- - I - 8 rnTTvmrAUThTT1Y . 11flP1TSflAV ! , . A1RIT 2 , 18jj. ! ) ; I ! OSTOHiICE > SAFE 1101115E1)ho ) Burglars Get Securely Through with an Exten8lVe Job at South Omaha. t : GOOD RAISE IN CASh AND STAMPS cf f . .Eovern1 nrlhtorcc T.cttr In the Booty ! Obtnlncet-Tllert Not JJsro\.rrlt Until I 1IIornll11 nllet the Police Arc Totlltly In lie Uarll nN to the Cnsc , : . . ; , ; Snfeblowers rohbell the postolllce safe 01 t250 * In cash , a lot r registered letters anti ; about 2,000 2.eent postage stamps Sunday t night. \ . The postomco clot cd nt 1 o'clock Sunday , afternoon , nllll all 01 the money , registered letters and stalllps were placed In the omco sale and locked up. 1 About 8 o'cloele In the evening 1'0stmnster ! ; Me\lI\lan : \ went Into the ornce to write sonic letters , and relllninell there a short tlllle. f When he lefl ever'thlng was all rIght. I. Entrance was effected by drilling Into the : . lock of the rear basement door. 'fhe vault .r i where the reserve supply ot stnmps Is kellt ) I Is In the bas ment. A stairway leads from i time cellar to the ofilee proper , anti there Is it , a good lock emi the door. 'fhls door was ovi- t denlly elicited with a Illek locle. Once In the corridor 01 the olllce , Il was nn easy matter for the thieves to scale the . railing and reach the ( apartment where the I sato staiit1. 'rho sato Is about twelve feet c from time front wlllliows , nllll Is In plain : sight. A lamp Is kept burning there all night . Neither time watehllHln nor the regu. I 10.1' olllcer on the beat s.\w anybody about I the premises. r It was an Ideal night for a robbery ho. cause the rain kept PeoPle of the streets ! A hole as large as a lend pencil was borell ' In the tOil of the comblnlltlon lock , just : above the l\I1ob , Tim tumhlers were th' n . : , turnoll until the safe was unloclled. The ( : wooden drawers , where registered letters , money orll-rs nnll cash were kept were tnlen i out anti carried OIlny. All the stamps In thc i safe were also taken 'rhe outer 11001' or tile , vault In the blemenl : was opened In the t I sarno11) ' , but the ( knobs on the Inner lloors u 1 . were IlnoclOl ( off with a slmlle hammer. In m . . this vault Il'ns,500 : \ worth or stan1\ls. \ The t thieves tomblell these bundles about , but dhl I 1 not In\e \ any 1 I Alter emptying the safe In the omce the burglars locked It anti silently departell. , Assistant l'oatmmmaster John La Course \\'ns , the first about ' . Ilerson yesterday morn- \ lag. In pnsslnl time safe , La Course noticed something ! glisten on the hour . amt sloopml 10 see what Il was , There was a little pile or steel shavings di . . rectly unller the lock , then the nsslstant ; examined time combination , anti saw that an nllem hail been made 10 open the safeD \ As the lock would hot work \ Ir. lc\llIIan : i . , sent to Omaha for an expert 10 como 11011'11 i and open the strong 1I0x. Until the doors were opened the poslmaster dlii < 1 not lenow ! . whether he hall been robbed or not. It tool the expert only a few minutes to PICk the L , lock anll open the safe deors. There \\'as i nothing Inside except a collide or boollS. Chief ! Brennan was notified allli looked the . ground over thoroughly. tie said It was the " prettiest pIece of work oC the kind ho lint I . ever seen. Not a clew was left by the rob . ' bel's. t Postmaster l\Iclllllan : has checked up the ( omco allll has nscertalnClI the exact 105. . Stamps 10 the amount of $1,209.91. wcre ; i taken ; cash , $256 ; checles $700 ; nil or the - paid money orders and registered mall on , hand. llclllllan : : Is preparing to have watch ; ; . man boxes IIIle those used In the pacldng houses put In. The South Omaha Saving bank Is also taking the santo precaullonar y l . measures and will Imt In two boxes to be : - rung up every half hour. A Plnlterton detective will be her today and In company with a government secret f' service delcctlve , will go to work on the 'p ( : ' case. e' . . : . . - t. . : "I'll have no bIgger ; this doth fit the time r And gentlewomen such " < wear caps as thesc- ; - . protests bonny Kale 10 mocltlng l'etrucittm m , So does Prices Cream linking Powder fit i- ; our troublous times ; gentlewomen will have . . none other. ; : J AliT .IN TlI ; .1Iti's OLU.Il I The 11eparlmenl of art , under the nble ] leadership oC Mrs.V. ! \ . H. Ieysor , had chart t _ of time literary portion of the program of Ihe - 'Voman's club yesterday aftbrnoon. The busIness - S.C. - mess was not Important , and was soon dls- posed of , being ! chiefly motion to urge the Nebranka legislature to imss a bill mailing golden rOIl the state emblem , which was suj L- - - ported by 11ev. Andrews amid others. Mr S. - Koysor then took the chair and ann'ounced - , that time first thrng would bo a select reading from nruwnlng. Mrs. M. L Hull read the ( beautiful selection In 1\ most charming mnai l . nor , and was followed by a trio , IIIrs. \Vi 1- . helm , Miss Hoeder anti llrs. : Kennetly , accom- : _ panle by Mrs. A. S. Stiger. Time singing t. was so well received hint time ladles reo spomletl to an encore In II