i : : _ _ _ . , . . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -------z : : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J . _ 'J'llE OJ\rAITA \ DAILY 1i1u1 ' li"JUDAY , Al'UITJ ic. , ifltL , _ _ _ _ 5 r ; OPENING MAY BE DELAYED -"I - - Aotlon' South Dakota Officials Oompllllf . cates Mattera on the Yankton RMorVo. mCE , POINT OF LAW IS INVOLVED I ofu.t "hat ) JlltH"'t ' the ! iuIIiiii Have In the 1'raUII\I'tlon , , JlO\T..vcr , IA l'uulcr -"ulIlerolil Colorcd Men : After a Chul.lnhuT. - ) WAIilrINGTO4 ? April 4.-SpNlal-When ( : ) Stcretary ot the InterIor Smith returns to the city he will most IUely flnrl a very dell- , ) calc case , Involving U line legal punt ! aI\ItIt- log his decisIon , The telegram at Agent J. A. Smith or the Yankton Indian reserV3.tloD reo 1''Irting that : the state of South Dakota Is I maldng an attempt to file ( on 50,000 ncres of . , lalHI In that reoervatlon has been recel11 nt j- the Indian ofike and referred to the general sand offiet' No t'Cwlon ha ! ! been ! reached . ! and ! the matter awaits the attrntlon or the secretary or the Intt'rlor. ' . Il Ic I now a question whether thIs compllc3' - tlon will delay < the Issuanl'e ot the Ilrl'SlllenL's proclamation opeiling ) the sUrJllu3 lalHls to tet- tlel1lt'nt In accordance with the law. The l'rO\'tslon by which the state ot South Dlkolll t Js authorized : < l to take these 1:1I1ls : , Is c'mtalnell ' j In the Inrllan npproprlntlon ) act or the last , ' congre : s , which says that " .uiy state or terrl. tory enlttlell to indemnity school lands or entitled . titled to select ! t lands \ ( for tdlll'ational pllrposes ul\ll edlltlng : law may Relect ! 8uch lands I \ _ ) ' wit hilI ! the houllllaries ot ! any Irllllau resenvaN tion In such state or territory ' from the sur- ' ' plus lamll ! thereof purchaed by the United ! ' State , after allotments have been made to the Indluns of such r'servatlon and prior to the opening , ot such reservation to bctllement. " The omclals of the Indian otnce say that the I law on thlll polnL III very clear , 111111 that the state has the legal right to select thl'Se 50,000 acres of land beer the reservation Is opnet1 I for 8t'ltlement. They say that the > state probe S bly has this amount ot latllls due It by ren $ : SOli of former openings years ago , and that It Is now IIUemltlng to file on the lands In ac- corrlanec with the law of the last cangress. % INDIANS I XIl1B1T PI-CULIAIt : INTI InST. : 4 ( The ol1lclals. how'v'r cannot assign an ) ' reason why the Indians themselves shollid be ' Interested In what Is to h come of the land , I since It his been bought from them and they bnve hren laid for It. It Is now a maW be ' .c t\l eon the United States government and the i I Btatl' of South 1)akota. I > One reason ndvanced I for the oPllosltlon of the Yanlttons Is that the y Indians claim there was no such provisIon In the ngreement entered . ! Into betw'cn them am . 1 the rellresentatl\'Cs of the government , and I - that they understood that the lands , when _ t xe bought hy the > government , were to be all I I opened for settlement. It Is not Iwown m . whether the Ilreshlent will 1sui' I the proclama- t lion at onct' lie / wl1prolHbty \ , In view ot the I uncertainty , withhold the issuance I until otter . r the Inattfr has lIeen settled In a proper man r Iler In favor or one of the sIdes Involved. The 3 ubbtnCt' of Secretary Smith however will not , ' . . delay the Issuance , as It was stated at the \ : white house today thai the lridermt } would sIgn the Jlroclamation and return Il to the f - " Interior llelJrtrnent ( , regardless of the ab3ence , ' : \ or the secretary. . J A Ilellllon sighed by a nurtiber of Indl- I ans , Jlrotestlll ! agaInst the action of South r Dakota authorltll'S , has been received ! at the ! epartmenL hut has not yet been sent to the 6ecretary's olllce It will prollullly beheld U\l \ ! unlll tire ! return of that official , Nothing ! has been heard here or W T. Sel. ' t wyn the Indian who hal ! been delegated hy' ' the YankLons to Ilresent their IlroteSt to the President In I'erson. As everything with tht' exception of the issuance of the proclamallon p. ' : rests In the Jurisdiction of the secretary of' ' the Interior , an uncertainty exists to a lang e ' extent , and the return of Secretor Smith will be awaited with Intere-st. It Is possible that ' . - . he may upon ( his arrIval issue an order \Ire. venting all action on the part oC the state In I $ tIling on the lands until a lull hearIng Is had ii " Bnd the legal rights ot the Illdialls as well as ur the state have been seLtied. I MANY U'TfU THE' C1lPLAmCY. There Is a nnmber or call1ll1latel for the ] position of chaplain of the Ninth cavalry , stationed al Fort ' ' . Uoblnson. This posItion was madl vacant lIy the dlsmlssnl of Hellry V. I'lullllllt'r November ' 1y on 10 , 1891. l'Iun Iller was tried by court martial amid found guilty or helng under the influence of Intoxicating - toxicating liquors. nnll till Ilreslilent ha\ng ! p 3 ; npprovell the findhlb'1i of the court the m1 colored challlllin was dlsmlssell. Among ! Lhl ( I : ! tm oppllcants for aJlPolntlllent Lo the vacant : ' ' - chaJllalney Is H. C. C. AsLwood a colored i politician of this city. lie Is elllorsed lIy C. H. J. Taylor the colored recorder of det'ds for the DIstrict or ColumbIa , Who has 1 , flied with President cleveland a letter In favor ot the appointment ot his rrlend It 7 Is Ilrobablo that time appointment will be l mndo withIn a week or ten days. Oil the Hilh Inst. limo survivors or Lho ( I National ItIlles or 186t will hold their ni a- 'p 4 ' IIUal reunion In this city to celellrato the ? ; i. V thlrty.fourth onnlversllry or their muster Into the United States army. 1 lallorate i preparations are being made , and It Is i expected - pected that the occasion will 110 one ot note , Paymaster General Stanton , who was or mo ' . or the memhera of the rifles , will be vreoi rut - ' at. the reunion. K' t The ernl.loyes In the oUlce ot time superln- ; j lend nt or tire Treasury department ) are rio in ' t } ' Ilrepnring for lie ( annual worl of o3UPII'lnf : . ( " : ' time Unlte,1 ? States postotllce buildings of the I (1" " cotntry with fuel to 110 used during next , ' : ' ' wlnLer. The Iupplles arc nil /nJdl / by Co mu- 'i' Iract and the award Is usually given .to the ( lowest bll\cllr. \ The all\'ertlsenwnts are issued by the custodians of the varlou& buildings , subject to the onllr ot time l'4ere. ' . tary ot the treaaury. The hlds wht'n r 0- . celn"ll. are opened hy the custodians sent Washington , and examlncd by tIme of. l1c1als here , who authorize the custo"lans to award the contract. There are about 2 .40 . i " or these IlUhlle buildings to he .ut'plled with i ! fuel and the olllclab In charge ; at the de. J partmont hero will be kept busy > > for the greater 1111rt of April In pn'parlng the IIsto3 and issuing till necessary order WIlL nl ' 1 WO lIIO\'l'IIS : IN NIU\U'\UU\ . Call1ol ( 'ornml..loll111 111&0 IU1 Illtoreat- c mug Iournmor VI&l'litlIlU. WASIIINGTON.11111 4-11 Is expect mitt 4 that time Nicaraguan count commission will ' Itart for NIcAragua within two weeks , as It ' II reallze.1 that the limo at Its disposal is I short , when the work ) to be done Is comma Id. < crOll. Major Iulllow inrolubl ) ' will be the , proll\clent \ ot the commission by virtue of his I ' brevet rlllll of colonel , lie Is now In F.n Ii , , . . , nnd on duty aB milltar altucho or the Alum mr. : ' : . leans omhaiill . allll It l Is bello\'I,1 his thoruu glm ' - ' J . ICllualntallco with the British view of the' ' .1 canal project wi le or Valll' to the cerium Is. ? miami. lie will I" Instrucle tiy cable to ta lee the ( Ilrat stearuuer for the Un11"1 States a 11 I : ole \'asiiirigtoii. ; . The conunl&Hlon wIll , ) rganlzo and oUllnu its plan of oll'ratons , 1 Illd then go to Now York where a thorou gim I tumlnallon will 110 mall" of thd designs ot I the survey anti 1pllns I ot the I canal co rim- any , with time IIUr'oso of saying hub anll 't work In the le\c1 \ Returning Washington , . J the enlnlsslon will receh" formal inritni Lie : tons trom time secretary ot stale amid Ire , I' eeOI to Mobile amid sail on the Uuuilei StaIrs , Ihlp lontglmory for Gre'town. It thl ! ealltlrl 1 i. termilull or Ihe I en umal . 'll' season will noL m ' . be wel SUII' < to leld work . , as there Is al. . 1\'aYI an nhUltlalco ot rain to he c.iieCted II 'km ' t the .ummer months and the (3rt ) ' will have I to "rough I" i ( rllclJal i ) ' on ( lie I east sldo , - - - Where time swamp jungles are ImJlullo emu , horseback 11\1 there ( are no roads. 'rho . canal compan . hawe er , Is doing what It . cal 10 faciliate the ( labors of the commtl" I 1101 11.1 hal already sent orderl to Gre'towl to Jut lobort'f to work chopping away iIa I Jungle trout time canal route. I Is bele\'e.1 . 4 that with anrage weather tht comnuuuis lou .t & I complete its work II Nlcamgu" II abul , two mouthB alli be bathe In the United Statel tt'llly to begin the cOlllllalol or its report , which must be neatly by next November . ' . ' ; rIIU for ' \11) . \Ip. WAS1IING'l'ON. Mini 4-SpeclaI ( ' WASING'I'ON ANI 4.-CSjlclal Tele- , pamn.-2eeonti ) lAeutenamut Ulysses U. \ \ or- rlloIi transerre,1 ( rm coml.an I to omJlny U , 'r\l'entleth infantry ) ' , CUl'Laln rank laker , ordnance . ! epart _ q * ' Ipnt , will proceed from " 'atellown arsenal , . , Ura : , tl the Hholll Island ! state camping , f1 Irountl on buslnel J rlllntnl l constr uc- S lon or a sea coast battery for Uhode Is- lan : d. Calltntl Will II 1 J Pitcher. Eighth In- fmin tty , II granted ten darl' extended leave : rrl LI'utmant William t" Wren , Seven- Illth Ifantn' , , four months : e'tHln John .J , Illlln , IYhth infantry , four months and IH""n da)1. ) T'lutpnant ' Colonel ChArle A. Wickoff. Ni ntm'ettIi ' , ' " , Nln"tlel'lh Inr'tr 10 > t ( "hnllaln nuter W , Sllrlller. I"rt Thomas , Ir. . nllll 1It'u- ten ant ( ' .lon"l A. B. Carey . pay department , are In the city emu brief , hsits ) : OT Jnuul : L.Ni 1 TO no AltUNU , Clalhl ! In ! nlonmollt to Mora Than the T"IRI lrruu. ' . nf the h'Rh.h ' : WASIXOTO , April 4-The report or w. I. Chanibers . United States land commisioner to Samoa , dntell ebrunry 3 , 1895 was made Iuhlc , toda ) ' , Mr Chambers was one or three commissioners appolnte by the treaty Ilower or Great Briain , Oermnny and the tnle < 1 States under the provisions or the Berln treaty to adjust and settle all clnllns hy nlens to hands In Samoa. The nnnual lNlng or time' committee was heM January G i ; , 189 , at . 