j---- . ' "l ; - _ _ _ _ . _ _ .j _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . - , . - - - . . , . . . . , , c J. . ' N . . . , _ . . , . . . . , . . _ . . . . . , . , , , , . , . . ; . " . ' . - ' 1'\- . " . " _ . ' _ ' , . - " . ' - _ _ " , - - " - r r' " ' _ . ' - - . - . . . 'lit . ! " 44 + 444 + . . . . ' . - $4t-t4--444 + . I _ - PART H I + _ t THE OMAHA j SUNDAY ; i _ B EE. .f L _ PAGES + _ 1 TO _ 8. ] , , , : ; ' ' ESreAnJ.ISIJ D JUNE lH ) , 1871 OMAhA , SUNDAY MORNING , .pnr 7 , 189 -t"VENrry 1'AGJiS. SI.NGL.E . COpy Fi\r.E . O. Nrl'S. IT LIVED IN VAIN I , Late Nebraska Legislature Wate Its Most - Precious Opportunites , . ( ENERGY MISDIRECTED BV LOBBYISTS k Uncrpulous Leaders Controlled an1 Manipulated - \ nlpulat the Body t Private Enta , . . PUBLIC INTRESTS OFTEN IGNORE . ; BusineEs of the Peop'o Neglected for that Scheming Individuals. 4 ITS GOD WORK SON SUMMED UP , 1lerlorlou tt'ILMtICI3 thl ! IccIO T.IWrc , . . . . EIsIy 1lllcrntcl : , , hut the Other 4 ' ' - ' I.Il ClllOl 10 'J'oll Iii n ( . , . blllu Story. 1 I . ' - I . ' , LINCOLN , Alrl , -SpecIaL-TI1e ( ) Twen- . ty.Courlh session oC the ) Nebraska legislature . tOllny slowly and painfully died an Ignoble 'I I ucath. Never In the hhlory oC Ne- . , braslea was n session inaugurated wllh fa , . . much promlo 10 the republican party anti . . . never dll ( n Eesslon end so In/Iorlousl ' . 'fho record oC the ( session Is one hardly credo ' 4 $ Iablo 10 the IJarly In the ascendancy , and IC t r Il could ho eXlnn/ed from lie ( annals of the stnle republicanism In Nebraslc would . haVe less 10 explain away In the future , less ) 10 npologlzr Cur , less 10 deCcnd , less 10 blush t tor. - ; In a hrlet review oC the work oC this most " discreditable of all recent sessions It must , ho said al the outset that Ile house has heft hehlll I n cleaner record than the senate. . Upon Iw wholl. the republican majoriy In . .i . the house has ben more Inlellelllent , oC the 4 corrupting Infuenco oC the lobby , more In earnest In its erorts to accomllsh ( legislatIon 4 favorable 10 the interests of lhl people and j prompter In its efforts to accomplish the Iluhlc business. I has been only within the . past few days that the hOlso has shown . unmlstnlclle bery symptoms of venality and Jab- . . . On the other hand , the conduct oC the sonle . - > ate has been of n diametrically opposIte ' characler. From the day the ( senate con. vened . on New Yenr's day , down to the moment - ment ot the final adjournment , the upper Uller I branch oC the legislature was under the dom- - Inaton at the most unscrupulous combination that has ever misshaped legislation In Ne- brska , The republican majority In the sen- ate made but little pretense oC considering bills on their merIt. Private Interests elbowed - bowed public interests from the very start , and It was rarely that thuD public interest got ' the advantage. .t : ' . " , ITS LENGTh AND flRFADTIT. a. The house was In session sevtnty-onl days amI the senatetIxty-nine. By remaining In A session slxl.nlne days the senate belt the ΒΆ recoT1 In 18n the senate remained In ses sion slxly.elght days , anti adjourned April 8. , In 1891 the senate held tint slxtY.Cour days and adjourned on April 8. In 1889 lhe senate . lasted slxly.seven days but adjourned as i early as March 30 . l The house was In session sevenlyont days , J hardly eualn ! the record oC 1893 , whcn final adjournment was reached on the ccvp ' . enly.fourlh day In 18n the house consucd 'J ' sevenly-one lays , adjourning ! on AprIl .1 I. Iu 1889 the house lasted for ' ! slxly-sevcn da's ad- , , . journln on March 30 , and In ll session oC 1887 lho house adjourned sino die on March 31 , on the sixty-tecantI day oC the session JUdging from quantity of the legislation enacted , the present session has eq1aled , IC I has nol exceeded , the record oC J1revlous ; - . , sessions , When the legislature adjourned 1 ' sine die today fty.seven senate files had L ti passed both houses and were omclaly pre- ; I senled 10 the governor , while - house rols : " ' had gone through lh same course The sea- 4 - . , slon of two years ago was snore modesl 110 r records hl the governor's office noting the re- , . celpt oC lwenly-slx senate flies and Corty-tolr house rolls. In 189 there vere twentY.llree i , , senate flies and fifty-four house rolls , anti In , I 1889 Corly.elght senate Ies and seventy 11use rolls. , . In tire line oC Importance to the poplc ot r Nebraska the IlrOIJOsed constitutional amend - uterus recolmelllcll I ) the session which I -.J CIObOl1 today wi easily tallo first rank , Twelve oC these constitutional amcnlhnents w1 bo submitted to the electors oC Nelraslla for their approval or rojctlori al tIre general I u election In 189G ENCOURAGING NmmASKA INltJSTIUES ; One of tIre mest notable Illcces oC Icglsl.I' I Uon enacted hy l ) ll session just cirtherl was : the III providing for the IIJ'menl oC n I : bounty 10 the manufacturers oC sugar nnl 1 : chicory. 'l'hro bill ns II \ Ill stand on lhe ! statute books gives n bounty oC fve-elghlhs t - , at 1 cent Iler Ilunl 10 tIre manufacturer uC . . ) wJ- . beet sugar ant cluiccry , provIding that lhe I farmer receIves $5 Jer Ion Cor sugar beet S at tire factory nutti IO.5O lt ) nnt I'er ' Ion for chicory , . beels Governor Liolcoruth , following the irriui clples oC the parly 10 \ lch ho belongs , vc . . toed tIre bIll , but both houses promptly 11asse,1 , i ever his \'elo. 'Fluero Is every reason to n . believe third tIre bounty \ \ ill give n , loc\led un , . Impelns 10 tire iruterests sugar Ilteresil oC Nebrasku r . 'C 'fho chicory Illustr ) hitherto comparat\'el ' unknown 10 the state , hUl which has leel , brought Into prominence I ) ' the debate on lho , , bill , Is almost certain 10 become one ot 1i le I Great hliustrles of tire stale. Next to the ( sugar II Iho lwc Irrlgalon . ' , his preparell ly Sela lor AIerl oC ScoUs 'I ' muf alul Introduced I ) ' him II tire senate , . anti by t'ers oC 11011 arid Schlekedanlz oC . howard Tire laws are elaborate - I very art d ' , were drawn by senator Alters , who Is an Irrlg"ton farmer oC Ihlrteel 'ears' exrer I- once , nCer several months' careful sturdy oC the Irrlgallon lawi oC every state In Ihe ) ' union. le I chllms Cer Ihem that they eurrbo ly . emlo < Vr4rsb. ' tire best features oC tire irrIgation laws oC CalifornIa , Colorado a 11 W'yomirrg. One oC the Wile . In n nutshel , Irrovldes for eta to aPpropriation at d control oC tire water In al I JIO running bllams In the state , and lho ( olher for tire erganlzalon oC irrigation 'Us- I trlcls. 