Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 10, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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I .
DOEm and Journeymen fan Out . Over the
Matter of a Schedule ,
. .lltee tin % ! : Hclr ! 'cAtcrdR7 by lIotll SIdeS but
Arrnlu Jrow 'Vor o-Number or lIon :
, U"It-I'Iprd : SIII'llort of All
I CIRueI of Lllbor.
' There bns been trouble brewIng between
I Journeymen Brewers unIon , No. DG , and the
bou brewers ot this ) city for some time. It Is
claimed that a grievance exists against the
brewers because the firms would not sign the
scale recently submitted to them by the
union The union Is affillatell wIth the
Knights : or Labor , and after veral attempts
to have the ( deninnIs ( aecedell to have tie-
. dared that certain brewers arc "unralr , " n
: lll'aso ' reullly : IIndcrstoOlI by members or
all labor organizations.
t The boss brewcrll heM a meeting yester
day to discuss the matter. They re
i gard the demands or the unIon or.
being uneatlsroctory In n business I
1 - way and unreasonable to them as cinp1oycri
The union , on the other hanll , claltns that
the boss brewers are seeking to Illctate the t
' olley of their organIzation and that the t
! scalD submitted wo1l1t1 bo mutually benencln\ \ .
r The fight Is on and It Is said will be bitterly
" contested.
1 At the Omaha Brewing assocIation Illant t
there was a partial lockout at noon , some or r
f - , the drIvers refusing to go to worle. During ;
; the afternoon beer was delivered by the ox
' press companies
At noon yesterday the employes In the Jetter
brewery struck , the trouble grolllng out ot r
differences between the Omaha brewers and I
- their emllloyes.
The developments In the afternoon grew t
.f tnteresthlK At the termination of the con ,
terence or the boss brewers a rumor was
prevalent that the war cry of the employers :
would be "the unions must go. " At several I
t of the brewerIes the loyalty ot the men to
their organization was t'sted and when the
ultimatum or wlllulrawnl from the union or
. dismissal confronted them , they quit. This
/0 reaiilted 1 In twelve vacancies at ICrug's brewery -
t cry at Twenty.slxth and VInton street .s :
. . dnrlng the day , leaving hut a few S
: ( and drlverll to attend to the busIness at
, " . that plant. Il Is predicted that the drivers
1" will go out today at ICrug's and possibly a
force at Metz's will Join their brethren be .
, taro noon Il Is said by one or the leaders
t t , that the 1\etz
! : Brewing company will get Ils
; name on the "unralr" list on account or the
part one of its oOiclals took In displaying
hostility to the union yesterday
. The Brewery Worlunen's union held a
e ; meeting at Kaufntnn's hall yesterday afte . -
l1eon. President Kraft , Secretary Sangbehn
and others made addresses. 'he grievances
: and events or the day were reviewed and It
; : was determined to fight to a nnlsh.
Secretary Langhehn tolll a reporter that
I' tim unIon would win , that It was cquillped
t to resent the attempt oC the boss brewers I : 'o
: . break up theIr organlzallon. He salll that
the present Bcale was $15 and $16 per week :
. : . for brewers and $11i to $1.1i0 per week tor
drivers , and that If the union was destroyc
It meant a reduction to $12 per wccle. It
was a hattie to maintain the union.
. . The union appointed committees to visit
. other branches of orgahlzed labor for the
purpose of' assistance In enforcing Its d C-
'mands. The subject will bc the special order
' of busIness at the meeting of the Central
- Labor union tonight , I aiul the mep' say ' that ,
Inasmuch as It Is largely a. fight to maintain
' 4 their union , every labor organIzation In the
, city will stand by them
I 1t Is said that the scale or agreement which
the bosses refused to sign InCluded a clause :
. , granting the rIght to the union to Invesllgate
, : causes of dismIssal or employes before rat i-
I. tying the decisIon of the foremen as final , In
. such Instances where It was believed a mall
. : was discharged for belonging to a union
' . : No new men have ns yet taken the places
et the brewers " "
who "resigned" yesterday.
. AMI Aid ,
y It you are troubled with malaria constip
4 . tlon , biliousness , kidney trouble or dyspepsia ,
ot 1I0stetter's Stomach BItters , and It will
: bo speedily forthcoming. Nervousnes , 103s
at appetite and sleep , and n loss of vIgor , are
z , also remedied by this restoraUve Physicians
or eminence Indorse It , a valuable confirm
tlon or the verdict ot the people and the
, press. Taco It regularly.
' .
Note change In nock Island trains In erreet
. L . Sunday April 7.
p. .
: 1'/eus'llIt / In Tnleo !
; - The Northwestern line vestibuled CI it-
cage train that glides cast from the Union
: , Depot every afternoon at 6:46 : antI : Into CI ii-
t Cage at 8:46 : next mornIng , with supper and
la carte brealefast. Every part or the train Is
- Other eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m. and 4
r p. m. dolly-gooil , too
City ticket oOlce , 1401 Farnam street.
. - .
. . . Ten nnllalrs ) In IIclIyer ,
: Colorado SprlngD' or Pueblo Only $1 7 for
. - the round trill.
These are the rates at whlc\ ! the Durling-
. ton route will sell on Monday next.
