Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 08, 1895, Page 6, Image 6

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F- - fJ - . . . . _ . . ' 1'11.1i ! ; OMAhA uML JsJU I : NiNtA 1 t , .Ar1cLi .
. - - - . - - - U.ltlA l..L 1 JS. ! . "o IJ AIUU. . , 1tw.
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_ _ _ _ _ . I - - - - - - : . . _ _ n _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _
tlliNC ; 10 TIlE CONVENTuN
Eunrlon of Cat Accountant to the N'a-
3 tonal Meeting In San Francic
Iart ) Ie"h' ( a I.RfIOlllton nt This ,
rolnt-wlio Compo the Jolly Crowd '
I. -Route noth " 'I'S Acrou
the COllult ,
A r p 5elint\.o bo1y or rnlronl , mcn were
In Omaha yesterday for sveral houra. nep-
resentnt\'o not only In personnel , hut In
the departments over which they lcllle with
the grent railroads ot the Unlel ( States anti
Cannrln. % Whie Omaha has entertnlne.l
. many Ileleaton ! In days gone by , few have
, bee than the delegation -
. " I or greate importance lelega-
ton ot car accoultnnts who for four or five
hours yesterdny mnrle the Millard their heal-
Ilualc , a stepping place en route , to the
, : laclnc coaqt , where they go to ho\ their
: twentieth annual con\ntol and talk over
the subjecs , which arc ot vital Interest to
: this great and Important branch or modern
ra I rO\1 I I.
Tmo : vat4 when the car accountant or I
superintendent ot car serice hall utile standIng -
- Ing In the ralrold world . ' lie was a mere
clerk , upon whom "evoh'erl the duties of
Ieclllng a check upon care looking after
, car mieage and such other features ns the
posiion 11eman.led. . 'ro1ay the pcslton Is
one ot the greatest I.osstble . importance , tor1
tu supel'lntellent ot car service not onlr
, arranges for nlns , kept cl030 watch upon
cars . but hns become n statistician ns to
cost of traIn until , going so Car In some
, . . casts ns to keep the engine pertormanc
: although n feature entrely belonging
to the otce ! ot I h" spucrinlelllent of motive
ptwur and machinery. In a \or.l , the car
accountant has glo\n In Ilower all Impor-
; tunco as thl railroad world has broatlencl ,
' . until li Is le.lay a most nccessary Ilunet I
to the wel mnnngcrl railroad system , alli
wtJcut ! his executive ability the ralroal ,
so far ns equillment Is concerned , would be
chaotic to a degree .
At 1 o'cock ycterday a special train
runnlnl RS the second secton DC the North-
westcrn No I nrrlve' nt the Tenth and Marcy
' : . ' street staticul. The train was mnde up at n
. . - . bulet car . Wngner sleeping cars Calcutta ,
Chlppown Falls . Jlmouth , and the hotel
car Imown ns the \\'iintlerer tlgetler with
. a baggage tar , 'he exet'slou\ts were driven
to the Miard , where dinner was served , the .
train leaving over the Union Pncle nt 2:30 :
with nn Illllonal sleeping car . Dohtmla , and
- ' Superlntellent 1. J. Nichols' prlvale car ,
- 013 nlde.l . to the traIn.
r t Frnnk M I.ue of the ChIcago & Northwest-
k , ern , and chairman oC time committee of arrangements -
t rangements , said that the trip from ChIcago I
. - . . had been exreedlngly pleasant , and that the u
company was the jolliest he ha.l been nsw-
elated wih , litany or the suprInendents or
. car accounts being accompanied by their :
wIves and laughters , The train he said , was
, one of the handsomest ever making the trans :
. continental journey , anti he loolel Corwnll I
with great pleasure to the visit to San Fran -
I cisco , where the convention Is to be held next L
, wecl
MnJlmS' , OF TIm PAnTY. '
In Iht , party arc men known throughout L
- the ralrcll world , strong figures who have
come up from tht ranks and who have seen
. the branch oC the service they represent grow
with the growth oC time raliroads . Frau I
1 . ; tIme dIagrams oC the cars occupied by the
- - toarlsts the Colo\lng lalo up the company :
Mr. and Mrs. John O'BrIen , superlnhmJent
car service oC the Canadian ' .
I'achfic ; Mr. am
Mrs. H. G. Straight and Miss Streight Ir. , super
. Intendent Vandala Line ; Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E .
, ; Stuart , sUIerlnlenent West Short ; Mr. and i
Mr . J. S. Cluaries St. Louis Terminal road ;
Mr. and ? lrs , S. II. Manehee , hammond Re
frigerator company , Chicago ; Superintendent
1Iatchelo end his mother of Kansas City ;
' Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Doss , superintendent of
1 the Concord & Montreal railway . Concord t
; N. H. ; ll . and Mrs. J. ' W. Durn-
' ham , Fitchburg railroad , Boston : Mr. and L
' Mrs. \ \ . fl . Fosktt jr. , ' jencraI manag r'
I of the Chicago Refrigerator eompa'ny ; Mr .
. and Mrs. C. It. Prior , Chicago ' Milwaukee ' & ;
' St. Paul ralwn ! - , : \nneapols ; ; ' : \ r. and Mrt I.
L. E. Holmes , Chlcngo" & , Fastern ' .
, Chicago ; Nr . al11 'Mrs. W. C : LelCerman L ,
. Peavey Grain Ltne ; Chicago : Mr. anti Irs I.
F. N. Luce and so'n. ChIcago & Northwestern L ,
Chicago ; Mr. and . Mrs. A. I. Simmons , man
4 : tiger DC the Cevelnnd Preiglut bureau , Ci'eve -
, land , 0. , Il. H. ' , ve
; I. I'aype of. time Standard 01 1
PaYJ te 01
, company , Now York , accompanied by Ilss
I ' Ow ton and Miss Agnes Owslon ot New York :
_ " Me . and , , , Mrs. . C . P. , Cheshro . , _ \Vatja h . s. stem L :
. . uUU'Oi " . anu mrs. ' U A.
. Michigan Central , Detroit ; Mr. and. 10Ulnson Mrs. J. ,
. : P. Wares , lanager oC timQ Benton Stock Car
cmpan , Chicago ; Mr. and Mrs C If.
1wlngs , New York Central , & hudson River
ralrod ; Mr. antI Mrs. W. W. Wheatey , West
. : Shore ; C. W. Cuslinian ,
, upamuager oC the Railway -
way Cat Is oclnt n ; IJaner . ; Mrs. Ral- . .
Drennan , HueJlo , New 'York & ltslJrg railway -
. . . . way , Rochester , N. Y. : Mr. and Mrs. G. P.
Canard ,
secretary of the Inlernatolal ! Asso-
elation at Car Accountants , and president
anti manager or the Railway Equipment
GuIde ; A. F. Currie , Old Colony roati Boston ;
' . J. Maghft , C.smutral Vermont , Boston ; Jell
Ncessen , jr. , PltslJrg & Western , Pltshurg ;
\v. F. HUPII ) , AleKheny Valey railroad , Pitta-
L , . . burg ; W. n. Urai1ey Chicago , Icorla & St.
Louis , Springfield , Ill.'i ; . n. Morse , travel-
L . . hog car accountant Chicago & Northwestern :
I. !
Colonel J. I" Wilson , Cherpeake & Ohio
. . , Iehlond , Va. ; George S. Russell , lhuurllng-
ton . Cedar
Rapids & Northern Cedar Hall-
, Ida Ia ; J. J. hall . Northern : laclne , St.
I'aul ; J. C , Ithicy . lanhatan Oil company ,
; - Lima , 0. : n. M. horton , Denver & Rio
it Granule , Denvlr : J. C. Unstlngs , New lo ,
Western & pltsburg , Dunlrl , N. Y. : 11. J.
: Ilamumut . Valley railroad. Cleveland , 0. : AV. .
' , . Davies , LI(1 Shore & Ilchlgan Southcrn ,
Cleveland . 0. ; W. R. BeECIIm , presllent of
the International Association of Car Account-
ants and superlntE/lent oC car service or the
Chicago Illankee & St. Paul , Ghlcago : e.
I Biebem' , Mhciian : Central , Detroit : W. J.
Hoberlson , New York I , Chl ago & SI I.ouls ,
Cleveland , 0. : n. II. Spencer . Clnada Central ,
'foronto ! , Canada 'fh lohemla , which was
. . attached to the trout lucre , contained 4r. anti
' . Mrs. E. 111llnlhum : , Union Pacific , Omaha ;
Mr. anti MI . I ; . II. Icorty uperinlelent , !
u or telegraph : of , tha 11nlon Pacific , Omaha : \Ir.
. and Mr8 J. J. MCrriii. l Chicago flurimngton
& No'hff\ . , Ialil : Mr. Intl Irs Burlngton ,
jirooke . , . . Clnton
lroke. . Mlrl\eup . \ ls & St. Louis Mhituteap.ahls :
George .11. SuteIIe , St. l'aumi & Ilnncapls
Geor/e 1. Stple lanl Duluth , St ,
. Paul : Mr. aUII \Ir. H. Ii. \\'tdlll. Missouri
, . Junial Z T xiu , Parsons , Ian. : Mr. anti Mrs.
C. W , loli8 \ tehlsol , 'ropeka & Santa Irs. .
TOllelta.Ir. . and Mrs. I , F. IJrko , UnIon
Paeliic . ' Den\'er & GIIC , Den\er ; I' ' I' . Ahlemu , ,
I'ocitho SIrf ! lImui. ; , Sioux Alen
laello 11ii City : Mr anti Mrs.
1. F' Voel , St. Louis , Refrigerator Car 1111 Irs . . I
St. I.ouls. . i
. The itinerary ' oC time trip to 1111 front Chicago - '
. cage wal arramtued Iy ! Frank : I. 1.ICt eluilr- 'I
. moan . Ii. "ll lnghal and Wiliam Mclay oC
. . the commlleo or arrangemmients . Front DenVer -
. '
ver the train wi gO' over the ( Atchison ,
Topeka & Santa Fo
o thtroumghi Colorado New
. Mexico Arhona : and CalIfornia Ilolnts , Nlw -
Ing Ian Ir Jrelco Apri 15. The Ilnrty will
leave thof April 20. going 10 Portan,1 , antI
Seattle , ant coming eastward by the Northern
Pacific will arrive at Chicago lay 1.
