Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 05, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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! 2 , 'rII1Ji Ol\AnA \ DAILY 1iE l , : FUIDAY APIUJ.I t , 1895.
- 'tlon of Caldwell the committee at ten min. !
utM after midnight , rose with U.e recom
menllntlon that the bil pan M It came from [
the hou8e
UI UI.TtO : imlli. IS l'A"51 U ,
JnrfccLUAI (1'IOltUol In Lhn SODale to
, MRklll" N. " " " 'H ' < ,
I.INCo.N , April 4-Speclal-The ( ) Renate
? -ommencell Its slzty.elghth day with a call
of the house over the Immigration l'il. ! The
111 wa read the aeconll tmo anll reerrl !
' to the commiee on jUltelary ycstertly. That
commitee returned the bill to time senat last
evening with 1 [ avorlbh ' , report , bnt the reo
port was net read ! I wa presented as the
frat pIece of business this marnlng. Tb ju.
dlclary committee recommend that the bill ,
lie passed just as I came from the honse , and
that It be advanced ! to third reading.
Sprecher objecte lie said , that the lull
proposed to create another tate ofcer and
to4 entail a large burden or rXI.clue upon the :
shte. The dutIes or the ofce propRe4 ! II rOilI I
erly belonged to the labor commissioner. 1t-
Bteall or creating a new omce , the wlaeat' '
timIng to do ( would be to strengthen an office
already creattl. ,
Iolle ) said that In his opInion the hil was ,
one or the most Important consllerel , ! by the !
Illslaturo at the present . seBlon. , In her '
present condition Nebraka nHhl a strong
Immigraton hureau more than ever In her
history. Aa far ns the labor commissioner
was concerned , ho believed that the stale
Ihould Illace th : ! work In the hanls , of some
man who would he able tu attract people to
Nehlasko Instead or driving them aW3Y.
Dale : sarcastIcally remarked that the senator -
r ator rrom Salno seemed to forget that the
action of the le lslaturt yesterday In passing
J two Important hi , over the governor's veto
vas sulclent . to attract ImmIgration to Ne-
Then Dale want ell the report to to over cnn
cay under the rules , hut he'a _ consillerahly : 01
Btart < hy ) n decision or the lieutenant governor -
ernor to the elect that Inasmuch as the re-
port lied hcen handed In yesterday evenlnl ]
I hall therefore already laid over one day
even I It Ilad not hen read.
Th : roil was called and It was soon dlscov-
oCI that tee wcre tot preaent a sufficIentsau
mnnber of senators to adopt the report hy
the necessary two.thlnls majoriy , A. cal or
time house was ( demande , antI after the doors
had hen closell for about thirty minutes the
requisIte number af voles was drummed up ;
ansi the rEport Ilollted.
The senate ! hel Proceeded to the consltkra. .
consll r-
ton or standIng committee rcports.
House roil No. G35 ,
rol ro. m31lnp an apllrollrlaton I
for the relief or Dptmty ShlH Ilt , s of Nance '
county , who was shot In thc neck amid sort II
G ously wounded whIle dcnllnp the lIfe or a m
prisoner against a mob , was reconunellle for !
IndefinIte Ilostponemenl. In spt : of the eun-st < t
effort of Campbell of Nance county to swe I.
House roll No. ISO. aiw a bill approprlatnp
money ror the roll r of 1 I ) S. Beynon , was In -
cefnlrly Iostionel. This was a somewhat t
novel claim. In R89 )
novl one Nicholas Foley mur-
ccrcd a woman named Ara C. Clark In ttmte -
lope county. anti Go\-ernor Thayer offered the
usual reward or $ : OO for th nllprehenslon of
the murderer. llynon arrested , the murderer -
derer hut before the trial could II
Ilell Foley was hanged by a 10h _ The district -
trict Judge refusell to give Beynol the crtifi -
cato that the mlrl'rer hat hee arrested and
convIcted accordIng ! to the
< terms of tIme gO\-
ernols proclnmaton offerIng the rew.rd. Hey - I
ton asked the leglslatnre to authorize the I
governor to pay time money , the tclmnica1lt y
notwltimstandlmig. The hOUll passel the bIll , ;
but the senate wilt not
Lindsay next turned the attentIon of the
senate to a Ito sharp practice or whIch
Crane. as chairman of the comaniltee on mu -
nlclp31 aralrs , hal been gulty. ! House rol II
No 246. better known as rockman's mutlal rol l
insurance bill , hal ben rererred to Crane
commiee on AprIl 1. II spite of his re -
peatell premIses , Crane hall n lecte and
1le < to report the bi back to the senat (
Llndaay said further that there were stron S
' Influences "t work to prevent the passage of
the bIll. Tie did not wish ,
bi. le to Intimate any
thng ! agaInst thc motIves of the senator from
Douglas , but Crane
county had promtse1 ye I-
promise ye-
terday mnorning ,
moring forenoon. yester y
; after dinner and last evening to report the
bitt. These numerous promises had not be n
tept. Ito thererore moved that thc bIll be r , -
bi rl-
c11e from the senate committee on munlclpll
naalrs and placed au general tile. Ills motto a
was agreed to without opposItion. Crane who
bad get wind or Lln say's ,
< purposl had dIm 5.
creety wIthdrawn whIle his conduct was
beIng explaln
The senate then went Into commIttme of
the whole for the consideration commite .
conslderton of his re-
forted by the sifting commJte . The bIl is
on the : sIftIng fe were Ilsposed or as follows I.
: House roll No. 31 , rellnclng tlc Interest on
alte warrlts , , was Indelnlely postponed for
. the rea SOl that It was nn exact connterllart
of senate file No 25. which had already heen :
1)0550(1 by both houses and
Ilasso signed by the
ernor. go C-
ernor.lolse roll No fl5C , '
lolse rol Rcketts' bill to sup- 1
prose mob
vIolence was taken up for a
' brIer consiileratjon , but
consldcraton was dropped upon
the statement by the chalrmun or time elf t.
lug commitee that the bill hd bean slf-
drawn for further comialtieratlon. wih-
The committee then proceeded to have
fl ama Ilterestng tIme over house roll No. 384 ,
known '
as Bonedlct's age of consent bI .
McKeeby made an argument against the
bi , characterIzing It as a piece ) ! mnYklsh :
sentiment , the work of
sentment unthnklng [ women
& , and boys who Ilew nothll about law. le
moved that when time eommmnittteo rise the
; COn\ltteo
bill bo Imulefinitely .
bi hlllfniely postponed. On dIvision
' McKeeby anll Hahn alone favored the death
i : of the bil , whie sixteen senators vote
against the motIon. <
llitcimcock then sought to amend thC b iii
by maklnp It roast that If any mula person
or limo age of 21 years or ullwanl shal isbn e
any female child under tim Igo of 18 ycam .5.
The bIll , as It passed the housl made mat cmi
of 18 and
years upward ammmemmable to time
Ilenablo pe n-
alIe Ilro\11111 by time act. Hlchcock's
Rle/1nent was votell down.
'fbo penatl then , by an almost unanllou
vote , ordered time bIll omlvammceml to timiril
' orrcrell bil otlvancer tllril rca ii-
: Ing alter
atluptlmig the asnontlimments
lIfer atlupln ! amollllents recol-
mended hy the judiciary commmItte' , . As
amended , time bill now reads as follows :
I nlY Person fhli have carnal knov , ifl
edge ot mimsv oIlier vommmnn , or female clii ]
alI" WOlln tllalo 1411
thun his 41tuirtsler ' . Chldl
1 : : lhter 0' Ister rue arorc
forcibly ammil 1i ni ' 119
. nlli against hlr wIl : 01' It' nn ) '
- main iernmm , of the flgu of IS ' I'
persol IRl } 'elll or u -
walll sOmalI carnally 1\0\\ " or Ihus ) 111-
femnaft' ' 11)
4 I ! l'hlhl
tell luler the 15gm' of 18 yemui rs .
! lrl.
with her COISt'"tL Illcpl flCh female cIu lii
s lmown ulII abuiscri tl over 1 ) - : chilI
I : . sage amid previously utmicimmuste . minti eve I' ? ) '
swab Ilcr"on so m orellln elmail lnt mieemmi
Iult ) of 1 Il lIe , IUIhnl \ Ihal Illelelt
I the (1111'ltlry not moru than twcnty
nor less thln tl'C years.
Time senate thcn * took Its regular noon
After rOCl'Sd the IH1nate took UII the order
of bIlls on third reading , first taking lp the I
Rouse depository bnv. it '
county tl'Jostory I was I'all
the third tmo and 113s ell ,
This bill. lS Jlssell by the sen te , reime ala
: the depositary law II so far II It relates to
the state troasurlr , Al time bill passed . the I
Iolso It only applIed to county uioposhlori Os.
