. 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ t - - - - - - - - . WWW ' ' - - - . rIII 011.AILD.AIL Y ' BEE : - - WDNEsnA Y' , A1'RlL 10 lS9. 7 SPBOll1L NOTIBE8. y = ' ( ItlrthcmcitI far Ihutl , ( 'nInrnn 'til ho , alIl , 1111 1131 . m. for thl C.nhll end antl 8 t' . in. for the morllll rind sunday edit Itti. . i d"rl * I'r , ' . by requesting I nlmh"rcll tu'cl , ( RII hRvo nnR\1'rR nccrcMc,1 to I nUlhlrcd letter In r.ro 01 ' 1 ho live. . \n- " "tr I RlflrNRc,1 , , II ho 'Irlvorod Illn JrHcniltll Ir the tick enl , . 1Iite . J I .2c I "I.rll , IrAt ItortIon ; . 1e R , , orl I Iiorc1ftr. ! : Olhlll t.kon fur 118 Uml 2Lc lor 1101 IiirtInui. ' ' hl'Ao . nd'rt omclt nlnt I un cOlsceu , , th'lly. . , - - - - - SITUATIONS WANTD ! . . jjj- : ; ; I.AS l1.1.INI 8TIN . I - oRrn"hfr : eight ) 'lnrA' 1 II rllnco $ II Rln"rl t. alike wtrk ; ; "wn" hlr own t t.wrItr unll Can ; give C.o,1 , , fercncc . . Atdres ) I. C1. ( ) . C.11 . A--Mi : 10. . vAN.riE ICTI'In 01. I.'OH Olm.\ : . . - houR' ' work . m i'arflMfl ptreet. A- Ir81 ? J WA1TED-ZAL1 IIELI. TEDAL1 HoLl. 1Ai.A1tY PAm wmIC.Y TO I.IVI lnN ; , x'crIence nol neceasq ; . A13f ; 116 1)ougla5. . I8-23S A30 YATfll-iOOfl 1.'mST II\AS eOATMAln : Itratyvotk . Henry las.dJum. tattor. 'VI.I l'otnt. Net I8-3t3 : W1t IiOOI ) I bORiC 11'IR. : HTIN. I " ' 'llhlr , nn.1 . tp.wrIftr : une Ihnt 1mOMme. . thtng or th'j 1"IOk I I e."unl.olol IUAln"8 ' refpr.I ! ; IIAt he gmot1 t'ntznn. quick ul 1\111" * nn.1 willing " 0' . ' k for t'aola"l. - Ilnr ) ' . AdMen M :1. l e 0111. OmaH. - 0r. 6r 1 WAN''I.I : AT ONCI . 1XPIIt1IC I : t ! 1.flIt- ! 1.1 In,1 no\.r cal'lener. XII'nUNCI I. la'A. 1813 , , _ \11'nn : ' : . RIl - ort. _ . _ 1- IlIO WO'I.1 YOI 110 : TO Imelay , : 1.'IOM $ .O' ' ) to $ L01).Ol " whpl 3011 Ilrr ? Als' u .llllh , t.n- P11 for . ohl nn,1 , ' . ) at ! ' . . Ni a ) OUhlg In e ccllln $ loQ. r4 1'I.y 11)'lenl. . 1.01 .lleulnr ! " 111" . . . $ .0 > . . Agint " . wanli'.l . Mutual len.nelnl % A.elalol. : ltlchinon&1 . " , . . hIOI" no 13-8tT6 I. WANT" " ) . AT ONI : . A 000' ltIrAIL. 1IOfl mTAI. f10t Innht. IIIAI he 1 No. t 8110lnn nn.1 veIl 1re . (1W ntft1CLJ. " . \IJI.ly ' 43 1 lruiul way , Counll lulr. 1 1 . 11-MiS 11) ) - 1s 1 . WANTED-FEMALE HEL . FII"T t'I.Mf UIt1.3 ! AT S'ANDli.V1A Y. S'ANtl.VIAN \v homc. Omce IGI CapItol a'enu. . Tcl. 1217. . ' . C723 j1S' . . - WANTJ ) . I.\mS OF IIHII' : > R AII.IT\ 10 telle""t u. un the real ; gooI pziy ; no Inn- : . . . . . va.slng. InquIre loom 83 . New Yo.k 1.lre hl.ll - C- I"O ' 1 12 . . WANTI'D. RTUlmNT NtlSPS AT W. ( ' . A. , hos.lnl , - ( ounel Illilils. C-Mi3t I : Gl. 1.'OI (1INCIIAL IOISI WOHJ ; MtST ii be AteUI ) ' . . \I'ply nt 21 I OhIo Bliect. S\C . C-M31 II' :1"3110. . ) . COOK AND ILOUS1MAII ) . Alllo L nl 2' ' > ) S lurl " itreet. C-I.9. \VANi'1l Il. : I'OR (11Nfl1tAL 10u . work MuL 1m good coo1 . 621 Ho. 2"lh"\ ' , ' . . , ? - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ C:31-9. , WA/TII. IilST-C1.ASS CPSTOM SIIT , CJSTOl ' hnnllA : also colnI ant Ilrclale. : . . . Cal on J . I - " ' . fl41L1ey . - , - - . - 1iexe1 . holel. \lale. C- I:1 10. WAN1f. : 1'Xlgll/CI'D SAI.1LA1)t1 : * S I C , milnery .1..lrlmell. Only t1iie ( hat ; It , 111.1 e llrl"lc" II the Illnery bu \ " Iwed : - 8l)1)IY ) loston Slore. C-M5211 0001 ! flh1t1 . volt ( i1NK1t1 : . 1IOtflWO1tI " . llsl h" INOd cook. o Uoulal sUl'el. AI'I'I . ) I ' . ut once. CI.S' ' 10. . - FOR REN ' -nOUSES. . : . t l.Sgs. . F. K. DAI.IO. - H.IKI 1 IIOCK. I lOlrmS IN ALb 1.\RTS OF ' 11 : CITY. 'liii I O. I Invln company. ItO : 2arnani. D-IO - , , , lOUSlS ; 11lNA\VA 8 CO. . 103 N. 15'1 n-121 & ' . ii6ijEi. \VALLACC DlO\\'N IJLK. . IG & Doug - I D-123 . FOIl U1NT . 213 CAPITOl AVENU ! 1 rOIS , 10"er. 'fhe O. I" . Da\s ! CorI1)any. D-I : llDmN 7.ItOO.t HOUSE Nl Al PAm . AP : I 1.ly . 13 s. 2Stliatiect. U-M130 ! H. r : . COII CO. IAIOEST LIST IN D-M6S1 OMAHA i . , Fort , IflINT. 6.nOOM FLAT. INQUtB 199' - ' Dodo alteet. 1)-113 - , . - , FI 1 N , . r I 1OOM COTTAUII. ON WICS'M .Ide cC lId sir. . noith or Clark Etreet $8 u mantit. bldg. Ilqulro 1001 3U. 1.'lrel Nutlonal D-32115 Ilan k FOIl RENT. I'L.\'fS AT NOITIEAST COIl nor Ilh an,1 Howard slreela ; newly papere.1 alli pnllle" . Inquire room 3H. J'hal Nulonal lnnk IMg. D-32 15 ' , 7.ItOOSI'COTTAGII. I'ERFEC ImIAIl. CE- F trly located. 10101 hou3c modern Iinprovc ' . c IneniL Inqlire 13 N. 191h slreet. D-I335 - 10 AND :0 FAlNAM STflIIr. 'V. M. Ioer. 1323 I.'amal STnrI slre.l. , D-132 , .nOO:1 : nOUSE. 61 50. I1n A vn. D-3U.M2' - I I'LI.SANT D TAClm MOlmN 8.nOOM - houAo : nice lawn barn. Enquire :03 Pierce Bt 1 fl-Is ? D-1 FH n NT. 1.nOOM MOmmN I'LAT. LANG Ii - block . . . LANO blocl. GOO So. 131h. D-3il 10 6-nOOM ! 110111011. IQUJI:1 DOUmAS D-M103 S 1. - TWO s1WFN.ItooM ; : MOD1iitN COTTAGL' . viII % 1"11" . $ : .00 ) each. 23S."t3 Duv.nporl 8treel. O. I' . Urlscol. V11 N. : n\'pnup. . . n-M120 10. ; . 8.nOOM HOUSE ; MOI > I/ 823 S. I-MlSl.lg' 20th. - - SMAI.L MODlmN COTTAO :17 HCl'f ST. . _ L-MO5 13. ; - TWO G.lOOM COTTA0 S. MOIIttN. : ON I Ol rurl hed. . S03 S. 3 . lh. D-M5 13. - - - - . , , ; 4 COTT.\IFS. ( ] OOD)1tflS1l. 1NQUIItI TIlO : 6. - I/Qunm TIOS. Swift . 103 N. 151h Alreet. I-M5lI 13. - 213 CA1. AVI2. . :10 N. 2GTI ST. . XNQtIIt H _ _ _ II 2118 : Cal ) . ate. I-IO.U' I/Qem MO1)I'rtN l.11003t IiOt1lI NI.tIL lilt. ] It - IOIR ! Nl.\t . . III I.ehal. Inquire 2G16 Callol a\.nul. a.nul.1M:3 : 15. - FOil 11/ ' . ImVmlAL NC ' ] JOtSI'S : : Al. 1. 11.ler cjuuetuieuiveu. lilekut . :0 : N. Y. Ioo , IJhl : . - - - J- I.1 13. - FOt itJNT-l'tIItNiSIIID ] 10UHI. : ; $ ID : : - Ono block I'"sl of 1'111111 10 lanseol iit ' k. 1"llly wlh ni chlhlren prcerrt'i. ( Jwiu er . , wi lal , tint II Ioad. ' A""I"so & M U-Ot 22. O\ler lce. 3.IOOM CO'I"Ul.'I'IY II HO. IGTI Mreet. J-61.1 . l'l iIiN'i' . NW COTT.\OP. SITU ANn $ A1 1 . S.\I. IeI 6H : f loums. cellar . elsl..I. city % vuuit ' r ; . ciy1'r uni ' ? .0) ' . . (11) $0) ; Iiuouiro IllS i'uriuaun. 1)-Gd-Il - 1.'J JliNT. : roit Tilil S1MMFIt MON'uIU4. A 1':1. : 101 Ilnom Ioitu' . ( TH ' . Mi , blod.s INTWI. rrm i ' * . Uflice. Alhlre'B M 25. lie . l-MSft 1 Ill. - S 6-100 1 IOT1"'ON. : MOIJIN. % Ill'\l't'i $ . VI II. 1,1 , I nl < uhauI. . :11 I Jlnll or :1 N. y , 1.1 1.le. 1. I-M81I I-M:81 : . _ I FOIl BINT . VlItY VlNfl : 12.110051 I Ot.m ; . 1'01 f : "BI1.1:1 1.100M > . c . . hOIM" ' . fl5 N. 2tii ut i eel ; new ittue 10.t' ' 111 I . hlu ) , . GIG ; N. 261St . ( reeL. ? . room cottage . 11 , ; U 01' " stied. II. ' 1' . Ciarke 113 loatl rolage. 11,1" , . 1)-2.IISI . IC.I I - _ _ _ _ 1-ISI I ' CE/'HAI.lo 1.\TI n. IoHOO ) ilOtTill 7 . . . . 1"'r hnlui . ou uiuvJutlt. In'lulr" ' 71 II N. 19 1 lh L. Illeel - , i-433 . ii Thi- ' ' - ' ibliED .tUUiI 3. i l N'l'-'U.U lbtED lWUlll. I lI AH.\'f - - 110081 IVI JODGI . 1 -tl ; g a NICI' : i'i1tNISIililIiOOMS I.'on 1.1011 LT i : - . . . - ' - JIHNISlm - lU loulh - 11th. - . 1.101' V FOIL IIIINT , . 'UHNlllmD 0100318 . G H. tOT ii 11-316 M3 I - , 6. 1"I"/ISI P ROOM . IiVFiI. 3.0) MOT1 II. ' J 11 1arnnm. n-3GS 0' ' , r - - ] 'h. - mED - lOOl b .N'D I3OA1U , i . VOlt ntmT. NIIATIY 1t'IINLSIlIi ) HOOM whit bOrd. lula\lo lor two. : U : Cllroria _ _ ! ! " et. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.-IG 10. ' 1000315 I , WTH 10An ) . : F-063-16 : l01'1tII' ' ; 0. : 1-0316' - . . l'mtNIIWI ) 11009114. I'\S A'1) lOtT : ft'ctut ' taUie , . " itit t.u.urut \NI ! OITI lrll II"'U" \ Ih t'tl ; tine loealon ; I' ri. , 'alo lamln ; references. : v louugiuuut .In'N 1'- 9I5t 2' I . ' : raUUNISiED ; : ; lJO.S ' 0 l N T S ( 'itiis . 