8T. JOI S ( ltSn ISI.\U A1E.Iii8.
. I'rogrl.a Il'hl& $ Made ' him the % Worl oC
H en rum iii za t hut .
The United States Investor recently
' recenty gave
out the lnfarmnatlon that
, Inrormaton progress was being
malle toward time reorganizatIon or the St.
. Joe & Grand laimunti ,
railway , and that
Ilanll rallny Inl numerous -
merous meetngs bad teen held with a view
to learning every detail cOlneeted witim the
S property anti Its operation In the host Continuing -
. - tnuIng , the II\cstor says : Cn-
"In the stages or the committee's work
It was met wih the pOlloslton to charKe
the denclene created by olleratng the I\an-
S3 City & Onlala ( floe upon the St. JOsePh
. & Orand Island This has been succcsafuily
resisted to rar. The atempt succesCuly
made to collect the money from the St.
Joseph & Grand Island Railroad company
Quito Independent or any contract or reasomu .
. The ' situation at present Is rather a waiting
bne. 'flue cOlmltee hi had waiIng
Blderatll I number or Buggestons as tl
methods and luau or reorgaimiution . but :
while the cmmitee II still at work there
' II nothing or a defnio character to be given
, ont , Inas/ucl lS the litigation now pending
for foreclosure hal not , Bulclenty advanced I
to necessitate the IlrolullIatol or any plan ,
, .
i. ,
"Th mortgage In question I. at present
being tortcosetl nt the suit ot the \resent
Trust company , trustee , and there Is every
Inilcaton I that n decree will be reached bo-
f ore the next crop movement . The eanings
ot the road . of course . have been very low ,
owing to the deprEl condition ot trade
general ) ' , In.\ \ also because of the practical
rRlure ot the crop" In western RahR and
Nehraska. WIth trade condiions restored
to their normal stale throughout the coun-
try t lt large , and with ln average ere pf
l'orn nt1 wnte wheat In KanMI anti Ne-
hrnskr , It Is reasonable to suppose that , the
roatl \oull receive Ih fair shar m or business
'Inll warrant the adjustment of some reor-
ganizaton plan. Time real itself Is In e-
celent physical condition. The country
through t whlcb It passes Is well settled ,
watered anti utevoloped. J 1ldges , roadway -
way anti . Clulpment are also In gooti con-
IlUon , so that large expenditures would not
be necessary In the Immedlato ruture. "
With lot no 'locII to Use time Steamboat
1to I 1 , R IIShl : Itate.
ChICAGO . April 7.-SonlO tuna ago the
steamboat lines Illyllg between uget Sound
points anti San Francisco anti Portland announced - ;
nouncNl n reducton In their second class '
rates ot $2. The Northern Paclne stirred UII
\ breeze among its connectlns by Intmatng
that I was its intention to use these rates
for basing purposes from the cast. The matter -
ter was referred to Chairman Cahlwel and
ho has matte a ruling that unller the agree-
ment at time western lines neither the North-
ern Pnelne nor aly other line hns the right
to Individual action In such cases. The use
ot the steamboat rates ns n basis for rates
from eastern terminals must he declared by
the COllon consent or all lines huuteresteth
I Is unlerstood that the Northern Pacific
wi accept the rlng anti Ignore the steamer
rates I the Great Northern will do time same.
ONl : llt 'R\S . INTO OM.tIC'i.
Ilcl , hlnli lo"ll J'ut on Another One
Yottortlay llnrnll'
CIICAOO , April 7.-The AtchIson antI
nock Island roads have given joint notice of
theIr intemition to male a rate of one fare
for the round trIp from Chicago anti , other
points on their lnea for the annual
meeting or time Travelers' Protecl\'e associa-
ton 10 he lurId , nt San Antonio. Tex. . June 3. .
The action was taken to meet the comp ltlon L
of the Cotton Bel anti the Missouri , Kansas I
& Texas roads , which have made the same I
rate Crol St. I.ouls.
Commencing today the Rock Ilan.l . wi
put an additional train al the ChIcago anti
Oimialua ' service. I wi leave Chicago at 6 t
p. m. richly : arrive at Counci Hues nt 9:10 :
a. m. and at Omaha twenty-nve minutes later ,
Tvoh'c-Ct nlto "nk.o Tunis Tireti.
CIICAGO , Apri 7.-Some of the els ter u
lines arc becoming very weary of the low rate u
on grain now prevailing frem Chicago to the
Atlantic seaboard , and there Is n strong probability -
ability that the rate wi be rctoreti nt the d
meeting at presidents which I scheduled to m
be hehl In New York next Tuesday. The u
western lines have been trying for two days m
to get matters Into shape so that their association :
ciation can be put Into motion , but so rar
they hnve made but ltte pregress.
nnti Inlll , " C."ncctnl 1.lnl
DENVER , J\prl 7.-'he ten days given
the Denvel' & Hlo Granule Ialrond company
by the Unlell Stutes distrIct court to sign
a couutract reuitn'ing the
coul'aet retlullnl trckage chnrges
to the GulC road from $185.0oO to $10.0 per
year have eX\llrel anti its the Rio Grunde
has : not complied \ < lecelvP 'Jrumbul oC the
Gulf Is now required by the order of the
court to Illd I new roll between Pueblo
111 'J'rimiltintl to fill up the gnp In the Gulf
s'stem. lie Is authorized to sell $0.0 of
receiver ' certificates . for this purpose.
Sul I.milco ' JIIo Orooto.1 bY'1 Man Sup
I".d tO Bo lcatl.
"My dear sir , I can do nothing for you , ;
you are dead. "
"nut I am not dead ! Here I 1m alive , "
gasped the astonished client.
"I cannot help it. The court has decree ml
that you arc dead. I Is too late now for
you to appeal : therefore you are dead. "
And Judge Thomas Marshal went on , relates -
lates the Salt Lake TrIbune , to explain how
time law distncty provIdes that when a man
shall have absented himself for seven years ,
wih no trace of him , hed or hair , then he
shall Ue pl3umed to ha deJd , the canto shal iia'
bo enterel or record , and , no mater how
animated lIe may be In the obscuriy that
has swallowed him up his estate may be
probated and distrIbute as the law dIrects.
"Then Im a corpse ? "
"To all intents and purposes. "
"A dead man ? "
"The court , I what you admit Is true ,
has 60 adjudged you. "
man "And ? " must continue through life n dead
"AmI I have no rIghts to any property I
may u have left ? "
"Not as n live man. "
"But as a corpse ? "
"The 11roperty you left at the time oC your
.1eath t Is gone , In my opinion , has passed be-
yond rethemuiption. "
This strange dialogue took place In the
olcee or Judge Thomas Marshal between
the jUdge himself amid a client . who had
walked t nhlh' wihin , anti who hurried out ,
promising to return again for further en-
The judge , was seen last night and staled
that In time midst or other maters that com-
mandlrl his attention he had neglected to
procure his visior's ( name , and had listened
but Inatentvely , to the story he told
The dcad man , who Is a live man . however
paradoxical that m y appear , reshled In Salt
Lake City until some fifteen years ago , and
let here n faintly. lie sought to Improve
fortune upon the hawaiian Islands and was
Iwarll from no more. The consciousness , explained -
Illalned the client , / hat he had left his family
with n comfortable home , some cash In bank
anti rentals coming monthly. led him to
neglect his corresjldcnce , and no trace wan
ever obtained or hIm.
Seven years elapsed and , under the law , the
wanderer was a dE.1 man among those who
had any claim import his estate The facts
were spreall before probate court , there vas
no one to cGntest them , the administrator was
appointed , anti the estate distribute In con-
torlly wih the law Seven years more shed
theIr frosts upon the wanderer's htal , In
the meantime time boom had coumme . the value
of the property had advanced and the estate
left hy I him at time tme ot his iiving.deatlu
ehange,1 , hands , as did other pieces . tmntll at
IlrCsel\t \ lueh qt ; It Is as far removed front
these wluJ irulirhietl , as front the "corpse' '
Juhumsell ) . A few days ago the wanderer returned -
turned , TIme grave ho,1 , gIven UII Its deall-
the law still clalme1 it. Informing himself
of what ha,1 occurred , the dead . man went be-
fore JUdge Jarshul only to lear that un-
dor the court's decree . he lust remain u.leatl
aiul while living c'ntnup his days n ghost
lu fesh and hotly . so lar as his rights to
l'osse8slons left behhll him fifteen years ago
ale concerned .
Time case has but few parallels In this
cpuntry , perhaps \one In time west. and although -
though a corpse the returned wanderer may
yet arouse the attention ( t some people 10 the
fact that he Is
an extrellly lively one.
TJ0M(1It.I1'flIO Jll J"
General Farnsworth or New York dle.l
last night ,
The Delawnre leglslalure took
oDe more
inefft'ctuuti ballot tor senutor Hatulduy.
Governor ? un'el oC Delaware Is rcported
by hIs 11hslluns to be beyond the hope oC
recovery. hOJe
1\lrklllrlck & Co. . wholesale grocers oC
Nuotiuvihitu . 'renn. , have failed . grocer I
abuut $75,0. taied. 1.lablltes
11ev. lerman Jlolzhutuer . for forty years
lousIer oC I Milwaukee Catholic church ,
Iled yesterday ,
Anthony Gunnon of Spokane Fails , Wnsh"
was toulll death hut his h.1 at the Stullo- "
vault hotel In New York ) yesterday ,
Thomns Orndy. cashier oC the Lancaster ,
l'a. . l'hrst National bunk , has been ulrrested ,
chnrgcII wih the embezzlement ot urretet , I ,
Charlcd Jeatlle oC Olevelnl11 ' has re-
co\'crcll n vertihct of $10.0l ( against the m
Illtmore & Ohio raIlway for the loss oC
both his legs. ralwny
Frederick T. 1)ay , president of the defunct
Ilanlngtol bank at Milwaukee , was ur- :
raigned ) ' and pleaded ,
ralgnet yesterday not guiIt
to time charge against h 'Ilcadet ' guity
Robert Mantel ! , the actor has been com-
mited to jai for contempt for failure to
pay ulmon ) ' awarde.1 ly the New York :
court to hIs divorced wife.