, Correspondingly low rates to many other
, points
- See the city ticket agent lit 1324 Fame cm
L street allll get full Inrol'lnallon.
; ; Subject Taken tlpiend IlIclIl8oll hy the
'VnI1lUII'S ( U u b.
The parliamentary practice department ot
' . the Womall's club held an unusually bright
and Interesting meeting Monday aftornoc
The first IIIrt : or the session was devoted to
/ . "Decorum In Debate , " the leader or thlll
department much preferring the title ot M ra. ;
: or Miss to that of \Iadam. ! \
The subject of debate was : Bud Mc ! or-
nod Women lie Allowed tl' Teach In Our
'ubllc "
V Schools 1"
: Mrs Andrews orrercll a set of resolutions
Which were adopted , and read as follows : .
't.Vlcercasonien , lIy natural training
anti elluclltlon , /\ro this natural Instructors (
. at childrennd their records ns teacherll :
are most Fatlsfactor'j ; anti
'Vhcl'ells , Certain Individuals In some
states ant 8eelelnl by Icglsllltlon to dcl. \ car
married wOlllen trOtli , teaching ; anti
'Vherens , 8111'h 1"'Jblatlon wO\lhl lJe clnss
leflSlntlon , clohlng the lIehl ' of teaching 10
. all women except those who had made III >
. . ' theIr minds to live allli ( 11I1 single ; thereto rc .
: Ilt\tolvCII \ , That this department or the I
: 'Voman'lI club Protests IIgnln any inlrlnj : .
ment on the rights ! or women to nurrow
Ihel1" sl > het\ . ' . interfere with theIr . IIlJel'tles ,
or increase the burden ot their It\.s.
c Mrs Bylt's at Etiglanci ! : was r vIsitor ot the
4 club and took the afIlrmallve. She spoke
( rolls personal observatloll. A woman who
receIved her education at the lead ng univec rel.
' ties of the old world to fit her for a profess
c ship , married , and being an English subject ,
she could do nothing but bo II wife. Tile 1
speaker thought that a woman could do best
. : what she was cduc\led ror.
.In. Andrews Ih'JUght there Were other I
professions to which women should asp me . .
; and In which they could be successful IInd I.
. . IItlll make II home-the pulpit , for Instance I ,
A great deal or the ' work or n pastor couhl
be done at home women being Ilecullarly
fitted La [ give spiritual advice anti consolali
. , Instead or spending EO much time In
trying 10nlock ! the public treasury they
' . should uk for the churches to olHn their '
, . doors to women , 'I
The work cor the teacher interferes with
, the home life , as all theIr work was done
away from their homes. Teachers who wne
. . married did not have children , as the cares
; of maternity interfered with their .acc 'ess
fill leaehors. Untlnrrled : women , the .
oontinued IIInde the best teachers , 81 theh' I I
time and Interests " ere not dh'hl.'d.
- - - -
Tea floilar . . to therhlltll , Vyo ,
Is ho rate offered by the Burllnston mc cite
. Motlday , Alirli Z.
Only $11 for the rouTld trip.
Ask the "tlty ( ticket o"cnt at 13U Fan aid
, .tnet tor full Intormt\tloll. -
I'artlcs Vie , tra 1I0hlnll the Scheme lie-
ginnlncr : to Feel nlhrIlIRAtie.
The Omaha.Fremont electric railway scheme
continues to take en a more tangible form ,
Supporters ot the proJect now speak or It n.s
on assured success and are enthusiastic In
expressions at their belief In its \ teaslblllty
and the possibilities that It offers for the development -
velopment or the suburbs or Omaha and the
far ming district through which the line would
ru n.
run.It I Is now proposed ) to at once form I\ corporation -
pe ration , nglneer I Grove has had the mat-
ler ot construction In charge and has been
compiling figures for the last two weeks ,
making estimates and rooting lip the ( probable
co st . George 1\1. Cooper ot this city gives It
as his opinion that the cost necessary to
( > qull ) the rood will be In the nelghborhocd
or $2liOooo. This would Include the Item at
$125,000 already stated as the estimated cost
or getting the tracleage and trolley wires into I
proper shalle But In addition to this amount
will come In the cost of cars and a power :
iil ant .
Mr. Cooper yesterday said : "I remont
has taken hold ot the project heartily At
the Bennington meeting called tin March 21i ,
nine ot 1.'re.r.ont's substantial business men
supported the scheme. Since then the mattel
has hot been allowed to drop , Fremont now
has on hand a big scheme by which It Is Iwo
posel ( ! to supply power for the thirty miles ot r
trolley wires at the very minImum or cost
A plan Is being conshlerell for bUlltllng a
Ilam nt n cost ot $10,000 across the Platte ,
about five miles above Fremont , In a sort or
pocket Corllled by the hills , and thus hoot !
3,000 : i acres of lanl. ( DrawIng from this 1m.
Imnso reservoir , It Is i believed that not only
will enough power h ! ' . furnished for IIghtlnlt
the city , but supplying electricity for the
traIllWa ) ' aho
"Another plan somewhat spoken ot refer :
to a lIam all the Elkhorn , nbout midway on
the IIno , In this wny locating hut one 110wer :
house Instead ot two .IS might be neces
sary If power Is furnished from the end oC
the line
"It Is settled that the line will he bull
on Military avenue. ThIs Is the best graded :
roall In the counl ) ' . . Wo can build ( out spur
lines to the ( .
small towns Dennlnton ! ; , Cor
Instance , Is only one 31111 a half miles rrom
the main road.'e will at the ( meeting
which Is called In Omaha In Colonel .1. II .
