_ - - - - - - - - . . - - - : - - 7 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAiLY 1J1 g : 'rUESDAY , A1UUT.J 2 , 1805. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , TIlE OMAHA ± DAILY BEE. - - - . - - - - = ; : 1. 1tosrwAT11t , , Editor. . - - - 111.IHUW Vlmr I MOttNIL - . - _ . - - - TImMS oI' IllJU8CftTVT1O4. rMly flee Without Suntltty ) . OM Year . . R o ( ! SumlIY nr. ( DAiY l3eo Ald 'lh Sunday. One Year . . . . . 100 Six Monlhn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 . . . . t'hr o Monlhn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bundiy U.f' . One "rr. . . . . . . . . i Rttur1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ftun/Y fle ( One yrr. . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . % VtekIy Io Ono 1.er. . . . . . . . . . . . S oriiciis. OFlCCS. Om.h& . Th o Ikililing. , Bouth Omahz T Slnlor Iflk. . Corner N and 21h Bt $ . Clun 1 $ lur . . 1 1'ffirI trcct. . Cfflcgo OUle 317 Chamher ot Commrrc. Chlclu Olr 31 . N/w York ' nof 13 1 nn.1 15. Tribune Ddg. % Va3hlngton . 10j J 8treet . ? 4. V. . COR1tCSIONDtCF . All CnmrnInlenhlnnM % relAting 10 n"WA An.l . .1 . tonal mller Ahoul,1 , he rlAlnl "I" : To the Idltor. lut'SUflS LTTTIflS All ltiln.i lettei- rind rmlttnne R .houl,1 , he l l.ulln.1 lotet r/mltnnr 1.1lrIR . Al .t in Thp flee I'uhllihlng . ( ompnnl' , . Omnhn Trnfl. . ' hPk" nn" .tnfllee urlert to ho made : ! PA\.I , ' to the nl r t"lonco " " ) \ ml . ' ! m 1 ; lUULISINO _ COMPAN' 8TATflMflNT : ! Ol CITWVL.ATl0. flforge n Tzi'hutk . " eerein1y of The 1M I'uh. "errtnr' o llihlng ! Cml'nn Tz.rhucr. . , liily sworn. n's that tIm actual ntinitr of ! full RII , t''mptetf' , coil " " or ( he tallr Mlmlnl r\'enlnl : ant tunIAY l e UII "rln"'I ! , luring the month ot Feljiiiary. IS j , "as flR rollovt : Q 1. tolol . . . . . . . 2)I It . . . . . . . . . n.1 1 . 2. . . . . . . . . 21.nr . 1. . . . . . . . . 19.r. , . .3. . . . . . . . 21. 1 ) .1. . . . . . . . . . 2i. :1 4 4. . . . . . . . . 2i.19) , it . . . . . . . . 11. ! ! t r. . . . . . . . . . 2).Ol2 1' . . . . . . . . I' . . r , f ; . . . . . . . . . . .tIt 20. . . . . . . . U.t : a 7. . . . . . . . 19.1r.1 21. . . . . . . . . 19.119 p R. . . . . . . . . . 19.c9 22. . . . . . . . . l'.f ; ! 9 . . . . . . . . . 19.1:1' : 21. . . . . . . . 19.f" . ' .10. . . . . . . . 2) ) . & ( . ) .21. . . . . . . . 1.4" 1 . . . . . . . . H'.rrO ' ( ) : . . . . . . . . . . lfl..1T 12. . . . . . . . . 19.R1 2r. ' . . . . . . . . 19.U 1. . . . . . . . . 19,1 ; .o 2. . . . . . . . . 19.rt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. . . . . . . . . U.jW 23. . . . . . 19.632 TotAl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .rj.633 I.p" , lltictlun for un"ol alit teturnect ( " q " " 0111 letunell copies lplucl"nu . . . . . . . . . . . . . < . . . . . . . . . . G. n o t 'I 1 Pir" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I.rn fllly . n\.ruRO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 . ; Ol .Sundnr oronn : n. TZSCIItTCt. Rn'or to h-fnr. mt oul , suhrrlbM ( In my ( j)10S ) enI 1111 2t1 day ot Mnrrh. WI ) : IRn\ ( ) 2 N.J. 1'1:1. . :0101) Public. Let lS sill take 1iart. 'Ihls Is the Insl wClI. of Ihl' ( Ilgislall'l. ( ( ) Wnnlml-A nnme ( for tilt state fair fcstiviti.s-ll1tIst he Iwlcf , bristlitig , IH'I , Inll.s . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , \s II'o. noIJaIO' ( or SIIII\H rl\'lnl' SecI'pIIIY 1'lllsle ( 11 not the hlllall : SICClSH'l' \onll nil \Ish him to hc. _ _ _ _ _ . ' 1110 11nmlon or thc Bsmald.nnal : .lllthlll ' cll'bt'ntul Increases wlh thl' lltlllIttt' ( of yearsvIuIehl hue ( 1111'lISal : ' 1'lIIICSel Is. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I Is ( 'lllcll ttt tlle I nlP 111 Iii this 111\1lk who cowt the ofcnl shops or the sllllfr aal lell. of the 11sl'lc cotuil . ' 'l'l lo melchalts : I of Omaha ; wi soon fl'el tiLt . IJlwHeal : elTccls of the late 4 i-aluifalL ' 10 ) 1JIY of Ihem It wi llal : a 1llgl or 101 a IS. 'h'hat petlon Illnylng the mayor al\l \ ' cIty council 10 O'llcL' the fire depallmelt to Hash the streets IlY 1UW bo jut. tcflilelr laid ) aWI ' . All t'xport Is luivestigatluig the \'pula. tel or the tlllll Hlales seutuite. ' 1hl\o I . l'l' 10\e thllflgs thnu one Ibout Ihl' i Ulled Stales Hl'lalc that nre sadly 11 neell of I hUlou \'llalol. . - . ' 'l' e011\lll Ihl sUlsto1 of OUl of our suhsclhlrs that houscholl1lL's II 4 Olahit : 1ul ) forth a little mole efort to maw ) their I hiatuses ald lnwl8 11'c1 ! tlC 10st nttrl1ttiVO a111Ca11Cc. Tile Douglas county electric I'a1'a ' 4 1H'ojlct Is otto of thc lost Ilporlall . s1hjlll ) : IUW claiming the attention of our citizens. ' 111 in-oross ) of illlalOT slepi ) 10W IHII/ 1 l lal.l'n I'C wtt ( clued with IO'I ( bali ordinary , Inlerest lflslIIutVelClll hafl ollpol'lunl , . to I'l'elll'oeatl' HOne of the thoughtful nleltom ; or the ( erlal ] Ilople ) ) ) and his sovereign if hue lives long enough h 10 111'111111 Ie II I he festivIties or gIIHJ\O' ) " 'IIII's next birthuthay celelratIon. ] . 'rllsl long dehuyedVorhl's : ' ] fair dl- ( 11101lS t'e eXllelh'l [ ( ] to IIW ) their ap' j ! ) C'IICC : soon. I Is to he hOllt ) Ihl : I the nut liorltles In charge wi give lie ( 1)111)110 11111e nolcl' , othcr\lse Ihl' shock might lead ) 10 serIous COIIllca- ) tious . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , VIuy , should the salary ] or Ihc 1lulh. lug IlsIJI'I0' ( be l'alscl1 f\ol $100 : ( ) 10 $1SOO I t Ihe IH'l'sel I tll ? 'Ihue IO\'I\ house or the legislature ) last ] wle ) . 1)tSSed ] I bill for . his t h)1luiosc.V ) ' fhouh ] like lu hear one sllgle WOI lit its 11u/eISI ! . : 'l'hl Nevby IllSlol case Ils : II'I'I ' cOlplcted 1 , ' the ahlirination . by thin t HUII'emo coil rt , oIhe i I h couiv let ion o/ , I tl I Ililpostor. 'Ihll ought. 10 hint ni ( cn'IC' tUII 1 clulltus i I OIl ntlmilts t I I t IlpeL'sol' I ntlg Ih''lISII'ltlI'als . : of Ihl'11 ( ror the sake of ( heir hienslouls. 