10 FOR I.IOU'f IItjSF3II1m'I - ' 0 lu I'urtrl without CtiiIlrtiI . Hell lnIINO . , _ . ! IOCAI111. IiI 'aIiaI U\ " ' . rh.'al. : 1001 . 3 . ltIOMi4. ( 'ITY w 'ATI1lt. . .l.SO . . \li - - - . m.l * . % V. or HI. l.oui : hioit . . barn ; 10 . \ . -IC- fall , ' . w of tt . i.o'ii ituus . 11. 1. ; huu.c. barn , 13 u. In fu I , . \ ri J II bat , . _ fiI G0 N. . - Ilf. - es - / - II' - ' IICII. 0-:11 I' ' ' J . 01nlN : - ; ; 'l'O. : " , Al l 01''IOJ , l'0it1ti1NT. , ' 11 , : H TOI\ jIItiLK IILYII.iIN ' 3 : TOI11e1 " UL'I.IN'J. 310 * 1"llom > IIC.I , ' 1'iut lu"lnl , ht . a itt C. I lie. , a l'rOl01111 basement. comp\l > teal ltd ' It- itI. . Iblules ; \ller 01 ni iIi.rs. gas. etc A & ' . 1.ly nl Ih. olc of The lice. . I-Oh I 3'OIt lttN'l. rOUST -l'i.\ : : ; 3.l'OHY . 'NU - "UIII'11rlck sIaN hulhll al : ittuS I I.'ur" R Ilreel. . .ulable fur anr ) ( in4 ' uf bu..neu. I a. " quite rOnl 31. . 'Irl Natllal l"nk \ , : - _ _ _ _ _ I-U 1 I 1'011 fliNT . 1i1tS1' CLASS : lIltit.1C ; l - STo stid ba5etulent. loll Puunifl. hqUlre1 11 II . " \1 :1. ) _ % 1"llt Naton.1 1111 Ihll I-Il I , ) TWO . . BTU iiJOIII : ( COliNIlt3L ) A- r " \'IIorll , , wi lint I ' getluer itt . ' , .I-.1 ' . , a ! buineu lucnto 1'lel1l rc 1..11. II 1-I 1'1\ . . . 4 AGENTS WANTED. tNRU1ANIF MI : ' ? AND OnOANIImS ! : money nlvnne"l. . 1.1.0 per mlnlh : $ ( ) ' ) 11 d"lh ; 810.0' ) "PI wlpk ; dut . . S.m per mmlh : nl\'fl phin eMY tlutk. . Write I''nlfral A' g onsul . DonhO luluig. . Ran I'rancii.e& J-MS'il 10. I.AIV AOIINTI4 : ; ItUliI1liIt IYNIEII2OAT1MINT l.Aq IUllm quick MIR Tf l'romR ; ; eolllollP dree. Met' ' . N . n. 1.lle Mrg. Co. . Clulengo. II.J . J - : : 10. WANTED-TO RJNT. . WIAT A CAI.I. TilIlitli : If I'on I0USI'S : ; I' 3 'ounnt ) 'our. tel Ie& l.t them \11 J. H. _ ! ' ntrotte . DOlglu block. K-MV.3 AOl $ M . % 1.i. 101S I : Ol ( OTAO 01" 6 01 7 r nee . ofilce. . with fall cOI'enlencC. AuIdre 1 _ --i9 I. 62 WAN''I'I. : I011H AIOPT 7 1200915S'ITII 3' ftnl ; lo"en , ton\'ellencf. , In gOJl rPIatr ; 100 < Irlalr on one 10nr. n. ittIu . nenr lanoll 1)1,1k oIu rctrll.d < l . M 21 Pep wih full Imrt , u. IAn. l slalnR Bleet alll number. tent. Alzl . of h0181. etc. K--G1.U. STORaGE. STOIAOI II. : FilANK EWIHS , 12 IIAI1UL'Y. 2.5-132 I ST STOHAO IUILUNO IN OMAhA. U. H. Io\ ' . . olde < warphoute ; hOUOfhohllOOO . 810red : lo\.t I riutet' . 1013.1015 Leavenworth. ? .t-131 STOVW ! RT ItlNO SUMMmt TI I. ! ' O. 121 Douglas. Omaha Stuvu Ilpalrh1 - ' ( { 2 . ' ! ( 'IC HTOI'I ANI WA11:101'SI. : CO. . S LIt ant , Jones sleels. General alorgo anll fnr. : % vartlitt.C , . , Mr7t I WANTED-TO BU'I WT : A HTOe 11 (0018 .W0ISTII $1.0 ( I 10 t IG. $ JO. ) Addrcs 1 W. Omaha lIce. NIS" . FOI : SALE-MISCELLANEOUS IWO & CICKIN I'gLI . 5''iItIi . IrTTI R & cheaper Ihal00" . J. J. Lcd1y. H3 H. 11h. Q- IG1 ha'IG - - - - - - - - - - - % V IGMN : ! I.NO . Ilmm'IOIT OHG.\S. . Woo < brllce 11. . . ill S. 11th. Q-131 IAIDWOOD ! COMIII r'.VI'iON 1100 AND chickIl ( enee. Cha. H. Lee . 011 nlli 100 floulgiat' . Q-133 . DAm\ I'on 8I.T. : . M ( COWS 2 TIIAM14 CO2. r- 1.'le ouln ; estoll.he 1\ < bole ; nil or part ; cheal. AIIIly John londe"son , Fioreitre . Neb . Q-76S Ao - S T. 1 INAln ! IPPIFS. IIoOmmn. $10,0 10 $ % .0) . I' . O. ho , G' ' . . clt ) . . Q-21 11' . 1' Oll SA 1.1' : . 2 I.'INI' JIIItSIIY : COW8. 11. IC . IHICOWS. I. IIur9et . 1618 ChIcago street. Q-1228 10. AA I"I . 1)011111.11 I 1)001(8 . nOOMY . F'lilIl . nOOIf. l' I'1F. I IOU r. 10.1 n. flea' . for . > I..lhltl , or cost. Ii iOu I 1 :13 cCaue ! building. Q6G1 - . FOH i 5A1.1C. nOOD SICOD-IL\NI H.U'FT\ unit , new clincher tIit't' Inll woo" rm ! . " ' . , T. . lice olilce . Coulel IllulTi . ( ) ISS 10 - - MICELLANEOUS. - 26 AC1118 ( TLTIV.VI'ifl. FOI I.I'\SI . IN I'enlrl N..h.abka. , . Ole ) ' 1elerson. cal siOI. ( 622 N. 101h. I- ( . I , I 23 ii ; : t : FOR CIIIt.1)I2IIN t1CflI1iL F'IVIIil.1l : - S I0 CII.lm : l/D 1 1.1'1. ygAIH ell . al 2 1 N. 2lh Ave. Kel.t by Mr. - 2.lat . : . f'l. l629. : CLAIRVOYANTS 2. tlt $ . 1)11. 11. w'nJ N. CI.AOIVOYANT. ! m : : ; - . liable buslnet . me"lum , Slit ) 'ear at 1 N. 261) ) I. S-31 "ADA I nO IAINF. 321'4 \ ; N. 1T11 , FLAT A. - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - S- - . JO - A18' . - - JJI . CLAYTON . CI\nYOYAT .un C.\lD reauter . n"a"s cards ; II.e I In open hook. Tell Is your ml.slon on entcllns. 403 N. 11h sl. . S3l6'C : MASSAGE. BATHS. ET ( ' - M IAnAJ SMITh . 602 S. 13TH. 2D P1.0011. 100h 3 : ; magnetIc. vapor. alcohol . sl"am. , uI,11111C nn" sea baths. T-MfS : 13. . / 1\V1.Y I"lTI D BATH IARLOlS : TtJI53 < : . 18h nn,1 electric balhs for la"lls nnll genII , ; . men. Mndamo howell . 3:0 B. 1lh ( at. . Ii Ienle. 0001. - T- t ' 9 M5 - . ASSA011. MADAME IJICRNAI1I ) . 1m nODG : . ' . T-2.t51 21 - - TURKISH BATHS. - TUJKISH DATHS : ONLY I'LACE 1 : CITY exclusively for lad lea. Suite iOI .10 flee bid" \ : PERSONAL. . . MASSAO . Et.ICCTRO TIERMAI , BATHS. ! ) chiropodist. hlme. l'o.t 319Y S. 51h sl. U-131 - Tm DELLE PPEnLY COI1SIIT. MAD ' 0 order from mensure. 190 J'aram Ilreet.U13S VIA"I CO. . 316 nm nLDa. ; IIIIALT1S 11001 IC - ALTI nOO free ; hOle tratmcfl , lady attendant. U-I3 I . . IIi1NlERS0 . FI.ORIST FINE 1.1.mS. - 4 .1ecortvo IJalms. CUI flower , . lorl tleIgn . . Ilanls or all descriptions nl 10we8 ItrIre a. ( Klnsler'8) ) . IGII und 1"arnarn. Telephon" > 102' . : ' ) . U-UO 13 1. 1. AS. FLORIST. 13 VI/TON 57 - . . orors nl reduced prices all kinds or cut flowet . a . roses . Iled , h'lelnlhs. Kemnlum. 10we.s. . be.11Iaa : also T.lanl9 welgella. lanAles. . Ihla"elns. wl51lrla. len , IIIII'nl k1nd8 oC I'OS'S. Now talla9 In seventeen AleeleA or cobra. Ieonln. ) g eIflh1iulflfl . lJnsles.e1. . colena altermantena U-f3 I : MONEY TU LOAN-ItEAL . ESTAT ? : ANTIOY LAN & TRUST CO. . 31S NY.I.IFE. ' loan al low ratea fur choice Eecurly In Ne- braak antI Iowa farms or Omuha city properly W-Hl MONI'Y TO LOAN ON IMI'IOVEn OMAII ; : real ull te. Drennan. Love & Co. . laxlon OMAIA bl . " " -13 10NFV TO LOAN A1 I.OWEST flAT. T11 O. F. Davis Co. . . 1505 I'aram .1. nATFS. TiE i - - - - - - _ _ . VEltYLOWRATE3MAI)0l . ON OOOD LOAr S. : M"DF J. W. Squire 2S Dee . bldg. " . ' / . - - - - - - - - - - CITY LOANS. C. A. STAlin . . 51 $ N. Y. LW . p. - - W-I. - . : ION\ TO LOAN ON UI'RO\'ND OMAn A prol'"rly. Fidelity Trust cOlpan ) ' . 1101 I.'uram. W-UG L LOANS ON 1IPnO"I D & UIMPHOVI'D ! CITY pIo3erIy. W. I'ar.lal Smith 4 Co. . lIZ I.'arnam W-IT - - h0NI Y TO LOAN ON OMAHA ImAI ESTAT 1l al G per cent. W. D. IlelkIe. ll Nat. ilk. "III. ! W-IS R.j CITY LOANS $530.00 TO $ : .OO ) Al' I.O\\'I n : ; lutes. Powell & Iolfr. Il floor . N. Y. f , . "M ; " ] 1 I'O S\.I. 111.00 IIOICA.Fl011 I ASTrIN IN. - \ esters ' lanls. who have 10nf ' 10 1'esl. jusl ! ' ) conuplled. lul Illtcul"s upon lequ".I. In- I 'e.tora' ' Dlrlctory Co. . 10 \ Ul'on ' . N. Y. \ % ' - . I I All' . . = : MONEY TO LUAN-OHATTELS. MONIIY TO 1.0AN ON I'UINITUlm. PIANOS. - l horser. uungoluut. . ' 11 . II lowest Iltes In eln 10 rt'ttioVal of goods ; strictly ronlllenlal ; y 'OU amount. CUR l.tY th" loan oil at any time or In al ) O . IAlA hfHTOAGE I.O.CO. . 306 So 161h SI. X-UG MONI'Y TO LOAN ON 10lfH10.U I't'i5 [ U. - ture . pianoa . h res. wagons or any 1'1:1 Ilnll chattel security al lowest possible rn I e. , whllh I rUI con 11Y ) back ! nl nn ) ' 111 .nll , In any ! itmount. Jlnl I.I'Y LOAN GUAnAN''pE CO. 101 4 , Wltlel bloc I. . X-11 1' - - - - - - - - J. I. IADDOCI { . 