, ' : i--- J i I . .1 - - _ THE O\AIfA DAILY BEES . : 'IflUDA1AflL G , 1Sf ) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. r- - - - _ - - - _ - . - . - - - . - - = - - - = - = - - = p a flOS1V4.TEfl , 1dItar. t = : - - - - - - J'l.nt.tSJU1 F.nrw MOnNJNO. _ - - - - _ - - - - - - - ? : i t = : : - - - = - TrmMS : OJ' SCtSCHt'ION. % .1 , floe ( \'lh"ut SunIAY , ) . Ono ycnf..S 8 t " ) JIl3 HN' ( . SUhany , OhO Year . . . . . . . 10 ( ' . fx "ly ntIiq . < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 & Thr" : "hlhl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21. r funtny flr o . On ! Ytnr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 11'lurI,1 , flee . One Ycar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 r f Weky tN Icc. . One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . ' ovjicr.s. Onnhn. : The nee Tiilhthig. fUUI Omnhn. SlhlH nulllhJ. Ik. rorMr N and 21h Stl , Ptulcl * Ilf . 1 ) ' .nrl $ HlrN'1 Chlc1/o Olfle 217 Chamber 01 Commfl'e. N. " / OUee , n"lm . 13. I nh" " 15. 'fIWn Dl ! ; WaihIngton , 21 } ; tnet. N. W. COl I 1:510NI . . tn nfl " ? edl. AU eomrnunIeatinn ' nlnt1nII n"w Al nlnt1n/ eommlnlnton' / 'orlul Inllr Moul IJe otIdrered : To the Jdltor. ; It4t:1ss 1.TTTr.1S. I'SIIS ! Al Imln' , lottns nh" r.mllane" " , hotil4 bo . ar'M" 10 ' 'he H. lull.hlhJ comlonl' . Otrvih. " Urnt. . chcck" und t".lomce oreN 10 he 1 rnath II-lbl" to the order 01 Ihe tlllr. " ! . 11'1' : lUttISINO : : CO II\N' - - - . - = - = = - = = - : - $ TT1MCNT O' CIItCL'IAT1O. . (1'orge . . ot Th ! 1I ! I'Ub. Orrl ! I. Turhuck. "eerelnlY o I . . J'ub lIhlnJ cotnpiny . lwlng , Iuly"n. ! . ) " that the neluol number 01 full un.1 . cOlnlI"le ople" ) . "f Ihp Joly flll 1" , flIfl. r\nlnl ful nnd SnnIn ) ' lie . lrnt.1 II . 1Utiiig : Iho l'hth 01 FebruarY . 1 : % vas : I. rnlolu . . . . . . . 2l,1 5 ; I : ; . . . . . . . . 1' . S Z. . . . . . . . 2'13 ' IC . . . . . . . . . 1 .Gr3 .3 . . . . . . . . . . 2)tt1) , . 17 . . . . . . . . . 2' ' ) . ) : 4 . . . . . . . . " . n. . . . . . . . . 1l' ' .G' ' 5. . . . . . . . . . .I9l 19. . . . . . . I . SG' ' , I G . . . . . . . . . . 19.Ot 20. . . . . . . I t G , I 7 _ . . . . . . . . fl.rM9 . 2 . . . . . . . . . S . . . . . . . . 1e.9 22 . . . . . . . . J9.G1 , I . . . . . . . . . 11.7t9 21. . . . . . . . 1.GZ3 .10 . . . . . . . . 2fl .GO < .21. . . . . . . . 21. . 1 . . . . . . . . 19.tG 25. . . . . . . . 1.rH 1 12 . . . 3LS1 . . . . . . . . 194t . . . . . J.r4 . 1. . . . . . . . . . m.sl , . $ 2. : . . . . . . . 19.G 1. . . . . . . . 1 .7 ( , : s . . . . . . . . . 19.632 I Told . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1:7.G33 is' dci1uctIon , for unttd nn,1 "turned : I'Iel py ! eluelon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . . 6.033 Net Mlr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1I.GI . . . . Dnly : . n\'ctIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.,01 oronm n. ' 7RCnUCIC. I H."n . In I.rof ! I nlHI "uhrrlbpd In I ) ' IIC9' 'nt. ( . thU' 2d tier or 1nreh. lS9 : "nIl . ( S.nn Ihl < < N. 1' . 11,1. . Notlr ) ' PubUc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Thit ; ; ; lot forgoUen-the lutu : . lJlslm 1tgISllItIlIP. - - - - - : TAol , ont for : re\'I\al II the 11uhle ) hl . 8e8.OII HK SOIl UK 1I'II' ' I'hrelllfm.t : ) Ie. . tm'nH to tl scenes uf his eirIIir : IcU\I. I te . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J. ; H. ClallIol 110esl'lucll ! ( to go Ilto the I I i t 1ll'llhnl' t 1 I Imslllsl I ( le I I Il\e' ! hm I 4 lIlly cllluly II laldllolgh v1I hunt t1e nll I of Ithlllnl I I I : I II'\Ile . I Chkngo : electols ) WOI.t be quite 10 . 111'I'l'Htlg ( 10 the ward hp.s ] wlll thl' I 1111epal I I : t 1 < 1'1 I gITlcl 11011 shal : I I Ilye lwel put 1110 O1)11ItIOfl. ) WOlll hot the stall' have . 10 II\est 11 ; i n C0l111lIc . i inv supply ) of high hae ( 'hal.s If the IegIslt : ( tire \ Velrecoil - , clcd In l'xl'a RCRSlol uext wcel. ? \Ye IWII wih :1xlols l'xpecntey tile r')0It of the Douglas } county ( ledllc trlwny < olllll'l' . 'I'Iiat cnlelll'ise ) si iou Iti be Ilshell i ) to I l'a iIy COIRumla- tol. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tol.tald tald Iii with the judge In charge of thc cllmllal : helch ) of the dlstllct COlt ald yOtI cnl : Hmllistm' I pu1lc ) trust for ' henelit with 1m- tllsl . . your OWI hClelt wih - Jlll t 'Ihl healh of the rlsltelis of Omaha . shol It Jhow 11 IIIHllalc ! 111'1(11 11' I pro\cment IIW that n lew Iltullwlt of qllUlet IlhyslellS ) his been lUllche 1J01 UR. t 'he slgeHlol . . vacant acres of the eOllt I10t. fut'me cultivated . 1 ' the Idle incH of the county Is souIIl lie . who causcs : two polatoes ( ) : 10 glow 'where ole grew before Is a Public hele- ! factor. 3 At thc Rltl of tin Interstate . COl' ' lWICe . . cOlmlHHlon II this city ni In- qtilry utiglit he made : as to the hash for the rate uf 62 cents per bushel uf -whelt from Des : Ioiwl t I10ints II the weslem Illll uf this Hlale. I L Ih'al for I.'t'aul . , rnw1er I was 1 loll : fo' Lnwll' to aspire 10 IJ'OIOlul ( ) flOI conlreRH to lhe Chicago llstmlel'llll : , hut to JUI ) ) frol < OI I''SS 1) to I 11Ia'I' : In tl CliIt'ago city c01el Is : leap fro\ "llch holIeI 1I0111e ) would shrink In .10101' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Don't . be hashful : ! I l's 1 poor patrIot % s hl ) IHn.t willing . to servo his c0III ' Iii the cnnll ty oj It 1emuer of the pro - I10sel ( Boat'd 01 Fire IIH ] . 101C0 Coiii. nilssloners. Announce .onrclf : a clndhlate If 'OU' friends won't do I for .YOU. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Nllu'lka : : Is not hcnceforth known nR lie I . I t'tp1nnters' slate Ili ( l'COg- ulzel Iiy the l'mllol of the goll'n roil J won't be hc t fault . of her legislators. . 