JTh JLT - - - - - _ _ . , - . - > , t _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .rnu O\.A1IA \ DAIT.lY nDJn"rJJ1JN : : mSDA , APRIL : > > 10. 1 18flj. ) - - - - --U-- 1. - TIlE OMAHA DAIlY BIQ. ! - - - - - - - E. flOSFWATE1t. dltor. l'UJlI.ISI11.:1 : \'m1Y MOflUNTL - - TImMS 01 SUIISCItlI'TtON. . nnlly flee ( Wlthnut Iunday ) . On ) VenT. . . $ * O Wlh\t ! . YC1U. . . . . . . . . . . I ) 00 Ono I3et tid . . . ttIIy un4ay fll nnly . 1M Ino . . . . lundlY. . . . . . . . . . Yer. . . . . . . . . O Xhr , 1Uotth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . 'hl MOlth. . , One . . y 'fflt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 0 Rlluldny / Hc'e . One ye"r. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r 1 , . . Weekly Ipe. , One .e"r. . . . . . . . . . . . . w OF1rIcis. . Omnh" Thn ! nen nuIMln . - Rulh Oinnlia . HlnRer 111k. . Cm r N nnd _ I h St ! . Council Illfo , 12 i'enl I4tret. . C1iIcag Ofl1e " EtT ChRml of Commerc New Yorl : . Itnmn 13 . 1 nnll U. ' 'rllun UliIR. 'Wnahlngton. U0 I' street N. V. ' . . COItnTspOND1NCr : . Mt COlnSI'OND to nw nnd edl. ( tonal cmmnnlrnlono Innler alluM I& trlntnl n'd ' , ] : To the C1Itit. IiW4Is ! TIT'rI1tt. AU " . IUINISS rr.tnlttnne ! houh. . " ' Al 'Iolner. ' Icters nlll r.tllnncco hou\ . fldtrv'ip.t1 10 The ilee l'utflslitng cnmllnn ! r.n. 1IIIshlnl Ice , < , ' , , , orlcrn to Omnhn lnfln. c1ic1c nnl osl,0ce . . be made "n ) 'nlle In the or.lor nf the ( nmrnnyy. . pufljjNo COMPANY. T1tl Iflfl ] , 'i Imr lUI.HINO - - "A TI r"r ' c i . \ TIN. . Oeofp It. TzeIitiek . " "cerelnr of The lotul. , . . Ihnt MY IIMitng cntnny. ; cflg .Iuly 1Wtfl. . Inhlnl cnIJnn Icln , , th" netlnl Illler of full nnll cnorlcle , . copIes . , Ivenlni : nnl Snn.lny _ ltee of thl ( IiIIy Mnrnlm : I'vlnlnl Icl prlnllll as ! during : the month of l'e\runr. 153. : wns 1. folows . . . . . . . . : .1 5 ! G. . . . . . . . 1.g Z. . . . . . . . . 2,4 ' 1G. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . 2')16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . J .3. . . . . . . 2)X. ' ) I7. . . . . . . 4. . . . . . . . .R7' , 1 ! . . . . . . . . 19. .J n . . . . . . . . . 2)012 ' 19. . . . . . . . 19.C C. . . . . . . . . 2'J.01 . 2. . . . . . . . 19. _ ; 7. . . . . . . . 19.01 . 21. . . . . . . . 1..9 8. . . . . . . . 39.9 : ; 2 % . . . . . . . . 19.ql - 9. . . . . . . . . . 1.8:9 . 2.1. . . . . . . . . ! 9.r. ' O. . . . . . . . 20.fo ) . 21. . . . . . . . . . 2).4 ) . . . . . 20.f1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . II . . . . . . . . . 19.cG4 2 . . . . . . . .GI ; . ] 1 . . . . . . . . 1:816 : 2G. . . . . . . . 19.el 3. . . . . . . . . 19.74) . 21. . . . . . . . . 19.GIS 1. ] . . . . . . . 19.0 19.70) 2S. . . . . . . . . . Tntnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , , . , returned I4. topics : lelUctlons . . . . . . for . . . ulsol . . . . < . . nn,1 . . . . retrnedO. . Nrt 11' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > I . . Dlly NIl n\'pl'ogo " . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.,01 S1nday. 'Su"II ) OonO it. TSClucr . Rwnm In h.fm" roe and " "lcrlhld In my lre9' n"e tht. . 21 day of Mnrvli 1 9 : ; ( Ihl ) < ! N. P. FIII. . Notary 1u hll c. I wi kl'll ) COIrl' S 1)ls ' to n\111 tl ( IeglsInUve . . fmglen Is left 1' Its lre- ) , d CCeK t. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : . CItzen Scolt 111 .Jlle : col 81el ! ) to . lIe ; lltl ; lll'h' Ilelll ' con llem l.r mlxel 11) ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ! \ 111'ole lax ellclslon 1111lR the . 1'0111 fet tax shltlwl' It & slooth and : In'oul one. , A hint to the Income tax collector- clon't forget to get returns front the 1IIeIIllL'rS ) of the lute legislature. , Cltlllatls for ihnct's , on the Nebraska l.01111t11L1Y COltIHSlon ale not : IH tattler- Otis IH they houll hI' In these hard times. \Yt 01 now Sle wll\It 111fa lon : laws tire al that are tteeessIIy : to mulw Irrigat bit the S1'CIKS that the irrigation ! enthusiasts IU'I'lld ) for it. : . ' rut your lonl ) ' hILt ) real estate 01 into sin te , county 01' m\llllal honlR anl 'Ol wi ha : "I ! no 111lcul ' In eva(1- li payitient of lie [ Inco\e tnx. ; Jllltlls have accolplshe ) a great mal ' things , hit If they slccced ( II h'lllllf the Nlearagtit : canal ! by the ; : hallllwt ( I'olte ) they wi hlle : achieved : the 1111ace of jlol' ' . .Tust lecause SenatoDIl18 of Mititie- I 80la Is Imld : to t'eslhle ) old Ben Butler 1. , lees that give reaROI to believe that his : efforts to fet 1110 the whlij hOIRe will . IOYO morc slcceKsfl1 tln did BUtcl"S ? 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Thn constitutional nlellllenls wi : not le heard fl'OI afall tnt Novoiti- I t her , umo ( , wlcn they \1 he Rlhmltell ) , to the voters. But hwy will fo'l one of the most hllOI'lunl ) Issue , In the - CII\llgu oC that 'ea1. _ ; - - . state ' vuriniits dmw ' ; : Nebraska 'YI'I'nntH only 5 1)C' ) cent Interest mile\ the new I1W , t . S bell a tlln : of 2 per cent to the ' tnxlmrm'S of the stnte. Give tie legislature ! - S Iltl'C CI'I'llt for this good act I neells till the CI'CII of this kind I can geL Wlel It ; comes to lutlatnl charters r it doeR itot itiatter itittehi whethel' ' ; , I . 10t mntm' mich your ; S lneInler ) of the legislature Is a Imaye or S I cliultip. As It mnter of fact the $ : felow8 who chOIed ) ) tl ) the lew cluutc' S ' have gh'el abundant In'oof ) that they S j , wel'C both. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PI'eshlelt Olwelalll IH 1)lentel ) ( with # the stfll taken hr Senator Pllue\ S r _ against tie Illinois Ilemocllr ( commit. . S . . . .5 ting Itself to flo il'et- colnngc. Semi- I - 4 atbc lnllel' I'ohahlr counted the hiresh- I dent's ! leasl1c Il0ng the l'eaOIH that .5 lCd him to so hollr ) announce hlnisohf. St - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' S 'J'he ! CII'hl.HuRHII ] ) olce ( Ollh , . ' S ' 8101 hi hits lwel ihhSSl ( over thl' gO' II . crnol"s yelo. 