Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    U . - - - - - - " 'I1h-"r-r. ; . . . . . . . . . " , , . . : - " . " , . . . - - - - - _ . , : - ' L _ - - - - - - - - . - , - - - - - . - - . - - - . - - , . - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - _
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'lIT ! U' rr : A iT A T A IT 1 1' ' 1. AJtt1)1) I A V A 'fI -
> ) T1n I Of
- TIIG OMAIA DAIJ.Y .IDE : H.\fHnDAY , AI lUL O. 1805. .
- 4 . ; ' I TIlE OMAIA DAILY nE ' : ,
Ju JS.
OFFICE , - - 1O. 12 PEA1L STmmT' '
- - -
Delvere by cnrrler to ons' part ot the dty
f n. W. TI.TON. ! Lccc.
, ' 1 I.ttIONtSnuslncu olflce , No. 4 ; night
dltor , UG . 23.
( ' ' cit Ihl 1'1Ir ' Thlet. $
Some of the Council Ilufs readers of The
Dee have been rreltl' ? annoyed of late by
having paper stolen from where the carrier
has left them Anyone causing the orrelt
, and convIcton of any such thIef wi receive
; a reward Cf $5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.l.\UI . 't:1.10. .
a Orlnt , Council Tilufts. n. F. Clark . prop
_ Mayne Ieal Estate agency , 139 Ilroadwfty.
. Pay your water rents and ave I per cent
' . 0 Open this cvenln .
J 1 Horn , to : 1r. and Mrs. L. V , ' . 1Io1mS. nt
: lcris nurSHY , n son.
r Marshnl Canning returned yesterday from
¶ Templeton where he went with Jade harper ,
L ' the runaway girl
- . In getting oft I motor In I hurry yester-
, . ay W. W. I.lnrer was thrown to the ground
: anll ( llrnlned one of his ankles badly.
1.0lo Heynolds was struck by a motor In
Omnha 'esterdny nnd taken to the Womel's
ChristIan association h08111nl for tretment
\1 \ A marriage licence was Issnel yesterday
t' 1 to John 1. \Vilklns . nretl 28. atI Mary I , .
Desthorn IG both or l'ottawattaluie
, county. , agel ? , bth 1ollwatamle
The case of ii. J. Vaughnn against thl
1 . ' Nonpareil Printing company for $200 clahne'l
_ . to bo lIne IS back pay for servIces remlerel ,
Is to come up for trial In the district court
Monda ' .
Charles Wilson , alias L. C. Taylor suspected -
pected of being hnlJlcatl1 In the ! burglary of
the residence of Lucius'ohis , Is 10 have n I
hearing this afternoon at 3 1 o'clock In Justce
Coolt's court.
] . . P. .Tufson while Intoxicated got Into a I
. row In the Kid hotel bar Thursday night and I
I tried to clean out the hotel lIe was cleaned L
out himself and thrown Into the street but L
escapel being arrestell
The f11rl of the late Isaac A. Miller wit I
, take place thIs alrnoon at 3 o'clocll , at the I
home of I. C. Emllllo on South Sixth street
- Hev. Stephen l'hclps D.I. . olhiciatlng. Tin
0 remains wl ho taken to Fairview cemetery
for Interment.
There have been I large number ot teach
r ers from adjolnlnr cities and towns visitng
L the Council Bluffs schools this week . taIlng
. . notes of educational methods In vogue. I ul ) '
p. fifty of the numher have been from towns In
southwestern Iowa
Edward C. Blrgs of Seward . Neb. . has :
entitled the police that his home was rohbell 1
' r- ' last Tuesday mornIng of $30 In cash a
. ' gold watch . chain and charm and I lot or
- - clothing. He otters I reward of $25 for the
capture of the thief.
The case of T. J. Evans agaInst the city ,
In which ho Is seeking to enjoin the cit : ,
from collecting the tax for paving on l.ollr
Broadway , occupied the greater part of the
day In the distrIct court yesterday. I wl I
be submitted this morning.
Charles V. Scott , charged with stealing a I
diamond rIng belonging to A. Hussel a
- . sleeping car porter , waived cxamlnaton yesterday -
, . , terdny and was bound over to the grand jnr : y
by Justice Cook. lie gave bonds for his zip ,
IJearnco and was released.
The Union Endeavor meeting hehl % I social l ,
at the Presbyterian chlr h. A program was I
renlerell which Inclndell a piano solo by : lss
. Maud McDonald . a I'eallng by Mrs. Lyons
n piano solo by Miss Snyder. a vocal solo by
Miss Grace Barr . a duet guitar and octorln i
by Miss lazzard and Mr. flislici.
A large attendance Is promised for the
meetng of the Southwestern Iowa Teacher
asoclution . which meets In thIs cIty Apr ii
11 , 12 111 13. Programs were received } yel I.
terday for the meeting or the Northwester
Iowa association at Sioux City April 18 , 10
and 20. Prof. II. W. Sawyer Is down on the
F program for the afternoon or the 20th for a
: . paper entitled "Somo of Our Foibles. " The .
reception of the program wa' the first Intl I-
maton gIven him that he hail been selccted
to take part and the subject that had been
assigned to him. I comes very close IIJon
the close or his work here but If I he cn
, dIscover any foibles extraordinary enough to I :
bo interesting to the northern Iowa teachers
. . he will talk about them
Two desirable cottages for rent. Plenty of f
monEY for farm ions Fire Insuranc ? . Money
k loaned for local Investors on best of securit : .
SpecIal bargains In real estate. Lougee & :
d Towle , 235 Pearl street.
. ,
p. Marcus' fire sale of clothing Is still In I
progress. have you had any or Its benefs
1 yet 1 A lite money nn < -the resuls wi
lurprlso ) . Clothing shoes , hats . furnlsh-
lug goods at prices dangerously near giving
away ought to attract you.
I. " ) ,
Your water rents and save 5 per cent. Open
: E this evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. \ Evans' I.lurllry Co. , 120 Pearl ; tel. 200 ) ;
. . 4 - Ihlrts , collars , cuffs , fine work n specialty.
Dnvl3 , ding , paint glass man. 200 l3'tay.
} } 'JWSO.I I'.l IE.t (1f.4 J'IL.
. .l.Wlf'IS.
Wilam C. Hen < . was admitted to ,
. " , Iractho In the Unltell Sates court yesterda y.
. : I J. n. Hungerfor . edior or the Carrel
herald and a member of the federal grand
. j'Jry 15 In tile city. Ito expects to leave
1 for his home to < ay.
" , ' Dr. PrIce's Cream Baking Powder wants
your Ilatronage. Unexcele < qualities of
? ttrength and purity. A trial Is con\'lnclng.
. Eli t f'rtlIttmOII th" ( r.m mid . ' ii ry.