'fil latter lull enables Canlers In thl ( I I Irrlgabla port'1b ' ) at tire state to Corm con l. I i'anks for tire construction oC irrigation ) - I -t. . tlms , Iml lulhorlzes thcm 10 Issue bonds Cor , I buch 11urpo.el Whll II seems 10 le ceucedell thut the now irrigation laws are Car In a 1- Vance of runny now upon lire statute books oC Nebl'llla , II In ) yet require tIre Ilractcal c a- porleueo oC tIne next 1'0 ) 'enrl 10 point oul \ 10ssiLIe Ilslrlets , 'First the 'ople In lit t t norlhwesltr PortIon cC the state alI kcwl ) ' , alive te 1\le itrobable ad\ltugel offered I I ) ' . , s & , tire new laws Is ovllcncrll b ) Ihl' Cet , that , , 4 > already more elhan thirty Irrigation dlslrlcl ! 4 blVo beec ofnnlze to qptrato un4r tlt ja " . . Tine aevrll r ld lILls enlchJ : Into 11\8 naturally engrossed consIderable attention. Tire delberalon with which the members , ( leclaly oC tIre ! senate took up the relief work early In tnc session , occasioned severe criticism In many quarlers , but before the cessIon closed Il was generally arknowledlel , that has to had been male slowly tnouh. Altogether . together tire slate appropriated , $250,000 Cer lho ( relief at the Moulh.slrleken Inhablanls In the northern and wslern parts oC the stile , Of lhls Imount $50,000 was placell In the hands of the State HoHeC commission for Ire ( purchnso of sUl111es , pnymont oC trana- portnton .mres , expenses , elc" , and the re- malller , $200.000 , nPlortonell among the neelly counties te ! e used In the purchase of groin for seoul and , Ceed AhING ! TI mSTITUTF ' In addItion 10 these approprIation bills , a number oC other mensures calculated 10 as- Ilsl tIre Moulh sufferers who were In I Position 10 partially care for themselves were Intr0lucell Among lheso mlas' urea was one by lalrgro\'e ali Ashby , Inlrodncell by request of tIre county board oC Clay county , crud nulhor- Ilzhl ! the county earls , oC the several coumn- ties to use thus surplus general , road and bridge funds In purchasing seed grain and feed for leams , lesl of Iulk county secured - cured the passage oC u bIll 10 authorize counly commissioners 10 mo tine surplus ; of precinct - clnct band funds for tIre purpose of pro- curing seed Iraln anti feed. Still nnolher bi l aulhorlzed the several counties to In- vest their siurking funds In grlln for seed. i : The ole relIef bill oC which so much was eXleclell ! ) ' Its friends , and which proved ; , slch n dlsmnl failure long before the ses- sion vas half lhrou/h its history , \as the fir st bill IntrOlleed In the house. I ain tirorized county boards to issue tIre bonds oC their respective counties for the IUlr- pose of purclasln ! graIn for seed , I was conlhlenly expected I ) tIre legislature lhnl Ihls euro bill wound alone practically settle the releC IUlstol ; but as soon as II had be commie I law 1\\0 weeks' practIcal cx- perlenco proved thai tie bIll hall Cale < to meet m tine expectaton oC its nuthors. In nlarl ) every Lounty where an ulempl was made 10 Pint tire law In operaton tire people eHher declined 10 authorize the special elec- ton to vote lhe bonds or when tine elec- tons were held voted tine proposition down In one county only was nn Issue oC bounds aulhorlzed : and the auditor oC pullc nc co unts . acting under the Illvlce anti opinion . I oC Ibo attorney general , declnel 10 register lho bonds on tine ground that tine law was I unconstlnllonal EVIL THAT LIVES AFTER IT. In tine foregoing n cursory review of the t leglslaUon acCOmllbhell ( In response to the i lullc demand has been taken. The enact'I ment m of lheso laws , howe\'er , re'luired but n I smal proporton of the entire tmo taker n UI b ) tine legislature The session wlneHsed I the passage oC sonic very questionable regls- Inton , much of which was held back unl I the closing days oC tIne session and then hurriely IJassel1 under whip amI spur. The b ill placing tine control oC tire slate pent tontary In the hands oC the hoard oC Pub lc Lands and Duldlng was never care - Culy considered , and In the closing hours oC the cession nn attempt was male to on- ti rely change tire nature of tlc law The ntempt nearly succeeded , anti was pro venled only by the walchCnl vigilance oC ono or two members Tine repeal of the state depository law ly : a subterfuge that Is almosl entitled to le cntalogued as a legislative crime , was anther - olher Instance oC the questionable method employed ly tine majority. The repeal oC the Omnha Fire and Polic 0 Polce 0a commission law and the enactment oC n sulsttulo law , placng tIne control of the fre and 10ice s'slems In tire hands oC a p artisan board was anolher oC tIne hugo mlstaites. The but creating a State Board of Immi- grton wllh I place for n political worke , r at n munificent salary was of n piece wit inu t general purpose oC the majorly to provide ube u- vide comfortable berlhs for favorite strikern 5. I wilt require n special nrlcle to enumeratl , ire Iniquites of the Twent.Courlh sesslo n of tire Nebraska leglslalure , and a closer view oC tire genornl work oC tine past three months wi reveal much that will open the e'es oC tine people 10 the true character mummy oC m many r of the men who were selected to repro- senl tine state , but who elected to represent ends Ilrlvale i interests other than serve pullc Tine disgraceful scenes enacted at 'the : capitol during the last nlgh oC tine Se : 5- shorn furnished n fitting clhnlx 10 tine work oC tire Twenl.Courth assembly. Much has boon written about " 01 roo\s" but never before In tints hlbtory of tIne stale has a legislature dared to countenance tire open maintenance ot n baer saloon In tine has a- menl oC tine capllol For Ihree monlhs : tire saloon-Cor II was In reality nOlhlng elehas been ollenly con ucled , and lasl nlghl II was flied wIth ns dlunlon n gang oC rowdies as ever nssemlled In n low gl'og- , gory In I city of the melropolian class. ' ' 'flat 1 very large percentage oC tire hood- Ilms were residents oC tire city oC I.lncoln , arid lhal man ) oC them are accounted r 0- spectalle , docs not less el tine fact tin at drunlel mel 1) ) ) ' tIne score filler ) tine eta to house nlli mllio the all Ilght session memorlle I ) their : presence 1'1 tNt ; CtIII : . , ' ( ' UH : O'C.0Ct. Ieglailtur. Adjourns Tlrelty'I'h'o lion rs % ft'r thu 'fhle l'urlnly ' .rnt . LINCOLN , April 6-(8peelal Telegrnm.