'mpla. The report Includes all the tit le l'Apers to Samoan lands and are of cou- rlderahle value. An exhibit attached to time re port "hows that the total numlr or clAIms Oell before ( lie commission was 3i)42. ) or th st 1,422 were German , 1,757 British , 307 Ameican , 326 French nUli 130 miscelaneous , The total claims aggregated ! l,6l.S92 acres , \\'hlt' time Islands contaIn 9OOOO acres. Only 8 ua per u cent at the claims were conlrmell Time \s bulk of acreage claimed by Americans I : ! rejoctel hl'l'ause of the manifestly hiadefin ' uhim ate consideration gIven for It antI bt'Cause the ( titles were decctvt' Uller several or the provisIons or the treaty. About 21000 acres were conOrued \mcrlcans. . 103t of them helonred to a corporation comp03cII of San 1"rancl eo ! tociehiolders.'e "At the time the investigation took place " sa's Mr. Chll1lbers , "thmt corllorltlon was Insoh'ent , and Is still reported Insoh'ent. The tit hes 'I'ere conOrmell 10 certain trustees No" of the stoelholdcrs resided In Samoa , RIII liO far ns may investigation of the mater went , none or thcm hall ever resided there , nor has the COmlany } nor Its trustees nn agent In the country. Deductng the lalli confrmed to this corporation , I thInk I a sCe cstlmate that not to exceed 2,000 acres w ere conlrmed to all or the American claim- al uts . Of thIs lain ] . the ( land or this San I"ranclsco company Is for sale , and Is liable to 11 ( sold , Ir nt all , to England , or German"s sullJects rather than to other Americans , for , 'hntever InducemlntB there may be for Englsh or Germnn investment In the Sal1loan Islands , I cnnuoL see that there exists any I roe son for further American In\'estmt'nts " Contlnuln , Mr. Chambers said li heard of only nineteen bona tide Amerlan subjects In the country , exclusive of oll'lals , anll dCs not believe there are thirty Americans there nil told Inch\lng those who claim elti. I znshlp through : naturalization. He says there are several wel.to.o . ! \merlcans engagell In mercantie pursuits , one or whom Is the wealLhlesL man In the countr ) ' . Some of these are married to native women mil lmrabIs a bly wi never return to the United States "I have been thus explicit In reference to the property owned I ) ' Americans , as veil as to the number or Americans In the coun- trr , In order that time dellrtment may Imow our relationships to Samoa as they were de- eloped In the course of the iruvestigatlonns Into b land titles , arid IEcame I In'estgatlous to let our govermcnt know how Ilblgnlfcant such Intelt'sts really are " Iu reference to l'lgo.Pago bay , Mr. Chain- hers says that the claim of lie ( United States go\'ernment was examined and conr trmed , but that the claims are by uo means valuable as the American public seems to thlnle. WhaL are thought to he the most valu- ullle parts of the shore ot the bay have never been acquired hy the United States The harbor h Is so heel ) and the bay so small lint not more than three or tour ships couhl be anchored In case the wind was blowing either 110\Ing to t tine mouth or the bay or oft shore. He , recomUends that Ir our rights are considered I Lo t bc really of value steps should be taken to t acquire such additional rIghts as may m alta those already held of use He argues , howevel' h , that the station Is not Ikcy to bo or f further ust' , anti thinks tire advisability or maklug m further investments ! there should be full ) ' consldere,1 before taking nnm' further , stepa II the Uuler , ) : iXTY-TWo TIIOIJS.tNl ) ( OI'lHIGITS. BooII ' , Somigi amid Other l'orkru ' Sonls 1111 'orliR GIven l'ro- tocton DurinI I.ist'ear. . WASHINGTON , April -The annual ro- Ilort i of Librarian SpoIord of time comngnes- floual library for 18J ! will soon be Ilrllted , I I shows that during the year G2,762 copy- rights were entered , as against 58,956 for 1893 , and ( lint 40,208 copyright publications or all kinds were receh'ed. or time Itublica- tons ( received about 11.000 were books , 15- 000 mtslcil compositons , 10,000 PeriodiCals I and 5,000 piuotogrambs while the remainder were made up or dramatic compositions , engrvings , chromes , prints , desIgns maps and charts. Mr. Spoford says there has been a steady though not rapid progress In time extension or Interatonal cop'rlghts. This has not hllherto h been so largely R\'allell at lIy for- ! cigni authors as was anticipated upon the Ilssage of the copyright law In 1891. There ; has h , however , been a very large copyright protection extamitled Iy It to Germans , French I anti Englh musical compositions , ns well ns I wel to lner class of works of graphic art , such L as line engra\'lngs photographs and hail tone reproductions . ! or the art or Illustration . , Shisciat COllnl..ton , 10 I x.mln. . itIIA. ) \VASIIINOTON , . \prl -In answer to the nll'ertlsement sent out by the Navy de. partment some Ume : Ig0 , calng for hire Ilosnls for IJlhng ] three torpedo boats two cltsse > of bids were leeeived , one for buliti . Ing tIme boats unler , ' Il'cpared 111nnl of the dlllartmett , tnd enl mutter original plans orlJltal submitted } by time hlddel's HOle of the , hlillerH have tried to persuade the secre ' erSlule tar ) ' of the 11\'y that tiueir t ! hiatus were lt- tt'r than the tit'pnmtnntenta .IOHlgIR , mind real- ) izing that the JUlrral olcerH might fret a natural lredlsloHllun } for their own idans . ' the Recretnl' hits rented n specliml \Iam' \ to examine al nf tine dORh nl HI''cul report Ullon their merits . The hounl will meet nllt Monday to begin Its work wt t'snm "mnellc" Wuut time 10nlr" " . " 'ASHIXG'ON I , APril 4.-Secretlry lien - bert line received from the Chamber at ( 'unuuumierce of SUI 1llclHCO I ] , rot'Ht ulllnst the acton of the tepllrtment In reo Invhll fm Ihl Pacilc coast stnlon tin- M ( intone ) I bunt especially designed tot the ? Iroteeton of time Pacile coast cltie. anll oh minus I thl Ilb' fillmore . I la\'nl cllrl ( tlre , 'bls reforR to the orllr , Ilefenlo Mont1'rl ) ' l'olmun.ler to I"'oceell 10 Calino , Peru , , ' - ' Calao H'eretulj' herbert bas reimhleui 10 the Ilrh'st h ) ' Minting that the relll intl , been ortiereil Hhnl10 make a ( ' . 11,1 1ln ( souther Pacle waters . amid . that the ule- . partment lumeN HOt CUmIemuuiItte ) milaeiuing cuntrmllate Itachlng her 1'1111enly 10 a ( ot'IJn latlon. I . iiwa t'oolm.81.ro. WAShINGTON , April I.-Speclai ( Tele- grrtmui-Iown ) posamasters ' grl.-Iowa wel'e allOllted today its follows : 1mI nro\'e , Guthrie l'ount , M , D Scott . \ 'iee 1lulon 100th , re- Hlgl'lli ; Iititlem' . "eokll , coummiy , J. II. Jomie . vice 11 V. . " ' , Its , rfslimme4l ; NOI.tlne 1. , 11)lonth county , A. A. 'l'nttz. vice ( I. I. ' . Itleisteck . 11&111111 : laul'h Chunk , Mnimaskn 'llt ) ' , 11 M. Ill'k > ol. \'Ice Clinton Sher- 11111. 11111'\,1 ; Port tumid , , terre Oari , o ( 'Outtity , 13. F. I.'cl , vice 1 a 1'1) Jucoby re- blgnld. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1\"r"11 I 1'l'lllln I 11 I I\ WASIIGTON. April .I-Asslstunt Secre- tar ) ' He'nolds of the Interior department has overruled time decision of time last auhnmulnlstra- tlon as to time lne or mhuty or soldiers , hcld- mu. , that a Bull r being engaged In private buslno4s anti noL In the Ilerformance of those things which the law required or him ns a milltlr ) dnly cannot le considered ( In the line of dut ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ : . " : ' 11'0'1& I'm'utomlieei ' , WASIIOTON , Apll -Sleclal ( } Tell grunmu.-A Iostolce hums been eltabl he1 at ! Iesco , Cheeltt' county , Nth" , with James I rul us imuietummamuter. } ebrbka PLslmtmster $ were commissioned luu.l ) ' al ( ohlows : l rlll ii. Kretschlur , Bnrtorl. : 1'Jlhram : 1 Wl/sch / , horace ; War- rn 11. 'erwller , Antelope. rlI" llnru I'.jol&llllltIOltS. . . W.SINGTON , April 4.-Cadet uppint- ments to the ( 'nited Stutes military alM.demy hl\'t been Isull this week as follows : George 1) . IrUI ) of St. ] .OUIHi ; I U'n.ttta. , Wnls Ilternle , of St l.oull ; Laurence I ) , Cubell of Dallas , 'ex . : S. I la1'kland , alternate , Waxahnehle , Tex "Ibli Ic.uI by OlroA e\l'r. " 'ASHINO-ON , ' \Jrl . -lostmaBter Gen- eral Vilson has already been . . Wllsol crowded ! with aluplicatlomma for pohtions , man ' applcatons 11091tonl many persons leemllly helng oC the opinion that a change In thl head of the depantumment means deJartmellt meals changes In other positions . WILL \ FIGUT IF NECESSARY - . Venezoa ] Will Not Yield to Great Britin Unless Oompeled by rorc PREER fXTRMINATION TO DISGRACE UOIr,1 the United States Wi Not Stl\nll bT nail Bee TIIHn lepahled-h1eaonR livers hiy JnIIRni : Wity , hhltra- lon 18 i Itejected. WAShINGTON , April , -1 Is i stated by . persons In I position to speak } with authority , thaL as soon \ent'zuela Is convinced Great Drllaln has Onaly decided . ! not to arbitrate or settle the boundary dispute lS suggested by the UnIted States through Ambassador Ila yard . the southern relubllc will regrt't- rully but resolutely resort to what she regards - gards as her only conrst' , n resort (0 torce. 1 Is dNlarell : that lien people are read ) ' to se e their homes anti their cities desolaLel1 Inrl laid In ashes rather than submit to what they regard as national dishonor It 1 Is sall that time contention with Great BritaIn Is noL so much one or territory as or the Jenthlcnt and honor Invo1'cl1 So fin muily Impressed have the p2ople become with this that the ollinion Is expressed that the ) ' would rather see their country go out of existence than I'ass ' Into tIme practical con- , trol of a foreign power. A strong hope hOle seems to b entertained on the part of the Venezuelan fo\'ernlent : that the United States ! \ ill not stand idly by If a resort to force Is ' m ade. I Is understood that the posiion ) ( of Great Brlnln In declining the suggestion of the United States for the etlement ! ot tIme trouble wih Venezuela