'l'he ( days of the clumsy thought use , fil device Imo\l lS that tUIHlle . court f lolmhluu : 1'0 ( lstlet lulbl'I'I'II. A cOlstlutolnl ( I IIIIIIII I Is lu , hat subunit ted II thin . next gllll state 1'll'l'lon 10 II'n\.ll' ( for tw elhl'gclwlt of the SUIHI'le court.'htht nut en- , lit ugith SUI'I'II ) bench t the II'ollc I ) ) ) tV Iii ciue'cu'ftuhly thI5leulSe wllh the i41rVic'S ) ehcI'I'/ul 11SHJISl ) . tw HII'\'les . If tilt Imll'emo ) elll.t couuiunissloueroo. ! ' 11 ISIlllnt of 11 I 1 I lung Cluing hits al i-taii.s' hl'ln I couiv let iii ] IU Hll\'lelll ( 1 to 110 1111'ltOIIII I I. I .1111\ Is cvi- tlllr nut yet 1)1 ) 10 thin most 111'nlel'll ch'llmlon In the mutter of 1l111 ; wih ctllnl ) " . in ] this clll'r tl ' vouId not hiutve ' ' ' I'eui arraigneil 11'1601wr W0111 Ille bll'n l.t'llnccl I fOI' Wl'l'ls , , 1111 )11'hIIIH ) monlhs , 111) ) : ' ho WOII have not less titan two hong- ) tl'awn h'llll before hagluiniug tl 11) ' thin Illll1 , of his mha1'lII. ? ( . 'ril stouhea nf fraud 11'lelcll ) ( on ho I local ) relof committees In HUllh . ni- ; .b lwtn 110111I ) 1110 couiitutparts ) : ! II I OllOHt O\'I' y county II which 1'1'- lint hits heen 11lll1lhlllt on a wholesno . ) 8l'lo. But wll'n'rer I 1 lls. ) ' . tor arc teleclcll , lS hilly \ hl0 bll'n In t - . - I nllher of cases , ( hWy ought nut to hat ( lhlchl'll ( t'OI exlmsture. I thuty 11\1 no COll18110n ) on Ihoso actually In want S III * for whol Iho cll\llhe ) oonh'lhl' * UOI ! Were Intenllll , Iho nIIIO'lh's' ' : ought Jot 10 hI I'utel' about bl'lugllS tlwua _ , to account. 'l'ho . only wlr 10 Ils. j ) C011:10 ? fl'aull tiitder t1SO clrcuuu. stlucNI Is to 111.c eXlllllcs ( ) or the ! guilty 11t el. I scI.repeet wi not I'esh'ulu ( ' of . the 1111081018 , car 111OSeCI. Iou may . J ' ' . - ; " " r . . . - . . " ' - ' - _ . . , . - - . . - - 1 . --.1.- . Tim GO'mZ'on IDES Ills nun ; As Wil confleuty eXcclCl ( b ) ' both friends nnl ( foes or the Icns\ { Goy- el'nor 10lcoII unfllclil/ly and un- heilnl huigly "cloet thin Chiurciullh . lttis . sell 110110 ) commIssIon lull . ! o other conslslent l'lrse lay Olll'l for hI I. ' 111 , 'lcioISICRS of the ChlturcltIhl.I1IIH. sill bill , Its objlcts ) , Its IleOnslslllcll'S 1111 Its partIsan character have all lel ( 'X1)051l Il Thin flee. 'Ihe governor lakes Ihtse ( lIp ole 1)V ole In his veto iuiessnge 1111 Pr'SeultS Ilel In diguul I. fpll f , logical ) 11d Innl\\'c1nlo ) foriii. II ! ] enl ) ! oUt whertln thin Ilrolosel ) ( how Illcrs front the law IS I eXIsts ,11 ] Ilslls ( that II every In lllle where 1 chnl e Is lulle : the change Is hot for the la'tU'r , hInt for . ' ' 11'1(1 lut thin worse. The VetoNi ] 11 If h nit Ilsllots de\lt' for tu-nlisfcrrhng ) lie control of thin Ire and lllle dlnlllells 10 I )111'tsnn ) board , whust 110\ [ Is 10 hI' 'xerelsdI ( hr I \0 nWI , Whl1111 tile 11111lI'shll ) ) hut Ihe 11'esllt ) IJanl Is 11\lllll hetwcl1 1'11'1" ) - sellllh'es uf three IITl'ICll political ) 1I\'llef. ' 1)11 ) " 1'10111 bill l'xllth'f t hI 111 . ' 01' from ni IJ1Iemtol ) ) , In the con- I.o ) uf these Ih'I'IIIII s , Ilhotgh I ' , 'III\e or hIs otce he Is hl'111 of the el , ' O\'CIIIllt timid . ] shnl'l's wlh tl\ 1)01 ) ice olcas ) thitle ( hull ks lS ( ' 01111\1- tt1'S of I he hflace . Iii I lie words of the t 10\1111' , It 111.l'S UWI ' frol the tXl'CU' . th'c of the city I IIWl'l' mud authority II'oIH'I'I ) ) ' ItnchluJ I ( u I to t Imt t I a Ill cc. II I lie ( l't'lhIClol of the nllhl'l' of lire anti IloIle ( cOlllssUll'S ) wc ) Ile ulolhl'I' Ilelllt of wlalmess II the l'III\'ul of UI 111111'nll I i t i ) I I ) saegtnl . ngailst I CI'Ull' L01 alll ( brllieu-y. 1 Is , lowe\'l'I' , through the altered ] Icllod or nllilolnlll ( thc commission- erA that the coterie of schemers hl'hlll hue bill hind : ) hOlle ) to ICCOllllsh their Ih'PII"llll ) 111'IHS ( ! Alhuugh I I thl I ! gO\- 11'10' Is 111)e ) I unenuber or thin 111' 101111J I ) I t I hoalll 1 : , the i L'eal I 110Wc' ) Is : h'll 10 Ciiurchhhh and lusseil . The ' ' Chl'chl mil Hlss\ ! O\'I'IUI Is a )1'ollel ) ) ) ulclal : to act us U ligiure- heull I out thl I UllllulnUnl hOlll ) : , blt m u otto 10 hlal' : tl ( r'sponshIihlty ) IUW eui h'uslell I 10 hiiuiu of thn hll laldng alllllnt- tII1H . hitl'lf. I u I i ' 'hls a bum ) \ wOll1 ) hl1'1 aITol.tll ] Ilple juisti liemu ( ion for a veto II'ssag I : ( ' . 'I'hat there Is no nlgutl'11 t 101 the 11 ) In the llll that there shoull ( Il a ltlgn In the Ill'l'sollll oC thl 11'ISllt coulllsslol the governor shows by tothuit1ug out exist lug 11'0' \'Islols I ) h I , ' which i I ahusls ) Ilr he easiy 't'I'tl'llt'll ( FUllhlll\l { ' , the 0\1'1'101 ho ; 111'L' ; the ) IW Imqlu8lhl ! for the eOlluc or Ihe hoald ) hen creates and cUlplalnts against hIs alllolllels ) In SllC SIlll ' 11IsU alol. If I Ihp'e Is ue1iooi1 ) for changing the COlllsllon of II luald thin . gO'erUL' sl:1ls Ielll ' , 10 do hIs Illt ) . 1'0 al ' one hot 1l11et ) by sectarian 1IcJIIlee ( 01 bound ly Irarua aged COtlll ) the statement of Governor I { ueolwonl ) ] he uhsolllcl ( ( ' couivluic- iiig 'lhe 1II0ilers . , however , were not lmlh'ply ( IIIH.t)1u'ed ) ) ( for a veto amid sue- cecdel ( ] In IH\ln Its consideration made I slIcal ) : order for 'cllnl'iHlnr ; afel' - ilOOlL . Frol now Intl thou they . wi Iry ( to mu\1 helen 111 earth 10 ral.1 tIE ) enough votes to count the leel'ssar ' thrll'.Hfhs ( demanted by Ihe coumstitu- ion tu o\errhe ) theelo. . % 'helher they will succcel or not wi depend , In a iauge mlSI'C , 11101 thin nttllile of II t lslllS' mel nll clll'IS or omaha. By showerilg II'ollsls agmuhuist lie I Iii famous Chm'ehl.Hlssll ( hl 1110n the 11ffl'l'elt IPmhm'l of lie iegis. In Ile they IU ' force the hatter to re- sect the mIghits all wishes uf lie peo' )11 ) ! who woull he allceled b ) this legis- ) laton. I ' 'I'he gm'e10'r has 110ne ( his 111 ' . I Is for thQ Ilmhl'l's ) of lie legislature ) 10W 10 110 theirs UII ] uphold ) ) the veto. ; iris . 7'A TI..ml.rs ; OP 1.'JUSI. nmlTW ; A cause whose advocates constantly /alsll , ' history uIII mlsslal' facts wlhln thc Ieuch of everybody who will take t hue II'oubll' t 10 In n'sl1 II' 1'lnlot ma.1 ) hl'at\t ' wlh 11. . Inlelglnt Ild Ilqulr- lug It01d0. , 'I'lie cham1lols of lie flee Inll ullmlell eoilnge oC HI\el' Ire guilty of Ihuigmatit faults Iii this uS1)Qct. ( ) ) ' 1'llY II't'slslelty ( 1111 boldly attenipt 10 mlsll'lll : the Ilole hy per\erslols. mh ) ; . slatll1lts 1111 imiismojiesoiitmitioius. ) I Is ' ' ' Ihat of Ihem ( Is found \el t'III ole lt fonld In Ilsels : Ihe sliver question wllh caum- dO' 111 fulmcss. AHholgh It hls Il'el 1l'lulslmllt t lute nnl 110 again that Ihe Ilglslatol or IS7 : , Hlopllg lie coiui- of the stuuidaid ] sliver dollar ] , ago SII11IU'I sl\'l'l' 10111' vas Inll11 us OI1llr ) us iiumy Ilglsilton ( \'CI WIS , thin fl'll' H1\'l'I'les eOlllle 10 lS' sect Ihl t the so-called Ih'lolela : 101 of sln'l' It Ihlt tune WIS Stl'lltlous ) ( ] ' accolll\shlll , and still clllcll'I'Ie 1 usa n cml i n e. 