PmU's offieo In the Bee building for 'Fhure :
day , hear reports on the ( estimates and get
things ( i In more dellnlle shape to act upoti [ I .
The tanners have given us their enthusiastic
support all along the line We want to
know just how much the grading will cost
011(1 ( receive bIds on the ( various lines oC con
struction , We have already hal ! Intlmn-
tlons oC some very low figures beIng mad
liS. Then we will be In shape to open the
subscrllltion books and ( at once Incorpornte "
Commissioner Williams , who has bee
through the country distrIcts , Is oC the ollinion
that the farmers 11'11I be strong In support oC
the ullllertnldng , realizing ns they do that (
they t will have a convenient means oC access ,
geol ! In all kinds ( of weather to the very best
markets. "It Is bound , " said he "to Increase -
crease Ito value [ oC their farms and enhance
all suburban property vnllles. Private on-
terprlso t Is goIng to bullll the line. "
"hlliellts " 'In Lellrll SOlUethlll1 . of 1ioctr : i-
eat I'oner" .
The Omaha branch ot the National School
or Electricity has been successfully organize
with eighty members. The matter has been
agitated for some time by City ElectricIan
Schurlg and the organization has finally been
perrected wIth olllcers ns follows : President ,
Edward F Schurlg ; vice president , Van cc
L ane ; secretary , T. II. Craig ; lecturer , ' V .
F. While.
The first meeting or the organization wa
hold Monday night at ! lie Young : lIen's , ChrIstian -
ian association rooms , where the course of c
Instrucllon i was Introduced. In calling the
meeting to order presldent § churlg stated
that the object of the association was to
aCl'ord an opportunity for men who were
busy every day In till week to become Ca-
mlllar .wllh electrical matters , and obtaIn the
rudiments or information that would enat tie
t horn to sucessCully' pursue the study. To do
this t successfully It was necessary to begin
at the bottom and pursue a definite plan
rather than to proceed at once to experiments
, , 'blch might bo more interesting , but which
could not bo thoroughly understood without
the preliminary proparnllon.
The IIrst lecture was devoted to stat Lie
olectl'lclty , or electricity at rest. Mr. White
gave a practical talk on the sources and
possibilities or the dormant power and
showed how different bOllles were charged
with the positive or negative currents At
the conclusIon or his
remarks the members
were allowed to ask such questions as might
suggest themselves and In this manner a
good ! deal of valuable information was
brought out.
- p
The vlllnlloll
Of medicinal agents Is gradually relegating
the ( old.lImo herbs pills , draughts and vegetable -
table extracts to the rear and bringing Into
general usa the pleasant and effective llqt mid
laxative , Syrup or Figs To get the true
remedy sac that It Is manufactured by the
California FIg Syrup Co. only. For sale by
all leading druggists.
. .
Four lIen : lIaol at Work .
The stock In the foundry of the Union
Pacific has become entirely exhausted and an
increasing demand being made upon that ie-
partment or till shops , It was found riect ts.
sary to put rour or the dIscharged molders
to work yesterday , much. to the gratification -
tion 01 the men who were let out last week
on account or the slacle business of lie
road ,
Thomas Beechnm , the manufacturer or thD
worlll.tamed lIeecham's Pill Is always In the
front rank or IlrOgress. liD rorsees what Is
wanted and comes In on the ' "crest ot the
wave" ot popular demand. Now ho Is pi iii-
ting up these hula In a neat , little wooden
bottle (10 ( cants each ) , just the thing for the I
vest Icoeket In tact he coullln't hit on.Jl
1II0ro convenient or moro needed package tor
thD traveler , or the busy man In oUlce . or
Beecham seems to stuily the interest or
his customers both physically and nnanclally
nistt the ten cent )
package or this sterlln ! ;
remedy for constipation and biliousness and
kindred cOlllplalnts Is nn earnest or his de.
sire to supply their every need
' ' ' 0 predict ) an enormous saID or this 10e
lOckage ) or Beecham's Pills , perhaps o 'en
greater than tIme regular 25c size , allhough
lie ( tatter contains more pills proportionate ,
mil' Is , therefore , cheaper ror those who ha
proved theIr merits , All druggists are 1I0W
supplied ) ( with both slze . Write to 'fho B.
P. Allen Co. . 3 I85 Canal St. , New York , for
the book 011 neecham's Pills ,
Estriiirctlna ; rily I.uw Rates
to Denver McCoole , Sherlelan , Broken Dow ,
Sterling , Cola , and a number of other points
are offered by the Burlington route Monday ,
April 15
Ask time city ticket agent at 1321 Farnam
street about them ( , You will bo surprised and
pleased t. learn what be will toil you.