Henry 1uuutwistle has
mtwllte been released trom
the Massachusetts Ilnlentarr' where hu
wns sent for aUempUnl to kill Miss Cle" , ,
and the two will 0 married. .
Edmund Olrenco Steadman's Description
of a Notable - Engagement ,
Time Incident Whereby time 1"moI8 l'enn-
sylnnl" General l nrn"1 time Title ot
"SUllubl-A Bllentl\ \ Opportunity -
tnnl , Improvd ,
necolectons ot my servIce with the Army
or the Potomac , a n reporter , writes Elmun <
Clarence Stealman : In the 1'hiladephha : Press ,
often seem like those of n play , a stirring ro-
manc 01' 1 memorable dream Was ( lucre .
indeed , so fierce an Olympiad or bloJ anti
Iron ? Bal I any share In its exciting tur-
mail ? But at times I am again n yOI\g and
liglut-lucarted newspaper man , lolblcss sut-
fclenty light or head withal : n war corre
spondent In the Virginia campaign , longing
to chronicle victories , too oren forced to
make the bet or needIest defeats : always
eager 10 beat my friendly n\1 able rivals at
the newspaper corps. Yes : I realize oren
that my experiences In the field , under Mc-
Dowel , McClelan and their successors , with
tIme ceaseles fatigue and liberty and zest ot , '
action , made up something more than one at
life's epIsodes. They lifted lte out ot the
commonplace . They still arc what I would
nol have missed , ant what cOIIl never occur
to me agnln. Their successive pictures
formed an indestructible gallery In the brain ,
ant still add to the worth or those memories
whIch , after all , constitute one's seifimooti .
As I cast about for some reminiscence
worth an atempt to Interest others with the
telling or I n bit ot art news In the papers
gives Inc the needed clew. I seems that
Riweli's colossal euerlan statte oC Major
General Wlnneld Scot hancock Is ready her
castIng , anti ere long will be Eet on the top
of Cemelery 11 at Gettysburg. From time
beginning at the war hancock was notable
among those associated with him. But hIs
pUblc Came began I thInk , with accounts oC
the battle ot Williamsburg . Caught on tie
peninsula between the York and James rivers ,
the rth day oC lay , 1862. 1 chanced that I
witnessed his share In that tiny's victory and
I now recall what impressed me so much at :
yesterday. tbe time almost rs I It were a matter or
On Sunday , the 4th day of May , when Oen-
eral McClelan nt last was ready to bombarll L
Yorktown , Lngstreet's corps had skillfully
stolen away from that entrenched place and :
Its line or peninsular defense , and was retiring -
tiring on WIlamsburg with our advance
column In full pursuit. Dy nightfall our
cavalry . etc. , had fallen foul of the enemy's t
rear , discovered a new line or works stretchIng -
Ing across the Isthmus below Wiiamsburg ;
and suffered a slight check to the "recon-
naIssance In Corce. " Irurther progress was m
not atteunpted. The infantry bh'ouacke as
they came up. A drizzling rain began , In-
stoutly making the roads and fields almost L
Impassable with mIre. The troops , exhausted
and mostly ratonless , knew that a contest t
was booked for the nex' ey.
I say hey went Into bivouac , but what a
night of misery ! Those who could get tenet
rails or even stones to keep their blankets
anti themselves from sinking In the mud
were rortunate. No civilian Imows what
army mud Is. I often seemed as If the
tramping of men and horse , the passage or
artillery and wagons would male mire sink
holes In a road of sand. Dut Virginia mud
In the rainy spring or 1862 ! I Is untorget-
able. The open ground where our advance
haled was farm land , much or I ploughetl ;
miry wheat fields stretched near For t
Magruder . as the large earthwork In front o fa f
Wiiamsburg was called. Inrantry and horse
ale sank knee deep the day or the baUlo
and on thIs dismal precedIng night ever ) : y
soldier thought more ot his hunger , or the
rain above and the mud below than or his
chances In Ito morrow's rray.
The battle or WiIamsburg was not ex -
acty "n soldier's battle , " but It was a ext
carrIed on by several commanders almost
independently or one another , McClelan not
arrIving on the field until the result was de -
citled. Early Monday morning the leafier
were at headquarters a well-to-do farm
house two miles from Wilamsburg and
separated by woods from the open ground
along the enemy's works. Hero were Gen I1
oral Sumner , that brave and stubborn veteran 1-
ran , the rankIng officer , wRit HeIntzelman , ,
Keyes Smih , Hooker oal various generals
at divisions and brigades. Here , also you
may be sure WEre we correspondents , wheat
at fuch crises made ourselves staff officer 3
hv brevet and nlumet ourselves on nermlt-
ting ( no order to go out , no important ; ve
to h taken without our knowledge and con-
sldera lon.
Detween headquarters and what was to be
the battlefield stretched a forest on either
side . the field itself being nn open plateau
two miles In length and hai a9 broad-
strikingly adapted for the traditonal panorama -
rama , now so obsolete , or n general engagt- ,
ment. Beyond the Carts the woods agaIn extended -
tended their cover opening only at the spot
through whIch WiIamsburg Is approached
Sluggish lt reams crossed by several dams
and rising near each other empted Into the
York river on our right and the James river
on our left , respectIvely. These , with theIr
marshes In the tangled thickness formed a
natural dcCense on each side or the conred-
crate redoubts.
Sumner was our ranking officer , It Is true ,
but on this day he certainly failed of his
Inherent vIgor , for he did nol succeed In enforcing -
forcing concerted action by the junior com-
nmanuiers. I remember that Keres' and
hooker's forces with some regular cavalry
and artillery , had come up anti were avail-
able-Ilerhaps 80,000 men In all . At day-
light picket firing began In time woods. I
was useless to advance directly upon the
formidable central earthwork Fort
, Ma-
ruder. But Hooker felt the need of instantly -
stanty attacking Longstreet anti therefore
unlertool ( I ( lank movement through the
jungle on our left , became engaged In a
ferce bate and suslalned the main eonlet
or the day. In those drenched and dismal
woods and In the abaWs strewn beyolll
them he confirmed . with dire loss on his
part and time enemy's his sobrIquet or "Plght-
lug Joe. "
I was almost impossIbie : to get his artillery
Into service through time swamp and timicket
We knw nothing or the forces opposed to us
-whether they were merely a rear guard
covering the retreat to Iticimmond. or whethcr
the entire confederate army of VIrginia held
this ( second line at defense Hooker's fght
was brave dogged , unceJlng , mnurmlerous All
day long he waIted for the support and reInforcement -
forcement that would enable him to turn
Fort Magruder. None arrived until time mid-
afernoon , when Phi learny , wih put Ir
his division , came to his comrade's aid . seek
Ing the holest lght ti save the day , as he
did again at Seven Points-Kenny , the eag'e-
eyNi , bravest ot the brave , Impatent of de
lay , stupidiy and prulhnce : a born fighter ,
who seemed to bear a charmed life unti one
fatal Iight at Clan ! lily. But , as ho r.ached
hooker , the battle haul already bel 11etn-
mined antI this sketch Is concerned chiefly
close with , time picturesque Incident that marked Its
General \V. F. Smih at non was ordered
to make the central attack . which was 10 be' a
"feint " To General Wlnflld S. lancocK
was assigned a flank mvement against the
enemy'l left. thought to be time most hmazarti'
ous maneuver of the day , as It was 10 be
made In Ignorance of time ground and by
a small and Isoilte.\ \ force. I was now afer-
noon , and the weather still full or dreariness
anti forebodtng. I never knew a more
wretcimed drencblng rain. Every moment the
mUll grew deeper hut hancock , the hand'
some Murat of the arlY ( pus : a typical
American solidity oC mien and temper ) , then
a brigadier general with his little force cr
Wleonsln , Maine , Pennsylvanll and New
Yorlt rcglmente , and a COUIIO : or batteries ,
possibly 4,000 men all told , passed quietly
tl cur mig.t : rcr a 11 alog the fro it , coy r.d
by the forest drama the enemy ; thence north
to the extreme left or the hostie lne or
works. Here there was a cam across the
creek , and straight beyond and above the
narrow causeway frowned an earthwork commanding -
manding it. -
Instnctvely feeling that something brisk
and important was at band I rode with Han-
cock and bls staff. The redoubt appeared to
be deserted , and , In fact was 10 , but It re
, - _ . .
- J- - : ' T _ : : .
qulre brAvrty for cur skirmishers \0 \ venture
acrbss It anti plant our flag on tlO paap I.
nut then our whole dhment went over at
double quick , turned t'the left anti tolo\ell
a sunken road until w-rmerged on the open
batlen ld. a H
I do not know bow mther t people's faculty
or memory serves tb.rbut ' for myself I
remember the scenic h.t r"clerlstci ot those
ever.varylng 10nl-10 , c npallns more vIvidly
than even their human tragedy and triumph.
A magnificent Plcturono \ met the eye. Far
away Iooker was stifl. \ lighting beonl Fort
Mngruller , and the guns at the enemy were
playinE upon his line1 ; Two small redouhls
were betwen us and the. maIn work Their
garrisons retreated at sigh or Us , retiring
on the moln hotly , I J\ovement indicating
Ihatbe % \ outhern forte , was to smal to
holt the whole line . And'ret the Impreson !
made on us , who entered that field front the
north , was that It aught bo occupIed time
next moment by troops Issuing front the
timber on the enemy'A side : that he , too ,
might undertake a flank movEment , anti that
It he lid so In force we might easily bo
hemmed In and forced to surrender. But one
or our regIments soon ocuplell the earthwork
last deserted "Old Glory" was raisEd wih
cheers from its parapet , and our few guns
were swiftly unlmbered In the field. A line
of hostile skirmishers , deploying In front or
n redoubt still near " : lgruMr , " was quickly
dispersed by our men , anti In n few minutes
our guns were playIng on the great fort almost -
most at point blank range , and on the woods
through which the slrmlshers were relreat-
ins . :
For n short time the clonds broke up In
this west and a flood , ot lght came over the
battieflelti . Wo saw the deserted redouhts
nylng colors , our Infantry In line nwailng
orders to advnnce , signal officers waving
their flags , the smoke-hung , fre-rImmed
curve ot Port : Magrumfier still Curther the infantry -
Cantry fire anti rng : clouds ot smolte over
Hooker's stumttort. Alt this composed a picture -
ture rarely seen slnco the days at oiti.fasiu-
lone , short-ranged fighting . I satisfied the i
eye and ! lrred the foul at one whose can-
ceplons of battle had bwn Cormed on the
history of eontnenl l anti American wars
anti the canvases ot Veret nHl Trumbull .
