Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1895, Page 7, Image 7

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    _ _ . _ _ . _ i _ _ " . , . . . , , , , , . . . , . , . . _ _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . , . . . -
. . . .f' ' : , ' ' . d _ - . , " n ' 'T'V , , , , , , " , , , , , . . . , . , . . . --1' ' ' ' ' ' ' ? . . . . . _ " " , ' " " . _ . " . , " 'V" " . . . . . . . K > , . . > - - , .rr-- . - - - ' - , " . _ . , . o < , . . - ' r _ _ _ _ - - " . "
, 'PJT ( ) rAnA DAILY . n11l1nTDAy : , Al'BTL . 5 . lS9i.
J'h.rt .mrhl * for tlr'n 1011111 nll hn
IkN' "hil 12130 . m for thl ) ' 'Imlhl Ih.1
untIl H. " . n1. for the Iurulhl iiut bUldn ,
AII'rt .r . by rqnctIng A niinIre'I
dIre" , I'RI IR\O JItiu'ra iutiItc4 to I I
hll"rr'd lolor In rRrO or 1 hn I. . , \n- I
4 . Inru o hd. rr rd11 hn trlvnrcd ' 11,4)11
rrf rllliol ur Iho rhrrk "ly. Ihtr .
I I-c" , , . , Orlt hl "rtlnl , 10 Ror.1
1111 : I or. Nuthll ! for h , . thnl ) : Ic
for Ir , t 11 .rtlul
' h , ' o lh"rthel"lt iiilIt I till 1018rCU-
thlly. %
- -
WANTlm-MALE ) B.LI > ,
HAI.\HY PAll ) wlmn.Y : 10 1.1'1 : MI' ;
. 1 4"I'.rlen.o not 1eceIary. AI'II ) ' lil6 D)41gnL
, " S30
- :2
'ATII1flPOl : ' . , f'oATMAIU .
) " .nIl' work.' lou-IJum. tailor. W"'I
- l'oflt. ! - Neb . 1-1
WANTIW. ! IX11Ttt11 : , ! ) IIt ) ! ' * ( (1OOI.4
We . . , " "I's nl n. I 1cXi fll)3'Ill I JroR . . 'uunc.1 . 1 1--M3' II uti4. G
* - - . _ _ - . . - . ' 0'
J'IIT : ( 't.SH . llt.H AT SC.NlNAVlAY.
' v. hum. Office un Capitol avenue. ' .1 Im : .
- _ . - - - . . - - C-721 . - AIS. . -
X W.\T I'INn I H.UII.I'H I . \ . : YOIl
frlonl\ or n.lJhl .rf. H."I * , I.\NUI. , \\00. per
runler Woo.1 uventan Ulrol. Mlch . 10 ) for
trlnl 1.Ulef HnUn.Hcenl poruine ; r.celv. orer
' .
4 _ 'nu. l120 &
TWO I.AOI':8 ! 0' 1It1MINIlH : AUII.tTY TO
tl\.I ; good . flay ; 11HINI'HH . 1uiiuIre I I3) )
. N. Y. I.It. Y ! C-M.3 . "
TOI'NO nH ! IN sM.I.1. JAMI.Y ; Nlg :
_ e.iPy . . . 1110. - . . . - ( ' 01 21 - HoUlh ISlh - sl - ( ' - -31 - : . : " -
t " ' , \NTI : " . . \ ' O'I. : 1'HI' AIII.Y ! III > .
111 nll : uxpr1.u. ; ' " , I Ildlne hll" " ' . fOr
, . en..m . ohlrlH.' ! Ir w"rll. Mnlror.1 &
. .
( \VO.It4y . ShIrt C. . 810ux t11 . ' . Ia.-M3S1 - r.
- - - - - - - - -
. W\NTI : HIX 1.XII.mNf'I'U : JINt
rOI ) IIiM ; 11.0 . h",1 % , \ nU r II t)1' ) . '
III'IH 10.1) \nl
. WI"I."r liotri " 1.ln..ln. I N'h. ( -M 13 9I 1 "
J01'SIW. ; P. K. \A I.IIG. 1.\t { 1 > 1 IILO'IC. 1)-12 (
\-12 :
J01'HI' : : 1 : \I.L. I\ITH 01. Til : CITY. Til 1 :
O. P Ua\L. c.npany , , 1&J 1tirnaii. 1-12r
10UHI' ! : : ; ; IHNA\VA & CO. . IQ N. 15TI HT. -
iiiiiES. \S'I.hACH. lIO\N I1LK. . IG & UI"1 )
, V 1-121
J.'l ItI'NT . 23 CAII1OI. AV1Nl7I : : . 1
room. niotli I. The O. P. Ua\ls I company. ;
. . 1-12 I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MOPlm . Io1y81 : Nl1AR I'ARK. Al'-
: .lOM I.mAl IAT AI.
S ply I119 H. 2SI11 Hlre.l. l-M13' ' )
. 11 . I-M130
- - - - - - - -
ClOI'lSTMI)1I1N ! ( : ) .noOM ll1UCF { ' : -
delI" II I Oiia ! Ii. $2.0) ; ; ) ; $ 1"'lwooJ n\nl. . C.
1 A. Starr. tI5 l N. Y. 1.10 l1l. ] ) -M ' ; ' ; 6
_ Htot' ' : : . _ _ _ . _ 111 ; ] _ . _
Volt ntN'r , C-ROOM l'I.A1' . INQtJn : 113 I
Jo.l e ltcet. 11-113
- ' IV ; : -Qltml 1IOUl. IS1' : I.O.'ATIO : ,
In < for l1rgL-clnss Ii.oInels.V. , . 1. Clark.
' 221 1)ougla. ) -18 ; . . .
c1IoIt.I , : f . flOOM 1O1)l'ltN IflIIPIC IU1-
CI 11
JOJIN 1'1.
' , lcflc4 cenimi. Gl ) $ N. 230 HI. IIIK . $3,0. C. ' . \ .
Starr. :1 : N. Y. 1Ifo. U-OI r
- - - - - - - - - - - -
MODJI : : 12.nOO 10t 1' ; HTtUI 1t1AT .
fu , nl.h.d ur ullrl.hel ; tel III or ) 'ears. Ad-
, . dIe3.i .1 51. lIe' o1lIc' I " , _ D-M.97
MOIJ : s.noo 10t'HI NIAn 1101
Bchool. Inquire 2GIG CapItol aenuo. n-M310 g"
. . 4. - . FOR mN'I" 5.nOmt COTTiI. ON VES1'
. .1.11 . "r 22,1 .I'.et. nolh or Glall , % street $ S 1
I lonlh. In'lulro ' root ) ) 31. 1.1 t 5t Nalo"al:11 : 1
' 1' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) -321 15
1.01 llT. : OITII\ST COl.
nor Ilh nn,1 , 10wali HI.IH ; newly . " . "re.1
nod Itliltod. InquIre room 31. 1.'lr.1 National
1anl. Ihlg. ) -32) 15
- - - - - - - ' -
7.nOOM COTT\012. 1'V1tF1CT ltfll'AIll. CE .
, I lot' : , tv1. IQ.rom houo . 1"llrn , IIPm , , : :
. . 712 N. 13th ' .
lenl. Inquire ' t1 8Ie.l. D-I3 .
- - - - - -
20Crn 2O I.\n.UI STlml > T.
w ' . M. Itoger. . 1323 I.'oram sll'eel. 1)-11323
_ . _ h _ 11)lers. . . _ _ _ . 1-:1323
. l.nOO 1 10USI. : . C31 10. IrE ! ! AVI.
I'L" . \HANT ITCIgU MODgnN 8.1tOO 1
4 hou.e . ; nice lawn. barn . En'lulro 263 Pierce at ,
'I 1)-317
. -
, .
p-OR H NT. 4 10.nOO ) 11'K 1IOtci ! H. MOT ) .
cr11. Ir.t cla.s repair . 31HI ant , Farnani. \.ry
. ch'al' ' ; No. 530 Ho. ? 5t11 an' . lad'r , ; No. 123 SJ
281h st. . 7 T romH. lol.rn ; 312 MIami ; No. 2.2t
. l'allter. r rols ; Nn. 43211 ! ' ) half Iioaard. 8 I
T)0004 . I 12.0) . per nb. ; 2.1-ruojit brick Intel .
center el ) ; No. n3 l'acIIlc 7 mOI mO.h'r : ;
Nu. 21 1.1CIRI. modern ; No 13U N. 21J. 4
1'000' ; 4 nol' . omc or "OIIIS " ; 0 lobe lIldg. .
16th ( I notI : No. 2 : Locust HI" modern .
Olohe Loan . . I TrlMI COI1nl ) ' . D-3 . G"
- - - - - - -
l"n flIN'r. .100M MODglN r1AT. I.\NG
block. GY Hn. 1tII. ' 1)-377 II
' 11.IMAN1' 100M. _ Inl _ _ _ DODGg. _ _ . 1-55 n _
V VFIY lJsmA\.I PIONT 100 1 WITh , \N
.4 4 - alcove. 212 H. 2lh . . Ht. l-t3
- - - - - - - - - -
J.nON' ItoOrd. WI'rl ALCOVE ; MOmlN.
&o H. 2.lh . . .
07 . IV. 1- l 3 .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
j 3 N1'I : Ft'ltNlllflI ) nee ls Ion L101r
, 4 hOI.l.eeplnl. 112 HOllh _ 11th. . ' : 1.111
L N1C'lIX FVltNlS1l11) ItOOMS . AL1
NIJI.Y 1.INIHllm 100MH. lmm :
- COlWenlCflceL 2101 1'iiriinti. 13 1 $ 3 6"
- - - - - - - -
I FllltNlHlItD 1.'lrnnl. 1100141. IIATI ! . S : MONT -3GS 1 ! ! . 11
.r - f. . FOR 1 > N1' . FL'ItNIiilhlI D ROOMH. C'H ' ) H 13'1
v . 7 I 1'-C M3
. nOOMS. WITH - 1IOAIW 22 : D0D01 . : I'-3 HTI'CT. :
. DESIIAI.I : 100MH AND ilOAlti ) IN I1tI .
4 vale to 11) ' . 70 N. 131h. 10AnD ' - . IZGS 111. -
' . - ck1Igo. : Mrn. - Churchl'H. 1'-2.l2I b.
. with hOll1 II prIvate taUhll )'le" . 221
' .
J'nfJlIlII1 atreet.
1.lrll slloet. 1-M361 : 7"
. FOR t : N' . - N&T.y Fl'ItN1ilr1fl l . l
l 11'eet wIll , hoiirtl . aultable for Iwo. 2'1 ' ) " - ( . . .lfnrln
. ) , N1CII.\ 1"I'lIHII:1 : lOI'1 I1t1)S'l' IOO : i 1
wlh I I bead II 11'I\ato flll ) . 121 I 1011 I U ) .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ \-.3r7 _ C" -
) ICH it NT - : ' .u. . ; _ " _ D m'1'ICE.
1.01 ltlN1' . ' ! I 4.W1'OILY JIWK ( IVI.IINI.