graceful manner. c . , Mrs. henry Establ'ook real } a bright rellort 01 a visit tu time Chicago Art Instltllte , aUlI . - urged Ito ( ne,1 ! and possibility of such an Institution In Ommimtha , ' Mrs. E A. I.eavonworlh hail for II then me t "Art anti Morallt ) ' . " She took the grouUll 4- that while IICOIHI to momllly , art was one of - its prime fnclors. Site said appreciation anll . : reverence fur the hnman bdtiy Is ono of the t ] first clementI la morallly , anti any one who ] I objects 10 the nude In art Is nol very well l\ \ ' - . developed morally. Time artist who dralles - -F his ligures atlemills to hid\ his mediocrity V by claiming to bo mornl. . k , lIIrs. J. J. Dlclloy recltel "Couatess 1ft : Laura " Il Is nol too much to say that a liner recitatIon has never beemi delivered In ito ( club , nor could any critic find lIall's In . t . the work done by Mrs. Dlelley [ ' Time event of the ( afternoon was the prose ml- I- latlon of 1fino and authentic copy of the Sistine lIIalloana from the tlellnrtment to Iho - club Mrs. Io'sor mndo a dainty little iii re- 'i Kentntlon slleeeh , In which situ salll that the Madonna was not for ono sect ai' one limo , but for all times and all men Il can no mora grow olti than the flowers anti trees cnn boeomo tlreDomo In their beauty every - . iiring The cngravhll was oa the plntlorm r . anti ! Is i the lIecolHI Illeturo of which the olub ; has been the reclillent tjmis year , 'fho president , Mrs. Forti , resllol1lled , - thanking lie ( department amid saying that the t ' ideal of time pre lIlent Wclleslcy college or ; time hluhest form of womllnhool } was - expressed ! hy a copy of that 11lctme thut ( I ' each mother realizes time divinity or all this - child by her own children , allll that ns we ; admniro and apllreclato the picture , so shall ' wo 1'lIlse our Ideal of perfect womanhood. . . . - . it lIenllllll , 1'nvl'lhll : Sicli t The rates at the Lincoln hotel , Llnc'.ln , Iii tve been reduced ! 10 $2 to 3. O , - . - , J..u/ju..tr. V.1 Iil ( JR.I I'IIS. ' o. W. Came ; Creston , Ia. . Is at time Dol- lon . V , W. H. Love at Tekamah Is al the Mer- ' , - chants. .th Frllnk W. Wood and wlto of Lincoln are , t Mlllllr guests. . I- JUllgo J. 11. Ce6lna of hastings Is resls- - t tered al the trcatic P \v. II . .Hobertl anti wIfe1 Creston . Ia , are t. guests lit the I\lIl1ard. - Jv . McDonald anti wife of Lincoln tire ! guests at time Paxton , Mrs W. O. Tibbals and Miss Morris \ , Do- tr , fiance , b. , are Juests at the Millard , - , ' , N. 1\1. nczl\er \ , wife and daughter , OrIs- . weld , 10. , are guests itt the Merchants . . . ' James ! ticflrady or Orleans and A. HOII'an 1 i : ; ot Ord took dinner at the DelloltQ yesterday - day , \i. \ ! : , At the M rcer : a. N. \VhshIc Chlcdgo ; & 3 W. I' . Nebhe1 . i. O. flora , Salt Lake City : m \ wt N. Pelker St. Louis : Ira Mallory Ben- ii Ion : II. S. l'cIIUeld Chicago ; J. W. 1 lIch , 1k'- ! Haclne ; J. I ) . Colt , New York : C. H. Spilman , II Carroll , Ia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ii $ ciit-mDltlli1 lit tilt hIO0l , . At the Paxton. . W. n. Ih'mer. JlllldreJe : t : iirs. W. n. W'chls Fremont : II , J. heed , Hebron ; J. 11 . Hothwell , Nortoll . At the Arcullo- ; . A. havl , Lln'oln : J. - , a. Wells , eohtmmbtum'alter ; OI'all'lIl\ . Dloomlhlllll . ' Pc 13. 1191\011 , , Albion ; C. hiryan 1.'remont , , - ' , DEATH OE' PETE STOLTENBERO.1 lIod1 Found In R ItOOItl ; Rt the Mtllto 1Iut"l. Yesterday ] rnrning Peter St itenbrg , nn old- tlmo printer ot this city , was found dead In a room al the Stale hotel , having been as- aph phyxlatell hy gas. About Ii o'clock one 01 the bell boys no- tic ed time odor ot gas In the corridors anti on tracing Il up It was found 10 Le Issuing from the room eccupled by Stoltenberg The door WRS forced open and time dead ma 1was Ills- covcred lying on the floor besldo the bed. coOn One 01 the gas Jets ' was turned on , but as the transom was open , there was not much gas In the room The employl's 01 the hotel Bay that there mild not appear to bo enough gas lu the room to lelll n mnn. The bOdy WAS Immedlalely place In tile care 01 the coroner. S Il Is a question whether Stoltenberg's denth was time cause 01 all accident or was with suicidal Intent. Tile fact that : the lI'nllsol1\ \ was left open Is a stroll It POimmt ngnlr13t the theory at suicide. Yet the man , hAIl Intlmale,1 10 various friends during the Iflw at few days anti to one Sun lay night that he I was tired of his mllnner of lire , and appeared to hnvo thoughts 01 killing hlrnselr. III' I I hnd heen out or work for the last two month ! , 0.11I1 as he hail neVer heretofore hall toy I cllI tfictilty In geltlng position It malle him ve ry despondent. ITo had heen In hard I st raits nlHI hall frequently nsleed for assist- ' anco from his friends lie hall also heen ! drinking harll. It Is thought by some 01 his friends tbal his despollliency Move him I to sulelllc i . lie vlslled Iho hotel Sunday nlghl al about , 10 o'clocl . ACler slttimmg ! nround for a while I he nsllell for one of the cheapest rooms In I the house , saying that ht' dill not have money ! enoulh to pay for 0. hotter one lie imaid for the 1'0011I In allvanee and then retired. I lie hall stopped ! al time hotel on several occaem slous. although Ime hall usually lived at time , Arcade hotel until he lost his 11OSltioll. Stoltenharg hllll lived In this city during the greater hart or the past twelve years. I lIe was one of the host printers In the city , buL he had often lot his positIon on accollnt of drink. 