The sound , as veil as the pomp , ot glorious i
War was evident , and the "clrcumslance"
was close impentiimug. Onr batteries nrel I
vigorously for nut hour , the tort replyIng , anti
same casualties occurred along the line . Hut
our regiments as yet had little to do , and I
simply awaited orders .
The InCantr"s chance , however , was not
long coming , though preceded , late In time
afternoon . by one oC those hushes traditon- :
ally betokenIng the declsl\C turn oC nn cn-
gagement. On the extreme left both Hooker
and his foe ceased firing . amid Fort Mn-
gruder was nearly silent . 1 was n queston i
whether the enemy was falling back , or
making ready for a final ntael' In force
And then-n n suddcn-there Issued a bat
talon of his cavalry Cfm , the woods oppo-
site our rIght , closely Colowll by long ranks
of infantry supporlng I , and pressing forward -
ward ns soon as lnes could be reiormiieti
This was nn Intercstng moment. Ono
rear before a relnCorcement marching In a the
the E3me hour oC a battle hind drIven Into
unseemly panic our 18,000 men engaged nt
hull nun. And this was the lrst engagement -
gagement , excepting the blunder It 1lali' S
l3luft , undertaken by the Army of the Pe-
tomac. Hut a year ot discipline and army
life , fled , too , with study or the work done
by our soldiery In the west , had taught us
when and how to fight . anti how to stand
under lire or before a charge by the enemy.
Here was Hancocks ! opportunity. What
more could ambition ask , that so
"Gra ps the skirts or happy chance
And breasts the blows of circumstance ? "
He rormed his line at , once against thts
sudden onset , whie the confederate Cot and '
horse came on-yeiihmug , nrlng and charging
with almost irresistible lnntry and style .
Our artillery wheeledantigave , ; : them severl L ;
volleys , and our reglmel\ts \ opened with n
will. But still the enemy came on , unt
his front now somewbat broken up , was less
than n furlong distant from our soidleri
Then hancock-a sup irh 1gurc on his horse
-Indulged hlmselt couccipsly or by Impulse
In the one bit of matal , dramatics which I
wItnessed throughout , my experIence or the
war. -J "
Taking oft his hate and speakIng In set
and courtly terms , he said to his star and
to the line oncers lJearpst him : "Read ) r , , .
now ! Gentlemen , It s oqr turn. Charge ! "
The word Instantly passed down the frau LL
and our whole Infantry line moved rorward
at double-quick. Before It closed wIth the
enemy his advance ceased , his ranks brole
In disorder and retreated at full run. Our
men pursued as rapidly took some prisoners
and enjoyed a tow hand-to-hand encounters ,
alhough most or time "Johnnies" escaped Iti
the rear or their stronghold. Hut the feld
\Vllamsburg was won
ThIs little affair on the right , with Il
charge and Hancock's brilliant countercharge -
charge , was the decisive encounter of the
day. Or . course Il was made effective _ by Ui te
long l and frIghtful contest between hooKers
rorces and the maIn body at the encmy.
General Longstreet , seeIng himself now out-
flanked , evacuated Magr\der , retreated with
his i whole corps to antI straight through
WiIamsburg , abandoning that ancIent town
to our occupation. The next morning Gen-
eral McClellan's headquarters were In a spa-
cious mansIon on its main street. Other
houss wee full or confederate wounde
"William and Mary " the second oldest of
American colleges , was turnd Into a hos-
pital. Sixty thousand northern soldiers encamped -
camped wIthin and about the town and rested
for n few days , burying the dead or both
armies and preparIng for the advance 10
Chlckahomlny. Hook r's division had suf-
fered heart - breaklng losses. I saw , and viv-
Idly rcmember , the grief of its fiery commander -
mander as he reported himself at headquarters -
tars to his gentral-ln-chleC. Time tears rolled
down his sun.burnt cheeks while he com-
plalncd to McCelan or the useless sacri-
flees entailed by the delay to send him re-
But everyone was greatly Impressed by
time episode on the right , and by Hancock's
bearing In the field. McClelan justly said
In his dispatches that "Hancock was superb. "
The country took much heart front this bat-
tie , because I was now evident that the
Army or time Potomac had learned the trade
of war , and because the enemy had sur-
rendered the peninsula. From a military , .
point ot vnv , however Longstreet had suc-
ceedel In doing exactly vhat he wished ; haul '
covered the withdrawal oC Johnston's army
and its concentraton about nchmond ; had
delayed McClelan for many days at Yorktown -
town , and at Wilamsburg had got safely
away , after Inflicting even greater blows than
he received
General , Hancock , In time popular mind , remained -
mained the hero or the nghl , I Is ulienl-
able no less , that from that time onward
ho deserve the good fortune which always
seemed to gIve him slllendhl opportunities
anti that he could always be counted upon
to do all that might b come n central anti
heroic figure . 1 at Wilamsburg he made I
his first hilt In an enviable role , so he was
destncd nt Gettysburg , two years later , to
reach on Cemetery Idg ! the most dramatic
trIumph that can Ilerlltuato the rame or a
corps comnmamitier . ; ]
- . .
Knights ot I'thhuq ' Will Sot i.c.c.
CHICAGO April 7.Tle board oC control .
endowment rank . Knights oC Pythmiamu rCII-
resenting the Insurall'o bronchi of that ( or-
der , who have carrtd3i l lthelr principal nc-
count with the City nllonal bank of Fort
Worth , Tax , the deJollory at Ihe endow
ment rlnk , state that ' the temporary sus-
pension oC the CitY NII\onal \ bank swill not
In the least emhlrrli ( .ho endowment rank ,
nor wi I dollar o' its funtis he lost. Its
balance being fpeelnly ' 1eeurell by n lon,1 Is ,
In more than double the nmlunt , 'he hoard
nnnouncel that nil ; drafts that hlvo been
issued . them , now oUItnllng ! , will be pall
In full upon present ton to the First Na-
ton bank , Fort \\'orth , with whom al'rRIe _
meats have been mlde : tr the purpose . The
statement Is also made ito as 10 Ilrevent Inconvenience -
convenience alli trouble arising tl ony oC
the beneficiaries , In whose hands there
many now he Home warrants not yet for-
warded for collecticn. .
101"01 Iho I s-tlto Tr < . "ourer.
MADISON , Wls" , April 7-'riue senate has
I.assed under suspension oC the rules the
bills relieving ex-State 'l'reasurers Uaetz ,
luhn and IlcFetrllJe from the ( judgments I
oC $0,0 rendered aLalnst them for Interest
on state tunds kept by them while In 0111cc .
The bill legislating the present dlmocrate
hoard at control out of olce was Itaceeti
to u third reading In the senate by a strictly
party l vote. - . strcty
, uAII'OX Stml'rd Our at hot Slmrhn. .
ST. LOUIS , Allrl 7.-'be Hoard or Health
of Hot Springs has declared that city tree
from small > x.
Speculation In Stooks on Wall Street Still
Carrioti On
Onled Oonsoratvoly ,
l'r051'cet8 ( fur r Crop ( lice I'romb" of liii.-
incas for time Ur"nrcr8-lult the
War lIes Iltlll.1 ) Sliver-lit-
dulrlll lul'ruvcmcnt , ,
NEW YORK , April 7.-Ienry Clews , head
or the banking house or lenr ) ' Clews & Co. ,
writes or lie situation In Wal street :
Nnturnl ) ' , there has been during the Past
week some reaction front the lenewell activity -
Iy and the advance In lirices itrc'aliimmg
within the two I'rece.lng Ilrles : IJI \ con-
siderble rellzing has beemt done In the
stocks whIch lutl 11\nnced most amid , for
the moment , there Is n disposition to let
prices settle upon I new nnturl levei It
Is not , however , 10 be hence inferred I
the revival oC the iupectmlitivo : Flllrit has ex-
hnusted itself II the late recover ) ' . I meals
slmpl ) ' Ihnt the mnrlet Is still comiservative
nnt Ils\oet to trent " sUI ! their meri :
rather lImit force nn advance "C Ilrlces ity
mere mnnll11lnlon. Time hlpoltnnt 111'nnee5
have been mainly In a few stocks stmbjeet '
to HJeclal Improvements In their SUIJCl't .
There still remnlns time Inlge comlton.
grngers anti southern and southwcstern
sutures , which
parlllpalet hut nom-
Inaly In the recovery oC 1)'lces. 1111. besIde
tluose a umthsceiiammeotms
mlscelnneous group or low Itriceti
stocls. The uttnmket has ullergone none oC
the uvenlng UII hint usunl ' nlcnrls nil
active movement In n set or specialties.