3 II. contalnmEi the
I COl 11 IIUf 1ovl lon rt'jlealll
the cOltletng Icclol of time old I.Hv. ' 'hl
' prosomut law Is commlalmuemi In
( rosolt eonlllll,1 chapter I ot the I
5 Session Laws oC 18th. The lull patslHI ( by tha I
. hOlso repeulel\ sec'oms G , 7. 8. 9 , 10 mind 11
, of chapter I. I leavIng limo first five acetic 1
" , Brrtols
. untouched. Time Judiciary COUmltll\ roots lii-
! , mended the repeal of time entice chapter , 'fhe 1
1 : - . - . - - - - - - -
s ; arT ! CITJ'V.V , .U.OXu 1.1..1 OJ' IHtHW ,
Amittclpatlr.g tie Ilight
AItcpntrg tl'1 Hght
ot time Sub crtbll- to 1'aurttehputo In
- FlU DAY , Apri 5.
' ONE ] ClmTI ICNJ'g , with nyc t
-'eenta 10 ( cover lsostmtme , muulltng anti I
p lale Inllnn alli
clerIcal extseisat'a. cltll\3 thl Ilhrrl.
tier 10 one volume IIp.r \0\\1) ) , se- , :
lectoll from ] the i'rlntcd catuloRle of
the nlthu lce i'ree-llook limtmihu.
" DINtllhu.
ton , Send coils : 1' ' Ihl\II . . \ uOlwm I
" Publsher ' 'ha Ornrulmti Bee ,
lnE 1001 Iil5A IVI'M Hr' . I
. Olnlt , Neb
\ , ,
com mittee also llllell an emergency clause.
The report of the commlteo was presented
when hut few [ enter were present and but
few I any of those who had been let Into
the ecrot The bill al amended was then
orderell Immediately to n third reading withT
out being considered In commIttee of the
who le. This proeeellng took place thIs mornwhe
In ! After recess the bill was read the third
tim and IJassed
I was only when the lull hall been passed
that time discovery was made by Stowart. Thei
I was aPparently too late , but the senators
who dId not want the state depository law
rep ealed went to work and In hai an honr
they belIeved they were fortified [ with a ma.
jorl ty. -
Stewartthel moved that the vote hy which
time bill had been passed he reconsidered. lie
exp lained his motives by saying that the
jUllclary amendments had ) been consld.
erell In commlteo of [ the wimolo anll the semi-
ate tll not realize that the bill as passclI
rep ealed 110 state depository law
Iopo mallo an explanation In defense of [ the
bIll . Ho clalmell that the house bill
am ended the county law , but did not touch
time state law.
M cleeby Mlc that he mild not Imlerstanl !
the explalaton offered hy the senator Irons
Smul ino . lie said thnt for himself ho dll , nol
propose to ho a party to any trick. Ito would
vote t reconsider if I he was the only one to
do so.
POlIO i denied that n trick hall been at-
tem pted. lie sll that the committee's report
and i the aclol of the senate had heen lS fair ;
ns any proceedings durIng time presemit see-
The roll cal on the melon to reconsider
time vote resulted In Its adoption as follows :
Y eas-
/lo 'rM . Cros.q , MeIeehy ,
1eK < Iy
Ifla ck. Ia' ' . , Nu ) ' . .
I mai mer. Jffrle , lalhlul ,
Can , pls . ! I , . 1IU eehl.
Crn 's' , i.mmiI. ! IY , Stewam't-l ? .
C"I' " runl , Mll'hel , "Wi
N ays-
Ir"M.ler. 1Tillrik. , Itnhth .
1"llr'ok fmlh.
( lllw.l , ' , ie1e..oms , Rteur , . .
Orahll. I ' , " 'lt."I.
Ima tims . I0JI' . , '
lahn. 1\III.r" . 'tlghl-H. .
11eI'ork. I I Sloan ,
The vote havIlI heels rlconsllcre,1 the sensta
ala Illclately went Into commitee of the ,
whole to discuss time 1,111. After a few spar ,
rll g houts. In which MelCchy anti , Iope ,
see mumeti to he nle principal olllolonts , Mc-
Klehy mllle several allusions to trickery , amid i
salr l he didn't propose to endorse any "mon- :
key vork "
"noes the senator from Webster lntimnatc ,
that nny member of this body his been gui ) : I
or trickery ? " Isk,1 , Pope
"What I have said , I have saul . , " relorte(1 I
Mc Kceby. "and I have said ncthlnp for which Ia a !
I Iloslre to apologize. " I
"Whom does time senator accuse of trickery I
and monley work ? " again asked l'ope. !
" 10m not ems the winess stand In this
senate , " replIed IcKeehy wIth consllelahle
he at . "hut If I the senator from Saline wi I
stoll outside I wi tel 'him what I Imsean and I
I wi also ] give him a great deal of Informa-
tlc n which he will . "
ten wi hardly care 10 hear.
"I merely naked the semmator from \Vebater
I Ilueston , a rid Ir ho Is a geuteman ho wi c
anSIEr I , " replied Pope.
"The senator from Webster I a gentleman .
onll no senator 01 the foor will dare IJuesUor ;
the fact " was MlKeehy's retort
10th men were angry 'onll controlled ( Item -
selves with nn effort. The Incident closed , I
hut the senate had I narrow escl.e. . rrom a ,
The judiciary amendments were then con
clrrlll 11. anti the hi again passed II a :
vole of 19 to 12 , the detaied vote being as I
fo llows Yeas- :
. \k'r. ilitcimeock , Saunders , I
Itts < lc. Inllrok ( , Slnll. Rauller !
( ' .11111 , I.hl1- . Stetm for . !
( nno. 1cI''R , Tef ,
< . es. ' . ' !
" . Nyes ( " 'I'sn ' ,
Orham , 10Je , WrIgImt-1.
Hahl ,
lark. Dale McKeeb ,
h , isser. J'ffrIC. lathhUI. ,
( oIJl.I , Lehr. .Spreclier.
Cr awtom-c5 , Mitchell . $ to'art-T3. .
Ab3ent and not voting-Gray and Smith.
Five republican senators voted with the
sovel populist memhers aalnst the repeal of
the state depository law. They were Blaci C ,
Lehr , Mitchell , IcKeeby and Dack . I
The next bill read the third time and
pssed was house roil No. 540 , better known
I55 the '
imnutgratlom'm bill. The
Immigraton bi. measure was
passed with time emergency clause , just as
It came tram the house. I goes to the
goveror In the moring _
The senate then went Into committee of
the whole on bills reported by time slrng
committee and han < led the folowIng :
House roll No 365. by Robinson , to approprIate -
proprIate the matriculation fees of the Nebraska -
braska State Normal school , constItuting a
Ihrary fU11 for the use and sUPllort of the
li brary of said school. The bill WIS recommended -
mended for passage.
House roil No. 49 Introlluced hy Hal r-
grove by rluest , appropriating $60 out
of f the fund
Ihrary for the purpose of purchasing -
chasing the necessary cards amid cases an 10
arranging a card catalogue for time state
li brary. The bill .ecevell the sanction of
the commltel anti will be pas cd.
The committee also favorably ( considered
house h roll No. iii ; , also IntrOlnced by Hal Ca
grove by requmest anal providing for the
a\lroplraton of $ .OO for the purpose or
turnlshlng additonal shelving for the state
Ibrdry , and house roll No. 501 , authorizing
the boanl or supervisors or Clay county to
compromlso with the taxpayers of that
county the taxes assessed In the year 187 ' 4.
The taxes were never paId because of a
gcnoral belief that they were Iegaly os-
sesse < . Time supreme court has recenty ;
amrmed the legality or the assessment.