Is substnntlaly as Collo\s ; i'irst 1 . Great Britain takes the 1)051(100 ( that tire queston of arbitration rae once be fore iurohbosctl by Venezuela At ( limit tme ( the forelgmm oile gave the RUhjectmost carefnl comnaideratiom ) and submnitteti ' ' conshlertlon sullmltell n reply emhollln/ I Il'Ol'osllon to arbitrate certain .lllnle bulljelts of controvcrs To this Iloll081ton Venczulln has never Ille a re ply. either n rlllly ncclptlll or rejecting the I'ro- posed h.H'ls oC ntmbltiatioum. Vller the clr- cUlstnnces I Is noL deslrhle to proceed cr- I st'colll proposal of arbltrton whel ( lie tin mt remains unnus\crell , t\ Heeond. II ni } ' event , there are certaIn portons of th territory to which Venezuela Il : ! , cnhn _ whIch umlcr ito cIrcumstances Wil le mnlle tie sumijeet of arbirton , as the ) are I eognlzed portons of the Unitisir Britsh d nmucin and ' lomlln : arc lot therefore a subject cii 1 01 which , the JUdgment of arllllrators could be Invnk , Third Time suhject matter Is one between Oreat Britain all Venezuela , so that the g oot olces of the United States are not re/lllll ] us Issentli t ; a setlpmlnt , a8 It Is not Illerslooll that the Unloll States has assumed a protectorate over VelJzlela or has h oilier Interests titan that of I friendly i ower. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Clulurs n"colltlul'l In I lie Chuierimo . " -ASIINGTOX , April -The navll in- sp eetloir board which reeenl ) ' made I care- ful i examination of the United States ship ChleaAo has mlll ! I report to the secretary of the navy suggesting Important changcs. 'r ho board expresses time Iplnlon that her bater ) ' should he brought UI to Ilate That while the relulnr eight Inch guns roust be retained , rapid tn' 1\'e Inch rifles be sub- stltutt'd for time six anll live Inch brt'ech lomlers. I I II nlso held that the masts and rIgging of the Chicago are of 10 service .JapRnr" " l'IICI,111 to Iltiwall. ASHINGTON , ALirII 4-ln I report to tle State department Ellis 11s , United Statls consul generl at 1010lulu , an- lounces the hrrlvll there 01 1urch H ot the German Ihlp Indlpelulent , with 621 Japanese contratllborers , Ill belnl women They arc under contract to work at $2,5 and the womel at $8 per mon ti. Morton , Jllrrmlllec' to Stop tll Lcak" WAShINGTON , April -S'cretnry Mor- ton , In orller , to prevent the monthly grain reports of the Agriculturl c department frm Jcllnr to speculators In advance , has made elnAes In forty.four of the 8tlte 1J"leles Ind futhel' melHures wilt be tllen to pre- : vcnt leals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lilule.ton S"II" } for Nov ( hvanl. \YASHINOTON April & -Tite Ullted I Sates ship Charlpston sailed yesterday from I Chee-l"oo for New ChwanJ ChIna , where tin ? Petrel has been laid . ! up In winter luarLers In i a mud dock . oc Secretary Iortnn , Slims Iteeoverod. WASHINGTON , April , ' Mon \\\SHINGTON Apri 4-Secretar 110r- ton , who has been confined to tire house for sl\'ernl days iiy I cell , was so far recoveret I t emmy ns to be able to visit the AgIculturl reoverell I delmrtment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Iontorey Illk for UPllalra. % WASHINGTON , April 4-The Montere ) ' hAS nrrlved at Mare Island navy ) 'arl , where she wilt prepare again for her vo'age to Callao , Peru. . r,17'TRI IMY Sl.T , U.fTlRRC.Wl. Large l Number at Iudeponiiettcoattcndtni I the international Vonl4ireime. KANSAS CI'1 April 4.-Every train nr- niring at Independence brlngH tresh arrival : , for the opening of the International confer- enct' of the Church ot Latter lay Saints I , whIch begins Slturda ) ' . Preslllnt Joseph . r SmIth will nrrlve " ' Sat Smth on I"rlla ) night or - uray morning , and will preside nt the tie , - Ilertons. Next to the ileslrlent the coun- cil Is highest In alllhorl ) ' , arid nt present consists If Alexandfr Smllh , ane . \ \ ' . ( present t , Herman C. Smith J , II. hake . , Joseph Iuf G. ' 1' , Grllth , Janmueni nafnl , J. H. Lambert , W. H. Kell ! . and g. C Lambertf ; church conference was preeedril ! ) ' an In , - tcrnalonul conflrence or Sabbath Ichools , which ol' nell today , with Prof. Gunsoly of Iamonl la" , preslln , . . lice ? ( timIng tl' .I lnnalR City. KANSAS CITY , April 4.-Durlng the last ; six weeks the price of beef In Ills city hUH Increasell so rapldl ; ) ' and IO constantly thut the IJtchers , to say nothing of thei' Pal : - rns , arc cunnmIaining. The butchers say It I h ; not their faul nor the fault of the Inck- : ers , hnt that time whole dltculy Is due 10 the increase In the I'rlce ' DC hive cattle. II time tme uoLed I'rlcea have increased 30 to 35 l)0mcent. , .f.l.1M } . " -Ut9J4Tflfl TiE I'l.AUIi - IO\YR'a Stnlnr Prnltnrolh } lie Ml\thnrd ' \olh 'ih IncIII/ IhnAnlf , VASIh1NClTON . April 4.