Anti yet It
Ani seems reasonable to nntlclllte
snch n Ilroces5. For , hum the first plncc , I
Is now evhlent thnt thl simectulative sidrit
has Iulelenty rccoverct Blleculntve foluw nn \lrlt
ward movclenl , tumid , mum the next itlnce ,
there are distinct cOltltons that \ ' \Ince
time expectation oC curly Improvement In the
huslness of the rlloalR , nt large 'rhe
Sllrlnl mine In the wheat sectiomma have initl
lie ( hasls for goat crops , amid that In Vn-
rlons WI 'S tend8 to Imlrove lmroslecta or
western tm ilic. The marked Improvement
In trade cOIHltonR referred tl helow nl80
lays the basis for nn eninrmemmient In tnn-
amigo oC lie ( 1lntl5 ( hint pay the hllher rtcs I
or freight. ' 1hls we must now be upon n
stage oC Illlrovelent In the cnTln s of
the roads nt large anti one or two weelR
or Increases In the weekly slntement oC
trlc would give n stm'etmgtli to this ex-
pectnton that could hnrdly fail to unnloe n
recover or prlcc ! generl throughout the
ralroa.1 . list. Such I movement mummy be I'e-
glrted us due nt nlr mnonient
The London morlet
( closely follows our
owmm. There has been no acute lt the re-
action In New Yorl , nor mommy noteworthy re-
Ilzlngs here on I.ondon nccount. ' 'I1It
Is some buyIng oC our golti.hiearimig hondR t
nnl also of the cheaper / slleculatve st'ck . ,
but these transactons are not large enough
10 maIm themselves felt In the foreign exchanges -
changes On the whole , It may he con
cluded that the nttUule oC London . townr.l .
American Investments has undergone ndis -
tnct Improvement
The late unusunl fluctuations In the prlcc
of sliver huts attracted considerable atten :
then. The ups amid towns have been nten-
speculative , but It Is not easy to salsfae-
only explaIn the motves oC the peeuln- -
than . The movement has been chiefly con
fned to London , and has not caused nny
Important opertons here , the supply on
the marlet being too small to admit or
large transactions . The Il'ospects of a hi-
metallic convenlon being called nnturl :
suggests to some the hope of 1 nearer nIl-
pronch being made to the settlement of the
Silver queston , Tue price too , hits tor
some time been executonnlr low and , In
some quarters , I 18 believed that the pro -
duct of the metal Is declning , but emi thai t
point there Is considerable difference oC .
opinion. Again , many tale I for granted
that the payment of time China Intlemnlt ,
assumcd to be 40.00,0 silver yen , or $ 190 , -
0,0 In gold wi cause n large 11emnlI
for silver amid its subsepuent hoardIng ,
which nnanclal manipulators mIght elsly '
use effectively net nn clement of speculation .
From the standpoint of these factors there
was effective material for such a peeulnt- -
Ive advance ns has been realized . One-hnlC
of the recent rise has however , been lost
during the past week , anti that fact seems
to Indicate that the lenders of the movement -
meat have taken to realtzing. There Is nn
opposite set of factors that mIght easiy :
make them whiling to do so. ( I ) Whie (
there - Is much probability that another sl-
verc-eonferenee may be called . yet the
chances at its reaching any substnntal rC I
agreement are a different matter (2) ) The
best authorities on this side oC the Atantic
take little stock In the s lPJoslton that
the American product Is dimninlsiiing (3) ( ; )
The purchases of wlr material In Eurpe
by the belligerent Aslntcs have been to n i
very large amount Fame estimate fifty to I
sixty millions , and paYments for them have
been made In the silver of the two nationu : .
which IR now held by Asiatic agents oC the
European hanks that have collected thee
funds . nvnlable for use In the AsiatIc ex-
changes , and which nets ns preventive or
"vnnrtu nf Qlh''r frnm l ; ' .rnn , a Ilreventve rn o , -
teus. ' - And -(4) ( ( ) ) : ' while there ' is I little " I ; bt
that China may have to pay n very Inre
amount ot silver to Japan yet It Is evidently -
dently Intended that the payments shall he
made In InstalmentR extending ever a Ions ,
perIod , anti the Indemnity will thus he
simply n transfer of silver from one AsIatc
c"untry to another , and may hnve lte
henrln on the silver movement hetweln
Europe anti Asia As n mater oC speculn-
ton , therefore , this silver situation hns
mnny sides to it , anti many uncertaintes 4 ,
Employers are encourged bv the hrlghter
prospects for n grllual and almost slre rt-
turn of Ire lerlty. 'rhey have In conFe-
quence , In numerous In8tnnces , com1lnc cite
to voluntariy advance wages , which In It-
self Is substantial evidence or their coni -
fence In the permanency oC the impro' ? -
ment which huts nlrend taken place , and In I
each Instance where wages have been n.l- .
vnnee.l . a correspndln mnrl-UII has bee
made In the stock In trade of those who .
have taken the Initiative In thIs tlrcctlon ,
Irol' the frt time In mammy years , extenRl'e :
railroad building Is beyond doubt about to
be commene d. A larger construction of
mileage wi probably be ma.le . In the com-
hug year than for several recent years imas t.
This cnnnot fail to gIve considerable In-
crcnse oC employment to labor , as wel ran } t
nn Impetus 10 tie prottahlo production of
Iron and steel. The very large advance In I
lenthcr goods of every description . wih
nn active demand , hns nlready put thnt
Industry hack to its former prosperity. Co I-
ton anti woolen goods rum-c miIo llntiimmg an ii 1-
creamueti demanmi mit ativamicimmg prices. Hue i-
nose recovery lit very perceptible in all ii I-
rectiona , and the rettmrmm of confidence mmmi iii
coumrttge iii certainly most encouraging. Tim Ito
change for time ietter iS largely .iun to ti IC
ieilc'f that we imave witnessed in this coin 1 '
try time lutmut of tariff mtnd currency tinloerin I , , , .
as well as otlmer detrimental national legi 5-
lation , for years to come , anti frommi tmppi'a r-
nmmcetl tlmere 1mm nothing that nmearivhtiIe Is
likely to occtmr whicii will impeet ( lie preset it
advance ntovemcmmt toward intltrivemment 1mm
bosIns muftairs generally thmrotmgimnumt ii in
country , Iftmml crops , of commrse , wommiti mimi e
mu erioiis muet.baclc , lttmt mmow timat the tvime it t
nati Corn belts are hiavlmmg Copious rains to
relieve time prolongeti tim-auth in thumit muectk in
( hue prospects for good cm-outs are mnott e n.
couragluig , so ( hunt , takimig everytltiimg hit to
c'onshlerttthon , tlmert' hum mmuifhlu'iemt itamilic t or
time returum of goomi ( hines without any scm 'I-
ntis mtet.butck. There can lie no Imetter e
deuce of tithe than ( lie incrensed miemam ut
that hums recently sprung omp for the hett uter
c'lttitM of mmmamtuifacturctl gotluis of all kind
'This itt due to hncrerteeti extravuigttnce ium
time lart of tile people , which is a al
A menicarm titmality. 'I'hte enlargeti exlmemmt -
( urea front tutu hource npemm the way to to
more extemumiud antI profitable bumsinoss mmmi a
ruaturai outcommlc front such comittitions ,
SVI0ldliL' I.iNI ( ) ( ) FlAeCi % i. ltlt'JEI 1' ,
Iiiflux of Cclii ContimiticS amid Tnmiiio Is L x-
.uiitIhlig l.rtiilimmily.
LONDON , April 7.-Tue Inilux of gold co n.
tinues. 'rime trade lii expuinthing , btmt n 01
eumought to cause au appreciable amivance
rates for alone ) ' . Time stock market sv as
rather quiet last week , antI time tentleni at.
was generally easier , owing to : ulemi to
raise imrohlts. Jionme railway securities ve
quiet. Foreign securities were neglects t ,
Spamtisim sectmritlen beimmg freely ofteretl , 'F lie
collapse' of the lMiltlontierr ) ' gold mines iii Etti
a imatl effect oil Australian saluting seen in.
itieti , but failed to iniluence time Sotmtii C.
rican deliartmiuent to any great c'xtnt.
In the nmmarkot for it merican iurcurities t lie
dealings were umm a witiening scale , thmoui 'b
they were less active than durimtg time itt :3 : ,
c'etlimug week. 'rite tone renmuirmetl gee It .
Frie secontle were tim , ½ muer cent. Centmt .4 . I ,
Union l'aciilti miami 'uVumbasim each ativancei , a
tractIon , 'i'he decreases were iiettlimmg firs UI ,
½ per cent ; Atchison rumorigage. P4 per cam it :
homiimi\'ihle & Nashville , I per cent ; Atcitim' marl
arid Central i'aclfle , ; m'r cent , anti Norfa ilk
Western , ½ per cent , Cammatiiarm I'aci tic
recovered somewhuust on lwrciiaaes ,
aitNL'Il EI'iK WEhi ( i. limAflif 'S.
Textile Mamkot i'rmielirtiily lievoid of hue ii-
uimiulv , , iiil're'te-i.hilio ilu.mip.C , iloume.
MANCIIESTEII , April 7.-The genem al
tone t the market has been strong , Wi tb
an upward tendency. Tiucre watt scarce uly
any speculative busimmess done , but pract ; he-
attic oi'Jei's rice now arrl'limg inane Ire ly
( 'lOtitti imave hmeen irregular 1mm1iut sorts ale
still e.iifilctmit to mmiovc , though In somne ulirec.
( ions thic limit. itut'e Iteeui better. China
simmi Jumpnit simeclaitles have been imirgely en.
gaged and clearer to bus' , South American
trade is improving , tito emmituller markets
btm'ing liea'iiy , 'nrmms hnitl a gooti imi-
tiomi , Amerlcmtn 5mIflfluimga lmeing 1'g Pt-
Irma ,4ui dearer , Few etoelca are now pass-
imtg. Last quarter's results exceed expecin.
thou , tim balance sitecits altowlmuc losses to
be cxceimthtmumal. Time tiIs'itiemmti.itaying inhil
are increasing , Germnttmi spinners nrc mitosti
engaged for four anti six mnommthis mtiiemn
Fremichu reports mmmc cheerful. Iloarti of
'Fratie Mini returmms simow ii imurge ilmcreaae
hit the exports o ( ynrmmm' , exept to ilohlanti
Ilengni nnti Jimpami ; n large met' rise of cintim
to Itull ) ' , Greece , Turkey , Africn , l'erphru ,
1)utcli India , Japan , Am'gentimie , North
Macrica , mimiti uiotmhle last year's to Mexico ,
China anti the i'mtit'cl States , imttt emily half
last year's to itommmimay mimid ( . 'aictmtta , Tue
immontit's total average imicrease him yarns is
Is tier ccitt , ( lie decrease of cloth 2 ver cCitt.