'J'n Cl'l'llln I mhlls h I this t I Illt'slsI- _ t ( I 041 I lemu I t' I h st ' iiI llt . fllsikatol 01 hlslw i CI'I11S eOI\lctol I , al ] Illh i of the I sll'elglh of the lion sliver hmrti Is thin o ) tle to thils 'lucre 111' tllf of t itoti- suIIs : nf mel who talk fl'le . sliver ( who hl'I' men tllght 10 le\.1 ] limit t tIlL uel of una was Passed ) ) nt thin Ilslgaton of Hl'lsh capitalists ant : paId for wll BI'llsh gold. A fl\'olto mlsslalelllt . of thin free tl\'IL' 111'Ot'a\'s , l'I'Clnt , mlic : by : hi. Blll Iii I mlgallo 1'll'e ( ) , Is Ihat wlulh ( I ( 11 ] ito ) 1)1)101 ) ) ) t bit 1m on tl t II. I el'l'H : out nf all )1'0111101 ) 10 thin hut- l'I'I'USC In the output ) of ell utah ) slh'I' , A rlfll'eneo 10 tl I l'lllt of lie t Ullell ) States mint hews that for thin 'IUI IS7 the olllll ) of time two Illnls . WUf $ 178 , - ( ) OOKO , amid for thin 'l'It. 1s3 It was : : IIOOI.OO. ( ( ) ) ) ( 11 hll'l'IIS0 i wlhll'ully I 1 i I t 'I's of 10S III' ) 1'11 t. DI'II thin 801110 ) Irnll ) ( tl I I Inllll t t Ilolllhttons I t of t Iho I Unl ( ( ] States and of the Hl\'ln largest IUIIIIS t If g''OIO ' ) ) tse flol : OSOOOOO ) to 8tO,000,000 ) , 11 IlcI'case of ouily , 2t I ) { 1)1' edit In the ) ollnton ) of Ihu great COII'1611 natols , uguilst 11 IICl'eatu I In thin II'cHlnetol of the ) llcclons . metals ) ot' 1 : 1"1' ( ! niit. An IssO.ton Ihlt Is i IILllly rell'll 110n ] ly tIme HI"el' nWI 10 : wil 81)1)01'1'1'1 ) ) Is that time ( mill In 11IeeH ilium-lug thin hoist ) ' . ' Imiu Ilulllg thl lst tWl'llr.two years : Ils Ill'n t direct result uf the delolotU- ton of sliver. In thus they . XCIHlo fl'OI consideratIon thin gl'llt llet.luso In ire ] . tncton duo to 11)0\11 ) nlllllcl's ) ) nll mnachlumeu-y . which hu\o nlo ; l llucel very luch Iho cost or proultuetlon. 'rho htw of SUIIIII ) Ill tcll11 ( IUI blen In cOIHtlnt Ollt'Utol , rlgnlllsa of tint 110. . HHlon of sliver , 1111 ( If this lu carefully 11clt It ; wl 10 fount thlt I hlH lint leen nfeeh'd In Iho least ] by slh'cr. I supply anti ( ienmnnl . tint perfecting of . " . - , _ , - . - - - - - - , - - - . - mechanical processes , the chenllelllJ ot prol1uclon nml trnnsporlnton , Ito 0)11\1' ) \ lug 11) of new sources of SUPIII anti other influences nt worl In the Inst . twenty . two years have hunt nothing to t ( with the Ilnwnwnlcl cotim-se or prices , why hns whent declined ] lnor than pork , colol limit eoiui. mimI sugar amid ten tlun colee ? I tInt nSUllltol or the free silver advocates Is correct , hint ( the lemoletzaton of sliver Ull time fall II prices slnul ( In time relation or cause nU ] effect , o\\'lo1sl' the II'lres or ni coin- 101ltes should In\'l fnlll In equal lmoiorthon. ) ( ) But { everybody ] ' knows that 811h has nut hlll thin case. A great Stli1)tilS of Wheat and cotton flnt town the Iflices I or those COI101IUl ! ; 1 Fhort 1'01'1 crop host year cnu ell nn nh'nm'o Iii thin 111ee or lint ( grain , Just 804 n Ih' ; ( I'lasll1 Sllllllr of cattle has sent imp thin Ilrlt of meat. The monetary 1101111 of ! 1\'l' hums hind 10 IlthH'lee In nl ' of thlsl cnses. There Is no reason to d0111 that lie ( results uvotthd ] have 1111 thin 811l' WI'I'C there free coinage of that 1I'Iu : I. ' 'he" 1111111 PeoPle are thlll.- lug very seriously 01 his I slljlct uIII : nlc doing I gl'e:1 : IItul of eI'lfu : ) In. vest Igathuig. 'lhe ¶ ' cannot he tehHlel by stnllIllls . 011 thlO'lei whleh are coim- 11.y 10 wel cslnltshell flcls nll cx. IWI'lelce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S7'Ir , 11N , INO lt ; iii.'i ) . 'ril 1'1'1'llltS of thin InUolnl 1'lnHI' ' hn" : not yet O\'I'L'lnlwl IXIllullm'lR ) , Ill they enle'lI' ' 1l : 11011g set hoist ) 101lh , Iwllg less ( lion n qnut.I'I' of I million short. ln I ( 'oIIU\'lson wlh lll' , 'Iols Slltl'lllls Ihls IIY hi' 11glllllt Its Illl' set Isflplm'y , out hon/h 11 sel'lS Oml Ihe ullnls of thin dIIHI'II111 laid expected to be ) able 10 Illw t bot- her sllln . 'I'he [ tilsouppoitit uncut of this txIIlelllun tlll'S 10 he Illnl ' Ihle 10 n falling off II receipts floII. . 1l1'lnl 11''I1'll lSU\1 1lll hICOIl' fl'om this $ ol'ce for last monlh was not l'l'allII. i : oiiiti ] whie thieve WtS a ICOISII'I.tbIC Imll'oVe\1'lt hut thin u-n- celpls flm ClsIOI1 it WIS not suihi- lllt 10 loullelhalalCe Ihl' ll'cllc II Illl'llal Ie\enue l'el'lllls. 'I'he value or 11))11 ) 1111111 the IHst ) thl1ollhs has hel'nlI ' large , 0111(1 lt the mate uf duties luleL' the \ 1lKIIII ' 1'Il tl. . ' I uensuuiyVOiuId hle : 1'cl'1'111 front U\m un amount cOlslllluhly In excess ' or expcuidil \ et4. \1111 the ] 1'llt In I W l'10'10IS llHI'11 I ) ) 10ls are m'ecs' : H' .i ' 10 ( Provide sullllt revenue , Ill t\se t , of COI'Sl' , l'IIuce thin market 10L' dOI1ste lalufuctm'l'I's : amid IlCCS' slrly t'l'lluce thc IIellll1 for ns wll as the wlce ] or labor In time Ildlslrlcs . \I h whleh they COmHll' ) . 