. . ' - ; . . . , ' . . . . UWUr . . . , , , " ' " . ' . - . .t.--- . . , . . . .r. , . . . . . _ . . . . . . " " ' " ' - - . . . . . . . . . - - - . _ . ' " . ' ' . . - " r : _ , . . . . . ' 11\lrJ 'P 1 ' , ,1 1 ' ' 1 1Yl'T . _ -f ) t'T" - - - - - - - - . , . . 2 ' 'IJD ; ivr ATrA . fl AT'r . Y Jf-1D ' ' ; ' : [ OND.A , AP1U f. 8 , lS9 . - BOUND TO nAVE A GOOD ) CROP rnundm County FnrmerB 8nnguin of trn Immense Yield This ECMon ! Tills IS SHOWN DY UNFAILING SIGNS 1111 nt I'r.itnt , R Wltoln : RII thn le- IRed . Flight of 1 I rltlry Wnter 10\1 11"1"lln 1/lt / the Iroulh IA I Ihcr. AsTrLNi April 7.-SpecIaL-NOVCr ( ) In the hlLtory of Aslland anl , S1unllen county was thee a Iplng rain that come with as I much welcome as the one which tell Friday , Saturday and today. A lfe representative interviewed , aeveul of the le1dlnJ f3rmers I of this count ) ' yester.lay . afernoon on the Ilrosliect for D CIOII ( thl ( coming eaon . Their vlell'l are nil moet hopeful. Thetr easons for helevlng there wi % he an Dbun/I- ant crop tills year being that past hlstol ) ' proves that In taster Nebraska we havc ! : aehom , If ever , hail : two crop failures two 3 . years In succession und that the new moon I was avet one this month. One fl1ervlng tiller of the sol raId : "I'or the past twenty years I have carefully obsen'et the Immi . graton of the wild birds from the south to I the north In the spring as one of the best L , means of telling the prospct of a eeason i 1 have always notce , } that when the wilI I t , geese ant lucls worJ late In coming from I . the south and were strung out for a month ) : I or'wo that We almost always have a proflt - . able season. Water fowl 10 not like to . travel through a dry country and , stay sOlth I , . tl nature Ilforms thcm of the broken drouth 'Vhen ' the ( birds are 1\lit south till Into the ; season Is sure to be a wet one. The grounl I i Is In ns fine shape for another large crop as I has ever been heeause then was no roll rlsel , In year and the weels were kept out. Last winter allowed every olnce i o \leHel snow lo he absorb by the ground . anti now this gentle rAIn comes In such a way that all went to the 10011 of the ( land : . . , The goat , ) erect of this rain on the smal ) i . grin lately sown 'Is Inestiiiatile. ) while Is IssJstbnco towarl the Preparation of tie ; : culable. ground " for the planting of corn Is Inca \ ) c . . Thera was not ana man Interviewed out or tWelve or fifteen who was not strong 1111 I even loud ) In his expreslon of hope for an abund.1nt crop this fall. OH AT .SCll1M1 DELAYED Some time ago sOle men Clle : here , stopped I few lays , all were driven over tbe surrounding country. , \fter a few days' deliberatIon - liberatIon they bought an option al some OO dcrcs of land just south of this city anl 0ii gave no one any Information regarding their purpose beyond sa'lnl "There would be some extenslvo Improl'flents put In If Ashlanl l would 10 her IMrt , : " hters run along for some tIme ( Ill one of the principal men who wore Interested In the move lIving In Chicago - . cage took sick and dIed At that tIme I I ; was thought lie delay would be l tempornr - . al the lrlcs ( were all anxious to move I I niotig ! ; , hut after It was again started an ob stDcle was encountered , , some of the heirs of . the dead lan not falling In with the schenu , Now the ( matter rests In some eastern cOlrt 1 , t. and It will be at least fail before the start can again be nU . The enterprise proper was the ( constructlo nor of a dam across a draw on the south side of 4 the Ii. & 11 track II which arc a number of large springs-even In this ( dry tmeand ( ( by the additional supply from the rains the } ' propose to cover at least 200 acres wit hi l _ water from foul to twenty feet deel1. On ; a this pond ( hey expected to have a pleasur" : ; rewrtl and also a IDrgo , stare house for Ic to be shipped to Lincoln and Omaha meat ; 1ousos& . . ; , Yumo r CI.\SGF .Cl . CUU CJ. , - ' ' I I ' ' \ i --s- : iImtInoi , or the 01.1 l ci''II' ' up amid ThllSR 1lndo ; Ic."ly for the Now. FREM0T . April 7.-SpcIal.--Tlio ( ) city ( uncl held Its last meeting Saturday even- tug for the purpose of closing UI the business l - of the . year. . The bonds of Police Judge , Holmes and City Clerk ulolt were ap- i , ! ' proved. The electric light company Ignored the resolution adopted at the last meeting of tlo ) co.uncl calling for a statement of the number and , amount ' of light furnished and . ' th capacity of' the plant. The ! new council , : wi be of tim same l11tcal complexion counci the old one . seven republicans and one demo. crat. crat.The The frt of a series of revIval meetings mQetngs _ was hel ) nt time Congregational church Sun. , day morning , conducted by Hev. A. M. ( fills ti of Oberln , O. Mr. hills does not depend F for success upon sensatollsm and excite- : excie- meat , anll ) his meetings are largely attended by those who would not ordinarily attend such meetIngs. Judg Marshall held a short session of the dIstrIct court Saturday afternoon for the purpose - 1 pose of arrIlnr : case3 for trial nt tha next regular term . which ' . . . ttrm. commenceR' Monday. I For the frat ( line In years there were no crlmn- inal cues for h'lal. ) - I , . P. Hansen has moved hIs stock of gro- crIes to the building at the corner of Third anti Main \ streets , and ; 1 erect a ThlrL ; 1A brick , , block at hi olc location. A , VIi.L. lOOM SUUt It ItIIT CUTUnl . , T\ont-I'lvo 111IroI , . \ , 'res10.,1 ly ( ' nn- traded by UXladR ) "t 011"1 hlnnll. GIAND ISLAND April 7.-Speclnl.-In- ( ) , 4 qulry at the Oxnanl beet sUgar factory thIs I morning was rewarded by the Information ? that 111 to noon today nearly 1.4 Inches cf ; rain had fallen slnco UI early hour Saturlly morning. Wih the exception of a few honrs I dn Saturday the rain has not fallen heavily at a ( line . but slowly and steadily , alolln ycry Ito ( to run oft , slowing soahlng Into I r the soil. Farmers In this section le\'er leaked forward itli better rorwnrl wlh beler prosllccts ) of a - bQnnlfnl season , Trees nre coining ant the I grasr Is making ' wonderful progress anti tic I ' feelIng that the ( state I is feelug Itate IlnRlng out of jt I ' ' Is severe crIsis ts universal . t Time OXlard people report havIng eont'lcts 10r over 2,500 , ) acrl'S or sugar beets at the present ( line : that contracts are coming In I steadily. with ( very little solIcItatIon. and I that by Apri 15. when the company closes eOIIIny - ' Its contract books . I 11 have between 4.000 , and .OOO acres cfntmctod. The comllany - . received three carloads of sugar beet seed I ' ) yesterday which will ho distributed corn . mOIChl ! on the gth lust. cor. tltl for lmnyti 1"IIIT l'urIDr . flUTTF Neb. , .llrl 7.-Speclnl ( Telegram ) -Tho county commissIoners closet ll ) a contraci I . last night wih Wilam Itroler & Go or f - , Jtuart for 4,000 bushels or cares . .1,000 bushels of wheat omit ) ,500 blsbels of potatoes , to bl delivered 0'1 track lt stuart weiGht guaran teed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \ I erloi's Uurll'l " . 'I. . WA'rEltLoo , Neb. . AprIl . - . WA'lEHLOO Apri 7.-Sperla1)- ( ) - I has been raining hcro for the past thirty six Iourd amid the farmers are jubIlant over c the IJ'osllecls for the coring season Our : Eoell lerchants contracted for 2,000 acres ( . fI cpr en seed last 'ear. Title year they wi I - - - - - - - . - . - . - - . C112' - COfl'U. .1.0S0 I.I , , UJ' Jll ( lUl. CERTIFICATE . \ntcIIAtnl ; thA ( Hhht ot the Su\ { 'rlber to I'arlcillatn In . . THE OMAHA BEE'S DISTRIBUTION FREE BOOK -I , - _ JO ( A \ ' Apri 8. O NI c1lt'r1l'J.iTE ; , wIth the ; - cents to . 