The members or the United States gram <
. " jury were given I ride about the city yesterday -
I , day afternoon through the courtesy of May or
Cleaver , Secretary g. Ii. Odel of the : r-
chants' and Manufacturrs' association anll (
M. F. Iohrer , Carriages and n tallyho coach '
Dr two were engaged for the occasion , and a
trip was taken lnt to alrmount park , cove r-
lug ni the winding roods that have been cut
along time 1mlliides. From there the party
I visited the nldiers' burying ground nt the
north end of Fairview cemetery , from which
ono of the finest views to btm found In this
vicinity ran bo hall The guests were hlgly
. I .leaEell with the appearance of thIngs and
. ' l ' IPIJreclato the courtesy thorouGhly. The
following members of the grand jury made 1
- / Ull time party : 101 W. A. 1I.ashlul. ) fem eo ,
Inn : J. n. ilumigerftirtl . clerk , Carrel : W.
11. ltQblmisou Council Ihlfa ; J. C. Hortman ,
, Creston ; A. C. Gaston Tuber : J. n. DOdgl ,
, Bedford : A.V. . Wymln , Council Buls ! : M.
n. Byers , Oenwooll ; C. C. Lnlrd . Shine : :
C. W. hastings . Manic ; 1. I C. Cooller , Shelby ; :
n. C. Stevens Carrel ; Henry Brown ShIne , ) :
: ' J. M. Giatison. Corning ; J. T. Joy , MannIng : :
J. M. ll , Tuber : George Tanner Carson :
, . ' J. I. lal I , Orlswohl ; l. S. Ilmpton , Denl-
_ 'i lon : 11. 0.'aui VIk , Cumbfrlaml : Henry
'J'imomuasVales : J. II. M. Arthur , Oakland ;
- A. C. Graham , CouncIl lur .
, t " The IllInois nutomate refrigerator Is the
. ' e4 latest Impro\ment non't fiI ( to see I , at
; s " } Cole & Cole , H Ialn street .
Oas heating stoves for rent and for sale ate
"i ; : Council Buls Oas company's oine.
SII ( 'Imain : tIt . I 1prssmmlmmm.
E. J. la\'ls. an Om'ha eXpresslan , came
' i s to Council Uuls thr' ' years ago last , \UrU8t
. \ . . end moved a safe for Wright & ilaidwin . lie
, " was arrested on the charge of acting .S a
.s common carrier without a license. lie '
, . wihout 1 Icnse. 10 gave
cv , bonds , but lS loon as he Was released went
I.ack to Inlsh up the Job he had commned.
t He' was arrested again , anti the following
morning In police court he was fined $16.40
_ i I on each charg. In some way ho managell to
1 r > get aWIY frol the omc.r and has not been
' J . ( lee' since until yeBteriay , when he brought
. I safe over from Omaha amid was putting ! I
In the Inlghts of ythlu hal In the Mer-
' , damn block , when h < was again arrested
T 't and taken to Jai to servo out his sentence.
, Orro S. WrIght IntercedeJ wih Judge
- McGee In his belmaht , and Davis was Ilnally
, r.lluelllh the understanding that Wright
' . & laldwln woull ia'bls - - tIne for him.
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that good
laundry " amid Is i located at 724 liroadway .
I In doubt about tIlls try It and be convimmccd
Don't forget name and number. Tel 157. I
- - - - - - I
Dr. Parons , over Schneider's , lt D'W7
Trl. :11.
\ Dr. LUiel. oflhec no 5th ave.1 tel. 180.
Oity Counci Mtct to Oonitlcr the Mothrwe
Com11nny ,
- I
S' 4)ll mid tip hy ' A 1'1'011111 t I n ( ' o UI ill I t tCO
trom tile ( 'ouneil RIII CIIEI ! to
'rT Ilc ! cttb the lnllllg
fir , Iotor Trlns ,
Time city council me as n committee of
the whole last evening for the purpose of
Ile rlng the complaints of the residents of time
eastern . of the city With reference to
the running of all the Olaha trains down
: ain street , instead of hal of them up
H roadway , as wea done until within the last
few weeks. , \n ordinance was introduced a
couple of weeks ago cutting down the speed
of motor trains to six mies nn hour but
this was Intended , as its originator asserted ,
lerely as a club to compel the company to
acclto to the Ilrmallls of eastenllers for theIr
share of the Omaha trains. The discussion
Inst evening wits a curious badge poJge of
Ideas and I was hard for an Interested ls-
tencr to toil at all times .
tel lt al tmes jusl what was the
object most In mlntl.
After J. J. Stewart had mode : few remarks -
marks to the effect that either some restric-
tons should be placed U\on lm motor company -
any as to the speed of its traIns or else
the restrictIons that are placed upon the
drivers of express wagons should be reru :
ifl OVeiV. . B. Hun ' ln read a comparison of :
the number or lassongtrs ) who tok I Broadway .
Jassonger < I
cars with those \ ho took them on Main .
street. Mardi 30. at 6:10 : p. m. , twelve went
up Broadway and six .Iown Main street : April I
I. j at I p. in. , ten went up Broadway 011 Apri
dowl Maui : 'llrl 2 , at 7 P. m . twenty went
UBrollwa I : ) anti 1\1 down Main ; April 3. 3 ,
at 7 : 15 i a. m. . elrht came ! owl Broalway I
a mid met. the laln street cars emllt : at G p , :
mu . eleven wont tilt Bradway anl five dowui I
M ain street : April 4. . at 8 : 1 a. I . Ilno ?
0010 down Broadwa and took I traIn for
Olaha that contaIned olx passengers ; at 4:50 : I
p . m. eleven llssengers welt ill Broldway :
an,1 ono down : laln strlt : AprIl 5. at 9:0 :
a . I. , seven I'asselgers came down Broadway ;
alll boarded un Omaha train coming up Mali m
street that carried one passenger ; at 4:15 : p .
n i. eight passenrer3 went 111 Broadway and I
six down "lain. This made I total of nlnet- -
swen Broadway passengers a 1\1 thlrtr-ono
: Ialn street , which figures out 7G per cent In
favor of Broallwa
L. A. Casper made I reply to George F .
\\'rlght's statement male at a recent counci I
moetng , that lie . had Icted treacherously :
anll cheated the motor company out or $ .000 ,
le l denied tloso statements and aired several i
! rlovances of a private nature against Mm
Alderman Hshton said ho had tallell with m
: large number of IICjl1e In thC caster
I'art h ' or the city and they nil said Clint they
clrell nothing for the speed Ir tie trains
could only be ruu as they were before the
change ,
Alderman Barstow saId ho had been unable
tend t In the charter any provision 15 to C
where the Omaha traIns should be run ali I I
did not see how the council coull go outsldo
the t charter and Impose restrictions on the
oompnny nol warranted by It.
Lucius Wels was opposed to restrictng I
trains In Council Ilitmffs to sIx miles hem
Counci Bufs mies per hOr
wheu seven ml ) s was mode the maximum I
rate In Omaha. Between Council Buts all
Omaha lies a lot of Inoccupled land Ind
trains should bo allowed
alowed to run faster than
through t the crowded streets of Omaha. Mr
htunyan ho ould , was a Council Duls man
who hod taken his business to Omaha , and
until hC brought I i back had no right to I
demand that his business Interests should ,
be favored at the expense of the other pe I-
1110 of time city.