'J'Iiey hl\u Iione everythIng In their ' } 0We' to Iwlll this tl'ltnlmhll mon ment itlolig. The tlrOlI'SHlln , or oleo seekers be- legllJ the 11shlencu ! of : Ia 'or-ellct Swift 01 Chlclo Is said to have al 1IflhIyvorii tl bali CII'llpt . tIIrea(1- , 1'1. Hr next \pll. l1. . Swift vIIi hI' &ITeriiig hIiI34I8 ) of thlnlH that ho still hits Uw floor left 10 ] diii. . ' 11 COIllt'lul < ul ) must see that Ule ( ( hut hit sli I hiPI' . ) ) 1'1' II'opI'I'lr I ) ] I'el" ) ! ' flll'l I ( 11 twl. t Co1lllnllt a uhtHt I raIl- . FOht(1 iliserlinituitlon before thii iiiter- rout 11scIIIInaUol lefm'u ( Iule.- stnto COllpI' ( ' coininlsslou. A glen t tl'uls ( h'IHllls ) ullon hn\'lnJ a case ox- 111nlnell 1)V comlwl'ut 111'1's , I : vas emily 10 hl0 111'1 exhorted ( ' that the Itlnt wonhl ho 11110 to ' ' the state ' ' ' law h ' rI'al tl . 1I'lloslt' by Bteulh , whet.o nil 0111 ) 111 ! Ilue ) ; hom.tl . ttTort Wil HU'O to full. 'lhel WUI too luch 10UI'y Ilhlll the 111111'0 _ to lWI'ml one 11cfeal lo kill 1 . LuaJ _ ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1.t us cousole ourselves 11 that u regular HessIon or the legIslature cannot - not com'I'IO iigtiii ; fOI' two years . Zilch . cnllllt us this , to . 1m sure . 11 Indulged In tlughll'llr by 1UI ) hnt thieve lW\'I' ( vas t HI..sloI oj the XI' blitsktL legislature vhik ' It , II'lllm I' lslntU'o whl'h aCollllhlwll , less good nail moro hut'l luau lie ( 010 Just ' closed. Wh ) ' slioultlii't the I legislative Jour. . Duls bu . 11110 111 Its the 11'18101 mu-n- coeds by the horLo of lute clerks al- ' . # \1)8 liiilhIltithlied 01 the legislative 11) ' 1 roll 1 b It : Ul'l'IIIO tll'se cIeris would , lo hICUmeh'lt to do the work ? 01' Is I uucnl : ! the ( cel'ls of the two . houses Illlt tI II'o\ll'L with lucrative extras 11 ILtltul to the " 111'11 whl'b they tl'nw 18 1lIlc eltijiloycs ? l'O111111 bet ? t & A 11tRN 7'lfJ.Sllr ' % M ID. The . ! attempt of Slntl TIasurcr llnrt- It I < r , aIJed by the Blrln/tol Cnr nl\1 hl : henchmen or the rull'olul lobby In the Intcrest of his chain or BurlnJln Ulllol , to fOlce the repeal of the state 1lllslol' ' law In thl 'Itishuig hOlr8 ( f the lglQlalrc session cIls for vigorous 11111'11101 fll evety cit 17cl II Xl . hrnska who demnuids hnuuuu.st . domalcs hOlust sinle gO\ eruiiuit'iit. Should the Lull lccleL oC IIRn : l' Uo\rnor lolComh wl be 11" - , let In his duty If lie IJrm1s It 10 be ! hiss , ehhieivhtIu ( iils signature collie n clh(1 wih hil slglntl'e ! or wihout It The hi conlcmll1\lcs ( nothing short of In outright robbery of the tnxinyers of upward of $ i .00n. { ) I I nll ! to Illace lt thc disposal of the slnl' tt'ei5tiIO nll ( his 11011111 cl'olllS over thl'C"II\I\tols of 1 11101 of I11U' lie money , to he furleL out . among la1'lJ ( ban ks :11 : i I'I'IIHt.lI ( . " 111. Ithehimui . the Intm'est he ' Ildal ! to converted to : their own use. . WIl1 this 11'oposllol ) WIS before the house . 01 its lelll two wels ago It WIS eiujiluumtlenlhy t l'IIIHlnlel [ ) ( ( after ole of lie ( most exulting contests of the osIoit. g\'I' : y Iii Iluiemuce , every t Ii ira t. e\'lI'.V IIlll'lllllt ( 1111 I I wns POsille ) to ellilloy to seethe I'lolgh roils to tll'l his I fat lPilUiSlte ) ilto ( thl ( Iloelels ) uf the stnte 1'lnSII'I'I'IS hi-ought into 1'11llsllol I I I , hit I Ihl' I l'III'e"lllltU\'l1 [ t ii Iii hot Ium hot iny their cOlsI11'11 . II RICh ni i (11'I t genus uiuii I Iii e t- 1\11 tw I repeal 1)111iiS ) Ihll 10 minister ell ' 4-1 \Ull'S II I ls I I fn \1 I' . 'I'lie dt feu : ted hi sought to relueRl I tie Ilw wlh Ilsl'd ) tl holh state 'auid cOllly deposits. )1' I ilot ' the preteuise of sureumgtiutuing tii 11' til' Ilrllt'lse SI'I t\lllg tle Inflglullls tl\\\1 nlllt , county tic. 1)051 ) t oil es , I hi I I I I iii rod a red h I y Hllse I WI IISltl : through the hOISl' lall : ; l'el'lall all'l'ntols II tile law , Iw most 11111'ln I lt hell I llnt ( l'ellcl tl t II. I t'l' ' . t I'ale whicl tl banis should Imr 01 lllposis of inibhie I 101l " flol 3 : ) l'l < elt to 21k IWI remit. When this bill l'IChlll : ito ( Hllnll : Il WIS Hlfll ] ' IOl'- tOI'll 10 as to t'l'plnl UI' ( Inw : wil Ilf- It'I'II' ( ' 10 slall dllloslt0'lls ( ( ) Il\ ilmiven tll'olgh t i I ( let ' whip(1 i I i : ( 1111' . ' 1hl Ilea was to f0'CC he I house 10 agrle 10 tW > O Ihnl's ( wlhout letting the t 111hll'H Imow wha they were doing. SI :1 : t is 'l'reasui ( ' ' I ha it ' ' SIUl' 1''lnSlt'lI' 111.tl' nail ( his asso- t ' hates ought to Imlw wlln they ' mite \11 elmouigim 00' II I Is a m tact whleh Il ( bIOS hot ( Jelly limit ( all of time Public IIOIIY I In I Ils ll'HSlol ' , Is I 101 UI L1' I jmosht 10 the clldl ( of the slal' : II timi' reguuliuislate tluposltoijes. 'jlc1e Is at this 1011It R01lthllg II lie iieiglihoi-- hlod ( of a lalf : mlol ! dollars II the 1 i ! I pJHnl'lt sehoul final 111)011vli Icli tl I taxpayers do hot get ole celt of 111'1" - est. I t Is nl OII secret ( limit this ' 11Ie ' Is on deposit Il varIous ( halls or IUaH'11 out to varIous partIes . hat I ilh'rest is ) aid 101' its Ise :111 that ( . time hlh'fest goes :01 ( ' Place other titan the slate lllasul " . Not content . Imov- evelwlthm time lmJ1s of these louhtfnl ] ti-ansacilouis , Ul [ 'cns1'el now Wllls to secure time Current l'asIJ' ) alaul1 uf tlmieequtitetmillion : dolI'8 : L spec- ulale : wih In the Sale mlle Is vihiItig 10 let the ' ' 'Iaw willg depository 1nv Rlny wih respect to the countiLs if onlj" II cn ue ft'pell from Its 11'0\lsI0Is wllh ICS1cet to state mOII ' . As If It were II h for Ihe Ileollc lu Ilslst on Interesl Oil twh' county 10Il and \vtolmg 10' them ( 10 iuslst 01 Interest on their slate 10nl)8 ! 'Vlii ; maId upon the treasury must uc iiloked. If the hOI"e dues 10t lock It the ( goverumotlutist do It. Tin : soujit . tri , ) .UUYD ,1/11. A 10\tllut has hell starlci ( in the south in the 11tlrest of sound mone ' . A uitlumuiut' of business ol'anlzalons : have ISRued n call . for 1 con\eltol to he JIIt In lIellhls next monlh 10 ue cOUoset of delegates froimu lime soulhl'ru stal's " \ho hele\'e In the mmecessity of I S0\11 Ind stable currenC ) and better bl1kin : facilitIes 11 order . to fully re- stoic amid . iu the futu.c to lalnlaln II'osl1rl : mummoumg the peolllc. " ¶ 'hiR mulOYt'iilent Is Illcnt\e 01 : changing spnlUcnt II I the I south regard iimg le . : , l lug time currency which IR liii- CI'l'nl ( very IU- Iln'Ilt. : 'rhe prolle ) } of that section hl\l hleu PracticallY unanlUols In tiuu- tugonlzllg . Ihe , lie ' whlcl has gln'l I he cOUiil iy I H0\11 eUTelc ' . 