11' cover Iluslug" tiluittug tumid (1"111':11 : 1)llel conI "I. t11"e . - full ; Ind bcr to one volume . . ' . lcl' ( h..III l c"'I ) . se. Ipctl'll flun , the jirtuitet ful tlf Jlrlnl' catalogue or the ( Olall lice 1"reo.nook Dttrtlitt- t e : tion . Hen 'oln. no 11118.IJHI l ) rib\ : : Publsher TiOllln nOD , . t l 1EN UOOIJ1IW.11 mXT. Olunln , Neb. . put out one.quart more. Garden seed aver- Ole the farmer from $35 to $ GO per acre onion sets from $ IO to $300 per acre . ant ) during the seIInr reason , which begins the laler l part of SelJtemher anti contInues for . three months It gives employment to An alny of men \holo pay Is from 75c to $ .25 ) per day . accordIng to eXerlencE. I II on account of thIs Industry that the Ilrlco of lnnll l ! In thIs vicinity has Increastl 60 rap. Ily I , making Il PossIble for a man to make a good living off of twenty acres of ground. WUJIISU ) USlIl H TlliwIiN ( n . , \ 11:111 ht.I" ' Nnvt.'ty : . \torln1 10lntl Out n " 'Rink" ' In the ( 'II"Lor. On\NI ; ISr.AND.prl 7.-Special-An ( ) InterestIng law suit may result freed the opinion of City Attorney H. I. Harth , at the last meetIng of the councIl , to the effect that the council. according to tht ( statute coul only pJY $2 to the nmnbets of the boards cf clEcton rcr their services en eJeclon day. rn tlE put the city has been raying $6 , for the work . :11 Harth was appointe I at- tomEY Flnce the lat electl , and he han UI.an .evL31 cccislon since his % Inculbmcy ralseul the Ilolnt that the affairs af the mu- miic'pality were to be operate ! under the pro- \'I'lon of ( leo statutes relating to "CUt's d tha frst class having less than 2.OO In. haIti ( ants . " anti , hot unltr , those re1atng to "CItrs : of the fIrst clas. " In his present de. ' clslon he raises practically the saute ( olnl The council . In acting In accordance with tlma , cpmilon . takes away 10re from the ( jldge I an,1 , clrks than they seem \llhl ; to allow , , otll tlEO Is talk among them o going Into the courts. Ir. l0rth Is so certain of his posiion that ( he \11 be highly please I this declared , Intention Is carrIed out lie i maIntains that Grand Island has been all' crate , ) titular the wrong charter for som3 I years . r'rtl , ) Suehl on. a young farmer living north I Of Or3n,1 Island . had rather a serious ned. . ncc. dent yesterday. Ills horses ran away whie t he was hauling a pulverizer. He was thrown : eff . dragged somE 4itance Bll when pIcked I Ill was unconscious. A alight concussion of the brain resulted , but his attending ph'sl. . clan belIeves . he wi come out all right The city counci mets tomorrow Ilght to I canvas the vote of the late eecton : ( , and on II I Tneshy , eveIng the new council organizes Dr. H. ClIiler Is SUPIJosed to b the \rol. I dent of the new councIl. One hundred and five car accountants of varIous ratlroatla. , enroute to San I rancl.co I . to the annual conventIon , were In the city : thIs evening , takIng supper at the Kaehler hotEl. NII' " " " 'f' Uouirtm.inm. FAIRFIELD , Neb. , April 7.-Speclal.- ( ) An item appeared In The line on I rlday stating that Irs. John Hnger of this place had been convlcte of purloining a p31r of r slices from a store. The Iem was S In the use of the first name. Mrs. James Ringer Was convicted as stDted. lrs. Joln I Itinger Is i an estimable Indy whom no oae wClll . think of suspecting or purloining any : thIng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Shut II. S I ! .hhbur' i I , 's IlrRO. I IENKI.EMAN. Neb. , April 7.-Spcial.- ( ) - A. W. LalmDn was placed under : r Rt this ( weelc for shooting horses belonging to a neigh bor Ito hal , a hearing before [ Judge Isrel I and was bound to district I atl hounL over court unde r $150 l b ( > d. At last accounts he was rlnulng unter , the sheriff toln huntIng for b ndsm n. ' ' 1"lt , t II LII . H"flrm I Scit riot. MINDEN , Neb. . April 7.-Special.--Clqir ( ) - Icy Olson , a boy about lE , stole a horse a few days ago from Brlkn of this IJlace. a cart amid harness from Charier Irall y. ant I yesterday County Judge King sent him rrom hIs court to the refornu school at Kearner. - Ieform _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nTUVIUl . .4N1) . UICI/B AT I'JO/1TI. Wlltcr Scott Jilt. His WIo mouth 11018 Out tilt ' 111110. , WICHITA April 7.-A horrible Apri tragedy oc - curred on the , steps of the Lincoln Strtet. 0 ilrlstan church as thl camigregatlon wa S walking out of the chuteS after the servIces were - , over abaut noon tOdD . , On' tie sIdewalL In front of tue church Walter Scottflrcd a fbulet Into , ( ho bruin : of lila , wife Scott fred fell n ' 'at his loot a corpse. While te peollle stood 'aglust at the terrIble deed , Scot placed the muzzle or the ( revolver In his mouth oml sent a bullet crashIng through the roof of his mouth Into his braIn and fell dead almost wihin reach of the remains of his wife. ' 110 or three women fainted anti much excitement . prevaied. noth bodies were Wlre eileen to an und rtakelsl When Mrs , Scott was shot she was with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Scot w rdlnJrrled about two year ago She was1 )7 , , and he 19. They 8cartet sf about a year agd she goIng to her father' ! house. and he going to Kamas City. Scot returned to WIchita a week ago. He vent to church today and DS ho walked out aslced his wlfo I alto would return to him and UOI her refusal sent ' a bullet Into her b rain . Doth arc well connected. Ulllirr 11""lrl 'i'rmrnbmmuutl ' SIOUX ' PALI.S , S. D. . AprIl 7.-Speclat. ( ) -'lhe annual conventon of the Upper Mis. Hour ) dIstrict of the Turner dlslict 'ulnel' societIes at the United States was held In this cIty 'ester- duty ' 11 thity wal eiltet by n grand , enter- ment clJslstn ! ot a "nnrluet und ) bail. 'I'he : _ convention ( Iecltl lorlz Lovingei' at this u city In ; speaker and Chrl"t Hamniel8tor or Yutnltotu ' ' ' . . ' Ynnlton lecrllar ) 'J'hel'e are lt itres- , tnt only twn turverelnl In this ples. . . Itate. Sioux 1. " < lls Ind Yuinktomu The comuvc'ntlon teehl 11 tn . organIze lUIvcellH at Huron , . l'c1m. \ lterdeem.Vuitcrtown. . ! ltehel luron - , . ' . 'nlk \lnrII" , ' " 11 nl.II. ILAWrrNS , 'yyo . , Alrl 7.-Speelnl ( Tele. , gram- . \ young mun about 26 years old I ( led ( lila afternoon , from un overdose of morphine , taken with , 'uicldat Intcnt. He , cume lucre from Snit Luke about I week : ao , nnll l cule enamorell wih Nora Ifail [ , , HII to whom he left I note 111 ) hi's sits' er vatch : Upon the note was also the uldi-es.s. Mrs . l'leunol .M. 1 Allen . liinrithial avenue , Chicago He regIstered tinder , the name or Prllc tier at u lnwlns hotel , \aying a weelc'l I bOJI'd In al'unce. , . 'lit rmiii' ret ii Irllllt" i i " 1.IRt Nlahl. i Last nIght at Turner ball the Ictorl of thc i 'nrn'creln presented two conucuitea. 'J'he ! i IIHt was "Scmnciib'i' ) Flps , 01 nn Umiplens- nut NctghluoI-hitodi" ' 'ht ltIitYClS % wel' Mrti . 1"fHln"r. : tim ii. Merger null ' 1111).ers . Aistrirhi , , , 1.letin unit S'hurt. The Iecond was "Sax- : ony until I 'tussi it . " In I one ii c I. the eust coin - 11rlfllg Mi-s. Lindemann , Air. Sehlelt COi- ani II. 1.ttuben. . II ) .I 'ffllflC l"I/RU.IST. Ucnerliy 1'111'lrl0r RII NorthlrlT Whl' I tee " , tutu : S'uI et i tIr. \VASIIINGTON . AprIl 7.