Time senate then took up time bill alrea ] iy
passed by the house to create a branch
sol lera' home at Millard. The bill Pr 0-
vhlc that tbo Milford Sanitarium shall be
ISOI as 1 soldlerH' homo by the state , pr o-
vl iding that time remit shal be free for two '
y 'ears. Graham was the frend of the bi ,
ald rounded UII all the arguments In I Its
f aver . I was ollposed by Cahlwcl , Sprecher ,
AIers , Cross and Jac ! : , Speeches In I Its
ra\'or f were ; malle by McKee by an,1 , Sloan ,
At the end of an hour's deb , tp time com a.
mlteo m rose with the recolnl no tel that
the bill ho Ilaszcl. ,
1.lllsY , from time committee appointed to
orrango for a Joint conventon or the two
houses for the IIUI'11030 of electIng six truJtees
for the State Institute for the humid mat No-
hraska City , reported ! that tim time hall been
IxclI : for 10:15 : o'clock lrlday morning , Apri i
G. t ; Jelrlel the IOI.ullt . lomhlr or time com-
mitee , prlsonted n lengthy minoriy rCII rt ,
In i which ho took the : ronnds that nnltr , the ;
'Ieclslen of the sUllrome court thu Insltutl'
for the Ilnd was not 3n educational ins U-
tUtol t , and therefore not unlel' , the control of
the governor. Jelrles luotl,1 rrom the su-
I.reme l . court to prove that he t governor hld
the t right to appoInt the prlnclp11 or tIns In.
e tltute. lie recommcndell that no joint cc mu-
\ 'enttOmi he hehl.
\'ntsoa arose to a question of prlvlle go.
l b said that ho hall served
10 < upon mummy co mu -
mltel's m , lolL hall never been treated In Sf
unglntomlnly a Ilnnr as h ( hall been by
Jefries , Ito ! all that Jefrlea hall concurred
ht thus majoriy report antI hall not nolnell L
time cOlmlteo or hil Intentll to brIng In a
minoriy report
, lcfTrIos smulil thnt he would hava male t I
full eXlllunaton hall Io been given tlm" . lie
chnrcterlze(1 Wntson'l words as unworth : ) '
of [ a gemitlemuan.
IWrecher nlkell that the report lie over one
day unller the rules. Time rules" ere , how.
over , slipellled , Inl the majority report
allol.ted .
Lindsay moved that the serglant.ut.arll
bJ Instrlctell to 10W ) Crane to relurl to the
senate forthwith house roll No. : \ I tim. . '
motul was agreed to and the lenate , at
610 : took a recess Int 8 o'elok.
At the ( \nlIC erasmus the senate ruumc"
bills 01 third ledlnc IIHI IHIsed laouo i roll
No. 8 providing penllUhl for cattle etc aI.
In ; Th" bill Ii dslgl ll to assist II thl
work of "fl\h ! ! thp cattle thieves from thc
northwestern lurt of time state , 'he set' ' ate
then took up for 1 third reading time gent : ral
ap\lrolrlatol \ ) bill. Uefore the clerk em ins-
mencoII to read nale moved that the bill he
reclmltell to time coammaIt tee of time wllle
[ \1 the l'ufllSe ' of ad In an Iem of $50.000
for the douth ulTerers , as rlcnmmrndell b ) '
the overmior. Chairman HrahDI of the
nuneo commltee eXlllalned that after a v omm .
( eremice with the It had b
rlcl wlh governor btl
thought best to urral'O for [ the In.lrtol or
the 10m hy the cunrlrence commiltee. Ia ) Its )
motJnS not lrH to , and ! the rrallng '
of the Oll'rollrlalon hill commenced at 8:30 I :
Tune was n Interruption , and at 9 o'clock
the bIll was Placed on is I'asuge. ; MOt of
tIs . I.OI.u\stl voted l&alnlt the 1)111. nale ex- I
1lalnln. , hiss vote by II-ln& that he objecled :
1\ liii , provlson ! to all1rovrlat nowo for
the support or the National Ouard. Th& bill
Was passed.
The . senate then went Into commite of [
the whole. with McKesson In time chair , to
con sider the claims appropriaton bill.
The reallng or the clams [ bill continuei
wit h rreQuent interruption until 1 o'clock . ,
whln Ornham moved that the commitee rise
anti report the lull back to the senate with
the recolmenliaton that i do IIS After
Mme little discussion the motion was agreed
to. although the reading o moton bill had not
been completed.
On motion of [ Back the
was directed to Inform hahn . who WM not
Pre sent , to [ orthwlh return to the senate
house roll 2S. The unctIon was agreed to
unanlmolsl ) ' .
Aer house roil No. 20S hall been con-
sllerer In commitee or the ( whole Lindsay'L
create,1 , a diversion hy 10\'lng that house
roll No 241 he ordered to third realln . This
was the insurance lull which thc senate had
ord erell Crane to return. The opponents of [
this , bill 1IIIeavorll to forct : n oppnents .
hut failed. , anti 1.lnllsay's motion was agreed
to The senate then , at 1220 ; alljournel ,
leCore i adjournln the senate adopted a
resoluton Watson's directing the secretary ) '
or state to han ! In the seuate chalb r a
portrait or the late ex-Licistenamit GO\ernor
B. I C. Clrns of Sel\'arI , thl frame 10 bear a
al\'lr plate Inscrlbel with a sultahl irs-
scripton setting forth the 11ublc services of [
the decease lieutenant gos'ermior.
.JUI STUN ) IS , \I''I-t A FAT 1'1\0" .
Secret or the l'opnltsit Votes \nlnIL itior'
mine lol"olh I New UII ,
LINCOLN , Mini 0.-SpecI31 ( Telegram.- )
Bare } J. Johnston , 10pult representatIve
Ire ns Nemaha county , wants to be enl of [ th ,
three secretaries of the Stat Board of Trans-
Ilortaton at I salary of $2,000 a ye3r.
This fact has been hrought out hy his vote !
yesterday agaInst ! ustalnlng tine veto of the
Omaha 1'lre Inll Polce commIssion bi _ Tht
Ilw compel the board , which comprises the ,
state 311 tor , attorney general , secretary oh [ t
state , treasurer alll commissioner of lublc :
lancs tumid bulidliags . to alllloint enc p pulst ;
memb : r. anI I Johnston ) thlnls the Positlor I
woul < fit him perrlCl ) ' . Secretary hCoonmtz
the present IIOlllst lmicsmmlent. Is said to 5
ha\'e won his lilacs by n simiar act of treach.
cry at a critical stage In the maximum rate S
11 l mater , and Johnston saw In \\'edne-
da y's crisis a glorious opportunity to do lilac -
wise , amid , he rose to tue occaslou
Quite a numh of relJbleans have beer I
Imllortuned hy Johnston for a posiion , and It L
Is claimed that Tom Majors has thrown thl3
ono to him as a price for his deserton or him a
put } I Is not the first tme hl mace a S
grall stand play In this ilirectlomi. Johnson
votell for the repeal or the state delosaory
la w . which at one time assumed the procr .
tons of a part leasurt wIth time relluhlcan I
majorl } Johnston Is a minister of the Cum-
herlan . Presbyterian faith down In Nel3ha
count ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1.\HHY HAYIS OI\'t \NO"II Icit 1W.
Onv..lnr Inlcomh itofIts'N tn liquor tilE
lti'tclIqitIndt fur Ihn NeW Yorker.
LINCOLN , April 0.-(5peclal ( Telegram.- )
Goveror Holcomb ) tonight refuset to honor
the requisition of Governor Morton of New
Yorlc for the returns to that state of Inrry L , .
D.lls , arrested In Omaha last week on the
charge of embezzlement The governor hase,1 ,
his refusal upon the ground that the arrest
was for the purpose of col < dlnp a debt , ant ii
that Davis ) was not In time stale when the
relresentntons upon which the reljulslton
WdS demanded were made , and that therefore
IL could not be shown that he was a fuglth-e
rrom justice . The governor , however , gay
the New York agent until next Wednis a ] y'
to present further evl ence. }
I. IND.8tY . l'L.\CBU U"II U TnJ J"I .
SIIyor of 13'Iutciueritobbtni. leglls nl
Two Yer' Term ,
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb" , April 4-Speclal (
T olegram.-Pugilist ) James
Telegram.-luglst Lindsay was
ten to Lincoln today In charge of Sheri I
Ekenbary and turned over to the autintritim 'a
at the penitentiary , where ho wi serve I
tvo-year sentence for the killing of Fletcher
Hobbins In a prize fight In this city lat
August. LIndsay's attorneys will prosecute
a appeal , anti the supreme court now has
ulier advisement a meton for his admission
to bail. Heretofore Lindsay has pretended
to care very Ito over his threatlnell pun ,
Ishment , but when put behind the p nltentary
w ails this morning he broke down completely
and sobbed like a c'nfld. . i '
1.'tUe ' laud Hleher of le"trlce lurned to
OnHh 1111 Icr Brother IIJnrod.
BEATRICE , Neb. , April 4-Speclal ( Tel a-
gram.-MauII ) , the f-yenr-oitl dauhter of
: lr. J. L. Richer , was playing about a bom 1-
lre near her home last evening when her
cloth In ! caught fire. Time cries or the chl <
a 11 her companions brought the mother to
the t scene , and seeing time condition of the
chid , she grasped her In her arms and
tried to smother the names , and was frlght-
ruly burned herself , both her hands havlnp
nearly all the tesh bummed from them Th" m
c hild's dousing was entrely burned Tin ;
her body , and after Intense suffering the
ItUe l one died at 10:30. :
Two Hlnzo lit I.SmicoIii.