'j'he Ilpl\t' ( : tc ( 1oIuml'seultntlu-es In congress flU the "olih huuive . wih few oxcell- lnlH , Ilh'o'atcII the flee Ill unllietl tohuuuigi' of sIlver. I I WIR at time insilga- 101 t of tll' I ,1'legal's front tl soul that t : I Ie laRt mlmtt 101tl 11cUocm tc com'enton iuim4'rI m.il in the ( . lusl'ltet II Illatorm ) a VeC1)mflmmlemluhtj- lon t Ihat t I ito t tux emi hunl. I Issue I : he re- II'llcII. I ) alll In I l'on gEOSS the I son I imt'iui dt ' umto ( ritic ' ' 'mmtuu'ives m-euuisecj 10 . II'mo 1,1 tc 11'11'(1 . 'lhl'l\es l'I'fufed uic- ( 'lllt any c1rrml ! eUS\1 , that dil lint luovide for the IICOllllolal l'eJlal or that lax , I Ils shnwlng . 1 wlhlgnl s to 01 ) the way for time restomtlot of the 1 nute.belum slale haul ; curlrl ' RrK. l'I 'j'lw Hullrn . eOllle . hl\e been Jl'rslHlllt him timeir IH"tII ( 10 the mitt- tolul balk , I I II . lot to he 10lhtlIl ( ) ( hint I 1'Je lujo.ly t oC Ihl I )101110 i ' i of the son I ii Htl Iwlh'\'u II the flN' ( 'llagl of shhveutual him ummrestrietc'tl sImile iatimk issiue. " ' ' ' II 1uI'lil'lctll Ilate hlll ; IHsles. Vt'm-y 1t11 . of tl'l also iui'Ilevt' lu I la : t cu' t'llt ) . II t hu I IRRIIII I imy tl t gO\'IIIUllt m 10 It 111111111 l'xl'l1 Hit time mmuumum- bt'r of hose I whl hell those views , tl1 II good 111"01 to t hllk , Is 11''n'aslng. alll lie t 10\'III'll I t IIW m Ilau I u'all'll I II i lie I 1ll'lI'st I t t of a HOIIII m a mid sil hIe I ( ' \ . 1'1'1'111'omlslS I ! to t HII I I I fUI'llll' I i 1'luce lie I . Illh"I' . nr the t HUPIIO'lel'H ) or muir- rm'uut' hl'I''sh'H. I 'I'h e ImslueS iii cut who 11'0 hellud this mO\'cllut ( luuot fnl to 111theh' t lulu'Io ( fI luL oucn Il Is lu full heallwl > ' time demmimigogumes who . 11\0 hllu 11'lnehlu } ( muse Ilnuelll I 10ct.1ls nlll Illl'ltlll tIme leOllle wi lowe 10 give way before It Time Ihlillo uxplllntlol of tIme clmmuiiglumg Slltl1lt Is 10 ho found 11 time fnet that time south Is 1'lnl111 1 raiI(1 ( 111lslrlnl I\ellll' Illt that : If imrlmigimmg It l1to closer touch whIm time most uf the country nUll II'OullJIIg the idt'mms of HH immure luitehilgout ) (01110 II to the J'e- Intous of I ROIII anti stumble CII- rt'tmey to I.lll , uUlt'rlul imtn.- I'ISS lullllrosllI'j ) 'lime II'nctcalll'J tht'tilmhiY ) or that ( tCtol see that I t'III1llls to hl 11'1\\u : thet' I Is ue'I'f' 8thlt the Il0llulll' SII\UWUt shul : hu IJ N ' sympathy wih 10111 lunldll IJh1IIIII's Instead : of ) ( IIn'Ut aguiimmst thll , AH 1 110\11 : e011U. 11 ' , with almost loululoss resources yet to . . he ( lc\eloped , 10 section or nl , cotmn- t. hM greater leNl tIuuli . the south of 1 ROUld nlll slnhle CI.t'NIC ) Wc recently noted the ol nnlpnlon nl A taltn or n cub composed entirely or then who ha\'c hlhcrlo RUIIII01Iei1 the d(10erntlc puly : , the purpose of which If to 11rotott In th ( ' south time 1101 ( > ' of 110111101 to AIIN'I'nl hmidmist vies. 1 Is n uu'ovt'miieiit that Is cerlall to mmiuuimt' tummy thoUfIUlls of 1lllllenl , ollt'l 11 lint sect lout amid In\ ' result 11 tramis- flrrll two 0' three states to lime Il" - lmuhulicmimi 'ohiluimmi at time next , loctioui. Ilullrll t'Ohlll lt thl I\xt 1lltol. The 11t\tlutlu 111hnlr of oUI11I0I ( ' Is aunt her hopeful sign Ihut uot all of thl ft\t\r 1)(111 ( \1fUSl'IItbl' to time tlllhllgS amid 111\11 ( ( of well cslnhlslld facts and eXIWI'IIIC ( ' . TWO I'//l' , mASlUS. : Two bills mire before GO\'I'ruor lIol- cOlb nVttl : lug his ( olsllN'UtoU ! , ll\ ' . ! lug llssl'll : hotl ) hl'/1dl'i oJ lie t legls- latuire . that are \lg111 hlltlols for t\ I ISl' of hlH veto lIeu , Thl Irst of t Imost' Is I tw I ) OlgUI pemi It en tin my bill nUll th I ( ' Rl'Co11 time bill to cI'l'al' tl I oOe . . . of state 111111'1t01 coimuiiuI- NV" " ' . 'hl' : 1)orgmin ) ) Lullllhll > ' II , ( :1101 : SolVe time ( 'o\'h't lahol' 11'lhllll. I wOlhl Oi t lie eont l'H'11l' I \ Verse . 11SS of thl' ) llllltlnl'y than nosY ox- istm. 'I'hl' huieslmt stat mis of time prluii coU'I'ts Is hl : } enoumglm. hit II wouhl mint hI 1111'\'lll by thl ( ProiOt'(1 law 1\llls fur IHlfcl'ahll to nl 'lhll'OI l' . ' 'hll bill seeks to & 'lTt'et two thulmmgs. Fh'st to scenic time tl'UISfl'\ $ : : : .010 fl'OI tl le.tI of tl' I )10111 ( ( to tll I I llewls ( ) of lom-gmtn 11111' i 11'ltelsp of IHI Y I mig fol hhl 1H11lltal.ellullllll I t I I , uPII'uls'L h l . ' I stuhIt'd .IIT at thl'1 I 111111s. ) wlholt Ill'lhtctol . of nl ' of Ihl' t gtl t ( ' $ loglt imuumute offset chmihiims . See- OH1. to l'elllnll tl II"l'Hllt l'oll'nclol' amid I JulColl'ncI0's 1110 II0SHlssl01 of time 11'III labor and fuimtomios . hul wih ni Imo I 11'Iol ulllllalts I timid ol'OI'S 10W ( 1IIIIn.\11 by t hI 1 comm t t'a I 11' I . ; sllClL 0\11 11101 tIme Hlatl' : par : iou. I Unless Ih ( ( ' . , \Ito is fO'lhl'Olllg thl I old pl'IIlItI. I I I 111 [ wi I 1 1'1111 I 11 I ( ' 01- llnl , eXllnlll thl' II'olls'hll' ( liii' state ui-s : Lem'ly : for time flhllt' 'I'he ut lice bill 11'0\11's for : slate hound of 11111/I'alol , , thu&- alleged WO' ! 01' the board to devolve upon a1 Iumimul- gruml lon coiliiuiisiolier . mut t a sa : 111.oC $ , OOO ) e' YII. . ' 1hl : bill Is Hall to In\"e hell 11'a\\1 11 the iicidquimmmtt'is : of the BIlllglol mll'oll : I I Is 1mm- teiutli'tl 10 llpate : I 1111 ( ' Illaee : fet t hI , 10to'ilu . J. " ' . .1ohISOI , \ho 1(1' ( : iays the. 11:1t ) : of Blrllllon stnol 1)lgeol ) as ole of the I HIII'ltJIlies of time Hate : 101'11 of 'ImIHIIO'latul. ) 'l'll nllllllll has no fl'a1 of losil ; Its gt'lll ou the Simm Ie Board 01' ' 1'rauispouta. tol. I Il I fae i 1 has mum ot hemI 1001 I nl''IHI.\ ' Rlleltlll for JOhllOI'S Illal'e : ttftei lie shal ha\e hC1 trISflI'lll to anolhl'r ht'alh : of its Hll\'ll' . IlltS .Tcuhin- vhioio he I ho ' ' ' of Hon whl't' can Ise Il' lachll ( the new office for Ilollial lalip\la- ton \111,1 IH'elLIHe of II'Olotll ; 1m- II ra lon. Al time . work which his t bill cOlleUlllates securing ( mum aim I I 1 i- gmlol COII1lsslolel' CUl hl' 1)I'fO'llt wIthout Rll'tchlnlxistug immvs IW the deputy labor cOlllbslol'I' . 