31G 1'1111 .11"1 ) This 1111'lnJ ' hu . a fir. -
, II'oM ) "tllnt ) lnaeinent. " "IIllo ; , .4teaiii Ire-
1'1 Ixlll' I . ; waler I " ' 1 11 . . clc. ' \11'
. ' ply nl Ihl' alIke of Thl' I li. . _ /a. 1-91
' 'rO WrOI:8. A".IOININ' ! . CoItNlTj23DAN i
l.ol\lwu'lh ' I ; wil h'nl 10 i elhl'I' or H1'lI rat :
' gtod lualn.H' Ioealkn. 1IIIulro on lIr1ll. !
_ _ _ _ 1-91321 9 "
FOIl J > 1 : : mt , ; CI.A$14 - 3-ST)1t t'- ANI , )
la.ol"11 , I Illek I KI. . . IJlhlll I al lOf5 ' ' . .l'la.1
I allr eI l ; Kulnhlo ( fur on y Itln,1 , nr "u.II. i . . . . In ,
. . , qUlo ) 10'1 ' ) 31. l'irt : llonol I . lank 1 I 1li.
. .1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ u _ . _ _ _ . u. _ _ t-1S15 _
} Ol ltl.NT. : JI > 1' ( 'I.\H8 IICI { R1OJ1 -
. on.1 , h.ooll'll. , 101 I IMII" . hllulru I 0010 ' 311.
11.1 _ NII'1 _ I ' ) I Ia . nil 1111 , g. 1-31' I ) I : -
L - u. - - - - - -
. .
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
, C.VFItII$1' : 1. I' ( ' . \ . \ . : ' ' . " V
I C.\III''l \N\\RI.tR' Rll I'I.\"J'
"er Khnwn ) le'rlt. Alt"mlt" i : ' I I a Ir 4 'lrl. .
I . Co. , IhlcalI ; - - - - - . - J-913S5 - 5' - -
ri' . : \ , GINIItl . 'JN' W.\NTlm FOIl NI- :
. c. - ljr.i.ka . l'elmlt 011.1 1..1 . . .11.n FOi l1
r I l.i ny ; nut h" . Mnal I I a ii " ' Itilt or flt'n. I ' .
urh'r'H' ' 11 W1IIIH"r ItoeI ' .N . ( . ' . ,1-M'h7 hoc. 3' .11
. -
' - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
J WIt.TAt'AI.i.Tilih1i1DFtItllUth4l.i0.I - - I i : - - 1'
) J
, 9 ( ) Wllt yotIra renlc,1 11f I lieu " wh ! J , I ,
. , 1.ln"t.OUlh'R , ' hlol'k { - ' ! ; . VJ 1
' 1 W\N' TO ltlN'1' A 8M.l4. FAI1M (5 I Ti
, 40 ' Bl''eK ) 1'11" , ' II city ; h.tJI ; lal,1 ' 11 .
. , \IJI'"S 1. 47. 1. , . . ) 1 IrerOI'.t. .
. . m . . - wHICl ifIWm OV -1-I ult -
I.000I $ . wIt : . flir inv.'ietitc. , , In Ninth Wall , .
Adt1ip I , ; . le , , ! I' ' . I.3i -
- - - - - -
U - -
_ _ _ _ _ _ STOt
, ' I / t1'OI.\/I : li\XI J\nu : ; iil i.IY
4 _ _ M-I.3
( _ _ . . . . . .
3'I1I' ti - rIt.Il ) ( hlCIllINLI ; i : I - IN - ( OMAILA.l' - - - - . } - '
_ ; ov. LII' ' 1 m ' > I ,1'h.I.II" , ' . " .1.'re.l ( . ; :
. 1C1'u' II" " , IOI3-tl5 1 lIIVIlW.l ) . , ' Ih. 2.1-131
iTV :1 : ! irlil j Ji ' Ili1ml ; ; : --1'1 '
I t . 17 1).ugIai. OI'I.lla I. . " j ltep.tir ' ' M IV. .3 " . J , .
4 _ - _ . _ . . .u _ . "
4 WANT ED-'I'U BUY . _
i ' : WAN7)IflANl.lh1ilhI ' - : ii- IIIIIVIN }
. hurl" oll'eIn ) ! o 11'IIpllol ; " " : hl 11' )
lbs , .
- Is I. I 46. Ihr. N- I : i.
. fr ' \.N'rlm. . 1\1' ' Iii-Ti : : . AIIOUT 10'.1 I I
. tr J ) " " 1' "I.J ; : . trattk'r' , ( . ' . J I. I I I , '
. . . 'loriie. . N I' . 1.0. < < N5I.2.I i'
SVANTII : I- ) l.lJI IT. $ iONtI : i m Nil 141'III N U - !
" ' 'Il. . 11.11 I 1jI ' i't ' I.,3b .h..1,1. . . . , . \ In. . Ii " .
: ( ' \ 11.l'II I , . - ' - - - , N M1 S -
I . I W.1 , ' FIllii' t.H r1tl.iI1 . Mhi.Cll , ' 1\\
: 111I (
. : )11.(1
J " . I' W. : .11. t' , 1..I.\'rlh en ) Ii
I . , 'cnu , ' . - 11. . , .
( - , - - . - - ,
- . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
. ' . : .iy . DEN'lL'J'S.
- - - - - - - - - - -
- '
D : l : ' , i.O JlIr' - . - - hO -
_ _ _
- - -
. ' . \ .M1l.Y TAM 'on AT . Ti , ONF SPAN Ol'
zulu rnrlnle hnA . thoroughly brOken to city
, Irl Inc. ( enrIi1 nnll MtO. ! In'ulre room 3\
1"lr,1 NalQlnl lInk huldlng. 1-M3q 7
- - - - - - - - - - -
heip . lund Ino gentle. 7 ) r1 old : will take
IO homrerlPM gun nl 1'11 1'3) J. M. cnlr
lIce. 14.7
- -
lon i I i'hIl'KFN : 1'mH'I V1ltl. mTI
\ :
I'III'KIN 1'mH'I1'
& ehonl"r . than 1'0. J. J. L ll' . , 4)3 H. 11th.
. , _ Q-M61 . Mn16
- - - -
- - - - - - - -
WI.IMAN 1'IAN0i. 1UlItfll71'OItT ( )1tfl.Nil.
\Oldhrlllo , ( IIANO lra. , . 17 1lWOFPOIT . 111. Il-,131
1 1 , \ llDVOcfl ) COMIIINATION 110(1 AD
chIcken rencc. C0MINA1'IO ! I. l.e. : Ih lon 1.111InR
IAIIY 1 1'OI 14A1.t : . 3) coWi. TI\IH. COM-
1Ipip oulO : e.lnhl.h .1 mli rOliI ; all or pul ;
eh.311.111) ' John 10IHI..on. % 1'10rllc , ' . Nel'
Q-765 1.20'
- - -
11.\rO. CAIIINI7T : OnAn Ul'IIIOIIT. I'ol
81 nt " i AlNI batgr.In. J. 1'11011. . . ' . 11
QI' - . I A2 " -
1. ' 01t $ A1.1. SIX 5111.111:5 . 01" TI IOKlOIC
7nlnr Prl""n/ ( 'a. . or \ trade for real
Palate. (1c. 1.lebekn.cht. / care Olnhn l'rtnt- .
log C. , . Q-UG.G"
! l.I.
1'1 l4.I.11. : HgCon.INn 1.\I'Nln' IA-
rlIIwr9cheap. , . IPlaltln , lal1t lu.hll" " a
fpeclal ) - 815 ) N. - - 161h . - . - L. - - - _ QIII6 . _ \ - "
F oil S.l.13. VI'ItlUllT l'IAN ( ) Al.M0I' NI' W.
t'IHlIT 11.:0
" . 'r ) ' rh'nl' ) . h ) ' callIng nt . oace nl :21 1.I1Rm
Iroel. Q-370 6.
2. 11tH. 1)11. 11. \.II N , Cl.AlltV0V.NT I : .
liable businees l"oluI . , 81h 9pft ) 01 19 N. S-Ill 16th.
. .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
MAnA'I 10M.INI' . 3211.4 N. 17Th ! . 1.1.\1 1. .
. . AIS"
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $ - : O
2. MMI ( 'l..VTflN. CL.1htV0V1.NT AND ( ' . \ lTt )
. (1.\I\'OY.T
l. . " . her. 1II. , . I Il. . 111 h 'I ' . nlrl : hoolt. I Tels
your iniaslon . Oi cOld ' lag. 403 N. IHh .1. . .
H- .Ir.
IAnAM l79h1T1l. 102 8. 13TI. 21 Vl.O0lt. noo:1
3 ; lulneUe. ' lipor . alcohOl .I tcaltl. atlIplIctIlle .
, . 'Ulor. T-M22.fl'
nfl ) sea "alhs. - :
_ . h _ _ _ _
NI'\I.\ I.'ITTI It.TlI 1.\1.OI ; TCI1K-
alt I 01,1 , J..III Ic B.\TI 'c I nil l"s 11,1 , , 'nt , . .
It'n , Madule 10.1. 32) Huulh Hlh llhrelt. .
2d hoot. 1- 131A \ ) :
M1.SS.Uh1 . . M.\D.\m mIAIW. 121011
a'tcet. T-M33 AS'
- - -
TL11111511 1l1.TflSONIX ; I'LC17 IN CITY
Tt1'SI : II.I l ) for ladl.s. Hule 10 .10 lIce hl 1 ; .
. . . .
- - - - - - - -
_ . . A1. .
- - - - - - -
lan upI. Ititil. reaIdince and grave .1ecoration'
1513 \IIlon ( treel. TeIphone 7i6. t'-176
- - - - - - - - - - - -
'l JI
chiliipu.2I1. M'I' ' . l'ost. 319 H. 151h V-137
' 11' : 11111.1.17 lpll.m.Y : IOHHI ; ' . :1\ : TO
"Ioer frol leaHur , ' . 1159 Fa , halO alt eel. U-13
VIA VI ( ' 0. , 3tG 1.:1 : ; lhLlG. : 11\.11 100"
_ free _ ; _ hOle tr.atmenl. _ _ . _ _ _ lady _ nt.nl1ant. _ * _ . _ _ . _ _ U-13 _ .
3:1 : c..nlo. for I' ' ) ilaya oily. 01 Cm'ln' . . & 1
ltroatlvay . ( 'anlichl IlItifis. 11-91141 I
Ilul. 14
IrO"lwa ( 'lcl ' _ b _ _
1"1:1' : m.\Hf POHTIN ! ! 1.01 Y.\nn ( ' \ . \I.
307 ollh ( 121h fl. cel , U- 12I 'C
ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 31 N.Y. l.Il"E.
hoin ; al low rnte4 for choice .ecliy In Nl" .
\ . \ . " OIt boa farls : or Omaha ! cIty p"llerly \\-HI
teal eatate . Ittennan. Love & Co. . la'lnn 1,1k.
. IO"Y : TO I.OAN AT IO'gHT I.\1'rH. : 11
. . na'ls Cu. . 150 1'irttai , , at. \V-143
o. F. ; -
Pural .1
. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ u. _ _ \\-14
vrit TOS1tTFM1)I ON ooon LOAN .
\FIY >
- J.V. - . - lhulre. - 2H - Itec - bldg. W-l1I . .
CITY I.OANH. C. A. STAI1I ! . 515 N. Y. 1.111' : .