'I'hem . JH no longer al ' 1WCCHtir for : I. i . Sh'lcl.lel' 10 mnlw ii a. other grnll stand 1)11) ) ' tnllRH Iw Is l'y , lug to 11 1'ltnto himself hilt ) the fa YO\ of , the A. I' A. nIlolntl comhlne. fl'he excuse for II'owoI'Is Is IUHt 'rite geneml . alllwalance ) of Omaha Chili i S bo greatly Illn'O\'ell If ouch citizen wl pay sonic attention to thin hooks of huH 1 own homime. A l tc green soil goes a I S Rl'cat 'uiy Iii hrlllelll thllfH up. ) , f 'hll 18 the time to hnyo the InwlR : ? ' l'eihtVtltt'l. ( No one hits any excuse for & itittlatui hiing it I slovenly frolt 'I\I. , 1ltllluln.lg _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : t 'l'he Ilcnlo tax wnH Illellell by its a- hOlst SIIIIH ) > 'II'1 to rtmmtos' SOII of S the hweilalles'of tnxuithon . As tvistel S . mil mntmt hinted I ' the Sllu''le court time . , Hetlnl ( 'Irl'e of the 1av wi ho to make those \1' 111IIIII's grt'mitt'r and nil the IU'U h)10h11)ttmtCetI.Viuat. ) . COIfI't' H : WlltK 10 tin timid wllt It cloel are too ofhm entirely different umatters. 1'lu Hupreiimti ( 'oU'1 of the { llell Stl tel hnK 1'l'I'SCII itself lmt'foro 11 soy- S I Ir hlllOl'tllt l'nl' , but It hUH never lietoi'e nlU hack 01 I series of tU'e- celoltl l'xll'IIIIJ flol the t tune of its . "l'l' O'gl Ilzn t iou. ' 1'11 momeltols r 5 chl'ncl'l' or time In'I'Hllt IIole tax the- II cllion wlh 1'\sleet to the taxation of in. conies Illsll out of real 'Ntnle I : hot S to bo lightly ullemsthlntell. _ ' S Time constitution ' ' ' the laws t ( olttulon l'lluh'l' : II\I S 1)lslelr l'th : 1' lsllhl'o to ho . jutil ) . 5k J 11h(11 itt book (01'1 wlhln tlxt days utter lie ( cost of the session. Hut there S 18 10thlll to II'e\ent their Ilhlkntol : t00ICl' . 'J'hu session laws Iholli le F hut II lwcl'sslhlo ) IHlltul fOlm lt the . earliest Iosslblo ) l mOlcut , tO that the , . IlOplo may fllllllze tlmsd\cl wih ' thieir 1)royislomis lu tiute ' ' . \ lhulr In'ovhlols 1IIIIu tme 11'C\1018 S. their CUfurechimeuL . io Cuful'ceUcut - . - , ; I lwrnl" .1'l'lIPl1 TIN " UUAXTS. 'I'iiere ! CCIS to ho S010 ( ( llcIly II thisiposhmig of the warnntl drawn II 111'slnllo to time nlll10111Intol or $ 2O ( ) , . ot Ilndo by the legislature for the } I" . lhn80 of seed 1111n for . Ihe deStitUte fnllll's of the t10uth.I.lllel 11stl'll. 'J'II ItstrlJtol or the 101W ) ' nllo' printed ( 1101 the different counties hlH brett 1nle according to lass' amid the 11(0111' nm aelyimig upon the ( seed /I'nll to be II\rclas(1 ) ( tlm'ewlh to Il , able tlem 10 eOlllllto IHCl\toIH ) for a ICW erol , . At this critical IUI\lt . time 11101ICllllt COICS thlt tlo Wil' remit hl'olII's who 1H11 ! ' gl'a11 lt OI" " \01'1111111 I 1,0 h tlSO t are refusimig to I Ih'l1'l' . Il ' 1111. " Ipon lie t WllTUIIs t , ' 111' [ ) IIhlltte I I tllt I t I lie ' Ii HOII doubt his to the ( OIHlltOlull ' or tl IIW 111 that the 11\'ltlent Is 10t 1 Hafl' llolgh Oll ! for the1. t 'l'imIs talk about doubt fith 1018111' 11111 t I i I nltlHlly t t for IRIII g I hi t'sovhl i-- 1Iti 1 : oC course haRlll 01 101hll ; sub- ! 111\11 whnle\'II' . 'l'll state WI'I'llls. 10 hn stile , 10W 11'IW : hit i IICI' 11'11 iiuteiet vhieieas . ' ' ' ' hi-ought 1ll'lesl , whel'I'ls they fU'III'lr hlol11 7 IICI' Cl'nt Iltl'leHt I ' 1111 I 1nr nccollt m Iii ! O I I' ( logret' fm' tie Illwwnl'lll'RS of tie 1 WH'I'llt I II'nl\I' I ( . 'l'IIY IH'ohahl ) ) ) ) h ' hItilit' 10 thrive the wlnunlf to I huamul- sonic discoutmt 1111 10 take Ilh'IIIII' . oft tl t I 111l1fII'r 111 t en ls I Itmi' 11'01 I I 1 t slit' to thrive . a 11\1 1)nl111 ) wih I 1 11 I i I I'R : oust I o I l I' . hut Is tie state lS helpless IR thlsl Inl . ' IClllll : : 'l' anxious In Inl1 ( lilt ? I I t IH 1'11'11 the II'nll'11 fi 11 1fIIIHt wilil thc wnll'llls Ile 1 : sllll Is ( 'xlnlsll'll. hit III otiit't' fllls oC 111 state 111'1' for time lost Phi ' leR\II'II lt' lhtlhuhlceH ) . 'l'hmere IH 1III0st I half 11. 101 dollars or idle imiotut'y In I ho ICI' ) 1111lt school fit im d fmo tim vht lob t hm estate state 1I'I'I'I'S not a simigle CcItt. 'J'11 State Boail of Ellcltolal 1:111 : : all FllIs haR authority 111'1' ( the Ilw to IIYlst IHlt 01' all of this 10Ie _ ' II registered - tl'l'ell state Wn'I'nlts . lt ihti' ) . I I cal1ol , uTe the suprelult' COI.t has ( h'Citht'h ( , COIl- Ilcl hollels or tlllli : WII'llls 10 sell to til' school f\111 \ , hit It cal accept ) till ( lint are , 'ohlhllr offll'Cll 'l'hlsl relief IIJJl'olllatou ) ) Wll'lltH Ile 1)01'- ) fecUr 001 They w1 bl pall , in-mci- 111 mind II tCest , ns soon as the IWII ' COltS into Ile t l'enRII ' fl'OI collections of tax's. I wOIII hI' munch hllll'l that tie school fund sholll get the : i Il' cent IIIl'IISt Ihal that Ile t state should iniy I 1111 t interest 10 01lsl1' Spl'cllalol's whll' its owu 10Ie ' II the hallH of the state h'eaRtll Is not 1'llpll any Iel I I. 'Uiue way to Illw tie relef 111)10- ) 1)llatol ) IO'ecl"e at olce Is Illn : II. 1 Is to IHI'chle Ile Wllmlts for thl school flll and to 111 ' for thcl wih the kilo motley 10W II tie I'easl' ' . TlP .lUTI.17'IW Ci'ARTIfl. ' .llt'e is aim old adage that the ummiex- Ilclct is alnost tulvmys : sl'e to lmappen. 'I'hls a(1mge ( : wi , luove-er , hot hold geol with Ieald ( to the Omaha dll'll'r alnenlImiemmts. ( I WIS oxectel 111 pro- 11111'1 ( that t the experience of 1ssiw'lien . the Olaha chlltel WIH l\tntel hy ) SiY HIRsel at the Ilstulce of 1 gammg of oil 101 hoollels ICtlg II the interest or tax shldelR amid fllchisell corpom'hmtioms.voull ( lip Iepcated ( this rcm' . 'l'hlt IH'l'llllol ) ( has hceu coutl'lwd to the letter. 'l'iue time- tics IllSlcll II 1SS were Ilstllll'ulal tills year lu holll tl challl'l hll : , II ) to tie Ilst week of the session :11 theu hU'hl It IIS11Il ( thlolgh , wlh wlole . sections cut out amal IH'o'IRlouR lu- se.tell that ate coul'al ' to the RIlllt ) or the charter all tn11flng to the interests - . eRt8 of the taxl . > 'tls. As a naturl so- IlnenCl ( it now tlns out t lint the mumimtiitt- tOI'S have unwltn/I ' repealed two sec- tiomis of the chiamttn- that ' vital tons ehllte' m'e vlal to the malntLnalce oC fire protection all the ! Illc erethit. Ole of these repealed Ia ctons authO'- Izes the city to levy n tax for wlter Ient him d time olher l'Cl1111C8 a tux levy to nmet Inll'l'eHt 01 the hOlelel ( debt amid imo- , 'Ites 1 sllll ) fund fol Its ultla Ie I'l" ( lt'mflitiOmi ) . Ilm1tol. 'I'hue IISllOIHlhltr for this fntal II'fLrt ( IUlt rest iium the ( delegation fl'om thus city , to whoso keeping the challI' allllllclts i ( I t WII'l' emi t itmst . oil ) OOlclle tlat the l'l'lal ) of the vital 1)lu'ls ) : of the ci i a rtttvti ! s un Inllll'ntonal I t t I h il im mid ( timid the ( fastl lt'ti-ea tl t Ilelegatol ( In the IloHllon ) of hlll'lRl1hH'rllf 10 14.'hll i i a wateh. t 'Ihl 10SchalIah1e m \ I t view ii'eH ) thicin to immtve ' 1)0011 ) 'i-etch- yl'IH'O'es thel hll\ . hL'L'1'ltcl. ( llr Iglolnt of time II1O.t of the work \1111'lalwn hy ) t)1 t In i 11'lslnf thll t clalh'r aflll' I hatl IN'I 1111111 In twl' , iii ; imds. 