'Vhmeie Is 10 wm'I'llt for nie\ . state olce auid new slate eXIllllil'cs ) ( _ hmmsl 10 help the .1Ht Burlngton road to care . fur its llolleal ) dejn'ndeuils. t Both . tlise 11aSI'IS nr vicious. NmItlmer , of ( lucia should hecole law. TlS ; lASTr 13111DS' . I Is n hal hiIl that befouls its OWI nest nnf then ehm'ges It lp to sonic olhel' . 1,1il , . ' 1hls I'alhcr nasty mlxlm : was p0k-oil at time Ilolcl cotmL"slol'I'S of 11s city by Ciizen Scott In his 1'- cent tntankerous : letter. ' That let tot- was l'al IHhlcl - before the li-glsia- tm'c hy time honorbl ( ' :1' . Hca'UH In SUIIJO' ) of the lhlrgp > Ilmlust thl I coin- mitlssioui In Just j iulemt hon of lime 1lssa . e 01 . time Illco cotllslou bIll uvemtime 0.et'10t"1eto. . Now , , \11 llllllntll thIs cOlllRslnn , nnL whom did 1hl' ue- Imblcllf 01' thc ieglsiatmuic CCUHU' ( I ' the voles whllh IlssPl1 time bill over . . (0\1'101' lnlcomh's ohjlctlol ; ? E\'t. metbl'I' of the 11'0811t 11Ike comumils- 1101 was 1IIIIoluied by a 1'llhleln n\erlor , mil t liret' oC tl' fuU' cnm- nllssloler : SUlllll'lel ) Iajols fO' O" l'I'1Ol' lt ' the last : eiectloum . I I tllse mel um'COI'lllt ald 1111' I I manugl" I - IIUt of the 1 Illlce hlH bpl'l . ulhsimoume'st iiuiti lnsviess. . Oi whut : Ilrl clues tl t ! Iln\ lest ? Acco'tlng to the report of tl Iii to gt'1111 Jimmy the alleged cci- IUHlol of lime 11IcI' wll amhlcrs ; timid the hllCklalllg : of wIess l'ofot'l , by 1101cel11 Is omit t In\11 bel'a UHI' I t took Illuco 101'e thal two years I go. 'hls fueL wnlll imy . 10 meUII t'xOII'ulo the eotmlsslll II eiemit ' aims or Its subor- tlll tCI ( tout clummrges of ( 'ot't'Ulllol. I I 111R , lmuosvevci ' , l'ol'ld time ( .llllllltR of the polco 1011issi01 bill 01 the Olnll delejllol of mnmii I ; hnlct'ls ! ' Ild gmoss , . Illosll'l' I I . Ho11 )1' , Ickts 01. ally oC his zissoclmtt's 0' : tbettors eXlllnl1 wh.\ they did mint pro SIJt their chll'es to . ClovemmiomCmoiuuuse timid svimy they 11\'Pt. U\'I\I'IJ twh' Intent - tent t 101 to 1"11 " lt 1 reimmos-al I 01 time 1110 ( oltltslol mutt hi 1fl' time iegls- lattice laid COI\'l'lttl Dill they I'Xlll'l thlt I I 'Pot 1m I uuj nm-s. If I l'lpell'll , woull hum ye a ° liii oil mm commi mmmlssl acmslt hl\e 1)Joltll'll Ily COIlllsslol ( ( ) WIH not 5t1limfmut'toi-3- ' his hlol cciii- 111101s. 1 Ilw I gum i uI ibis ? Dldl't I I I t hey Imow Ihlt ? nines limit ! )11'JOllly called U(01 Ihe t IWtIIII'S 01 Ihl' I most lltl'l ( glllhll houfls Iii ( ) mmuumlumi . 1111 also 1111 ( ) tl I hl'C\\'I's IIHI 11111' mIca I'I'S of thl > l'ltr Ill'll m I I i g tl I ( ' :11111 I Iltl liige(1 ( tll I fl'lelll 10UI'll , just lS he hnt pledged the A. P. . .t . I'III'I'S I board tlt would satst ) thoudo - IIUls ? WIH It UICI SII ' thlt tIme legIHlatU' ( holll ) lnlo time mipiohuillug ) ivem ' Iii ) IIIJII1tlIIOC' II time imuuinl.s of wimosum shcimts ' . hl1lI 1\1 whosl tll'ls 11'0 10. toloul ) IICh'll 11 olll'r that time II ) lice should be purIfied 111 time COrltlll lellOls that t Iuies-mmlht'd t \0 'ell' ago should ho u hUHloucd ? Dlt110t time imoit- orhlo 1'llleScltllros fl this I l'ouII ' place time 1'111.111 . , IUllly Iii time isi- lon In whIch I Ollz1 H'ol , viewed time l'Ollhslol limmotiglm Ills humid ghmsses- . \11 : time oHlrleh that huh his head 11 the simutil wile oXlsll/ lellluuf to time lllljhl ? 18 I not n mthel' lmmt'mmum 111 ( 111) bIrd Unit wuuhl blfoul Its own . lest and then cut'jo It tip tu 11olll. lImd I Time proposition to oxelill frol tux- At-e ' nUon 11 llt ; nJlc1 hull miler culi'ntol tWI(1 tIme "ietrott Illau" or I 1001' Edict (11/iot / he UStlllll for n : iumomneutt. hapiel1et' 1 ) hns Iho\1 Ihl t vacant Innllssu HISNI are hltltll ) ( by ' cul 1\1 UOI. ! ' ! II ! h tux ( ' ' (111101 would he Illegal , r. . ' . ( : ncI rcsuA \ If 'I'he HCI'R recent ! howlnJ of cnl ) lisp'mts In thIs state nl'e nlmpmudy mippm-mcluulmle. 'l'lie Itifuimuma- nl'II\l 11111'1 . < llhl' 11Ilfol'IH. ton ( ntll'cli 'f ' > ' 1he lIce WIH teic- . guiildmed ] eec time C0l1 I 1 > fl'OI PO\.t. 1111 , :1 ( , to t 110rlalll , Ol'l' As th ( ' ! I'IS01 Ilh'\IICI:1 \ , : mu nil 't'OII ( 'OIHltUlS cuuthle to Ilf'm'l time gll\l tllhl R \1 hl' hl'l'nhh'll to lime worl thl'ulgl the ( 'OIUII1 of TIme lIce mimi II turn through nil \ssocInted II'SS IHIIIII'S ) : ( h't'hll ( t4 I _ nml tlI1''I'S tium-uuglmout 1 t the east mire qUll' mis II\h Iltp\'stell II the I 1nt(11111)1' ( ' of ( 'hmsli nl , are our pooide Ihmeimiselves. t ' 1ll' He ( ' his II1sllll II Ihl' work of 1'0111(1' : l'tlg tumid If Il0sslbll l'IJItllJ time 11. .1' ' 1111 time stub hy a muihsguildcuh amid IrHtl1ll'nl Imllr Ilhlsh'll Iii this lt\ ' . Ll'H I uf emti iso cal oll'UI I l'ulh. I t hUI \ ' hn\c sOle hope of ( 'nlehllg Solute of them. 'I'he ( 'olstlutuu of Xlhl'lslII1. 5 ' I tics Ihnl I I 10 Jll'SOI i holll I I g ell ! UI' Ilcl the : Htj\I of the l.llh'll Stales 0' IIY u u Im'l'uth'olll' I t I uuimdc'i ' tll' t nlthO- t hu1)1' _ this slum It' ! hnl hI' eligible to or hte : a sl'nt hi tl1 I lt'glsimiluro. 1 1 1 t Ilso II'o\'hlls I I i I ( that 10 Iwnou ) ellh'L to t t1 t 11 lsluturl' : hnl I'l''ol\o mummy l\1 n ) IHlltlll1 ) withIn this state ft11 time O-l'I'I0' tumid SPlntc 11uIIII thl' I 1l11 fl' wlll'h Il humus hl1 elected , 'i'hie' Iltlltl1 amid Sllllt of time COlslllllo1 Is 10 11'C\'llt Iwlhl' of lime' ieghsla- Im'l flol 1011lg tiny oilel' ofcl' ummi- Ill'l' the I slatl. I 'l'lw 1'lh'IR who I ale anglIng for allllllll'ltH ) } . 10 slatl om- ems ! shOl III 1lll'mhlt. that they ha\'p Inlwl lall : tllll.t ) 11L olc ) ' tll ! tal'l'ulsllullol , Alolhll' one uf lime beauties of the ga'hagl l'IIII't I job Is comul mug tt' light t. ' 1'11' ga I'hagl' rout I I'net h'IH tl ftl1tl : COl tractor I he I exclusive Iigh I to I'mo\'l , l'pfu.I. : Il I 11'lhI1Is. 1111et imi'isy : ptla1I ( " $ . mummy ohm else ft'oJ iii- \11111 his I field. Yll It loaves Ihl' I ! ouHI'holl ! I mci ] iii ess Iu I CnllHI m tIme ( lnt 1lul' to 111'foll his svoik wih l'l'USOll hi l' ml ( I spmi I elm. II I l'el'l' 10 t m mimi lie : I n : lIttle lxlr profit . lime ( ' 0111:110' ( he- chimes 10 Ilnlo _ : lhltonal : wngom Sr Ii elm work Is l'cululatllUlol I I ) i his imumn1s : niul leaves thl' ieluse htls 1111 IpH'ls Ilfuse Ilnglltt 11 uack 'I'cs mm nil mulleys- . 