1101'erl ) ' . Fidelity Trust cOlpan ) 1762 Ftrnatn. ,
LOANS 0 : IMlnO\'En & UIMI10Vlm CITY
. .
property. \V. I.'ornam Smith & Co. , 132) ) 1.'arnlm
at : per T . . % V. U. M.lle. Li Nul. Ilk. W.-llS bldg.
CITY 1.0ANS. pl ) TO $71).0l.Oj ) AT LOWI'T :
calve. Powel & Potter tat 100r. N. Y. \ I. - hll , . :
\.stors' nam s. who have money lu Invest. Juot
compiled. Full pnileulars upon request. In-
" u.on
\'cslor ' DIrectory C. . 10 ' \01 slre.t. N. Y.
W-I'9 A25"
MON17Y TO LOAN 0 : FUnl'Hm . PIANOS. . .
horue6 . WflgOfl. . etc. . at lowest . rates In city :
, . or goods strictly conitilentlal '
n remo.1 gets ; .Irlet } eonl.lenlal : you
amounl. can 1'Y ' the loan off 01 ) tIme or In an ) '
amount.OMAHA JllTO.\OP LOAN C.
701 So. IGlh SI.
MONEY TO LOAN 0 : 10'81:101.0 : PI'fNI. :
lure pianos. , iDrae4. wnols or 10' I"nl or
chlttel security at lowest 10..lble raic. which
you caIn P'O' loel < nl any tIme Dnll In any
titnotint. FIl)17t.ITY I.OAN OUArANTgI ( ' 0" , '
Hoom t. " 'lhnrl , hlocJI. X-1)I
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
J. U. HADDOCK. nee 1 42 HA . IG Ih1.OCjC X-I : : . ,
pianos. , I.'ret Tern' 4:0 Hallo block. X-I5
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
f8.m.O WH.T. 1UY ONEOV'Tflll lEST I H.
Ilblshed s4nItnrIUtnM. wlh all Ihe IHI.t 1m.
Ilo'menIH ) In electrIcity . electro . Turkisi ,
\'HIor and \aler IMIIIU3. wIth the largest cash
ol\o practice In Ihls cIty ; 1 Hplpn.lll ! . diane ,
for I couple Ih'slrlns. .11.cIHlfl ) or , ian In.1
wire ; r'af.1 rtr ceIling . , going Into wholeslio , '
titanufiteturlng bualneFa syhhi , '
InnurHelurlnl ; wil 11'e 0 moot !
trial Ir I requssleil. Adlress , 10uRIon "I rlr
Galvanic SanItarIum . houston . 1'"R. . IIHm
buhhiIIfll7. Y-MGJG.\ :
or e\hlnJ d for Innll. ' I you wanl 10 IU
1'10 or I.t oul or hiu-dneas wille to toV 'e
mar , hnn' , whnl ) you ) wnnl. II. 0 . : MeOco 10 I
Main " .1. - CounchIIhltift.4 , In. Y- I'Ia2 ' .
ttittCt.iidllle3 . , mlle : f .tl.O ) In IAWl"JI , .
' \'i II. ' " 1I.on 1ln.IIO'olle Co. . . rom 3uS. : .
Study hlo'IC. Ottiti hi't. ' N.h. - Y- ICH
FOltH.II' : An III7NT. 1tI7HTt'hh.tNT : FIX l :
lures IIHI ' ; .roll lintel 2-I".n hut.'I. , nil wcl !
10l'ulI. , l\mu < lan ; elk . IG22 LoUglas. .
_ _ _ _ _ _ -9I33S 7"
12)1) ) W III.G I I I 1 1. I tT I . Nl I'Ii I : 1 I I. : - Al h'lI. ci ( :
. , . . . . . "I. L
i.t ' II Wlnl. .4 . .I..s..nI1\ ' . In OU1ha ( Cor I an ) '
CItY OUt lal"'II. ) MiI han' : r.w hUItle , ! 00111.
l'aKh 10 pa ) ' for I"t"l on iIrhIvoi . y nft.'t' 0,1 " , "
lit ' eetir. ' , I. F. I 1. : \'Lihh. Mu . t 8U hl.ll. . N..w
YOII. y - 13i S'
W.\NhlII'AIlINEbt : 11:1 ( ASI ' ( ) -
I " .ngaie In real "Hlnle hus. ; can gIve 10"1 , ' r.'tor .
"nla . . \.Ite.s . I. 4. lIce. Y-343-12'
I ( ) -M r : ; . \ . II \ . \NT I , : I ;
In ctitiItaill , mnnurl.11 : hll . : \ , lu I ) III
hat " ge haItI ii ; onl' 1.1 Ih'M , \ h. \ II Inn"t It I
" Itlefll'Ll . a..p,1 ' , 10 nnWI'I' ' ; I. shell ( till . Iaalnl
wi .1.11'0 I" mail , ' . Ad,1 , ess L , : . , J , ' " ful . .I"wlnl
15lJSS 7
. . . - .
- - - - -
\ Il.l. TIAPI : CI.I.\1 ( I.\NI' I'\I ii ) i
cumlee,1 rel111 % city Pll'el I I ) -N u IhllI.IH. \ .
tunlll" " u\.1 I" v'I ' ) ' 1'11.11"1 ed . IS. I .
. . . . ;
lIumpIireY. 925 New Yoth 1.1Cc.
luII'hr ) Z - : IC93.IC. . .
i F.ItM i Arm CITY ; 1'l ' m1"Ioli \ -i IIANI
s".d.s , 'e I 11' " , " . t03 N. y 1.1Cc. 4-307 r
TU UNtil.\NOl-2S - ) - . \I'l ( : ROI'-\ i IlK. : , . \ND \
for a lul'I of d.lhlnl on,1 , g.-iI' ' fUI".hl1 ; . .
11 ) U"I' . utile , , , 'ull'alll I I 11,1 I .11 I I l.lh'r . releO ;
II " , IneUm"I."ll" * ' ; II'nh..1 . 11 I lie I let I ia It gro , '
II > , ' 'ull . ' ) ul,1 \ II IIUllul' 11) , tliliig ; Irl\ 111.
h1IhOJ ( ' ) ; \ I tihe Iiall , ' "oh.,1 , s. tiC' W.
1"1. . C.5I 'o ' hlditi ' ) ' S' ) . "II/ . ' ( ' . . . Cllcnt' II.
4- 311-1'
FOIl S \IO-1 ( TuAlilI , A : - $ , JM ; T 0l 3111'e
1"le.,1 , I m.rchaltI8" r.,1 " .1'1 n NetrNI.a 01
\.t.,1 I" " " InS In . Ir Oin lii nr South Umaha i
. 1.ddie-s K 16 . . . . .
l'rol''IItdl'.H I 18. U/dhn ) Ilst.
_ _ _ _ _ - - 4-2.1621 _
\ \ : I'In. : . \ l l- IN l7NIINil : -
Illant 01' organ. , \ . lOslit' . J. . JAi , .
7 -9I02 I ' .1
W'r - 'lO . - TRAIlS - ' ' Ctt'NIiI ' . M 4
el ) scat .Iale fur u Mini I . ur cltthtlng all j
thuc..1,11,0 J. ) liul : r. .oea. In.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ 7I I _ O _
' TIt.L' j1..N IW 111'.m.II : 14 I .
1P'6 ; . Iiitittieihi'sii idiot gu , . 101' ' $ ; " ) . a. I'ul
P- ' ) ' f'r I I..d . c.ii 11:46. : , horse \ et.ihiin ni 1
llnl lul
I 1,4 Ihal 1.11 ) Pound . . . 1.dJres . I. IA I. . . .
V.\NTl11)-TO IXLI.\NII : A : - , \ :
Iu'kl.all lur I plans. , ( ( en. NI-\imW ) ,
. .
.1. ; '
. _ 11h .E _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 7-31-
: ( mI1'\1 FOi 1. i bAllYs ; Ill :
. 4 ' ) < r. .A.Idie : _ I. l 45. Ih'e. ' - . USJ 5' 3
ilA1ffl.hNs. : lhOt'litl l . - I.iYrt $ -\Nli : - VAI1MS ; ;
I sub , "I1"lc. . I. ' . IJ. I 1)111111g. lalll.r , Ai .
_ 1 : J.C
I J.\I)1 I.\IJ : . t' F. lIAItlLSiN ! 511 N \ ' 1 , :
- - . - . - 1 :303.\ : _
1.IISTIIAL'T $ . -rl ; ) l1'ltijN 1417171) ' : COMI'N' , ;
. _ emI : I.S
- - - - - - - - - -
- - -
I'Xl'lXft : : Nl ) SAl.U ; CITY .PJIOIIITY
6il ' 11. , insrehiaiidhse. alIi 1.h-6a , 215 N. Y. L
1 : 153
s , , It's a queer Tfhil1g-
'S frlrii % Why everybody do sn't use Pearl-
' = ti - ine. Here and Utbre , though ,
- . there's a woman , tHo's ( been left
: bchind. The \rld has moved
, along without 1 hdl- . . Vhat she
needs to know Iihis-that 1
, washing coth ! Wol' : cleaning
I - house Pearlne .wil save half
R I ¼ , her work , half lice 'ime , and do
away with the rub , rub , rub ,
that wears things out-that it costs no more than common
soap , and docs no more harm.
And if she wants to know it , there are miions 'of women
who can tell her.
. . . Icttlcr : IIII1 SIC In crulllols grocers wi tell you , "this )
B ; tq i ' " the ' . ' "
as gooti
as 01 saiie as l'carlinc. IT'S
eware 0'
/ , : ' eec , ale 1 Pcarlnc , FAlSE-
Pcaflillc is ' ' , if '
IIC'iCt peddled your toccr cluls '
. I'carllc tc'cr t1 i ) 011 YOU an
imitatol. bc honcl-Itlld il 315 lc ( AMES I\.R ! , , Ncw'ork.
. . - - -
_ Conthnued.
JAlrt VOlt SAh.17.ICAN : " OFFUII 101 , .1.
I liiI ted . t line . ant nl on : Li itch IV. . prlc , ' . a
chhc. , , . ,
elllee IIJm,1 . rarm. lornl"1 In 11rllY
county . ' . . , ' . ,
) NL'briIsl.a near 11 ' I'hi.tte lotlon Inll
Illt. alaton
tl' l.w rorl. 111. I. strIctly . .e.nd bench
hittit , , titiil I lie . . ,
IUIII utiI"el'nIA ate or a '
1"I.r ; SI. OO.O cn.h vhlI In.y . ( lie e'IUI . II Ihl8
fat in ; 10 1"I.I.s ( " conIilere,1.Vnltr" , G. ( 'latk.
1226 IIzilne3 ' ) t. . Ottialia . Neh. 1M3IS.A
IoHO.\NH. HAl. " : Tlt1.l)17 IN CITY PlOI.
- ( rtps and fnrm. 01 . Tl\m . . 1'"I.ller , OPt' 1t17-159 . - 1' - . 0.
lClNTm 1 l'I\CI. : UAII.\INH. 1"01 HAU : Oft
CtcCliange. .1 J. GlhHon . II ? Isl Nal'l hR"k.
. 31 m - s.\21
GlmAT It1.Ilu.lN TN IAHM ANt ) AmmN hear Omaha . II 10. 20. 40. t O or 1 ( ) acre
lrels ; I"nl tllP I . InH ' lerlq ; \ Ill tlu$01110
trade . . ' , . .