100 : lIT n.UHI lOt.OC x-m IC. - 110I Y TO LOAN ON l'UI/TUIE AND . pianos. I'red Terry. no Names block. X-Ir - - - - - - - BUSINESS CHANCES. - C" AN STOCI { OL2.IDS5. : IIOUOIIT. 1010 ul' uchunged Cor lUl" . H ) ' 01 vent Iu go tate or jet out of bu.lnl' wrle 10 u. Wo lay hae whll you wanl. 11. O. McGee . la Main al. - . Counrl liluffi . 1.1. - Y- 100."t8 L OYOU W . \N'r A tm. M.tlCllu-ItuI T ttlrutc'sccIe. ' , Iude fS. ; J. ( ( . In \ ' ) iuonti Wrl" 'ildicon 1 l\nclo.eOI9 Co. . . rcHmn " 3' 44 ' ; tiliecly 1 1loek. , On1ipCe ! : ) . ) . Y-2.1C37 1"01 14.lIi . A I.I'\N sroi'lc ni' I UtOClmms In" ftxtttreJ . Oo.1 location . long ) $ . ) pIt bu.lnt5. mo'rlo rent. 141i1Ck eollll.hlll ( oot wills literal discount out 'hlu ' , ' . , Ten ( wih 1'.rl al , 'crls I cash . 1.01 f.lncoln.ddrr. . . F' ' H. I"x . /ddrr. an. . .Incln. Nt. " . ' -iu1 f 1.13. l IIS : .E ; WttOI lioTtli. . 1'UIII8lII act teal I I ) ' Ihe olly hold lu New l'UI : i : \OlUl11un : S. < ) I. Wio s 01" II a t.irg or "nl..1 to " ,11 ia I. a'ul,1lny , , m Iltluln Pt LouitiivtiIe. just ' thu ' ' . . . lt l.ull\'II. across Ih. rh'cl' fllen.ld I'hnnc" 10 the 11:11 p'orty. Auldts rur l \arICUllrl \ Luuts'iila Uanklns 10. 1. < ul.\'lle rul , .r. Y- II U. ; \ t4 TillVOII1C OZ . ' TIII OMAhA ' ' . - . : ' 'I WtI Tit IAI.en' 2.1 IS. en'is .h'l laundry I. l now IICC 3uflII isltnl . I \ dc- sItu 10 offer It ror sate ; tIll ) ' ono who wI111 Ik" Iuu ) I can take tiuunteltaio 11..s.lo\ , \ ur II. 1 cun be u.n. \ . I hun'l ' ) 1..unlr , ' I II1IlOIlu1'tltt' will , .1".1 rai4 11'1.ll'I. . ) 1',1 I II' ; Ilrotn.lon 111.ly lit 31G ! uth 3ulb sl . , , . . . \ - .H. . .L ! HoJ.W WI.I. uur OICIl . ) I" TIm n1T 1 ; : I I.Hlshl' S.unlIartutuU. wilt , alt the IIfI , I IlUYrl11e&uts Iii , 'leelrleIY1 oleln' . 'l'ulk.h. : : \ 11"1 und Valcrulha. . wills . the largest cut . iii 0110 prarlC9 In ttuI . el ) : a .plen"I.1 ! ' 10.1 ' for a COUIIIS i'ltiskLns. IWCII1ts ; ( or titan a 01 lle ) kl I ! l : : ; : uYtre I t& \J i \ ; ICUbu I icr selling. otI1g into vlue&u ) tb m.nuf.clurlnluzlne. . ; wi give a mcuui Ih Glle lonlh I 1111 I rvi3uested ! Addrcsi Ilouuiten Illecti 0) . ( ] .ilcamulo banltarlum . . 10u.ton . Tex. . meN" . ? Lulhllne. yI I , . , - _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ : \ \ ' /.r t I.\IT/lm VlTiISOMll ( 'ASh TO engagu In rtaut ( tuile bus. . ' 081 . can give goc.4 ret "nll ! lal 'llleut. " 10 Id"r. cnr. Ad"re.s . f. 43 . Hee. Y-313-I2 % , : - - - ' j'-y i'WAN' TO ISI'oS-OIS'f''K OF S 1"'chandl' , , quick \d < r.a ) = \ 013hl 1-.U" IH. j BUSINESS CHANCES , Conlnu l. l'OR iAldl. A WFFKI.Y NrWSI'AI'r ANt ) J ill ) omee In rn.lfr Nebr.lu1 ; It , business ; l roo.l town : halt n.h. Address L 00. lIce. g : . ) : 1 T J ASI , A 01 NI WSI'APF1 rt.ANT IN I 1.1 true n II enm'tetn Nfhr".ka. Iarly must I .e n hustler anti furnlAh , ) $212) bonil. A,1re. h Its. I I. T-M211 10. WANT : A MAN WITI 502.111 ( AI'ITAI T tlke nn Interest In a veIl established anti a ) " I , old tl w,1 "Alablshed 111 l 1111.1 bU8Ine.o ; ' 1lelld olporlml , ) . . ( \ . . dress M 23. lfe , 0)11Cc. ) Y-Mi3 U. IUSINISS Ol'I'OItTtINITV-lACICTIT { STOI1II ror "Ie In IIA Moine. In. . 1"'lulalon ' STOIU 1. ( Slur yrais' . tease l on buIlding. Ilst locatIon In Ihe t el ) . Wi ) sell stock or Iln l. loculon . I 'crl.Ins & tlntnsnuaid. Y-M112 10 FOl EXOHANGE. \ % ' ANTC.I > . A 10HSI : 122 3IXCIIAIC01 : ? I'OIt piano or organ , A . Itot'pe Jr. . 1r1 ) OF I'OI Z-J.O\1 W ANT TO Tn.\ ) COUNCIl. 1II.UtT.S city real estate for R stock or clothing nn" , 'hoes. Adlt.s J.P. ICmIg AvoeR. la. - Z-MOS \v 11.I . 1111) : CLI.\t : I.ANI 1"01 0001 1. $ . cumhete" rental city 1"'lct ) . . No Ihlt.l class or Ullnl.to\.1 . Ilrl'lrly considered . S. IC . lulJhrey. 626 New YOlk 1.1Cc. . Z-lulCll.Al6' Z-MG'.AI6. l'Olt SALt : OR THAJI . A $ : .00.0 ' 8TOCK OJ general merchandise ror eastern Nebraska Ot " 1.lern loa ratm. nr Omnha % or futh Omaha tpetl ) Ad"reS I 18. Omaha ! ee. Z-M601 1"1 SA In OH TIA I . A $ : .0.0 STOCI OP lenlll rerlh""l , . ror .nAIftn NehrAka "I western low : farm . or Omahl nr South Omaha I" ' erl ) Address K 1 IS . Omaha lee.r ? rIGOI CI.IAI OMAIA PI011:1'I'OR 1 I'10'.lm hO or I& nerl rarm. 11I1nl I'tnlerl rol large ti-tict. C. C. Shllel' . 21 N. Y. I.Ife. . : .G 12 - - FOR 8ALE-REAL ESTATE. - - - - P ell g.I.ISOMI' b'N.l'4. r'I'OOI ( cola e. 1l00.t ( . ) . 6.101 cottage . $ S00.04. toln SO. 7 rojnug 2 .Inrll' . $1,700.00. . I $1700.0. 3-'nm . eotttge . 700.0I. 7 . romA al,1 , larn U.50.o. r.11"Om 101 I I" ' . f S' ' ) ) . on. .room ( ' "IIIle. $1.lo.OJ. 1:10) : ' l.I31luiIut1. Aloes . teal eslate IGli 1.'lrnal.nF.MI nF.MI ll. - FXCIAXG S AND SALIIS ; CITV1'ItOI'IIItT't farm. merchandise . Gan'ln CIT\ Ur. . . -Pi 1m-IS. L TO I ' XCI.HO FOH IMPJO\'EU 1't0rllItT - \ ate solo nenls for R tract oC 10 acre wihin four mils ! or the I' . O. that was tuor . chll.1 . 11 18S for $ 40.006 shot tmt . Owner wlnls 10 ttade , for Iml'rvl,1 slot prl".ry that wil Rh'e him UI income II old ago. 'Ve hu\'c an other tract or nboll Ihe same value hunt Ihe , , O\ner Wants to tmee for farm la"l. Iem.m. her good acreage around Omahu , Is Ih" " 181 II'eHlmpnt In the urounl today. C.ll anti .e , ' I. . FIdelity Tm ust Compal . role ag.'nt. liO Jaram "I. ) : . 11":9.9 I IAI2GAINS . f4At.tI Ol THAD IN CITY PIOp. erles anti rarms. Jno. N. l'renzel. opp. P. O. Im-159 KOUNTZE Pf.\CF BARGAINS . von SAI.11 OR ercluange. J J. GIbson . 31 \ let Nat'l hanl . nC-78.A21 OmAT IAHGAIN IN FAnM AND GAI1DIII' lanes near Omahl. In 10. 20. 40. 80 or 100 acre ' tracts ; long tiuuue. easy bums . ; will lake MIe traule. Cal al once an,1 Secure I geol horn ald . slop payIng rent. on N. Y. 1.le Jlh. ) n 12 UAItGAINS' 31061505 . I.OTS AND I"AlMS ; bale or Imde. 1. ' . I' Darling. Darker hlocll. . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nE-I.G _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AUSTHACTS. Tln DYHO nEED COMPANY . lE-1 CIOC"ST mmOA1'gn I.ANDS IN Nil . lraska. . 3 mIles r/m U. I' . n ) ' . . lllnp ; "asy : 1"1 " 1115. Now Is time ( lIne to secure good homes . Succ.so suite. , ' lme excUsl no to lands Air ) 15. $3.51) ) rotund trip .See or .Ilre , U. Apri . Clallson. l'lrl Nal. hank building . Omaha. ItlI-M42 g 1 FOIl SALC OI/UINI ; SN\18. CI.K\1 LO'rtl In torch . good lelhIorhoo" . motor ears ; enl ' , on\ $30.0 : easy 11aymenls Amuica n"nl Estate. 161 Farnaun. 1111-2.1612 1. - Fan SAI,1l- . II acres . Sauuuders . cOln I' . un acre . \n8hlllon eounly. 610 acres. na" , ) eounly. 16' ) . acres halt Iounly. 3 ' ael \llellr rount ) . . No trade cOlsldere" . Amuies. neal Ilabuto. II F'urnuunu Sireet. 1116-MIll ii. , - FOI SAL1I. LOT 4. Dt.li. 1. IIOGS ADII . wlh 1.rom house. Du\'nport AI bel. 4d ADJ. alli i H. I um ordered by nlmlnlslralor . % 10 cell and u any orer wi bo considered . D. lIuuyeui . roar % . 3112 So. 151h st. la'eA. nE-G.1 rom . FARM LANDS. C. F. HAHnSO : 912 N. Y. I. . . . 51-1 1. : IIUGATED LAND IIXCURSION. Tllll TRAIl LA/D EXCUnSIN. TIF Ia.ves time U. 1' . depot. Omaha nt 1 0'11011 < 10rllay. April 35 . for the nearest irrigated land 13 Ornalua only 150 miles northwest In one oC the most r.rlo'ule's oC Nebrnska. This hun ( Is 1 rich black . candy loam with nn abundance of % Yutter . antI mostly well Improved farmu . close 10 railroad . nt Iho remarkably low pete Iemarkallow Iemarkal\ oC not 10 exceed $20.0 per /ero. Ilclu"lng Irlo manenl water right. Excursion rate for rund ; ; tmlii . only $3.0. Call or wrle nl once 10 J. A. L''CrCuu ' tom 503. Drown block . Oma ha. ror ; rll'lher particulars. 