- ) Tire legislature adjonrnel sine die nt 1 o'cleck Ihll nCeroon after nn nl-nlghl's : struggle Al 4 o'clock tins morning tire ( Ice fl- mdc centralized In tine claims 1I , House Hol 611. 'fwo or three conference con nt- ntnit Illees mel , cOllpromlset curd reported , t nit tine house stolidly rejected lholr various ngr e- menls. TIne'lrtttlori clall of ,000 for servIces - Ices , said 10 have been pelformed ! y . \1. lorey Whellon for the State hoard oC Trar ns- Ilortalon In ISSS , was tIne principal Iel of dispute. HolllSOI oC I.ancaster had this pore l ( tel oC the clalls II II his especial charge nlll ' ) he worllell II fur nil It was worlh lie sall lhat Whelol , at tine behest t oC U- lore ) ' I.cese , ha,1 , silent I great deal oC tmo on tire case and ) earned Inc I money. ' ho claims corrnmnnlttee . tier any oC the cOICerclce cOlmltecs could Ind rio evi. delco thai tire III \Viredon'a was a jUbl clall agalnlt tine state , 1"innly , al 5 a. I" : lire last conference conlllUee reported , kloeklng out Whedon's $1,000 Itermi , SCII Iund1 ,100 perquIsite ) , nnd all tine wolf 10unles , This appearel , to bo about the best tiring that could le had , all the mouse a ; . cepted the situation , and the cl"lms bill was I itt ibis shupo sent 10 tire govermnor. . \1 G:30 : , Secretary oC the Senate Sldgwlek I rellorled a number oC bills pa5ed by thai ' body a 111 ulolclal ) announcell that tim ore were four more huts to be engrosell In view of tins Spealer Ichardl said thai I would be advisable 10 lake an informal recen ulII after breakfact ' 'hll WI dOle with tine understanding that I line lellcrs wuhl auemlle , al 10 o'clock. Al 1 o'clock Wail l'C aOl 10vcII that tine flag , wbtchitaui bet nnIl imngoycrtlme lag bCllI , _ ovcr house ( Continued on 1'l1r Pagur. , : ) FROII I MURKY DEPTHS Abhorrent Rumor Rise to the Surface t Startle London People DISCLOSURES OF TiE WILDE CASE Doprviy of'a Olque of Artstl , Actor end Writers Made Manifest ! OSCAR MAY BE SENT UP FOR LIFE Demand of the Publc for an Exemplary Sentence is Energetic. SAD SIDE OF TIlE DISGUSTING AFFAIR Wlto ot tire I'rnucticnniiy Cmu'lclc,1 Hrnlt Vnlhlo to Seclio it Ul\lrco from Him 1'clu80 of 118 Uolll Sent to lrlson. ( C opyrighted . iso ; , by lrc s 1ubl.hlng Compnn ) LONDON , April G.-New ( York World C atnlegrammi - Special , Callegram Telegrom ) - Oscar \V iido's real or assumed llUfereuce , lurln/ tIre frlghUul revelations of tOllay was , IC nssummncd an excelent niece ; oC acting. I seems absolutely certain thnl ho will 10 con- victed nnd the rlrhnum penalty Is tent ) ' ars' Imprisonment , with n maximum of penal servitude for life. Public 0111n10n wi cerlalnly demlll : an exemplary senlence , Cor , as I cabled you some weeks ago , It Is w ell known throughout socoty : that quill n largo sectIon of certain literary . artistic annul lhentrlcal circles of I.oudon are eqnmtniiy equnly nmiity with \\'ilde . I'ubiie ! ult ) Wide. lullc sentment Is aroused against thIs groul1 ; 10 such a degree thnt at her prosecutons may Col 0Tho Chamelon magazine , 50 oren referred to , was inorribiy open In Its IJractcal defense oC the crime. Much b'mlalh ) ' Is felt for : Irs , Wide , who Is I very tslhnallo html ) ' , al1 for his two lenutCul cinildrexn. I Is n curious feature or the Englsh law that even If the husband Is convllednnd sent to penal servitude Mrs. Wide cannot get a divorce on tliher ground DPNtD BY DOUGLa\S. Lord Archibald Douglas , spenklng. It Is u underslooll for his slster-In-Inw , the divorced - vorced wife oC the marquis of Qucenslerr ) ' and mol her oC Lord Douglns of lawlc ) " , anl Lord Alfred Douglas , ann ) also for his sister , I .auiy Florence Dixie , vIgorously denies to- day tim stnlemtnt of Lord Douglas that all the Camly repulHato tire action of the mar- luls , Lord Archllald Is I Catholic prIest. The marchioness oC Qneenslerry Is inappliy. perhaps , absent In Florence just now. There are curious storIes afloat explaIning the nc- lon or Lord Douglas In supportIng his ) ounger brolher. The revelations this week nlso revive certain whispered conjectures nt the time oC the death at I.orl DrmmrnnlanrIg . of which I called you I full account last S eptember. 1 Is now recalled that whie : ire charge from Lord Drurnnlanrig's gun entered his mouth anti blew time back oC his : head m off his teeth were unInjured , whIch : raIsed I suspicion that ht put tine muzzle of tine gun between his teeth and deller- ately firer ] . Prom the lesllmony In tire pros- enl trial It appears thnt his death corre- sllonlls with tire period when hIs falher frsl entered Ul10n the pursuit oC Oscar Wide , , nnd when I must mayo been lmown to Drumlanrlg thnt a family scandal woull shorty bo exposcd lie was aleut to 10 mar ned and occupied an enviable position In m political le.ALL ALL ARE mlSmmN. I Is I colneIdonco thnt Oscar Wide , Mr Carson and Mr. Gi , time leading counsel against him , as wel ns Judge Colns , who tried the case are all IrIshmen anti ni graduates oC TrInity coHege Alfred Woods , who testified today , Is a common young clerk. 