'I'hp mimic tl' I lPlt' ) li'col ' mm : t'lllilllll ( I t wlh I I I m Ihp I I gmtmiauge l'OII\ll : t hue 101'1 I hnt'oughl \1 I I icy a ) mcii ii Ic I IH I I oiie'.i tied ii tss . ( oumuiimi ( Il'l'H am omit sollell hag COl I I . Holeltlg HIUclipo t louis for . the Slll10.t of the Il'ollSpll ) ) slale : ( mmiiimigummtries I : : . 'i'hmt'ought 10 1eet svl tim I Ihl'nl mospomise II0m 10t alone IJsll : s 111 , limit allo front II'ofpsslolal :11 "alnlicL ) lOllll. 'rIl lalcl . wi Iljoy thc HIIlclaele lS 1ult as 11 ; one. ITIIY' wi have a fl'le " ! ' \ of IlcloIRI'qtOI tllt ( ouls\h'I' ( wi ha0 comae mils 10 H'l. . 'I'imelr friends from : lht'ouJ svIl llle ( ! lll'l.tallel aH 1ueh as t he utic melmum ii t's eums loml'I'S t 01' .ohhPI"s imat tomis. SIII suhs'lptolg ) ! imell I as Wl1 II lalI' ones. Let tie IpSlolSe to the cOlulilclg cal he LuPI'al lushell wHh IlCl'I1 . success the lolele of slal' clummuumbethohitleiuuums : In whose bllLct Ilt'lp'ls . the Chimirclmhil- Hussll hi O'IllaleL a.p allealr mak- II UII tlit'hisitites fet ' time fail < : . - pmuigzm . 'J'liey 11101lse to musk fo. I \111atol of thouiOliC ) ' ut lhm ( ' hlls of tie Illupll ) of tlls cl " . . This . however - ever . Is not : good } year fo1'lllcI - tOIS I , 'rhe offelse of the boy who stole stuffed hl'rl" ( ruin the SImile uuuihsorsily Immu 5 hreuu con tiouieti a mm il fun imei ' las hpl'l CI11IoIlL nlL flllll ) rose- ( ulon ilmtcrliuitetl. . ) 'j'hls Is to ( 1alw way for time otlmt'i- thefts of stmutt' ' WI ) fu. tle 0111 Iwfh IIal' piop- ctly which recur every 11c I le lsla- time session closes :111(1 for whl'h : IlrOSIutlol woulL he au UlhClll of 1110I' I'C I'CWit the 1m' . . , ' " Iriik ? . Glnlp.II locrt. GO\lrnor Stone . has lellIIIICll to leall the IcgI ' lal\'l horse 10 water ugaln , but hI' cannel make him drink timikimmd I oC water he tendered hll ( I month ago. 'Ihn I CrelI . , Iho Only. Clileogo Tftne-1Irab3. .Tud e Scott oC Omaha II tlylnl to pll ' 00ff. But Judge 8101 Ihoul,1 l'ellller that Gof ellle,1 h ) ' getln on the iieiicit . . whlL In time Iaton' cf thinmus . If he colt- Inu I , " In I hil present roll rse . he mu y 'ntl ( h l ) ' getting off time hench. This would he pel' fcct ) latHflclory to Omaha : but It alight not he 10 JUllge Scott. . ( h."rlnl All 1100011. Phiadelphia ln- . . . NEIJraska awl KanBas have Iach had wel- conic and 1111) ' mitts ; ln,1 , with the recent PrecIpitation / II the D/kolub ( and Minnesota - Ilnne- Iota the outlook In the norlhwesl Is much more uirounising than It wns ' , promlslnJ I wal a year ago 'rhms Is good neWB not only for Iml region . but for the whole country. whose prosperity dcpelds so 1argely UOI . Its crops. ) roserly Glnulno Iln,111181. Klmns City Hlnr. 'he 1.atfMm ! of the honell Intl ( luiteiligent hl11111IstH ( of the Ullcd SilIes Is the SIIIIe II that of Mr. t.alfour und the IuiglIsim ; lame 11r. . . . . trlelds of 5IIvem'J'hey . wunlI bmteran- 10nui slldur < of volumes Ind they Wllt the umutions (0 ( trmlt.eirm } nutons IfII"I" making that sluml- neil amid mumupom ) hag it. But time tacUul of Ilvrlo : whlchlftlu : 's Ilul < , Ind Stewart , fluid Jones , mind ( hll' Illnd , want nn Anwrl- call Maltllll , ofl ytlmes. tIOI.tlt 10111) ' for tIme supposed , helllt of I single mines , usitim- out regard 10 il/I AtII'1 al time cotiatry II ( n whole ir II 1'lalol to the tUIJlr s oC the couutrles With viulcim Aunerlrmi's most Impllnl comllcla . reatons Am"rln's II. Wil Enuutc-raiit thu lulT' _ ellllh ( a comlmnwlcmam. We axe RBSIIIJ ! . 'tiMt Presilielt Cievelaull Cle\ellld intends 10 Iulle things hiveiy for lm-ance. So tar II his atllil Is tl ton ho has mint stir- ct'tet II IUltllf' IhlllH11" Iwl ) - II this counC' ) ' . haiti It Is 10 he hoped II wil HUCCelt batter In Fu-amuce. ' 1'/1 / dire Ihreal ( room our ) reHldell IB mull because a man lumed \'mmi- 111' . who \\'US In Amerlcll consul II ) laila- g18CUI' * . huts IHc'cleded Iii lullllJ hImself oliumoxtoums I 10 the 1"len h govermummieat In,1 , been l'ontlmnEt 6) a military tribunal. ' ) 'rhp merls of the caBs lre not tle1inlteh Ilown. but one thing Is .ettled . amid that thin/ b"led. II 'ranco , Is hot elllh' scared , Ind Mr ( 'II\llund's guumne of luf mviii igmuuuumlumlously fail , glml wil 19nollllousl ) . OTJlm J.f'I ) ! ' TI4 . orm ( UllS The warlIke IIOl1 of time Japanese may tt lP the thought or 'M1e ot the olher Aslnto rce . I Ihc millions of India poe- eesseil time of could not beheld Issol spirit Japan they cOlld nl held in 8ubjtlon b ) ininn3 l : I I the Chlneso possessed I , they would nol bo at the 1(10) ' or euery forlSI enemy. ' ( he rCaOD why nearly ) ' nil time Oriental countries have eume- oOltc 10 the ' ewer of liunepe and are nl I dlsal1 olllse In war 1f that time ) ' have not , lIke Japan , ncc"IIIec time teachings or modern . cirhlizatlon. TIme JnplnCc tune time only Aid. alc people who ful ) ' ncclpl Ihll : mimi they ha\1 given proor that they Imew how 10 mlltl uc' of themum. There nIl nb11l len times Innrl people In India. all Iherc are len times mort In Chin titan It' Japan j yet Japan slnl1ls In time froll , not only Ion mltnry emuterprise . but also for commlrcal cnlr ! . Theme Is Illenly of bravery among time l3at IndIans ald there Is 11(11) ' of I nmOIR time ChlnNo : but neither ol tlesI races hum klo'n how 10 hanlio time forces by which time 1\'II/ wOlhl Is rtlpll l'erltsps IndIa anti China niay yet bIte a Ilsson [ noun Jnpan. She hlR set thel * al Exntpl ! nn'r heforl set b ) ni ) ' Oriental country . J lla were 10 blco\1 con clo\ Dr her powlr and were 10 hlct the 1\'lllnt ! ltnns of { exercising , 1. 