1111-11511 I . Cool IA/CU. P1.IINTV Ov hAY . UNLIIuI : Iteul range. convenient to school uuad In lell , Ind 0:1 neIgIlrhu1. " ' 1 Inslulo cnolh cattle IhlA year to PaY all the lurchlAe Price. Tile Iwr. rrel. Must ho Bol" F. G. IloxIe. Ogalall : : Neb. 1111-2.1578 11 I11:78 1 160-ACRII JAlJ IN nOCK COUNTY . Nhlfl 1001 buildings . 7 mullet , Imm COUNT. ralroRlt 11\1. Nm. ; mie front 108101ce. to troth , for sloele oC hart - ware. I' . W. McQueen . Ilodalo . la. 11-:1:1 10. - BIC YCLES. 2.1. O. IIANON 403 N. 16TH. 169 - VIC'r03SIIICYCLES. TIlE FINEST OP ALL : bicycles. Omaha De'clo Co. . 33 N. IGII stteel. 161 STERLING. DUIT LI'E A WATCh WI STem : em Electrical SupplY Co. . 1513 ) Hownrd strec 161 SEt THE VlSlnl.tl n.\.I. BEAIINOH ON Heav ! SpecIal. Wi Danum & lIro. . 12 N. 151h. 1S "CflT.IJ2.IIOIA" 1893. FINEST EXAMPLE OF light 1111 high grade blc'clo constttietlomuVn Lyle Dlk.y & / Co. . 103 Douglas at . agents. IG3 Itfl2.IINCSTON ' ANV0AGr.il.CIt03SOtJNrfl - . . 16 S. 151h slreel. . 2.1-711 I - - - ' A. I. . DIn & CO..WIIOLTISA1.Il AND Ill . lal bicycles . ] \0 I.'arnum sheet : bicycles sold on .a5) paymenls. IG3 MANTELS , GltA'.ES AND TILES . . - WOOD MANTIII.S. GlI.tTllS . TI" ! FOR Fill I. . l'IC Ilinces vestlbrules and . large 10nrs " : write ror , culnlou. Milton legers & Sons Omahn. 2.1261 - I/GI - - HOTELS. IOTI I. nMmEt. 13TH AND JONES HT8. - 1 ; rooms nt $ \50 per dny. to roms nt $2.O per d.ty. ) SpecIal ! 1.lle. to commercial tm\.ler. n"ol' an.l l1nuger. . hoard by " .el 91 month. Frank lhiidltc , i ii . - AITNA 10ISI' : mUnOIIN ) . N. W.COI lb. COi. 131h mad Dodge. nooms IJY dl ) or week. 172 - - BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATIOI' UOW ' 10 O , A 1102.111 on Acunn : GOOD - interest on aavhng. AIPiY ) to $ Omuuaha L. & I II . Au'n , lIlt leo bldg. U. W. Natttng.ir. Sec. 113 ! SHAm : : 1 2.tU'FUAL I , . & BuSS'N PAY 1 G. I , 8 per cent when I , 2. 3 years .RS.N . ah\'a ) ' . redeema\le. Slut I.'amam al. Nuttlnger . Beo. Ill UNDERTAKERSANDEMB LMERS - / \ \ 'ANIONALmN. . 101 COOlING. TEL. let 1&60. - - - - Ii. IC. I lum , , ' VIYNIII1AI. nmCOH : AND - embalmer 1618 Chleasu II. . lel'llholo 00. 16. : . _ 31 O. MAll ! . . UNIEnT"IO n AND lI2.lllAI,9 , I. cr. 111 l'arsm BI. . telephone : ; . EhIAI.M- I.i - i C. W. DAKEI. UUItT.\ICn. GI3 S. 1GU IGI li r. - - - - COti.b . n. T. MO'NT ! hAS IU310"I n IllS CO. \ - . "meo 10 209 S. IGlh it , . Prawn block. 16) . _ . _ 2O _ u > t. _ Iro.nlok. - TIl il Il8I' lHTllIiCIIli'uI'NST. : NO SMOI ) I 12. No boot . 2,0)J I.ounb or Iho 1".1 \ \ ' ) omu1II ) g coal. U.r. tIshivered. Just think of ) Vi luwe 10 I'ar ' that for dirty 'loly II . \ou YOU nro tntt'rctde'l In the fuel question u I tluerIdan c"II. 1603 Farnamu street 2.1461 - tht'rldan . - - - - 10 : _ l'arlal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AI' _ DRESSMAIUNG. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ I)1Ilsio2.IlCh.'r'a IN 1'AMh1.lllS. ' PIT AND - .lyl0 guaranteed . Address . AI 18. lice. _ 2.122' ) 1' ' I CAR1JNThR : ALI : - . RPEN. : _ . . - .lUl : UILDE1 : C. R 2.lOltRIl.L . 1AJEH HANGINO. hOOt II' , .111 1'lnlnl. brick work I'lulerln : " HOUn . "I. lall.1 Ilk" ; tel. 13' ; hop : :1 lzam'l . let. I. 4' ' DO. Ill _ . ! - - _ . - = D4iNTAL _ COLLEGE - . . \ --b.mTA ! ; T.\I. SI'10CIY. I'IE - ! lalrlarr ; " , nlity al coal. 161h & Cap , a\'e. : - 1 DNTLSTI3. _ _ _ - pit. i'AVL , DENTIST ; ioUJT 5T. ill 0 STE . A1RIPS. ' IUIOPI. GAZIIW : ' 'tOUltS. I ST.\ I. 1544. elect parties. semi-monthly. Independent tick. tck. e ts . all iou1. hIote4-coipOns . paspOrtS . I'r Iu rnms . free. Monthly On1el. . with maps . lb. H. Gaze ' Sons ( t.'t4 t.r tlcllO & Spnuldlnl. 151 flolge tfeet. ' 110 MO' MUSIO. A.WZ A-D LANGUAGE. o. F . QELI.I NIECI { . OmJOIS-AND UU1TAIZ UUTAI t eacher. au Can I . I ? " 91 - _ . . . - - BUSINESIL OTICES. . DAMAOED : lnROlt O11i1LVIlflI5L' . , . m N.)6. ) - - - - - SHORTHAND AND . : 'YPE\liTINO. VAN SANT'A SC1001 01' SIIOI1TIIAND. N. Y. 1.1Cc. OmnhR. . Ask for cIrcular . IANl. 110 - PROFEIIISIONAL . lol l . A. snIPM.N. COlt 16TH & CIIICAGO . 2.1532.All' PA\NlRUKER . H. hAIOWITZ LANS MONCY. US N. IG 5T 3iS 278"q POULTRY SUPPLIES. W. C. ASITON & CO. . 1 S. 111'IL. 1t\AI ) CONTRACTORS. mUCK ' .VOItIC. fHF WAI.18. Cgl.I.AH I loora . ele 30t S. 161l .treel. Tel 40. A. Kiewit - : : : ELECTRICAL . : Ull'LIES SI WICTIOICAO. ENOINlmnS AN ! ) CONTI1AC. CICAI. A/D COTIAC- lors b for electric lght . and motor 1Ianls tl" , all kilda or dedr"nl c'AfltI'tcttOti.Vestcrn * 1:111- : Irlcnl ' Co. , loll Ilowarul . SI""I ) Co. 10wn 11 sl. 18 MATHEMATHI AL INSTRUMENTS AL\ J. GIO"CI INONII nS . 'Nl Alt. chltects' SU11plt. 318 S. 151 Street Omn Mm Al. EMPLOYIlhN r OFFICE. C CANAIA 112.lI't.OYMIINT lumAU 1m. ; moved 10 1523 Douglas . mal and female help. . JtSO.AI I SIADE _ 'REES , FRUITS , SHRUBS. F' . - lb. 1" I TIN ; : Oh , -OM" 1. ; 31) , house weal D. & D. Institute. 2.I92G.2S' , Yale's LaFreekla , S Death to rccldes. Mme. M. Yale was recently ) . asked the question "which of I her discoveries she considered the most wonderfuL. Her re- pI y was as folos : La Freckla , because it unmasked my own f ace from a filth ? m ss of f freckles f and gave me the. . beautiful rose leaf complexion which you see and whih has been admired by the people of f every nation. Before 1 discovered - covered La Freckla I was a freckled f face individual disgusted - gusted with my own appear ance. Today 1 am the envy of every woman who looks a my skin. La Freckla wi remove any. . case of freckles in existence : and leave the skin as trans parent as crystal One or two application ! removes tan and : sunburn. It takes from three to nine days to destroy every : trace of freckles. It is the only remedy known to the world : that do this. Now is the time to use La Frecka : , as it i strengthens the skin , removes and prevents freckles and sun burn. $1 per bottle. Sold by all druggists or ! MB. 11 YALE . Temple ot Beauty 146 State-st. . ChIcago. RAIL \ A Y TiME \ CARl ) I.caIlilLINOTON & Ai . . tAt rb-c , = Omaha Unl 1 Depol 10lh & Mason 141s4 ' / Omdha I . J.ll.ummm. . . . . . . bemtct ' Ea.jies ; . . . . . . . .i"1 - 4lOPmn.i.ilk. ; I itills . Monl. & Vogel End. Ex 4lUp : . : : l. I.Uk. . . . . 111. . . ! elver Express. . Snl. . . . . . 4iup ; Ill & , . ' . , " . 15jl.NcI"asku Local ( OCIt Sund.IY ) 7 :4l' : tn 1.ulS.umrl ; . . Linculn 1.ocal ) . . . "I. .1lncoll ( except 8unuiy ) .lIull.u 10 . Leal 215)1..1.1.1 M.I ( ( or Lincoln HUI'.y.1 U.II. . : .ln Leaves \ UI.\OO ; UUHLING'ON & Q.jArrtve - OnatunlUnkuuDepot _ . hits _ & Mason Qr.rllve 4u4lpmu..ChIcago : Ve.U\ulo. . . . . V:50a.n : \ S . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:60cm..Chicago : , ilspreus. . . . . . . 4lIp : in 7 : 5Ofl1Clttcago and BI. Louis , , 4:1.11 llxpress SUOa ; 1tlm.Chlca&0 xpreas. 11:15am : . . . . . l' acute Luis Local. . . . . 8oam : _ . . . . . . . . . Fast Mall. . Lcl. . . . . . . . 2IIJI 6:10PI ; 1.eavea . . ' ' . . . . , ICIIICAUO JIL. & 141' l'AUL.iIrmrlve 1'1' OmnhaUahcnIepot _ l. luLl , & Mason HIs. / Omuha 6opl. ; ! . . . .C/lcaKQ .IJmled. . . . . . . V:30JI : llloarn.ChicaguiL'xpmeaj'ex. : ! . . _ . _ IOu nJ..6uOp ) : I - - ; ! LeavesCl fc\oO-- & NOItTiWlSTNTT Omaha \ Ullon lieliot . NOI'j'jiV&S'liN./Aie / ) 11:05am..0astefl : : ' L'xaress . . . . ; ; ; . . ' 5:31p : 4:00pm ; . . . . . V .tJIN 'IX\ess. . . : . ; 6:30i : 6:15am..Mo. : Vul Loal..IO:3' : ' ) 2.42pm..OiUahaChttxr0Sj1eCtal.219u : ; l Leaves CI1ICALSO : , ' -I . . JArrive a Ouuualma , Union . . 