110 hail woreell ] on all time papers that hnd bee mu puhllshed I In Ito t city mitt rh mmg the tlmo of his residence here , his last 11091. ! tlon being with the \Vorhd-llerald Ills I hOllle ) m was In Dlvenllort : , In . where ho' had a stepCathel' , n. mother mind two sisters living. These have been notllled 01 his death hy the T'l1Ographlcnt union , of which he was n member. lie I hnd also a marrlell sister IIv- in g ! In Kansas City. Nothing will be done with ito hOlly until word Is received from his reatll'cs. ] The Inquest will be held lo- day.BeCore Before cOllllng 10 this city , and while living In Iavcmmport Stollenber studied law and practlcClI I for a tlllle. lie Is also said to have sllllllell for the priesthood. lie \\'as n mnn of nhaut ) 40 years of age and IInmar- ri eti. He had ninny frlenlls , hcimtg n very pleasant fellow He wag a very hard drhmtker IIsually goln ! drunk for weeks ! al a time. Al one time he took the Keeley cure - - _ . - . . The remedy rests with the afflicted If con- sumers strictly taboo " " so-called "ehenp" bak- Ing powders they will nol be l11anufactured. D r. I'rlee's Is the best , purest. - - - flrlm'r I"I' : Nnt . I' " % Ito 1lIf"rc..lI. : NothIng definite has yet been accomplished towllrd compelling the owners of bulllllnls : In the business district 10 provIde the same w hElm proper tire escapes nnd Iron shutters Bolh h the city emigineer nml the chief of the fire department have been too busy to take h old of time matter and time bimihtiing Inspector Is i unwilling to take any definite action without - out the concul'renec of the other members t of time bonrtl. There Is a general complaint on the part of property owners that the times are so hanl that It would be a hard. : shl11 to force them to make these Improvements - ments m al this time and there Is a proba- bllily that time matter will be allowed to rift for some months yet . TJI UUtt-C'l' : I1JU'1'IItJS ! : ; ItOUrE \'Iu Hock hhul I , Shortot : 1.lu ! miami 'I\1t9It 1'111I" To all Joints In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian , erritory Texas and all points In soulhern Calltornla. Only one nlglll out to all points m oa f Texas. "The Texas LlmltE-cl" leaves Omaha at 1i:15 , a. m. dally , except Sunday , landing 11asseners ! at all polnls In Texas 12 hours In advance of all other Hnes. Through tourist C lrs via Ft. Worth allll EI Paso to Los An- g elee. For full particulars maps , folders , e tc. , call at or nddress Hock Islant ! ticket ornce , 1G02 Farnam st. CIIAS. KENNEDY. O. N. V. ' . P. A. -a ' ' ' 'In.t it IIrcorcJ Is Thbl ! The Durllngton's "Den\'er " ' \ Limited which leaves l Omaha al 4:35 : p. m. dally , Is due In Denver at 7 7 :30 : tIme next mornIng In other words , II Is scheduled ! to cover ' , In I a single night , the 538 miles between the ; Missouri river and time Hockles. AND I' L' DOES IT. Durlllg the month of JIIarch , the "LImited" has never failed to reach Its destination on limo to the second. It yen ore goIng to Dmver , or ChIcago , or Kansns City or any other place and wan t to GET THEilE , you will alec ( the Durling- : t on. , City titket office , 1324 Farnam street. . A 1'01VIIV""tll . " " . Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee ( & St . Paul railway , the short line 10 Chicago. A clean ! Imln , made up and started from Omaha IJl\ggnge checlee < from resilIence 10 destlnlltlon. Elegant train service anti courteous - teous employes. Entire tr. : ; . UglteJ ! by electricity and ! heated bi tem : , with elt'c. trlcl light In every berth. Finest dining car servIce In time west , with meals served "a 13 I carte. " Time Flyer leaves nt 6 p. m. dally , ( rein Union Depot. City Ticket 0111cc , lliOt Farnam street. C. S. Carrier city ticket agent. . IInll"'uk"I. . . . "x'ur'I"'I. Via the I\lIssourl Pacific railway on April 2d. One rare plus ( $2.00) ) for the round Irlp to all points In Texas anti Arkansas Stet overs nllowed. II For further informnllon , pamphlets , ote. , call nt depot , 16th nnd Webster , or city office , N E. corner 13th nn J 1'arnalll. J. O. PIIII.I,1I'I'I. TIlOS. F. GODPnEY , A.GF.