LINCLON. Apri 4.-SpecJ ( 1 Telegram- )
, \t 4 o'cloclt '
Downing's foumimiry on the
south line of the city limits , was discovered
to be on fire . OwIng to a lack of water In
that t vicinity the building amid contents
Wdro tULly de3troyod. The loss Is abe ut
$ 2,000 . wills but $4,000 Insurance.
At 8 o'cloclt fro broke out In a barns at
Ihp l corer or Sixth and 1 streets In which
\ \'Inmg & Schilng had stored slxt--Uiree
tons t of hay' . None or I was saved amid the
hulhln ! was totally destroyed , The lass Is
edimattl at $ ,000 , wIth no Insuranc Had
It I not been for the chemical englncs se\'elal
hullugs I , near Downll 's roultlry nets tltl
have l bc'n hurried , as the wind was hiowli rig
h alf a plo all clay !
- -
( : .101.,1 , 'I'"nl" & ' Stunt ,
CRA \\'FOHn. Neh" . April , I-CSJleclal ( Tel he0 -
! rammi.-i'rivato ) , \ullerson. colored , I. or troop
I I I , Ninth cavalry , Fort Hohlnson , was shol :
on the main street ut 2 o'cloclc last night
h i j' Wilam I I Hay , colored , a gm Immiuier. Anderson : -
son an,1 , Hay hall n quarrel over prostutes ,
Several huldler5 were In the assaulting gar 1k.
a mid It Is the general hnllresslon that Ihy
wads justt l. Tine bullet enterell time check
s cuid cause out tnt the back or '
cale lt hnc Anteraon's neclc : ,
lie mussy reCO\'lr. \n ctcer or time Ninth Is
patrolng i the town tonhht wih In arm eu
picket , It having been Ihcl'led ' ly time COmmandant -
mandant m . to Ieel the soldiers out of [ Cra cv-
fonl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
! inl"1 hy thH fI-.rnor I ,
LINCOLN , April 4-Speclal-Tho ( ) govt or-
user today signed house rol No. 143 , the I
general Irrl3ton bill ; No. 17 , relating to
tints plment of warrants antI authorlzln
the keeping or a warrant regIster ; No. 366 ! ,
concnrrent resoluton led natJng the golt ] len
rOIl as the cushions of the state ; senate file
'J5. Ilro\'llng when warrants shal dra I
Interest , arid 270. joint resoluton deslKnaUng I
Nebraska as "The Tree Planters' State "
\n,16 nn 1 I"rt lu I"II ( , JII ,
PAWNEE CTY , Neh. , April . . -SpEd:1 (
Telesram.-Osear ) Massey aod J. W. Palmer ,
wbu are In Jai awaItIng trial for the bu rg.
lary ot I jewelry store In Table Hock two
years ago , atllllt to break Jai last mug lmt ,
but 0\\ Ing to I lack of tools ra lel , Their :
Irlrl occur this term of district courl
Wiliam Hln tel down an open trap door
In I drug store today and lustalnt bevere
Injurlu 3buut the hcad.
! rh'U"1 AII"I J'hu : 111:6 4) mSictai. .
CHAnWN , Neb. , April -Slleclal ( Telo
h"am.-Heports ) reached here today to the
elect thst comneiderabie friction exists at
IIn8 Ridge agency between Inspector John
W. e.ldtdn and the otcer : In charge The
agency olcials assert that Cadman Iponds
hll tlO nt the hotel receIving reports from
sources not recognized by the department as
accurate while Cldman claims be I merely
tolng his duly.
.lllh Iohtlro 111\11 I , I'ul" Count" ,
SI'HNO\'lW , Neb" , AI'fl -Slleela ( !
Toiegral.-Tlt ) heavy deep snow of
lists pal week has put the ground In line
shape for sprIng crOlla.
' 'hl town goes wet another year , The
Ic3nse ticket carried by a smel majority
at the village election 'fcsdar.
nome Adopt1Doclmcnt Onmtlcnly ! Criti-
cising toWt ' ld's ' Fair Commissioner ,
" 'Il C0I1,1flltll'lhts ' ! the Ulman . ' 111111
Rt R Ctt , til tutu $ tate of e uoio- (
1'lrIIRhli s May ISo lie-
"nih"ell IS l lnl ,
L tNCOLN , ' Aiiril ' . .
LINCa.N 'Allrl' 4.-Speclal.--Senator ( )
ha hn's gambln bill , senate le 234 , went
over the garllln wall tolar , after ha\'lnl
consumed bout In imomir's time In commltco
of the whole. Mlnger set out to put It to I
sleell by decorathlK Its ateluatell frame
with amendments of thc most drastic 11e-
ecr iptlon. There was an element In the
house favorable to the bill. I tried to Ilmll I
the breath of life Into It anti hoop It alive , , ,
but a stlilpede was started at last , and I
away It went under the axe of Inllefnle ,
Pos iPonemneni t .
Iyers submltell a report ot the commltco I
ap pointed to In'lslgate'orlls Fair Corns. .
mlsaloner General Joe Gareau , jr. , 1111 the
act ions of the commlsslol as a whole. Myers I
salll that I hlll laken weeks of tme to Ilre-
palo the report , amid ho desired ( that It be t
reml In full I was \ry voimmmuinmoima. I
made members Welr ) ' , antI when about two
thlrlls of I hall been cml.letell . the house
ch eked the clerIc off b ) allolltng the report
In Its entl'el ) To begin wih , the commi-
tee found that the systel or bookkeeping cmii
Iilo yeti hy the conimlissiommer was wretched I
In the Ixtreme _ According to thc report , the ,
state limO heen IUssraco U ) ' the emllloYlent L
of Architect Voms who , It
nllilelrell , IUS n I
klnll of private architect for Gmirmleolm. The
commission was chargell wih imavlng paid
$1 25 for cutting down eleven trees , nll the
same amonnt for puling the stumps. 'I' us - :
total expenses of the commIssion hall run 5
UII to 3iS97.3i. : Garneau hail rec"lvell rUI $2 . -
9'j ; 9.47 for six lolths' work at an annual I
salary or $ : , OOO. At most extravagant prIces IC
the commlsslou hall .
Old ins rchmmsed exhlhls oul.
side of the Ilate _ They hld 1111 , $2GO to I m
) 'oung womal to snake a huttel- bust as In
ill ustration of dairy scuiltumre. Promises made
by me-Govror Crounae had , not been kept ,
all the late chic ! executve came In for n ,
rich roast for Ilat the commitee term I :
his treaher . It claImed
( I was that he har I !
iorce < Auditor More ' Into court lt expensive !
co sts . In answer to Ioore's Ilrotest ( io'I
ernor Cromsc haiti said : "You must fight I I
Olt among 'ourselres " State Auditor :
: Ioore's course WS larml commelled h-
the comnuittee. There were many ohscnre
vouchers on tile and no hooks or . hall I
been I > pt. Some of those vouchlrs had heen
dI sallowed . amid afterwards llld at commander
or the courts One of them was a lega ] I
ad vice voucher which was. In Itself , entrel ) ] I '
Ill egal. The Nohraska state bllllng 01 the
fair ground , which' had .
cost $2t,2S8.49 , hall
bo ems sole for $75 , but nothing could , he discoverer -
coverer as to"whem , , this little sum went 10 c ,
The mandgerlent tt the 'omnan's depart
ment received \lrn ) prIse from the commit-
te e. I was sht wpm that tt had receive
$1 .71 1.45 ; In cloniatl9ns. Twenty-thrce swine
exhibiors had tlrA\I-n \ $377.20 transportation I ,
and among tie ( 10,1 of unknown his wn
ole for laundering woman's skirt
S. P. laundlrlng'l
Mobly' caine In for a section of
the roast , he having drawn $3,668,20 for ser - - I ,
Ices performed . For a gold badge $25 had
been charged , " but the ( badge could not he I
found , An orrngo'en or had 'pall < a round I
slm for a cOleesslnn hun the Nebraska see
tlh on . hut there ' was tae record of thls mane ) :
having ever been recelvell. The repel
winds up with a' recommmmssemndation that the
governor , with the assistance of the attormie y
general , take ; 111 ) cessal'y steps to compel ; ,
Gareau to live , upto the provIsions of the
act of the legislature under which he Is sui -
poscd to havel been working.