1armnduke Wood , whp was mixed up In the Bele Dilon di . vorce , Is In no way concerned In tine present trial. Luther LIncoln of Now York still has : mopes oC Inducing George Du Maurler to return turn with him by the Majestic next ) \'e1 nesday. Ills offer on behalf oC thl New ' York s'nllcate IS i so large thai It Is 110ughi t that Du Maurler may reconsider his provlou8 reCusal DUB.IN ) , April G-New ( York World Ca- blegrm-Special Telegrnm-Cnrson ) , who was BalCour's right hand man throughoul his coercive regime in Ireland , wins 1 contem , IJOral'y oC Wlle at tire University , lut whel cas Oscar hall most a I tlls1ngulshed : course Carson dhl not gall n single prize , \ 1.1)tJnI U IN I'UIICE COUft I. . "calmony Iltrmllcott'hlch TUlle A\YIY the llru'nulln of 118 t'ollNrl. LONDONtpril -Crowds oC people hr 3- slgell ! ' lho vicinity oC Bow Street early tIns Is moring and tine polco court was filled wIt in interested spectators as soon ns tire doors were opened Among those who succeedc 'ti ' suceeelel In Iresslng lhrough tine crowd was one gem : - looking , middle-aged Wommnaum . \1 were anxious 10 see Oscar Wide , whose nrrest : yesterday , COlowlng close upon the seuns : n. , tonal lermlnaton of his suit for libel again : st l the marquis oC Queenslelry , Is discussed on 11 sides , Mr. C. p , Gill , wino was Mr. Edward M , , Carson's Junior counsel In tine deCense oC lhe numluls of Queenslerry , acted ns 11roReeuior tenniS ) ' for tine Trcnsury departrunent Sir John Irhhe , the preshln ! nnnagistraie , took his seal on tine bench al 1 o'clock Tine doors : leadIng 10 1 0 cells were linen open ell nit ml WIlde vas seen approaching , carrying n sle hal In his inanni When he reachell lhe ( I center oC tine prisoners' dock he deposited hil hn ! on tine scat , bowed 10 Sir John Ilrid e , folded iris nrms ninth leaned on tine rai ot the dock In tine same Insolent manner which he I displayed whlo or tine winess stand al lho Old ! ilailey. 'mHI.E CHAnGES MAim , Mr GIll said he appeared 10 prosecute ti ire prIsoner on I series of charges In Inctng : bO1 10 tcrrle : cl'nes and of actually con n . mltng acts of gross Indecency The pros 5. cuter incur related how In 1893. when Wldo was staying n\ tine Savoy hotel , Mired Taylor ( who was arrested today ) acted nl procurer Cor Wldc , who rellenledly visited 'n'lor's house Conlnulng Mr Gill said thai lhe proseculon 11rposel 10 show how Taylor ap- preached a young man named Parker , who WIS \"Iat out of a posItIon , and his brother , n Iroom. Taylor , It \as stated , had told i them how nnoney coull be made by going with gentemen and said that I Wide ! was a man \ho ga\1 much money 10 ) 'oulhs a rid men , Tlney 1nal ) consented nnd II was arranged that they should le Inlroduce,1 , 10 Wide nl n , lnnel' which he would gIve In I a private room at lCittner's restaurant ACer tins dinner WilIe announced 10 Taylor , who was ale Iretut , that Charles l'arker wa tine boy for him , trail ho took the Inter to tire Savoy holel. _ Parker was here called to tine stand , but tine proceedings were interrupted by time offi cial announcement that ofclnl Taylor had been nrrsled , A few moments Inter Taylor \ . bro ught into court and placed In tIne dock besP ide Wide , who nodded to hum , . Parleer was lhen examined. " "hlo Parktr was giving his testimony Wlllr moved rest- les sly In the dock and pass Id his hands actcss his face. Parker ndlec ! lint he sins arlesltl with Taylor In the raid In 1894 on tine house In Plzroy square , but claimed he hnll l since abandoned his evil le , Ctunsel for Wlte asked leave to postpone tine cross-emmlnaton : ot Parker , ns the evl- mien uce hall laken thcl by snnrprise . Pnrktr wns iron ( b0111 OVer 10 testify nt tine trial oC \'lde , which Is to tall place In tine Od Bale ) ' . I.OClmn IN A CiiLL AT now STlmT , The name oC Oscar Wide lies been wih- , lrwn Cram tire play bis nnll advertise- men Is DC time lwo theaters , the Sl. James nnd la'markel , where two of his lays are runnln , Wide store nn ulster and I Ilk halo Ho was very pale , but cool , when he nrrlvcd nt Seolnll ynrd. Few persons witnessed tine ar rival lucre ( and lhoso who did mnlntalned sl nce. At 8:10 : p. m , Wide was taken to 110 w street polco court. lie had merely cnled al lho ( Cado/an motel wIth n couple oC fri enuis when , nl G:30 : o'clock , n detectvu walell Inlo tine omee nnd asked for him , le was shown tine room where Wllle was and lul him under arrest Wide salll nOlhlng , Immedlalely wenl wih the detective , who lok him 10 Scotnnd yarmi where tine wnr- rant was read. Tine prisoner remained silent sient throughout the Ilroeeedlngs. lie was then lal ken 10 Bow stre"l. lie was not arraigned In the police court , a : was at first stated , hut wns placed In tine dock In the polc station . Il ere ire slooll wllh his bands In his IIJclcls whie tIne chnre against him was being ta ken , A 1)011cc lalcn 10lio Inspector then read the ehare aloud and asked Wll0 IC he had nn'lhlng to say , adding the usual warning lhnl an'thllg he saint might 10 used against him , The prlsoller remalnM apparenUy In- dlferenl and made no reilly. He was lhen searched , after which he nCer was locked up In a cel ShorUy after ho had been locked up one or his friends nrrlvell In It carriage nl tine : slalon wllh I Gladstone Ipg containIng a chnngo oC clothing and ounce necessaries , hint , lho police refused to permit him 10 leave I. Lnter Lord Alfred Douglas went to tine I 10lce stnton and Inquire whether Wldo i could be admitted 10 ball. le admited bal TIne polce Inspector - specter explained that Wtlde had been Wld ar- reJle,1 for n criminal offense which did nol i al low of bail being accepted until ho had I been arraigned In courl. Lord Alfred was n greaty dlslurbed by tins thfcnrnnationn. He i was laId ! y tine Inspector' that Wide hnd n I Ilnnkel and other requisites In his cell 10 be as connnfortabio ns the pollee . comfortallo polee regulations al. to ' . to''ed. Rev. Archllahl Douglas , bolher oC the marquis of Qnmeeunsberr- , has written a n leter salng : that tine .stateent crem1it ; to Lord Alfred DOUg 8. 