-porecast for Ionla > ' : 1"01 Neblllu uBI ) Knnsas-elalr fair Alonduoy ; wllner northerly winthu . beeom- lug varlnbie For Iowa and Mlsourl-I ! . pl'ecece.1 hI , ' IhowCI'1 In the l'all ) ' 10\111 ; WIU'IEI ; norlh'Jrl ' Wimliht' hecomlng va 110 hIe. For South Dukota-l"alr ; warmer ; South erly wInds. i.te.iI Ih'mr" OFFICE Ol TIlE VU.TiiTIt ltUhll'AU , Wj'l'Irl IUm OMAIA.11 7.-0mnll record uf tem- lerture aunt rainfall . compared wIth the l'orcIIondlnl ) day ut the past four ) 'elr : , lsk ; . 181 , IS3. lS'J. I . : laxhnll temper.lture. . 1 : 73 71 : 7 7 : lnlmum tempcrtnre . . . t 4 C 4 : . Averg ! tI'iuleraturu . . . . 41. m C1 6 , ' ' \ h'llelaturo . . . . . . ,2S .0 ) .0 .01 i Iollllon of temclatll tint ) iurecihuitatio , alit : nt Omnha for the : ( cIa ) ' alt sluice March I. 1 I 189. : urmal temprature . ' . . . . . . . . : . . . . . -S Ihl1lenc ) ' for the clar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 2 ' zonlll pr"lpIUlol' . . . . . . . . . . .1U Inch Exet'ss : rOI' the 'lay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IS hid I 'bout lireelluituttloul sluice March 1. 1.01 Inches : Iln'clllntol , Murch 1. . . . 1 . . 1.1 . . lt. inch I I. . \ . wm.sI. Obsvler. Jt'J"rl. ( rUII Uthor StIII : a lit I J' . M. - - , . > , , ! : , STATIIINa. ' , ; o . i : IUTI 0' : " g IEATUIII ; : = : a g f i 1 ! . . - - - - - -1--- - - - Ounabti..t . . . . : 4 tj . . , , ' llaiuiImu. - - Nurld'IIII. : . . . . . . : .00 ChIaro . . C/ 'llatll"l. V.itt'iuUue . . . . . . . . . Cru .11 , ( thoar : . ( iitt'.to . . . . . . . . . . t : tl lu , : . 1111 o " . . . .11 . t rt .u i P.trt ! cloudy . . S..111. . " . . . . . r.o A I . tI'rl"lolo I I u-i. l'aiui. . . . . . . . . . . : , to ! 1.l.al. . . . . 4 4 . ( ) i itatnimug . U"I'cuport. . . . . . . . ( , UI : GI : ( /l Ialntl' . lueui.ao Ctm . . . . . . . . . 4 .t 'Jmull ) , . . . 'Ic.iiIy U " . 1110. : CI . ) . . . . . . . . ( i : 1 i 14 : , , 'l'I'tI. ' . . . . Uti-uri'r. . . . . . . . . cit GI , . ( uhiClear. .UI'Clcr. al Like 11\ ) ' . . COl . , I .uio ( 'leer . 1 l suiiaiee. , _ . . . .j . : i : u2 I .lt , I 'Itr. - Ul' 101. I , Vlnc".1 , , . . . AII I1 : , , Oil P. rlelumt , Ciie3.'umia . . . . . . . r.t I It .110 Oi Clear ) Mi , , " " ' 1) ' . . . . . .I . . i : Ul l .11 .CI LtoIJ ) ' ItMlceu ) ' . 41 ? ! .111) Il'ar. 1:1\0111 , .1 _ : > 7L.IHI ( " .r , ! - . ' -'r' ' Indicates trace or nln. 1 AE U. Ob.mcr. - SAYS lIE IS NO 1)RUNKARDt ) President Olevolnnd Denounces Minht Lnnsiag's Charges a False , - THINKS TIlE PEOPLE WILL JUDGE FAIRLY lzPr'qc "nt ftnn lint Ilstnncrf of thlR CI..racter Are Ire , ' 1111 l'uirtlcn- Ilrly " 'hieii 01",1 hy htcprecuitia- tit-e of Iho UiirIstiitii , Chnrch. W\SINOTO : AprIl 7.-When the report or n speech made In n Mthiodhst conference at Salel , Maca . , by Ie\ ' . Mr. Lansing , alll his suhsellenty puhlshed IntervIew , nccus- Inr the presIdent of Intemuperance . was shown to .Ir. Cleveland this evening , he said , with con IIrJble , warmth : ' "hls Is sllply au outrage. Though I I not the lnt time n thing of thIs bunt 1 , has been ( attempted , I cannel a\'olll a feeling ! of Indignation that any titan who makes claims to decency and especially one who assumes the role of a ChrIstIan mlnlstcr , shaullilermit hImself to b come n disseminator - tor of wholesale lies And calumnIes not less stupId than thEY are cruel and wicked , I "I ea31) ' recall other occasions when tloao ' mar or less entitled to be called ministers cf the gospel have been Instrumental In putting . I ting Into cIrculation the most scandalous fahehoolls concerning my conduct , and char- acter The elements or factors of lie most approved outfit for placing a fiise and barefaced , raced accusation before the publc appear to be , frst , SOI ! one with baseless motives sumclont to Inlent ; second a minister with moro gullibilIty ant love of notoriety than piety , greedIly willIng to listen to It and gobble it . anti third , a newspaper anxiously willIng to Imblsh it. For the sale of the ChristIan relIgion I am thankful that these scandal mongering mInIsters are fes' . I am glad that the American love fair play alit ) justIce , and that In spIte oC nil efforts to mislead them they are apt to form a correct estmate of the character and labors of their llblc servants. " CIUL1 1.\ \Tll-IUNOAUY. ) . 81hl to 10 UICrCIRIIg II thnt 10rrllry and imrruzit. W\SlINOTON , Apri 7.-The report of Surgeon General Wymau for this week shows that cholera Is decreasing In Austria-Hungry and that It has entIrely dIsappeared from Oallcia and PrussIan Sliesla. Dr. Cleary , United States sanItary Inpcctor at Rio de Janeiro Tellorts a general decrease of cholera In Brazil except In the state of Esplrato , Lanto , where ( lucre has been a marlct Increase - crease , ninety cles : occurring In one week In two villages alone. I appears he says , to be following the course of the Parlhyba river anti to be slowly moving north\art front that str am. Dr. Cleary thInks It safe to say that there wi ba no epidemic of yel- low favor In Io this year , 8S the ( cool sea- son Is very near , anti he says that whenever 'In Ilevlols years there has been no great 'nlmbr of cases of ( huts disease up to this time I le\'er appears to any great extent. J. A. 'right of the International avlga- ton companr advises Dr. Wyman that the : AmerIcan line for the New York-Southampton and l'hiliadelphiia-Llverpool services have made arrangements to have all of theIr pas- sengers front Russia admited to the ( sta- ton at 1owo , Ototchln , Protelen , Eydtkuh- non and Llajoren , In order that they may ' pass the same rIgorous examInatIon ant nt the sam time have their baggage properly dlsinfccted which I Is believed wi prevent : the importation of any Infectious diseases by thIs , Une. Dr. L. P. Gibson . nctng assistant surgeon at Little Rock Arll. , reports that I : Is most difcul to obtain trustworthy reports - . ports from Hot SprIngs In regard to the .smalpox . He says' : ' "It- takes several dDYS to ascertaimi 1110 \ , facts . fron'eel : , to : week. , , From private but reHablt sources I quote UJ h fohidwing : 'Th Board of Health reported nothIng for the last weelc. There are thlrt- eIght cases to my knowledge and I have reason to think there . are forty-two. They report none In the city , and I saw twenty- ' " seven cases. LONDON . , AprIl 7.-A dispatch to the Standard from Vienna says that Polsche correspondence - respondenco estates that cholera has broken out In the ( I.nzarelo ( on the . island of ICamal rait . of the west coast of ArabIa , In a bay of the Red Sea. Thirty persons have be.n attacker - tacked , and there are several deaths daly , Mitch Iarm exists owing to the allproach of the II\grlm season. Attempt to persuade the sultan or Turkey to stop the pilgrimages have failed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CUN U I'TlN UF A I IIC.\N WINI French IUlllrnctnrorA Complain .thlt TheIr i'rorl.icts \ 1" 1.0'11a itt' : . WASHINGTON , April 7.