&P.A. 1'&T.1 t. ' ' l'lcmisimnt''n 'r"kO The Northwestern line Last vestlbule Cli . cage train that glides caal from the Union Depot every afternoon al f:45 : and Int\ \ ) Chicago at 8:45 : next morning , with supper Rllll In carlo breakfast. Every part of tlte train Is ltIGHT Other eastern trains al 11:05 : a. m. and 4 p. m. dnlly-good , too City ticket otnct' , HOt Farnam street. . ' 1 hn.w Siiiiii A very low rate 1I0meseeleors' excuralon to time splentlhl agricultural and fruit hands of I\IIss1sIIplli IIIHI Alabama will leave Omaha on Tues ay , April 2. For full Information as to land , rates , , etc. , call on or write T. S. CLAHKSON , Room 621 , 1st. Nat. 13k Bldg" , Omaha. . Oullll g In 'l'exam : April 2nd will bD excursion day for Texa If you intend to go there It will be to your Interest 10 call on or address E. L. Palmer , Ilasst'fIcr ! agenl Santo 1"0 route , room I' First Nallonal bank building , Omaha. - . . . . . . . . . . ' . " " . . . "i " " " " . . . . . _ , ; , V' ( . . . . . " " ' r. " We.hUuj ( or Stride ) tnkr . Six cupfuls butter , tour cupfuls sugar six- teen eggs , three pints flour , six cupfuls cur- rants , waahed , I1rlell and picked , three cup- luls SUHIl11ll. raisins three cupfuls citron , two cupfuls candl 11 lemon peel , two cupfuls aimolllls , blanched timid cut In shreds , one- half hint . brandy , two ounces each nutmeg , lIIaco and cinnamon , tablespoonful each cloves and allspice . Prepare ) all these ingredients In following manner : Place butter and sugar In large bowl , break eggs Into quart measure or J111cheq cover small waiter with clean sheet of paper ' : on Il hay sUted flour. fruit , 'ltrou anti hellIon Jleel , cut Into shreds , the IIlmonds anti spices wllb. brandy turns- ur"11 " at band ; also get ready lange cake tin LI \ ) ) ' 11apcrlug It IUblde with white paper and outside atari botton with four or live thick- - : : W \ \ ANTS IT TO HAVE A RIDER JUt1go scott Not Willing Yet to Sign Aptho p1icntion for Mooro's Parden - liE SIIOULD NOT LEAVE PRISON ALONE . Wlllltes that Some Obreure , Unbcfrlcndell ' Comlct (10 Out with ( 11111I lo Show 'I. tlmt the Law Is No ltesJ.teter J of 1'cromm. A strenuous effort Was made before Judge Scotl yesterday to geL him to append his ofilclnl signature to an application to Governor - er nor 1I0icomb for pardon In the case 01 \ \ ' ilIiam P. Moore , a 'oung man now servpl In g ! a three rears' term In the slate peni- tentiary. Time court refused to extend the elcl11enc ) ' asked Moore : was convicted ! , It Is stated , uncleI' very peculiar clrcullutances at the last Seplember term The then county attorney J. W. ICaley securel nn nllI1lsslon ! DC guilt from him , on the strength ot which he wns sentenced for three years for larceny 01 the Ilroceeds or a checlc. It Is now elalrne that Moore , who Is ab out 22 years of age , vas hmcoiwiniceti : Into maldng time conCession ; hunt ( ho acted without time advice ! or attorneys , and ! had his friends known of time charge which was 1J0- In g preCerred ngalnsl him they coulrl have effectually secnred hIs release : lie hind been elllployel } with a grocery firm emi Fifteenth , street as a trusted clerIc. On September G a cllCcle for 11.85 was entrustell to hlll1 , the preceells of which he IIIlsappropl'laled while It was the lropertY of his emuploycrs , \\'lIl1am Curran tumid John Daniels. Time plea of uniform gcot ; ) charecter au 1 the fact hint Moore , who commies ! of nU ox- cellenl Call1ily In the east , was so completely o'ercome hy time ehargo that ho refused to ol'en consult an nttenmtey eVillenclng / /I desire - sire 10 sllllllly get himself out of time world , WllS tinged IIpon time court's nllentlon. Judge Scott took UII the cue nt this point nnd Have n talk on the propriety of each man "keeping a balance on the rlglll side of the le tiger . " lie reCusel1 to assist In getting ! a p arthon . bul wounll up by mailing the proposition - sition Ihnt If on Jnnunry 1 , when his term of olllce eXlllres , the friends of the young man appear with another aplll1catlon for M oore . along ! with an mltlltlonnl one for some obscure anti unlmown young milan out oC the numerous tiuromig behind time 1.lncoln bars thnl h the two will be at once signed by hlm- sell. This will be done "to sholl' lint ( the law Is no respcter of persons. " Mooro's Crlends were so nonplussed by tint proposition that t they have not made Ull their minds whether to accept Il or refuse to search the penitentiary fcr a 'oung man of the descrll- ) - lion name . ! 'etth'tt by huhitcaummitimig 1110 CI:1III. : : The city 01 South Omaha has agreed In open court to pay $1,500 for neglecting to fill certain deep gullies on Thirteenth street near time Intersection with MissourI avenue Isaac M. Thorndllco was ono of the latest pnrtlcs to learn sensibly of their loeallon In that 5ecUDn. On the night or July 24. 