IllS CO Ull1. . . . 1I11' .u./n ) IllS LII "p . ,
titn'IHt In Eumohia 10 lit , Married IlIltllIll uf !
erosiiimz ! UII lice Iibe : .
nIllDGEPORT , Coon . April 9-John Bri i n .
sen. a Swede residing In this ( city , who was
reported drowned on lice Blbe while retu : rn-
iici.fromic a vIsit horne , turned ul sate 8nd
niarrled lie bought a ticket for tie ( El be .
but changl'l1 his mind when he saw his way
clear to a successful courtshh lie has I
brought his wife wIth him They arrhoell
on the lIekla after a stomuiy passage or
twenty.three days.
_ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
j \rUIII Ulokllll" tasu nl > III'wrll.
SCRANTON , I'a. , April 9-Thu action or
Anna Dickinson to recover damages trom
those- who were responsible - for her incarce ma.
Ibis III the Danvllle Insanu as'luIII In Ib91
wall rCllullled here 'f'Jlterlla . 'fho plaintiff
was called 10 the wlllless stand to glv evl.
dunce In rebuttal. Her firs\ stat'enicnt was
that e\er/th'ng the (1I1d in the letter lho te !
to her brother at Los "lIgeles , Cal. . while
III the ( asylum was absolutely trUe. She 1
denied that she had ever taleell Intoxicating
Ihluorll III excess : 1188 Dickinson saId she
not only gave dresses to Susan 11 . Anthony ,
but endorsed a note for $5,000 which lIes
Anthony defauitetiinpayJiig ,
- - -
Shiloh's Cure II sold < on a. guarantee It
cured "Iplrnt 000Iuluption. It II the beat 1
couCh cureo Only one cent a dose : 25e. uQO
I1n4 ' 1.00. Hold by GooJm4Q Drug Co.
RnUronls ] from Missouri River to Colorado
Points Beginning to l9ght
Ileport that Rock hlnllll Will Not Uo held
Uaek hy " 'cstern I'n 18CnOr Auocln-
tlon ICollIl-llcrtilli : nt lIcn-
Ter 4t5kci Fur
Hates from the Missouri river to Denver ,
Pueblo , Colorado Sprlllgs and intermediate
territory arc liable to go to smash , and all
be cause the Santa Fe chose to put In rates
fr ono Superior to Rocky Ford , Colo. , thereby
Corclng lie Union Pacific to protect its tot-
rlt cry. In ordar to do this the Overlallll
s'stem made a. round trip rate or $5 from
Om aha. to Sterling , Colo. , which brought the
Burlington Into the field with a $10 one.way
rate Cram Omaha to Denver , Pueblo anti
Colorado Springs nllll n $ $17 round trIp rate
which's ' nothing mora than a reduction ( or $ 7
on the Present ] one.way tickets and $1 ; on II.a
ro und trll ) tickets , anti the Burlington has
served notice on the Santa Fe that any rates
IIIndo by lie ( latter company In the territory
ot the Carmer will be promptly and effectively
m et.
All of which Is proof that transmlssourl
rallroalls are approaching a crisis , nllll the limit ot the tickets which go on
sale Monday motlilng for the 'Vnrlous points
coverell by the circulars or the Union Pacific
and Burlington systems Is liable to be in-
definitely extended unless heroic efforts arc
made between the ( date oC sale and expiration
ot tickets to have some sort ot untlerstand-
lng ,
General Passenger Agent S. Ie. Hooper oC
the l Denver & lUo Grande sees the hand-
wriling on the wall , anti In a telegram ! to
Chairman D. D. Caldwell ot the Western
Lines Passenger association has aalted the
chairman to call a meeting ot the transmls-
so uri allli St. Paul lines to meet In Denver
earlr next week to ostensibly take up the
consideration ot sUUlmer tourist rates ,
which go Into effect May Iii ,
but which through some mis-
understanding were never lined up when the i
ad vance In rates became effective some two I
months ago But back or the desIre to effect
an agreement on summer tourist rates there i
Is a much more amblllous effort to check the
present threatened collapse In rates from I
Omaha to Colorado common points , which I
naturally will seriously interfere with existIng -
Ing i rates on lie Denver & Hlo Grande i
should Ito rates In effect Allrll Iii be con
tinued for any length oC time.
Not content tc see Its territory invaded 1 , the i
Rock Island Is even more pronounced In Its I
determination to be In at the death , and It Is ;
understood that a sensational letter Is about
to bo Issued by General l'assener ! Agent
Jo"m Sebastian , wherein ho will take Issue
wllh the rules or the Western Passenger :
association and claIm the right to meet any
ate made by any competitor wltheut notice
to the chairman of lie association , notwllh-
standing the question oC comity , whIch Is
supposed to be at the foundation or all agree
A mllroall man. speaking regarding the
break the Santa Fe made In putting hiI
reducClI rates trcm Kansas points and SuperIor -
perIor to Rocky Forth , Colo. , said It was hIs :
emphatic opinion that the representatives or
the Santa Fe company had no knowledge
what their action would bring about In put
ting In the rates effective yesterday. It was :
a case ot Ignerance on the part of the passenger -
ger representatives , "r.llch goes to show how
many errors are committed through careless
ness or Ignorance or the resulls.
In the ( meantime the Union PacIfic Is rest
Ing i on Its oars , but General Passenger , \gent
Lomax will not allow anI fading , and s'hould
t hero appear a. dlspcsltlon to carry the war
till further he will undoubtedly protect Ills
Interests. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, \.TClIltillN OItGANIZ\.T.lON SCIIEllJ : 1 .