Mr. Hnnyan replied that whIle It was true ,
his business was located In Omaha '
Omlha , lie pal ii
four times as much taxes In Council Bluff 'S
as In Omaha and emllloyed all of his Duts .
excepting two drivers from this side of the J J
The argument was fast drifting Into
drlrng per- :
sonalies when Mayor Cleaver called the i
rlspulnts to order.
Mayor Cleaver said that there was DO use
or trying to fight the motor company In a
legal way for the Iurpse of efectng : set-
tiemnent which .
tement ought to be made In au I
amicable manner. I Superintendent Dhm I.
mock should nnnounce tonight thal he would
run his trains al six mies an hour everybody -
body In town would be kicking tomorrow.
At Chic request of thin mayor , Mr. Dmmock
told hIs side of the story. lard tImes , he
said were responsible for time change being
made. lie offered to take oath that the company -
pany ' was not mallnr I dollar . and there was
a question where the money was to come
from to pay the expenses Like all other
business Imistitutiomms . I had hall to retrench ,
amI cut ol its trains. which made It necessary : -
sary to run the Omaha trains down Main
street. "If you will write mo n letter sa'lng
you wlnt us to run our trains at a six-mie I
rate wo will begIn running them that way
In the miiorning without an orciinarmce for
wo can operate 1 slow train much cheaper
than a fast one. The present time card was
only PilL In operation temporarIly . a 111 If
traffic Increases during the summer as wo ,
expect It to . wo mean to run Omaha trains
II' ' Droadway. " As for keeping passengers :
standing on the corners on rainy days , ii itt
order h:1 been Issttd to carry the passengers -
gem emi the ether lines on unll the Omahl
trains are met and transfer thel then without -
out further charge.
When Mayor Cleaver put the queston
squarely lt the kIckers whether they wantell
the trains run at six unties an hour there (
Wits I lIttle maneuvering for they had hoc In
thlnllng of the ordinance more as a clnb
thin ) anything else. But as soon us they
hall recovered their breath several of them
domande,1 the ordinance , saying they had
good horses and could ride , or walk , eitle r .
for that maUer.
On moton of Alderman Spetmoan a car U.
mltteo was appointed for the Purpose or arrIving -
rIving at Home settement of the itiiilcult , , y.
'l'imls commIttee consists of Iessrs. Spetman ,
Greenshlehls anti Barstow from the caimni ill
arid Messrs. 'ti' . " ' , Loomis , ucius counci .
S. S. I\eler , L. A. Casper , W. B. Hunyan
untl J. H. Hell from time citizens. I wi me , t
at Chic counci chamber Monday afternoon at
3 o'clock. The meeting then broke tip anll
the warring factions dritcil noisIly out of
the door
, \ the conclusIon of the meeting of the
commlteo of the ( whole a meeting or the t
council was Imehi.
counci hell.
George A. holmes Iresentell a claim of $3 , .0
for attorney feel In the caSe of Everc I itt
against the city , whIch was referred to the
conlnlleo on claims.
The clerk was Instructed to advertise for f
feeding city prisoners.
'he oath of 0110 of V. I. . Treynor , city
phslclin. arid lie ( bOlds of . .7V. . SCion in .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
pounllmaster : John J. Templeton , chief of
the Ore department : James O'Urlen , special
plcemon : O. p. Kemp poll ta collector .
an dV. . J. Snelhen , street supervisor , were
nell u anti approvell.
A protest was react from 1G cItizens In the
we stern part of the city against any change
In the herd law , and another from citizens I
on North Second street against lie proth ,
posell emit of four feet lt the corner of Ave. ,
nue P. 10lh were placed on file.
On the soconll formal ballot M. Welker was
electCI milk and meat Inspector.
The council ndJourned until April 15.
ImOIwx : - IIU3 , ,
I' 1rf s nOtt , NflV Iih.
ChIna silk . all colors and black , worth 45c ,
at 25e yanl.
Chenney Bros. ' 2t.lnch black Chin silk
sels everywhere nt jGc. Our price Ge yard.
7 : All , yard. our $ $1.60 novelty new silks for \\lsts.
ya 10o . qualIty white labutal wash silk . 35e
40 to 4 black amid navy all wool French
serle at 39c , IOe anti 10e yard.
Back eli wool crepon at 70e yard , worth
$1 .00.
5.000 yards of all silk ribbons , all colors
and black , Nos. 7 , 9 , 12 and IG , worth 20c ,
2& c. 30e and 35c , nt hOc yard.
All silk \'elng. In naVY and cream , worth
20e , at le 'nrd.
200 pieces new dress prints , 3e yarll.
36-immch 11 , unblachell , muslin . 3e yard.
1.000 curtain shatles , tre each.
For three lays all our fine silk capes at
nparly half former prlcos. We got too many.
They must bo sohl.
$10.00 and $2.00 silk capes , with ribbon
anll chiffon collar . all at $ G.50 each.
su.oo l ; anl , $ IIOO silk caps at $0.80 each.
$5.00 enibroiciereil cloth .
emhrolderel capes $3.60 eacim
$3.fiO black , brown and navy capes , $2.50
ea ch.
Buy your carpets , matting , curtains anti I
rugs of lS for cash NNISON BHOS.
- - -
First-class otcrage room. htate $1.50 per
month. J. n. Snyder . wholesale fruit and I
produce , Council Bluffs , 10.
' flOUOlt L' Tlla : 1.1lS ' In IUUK !
Unlel States On"ers S.noh ltichmnomiiL'
lun. I I " , hit 1",1 " 10 Iltn,1 , 'hOI.
\v. S. lblcimmnoiul . J. L , . Crawford anti J. V. ' .
Mumy , the three Inllctcil mlsmanagers of t
the Union Building nll Savings association .
gave bonds at Des Moines yesterday and were
releascd. A genteman who has hall the i
b est opportuniy In the world to know what iL L
sort or I case the United States authorites
have against them ventures the opinion that
the three gentlemen wl : have a rocky real travel I
travel before they get out of the woods.
The officers Inlucell , tIme colored ceachman ,
or Mr. Hchmond to go down to the govern .
mpnt building , where he was Interviewed by
Poslomce l Inspector "Iercer. lIe sahl that
Just j as the Union Building and Savings associatIon -
ciatIon was movIng from tim first to the
thlrll floor ef the Equitable building Ind
about the time Mullly's connection with the
associaton was severed , he was direetcil , by
Rchmond I to drive to the office In the spring
wagon owned by the establishment. lie did
s o. Dy the assistance of I' . B. Bliss . a book
keeper severl large books were carrIed out
of time office anti placed In the wagon by
i tlchimond. The outfit then throve to Hlch-
mOIII's , hionie where the books were placel i
In I the attc , The work was done In the
d aylight. .