-Speclal ( Tell grar , ) - ' ho poslh' ' tatement was malle this morning In Iho ' Washington 10lt that friends of Senator AIIaon are organizIng a. . strong movement wl\l \ < onslerable capital II ! ortlr to further the Prk11ntlal candidacy or I the senator frol 10\11. Before his departure I for his home In lu1nSenator Alison In- formed the coresondtlt of The lIce thaL lie was makIng no efort'Ur't'cure time Ilesldtn- tal nomination , nor rh'lng that sUbJt'CL any consideration , 'haLewr. , lie stated , on the contrary , In an emnphntc manner , that no orgnnlzaton had bCn 'utn1e by his friends or woult be mate with hIs cOlent lie frankly stated that he has no Present ambiion other luau to be t'lecLc to succeell hlmselt In the semmnute. The statement mate by the Post will Irob- ably be quotel' widely by Ilresidential rumor makers , but I cnn b denied t'mllhatcalr , , UpOI sel the nuthorl ) ' or Senator Allison him- - - HnhlAal\t , \III'7I' " limo Vignmros. NEW YOnK , April 4-1 Ii. Kohls3nt , the well knowu Chicago miionaire , Is lt the hluliammil 10ust' . lie arrived In the city last night. Speaking ot tIme election In ChIcago , Mr . Iohlsaat salt : "Thero Is one edt thing Il connecton with this electlomm. When HOlklns ran for mayor eIghteen months ago , the A. I' . A. cam out ! bOlll against him Ills Ollllonent wits a Protes- taut , nlli ho was n Homan Catholc , 11 , never knew religious lInes 10 be so tightly I drawn In politics . hopkins was elected This time there were tht' same clements In the electloni. Wenter , the ( defeated candi- date , wa n Roman CAtholic , Swift Is a MoLhodlst Despie this there was not a word or religion bronght into time contl'st. In eighteen monLhs the whole idea veered around and the peollle righted themselves where they were wronlNI ; before. " Inrrl.on , \ Xot Hoflsl. CHICAGO , April 1.-Jamt' S. Clark- son , who II In Chicago , stated positively tOll ) ' that ex-President harrIson Is 1 candidate for the Ilroshlenc . "General " "Generl larrlson , he saul , "Is not an active candllate , perhaps , hut he certaInly 11 a 'receimtive candidate. ' I ndt ho Is . 1 think , one of the most prom- . bent If not the most Jromlnent presidential candldato now before the public. As 10 who will be the parL"s choIce In 1896 I am , of course , unable to say , but It Is very cer- taint that General Hnrrlson wilt accept the nomlnalon Ir It Is tendered him. " Alny iteq mu I . Limo 1) ) ifl'iti I lonnt In I " 'I""nlotll , MILW'AUKEE , \'is. , April 4.-The vote between the candidates for the supreme court jlulgeshlpClcmentson nnd Winmslorv- will proballly ho very close and It may reo quire the olcial ballot to determine the re- sult orL.nlne counles of seventy In the state gIve estlmatell returnl of 19,901 for Clementson all 19,579 for WInslow. I.IIIIIC th" ( : o.t.f 'I"I.hon" BIrr. NAShVILLE , Tenn" , April 4-A bi has passed the house limiting the rent or tele- i phones In this state to noL exceed over $ Z i Iler month on each imrstrtmnmrenrt A motion to reconsider was entlrll Nc"v York 1'"Uce 111. IRkrn Up ALDANY , April 4.The New York police bills were taken U\l \ In the senate today by unanimous consent. ' . l"OU'C 1lAIWY wJr.i , lE 1UI'E"CJ. Colonel I.RwtOI of DCllvcr Orl"rcI to 8' tnll.1 Uladqnlrtero lt Santa I.'e. DENVER , April , - lonel Lawton , inspector - specter general or lImo Jt'partment ot the Colordo , bas received orders from " 'ashln - ton to t'stalllsh his hbadqllarters In Santa Pc. N M" , May I , thus , reoptnlng Fort ! arey. The colonel wIll be given a large territory to ' look after , extendIng to several posts In Texas : ' which hnve heretofore 'been inspected . ! from the ' headquarters or the Texas department. The chane Is In conforrnlty'wi'th I recent decIsion of the War department'to readjust the worl of Inspection so as to 'prevent the necl'Ssly or long journeys front HlsUng headquarters . , ColonEl Lawton will be succeeded In Dem'er by Major Wlrl Davis of the Fifth cavalry , , , who Is now nt San Antonio , Tex. lie will I boar the title or assistant Insllector general L ' and will operate at posts In the norther part ' of time Department of the Colorado and . ! other I departments as far north o ni Montana. TllEI ' rio noir Ul' TIlE j.i . rrir , - County TreRaurer' Cmco at Elyrll , Ohio , YntcrOI by lobborl ELYIUA , 0" , April 4.-An attempt was made to blow up the vault In the county treasurer's office hero last night A fuse ' was found this morning attached to the vaul door , whIch had ben plugged wIth nlLro- glycerine. 'rhe ruse appeared to have ben lighted. Half a dozen horse blankets covered - ered the door. The outer door leading to the office had been forced with a chisel and entrance - trance to the corridor had been gaIned by a window , which was found open A full out fit ot tools wa round near the vault , inch - catng time work or professionals. Throne Is I $17,000 In the vault The sheriff has telegraphed - graphed for an expert to tire vault open 11e vnul , as It Is feared that the glycerine will explode Ir tampered . ! vithi . There Is no clew to the robbers - . Two Men Hllo.1 In 111.n Territory , PAnlS , Tex. , April 4.-The following has bpen received at the United States marshal's office : "CiiICiASMV , I. T.-Negro Wilson and Carter killed by 10uston and son anti Mc . Knight The homicide occurred on Winter ' creek W. C , C.AIK , DepuLy ) Marsimnmh. . " Details or the affair canneL be leared , but I Is lupposed that the trouble was over a Illaee belonging to Tom Fletcher , a Chickasaw - saw citizen Winter's creek Is rourteen miles northeast or Chlcmlla\\ . ! \\01 \'o""I'r ' Jlml 10,1 , I PARIS , AIrl 4.