'l'hie tlth t of tie t IU I t t c iIs that h ; ' II its alxlel ' to 1)lar Ilto tl' ( 11uIIs of' lie t olcl hllwl's. I l'ontmclolH t I , lax'l'alll's t t Iltl hue shlllwlH the 11el'ga I lOl lost sight or the l'lTect or tl hniighiiig ' clllgel ' 'llch wel'l Illn made wl h. ' out roft'i-cimce to other 1)\iiOIH of the ChIU'III' . i 'rhe IILRtol ( now Is whllher the Chil" - i tot' wlh its vital 11elc.elH shal 1) ) ( ' al. ' 10wl'll 10 hll'Ole a Ilw 0' wlwlhll' I ; Rhul be elIsigmmeu1 to the Ilglsluth'e wllh' husl"t hy h ) tho'ei-mttn' lolcoll I ? I I 11 simggtsted hr City A tol'II ) ' Comm. i 111 Unit tie city mlghl for hue I next two 'l'IH'H sOt a1II't ) I Ils fml 110 t gPllrl fund 10 tibet the vhiIm1ouits foitittr l'I'nlllll Ihat hr 1'lllllln tw floating debt of the lly WI mlghl Ilanl I' 10 got Ilol wlloni it''yhmig a tax ( to iiltt't , the t I Sllll i i ; fit ii ii. Slch I Iloll'r vou Iii , I hu\'tVCi ' 1,0 ' to ( ' ' " ' oh.I I \ , UIll'l ii YII' ' 1(1'lonl oh- jt'l'tols , oven If wn 1111 10t InHn ( h'l' ; ' ohHllcl.s ( lint wOIII PVt'\'Cmit its exo- ciitioim. Imi tIme lit-st Phoct ' It Is ' l'IUOI. II tl II'st pll' ( hiit'sthoui- ahln ) wllthcI' f Ils COIII hisimhiitd ' (101 tl t glntI'al h Inntl (01' the t sty 'llnt : ( if waltl' Ilntl wlln that fllll Is i-c- tiihireti ( fUI' tiit ' curremit ' ' ' aiiil " lll'ell til' Clrl'lt l'XPl'IHl' ! 111 1" - pal'l ) 01 Htrl'tPi , \ 'htuthin-ls JII i-oad-nys. ; In ( 'ut5i of an epllllle ) the wl\llrawIII of $ tlOO ) ( ) ( I year ( row the golan-al ) f\l11 mlht Ilso h'II : ( hithiotiiti uf Hellh , without ( \ult to l'II'I' ) ' Oi Its voi-k , and i In cal ( ' n large lrClnta ( of tl taxes ' I'omllncil tlllhlilelt , wlich II to he ex. lleh'l Iln'lng the coining ) ' 111' , the cl . I 1'el'lmc'lt wOIII t > IHlrlrzel Illess the water Ielt Was I10wI'll to I'emaln Illmhl ( In Unit clse , howlyel' , lie ( ; \atl'WO'IH COIIUty0111 ho coma- Iwlel to Illt down tiniess It could hOI" row the ul'celsl'Y funds for Uuilto- Il\1 1111'nllllI'xlIISI'S. . I I t is also n Yt' ) ' sel'lot. Il'uIlcm whether lie ( stoppage ' I page of 1\'lu Iluklug ( uul taxes WUIII nol crllle ) the credit or the city amid make its bonds uttisainhhe. Uuler theRe clrclmstnncos I may he safer and more desirable for its to surer time Ills we have thnn fy to those we know uot or. .IN .WTn ; I'IWl'.lfIt'Thi. ( I 1'ho nll\ontes ( of the rl'ce nut ! 1111n. lel COIIIO or l\'er hy tHe Uuled 1llt ( : at time rte or 10 to 1 ate IC' U\'I ' he t111J thl'IRlh'eR. I 'I'huoy II' tllll ( to lose 10 time 11 Olelll ) tImely clnlnl : n , 1111 ( the ( 11'ohlhllr Is ( lint wlln opemietl It wi hI' vigorously I IH'H' ) t-eutetL I ' iimo ' ' ' of Momitrthimt hits ( 1 Il. 1'10 goveimmoiof Iultnli his liiihihigci ( for I CUlfl'I'lll , or delegates fl'UI the I lh'l'l' . ' states , to hI Ilhl itt Stilt Ilko City May Hi , tile ohJe hell 10 ( I 11'I'fll aim orgaiiiztit iou . fet the II . L'lllnl tUI or fl'lC Hlh't. ltl'I'U t\'l' Ihl'OlglWlt tll' ( ummioti. 'l'll free ,1\1'1 flliol Milo I Ilelol'I'U tl I lI'I ) _ % ' 11 I 11- I 10is wi I I i huhl a l'01'11t01 t 11 I thl' I eall ' Illt or IIXt 1011h , thl' l'ul for whlll , It Iny hi' memmmti-i't1 : ( , hlH sll'I'.tl II ) I HOIIwhat lively lOltl' t In the 1'111,1 of tile I'I In tllt sil II' wlllh gives IHIII I so . or f1'owll II I Iltellsl. I ' .l'iieme Is i shl.ty II hI' 11 IIfolI11 I Ill'I'II of l'alllf ( ( I I chin imiphomm ) s uf fit'e JI h' I ( I' at \ l1'1 I' , IU'I'Sllllhl ) ) ' tu IIRl'ISS thl sll' 1101 1\1 oltll the l'ullSI' to hl' 111" . Sllll buy til siltctphtity. . 'l'hiest' tiit' tlo t , 111'1 ( ( ' 0IRllh'101 evidences . oJ nil af' git-ssivt' net h-it- , thui or thiose fI'lsslIclh'I on tl ihiu-t 1 ) tlURI wlu 1\1 ( 1 11 thlt the Ilnls of the Illl'll States shll be thl'own 01H1 10 the . free Itl 111111h'Il cohiiige : or thl' ( whi I t I' lelal I , 11'alllIKS I the t Imosi ) llun t O' letol of ( it her nltols t 1' IH'UI I i g silvem' , hit fl'lhel' 1lllfl' llllulS or hue ( IHI'IISI' nf the I I l'liIl ) :111 tu III ; ! I , 'lgO'OI ! llJal : n Ilr he CXllccllll to rllhl ( ' foiio- . 'I'm' _ count i'3' Iwows In Ilh'llce whlt It wi got ur :1 : "cdiictttbomiui" IltUl' fl'OI thIs ctummmpuhgim. : I Is till COIII'IKtll In time , 'ululllus utl\lceH of Senmutot' Stt'wai-t or Nevhilfi , ' ive ll'Wllt < ( ll ex-lell'eSlltllh'e Banl of : lsSUII , :11 I few' others of less ! IHOllnICl' 1101/ time fl'CI sliver rhuIlolR. ' 111 luIll'1 ) he a . all told , 111'Rliie the fact ( hint lie ( aRsel.ton huts hel'l refuted ns orel ns Ilale , that Ihe 11/IRlatol of iSTi : , Imllf n slop 10 the coimingo of lalll'll ( siivtdoh - hhtiS . was HI'I'I'IllluISI i t ' missed , :11 I h wi be assC'tt'd ( hint 10 this socllell : ( lelOlelzltol of sl"l'l Is 111e the fall In II'lces. IlhOIh the fllls einehum- sl\'lr show that such 11 tint the ChIso. 'J'hieso Ile the ( flllall'llal points In the conteltol of the advocates of the free all ulllll(1 I i I t ( collnl' I : of HI"CI' h amid IwlhlI' of IIii hlH alY : suhslaltll glolli . ( to sll\l : ( iii. Of . course tll' t free sl'el.lls lal\ other . nKRel'\ols , ir- halS the 10st hUIOI.tllt of which Is that the outllt of gold IR 11111'llllttc , IR shown iiy the COUSlllt fal him 1)llces. ) hut In this they 81Ipl ' beg the whole iulestion. I Is nn IHSUIItun ) hased ) ( I IHI'el ' on It tlteoiy which IR not sits- I til led hy facts. Besides , It Ignores 1 I ' fact IIOlclt to evei-y Int01felt slllent i of ecomiomnlc comidithomms , that ' ' In- econolie COlttolS thnII'gI \ - clclRed IHollucton ( Ille to lmItliO'Cl I mliii- chlnel' tutu allplllces has u very gtotit deal to lo wih the 10WC'llg of prices of coimimiiodltios. ( j Time fl'Jll : of sound 10Ir wl wel come the fl'pe sliver CIIIalgn. 