Ir.le. 'ul 01 once tvul secure a 1,1.1 home
"ld slop Ila'lnl renl. 91 N. Y. Llf. Blll.
1M2:1 :
Ole In lIvc ncr " . jCItI7. fair , ile" of I. 0. t tithe
t"1 l'n-el 4treet. SI .OO. Yunl own I.rl. I
9 'IU . wanl hlhpr \rle.H w. . hl"u I for } 'ou.
3il7 . N. 2.1 OII''I.l . J I ; $10).1) ) cash : hal-
and . fliolil lily pa'I.nIH. wIthout Inle'sl.
SI2 H. 3lh avenue . hrlck , U.GI.I ) ; make your
own I.rms.
1919 I H. 2'lh ' street . 5 reet1. large 101 , pa\'d
.11'1t1. SI.GO.O , ; your 1"1 rom. larJc
% Palrlck avenue. $1,70.0' ) .
) , 'nllrll ) ' shnde,1 , : ? l i\ block , est ot 25th.
snlih , l.le ur Mnnlera.iii. , $ & ) I. ( ' ) .
271 . an.1 . ! Hpaulll . mx2 . $ iO .OJ. S. \Y. corner
2rth fujI Ir.kln. 61.000.00.
nnt . $ .0.O.
69 feet "llh fronl. I\ed , 8Ir..I. % alli
hlrlttol .
IrlHlol. 11.100.00.
l ' ' l.mher , . we never offer anythIng but genuIne
\.o hve a. complete > lIst nr \r ' deatralde
II'ollerly for exchange. 1. , ( ' . ' 1.1 hlM chal/c
or our cxchamige , , . AMI for hihimi.
II. g COLE CO. . McI'n ! ' " 11 II , !
1'M31'J 6
101. lltnn 11. I hlnc , ft eta citE ; \11 Inlle I brIck
ln.1 1la.ler WOI , IH Part 101) ' . L 10 . core I hi'e. .
1J-j.7 :
FOIL S,11. : 1. . FI"SN.IS. .
" .rol . cottage . smo. ) ( ) SN.IS. .
3-romii : cottage. $ OI.O.
7-rtoan . Iitmi'e aol I"rl. $ .50 .O.
5-room cottage . S o.O.
l1cucy I'nns on all these nnt" . Am.q. 1617
1.lrnl. opposIte 11 . Y. IMe. . snals. Hg-M3G2 . IG1
A nll'\T : 1.\lOAIN ; 2'CII ' ) S CLOSE 1'
171 mttwoo1 Ilrl I , Ind , , new S trite fulr , grohl nO . . InVest
We.1 Omahl ; h"lonlM 10 . 'aMI.m 1111) ; IUHI
.rl I ; can otter for I"xl 1'1 I ( Itty.atv ) low
hhgil ri-s Iho I . , , , .
111" ; erection or I" 114nlleonl Rlnl.
rnl' I r . liii hung . . wllh lie t 1"\1'1 nr itt i'eU . thti .
I-s " .n"lol or motor I Inca . Ite. wi I tuahru , le
the value or ovei ' acre ; how Is the tIme 10
buy ; .I't , wilI Inll I all 110 Jml"o\lell. lme
mmci. mh' nn,1 real estate IH sellIng rpl.I ) ' .
Cal In.1 leI us show ) ' 01 thIs prperl ) ' . Gee
N. thick , . rom 30 : . N. Y. Life 111" , . .
1117-369 t.
J.'OI SA.I > . 'reN DSm.I.I IgSIJNCg
lots In Comer ; ivlll sell . hair actual szlu , . .
lear moIO' A.hl" Dr. J. H. J"'rles. netunlllu. " . _ ;
010111 . Net , . IU-M3S1 7
2. ! . o. DAXON 402 N. ISTI ! . iso
bicycles. Omaha lc'elo Co. , 32 N. OJ AI.I .
STEItI.ING , nUI.T A V1.TclI. WI75T. :
em ElectrIcal Supply Co. . 1515 10\Drd Rlrp0t. 162
1.lov Hpeclol WIll Barnum & Bru. . 12 N. 151h. 78
lIght Ant high grade bIcycle construction. \Vm
Lyle Dleko & Co. . 10 Douglas sl. . ug.nls.
. _ 1G . _ _ S. - 151h stre.l. M-731
A. T. IJANJ : & CO. . WIO. SAI.E AND 1117.
tall blc'cl" IIG 1'arttatti sheet ; bIcycles solO
on call I'n'menls. 163
1111ee8.'u81IuleH Int large floors : "rlo FIE
catalogue. Milton Jole , ' . & Sons , Omaha. M2GI
SWANSON & \'ALIEN 1701 CUAINO , TEL 161 1660 ,
II. I { . IUHKI > T. Fl'NI.1AI.11 ! CTOI AND
.ml"ln\r. , 1618 Chlcalu , 51. . telephone 90. It
M. O. 2.IA1'1 . UNIl71t'I'AHl7lt AND ! EMDAI.M.
or . HI7 Farnm st. . telephone ! 2 : . ICG
C. W. IJKIm. UNIJmTAI { I. 613 S. IGT1 1G7 .ST ,
sign Ilaloting . , . brIck tvorht 111.t.lln/ : [ . 11. I.
lu.lle , ' 1,1k. , ; leI. 7. ; shol 221 hald ; tel IG1 408.
- - - -
7G roan at 11.50 per tl ) ' .
W rooms , at $ .OO tier d.I ) ' .
Hledal ' ttdH 1 10 cOlllrclnl travelers Hoom
nn.1 . hoar . , I by week Ot niotiht. ( 1-'rank ItthlhIeht ' .
Inoager. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ill
lil7TlJlTOt'517 mUIOIIMN ( ) . N.V. . COIl .
131h ) unit 1)odite. looms h ) toy or woell. 172
hOW 10 m. : ' A 1OMI : OIl l0I1Ct'ltI7 : 100D )
interest "I savIngs. \llply 10 SII'I' Oluha , I. It .
Ass'l. 101 lIce l'Idg. U. W. Naltlnger. 8 . I.
. _ _ _ 17
RI.\II'H : IN Mt'I't'AL [ " I L. 8 . it. AHSN PAY 7
C. 7. 8 iicr cent whcn I. I 2 . 3 ) . . .itN old . IlwlY&
redeemable. 1701 1'tirnam . .
r'o.mublo. 101 1"lrol st. raln/er , S"c. 17 $
- - - - -
_ _ _ _ _ .
- - - - - - - - -
W , C. ABIION < CO. , 30 H. 1211. 710-1.19 l
_ _ _ - - FOUND. . . - - . - . _ . _ _ _ _
1.EI'l' AT . A FEEl IAllT-J. $ 81 UOIO\H
11.1. Itotsi \ lIlt Mndllo antI , bridle ; owner
Cull h'o hut .amu \ ) ' 11'1.1)'ln/ Ihu I 01"\ "
numrr. 1333 5"
- - - - - -
I ) . 'F. MO'NT lAS 11172.IOVI'.l ) IllS COAl
- ule. 10 ZV SItIitst. - - , Iron hlocl - - IG
11 ( ' ! H I''IJ ; SII-JJN. lll7STVYO .
mil/ cool ; nut. " .GI ; Itlttip . 5.tO. . % . ( j lbs. ro , a
Ion Jell' rtl1 16. 1'aIIQI .Ir.el. 10
IfU fur el.chlc Ilghl I In motor t1.inth , amid al
1IIdf : or cletrlcial I ( 'nlluclol. ( Welter : al
Irlcal Supply (0. ISIS /oWlr1 sl , li
ALVA J. ( iltOviOli. INOINlmIS : ItNI ) Alt .
clthlcet' SUI > plc. 318 S. ISlh sine I. NJ Aim Al.
- . .
- L-
- - - - -
. 1)11. - 1. . SII' . IAN. COIl. IGI - & 153.\1. fIICMJO. 2
- - - - - - - _ . . .
- - - - - -
P. It. M.\nTIN. 1 0 nox 391 , OMAH.31m ; !
- _ houB , west 1. I < 1) . instltuts. M9Ji.An. 2
" ' , \:1 IN1.1 : IHCm\IU. : HA1IHJAl- -
huh 6uarrinteed. Mrs. O. E. 1lnl. 13 Houll !
_ 4lh .Ireet. - . - 30 7 .
- -
IMAIOm > JJIOIH 1:8 ! : I.\ : 1 I D , 719 N. ITT IG
. . 1 -
- - - - - - -
- - - -
- - - -
i1t1elWolt16. ! HIJ ( WAI.HA. CEI.IAn ( : t
1'11. ele 304 B. IGlh Ilreul. Tel 4) ) . A. Kiewhi : .
31500-All' I
. . . : /
- - - - A''lt _ _ ! _ _ _ _ _
0. 1" ( [ . [ . ENmCK. UANJOJIT AND OIITAH
teacher , 11 Casi aI 91
.081' 1 A ilOI.L OJ ST.9ll'lNu l''rrlIlNS : .
hel".en 1a.h'n. . nut HT.UI'It ! 1'1'101 ( ! 1\1. IATTI.SK. lellrl I
21'3 ' eUlln .1. rur lewnl , l"sl-3 1'r
- - - - - - - -
7.0ST. thY I.AUIIJIG A lIICVt'I.I1 . A
, pl11 , II."ot , ! un car track nn 161h ntHI
ilarmicy. Iti-turn to hlee oilier . . .
I II'lurn I. lce .I. . l.o'l- (
1 . .61ST'I1l IN 8IA' I'ININO. I I : N lA It
Thlll'Han. 1..1.9. , hen t br h , n.1 . hug. i'li'aae
return lu lIeu . .
I'e olee anti recelt " ' , art.
l.oa-373 ( 4'
10\'t 10 122 Douglas ; In Ie I1n . M5S0.A leli ,
. 1
- -
- - -
VAN SA:18 H100. Oh. ' SlIOltT HAND. N.
Y. lIfe - Omnha. . Asil for clicular. 1G
- - - -
OMAI . lI7NTAL l4llftOEltY. FIlEll
Illrlar ) ; t.nIHII' 1rTM . IClh & ' I'HEI , m I' .
- - - - - -
- -
- -
- - - - - - - - -
TIlE'l'Y , \I\tltl :
INSTRUMENTS 1895 : IIIacel1 . on record April 4 ,
WAIIANT11'I.nR. : .
C 11 ' .hille nli,1 , , wife I , , .
l I'hl 1,1 II A I. ( lanitnitli . lot
. I. I . block 9 I. PalflH ( n INtk. . . . . . . . . . . .I 1
t'ity . or Olaha , In I ) I 't-ttr 0' 81.1 hiS ) ' . 7.)57 l 3
. O'M..I..y. : :
r..1 on I i'tth or lot 4. 14'ek ' 2. Si , etsy's
nllli . . . elL . . . . . . . . . . . lck . . . . . I'H"'Sr' . . . . . . I
l' J Ilnnll 111 wlr , to M I ) n olrIem : .
' lit 31. I hlol ' 6 . . " ' 11 < , "II. . . . . ,1'le . . . . 8JO )
I'ti'1ila OIxrfeldcr 11,1 , huha'\l I ) ) ' tim hut r ) '
. \
Ilort , "I itI. i.ttthIC. ' . tf , . JII
la ' II11 : 111. 11 itItil 15.
hSck I , , 19Vcst ln.1 : still , . . . I . . 110 . . . : . 3.2:0
G"nrl. 1 > , III.'r nail wl " . 10 i' I. I " . :
"n. lot 9. block 2. Ilnrte'r's . IMI I"IWI.