1.I ! } ! - Ilu&1 11. Omaha E I-r. , . 11Ooammi.Attanttc 62 ; ; > 11./Ihl lxlI' : . HxuIrI54. I , ( e' . Sunday . . . . ) . . . . 6:511 : . , . . . . . , . . 4:2011,11..iticago : Veattli Limite" . 133111 ; - - - - - - - - - . _ _ . \ f - - - - - 1r- G:6)pmn.Ostahuornuu 1 :4'duu..olu'm.k ; IOu Tyti't.lx , , "Iml , ! ( cx . . , ' IOun.l0Ila . . . . . ' 4 : : \PI T ; Lla\'ea- , 1 - C. . HT. 1.M. . & C. . - IArrty I 11 .0mutuslDepot. , _ mh _ an\ytttcterHts. I < .0mahJ-.po ; . Inji'tI.II. ( . ) . . . 4Ilpm..Sloux : Clii , 0oresa ( ex. . ) . . 8SIm 4:3Om.Sloux Ciy Dpl' . : ' 6:10pm..t. : - _ I'aul ' : ! . . luu.j.I:6.al' : \ /-1'--1 ; : & .I- YA1.I.05. - - ArrIve L - Omaha / DCllol. . 11 ! 11' VAI.I.t.--/Arlva j 2lotmi : : : L" act Mail 'ueJ - l.lxpmes . . . . . . 4Sip ; 2IOpm.ex. : ( Sat. ) Wyo , os. Sex ( , Alon. ) . . 45'11 : SOam.Norrolk : lxIru. lex. lunda ) ; . 4:511 : ) : I , . . . . . . . . . . Paul Expmcu.s. . . . . . . . . " l I' . . .a1 1- I I { . l'Hr. - . J : & C. n. . : IArrh'e OutuaiajUnlcn ! I flepot . . 14th . & _ Mason , Depol..l01.t lsn rtjOzmmati _ Ia ± L 350tmmt..Kansas . . . . . . . ; .ul..Kan. . City jay . Express..0:1Vl : rn _ S45111. ; " . C. NIKhl lIz via U. t't'tunaGOthi _ : -I'nl.6:5J.I1 ! Laves I _ AllioUI 1'ACl1"IAfXjyt J OnuatuaLepot. _ 15th aa.l _ I'AtJJ. Sts.Jmal rrlve maL . . . 5Ih. ' . e" . . l - . : . . . . I.ouls ESIrtis. . . . . . . . 6:0)5 ; ' ) : ' . . . . . . . . Louis Express. . . . . . . . 60'llln : OSI > : . . t & : IIJl..N."ra.ka l.al ( - U. _ Hun.I. . - . : OJ.r , . HIOUX CITY & l'ACWIC- Iv-I l'ACWICIArrlvea Onuatol lcpot. 12th .nd \eb.le 14ia _ t 100155 . lh'II..II. Paul Limi" . . . . . .10 3l aln I.lvu 11 xc'b.-- l'.ACII'IO - SAretu . . } qmulta I UIon I liepot.lOth& _ _ i'ACIF1-1Arrh. ! ! . 6Slsmoi..Ifious : 101. . ! . . ! . . City . . . . 1'auener..l0:3I : : 6II..llou. Cly . . . .f : ) ! n. . . . . . ! . . .II . Paul _ 1..enar..l0 . . . . . : :3''lt : IuI. " - - - L'aves - \INION PA'IFiC . - IArrly , Omaha \ Union D'II. 10lh . & Mason Sis. / rrlvP I Om.hn 1. . . ' ' /l. . . . . . . 5euney . 1 : IJn. lasn . . . . . . . . . 3:411 : . ' : " . . . . . . . . . ' . Flycf. . . . . . . . 6UPm 2Oopm.Jlca'tcc I:1.1. : . . . . . 4 l'sclilo IHromab' . I. " . " IIX. . . ' ( , ex . Sun . . . ) . , 10:1. b:4i : ; . . m . ! . . . 1..t.AlaI. . . . . . . .IU:6m : ! ! i ! 1o\ ' " I WAbAsh JtAIt.WAY ' - tArdy , ; - I HT Ornahalunlon Depot. IOU , t.WAY'-/Arh'U _ / . ' : ) } ) aJnl .11. ; , . Calnon Uaa . . . Omah2 : QUEEREST Q PEOPLE ON EARTH They Are the Oarenna M Described by rmnk G Carpenter Lat Night \ HAT HE SAW IN THEIR COUNTRY len Must IrlRII Rt 10101 :1lt-\1 . Inllnlcw wih Ihl lIImig-Culmtttr3' : of Under Citmileit 1tAllrll -Wllt Iho Imect If the U'nr Wi lIe . "The Hermit ilnguloln" was lhe subject or I.'rank O. Carpenler's second lecture lt the F'l rst Melholllst church last evening 10 1 large anullelice. : . Carpmler gave : vlvla doscrlplon at the wa's anti customs ot the "q ueerest Ileople on carl h. " the Corcans. II lhe coure at his remarks : . Car'lntor sall : Away out on the enslem shore ot Asia les n kllgdom 10 larger halt Nebraska. I Is : queer nlon anti was peopled by Its nhnoIHI.cye,1 Inhabllnnt al I ( tale when Homllus ant Hemus were tOllulns 1101110."k The Coreans are an exclusl\'o Ileolile anll , ab out as tar at\ncell In cl\'lznloll lala ) ' as were lhe Chinese 400 years ago. The land at Corea stands ell at lhe way oC the globe tr otter ant repels the slrans Crol Its I sh ores . Like Italy , Il Is I laud oC his aHI v alleys. The best way to study a 11eolIe Is to ' tra\'el nmong 1150111 One ot the Corem : Ilor- t ors carried 300 Joun s or my luggage t wenty-six miles for $1. The nobles smol ' JlllS so long that Il takes n sen'nnl lo light Sh oal. The classes among lhe PeoPle arc , IlmerOIS. Their various shapel hats are a , distnguishing feature some oC thorn being I oC Inlnense umbrela-lle ProPortIons. Only , Ill uirried men In Corea cal wear hals. Only boys look Just like girls . wearing their hall In long braIds behInd. The men wear lhelr hair In a knot on the heall In the maier oC sleeves the largeness of Shout Illeale the I hlrhness h or rank at lie wearer. Mr. Carpenter had as n gull General Pall : nnd ( haul also a Corean artist with him dur- 0tu ! his lrlp. LeavIng the sea coast 11 Shell OlIlplly ! ho Ira\elcl lwenly-slx mIles Iii. lald lo Scull ! . lhe capital. Time Iarly look 1 nn extra porter to carry Its money as 3.000 I "cash" only equals a dollar oC American I coin , P.HMEHS AIm LAZY. . c'r Tim farmers live In huts ot mud . flat bite lt. chlhlrel are polite mid unlke ! the Chineoc The tanners are lazy. Five aura he saw al L work together al n sIngle long-handled shove LI I r'T lgglng a cellar. Sell Is surrounded by a massive wall Thn' " hundred lhonsand s \ O'\onen \ spent Ilne S months ( In Its buIlding. The leers are closet I ci.sI t nigh A big bil Is rung \1 \ the city ns I signal for olonlng and closing Ihe gales. Mr. Carpenter raced ngallsl ( line Ill ordlr : to reach the gales In time lo enter for Ihl , iib igltt . I was a Jamming crowd oC mules and iit ullocis . nnd drivers In queer coctutue. Then lht evening bell having rung the walch fire : I sprung up ) on tilt surroundIng lulls. The vaIl of Seoul ruins over time surronndlng In and cncoses I territory three mies s uluare. The Population Is 300000. Its houses nre or mud , hot a house being over tell rlel aa igh. I has no sidewalks ; only . dirty diches aloug the slreets. The city hooks hIke a grral harvest fIeld filled wIth great hay-cocks. The yard of the rich man often has I lozen houses h In Il. The yar' Is entered by a gale Ihrough t an enclosing wall. Each gale has Cii hole h In Il for the dog to run out of E\en Ihe t houses of lie "swells" arc nol oC such a subslantal character ns would malIc them II t tor a cowshl. The American legation has special quarters In i the cIty . and flOats the American flag. Il hh h lved h . at the legatton . becausE Seoul had no : 'rho dust oC blue street Is settled by coolls err'lng the watlr and ladelng I oul : . Mlyfd 'llh the bId smels at such 1 city Is I the suitoico which fills the air. arising Crom coultess fires. IN TiE COHEAN STORES. The average store oC Seoul Is no - blggc r than a dr'goods box. You sea a merchall e telling straw sh02s worth a cent apiece whie his whole slack wIll not bo worth $1. Oren : one large buildIng contains fry merchants ' al selling the same article. each one havlug a stall as big as a balhroom. The men have tradEs unIons and never cut prices They on'l seem anxious lo sell and wi charge more for an article . the larger quantl 3 ' you bu ) ' . All sales are for cash and Corean "cash. " The chIldren or Corea do a large part of , lhe busIness . 'fhey build fires In the strels III roast chestnuts to sell. These people sell eggs by Ihe stick. laying them In a lIne and wrapping them In atrai , . . ten In a bunch. The Coreans have dog hutchers. First they noose and slralgJe hem t and then cut them up Into stews and I slrales. 'fhe rich , however do nol eat this meal. Tie Corean mothers stuff their babies ' wIth rice to .nahe l : them grow fat . and the a rub lhe chl 's Elomach to he11 ! dIgestion. MEN MUST STAY IN NIGhTS. 