0 ; , Jlawick . eredit son of tire marquis , puWhfed In nn Inter "Iew In1tho Leader tonay 'tOnthe : 1ect ' ( hat every mmber of the ( ( amity oC the marquis : oC Queensberry , except Ute ' marquis , dls- , beleved absolutely nld enUrely all the ehnrges mndo against Oscar Wide , Is unau- lhorlzed t by his nioineeIris ' mother ( , sister or 'him- a olt. 11ev. ArchIbald Douglas adds : "We n certainly t believe tine charges made agnlnsl Wilde. . " TAYLOR FEELS EASY Taylor , aCer his arrest today preserved : his i cheerul demeanor" , and asked tine do ' - tectvo t who took him Intd custody what the sonlenco was likely 10 be , The Sun ot this city says lhat another sensational orrest , Is i possible before Thursday next , lho dny' ' when Oscar Wide will be brought up nl : Dow street police court on remnianrul 'fhe marquis oC Queenserry hns aulhorlzed I lhe t Gel 10 deny that lhero Is any ( runt h In ii i the story cabled tothe _ ' United Press that ho i had written 10 Oscar Wlllo aCer the trlnl , saying : "It the aliows "I copnlry alows you 10 ti leave , all tine better for tine country ; bt it i t ) 'OU alec my son wih you I shall Colow you whero\'er you go and shoot you , " Willie Wide , Oscar Wilde's brother , or r- lerell ti t the court room during tine proceed- Ins i and listened to tine remainder oC lhe evidence from tine hack otilhl room Aft mr several witnesses hall given evidence , Sir John nrldge remnndell Wide unt Thursday : next. Counsel asked hunt ( 11ls client , Wide , bo released on hail , but the magistrate di a- dinned 10 ,10 so , Counsel persisted , saying that he could offer substantal bal , hint SIr John Brldgo replied : "It Is not n case Cor ( bali . " hal at ni. WIT1IDI1AWSiN IDEAL HUSBAND , " NEW YORK , . \prl G-Marnager Danlcl rohmnn oC tine Lyceum lhealer announces that , In consequence oC tine I.olllon scan n- ' lal , aCer Ihls wek Inc wil wihdraw Oscar \'Ilde's ply , "An ideal luslanl , " no\ running al his haisI U.rn IChl1 IIUt I I 1010 IrlaollU. CA ' ICUTTA , April G-A Ilspalch fro nil Slml says mat ( a reconlolbance malle by the Britsh troops beyond tine Kulnknnll pass hns : resuled In ascerlalnln that Umra ] ( han , 11rlor to tine cOlmen emenl oC hoslll03. captured two hirit'cin o/cer. unl e'glnt Sepo's , who were on Ihclr way to Chlral , \ lhe prisoners are well tr-d ( : Tine British ! ar- rlson at Chlral Is r partcl to be safe ran ml to mayo nn ample supply o provIsions , The hcall men oC tine tribes with were defeated In tIne .alakand pass are , disposed 10 'Ield. " I in PlY 11 Iht ) Jrlll I lIe- Tel nI . I.ONION , Apri G-Ah'lccs received here Crol Home concrnlnj' tbe. report that ire Homan courls mayo pronounced a decree oC separaton In Caver oC I'nncess Colonna , daughlcr oC tr John ' Vi Mackay , awarding her tine custody of her cllldren , art 10 the effect thai ( since tine court decreed tine SEp" oralon , In lESS , there has ben no Curl her : jUdgmonl of any kind In , the case Thirty \orlmll IlrIOI 'Y , ( "Illnl Vrui ! I 8. NIJNI NOVGOHOU , fussa , April G-A motel which was In course oC Construction co ! . lapsed here today , luryhl ! thirty worlmen In tine ruins. Several bodIes have ( been recover ( ti Cram tine wrEck The 4rcbllcl oC the met ci . who lannell tine theater \ \ hlch collapsed lasl I : year , commlled suIcide aCer tine disaster , , J'n"1 ( :111.1 : ! .Iburon "trikl , COLON , April G-The laborers who mi Lye ben al work on tine lan3ma canal inn Lye struck for an Increase or wages 10 $ per I day. A detachment oC troops hi been ci lint 10 maintain order among the slrlkers , ! - , - - lnJlllr'l tine 1"llhl ( nf ' 1IIu I'h&t . SI , \'f'I.I , April G-I.'rederlck fcholpf today commenced IcIn In tine HUlerlor court 10 enjoin tine Luke WaHIlpglon , ! nd \\at'n'55'tmY company from 1111 inn I line Seattle tide tints , It plalntlf wins I WI telporariylock work oC tine canal from I.ake " 'ashlngtan I'ugt Sound to lUgtl , on which $ ' . , o Is tt be exp muted , The citizens oC Seutle 10 f"r hO\ ' < raised a Bulbld ) ' eCO , O for tine work . 6 , . B ISllRCK HAS AGED - Weight culls Years Much Mora Apparent Since H ( Wife's Death , STOOD TilE STRAIN or TiE WEEK \VEtL \ Germany is Remnrkbly Quiet Now the Storm of Enthusinsl Has Passed , IOHENLOIE'S ' EIRTIAV MOST FORGOTTEN Bsmrck Takes Note orit and Sends Him n Congratulatory Tolepnm , REICIAG SPLIT UP INTO FACTIONS l'n trtleN Which . \Irco UPOI Sounne Suljlet8 I \ro nutcll , ) ' itt " nurlttneo nun ( itlrers- " 'I nllllru Sortie UIN'r ' ( 'tcllS to Trallacl IIS11611 , ( Copyrighted , ixi9 , by tine Associated Press. ) Blt.IN , Apri G-.Hter the exciement which marked the enthusiastc eelebralon oC Prince llismnnnsrck's 80th blrlhdn In tine early Ilrt oC this week , the end oC the week a- pears h 10 bo unusual ) tame. So far as tine Cetts arc concerned , It Is generally agreed ti nat they were fully wortiny ot tine occa- sion nno , ] were n complete success . Incinient- aly It devlloI(1 ( lhat Prince Ismarck re- cived on Ionllay last 8,390 lelegrams , wih n lotnl oC 2jj ,69 words. In addition he received - ceived OOOO letters 1111 aout l , OOO postal canIs. In spite or the excitement oC Montri day amid Tuesday , the Ex.chancelor got over his h exertions very well amid remained In fair hl'"lh h , allhough h appears to hle : age n great deal since tine dentin oC his wife. During time bustle of tire lsmarck Ilrlhla , ) ' celebralon tine Ilrthday oC Prince Iohenlohe , who Wl5 born 11arch 31 , 181 , ' \\'os almost overlooked , bul tima el11eror amid emress took ) alns 10 ( do him Iuonor They both paid tine chancelor a len/th ) ' visit , ann ) tine empress presenlell him with a s)1endld bouquel oC r oses . and tine emperor made him a present oC a gold cigar case , adorned wih tine ImlJrlal monogram In dlamolls , SMAItCIC HE IEIEHS IOIFNLOIF Prince Dsmarce , In sle of the crowds oC visitors who besieged 111m aunt ) tine showers oC messages which were senl , did nol forget ! lho cinancellor's hlrthday ) , and nmong the telegrams - grams which the tatter received was a tele- g rant Crom tine ox-chancellor , which was worde : "Wishing you a long life and much morn happiness and rest as chancellor than I , " Cound At tine dinner which their majesties gave nt tine castle on Monday last In honor 0' lho ( bIrthday or Prince Dsmarck , Prince Io- hen'ohe sat lt the right band or the ' cnn- pero , who conversed cordially with inimn . -Mnny of the newspapers .cmmnt , Ion the e mperor's invitation