\11. , ) . . . . . . . . . . l'rh'r' . . . . . . . . . . . 35)
.1 l''tig'r to .J I Snell ' . , 'I 3t. hilclc 5 . W .
L I H.II ) ' " II alit 'll. . . . . . . . . hIle . . . . i. . . . C
Houlh ) Omaha . , . ,
1.11 I In ( HUMlnl
9ttlmitrlC : , , .t oh . lot I.lock 32. Houth
Om.lha . . . . . . . . . . , . \lock . . . . . . . . . . . . I.
I t Gllto to t f. \Vntkltt , , . lot C. 7 block :
r. H.I'R 1.1 1\,1 \ . . , . II . 1M. . , . . . . . . . . . 6.,1
\\11111 l.'y.r an.1 . tul h. ' . ti 12 I .1 \\'h.eler. ,
hit . 2.1 , block 2. ( ' "lut ; .1,11k , . . . . . . . to ; ;
I I \ \ 11.1 . A I.Cltt ' ! li 1-,1 , 'I".ylu , .
it 23 feet of lot 17 . h1rclt II . _ '
r"1 If I. Armtilrong's
Isl I , till , " . . . . . . 1. . . l"r . . . . . . ArmIIII' . . . . . . . " . I
QITlr Cl1.1A1 1)12171)5.
CI.IA 11'I
, >
1 .T Cnrl.-I ( I nl 10 M .1 Itytiti . Jot 13.
\1nll & 18 , "hdlr , . . . . Iyan. . . . . . . . . Si )
o I' noslwlek 151)1 I . , . , 0
I wIPe to " .Staantia May-
nard pi nl , . , , : n.IIm , . .
lot 7 hlock 7 , In.1 untie .
ur lots U. I : 1111 16. "lurk G. IrllS l'lnci I
U I > JS.
Sp..lal toaster to Seth Iickcy. lot G. block
1. Umlh" View . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I
Hnrl' to Clmmrlalank at ilennia , , lot
I. hlocll - . Burr 0.11 l , lenl" . . . . . . : . . . 3.11
T'.ttil Imounl or Iransters . . . . . . . .hi7,94
- -
- - - -
. , Nolro to UOI Owners
On . : and after AprIl 15. 1895. all dogs Jot
wenrll ! ! tta proper dog tag for thc 'ear
185 wIll hc subject to . .he taken up and Im-
poultell hy the dog llulllmlOter , all time
ilog pOlndmasler hi authorized to commcnee
catching nld ImpoundIng dogs not w"ar-
log the prolJer lugs on the 151h day ot
April . 1895. EECII H IIIGHY.
City Cieri.
.1.5 d lot 11 & g & s
: . rE '
Lawyers and solicitors. SUES ' & Co. , Boo
aOl lug , OMAUA . Neb. Advlco FREE.
Leaves : IIUIILINITON & MO. ItIVF7It.IArrlie ,
Omaha UnIon Vppol , 1011 & . asl \ : . / Omaha
Ul ; am. . . . . . .Den\er E.ires , . . . . . . a'1
4:21ta.Utlc. : lithe. 2.lottt . & l'uget lOad. Ex 4iopni : '
4:3:11. : III.Jl' . . . I . .Denver MOII. Expr" . 110. . . . . . 4:11 4lulll
645ptmi.NebrasIcit : > L.ocal ' .
I.Nebruslm Lcnl ( c'XC&pL Sunday ) 7SSt'ni :
I"XCII' 7:41'1
8al.Llnculn ; ! Local ( except liuttday.112lomu ) :
2lm..I..881 : : Mol ( tot eeelt ! IUnddrJ Dat . .1:2 . ;
Lla , csCJIICAOO ( ! . : IUIINl'O &Q. - IArrlvcs
2."Uh . II _ ? . IJepul . 10th & MI'n / Q./Arrl\es / I ! '
44:11. ; . . . . .Clca/o : V.sUbule. . . . . . 350am ;
3:5011. : . . . . .Chlcalo Ixpreds. . . . . . 4:11'1 : '
7:90itmi : . .C Itlrago . timid 131. LouIs Express. , 8:00jmn ;
11:35am..nellIe : Lul. l"lre.s. . . . HWdl Uli'pma : '
. . . . . . . . . . \'sl Mull. . Lcal. . . . . . . . . GI"II : )
Leaves CHiCAGO . MIL & 151' I'AUL..lArrltrs
Omnha Union Depot 10lh . Mason 81s. / Onutm
6:001110 ; . . - - . . . .Cnieago - LImIted . : . . . . . . . . . 0:304m :
1IOal. : . . . I. t2 < xlr. I cr. ISuim. ) . . . . 6:00pm ; :
Leaves \-CIICAOO - & - NOltTiIWI2S1'NIArrlie !
Oma"a \ . UnIon . Depot . 10lh & Mason HI" . / Om . ho
I : Oam. : : Eastern I'"I" < S. . . . . . ; . . . . . 530pm ;
4 : OOlm. . . . . . Ye.ULul d Limited. ; . . . 9:40mm ;
6l5ani..2.lo. ; Valley 1lmllc. . . . . . .10 940.ln :301J1 :
54I.m..01Ih" ; : . Chicago lul'lal. . . . 2:1511 :
Lea'ea I CILICAOO . , 11. I. & ' \CWI. Arrives
- Omaha 1110n Delot. 10lh I Mason - SIs . I\rrlv's ,
E\HT- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
II : isammm. .Atlamittc Exmess - - ( cx , laYJ. ) ;
lwal..Alanto . . . . . . . E"II'js-- , . . . . . . . . 60\ln \
: : . . . . l6xpr-ii . . . . . . 9:6al :
4 ; % pl..ChleaI0 Vcslbul.d 1.lmlt.I. . 1Olpmn :
I : l5ptn.Ukluhoma 1" . ( II ' : ' .I . c2ufl.11 ) 1:0lm : : ' 1
tllarti.Okhahioma : & Tiil2x. . ( ex. riun..11lupnm ;
EO : } ' ! . . . . . . ! . . . lord" i.liiil lcd. . . : . _ lun.I30pl . . E'JI : ' 1
- - -
11el ' , ---c. . H1' 1" M. I ' . - - IAmrlves -
Omaha Depot 151h atm , ! Wclol"r Rls. I Omaha
- t:25amim. : : N , 'brahkl I 'a'"IIOI'- ( daIly . ) . , . . 6 : Ilpmit
4 : : opmo. .ISIoux City Eprcss ( cx Sun. ) . .11 ; ISammi '
CI lprvS :
6:10pm : _ . ' . . . . ' ' ! . . "I- 1atii 1.I n ! . ; . ! . . . Hun..1 . . .IU:3al : :
l.ea"/-I.- g. - G 210. V/uLIMV.j/.rrivcs - (
Oni.thtu . / ( iepol. 15th _ . I1t Wel"ler ) Sis. / Omn.ilta
'iI0ptmi : . . . . t'sst - Mall - tinil - - Ecpreas. - - - - - . . . . 4 11 ; ; -
2:10.m. : ( " . " , lint. ) Wyu. EL I.r. ( 3l'.n. ) . 4I'm ;
90a0. ; .Norrolk I"t'r"s : ' , tea 15undt : . .lOluam :
ClOpttt : . . . . . . .1St. Ioul Ixlre.s. tulda . . . .10:3.m . .1:35.11 :
6.eaves U K. - C. , H'I. J. & C : : - - &
Olaha , Unlol Depot , 10tl' & Mason Clts.1 Omaha
: : . . : . . . .Ian.os City Duy JX"I. S : 6iUpmn ; ,
6liptmi.IC. : C. Night F7x. \ u. U. I' . 'l'rans.6:1intim : '
- - -
m -\--A Hu l \ J'iC."rrl .
. Ottiahul ! _ \ tegiot . . 15th and \Vebler . h4lj9mnatia /
O:40amo ; . . . . . .151. LouIs . . . . . . I.
9:30pm : . . . . . .HI. l"tla Ixl"es. " , . . . . . . 6:0511m : :
! ; lOimn . . .Nebrnbka ' - " J.leol ( cx. Stilt. ) . . . UOdl :
Leaves - SIOUX - (2lT' - & ' 3'ACIFICIArrWCe -
Ulahl , . 1)epot . ISlh mini ! : ( . / J Omnh" .
4:10pm. : ; . . . . ' . IIl j , , llIe . . ' . - . .10 : al
J.euves 15IOt1XC1TY. 'JACWW 1.mrhes
Omaha I Ulim11 > 01. lOll ' , , i. MOBun lits. / U0dha
' Ci.itit ; . . . Sioux CIty l'aseemiicer. . . . . ;
, i5hmmi " I. " . . . . . . .1. _ I'atfI.I.IMII.ot. _ . . . . . .12 ; 3l : " !
Leaves - ' -'NION 1'X1'IICIC. - jAm , jives
Omaha \ Union Drltl. iOthi'd Jaln 8ts. Ulall
1..m. I ' ' . . . . . . H. a"ey , ' Wpm I . ese. . . . , . . ; .4"pni "
2:00pm..OterIafld 1..I'er. . , . . . " . & :3 : , 'm
2:00iui.1iea'tce ; & Stromnit. c 12s. ( ex. Sun ) . 84pu ; :
20111.Jea'lce :30.1. : . . . . . I'aeil" Hlrln.b I.kl're. . . . . . . HI\I :
1.lliim. > . . . . . , . . . . . Fasb . 1Ial. . . . . . . . . . . 4:1"111 : r.ln '
L ; "a I - = WAIOASIE IJt.W. . - - jArrlrei
OmiaitajUnlcn . \ Depot Ith ( IJ\t 'Maln Bla. Omaha I
7 , : . - . I.- pkn-l . ! . - l . . . . . . 1:3i
- ifIU .1' .
_ , "SOU. ' ' . ' ' ' ,
Ol-f 'i
Plnero's strong play. "rite Profligate . " w1
lID presented by Mlu Iarle Blrrolghs anther
her company at the ( lloyd on Monday and
Tuesday next , for two nlghll only.
"TII l'roOlgate" II soul 10e one 01 Ihe
strongelt % works thai 11 accomplsled al thoI
his produced-streng In 1.101 . , \rlht ; In text (
Ind anlnalell In action. 1 deals with the
truth thlt a 111811's yout' ) lful follies wi tlr
to for his old . 11158 '
scourges age. MIl lurrougls'
complny Includes several Illa'er 01 dlstnc-
lon. ( namely : John . 1olenl : , Iouls tIaseii .
Harry SaIiiL.Maur Theolore , M. Brown larry :
larloot , W. II ViIIats . Jehn lowel , : lu
ICato IMIH Marion \hol , Eloalior Pcrry
and I Estejlu 0101111. ;
slelu Oonn. -
Mr. Will M huh , rellreaentng Marie Jan
hell . Is tn the city . Mlu Jansen corea 10
the 10YlI the latter hnlr ot next week where
fIle and her company will l.reHelt . " 1olnon-
Ico's at 0. " her bright ; { nclCal cO1Ilety . which
WIS one ot her dlalnc his ot last aea800.