Acting upon this In ormaton and other In -
fOlmaton In his possesslomi "Ir. "Icrcer pro-
cccded to the work of getting out a sarch l
wnrrant for the home of Richmond. I va
i n the regular form of a search warrani L .
calng for boos and papers or the Union ;
Building and Savings socatlon ! , and was
Issuell i upon information filed by Inspector
Mercer , who testIfied that ho hind reason to C
believe that certain beoks and pallers stoic
from the Union BuIlding and SavIngs asso-
clation were concealed In the house In
ciaton corcealed que I-
tion. The search was connned to the atic
of the premnites and htlchmnond's study and
vault In the basement. Several score of
large account hooks were found , but none
of them seemed to belong to the Union
Building and SIVlgs assocIation. The search h
revealed nothIng , and the search warrnt
. was returned "nothing found. "
Blossoming "Sweet Girl Graduates" all
American "Princes of the Blood" rcn.lered
I alertly vigorous mentally and bodIly . wIt Ii
food raIsed . ' I
riised by Dr. Price's Baking Powder.
flay wIth Itnutiecgrs. ,
Dr. A. H. Needles or Atmdubon a . St
and physician , was found guIlty of bootlot -
gIns by the jury In federal court yesterda
John Colett , a member or lie gang that
shot Deputy United States Marshal Wray
last fall at Albla , was also found guilty or
the same offense. Fred Dixon was found
guilty anti George Graves was found not
guilty. Jesse Newton convicted several da ) . s
ago was given I fine of U50 and : jai sentence -
tence or sixty days , but the whole sentence
was suspended during good behavIor.
The grand Jury will make It final report
and bo discharged thIs moring.
" ' 0 flVO Got" . mire Timing.
I Is the Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove made that 1 child can play
wIth and do no hinrmn I takes care of i
itself ; can be blown out , left open or tured 01
on . and there 15 no possible way for the
gasoline to ignite or explode. No smell or
odor , no dripping of
gasoline , no burning : '
your house down or burning your wIfe or
mothcr-In-Iaw to death. No mIsery no funerals -
nerals , no deaths or use for an unlertaker ,
I you use the insurance gasoline stove , as It
Is j absolutely safe. It don't
I you believe I ask
any of our competitors , then ask them te
blowout their stove and leave I open for ten
minutes then apply a match to the stove
as wo IO ! with ours and see what will hap-
pen. but be sure to be I quarter of n mile
away before he lights the mntch , as mie
sure to in' an explosion : then we would not
get to sell you an Imurance stove , as there
woulll be a funeral next day.
DnOWN'S C. o. D" Sole Agents.
The flsurRlce Oaooll" Stove ,
Introduced by P. C. Do Vol In 1804. and
sold by him thIs senson. Absolutely Safe.
Can't explode No dangor. Bo sure you get
the "Insurance. "
I' . C. DE VOL , 10t Broadway .
IlrtlllT "IIY"r.ry.
The CommercIal Pilgrims will celebrate the
fourth anniversary of the order lt their hal
In the Brown building this evening . Dancing
music and cards will he the features of the
evening Refreshments wIll be servell by
the viigrimmi Sisters. A I pilgrims tire exPected -
IJected to be present , amid a cordial imivitution
15 j extended to their families , , friends antI all
traveling men . As usual In all their gather-
Ings a royal good tme may be expected.
1101).1 , lu..I..1 ,
Prices on frames anl art mateIal cut 10 the
qilcl , for the next ten days Chal'man's ' New
Art Store 17 MaIn
_ _ _ street. _ _ _ _
111 I'rlen for I heel .
WillIam I. . Thomas commencoll an acton
In the district court yesterday against thu
city to recover what he alleges Is the ( Price
of I very sore heel , G.OOO le relates In
lila petton that JUly I , 1894 , a hulding on
- - - - " " . . .v. . :
"I'oor , " it's 1'lltll I ! "
One-hal cupful suet , chopped , one-hai cup-
tul seeded ralsln& . one.hal cupful currants ,
washed and Picked , one and one. hair cupfuls
grated corn mufns or bread one cupful
lour , one teaspoonful Horal linkIng Powder ,
one. hal cUllful brown sugar , one pint imilik.
Mix all welt together , put Into well greased
moull , set In saucepan whIm boiling water
to reach hal up sides of mould : steam two
hour : tur out on dIsh carefully ; serve with
butter and sugar.
- .
J'"to No.3 ,
Three cupfuls sifted four , one-hal cupful
lard , ono anti .
one.halt CUllfuls butter , one-
hal teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder , one
cupful water. Cut lard Into lour , sifted with
powderj ; mIx Into smooth , firm paste wIth
- .
Btolh\'a ' between NInth qpti enth streets
wa burnetl down anti that ' ! : / : t remi there
wa a big gap left In thl ' sIwaik. , three
feet wide , five feet long nnlf , f64r feet deep ,
the corer that formerly 'keplt1otmt of sight
ha\'lng been burell I away \ ' ( ! 1he , adjoining
bu ilding. Six months later.Januar , 20 , 1805 ,
he was walking along the striet1nnd fell Into
the hole , spraining his rhhanllo \ and right
hanll anti tearing the ligaments from his
rIght heel. lie claims Clint Il was ilime to the
neglrence of the cIty officials that < the hole
wns heft uncovered for so long I time , Ind
ho wants GOO
( damages to compensate him
for the suffering he has been Qccasloned.
MHf i'1)TT.t'A ) , F1'AllI0UT IIOND' .
- .
T\n amid R Qllrtfr t'rr Cent Ahovo I'Rr
1locks the t'rsmuiimnon , , .
The Board of Stmpervisors nt Its meeting
yesterday , , opened the bids that have been
nccumulatng In thc nnmdltor's office for the
past few days for $70.000 worll of cotmnty t
bo nus . The result was a gratifying omle the
bids ranging all tIme way from $250 to $ ljl
premium , and clearly showIng that the nnan-
clal l condition of the county Is excelont The
honds are to hI Issued May I. ISO . anll the
fir st series of $0.000 Is to become dime May
1. 1001. Similar Instalments are to be pall
May 1 of each year thereafter untIl May 1.
19F 05. The following arc the bids : Cushinmnim
FIsher & Co. , Boston , $ .253 Iremlum , sub.
jcl to legalIty ; C. Ii. White & Co. , New
York , $1.01 Iremlum ) ; SIItzer ! & Co. , Toledo
a. , $387 prcmlum : J. Simouds & Co. , tonnclr
hi lufis . $1.402 Ilremlum ; Citizens State blnk ,
Counci Bluffs . $7UI premium : Deiz , lelnl-
son & Pryor , , Clevelaumd . $1.057 Ilremlum ;
ti lodgelt . Merrit & Co. , Bostol , $371 pro-
mlum : Campbell . " ' 111 & Co" , Anderson Ind. .
$7 00 premmiltmnmiV. : . J. la's & Semis . C1e\'ellll ,
A" , $1 ,455 Iremlum : Ialrocht Bros. eomlal ) ' ,
Cleveland , $360 prcmlul ; Jarmers & "Ie-
chanlcs Savings bank , : lllealloI9. $ I,2'l
Ilrellul i : Farmers Loan ald Trust comln ,
Hloux City , $355 prcmlul : N. W. Harris &
C o. . Chicago , $1.G7G premium ; O. F. Sex tOi.
$ 810 prmlum
The bonds were soul to the highest bIdders ,
N . V. ' . harris & Co. of Chicago , amid will he
turne1 over to them May 1 In exchange fare
the $71,575.