to the president and vl ice president of the Relchslog 10 attend the r banquel , and make malicIous remnrks aleut I these omcers , President Daron Von Douel- Deringer and Herr Spahn , the second vIce ? president ( Herr Schmidt , the first vice presi . dent , declined tire Invitation ) , who were elecletl by the recalcitrant majorIty , being obHgt to "ent tine leek " The ennparor , however h , received thom graciously , through 010 remark oC his majesty's was rather rug - m mltTcammt. lie saId : "I hope tine Helchstag , under - der your presidency , wIll dispatch luslness : more expeditiously than hitlncrto. There nrE n number oC measures before you requlrlll passage , ald ) nmong lhel Is the Umslurz : ( ant-revoluton 11) ) . " I was noticed on Prlnco l3isnnarck's birth day lhat Berlin displayed more flags and decorations bent upon tine occasion of tin a Ilrthay of Emperor William , Nearly every : American house In town new tine stars alit slrlles , Tine royalist district was olmosl bare ot decorations. An especially Ileasanl side of tine celelratons has leen the Insttu , ton ( oC a numler oC Icnevolent lsmarck funds , several oC them being started ly large employers ot labor for tine benefit oC lhelr workmen For Instance , a woalhy mnianufac lurer oC Bonn started one , wih OOOO marls as his sulscrlpton , QUmn l'AitLIatENmltY TANGLE Iow the Helchstag after Easter still mat age 10 cohere sulclenty 10 Ilscharo ) ublc luslness Is n much discussed , ) ueslon ( , Such n queer sllualon 18 unlnral led In ( lennnta mu 11arlamentnry history , Tire coneerratves ' nntl tine ctntrlsls sUorl tine ! overment on the ( nnt.rcvoluton bill , hint are olloslng I I on ether meaEures oC hnortnnce , notably the : IlrOIJOsed a/rarlal Icglslaton , Then , unln , whie tine radicals annul socialIsts are wih lhe go\'ernment In 011110sing Count Von lCanmtiz ' 5 monooly bill , lhey are against tine ant I- revolution bill . 'Fire ) ' also Intend 10 ojnpm C oPlose tine emnilleror's request for n suplemenlary grannt or 1,200,000 marlls 10 defray OXI nses for tine dedllatol ceremonies for tine Bait c and North sea canal In Jnne lexl , In eOIUcrelnl annul financial circles lhe ( I chief interest has been directed 10 tine ex. : Cr lraordlnary assemlly oC tine German commercial - cial congriss inolmi err Tnnesday A speaker : conlended mat ( tine existIng depression In intnsbamrdry musl le ascribed 10 tine reacton which natnruly followed time exceptional reIn : In tire value oC agrIcultural 11roperty. I i will also he mnlntalned lint commerce an nut ' industry had as much rlht as husbanory tnn t smock on time Iueston oC currency , annul an cnnnti-binnnennllie ( resolution was Idolllell , TI lie blmelaltsls In tine melnwhlo were nut Idle , nnll Count Burlach , supported by Corly-Ihree n ; of his coleagues , Inlroducel n lolon Inn lhe muller house of tine lmsslun Diet urgln lhe ( I Govornmenl to require tire chancelor to lese 10 tmo In tnnkiing steps calculated 10 lead 10 ann Inllrnatonal regulation oC tine curenc ) ' question , wIth tine final object oC securll ! Interlatonnl bimelalsm , The moton \ v ins reCerrel , 10 n conuinnlttee. BEGAN Tim WOH EAI.Y , , , The arreM oC a youth nt Alonn on Ap ; nil 2 , as ho was about to Join tire army , charged wih bell ! tine aulhor oC time series oC anon ) . IOUS and cOIromllng letters nlllrcssed to various Icmlcrs oC tine Imperial tamly oC reeeni ) 'ear II creating a sensation. The rlsoner Is turn coin oC herr Boege , the CII let lelcgrah hlspE-lor at Iianiiburg . lie senl , durIng the past three ) 'lar alleges the charges , a numbr of anonlous and indecenl letters and carIcatures Of the emperor. . I' ' teem' Ihat ho began senllng lhest mlssl\es whlo tl n ) upl al school , but he was nol suspected unll lately Tire pioner had af' i fecled socialIst anti ] al rehlstc vle\\1 for some lme , 8nd ho Is now being walchl' In Ilrlson , al I Is believed thai his mind Is if- fected , Wlh the beginning at spring , work on lht I Uerln Indl'slrlal ' eXlloslton , 10 be held fr ant Mmiy to Otctober , 1 O. 1 belDg fOfwird " 11 THE BEE OUL.L.ETIN. W'e atiier rortln.1 for N "ra.kn- Pa . : howl'l ; Wnrm ; Variable \Inls. I'AII. I , Hotlrl uf tine I.eglslmstnrn'uu Work. \'II\ i n Sea lu dmui Murtlu I l.on 1111 , Ihllr'k SIII < . time Mr"In01. .br.kl C.ttclneuu us IIleuucb J"th. 2 , 1.lnroll I"n Slurutuu Ills " 'ito Iilo I\HI ur.I ) ' ! lllw 1""HI nl SinIlnii . A rIm ni nu uunuuu ( 'orrum Itt I u mist s 14 U rpnluu i'd , 3 , J'lutl' I I nf 111'rlllol"1rllrttln. I I . M tl"'r tn t'.unnni.i : I ( 'I&Hlhl. 1ltor : n I ) nuIniu'uu l' ' 1 II I Ci , nr Tn . IUnor nf thl I Inc un nun 'nocl.III 4. 1,1 l Wloc : In l.ocII "od"Y' Irl'I"lrt" g for Ito b 1'hum' ( 'ollrrt. . 1..Hlnl 1'h."t.r. 11,1 Suntuit Un" , II" . \II'g,1 Church Iurlrr , Ilor" . rgeui . U I , Cuulcl Illts 1Hnl tltorl , AI < lInt in It 1olhor urn Trlnl 7 . ,1'1111' 11"IC the City. 'nlk of the I cii nub uu Clot , , . tc'(1rll Society News. in . ( III" nn Vuccts tiri Seniftuun . 11. " 'c.kly ( Inst of : Iortnl (00811" 1 : . ldllrl,1 I I I a nil Com mom C. 1 : Tr"IIII ; tire Vuurnnug Id.n. n"collctOI I "f a 1IIlnl"t. I 1"tut Ilhlo Schoul 1\111118. 1,1 , iicttt'ua 1.lt.t on the ( rnl1 .Junry . tn ; , Coin uittionu or 01,11" ) ' . , Illhll ! 'Irllo , ( ' < llcrelI strut FII"lc".1 NOI'8. l'cllur < " uf tine .h'o Mucic MarketS. 10 , l'redlcmunnneint nf nu l'cnurt tilt ur. 17. . \ nine rl < 11 Itltl""o , II I Chlun. ( 111 McCoy'e IXJlnll ; Nr 111111" , lluuc'1iiuuiu II Iho ! lnl'lllrl ) ' . it s. ' Vonnrunnn Her \\'n1 IHHI Her Vflnld 20 . 