Plan Already AplrnvOIt IJy All the Con I
111"8 , accede I'lIl1l1e. ,
KANSAS CITY April 9.-The reorganization I-
tion plan of the AtchIson , Topeka & Santa
Fe railroad , which had been approved by all
of the committees at home and abroad , will
probably be formally announced tomorrow ,
It provides for an assessment or $10 a share
on the $102,000,000 of comr.lOn : stacIe , or
$10,200,000 , and an assessment ot 4 per cent
on the second mortgage and income . bonds itI
or about $3,400,000 , making $13,600,000 In i
all. The cash so received will be used Cor
the retirement or the floating debt and reorganization -
organization expenses
The plan provides that $30,000,000 more or
general mortgage bonds may ba Issued tea take
up outstanding bonds and lliIiOOOOO to take
up lie new thirty-year liner lien 4 per cent
bonds which may bo Issued under the re-
organization. This makes about $114,000,000
general mortgage bonds In all required ( for
the purposes or the reorganIzation , but the (
plan provides that $14IiOOOOO more may be
Issued for construction and improvements and
additions at a rate ot not to
exceed $3,000,000 In any one year. Then
$20,000,000 more ot general mortgage bonds
and $20,000,000 ot preferred stock may be
Issued for lie ( purpose or acquirIng control
oC the ( Atlantic & PacIfic and Colorado
Midland and St. Louis & San FrancIsco
rnllr & ads , In case satisfactory arrange.ments
can be made but the scheme itself does not
include those roads In the reorganization.
The total Issue of general mortgage bonds ,
Ir these roads arc acquired , will be $150,000-
000. 'fhe new 4 per cent adjustment bonds
will bo Income bonds , but It Is stated that
the Interest will bo cumulative after July
I , IDOO , After lie ( amount or extra general
mortgage bonds Is exhausted a new mortgage -
gage for $20,000,000. subject to the ( general
mortgage and prIor to the adjustment mort-
gag , may be- - Issued at the rate or $2,000,000
ot such bonds a year. This , however , requires -
quires the consent or the nlljustment bond-
One or lie most Interesting teatures of the
plan Is that relating to the retirement ot the
$9,000.000 or guaranty fund notes , $13liOOOO
ot e1lullJlleni ) bonds , nllll $1liooOOO or car
trust bonds , for which It Is Intended to
Issue the , Iller 1 cent thlrty.renr gold bonds
al par , 11rovlded It Is not consIdered feasible
to pay off these obligations with general
mortgage bonds out or thD additional $30-
000,000 , The prIor lien bonds , or
course , will constitute a first inert-
gaga upon the entire property and
hence the general mortgage will be a second
mortgage thereto In connection with this ,
there Is this general claus : \ddilional
prior lien bonds to an amount not exceeding
In the aggregate $5,000,000 may be issued
at any time within five years from the
formation ot the new corporation when requested -
quested for the Improvement or the proper-
ties embraced In the system , covered by time
new general mortgage or for other necessary .
purposes , on such conditions as may bo the
mortgage securing such bonds
The liner lien bonds will lJe redeemable at
106 and accrued Interest on any coupon
day , General mortgage bonds will lJe re
served for the ( retirement of the prIor lien
booths when drawn.
The 111an states that ( In case I Is hot
Possible to reach a satisfactory arrangement
with the Alanlle & Pacific b : > dholderl any
pat of the extra $20,000,000 ot general mort-
gage bonds and $20,000,000 preferred stock
mar be used for thD ( construction or a parallel -
leI road to connect thl ( maIn line or the
Santa Fe line with its tributaries In south.
- - - - - - -
I could Ret reletfrom
B E F 0 HE hundreds discitse a most herrlble , 1 & dOl181 blood 'pent
Irylng varIous rcmcutcl and lh ) ' lcI8nH , ly
fngernais cme oIl , outti say hulrclroout , lea , -
lug ' sue perteot1 bald. L thou went to
but very aoou bmD disgusted , and decided t
111 ii.13.S. The etfetil truh' wonderful . I
commenced to recover aler taking the first hot.
tie ' and by ( bo time I hadta ¼ cn twelve hollies. I
Jr :
; 'Han entirely t cured- I
cure ) ' : J SI. when the
Iorld'Nuolue.l lot
Bprlug had flllo
Wtl. 8hro\-eI0I 8. LOOlIS , L ,
Oar t'9Qkou thl Disease and Il Ireatinsnl I iccailed frM
Ioaja4drcu. i WIII l'lOltiQ UOAtisula . 0.
ern California . FuethIrmore , In case the
Atantic & Pacific la.acqlrll , a part of the
remaining general mOrtsge bends and pre.
term ed stock may bo ned for building 1 new
line connecting the' lantic & Pacific at
The Needles with '
the ) Santa Fe's southern
Cal ifornia branches. Frm this It will bo
seen It Is intended to gfvo up the rORII be.
two -en The Needles Ig\'O Mojave , wlllch Is
leas ed from the Southern Pacific , unless
tnore ta\rn lo terms can bo obtained tram
the latter company ,
Southern JnlhYR ) ' 01. * l'"rmluon to Meet
the Senhoaril'i Cut"
WASmGTON , April 9.-Tho interstate
commerce commission tOllay granted the me-
cent request of the Southern Hallway corny .