-'ho widow or Alexander ' Dumll died yesterday I' . hu This country bas ever produced have been' ' victims to Consumption Said a great orator , in speaking of the death of a brilliant young C ( statesman : I Consumption licked the blood' ' ) from off the altar of his heart , and the ? ' 'rl twilight of his life came before the noon- . ; hour. " . It is not , however , the deaths that ) : have occurred , but those that may be prevented , ' , that most concerns us now. Your life , the lfcI ! of your wife , daughter or sister ; the life of your1 brother , father or son , may depend on prompt ! relief. The healh do not need a healer. I is" 1 ) : I ) ; the sick who need help , and need it now , before w the stealthy lung trouble has gotten beyond ) : ) ' control Ozomulsion is the most perfect preparation ) : preparton . ever discovered for the healing of diseased lung ) : ti5suc and the building up and fortifying of the ) system which is fast yielding to the advance of this disease , I is compounded oC Ozone , Cod ) Liver Oi and Guaiacol Guaiacol is prepared BY TRAIN ALMOST TO CUBA - Will Save Two Days for Pas8ilgers from Hew York t the Island. - SChEME fOR A RAilROAD TO KEY WEST - l'rOIn.tlon In Connect tin Rtr'nl ' nf bt- nn.h Off time SOl thorn J lll of Cuha nnl I TlnhlRty : lk" Thcm Into 1 l'culnsull\ . WAS ! 1INOTON . April 4.-The Cnban com- pllcntons have Increased the Interest ot the engineering depatment of the navy In the piln to extend the Jacksonville , St Augustne & UIHluan railway along the Florida Keys to Key " . I Is IlolntCI omit that this wIll bring Ia\'ann withIn fifteen hours by sea from the end or tire ralrond InsLead or thirty hours as nt present , amid will , 'astl' increase the Imporlanco or lie Islaml both for naval and riln'r purposes , The railway la now not far from the beginning - ginning or the chain or Islets that stretch from the sottlt'asl corner of the peninsula :00 miles In a southwesterly dlrt'ctlon These Islets are from one to four or five miles long antI are or a god brenulthm. For the most part , the \\'lter between them Is so shallow that a man can easily wade from one 10 the other Here ant there are deep amid narrow channeb , but there Is noLhlng that presenLs any serious enflneerlllg : difficulties. At first It Is probable the railway will be built on tr sles , but the work of filling ! In alound the later will be lIeltl ; Immedilltel' , lu artier to protect , the plies from the ravages ! ot teretiosorm. . I Is thoulht ; prohallll that L soon as the embarltmt'nt II cent- pleted In aumy place the wash or the sea will heap ill ) saint against It nnll that tire string If Islnntls will le Illnately converted Into one long peninsula. There are no heavy waves Lo destroy the work , which Is screcnell from the Atlantic by the Bahamn Islall The guilt Mrenm flows nlong the southeast of the Islands 8nll throws UII sediment on cache side In Its passage. I Is largely lIne to this ( ) stream that the 1lanlls arc now In exlstenct' , and It Is steadily adding to them. When this roach Is completed It will be possible to go from New Yorle to KeyVest entirely by land II a little over two Ila's. . Passengers for Cuba , or who are goIng thlou h the Nicaraguan canal when that Is comllieted , can Join the steamer nt Key Vest , thus saving a four days' sea voyage In i the north , Atlantic . . Alantic and ! . lSCallng practically all the rough water hel\.t'en New York and Gray town. At present there Is no Place along the east Florida r coast where large steamers can touch to take on passengers or freight , while Key West has an excellent harbor The strategic Imlortnnce of tire island and the railway will become much greater should the Nlc'aguan canal . he built. ' TO I'A l FUJI TIl 1 C. T. U. IIJJl ( . 'larsh.U t'lllt ( lcrR 'm'weimty-Fivo Thou- flUI l for th" " "omli' " ' 0111" . CHICAGO , April 4.-A generous offer or Marshall Field to the Woman's Christian Temperance union Is nnnounccd. My 'Ield promises I $25,000 wih the proviso that $275- 000 more ire raised by Jannrrary I , 1896. I Is IntendeJ i that this total sum be applied to the debt overhanflng : the Woman's Temple. The building of the 'oman's Temple Is the Set st financial enterprise In which a coterie or women intro engaged. The builth Ing l was erected from money secured lIy the sale or stock and heads. The association was capitalized for $ GOOOO and ! bonded for na equal nmount The bUllllnJ cost $2,165- 000 , leavIng a floating debt of G5OOO. The trustees or the Temple , wbo dlshurst' the gilt fund , have purchased over $300,000 ot stock , which gives them time controlling : interest In the building . When the entIre stock 'Is ' owned by them and the bonded debt lqui- dated the property wi bo deeded to the Natonal Woman's Christian Temperance union. One.hal tbo Inclle wi Tem\rance national society and one-hal to the states pro rta the amount each state has paid toward the building fund The ( line has conic when the umbra wants to make the \Vomair's Temple Its own In fact. Lady Henry Someret wrote to Mr. Field saying any fnancial failure In Chicago would be- disastrous t temperance worl ' t lmperaneo all over the world In a few da's Mr. Field responded with his offer , and plans are respndo ) feced to secure the desired amount. Mrs C 1. McCormick hns subscribed $0,000 $ and several smaller sums have bt'C1 added . TOLl 1I.IRJ. ) 1TUnl S UX CILISJf lanBRB 'eniteutiary Investigation Stirs VI ) : R Sweet /101111 : 5io. TOPEKA , Knn. , April 4.