They Were LoL Loose to Cue or to Kill Last
1. Srl"h Out ( I. First ) Urnll-
nlc , ( : ol\rl II' Omte- I7IglmI Ii of thl CImi
-1..ltIretm I , ( : hlhN'lor , (111111
of " 'R llnJon , [ Ihor , I ( ) ' ,
This morning time sun rises II Omaha on
twelt.four new lh'slclaIS who \1 deal
out life or ileatim to the
lie tenth mortals who mlY
( all Ilto their itahitis. They were ralllate\1
lasl night 1101 the Omlha : Ictlcal college .
the lelc31 , te\artmcnt ot the Unh'erslty of
Omahn. The comnenceleni was held last
nigh al 10).t.s theater . 1 was the fourG
tecnth annual . cOlmencfmcnt of the tIiStlttl-
lon , Int. the class \IS the largest that was
c\'or gradhhated.
As ; Is usual at affairs of tIme kInd the
heater was PICIItIfIIIIY anti \ ) ' decorated
wih the colors of the InstItution. On the
right of the theater Ilonl time balcony anti ,
on h the ( boxes the college color was combluel
wih stringers of orange the ( color of the
junior j or mhldle class. On the ( left the ( WIle
vas contrasted \ Ih a deel' rtl . lie ( color
of f thc frlshman class. Ou the central box
on each shle was a blotter Illcturlns a
larg\ l white " 0. M. C. " on a tarl ( blue bac .
ground. The pIllars In the rear ot the
house h were draped wIth the ( lemon 0111 blue
ol f thl ( graduating class. A bannr of lid-
levuo l college was Susllell ( from lie ( center
of thc baleol ) ' . The front and shies of the
slage werc ntere.1 wllh a large variety of
\ott11 lilalits whie above \ as hun ! 1 large
AnJrlcll Ilag . In Ihe center of which was
111ce,1 l the banner of the graduntng clasa
" 0. 11 C. , 1895. "
The htoIIe was Ilet wih thl ( frlents and
reiltves rt of the grnlluatns pliyshclahis. In
the boxes
were memberR of tIme two classes
rj relllnln ! In the college . on Ihl ( right the
junior j class alid on Ihe left Ihe ( freshmen
In l the front rows of the ( balcony werc seated ,
some ) thIrty stldenls frel llclievue. These
look t Part Iii the ) rogrll with a serIes of
Ilswerlng yells that loft no toubt of Ito (
nature of thc event.
Whcl the [ curtain rose the grdultng
class , twcnty.fulr II nuintmr . was sealerl on
the left c the stnge the three WOlel of time
class lendIng a 111easlng ali ulusual grace
10 t the grOU ( They were the first laity grndmt-
Iles of the lnsthttmtloii. This fact was Ihor-
roughly ol'lreelnlcll hy lie audIence 10 jutgo
from Ihe ( 1\llause that greeted the women
whenever their nan"3 were menUonel1 The
right ! : stile of the stage was oeclpled by the
. )
members t 01 the fucult ) . DIrectly In front
were seale,1 , Dr. . / C. Denise. lie Ilean of the
flcult ) , Chancellor D. I H. Kerr 01 Bele\le
cole e anll Chancellor Wlnfcll S. Chapln
of evening. St LouIs who .Iel\ercd ( lie address of the
After lie reldllon by the crcheslra of the
overture . "Die ! 8choenu Gahatlie " II Snpp .
the l.rogral . of the evening was opened hy
Chancellor Kerr who delIvered the mer.
Hey. Prof. Charles C . SterlIng was expected
to be present 10 IJcrlorl hits Portion of the
Ilro/ra I , but he was Ina\'oldahly absent
The orchestra folowell with "Tho First
Heart Throbs " by Ehlritberg and then Dr.
DenIse Introduced Prof. W. 8. Gibbs M. D. ,
who confcrred Ihe ( degree of doctor of miteiht-
cine upon the members of the class. II In.
trorlucllJ Prof. Gibbs. Dr. Denise took occI-
shah 10 say that lie college had redeemed
thc large promIses made al the COl1lenoe.
mCll or the last 'colege year. gr\llaln :
the largest class In Its hIstory and I.resenl.
log In UI college the best facilItIes for lie
: S\I1y \ or medicIne whichul.1 . be still fllr-
timer Increascd In the fimture . The alto was 10
maim the cole e. said Dr. Denise secold 10
none In the country . and the hope was 10
Place It at the very top. The tact lint the
fOlH11e sIde of time worll was represeitted
In the class was mell01ld :
Dr. GIbbs congratulated the members for
successfully passing through their three
'ears' course. lie said that twenty or
Iwcnty.fve or tins best physicians In thc
city cOI11 ! be picked out who would he unablc
to pass the examilatiol that the class had
just [ Iassed. He urged thcm. however , fo
keep abreast or lie lles ImI not fall lie-
hlnl , , as most himsy ) PractItioners do. lie
desIred tlem to work for the curIng of dls.
eases anti not so much town Ill dIscoverIng
their eauscs. Durll thc next decade. !
sahl. this would bo the work of time physIcIan ,
as the origin of disease Is now wel ! estab.
ihslicd .
After the dlplcmas hail . been awarded and
anolher number "Ia Czarlne. " by Ganne
had been rendered by lie ( orchestra Dr.
Dcnlse. In a few worrs , Inlroduced the
spe.lkel of the evening . Wlnleld S. Chaplin . ,
chancellor WashIngton unIversIty or SI
Chancellor Chaplin announced lS the sub.
jeel 01 his address , "What Medical E.uca. . !
lon has Ileeti Is and Ought To Be. " lie
said thlt he would nIce ( as an example 01
the medical schools of lie 11st one ot the 1
leading ImUutlons that exIsted In lie coun.
try In 1860. There were very few entrance :
requirements then ami In Iheso the catitli.
dates were examined orally. thus not e\en
reqllrln a knowledge of writing. Irctcaly
anyone could enter who was 18 years of
age. The course covered two terms of
elghtecn weeks cache The course ot sllly
luring each ot thc terms was practcaly thc
same. There was 10 laboratory work . no
PractIcal Irealment 01 tl ( : sick and thc lec.
tures were Illustrated with whatever chats
werc at han : . Only two 01 time facilIty cmi-
Iaell In any real educatonal : work. That
the fault of this syslcm was reco/llzel by
Iho ( facIlity was e\'ldence.1 . by Ihe fact thai
It recommended a course of hires lerms ( 01 r
twenty weels each but Ihe ( werl ( of each
lerm was only a repetItIon ot tint forimmr ,
Umlrr Ibis I I s'slem ) a tlploma couhl he oh- :
1alnell with hems effort than woull mall n
man a Journeyman In any Irade.
This systehti conthliell the ( chancelor , was
remarkable because It consisted chleny of F
mOlorlzlng Ito stndles. There was no
Ilucleal work Ill whleh specimens wcre
hiaiidlcil. The main object of school life ,
which II to [ encourage a life of study aftetp :
leaving school was not obtained alt alY )
such systcm must he defective. I was nol
much better than that II vogue In guropo
II Ihe thirteenth century hut II couhl he
explailcd thel hy Iho ( scarcity 01 books
Such an cxplanaton woull net do In 1860. (
Hatler It was due to She fact that mellcal
teachlll dll not advance a mcdlc.1 11011.
cilga hall
This system said the chalcelor , conlnuell
Inl 1868 , wilen lie ( Chicago Mc'lcal ' colcge
Itartell the graded course ut three years .
loaditig the medical revolutIon which has
contnued ( since that ( ( lImit' . Now le\'erl
schools hind . lelglH'nell , ( their courSE to lour
years anti oliei ( were following. I reo
lila I tied wit it the I publc to help l Ihls I move .
mell along . for a bug as It supported i
mal who had olly two years' Iralulng II it t
medical school lie ( ) 'oulg men 01 thu ( cumin
try would only study hat long on accoult
ef ! Iw saving Ill tme ul.I . % eXlOltsit. )
"lut ( It one of Ihi best colleges ot thc (
Ilresenl day 18 talIH tS nil example " con
Inued Chancelor Chaplin . "wo thud the etc
1IIIIalolS In wrllll but still not 50 ' 1m-
cull a8 the enlralco examilalols ( to lhe ( besl (
Ica.lemlcal . colleges ot the COlnlry. Still the (
Ilrogress has been ilitinense. 'i'itu courSe ha s
heen Increased to four year ot thlrly.fve
weeks ach. This Is still small , howe\'er.
ill comparison wih gnropean countries "
Yet Chancelor Chaplin at' mich room
for imIrovelnen Ito thought the cntrancl
rllulhlello , rhlculolll ) low. Much 01 Ihe (
btldy Ihat 15 now done ill the ( mellc:1 col-
Icgo ho wish Ill to iceo done In prepualory ; 6
schools. Time clements 01 the sciences shouhl
be learned there In order 10 establish 1
sclen11o ( way 01 thinking ( all of cullvatnK $
hiabht of observation. 'I'here ( should bo more
laboratory work. lie aha though that as
moler , medicine Is scIentifIc I houhl he
pear other IclenUfo ( courses an.1 . Ihoul.1 .
therefore be a part of I uiilt'erally. A meW .
cal college should he located II a large elt > 'a
where there was access to hospItals.
The chancelor was ala dechledly In lava ; ref
ot slate examining head I. lie uhl Ih3l (
such are widely conlldered as tyrannical , and
I was considered that ( ( the legal authorllc :
had no right to medlie In the Iliat icr. lit it
ho argued Ihal al here ( are laws for the
l'roleclon ot the ( Ivl ot .Iomeilo and wid
_ . ' - ' _ - - - - .
nnl181s $0 Ilch the ( more ought there be
lawl l for the protection of hlln 1\1 . Til
lorl intelligent ought to prtecl the les
Inlellgoll i : hol' give tIme people nol what
t hey want. bul what they n\11. Thertfor
ho constder that lie ( Itato ( has the ( right
10 t 'Iuacks. l take the Ilaltr In hand anll keel out all
Wlo TIP GltAitIATES , \I .
AI i tIns oncluslon '
( of Chlcelor , ehRlln'
remarks the ofheslrn relterc.1 "Nalla . " by
Delolhe. Pehlnwhiig caIne the presentation
1o 1"olowIIR ( alc \resentaton
1t f prizes by Ur. Ilenise. For the highest
totnl t marks II the fnal l allnntols Miry
h I . Tlnll ) ' oballe,1 ! , the Prize whl ) llor . .
' 1. I Ilelnrl anti lrira : : I Judkils received ,
hOlorahle lucIttlOn. Thl Prize for tIme blsl
nnltolllal ( specImen was awarded to C. W.
1.ons of the elass of I9 ! ? .
1o Thl\ ent ,1 , Ihl Jirugrani . all , while the
orchestra ( ren.1ered . Ihl "nrau Ideal" march
Ihl stage was crOWllel1 wlh thfrlenll of
Ihe I grnrlitstcs . whn cll/ratula [ Ihel on
/ !
heIr UIIISS ' S. The gr.itliiatcs 'IHI , heir (
. t dtlresse arc :
George Il. llleknehi . Ianlake $ . 11 : George
, l tJorI.tluan. Oloh.Olrgl : N' . lhtieliitrt. % 'in.
nll'I ! : rnest I S. elSf. Syracuse . 4eb. : Wit-
ls h W. loait 1.luloln 7 V'rt'tiertck .1. ! rl\er ,
018ha : Albert I I' . " tzsi Iii hltiiiis . j.t ) \ lii Clr ;
Eugelie l 13. In.lel. Ialora. lIt ; 1,1\enl % , ' A.
fl ick. SUllerlof : iiarrino S. lllekuk. Carroll.