, . .
.t. GVf : 1iI5ES A SNAIj , '
The mouse seems determIned to go out In a
blaze of extravagance. This was rorclbl y
Iustrated today by its action In regard I . )
thl preparation for publication of the hcuse
jo urnal. This book h not prepared , as many
people and taxpayers suppose , hy the swarm
of clerics and bookkeepers employed during
the ninety-odd das of the session at high
s.llarles. I Is saved up for a special job , wih
fat picicings. after the leslon has clesCl , anr t ii
to continue cost to the state after adjour- La
m ent. Today two bids were put In for this
worlt , one by Chief Clerk Geddes and the
olhcr by Third Assistant Clerk J. 1. 'Zemhilte r .
Geddes' hid was $2,000 In Items as rolows : :
C ommmpleting , $500 : copyIng $950 : proof readIng -
Ing I , $250 ; indexing 300. Zethiken's bil was
as follows : Completng , $300 : copying 631 O ;
proof rea'lng ' , $300 : Inllexlng $300 : tots ,
$1GOO. hero was a chance to save $ 500. But
the hOIIe refused by a large lajorlty to I
a vail Isel or the oppporttnnity. More thal
thIs , Zedlker Is an old soldier mind one or the
most capable clerical employee ism eiher
Im ouse. lie has been of ! ret use In InstructIng t-
Ing I others who have been connect ell with
the house durIng the winter. This Hum of
$2,000 , by the way , does riot cover the prJnt-
Ing 1 of the journal That Is another stor : ry
a ltogether.
IJusdermicath miii this there Is
ni llls thle another strata
of f alleged subterranean crookedness which
Invies i the Investhaton of any parties In- I
tereste1 ! In the publcaton of u clean record
of f house pr000etiIligs. I Is a mater of uc-
coptell tact that al through the sesslol the
journal j his ben practically suppressed b I ) '
downrlht connivance and bulldozing tactcs
of the spealcer. Time anti again he I
has h refused members their lawful IlrlvllP
of f having theIr motIons , resolutions , protests -
tests t and points 01 order spread upon the
j ournal. It Is ' maitl . -
jotrll. I now BalI that Harrison of
lal , chairman of the sllngl committee . ant
leutenant l of the speaker , Is Interesled In
the $2,000 dlal to prepare limo journal Inll
thut t his IHrllo , : " Is lo prevent nnythlng Ire in
creeping In cal'ulatet to make the recorder
or the mnjorl ) " darker than It Is ,
The rolollul Is II 'S resolulon to protect -
tect t the stale Ilroperly In the shape ur legis- ]
latve l supplies , which was voted dOln by GO ;
to t 3t :
Vs'hereamc , Thl mcmhers anti IIPloyeH of
Cormer icgtalmuti'e Ies.luns hlve seems ii C-
euse,1 or . Illproprlatn ! 0111 I I cITlng I\a : '
Plp-rt I ) of lime llah' : , and
\\'h reIN. \ \ 'e' , the memberR of the ' 'wenty-
Coulth SCMlol , of Use houfe or mepresemst mu.
t ivemE . lre unwiing that such Icculntons
Nhoull he ma,11 11llnst the menslm'rs of thll
mc ecalomm . thertrol'e bl' I
lesoveI1 ] , 'I' hut wo reNIIctull' noisiest the I
honorhlo l Hecl'etul'y of state tu maltl In 1
I"'cntor i ) ' of all ieglmciutivc' 11J1)le ) , Nuch mail1 /
haIrs , desks , , waste baskets , t'J Wllerl
Ntand ! ink w 18. ImmH. pen holders , l.elcIN . ,
brushes , In.1 11 I I su _ 'llles l I IJI'elast'll hr I lie
Hilte 101 legislative , : must' . lnt ( lole Ilml In
a suItable 10lnI111er loclt anti Ito ) ' , tim at.
"ume mutmy ho pr'e'acm'c'ed for flture sessiom
ltOU'flNH.'FIlE . \ MORNING.
Tire speaker tll , nornlng allllolited Bun 'ii ,
h toddy and HarrIs a commltco to act wih
a simiar hotly .frcull t the senate to arrange
for the selecton' ' nf u4X trustee3 of the ins Ii'
tute for the Blind at Nebraska el- ,
Mrcrs , chalrlq 'tIc C time eommlll' , or In- I
vstgaton of tf act ! World's iair I Co mis-
missioner Generi ! Qarneau , submited anll
hall 113rtaly rhhi l 'tl ' , baustf'e report or
their proceedinge-'lcIu ' rel ort was alupi Led
hy a unanlmons vote
Hlcletl trrell ml I a lively debate by c1-
InK imp hil rcsoi laid over yesterday to
lutborlze reel Oeddes to make up
and lublsh the * journal. 'fhe Irlco for
this work namc l ) . . Ie rosoluton was lh itl
lt $2.000 Mu ilellell ! by naming Ix 'I.
i. Zllker , MUI 'Hlfalt J clerk of time house ,
to do the work . n\lr lamed In his ofer :
$150 to do the work. Cole amended to
cause the work to b ! done ulier sUr\lslon
of the chief clerlt. larrlson spoke earnestly
aRalnat both nmendmeuta lie said It woull
bo I slap at time chief clerk. Cole spoke In
behalf of time old soldier ( lenient , of which
zedlktr I a prcmlnelt mfnber , but the old
soldier element was Ignored completely , and
on a viva voce vOle Gedel was awarded the
job by a large nnmajority.
\ ascot up a re'oIution that no member
or house employe be II rmlted to appropriate
alY of the slalonery or other luerty be.
longing to Ibo elate. nclceta went Into
the air over thll motion . lIe maul he would
never vote t : cut any relc-toas on membsrs
of previous ICgieiaiUreL The resolution he
considered an Insult to every memher of time
house. Apparently the resolution had few
friends [ outside of dcpic'crate ant populBt3 ,
and htlckette' JQlonj tQ t icy I Upe' resuluton
on time table , ( nrled by a \tl 01 10 to
31 , ltobertscmn 11'IIUIFt , \olng ; is lIlt the reo
publcll , In .lllaralkn cf his vote he
sai.t that for c rue isis wanted to tlo : bie bill
tile home with
mi \Itb him IDr caUpalsu literature ,
no Ilelarcll he wanted nothing better with
which to go before the people than the record
ofTw the great "liusslness sesslomm" of the
TwI enty.foimrtim legislattmre
In Ixplalnlnp his vote to lay B's rlsolu-
lon on the table Speaker Hcharls ! salll that
The Omaha Bee mud accile1 him of [ having a
$ li .fO Ink8tanll. lie hail seems nothing of [ It
ant i knew nothlnl nhout It
Burns h or Ianeaster voluntlerel the sugges-
ton that Mr. no e\ater ha,1 already stolen
the peaker's tnkstand. Now the cold fact
Is that Speaker itlcimtmrds
istrm Hchanls was not strictly
truthul In his alusIon to time $17.GO ink-
bo ttle. Not tlmree days since he WS iii-
formed or the fact thnt
ox-Secretary of Slate
Alen hall Imrehasl Iwo curls ornaments. one
for the speaker anll ont for the Ilrlsllent of
the senate and thai SUPIII Clark Wright hal
sent thom both hack to the State Journal
cOmllan ) ' . In company w It about $ 2,0 worth
of other t'xtravagmincies. ThIs mater \\S
trst agitated by the speaker . time conditions
Wlro explulllll to him. and he was fully
cognizant or all thl facts prior to tIme tlnl (
he Inrormed time housl that he "knew m-motlsing
aii . " !
Ihout II"
The . resoluton agallt the commou PettY
lurcen ) having failed to '
prevai , larrlsent
ill ) alll hall real a resoluton authorIzing
the secretary of [ state tout n Ilrlce on the
$0 .10 chairs and 1IFpOSl \ut them ( to stch
embers lS desired to Imrchase. The seecmmi
luton Ilrl\nled.
Time house conrerence comiimmnittee on house
rul No 60 , the antI-cIgarette ( . made the :
folowlnp report , which was audited :
Your conft'renco comsmnsittee mipsolmmtocj ' to I
Icel a ilk-ti comiili-mite ( fronus lime (
I Iko Iollltee frol IhI ! elnte on I
Splut , nleltmtlt/ hnuse roll No. r ,
he 1 lea\- to rel13rt thnt I has mcgreetl to ;
thl ImelHlltlts b- thc ! elnte except II
iim ut three of scnmtte
Ile Renlte mumsiemitlmmientuc . strike out i
tIl Iigiis- ( " $5 11,1 , hlFlrt the Iigtmres $10 , ni I
of which is ' $0
II rCleettl stmitmnittel.