'rimo3- InxlouI ' 11csh'0 time fullest tlRclHslon of the free siiveiitmestioti ! } , conlllent ( hint the result thh1 he ' thlt Iesnlt wi an O'elwhelliuJ ! ) IIH\1I' \ verdict n Ilst ! tl ( policy of OllllllJ 01' Illt to time slh'I'1 of time wO'hl tuiiti of I ! lmptlg ) hr i ) Ic lsla ton to give 10 iO cetitsntthi of sliver the ' "all of lOt ) cenlH. Tie cUIIltons mire steadily f1'owhlj umore favorable . to a themnomisti-utiomi of the falsity mutt ( ! the folly of the fl'eo 81"l'l' comitentlon. .1AlOl 01" ( It'lL SfJm'WJ ! fltPOII. The o"I'wlllnllg 111.OII ' at the Intl' Ilcl\on In Ohlcago In favor of the Itlolon : ) of civil Hen'lecfoll hit heen followed by tl ( lU'I'Imton of II hi In tIme lelslahn'l aplllrln the lu'ln- clpl's of the 11'lt s 'Iel to all the slate oUlcs maid Insl uUons except. ciii- ! Ill excellel Ilorls of the ( eneml IHSelbl ) ' , amid It Is , Ixllclel ] the ( lelSI'e wi iuus. 'J'he' ' IlelHh'e ( CXIJ'l'Rslon of the 'otm's of Chlclo fl\'ollhll to ref 01'1 has Ilso ntmrtell ( wile Iltlnlon 11 IH'ohahl hill i-id hg thl t hogi lllng of n 10'IIWlt for lie t Ieleml i uithoiit ) ion of ch'U I service IIfOII ! In conlecton wih apIlnl\e ) ) Ilulclml Othiceh4. ' 1111'1' Is 1InlfeR\ ' a sl'ol 111 gl'owln lntnwnt II this eI\cclon ( anti thele Is IIISOI ( to hele-l ) there are flW Coliiinhlliit los II the tollmmtiuviiicii _ woull not follow thc exalille of Chicago If the t questol oC Ilstllll the lel'lt s 'Hlel wCle sub- mimittetl I to tiucmn. OIYI SI'I'lceI'fO'1 has II'oyec ( u good Ihllf him CUIHctol wih IPl ) > lntllltl II the vl'lout deplllmells of the 1''II'I'ul ( gOYI'IICIt ! I hlH : fh'll to lie t IHhle ) service I liody or i ii tel I llt ( , faih I fil I , t'ust"U'II t ; > ( 'JIlurIJ ) , who at- 1111 ! sl'ct ! tu Ihel' biislmiis . IICIISU I Il' ) ' Imow that olly ( II this ' wlr cal they I'etull thel' Positions 1111 ( ! ecl'e uidytlmicemneiit. 'l'hiei-o II 10 valid I'PISOI uvhiy the l'efO'11 hot elo the ( Hale t hll fOI' 111 h'H t ii mid 1 I I Iclpll I tes t , gh' - hug to tll n clSS of olllals wloHe tlll' I ( wi I I 11'1111 ! IpOU lie i Ihlell I ty mil 1 t'llIIII'r wi I which tl ' dlschlrg thou' duties , \ho wi take 10 Il'I'u 1IIIt III i Illllcs , I t , 1111 ( who laYII I i g 101h. i ( lug to ( I tusk 1111 uotllll 10 fear fml Ill t I IHIIllls I t wi I 1 hu 1 free 10 I serve tl t i u Jllllc hOlestr 111 10 the ( Iltt of 111' - Ihll ' . . \1 cttmyloiy ( Imows , I gl''lt ( bill 01' the l'OI'I'IIItou 1111 l'nsl'III ' iuithtiemit to uuohit ical t-ommttsts Is dime ll'hleut I II0llcni ( 'Oltl'StS Ilu to tint HIIUl8 ) H 'HIlm HII ( I\ \ IH Isl'll'SR to hope ) ) ( ( it' eit'iimi timid homiest ilmhit ( Ics wlln this srsl'm lirLvtills.Vhtiu 11 state mil 1111111111 Illpollt\'C olccs below n (4'ithuimu ldu Hlhjlct to ch'l He"'lco IIfllatous I long HIIll wOlll hu tllwl to\\1 ( lie IHrl\I\ol of politics ) Uil the tl'cl'llg of hUllt ehectioim. 'J'he 1)ioguess of civil selTlcc 1'fOI'1 hits hllu somowhlt showt tlou t h uier- hUIl1 wheu the dltculies and 1II'jull'l't ( hut hlll ( to ho O'CI'COI\ comisidet-ed the 1\1'IUCO hits been II 1'11111 its WII l'IS0luhl ' to hl"o bell XIll'ctell. ) " 'hit hl hCl'U ICCOIIIHhcll ) ( Is iuelhuiaiiemit. ' 1hl'I'O wi lie UO back. \\1 stop talwu , for 10 politIcal partr would veltUle now to tmuko the to- NIIOIHlhll ) ' of lullgollzll tl.fo 11 , tholh tl'l'O m'c stilt IHl ) ' lollclnul who m'e OhiOSCI to It. 'J'hocl di'miioii- OIposcl / 1llon. tlmtll ) hy lie ( Cllclgo election 1 : that Ilollllr 6nthneut ! II In I favor of time icontn-tlntt thu Intel1cul .i f 'otel's or thFfillr ' wil 0'0 not Ill ) ) C11n ( 11)01 ) 1 ' ltcs fO' 1 Ih'olhoUI 1111Hore ) lie ( Icrl 'Htll 11 l0111C101 wih 11)IHlltlcuL ) tl the luhlc 8C'\'lcl. ' 5l'iiis hIMI S th , colllllll nlh'llcO of 1om'm amid w7rr"nts time belief lint ( its applietitlomi ) hh1 11\1 ( ' ' ' rcmote timiuc nllllcntol wi m\t no very tme 11\0 hl'cole general. Wlnt klltl1of ( hulhlo.lu lltCR Is the Julgc ( -IC-I'111111 hrlch or the ( 111II'let ( COI.tl.tO'esll whel he COli' IIls ) uilileI ( ' thloal oue Inl to liiomimist' 1 to PtiY I tl fno or II0thl'I' ? How bug simict' t he hits'imunkes . \ one 111 , 1\(1 though IIl.tcll : ) ! Cllllls , ICHIOISl ) l' for the t crlnllliR \ of nmiothiei' ? If this 11ocl11IO should become time 11CIIllt ) rile or 0ell'ls Il'l guilty or ,10111. lug the Ilw wl Heel he hl'll8uh. . ftllll 10 Hem-vt' thou' seIitt-iicI.'m4. I a 111 CII Ill' forecil to PhY l flhimtlit'r'H ( . hut' , wh , ' tint alm : to ltIY l ) nlotlet..s IlelHlr , of iiiilmihSilhiiit'lit ? Clory l onlJh fnr I'lnw Ttmo. 111\111111 Ilnl\l ol r. Since n NchrskInlc81In had his whiskers 11uled In pUhlc the I'lople In Craig were so wel sutsfell with the way timings Ihls wee ) 'en. Jolng that S they hell 10 election - J.n" , ' " I..hnr I.ost. Chlen ) Tribune . Under the dcclslon of the hulLed Hlnlc/ 8uprclc courl It nlllenrs the Income tax s'liI hl"l the 8InJulnrl > ' IUWI ) cIeII uf I'elchln/ wi everyloiiy . ! > ) except the Ilersuns whom II wus Inlclled to rench. Pity UI' 11.101'1 . ( 'ohitelupt. Wo.hlllon ! 1r. I i ! iioiiti that It wi iioC ! he necers.iry to rt ' trln the People who mite exhibitIng exhlhltn n .1sp'sltol ! to rush Corwlnl rind iRY their hllcme tax Iy threatenIng them ) wlh the I.elllies . nUaeheLl to c ltcll.1 oC the supreme - preme court. e Gr.'nt : .tol11 . Nre"9. New York Sun. \Ve expect lo hear before long that the IIre8slnl nceds oC the ) epalllell oC Agri- cull'e are n 11vlslon for the observation oC the II/rton oC huUerlles nnLI I dl'lslon for the observation oC the mnlgnatlou oC cockronchcs. Agrllulure . cries ml/raton ! J'I"IIII . I.aro Sw.iilow . Ihloillrhil I'rci. nlvnl lelel.holc Comfltt1iteSiih be an- nouncell from (11110 ( to time. 