1894 , , ii oi'as driving along In the dnrk , trusllng 10 t his steed to pick II way among the weeds a mid hidden pllCalls. Instead oC doing ! this I his horse plunged buggy and driver down a I precipitous bank located directly In the center - ter oC the thorouhCaro ! , landing Thorndllte on I the back of his head amid severely shaltlng up his h SYStOlll lIe nt once took to his bcd , bt eing a man of 43 years of ago amid unused I to such tumblcs. ] In the meantime his al- torneys began a suit for $15,000 damnages for the failure of time city to keep lights / to Indl- cato time location of time wnshouts or to repaIr - paIr _ the road. The action proceeded for some time , but by a vote of time city council , even agreeIng to the proposition , Thorn : dlko has received warrant for $1,500 , one tenlh of his original demand , to case his bruls03. _ _ \Tonld Hatllol' Ho ll1un. . The crIminal branch of the distrIct court recently - cently trIed W. E. Dlnlell' for Insanity , while the t charge of burglary was hanging over his I heall. i and a jury found him lasane. Jndge Scotl then ordered Dlnlele removed to the Insane - sane asylum , but the authorities refuseth to : cognize the order. James 1' . Grave , Dinkies : attorney , says his man Is Insane and will go to the asylum nl all hazards. Ho has himself filed f an Information charging his client with InslIIlly i : and will brlllg the attention of the Insanity I board to the finding of the jur ) ' . Thl3 J board has power \ to remand prisoners to the asylum. _ _ _ _ _ _ \\'oulll QlluHh thu I nllletment Time case nalnst ! J. W. Elier / , an ex-.county I Judge , was nrguel before Judge Scott all a 1I10tlon to quash the Indictment , charging hIm , with stealing , taking and carrying away $53.64 of trust funds held by him In various assign mont cases Eller moved to quash the indict ments. Dm S. Baleerdefendlng him , alleged that there Is no such fuerson ! ns a county jndge known to the iav lie also alleged Imp rrec- tlons In the wording of the hili. Jll\nur \ ( .onrt ! JI"ltt..r Iartllll 11. Rhodes has sued Calvin A. Rhodes for a dll'orce. N. C. Reed brIngs nn action against L. A. Harris for $3,240 by atlnchment. Adam Snyder has moved the court to con IInuo his case , In which he Is charged with embezzlement , to another term. A. 1Iioplllns sues E. W. Patrick for u claim for $225 on account of an unpaid bill for slenographers fees In a referee case. I'hllenll g. Wood has filed a claim for $2,600 , alleged to be duo ns a trust fnnll , In I time hands of time estate of J.V. . l'atiilocl : Il has bee allow.ed. J , P. Maiming ! and T. 1' . Wilson are cam I- testing 11 small clllln ! on ncconnL or an 0.1. legell overcharge of stenographer's fees , $21 ; being asked on this score Oscar A. Scott and Charles A. Wallace are dlspnllng In court over the sum of $71 The former claims ho consnmmated a large land trade and Is blng owed this amount for his wont . George 11. l1arr has suell J. W' I'renzer to recover $700 onleconnt of a land deal which he alleges the latter has railed 10 carry out as agreed , Il consisting In the taking ! off of his hands of lot 0 , block J6 , BeMonl Place Abegg & Rush and time Commercial N a- tlonnl banle are ( In dispute liS to which shoulll have had the proceeds of u levy on tIme stocll of C M. Schneider & Co. Time latter fl'allzell $10,000 out of 1\ levy Time former claims there was n conspiracy 10 pay the banll be- I fire its claim ror $600 was paid. The bank Ilenies thIs , In time n'atter of the mortgage Cort'Closuro of Andrew J. lIanscom agalnsl J. hi I . Pierson sllll another application / has tmremi made for a reappraisement. The parties this time ( cam ml- 111aln to the ( effect that time second set of ap , praisers practically agreed that the land ! was or time value Il was found to be before , al\d \ . - this Is urge-ui for selling the appraisement as ide . Charles Corbell thins filed nn answer 10 time ac tin 01 O. W. DlCrker for " 0,000 , alleging thal his connectlow wIth the noles In qUeStion - the n Is due to 8e\'I'1'al agreements respecting collalerals to the amount 01 $41iOOO In street railway stock , whIch : were to have been , among other things , place.l . with Corbett , none of which agreements , he says , have been carried out. Jlltlge IIIalr has 'Commencl h'arln ( ( the hearing or tim ecase 01 B.nn.tl against Maul. About GC , roe 01 n coal yard property attached by C. B. Havens & Ca. , Is Involved , the creditors or Hhoades & Senlrs suing because this at- tachlng ( creditor did not come In under time assignment lalo hy "lhoades & Seavers at the time or the liquidation , several years ago The ex-sherif anti coroner nN Imlnllar.is , The divorce acton 01 Mary J. Wood against \llam V. Wood was enlec by the granting of 1 c1\orcl In favor of the pllrI I. This eouplo was troubled with Ineomilatlbll of te mimper. The divorce was not contested. Time plnlnlr gets the ( two children and $40 all- ilI Ofl3P per ntommth. . a- .I. . \ ( ( u. ' V II .1''j. An excellent company , wihIr. : . John Orlt- fhs \Icphlstophdes : , will preell Goethe's Immortlll IJetlc spectacle , "Paust , " at the 10 'll tonlghl anll tnlorrow night. The play wi be given UPOI I sealo oC grnleur not of ten equnllec ; new alli elegant scenle ef- fecls , special Ic-hanlsls and novel electrical ac ssorles form a most Illeaslng all start- lng irimmovatioti. One of the features oC the lu rodtmction'Iii b h ) , the : llurclberl ; cathedral choir , which wl render allproprlnte luslc throughoul lhe IErCOrmnnce. ) The revel on the Broltn In time fourth act Is n marvel of stage art , with Its vl'Jl ( fnshes of light- imi . showers of real tire , the dance oC time delNS ! anti nn electric dUl'1 form a meet wlcrd Il-acl ( : II' . Grlflh will be seen In his original cenccptlon of time e\1 one. No produclon of this great scenic sermon caLm