pan y , that ( 11 order to meet the cut In rates
mal0 by the Seaboard Air line It bo nu-
the rized to charge less for 0 long than a
short haul of passengers. The order ot the
commissioners was IS follows :
It I Is ordered that the prayer or said peti-
ton be and the same Is hereby granted , anti
Mil l Southern Halway company Is hereby au-
the rlzed to charge less for transportation
ot passengers for longer hail for shorter die-
tanco over the same line In the same three'i
ton ( , the shorter being included within the !
lon ger distance , hut only to the extent and
Ul0n the conditions following :
1 . Such high rates for shorter 11Istances :
shnll not In any case exceed the lower rates :
for loner distances by more than fl
2 . Much lower rates for long distances :
shal not only In any case bo less than these
prevIously published by the Seaboard Air
line or competing carriers between the enlist I
poi nts.
3. Such lower rates for longer distances
shal not In any case bo less than the cost
ot the servIce rendered
This Is declared to he temporary and pro.
visional pending further investigation by thl
commission , and the annie may be mo.lfiell L
or revoked at any time ( anti with or without -
not ice In the discretion or the commission.
Iml'or\mt Meeting of Railroad I'restdents
In 10' York City.
NEW YanK , April 9.-An Important roll. .
road meeting was held today at the olllees oC
the Trunk Line committe This committee S
corslsts ot the presidents oC all the hues cast
or Chicago 011 St. Louis , and Is known as I
the Joint committee of Trunk Lines nssocla-
( io n.
The object or the meeting , as explained by
some ot the members or the committee , Is
mainly to consider eastboul1 rates ror both : i
rrelght all passenger business
An agreement went Into effec January 1 1 I ,
last regarding eastbound passenger fares and I I
the nonpayment oC commissions thereon , all 1
already one or two roads have given notce I
oC their hfentlon to withraw from the agree
ment on the ground that ( It Is being violated ,
The prIncipal business of the meetng today (
thererol'c restore harmony. wili be to settle that dlfIlculty ( .all I
UIIIY Nt" . .
I. T. Haines or the MemphIs line , ant 1
George A. McNutt or the MissourI , Kansas &
Texas were In town yesterday.
The Burlington yesterday Issued a circular
to lines homeseck-
connectnlg lnes announcIng a -
er a' excursion April 23 , to al points In No
braska , Kansas Colerado , South Dakota ,
Wyoming and Utah , except points on the
Souther Paclnc line.- The rate named Is ene
lowest first-class standard Care , plus $2 Cor
tie round trIp , except that the minimum
round trip rate shall be $7
The Union Pacific ad Burlington have I
ag reed for the National Education assocla- ,
ton i meetIng In Denver with the co-operation
or trle Northern palnc , to make the Icwest
first-class standard fare plus $2 , with all
privileges attached to such tickets , trot
Montana points , lie Sme going vIa Billing
nnd the ( "Great Yellowstone National Par It
route , " a Mr. FrancIs expressed it . wIth
c hoicof ' return via the Unlqn , PacIfic , or
going via the Union Pacific to return by the
Durllngton frem Denver. , .
, '
. -
, Train ltobbr'm COllnAul Feo.
CNCNNATI , AprIl , D.-When Charles
Morganfield was arresld hero for the Aqula
train robbery $1,100 . was found on his per ,
son , The Adams Express company , on securing i -
curing the same , gave the city authorites
an Indemnity bond. After the trial In VirgInia -
gInia 1lorganneld gave hIs counsel a not I ?
Cor $1,400 on which judgment was conressell I.
Today the attorney sued for execution on
the bend the Adams Express company ha nti
gi ven the city authurltes ,
Have you ever noticed how your system
seems to crave special assistance In the
sprIng ? Just tll help required Is given
by Hood's Sarsaparrilia.
1ltnor , for Easter : , Rnd lreuM Too
A gorgeous display ot every MW Idea from
the t great European fashion centers. Superb
comblnntlons , charmingly blended , make our
mllllllery drrrhnent truthful . exposition or
al thaL' ' proper , the leader of them .
Over ' ' 3,0 beautIfully trImmed anti un-
t rimmed Easter hats lit special prices this
week , about half those asked In so-called
fashionable shops
t SATEEN I WIAPIEnS , $1.95.
In SUllla"s paper the printer male them
satin , but they ( ere not-they are satcon , and
this t paper Is only too glad to rectify the
mlstako by stating that these beautIful steen
wrappers are not Mtln , but sateen , 8S the
original manuscript from Hayden flees so
eads They arc worth $3.00 , but they're
not satin .
In order to properly celebrate
In i our cloak and suit department we have
IleciiCI to place on sale on Wednesday morn- \
big all our Imported pattern dresses now '
markell from 25,00 to $40.00 at $19.50 ,
Every lady \ho Is Interested In spring
suis shoull see these dresses early on Wed- :
i icsday morning. )
As this sail wi Inclule about forty styles
' or costumes , a detailed description oC all or
"hem I Impossible. al
But special attention Is called to a black
crellon suit , really worth 1i5.00 , our prIce ,
' 35.00 , Wednesday $19.1i0.
