
the woman's page had led the reporter t
think an essential feature of a woman's work
room. On the other hand , there was n
waste basket and diligent search failed t
reveal the ofllce cat. A few newspapers lay
upon the table , but they were all prehistoric ,
none being of later date than the 1st. of th
present month. The most glaring deficiency
was the- Insignia of the editorial rank n
shears were In sight. A pencil o ;
the diminutive size , usually seen Ir
ball rooms , the only cvl
denco of an Intention to do anything In th
way of writing , and as for copy paper , 1
wasn't there. But this Is the beginning ,
Before the 1st of May comes 'round Ml thl ;
will be changed and people can fee hov\
rapidly women advance when they have
Subscriptions are coming In dally and th
manager of that department is sure that ther
will bo no lack of material for the swon
circulation statement that Is to grace th
pages of the Woman's May Day Bee.
Business men are asked to have their cop.
for advertisements ready for the compositor"
at an early day. Space is being rapldl
American Is fast forging ahead In every
thing. Cook's Extra Dry Imperial Cham
pagne Is excelled by no foreign article.
HARItlNOTOK Mrs. Mary , aged C7 year
Funeral Sunday. April lUh. nt 3 p. m
from family residence , 1115 Jackson s
Interment St. Mury's cemetery.
! \V
lie to ROYAL has the highest leavening power of any powder examined , and
nos. iino 'is pure and wholesome. No other powder gave results so satisfactory.
FLOYD DAVIS , M. S. , Ph. D. ,
nd r , Chemist of Iowa State Board of Health.
the butter and egg yelks , which gradually
work together ; then mid water , a little at a
tlnip , utlug the ( lour from Inside of the ring ,
until the whole Is formed Into a very smooth
.Mlnre Steal No. 1.
Seven pounds currants , 3'/4 pounds peeled
and cored apples , 3',4 pounds beef , 31&
pounds suet , > , pound each citron , lemon
and orange peel , 2 > ,4 pounds coffee sugar ,
2 pounds ralelns , 4 nutmegs , 1 ounce cinna
mon. % ounce each cloves and mace , 1 pint
brandy , and 1 pln wMte wine. Wash cur
rant. , dry , pick them , stone the raisins , re-
raoVs thin and sinews from beef and suet ,
chop each Ingredient > parately , very flne ,
put Into large pan as they are finished ,
finally adding iplces , lirandy- and wine ; thor
oughly mix together ; pack In Jar , store In
cold , dry place. This mince meat will keep
from 12 to 18 months. The fruit should never
be flowered In making mince pie.
MlncoMeat No. ! i , .
Two pounds currants , 5 pounds peeled and
cored apples , 2 pounds lean , boiled beef , 1
pound beef suet , % pound of citron , "Va
pounds coffee sugar , 2 pounds ralilns , 1
pound seedless raisins , 2 tablespoonfuls cin
namon , 1 nutmeg , 1 tablespoonful each mace ,
cloves an allspice , 1 pint each Madeira wine
and brandy. Wash currants , dry , pick them ,
stone the raisins , remove skin and sinews
from the beef , chop each Ingredient up separ
ately , very flne ; place soon as done In large
pin , finally adding apices , Madeira and
brandy ; mix thoroughly ; pack In jars , keep
In cool place ,
Spring suits more or less pretty , substantial and
good § 7,50 , $7.75 , sS.oo , $8.25 , $8.50 , $8.75 , $9.00 , $9.25.
Strange prices these ain't they ?
There tire three clothing stores , who guage profits
by the dime and qurater , one right here , another in
Kansas City and the third somewhere in the 5th de
gree latitude , on the North Pole.
We are responsible for two. Our stores here and
in Kansas City , and these are the stores that command
the respect of the clothing fraternity of these United
States , Clothing as a matter of fact , is sold every
where at even dollars seldom quoted by halves , ( bar
ring cheap childrens clothes ) . Quite different here.
We guage our profits by dimes and quarters. We
wouldn't take $7 75 for a suit that we can sell at $7.50 ,
and we wouldn't take a quarter less if you bought a
hundred of 'em.
A close irmrpin of profit nuikci quarters as nctlvo n < ? dollars.
J7.60 to $9.2. " ) represents S ditlurciit iricos ami an uvowo of II pat
terns and kinds to cauh price. Quite a collection for that , little su u
uint it ?
A pair of gloves , a tie , a pair of tan shoos and n hat , an 1 your o
ready for church , dressed equal with the rich. Cost you hero all Ul 1
but a 10 dollar bill or a triilo more.
Saturday till 10 o'clock.
Furniture and Carpet De pt.
Body Brussels , choice 870 yard
Wool Ingrains , worth 500 , Saturday 370 yard
Cotton Ingrains , worth 480 , Saturday 280 yard
Good Tapestry Brussels , worth 750 , Saturday 450 yard
Japanese Brussels , worth 900 , Saturday 480 yard
China Matting , worth 150 , Saturday QC yard
Japanese Matting , worth 250 , Saturday 150 yard
Japanese Rugs , worth 300 , Saturday 250 each
Carpet Sweepers , worth $2 , Saturday $1.50 each
Carpet Hassocks , worth 5oc , Saturday 250 each
Remnants Brussls , worth $ i , Saturday 750 each
Remnants Ingrains , worth 500 , Saturday. . . .350 yard
Brussels Rugs Fringed 980 each
Velvcrt Rugs , Fringed $ i. oo each
25 Per Cent Discount on Rugs
In our rug department on Saturday
only , the prices marked are lower than
any other house sell them at in the city ,
and with this extra discount there will
be nothing in it for us , simply to advertize
our rug department. Everything all
throught our carpet department has
been marked down for Saturday's sale.
If you \vant a carpet or some matting
or a rug. This is your opportunity.
TON STORE 16th and
, Douglas Stroots.
There Is Nothing
"Just as Good"as Ripans Tabulcs
or headaches , biliousness and all
U disorders of the stomach and liver.
One Tabule o-ives relief !
( I
Talmlti ! Bold br drurglitt. or by milt .
E U lie price ( V ) centi a tioi ) u ttnt to Tn > HI.
pan * Cliemlciil fumpany , No. 10 tiprucd St , K. Y.
li"1 rrTMI P 101 ? * brt ? ' i' ° y tiiouiaucU of laU at tnoiitiih' H Is thai
I'J J U XN LL J-'vIX . . .
IJ - mirrl'-J l.vly a frlc i4 It Irregular frou any oum. IH * nato.
uniUoliabie , uavor falls , ruarantca with ever * bottix ire to 4 it ay Tlila iimUaiua li fir nuojrlor to
pllU . every boUlnUtatl d-iuinf/er loijii'i ' 11 u'l .S > U oy all lua-UiuUniwHH , 1'ice , * . .00 >
porooltla II yo .riU-Ji' im Juujnot u4-'o it , ioiUJ.O wov U ( or.v.ira yo.i : i or.llj bexpress. .
Wc.tctn OOlco. Omaha.