'he , ' ' ' lme tme. ' ) la ) rc'- duce r1te9 The ) ' cannot create effectIve COtillletitiOti . lecause the urban telephone Car more thnn the tclerlllh Is In the nature of things a mOnolol ) , . In the hong run . It Is i not the patents but the ol nnl.mton . oC the Bel Telephone company which gives It the i1e1(1 . an\1 \ Ihe enl ! ) effectIve remedy for Is excessIve rates Is their regulation by or- 11uance or by law. - . - ) Nuvur IeaIl or Inmo Unlc. Burllo Exores " ( Hc ! ) The nlmlllRtrtol of the police and Ire departmenls ( of Omaha has been In the Imnls of the governor of Nehn'aska. That Wa bad enough hut now the legislature has 41ssed n bi giving tl llllllntment oC the commlralotiers to . a board , of state olhh- 01- cers which contains i majority DC A. P. A. mnen for the lIl/lose. / I It Is said oC drngglng the municIpal departments into sectlrlan miltIcs. Out In Nebraska the ) ' seem never to have heard of home rule. . Yiii' Ah brbhl ; tatI. ' 1hij'nddP/In / TI rues. There Is nothing 110)\ ' about Fr'e. lie hUH a foreign polc ) " ' a ! hi a pahlcy. He would annex hawaii at ' Once , fortify Samoa "reach out and t1k & ' anything else that seemed necessar4y. "seIze and hold" Cuba "accept" necessar. or seize It . as clrcum- stances might suggest . and generally make the eagle scream. They grow great stntLs- men In Maine. I Heed were elected prel- dent anti made Fr'c his secretary oC state wouldn't we just have a time ot It , though ? , . . S . . ' ' 10 SUnl In , EiihhiStlti'R ) i1)eCil . WrL-itIngi4n Pam. Englnlls riusal 'to sumlmtt'to arbir- ton her claims In Venezuela 18 a brutal though a thoroughly justIfiable sial } In the face to the United Stntcs. I Englanc will not arbitrate as to territory which she has violenty seized. how n1ch less should we have arbirated ns to property In Bering sea which we had honest ) ' acquIred by purchase - chase and which we held by a title England had never prevlousl ventured to chalenJe ? Docs not England vIrtually lel us we did . a Coolsh and puslanhnons thing In 18n when we agreed to refer to n reIgn tn- bunal the questIon oC our tle to the Prlby- toY seal herds ? . : 'lE hJI'IJAIlD TIU.I "CI. MInneapolis Tribune : Courage and pluck , combined wih prudence. can find In this Improved - proved outlook n Coundalon on which to build culargeJ business ventures The way to In- sure bnslnE resumption Is to go ahead and resume. Phiadelllhia Record : The stmulaton of our exports must follow the Increased Im- portaton of raw materials and tim enlarge ment oC our trade ant a reviving commerce wilt go hand In haml wIth the recuperation of all our home Induslrles. The friends of tariff reform will not have long to walt for complete vindication . Sprlnglell Republican : The Globe Iron works at Cleveland have restored the Ii per cent cut In wages mada a year ago. 'fhe Ceveland 6hlp.bulllng company has reachl'J nn agrement with its employe who had demanded - mantled more pay The mills at Carlagton , Pa. . have advanced wages I per cent and the big woolen manufacturing concern oC Thomas Dolan & Co , . at Phuia'Jeipiila , gives the wew- : ers a 15 per cent advance. and other manufacturers - Caclurers In the same Ino oC goods at that place will probably follow sult uslnesa Is Improving everywhere. Gicbe-1)emocrat : The treasury ofcial have geed ground for their confidence that an extra session oC congress will not have to be called IC the Income tax be declarl unconrtitutlcnqh. All that wou\l make the extra session necessary - slry Is a contnurd shortage In the revenue , und that danger has disappeared. The deficit In larch was down so mmear the vanishing 1)Int Ihat It was vIrtually Invl\bll. In the pre2ent month the Income wi probably at least equal the outh" , anti front May onward there Is likely to be I Ilrplus. 'fhe country ber. will have congress off Its hands untIl Deccm- . 1I Ill. . . ' ilCt . .SI ) IIHlt.'SI .U' . ' Mrs. Tingley of ( . 'alrle\l tried t run one of her fIngers through , a clothes wringer and lost the end of this digit. . A Cherry count ) JusUco of time peace Is charged with chargIng a too for making out allplcatons for ald. f J' 'tt l Is In direct viola- lion oC the . law and the . mater wi be Investigated - Bill Parlcer oC Tiden , went out In a boat to fish a 11 was iurciiuttated \ Inlo the river. lie saved his life . . but , lost his right leg In the waleI and had \0 \ white out a new lhmiuli 1mb before he could hOR.nround as lively as eVer. A cow belonging 'to 1lcholas Scrivener of Nemaha City was attacked with hydrophohla ( last week mind wan killed after I had gone into spasms A inert 111.g had ben loose In the town and I Is' ' 8Ulloscd that time rabid anImal had bitten the 'cbw. ' Charl F. I I'unl % . Sri , an old farmer rf Biding In Nuclels ( pm4pty. tried lo JUIl1 over a barb wino CEIC ( And tripped , hreaklng his neck : ills deld ba1y was Cound by hil famiy lyIng In tl\ ' h1ld and time coroner was notified , brlrigqj k , 131 a verdict accrd- .1 Ing to the hrlnqr / , I Six oC the men arpsl In Hurt county fertile the murder oC SqualePhiips have heen dilcharged upon the 1010n of the county attorney at Tekatmialm TJlcre are five men still 10 be trIed for the crIme and It Is under. stood that the men discharged will be used /S wltneue for the slatl when the cases come on. Apri 29. . - JOlVC 0' XII . 'T.I TB l'llSs. Cedar Hlpiis Commercial : The OmnhR lice reports from Ileuy ) e\ry county In the state 1 to condition of the soil amid pro peels are most cncouraimglng. ( live I out In clulon tones mind write I on the wall . Nebraska will have the largest crop sheer over hal next tal , , gmerson Tiniest : Every part or Ncbrasll/ ' hall some benef from the recent rains. This \uts a more cheerful view on the outlook for business of nil kinds. WIth the farmers lt work I'fepnrlng for n nlI crop the Incen- live to prosecute other hues or IUtustry Is largely Increase,1. , This Is the lme for , everybody to start In to work . Pierce l.enI1er : Omaha business mea are already buyIng plnns 10 make tine state fair n glittering success this ycan A Ilrnle sim- liar to the New Orleans Mardi Urns wIll be rCllrol1ucel1 during faIr week nnd other slll attractions will be flirnlshiNi . Omaha will set a pace for the state fair that wIll make the eyes or the citizens or the stain old cIty or Lincoln bulg" out n loot or two. , Kearney hub : Time Manufaclurers' anll ; COUller , ' RS lclllon of Nebraska wl mnke a complete Industrial display In con- Ineclon with the state fair at Omaha next , Cal and has already made applicatIon for a buldllg to he devoted to a "home IH1ustr > ' " exhlhlt This wIll undoubtedly be a liertna- nent feature hereafter amid Is hereafer nlli ole Ihat Is deserving of all Ilosslhie encouragement "Patronize homo Hluslry" ' Is a good semitt- ment . to cOIJure wih. Iml1rove the olipor. tUllt nearest at hand and keep It 01101- al along the line . Nebraska Cly Indepenl1enl. The leglsla- lure or New York has rort.lhree eml110yes ) all old t : iinois I I nn.llllllU . I aholt the nun nit' : but Nebraska hays $3 1 day to the abslll ) ' large nnmber of emnphoyos. The wealthy mllire I slate can afford but Corty-three , but drouth-slrlcken Nebraskn Iluls on airs antI emilloys 