101. t Neb. : J. ) larslson . Oril Neb. ; 1lr1 I ) ;
:1. Jittlkins 1"ulerol. [ l'eh. ; .10 efh S. 1.1
P ant . Omaha ; VorhePI I.uc" . North 11ole.
Neli : Charles O. : lnlol ) ' . Ue'I's I.kl' N
I L ; Wilam L. Morrhll. \oot hUger. Nrh. ;
I lelr I ) O. Munson . Omaha : Joint T. IrlnHle.
! C hiadron . Neb. ; Wllal S. 1(0111' ( ) ' . HII , 0.11 .
In. I ; Jalnes A. SOler\II' . I7ilgerton 1 [ . S. n. ;
ChlrJes 11. I Stevellsohl . l.ahlRa. , 111 i t 111 1' .
S iitiiiter , 11100111 I n / Oil . Neh. ; :111) I , . 'llle ) ' ,
CoulIl lImIts ; dwll M. "lsol. iiloolnillg-
tOi. ( lit.
Their "nnrls ' " \lrl l'ulll' time City him
II 1 unit ! .111 I I 1 l'llltll I I ,
The annual sprIng ! cellln ! of lie ( cl ) has
bee h I talllg ( I lila cc ilitring the hiash elht i I or t n
d ays. Six otcerl have been going , nlnut ( iii'r
cly t'ltlt notices to property owners to dealt
u p ( heir Itrelulses. TIme vork has been iiiore
t htorotigim ( hail in iias ( years , owIng 10 ( lie fttct
( list It has been lilaced ettliroly in ( lie hianls
e f ( he Police. Ill lornier ) ( i4 sanitary lit-
s pecora ( of ( ho barth of lletltlt : have assisted
I n the vorlc , but ( hey have hover 1)100 very
s iiccessfiml. ThIs spring ( lie board has had
1 10 inspectot's auth coiisetliieltIy ( nIl tIns vork
h is bremi delhI by the 11011CC.
Nearly 250 notices have beemi serveti ever'
t lay. , \hi ofllcer has been assIgned to an alley
and Ji has traveled through ( his froiti the
riser as far vcst as Thirty-sixth street.
I 7ver9' yard was examined. Three days alter
( he IloICCS ( were served ( Ito sante alley was
again travereil to see that lhie orders had
h itteit ol,2)'eh. : So far fully 87 p. r cent of ( tirse
who have been itohilicil to clean up hiav5' iioie :
SO. 01 ( lie reiiialntlitr tltrec-fourtha iire s'IhI-
l og to tb so , but although ( hit' ) ' have itotllled
( lie hit aitht ottice to that effect ( hey coiiiplatn
tlitt : miD wagons have 140ii ticilt araittid to
carry c It ( lie rubbish. It is saul ( hat Maction-
aid has brui trying to do ( tic' sorl : wIth as
few tealtis as itussibhi ) auth on ( hat account
the cleattlng U ) has been comualderably hIlt-
t Iered ,
ltri'imeltlnl 'l'r.nhl. , Iiillvpii.
"I bad a severe attack. of Iiromichitls. I
called a phYsIcIan aitil lie Sahul that I hail
COilsuIiihthOit aitil would not last hong. lb
l eft nio soiiio miierllciiie amid alter it Wu5 gone
nil cough returned. I began biting lloott's
Siirsaparilha nod liavo taken six bttles. 1
how have ito cough anti sleep veil at nIght. ' '
Mrs. Sarah Richard , 1.bbot ( , Nob.
Hood's l'llhs cure shck headache , bilious-
Ii @ 39.
Moat All Share Alike ,
A verdict of the jury was returned in ( lie
StIlt of Sheriff 1)rexel , ag the successor 01
etc-SherIff Bennett , against 2.1. 0. Maul in
favor of the former for $3,100. ' ( 'lie real L
parties In interest were a niimmllmer of creel.
Itors of lthoadcs & Slevers , This firm i
failed and made an assignimient to ( lie sheriff ,
whiersupon Havens & Co. , attached ( lie coa' ' I
stock , Time effect of tlmo verdict Is to snake
all creditors share alIke In the proceeds ol
( lie failure.
- -
112115N.Il. ( P. , lId'ZIS.
\v. T. Davis , Hamburg , Ia. , is at ( lie Mil. .
lard ,
\v. D. Driekill , Spearfish. S. 1) . , Is at ( lit I
I'axto ii ,
Ex-Senater Paddock is registered at ( In I .
lellone ,
Reuben Toft Is registered at ( lie liarkel .
lrom Bassett.
C. P. Shicehan , Casper , W3'O , , Is a Mer-
chitnta guest.
.7. K. l'owers Is registered at. ( hO flaritci
lenin Millard ,
Isaac Wimititoy. Griiinell , ha , , Is registereC I
at ( lie Merchants.
0. iii. Stanton alit ! V , Ihinrlclis , Carroll. Ia , ,
are at ( Ito l'axton.
Harry' liunton Is registered at the Ilarkem
( rein Sommthi Omnahia ,
Il. It.Vise and s'lfe , llraimiaril , 1hlriii. , am
guests at the Paxtoji ,
J. N. I'aui and 1 ! . I. Cook of St. Paul
Neb. , nm'o at ( lie I'axtohi.
Mr. anti Mis. C. 13. Dodge of Ahilaticis art
guet itt ( Ito Merchmamitis ,
Mr. antI Mrs. (1. Vi' . lCall , Brush , Cob. ,
are gimeatil at ( lie lohiomns.
J F' . hush , LaramnieVyo. . , ( cole diii .
ncr at tIme Murray yesterday.
Monzo Il. Stewart of WashIngton , 1) . C. , Ii
In the cIty , the gimest of Mr. il. Itosewater ,
1" . It. lIhitie ( if liluIr attil J , J. Sniv ij C
Beatrice took tllitner at tue Arcade yestor
Dr. C.V. . IIahtlt'in itnil M rs. flildwin : ci C
Iilkhiormi took dInner at. the 2.lercliaits ( yes -
\v. M. huh , hiuslmiess representative ( a r
MarIe Jumisdmi coliipany , lit quartered mit tin
Jisephi ) MclCover , ativnco : robresentntivi
for MarIe litirrotlghui coIniahiy $ , is atolipihig U
tIme Itarbcer ,
At ( ito Mercer : C. Kirk , Ira Mallory
Grainl lumlantl ; 2.1. 0. Siinpsoit , Noihatcay , Ia. ;
S. S. Eitghislm , l'agie C. N , lburdliig , Frank
liii , 0. ; l. A , Slitittucic. San F'ramicisco ; Vi'
( , Iuiauiiio ) ' , Geneva ; F. It , Fast , Neis''orlc ;
I , , II. Season , l'orlaiiil ( ; FilViley , Qumlticy ;
it. Oneile , St. Jon ; IaiI ) h'umhiivantiina ; ii
T1il , Shiimllis , AlIiia V. C.Shiickley , Geneva ,
Nehirielc mit tim , , hh.itil , .
At thin lillllaI'dlC. Ji , , lezirbormi , W'ttyile
(1. I 'ortl'r , Gi'uicytl.
At thu. /tti-uitle-\V. C. 11111 , Illume SprIngs , ,
" . Ii. I I iiiiitiirt1y ,'oln.
, \ I t hi U I ) i'l ioiie-1 I t ) Iii t Al I 11cr , NoroI Ic ; .1
A. 2.1 hIll r , \'albey ; l' . ( ' . iitflhiitilulii , J'iutth .1Li
, t t lie i1erdliiiIis--1 ( , A. Cm1Vifl. Coliln ,
bits ; 'I' . .1 . Ii inc.V I hit-i' ; 11. I ' . 2.1 yet
I .rnit ; hI. S. l'itghiuiht ' , I2i : gte ; ICreil lchte II
italilitfI' , Ariltuntoim ; V. 'I' . 'lletix , North ;
'iii I ( ( I ; \l a I t I ) aughtor t y , Oga lii I ha ,
JC.iJ , ; ; ; .TJ'ITIII. ; ,
Tiiiii oveniug tIns 0. IC. cluli will lirosemit a
latlghilible comedy , "Vacation , " at I Iarl
tmlahi II 'S haIl , leoi't yii C I Ii ii liii C Il iii I iig at tee tt
Seiitiily-se'eit builhulimig hermits WCYO iiiiIe- '
by thu lliapt'ctor of limiiiiiiiigs tiurilig ilarchi
i'lio eggregale cnt of the structures to Ii 0
erected I $ i',87.
i'itittl ; Ryan was uri'etcti on Sherina 0
ttveIlmmtu while trying in ihisliose of a set if
single harness for 50 COiitfl , lie ias locke tI
up ( iii ( lie c'iiarge or beillg a suspIcIous chat . -
nctrr ,
A warrant has 110011 issilcil for thin nrrel t
of Archilu McCoy , 1026 i'ioitthi ligliteeiit
street , OIl the charge of keolillig a vicioll .5
dog It lii claittieti ( inst ( Ito aliimmiul bit I iazt
.Jmiilgtm luntly's condition has not ma
tonally iimipro'etl. ho is ColIllned to lii
hobo umid eannot lnuIc above a wlilepei
owIng to a severe cold which has setkil ( I ; ;
hiii throat and bugs.
i'cier ' hlaronie , a h-year.olu1 boy , was ni -
rested \'ctliiesiIay evening antI lockeub up o 0
( lie charge of IncorrigIbility. lie throw a 11111
We' through a Itiato glass window at lIC ;
ieisrnnhml ( roet awl was caught hmy tIns ni
eilpanL of the buUuiilmg anti hold until II to
liatrol vag0n arrireil ,
Ordinances are being htreiiarcd for lii to
Issue of bomutle on a numithier of old linprovi
hilelits , TJieao are illetriete In which Ii o
original issue tins bieemt exhausted anti ( I to
city bise tteIt aylng 7 Pef cent oti ( lie wa
rants or toltie (11mw ( i'ast. As thu tiont c ;
only draw 5 her celit additional 1100118 wi
be issued , ( lIus saying the guy 2 Per colt
'rho aggregate of ( ito itaue is as follow 5 :
b'aylng , 210,000 : alley pavjug , $1,000 : cur
Ing nllti uterlug ( , 79O ; grading , $22,200 ,
. . ' . 'w---e"-i , _
Roo1voc1 at Last Night's Meeting otOitsns
to Execute It ,
A Iii frommi ( lie Cottitty in l'iirehialmmg Sri-il is
ililliril l'nr-.tqqit'lai.t $ $ ( ' 1mar11 It'li VItl
( 'omitrul I ito lmit : _
'Itii City OIllviitl 'i'nttay ,
A ltleetiiig of citizn st-as called In the
C OiIhlCil chamber evening for ltecfeetin
a rrahlgelnclits for glvitig ( lie poor of Ontaha
a n nltiiortlnll ( ) ' to raise crops ltiilmi the' city
l Itttit Import vacant iilits of lantl.