OMdtliA i.iVI ) S1'tm MtltItlT.
hioceiltiS fit Cattle ( uliuthittmn UntmMiaht'l
I.ig lit nmut t ) iT I mu Qimal liv.
SA'FUiIDAY , Auth 6.
The receipts totitmy commalsted of 1,293 , cAt.
tie , 3,109 hogs mind no ehteelm , as ngaiutat
1,647 cattle , 3SO liege itti 3 slmeeii tutu 9
iiorsc ycateuday amid 1,2S6 cmtttie , 3,202 hogs
tuutti 2 shied ) cii Sattirtiay of last vcelc. Time
receipts today vcrc alrmlst identically ( lie
salute as time mun at tue close of last week ,
WItKL.Y 1t1CEli'TS.
Cattle , hinge. Slteem.
Receipt , this week. . . . . 8,461 m.'ei ' T.ttta
Ite'eiltt , Inst mteek. . . . . . tt.tuil isl3 tsI ?
Sumittm tscclc Inst i'ettr. . .I6CG aieM3 3S2
hattie week . . . . . . . . . . , ; l5.t , 1.Vi
CATTti-'fl0010 '
were fonty-tiiglut ft'citlm
loads of cattle committed 1mm tIme yarmia tomla5' .
tin ttgniuist sixty.tlit'ec yestertimmy mtimui lift-
four cmi Siuttu tiay of imtstt'eek. . Ammmamug tilt ,
oi'Lerings ' theme were route htr'tt ) ' gooti cattle.
'lucre u'ere several loads of cormifeul mitotlt'c
teeu's nuti ( Ittito a iluovImtg of % vestvmuttu.
'I he intmmlnc't % 'mti ; very slow amid uituii au fat
cattle nmmti mme bumuimtci's of mummy miccoummit wits
tiomic immitil qtuitt. , late. 't'imo luacicems m'eeiied
tietcm'mmmimieti to break the mmmttmket mtmmtl ( lie ) '
not only 1mb ? lower , but were \'ery imudii't'em' .
cut. Omme bunch itt ttattve steers ttrottgiut
li.Cj mind qmmito a m'timmg of lighter n'itttie
$ 'u.25. TIme imimurket upomm tIme whole was reilly
lOc lower ,
.i'liere were nbotmt a unit tlozen Irmuis of
cuvi ; amid licifera in the yattle , 'rime tiemuamli
for tluimu loiiiti of cattle was gootl mutti tite
oft'erimugs 'ere nitotut nil tilkeli early lit the
tiay , 'l'ite mttnmitet elki not show ait' alaa
1cm-hal rimamuge , prices rammtaimtiuig nhmotmt teatiy
omm cow sttmif. Tiii're vero s liltL' itrettY
covs amuomug time oficrings. Otto btmmun'li of
muatlve cows sold met $ i. 13 , while samne hieifers
retteimeti $4.9.
'rimere was mubout time tum'tuai Sdtttmrtla"ht soup-
ply of tutockera mtmlti feetiers 1mm time yards.
'l'imertl was a very fair demnamumi fur the Itost
tiny of the neck nmmtl thio lomuic 'ere imrettY
'eli cleared itefore ( lie close. Omue litmncii
otsix loads ofvi'stcrmls sold for feeders at
$1. , , ) . I'm-ices mvere steady.
hOGS-Time teceipte of httugs ntmnmbcrcfi tom ti-
four rresui ionIc , mis mugutimmet mlft'-roumr i'estem'lnl'
and ftrty.tauir on Siturtlay or lost w ei'k. 'rite
tutaricet opi'ml eI ts'a,1 , 3 ( ii t'c itlgiter. t lie I Igltt anti
ligitt nmmaed itogs in mtmany ens-s , .clltug at cm
greater atlvummico tItan tlte heavy veIgmitmu. Tmt
ilmtmricet , Itowever , 1lt me'S retain its elm cmmgth , for
any- great length ot tlmime nmuii mtfter a m'ortlon of
tite offerings mmcml been tttlten it mm.tttmieti out.
Front that time untui tite clone it was 'ery slomv
rttmd drutgg- . The ittgm' . however , were prnrtletuiiy
alt soil sonic I unme ttroi , ci ntl'IiOy. ' 'rmi , mmmntiem
closed weak , with aim the rumnmntitg'n mmtlvttnce ho-I.
'rims' beet image lucre told at $5 , wutim uuevt'mtmt pm cIty
fair bade at 11.55. A good share of time hog ,
% O't'mmt ut $4.70 to $ l.S.
b'liflL'I'-Ttcre ! were no Iteep here to mumn1' a
mnamket anti titere wag muntitimmg t1tmIa In tite
sheep titviion of time yanis. 'lime mmittcet , , wttu
nonilumimlly steat' , Fair to choice mmttmves arc
rttotni'io ' at 3.i.Oi ? i.Ti : fair to gao , ! \m'e"ternp.
13.00534.00 ; cotumtuon nail stock m'lmct'p , $2.tOj3.tQ
good to ciutytce 40 to 1O0Ib. Innuts , $ l.2) 50.
IieceIlmts of Cattle Were Smiinii , ( 'rices Show-
liii : io Ulmmummgc.
ChICAGO. April G-Only about 000 cattle veto
received totuay , ericee sltowiumg Ito citamige. Na
the beet steers sohl at Imomim $1.15 to $6.15 ; eluolco
chiefly at fm-am s : ; to IC ; etmtetly choIce to extrii
beeves iteing scarce and nIntmt miomntnal mit ( rouT
$6.25 to 16.f0 ; rows anti itcifers were salable ft
from $2.00 to i3.5) , m'mtit erles imincmumalhy at 03.00.
Tuiero were only about 7m , ) ) hogs on time marldel
tolay. iteceiimls for time m'eelc uvere onmy us Ilttk
over 100OtO iteaI , commmi'ared witlm 126,000 itead laic m
week antt l1I,000 iteatt far time corresponding weci
last year. l'acioere were not tlotmmg mtuclm , bui u
time sutippers ms'ero in itte macmm iet ; t ite mu glut It''gu u
and bucim tots vere lirtu mail tutotmt to imiglict
whmme ) tea'y wemgumt , , were slow anti mit , tiuoum t
yesterday's closluig mugtmres. l'uces ( tire about iCi l
to iZc tmmgumor titan a week ago , and liii , , wotul ,
mutve leeR greater but ( or thu recent decline mm
Only 2,000 elteep arrived today and par S
titese have been c'ontiaclet for. Tuims wut 0
abormt an average irntmimtlay , lmeep eeilimtg on 0S
iuaems of fmont li.75 to 15 for inferior to extra , wutu '
attics cimleili' at from s2.a ; to * 4.2) . l.amni'ut vem
m'aiallo at front Ii to $ O. ( or mloor to atm icti
citolce , cummemmy at $0.2) . Texna siteep were quote
at from $3.50 to 04.00.
itecemets : Cnttle , COG iten' ' ) : calves , 100 imenul
hogs , 7,000 head ; smucem' , 2,000 itetttl.
St. i.ttmlit Live ' -l'cir.
ST LOtilit , Aprml 6.-CATTLE-Ucceipte , 40 ci
hteaul ; shlmments , coo Itead ; market very quiet ci
light offerings nmm oni ) ' a mcmnmh tra'io domie ;
irices steady at mrevmotue tuuomationit.
ll0GS-mlec'Imtus , iite Itenul ; bhmiinicnts , 3,40 0
beau ; scarce nnd wanted Sc beuter : mtertvy , $4 I5 0
5.40 ; mix'd , 04.00015.00 : higimt , $ iGOFl.S ) .
SmubEi'-mtceolttts. 400 imc'titt ; elmiitmttt'nts , none ;
market firma niat offerings entimely imt.tulcquatc Ii a
time tiemand ; tite natmoc mmxci quick urale at tic
64 55 ; boutlutcetuteun , il.0 ° f14.iO ; Itmmntis , old , i5.0O
36) ; young timings , 06.O0i7.OO
lcmunt.u , City E.ivo tooic ,
KANSAS CITY , April 6.-CATT1E-fleceui. ( ,
i.7C0 nimimrnentm' . 2,00J ; muruwt strunger ; ' 1'cxm
fleece , ZLOfi3.35 ; 'rexas cows , $ ! .0tm3.5O ; bee
Steen , , tl.&sitC.3) : cows , $ m.5fiim.m ; stocluor , , arm
utueders , tm.k4t 4.00 ; humus , im.7:4r7.sO.
mIOGI-ltcceipts , 5,1100 ; siumuitmuimuis , 500 ; mumarke , t
etmong to 50 mulgimer ; buime of alcs. 54.50Pi.Si '
imt'avies , * 4.75004.0)0 ) : packers , * 4Cff4.5 ; ml , tej I'
$4.f00t4.53 : ilgitte , 01.40304.70 ; pamltert' , $1.O0'tfi.tO '
puce , so QOfjI.4) .
itumi.p.1'-itcceipts , 500 ; simipnientms , 000 ; marks .t
etealy , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Stmcic itt $ igiit ,
Record of receIpts of time ( otir principal moor
keta ( or Satur'ldmy , Sprml C , 1545 :
Cattle. hogs. ItttI'eI
I4outh Omaita . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-'J . 3,1011
' 7,00' ) 2,0 (
Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tO0 5,000 8 to
t. LouIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 2,400 40 tote
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I6,5fJ 3,2 to
i.i . , ii rut , , a.
ivgjpoo , Jtmtrii a-ule : p. nm. clout . .