180. The number emplo'ed In New York woull cost our state for sIxty days $7,710. ihitt not slsfed with this niggard ! amounl , Nebraska fInds Places for a number that costs time stale $32..100. Nothing smal about thIs. Wo can cal emi New York 10 helll our suIerlng farmers while we Jnllose on lhem I heedless lax ot $24.700 for super. numerary Otnpio'es Exeter Enterprise : The general raise In official salaries which has been made by I time present legislature I Is aim outrage on ) the taxpayers ot Nebraska In poInt oC fact salaries oC alt public officials ) wcre already too high the general depreciation of , generl dellreclalon every- thing else during the lost few years having greatly Increased Ihelr purchasln power . A thou and dollar dolnI job at the Ilresent purchasing Ilower ; uC munommey Is equnl lo one at $ l.rOO I few years ago , so that a mal Increase at the present tme amountn to n doublllg np oC what was Illonl , high enough before Time EnlelJrlse has In mind one mnn who stood wel In his professIon , who practIced twenty yenrIn 1.'lhnore county and left to take an apllohHment at a slate lrmstltutlnmu . wIth not more than $2.000 saved from his work AC- tel four 'ears he Is reputed to have saved $ G.OOO , from the proceeds oC hIs once , which required no greater . skIll than his practIce .Iurlng . the tweinty years preceding. This Is only one of many examples. Men who can only make a fair living In comlletllon wIth time rest of the' ' world ' thl sUddenly become very wel fixed after a few years oC official life , which proves very conclusively that the people - plo are paying their servants hIgher wages for simiar work than are corlratons or private Individuals. S l'IH'r"J : rIIL'G:1. Tomorrow Is Arbor day In Pennsylvania. Qleensberry rules have been vindicate once more. The manllHlator oC the weather Is doing his prettiest. The governor oC Arkansas Is sthli for peace If ho has to Ighl for It. stl The Nebraska legislature resembles Oscar Wide In one respect. I Is out of sight. RaIlroad blockades by sand drifts are cal- culatell to atlse the suspicion that the great American desert Is not a Icton oC ancient map makers. Owing to the pressure of private business Speaker Ichards has deferred PublicatIon of a treatise on "Parilammicimtary Rules as 1 Iii- terllreted Them. " The St Louis Republic continues lustily advocating - vocatng a western man for the demnocracy In 1896. I Is somewllt sinlfcant Lemoeracy Charley Jones and his flowimmg portleres moved fowing forleres \ west recently. Thl president oC I'rnce Is an enllslasl as wel as an artIst in Ccnclng. This most deiirable 1IIIIcai accomlilshment may explain - plain why Thomas Iecd includes Paris In his summer I hI e rar ) ' . The adoption of woman sutra o by the Utah consltutonal conventon Ihows the fear of feminine rule has disappeared with other ancient Utah Cads. Shades oC U. Young ! What 1 sPectacle ho would now create If ilvlmng , . by marching to the polls with an una- bridged famnlly. It Is not Often that a man can be nominated - nated , voted for and elected to a oublic olIlco Ilublc olce without his knowledge , but that was tire Cor- tune oC Peter Mergler , a Milwaukee man. Ho was elected in place of PhIlip Oesterlch , who was holding the positIons wIthout having properly Cualfed for It. Four votes ousted tIme man with limo orithological mmanue oustc Miss Helen Gould Is to be sponsor for the i veteran Chlclsaw Guards , a Memphis mIll- tary organization , in the coming sprIng drill. Miss Gould rlelved the complment because dnrlng the epidemic of 1888. In Ilemphls , her father authorized the city 10 draw on him without stint. Miss Winnie hvls } is to act In a similar capacity on the santo day for another Memphis mlltul'y company. I.leutenant Cornelus C. SmIth Second cay- airy , lias laid out a ride oC nearly 1,000 mies on a single horse and unaecompanleLl , and 'viii carry neither rations nor forage hut In- tends to richmond soleI ' solely upon the country for slstlnance for hlmselC and horse 10 wilt start from I.'ort WIimgato . N. M , , April JO , and Illans to cover time distance to San AntonIo , 'fex. . withIn a month. Time route over which ho is to travel Is wid amid barren anti the outlook is hazardou8. In an Interview In time New York Sun , Hiram S. Maxim , the wel known inventor , claIms that trade unions are rapidly narrow- Ing the avenues oC skied employment In ngland. I Trade unions regulate not only the hours of work and wages , but also lmit the amount oC work done by each man. lIe Instances - stances time mechanics' Irade , In which time worilnan Is not alowcd to tenLI moro than one lathe , whlo In Germany and France one man will tend three anti Cour. Time result Is the latter countries are outstripping the Cormer In the markets of the world There Is a Solomon on the hench II [ 'bile. delpimla. lIe knows a timing or two about the law and cherIshes I cmprehensive notIon of the rights oC husbands as \el as courage to enforce them. A woman had hcr husband yankell before him and cOlplalned that he struck lien "What were )01 ( quarrelling abommt ? " aslol1 ) time . " \\'ehi " al/lt , mnagistrate'ehi , she replioul . "I hall frIzzled . beef for miimpper and he salt he wanted beefsteak , ald I loll 111m he would have 10 eat what was before hint " "Dols your husband work every day ? " risked time judge. "Yo , sir . " aho anuwercrl. "Does he furnIsh the mOle ) 10 11rovlle for his fam- \y ? " she was aslce.1 . Time woman a/all lulled In the mitflrniative , . "The case Is dls. " . "Ycu should missed" exclaimed the jUdge. Ihould have provided ; him wIth heefsteak " The woman stood for a momenl astonished at the deciion before lurnllg IowaIll the door "Yes , amid , his money haul for Ihat warrant . oul too " she spitefully excaimed S us she passed Time 11.1.110 Mcitinitumt. GI. " .l > mocml , This Illk In Ca \01 oC silver which Is goIng on In gnglnnd amid Germany will prohuhl help the hlmellll0 enuse ullmllel ) ' . I iuiuuwtt that time Jtropeumi , Crlends of slIver thowl uroleun . 