1'nI15h : ,1nlnatlon there would \1) soon bt \ \ Ipl away ; ant If ChIna were to do lime s ml thing she \ oult rlulcklr be relieved from her sen'll ) to Europe. lole. . 4 . Frammee has fhown of imute n disposition 10 Irritate gnslall. She has tlneRarlll1 hlr Interests In Slam , Illlltl time Somali coast on Iho route 1) ' war of the Suez canal 10 India amid Is about 10 occupy and forUy 110lnls In Madagascar. 'hll lets ( have been mC1 with onh' n mid Ilroirst on the part of glglan , hut time momenl that she Is Interfered \lh In hfrlra sIll malles what Is nimmmot a LCcln- ration of war. This shows how sensitive the Powers oC Europe are lu every new 10vment or IxItornlon In Africa. Not only lmighani alhl Frammer. hul GCrmanr , lal ) and PorlugII , 10\1 vast Interests there thai will bl main- lalnell hr Ihel 10 the last extrenmity , auL ! ont oC their relatIons 10 time Dark Conlnent there mar yet grow great amid IIJorlant couilhlcts. guopl mar real ) ' lie said to have Irclared , dominion o'prfrlc. ant Is tuivad- hug It wlh Unde tllHnles ant 1J1)lorers. ) hullllg I'alrods. muldng roads and In every war seeking to develop Its larvelous re- ecurces. 1\'er ) African 10eston Is now 1 guropeau ( ituestion. The greatest sohlers of II \ enid , frl Alexander to Napoleoui . fought for or ubout AfrIca , and It mar agaimm hI' the scene of emieouunter.t . the result of which uo man can ( erich or . foresee. . Age has esldcmitluiielicived time harsh OIln- ) louis once enlerlalnell hr the Iron chancllor regarding IHIHlar , ) gosernmncmnt. Thoroughly as time togma oC military Imllrlal5m maybe bo Ingrlnel , In his character. he has lp- I'arenl ) ' not IlrO\'ed unreceptive of a kind- leI view of lhe aspirations of the Gorman People toward greater prllcal Iblrl ) In his spcech 10 time Gcrman sludenls who rmti- lied aronnd hll by time thOUSIHls upon the SOth annIversary oC his hlrlhdl ' . he ad- mltll the Incompleteness of his work anti pa"l an unmlslalble Irlhull 10 time right of Ilolllcll agitation. "Wlhout IghlnJ there Is 10 mire . " he ! alt : "wlhout our Interlul conflicts we should e\'enilalr COlI to the condilon of time Chinese ant lapse into a fos- slzed ! slale. " This Is ullouhledl ) true Strife Is thc condition IH'ecetenl 10 progress ; a Ill 011 oC the I slorm and stress of Iarles amid the cash of Isms In Germany time peOIJle will iurely emerge and rise 10 a still hlg1cr piano oC conslutonli Ihort ) No amount of "blood amid Iron" can keep a nalon In bondage which has &hown its capacity to govern lte1f . gover I Eel. . . . In her grout of alltonom to the Azores , which she his been ruling as al Integral part of time emilire for nearly five centuries Portngal has added a new ofspring to the CI I 1)- oC aattomis . The hluc lag of the Islands wih the white hawk an,1 , nine stars ' wi hereafter float amons the flags slars'l world. flacim of these stars blonds for one . oC the emerald Isles swlmmlnJ In the blue mld-ocoan-Sal Miguel , Santa arla. Ter- ' 'celra Fayni , Pico. GracIosa , San Jorge . . Flores and Corvo. Neaniy ono-lhlrd of the I less than :00.000 population of the Azores dwell ulon Sai Miguel , but the probahle leg- Islatve scat of the future wi ho Its almost forgotten capital oC Angra , OD the Isle of Ter- celra where durIng time early part of this , century a Portognese sovereign , Maria II. held her conrt. The hawk upon the fag of time isles stands for their chrlslcnlng. for Acer Is the Porlog11ese name for that bird. The Azores are but a hawk's flight from the le 1\ ' world. and It Is surprIsing that Dm Ienr ' . the navigator of I'ortugai. when he reached this mid-ocean group In 1432. dId not seek to sail farther across the unknown sea. Time claim has lately ( been made , Indeed. thai the group did Corm the stepping stone for a Jroup later Porlugle , c discoverer oC Ronlh tuner- IC" . The IsieB were calmed Brazil. At any rate . with local goverment and a imaif-inde- plnlenco they now form a fitting link In the center of the Atuntc between the mono archlal old and time republcan new worlds. France has lately been engaged tn a species of stock taking with results Ihe reverse oC satIsfactOry. 1"01 In spie oC time money that has been spent so Ilvlshl ) ' Ind In such I patrIotcaly unsUlied manner since lie conclusion - clusion of time great war of 1870 , she finds her anmmmy Infalor to that ot German- and her ) navy 10 that of Bnglanll.Whereas the German emlnor has ready for action a force of 550,000 men France's standing army does not exceed 406.00 mmmcml GOOOO of whom arc In AlgerIa , whie her reserves are likewIse Inferior . both In nnmbe- and efficiency . 10 those cf German With regard to the navy . France has only sevenl.fve Ironclads , whereas Great Brllaln has 192. of double the tonnage of time I"rench and of greater :1) et. Yet England lends only about $ mim,000.000 per annum more npon her na\y Ihan does her nehhbor across Ihi Cimnuuuumei This Is all tim o mor Berlons when Its \ hornl In I mln < thai Inslead of havIng but one naval rl'al. as for- merly , France now has four. one of which , Germany , Is growing aim the ( hue In 1m. porlance , and by the opening of time lale canal Is brlngIng her basis of operation tonr ( lys nearer Frammc ? . rrench taxpayers loire every reason 10 grummibie . They have heen bO liberal In rEspoldln/ to time demands of the goverlment upon IhEir purses for plrpose : of defense that they had a nlgtmt 10 expect that time safety or their country was assured . wherea they now find from time moulhs of their own s\alemel that this Is far trom being the case. . . One of time greatest englnlrln feats of time age has been projected by time government of IlelhaummL It I 10lbing less than time reo clamalon of the hands , now covered by the Zuyuler Zee . A royal commls.lon has mmmade . u report on time suhjlct. 