Fedora walking suite , with jacket mnlle
Cram Importell ( covert , regular value $15.00 ,
our price , $30.00 , Wcneslla ) ' , $19. O.
Elumliross 1 street suit , with ( separate cape ,
match m ' , regular value $50,00. our price , $35,00 ,
Vc'cdnesday $10.50.
S hAYDEN 111105.
The fRSt..S\ ' 110 to lelena ,
Butte , Spokane , Seattle amid Tacoma Is made
by the Burlington route. I
hours-qulcleer than any
other line Crom Omaha , Lincoln , Kansas City
or St. Joseph Ciy
City ticket ofIlce , 1321 Farnam street.
J. D. lenolds , city S passenger ngent.
A Few AI""I"I"s.
Offered ' b ) the ( Chicago , Milwaukee & St
l'aul raiway , the short line to Chicago A
clean train , made UII and started from Om'lha. '
Baggage checked from residence to destlna-
tlon. Elegant traIn service and courteous
emilloyes. Entire train lighted by electricity
and heated by steam , with electric lght In
every berth. Finest dining car service In
the west , with meals served "a la carte "
The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily from Union
City Ticket OOlce , 150t Farnam stre"t. C
S. Carrier , city ticket . agent.
I \ ' ( Iti , \re Going to Chicago ,
I Or Deliver or Kansas City or Butte or 1)ead.
wool or any other place , anti want to get
there you \1 take the ( Burlngton route
City ticket office , 1321 l arna1 St. , Omaha ,
J. D. Reynolds , city passenger agent.
l'lty Oardoll Slot 1'111 . " "Iowel lJy n COl-
The question oC securing rell , f from the
county commissIoners In aid ot the ( cIty
garden spot plan has taleen on a somewhat
new phase In view of recent legislation.
House Hol 1i31 Is a bill which may have
seine bearing on the subject. I was passed
wIth the emergency clans and provides that (
lie ( commissioners , or tOlnshl ) oOicers , mny
draw warrants ( on the bridge or road funds ,
not otherwise appropriated , the money to be
used In the purchase ot seed No Carmer
can get more than $21i worth or seed or over
fifty bushels or grain for Ceed. lie gives 1Is
note , payable larch I. 1896 , drawing 7 per
cent Interest , the ( note to be hehl and colcted
by the authoriy Issuing the grain. ( The
Cnrmer also makes aOidavlt of hIs being such
and of his destitution .
The county commissioners
have hall their
attention called to this law. I gaIns Is
importance from the fact that In these funds ,
the road and brIdge , Douglas county has c ;
surplus ot f20OOO which cannot be touched I
for general purposes , according to the con
structon placed on the law In relation to
the mater Commissioner Jenkins was asleed
what the ( could .
county do under these clr-
"As far as I have : examined the question "
h9 replied , "It strikes me that the trouble S
would be with the security . How could the
county rely on the class or people , from is
among the pensioners who
might apply r
aid , to keep such n promise ?
"if I had a guarantee that the plan would I
save 10 per cent of the cost of charity to
the county I would favor giving the seed
asIcId , " added Mr. JenkIns.
The commissioners already have hnd Severn I
applications from parties desiring seed ,
What % is Ozomu1sion' ?
Ozomulsion is a rnedicine-pue and simple ;
pure Cod Liver Oil , Ozone and Guaiacol-
simple to mix i you only know how. Dr.
Slocum is the only man that knows just
how , and he has spent the good part of a
lifetime finding out. Any decor will tel
you that cod liver oil is good , that ozone is
: good , and that guaiacol is good , but he can't
mix 'enl just right , so they're ' pleasant to'
take. . Some doctors will tel you that no-
body can Dr. Slocum can Some decors
prescribe Ozoniulsion Some don't Broad-
doctors II "
gauge say Take Ozomulsion.
They know a thing or two. They know
that keeping folks sick don't pay nowadays ;
getting them well . quick pays beUer Lots
of folks get sick as fast as sick ones get well.
If some one tells that look
I tels you you consumptive -
tive , don't worry. T11ere's Ozomulsion I
won't cure an entirely hopeless case ; but
few cases are hopeless , while Oz0lulsion is
to be bad. OZ01 ulsion costs a dollar a bottle , -
O : emu 1 s 1 onlcres One . bottle . will start YOU right ,
Colds , Coughs , Conand make you feel better. If it
sumption , B = hl- beter. I
ts sumpton , Asthmaund01 , d on ' t , d on ' t b uy any more , and [
p 1
PulmonaryCm- .
plalntl ; Scrofln , get your dollar back ,
, [
General Debility
Joss oC Vlelh , An- .
aemia , n.4 all lour tTU'/st Ims It , or 1111mve it , or be 18 [
DlJeftSCdi.riot it good tlruggis ( . If , iot , scud to T. 4 . locum
Wasting Dln..e I tot .1. -
_ Wastn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cum Co. 001lrUlllst. , 111 z831)clr ttrect , Nel York City . [
'flilncude woumen get plump anfbeauitilul on Ozoinulsion ,
= [
For Sate by Kuht & Co. , Outahn. , [
. . . . GASOLNE
. .No fabler. I No Abeam. No J'auiiecr. , rv [
host Power Cur Corn acid Feed Mll . , 1Iliisg
, . - . hay , ltuuining Cleumerlcs , loplralr8 , c [
I Statonary or Potabl" , L
' 1to120H.l' . StoiiOli.P .
r t 12 I. 0
.4 - - Seed ( or Ctlolle , I'rlce etdearllul work to b do le
331 & . " 'alnut His. , j'JIILAIICLPIIIA , L3A
'l CUtCOS Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So 1th St , [
J ' - -
r - : : i. _ -
- -
- -
- -
Coilfirmatioll Apparel.