-The committee appointed by Governor Merrill to Investlgato Warden Chase of the penitentiary resumed its work yesterday afternoon. The firs : wllness for the sLate was Sadie Davis , a colored woman. She swore that Chnso was a frequent visitor to Matron Williams' room and mat Miss Williams often met Chase at the door , attired only In a wrapper ant stockings. Asked by Attorney Waters Int I she ( winess ) ever spoke to Miss Williams about her scant attire , sire replied : "Orro day I told her she didn't have , clothes ololgh on to fag a handcar. " Mattie Johnson , Ilso colored , corrobornLed the Davis womnrin's story. Dr. England , the penitentiary h'sldan , testified that Miss Wilhirtmns' reputllon ] It Morlten , where she uset . to live , WiS bad All Thlnl 11.llo'tl ImJrovo , IAITIMOI , AprIl .I-C. P. HUlltington and John H. Inman or New York , Abram S. HewlH the noted Iron merchant , and other emlnt'lt authorilps wi contribute views In I this week's Issue or the lalhnore Manrinfan turers' Hecord on the IlrOSIects for general business Improvement. Time majority of views , whll" of a cons rvatlve tone , are to the effect that business ( rom this time eon lme 01 will gradually but steadily hnlrovt' } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . I Many of the Loveliest Women ! i and Brainiest Men i w I fem a product of the pine tree , and combines ' , aU the healing properties of that evergreen. It qcts direct ) upon the diseased lung tissue , i hcalng the disease , whist it destroys the germ 1t.Iat , produced the mischief , 'I'he Ozone scnds ) t1 } red blood all through the system , loaded e , with the rich nutrients furnished by the palata- ) ) : blc , nourishing properties of the Pure Norwe- i ' ' 4an Cod Liver Oil , of which Ozomulsion is ) pmponnded , , ' : How careful we arc when a loved one is sick ; ( ' 'tb secure a reputable phsician ! We want to . ) be sure there arc no mistakes made. You wi t ' make no mistake when you buy Ozomulsion for ) I any of your family who are suffering from Con- ) sumpton or weak lungs , from coughs , colds , : scrofula , impure blood , or any wasting disease. I ; wi do all that is claimed for it , and more i : I is perfect , pure and palatable I is the ) kind physicians prescribe. Sold by all ( . druggists. ) - - Thin , pile women get plump and belutu ( on Ozoutuislon. ) T A. SIfOOUJ 00. , I8r Pearl Street , New York 011) , ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : For Sale by KUHN & CO. , 16th and Douglas Streets , Omaha. . , . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ' . , , - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ ' . _ _ b. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ - BOSTON * STOR6. We bought from Stetzel & Co" their elilire stock of ReUable { Gasoliiie entre lc1able ' Gasolne ' I Stoves at SOc on the dollar. Thi : , stove is sold clscwhl're for 2SOO and : _ _ _ _ _ G is worth i. i t PI'ice this Week Only _ : S 16'J I . . . I . . .s \ v- . The Relallcs have a world. wide i'eputation.Vc \ have them in all sizes. Small ones to rrpltaton. ) of low Cook Stove , and prices ) arc frol $2.00 to $16 . ° ° ' - ! - : ; ; ; : We cary the largest variety of Baby Carriages in the city. alt.i This season is the parents' ) paradise - ( adise in priccs- ; : Laat j'Clu's' $10.00 CIITinge now , . $5.00 fp \ ' - " " 8.00 " " . . /.00 t : I : I : : GOO I : : : . 3.00 BOSTON STORE N. Y/ . Corner 16th and Doug1as Sls , FREE FREE To the FREE FREE FREE Readers of FREE FlEE The FREE FREE FREE Bee FREE FREE - - - - - - r . . , A. Million Books.o " , S101' Books . , educational books , scentijc books-books in every deftarfvzeil o lilcratu'c-liiograpli..i' . 1 isfoJy , pod1' , natural scelce , religion , travels , music and r1'a1a , oltics and gover1lelPhiloso hy , social science , flue arts , advfturejuve- nile fcio1) fcton , essays : and miscellanies , cc" , ec , A I 1IILLION , BOOKS i . 1 Absolutely Free j to the subscribers 01 11E BE/ save only the cost o postage and malilg' : . Scud for Ille Catalogue. Over 1,100 titles. Any ; book iu the list vaildfrca oj charge i cmls il coil acom any 'Ihe ora'cr to ayr postagf wrapping . ec. This evtraoldina1' 1 ' privilege is ttc1lcd for subscribers ouly. To eslablsk your ' . t1dentI' as t subscriber ci tlte Free Book Distribution Cerij. " ' cate and 5 ( elts for each 1101u/e ordered. rVhen 10rc titan Olt j volume is ordered the cerlicil/es must be o dieret datcs . 3 1 Address Addres .j The Omaha Bee , J OMAHA , NEB. Frum nOOK DEAUTMENT. A _ _ . _ . . - - = rt : = ' ' Zrflt7t 1rflflfl.- -