This leans limo hIll almost identical wilt I
the ireseumt JltEsotl law' .
Senate file No , 8. IlrovllnJ ( for Ilng of r
bis of exceptons In courtl of m'ecorI , , was d
passe,1 , on hills thlrll ,
his on reatlitig . anti , enatl
fil e No. : ii , ' .
fo :1 Ilro\'hlhlJ for Ilvlalun of coun-
tes Into votng tlstllcts , was slatKhteret I
by being hllkell to death. t Thu i' houS then I
took a recess unt : II. I.
In tine t afernoon sela te file 219 was
recommelHlcl1 h- tIme commitee to ht 111ace
upon pcneral tile. This was u hill to es-
tablsh a 10rmal school ut Scotia , Grelle '
count ) I 11rvlled for no olqsmcprlatiomm.
Barr ) spoke In favor or the mtlwre , while
Mie. mO\ed that It be IUlleftlely past-
po nmeti. Thomls spoke against the hil , sa-
hi ! that there were five bills for normul
schools now slumherlng In I coin mum i tt cc' , onme '
of which WIS his onus , hut he heltved that (
I was nut the tme to press tlmemii amide
he had decided to let his 10 to siecil with
the rest Hcharlls made a sulllhurou"
trlle against the nscasumre ItI s lI thnt t
there " "
mere were "one thousand" cIties In Nebraska -
braska just as much entitled , to normal
schools as Scotia. On MIles' motion to
htlllnlel- I i I ( Postllone Barrdenlltlrll I time
yeas Inel nas Before thl volt was al-
nounced Barry mo\ell a cal of the house.
\Ithln tell mlnutls Thomas 10\ed that the
c all or the house be rulfed , Inll whets I
hall prev31ed Barr ) movell that mile 19
ho enforced relulrlng every memher Ilrcsent
The house timers went Into commitee or
the whule on his reported , h ) the hlrng
to record his \-ole. The bill was Indefnitely
postponed h ) a vote of oS to 27.
c ontmmmmlttee. The followIng hIlls
commitee. folowlnp his were recom-
mende for passage :
Senate me 132 , to regulate the organiza-
ton and operaton or mutual Insurnce as-
sociatons _
Senate file 163. provllnp for the carp
of feeble mlndell and Imhlcle cimlidren.
Senate file 847 , fcr the 3djustment of damssF
ages b ) ' reason of public roads being laid
upon publc school lammds.
Senate file 101 pro\'ldlng for the lIsting
or public lands hy county clerks for pur-
pOSIS of assessment.
Senate file 2G8 , IJfo\'ldlnJ that county cornfi
missioners shal let brIdge contracts to the
IQwest l hld er.
Senate file 184 , to reapportion the state
Into i Judicial districts.
Senate file 100 , providing that executors
and gUIlans of Ceeble mInded persons mnay
take char e of their property.
S Senate file 174 , lemorlal and Joint reBolu-
bon to congress repardlng the conveyancl
h y the govcrnment of I " crt Omaha to time
slate or Nebraska on conditon that the
fort bo convel'ted Into encampment grounds
for the Nebraska National Guar < s.
Senate file 222 , No'es' bill for forming
new school districts.
The commltce of the whale then rose and
the house tool up the reular order uf bis t
on third reading.
Senate file No. 70. by Sloan , 10lzing
orders , jimmlgisients decrees and findings of
courts , was passed.
Senate file 79. Sloan's bill making valid
orders anti decrees Cf lEST and No. 7 , Crane's
mca ure relating to Probate courts , were else
The report of the joint committee ap-
polntcll to select six trustees or Vise Insttute
for the llnd was made a special order for
tomorrow at 10:15 : o'cloclr.
Time heuse then adjourn l.
H\ ' : NNUNJ { mAstS : " ITS DII ' ,
Ulreelo.s COlclllo ' 10) Are Not W"mir-
rant"1 lu I Iohll IIRllo s IAugcr.
RAVENNA , Neb. . April 4.-(81Ieclal ( Tele-
grarms.-Timo ) First National bank , Ha\'efl's i
heaviest h hankllg Insttuton amnd always comm
Illered u ono of the soumlest Ilstutons In
tl t county , closed its doors hy order of Is t
hoard or directors this mOllng _ Time hamilc'm
Insolvency I Is the natural result of the timuies .
Business tiepreastomi In all lnes , due to the
drouth of last year and inabIlity to realze
upon assets that under normal condItions
would , he considered gilt-edged , has made It
necessn.y for the batik to Huspenll business ,
not being Ille to maIntain the reserve rc- :
Iulred hy the natcnal bammicimug laws. ' 'be
assets or the hank wil exceed time ' lahlltes
almost three to one and deisositors will withoUt -
' Inr Ilcllslors wil wih-
out doubt 'be paid In fnl I a crop Is ralaell
this year , or as soon as borrowers can Iatae
nionmey to discharge tlelr oblpltons to tic
hanl" , About $ 'IOOO of lulnlo county'a ;
mlnlY wi bo tied , up fur a time . hut the t
connty Is srcurCI Iy collateral sulclent to ;
IJrecludo the I.osslblly . or loss Time suspen-
aton wIll or course worl great hardsllp upon 5
the depositors , hit aa It Is rnsonahl sure
tlat : In tIme they wi "eceh'u dollar for :
dolnr they allow a : 11sposllon tl tale the
maier liiihiosoitinldaliy . Inll are thankful that
lime t ma ter Is no w'orse
WASHINGTONprl 4.-The comptroler
of the currency tOllay received notco that
tile First Nntonal bank or Invenna , Neb
h3l1 flumshiemlt.ietl anti hnmedlatel ordlred Examiner -
aminer howe ) ' to take charge 'rho hanl a
had a capitol or $50,000.
1'he comptroler ) orderell xamlner I G3nnon m
to take charge or time First Natonal bank or
Dubln. 'ex. 'rile banlt has for some lme
Intern In process of lIquidation , hut the
plogress muado was entirely unsatsraclor ) ' .
hence his actcn today' .
\\11 Atlll Ihl Ih.lull\lory 1'oimtet ,
ASIAND ) , April 4.-Speciai.---An ( ) ex-
cnrlon train has heels secured by Agent
Steele cr time Burlngton to Iccommo.lull .
the people or Ashlunll who ivisit to aten <
tim declamatory contest lt Ilatsl ntl tomorrow -
morrow ennlnl , TIme bail teamn will ac
comlipmtmy' : time crowd , to play a gammso wit
Piattenmoutlm ins the afternoon.
Since etectiomi carried for mme licemmso I
Lisle city timero imas beemm a nuovo placed o
foot wimereby a rerusonstranice will tue urge
agaimmst ilcemmaimig tile sale of liquor In th
drug stores its Ashiammrl.
AprIl 12 time \S'aimoo bali team will comulo
tile cIty to tucet Itshlsnmtl hum their first guns
of tIme season arm imomne groumutle , Asiiiamn
iulaylnmg a return gamlie AprIl 19 at Waumot
Asimland Is booked for a game at b'cIuuyl'
Amrhl 18.
Jammses A. Iceiley or Monta 'asia , coso
general mmgetit of the Itto ( hrainde Land con
pamny , it Ima thu city , spt'ntilrsg a few ilay
ic'itii isis oIl beimoolnsate , A. C. himarris ,
W'imtnrliU VmIiit $ it 1t'ei Sugtmr I'actory ,
W'/tTEhtlOO , Neb. . April 4.-Special.--- ( )
subscrIption list is being circulated to secust
time rrectiomi of a beet sugar ImatmL imere. A. I
Norton , a local caiultaiiat , has nIaced imI nan me
down for $1,000 as a starter. Tie test of U
sugar beet its tins vicinity last year was em
tlrctiy satisfactory.
Henry Safford of h3ycatnore' , Ill. , is vlalile ig
imis semi , H. ii. Satford.
County Surveyor liousa i oust linIng up ti me
iunidge nortim of towmm , which has beers sC. .
luorttl ima bad abape.
Jcuhmm Daugherty of Omaha is inspecting ti
Immmltrov' tmuezste beitug mmsad , on time Cregimte ! :
ranch lmortiu of town.
J. 13. Brydorm threatened hmt wife's ii ;
wimlie in cimurcim and was required to gI :
a [ mood to keep the peace.