81ver are growing In numhera timid ncl'I ! . , At any rate the stage his been reached In l'nt I ; ' land where 1 1111101 can hI it himelullst wltiiout being cJnsldered necllsurly u crank or uu anarchist an.1 . Ihat Is a change which shoulr give courage 10 Ihe friends or the toublu Ilundurd everywhere. - ' - - - ' - - ' Highest of aU in Leavening Fower-Lat U. S. Gov't Report IMVAL Bbking iv'v Powder t8SOLVTELV PWE .5----- - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . , . . . - - - -.5-- 5 5- - - - - - - S - JOlN GRAIA - \ 1 IN SALT LAKE ( Ono of the Mon ACC\tOlt of " rixing.I the Oronin Jury Located , - OLD MAN CANNOT NOW BE LOCATED - I"oolt by R Chlcljo Reporter , Who .UUC- S ton 11m It I.iuingtim Ahout lii. lolnl Unrllg ii Live rtAr of Ealie : . - CHICAOO , April -John Graham , who be- came famous 8010 ) erf ngo In conneclon wih an alleged attempt 10 "flx' " the Cronin jury at1 who after Ids Indictment heft time cIty and forfeited his bal , has been hIs- coverell In Sal Lake City II n reporter for the Inl ) ' News of this elly. I was about five years ego when Graimanni AI Hnnks , Balll Salomon and Eli Simmith nnl Bi Smih nero Itlclel ( . for consllr.le ] . Short ) . aftertime the Indlclment Hanks , Salomon anti Inlh squealed emi cacti othieiaimd Smih InclullM John Urnham. At this ( line Graham heft lmo the city In haste and ha 1tln awn ) ' ever siui e. In the meantme tIme prIsoner charge,1 , wIth the Cronin murder wih ( were con- , ticteti but sUbsequcnt ) . time suprlmc court of the stale reverseil , the couvlclon arid granterl a new trial for error In Elm ntltmiIs- sloth or evhlcnce. " ' " "The law's delay" was too great 10 be of asslstnnce 10 Bourke ntl 0'8ulh'I. for the ) dieLI In the Ilenltenlar ' before tIme declslol Was han.lell . .10wl hy tii ) 8uprel0 court but Coughln availed himself oC a new trial and was ncquitteul . Time Ilrlnclllal wlne8s against Grnhlm vas Snniltiu . , \ lie . about two years ago became chief Inslrument In the manuCncturo oC wholesale - I sale perjury I ) ' mlans of which fire Insurnnce coml1nles were swindled. lie was again I ! hutihicted . this tme for IlcrJlr ) ' . His case for conslllrcy was called nl for dlsoslton ! on his prevlols plea oC guilty a 11 he was sentence.1 . by JUdge McConnel 10 three years In the Ilenlenlar ) ' , and after serving six months oC his tme a writ oC hnheas corpus was Issued from the sUllreme coumrt. On a hearIng Smlh was dIscharged front cus- lol ) ' amid be escaped a trial for perjury emi six Indictments by turning state's evhlenco against his associates In cnimuic 'Hanks Is a barl.eell In a Vest Side saloon and Salo- mon has ben gaining a livIng out oC slum politics. On the 4th oC the present month a repro- sent.th'e of the Daly News met John Gra- hnm In Salt Lake City , but the former \\01 known Chicagoan was so changed hy sick- ness and Irouhle that at first sight the reporter - porter was Inable 10 recognIze him. After haiing the wanderer the neivegatli- ereI Inquired or Graham lS to where he hnd been amid what Ito had to sa ) ' . Graham ran his fingers through his gray hall and replied that he no longer hall reason for conceal- ment , as hard tmes had forced 11m out oC his lost job and his Identl ) was now a mater of no consequence to hint Grahnm said that whie It was true he left ChIcago after Indictment I was not because he \\'as gmmiitof time crime , hut because he could not obtaIn a fair trial In vIew oC time excllement. the nature of the charges anti thclr relation 10 the ronln case lie dllared that Smllh was associated with the divorce lawyer Good- rich , for whom Graimant with another lawyer , was engaged In tryIng a case ; that Smlh talked to him ahoul getting Judge IcCon- neil's special baIliff to put him and a frIend oC lila on the Cronin jury I ho were paid for It. - . ouna ISTU TIlC " 'II" ' ! TiC UST. "morlcln DistributiingUonnpany : Joins the Larger Comblno. CHICAGO , April 9.-I was announced to- day that arrangements have been completed for the consolidation oC tIme AmerIcan Distributing - trlbutn , company whim the reorganl1ed Whisk trust The American DIstrIbuting compan has controlled the whisky trlle of the east. Its headquarters arc In New York and with its ; ,0,0 capttui It his been a powerful concern ntl Its contem- allaled consol.lalon . wlh the trust will leave but small splrls Interests outside of the combInaton , Attorney Nathan Bljur oC New York and Levy Mayer ot ChIcago repre- sentn the trust reorganization conminulttee . were to have left for New York tonight to complete the deal. hut have been detained here by request oC the experts who are examIning - amIning the heels of the Greenhut manage- , menl at Peoria. I was rumored today that sensational discoveries have been made iy the experts and that Importunt suIts against the old managemout wi shortly be led , hut micitlier Iecel'er IlcNut ) ' nor his attorneys - tore's woull confirm the stories. The storIes cIrculated yesterday regarding the wihdrawal of four Peoria distilleries from denied b ' nen- time spirits association vera denleL by - ( rl IcNutl today . who declared that the . rumors were started for stock jobhlng our- 110508. , I'EOIiTA . April 9.-1enuiy Kamune one oC 'the ' Indelendent dIstillers who Imave vithu- drawn Crm the commiblmuatlon . returned 10 PeorIa this moroltig. lie says the ) ' wllh- drew because the } ' would riot submit 10 the agreeement made wIth thin AmerIcan nls- I tributlng commIttee giilng them a monopoly I of handlng , the output of the association and for other reason8. among them being the fact that the trde does not like to purchase goods of the comblnalon He says independents wlLHlrew InCOlo11 General - oral IlcNula they woull have nothing more to do with the combination. -0 " ' 0111oUIII 1 ] nrduro . CROWN PON' ' Ind. . April 9.-Mrs. m- waner oC this place his been found mur- dered. leI body was imorribly mumutilated. - _ - _ _ _ iXIW1rof1.s ( Hilt - C'VZiIlXED ( , , . 