"Irs. C. M. Trephalel , by her attorney .
Emmet Tinley , comllnicatell to time Board of
Supervisors that site had hen taxed for seven
cl ogs . when she had not to exceed one In her
Ilossession. m She eIther wanted the tax on
six of the dogs remltcd , or else the board
to give her the six dogs. ler reuest was
referred to the auditor.
The board will probably , fnish its work
and adjourn this aftermioon.
The higher education of woman Is Incomplete -
plete unless she Inderstlnds baking with 1)r.
Prlce's Baking i'owder
'I'e I 1 I" Illb l"iriuiet. ,
The Council Bluffs Tennis club Is the ( nale
of an organizatIon which has just been
formed along the levers of the game of
lawn l tennis , amid Its headquarters are In the
Brown bumilihinig. The membershh Is lmited
to t twelve and the purpose 15 to cultivate
the fascInatng sport during the coming sum-
mer. John M. Oalvln has been elected pres-
dent i , D. E. Stuart secretory , C. l Aich- Ires-
Ison b treasurer and J. J. Bughes chairman of
the executive committee. The club grounds
Ire located at thus corner or High str l and
Ninth avenue. I possible a tournament w1
bo held about Juno 1.
' \lrl Sale ot Ur.u G'lehIecIRI Irlcfs 01
Ihlcl < l'releh Su'rze.
40.lnch all wool serge worth 50c. for 39c.
6ge French serge at SOc a' 'ard.
$1 India twill serge for G7c a yard .
See the new black rayatimue ' at $1 a yard.
All wio1 l and silk and \\OJI \ cnpJns at $1 and
$1.39 a ard. I $
New line of novelty dress goods bought to
sel at $1.25 , on sail at 8c a yard.
Beautiful effects In ehecleq sultngs , new
mixtures and colorings , at $1. worth $1.50.
Largest assortment , l \\e$1 \ prIces , all work
guaranteed. :
.Councl Bluffs.
ly ' , . , . ' _
MIss Sprlnl wIll continue the millinery dis-
street. play' the rest of this week 10 South Main
Expert : Coummterroltlnm.
A clever Job or counterfeitIng has been
done by some ono amid the result of the ar-
tstc labors Is now at the Boston store
where It was passed In as so much good
money. The curiosity consists or what was
originally a $1 bill. The " "
originaly $ bi. figure "I. which
Is liberally sprinkled
lberaly sprlnlled over the surface of a
bill of this denomination , has been eraseJ
and In its stead has been put In with a IJen )
a 111 number or "xs. " So neatly 15 the job
executed that the bill In Its new dress passed
through the hands of a clerk and the cashier
and not until Il
unl reached the bank was time
fraud noticed.
- -
" "vra'l \lltlor.v "CIIRrtmelt
We are , as usual , at the ( front with our
millinery goods. wih
Wo have a fine line of the latest styles In
hats trimmIngs , ele. , and are selling these
goods at much less than mtiiinery store
prlcps milnery
MIss C. Long of St. Joseph has charge of
our mIllinery department this season , antI
patrons are assured that In her they will
nnd . a thoroughly , Iccomplshed . milliner _ , far _
mi. . "lh " 'n ' M' .I ' 'U'n
a a f \3 S S n e
m ROYAL has the highest leavening of t
power any powder examin,1nd
Is pure and wholesome No other powder gave results so satisfacqry " .
FLOYD DAVIS , 11 S. , Ph. D. , r' T i
_ Chemist of Iowa State Board of lie lth , '
. _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ a . _ . e J .Ww- . . . % .te.- " , _ _ . _ _ _
. - - - . - - " " ! - - - - - - .
1'10 No. 3 ,
Thrt cUpfuls sled flour , one.half cupful
iarii ( one Inll one.half cupfuls butter , one-
hal teasllonful Royal laklng Powder , one
cupful 'iitCr. Cut lard Into lour , sifted
wih powder ; mix Into Slooth , Irm Paste
wih the water : Illace It to cool for fifteen
mllute8 ; meanwhie , pren mllt and salt from
butter b ) Irenlng In clean , wet towel , all
lour It. Hol out dough on well floured
board place butter on I. fold dough over I.
cemllletely butter roll it out
covlrlng buter ; rol I lghty ,
to one.half Inch In thickness , turn It over ,
fold cacti enl to middle , lour I , roll out
again : fold ends 10 middle and turn I ; repeat
Chile three tunics more , and use. J thll paste
I male In summer , put on Ice between each
DI'eraton ' ot folding and rOing
. . . - . . . . . ' . . .u . . " . . IY I " I .gns . anu
possessIng an artistic taste which mallS her
productietu. In the millinery line
producto. , miInery lne most deslr-
On dry gools we cannot be undersold .
Solo agelts In Couucl Buts for Domes-
tic patterns.
12 Broadway.
Mrs. E. J. Scott's mIllinery , ladles , will
suIt your tastes and purses. The attractions
Ire just as great as those that mode the open-
Ing last week so successful.
Pimuttirthiiy' h"ulll $ iln.
Saturday evening , 7 to 9 o'clock wo place
01 . sale 75 dozen , of Indies' $1.25 and $ ICO
French percale shirt waists the nohblest line
ever shown In thIs city , for two hours Saturday -
day evening , choice , 98c each.
100 dozen mules' suede kid gloves , 4. G antI
8-button lengths II black und all the new
Easter shMes , Satmday evening choice or
entro lot , SOC pair.
500 yards of all silk veilng In navy anll
cream , Saturday e\'enlnr 3e 'arll.
Conic out antI sea tJ beautiful styles of
washable shirt waists. The above goods will
only bo sohl Saturday ovcling It the prIces
tilmoteth You will tImid everything kieumtlcauly
as wo advertise I. DENNISON Ilentcaly . ,
Coulcl Dufs ,
n.rr ) Viuli , u. Suun Let ( to .
H. O. Berry was ImQekld down by n swift
push II the head a few nlls ! ago while engaged -
' ! el-
gagf'c In a game of cards 'at tie Metropolitan
hotel on lower nroad\ ' 'f. The larticipants )
' partcipants
In the fracas were Jal1 , ' 49imaeter . a colorell
lan , and Frank amid Sit UJrd . Frank Baird
Is an Inmate of time IJc/ltJI\lary \ $ at Fort Iad-
icon , anti hal still sixtei ; r months to serve
e/ SfrVe
for tlo crluo of co\uMrl ltng. lie Is a
winess In a suit now Awaitng a trial In the
' _ e . 6 &
the water : Illace It to cool for fifteen main-
leen lin-
nte8 : lanwlle , Press milk and salt from
butter , by pressing In eleani . wet towel , and
flour I. Hol out dough on svehl floured
board place } butter on I. fold dough loured I ,
comilletely Covering butter : roll It out ,
lghty , to one-half Incl II thickness , turn I
ever , fold each end to middle , lour It , roil
out again : told ends to middle , anll turn rol I :
repeat this three ( moss more and ule. If
this paste Is madeln summer , put on Ice between -
tween each operaton . of folding and rolling.
J'to No . .