'Il alihut.s of the II'eselt ) 11'1 loll that . people limit ( not only woull It provide alille : I'\'elle to the u\'llln111 , hnt ) that It woull also maw : ) a dl'I1l101' lahol In Americau mills timid factoules. IJeaute ouo of Its bcnlIIH wouhl lie tl IItbc ) etui ' manufactl'ol'S to compete with those of I I'OI1 lu thin 11'lwls uf lie ( wet ' ld. I will bc IcIClhell'll that Mr. \\'Ihsoui slt'luu81 ' viruied the British . , \'ICI HI'ilsh . nmimuifacttmriis : that tIny nlst lie 11'e. ) llel ) , for n vigorous A Il't'lem compe' ttul lit fields whele they hUll so lung cmijoyetl a 10IUIUI ) ' of h'ull' . l1.o , Thin ] 1'ollses 111 ulsl'ances or the ChUllliols of thc refolmel ( t'iI have lint been rlllzell 'l'lin revenue Ilm customs Is still Iludequule : to thin mieeIs ( or thin goveiiuiiueuit. We howe nut Cal- tl'cd , nOL' Is them Lilly sigui that wc are likely , to captl'e ) , anr foreIgn 1:1'lwl : , u ; I'el : deu1 ur ) uIO' fOI'lel'y ) l'm110 'ell lu the man utufacturluig 11u81'le : Is hUe m' hm f01111 ulhet' l.lnds or employ- lent , und that 11'lce of all Ilhol II meh IndustrIes Is veiy Ileh howetthaumi i was three years , :10. Au eXlllelcc ) of six months wIh this demucl lie 111'il his Clolslm\'l ) that IH a 1'l'CUle IcaSI'C It Is an ulel ( , Iallu'e anll there Is no reason to expect ) Ihat there will he I dll'elt I'CSUI In lie ( future. I 1)1111:1 ) : that ' tIme ell ' hOIH of ( brhumghiig lie ( I'ecelpts' the govei'miumaiut UI ) lu the eXllel111'IS ) Is In the II'oceclls ) or thin laconic tax , so that II limit t tax should be dcchl'ed tuutcituistitiutioummil by . unl'olitltolal ly the ( Sllu'IJle court the Irelsl.uIII be cOlllnled wih lie II'ohabll ' of n 81eally Ilelelslu delclt ( ulII thin . next couIgm-ess could Illw IU'o\'lslul IO. IUI'e uSeultle. CI u thin A meL'lca I pl'OI' ) ) ' ) leed I mOI'e cOIYllell i ) ISOI m u tll t I has 1 hecu g1'IH llm ( . of hc I Ilsasl'ols folly uf the dlmoel'atc ( I eeulomlc i pal Icy ? .1 ; 'r I ir.i l' ' 0 N'W.1e. I Is said 10 he thin rule of one of the Ilalll ; l'ol'I\ln ) (1lclnal . OI'llll'S IW\l I' - tu Iny ! IU , mOlt II the trtmisulry. ! ' 1he Iclol or the hOll : . of Ilblc ) Jbll ' Il- ( I'ceto's Out Sattirdumy , 11ell1n 10 Ise thin till ii flOl I alllrOu'lulnl ) ) ) ) ) t ) Iaeld ) : lt Is i t 11S' posll hy ) thin council for a 'I'I"S ' cx- 11nses II . seve lollls Wlt Iclualel ] by I slullt. I I I I ml uiei ihe-n ii flu ely. I lI I' 10 have : I halllcc II thin 111' ' flll whel thin I him for thin ' Ipu'y miuouiiti. lme tl Ul\\ h'COIIS 11'0111. ' 1h ( fIscal yeauof time Ibl'I' ' his hI\- lool alwuiys bl'll1'01 .1 imume mind ) I lint Is thin only 11111 year 1'leogll111 hr the t law 10 whlcl It 1'lces its estuthdishimiieuit. , 'rhe II'oclells ( of notCh II\ tax levy , how- ovnI- , hccoll ) 1\'lllble 01 JCIU'II'y 1 of en elm rl : u , sn Ihlt I I 1111'1' i i 11'IJul'r i l'h'- clmsllleet t Ihe t I I hot my fllcl ShOIII ) eoui. Illu 1. blIICO ) barge l'IHIgh tar lIve lollhs mUllllIUlt'l ! It lie bl/IIIII of 111' t I 1'11'11111' rlll' . 1"01' fl'l' Ihls t I i I liii. mi lice mlhlH'IVlll ) I ) t tw I eir I con ii cii flum Inl.hl time IIXhll1 Il'fi' library IHI'iIOSlS , lie t 111'I'y hOH'lllu'oHSes . ) thIs 'e.I' . 10 COIHlmo time cltl.U bevy him seven uiio ) Ii I ius . 'i'hiis Is n Ilcclhty ( IUW way 10 el'OIO , lilizi ? . No 010 W0111 11111111 for 1 mao. Illt thlt I Ihu t I ibm my , 1 ant nh 10111 hot tlllll twlco thin still ) lt its l1sOSI ) : ) Ill ( lot l'cessll'I ' ) elli Il ext mavuugimlitly , hit . Ii thieve Ilr ot bier II'IHI'lllll ur thin city go\'uI'nll'lt whltl wi not Illw the tlUIO elall ? ( Jim thin other IIUII , hy ) 1 Illu 1l'l'elChlllt hut the tlhl' ' I'OU Iml book ) ) 111'chISI'S , the Ihl'II'y ell be 1111111ued Ihl'olgh Its / till tsclI 'eI' : IUUlg . hiimmi ' , 18111 , Oi the resources Lit Its 10111111 wlholl IllcI'lllr 111111- lug the ( lcl'lor oC its service to the IlhUe. ) I thin school hOII : , which OC. clllle ! lit Ill ! FIshnet tlh81mtll ) : ) ' limo tllO 110sllol lS thin 111'11' ) ' hUll : , should 11Iw I IH'IIIHC itt I'COIOI ' br Chllfllg Its tscII rl'll' timid COIHllllg h ) ) ' February " ) ' tl resources which should ) clrr ' thin ) ) lblc schools through 10 July , thin tutxpmiyors wOIII Wllt 10 Iwow whut kind of fIIICIII'II they were vItness- - - - - " - - - - - - - - lug. 1'ho Ihlm'J board cannot fool tlo ( ) ellllc ) l)3 ' mb' ' Ilch Illl'e or jlIlr ' IS It 11roIIOS8 . , . ' I ! eelS t ! ihtthie juihgcs who reltelell thin decision , lcclnrll the Illinois eight. hOlr lobol" , , Uf : law 1lcolstltoln ( ) 111lce I ! 1dN1 \ or stress hum thin oJlllun oil 1Iui.1ecishon or the Nebraska . ! IIWIIP Courholll the Nebraska elghthol' itv i \ Ito he i-old. Tbio Illinois Ilw 1'llltl'd 01110 time vork or wOlen nul lsll\llhlit penalties for emiiphoy- Irs who ! hO\'IPnUlllt , ' ( ) ) 10 force womol to uvorhc loiigeu ' thou imours . 101':11' ' : Ihal eIght 101'5 tllr. 'l'he grouuntl ' which Il ' . grolll tllol was over- hl'nlll was 111\t . . \ I 1111'ferell wih the i'Ighit of l'c.IIROI to freely contract for time smut' of sn much of his 11\0' lS hl' aught uu-hshm. ' 1he Nl'hlsl 1 II\ wits 101'l' 111111. ( II h Ihlt I t Il h Illpll'd I 10 all ) lbol'lll , 11)1 ) 1111 fl'lah' , wlh thin except ' Cl'lllol ur those elglgl't II ugricul- tlm ) ur dottiest he 111'SIIS. This WIS Iwlt 10 bl' CISS ) io.glslatioim. ) Thl' Nl blska noise wil ISSIIW cOIhlc1hll' II'UII11'l Ir I'nson uf thin fact that tIme 1luois I slll'I'10 COI\t lal , ! ! such 11111'llut use of It IH I pmecethiuit. ) 'lollu ' ' WIll'ISIS a I large ) I 1 1b"I' of local ) ) elll'loUH tlii-uughiotut I t thin t "H'loIS ctes t I uf [ Nil iimi sk ) a Whll'I' I m 11111IIHl m I tickets ot tIme I1II'I'l'lt tmmurt his have I 1l11 Iii thin 1l11 for sonic wll'l.s. 11 most uf Illsl t contests tIlt ' lil's II'l' Ih'I\\1 SCIII'lr ( ) 11'1\\'ll'l IHlt . 1'1111. 1111l'S , Ilhol h )1 ) I Illbl't' of iui . slmc ! ! atl'IIIIIH : ) tire blll ; 11111 10 1'11 thc CIIIHlgl h ( lit 1 ) rely lul'III'ls:1 I hasls. g\'cl here , hiusveueuLihilieihs : IH\'u Iwel luule Ul IJhar ) of 10111111. 11g clHlhlales : out thin ground I limit the eleclol of oUe 01 hc I other will l'on. tllblle 10 Iln'I ' ! 1'l'Iglh 0' ll'10lc ) Ilu'lr ) veakumess . 'llw Il'll'l'U I comiihilex- lUl of Ihe IISlls , ttll'erl'l'1 ( he II' tkalh'l of thin slllo of ) lhle opinIon ) with l'l'Rlect 10 cOllllelcc II thin lend- lug ) ) ollca ) 111'les , 11111. . wlholt Clestol , show I stlUI 1111111 10all 1'IiibllcmiuiiSlii. ( ) I I 'Ill Del iolt galtcn Hllot 111an /11S ] i favor lu ) elll : Nehrtslm town . III I Olaha thieve Is /al. 1)uouimhsi' ) ) limit t I wi : imuiolemgo huactlCmlh ) ileiumomistrmttioiii. ' ' lul'rgo )1'adleal ) 11el0lslmtou. 'I'hl'rl IL'P hlul'ets nr wll.to-Ilo Ilsll'lls ( who will cheerfully conlrlhnle to any lhalllhll t : t Inlll'IH'lse ( i 1\01 i mu sstm iii mice that Idle 1l'l In this city an' to he gIven In O\\O'III ) ) . 10 help tle1' selves. 'l'biey wi hut , howen'I' , , 11ke fuurthieihomimutiomis to 1111\011 worllll'Hs ( vngmuloumds In lthheuiess . 