1111 outned the wtrll to be done In ni 750 square unties oC lantl arc to bl reclaimed frcm tIme sea. An em- hlkment wi b3 built from time extreme coast of North Holland to the 1'rl'slan,1 , , coast , so us to shilL out time ocean , and ! hy melns of tll'lher emllnlouells four great " 'poiders" sybil be brimmed on ( lfCerent Parts of tIme bhores of time /.mmyuher Zee rer time pur- pose of land reclamation. The \011 , will oX' lent over n period \ of thirty three years alt wlhi Involve nn eXlcndluro ot $1312 O.000. wi Homelhlng 1110 25.000 acres of rcelalmed land wi be umiado ready ( 'ach 'ear. At lures- tnt 3,000 perOIB amid 1(00 \'esse1 are CI' 1Ioye , In the Zuyder Zee IhhHIs , limo rev- enues of which average $850,000 I year . I Is proposed 10 commmpemmsato time fishermen hy supplying them wih 'euels sullable for time Norlh Sea fisheries. Insuring them against accident and exelptng time lehermln from harbor duel on all the craft OWlld hy timemim I Is admited Ihat time project may 101 he looked upon as a god commercial llecula- flea . hut bll the goverment may hop 10 defray eXlenses , by time sales of land Time - - Highest of all in Leaveoing Power--Latest U. S. Gov't RepOrt DtVA BaIdn Lw Powder MSOLUTELY PWE . . . . . . - . . . . . . . - . - - - - - llohianuiem-s. 1o"e" ' r , look nh \ InMrlaklnp In a } ) rolulcr light. ThlY ice lust t I wi be A factor In nnUola progress , that Il wIl allli n new province 10 Ihclr eotmntry , IncrI ! ! trade amid nrlculurt nll give to timoumsiummim of lCOhuiO ! of crlunltcs of profitable . 11110)- fluent. lolan once had I hl'tor . amid her go ' and patriotic hurhrs 5l11 Ilc\crmlnel progrlss IhA Ihey1 , sUI keEp In tIme path of . - "lf.tl.(1..l1.'ClJ : " .r. , . nlralo Express : The slunton IlemnDls caulon lS well ns Irtnee . \1 do hot care to nimahi Into R wu : for time sole make of \'Intc.tu , a thlor ) ' . So far lS time auFIr against which the Monroe \ doctrine suns dlrectll , that monuchlcal : lu thltonR sieve likely 10 he cstnblllCI In this COIIII ) ' , Is concCned , It does ( not exIst imouu IInclnn1l lolmerclll : The Nlrnrafla Incident Is nlralng little ntenlon nml Incc the Imhlcllon and explanallon of thc 11'IUsb positon I does not appear 111,1) ' that mummy tHlous trouble Is to be 100111 for In that direction. html II Velczucla thmc' sitim- nlon Is dIfferent . The \entzuelilns amid Irll h are llllg to close quarllr along tIme 11SPIIld line ot territorIal 11\'lslol. No reply , I10nlll. has beln received 10 time hum oposHlon of thin tnlC.1 States Ilhlress11 to the Britsh IOr'rnlllt : suggesting or ath- viing arbItrmmtbun. The Ulle,1 States C3n- tot nIO'1 to look cahuuiiy out \\hlo Great 111.11 wages a terrItorIal ' war against a South Alerlcln reptmbilc . 1 109lon Tra\'l'llr : ' 'hl lull text of Great Irlaln's ullmalum 10 Nicaragua Is sall to hn\'o been /lclh'etl In "a-hln"lon ss him great Illlnaton nnl Is con tr\cl ns helng olmll at this ccUnlr us Ilch a. Nlrnrlua , H Is rlhlr comprising thal this \ns 101 foreseemi. Great Irlall heft time rIsks or cOlslrleln , time Suez canal to Prance miami look possession of I iuhien Hs success urns l sure,1 She lealS to keep such a f"olng In Cenlral AlellcO as \1 glue hCr time \ sale control o\er aumy c.1nl that mummy cut time istfmmimuus. " 'e mlht as well undcrstI1 at ! once , Illt we mullet 110 ome very pla11 talk- lag or retire frol that field nloJether and lease I for Great Illaln "to bmle In" like her omue-timne Hchard Il11 ] eta we immny immure 10 hack up our pl\ln l/h h ) soml \'I/orou8 llglmtimmg. wlr nol , doug our dummy I ' . . wo don't gel ready for Iml. - - - - - - - 1f1. , " l'UWS CM.1I1I.\T . Cedar Rapids Hellblcn : The ( mulel ) law Ihus suustmiimied 19 Ilelr to 1) the law of time state for man ' rears to cOunt' . I Iar be- doubtless wi -changd In mal ) ' rlsplcls. bul time Irlncllllc which unlerles the law wi remumahmi. Sioux City Jourull : Oat' or the Imporlanl , features of time business outlook Is time work which the railroad cOIlanlcs Iust 110 this sclon. In\ol\lnl iarg' borrowing of funtls for Ilpro\olnls anti repairs which calnol be 1051)011 < Operations looldng 10 pro\'lslon of fumids art already Ihe subject of remnumrk In Ilallal clrcles antI the effect ( n man ) ' In- dlslrles Is already becoming ulsihic. Jubuque Iqraph : Time decision I no sur- price as everybody expecle ) II I Is a little surprlsln . however . lhat Jucgl 1lnn , time c.nly democratc memlr of time count die- sents. lIe conllnds Ihat the law Is ! nalll h time ' nul- limo 10 because. . mojoIl ) contrary - wlhsIIIHln . It does . delegate legislative power. H this were ( nle. 10c.I opton \ \ oull he Im'II"I : and In i commtiemmm mit mug the prlnclpb of local ellen Jude Kinne denounces as a Jurist what he has nheIL ) ) us a demoeratc : lOilticlami. Des : Iolnls Capital : The Capital . as Is wel lown. his not favored , nor does I now fa\or. the polc ) oC time law of time last session - sion , so f,1 as I RIlhorlzes pro eedlngs : under the prohibitory law to be barred. I has ne\er. imowever doubted the constitutionality of the statute In omiy of its Iarts. I Is nn eXllresslon of the legislative uuii , the same as any olher act ot time general assembly . mind the court could not tn"e decided otherwise than \t \ has done wlhoul IHtlng npol the funda- mental law interpretations not at alt war- ranted. - UanJcr. of itogiiq 0 . \ , iti-Toxiio. : " 'cshlnjlon Siar A ynumig girl has just died In Brooklyn from f Poisonous Injeclon oC what was Ihouhl to hi JII'e anl-toxlne. ThlB case wi IDlnt to time need , oC I'ery strict law 10 regulate the preparation . , sale amid Ise of Ihls powerful ueuned3 HS wcl as others of I ! Imlut charactPr , whIch being , lemIsei from tIme \ ' ery elements oC time disease it- self ale of course most dan * erous. lThy- sJclans must not depend Ipon mere tte arid lahel to Junnl against falnl accldenl Carelessness In . the prepamlon oC so ! , I- cal a remedy : houll he severely punished to W/1 the users of the material that they are handling edged tools and taking grVl visIts. There Is an unfortunate tendency to welcome each new hnelerlololcal dls- cosery wllh al eager conlllenee In Its le\'cr.fallng utIlity . while the fact remains that O\'ln where time ramedle aI' pure con- slllonli dl'erencC materially affect time results obtained. Check on legiinthvo Jvii. Globe DemoetaL "Ono by one the roses faiL" and one hy one wlstln 11181alure5 adjourn anti Ihe biennial sessloums of 1895 come 10 0 welcome end. In many Instances lme limits placed upon the duraton at legislaturs II time wIle framers of state ( consilulons shorlen InflexIbly time IJOWer tor e\1 on Ihe pat of the lnmwmnmiicers and send them imoine 10 Ihe great relief oC their respective commimnomi- wenltlms itt clrlaln fixed periods . more . 