'he law at Corea Is that tie len mat tt stay at home at nIghts or Ihey wi be arrested Al nIght the women walk abrouti I wOlld be an Insult lo ask after the we 3.I - tare at the women of a trlend's famIly. In daYlght the women mlk In the street velleu I. A 'nan would bo arrested for lookIng o\'er a fence into his nelghbor's yard al Ihe women or the family. The clothes oC the women are mulch the 831110. The poor wear cotton ; the rich wear silk , The women wear a tIght waist band almost 10 the . . cutting sdn. ! The clothes nro 512th , ! In tYIthI . ' le wih ribbons. The clolhes of len and WOlel musl : bo ripped apart 10 be I i'asiicd.'ashiiimg the clothes I one oC lhe I chief oecul.llols at thin women. They Iron , theta by wrapping Ih1 with woode a sticks ! . wOCten The women have few rlghls. DI\orcos are : . easy lo cblaln. Fathers can sell their daugi h - dallh- tera . A wife can he bought for $ G In gel I 1 . Marriages tOe not usually talie Place untIl lho I , tlrls 11. . ; art though they arc affianced en F- leI.The The carriage the women ride In I n bQX carrIed on Ilo shoulders of coohles. As lhey go ( brought the cIty streets they are supposu .1 sUPJsed nOI to look oul. The various government officials have a distinctIve dress 10 show whether tley It e- long lo the military or cl\1 power. I lho - - J rE r LlwyO.s and sohlcltoi's. SUES & Co. , neo : ulh1ug , OMALht , Neb. Allvll FUEl I. : . AMUSEMENTS. - - BOYD'S TWO NWITS I.p , I ONI. " . and MONDAY ' 1)A. APRIL I 8th % and 9th Engagement or the 1'a'orIS. Actress . Miss Marie Burroughs . In the widely dl.ouecl Illay. Th e Profl gate fly A W l'INlmO. g/Q. Orlglnul cast uld , scenery. clery. lisle or " .alI now o1en 1.11.100r 11 111 61 .91 ; balcony n"u ) ' . Wo and Re. ilex office open all 1 ay - Dnvno ' Thurs. , FiI. itod SIll . , BOYD'S I April H-12-13. . 8A , .tIWA Y NvrJNIE. : AmerlcA'1 LClltl1 Comedlclue , PIOUANT MARIE JANSEN , II Ier l\etropoilnu Succen , "Delr ouico's at 6" 6 , , Ghn M LtCDolluIlgIt's Blght Coined y Under the dIrectIon QI C n. JIW1"EtSON. II.AW & llIILA.NGIIB . The sale 01 eat wilt olon Wdns4ay ISa : 0' Las It usual prlce - c We 75 and 11.03 . ofcial belongs to the former ho Is not ot mich 0008eqtlenee. USI A mm SI.AT. , The nobles always go about wIth I lot of re tainers . They have ProfeSSional "paulullera" wih them who I'ndllo ( the common people who IIsr1lO the noble. The 1'11110 Is at the eizo ot 1 bed slat The lal 10 be faIl- tINI Is strapped . lace downward . lo 1 tiosrtl . One hundred blows mount .lcRth. All lhe ( laRlslrnles have I'altles In their omees. WItnesses are FlbJecle1 to lorture. Yet the people ore polite. The ) love theIr chill. dr en and COtlhuI Irln anI eOlld e\el teach Amorleans lessns In I > olteness , All the oflhc'int appointments are made by th e king In lueorr ) , though the ministry re nliy tills lie ( lOst olilces . The khlRllom Is diof vided Into eight thistrtcts. The oppressions or the olcials have been li the last tel ) 'lars very grinding . In one year the tas . ! .Hherers have lately been forced to gather Iho laxe formerly alherecl , Iii three years. Mr. Carpenter deserlbtl the perlll' ot C hIna . which has sought 10 shut out Japan nml ( Its alenlt to cl\llzl Coren. Chila hay- Ing broken its treaty with that loullr ) ' . The audiences Ihl ( lecturer hall luau with I ho king were .Ieserlbpll Thl alllllls Cal tie wn before the kil" and Ihump their tore. heads on Site rrounll when alllrcsslll him. "ISIT TO TI KING. : Ir. Carpenter. In mnlllnR his royal \'Isl , IIll , ! Ihl distinction of Inssln ; throngl blue "k hiug's gale. " For : nnlh'e 10 10 E was to Io o his hem\ In 3tls rclllle Mr. Carpenter hl.1 soldIers nearIng blue coats all , 11111111. co lorc'.h panls alt he anll the American mlnh. te r ascended 10 time ! ; llg's unlace. The leJIle tel back trm the way In awe all lie \Islora Ilassed along. The soldiers of the 111115 guardIng his Iler. ! n . are gIants In size . six feet high II least Whlo wnlllg for the Iring . : ! . Carpenter 1111 his PartY were treated lu chnmllagnc nn I ginger snaps. rlner slalls. A loblrmnn conducted time part into his ) Ill ajesty's 11resence. bnt tilt : ' Americans thl ho t. Ille theIr conduictor . cr.I\1 Into the luII- ence chamber. They were nhlorr'c'&I to slal,1 , er ect. "he qtuc'ti . while the Interview was In Ilo- gr ess . peer"ll throlgh I serl n. wllehlug' I ' . w hat was going on. The king 1111 queel of. Carra arc regarded as holy. ' Mr. C.lrleltlr tra\'clcd Ihrounh Cores on I horseback The norss ho us'e,1 , were cap. . cal- tnred h al bite gales of Seoul I hcause lhe Iclg Ial seized theirs for "when the kIng 01 : Corea Wllis anlhlng lie takes It. " Coutln- ulug his jOlrney 10 the Inl'rlor. : . Car- penler Couli the bridges were shaky slrne. tnrea oC pile brauchrs : lie roauis ulosti ) hrldlo palhs. The magIstrates real Ihe m081) , clies I 1 ellml UPOI Mr. Carl10nlcr antI his part ) wllh bands and ceremon ) whm tile ) saw his ; ) us import. . Cora Is filled with nsnuilitalns. be\ICII : ns I S witzerland. I Is a rIch country . but 11. de\elol'ell I hns I great future. . The present war marls n new era for Ills lalli The Icing I has stablshr,1 , a school soon n ral\a ) " wil h I buIlt . Christian clvii - cl\'I- IZ310n will ere long ltl , tug 10 life n now Asia wllh a new cIvIlization and ' . 11\lzllon n hew ilfo for lelo lhe ' 'I 1lml IIiigtIoin. " The third and conclllng lecture Is to be given Thursday " . " Thlrsta ) evening [ ou "Japan. G lWLT.o os 1 Ill llU.\"lSO TIl.i'K.S . T.Illnl lint 1 Fine In ) ' 11'11111 . WlnllN lt I'I ' 110111'1. Nzu'.hivilho , III , ! . \"II.hI4. SAN FI1ANCISCO . AII'I -I.'a\'orlte" " won nil excel1l Ohio first amid fourth tacos , 'f lue Lark ! . winner ' ; larl. of the slelplfchafe. wns : eliered al $100. Talhot S Clrol I huh him I 111 I to $1.0. ) itt which 11rlce he took the horse . S ' ' SUmmll' ) ; Fh'sl race six furlongs , selling : Lile S . 101. Isom (6 ( lo 1) ) , WOI ; Nlltotl . 121. CO\lng- Ion (2 ( 2 to I ) . second : Dlzzartl , 19. llehui rlchs ( even ) . third. 'Flmne : 1 :15 : % , PrInce I dle . Nellie G. Agitate nail Claudius also , r auu. Second race . six furhomigs . 5 Ilg ; FOlleur , D S . Item (6 ( to I ) . won : Grotto . 81. Cluevalic m (3 ( to 1) ) . second ; ' 1obey. 91. Bu'ns Che\aler ( ) . hIrd Time : 1 :11. : Flail ( Jilt . Sun I.ul He ) ' . Chal flier Clule. Little 1105 , . lrlman , a anll I SYljmthclc'l : Last also ran. 'l'Iiird truce . fIve nld a halt furlon : Mol- le I H. 101 Grlln (1 ( to 4) ) , won : JUlia Itlar : In fIlly . 101. Flynn (10 ( to 1) I ) , second : 1. 1ar. : l Illy . 91. Isom (0 ( lo 1. ) thIrd Time : IOJ\2. l"le : \ Bravo . San Lucas Morgan C and 10nloe allo I'un. Fourth race . one mIle. sellIng : .Iack Tchel u. 13. Carr (2'to ( I ) . won " 'heel Qt Fortune 89. 150m (5 ( to 1) ) . seronu \ : Nat-I - I. ferOll 11111- C tbui. 81. Sheppard (5 ( to 1) ) . 11111-tI. Time : 1 :41 : ½ . Nary lo. Hear Guard lernarro and , 1Iss Buclele ) ' also ran. Firh race mile anti a hiatt. sleepleQhlse : The Lnrle ! 133. Spencer ( oven ) . won : ha ) ' - marl < t. I2 Slnnforll (8 ( to 1. secold : lIe lalp1go. i 1 . Goo.lmnn (8 to 1. ) tlutrti . 'l'l 11 I 3:2 : . Ilettultiger . Nester amid Wild Oats also rnn. Sixth race six furlongs . selling : Nepheir 10. Sloane (2 ( to 1) ) . woui . P13' , 18 . 