'l'hl'h'l ue of thin Dctml IIan ) ) Is that It affords 1m OIIIt.tlnl ) to 11)1)1 the ) abel test to ni ! liplemtR ) : for assistance muid that under lWOPCr ) dh'eelun ( I can lie lade to 'le\t \ d cOIhlemhle ; I'C\'enul' I Is 10 but slncellI ' hOld ) that the Ille olt'atO's ) In the Iowa coal fIelds wi cOle t ( a iit allclhie Int fInal migu'eeuiment C nCl'lllg thc wae sclmeti- 11 ( to bo In.OICl lie cOIII stmmsoui. A sl'lw 111.ng the cual mhII's lt this tll ! . woull be dlllurlbh' , fl'OI all0st e\ ' i.i.y poInt : oC'iew. ' . 1alIII ) ' 0V.1y hmidicatloui ) . ' . , , . looks toward hulcalon towl'd n Ilaceahle so- luton oC tile iITcL'I'nCH that have mtrlsnii. If t1lnct.s \ are kept steadily at.101) ) ' at timiitumunu-mttIve pay the r'sll cannot hit ll'lbllo 10 an IHrll'l' res tomtun : or better 'tles Ihlollh the . whole west. IlscolrJhu : tlo IIO for .nOICY. . Knnsas City TUncs. Kentucky scents to have sol\'edlhe problem of how to sUPIIless trln robberIf time 'stem were Introduced generl ' Il would afford the only justification that has ever heen prcHenled for carrying concealed wealwns. . GUllo < to.I & l'ontton ' . . Glohe.Democrt. England's diplomacy Is nicely adjusted to the Ilrenglh of natloos. She has arhlra _ ton for the United States. a Hteady pre3Hure on Venezuela . for fresh terrlor ' . nn ullma- turn ( or Nicaragua. and bullets for the African tribes opposing her ud\'ance. The colossal hubble of British greed wl burst some of these days. I PrivoIoizig lorntnl MIrth. Deroi Free Pt-ss. No body of men Is more likely 10 alpre- chute the humol' of a legal decision which sa ) ' i ( that Its melhel's lust behave them- selves and HetLe Ihelr < llerenees than IR the order of Fiicii. 'rhe laugh creale.l . hy such a naIve lIlt of wlslom , frm the hench may he the very thing needed . 10 restore good rood humor and wIpe oul lion bItterness of fle- tonal strIfe . Ho.tI'ltJ 'hol' Errors. Ihladl'llhla l0corcI . The Belrlan Iovelnmenl has been lie ( first to see the elTor of its vnys In dlscrlmlnal- log against our food ' ' 011 fool prducls on sanitary groumids . anti . has , ulcollnrI ) ' . repealed the olJoxlous duties. 'fhiis wi malre Il quite dllcull to enforce the Germnn einliargo emharro against AmerIcan meat products. 'J'le Ger- unit marltcl may le Ieaehed Inolrectl ' through Belgian ittijtortatiotis. ) 'orl' tr the liucloelor ' 'ax. 1uffllo ixpress. : I does ( not occur 10 the mIn who are 1'10- posing a tax ( upon hachelors In western states Ihat ( the plan Is In direct oppositIon to the theories of the new wotnoomi. ' 1hose Iheorles liitVO al their cardinal I.rlnelplo . the I-rfectlegall d s JeJll'qual ' of the fexo . Now 10 lax hachelorH 110 not tax unmarrIed - nod women /el'lll Lo hit the e.qual.rirhts movement IHIII'ely between the O'I'S 'J'he complemenl of the ilnois hi provides that the money derl'o < 1 from lie ( tax shal be de- voted . to a homo fUI' oil . maills ' 10 le con- sllml wlh thit . Ilelrles ( referred to . I Ought not oimlt' 10 11'ovllo n lax ( on HI.ln . - ( ers . hut that the iliOflC3 ' . Ilerlve.1 . from time BOUICl he ! h'en 10 IUI'pol.t u lIn1 for old hacholors , Atui the ( le\\ ' women tf Illinois ought to ( ellllllcal ) protest Olga I oust this Insidloul elpies. attack upon their cherlbhel 11'ln- - I' ; . An . \wk\lrd Exjtlotuimiiioti. WI"hlnKloI Slar. Tile IHlhlcaton of the ( till text of Great Brllaln's denllll' ' upon . Nicaragua shows thai bore wus "oiuo ground fur the i-oiti- plaInt that this . counlry wus not I.roperl . consllerel ( ouuvziA dlserlmlnated agaInst. or , 10 IJt Il ulunlY & , WUI snuhued In the matter of lie ' e.n'llsllon ( tf the ( urllr- ton ( comuiinisslomi . 'J'ho 11'IIsh go\'crnmenl now explalnl thal there was no Intenlon to.xclulo ! ( Ito Unitet \ ! States ( om mem " "I'Ilj' t one auuuuraolon I I ) ' Ine Use or the phrase not u citIzen of any Amerlcal stale. ( " The e'lllatlol. If 11,10 , ( rain n lullclell nutholt t ) . wi I I I.ruhailly . li II celt\d. , especlulY If the ullmlte selection of n Citizen of time Unied Htntes ( for thIs . service should Ilelonsllte the sincerIty of Ihll ( cOlslnmtln , Wihout son1 con. "Inclnl Iroof of this sort the excuse oiu'ered , ly Britsh dljthuuimns , ( that ( the ( words " , \ utier- ICln Stlt ( " Ir . ulllYs mare to apply ' to the smaller states on this eontncnl will wi seem Ilher ( hut . I Is at lat a loost. phraseology ) ' und might lead to awkward mllunoerltandlnn8 ( Ind comllcatons , - S ' .I" " "U1 .ir NB1.nUrrI Jlneu City Journal : SenAtor l'eltt bas not expressed hlmllt on Ibe ( Ncbrtuk& epIsode In whIch " state senalor's whlklf were v1gorous1 pulet1 , but I Is unllerstoll thlt ht rtgll : ! I R ! one ot the culmilatng atro- clte ( ! of lie ( centlr ) ' . ChlCgo ) IIJllcb : Stale Slnlor ( Stewart of Nebraska Is probably lie ( lost unlucky solon In AmerIca today. Not only were his precious "hl ' ker pulled sC\'lrely by the sea- ale sErgrnt.ll.nrms. but lie WAS forc.l to al'tlogl7e for defending , his hirsute adornment , CIncinnati Comnlrclal ! : Scents In the Ne brasla leglslaturo recall the closing days of lie ( Ply.thlnl congress wheu on nn average 1 fight a day WAS threatened. Only five , slates nOw have anntmai I seulon8 , and the scenes In Nebraska will not have 1 tendency to Increase the number. Ranias CIty Joural : The beet BUgU Indus. try ( Is regarded as an Important one In Ne- , braska , altl tht rellublcnn legislature Is 10 Ilprlsset1 with the al\'lsahll ) . of eacuurag- lag the states Inluslrles that lie ( governors ' velo of A hounly bill was overrIdden. The 'wlsllom or the leglslaluro's policy wIll BP' I pear later , when ehrasla begins to 8UIl ply the country with sugar. IRIUS City Star : The Nebraska law- makeIl seem to be fairer and squarer fighters than lie ( ludlana leglslalors. The Inter I11Hlc11 lie ( go\'eror's PrIvate secretary nearly to death : without giving him any chance to luke care of himsel while In the fIght hetween Nebraska senators and the ! : scrgeall.al.ums : s\eral senators Ildel with the later antI madl the contest somewhere ncr al even affaIr. The fact that creates 10ld and . 