surpnss that Ilresentcd - b ) this COIIJI ) - - - : : III' u mmmi t 'I fr t hI "h'II\ I btort S. In Dclhnl hal , near Shecl ) ' , there was : 10 have been II spurring contest In which " " "Irish" McGee : was to Iwocle Fred Helley ( coIO'ell ) oC South Omaha enl In ten l'ollls. The pollco imiterfered so by consenl of the Interested parties and the 100 or more specters - ' tu tors . It wns changed to 1 wrestng mmiatchm . b est two out of three , eatch-as.ealch.can Graeco Homan. McGee won the Irst two .rals In two Inl one-hal and six all one- halC Ilnutes resllectl\e ! . A colection alolg the speclrllors was then taken for which McGee : wenl against nn tmimknouvn best two In three , catch-u , -catch-can , the unlmo\\'n winning the first two falls In one tu mid one.hal Ilnutes respectively. . Hr"ll'hlll I I ' 1' rim ii im " Irl ( t'mI. . "I had a severe attack of lirommchmitis. I I caled a 11hyslclall amid he said Unit I hac consumpton allli would not last long. lie lef l mo semite lellcln anti after il was enc 1) cough returmd. I began taking llooti't SarSnl1I'la and have lallen six battles. I I I no\ have mme cough amid seep ] wel al nlghl. " : \Irs. Sarh Helidll , Ahbott , Neb. fl Ioolls . Pills cure sick headache , bious- . II t'"tr" ' n ; 0' I.omice. Omnha 10lge , No. 130 , I. O. n. A. , was organlzel at Palterson's hal Sunday , and I the t following officers Installed IW Dr De- \orlelng. grand . mnster , and John 1 llln , g rant ) deputy , slsted by Sol Prince , ex- presldert i : President , 1 Drown ; rice Ilresl- i bflmt . William FranKie ; recordln secretary , 1 . Iosselbcrg ; financial secretary , J. D. N ulhanson ; treasurer , Carl Brandies ; true- t ees , A. I'd. ' Lesser H. Greenherg and A. Spelgle , The organIzation Is I for the purpose oC furnishing mutual Insurance to members Ixcimmmimrimmg TheIr Cnsh for FoO ! . The ladles or Plymouth Congregatonnl church , located at Twentieth and Spencer streets , Kountzo Place , wi gIve a "blrlh- day" supper In the church parlors this e\'enlng : Each person sItting nt time tables wi pay as many cents for lht' mel as he Is I : iy years old. I a boy G years of age eats his supper at time church , he pays G cents for : his food , " while I a lan has turned the centnry point and attends this feast , ho comm tributes $ t , exchanging the same for the good thIngs which wi bo upon tile table. o "Roll on , thou deep and dark blue ocean " Time ' lightest ' rolls lire those lade front DI' - . Price's Cream Baking Powder. itmiiccr J.lhcl ( ) aNo Conln led. Editor W. S. naler's alleged libel suit - , broughl on nccount of n publication mad In I tIme Gretna Heporter tlO while time grand jury j was In session . 11 respecting Foreman J. Babbitt , was called for hearing before Justic 0 Justce of the Peace l3nrtlett iarlletl and passed until l April 11 The right of arresting an editor In onetIme county than that In which he resides , becaus e his h paper had chanced ! 10 stray Into an ad - joining j cotmmuty wi bo contested Edllor Ualier was broughl from WIS Sarpy county . Ciii , t eliot or s. t , , , . ' , , , COltractor 'ph"lgun 1'olllrrf i Illsolf. m i James Slephenson who : , has the city cc n- tract for eleanln ! ; the ) .wcd streets , has put on his war paInt and has decared that he still cause the arrest of sOle or the 1101'- erty owners. Stephenson cOlplalns Ihat property owners I'alee lp their Ilrelj es anll throw all of the tin cans amid other dehrl ltbrls Intc time streets , ninth that Iw ! .s comitelle to haul the stuff away , notwlhstnndlng omlle fact that there Is mmothminmg 1'1 nl1 coimtrr.u with the city that provides for anything contrrct or the Icimiti Nothln ! Is put In Cool's Extra Dry 1mm - 11- penal Champago to maleo I ferment , the eftel'vesence Is natural ; its boquel nnrl\aled. . \ Ics for al dtetotmiitlimg. J. W. Logan , one of time stockholders of the m Unl\er.ml Co-operative a1soclatlol1 , a'leges Ihat time concern Is on its lasl Is legs and wants IIn accounting. Ito charges that J. C. Monalnger has been living at ito hotel , while time bal. anc of tIme slocicimolmlers ! hava not mantle stocleloders a coo , anti thal a meelng was recently lucid Ind fnnds voted aWay fraudulent y. lie also w.\nts cErtain toellhoillcrs 10 he cOlpellc 10 kip their books In Douglas county. . Kills , rats , coelroache bedbugs , water bugs , etc. , Steam's Electrlo Ialte ; 25c. - - , \I < JII"t UI time . I""orvatnl. Unlell States Marshal Wllo has receh'el official advlces frol Chief Deputy Cogge _ hal , In which the latter says that he Ind his . depules have got personal service on If of Ihe settlers on the Wlnnebago settler reser- vatlomm , anti that : vaton no trouble has been ox- perlenced , mien Is any antcipated at this : lme , _ - a Sufferers from coughs , sore 111 at , ete" vhoul try ' 'flrowrt'e flrn&tt.mt 'froehes , " : a simple but sure remedy 80hl only In hoxi ( ' , Prices :5 cenls. lfx - a a e s e e o a'1 13 ROYAL has the highest leavening power of any powder examined and 1 is pure and olesomc. No other powder gave results so satsfactory , - FLOYD DAVIS , rr 5" , Ph D. , I l ' Chemist of Iowa State Board 'Health. -fl-a--- . . " _ _ ' _ % . , _ , _ -4-a' . ' . , , z-.ras ' ' n Sr..fl-a.r-n.n--r- , . . , j r.'a''n'sa.a'--a I , _ 4- _ _ s ; " J Q - nesses of coarse wrapping Ilaller which can be ted on. Having thus prepared even' thing , and lre banked up to last iiitii adilt- ion from time to into of a shovllrul of coal , by which means you will 10t reduce oven heat , proceed ID beat to very light cream the butter Ind sugar , adding eggs , two at n time beating a little between each addition , unll all are used : then put In can. tents of waiter all lit once , wllh brandy ; mix very thorousilly and smooth , put Into lure. hated cake tin . sloolh over the lop , Ilut ) lent ) ' of paper on to prolecl It ; bake eight hour leefplng oven steadily ul1 to clear , moderate heat ; watch carefully and you will produce a cake worthy of the occasion : rc- move trom oven very careully , and suler ! It to stay Da tin until quite cold : next day Ice It with thin coal ot white Icing , both tall and aides ; place 11 cool oven lo dry the ---,4.----- - - , _ ' , - " . I = "C ; ; , C."W . icing Now bl'reac ' a second cOat of Icing , which will IJrcvent any crumb or fruit helng mlxell Ul1 wllh the Icing when you are Icing to Inlsh ; now with broad knlf proceld , when first coal Is dry , to ice sides , then pour Icing on center of cake In quantity sumclent to reach tIme edges , when stop ; decorate wllh vase of white made lower elc. , to taste . _ a- JlcD 1'lllllnl No. J. One.half cupful rice , one and one. half pints milk , ono.half cupful sugar , large PhmiChm sal , ont tablespoonful lenln rind chopped flu : IC. Iul rice , washed amid picked , sugar , bait Inll IC.I milk In quart pudding dish ; bake In moderato - ate even two hours stirring frequenty lIe -St - one and on.fourlh hours , then permi I to finish cooking , wih Ighl colored crust , dls- lurblng I no nlore. Eat cold , with cream. . . - - - : - Smup . ; fnQS 4 L . - - I /t _ , ' ONE : N.iOYS Both time method nld rC lls whcn Syrup of Fi.gs is takl'l ; it is picantailt : amid refresh Ig to the taste , ald ( nets gently yet II'omptly on tw Idne's , Livcittiitl Bowels , ccanfcs the sys- Wm ! cfeotllnl . disc H colds , hend- aches 111 ( fo\ers and : om'os habitual COllStiIat'iOhl Syrup Qf Pigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro- dncec t , plensing to the taste 111 nc. ccptahlo to the 8tOllh : , proIpt ) in is notiol nnd tril ) ' henefdal in its c1lets , prepared ) only from the Iost healthy 1 mil agrecahleHnhst : ) llcS , its lalY excelent 'llalties comlCll it to alL and have : made i the most popnl ) rehiiculknovim. . SYI'np of Figs is fol anle in 50 cent hotles hy nil lcad'miig ' . al le:1lg drlg. gists. .Aly reliable ( hnggist who may not have it on haHI wi pro- cure it prolpty ) for aty : ono who wishes to try . it. Do not acccnt , . C ally SlhlStittltc ) . CALFORNI FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FANCISCO , CfL. LOUISViLLE. [ Y. NEW IQ.Ft' . N.r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . , . rnhmbr MuRK ' , C . THE GREAT , . . , ' " ' . . ' , " " I' .1 " v . . ! , . _ . , ' , . - ' - nt- ' . , , . , " ' . . , ' ; j ' - ' . ' ; ' 'i : . , . 'f. , ( . /t l J jif1Ai :1i. . 4f iZ : yi I/j. / . ( : " . M , . ' \ Ijrr .a . f. . : . f/J " ! ' .r. H.1 : ' , . " i , I . -ipj , 1fipj - = - . 1 iM : ; ; ; t . } j # / : 1 - , ] : & ' _ - - ThIs extrnrdlnarr Rejuvennlor Is the most 1 10110riul dl""ulery of tIme mine . I has been endOset by time leatiingrctcntitionica ofEumopo . ofh"lop nntlmerlca . ,1. . Uucyul 1 . , . purely - vttge- . tnlle. ' Ull1nu tops ' .I . ' " ; . . , : . : , , Prematureness ; . { I _ ' . ' . ) . . f ofhodlsehlrge , il Waa8. I ; ti . . ; , , . Ai % 11. " " - , " Cresdi E4O ST DEFORm AIJI : : N I-I OOD Constipation , Dzzlnes , I'nln Senstons Nervous 'wHchnK : of the ) c and oilier pails. Strengthens Invigorates amid tones the cntro sstcm. ludyuu cures DebilIty , Ncr\ounC8 , Emissions . and COlclopes amid restores weak orgnns. I'nlns In time back , 1ose hy day ot nighmtnroitoppcd quickly. 0\ : 2,000 PrIvate endorsem CI I. i'tcmmmaturcmmess means impotency In tIme first frt stage I Is I ymltomoh' llnnl weaknesaumd harreane It cnule stopped 1120 drqs br the me of . ludn. Time ncw alseo.cry was made by the tpcciai- . fsts ofho out famolls hJutlsomm . llodlia' 1.1. tuto. I Is Ih06ronJI.