1'hu Mont of the . ' Iul-In-l. al eng the line. The ! ulhlns , tine largest of \lllch covers an area oC 3 , OOO square metts , wi 10 ot ! old Irol amid giass. Itrr ilof- Caclcr , time leading archlecl oC tIne German exposi Iou at the World's faIr oC Chicago , has laid out tine grounds , it hlch are beauUCuly slluntl' along the halls oC tine Upper Spree , where Ihl stream Iroadens into a lall : Im- peror Wilam ' has sho\l erntinrmsl.nstie ! lnnter- est Inn the expositon , annul has onlere,1 ex- teldtli plaus oC tIne /roululs uud lulhllgs to le mude for 1 1m COlltess11 Pcrloncher , mice Dross , tine American lady , who was arrested on the ehnre oC 11erjllr annul Iltmacy wllh a Ilh ' - slclan , Is believed to le tuimnocemnt. tier hus- and , ) 'oulg Couut von Perlloncher , son of the ox-chief court marshal of I mleror V.'ll- lam I , hns deposited \llh tine authoriies tine bum ot l OOOO marls , which was re'lulred for her bail , ald Is exerting hlmselC to clear his wlCe's reputnton , Dr. Druner Vol/ht , tIne physIcian In the case , II still 10 rememlerell , wns arrested at lunlch early In tarch last nnd Irought hero on the minnie chare oC 11er- , jury ns tine eo"uless , Tine doctor Is lellg suell for dh'orco hy his wife , anti tine counless , It Is alleged , commlteed perjury in d len11/ In court her Intmacy with him. Countess yon POroncher ; came to Derln front lho Un lied States , where sire was mrrlell to the count In 189 The marriage was at first concealed becallso oC Cnmly opposiion , The : molher-In-lnw of the countess leenme suddenly - denly Ill when sine meant of tire arrest oC thc : countess . and tine scandal , which followed , DEInNG lAS CONSUMPTION. ProC. Dohrlng , the Ilphthorln serumlst , Is I surerlng from Incipient cornsunnption. . Ho S has just returned from Egypt and .hns resigned - signed his 'proCcseotshlp at the hello unl- verslly. Tine exports to America rrol OormRny for the quarter ending with March base risen : n te enormously. The chief articles affected uro n chemlcale , cloth garmenls , plush vel'ola , slls , glassware , hosiery , lace , woolens ann I sugar , Confidence In time rc-enrtabiisined pros perly of American commerce appears to have relurned. Tine exports Crom tine Berlin district - trict learly trebled and those oC PralleCorl : I dOIlel , Tine imports only showed a slght t i ncrease. Henry Viard , who Is now residing Inn VI- elln , has been In Berlin this steele , and aim - ultaneously conies time annoulcement Cram tint Deulscho bank mat Northern I'aciflc 2ds , which were left unpaid In October . 1&9 wl ; be purchased under centaur restrictons , The Deulscho bU11 was Mr , VI I rd'/ main ally In Germany during his Norlhern Pnclfc career ' Tine betrothal oC Miss Lewis , n wealhy : ; young laity oC New TerSe , to PrInce Carlo Isenlerg.Brsleln li Is allouncel1 Tine groom 0I 1 > nn officer oC I guard regiment annul his Camly f was once n relglllg one , but medl- alzed at lhe belnll ! eC tine century. Prince Victor , tine eller brothel oC Prlnco Carlo , wns reported 10 have been engngell to Miss Iluli - man In 1892. Prince Carlo Is han < some and moves In the fast set Ho met hIs bride al Ihe races near Berln , 'fhe retrial oC hem Leist ex-cirancollor oC Iho CamerOO terrItory , German West Africa : , eommelced al I.elpslc 10 < ay , He Is eharell t wlh malroaJI ! natl'l women lyhlpln ( them , etc. Herr I.elsl on the slanl lelle that he exceedeti his tlutos or thai he hal caused a publo scalulalhlch mlghl hnve Injurell tire Irestgo oC German ) He cake , lhal harem yon SOllen annul oiIer omclals oC tine Cameroons he summonel , as \lnesses , ali rCIUestcl lint ( Count yon PCel and Dr I , luetner , who were also oblged 10og \omcn In tire colon ) lo sunnunnomnenl lien rrni I.elst's request was refused on tine groud : : thai II was lrlvlal. Tine JulJlc prosecutor I conende,1 ( , Ihal hem heist was responslhlu for i time mutny In lho Cameroons , amid demnnled irIs severe Ilunlshment and dismissal from Iho ( service , The conrl condelnel lie : rr heist 10 10 ,1sllssed from the ser\lcl hi Lit nlowed him 10 retain his enslon for lhree years to IIY tIne costs oC tine Irlal 'fhe courl helt mat ( In fogging tire native women ho exceedet his duties , and otherwise larougi lit iris ofce Into contemnipt. A society Is now formed ul Uat n-nnllcn entitled time German Naval union 'fho memo hers oC the society are arming and raisin lii I volunlary lurid for tina lJrpoo Of Increas- tnrg tine nnvy. Irances will be enntabilshn nil lhroughout Germany and all oC tine German : colonies , _ _ _ _ _ _ Jlnhtor 11110" ' l.alat lIp II 31 1"sll. Cl'lY Ol z.lixie : I . , Apri G.-Unied Silies Minister Hanhom18 resting cnsler nit last accounts , but a Inle cnrhuncle has < e\lned on his necle 1111 .1 shnlar Incon- vcnlence out bIns rlghl otlauw. 'hrse , wi tin extreme hoarsoll'sS , which troubles him : n , wi Ilroba\l ) prevenl him lal,111 pall : 11 the duties uC Iris new olcc tOl' a week or i ) O. Until tIne mllieicr reco\erl from hl8 i Illsposilol tIne ) ! atan renlll In chure ! oC Idsvard C , Ilutler , ' , \Ir. d\a\J lulrr secretary.Ir. . luter will ofclul ) ' InCurm the Iexlcan gove.r a. I oC tire UI rival oC the mount now rellrelenll' ( Ito aim \ ) wihin I few days oak his olclill I ; : : reception nnd recognition I ) ' tine IJrCb11e11 and calJlnet. _ _ _ _ _ _ . \ ppe"l. fur Clthulu Unity , itoti , Apri G-Tho moire , In his I aster address . just luulll , has madE anolher al" " meal to the Ilrllutes und memlJcr of the i Church or l nlland , In this appeal bf tat ccc a still l're decided tlund In favor uC Cal Lii- oDe unity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ uniy.hl,11 ; Ulhlul"t(1 fver ( : lln , MADID , AIJ'I G-Tho news ( mat bainds C Insurgentl have alpearell In trim ( center of Lbs I islaund of Cube II disquieting , as It wa ' IhClgbl that the rebellIon war "al cupilt ned to the caster cvaat. DROUTl ) - AT AN END 1 Nc cbrsk BesmI With Rain that Sonb Every Foot of the Sufnce , ST ATE DRENCIE FRO' ' END TO HiD - R'in of Friday Night a1I nhlhy Wn Both Generous and General OL-F SIIONE SEE TIME EOAKING Parchet1 Soil PreparI for the Reepton of the ilusbandinair's Hope. ALMOST A DELUGE IN SOME LOCALITIES IUllIolr Espaeinuliy 1 < 1\1 II 'I hl"1 Sea ( loans ' \'tlr" thl b lry ' W'lthor 11\1 neeu ll.l Set 4r-Fasruners IUII 11011"1 1111 Orclt ) ' Enrcuunrnngetl. Nerastm has received n soaldng. On nil her Iroldllralrlcs Ihere Is nol n' Cool of ground lhal has not received ont asorbCl 10lsiuro enough to mutt tine hnll In excelcnl connulitlon. The rains oC tine last two days have comillel the work cOllencCl n week ago . anti every sccton thai was skhlelln tine first dowlour