1a\11 City Press : The iniquItous A. I' . A. Jolcc commission hIll was ! uslll over the governor's veto and OmRha \,1 be left to the llrc ) ' or the , jlark-laimtorum gang. St. Ilul 1'hoIRraph : ( hovermmor Holcomb I has used his veto power 10 a most patrloto NII , for the Intermixture of church alli state mnttrs shouhl tie conaiierl Intolerable by all AhmmeriCmifl cItizens . S al ' 1lrlcln cllrcns. Ulnol tnnllr : 1ho IltllOIS Om/ht Ire RUI polee bill vas ilasseil over the governor's veto I ) ' a vole of 12 to :0 In time hO\ O and 23 10 t tn the seuale Consllernhle Ill feel- ' lug hns been enFcIHllre.1 . by the passaRO or , tIls bil , alHt tiuC l'el1bleans should look out ' for "tureakers ahead. " hastings Journal : The trill las no merlt aside fronmi its imortisani frol Ia Illrtsal featitres which lllaco the ppolllng IIO"1 In time hnlHt of the S State lloarui of hamuti and ilutliiinugs. taking It away front tiuo gmwermmor , aind , In athdltlon to thmnt , inimuklng it Potsliiie for a rinmg of corrupt othlclals to comitrol all the oil ) ' coiu tracts. VIsmier Ciiroiilel : The legislature Passed S time Otnaima Pine amid l'ollce commiuimisiuloti lull over time govertmor's veto mis a retaliatory stais at Itosewater. Majors anmtl his corporatloii anti liolittcaI fnlonmds are potent iii a convenm- ' 110mm or a leglslatinre , hunt wimen tIme ) ' tinulertake to control time whole state their liockots are hot quite hmeavy eimougli aimd their thmlp lasimos are too slmort. 1 ; it ( 'iiuuiq , or iemit ) ii ? a , . I'imiiuuleltduta 'Fimmirs ( ioiri. ) Time attltimilo of the ( lemocratlu , orrmuniza. 110mm in'fre tIme cruimtmtr3- tommy Is that of itt. ter ehions nail timu' emily iirnluiommm for tii bead. ers to iiolv Is wiuctttt'r hunt ( unmet' great iiamt caim lit' restored to reslicet muiti iue. fimiliess , ivliethicr tue seqtmt'l of its ciunotitu cummulitloim shall efface It fm-eta the liistor9 of . \muuei-icnim hiohitiei. Touuay tue dcmmuc-rntic ort' hmns hot a single hopeful state noltim or Mason minut lixomi'r. I I no ; I I humus not a si in gb Imopefiml stmute lii time vcst mud liii' sotitlnt'i'ti stmltos S are mill trenulmltng iii the throes of tiim'catctmeui ' ] t-evoititloti , If time denmot'n-nts w.'m-o t-onuuiieltel 5 4 to fuice a mmatlonal contest at tins time they - vcuuiIu1 cmmter It wltimout reasoniable expecta. tioim of cmumm-ylng niimy state ouitsuuip of thio soumthttli limo lass of fumily half time south- ermu iutmites immure than hirobabie. -S I.l.S.Sl.Z ILl.ls.IXT1iI : : . , - ( life : Ttm V'ifi'-One half the wanirl S uioesui't lmmmumw imniv tue other hmmilf lIves , 'lire humid ut nmd-\'i-lh it isni t t tmuu fit ii it o f youut- seis'Immg society , mumiywmiy. C' I mmc I intuit I 'Fnliuimtuolipper-r : w-onud or uvim" It Is that iii Os l'rlmmmpt-r nlwmtys tmikes miunti S. guuoui crime of Imer connpltxioii ? Citliu'i-Shme'mi so consclenitloims , it Ismm't liel own , yomi kuuoi- . Itostuim CourIer : Suiuiuley-ITt'i-um Iii a letter front 'AiixIolms i3umiusertbt'r' ' Ciuiefl9'-\\'iurit dors lm wmi.mut to kno' ? Suibbhu'y-hle ' 'nnts to ittiow imoi' i'oumg a nunii voui1ul liio if there svcm-e no such timing as death. Dotmoit Free l'ress : limmnulcet-lo vaum timlmulc a suulary of $ iOttt ) simoumiuI be a mimmiliclent 1mm- ulutcemnetit for mm. young mnruim to marry ? lts- sanmu-I do , immost missui i-eu 19' . Slmoii' mum ii thie % uiimafl Vimmm Is whiling to ima thmmtt salmiry to Imet' iuusbminud. 1miuilaturutwmis .Tomir nuii : ' 'Cant I hIck imimul , " lmroclmiIuneu ( tine excited lntigtlist , "i'Itim both lnamuulrt tteul 1 rehu Int mmiy Ummeic. ' ' "lii sitciu case' ' mimmcereul tIme cynical geiu- tielmmmtnm , " 9'OU woimlul dictate to aim aniraim- ucnushs. ' ' C'htcngo Tribmmnme : ' 'ibinulpu , " said flyers , ' 'sit'akimug muboumt time hlnaneemi. ismi't , timere S \'inat yomi eahi a 'latter feeiitmg now ? ' "No , Itlvars , ' rcutieti liamulcu , absent-muminmi- edly exploring Ills vest oocket with huts ihuummiub ammul flmmger , "Timcre Is muo limumurove. merit in the ( riling. " Ilarper'uu Bazar : "lcuse Inc. " mlii a clerIc In a large store to a customer. "hut our rtiles ulo mint hermIt ims to accept colims w-itim hunies In timeumi. ' ' "Well , I receivc-uh timnt 'ery coimm at this store Iii cimange omuty yesterday , ' protested time eimstomumer. " ' ] 'hat imutghmt be. There Is no rtulv , agalnust givmnng Inunuclueti coIns to custoniers. ( 'imicago Itecorul : "No , Jack , " said time faIr young girl is-him time uuurmm-lit Imnir , as milno C3'cul him sadly "r cmiii never marry you , but I vihi be a iister to- " "Alt. mma' ' ' cried Jack , bItterly , "let ate have muone of thuimi cruel , inockcrY. Timmit sIster story is pltiyed out. litut it was trmte. ' 'wa innumns , inefore time beautiful gIrl had miccepted Jack ii brother. . . 4- , ' TIlE IMPIIESSIONIST SCHOOL. . , New York mk'm-tuld. S Lltuined arm n blotclm of inmmpie fog S A greemmtsmu lmaynmunsv lies , 'uVluiIe cows mitrumuit danmic amid oystet-iilce , I a gimostiy pahmomnll-mi. A Jaumrmdtcetl sun with prIckly edge Stairs tiurouigim tue puruigs' mutt , \Vtmere a , lreainmy-leggerl fan-mn hand lioldi Time muiliemnuith hue bait kissed. - - - - - -5---- - Tiii .iNUILJU ii 118 It.I NI ) . ' 1' . it. AldrIch In Imston lutniget. There are liusbantilui who am-c Iretty , There are imtmsbtunmds who mime S Timere are lutimiluuntlui wimu in iiublie are as 'mmuIhlng as tIme nnommt ; There are immimubands who are Imealtimy , , S There mire fmumnmouimi nines nail wealthy , But the real utmugeiic imumsbmumid iveih lie'S tiever yet benu born. Some for' strength of love are muoted , \'ho nrc i'cmmlly so ulevoteul That whmene'er timeir wives are nbsemit they are hoimesorna anti foriormi And whIle now arid then you II find one \\'imo'ii a really good arid kInd one , Yet time real mmnugeite hitmebamud : oh , ime'mt never , t 'et beeli bot'u. S So the wormuamu who Is amateri 'h'n ii mmmii viuO rummy be ruled .mt "PrettY faIr" should cherish lmltmi forever nnmd a .1mm . ) ' , For tine real angelic creature , ] 'em'fect , ( unite , Iii every feature , Ho has never beemm discovered , mtmmd lie won't be , iio they say. -All the Kids lii our Block Has got Blue Overalls- S 50e-FifLy ConLs-is all they cost-and they're the nicest things to play in there is. Boys al'o proud ot' thorn. They have suspenders , patent elastic suspenders ; the overalls are blue 8-ounce EvorotL donim1two-thread , double and twist , the only overalls 01' the kind in the city and we soil them at 50o. We run out of' thorn ovary onoo in a while , but we keep ordering more. Our Easter week sale of Boys' Suits is creating a sonsa- tion-espeoiauy the $5 2.pieoe suit. AU the laLost and most exolusivo novelties are ours to soil , The "Stotsoi- Special,1' the best , man's hat on earth , is only $4,50 now. - / ' BRowIIHJNc & L S flchfitble Ciotbiem's , S. , V. Cur , 1 5th amid loiighius ) Sts , S ( f _ . S - --S- _ _ - _ - S - .41S - -S --S - - - - - - - - - - S - - - -S