Out shopping today for that boy of yourP Soma euro things
everywhere ?
There are 2 rocommoldnblo { entlres about our ConfrmnUon' ' ) , .
Stt-b1aek goods-or lorhnps 1OXt to it-i ! irk colorings , ,
FIRST-Thoy'ro all wool-richly trinunod anti durably IhlOtl 1f. ,
SECOND-Suro colorings-fast ntHI rich black dyos- ( q ' : ,
Values ira not to bo argued upon , because there is moro docopton I
in cay worsted ( the cloth wo most cheerfully roeonuiio aid for boye' a
wear ) than any cloth known to the mnrleot
Clay worsteds reminds us of 2 horses in the dark-both appear
alike-the chonpost might bo mistnkon for the most oxponsivo.
\Vo rontla lovely black clay suit for $0.50-nl wool-mnrk you
-3uro blnck The same sort of n suit is worth ovorywhoro-wol it dc-
} ) anls upon the honesty of the SalOS1(1 and the firm you deal with.
Dut $8 50 to $10.00 wattle ! bo a1 honest trausitetion . : '
Black Cheviot ( all wool ) stilts . . . . . . . $ L75 . .
Dark Mixed Worsteds ( all wool ) 0 . . . . . . . 45 f
Black Cnssimoro Silk Mi xod , ' . . . . . . . . , . , fO
. t,50
Ages from 13 to 20 yonrs.
Save you n little pocket inonoy on ' ,
ltto al trmmings too-Shoes-Hats-
Caps-Wajsts-Ijoseundorwoar _ TiosShirts - Collars- Gloves-
ilowoiry and other trinkets ,
&e -t-
. _ " ' ( ! '
I Wish \ for a Spring (95) ( ( ' ) C.ltalogua ? SemI your athirass ( ,
- M - - - - _ - - - - - _ _ , _ . _ _ . , _ . _ , . .
- - ,
' -
. \
i30S.TON * sToRe.I' I'r
Furniture and Carpet Dept. ' . , I
- - 4
Excelsior . o ; j
nefrigera -
k" - : Made of sold oak , antique fin-
1 IsIs , wIth fl'st.elasR oxidized lock
St t i niid hinges to mntch. Filled with
V ; : ; -j l'iurc , Odorless Minci'.il
, ' ' : h'i 'th' : \Tood , hued with zinc InsIde ,
\ ! t\ \ 1 : metal shelves , the ice rck hc.
I ' " I tN t\ \ ing t'ado , of heavy galvanized
i ; i ' Iron , wither wIthout pOl'cclaln , "
. , hlusod wntor coolors. The
dt twit. \ ' Ino scien-
h r tfc arrangement of the cold and
. \ I wat'm fues is shnplo , easily
' I .
cleaned and Insures '
perfect cli'-
5 . cl.-
- - - culatton. I Is free ft'ol mItts
fl ,
t * , joints , which ' liable
® t are lablo to come
' . _ _ _ _ _ apart . h'i the elects of dampness .
1. , cwse _ _ . _ _ ness All other joints are con-
coaled and practically air tght
No , 6ft.
Price. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . $7.64 ' - - ' b" .
Length , Depths , IIe1ght ) ,
24 In. 15 in. 43 in.
Get that rBabym.out of Doors.
I wi do more good than all the doctors this
side of New York. . J 1
Fine Baby Carriages at a _ ,
Low Price. \ .
- . . < ( '
i ,
' .
Do Not . Forget O& d ;
Hc1 I ! I
That wo have the finest J
till :
stock of CARPETS AND - ,
MA'rTINGs In the city. This " " , .
week wo otTci' all our flody
Dt'usscls with Borders at 870 t ' , , ,
I yl'd. \ - P. "
' . * I _
Take Your Choice . . .
- -
GOOd 'npestry nl'\Sscs ) Carpcts . . , . . . . . . . . I'HiCll . . . . . . . $6,00 . . . . . . . . , . . . ISc
f oed Velvet Cnl'pets. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 87 ,
food Chum 1latlngso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .10e i c
Good JnpalH'sc ( . 'lltilg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 15e
. Douglas Srl et1.
- - - - - - -
- - - 1' '
] LE1I _ 0criEioiLa - LTij ,
D - 0 t
There I. Nothing
] eel lst as Good as Rlpans abules
H ] for headaches , biliousness and all F
H disorders of the stomach and liver L
I- i .
H One Tabule gives relief f 5/
L ] I '
RIDaDI 'abulul . Said . hi druggists , or b 7 masS .
U ] If tcO price . 'f cemits a boa . ) II I.nt Ie . 'ls Ut'
. . . , .
pans Ch.mlrll Cumsny 5-ho. - 10 SPr ' - t. N Y.
[ _ ° g
, ,