Five cupfuls flour . enl cupful butter . one
cupful lard , one cupful water , one-hair teaspoonful -
spoonful Royal laklng Powder Sift flour
with powder ; rub In lad and butter cold :
add the vater . mIx Into a smooth lithe dough
. ,
, .
Unie States eourt , and Is being 'lewtll 10
run nt large unt he Is wanted Schaefer
w 1 the man who deal the blow hat : put
Berry temporarily to 8lpep. When the case
came lp for n hearing In JIStco oo's :
court yesterday afternoon horsy was nowhere
ler nOI'hcrl
to bo founll , Ofller'eir allowed the Call ,
aglnst time two lalrls to be diantitceil I , but
hatl n sUbpoena Issued for Berry. Humor
has I that n money consideratIon was given
him for skllllllg out wihout lrosectmtimis. Wl8
111n"l i s itmm On lfr ,
Three weeks ago today a man left a Ilorso
and buggy It Victor Jenmilmig's bar and has
not been een since. , bay mare weIgh.
Ing 750 poumnihe . 7 years old . with 1 somali
\ \ hle stripe down the face . luite left llal
lef hill
foot , RII n sile spring riall wagon , ' ; ' lh red
gear anll , black body make waron the ret .
It Was left at the bar by a man 45 Olt'l.
'ears of age , wearing a short beal't , mlxe,1
with gra ) ' . No owner has turned UII to clahl
thl rig so far nor has there been a reliort Df
an ) one mising. relurt
"hnl I" In n Samoa ?
Everytlming , I Ilplod to a lartman Piano .
so II by Mueller 1luno and Organ cOmpany ,
103 MaIn street
F t ) tIN 1) UU1,11 C ) I. ' It 7hlzzi.EM EX'L' ; ,
: loult l'leamtnt Ulrela Surllrhclt ; Over
tIle ( . , n'll.t.n ur ( it'mupgc' ( 'tobcr
' : ' PLEASANT ' , Iu. , . \111 , 5.-Speeial (
'r .
elegranui.-George . Cooper I 1)loueel' liter-
ehnnt ot this city , was IIt nIght fUl 111
gui of cnibezzhenlemlt. 'i'ime l'ase huiustcil
) cmhzzl'lent. 'lhe IItcII
eight days nltl \\.us give to tIme jtmry lt I
' ' '
o'clodt 'l'ltursilay miftem . '
'lhlrstl ) nleilool. At 1 o'cloel
thIs t mornlll the jl' ) ' 110nght In the ver-
d iet. Cooper ' has alwa1 been liehil II hhh
e steem . Il' iicgcitintrtl ii ieittmt for Ionnrd
1.'an. Cooper 1 "Illn,1 I 11\ 1011 tIme ( malc ) '
received cii the lozmmi to ,
recel'ell UI loal ecure other luarulee I
11 whol he \ s'as tntcleltell. , 'rhe I'artes
be ( I flluCillCtl ) It ' clse1 ,
IW % 1ns gllcrl ) ' belIeved he .
\01111 not h ( fOII gtmilty.
'V\Tl'HIOO. : In. < , gllt ) 5.-S'pecinl ( 'Polo- ,
g rani-Chiimn ) II's /11 /eclal 'Iele-
grI.-CIII Atlamuis . eonvletl11 ur Iln-
slnughtel' for killing Htllhl'n 1 tJ\arll. WitS
\ \as
t otlmty uuenltemlcect to Ihe ' ' ' .
) Icntelced J nlelth\ ) for fOlr
y 'ears 111 to IH ) ) a 111 of f W.
\ outlhnr ) ' ( nully , , , 11111 nl. t
SIOUX CITY , A/11 5.-SIecIII ( Tele-
g rnm.Time'ootlbury ) county board has I
elgaget attorneys to proseclte the claim of
the cOlnty ngalnt the generl govcrment
to several thOlllHI acres of ! Wa1lall , ,
tu which the con n t y claims I tte. I I I Wa1/ 'ril lund
Wa ! origlututily co\'erell by 111101 alll uiloughs .
u nit when the gu\'el'nlcnt survey was 1UIO !
the en gil ocr ! rn tim ci i' in en mider I I mt et I
mellt(1 lnes
thl'ough It. 'rho svateu' has slneu been t
- -
, . -
Ilr'IINI oft . IM"lnl In ellrl011 trlt of
\ 'nltmid fnl ming Iln . Al I wail n t h.-
chlle.1 In the survey ' . < the mud belnn : ell to
the general . ge'ernnlent nll not to the
count , but the u'impervicors arc of tIme opimi.
101 that they rai sUIen'lors I Ulh'r tie ! pwnlll I
laud act of ISSO. A large nlmher or cettheums .
have pquat,1 ( n It all hel I ngnlnst tim , '
n lhhorlnf lend owner for the ( I''aton
that the later coull etcblili , nIl title tu It.
( ttl
$ ubl
I Is , estllte.1 tJ \ ( worth $ J .O.
Jnl"frr . ; ' tiniigt' , , Inlll' ,
: IAIVttN , lit. . AII'I 5. _ ( p I'lal.'rh (
: Inl\era I.ezuler chnnJ < II-lifs 'l' lenln ) ' . I I
S. C' . 1unter .cz CI' . who ha\'e SO nll' con
Ilut , tld the I.eatel for nemci'ly InlN1 'eall. ,
soli tht , 'mitire Ilant tn ( Mesra. I n I
Brown & ( o. 'he new Urimi II ( 'Olllolell of
\ . n. ihrovmi Inte 111 1111101 In,1 , ( or.
1111 ' lam . t 0\ leI of limo le\I : , r. 11. Id.
lulhllnHI nn.1 . I C WillII \ experlCu1eui
nWlIHII'r nlu'ml. Time comislileratiomi II hot
! 1ttl'll. hit thi , l'II'I'hasel' c'onahIeu' , the t
hl\\1 scll'(11 n hinrgaiuu . as I Is ! ntl tu hI
( lie hest npuotnttt'd ' leHl1llerlllt In the
cOUlt ) _ _ _ _ _ _ \
' 1" I'rosccni . 'hrl"nn elfllhl .
' cl n,1 lbAl'IDS In. . . \t'rl & - ' ( ( eelll
Te'legi-ntn.l-'rhio coroiler's jury II time cape
of Hev. Mr. I 'I'nitclivn. who .1111 . while Inller
l'enllent 11) ' lhrlt:1 ! C1(1U tp. founL
thlH ilt'iitht ri stilted r'(1 exiuttliattoli. A
nUlhl'r or "h'Ilclan9 hn\'e alI.1 Cotmitty
Attommucy 01111 tn prOIfClh' thn'at' who
have been IlmlltltnhlH LhllIUnn Hlllnel
11 this elt ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _
( tenrgi' M n \1 hm'tatitty I { 1.11.
( gI 1el'lflS. la. . April & , -SleeInl (
Tt'legmnin.-Near llquokltt George Hta\lr.
whie I'unling a wood pawing 11'hlwas
! trlllt 1) ' n 1llw ) ' 1'10'1 ' oC WOOl ! Ills
hllll WtS l'l'uPhell to 1 (1) Ih' leaves n
family In lestlute ciretuntatniuces.