181 (4 ( lo ; 1Ieconc 1 / ) : Ahiuric' 118 . hevaler (2to ( I I' , t Illl Time : 1 :141k. : Dor. ExamIner BI- ram Argo . Charlie T. IahHlroJ and Glathi - ator nl90 I'an. I NASH\'IIi.E . April 9.-The . track at Cam . herllnd'ark \ was still muddy nl threaten . . Ing I welt ler caused U decrease In the nttend - aleml- : nnce. The Inst race pro uce,1 the closesl Inlsh i of the nueetttig . Toxl nIppIng Vida a \he at the wllo. Ileteults : First nice . 1flrlolgs : . 'fhe Ilnrleta (6 ( 10 1) ) won . Marion (3 ( to 21 ) second , 1'lnetol . (2to ( 1) ) third . Time : I : O . 1lnetol. 10conL race . fonr furlongs : Merry Nel (8 O In C t ) vfln. Gaiety Girl ( : to fl ) useconC In'llo ' (3 ( lu I Ihlrd. ' 1hle : 0:52'h. : Third race . six and n halt furlongs s : Mlr I- ale Ce ( : l 10 1 WOti 1Ioile I (2 ( 10 1 see o nuul . 11IrlI (3 ( 10 1) ) Ihlrd. 'rime ; 1:2 : ? . Pourth race . seven ftmrlonga ; Cattusimgiuruu is C ( to 2) ) womi Signora (12 10 1 ) Catallarns , Dime l (8 ( 10 1) ) bhuitd . 'rime : I:3Hi. I : Fifth race one attIc : Text (4 lo 1) ) won. I Vlh ( C to 1) ) second . Abbess (6 ( to 1) ) ( hilts I. Time : lFM. : NIIMI'lihS. April 9.-Fatmm' ftr'orltos , done 11 : IP11S. Apri 9.-Pol' f\orles Inl one seeoncl choice IIIshcII Irst 1011ay. 'rhe feature ot the la"s racing was the ' 'on- nesee Club handicap . which Wil WOI ensli ! r h ' 1)ticat. ' ' . . ' . : ) Jucll. 'I'rack good Atlendance , 3,14.0 . Results : First race . six furlongs : Chlqlia (3 to 1) I ) won. Ia ' Racl (0 ( 10 1) ) sccond , Iulo (4 ( to I ) Ihlrd. ) ' 'j'lm : 1:18 : . . Second race. fOlr furlolgs : 1Iss Maxim n ( ( II 2) ) \\'on. glnslve ( I In I ) S COIHI , \Vur- I'en Point (6 ( to I ) Ihlrd. 'llo : 0:51. : 'h'huirtl ruice Tennessee ' Clnh handicap ' one ' Nile : Dncat ( 10 5) ) WOI , Prince Car ( I 'g 1 ) seeonl ! . Santiago (12 ( lo 1) ) thuirtl . Time i : 1:41. : . Fourth ince four furlongs : Lady : Thee 10 11) ) \ r'omi . Capti'o 10 , aecomitl , ; ( f \\'on. CII't\1 (3 ( I ) : cnnl. heck Shah p (3 ( 10 ( 1) ) Ihl,1 , 'hne ; : 0i94 : . ) Firth race seven fmlol'l : Dick Behan ( even ) won BIrrel' Billet ' (8 ( 10 1) ) secant J . AlI'ocale 10 ( 10 1) ) third. 'I'Iine : I :30m/u. : .l1rIh 'J.-llesults itt llrt.5S 13 t , houuiut : First race , thr'e.riuarturus of a tshlt' : In . itortance won , Itchiecca second , htcliulff tluirt . 'fltne : I:22t. : th'contI race. tlve.elgbthi't ( if a mIle : Mt a. hicait ryan , Ruth tccuit , Melisoon tlulrt 3 ' 1'iumie I :06. : 'l'huIrl , race , thIree-quarters of a liii ) 0 ! TrsuIesmuun , % 'on , Selma second , Lee Itrtlc he third. 'limo : I :21 : ½ . l'ourthu taco , sor'eia.eighthls of it ) flI a : itlomitcll iVOhi. Oolthi'n Crorvum iiecoiid , Kir 0 Crab third , 'J'hine : I :31 : , FiftIt race , tllrce.qmlarlers of ji tulle : lIe S. lerifl. wall , Cuimrdcr second , Quseti lIe : titS thIrd. 'I'imOl I:2Oj : , OMAII.t 01t1JIE'r CLUB Al'1tlhi S. 1'imu9 for tIm Sesiout lniml 1st 8 Nom'thiu ii : 114)111 2ltumthsy Niglut , The popularIty of cricket in Omaha vu 15 evidenceil by the hargo attendance at U IC special meeting of the Onnalia Crielset cit. iii lucid Monday at tile JiarIcer hi itch. I'resliOdlut F. A. Keimihi was iti the cliii hr 1111(0 ( much buieiiieea of linpot-trunce rs'as sIl 5. cussed anti transactt'd , Anloiug other iou t. tort' the conmsthtulion nitsl by.Iavs of Ii 10 chub svere read Sty ttie usectetaty uttmil adopt 1(1 by uttalulunous sole. 'l'hicso will be hiritut , 51 I a hi iole turin , nh cii they ca II be oh lit itt ? d by lilellibers ( lii apttiicatlon to use sect-eliot y , Nr. F , It. Ilurnett , hSarktir hotel. Mr. l'crc3P Ii , Fool ss'ta elected to flit the otlice of tub-cuptaln dtlhhh I thtu season of Mr. Pord's ( lie r. ough kuort'ledge , at the iltoory o' crIcket , coupled with lila nubility as a play I 1 , augurs uveli for time buccess of blue gall : it , while Iiln leetIon , by a utiuomuliuuous s'ste , to SItu P0510)011 ) tue o'cupleit , Iqicakit veil for tI tu conildence reposcd lul hilt eamlilittles , 'rile secretary Is lIt receipt of several a p. PhIcubIOlis ( or uneurulic'rs hi lii , 'svhulcht ivIll lie acted tuIPOIt at thtt' next colmImlI tee iuleetill 5 , called ( or Saturday next , the IOitu lust. , Itt tlo lurleer hotel , 'l'tio first Inatcht of the eezlion wIll ' played on April 27. betryceut two teuiuu re r reseiiting the niarried tund sIngle inemnbc ra of hue club , 'The game itroimitseut bo be i ill exciting one atul wIll fully repay a vIiI ( to ( tiC grounds to see it , - 'Wbeii Il.aby was sick , wo 170v0 her Castorhi. When she was a ChuIl.t zhe cried fr ( isrstoria , When the b'camo OiIvs , site eluog 00 CaorIa. When title bad CblUreubtlo gavuthiem Catori : 1 , -I F IRST CA1E OF' TilE SEASON O maba'8 Now Team SlIOwO lis Potnt.o to It Enthusiastlo Supporter , EX PECTATIONS WERE MORE TItAN MET 2.l mot luug 3lntlc lit limo l'raeltee ( brttuo l'rouuule , , ShlefldttllY for ( hit , Season- Nt'iv 3htmterlusl himtt.'lttu thin .hsutlg. S maClit of the 3luinusgers , if any portIon of the Oinahiut habIb Is la borliug iliutler ttut ? ( leitlSlOfl that. the' aggro. ga llon of ball tossers blunt your Uncle 1)avkt an ti 'hliomas Jefferson Mc\'Ittie have been co llecting during hue hibernating season Is Lo t out for thur rag. it Is because they 531(1 no t see thto vay that the Colts eavort' etr othliul the thlannouod at thin Charles street lia rhe yesterday. it thucir fIrst np ; ) earatiee In their new whim tint. fo rms , niith it the indications of th e flrst 501116 Ott' 1101 (0 ( be mistaken , ( li e ) ' vill develop into a ( cats that. rout 11301(0 ( It hilteresbing for the best of tlucuut when ( Ito lIa g is dropped on the CiuahuluiOnsluip race. - it. was luuerely a lurhtCttcC gaulle , the teant be ing divided Iflto two lilacs , 511th the VuudulilcIti ill leul oitt by twto or tltrce local anuateturs. ilt it ( lie day was perfect , nail ( lue grand stalust v as velh ihiled , all the tnuuuotis cranks. who \i' cro never known to miss a game , beltug in th eir futnilliar have. 'Flue boys are uuauie of th em lii counultloii. arid as several of tlueuii t' CtL' coultlehlcI to 1,11) , ' ( lilt Of POeltioli ) 'cster. ha ) ' It Is a little dull' to foriut a conclusion as to theIr ahuilItte , Hut there is ItO tihiestlon bt jt that the teals is inutchu stronger , all thu ltugs considered , titan thu Oinalmas of Iatt sc asout , 'rlucro Is Inure 511311 011(1 ( gliuger cult a b ug the' hue , ullal iii C luotuglu t lie lenIn has ha ul but a few days' IlrncttcC together , tli te StS ivork Is a decided Iluproveluuent on that of lest year , Or tie lhaI'ers who r'cre Inherited from la st season , it is enotmglt to say that they rit oweth tip mu excrhicuit brat , niul liroluulSe to do better thuahi before. Olil Ilutchu , " lit Pa rticular , llaO'cd , the fIrst bag in verfect 5 ( 110 , alIti lilt like a lIen' ' ] . Ulrlcli , also , se ciuued iii good fettle and aided Slit. ' run.got- tI ll5 by three clean hits , two of thuetmi bellug tw o baggers , riItlu inca out second atuul thIrd. NEW MEN ldAIE ) GOOD SIlO\\'ING. OutS of tiue utei' inca , lb seems ( hunt Iuu Si taffer. SIngle , CattIsh , I'nco and hiiigaiu th ere ia t'iuotugh first-class ImuittehinI to con. fi rnu the jiIu1uileu1t of ( Ito itinutagers. Single tuIll nic only one sutfe hit , lint Ito showed that Ill ) itas a fielder frouui tht grounul lup , lila ca tch of W'alsh'a nhuparcatly safe ltlt In thuo fi rst Inlulng carrying lutmit tutu Iuuuiutedlato fa vor. ltuice aluosvs