101 'collnled Inughl.r Is that legIslatures such us these Iman and Nebraska . brasll uS8lrbles shoulll Indulge In repros- sl\e enaclmenta concerning glove fights. I xIimu.tsi.t ; J2VZ ) .iiti.m.s.u.vs. , . The Ullol Pacific has begun the cOl8lruc. ( lout of a sidetrack 10 the quarrIes nt SIdney . The teachers of 1.lncoll anti l.gan Iounles \\1 hell a joint 10etng at Gainly , APril 13. hlout. George W. lily . a 1lonoor ot Nb- hrra , Iet from ito ( effects of a cancer , age GS 'oa rs. 'ho tveuity-first Ilnh'ersay of the Satnl County Sunday School assoclalon will be held at Crete ahout the ( mlllo of .1ay. Crawford Is to have a new itneer. the orlhlLcrn Wave. wlh Bert mswlck as publisher . amid I rnl Jerlllh as odltor. Thieves broke open a car on the l lhhorl nHl stole n quantly of goods bout tIme fact was not discovered unt the ( car reached Crolghtol\ \ . its destlmiatbon. nushvle expects to be full of Indians for A weelt or two. Bufalo null's wIld west rell len will conrregale there wlh their frlon.ls . amI will leave : for the east on AIrl 11 ' Mutilated coin will no longer pass current at Ciiaiiron. , Tint hanls of ( lie city have comhlled and wi not accept tiammiaged I money. 0\01 $300 In 11mchod sliver was 10g0lllCl In the city last weele. 'rhe unnual report of the Nebraska Slate 10rtcuiurai society will be sent out . \prl 10. The subjects treated itt this volume are : Thl grape the chorr ' . and the 1111m , amool . ) the hook wi be worth ninny lmes boo cost of postage amid wrapping . which Is I all the society has t1echd ] 10 ask those wishing It to remit Earlier volumes are 10 ue had , so long us the SUPII' ) lasts. as follows : 189t. Time Aplle. , 300 images 10 cents ; ISn ) , general matter . 300 pages. 10 cents ; 119. general mnter , 300 1105cc 10 cents ; 1889. general matter. 300 ( pages , 10 cents ; 18S5-G , general matter . lfO Ilages. G cenls. Or the whole lot will ho sent Ilrepalt1 10 those who remIt GO cenls. ( I , Ill not seem fall to the socIety that It bo asked 10 pay postage . lS the amoult so used for a year relehe I large sum. whlo I each one desiring the reports pas thai cost of postage aud wrapping I here Is no burden upoa iti ) . ' one. S - 1101'11 ; , IS } TJILVUS. . Marie Borroughs wants a dl'orce. net b- cause site dIslikes her hmusiand. but prefers to 1m a sister to him. Senator Brice hives at the rate of $ tfO.OOO a year. This Is a trlfo high hut the seua- ler ( essays to represnt two states. Jolly ohil'Inter Is a gay deceIver. Not satisfied wlLh the halt 01 spring he gIves the confding maiden n comlollous mitten. Jchall Vnux was at one time ( lie fight- bug editor of Iwo papers In Phiiladelphia. und suecded admirably In abusIng himself for the ( edificatIon of time dear reader. , General Grant's memoirs have finally passed Into time hands of the Century coma- pan ) ' . who w1 before long Issue them In a two.volulo . editIon through the regular trade. Jose.hlno ( . Brown a colorl ' woman of houston county. Georgia , Is the mother of twenty-seven ciilldremi . hr sister ut ItalIan . Springs has fifty-three and anolwr sister Is tIme mother of an even thIrty. Ex-Senalor William : . gvarts Is 7 and Is very fehll. 1"01 a month or immure his health has been falhbng . but he Is still able 10 wale a : hlock or less I In rime vIcinIty of his house when time weather Is picasant. Alen G. Thurman. "the noble old luomnami " has uecomo a strIct recluse sInce lie ( dealh of hole wife. Ito reads all night amid sllenls the day aslep In his library In his house al Columbus , O. He IR 82 years old. It Is said that Hlchard Mansfehl agrees with Dr. Conun Doyle Ihat America Is essen- Uall' a country of romance. The immaterial ' olerl1 by AmerIcan history to playwrlghls I Is I , In thie opinion ot Mr. Maimsfield. a dramatic I geld maIne. 'rlle state of wooden imutnuegs Iq uot much bettem' IIan bOle we&t1 slates In the mat- I ler of lerlslalvl ( decorum Barring the contests - tests for polnls ( and wllslr ! . CommneIeut ( can heat Indiana and Nebraska , at the gale I anti . 'h3\'e 110lnls 10 spar. The voluminous theater hat has 'lone enough : servIce In the cause of widening thai ohasm between the ( sexes I Is Lhrefore a source of congr.tulalon 10 leant that time charming , acccllllsll'l I 1111 lovable 'oung ladles of 'olleka havl agreed to Ispcnso with lie discredIted barrier to peace and union. I Goveror O'I erral of Virginia load scarcely recovered from tlo ( effects of his chocolate lunchC1n when some unfetlng admlrel' senl him un Invltlon to the silver wehlng [ of "Unclo Jerry , " the ( colored porter of tIme white house. Bul time goVerHI' ( Ial , troubles of his I own end declned i to I join LIe admluls , ( ratIon In a dark brown sciabue. 'rhl mum lcipal cmpalgu I which cores la I Denver tojay las hen a remurlabl' hol onc. H wa comluclet1 on a high reform phobic and only two Inchlents occurred to jar the hurmony ot Iw ( contesl. An alnpt to make \ cuter an element tem the IJlu war IJ'lply frowned down and a llbs I homely was arrested on tie chlrll of Intmhlatng ( male voters hy tlrlalenlng 10 kiss every man who voted for leI favorite. /\merlcan 111usiry end Ingenuly Is crowd hog thmcolti world In every ihlrectloum. i'en : In lie matter of decLare our diplola Ills Hbcounl , tIm hlarslcd foreIgners lenrl ) len to omme. Oreal BrItaIn has one Ilh 'slcJan to every 1.707 of limo 1)llalol. ( Oermln ' one to every 3,038. l"rane one 10 every 2.7GI. ) AUlrl. elmo to every 3,857 . Belgium onl' 10 every 2t4l . Italy ono 10 every 3.5Ja. ( and Salone to every 3,375. In ( let Vnle ( ( , ) States there are oholl 100.000 huhi'IcIan3 latlon ! . or one to every C6 oC thai PO\I' lalon. An InlerbIIH and , ulique feature lent 1,11\\'ney \ 10 time closing days of time Arl7ola leglsluture. ' 110 raIlroad corpora lens hal- tonI . tIme immeutibors rain- lieu [ for IIrelac ) In.1 meluen lied through clover chin high. In fact Ihe ( ) waxed fat antI their Im.ullo : were 101 hun- . The world was theirs . omimul \e1 [ to passes. 10111 tholls. Inll they buIlt a fence around. .1r"wlng . wIre alli tmher from hoth COrHlmUons wIth equal lavishmoiss. IL Is of little eOnSellelCO [ which corpurulol voii. ' 110 malel Is lefnrre'l ' 10 unomoly II shol Iho ( good forLule of time Arl morel' zOla suiOIS , who. unlito sonic of heIr ( 10rLhern urcthrcl , hlt sullenl COl (01 lon w push cactus tolelt to 1 liIio ulllu < e. - - - - - Highest of nI in Leavening Powcr.