, \gfc 1m , MII ( ' t , III Iii I tA ' lh'ltl" i l .
CLINTON , In , AII'I C--HpeClnl ( 'fete- .
! 11.-Jall's ) F. \'man. aged GO years .
contlimiuit teil stmieitl e' tctl by tit I I It
commltell tll'hl' tOln ) ) cnlll hiI
jtmguminr \'l'll wih n pncllt 1m Ie. 'l'wlcL'
I'fole wihll thl Past l \'tar tie huzts at-
tlmllel , to tn ; hiS life . lie \\'n" drlncll
I -
I In\\1 1.11..1. , 1"111 , - Ih''II. ,
CgDAH 1\111S. ) la. , . \11'1 1.-Sllel'lll (
'lelegrm.-Johl ) Jnutlel'hach. ole of the
hin'st rflers or Vlntomt . was f0111 Ilcnl II
hula yard thIs 10rnln , hue resul or hcart
i 1 failure. _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
I I Fnrl.lo1 On I" U"I"'I Sf . 1 \1\ .
nnN"EH , April 5.-Il. P. Clnytoui , \res I-
dent of the Natonal Farmers conrress , who
Is In the city , says the con\cnton lext year
wIll Irohabh' he hehl here This year's
cOI\entol wi he lid J at Atiammtn . Oa. ) , amid
Ihuiltimnoro has been '
Illllmoro ultally prctcaly Jll'eell
Ullon as the mletlg Place In IS07.
- - - - - -
- -
- - - - - I
_ _ u _ _ _ _
" Lost
I I-lOW many women do you
- - "th ) " know who arc struggling
. along with burdens tile ) ' " 'cre
not mcant to bear becausc their husbands
. .
have lost their health ? " '
A man's health is an easy thing to
lose. Its loss is the
Is greatest loss he can
StIffer. A little care and the right mcdi-
cnc make it easy to regain lost health.
- Neglected disease breeds death , just as
, certainly as darkness follows (1115k. Over
. , , . work , '
V exposure , wrong eating , wrong
lving generally may engender disease.
Symptoms vary , but by far the majority
of diseases are marked by a loss of vitality , a wastng of flesh. The
lungs stiffer and the stomach. Disease-germs enter thc system through
these two organs.
Recovery n1eans driving out the germs and building up strong , healthy
tissues. 'rhe medicine that will do it quickest and most thoroughly is
the medicine to take. That medicine is Dr. Piercc's Golden Medical
Discovery. I I searches out diseasc-gcrms wherever they exist and exterminates -
terminates thcm. I is a powerful invigorating tonic. I prmotes di-
gestioli , creates appetite , cures biliousness and all liver
geton appette biousness al lver , kidney and
stomach disorders , and so all blood discases. I it bc taken in time , it
will cure 98 per ccnt of all cases of consumption. This is a bold statement -
ment and we expect it to bc met with some incredulity.
Doctor have held for so long that consumpton ! was incurable that i has becit
generally accepted as an indisputable fact. Di- Iierce docs dispute it , however , amt
all he asks is that interested persons shal investigate the facts nnd i lear something
of the cues which have been effected by the Golden Medical Discovery. " The
World's Dispensary Medical Association . Buffalo , N. Y. , has jnlblislied a large hook
of 16 pages , completely covering the subjcct This hook win -he scnt frce to any
address on receipt of six cents in stamps to cover postage ; or , better still , get all the
matter containcd in the above book amid . .scr'cralzudred pages more on terms of
the following Conpon.
' The People's Common Selse Medial Adviser Dy R , V. Pierce , M. D. . Chief Consulting n
Physican to the lmuvalmds' I Hotel amid Slrgleal Immathtumtc . llufllo , a book of over 1.0 large 0
pages 011 30 colored ali other illustrations . contnlmting the reproduced photograph . testi.
contnlllng photogrph.
menials nll addresses of hUldred cnrell of maladies above referred 10. can now ue hnd In c
strong paper covers II'ollh'ly free emi editing 25 ccnts lit one-cent stamp for packing "
tout ! postage onI ) Over 6.0 cple < of this complete Family Deter nook already inrkilg 0
cloth bindIng at regular prie of $ m.5o. Alclress , : ( with stumps and this Coupon ) Woicm..u's Z
. ,
No lioUcr. No meam. No BIUlfer. {
Best Power tor Corn mtnid Feed Mills , Unuilnig
V Hay , Hunulng Umeamneries _ . "epnrntors Hnlng
I , ' . Stationary or Portabl
' ' Statonary I 8toliOll. 1' ! .
r' 12 i. 1.
- V Send rorCnta1oue. Irlcl. . Ne. , de8erllllI work to bo donmo.
. 1010.
331"I.nt . S4ts. , l'IIAUgl.PIIA. PA
' Chicago , : S Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So 15th St.
- -
E\'C'J'lhll/ ' the Ditig , Pulnt unt 01 hue lt IJotom 11rlces. AeIIs for
pmncws MflDICINES . ) [ S. YT4F'S ' 1'Ol1E'1' 1thitIEDIES .
And all le/tllg / hmtahiuifatctiim'e. Bln ! yoiii' 11'1' CI'JIJonH , to iHI. \0 wi RI\O
yon mOIHJ' o\etJ' tliite. Itegbstered cleric uilI II'glstm'ct proprietor ,
- - COIINOI liLt'F'i
. . - - / \ JJ
tc' it ' . ) . - STEA DYE WORKS
- c00j1f5 . , - All kInds ot Dyeing
hail Cleartimig done In
I I i , the highest , style or
1 _ the art , Faded and
. . tCPNt , . - stained fabrics male
DYE W to look as good a '
- new Work promptly
y done and delivered
- In al parts telvcrell
t _ , i- : I JORK country , Bend for
i C a prlco list .
. - c..E . ! ; : : . , . ' 1 - . tul ' .r O. . \ . . \AClAN. J'vcigsrotor
I " ' , - Dreaulwiay , rear North.
E _ , V. , Western Ici'ot , Council
hhluids , lows. Tel. 222.
CleanIng and DyeIng of Garments and
Goods of Every Description ,
II [ Schocdscl's Twin City By&
W'orIs , COl' AVCII& A nod ' 2lh (
St. , Counci Bnfs , OJcc , 1521 1 Flu'
. num ( St. , Onlullt. ;
L Send for Price list .
- - - V
u .
. .
( ,
I ( \ ( . .
- - - - , < . . .
, 1
'Fitis IR n \ 'i'l' , ' ; OOt1111'11.1 or
thl I l'llthm Il't 1"lh:1 l I "Jt'hht "
l'Imino--thtt. I ! I' that nIl the .
h'Hlll 11ll'III ! lutHI , .111111
Plt silvs , : "I hnH n wOllh'I'fll. ( (
ly J 1\1'11 ntHII 'lllntI'tc tutu' . '
'i'hiere m'l' otlIllnuo ! , lint time
I11 ha . 1 IH the one wl'n' . It'I'
lmiRitlt--thlO ( mitt' Wl' hl \
gtlnl'mllhlu't'I : ( foi' th , ' last t\'omtty- 4
ole yelirlvItIuOul ; Il Ithisittip .