all ( Ito eariutarlus ( it ft fI rst-class hjaclstoI ) , I to is quick as light. lu llig In throwing to Imases 011th iuallod liout. nb elly at seconul by as pi'etly a throw as rvlhh b e seen bills season. Of bite iultehiers Carrllt d iul by tar ( lie best woik. litu not lilt a t all cxccpt lii 0110 muting. aulil In the secomi st rock out thiti first titrea imuetu at bat. Ragaus h uts souuie good Poihits outul Is eCl3CCt1'd to d evelop 11110 ft winner as hue gets hluuibered lIp , N eIther Iomnuelly nor ltutle iversa Itu condItion , tu tu It is yet hat-il to tt'hi of iiov inuclu 'alti t hey rt'ilh he. The other uuew muucn iuiaiIa ii. g oed lunprcsslaui , bitt hail ito opporttinlty to S ettle theIr clulmus to PoPluhuuritY. ' 1'Iu gauuie was lIvely cuinuigit to be inter- e stiuig , ntal ahtiuotughi the playing was mititur- a lly it trIllo ragged iiu spots , It was far luet- t em' thOu is expected lIt tue lIt-st gauno of thin s eason. Tue beaus Is csledlahly strong on bi le coachIng lilies , auth Shatter. Ulrlch , ' V s'lualcuu and Dottmuelly unuuke UI ) a quartet that Il uftisems aii' atilOtInt of gimigor Into the gaulle. T he mimes rvero about equally divided in s treuugthi , anti tllo regulars succeeded In pull. l ag the gamile out of ( Ito fire by a streak of h itting In blue eiglttti Inning , hogan amal fl ouunelly relieved Jlalz nutul Carrlsh iii Ohio b ox In bimo fliftlm Inning In order to give ( lie f ans a chance to see cull tim pitchers. The r est of it is told In Ohio score : UIIGULAItS. All. it. II. SB. P0. A. E. h ltiteluinson , lb. . . 4 3 3 0 0 5 0 it ttieq , lb. . . . . . . . . . S 2 3 0 . 5 1 0 I jiricit , 3b. . . . . . . . . . II I. 3 0 4 0 1 ' Walsh , usa. . . . . . . . . 5 1 2 1 1 1 0 H art , nu. . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 1 1 1 1 0 l lngan. r rind p. . . 4 0 1 0 2 2 .3 I ) oinn , I. . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 1 0 2 0 0 D ais , i' nlitl r. . , , I 1 0 0 3 3 0 P acec. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 0 6 3 0 Tobals IIESIIISVES , All. It. II. sro. P0. A. a . . . S hatter , lii. . . . . . . . 4 2 2 2 9 0 2 ' l Ietr I , , . . . , . , . . , , 5 . ii S 0 0 0 0 Wiumifemi , lb.'I 2 1 1 1 , j 0 C iltOl ) , 55. . . . . . . . . . r , i 1 0 1 4 19 S ingle , in. . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 I ) ouumueily , r anti t , ti 0 1 3 0 h ) a'ls , I. . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 1 0 2 U 0 C arliehl , I ) slid i' . . 2 2 1 1 0 0 D wyre , c. . . . . . . . . . . I 0 0 0 5 1 0 Totl't . . . . . . . . .35 10 10 4 23 * Q Ulrlch out for miot touciuing third mute , I logtliars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1) ) 0 1 0 1 0 0 ti-Il I tecerVes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 0 0 0 U 2 1-10 ltlhult earned : lirguhuirs , V. ; Iteserveut , 1. T rvo.htse , : hilts : Uhrlcii , 2' Ifutchimtouu , Miles h iuutt , Shuaffer , 2' Ciortlalu , ilcuur. Puaseti hI h ails : P11CC , 2 ; bw're , i , \\'litI ultdlues : I luul'i. , 2 , Ilaes on 1nhls : Off hlalz , I ; oft I lagan , 4 ; off Cnrrlsiu , i ; off Ionnehiy , 2. I lases on lilt by Pltcheii ball : DaIs , 1. Struck omit : Il' Ilahz , 3 ; by Eagan , 2 ; by' Ciurrish , 'I ; 113' Ionnelhy , 1. TIme of game : One ltotmn' and forty ttultiUteS. UmpIre : Jacic I lasitell. - - . tMIIIIICAN LIIAtIUE iUL.Y LOJbMED. l 'urftuuon ( ) rgamiize it Nmttlonal ftuoclatlon f , , . ill mUtmt 1'i'tiithtri. cyE\rEr.ND , 0 , , April 0.-The convea- t hon of tutrtmon called to organIze ii sporting I eagtie ( lUICklI' coumcluldt'd Its business when Ihnaliy got to work tiuls afternoon. 'rho n iectimug t'aa crulled to order by' Colonel Wll- h aiti Idwaruls of ( lila cIty , who Introduced Nujor 1' . 1' Johnson . , , presIdent of the Ntt. t louuuth 'l'rottliug amsociuttion , as temporary c hualrntaui , withV. . Ii. Gocltor of Cleveland. as secretiLr3' . ltlutjor Joitmusoll called ubten- t Ion to Silo tieceutatty ot' organIzIng a iciugut' , l it : Saul it ntis not PrOPOECtI to make thu I ermgime nit aggressive orgithllztltlon , ' ' 'J'hle VCI 5' 1 ict ( , ' ' itititl Ito , ' 'that r'e nra l ) rePuIrCil wIlt iuualco it unnecessary to j ig Ii t. ' ' lie saish every effort rvotiiul ho lfluoda to l cei'p the ifleuullt'rllillt Of the league on ( lit , very hiigluest piano , initl that noiouly 'huo siuutt ttijLctlOflhutle rr'oulti' hue uidmiultbt'd. 'I'lle counnltttee reliorteil a cimutrier , which gives tliti nurimno of blue orgiinuizuutbott nit tlo AmerIcan Lettgtle , ttnuh itt object to a'ncour- ago iund tutoteCt Clue manly )4hOrttt ) and tli l aistneas tulterost cunhlected wltiu them. Tile 6 coitatitmition which ss'as atlopte'tI Provitles for a. hresitlent , nt.'crotuiry unit treasurer nut r'ice presimlents , t'uicli suite having it Eub. ordinate lesgtuo , alud 11150 it boarul of control , conslstiuig of tlmo prealtlent and tilt vlco llresIuienlts , 'J'lie ail'aims of the leauhe are to Ito nntnitgoul by tilt ) boat-uI of control , ' 'huere Is also to lie It teneral asuteinbty , t consIst of onto delegate ( ruin cuim'.h sulsordl- nato league. Thus ussuemiiIy shall make all the b'.iitwit , elect that oihlcers tmiul rcucelvo idlDltm4 ) 1roruu thic' ' secretary nnd treasurer , MUtOrhtflflle heuugues tnustt cont'lt of nut itats titiu II I CII lfld tnbcrs , I II a hflL'lutiiotttli I p it nil I ho oiilcerse to ho reportt'tl in ituo multI hengtiti uilun Its c'rgunhzatieni. ' 'j'hitm ineinlershuip too is hhxeil lit * 1 , but the hoaril of ( 'OlItrol can In cnuergencit.'sI assess each Iflefluiler ill a IUII1 nO ( to execeul $1 in monO' one year. 'I'Ile folbnwimg , ofilverit ss'cre elected : ] 'resl. tient , MaJor 13. 1' ' , .Yolumisomt Lexlllgtoia , KY. ; victi presIdents , \V. Ii' . Ithllllhcerni. 3sltine ; .1. ! T. r"iuhieut. Mutssnchiusett5 ; liar , , y. (2. ( 'lathe , Ni'uu' Ilunrlisililro ; Judge I.eshle 'SV , IttItitel. New Yiirly ( 'ohnmtel A. Ij. Hnowden. 1't'nntt'lvniuIrt : F. t , ( brian , Illinois ; 1ranhc Mehceeii. Inditinit ; I'ilcjiiel Clue ) ' , jen- ( mucky ' . lion. S 1 , 1. . hltilmialnin , Michigati 1 C. I t. A I It'll , Oh ; to ; Norma mu J. Colc'mmi an , Al lit. solId , tunith t.'Ohtluel A. A. Pope of Counocti- cut.V. . II. ( belier of Clet'eluuiud rs'tis inathi secretary. A ( tutu wnui raised to pay all the liuiiuiesliate expelliteul of tile league , I I mil , I ml gs tt'tl ri 1 2.1 us ml a is I I aiim er. I.INCOLN , Aliril fL-Hpecial ( 'l'clegrnru.- ) Time fC1.Ule ( of the IJncoln.13t , Joseph ganio tothilO' was I iohilngsrvorthu"e t uy In the fourth Inning WluL'tl lie lIned tilts bail out In tiltS coulItry eor tt luome run. 'hulls wait titus first tune Clue hiorno Idate haul been toucluei by a pIlter dltrlng ( ho game. After ( hint all tile ulternate ldtcller5 Itt ( lie cxiuhlultlori 551115 were pouhutleti freely , and the gaimue closed 10 to 1.1 In I.tncoln's fever , flat-nest , lit ( lie 1,0K for IAflcolit , was hit as allen ate any of ( ho rest of ( bent. 'rite two teams will lLSY toloorrow and 'titursthay. 'i'heru Walt (4 ooU itttendaiieo at Site M etroct. 110 rid , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - .1lIIIrlmtIy lltttl iltIluoli iilmttciietl , ( 'INCINNiVrI , April D-TonIIot'te toaSt caIro l 10 'roxas fIr' slneU ortlci's of njreu. ment ( or a t't'ltIy-iIVe round cOntest be. twsn IShiiy Murphy hind Oeorg W. Ihlehiop hcfciro Clue Ilouston Athletic club May J. 'rile prlhlvipat are to wcIUll III at iLl pouiuthu