La nclistor County Pa1-fller8 Wilt Meet Toaay
to Take Aavantmigo oftho Bounty ,
i.i ncoitm CohiSijsttreimsl Club 'iIt Assist Tiune
% 'iit , lociiro to 'II msk L'ottt s-act. Aloii
Titta iLtuo for time l'rcsent
S'asoim ,
LINCOLN' , April 4.-Special ( Telegram. )
- All hasicaster coumnty farmuserat wIse
ima 'o decided to raise a tract of sumar beets
thu s year have ticeim rcqiueateti to macct to-
mn orrow at the Ilmmrr block , mu 2 p. ni. slmmtrp.
Th ese s'lmo ima'e tmsamie contracts wIth the
Ox muartt Iheet Sugar conspany at Gratmtl Is-
la umti , as ic'ell as mull who mniay' cc'lsim to conutract
ar e mmrgc'ti to be Isresenit. All are iimvitetl to
mmi eet with a represesitatiro of time commiptuny
wi mo will be at time mmmeeting.
Time Cotumimsenclul climb of this clty lmas Oti
ima titi a linmiteti amuisply of Immiported sugar
be et seemi , which , it is wliiimmg to let tam-misers
ha ve at actual cost.
Tiso Iienlas 1.tmmuiber Cud Coal connpalmy has
fli ed articles of lmmcorporatlon with time cownty'
cl eric , shmowing a capital stochc of $300,000.
ltn corporatorus mire : hiermnanm Iierks of Limu-
co in ansi i'eter ammmi Henry' Iierks ) of Ilrolcen
li on' , Sinmmllar armicles were also tiled by tIc'
\ ' right Seemi amid Oil cossmpmcny , comnitoseti of
\ ' lii II. Love , lramuIe l'yht' , J. 11.Vrimhmt ,
F m-ansk H , Jolsmnsosm amid C. Il. hlottiimum. Timey'
ha ve a hold ill capital stock of $10,000.
Owing to strong iiressmmrtt iiroulglmt luy cltl-
ze rm of'orlc , time case agaismet CimSumle hell
I 11 13 tmimtversmta' uttummemus. woo attic a iti u ,
bo oks , gc'ologlcal nsmtl zoological spt'cimniumus
imm ms been clismumissed.
Mayor ( lralmammm timid alt time city nillelais re-
ce nmtly' elceted cclii take timeir seats Tuesday.
'rhus imiormming Mrs. Aninile'uglier proved to
Ju dge'mlters its Lice Police court that sue
w as : i regularly ortlahnst'th nmmlnister 1mm tIme
sp irltmialletic cretl arid haul a right lo give
se ances , These , sic claimsmeJ , Old not commit
ii' Itlmini timc' mmicamming of clairvoy'annt reaullnmgs ,
fo r vimlclm site intl beenu mirrestetl for prauc-
( i cIng wIthout a lIcense , Conaequemstiy shue
is as uilechargec1.
1'or recclc-immg stoleum Image , Judge hlaimises
to day aentemceti : Freti Grosssiiani to foumr years
hum t ime PC ri I ton tlary.
Recalver hay-don of time CapItal Natiammal
ba tik has cecssrt'd jsmdgsssent usgahmust time CStttt
of W.V. . hholmuses for $1GS30 , hiolmumc's ima'imm ;
be ets a stockiuoitler In time bamuk.
City Treasmrem' Steplmenisomi In hIs report
sa y's that of time $21,000 tiOliOsitetI 1mm tic Cal' '
it ai National banilc In time niunmue of time city
is o has recovered $3,000 in dlvitieuicle , ant I
im as thelumeteti fm-ansi time anmmounut of time original I
ml epoeit time $5,000 owed by time bank to tlmc ,
ci ty for taxes. A few days before Iim bamsit
cl osed its domsrs Mosimer sent word to tim t
tr easmmrcr that if Ime uvoimith ecuitl mnp tine re .
c'c lpi. for $5,000 taxes dime' by ( lie batik Itt t
ic' rtmnlci senmi time mimomiry lon'mi to Stepimenusoni _
T imis ii'zne done , the batik got possesionm 0 ] r
th e receipt , butt sonic' one cunimuecteel with tiit : '
ro tten inistittmtionu Itocketeti time misoney , leac'
in g time city to hmoitl tIme sacic for time $5,000 :
T ime city treasurer says , however , that he , Ito
ii evcs lie can recover ( lila nsumicy frenss thm ;
oi ilcera and stceklrohders of time defunct ilmnmnu -
d el ltititutioum. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
F AMOUS ElTZlsEmt.tLu cAsi .SET1'LEI ) -
S oprcmsuo Court Itrltu. In 1Cm Ehisal lt'ciulor I
Iii tmae I oleisratcit Cuitie ,
LINCOLN , April 4.-Spcclal ( Telegram.- )
T ime suprerume cosmrt. today isantheml down it
fi nmal decision in tue celebrated case ct Join
F itzgcraltl against time Fitzgera1tl'Mahior
C onstrtmctiots commupany anti time Missotmrl i'ai
ci fic Railway conispammy. The cpuuionu Is writte :
b y Judge 1ost and tIme tension decree of tim
c oumrt is modified so as to give Johmnu Fitz
g erald a judgtmment for $300,9thh33. $ The ceur
f mmrther tlccities to alcitcint a receiver wIt ]
a utimority to collect time fmuii aumiossmlt ( roam
t ime contictructiomu compammy ammd time Mlssour 1
P acific Railway comimpany.
Sotiuylor Notes said l'ersouml.
SCIIUYLER. Neb. , April 4.-Miss Ann
J ensen , formnenly a teaclmer ins time Scimuylc
s eimools , now employ'ed in tIne samno capacil
i n the schools of Omsstmha , spent a recent 'a
c ation witim Mrs. C. D. Timorpo , an old fm-lets 0
m ore.
MIsses Nellie and Florence Trnme of Omsmaim a
a re spending a week with tlmeir father ,
Mr. amnmti Mrs. E. 11. Pinolps have gone 0
P eoria , Ill. , to visit theIr iiaremsts amid tin C
f nienimis of their old home.
It. M.VcsL left for Cimicago a few day S
s ince to live.
Percy Brown is at Imomue ( rein flastot m ,
i mavlmsg beenu called emu accoumnt , of tue serious S
Iw I lluiess of imis fastimer , C , P. ihrow mm. PorC Y
w ill gratltmate tluis year from tlm trustttute C tE
T ecirnology anmd wIll timenn begin a course a Lt
H arvard.
J. hatcher and wife of Lcigla were lmi tim e
c ity' Tmmeselay.
By' time' chmammgmm in time officials of time Void a
ht assle Nel'le it. Miles , who has beent wit
t hat immstitumtton tlumring time last five Year
d iscontinues cominmeetloum timerems'itlm. Ins toke
o f the esteem in wimicim iso was held lme wut
p resemmteti a gold ivatcim anti cimalmu by Lii
b amik's cashier , H. V. Faiths.
Mrs. 'I'ht'odore Mayer is spending time wee ic
i s-itim fnlenitis in Norfolk.
' , H. Lovejoy wemut to Des conlcs yestem ,
d ay ic spend tIme tituse until soniday ( i'lt is
t rio lithe.
Janmes Notimer lies In time counmty ja
a waIting trIal for pawmsing it w.ilcim timI :
was mmsortgageti. Nether pht'allL'd glmiliy aim d
was lmosummth ovel' to time district cotirt.
Early' thus week , wimiit' iuunmting icicle di.
Mclviii lhussimberger was accithemitusily hmut ii 1
U frienmmi cvhmo nuts hunting cvii it imimmi.
John Faitys , an oil ammti c'sleemsmemi resldet it
o f timis place , im'as imnmrit.tti lore yesterlu : .
i iimi dealim folicmivcul several irmonmtlms of sumlf'm . :
i mug froits lmsiimmnmsation of time gianimia of ii
t hroat. Ito % m'as 14 years of age tsnmtl leas't :
n wife antI three mcoumss ,
i4-IiIgtIil 'I uitilciul Susei'ty's 'trk ,
LEXINGTON , Nb. , April 4.-SpeeInl.- ( )
Tue Misdeal Sorosle nm 'fueatiay erenhsmg gas
t heIr uusnai snonitimly recital , wimlclu ivuis we
attommded , Tue society hams iiUrChasmi a tint
piano amid islacemi it In Tcnmtlt'r's lnuli : , cuduec :
l ug to pay' ( or it with time trucecmls of times te
m ecitaiut , Tito ladies are receis'lmg mmmeritt ti
i mra iso its timei r us us den muic I us g ,
Mrs. J. V. Stiles of Overton silent lam it
week ins time cIty visitimmg frlemids.
( ri'I.i Pey Frimii.tflIIy . Inujiuremi.