&t vialzer mnde. His very powerful , hut halulcb Sold for $1.00 0 paclcnmgeor t package for SO ( lllaln aenlclt bOxes ) ; Wrien uumnteo given for n cure. I SOLO buy six boxes ( and are \ot entrely cured six mono wi L sent 10 } 'Ol free or nil chares. Send for circulars amid tcstiuionlals . Addres HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 JURJET ST. , b.SA.N FRANCISCO , CALIFORNIA. \ _ . DOCTOR i SEARLES ' , , & SEARLES : . ' . i : . { Chronic , " { lt ! l ; ' 1 ervoiis \ ' , tt ' Ne\'Ols I ' \ II'\h \ , , \ I I } j ! \ Pclval } . ! ; " ' I \ ' ' \ ' \ \ . , t DSS 'j'it1t1'.hJNT IIAI. Cnnynllltnfl'rof ! W' cure Catarrh , all USOISOS : of the Nose , Throat , Chest , Stomach , Liver , Blood Skin and Kidney Diseases Female - male Weaknesses , Lost 1iaiibood and ALL PR.VATE DISEA'ES OF MEI' 1 WgAK : IN , \ mIC'18 TO NI H\OlS Dl'llly or mximausttorm'mthtlnmg WCalHlbS , ii Ii- \uluntary Iosscs , with l arly ; IJeclY ) In ) 'OUII ' and nahindmc uged ; IlIcg of \Im , ilgul' und is en ! IC. . . cl'l Ilrclatulely In approachIng old Ige. Al ) 'lr11 reallly lo our neW Ircatlcnt for loss ol 1111 power C.II or nllrrs with slump tor crculars , tree bode and receiptS. Dr . Sea rlcs au' S3ir1331 ' , 141 ' G I' ' nrnll U 'JIIII : ot - VIGOR OF MEN I I Easily , Quickly , Pcrrnanonly Rcstorcd. _ , \\601'ICII , Norvoulnc" . I , . _ \ \ \ . O"llC ' anti all tIme trait J.t1ofevIlsromncanIy errors or . . . luter oX/Jssesl / lie rCbults ot -V. uverwork , I ielcnems , JWenkmieas IIKIIJ slr11It 1 I. worry ilovel _ ollmeu , und tote giveim to . . . . , . . - every organ Inll toeliol ma . ni9 j r1b \ \ ' ) ural of limo mcthlh orlln , iimmm , ! .Ieuut IIfftol maa I I. I II'IO t ' \ \ } ate Imprmcmenl Fnlure Imp .sl.I"le. : .OI rl'Cerlrcs. DI01 heeo eXlllunation aldIlrool malted ( ealc ) freu Fnil : 'nInL flU. , Eiiffato , H.Y p ' - - Our record of actual ana unoenlnblo curse at 8YI'111.18 Is phenomena. We furish al met -I. Iclne free and erdlca' . the poIson Crone metis . .ystem In DO da. . Cure guaranteed . caraaleed. hour. . . :3 : tJ ' .1 ; Wencaan and Bate . . h's. D. P. m TiE DNS1On REMEDY :0" . la Ne" York Le Oma Neb . - - - - - - - PROFIT OR NO PROFIT Matters not we enjoy cinItying a whole lot of underwear boxes , \Vhc'I Don't they stack up whcn thc season 10\s 'round ? As a manufacturer inquired of our Furnishing buyer , whethm' the dead and the quick about Omaha all buy underwear of The N ebrsla , I looks that wayindeed.Ve undoubtedly sell the larger hal of all men's underwear shipped into Omaha. Thc prccs stipulatcd for this 0 year will surely . bring larger results still , or someone wil have to give away lndel\car to check 0. , Remember tlc balbriggan wc used to sell at 35C is now 25C-that'S theay it worked through all - :5c-thats way al pre- vious Pl'iccs Other Furishings designated for Spring ' 95- like-stylish neckwear , light street gloves , dress shirts . silk aUd lincn all he rc-and shirs. sik an wipers-arc al - plenty " of 'em. ei1One thing cCI.tain They're designed for ( Spring ' 95 , and they must be sold before the leaves begin to . turn . or else we'll give 'em way. \ \ carry nothing over to another season. m ' J ; ljlJ7Ei ! WMJ'/ 'i j , Can't . come _ at Daytime - - - - - - - - u Come . cveningstill _ ! , S o'clock. , _ _ ' _ . . . $ > : ' 'r' ' ; i tt.J ' : 1M i . " " " ' ' ' i Iri ' , , , . Baby Carriages Wanted Very well , Glaranteel We hIve got GI 40 per cent . ; tl3m. below other 158 styles I - ; dealers , IJO I And on't you n2 $ m forget it I ' . TO See them We $3OO $ - : wl do the rest. \\Te vi11 furnish your house con1DI'te with Ftirnithre , Carpets , - Draperies , Crockery , COOKING and GASOLINE STOVES In fact everything you \rant on weekly or inoiitlily 1)aynlellts at CASH PRICES. - Your Money's Worth or YourMoney Back THE NEW DEPARTMENT STORE MABA MTUR U AFJD MAfAf FARNAMSTGARFETCO8 : FANA , n ! J C . ' . "o.h " _ : i ' ' . . - - - - - - - - , . - - , - - - - . - . - un n , _ _ _ - - - EQUITY CLOTHING and SHOE House --JOS. NEIUEC ' . , llanagcr.- C- 'Vu Imeg to : IIOIICI thaI we are now olU ' for hIHIIIHIth I : POIIIt ) ! lew slock I of SI'IIJ , Clolhlll I I g , Iul Siroes' Whiee Ile : IIW nt time imimsi- IWSS II Ollhl ( , WI ha\'u I lelHtltol lS 11 11 fiet \I'S Ihl t 1ILullels m ! lS to . Ha ' blunt t I wu wi 1011 our ovim. met leJ : In the sl'lfu fO' ) the I'otli clttll iiml-hi- IISS of . 01111.'e Ile ) lottet1 : , II the ' ' of comer . . ' I , 13t11 and Farl1al11 StS. Due thing we do- . \1 1'1)HI' ) 'Ol. lot1S five , Slch : s HO\111 II ) I'IIIS 01' nit Imlols , II . 111tor If ' ' \ ' ( ' imutigit I goods of I , 'II'hOIht oots o l. lmiahimtg ; I , 01' of SOIU 01 ( ' ulsl else.'I . 'I- _ _ - - - - - .r -s----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ; : i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cAi\rolj : , : Ii i f J UN EL' It' 1 I : uimtrriu Is : b3trmT ! I ma'Iy'ti thU ' I ( by 1101" Int . , uf 1:1IIJi : , . 100:11 ' . . l li I 1lrrlu y'i nicmmti if trr.ttuItr ( roil ii is , < rlulll tuimy . , , , , , I llllr c-mttsa. " s i ntO rttlitbmt' : never faits uaratmtuo . wti ( ovr b-tt u "ru to ii < ' ' alY . Cli3. l "i . anl ruh:11. 1:16 111r.uluo 11,11 ev.rv 1 . " I .ly { 'hli Ino < tim far Rittlarbo ills tell UVuI'y bottlu tistu-iiu ' I u'llu'ur ' IO 'it. , , hCIO , , , . HIIJrlor. 1,116 IH . 10110 'Jlul - H Uc h.'ilh ' iSoiti IJY till hquiitm ; tiro'mst' I'rlco , LU . I" . . 101 Per buttlu. \'o.rlrl rH ' IIII. ! .11).11 I $ JI.I . a II I WO win al 11111 L r'lsl loll ! II . 1J.U . CAMOLE CJMOLE JUNIPER 00. _ _ _ _ _ - - . . - - We&turu Oleu. Oluhu , Nubl'f.l , g' - - - - - - - J . EXACT SIZE PERFEC11) TIlE ' MERCANfILE IS ' TILE FAVORITE TEN CENT ' CIGAR For Bnll hey till 1'hi'r4t Ch18 Dn1'8. lnllrllurcl ; 1) tao ( . " \ .A- F. R. I RICE MERCANTILE CIGAR Cole l"uctol.r :0. 30J , St Louis , Ala. - - - - -