WmuloATmmuot steamy ; demmmaut'I ' mOir ; No. I no
wmnuer , 4a 4 ½ 'I ; No. 2 red m'miruituc ummuti Nut.
ittirl , Mmtmiutoba , Os it ! ; No. 1 California , 4m ll
F'uturcs witit Apmmu , July an I
August % d imigiter , amm'i ' other mmiontha uncimrmngs't ,
husiness miieUt equmutumy uiistrituut-uI ; . 'tprll ' , Him
anti June , Ic 10.1 ; .Iuiy , Is lOl4ti ; August , 4a mittS
1c'mtemmmiem , lii 1OtI ,
COitN' . ' + iCt lit mu ; Amertcarm rulxeui new , I
23'I. Futturt's closet ! tu ma tut1 uncitangot From mt
yeouerduy's closing ilgurt a ; ittiemmiem's htcitviot 0
mmetmr anti lit , , natal tiietut itt mtitintlte ; ' . prii ,
2'i : Slay auuil June , Is iii ; July , 4s 33i ; At t .
gust , 4e 3(41 ( ; l0eitemIer , 1 , , 33,1.
liOtJit-mIrnm ; , iemmmanul miierate ; fit. Lou Itu
fancy wInter. mis e'm ,
i'Ito'miuioNs-lmacon. : tlc'mmiumnd coo r
Cutmilem iimmti cut , 25 ti , 30 mus. , 3le , tt'um ) t ru's ' , .5
hit. . , Ha ; long clear higlmt. 38 to 4 , Iulh..rmot gtuuiit' ' I ;
intuit clear heavy , 0) lbs. , 32t , Ch ; muiuort dcc Li
iatkit , II cii t. IS lui. , 34s : ilutirt mmtltlti 1cm' , iteui :
r.5 Its , , 325 Gui ; chair beiiitmu , , II to 16 iits. , 3
liltotihtitra , immiar , ' , 12 in it iita. . 30s. miamums , , 'tio
cut , 14 to 16 ii's. . 43g. 'l'tilow. mlnebt Not I
. \mlt ( rican , nctmuinai. lit-of , extra India ntcu. 7Q ,
itiimmte mess. SOs. i'trk , mirimo mmmccc , &tt 1,1 mn
, iiutn , Sic iii. l.iri , mull ; Im-lune vs'utem mm , 35s ; m
uummt'i. in mIaimM , : 'e Gd.
ltlPiti1lflilATOit llIlI'-Fort'tituarlers , 41j
iuimititi Uttt lure. Gt , i.
llou'-At Lormioml'acitiee"ttm.t ( ) , (2 1)e ,
( , tfl'e .11 trIm , ' . .
YOltlc. April 6.-COFFEII-Openeil Wet tic
at ( ti 2) i , olnie , itt.'I lime ; m mihe'l mvnm K mm iii I m m cicu m in
ummIt'r I wtr Cttidtt , iii tO rcc.'m ltt tue I lrimzhi elotu . , th
, .t lit eti.0 ) : iolrmts net ti ci itut' . l'tult's , I 1 7 0 i.t ii .5
immel uii net ; J U tiC. I i.39 ; .1 uiy , I I I . 2t4 I I Ii , i.tdttei , , mm
her , 114.3)014.2) ) ; Octutuer , ill. 1im : uo.i. ht-c.i ) mu
iwr. ill. 10. $ mct Cofft' . I ti , , , tt , . 7. * 16.5' ) . 81 ii h
'timid ; ( 'ordo a , * 18.0001 ms.eo ; suit's , none. ttm ;
itous , , 'ltd I icrice frtmm New 'uiu mc it-am , 'riay. h , , f
i'ags ; New Yurk stock laity , 153.51) ) lungs , tmtIti I
l4titit'mt St Kit. 20)75) lags ; ailuttit for hue i'mmmti
Iltatem , , 34 4.(5) ( ioatu , ; t l it I shsi I be for t Ito Pit I : :
Oittiutis , 444,705 hugs. tmgatmust ( il.OSI i'gs : ' last y ii I-
$ AN'rOt4. Am'rii G.-Qtiiut ; gtt'i um'trttice lotumc. IIs. .
$15.00 ; rc-eeluttm' . 30,0cm Ittuga ; smelt. 2,7OI0 batu 5 ,
clttmri frtmtm Him mmmcm , A I 'I ' m i i , i 1 Cii ) I tics.
l IA At ht'ittS. $ A I'm Ii G.-i4ttai mit ( tOm 7 Ir ti C.
dune ; m'imletu , i0tCei bagS.
IA % ' 1113 , dt i'rih l.-jmcflttt stt'dttlY at ' . t1' ti
climmi' ; itt 10 iii. , ttcmmtiy mind uniirimtg'mi ; ruth
33J ttc ) itriB , T
mtio 1)1 : JANIHI1O , April C-Qtmiei ; No , 7 Itt
$17 ; , , xcitiimtgt' . S i1'iGti ; rcetipms , 16. ( ) ' ) lag ,
ei'arci ftr I hitt Uniim'ti l4tt , tes , I l.i ) lot ga ; clear
for Furupe , nomuumtucit ; , 113,001 I'aIpt ,
: :
.Omt , , , . 'I ii u' ii ci. I to. it'my.
IONION , April 6.-Tue Wenlimer lmmring I
itast V.Vt'k httis teen coil net liruc. mmii far mn
% 5 om he ittie mmtttiuu gooti progi use. I ii I lie mnarmt
( or ms'ltcitt there was mu nio'ir'rute , Icnmttuid , scum ;
dent to utetati V i Ito immarkvt , mul it mm I I m I to vii nat i .tn
imu iris" . . % VIni emwheit I for A irli di-Iiciy w
,'h mmt' iisim C3ui Cl , $ i't Ii aIe , vita tirmit , I
mmt.t active , F'iotmr woe IIrmmt ama ! 1mm averagu d te.
ijruiomi Ave. , Isnsas City , Ito
z. - - - -i
I lififlonceil by Liberal Rn2P ,
Corn arni Oats AvcrRgehl Lower ,
( _ tmrmi ' .na Imu.y : iii S3muiuitliy 01 itit tther
( 'eremuis nnii ttit Vtre I'mulriy Ac.
the1 time ictttui'c hivhmig ( tutu
Streiigtli of Jtmhy , ' I'
CI1ICA3O , April G.-Immflticnceui by the
P respect of liberal rains' ' , wheat , cin , anti
o mits all n'cm-utgel mi siimtde lower totiity nmitt
lom'cd mit me shhglm ( lo mis commiltarctl with
Pe ritlay's filial vricep. 'rime decihmme lit cutcit
e mtm'o was iimnttcci Ito ( lie emiul to et ha ,
l 'm-ovisiomis also cloutcel lower.
In wheat the start vns i'tithier tmummtcm amiti
t ime feellmmg flPltefimetl to favor sommie sllj'lit
mi echimme fm-omit ycmutertiay's closimmg 'ttitmes ,
T hmt'r'e mvero inmlcs at frtmnm 5i3c ( to ' . 't4t lot'
Mie' mit tIme etnet , uiot immticii of it mit tim
h igher ligumme , hiut'ever , It kept wlthihit ii.
r ttmige or i u-oimu Rc to & ' , e timirhimg tIme gm'catcr
P Ortioii of tIle sesslomm , tIthm mmii tucttsiuitmtl
h al I itm t. ' 1'ite rim I it , ncttmutl nut I expect vti , vaa
t he m'tuhhmig bemtr factor , thus' rnltitliy tihmitlti.
i simlmug ittoeltut cut tIme voriui mulish the ulcereas-
I rig mmmovelmient fm-emit lirat liamids iii t lila couimi-
t i' , ' u-eto lutIst mi imi imug In II umemmcea , 'J'lio clear-
m eitces of whuemut Amid hiottu' ( mcmii I he tour
l mm-Immeihtal Atlutiitie itomtti miimtl Neriemtmtmc
i n the last ttvcmity.fsmtmr luotmm-s vuta i79,000
h ut. Foreigmi cushles 'cre not imiucii chumuuigeti ,
b out rommiett hat hrreguitmm' , Emmgliaii uumarkets
m vere iirmn tumid comutimuemuttulmi rather 'calc.
' l'ite mnnm-ket vlom'ett at 5".C for Muiy ,
Corn was easy lii syiutp.'itliy with tvluent.
' rocla"s receipts wem-e ommly 355 eta-a , mtimd for
? uiontiuy omml ) ' 175 cars mile luolocti for , 'rho
t otal receIltLS mit mill tIme imfltu'l'tu. , for Ohio
% 'elcemv' cmli ) ' mibutit uJoOtht hum , lit'c'eit'et'to
% vs'm't , t lie m'eliem-g lut tin' uumti rice I , 'Fl me rut mto
for Aimsy'mia Fm-omit i6'.e ' to 4Otie , with iGa
t hu. ' clostiig itrice.
'J'iut' outs mimmuiket wits fairly netive. Thio
l uri mmcl ituil ( cut I ii i-c wits time etututiun rim I ivo
S t I smug tht of 1 mm I ) . lmmultm emtcetl by frs. iiui'iitg.
' l'u'tttllmtg eutisietetl of ulispttstmtg of Mmty ututi.
i , umyimmg Joumie , J tine utt cmii' tummy diirimug time
a teuitmioum behtii mIt mu ltremuimmmuu over \imuy. 'i'hita
i t tm ) I mug \tmms 501' iit-imi 1 a mid lit miu4tly sPit tt ereul.
\lmty soltl fmommm 2t131e to 2d1 , uloevil to 21JIAC
ammti closeil itt 29c , .ltmiv lituctemtuteti I ruin
2 St.c to 2S1e , closimtg mt Lime lmhim ; ; himice ,
' 1 itt' hiog m ecehpts vcre ouily 7teO hicati tn-
t iny , titut tin' Prices qtutttt'tl lu'onm tiuc ymurdut
Wemo mu a ultc'limme ot' I roma Sc to liii' . 'l'ime
estiitmateti receIpts of hogs for uuext week
i s 'JI'O' ' ) li'atl. Notvhtimstmtudimmg : time uecutm
l ug gi umwimtg scum'city of time rmet' mmiateriai ,
( lie itri or 5)rOVisIOitit tlccltmiesi oil rather
l Iberal Itrofem'simmutl st.'ihimig , Ctmiiiiitrtiti ; witit
c -lousing rates of tlte tins' ltt.'fure , lork is
l2tSe tower , ribs tumiehiutmuged amid iitrtl Vc
i oweu' .
Euutimminteti receipts for Monday : 'heat ,
10. ; eturic ; coIn , 5 cuts-a ; oatmf , 145 cars ; hogs ,
21CO0 iuentl.
The leadimig rutuuros ramlgcti us foilows :
Aruicic't. I Optm , I 111th. I t.'iw. I Otota.
iV1c tSo. 2
.itm'ii. . . . . . . a44tiiu 54 $ 541d
! ' ; . . . . . . . . ( erm
Jttmy5600mI1 . & 0Iia1 5t:3 : r.t ;
St'iit. . . . . C'7.'tu C7h ao 073 *
( Oumt No.2. . S
AiriI. . 4t' 4ta1i : 4r.14 4oa $ (
Jttmy--------- ; 4ti ; 4Os4 4114lOiGoo ( (
JttI' . . . . . . . . 4ti10 4ul3 4mP ( 4th1
Scmtt. . . . . . . . 47 ( 47 47 ( 47' (
OntaNo. 2. , ,
Hay. . . . 2u ) 2(1)1 ( ) 2ua euu
Julie. . . . . . . 2t ) ( 2 : ) ) 2tl3s ( 21t$8
Jirmy. . . . . . . . . . 2Iiii 28t 28tG
h'mjtk ' bbl
tuet' .
Nit- . . . . . . . . 12 (10 ( 12 10 Ii SO ii 95
Jttiy. . . . . . . . I' . ' 20 12 20 12 iii 12 15
Clay. . . . . . . . 9 itS 0 90 6 85 0 87j.
Jtuit' . . . . . . . . 7 01) ) 7 10 7 CII ) 7 O25
Sotii. . . . . . . . . 7 20 7 25 7 15 7 11
SItort lube- .
lila ) ' . Ii ? It I' , 27h 0 Ct ) 0 2214
. ( I mi tm a an u aa
Sept. . . . . . . . . U Os ) I ) b2t II 45 Ii 47) )
Cash quotations \vere mis fo1iova :
PLOtJlt-Vintcr ltttemmta , $2.0GJi2.Si : wimmter
strimuglitmu , $2.Oti2.00 : rmring l'ateimts , .i.iOga.0 ;
slim Imtg mtmalgmts , 52,100(2.50.
\\1lIT-No. 2 turing 05diG1c ; No. 3 sprIng ,
noumimimmi ; No. 0 ret. 04"h0ie.
COmIN-No. 2 , 46tJuU'c ; No. 3 yellow , 4(3fJP
OATS-No , 2. COo ; No. 2 Witito , 32'Stf33'ho ;
No. 3 illume , 32,5132c. %
it\'E-No. 2 , &me.
mmAtoLmY-No. 2 , 52f53e ; No. 3 , 4S051'c ; No.
0 , , mioniunal.
Im..x emgD-Nn. 1 , $1.3S3.
T1MOTItY iECD-l'rimmme , 50.40.
ct.o'Emt Sgn-.8.005.50.
m'mtot'mSmONS-t's4 mork , per bOil. , 0hL57'.4f
12.00. Lirmi , per 100 lbs. , IC.7.3tH'G.OO. hilmort rIbs ,
alien , low" . itLltfjG.20. Dry saiur.l 'ilmottiders ,
intel , $0.20C.3PS ; nhort clear smiles , boxed ,
$6.5.i 6. 60.
WiIISKY-DIstlilera' Ilimlalted goods , per gal , ,
gUGAltS-Ctmt leif , umuchtangeti.
'I'ite ( oliowlng mscre time receipts amid slulpmeats
today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Artlciee. Itecchpts. Simiuinmente.
Flour , bt'i'm. ' . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . (1.011th ( 4,000
\S'Iteat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.Ot)0
( 'ormm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : , :13,000 :
Oats. bum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129tttt ) 1711,01)0 )
miye boo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) 5,05)1) )
lmmIey.inm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21tmOU ltJUtJO
On thu Prouitmco e'cctmattgo today tntm btmtter ummar.
ket mvittu ateatly : crcammmer ) ' , 10010c ; m.Itmu'y , 8GblMc.
ECiIH. uteatiy ; llt(01m114e. (31008' , crctuicry,1J14
U10)c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. I.otmia ( Mtrcet. ,
ST. LOuIS , April 6.-WiihiOA'r-1ilnrket time
greater mamt , , t mitt' sesttmomm w.te lull mmii mmcc-
lectt-,1 , vltiu little clmango Itm mtrmce ; after it slight
imitmrovemaemm t ( 'tiny t Ito inn m idet ovetmtcenc'iI , butt
mater hiccrtmno uitmung , wtmmt umm 4c imntt at ( ho
close lmai , btmyems % , t' above ' ( utterItmy ; Nt ) , 2 red ,
cttmtm , t.ihc ; Siuy , ; ; July , 000 14,1.
COilr'1-F'lrst irnullrmg , Icnt' nO I5 tlerllntu , with
m'meeumhtutiotm Scry iugutt , limier , lechlmtei ' , , qj 0e , stilt-
emm'il , UI , slightly nmmul recovered he , halt at thin
dIce liutti buyers cimiy i.ic , hjeiow i'esi.rduY ; Nt , , 3
rnmxem , casut , i'Jc : Htmy , Sic html ; July , 4ltc bid ;
iemt-ualier. , 45c html ,
OA'TS-on rommutu mbressuro to ccli , new crops
otlitionmu cdl mntemcema , jf a huIg yieiI , .luiy Kolti oIf
3c ; mtt'uumer nucinultu , mwemc better , ttmuuttilneil , with
iUye'mti far Sltiy at yu'steriimy's clotting mince ; No.
2 , cash , 301e bid ; amity , ) tiC liltI ; July , 3050
3' ' ) ' . . ' e ; iieiit'imthtcm , IG(1c ( biti.
1tY1-ttmty ; No. 2amtt tuttle , Cile.
COtN ) MUAI..t2.1(1t12.15. (
hmltAN'-tmu gixel , lemntmmiil ; Ctc , cant track.
1'IAX $ mnu-qtmiet ; 51.30.
( iit.HS $ liIa4-i'mrtn : eictver , poor to fair ,
17.00118.20 ; Citolce , 55.00115.00 ; timnotity , 54.lOfJS.OO.
IIAY-Qmmiet , html Imrmmm : pralrme , citoict' , ID. this
mllt' , ; tlmmtotluy , strictly LioIee , , * 10.00 , cast sidma
IGGl4-IOtetmily ; mo'c.
I.E. I)1)tiII 12-bitS.
$ i'1P.Tl1t-$3.O5.
l'ItOVmHiONi4-u'ark , lower ; stumnilartl meSS , Job.
bing , $ m2.05. I.tirii , lower ; primmie euemmn , * 0.70 ;
clicice , * 0.55. hry ) salt ntc'tis. * ttom-i , iiciiiicrs ,
ii ; longs , ( ( .3715 ; ribs , tOri ) ; ett'm 1,4. $0.C2'S.
Imaeomt , ioxeth ritoultit-re , IS ; homuga , $0.75 ; rIbs ,
56.b7'.4 : charms , 17.1205.
) titi3II'TH-Fiour , 4,00) ) iltls. ; usiteat , 2,00) Lu , ;
cormm , 1tA ) ' ) bum , ; i'ttim' , h7tt ) ttI.
luhli'aluN'rs-Iiour : , mitts ) ilht , ; vimc-imt , 70,000
tutu. ; corn , 11.000 lu. ; ottitu , Guile 00 ,
tl I ii it cii I it lu atm t lit ii ricet.
MlNNiLl'O5.lit , April C.-WhiiA'I'-Aprlt , CSc ;
aitmy , 0'c3sie : .lmumie , 0905c ; i4titummmb.r. & ? % o ;
track , N ' . 1 htitr'l , GO4e : o , I mmorii'rn , , 00o :
No. C muamtlmem n , Pike ; cits , . , , uteitti- ; rectipta of
smitt'at itiG en m m. 1 'iotmr , , I tatly ; ml m mit i'tt mt-ate.
etcomud Patemite , 2.'Ju013.lO ; lirmt clears ,
Miss leiia Stovciis. of lloatomm , Mutas. , writes : I
iiavo always smmiire'l trout imoreditary lkrotulmm. .
I tiled vimmiotia mumnemiie , aitul mnaay reliable phy.
lcmaus , but miomie re'
licredi mae. Aftertakimmg
ui bottles of 5.8. 5. eta
cm well. I am very
gratotiut to voumoI Iee'l
tli * it ttyeii me front a
lito of um.mtoltl tigomiy intl imahl tainm fileuLaura itt
epeakimug only ovortis of pruuiso for your worm.
derfui metlicimme , anmi 1mm reconimeuditig it to
mull mviuo 1mm-u aiiiictott
withttmheitiImifumluiiscasi _ ,
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ettlxit& , Os.
EVEN THOUCHON of vur fret' book.
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around , itcte liuctuatiumis ) : (
MAICJ3 hut ) 'RI 525 4 104 1' Will , commiliarutivu mg.
ularIly anti .osta.
We iiattu ii-ti oem flier. already 'corking era
liii. ptsn ivot , s.c b .nitiy i'ieat-d. it ii worth
your while to 'em4u ' . .
fq' titi. bi..kt'j ! and our
commileo. ; Ciii. tVtt ( .t Of irrutsaeiions mmade , for
tlmt'nt , lii'i'mii $ tt profits tiImuiiiy mrutjtu for tiicrum
cyrm 7 tlIit ) , tint mu httetuca witattivt'r 'liter , , I.
rtotimlrtj l.Ihu4 or dl.crelionary ahscmmt thIs. Wiuemi
) UU mjmttltin , , mud oiei . ; iaa yuu slmutiy give your
order ire ft , eii,4 hiank sill we hum carry out
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.truulhoa , or mum4utioui Irvin yuU , reporting all
truths d.uilj L , , mri fus mund psyitug I'm-out , mis yea
Imma ) ' dcnir' . . Write t"r ( Ito booklet anti Pius-
tram louts. itetaremice. furnished ,
Vimleathas 4 Cu. . IL. 351 Trailer. Hidg , Cbleaia ,