C1LETE , Neiu. , April i.-Sjeclal ( Tehogramis . )
-The young scum of Amston i'Iumuz.ele mat wit Ii
a severe accimiummt w'iitlo ( iii time P1mm ) ' groiimi l
of the iauit ivaral chmool today. lie tel ;
breaking luimi am'mmm just above Lime ivniat , It ;
jii'7 % ; qI q
; ii I. I
What a queer World this
would be if Quaker Oats
were buried at the bottom \
of the sea ! Millions of
ruined brctkfastsl ;
" 1 Said only Iii a lb. Packages.
sharp ends of the house cmmttimsg time flesh of
the as-nm anti itiercltig the ismunmi , which was
doumbleti forward ,
iii cc.I tt trrit ( raiml ,
NOitThi I'LATTE , April 4.-Carefurlly pro-
pareti lists in the hands of tue cosmnty comsi-
tmiIsioniers simeaw tlsmit over 00 families In
this county will need sc'etl grain for spring
slantlmmg. On'insg to time latetmess of list , sea-
sonm s'ery little wheat cclii lie lilanted , It , is
the puts-pose of time commisslomiera to litmrchsse
ntitl fumrmsisis set-ti carts largely' amid a ammialler
isroisortion of pOtatOes , oats anti barley. Al.
thsouigim time rains that slatted time castes-mm part
of thuc' state fauic'd to iiiaterlnlizc , times-c lmas
beoum unmmsch mmioistsmro ha timls sections , time
groimmial is Imi fair comitlttiosm far viansting mint !
mmiumcii s-alley ianmml imass alreatiy beets seethed ,
Sos'crai car loads of iuorses for Coiommci
Coly"s'iid \\'est simon' . whelm opens time
searoim at l'imilamleiImini * April 26. were started
east today , _
ti '
' itverai i.i'ni Tiircmttriiput.
O1)ElL , Nelu , , April 4.-Sperimui.-Yester. ( , )
clay mumcsrmmummg svlmc'nm J. 'ammvolieeusbergim of ttui -
place welit to isis sveii to draw' vater lue
toummsui a lsottie lotigr'tl itt time csmrbiumg , ! iiiomm
oxamsiimmatlors it si'mis foummnd to immi'o comitmilmiesi
qtmick sllvr , ( lie contents tumtvtmsg Iseemi
timrowmm ins time ivehi. Time laud oum th bottle
iuoweti that it hmmmi beemm obtmmlmsel mit ilanios'er ,
imttm. The attithiosltion iti ( hint It was it ease
or attemniltetl isolsonming , anti as several ( mini-
Ilies mice svcmter frommm tie ivell Limo resumlts
tumlglut Imavo been sos-lemma ,
l'ui rtv I.Iustq % rrn Irtin'ts ,
CLAY CFN I Hit , Neb , . AIim-il 1.-Speei&- ( )
'l'imo vhiiago elections tiff s'cry quietly
aitisomugim a large vote wise polled , occasioned
by tIme hsPut isis lryitmg in Imsicct rarty 'utica
Into local msiLsir , s'iiiciu huc'retefom'o ias beemi
avoided. Tue reetmit was tue election by a
las-go msmajonlty at four s-c' : umlulicamis antI ammo
tieuiuocrat ums trustees , ( Irorge llas'inmger , J , 11.
Eller , A. ii , l'cnleimms , .1 . C' . W'ooit tmrmd J. A.
H ci.pfr ,
jI' ¼ b
, . ,
Nmry : Imati a lithe mmiii , .
ml ' 14 ll't'i' : mt cm'mmmmt , : uM tctuow' ,
limit % c'It-tu ) ml ICittmSttll : Mary got
Sime let time fooluamumb go.
I igls gm'nchu' omgmmms : $1 5 to $7'I
svltha stool , at downs : ummd ut
mimorul hi.
'I'iu t' i : u I t'st :5 1 mcI mmsost iinm Inn'
mmmmmsk' Cilu5dt4 to tme lim'st uss it
coussu's ttsmt. SI mtmmciumrd mcimi'ct nnii-
sit'--m : ii yost ss'amnmt-omit L'Cmmt ti
A. lIOSI' , .J.
, Mumslcxsmsd Art ,
1513 liomigia' , .
_ _
A rcnMsI HXT5tA'TS--Ccreltrlmu , ' , ron Strain , ( 'am--
tIimt liii' imrcmnl. Ovartne , etc. $1. All drugglits.
Chronic ,
ervo1's' ' '
' . ' , ' '
riei.'rmix'i' sti MALTA ConausttsmttonlfrOe
Wecuro Catarrh , all diso,58o3 of the
Nose , Throat , Chest , Stornitch , Liver1
B lood , Skins and Kidney Diseases , Fe-
i nalo Weaknesses , Lost Nanbooti , and
\ViiK MHN Anli vic-'rzais 'ro NEtLVOSIS
D ebIlity or txlmausttnn , % 'o.itngVeakrmesa , 10-
iiuuitury Loess , writ , nniy le.y in youmig
a mid mumttldle uged ; Iacg of cmi , . , 'im ° r and iveak-
t' nCi tt , ummmtmttmu ely tim mmmttroacmstmug old age. Aim
) 'teitl reatimmy It. our new trejttsseflt ( or 1085
v Ital putver. Calm or ndlres , cvitIu umtarnp for
t' Imcuiurs , free book and receipts-
Hr te'r1no 'in I Qniuili' 1410 l'armsatn '
PA. tCt11II.a ouu IRtUtj , 'Jmittlma Neb
A1 Di'uggit ,
Itc produced by th ( ts-rt'n'n. , Rescntr.s when
, _ 't , all other , tuti. ' [ 'hey cleanec tim.
I l'J _ I4L'mil of irutmeitug , .cuty : , rrtmited ,
itsiti html 'isy tmmmmmior , sti mm mm site
i b 1'ti tue laIr 110dm' . , utumti destroy tot.
'k \ . . L/ ro-mtml , ' , , unimicim fccd on
" Slut' ii.itt , , cutt imemi'e , cmmcceel cvhc
' " Itt tiut' itht , , iti , i'init . mm imti mi t other
Tetmmc't1le f.t. ] a'.t.l tlmr ugimtt I I't : 'vu-bi ,
Alit : am. , . . % uimuu'm'l.'n'mrcdums'J -
I ; VI I4tiI. Itmo I catmmrus mini Itemmuuv-
.iI I tletgtt"tt's , t ti 1.50 f' b'ttlc It' , ' a tanisp. ' .
, Jdm 35. % % ' . ' .i5iiry , t'fi SI' . 4ldtEt.S , V.
I i'umtor of ' , 'ooI1tjmmt y i l'cicIsm sow. -
ToethWithot Plates '
I'axtnmu hituck , -
' ' -i 13th aimmd F.mnmmatmm 815.
'rtl. lOHit $ ,
1"mthl S't Tu'ttt. . . 'f (51) ( ) Silver } 'lhhismgts . . . . .81 00
imct't 'i't.c'tlm. . . . . 7 5(1 I l'mmu"i Ouhil h"Ihuiim ill 0)
Tlmimm h'ia lj , . . . . . . . . I 5) ) ut t totit ( jrJ Wmi'iC ,1t . I
L'.ti mtImtm i1xts'aetum CISc I i1rIcio 'l'uottm - 100Pm U 0. )
Teeth Out Iii riiornin ,
- _ .IOWTh ? Same Day
tg1t ji'- ' IaTHIL3T.
i COKDOVAN . ' ,
; _ ' 3..9POUCEoLE ,
rv- ' .s,0gO2.WORKli4GM , .
. . cXTmIA Flfl. J
a. ' s2.L7.l
' "C 'LA.flhlZ2.
$222 I'
- -
' c3-- jcUGO ,
' ' W'I'IOUCLJ1.
' ' '
DKOCICltj't0 ,
OvcrOno Million I'eesplc wear tluo
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
MI our astines tnro cqtimiuly natl5Inctory
They give the heat % 'aioo for tiio money.
l'hiey cquui custoni Shoe. in style mind lit.
' ( hair cveenin qualilirl mire ils.urp.ssed ,
'time priCes are miustiormn-.stompod ems role.
I tool u to S i uI ic'r ntn'r mnakm-c
TI t'ir tttcr . .An ' 1. . , ' - yu''tcati. . 'cmdby
A.W. BowmanCo. , N. t6thSt.
c.J. Carison , 121B N. 24th S.
w. w , Fisher , Parker anti
Leavenworth St. t
J.Nowman , 424 S. 13th St.
lelleySle'er : & Co , . Farnarn
sseyl 2509 N st.5 South