-The French wIne manufacturers are becoming alarmed at the , American competition. An extract from the , Commercial Journal , publsheJ In Porls , after describing the year's vintage In California DS interIor In quality and IndIfferent In yield , says that since the Neal tariff lowering the entry duties on wine Imported Into the UnIted States from abroad great erorts have been , made In California Calornia to organize powerful syn- Ilcates whose aim It Is to struggle by every : ever onlble means against foreign coimipetltion . , , and ) especIally Igaln t the cotuutletitioui of French wine . I Is not that the quantity of quanty dlsrosable wInes or pecuniary niutives tire wauutimi . hut owing to the DntaltOnllm motvts Ire - lug from the producers on one sIde and the i agents on lie oilier thIs enormous engIne of In'lu8trlal war will not be reauiy to operate i rlaty for n good while yet. In looking over the last annual report of the State Agricultural hoard of CalIfornIa Agrlculurul Iodrd L tar the ' 1893.91 Calforia years 3.91. the conclusIon Is ar- rlvell at that the Ilno growing InJustry of CalIfornia has been for ae'eruoi years In a stagnation ; that there ( has been an eCPS8 of IJroJucton ; that the IJrlce of wine has never heen lower , although the hnprovement with a L i ' view to Increasing the . consumpton anti open. 1 lag nel markets for it have been constant an,1 , real. I NIHV H.EiO'I' IIi ( : ON U.\ITVI ' . Orange I'roo State bOllh Aflh . Aflrds I WI.I. 1.tmiugs hlestcram iou. WAShINGTON Alrl 7.-A new renort for consumptves has been dlsco\'ercl In the Orange Free State , South Africa. United I States Consul Agent Lanfgraf ( , In a report I to lie ( Stlto department talks or the bene- Iclnl result experlencel , by Ilsrlonl who have tried it , and adds " I : "No country on earth can rank wIth the Orange Free State as u health resort. Mr. Palerwn ! has been DI over the world , and nowhere else foumud any relief. I could gIve numbers of fount Ilmlar cases , and that so few peoille have como here Is duo to the fact that the Ornga Pre State Is so little known , arid In IOt parts of the world believed to bo 1 deslrt Inhab. Iell with brutal natvcJ and wild beasts. Living Is rather cxpfsl\t ali Ileroni com. Ing herG shou\l eO/mln,1 , frcm $51) to $ CO per month. A f < mly of [ four or f'o persons perons can live doceuitI' : on $ ,500 . l\e deeent $ per > Per- sons whose lungs are far gone should tra\cl \ by easy stages from the sea to Ito ( Orange Free StDtethat Is . such Ilersons should stay for 1 month lt Ceres next at Ihetiufort . etc. , unti they are prepared to stand the dry chlmnate. A tiiruct journey to 10emfonteil would mean death to such persons. " 'fhe landing place II Cape Towui persons. - ' 0 \ C'y OUT ' 'IY t J0.hI JiOUTllS. i W.at hll" COIII"oo JI.kt. l'lblo Its ' l'lnn , ru , ' uiuhn. hug us Crtlt l'llblol WASUNGTON , April 7.-Slr Julan Iaulclorto. the nrllsh amhaesllllr ) , has rnrnlshell to the UellJrtment or State a copy at a circular IUUNI by the Wet India coni- mllve Iii r.ontol concernIng 8U1 pro < uc. lon. ( The ambaaSdor explains that It II not to be regardel 11 an expressIon by hits Io\'rrnment of the commlteo's views . The circular calls attention to the fact that tle ( sugar Industry , beet a well 1 colic 18 anlng through a crisIs of the most serious description . nail expresses tht hal" that ( hum atRmptug to provide the remed > ' tb'arloua governments should avoid ( , taking any steps whlcb may aggravate the crisis Instead of releving It. I II shown that white the production II increasing at the ( fate ef 1.000,000 tons eC J.OO.oO tier annum the cOllulplou rqwa .loIlr at 1 the rate ot only 20OOIns per annum Naturally prIce ! are depjest1 and the bounty a'I- , t ern Is ucrlb : - the this ter y cause of ( state of a ffairs . Therfto1e' It advises the entire aboliion of tHt".nty and the stmulnton entre consumpton bjt LUte relncton , or the duties dutes levIed l , which oK Icxcessl\e . In I Europe. and Irevent ps the m/1ln as a whole from using pl ugar. : ' I'rr. ' _ . now INor\IHIIOUIt : ! % lIE 1 HITIU. : . Secret/u" AI41ui / ! - Thlnl'R NInmlll Iln the iliuitetiy , . II ler 1:111 : , . ' WASINO' / April 7-Secretary Mar. lon thInks the , \hoso of the English /ov- ernment In t p\hjig \ \ \ a battleship to the NIcaraguan r , ' 8l ( , ls to enforce the ( 11el111 whIch \ 1 ( pncJ.bly soon bJ made for In- ( demnifcaton on account of the cxplleion of Con.ul thutch . and Il Is belIeved the HOYAI Arthur wil take tie ) mate In hand anl , secure the hllelnllcalcn by collecting Ohio customs duties on Nicaraguan ituiports. In that event h. thlnk3 Nicar.sgua's wIsest course wOlld hI to com'cn her congress and ) Pass It law flJr the . ndmlsslon of all Importa- tons free of lhlt ) . In cnchulon he sll : "Th other nations woull never con enl hunt their exporters to Venezuela houl,1 , Imy duty to England In the absence of I tarIff of NIcaragua nnl ) Eng- lan's h Iiolc ) woull . be effectively blocked. ( ; , 'uirnt I-ttrmi'sis n's Ii's Irtumuutriul. WASIIING'rON , AprIl 7.-'he relalll of Geneml J. I ) . l nrnOworth of Nel York , who ( led here Inst night , wi he tnllen to Albany tomorrow , whtre the funprnl uuer % ' - len'- ICNI wi be lintel \'etlnes'iay afteriiooum. at : o'clock In St. Peter's chlrh , 3tv . Dr. Bltelshal omclatng. ( : lmrleR 5luiiusuir Holer. I W.\SIUO''ON , AI111 7A'er ) ' slight , ImlJovement wait relloltell tonight In thl ( : condition of Charll : lansur , assistant ' comptroller uf the treusul ) I SOUTH OMAHA DOG THE WINNER . Soldlrr' niI " 'UR 1IW'1c,1 : go llly thnt I will Ilc. There waR n del fight In gast Omaha yesterday nCCI'noon between leuiny Mur- lillY's Jack oC South Olall tenet an Im- Iloltec ) built dog owned b ) ' the soldiers nt Fort Onituhin About 10 sports from tht MagIc ClOy welt out through the mud and rin to the iilncevlter the tight clme off. All were.len down with mane ) ' and wIlling . Inl to bet on ; 1 u\lh"s wondel' . unc wi. I was a light worth the ( money lasting one hour haul Heventeen inluututes . ' lastnr 'ilers' dog wus nearly denc when tnlcel out of the fIt anti I" expectt' to tile helore the ' dlY II out Murphy's fighter received only u few flesh wounds and Is ' 10 lS frIsky a I lamb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1ln t'ruuiietscos trcat : Itelmu' itutcu' . SAN FRANCISCO AIH'I 7.-'h ! nnnual l - mle bicycle cub relay race from San Fllclsco to San Jose and back to Oakland was run toeay , Seven club , contested . and the Bu ) ' ( Wheelmen oC San Francisco [ ( won by about two milutes , malcn ! the 10 unites In four hours :11 IILy-elghit mluutes. Icle enthusiasts were reselt ( rein ioU over the state and tholllll" wlnessell the start arid finihi. Ench relay was ten uuihit's . the cllbs havl ) ! I mal fur each I'elay. mils. last ten miles was ridden tJ Otto eber , " 'lbul l'doiii"iuu , Clarence Ilnlbott : . : S. \'etI8 , \\'uiltct' Foster and Casey Castleniaui. The \rlze Is the \'utl'rioy l'oph ' . Last 'Cr It was won 1) ' the Gallcn Ciy ) yclers of San Jose In 11\ICh Islowel tlurue llo"jlhl Upcn , 'i nttty . , . MEMPIIIS."Ap.rtl I 7-The spring meeting lt : lontlomer ) hirlc wilt opcn Muuidny. A numbel' of stables have returned from LIttle Hock during Urn Ist two da 's , and these together' wltL':6ne ( lne strings that have becut exercising here for three weeks make tip the heat lot < r' stock ] that has over ai- peared lucre al'thelopenlnl : of n ruicluig sell- Tclnl son. The truut'k \ vromlses to he fasl. A light raIn last luinhit laid the dust and made the going Letter . han It has been lit any time this . plhjg. 'he feature 0 ( the opcn- Inl lay's c t . , Is thc olon stakes In which Laturcatethe winner of thl Arleuin- sas Derby , \'l n1eDt the Kendal stable pair . Handlpl anti Euramita Flying Dutch- man . lhlomcjq" und other crack 3.rear- 01dm. n' , _ . _ _ _ _ _ 'V.r nntwl fl"cllJ nOI , ' l'rah"11. CiNCINNATI . ' AprIl 7.