A. 10SJH , , Jr. amid Art ,
lillI ; Iouugis ,
_ : _ _ _ _ _
: -
L. - - - - : - --l l
0 R .
11' ' " eRE W
Is I Till. UNI.\
4- Vmmt , TltAT5ALl
WCnLICS' ntll errOL
lIIs'u , ,101 R or
It't1 tare etmnrauutou' .
' c ' ! u 11'OU , 1 I''rlolo , "
8 eiri In Ihulb& ) V
lkwTh Vice
u,1tII.i " . 'm'mSmt. , . ,
< ! t.
011.\1.\ U. .
Tite Good Sarnarilan , 20 Years' Experkncc.
1lEAl)1it OF 1)IS1tSl1S Oi tI EN ANIJ
lVOit I'ItOI'll ( ETOlt Or iLtI ,
VIVOlt1Ie II itttAL : lflMl'LN.
.ff. ' : - - - - - . i..zi 4
I treat the following Oseases : .
( ( ntalrh of the ( II'atl. 'luont mil Lungs ; 01.
cases ot the Eye I until " 11. FiA nlli Iiiuoliicx'i
llart1sl'nse. ) Liver t'oimmptumlmmt . \ ! Apoplexy
l'lultlmt ' , Ner'oui4 IchthlC- . ,
plnlll Ncr"OIH IchthlCIkeiitaI nc
prem4m4lon . 1.Oi4Ot of Jl1llood eteinti
haiti ' S'exikitCm4M . JlnleteA. IIJII.t' . HCI. ) .
el l' , St. Vu Ctmit' lim nec . I tlmtuimuut tismii , 1'mtralystn
Whllo Stvoilhiig . Se'orlll , , Fever ' lnral.Bfs
erR nnd ItlHtulu In SlimS rCllo'cd
'Hhout the knife or ( Irst'Ill R
( troll ofblooel. " 'Oltll ' 'HI , her
( IcilCetiC organs remitorcel
0 rc to
rl" lS rCIH
IteunItli . . I
nrol.Hy clrcd vt'itIioitI
, 11
tnf'f.lul. Hf.cclil Attetatloti gI'vcss
to l-rl'UC nld , Atclton Ilvcn
ofall kititIM. $5 ( ) to $50MIfflmhOit , los
cliv Venercasi IIeeitoie I cituumuot. cure
' % vhtiiohst hlIeretiry , ' 1mulo ) 'ormuis hemotec. V
1mm . two Or three hours , orumo pay. llcmurrhuldg
( It. l'iles otired.
s'iII Sit'O life nmmtj htlnmdmetlS of dOllars by call.
lug oum or tisinig V
TIme 4)1113' i'Iiyslcimmum vhit cii , , t'll wlmmitaiia
a imo misc mm S i I it , , ii t a'k I 1mg mm q mm'sl Itmi. ,
'liiite ut ze uhitutmive , , , emt , foi' Qutestioni
itlamik , No. I ( . , I mmmcmi , Nt , , C fom' Wnmmcmm. ,
A I I com'respnuiuhcuuco a t mICI ly enmi ( idenitial ,
llcdlclnme semtt by exi'rcss. ' Addrc uil iettcr
( ; . v. 1st1"I.E , Ill. H , , V
Ibnciocuo bc Itt StttuiilS ) for remly. ,
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never he recovered ,
and it's a cauztmnity Co lose several years.
% vbmicim so marty Iowa and Nehiriushia people
have done when they hiavo bought foreIgn
grown , uumcclimatecl fmtmtt trees.
itlilNEulAY hiflOThIldIIS , ' Is
Were born omt tue Inuids wltere their nurse.
my stock is grown , itniti years of rattent ,
immtellgwmt expcrtmmtcnt imavo tuttmghmt them time
iicit varieties ( or tills climnutu. Couiseqtmenmtly
their hattie rnwn stock is mts hinutly as ( h
( umest tree , , Thic'y have a very lalge stock
for tIme sprimuc delivery timid every tree Is
warranted true to nuunit' , Orchard , Viniyard ,
Lawum , I'nilrtng Trees and Oruirtnlentai stock
Make no mimistetlo In your ortierit. Send us
your list of % % 'ants for minces. We can please
voim imi prIces amiul stock. hb'ferencesm : Council
iluffu3 lianks , Cottiucil hiiutfs Depiurtunent
Omumlia lIce , and promInent hmmmstmis , race.
Nurseries six miles umortim of Council Bitf
p. 0. Address ,
Crescent , Ioya. '
President. CashIer ,
First National Bank
oICOUNCIL I3LUFF3 , Iowa. 5 ,
Capital , . . $100,000
Pm-outs , - - - 12,000
Ons of ( tie cuidcs ( iaks to the state of Lows. .
s'o solicIt your tuUslnci mmcml collectIon. . V.
pay per cent on tUne deposits. Wa wilt b.
pleitse4 loses and lervo you ,
: iflISSMOflI & cLI11N'r , ,
5O3" llroaulwny ,
dl ra lii hun ntlltMi iim ear loumui lots. TI ) ) , 203. IILLII'11S ' , IoWA ,
- .
Ed hiurke , at V. ' . 23. 3lomuic's , 115 hlroutdway ,
CINiIiI $ FOlt $ 200 WAGON LOAI)3. J.
lJuml' , Itt home ? , , (38 ltroadwuuy ,
1.011. hiN'L' ( , llouttn. NO. (23 huteoAiWAY.
will , semen roemmus ; aio four i-comas nnhJolnina
at mimi ltroaclti'ay ; good chance for titimer i'rlvats V
lamIly. bc..mrdlrmg hmouu or reetuurtunt , 13. W.
Jackson ,
_ .
i:6itV.lulNT ; , leIVB.ItOOtt 1'OTTAGt ON
I'n'r-ce strel , betweemm ( 'arId and Glemi uuvenuue.
\v. Itetbu.
hOIt iLiN'i' . A 0001) hiOlJHl'2 AN1) 8TAltbl
and 2) acres mmf gamden land , 3 molk , frame tti
city itmtts. I"ur rent for 11.10 ocr mumonuli ,
Apply to Leonard Everett , ( 'sari trcct , Coun.
cii Bluffs.
I.'oit ItiN'r , A 0001) liOLJttH , 8'l'AIILI'i AND
4 acres ( it lanI , 3 mniks from lImo cIty itnahiL
For rent ( or scoo per niontlm , , Apply to Leun.
aid Everett , Council Inter'
Oht lilNT , 5ACItgS ON atmmtttI W1'itldh'L'
( no buildIng ) , 21/j edit's on h.inriin avemus
( small huous mind stbhe ) , 40 acres vim Pi'pi
imroadWty ( go.l house , etc. ) , L. W , 'tuh1ey ,
103 l'earl street ,
iIVI3 A'ltlH ( lAltiI'N J.ANi ) , % % 'ITIi l.AICUU
twoumIory hcUs , fur rent. Odehi's Iteal Euuta.IS