TIic nIesting ellterel 1Ijoli it long ahli , timor.
( hIgh dahlviiss of tIme '
sitliject. 'Flip otltcotit
wtiI . aim agreement uihioll a lihie of SCIIOII vhiich
\.iiI hit. 1)111 Into
execujrjm ( at
011cc , as It vas
g earrally coimeetled that no tillie Was to ho
l ost.
The Itlaihi tlt't.aIbs tiC this i erIc are left in
( hiti haiit1 of tlt , \stioc'Iatei ( "htarIthes , to act
I ii cOilJ II Ii Ci bIt % Vi t hi a Ii I lie clnt ri ltihihi' orga III-
Z 611L1115 of till' clt3' desIrIng to assist.
l'or ( lie heat le' day's ( lie Associate I Chir-
l tie' s III hiobtl Its hmeaibtiuiartcrs In the city
h ull for the iimruose of colmIhillilig as COliIpleto
i t. list as PoSRhiiie' of thi iirotiabbe offerers of
ta t atids , together Ithi a lIst of thin amothut oh
a v.ilhahie property. Efforts will tibso Ito titnul
I i ) get ilnanelni nsshstnnce atnl
It , It is hoped
t hat tIns county comiititlsshoners tli@
or @ cIty , or
b oth , niay L. . Inubuecit to tb soltiethilog sub.
S tlhitiai ) ill lIds dhrictIomt ,
\I,19'or IIclitls tt'as callc'il to ( lie chaIr antI
c x itlit I ned t hat. I I I lie ' ' lel mit tile It" for poor
r elict ViS ctrrht'tt out it would probalily sava
( hid city amid couiity a great theI of nioney. Thi
C oiiiit ) ' alone Itmighit Ins alibe to save SO i'er
c citt ott ( he score of ioor relief.
Secretary Laiigiiiaiuti of ( lie Assoelatol
C1ICI lles ( stihtl Ito hind seen a slmiillar lhlie of
relict work carried out in Great llritnin.
\ Vorkiligimieit hail linitle t Ii e malt or : i Itoh I ( ictil
l ssite thierc' , vitlt tIm result ( lint cIty cor-
por.itioits iltlw liutraihe ( lie liiilhl tiC wiliht'tlng
I aliiis to this toor.'ere It lint. toe this ( liii
Poor cotilti scitrec ly lIve' ; as It is , they even
I iiahitt littlite ) ' front the entcrpri5e. ' 'it. Is
it i troPosed Ii ) nhib all iiesorvliig mcii i'lio desire
t o orle , ' ' said Mr. l..atighulatitl , "hilt time
I dler or liamiger-on at ( lie miabcoit lmo refties
t o ( ah , a lutind , It Is hret9 ( vehi agrccd by
tha Colmmmiilssloriers , will go hiuiigry next
'vliitervliemi lie coities to ask county relief. "
l7xlilalniiig tlto iiamt , tlr. l.anghltntl aat 1
t iittt It , eiiibrauceil t lie fuiriii .shuiig of 11100-S
alid hialeows , ( lie I1rCItarimi of 1ht hand and
the stlItpb'lng of ( lie .sceut fur ( lie Pool' , tlitis
l eitvhiig ( hem notlitlig I I ) tIe hut LI ) 511111)11 )
I , II 1)1119' 1 hot r OW ii It era a Ilil Cii I tlvat o t lit' aol I.
One ordinary fatally is to be ghvcmi a lot ,
that is , iiboti ( oiitithril f an acre , as Alt alI -
I ot iii en I , ii hi1. lv I I I be expectetl to pttF I it oiio
built to JiotatOa , 'l'hte citthre cost to ( lie cIty
ought mint to execel i.2O0 to I,500 , l'roh-
ably thu cost per lot for seed would be $ L
and for ltreplrliig ( ho groitiutl 50 edits.
COlitiiiisslolicr Stiuhierg dealt with ( lie ( Inan-
clal aspect , statIng ( hit the enuitit ) ' hail Isetl
Ill ) Its IiIesttuit icvy ahid couthtl do llOtiiIIlg
irolxibbytiitil ( lie July heS3' . 'l'hte city mitihtt
begin to do soiiietliing _
City Attoriuey Colulteil offereil ilftcen acres
of land lit ( Ito vo3t of ( lie city , callIng at-
teittlon to ( lie ilifleremit ihilaiithes of liitl , tltat
iii ( lie west nutub hiortli being the niost level
niul best. liotiglas county mmilghi ( daliato ( ho
Iouglas aildltion lots.
Conimnlssioner Jc'nklmta irOPOtCil a 10 per
cent assessment au salarIes of city anti eouitty
olilcials to SUh)1)hy ) money , Tins fact ( hat
2,700 apphicaiomis were colislulereet by the
cotiiity last wimiter iii gIvIng relict showed
that there is'as a dehilatiti for actIon ,
11eV. John \\'ilhiains charged the ofilcials
with a proneness to ( nIle rather ( bait do. lie
st'euilh have all ( lie Societies in the city take
a hiaitd. The Associated Charities alone couid
do nothing.
' 1' . J. Mahoney SPoke of ( lie legal aspect of
obtainIng relief ( roil ) tbie hiobilc authorities ,
showing ( hat aid had beoti given ( or celebra-
( Ions on varIous occasions , amid once au
entorgency lied beemt muet when Kelly's army
passcd through Omaha. Tins mayor anti
otiir were smmstalneil Iii ( heir position by the
courts. A. motion mnttde by Mr. Mahoney that
( lie various organIzations at ( lie city call ott
( lie county conumnlsstomiera at tlielt- next meet-
log aiid presemit a mitiflotnent of what they
ccimltl do In tIme way of furnishihtig applicants
anti ask for aid carrIcl ,
James \'tilsh declared ( Ito matter 110 ex-
llCriliiehlt. The plaittltig lutIst he done be-
tO'eeit April 10 and May 10. leurmiish ( Ito
baiiii amiti spades fuel ( Ito titusclo altil potatoes -
toes would be fortliconling. ThiOUslilItIs of
acres we-re lyIng Idle.
A general dlaetmttsioit followed as to whether
the Associated ChiarlIea ( should have assIst-
alice or not iii tIns mnnnageiiient , It was
filmily ilecbareil as the souse of ( hue meeting
that all oIlier orgalilzatioris be requested to
assist ( lie Associated Charities in pushihiig
( lie ciiterprise , A niecting of Its olliec-ra anti
( lie city and county authorIties was called
for 2 o'clock toulay In ( lie mayor's olilce to
perfect arrangeinciuts.
Mr. Laughuiaiid stateti Ill 011)511117 that ci-
reaiiy land hail been tlonatctl whIch would
lit all iikeiiluooil be liceuleil , 501 I'rhnco hiatt
inatlo a proposition ( lint ( lie taxes should be
rcmltletl on ( Ito laltili of the donors ,
fl liiit it JmIc'itjlgig ,
is to have strong hierves , and how mans'
urn denied it. They to Witumil nature lies
been hiiggartl in this respect can enjoy nerve
vigor antI qtmiottmtlo If they use liostetter' .
.Stoinachi Bitters , cue of ( lie finest liervines
anti tonics iii existence. lyspepsln ) , a pro-
hue sottrco of nerve IttiuIeiiijo , is lmlvnrlally' '
overconie hiy ( lila genIal mncihiclhie , which Is
also Iiotellt as a rehilcily for mnalarlai and
Icltbiioy trouble anti constipation. -
1tiiittlumi'i to I liii Creche.
TIns following donations vere muatle to ( its
Creche during ( lie 11100(118 of January , Feb.
rliary multi i1iilCli of ( lie prlsent year :
l'rovlsioiis-Cenral ( bakery , Plealc bakery ,
Mrs. J. II. Millard
, hiebret' , Ladiea AId iso-
daly , ! tlri. l'.irker ' , Colirlhley & Co. , Mrs.
Loggc-t , a friend , Mrs. J6Iiiibali , Mrs A. I ) .
Morse , l. II. Lodge of Geoul 'b'eitlplars , Young
Men's Clirltitiuto association slid Mrs. 1111-
Clothing-Mrs. ltmtlltult , lion AntI club ,
leaveiiworthi school. Airs , Brocle , Mrs.
Marsh , Mrs. ilennaril , Mrs Ii. Ii. llarrowa ,
a frlsiitl , Seeing , Mrs. L. S. Reed , Mrs.
Cockreli tihitl Miss Harrows.
Mlscsllatieous-Icclioy & Stiger , dry goods ;
Mrs. Peck , flowers ; Mrs. A. Li. Morse , 51)1511
( ohio ; Mrs. Colby , toys ; lit , ltanchiott , tterv-
ices aiiib miieuliclnes ; Gerinail club , use of
lelelili000 ; a frIend , books ; Mr. hiiiiit , iaiior.
log parlor.
I'apera-Mrs. Walker , Mr. llostwlck , Mr.
NCIliitiJ. Mrs.'alters , Miss llat'rea's ,
Mrs. Jatiies Megoatli , $5 cash ,
Sum Ii I iiJ it mu' I iimmt 1. gim I mist 'ryii llitiill.
Alt tiijumtetoti ( is sought for by AlIllette
. ( 'ii r ( ' - t' 0 grm I ittlt I Ii C Ill nb Sti vi iigs ha itlc ,
It , ; nhileel-s itnil ( Ito Ilts ( NatIonal 111111k ,
She iIeIt' , lii restrain tile tlefeiitlants ( roust
( liiflsfdx'rilig uiectmriticn Jitlul by ( lie bunks
or ( loll ) iitteiilpthltg to realize upom theta
Uii t ii hte ctt it ( 'sa bli sh I Ii a macri t a of her
: , for t.7Q' : ; ' ) Oil account of i1L'ltOSlti $ lntie
( iota tIme to ( unit ( or yevirai yeats past
% 'ltht ( lie 1)11)10 Savings Iianlc. ifIme oliegeti
that Ihtu l"lrs ( National htanlc ltoitl a , large
( ttalitIty of iialnsrs On which It svili renliz.m
iiiitl lltjtilthuoe ( U claint ititd thitj shmu ( her
( iUi , uile5.M tIle ( ) Is gralic'tI ,
tlim I 1 r ( it mmli J'rog ra In ,
The last meeting of ( lie Unity cltmb ( or the
suaholl 'lhl lIe held Friday evening , .Altrll & ,
S'flell the ceSriotitlo section wIll discuss
"Mnitetery l'anica , " Mrs. If , 1' , Lewis will
read a paimer Co the "Nalimro and history of
l1aitics ; " . ' ( lr. VIiiiiimml'alIaco will discuss
( heir "Causes , " antI Mr. Thionlas ICilpitiricle
( hit'lr "l'reventlon eiiti " ' '
ltrmneily , 'i'hio liheist-
togs of ( lie dill , are hielit Ill ( lie lecture rouns
of thiiity church. corner of Seventeoiihi ( antS
Cues ttroti , anti ore otiem ; to ( lie public ,
- - .
¶ mVhen Ilaby was ahci , we gare lie , Cactotb ,
When sliti was a Child , ihto cried for Castorla.
When hi ( iCtZliiU Mitd , alto ciomigl'i Custorta.
'i'heo ' she hail ClJlil'.eeiibhoo gavuihem CaEtCL-14