0' less hrlef. In such case forty . sixty and , ninety daYI Hee the terminaton o tH'h' mischief. Indlanmi . Hananus Nebrska , Mis- fourl nuud others \ arc thns now wel out oC ant time w/ . -1mrrlnl a special session for Mis- somiri-nuid comlmral\'e I.eace refgnH for an- othr two years In time vested InteleIH of peopl' nnd O' lllzatoIK ohlbuslne : url liii U Ihelr comm I limes. UlrTnrrl itzri'r.i' . J Hoxhnr ) ' Newim : IJz : -Whn l 19 lust ( how 4. . rl/hJIJ lolnll 1 heM ? ieeziui.-l hlRh I 'hnl' ' ! limo luau l the nexl table cnllf so U p. SOUl. Alchl on W"bl : When : mnn 19 In love hI lolrlme9 gets imIa symnlitonis mixed up ! ! wl h , that lre , feelIng . 8)111101s Ilxll ,111/1 Mlo Ynlsar-UoJ'ol hn7c fresh- Icn / thus rolI" . Mimes \llt91) ' ? : l \eJI.I'- - I I ) ' . ) ' 1110 went hllo time 1")01 uf one the olhr night amid ciioweti Imp mull her gummmi nlt t lp al /uml . . . John l'iiihmumlelpimha , "h\ ' ilOui HII ) r nx utrs. yotirceif r'euu iywc'ml- up for 1 1'nllrr1 : I term " lve \ ordered 1 npha I. nut ! 1 doak. 1/,1 , nt.II'I ! arid 1 \\'nll 'ou 10 look Ile ! 100. Mr. NewlI'elltat H olt ! DIII't I get a new pair or ( sus- 11'111L1'8 lust /on Ih ? lalr nth'oll II ( 11 tesVnmmr : mcliiin I not " .llflrlor ) . . miamI tel eil lime editor , , 1001"1 ump from Ihe t Jalll ccii lllt. ! "OI'nt lol'\ ! sigimeml the 1uoet , "domi't 1 Silelu you Wl'ro timiimuls I.\ ' 1ort _ - - - - - Chicago ' 1'11"111 : "I 110n'I irIsh h 10 boast , " Saul timi' llimnmimutmih emhitrur , . "but 1sc got the Inll 11' 11\Ilnl lllnl' "hit I'\e /ot vlt'mim.t Ipfl IIhe 101. " / " "hl' tm I time first tle )01"1 cleaned It imp for live yemmis , " giout led time exclimuuigo editor. ' muim&i 3 oflii cmttrii reich. tire if ) ott . , cioumt. ' ' - limuliammapolie Jommmnal : "I suonder " clmtuclc- led time' sVmiit9 gtrh , 'suimnt the efine ciemuc boni tJt-m suhll di , uvimemi hit' litmus tiimut tue uiimemmt enlo-s Imtuve Iec-n , Ilmieti su liii inusliuu lii homier ( if 11mm' mlsy ? ' ' " 1mm mmli hmmoimrui'hhIIy , ? lmutmil ldutim , " nild time Cimcemftml hilleL lic sitlh rimes' time rag. " Jimige : ulr. Youummgummmhb'-lon't you think , my thur. tlmttt you cook twice its mimimeli as Sri ! neemi ? ? l m's Youumig ii uI ml it' ( mm rti esel y-1 ml hI I t on murpoet' dam 1mg I ivmiiit to try saint' of those "ihimmlg I in hiomisclceepema-l louu to : iuauce laiuitu iIilic's ( mum Immit'ams hett Over ( mmmicmUu timmy. " cl.uL1u ( ONF. SVmuslmmmigtomu Stmur \Vliimtt"er mmmay betide , ( lion art beautiful m4Ihl. - -i Though stramige tiioumglmts immn' dmoi icemu thy - umummiums ; Tioumgim timnui eommmt'st In uarb limat uloth u-cm tusommi ely I ii I iii. rumott arc beautiful , evrmi in bloomers , -4' IEULhIZ. % ' 1lfltS. l1luu ned Samu Comil 3ta it hmu. I wlghi tiiut : nlthtimmht' of tone. 'lhmt. mvmtistbaumiig dime capaumslon , Time fortuIty to hioid ouies own 1 Ii t ii Is mu flu tnt imem''m iumamisi oil : A mmml aIm I it g ft mud suet's amid moral force , 'loim coat s mu mmii overgmm it eis. \'erm ? tililiOg tiuumt mtiuvnys route of course ' .l'o Philosophic usuiters. I uvisim I hmtid been cliamigeti at birth , A mud imi mmmy pumice iluumtummImug Soumut' Imiinmit of mumlmassitmg vortii , Inihtustrloums lutIst ctuulmmg , flail g owmm uI , sumbjrct to may rare I Ii i'mt tlmer t thluimu's liii mimi or. _ Amid left lIme free to lihle til ) care c01 litmus to stagger under. ' , I uhshi that sonic timings could be haul \\'ltimoimt firigoimug otiiers ; 'i'immtt miii tile .liys mImtt mime nt had . \\c'me hut \VeiglmNl tioim witii botlmers. \ \ p ran mit uvonutr mi we test 'I'ime cimemne of comuipemusatlons , 15 iimtppummess uvitim * immturiacks best , Or grIef with colum mmeatlomms7 gyip offl 41 ON ] E1JO'2 130th the utmethmod and resuith when Syu-uip of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and m-efrcshixug to time taute , amid actmm / gently yet proumujitly on the RitlneyB , Liver ziunl Bow-els , cleanses the sys- tclli uffcctuua1ly. coltiti , head. aches and fevers aimd cues habitual consti1)ation. Syu-uip of Figs is the only icmnedy of us kind ever pro dticed , pleasing to the taste aimd ae CC1)talIC to thio tOimmach , promuipt h. its action anti truly beneficial ill its effects , prepam-ed only froimi the most hcalthyand agmccablesutbstniuccts , its ' runny excellent qualities coumummuend it to all and have made it time most loPuilar 1-emnc'ly ( 1cmiow'i. Syuuip of Figs is for sale in tO cent bottles by all leading drug. gists. Any reliable drumggist who may not have it on hand will pro. ' ' dire it 1)i011lt1Y ) for any oime who wishes to tm-y it. Donot aceejtany t ui 1 msti tim IC , CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CtJ . SAP. ! FRAWCIUf , CAL , LOUISVILLE. XV. ! EW 101K , N.Y. - - - -I-- BOWG1 WG & OtL . We'd like to talk to you a little bit- bit4'L - , F11 11-j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I About that spring oveicoat for thcsc chilly nights and mornings. You do llccd a light overcoat-you might as s'c11 PY US as a doctor-iritjch more comfortable , and bc3idcs you're lu style. \Ve kce1) a close eye on all the fashion centers and duplicate all the latest things as quickly as othem- tailors do , The only difference between US IS ill the price. l'herc's a distinctive character about our spring overcoats that commend them to the 'vearer at , Above and once ordinary ready-to-wear overcoats the equal of the finest tailor-made , always correct in pat- - tcriis and fnvariaiiy low in piice-lowcr than you expect. ' . BRownIllQKIn & i's.