--Lalcst U. S. Gov't Rcport R 1S' Baking A8SOLVTELY PWE I . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1. : = = --------1------ citI t'-ci : nlwmr rd t.ZC.s UN ' ' 1I.Elfl. N.1TS the IllJNlt R i.lttle Thought h II the lust , "hleh I'ovlrg , Inll ( , (11C'00. April 1.-11 An IntervIew with : rChmresentstIe or Ihe ( Record ChauIPt ) ' :1 ) . \XW \ , talking or the shIver quest n. sahl : "The questIon of free coInage Is not taken slousl ) In thin laster states. 1 Is not tnen. tenet ( In l'ohlIcs. ( 1 Is not dIscussed In Ih palers. I wIll venture that 19 per emt If Ih hoopla ' or the east are II favor of ( hue gold stnmodai-ul ) without any apologies. \h re the ( ! alegell issue of shIver celnage Is ttmooughit ! about at al I I merely that I Is all rIght for one 10 take up as a hobby I he has Inl . t do lot wish to be blgoh',1 , In reviewing tIme .11310n. bec311e I leo\ that In the south Ihe ( sentIment Is very nearly unlnllou ! for ' nOptl1 tht silver basIs . atl the west also clamors for the salute Nl1 111 It remAin til limit ( thc east lees not attach Importane 10 ( this fact nor .10 olr hOIihe CXllct auty serb- alms etch 10wart the chang" " " : Ia ' not tht ( two secolul unit oath lake I the Oi" t < sue ? " "The demorrats ,1111\0 to mohu' n stagger at cnlorslng frt coinage 10 hell old 11c1O' cattle states , but I wIll not be conslulonal ( : Time reJublrals \ Ill steer clear ot the ! IS- ( Ion. Jlther Ilarl , I Is safe to say , n Ill only treat time mater so far as IJollcl immay tle- matlllo hold theIr old "Irrng'h al.1 te'll wltHl for time sails or n third ) rl ' , " "lut SOIl of the .iriy headers ln\ , , ' de- clr ll for the rlsloraton of sliver to .ls 1- 01) ) mOI1tar ) ' functIon . " It wa Ir elt " : one of thlm ( Jcnlonet tht fact \ \ bIle they wlrl eammdbdaes. ( Nothln hut n mlraclt can surest trlnnp : from the r'llbl Jn ptty. " S7 , Irl , . ; I.IJIMIS.S - . ( ) ' 1'III Iflr.'t'It. : i : \ ' Iii rut ( Sec mm red . ' nu Whl. i . 1nhl ; , : tim Itrcitk'rq Wil its . I'rou't'uuinil. . ' ST. 10l11S , APrIl -Eirt'eum : nwmlers of lie S"hbalh u-sociaion ( . tvhuon ' n'soelaton. among wholr' several Ilnlslers , 'mulalell ( Dr. l'tlrlU'sl ( SUldn ' Ilght coil tamale . n ronli of time theatrical dIves In Ile ( dlslrlct hounell by Clark a\'enue and :1111el street , 1.'olrtl and Seventh treets. Their object was 10 pro- cure the evhlenee 01 which . 'torc ( ( ) Jame Iloiikhuis thIs morning SWOIO omit warrants agains Dive iCicuuers llratit Nrelr. A. .3. Soimiimumcrvihio . Lizzie isimer I . l.on C. Thioumuhu- ( soot ammo ! IC , I. Carhtout. 'fwo warlnt were ohio sworn out a allst SI/mllll B. I ] , 're\ll who Iwel's a clothlug sor' ammo chalqln him ! wih Sabb.lth br'aklng cud . ] time other wll selling goods on Sundn ) ' . The retail clerks commlte ( Ilroclrel1 the o\'I.lence . against Frontal. l Ont detail en- tore.1 . enl secur.,1 , the names al11 alllresses , of nine clerks of time estahulishmunemit . wlo will he toted as wltmuossos . whIle a third hair- chased several articles. An order issued II Chief Hlrrlgan that the front doors of all H\loons must be lochel Sunda ' . lusL loce,1 on Somoiday was gout- orally olueyeul only Ihre arrests timug mimaule. 'heso were A. Siefaro , Jlmes Carrel ant PatrlcBsan. \ . _ _ _ _ _ o _ _ _ _ _ IW.l.ISCI..IS J.lJ 1 .1111' , I.m'miit ' to Comtviet 1ImubrtiitI Gh'CR 1Vmt' ) ) 'II ) 1 Clllct lu . Gh'CR1" In 1 i.ttc'r FIIImiIL' . AT.AT.\ . . April 1.-'rhere Is aim in- tcrestng story coanected wIth the cngage. mont ot Edith : Iay Shields danghter of time mayor of Big llaplmhs MIch. , to L. S. Daniels , a Clarlsvle. Tenn . lawyer news of which I ha joist reached her ! A few years ago Miss Shields eloped with time son of II. T. BucJmor , n milonaire merchant cf New York and Tennessee who was Imown on thou stage by Iho ( name of lar.ourt The stry of Buelm r's convIctIon or tIutIt will be rememborel as vell fS the fact Ihat there was a strong IndicatIon - culon that Ito went to prIson rather than comproimi iso time "oung woman wimose Prolry ( ho was charged wIth steauimmg. Wien ho was sent to the ienltcntbart' iimUcii Interest penltentar ) IUch Inlelesl was manifested In his pretty wife , who made every effort to secure IIR pardon. Sloe was talen care of hy IJromlnenl : people and remalnet for some tIme , goIng out to the convict calll to see her hnsb.1nd almost dall' , I now tramuc- pires that ( Mrs. UneourL has feurell , divorce and her engaremenL 10 the Tennesso gente- man Is announced. o TnnJ lao \'nrR to 1'I.t Ut" Ehiili : . KASAS CITY , AprIl 1.-After a two 'cars' search extending , from coast to coast Mrs. 11(10 Ople of Saiiiua. Kan. , has located her chIld , dnaped I by her divorced husband In 1893. Soon after the decree separatng tht couple was granted Oplo ran away with lie cimild . a 3-year-old son whose custody ha.l heen given uy the court to the woman. Mrs. Ople ImJelalely started In pursuit. and for time IJsl two years has la.le . an Incs- sant hunt for time chIld . finally tracing It to this cIty . where Ople has recenty returned his home. has been ' . 10 lale ? Oplo beI am'rested In her search for tie child Mrs. Oplo has ruined her health and . SPoilt 3000. OO\lno. : tclllny l II Vmithiiuigiiui ( . WSIuINGTON . . Apri 1.-Goverimor Mc- Kinley amid part ) heft Iholr private car this morning and moved to time Buhltt house where thy wi remaIn Ihroughoul the day. The governor spent the moringIsllng frlonds. Among olhers lie called oa Senalor Sherman anti the Ilresldent. In I loot ( after- noon he went for a drive wih Mrs. McKInley and at 8 o'clock1 leave for Coluimotous. Ho wIll stop a few days . enroute ut Allron. He Is lookllg utl feeling extromel well . Two or three autograph hunlers were walt- lug for hIm nt thin guhlt house . alll time 10l'eror wrote Ils name In their aluums , , t1."Il.U. , 5 T.1S'U . - T.IC. ' C1.UWl : Neir 1'mMtC1 ( Inno'raibn Cntmlut of thin ) ' ' , lul''ttllnt W"SI OTO , ' \llrl i.-Speeiat ( Tole. gramn.