two s givcmn tine ijennenit of tln later ralmn. Fronn all jurrts of tine State nnncssngcs innvG be en received trIlling of tinc tieiigirts of rain a tn ti I in c cent seulnnenn t lini 111)1 nn ss 0 f mnot : nlonne t hits fa rnmicrs , but of all tire bnnsimncss nnuenn. Songs of irrilso are especially gotung nn , Irommn tints he art of tine dronntmn-stniekemn regIon of last ye ar. There tine mini inns been time mnnost nbunn- . da nnt , From Nnnciohls coumnty ( stcst , taking iii tir e nst area covered ti ) ( lie coumntles o A danmns , W'c'bstcr , Frtnmnkhhnn , Kearuney , harlan , . ih uffalo , lawntoun , I'lrellia , F'inrnnnus , Freuntier fl edVlllost' , Limneolni , hlnryenu , hiitclncocic , Ci nase , lnrumdy ) , i'enlclnns arid iCeltim , annul , Im fn ct , across tine state to tine mnortlnera lno unmnniary , the precipitation hmas ineemn stnffl. ci enit to satisfy the rinost carpimng critic. \ inero discounragemnncnt sat entinronnemi a week ag o , inOiue iras resnnnmned her sway and driven. onn t evil forebotllnngs , reiniaelmmg therm witin con- fi deince arid trust. . . limit not only inns Nehiraslca beenn blessed b y tine copIous sluowers , hut tine dried up co unties along the ) camns3s Colorado cml Souti D akota bonniers mayo been wet to inn extent In ex cess of tinny experlernced In two yenirs. , RECOI1I ) OF TILE STORM. ST. I'AUL , Neb. , Mini 6-SinecIal--Th ( ) te rrific wimnd mini dust storm of yesterday wa fo llowed tins morning witin a light nuinower. SII1IL1IY , Nob. , April 6.-Speclal.-Tirero. ( ) t % as anothier rain mere last nigint. It Is rain.- In g slowly tints forenoon , with a flute chance. o f continuing all miigint , ItOGlIRS , Neb. , April 6.-Speciai.-.A1 ( ) In eavy rain comnnennceil falling here ( Iris morn- in g and continued for several inoinra. It wa ti ne first good rain this year. Tine prospects n osy are"tliat a large acreage' of 'SUgar bet w ill' be put In inn tins vicInity. FAIRMONT , Nob. , April 6.-Spcclal.-- ( ) . . T lno much needed raIn caine last mnigh.t. A f ull malt Inchr of water has already faiiea a nn It is still raining. It inns put a smite am th e faces of nIl classes of men. SUPERIOR. Nob. , April 6.-It comnnmnnencc r aining last evenhnng amnd comitinnucul all nignt , p utting tine grounid Inn excelienit connmlltlon for s pring crops. It Is stilt rainninig , witin nc 1mB- c atlons of ceasing soon. Everybody Is jubi- l amnt. amnt.FItEMONT FItEMONT , April 6.-Special.-flain ( ) corn- mm iernced taliiutg lucre at 7O : a. in. and lies coa t lnnued all dmuy , Tire water sannds ( Inn Inools tine streets. Tine prospects for a gocni crop i n ( Iris couinty swere meyer better. 'rime raia was gemneral inn ( iris vicinity , Nob. , April 6.-Speclai.-Raia ( ) b egan fmulllnmg' early tinis mncnnnlnng amid pros- ' p ects are tinat it swill continnue for semite time. CENTItAI4 CITY , Nob. , Alunil 6.-Spccial ( Telegrnnn-A ) ineavy rain inns been faliin m ere today , and imndlcations are that it will r ain all niglnt , Snnimnli grain is mneariy all s owmr ann ) nmnaumy ticccs are up. Fannnncrs are j nibilamnt over tire onntloolc , CALLAWAY , Neb. , AprIl 6.-Special ( TeDs- grann-Thne ) reaviraust rain ( mat hues vIstteu t his locality for over a year set Inn ( mis minorni- l ung and intis conntlnnnmed nil day. The ground i s gettinng a tincrougim coaklnig anti ( Irene is general rejoicing. FAIi1I3UILY , Nd , . , April O.-Speciai ( Tehe- 4 gram.-A ) ineavy rain felt durimng last tnigint , tinorougiuly soalcinig ( ho gromunnni nnmml inelpIn ou't. tue wheat amuui oats greatly , annul tontigb It is settlumg inn for another ineas'y raimn. SYILACUSE , Nch. , April 6-bS'peclai-lI ) splonndid rain fell last mniglrt , tnnicin will d tIne rarnnilnmg districts lots of good. - 1)01)011 , Nd , , , April U.-Speelnl-A ( ) steady raIn connmnemneed falling tins mrnomnin at S o'clock annul has eomntlunumeil nutetumllly dun- . . 1mg tine nay , It is tine incest arid ineaviest rainnfall for inver a year Lli'CilFlEii ) , Nd' ' . , April 6.--Spcciai.- ( ) 'rime past. two tinnys there have litn awful iunst stomnmmmu , 'I'ininnaday It hilesv froimi tuG sonmtln annul Frinlnny front time nnortlmwest. Timla xii ann inig , tiionngmn t mo t'I mmii conn ti un u ens ins Inc nnortlmwest. in fire rain set in ned con- tinnucs tomniglit. Tint , coil is Inn as good or better drape ( or nuc'eillmng thnan lnnt year , SCliUYLElt , Nob. , April 6.-Siuccind-It ( ) began nalnninug here at i o'clock ( mis mnornning , hnnsvlnng beets cold atntl unnisty tinronngtnotnt tine might coil early munerninng , and tIne rain has beenn falling faster anti faster , It is comnain from tine snortineost , arid tirero Inn every IncH. cationn that it will cointinnuc niuntil tine groun is tiiorotnglniy soaked. GENEVA , Noin. , AprIl G-Siiecial-A ( ) iniemnmlint rain visIted ( lila locality mist nigint , It was a uiurlinirue to macst people , not that tiney were xml , anixionnaly looklrng for it , but hcauno tine comidltlons store so adverse to a noun. It is a boon to this locality. It was tine first rabin Irene since February 20 , and was sorely mneeded , SUTTON , Neb , , April 6.-Sieclal-1u ( ) ineavy rain set In lant evening amnd continued au might. Slrotvers continued tlnrougin today etfcctually breaking tine dreuntin , SprIng grain is conmniing up unicely amimi orchards , es- Ineclally time ample , plunni and chuerry. ar lull of blossomnir , iuronnnlsing a big fruIt crop tins tail , \'ls'roN : , Neb , , April 6.-iSpeclal Telo. ' granmn.-Itaimn ) ham been falling mere all day , Farmers and boniness unren are mntueh cuss ecu raged. GitlilON , Neb. , AprIl O.-Spacmnnl ( Tole. gninun.-A ) high winn'i ' ann dust sterna con- tlmnued mere dnmrlng 'rinuraday and Friday an mmlii 6 o'clock timis nnomnlng , winch It began tis snosY , turnilng to raIn , winicin inas continued at Intervals during ( lie day , and Indication , arc ( lust It nutay continue duninrg tine night. About ttnree.fountins of ant inch of stater has fallen , I1UMI'JiltEY , Neb. , April O.-i3pcial ( Tel. egramur.-'fhe ) inrrviat rsinnf3ll inn ten nniontha baa been uperlemrced hers today. TIi ist