-I / statCt ( hat t h St. Asair'raoe \ trade wi cUlt the New York Jockey 'nub anti ' thc 'i apply ut meeting In I : lelphls next Tuesday for admission to the American Turf conrcg 'rhe SI. Asuph ! rack , . operates I foreign book which the Jockey club hits ordered closti 'rhe cOa- greats permits foreign books on race tracks anti , St Asaph will seek to maintain Its 1lllmac l ) ' find retain its gloat leVPIJt by .I olnlutg the latter oi'ganlzation. r St. Asaph joins the congress the Joclcey club may out- taw i It and forbid easter owners from MC- Ing l over It under penalty oC bsIng ruled off. 'ntis would Ilreclpitate u direct war between the two bodies. 8'1rclll ( ' 1"11110 10 .0 rpstler' . IENVER April 7.-M. M. Mnlwver , edt- tor ( at the Illustrated Sporting 'Vest , has Issuec I a chale gc oil behnlr of Barr ) ' Dunn , champion wrestler at AustralIa for wlester ustmlu , a hive- style wrtstlng latch with any lan In the world for $ IVn ) a side Duncan C. n03S. chalplon all 'round athlete of the world . I' Evan Lcwts , .The Strangler , " preferred. tnl"er also Orerl to ' I gc' $ I.O that Dunn cnn throw ll ) ' man In the world ten times In nn hour nt R Style of wrestling which he will sele't. It Is stipulated that the match shal take plac ' In Denvcl' Inrl'I.ltll' ; I..t" ' ( iii. KANSAS CITY . APrIl 7.-The Purtel- H'an glove cQntest schedllcd lt the Audi- ' torium for tomorrow nIght II of Chief or PolIce Speers tonight notified the manage- ment of the Allrorlul that the lht wonld ; not bc permItted to conic off withIn the CII- Imll and the contest hal thel'etorD been , declared ofr. 'rhuere Is 80le talk or going across tie line Into Kansas , but the receIpts - ceIpts woulll he so small that lucre ( Is not much Icelhood ot an cncounter between the sluggers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'l'I'ot lugat Nlco. NICE , AprIl 7-A large crowd , In- eluding ' man ) ' aristocrats ( , Issembled today at thc ) course of the Trot- thug club. 'fhe race for the Grand PrIX at 3.20 meters , wnR won ly : . ness - : Sdt'S Lrslnll 1 Pilot . 'hne : 5:21 : 1.5. ' 1ho , race fOI' the Grand Intelatonal Illze at 2.0 mcters was won ly Herr F'Ieiudtnutnn's I ' Shadeland and D lmonla , 'i'Inicu : 3:0 : ; 'I IlrmlfllII tn I' .vn I 110011 . IIIIOAIINOIIAM . I , Ala. . AprIl 7. - 'hIH cIty' Is to have 1 regular Ice couree. Jeetnh" , wIll hue held beginning next Intl . The grout lids and Inlhll:1 i ) I : or the ( I1'llnlhlm I.'nll assocIation werl Illchasell ly Inyden 1 Dorlan , I California hOI.wmll , who wIll lit thcl with that ! _ ollject In Vtcu.v wil J " . orl' . i.uui.tsr \'Ilur , ' . \'IiiTECAS'i'l.iui , I.a. , April 7.-ln 1 glove cobitt'tit . at the ( OIH'I.1 house lalt : night John L I'cllel.t : Imoelterl Jack hush Olt II thlrt- one rounds. 110 ( . tulf ) ' or New Orleuns I was the ( referee. I 1111.111 : "ln04 0'411 ' I : HOII. ( AHION , InJ. , Apri 7.-The coal Hlla- tiomi In this ( vcnly ( Is serious 'rho Crawford . ford mImics tutu down this moring for nn 11111nlt IlerlcU amid It Is r IJcrt(1 that the ; McIntosh ( I Suporlor 1)'lllcale anti J'urelm unities , whIch , , ore IPOI worlllnl aie 01 two siuty's , 1 % 'ceIC . Will 1ctosti Ihll ( wepk , 11endlng the mJn rK' motn : , ; In Hr z I April 15. About W mlnels nme'qut , of . emptoyment. Vru''rui ' ' 'ui Ciiitr4 .11vlll ioiit Pu . fAr.I IOI. ' N . ( i' . , . \prl 7-Nlnet-thr , farmers from , 'IO\'IIIO. \ Kanlas anti ' Ilnoll ) ; ' are now In , outhcnltern part : of this ( I state 1001IIW tll ' liiir1s. ' ( 'hey are prospect- lag ni nn aJvtnfe'luali : et n 111'ge lumh1 of IntendIng gt'ttleril . ; tpuurtansbuirg uitlcht c Inteldlnl.tlerK.Hplrtnslur ulothcr cattail I itiill . $ .fJ ) ' hiavlmig beer I EulJcrlbed. I wilt huI2M Illndlc9. 111 leen . . - - ' .1--- ) ! tip . LIMA 0. , . \pl $ 7.-'he CI ) ' National I bank of Fort , } ) pl h , 'I'X. , , contained $10,0 ( ) belonging to .Jllc 4enaowmont rnk or the 'I'nlhll ot .l'Uibus , lupreme mlancelor HIhle says illl' funds are amply secured I antI . \ thai ( the ordcr hUH Ihunlult , funds In i C other quarters to l\et ul oblgalonl. 1\11.1..1 : ( : " " 1"1"01 hue 1"1a. MASON CITY . Ia. , ' \lrl 7.-SIpelul ( Tithe. . grum.-The ) Uermnl rvangelcul : conference i . for Iowa , In HeNsion at Nora Slllngs , 111' II I adjourn Mouiday . 13hol' iehus of ChJelo : I Ilreal'heIJal , eloquent Hermon this ( mornln to . I luri congrc aton. ' 'he ( uppolntnwmitu I uPlolntmentl wi be male - 3londay. - . - UI.lh ur . .IIDy UIY ' ca. CI.g\'j'I.AND. 0. . April 7.-Newl wus re- leh'cd here today of the death ot Sidney Guy Sea , formerly buslne8 manager or the ( ( hlcalo Herald , ut Bantu 1'e . N. Al. , of consullon. The remahll wilt \rought : to C'ieo'elamid ror burIal . . H sl'on 31'IPI. ' . hilliCul . 1,0NnON. Apri 7.-A dIspatch to the ! Times ( vomit Calcutta says that sixteen iuiot I were killed by an eXllloslon In titus 1'11 ccitt mines In flatigalore . PALMER FOR SOUND MONEY Ie DEnottcdS tile Call for n Silver Convention - venUon IS OppoSEtl Democracy , RANK AND FILE OF TIlE PAR1V IGNORED \hln Tim7 . . Wi 10 Ir"l hirspiimi'slhle for the IO.tlA Only R Small I.Ieiucuit Wi Io ltepu'cst'muteul nt , , the Couifcrcutcc . - SIHXOpmrD. I. , April 7.-S nator John M. IDller docs not approve of the acton of the democratic state central cent- mlteo I In caling I I I a Inlnorly colivemi t ton , to Ilet hero June 4. lie says It was nn Un- wlso 10\e , nnd does nol rel1rtent the sentt . ment of Illinois Ilemocracy. In an Interview inlay , he said : ' 'Eveui 1 I the authority or the conlnlteo to cal n conventon for the IIIrllOS0 Is es- lablshell , the Present cal Is highly injuutil- claus. This Is an oft year In polities , and no InlnedlDte Ilarty action Is possible. 'fhe congress elected lu 18:2 h ) the democrats repealed the ( Ilurcnase clause of the Sherman act . ami did oilier werk In harmon wIth 11emocrJtc opinion , Incullng a cal for an Intornatonal ( monetary couference. The pros- u _ _ , _ . , pre. Icn . OttO Slretar or the treasury . by a wIse and discreet exercise of lawful powers - ers , have lalntaln the publc credit , and the receipts of the treasury under the op- oration Inereasln of democratIc legIslation are largely "Nothing more Is miecessary to the return of prosperity to the country than that democratic , cratc 1"Ices he alowed to accomplsh their beneficial resuls , I Is true the people are snfcrlng under condItions not produced by , any act of the democrtc party , yet It Is held responsible , and the result has been n stunning defeat In tInt late elections. "Tho most humilatng fact Is that ( time gentemen who will assemble lucre , claiming to be representatives of the democratic . . reprlsentatves lemocratc llrt ) wi declare the ( depression Is the result of the uleluiocratle pole ) ' upon the IndustrIal Interests - terests of the countr ) The ) ' proceeded to cal a convention which wil mcel at least a year before the party In the state wi ) have , null occasion to act . for tIm 11rllOse , as they avon' or COnllltnr the party to the free , and unlimited coinage at the rate of 16 to 1. ODJECT OF' TIlE CALL. "In other words , the so-called drunocratlc : democratc cOlmlleo proposS to cal a conventIon to I commit the Party to sIlver hutolioimuetnlltstut 10nometalism and make that dangerous degma the disturb. lag factor tn demccratc P.lty of IllInois. . You ask If thc democracy at the state wIlt acquiesce In the acton of the state coiutmtt- tie . which declares for free and ( unlimited coinage , 10io I. as an article of democratIc faith. I answer moo. All democratc as I Inol theIr views , are anxious to ( ex- tell the usefulness of sIlver lS 1 money metnl. Some belrve free coInage on the , Ilresent ratio would about thIs rate bring re- suIt ; another class do not believe It The re ) ' waut a dollar or silver to b : the stand3d of value and legal teuuilor If , I they btityed free colnaga or sliver would produce a dollar - lar of full usefulless as a gold dollar , they \\uld not care for the free coinage or silver . They care nothing about the dlsturbanco In values whIch free coinage . would certainly produce ; they 11 tale hart In the conventIon , but the great body of the : Ilemocratc partr believe the ' ) . belel'e part suit rep- resents In the hIghest degree devotIon to I eegree devoton cOlstutonal liberty and protecton of In- ( lvdual : rIghts and of just and equal laws : ; , maintenance of publIc and prIvate credit on the basis of the existing values or ' . cxlstng as values - ues may bou effected II busIness changes i and conditions . and will take no part In the - con\enton caled by lie stale committee . " lH fNGHAM , Ala. . April 7-A sllvet - . , . slver pal.ty . Is tbc latest aln" ! " In nnl'- _ _ , _ ' < . _ . o . . . . 'affairs . In Alabama. In .Athens , Ltnuestonc .u. county , 400 democrats . republicans Limestone pop- ul ts met and hanlled thcmsel'e ! together In ravel of the free coinage of sliver . and bonnd themselves , wihout any respect to party ties , to support for olco only such men as favor theIr \Iews , . Stlrei' l'l'ophl" CUIJIg " 'cst. DENVER , April 7.'G , G. MerrIck las re- csl'ee a telegram from harry Jones , sect-c- tory or the ( Dmetalc league , at 'Vathlng- ton , saying that ox-Congressman Sibley , Senator Jones of Nevada General Warner and probably Senator Stewart will visit Denver AprIl 15. . wi . IIESTIN l'R : ( . / Veterans of tht' Hobeaon HOlomberod b1 the honorul Covorlmolt WASHINGTON , April 7.-Speclai-Pen- ( ) tons granted . Issue oC March 25 , 1895 , were : Nebraska : OrIgInui1teauneiDehbobar , \Vatcrtown , Buffalo : Martn hull , Butte , Do'd. Addittonal-Johin E. 51mw West Union , Custer ; Charles T. Crawford , Broken Dow , Custer. JncreascAlfred Drown , Palmel' , Jlerrlclc ; Nelson A. Smith . flock Bluffs . Cass ; Frnldln Enlow , CambrIdge , FUI'nul. Iowa : OI'lglnal-John A. Grchner Jefferson , Greene ; Thomas howell ( deceased ) , Linden Dallas ; John Shiny Iowa CIty . Johnson ; Alien \V. Forsyth , Linnvliie' . Alen \ Llnm'I ! Jasper : Henr- Al. Colby , Srranton Clt . . ! [ Cell ) rnton CIty , Greene. Increase -Moseti D. Scott , Ieal Grove. Guuthunie Oi'IgiuttI : wilows. etc-athnrlne Mitchell . OttumovnVapolho : MInors - ot 'rhuontuis Vv' . 4IcDlll . Ottuinvru'upohjo. . 'lh0118 Colorado : Orlglnal-Patrlclc McGee . Pueblo , Puchulo . HelssuI - . \ncJb \ n. MIller , Denver , . fcc \rapahoc , ; Lewis Baron . Buena Vista , Chat- Isme : of March : G , 1(53 : Nebraska : IncleascSecwlck : W. Pettis (1Iec"nled ( ) . York , \'orlc ; I.'rancls Al. Pets . Omaha , Doullal. Orlllual wIllows , etc.- Amunda L. Peti ! , York . York , Original I wldowl etc. , ( Fpcelnl act-Marlun C. Gur- any . Beatrice , ( . 101a : Origlnal-Michunch O'flourke Sioux City , \\'uochhiuury ; Tlale C. Smih , Olenwool , , 11 . lncreiae-ilernitun : Juo , \Vatt'rioo , Black Hawl . ; Jerome Good el. East Elk- Icrt , Clayton . lueJoseIJh R. Shihpnian , SII111an \llelo. ( l.ouIAa. . OrIginal ! witlows . , ete.-Sa- rh ( ' . Hal.twel , Attituitic . Cnl . Houth Duletl : Orlglnnl-Clllles I ' 1Iavor. lint Sjurluigu , I'al , I 1' el. InlrlIQ-Themnl : Joutra. " 'aulm ' Da ' . . Joutra.Vauiny , Druy' OrigInal wllow , c-ic. -I , ulpi W'thiluimnut , itockhiamim . 1"aut ; lIar- net n. Mc'reuiry , Volga , itrooklnga. ! NOllh Dallta : Origlnal-liorutlo G. Carr Da , 'enpolt. Cites. Colorado , : Orldnal-T'rnclt A. Dory. paul. dPI' , nOlller ; I henry I. I 1 Geiger . Denver , Atutnaho , ' . Alditlonul-V'iiitani , , , n. 'notCn. Pucilo , Pueblo . Inerease-Jo eph S- ; breath , Ienver Ampuhoe. l'11JRIU'S L'l.lI.tt IS.SiMJ11II.tT " ) 'I .J , . Loiters trol thus r.alo " "nlior I'.tr ( 'ultRII Ni II cut 11 of . \ fleet tout. . ST. 1.0uS , AprIl 1.-Tlle fnl CorrCshOnd- ence between Jams O. Fair ant ) Phoebe Couzlns , upon ) which the later haseS her contenton that an exgagclent of marriage existed Iieiweeuu her all the mnlllhonairc. has been mode plblc , The first intImation of matrhniony Miss Couzlns assert . \\'I a IWIIIDller , leltch handed her one Ilay ' by Fair . narratng the conjulfl ; misery ' that fcloled thee wedding of on "Ieal , ) Mon anc un Ideal Womnn , " the JUIIge who fnaly granted ( bern a divorce remarllng : "The first requirement for . an bleat wife or hitia- hand Is a wIcked partner. " 'fho coni-c'apantl- once began July 21. 1(52 . 0111 contnue,1 , to fay 31. 1893. In none or Ohio letters , seemingly - ingly Is Fair I affectionate , though always ! courteous , kInd DII encouraging ! I shows lint ( he loaned MIss COlzlns money and told her whenenr abut needed more to call ott cal 01 him. Alt his letters are answers to liens ap. pareutthy . UII no lenten of mDrlage or love aTpearl to bl mace In any or them. Ills , . last note to her was writen from the Grand ' Parlfc ( hrtel , Chicago , May 31 , 189. and I 'I. sign el , "eIot t reuepecituhly. " I was when FaIr reached this hotel at that ( time , Miss Cauons ; asserts , that he said to her : "I nun cOle to claim my reward " "WhDt reward ? " she ake : . \'ounelf and 1 thousan , ) kisses " she says he replied. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ nlll ,1ulurl 1ulh II last LEAVFNW'OltThI . lan. , AprIl 7.- ( ' al. tuln O. Ii. McNulry II lead , lIe WWI 7 : ) 'ear 0111 and wits born ut " 'ulhllltOI , } 'a. He wits quartermaster or the ( FInal brIgade . ' ' . Irlgule. l'ennlyh'alta volunteer infantry during the war and was four tunes , shiol antI once woumidect by a sabre. He eecapej wounctc elcape. front southern pr/lns / three times } Dld tar several months was conlnet In Anderson- vlf Anteron- t'.ITTr .IIICX IUdd I' 11lC IlIL'lPl I'S. Icccnt"nIC' In thn I'rto of lof , \ 1 > Ilrrlnl.t I ) hue ( lu-users . CIIEt.ENNE , April 7.-Speclal.--Stock. ( ) men hnvo reason to congrtulate themsol\'I ! Sutton the outlook for the' future . Irlcl' are higher than ror several I years anti the market Is stilt all\ancnt. A lirminelt cat. teman said toda ) ' that ( lie anticipated 1 further increase . One 'oiuhti ' . ' ! ! wal nltlrl } enip.- 11.050 1 that Ito ( high price \oulll , cause n rush that ( wOlll over-etupply ( lie muarheet auth force it thechimie , but stuchi has not been ( Ito Cast' . This vouuhtl IndIcate thiitt there is us scarcity' ef unarketuibie beet cattle In the couumutry. 'I'hie ' great eastern antI Eumrope'nn iniut-kets linve recently advnncc'ui fioun i ° cents to 2 celits ver pounil , and the ulemnuutid for export beef huroutoises to ti very great , alt of s'hihcli svWI materially aid In stustaining the huioyaltey of the westerli tiutirket. ( 'attIc itsiy'era who iuuut. CoiitrioCt5 last year , itt mimuttelpuithon of ( lie hureseltt u-iso , are 11005' jtibhhuint. E. J. Itch , to Larainle stock ittuimi. hits a contract i'huIcli lie estiects o'lIl net him $ .0,00t ) titurluig tue preseut ( year. l.tiurt Noveutihier his contracted with ( lie Siarks-Iierrehi cinip.'sny , whose berths iaitge Iii Nevauhuo , for ( hell' 's. ; ( turn-otT. vhitchi will veubably' amotunt to G0CoO hietiti of fat steel's. tinder ( lie terms of the ngrcentent the Straiks-Ilerrell company wilt deliver to Mr. Dcii , out btmrtl the cars at 'l'uicuumnui , Nev. , nIl tii 4-year-old steers which can lie rotuncleit iii ) ems thuehu' range , at $03 PCC heat ) , nun ) ( lie eV"S at $23 pr brad , it. is ftirflter ngrecd ( lint shuotuiul Mr. ] Ieli elect lie may take till thto 3-y'enr.ohdut. lrnthi steers iunel ensytu , mit ( lii' stniuie. figure , 'l'hiu cattle coma- puony will In-glut ( lie ulellverv of ( lie cattle iii traiuuiouul lots on August 1 , nuid 'tIi turn theft alt over before October 1 , lSii5. xIoIw .i1UIC1)JatID , .11.mKI.S .1 J'111117' , l'slczuiiulor Sttutni ft Boy aunt I Chesi by us Mat , , JACICSON\'l Lljl , Fta , , AprIl 7.-Alexan- uler Sinu.nuui , alias lirIt Glenn , aiIn Jilut Char- lIe , a negro , neluled another vlc'ttun to lute I list of killed ( hits nuorniiig , Stniun't shot auni killed a youiig colored boy' stained Nit. , hioleon Stucks Saturday' nlgiut. The olhhcers , chased itlrn aboout two nilles to a barn in L ( tie eastern hart of ( hoe city. V.'haua Shams LI I saw lie ns discovered lie upeneil lire with I it tistOl on the officers , 'ho retoiruicul thic tire. During tIme tIring i'ohiceutoutui Mtnot vas shot in the breast mind ktlleth alnmost inuttniitty. Llemttemunnt Iltuint' , IiI's brother , vuts shunt iii ( lie left hog. Two negroes whia , hiatt johited In chatting Shutouts were eliot iii L ( lie hIp , one fatally , it Is ( hiomight. Simuns I aItcireti to gIve hilunueehf Ut ) it the lietiteumnuit 'ouIil consent aot to kill him , ThIs was I ngu'eeoi to , antI Ito gave sup hula revohvci' and cahtie ilowut , A large crowtl gathiered art : the outside anti vnnteti to lyuteht limo at alice , hut ( Ito oflicer htistled lila isrtsoncr off ; (0 juult , As sooui as ( lie affnlr becaune u notmtetl about a large crowd congregated at Ohio jail , uuitul threats of hy'nciilng s'erc Ire- quient. Finutihy' it wets announced that Slmnis would be taiceim to ( hue c.minty jail for safekeepIng. limit lmiutt.ead the sheriff Pout hIm aboard a ( rztlmt for St. Augusthuito , svlierc I hue vas placed in jail. C- BUtTES ! ! .SluII' CUI'lct , I1ZuI VhS. Long Overdtue % 'es.oI frouui LiverpooL to I isttt'tir. I , t.tu Co. ASTORrA , Ore. , April 7.-The long over- ilue Ilrttisht Slut ) Cuplea , 'tiit tlui froni Liv- eritool for Astoria , arrived at 1 o'clocte tItle I iLfteri000iu. The docks were fluted wttim 1)00. bile , amid no sooner haul Ohio Cuplca dropped , anchor thunmi a score of Cuoptalum Casson's i frieitd climbed over thu0 side of the vessel : and couigrattutated hun on lii stofe arrIval. Captnlru Cnsson states that the vessel wat t delayed hI' Stormuts thuuut drove her otit at her , course aitd by ctmlmus w'hilchi hasted for days tot a tittie. In the 'iettiIty' of Cape Horn , Son ] I cases of ( tie ( In jcttlsauieth , nutul mutoi'e ovotuiri ha'o followed , hiatt they loot becit cotapsileti to batten tloovui thu hatches , ' 1's'o sailou-s I were injured by' beIng thrown nguiliust ( hue i bulwarks duurlng the storm. Captain Casson says that when ony ) two I days out from Ltverpooi , hue feared that lie would never reach hits destination. 'rite am- rIval of ( lie Cupica hiatt hilaced the can- norlea at soitic inconvemulence , nit ( lucy , yIth one or two exceptions , hood given up tint shill ) for host and hail duplicated their orders with Aunerhcan tlui vtatc. TIiC Cuplca load 28.00) cases of ( In on board , SIOUX UITY'S t1U.Y1CII'AT SC.ISJIL , Auiothior l'itn'uo of itIhrcak Out Through us I'uilo oC imuinroveunsuit ) tonui. SIOUX CITY , April 7.-Special ( Telegram. ) -The Sioux Chty cotuncll Is greatly excied over the stile of $ Z0,000 of cIty improvement boutds. the isuttiuoncc of which was decided oit sante tilnc ago. Bids were advertIsed for by ( he treasurer and openeul by him last Ttuurs- day. The utuccesafuul bidder Itnoved to be floberts & Co. of New York. The llmtancc committee recommended ttuat the bonds be sold to thtui lirm and ( lie council expected to ratify the ogreomeutt Tuesday night. Yesterday the other bidders counuteutced to cIrculate a story' that the sale was mache to flobCrts tltrotught sonic imuidume inliuence and that lefore ( he contract s'as approveti they would prove it. Thie coumicil resolved to head off aity trouble , and at a secret meeIng Saturday night approved tlte cmi- tract. The represcntattves of ( lie rival firms arrts'ed just as ( he' meeting wait over. They are furIous umutti threaten tilt-a vouogcance if time deal Is not broken off. ( I1L'i'EILIL M.tZ1OXJ hiM FiLl' iN DEBT , tJcot ot Trait filed ( 'ovoring this Palustuuii % 'Irglnius home usiuti OtIiu-r Property. I'ETEIISBUItG. Va. , April 7.-Oonoral WIlliam Mahone tins made a deed of trust , whiicit has beemu recouded In ( lie 0(11cc ( of the clerIc of the corporation couri. 'rite dccci conveys the general's palatial mesluience in Petersbulrg , whIt all blue lioutteitohil goethe anti a lot oh Gmuarauity street , together with other real etatc , 'I'iie deed is made to secure ( hue holder of certaIn liotes , amounting to $8O.S5O. One of those vhuo iii si'ctired by thin deed Is lilies Otolta If , Ma- hone. a daughter of General Mahone , ( or $66,000. , _ _ _ _ IfRLI(1 ( , tP flov.sii.y's ( i1CI.J1' PlUTOJtI' , 1 ] agger Tutkc'ui fi'uuii $ mintls , tnuii at. ii ui m tic , 0 ? 'ui ii , li % el ii I a oui lix Pit hit tioiu. CINCINNATI , April 7-lion. Jolumi A. CutIdweil , uuiuy'ur of ( hits city , limiut receIved by exuresx from A. J. Iloiiuutoii of 'roxas , the juan of the late celebraicci ( Jeuiera ( Sam Houston , that tiusggc-r vhiIchi was tnlct'ii from General Santa Alma when lie svits cup. tured by' Samut houston at ( liii hattIe of San Jacimutu oil .ALrll 21 , IEPL This gift lii to be lresented to some mntusemiun lii Ciuueiuimmuttj , I'.tfNSJXIC ! ) SJt.I111iU. ' , I.\'J1IOV.I'T , New lhu.uiipahlro SttiLv hloumuo VIil Ito t'acuitoui It 'ilury it em leprlva't iii' 'I'iueir Atlutiiy , NAShUA , N. if. , Ajunii 7.-Time pensioned soldiers at thin State SohuiI.'rs' hionie , whose liemislon money , except $ Ia nuonthm , ouuutlror Otto i-tiles of tue Itotuit' , Is kettt by thee man- ii gunien I , muave I ( 'Iit'i uu'tm , Ii tuu om mig m im ii L u mui'y witl retouse to turn over ( hue rtonuuey vbuu'n It tuimmies ( huts vcoIe , and ( Putt thutoy vIll leauve ( hue hioitie iii a holy it' ( tie poInt is lot-cect , 'rite ilIrectors say timi ( lie rules vthl bit enforced - forced , aituthur Timituni l.Iteiy iii eli , , Ccuuifam'ettce , HAI.1A1 , Mass , , April 7.-Thin seesiout of the Neov Emuglnuid slrtluodist EpIscopal como- feremice s-uis enhts'enetl tuy a motion by 11ev , l"re'ierlckVocri of East Boston , ( hint time colilerence tIecIlmued to buuti Itself u'CSIItuusIblo for ( lot shimlemutc'uitti of itu.'v. Dr. Lanstiug of hioston , who itt 'Ehisircshuty'tt aeu.tuiinuu . chmargeil President Cleveland wIth hiiimihenuiess , 'I Ito session busied half act iuouur. A motion to lay' ( lee rSoiUtion out ( ite ( able sviis htruimulutiy Voted uhowp. A motion wart ttot'ii affem'ed requesting 10ev. ? .l i' . tS'cad , ( lie ituthunu' of ( hue mnoiion , to wtrtitlu-aw it , amid this itio- tion was puaitttcti. MvVoou ( withdrew luls mutton , it. ruucolution svuts thucit atit.ptoti in expuuige' ( Ito discutatton ( torn ( hue recurils of ( lie contereilci' . butt a uuuolomt ( to retimuest tue liress to uiupreuun , reports of the Iuie'ldemits was hauHhted dowli. ( Uuhmig in t'e'arclu tiC I iltbuitt-rrri , _ iCt'u. W'ES'i' , April 7.-'t'hie rt'vemuoie cutter Mci.aluie left lucre yesterday to Investigate reports of ( lie orgamtli.atlolm of ami expeditIon by the Cubans. 'clue cxpetiltloii , It was re. portutti , wotuiti sail ( rota 'J'tiiiilta bay or i'tunto Gortlitim. 'J'hmo AIu'f.aimue will luivestt. gain hioth ltla'Cs out her trIp liteithu. It hue thiomighit by Solute to be a ruse to get this AloI.uuhmme iisvay , itt order to gIve Ohio Cubans hie'rur cii opportiunity to chiapatt'ii tin exle- uiltl ) fl from Key SVCst , or 0mm of the iuelaiutli lii the vicinIty. 'J'herc are 21G young Cubauua hu-re wniilmug an otpoutiuiutty to cutback , General Satiehiex , wbuo sumeceasriuhly hunched In Cuba nut trXIteuittlOfl from otie of ( tue l"iorlda key-s lit thud inst revoiutlon , Is lucre. _ p- alhiieis 101 Carhion icept ituvy' CAItIIIN , Wyo. , AprIl Spei'lah.-tu. ( . perlnten-hent ltrlggs or the Utuleru l'acllic t'aI ntliuea at this plaeo has receIved ordei-ui ( or 177 canluttlue of coal ver week. 'Oils wIll Insmure about hIs-c ilays work ; uer syck ( on the ( once of umuemi now umiuhoycei luu the mute. Mr hitiggs thinks ( lie order wflh be 'ien- maneat. It ( lie coal mIntil ta as clean as It should be , .4 Tlf.lle If)1111E114 P11111 TZZI I'fl.iIhIfl. Itock laimond lhtumtehits ( tie ( host M0uintimiq niut hattie Thimnir h'uirsmuors , \'lChilTA , April 7-The flock Island tratut roitbera ate now imt ( hue UIos ltuooiui. ( nina region nun ) have set ( lie Prairie Ofl fire bchiiiueh thieun Iii order to butille their pur- somers. There ticimog a. high vtntl , thio limo has covered nmi lunouncuise area of territory umuith thin ntiorshtah's 1)05CC eumnhiot tuiyauice' . Oll.AilOMA ( 'I i'Y , OkI. , April 7-Thio reunatuis of the Dover traits rotiber were brought here today' , anti 'ero viewed hiy son ) citizeuis. 'l'hue'y os'ere recognized ate thtoo of ViIItnuii iltako' , alIas Tulsa Jack , one of thou tust slespt-iiste ttieinhers of the nit ) lalton gang. I he was coluepruiech in ( lie hioheltup ( if a i4ilttut : ( it tuuoimu. mit SylvIa , l'nn , , last enr. 'Flue lemutahtulmig itoemubers of the gauog are still utt large. llENNESSI'Y , OkI. Alit-Il 7---Tlutt , - - - - .ientl . rahiber , hi crc Pu tie becit lthetu t I thou hI' Smuts erius- tendemit Stocktouo of tIme \\'vlis Fargo Cx- hiress eonipany' tie one of ( lie mild laltomi . gntug niut ouue of thie uiieum vhto lieltl sip the Sahtta Fe trumln 00 Slivhtu , Ean. , last No- vcinber. 'rhie iiitl.Crthstiou5 % tally' , even to mmtarks out Ii Is liii n ii , it is I c-cOlt mi nit it rmiptoire , vluichu sia ntetithetl by a Phuysk'hmtn in ICan- ens just befome tin , hiohuiup at tilIvIi : , 'erO Very im'e sciuhu 'ltuc'Ir ( huts. IIOUS'I'ON , Te'c . .Ahl- It 7.-l.tsat utlghit at ii ) o'clock four utten , ahl siunier 2' ' ) years of iige , Lawrence' lloyutohdmt , .1. F. l'rc-stout amid Ibid auid SkI l'rpachucr , o'ere driving Iimto the city' , on their return front their day's humimittuog. jt4 they taesed a crow. ) of lie- groes utoulie of ( lie latter mantle jeering rum- luau-ks , amsul oupon one of tiu boys itt ( lie wiogoum unumheiuig answer , thire' mm stone , viuIchi strmlclc one of ( lie whIte boy's , anti another. moegro drew a revolver. 'rIte htoy' nt.nn i ( I , , . ttiiiu , t ho tunsu'uq it'll ) , i-tim. ktltlutg two udegro uncus mid one o'ouutumti Thin white mcii acre arrestel , umlid nra now iii jail , awaitIng tIme caroller's iiuvesthgation , Noise of the white otieti were seriously hurt , rtrRuii'sliIlt ( ltltcorus ut.rteteut for Smtutugghluig , NlIYOltIC , horit 7-Jmtltoua ltegcuumeomi , ' . - ' the fourth oihicer of tIme ateantahutpVes. ( . lanth , amid istuulor Iubots , thue ShiII'll purser , so'ere uurreeuteel y'estertliuI' out the contphumint of John I' . Murray' ' ' ' ' , iiui OiIhL'Ci' of tli 'l'rcaaury ttturortttieuit , ems ( hue eluuu.u-ge of sniuggtlng dtaumoommths through thIs lion nut thic' mtrii'utt ( lie \\'teimiimiitl last Futdtsy' . 'Flue noon vere nrt'cstetl nut they' ' were lea'tmmg ui jew- t'try store imi Alaitleti ttne : , 'hucrt' ( lucy' had atteniucted umtueuccessfUlly to imuiike a sale , Out being uteimrchietl , ( cmi lam-ge dltminuuitls , cat. ciliated to be vortht silt ) , were fttuunth iii their posseseloui , lush was llxed mit $2,5I each. ( 'nut vuct nit ii l'o'O uuttcum It oblier , lEN\'Ehi , AlirIl 7-I'ostotilco Iuiepector McLechieit received a dtshiatehi tndoy front litspector'umterbmiry at'ihiiauios , ArIa. , saying ( lint Johuit Ly'ouiS , lentier of a gaiig of iitgliwrmy rohcterue , bturiIutr and safe ciusekers vhultlt itmis lteeti terrorizing- ( lie auuthiorltii's or ArIzona hit' ' ' mc y'eat' , has heitut convIcted of robbIng the foatotlice at'Il - linutis amid vilt receIve to scnteuuce , Alt , 'aterbuiry suiy's the lirteoner is one of thio slurewelest emooks hum ( hue cotimmtry. ( 'ant- oliicett , , i'ailroatis , bautks , atom cut nut ) inumuty other 1)itdeS have leen robbOd by thee Lyons giing. _ _ _ _ _ _ ( uiltun uncle It , Iii's ( lid hliomuuit , , . AflICANSAS CITY , Kali , , Ahrll 7.-About tluree utiontha ago John \V. Maddox , Iost- nitituter lit Gu'uutla Springs , this county , ran nvny with $010 of goverlomnent money , lie vits trnceui to 'rexutte timid New Mexico anet vas Ilnatly' cluhtturitul atVimitield wihuln tventy' uithies of ( lie scene of hula exploIt. a- testier of a llamutilt Gatug Coiptuireui. D1'N\'Eit , AprIl 7.-tVllliam Conimors , leaeleu' of ( toe gang of bautdtts whIch terror. , t Ized and robbud a gamutbhlng house of $615 , hiatt been cnpttmm-cud In this city. lie has coitfessed , anti retmmrned about two-thuds of the booty' . The other two uuuembers of ( ho gisng were captured at Aehucum JUnctlolt. For the Preurro'aeloui ot ( hroclnn Literty. NEYOCK. . April 7.-'l'hue amunlversary of Ohio Ci-eclc declaration of lmtdepemulcnce was celebrated hut an hmtfornial mausniter at noon today in ( Pie Creek orthodox clint-elm , There was no acrutiout. The comigregatlout simply offered a silent prayer ( or the vreaervaton of Grecian liberty' . Womr5 Work 1 neverdone It is a constant round of care and toil from which ( lucre Is muo escape , 110w essouttlal , ( lien , arc health and sroumgttu , auid yet with hioov ntamy women are thuette altogether tack- Ing. 'ruiey are tired all ( lie time , tuarmlly able to drag thiromughi the day amid mtmmalcto to sleep at night , Itt ( hula condition the system wilt soon break doms'lt. Restore the Strength , overcome (11:10 : tlreuh feelIng , build up the aye- tern by ( hue use of hood's Sarsapartila before It Is too hae. This great muiedicine is exactly wluat overworhcetl tvomen neetl. It makes pure , rich blood , creates an appetite , gives stneumgtit to (1w ( nerves anti nouicchetu arid. vigor and vItality to ( lie whole system. ( let only lioui's , bCcutise Hood's SarsapariEla is the only True Blood Purifier l'ronulnenthy iii ( lie puiblto eye today. Title Is tInt secret. of Its wonderful success. It cures where all other itreltaraitolis fail , , glue ( ittu-icc , urullul , ert.'o. H 00 S 1 bttse. All drucanbius , - AMUSEMENTS. : , 'J I , _ TWO N I ( i ILTS 1. ) 115 ONLY. MONIAY I I , 41 antO 'J'UIHflAY , I II an III ' Jinuuag'rnomit of ( lie Ifavortte , Actress , Miss Marie Burroughs In ttio Widely discussed play , The Profligate thy AV. . Z'uNtCRO , ESQ. Orhainah cast atmd scenery , Hale of seats now ou.emi , J'hrst floor $ t auud $1.O ; iniconi' . , ( hit nci 75c. JOOx Cfhlit opium colt duty runday. ' Tlittrs. , Vrl. anti Semi , , B OYB' April 11-12-13. HATYIIIJAY MA'riNEi. Ammuorlet'uu Lcumdluig Couuut1Icutmie , PIQUANT MAIUE iii hot .Mctropoiittnul Suteccues , "Dolmonico's at 6" Glen MlseIoIhlthIgh"3 flright Coutiody. Under this direction of C , 13. JIIPI"JIltm4ON , 1L/tV u lOitLANalift. TOte raiD at seat. will l4Iui Wednesday nic * . tog at usuel g'tcea-lIe' , Ido , 1k cud