--Pmuynmastcr ) Oehrn\ \ , I Sllllon Is rrglslortd at the Jhblt : house 10 went to ( the ( War dlpatlllnt , Inlllatel' after ofco hours lila ( morlll an.1 assln1l charge of tIme pay thopartunent. Ills llrl\ato onice . n lag ! hmandomo room furnished [ II elegant - gamut style , I located 01 ito ( foulh ( floor of Iho ( buldllg over the office or Scronry ( linumont.tm hue sl nt hole desk today ho ! ; saul 10 Thl Ito eon CsiOilIeuu ) . ( : I "I wa Forr to leave Oiiiima , oshere I had uiundo so many "atn friends anti ac . qumaintamices . htmL I of euch , qlalntalcel. tJll al a coslollolol lturo ( lint I has boon ea&y for inn 10 pack toll and mo\o frol one Illace to anolher ( on short utotlee. " General Stanton MS ho wIll rrmaln hero 11.'rllllly 10 await ion ( arrival of hIs f.\II ) ' . " ion wi eOIO 10 Wushlngton about I the Il of .JUlo le J - . . Wil 11\1' 1 New Trl.t % lt ( ' mice. ATLANTA ' , On. , "prl 1.-Jiiilge Newman of ( hie UIII ( ) States court this nferool lslalm'(1 thl ( ohtnutmrrer lot ( lie ease of tIme United States agaInst MItchmt-omu , McIntyre , ( loha.r niud ( iilhorrt , ehmat'gedvihi ( counuhitracy ngtlmit : ammmh thur tumoirler t I leuly'oohhoy out the 19th of Aiurli. iSDI. for reuorImig ( theIr Illicit dtsthlei-ies ( etmool overruilci six of thin nuu'emm eotmrmis lit time govermmors bill of bullet- ummemmt. A iio'w trIal will be hlrluareth filth ( teetotal total uvIhl luroc.euh tomnoi'rciuv. 'lImo grolmutil for t ii e coim rt'e ill I itt g wit ii ( ha t t hi tu hI II ul hI mint state time hueemihe t'igImt which \'oohIey wits 0' mojoy I mmg ii mutler I hoe can ci I t tm (1 ( o a of I lie tuu Itch States , imnilem- whIch thie commepirac ) ' was commi- moltted. i n ii i i out t I i ' Imc , in I , I ti' rpno I t a ' V't'i Co. SN litANChSCO , AhorlI 1-The long over- dome Iirbilsii ship Morehuy hits arrived tvcmit- four days ii'omui itvcrpool. Time cause of hmer d'temitbon was a simco'essbon of sornmy ( ohays Iii the otmtii Atlamitte , In whmiciu sto host lmor loreimuast , siorimuog tiuo imuahmi ( Chimiluimot and mimalmi rmggiiug , hcziiles hmaviiug her tupier verhus stove itt. 'rite ol oreshoy item t iii to 1tl omttC'iuhe on t imo 27th of .ianuiary \ hue skilled workmuicmi who haul been oemit ( remit Emugiamid were repairimig her. - . I .ii ran . " . ii i u in cii ( ii r c. t , iui tar l.i'criuot , ) , Mhoh1'lIiS , AprIl l.'I'hme'azoo and Mtssls- nI uoei'ah toy fmeig ii t t rat ii t ii is tiicirnhoig Iniltemh omit for New' Orluatums with time largest shmtpmument of cotton ( tiM ever left Meti- Phils. it consisted of 10j.2i bales , mill billed tiorougim to Lbverpool. Time largest lre'foue " simipnmemut was 0,175 bales. - TRI7'I 'l .i KIf-OrIS. Imuilamunhmohis News : i'hit nenttmry , ' ' said t lip , , ( ' ( ut'mifeot huh ilocephu or , 'v I I I be reluemmi. bemt-ol clmieiiy mis the era of time bloomuem moult ! the boom em. ' ' Truitim : Forty-tmimuhi'rlemuj ( ( amen break. fast thtuue-My ) , Mi' . 1loriomo , what a tiread. I oil cohui yotu'vt gilt. \\'iiut omre you ( mikImmj lot' it ? Mi'hurtcum ( hmotu'sohi'-Atl'ice : ) , , Cii I en go 'i'i'hhitm a e : ' ' I I ow' rot m' Ca um you gi oil yoomi' uuuacmulimc.liuuumny'l' ' iiiquilriiuI hmit ( mien ] . ' , 'I , cmfl't go ommtsiol of tue coimmutv uvltim It. , reihled tue tiC ) ) ' uvitim the fl'W bicycle , ' 1 t ismi' 11 Id ' ' t a hut for yet. i'iiiladelpluia Inquirer : liaRimle-Somue. hotly lime written a hxoic ' "J'wo V.'onien numil a Fool.hmisIihey'I hint's thin stuff , A fooi ( or htmclc , evei'y timne. \\'uoshulmmgion Stnr1s : your lmtmsband out of , , rnhitics ? " : tehwul tue visItor , es. " u'epiIed tue wIfe of time ex-states- iimut "I : think hoe moist hie Ever ) ' tIme I muemutlon on electIon lie smis ime' hot In It. " harper's Young I'euple : 'V'lma ( nra ( her goimmg to calm your lieu' hrothmer , duck ? . . . . ' 'Ohm , I doum't kuuow--Jmmcic , I gomcs . .But tumum ( 'S yoom r mull e. ' ' "T to a t hoesn' t make utily differciuce. It was lailma's before 1. had It. la niuil ma luave mu Wit ) ' of nmnhoimi' us boys use up old thuimig' . , " Dtroht F'rc Press : 'I'Iue Major-I'd make iuhmui mipoinglac otltgui ( . 'floe Judge-That's tue dicagrecahiho part of It. he'll ilgimt vhthmotmt being immado to. Chicago Trhluimmue : 'Ef thmat's the new w'Omnamu tiit'y'rt ? ( ahlcin' moo much nhout , " saul Farmer Ilaycraft , looking critthruhly at . . a ( enuale figure In one of Auubmcy , Beards- Icy's uuictttres , "I'mn titirned If 1,0 e1'ive my , old WOmuiflti fui a towmusiilmt full of emit. NIVERCONTENP. ] imitaheiplmha ite-oi d. Time mnn vhio siglms for. time happy day , 'Whmemt a. barefoot boy lie ran , Is the same old boy wimo , used to say , "l wish I ) vuus a mmmmtn I ' 2'IIIm INCO.lIi 'JII.V. DetroIt 1mee i'ross Ohm , for a chmntmce to 1)0) ' tIme tax ; To 'imack imp a little two icr cent Omi it large aunt muiethorle sum , , As Semite other iocoil do. Oh. ( or an laconic bIg emuought To divide S'iht ( undo Sanu ; A nian that would kIck ott a snap hike tiia * Is altogether it daft. Oh for eumougit to toe eumoiiu.ht 'I'i , tank. . ? nIh tIme iioor felice turmu Amid say as ( hay miuw mmmc on my vay , "That party's got inomii'y to btmrom. ' ' Ohm for slathers anot scnd of cash , Like ( lie mmmomisyest mmiomueyc'tl macn I \Vouid I object to 2 hum' ccitt ( mix ? W'eil , imardly. I'd wiiaclc up 10. Oh , for a cliammee to uay time taxI - I iii Ivit ) ' luti ( Ii e got immmit ( hi roumght ? At iiresemmt I vnum't may 9 per cetmt Ott a board bill overdue. OWNIC , KING & /l / EU- - Between this aiicl Fishing- There'll b any number of days in which you tililik you might catch a fish , but if you're not careful 'ou'I ! IBId aIiy number of cool nights and mornings in which you Chi catch a cold. You can avoid catching COll and live to catch fish if you IIirC US to Spring Overcoat - coat you with one of out' I1CV and nobby styles , such perfect garments that our only competitors arc high. Priced tailors who charge as much for their name back of your neck as we do for the whole coat. An Over- coat. with our name in it as low as 7. 50. Retailers asic _ . $25 and tailors don't Iflake a bit better coat for than we make Ill ) for i8 ; materials the best and style in fashions' latest fad. Browning , King & Co. ItIiotbio Chothlt.u's , S. 'Vt , ' . Cur , 1 5th amid loumhmis Sts , _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -