Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 02, 1895, Image 1

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, S'rAln.J"SUliJD ) , TUNE ! } fn : , 87J. OMAhA , 'rUJ S.AY ( MORNING i , APHLf.J 2 , 1895. _ SlNHhg COPY FIVE OIDN'PS. ,
, Immcnso Crowds Visit the Hom3 of Gor-
many'c ' Firat Oilizcn
t , JtnlhmYI nnt T.'lrl.hM J.I\lrtt wih
- lUrth.II . ) ' : I.IMI/r" I. l'rIiico 1"11 r c
. ) -flertlit 11'.rnt.,1 Iii 11M llntiur-
.f Or.ctlJ I frll lml'IIr : t'rllcl" I ,
. FHImICISIUH , Apri 1.-Snco nn
' lrl ) hour this ! morning trnlns have b2en nr-
rIving 10 ( I ( dlh Ileolllo Cram nil l1rs ) oE [
' the cmplro resolved on conlrltulatng Prince
r Ismnrck on hil 80lh IjirtIithy. At J
k o'clock n delegation oC the IciJ1ItZ
1 P cuirassier regimen I , oC whIch the
prince Is honoruy ) colonel , arrived
: at the cnslo In ardor to congratllato
. him. The culrnbslErs were Colowol hy n
stream at other tepulalons , including one
ccmposed oC unl\ersly IlroCessors a 11 another -
7 Ij other with senators front ! I amhlr ! ali other
places The dlslllch at congralulalon which
7 _ King Oscar oC SwedEn and Xorway sent ) 10
Irlla Bsmnrck alluded 10 the later as the ; '
creator at ( iernuin unIty
Enporor I.'lncll JOellh ) , at Austria was I
among these who lelrgrallhe.1 . theIr conratuuly ,
. Intons to the Prince 10.h1Y.
A depltllon oC G.OOO strong from the dlC- !
, brent unl\rsllcs or Germany proel'ade.1 . '
Si t to the castle at 2 o'clock this nrerncon , .
They tool up Ilosllous ( In ironl of [ the ter-
\ race anti when Prince Ismarck appeared ho
t ) Was greeted with deafening cheer The
4 epokesruen oC the slllients then read an a.l-
I dress oC congratulation and . Ilresentel the
CX-chiancehicr with u gift subscrlbe.1 for hy )
the stl ents , After thtankilig his visitors
< ACer thanlln \Islors
a the prlnco conversed . with several oC theta anti
t ? - ' returned . to the houde amid II Cnsh storl uf
.1 ' cheers rrom tile students' deputation , which
then dlsllorsell
The weather this morning was glorious. !
) ? Dy R o'elorl live trains each bringing about
1 1,000 people , had arrlve.1 . from I amlJIg ,
I . ! n addition , grlt numbers or people flocked ,
- hero by the VUIIUI3 ! country roads The
railroad staten \ . 9 hung with garlands ,
' tinge and motoes , The students , nunthor-
Ins about G.OOO , who \ ere the frt to ur-
, rive here al noon , haJ tem\loralY \ heall-
1. ' ( larters at hamburg whoo at 7 o'clocl In
I the morning th'y m.t at various rallying
Places and larcholl through the streets to
three separate ralllay statIons , whence they
were convoyed by llerlal trains to A ullehl ,
near this 11111 'I'hiero thin students were
marshaled und supplelt with refreshments , ,
after which they marched to 1"lle < rlehsruh. !
The generl public was not admlte,1 to i
the caste gardens , where the reception ! was t
( . held , but thousauls oC12rSOns \ gathered on
the meadows on the other side oC tie stream ,
I overlooking the ganlens.
At 1,30 p. m. the band ot the ourth )
I regiment at tool guard took position In the
t garden opposite the Palace and Illayed the
"Itahleltijahi Chorus , " Cram the " Iesslah , "
nnd other popular airs. Soon the strains at t
"Dlo 'ncht nl Hheln" were heard In the (
distance announcing the approach oC the
stuclentit' prcession. The terrace nt that t
' time was occupied by Prince Bismarck , his
family , and their numerous guests. The
.4 Countess van Hlllzan , daughter oC Prtnee
v Dlslurck , and COlnte ( ses Herbert al.1 .
'Vllam Dsmarcle were attired In summer
. toilets , while serfl 1 or the gentlemen In m
the party were In uniform , but Count \on
Rantzu : , CClnt herbert Ismarek and COlnt
1\llal , Dmmrel ( were In ordinary morning
, . Prince Thstnnrck's sister , the Countess van
Arnhn , amI her h\o granosons were ala o
; IlreJent. At 1:50 : p. I , lie ( students' pro
t cession emerged upon the triangular Sllace t
k under the . t'rrace , presenting a strllingly
brilliant slectacle ! , the sun glistening on the
1. drawn swords ot the students anti .lsllla . 'lng
I "to advantage the gorgeous gall unlColms of
I the various corps , consisting oC white
3 breeches and gaunlets and silk anti vel\el
doublets , many color d sashes anti caps or -
namented with ostrich teathels , Al the
stlllents were marchalel In front at the terrace -
race nll on the rising ground to the left Iho (
band played "I eder SI ! ! sllrnz , " I
The crowds about the caste hall by thal 1
time been Slc leo to 12,000 persons. At the I
, moment the ( prInce's stately Curtis
i flrm was rccoi - ! ,
nlzed by the students there arose a might y
II cheer , which echoed far all wide and the
1 . stuoentl clashed their blolls together In I
, the air Prince Ismarell wore I euralsslor
unlCorl anti was without a cloak. le
raised his helmet timid stool bowing nut II
the cheers hail suhshled Time spollesman
oC tIme stllcnl ' oeputaton , Iluch , a theological -
_ logical student oC the Unl'erslty ( oC 10nn m ,
tct then ascended the tribune a 11 ! convoyed to I
? } 'lnco Dsmarcle the congratulations of 11
( fellow stmlcnts , ' thtlit imnlvi
felow rell'c6cntlng thl'ty Inl'I'I-
sltes , In a tow appropriate 10nls , and cm I-
chlle.1 with Ilrescntng to the I.rlnee un
address and rerluestng him to ac.ept I a
birthday Ilrlsent a hln.lsmo . gift < C marhle ,
Iron , silver and goll , with ymlll"\1 lgures
and surmounted with the German engle.
I Prince Dsmarcl , having inspected and admired ' -
a. , mired the monulent , which Occliliell a'a
llromlnent Illaco In a cornr or the I' ,
at1auccd to the balustrade , and niuhil - .
ad\anced balustraoe In.1 amlo re-
t newe.1 . cheerl nll olashlng of swords , rl :
piled to the ( address . oC the stmitteiits. . Timl
ex-chmnceilor spalla for about twenty mln-
4 _ ules , clcnrly and . Ilstncly , hut wlh le 1
' 1rce amid point than when aollre.blng tl'
delegltons or the Heleh.lag mid . I.amlag a
week ngo. In the course ut his I'emarls ,
, .
t I'rlnco Ilsmarck said : rour masters paid
mo I trlhutu ot ackmiowlctlgemnciit or the t
past ( rferrlmmg to the \Isl at the umilve r-
. el ) Professors ) thIs iiiorning. Your grt'i 1-
Inga Ire to mo 1 pledge at the ( future that (
until the ml\ie of the next century ( , when
l11 . i .bnl have heen .I'all . , you wil co mm.
, ; ? J . utter th same Ceeln s which y aim
t , I 1JVlnlncII today.Vlmat a German Is yii. -
thused aleut In his ) 'cuth ho never let. i
11 rOil altogether In his mature nge 'rim : tl
which the government \111.1 1 Insllh > .t .
? Into your hearts wi always beJr forth I Its
' fruits , no mater vliat 1 HhllB the ( ilistit im-
V tons ot tlmo state hilly taKe TI'e nathor tim I
feclnA remains cI'en when one ernlgr.ttm
\'i 4 I have proof today that hlllrells , ( af thta Lii-
. sands ot Germans at the CarD tt loot 101le ,
. In Amerlea ami In I Austrll. chug w i tim fllUII
enlhullall to the old tatherland.
"Wo hall to light hard hJtled for our
natona ililehieflhICflCC' ( . . 'lh' Irologuo WI
, . lime holstein wor.o had to embork In
. ? the Austrian war In orter to arrl\ nt I
, definite enlente wit Ii , \ust'la alll to ohita lit .
10 to sleal" , n judicial srlar"t.1 . frl hi or.
ACer Sallowa every ono foresaw 1 war wI tim
Frimnce. I was , huwe\I a'i ' sable not tu
umlerllllo such a war too soon , hut to wal
until the fruIts at the North ( erman ; union
hart Ileen mliiI I' gar"rell , Af'r ( flint war
there was tale Ihat In live years moro another -
other war would follow. 'hnt was to be
I ' I feared , lut I nsell every endeavor to hint , Icr
" It. We hail no ground for I ; wt hal whlt I
' we \antell , anll to ( onlllu9 /hhlnJ / cut at
sheer desire for COIIIII'st : Illenl'u ) to mete I
to bo Jonollartll , and not our GOlman wn ) ' ,
c Since our unlike wu h\ll 1 have alwars
been n trleno C peace 111 to that enl1
have nol Ihunm'll small sacrlOres. 1 '
II1e sml ylelt led
In time Carolna tutu S\noln hlall1 llies ,
tons , In spIte of the great value alached
to colonial eXlalulon , In order not to lit \e
lo male ( war , There lies Ihi aitvlmminge . ( oC
I the German "hlraeter : Selll falraCtol
V II this value ot our II0Sessl ns without teek
lug domllion and Ilrh'lrgl In Ilollcal aC-
U faIn
i J , "II II much easier : to say what ole , Ulti
, avoid tI11 whut one bhouhl tlo Cetuln
, I , prilellles. ! honor and couragl forbid ole to
' -I do several things Just as durhmig arm '
tol'crl lS lurlng arimmy \ uI1-
't euVer one II forbidden to 1II'h ( , cert , alum
: slbeclfled fields. lut , a8 to rCiolutol1 re.
I ) / sarlln ! whnt II to hapllell II the ( future ( ,
I there II no exct provllon They nrc tie '
I Plmdcnt Ullol Iho ( decisIon ut others , I y tc'
, . ( rude alter their OVll1111 the whole 11:1
of' on mlsrnrrles. PosiivI ( un.lertallngs . are
Very .1fcnl In poiiIIc. 1 they succeell anD
shoulo thank Gail and not find , fault because
the y Cal In trIfling points. Man can neither
sot In motion nor control the streams oC
tiru ms. lie can only steer his boat ullon ( It
wih h more or less skill . I he has come safe
Ilto harbor , nse may gather ( rol the
hountls oC ovrwllhnlng applause , we must
be content anti , keell what WI have galn11 for
the empire-the empire ns I Is now-an.l not
ns many wIsh It to bo , wih additional math-
tulon , . Inst-
" We want to Preserve scrupulously wlmat '
Ilreslr\e wlnt
\0 hnve. Germany was a mighty empire 'I
tin ner the Carlo\lnllnns , the Saxons nnll the
lie liemistaumifens.
lohen taurens When this posilon was
lost GOO or GOO years asse.1 herero Germany
got again ! UI'OI ' her legs. Political
tie veloiminomit Is slow , like geological
slrata , whleh , lying on another , Corm
mounts a mid . iii cnn In I n a. I Bhouhl
hu e , aiovc' all , to ask ' ;
Ille aho\1 al lsle you ) 'ounp gentlemen
nol to give yourselves
YOlrsel\es too mich to the Ger- '
Inu craze for crilclsln . ( .oli laughter ) '
Acclpt what God has ! I\en ) ' 01 In,1 , what wo
lma vms InborlolSI ) ' Wal before the threatening
guns or tie rest oC 1 lrolle , 'Ihat was mio
lght mat er , 10
, .
"J we ha.1 . II those days heel cited before
a conclave oC time elders
tlo ot lurol1e : we woul.1 .
not have come out so vell. It Is trlo tlat
there still remains jlstlnhle clnlms worthy
of effort. hut not toO soon or too hasty. Let
11 haiti fast tu what we hnl'e. TIme greatest
lacrlleol were IHule for tIme re-estimiilishiimienm
or the German emplro hy tIme German
Ilrlnls , the IrlRslals not exclllcJ , :1)ohl
mnster heslato.1 . 1011 before he consented 10
gi ve tip the lntlepoiideimce or his
gl\e 111 Intlepenlelce state to the
'el\lre , Let us ho thankful to these Pl'hiicoS
ror ha\llg inside sacrifices to time elilire
which mnimst have come liarti
Ilst hn\o hall to the rel\nlng
dYlantcs aCer their hiltul ) ' . Let lS Ilso ho
Jrntcul to science alll to its devotees for
IIelllng alive time fire oC Inl ) ' on the hearth
oC Ilowle.lge . , Then the Unto Clle when the
lama hurnetl high.
"Then you will bce that I ama an old cenT
ser\ntll hut I rep2at , let lS 111:11 : i togither
what wo hale , Let lS not le afraid cf these
\ho begrudge \ hate 1 a 1'1. There have
always been c'enuilcts In . '
renfcts Germany nn:1 tCII."s
Ilarty I1vl810ns ar _ ' the alter effects oC the
ohl lights ; In th lIe slnt 's' : rs. Wltholt fight.
Inp there Is no life. Wihout olr Internal
conlcts we sh11 , e\'enhll ) ' C1m2 to the
cOllllon of the Chln2se , anll Inp ( Into a
r03sll7ed state. But , In all cur strlg.les , wo ,
lust have u rallyIng Iolnl for otmrsevcs : . nlHI L
that I tins ca'lllre , , not ns seine wish I , but :
its I Is. I ask yell , Ihererole , to Join mime In I
the cry ' live the emperor and the em-
plre ! ' " ( DeafEning rhICS , )
. \fer the cheers Car time emperor hao bern I
gl\n by the stllients , Inll the throngs beYOIHI I
the hearing oC I he sprler'ole , Iho sln-
Ilents 11Ug the "Ilienmarcic Lied" ( Bsmare1 < ,
H eng ) In tentorJan voices :
long amid with
Hti alli great en -
allilh Ireat In-
ti umusiauus. The
thn5Ial. prince , alen.lell . by Dr ,
Schwnlnger Ind & Ceunl herbert Bsmarck ,
then dE3cendEI the steps , and spnt ten minutes :
utes walking about along thE students and I
cOllersln with a nlmbe at them. Hetlr-
Ing 10 the terrimci , the
img terrlc prince took a bee (
glass Cram a set Jlle.enterl , to him by thi ,
Htndents , anti , ha\lng ullImi II wih heer , , he
rised It aloft with the words "Vlvat. Ic1d-
emle ; Vlvat melbrum 11' Ilpt , "
Alter thld toast : , the beer having In the (
leanl h hue ' buu served and time students Iluly
honored , Prince Bismarck
drained hIs glas 3
and held Il umlsl'le' do\n , to show that It i
was quIte c.mllty. . The uiepmmtatlns then began -
gan to march cut oC the gm'ounds , singing :
" II'Olnos
fletutschmland , Ikuutselmiand , Uebr "
"Deltschlano Deltschland ; ? Alles'
nnd other patriotic songs. The grounds were
arrow anti the Progress umaic was slow ,
IHrlcularly l a , th stud ? nts were lath to leale
whie Prince Usmarcle remnlned on the ter-
race.Arer each song there was prolongell cheer
Ing l 1111 further clashing oC swords , the
prince leaning over the balustrade , \vavlni
Is h hnnd ali smmmtlhuig. TlIn the Idea wa\lnv
enty struck him that the People In the
leadows m had 10t received sulcent 10leo i.
lo i remedle.1 . this hy Isklup for his felll
! lasses and took a long slr\ey or the uummdti I-
tuoe ! , \110 \ thewullon b7ceted him with
rounds at cheers an.1 . time waving oC h'nd-
I cerchmicfs. To
llrchlef : this Prince nsmarcle ro . -
sponoe'l u ' by wallng his hellet , In the
i neaitsvhmhlo the songs and cheers anti clashIng I.-
Ing l or slorlls contnued on the terrcrs as .
the stndenls slowly clowded out oC groundm
The prince , a Ito later , tonic ! aCeI
l newer which Countess Wllum Biaimmarc 10 !
had lall on the 1)lustrde and threl I lieu n
enc by one among the students , wtmo btrt1 -
gle,1 , wildly to obla' : p08eo-lln of the 1.
The countess thereupon enteroll the houEe '
t mumii ! brought fort rre.lh supplies of fo\crs :
un.1 . garland which Prince BII'lrc1e : for a
long l tints threw del a to the forest at ow -
stretehcII , whlo l l'll'hnn'3 ' ! , IIJly throwIng -
Ing h by wholesaj ontro bOII'Uetd ' and ,
s wreaths which were tor to pieces unmi ! , 1it -
trlbutCI amen the students. Thicui ns Ihey :
i ) ased the garden II Cront ot time honbe ,
where the /orl tributes wcri exhibited , the
stumticxmts began plcllln leaf Iower
stlHIents a or a : r
untl mmcariy nil were The mnumgs In I
which the beer was sen'ell were also take mu
away hy thc bhllenls us souI'enlrs
During hit' cvcniumg there torch-
thl c'\enlng was a great m-
lght l proesslou , thl Sachenwull was hum -m-
Inatl.l h . an,1 , Prince Ilslalele anti his Camly
watchcth ! ' Ilrocee.lngs Cram the terrac C.
Hcpln ! ! to the 1.ldress . cf time prores- :
sors ot the unl\lsll J this muon 1-
Inl , PrInce nslarce maid "that
thought he hall been treated ' with such
hostility hy ) ltcul parles , It mUdt not be I
taken too tragically. I was tIme way oC tht
worll to 11ght. " hc , udded , "and Cram the fact
that the prple still attacked him li cot Ii-
eilt2d that his thoughts were not mien \
Diferent ) gronps ot socialists , centrists 111
Poles tool It II from him for calling tIme ill
the emit mules of the elplre , , but ht could sus-
tuln the trth oC title remurl by sa/ng / that
theoretically they mutigiut alt he wel dlspose,1
towarl the ( Ilplrr-lllo\llcl that time ( 'mplro
was such as they miebircil. " COIUnulng , the
prllc ( , said thaI It was tu bE regrettll I that t
tl' socialists hud not tecurell tim' secfn"Iee
Pridmmc or tilL' 1chchistumg ( hecauso
prdldfley ) til HdehbtlS that
wcull hal'l shown that the attains oC thl t
socIalists ! ssi-mm not cmtoumgit for
socalstK 11'l ripe 'lough Iesolute
act lomb. ' ( 'ho elplt' wlh 11 outgrowth oC
practical Cocts ( h:11 : . to be reclcnul with am 11
II tust lD limit ditty . of mill 10 IlrCSEt'e I ,
STT'I"J.\ , "Irl , I.-'l'hmo IIlug ofVu r-
tethurg hus belt Ul aile-ol.-eamll ' wih I
letter ot congratulation to Irllc Ismarae ) ,
1mm recdlvlmmt a theumutatfoum rrom the
II I\II ! .Iellutalol gymnasium -
sium te.ay limo Icnl Praised Prince Ils- :
marcil's greatness.
HEI.IN , .prl \--\1 public and mast oC
tlo u prl\ate ( buidings I are he.lec1.1 wihagi I I
unll bUitin ! In hummer ot the 80th IMthLsy ot
Prlce Ihmar.I , . .t nit time fehools the 11- 1 :
lulls aSbemblel1 ) this IQtlnv In ere r to iii ar
special IIhnarlk alllt' > seR. The Ilupls were
thou giveui n holhIJ ' . Mun ' of
thel gl'en ) tiuny the huslnes
houses Ire dearth ant oil time 1311 slretJ are
erolnlell with ElfhtEe.IS , \t time the ters
there are Epeclalerflrmanlel with Ilrol.'gu,1 '
uPllroprlatt to the ( ( hay whdl I ( helng ce le-
brle.l. (
The lelchEanZI'Iel' ( , ofcIal Iluhlshos to. I
day the toIlets bug : leClpnce to time cohebi rem-
thou wlileh Is Iseumig ohtmsc'rveth
lnn hl'lnl ohserlell thmromlght cUt
GerlalY : "Pllnco Ismalcl ( today cc sum-
chlle3 his 80lh ) ' ( ar. Time cllnUss ( prouCs ,
at sincere love alli , 'enerlon 1 hleh ha1
hen Ehuwn hll In connertol wlh thu I
event .Iurln the last Cow woells from far a nil
Ilar , lt , ) - hlgl I Inlllow , tesIC'lnl I I I thanlculness t ant
fOI' his ' imui mum o Ito I service In bulLln ! uII 0 Cr-
many' r"Jlne6S are lmidellbly
l II0elbly stalpul tilun m
mIme hearts cf the ( German pole , ! , :1 a ) ' the I
( tr''nt wishes for his conlnu.1 weit tic
which today aseenti to heaven trout '
aEcln.l hea\en Crol \ cry
pll'O whel GOl'mand Lwl'l 10Nher he f iii-
tIlled amid IU ) ' OHmony's great ton have tbo
Ille:1t'O : CUI' years tv ( C0l0 oC FeeIng lime em Jim-
Inlous growth amid consoldaton at Limo I
work ot Grmnn unity achlo\o(1 ( by hint II
the fet'lc' "f the glen Us 0111101 amid her 0. "
Bm'lmUH G.'n . . \ imtqumn' ,
Time emperor and emllr ire preJl > nt
lila ( el'entl ! at : gruml banquet gl4n In time
\\'hie ( hail ef the atie In
Whio lal Clsll hOlcr r Prince ,
lislarcl'a hlrthdJ . \1 the royal uu iii ers
alJrlnceu. . . eQlr officials , gll'rh. mat mit.
hell of tIme lundcaalh , chiefs It time cliff er -
cut tmrrat' or the Hplchitog ( anti of the I
mel and other 11llnguhhrll Chile n18 In'r
prei nt ' , Imll , roe \'iiiIamui. In tr'ltlng Prine :
nslarck , ull " 111 S , rene Igl.n'u , Oule ,
" "n 1.luenburg. Irlnc \'on hhis'narchc , 1'lr' ( I ' ;
I rah , Hurrah , Hlrrah ! " - Time . - J toast was ( , ci. -
/ Continued Oi l"Ub I'arp. )
Tbosa in the Oentoric , In , District Quit
Under the Ottumwn Agrecment
01Jrntor Cnnlot Contnuo II HuhIORM with
\cth'o Competton at time i'reqcmut
t'nle 11.1 thl I I.flhpmmrer4 Wil
Zsot 'orle
OTTt1M\'A , la" , Allrl i-Simcelal ( Teiesu
gr amum.-Tssenty.fivc ) limmuidreti miners In time
Centcr\llo district elllloyed by the operasso
tors not slgulng time Otttmunssmm
OtUll1 ngreelent
quit this lornlnA as oXlleeted There Is ito
trouble antI ,
none Is auttlelpated. The oper-
tut ors wi shut 110ln ant qui business It Is i
helel'ell , Nearly nil Limo operators In the
Boone district closed their mines , 100wing
there \rouid ho a strike mmmmd that
woul 111 mme agree-
ment coull Ito reached
The Inater was submlted to the miners ,
hUI they reCused
) appoint a comlltco
an.1 . to canCer with the operators In regard to
I the ummatter. 'i'hiey sahl the ) 10uii leave time
setement or time rate queston to the slate
executve board . of tIme miners' onganlzzmtioum. ,
This hoard Is composed
C0lllosel1 largely oC miners
frol the oIlier Ilortons oC the state nnll Is
untierslooo to he cellitell to the schlu10
which titus operators hero 101 plain oC. Some
oC the miners In the Boone district say that I ,
the 1I08110n oC tha operators Is reasonable. ,
They see that wltim the
wlh present disproporhi ;
tcnate rates the mines here cannot comuipete ,
hut they say IC the miners here acceded to '
th e cut asked the
Iahaska anti other opergi
cmt ors woulo 1.lln cut helol the nel IIrl2s
I aua mml . there woulll he the same thing over
I aJln , except the wages oC 11 the miners In
the state 10uil ho rc.lncmWhelher they
I wonll , favor an effort to atempt to rise
the wages In time scutheaster ali sOlthern
I .lstrlcts . they do not stlte , blt the miners oC
Ileono count ) ' are prcleal ) ' ii minim imnoums In
dcclarll they 11 not work at the scale
proposed nt lesioimics. .
CI NTglVI.I.E , lu" , April l.-Spectai (
T eiegr.mmn.-No ) miners are lt scone ) here
toda ) ' exctpt those oC time Cemmtervllie iliock
Center\lle Doce
compal ) antI " 'hlebreast cOlllan ) ' at Formi
bth , both or which have slgnell the 1893
scale of Ilrlees. 'hl Ilners arc not on I
strlle : they are merely not worlcng , lvenytlc I
thing Is mullet aU11 use trolble Is expected
fl OtV. 'Ihe olleralors will not scenic mines
except on the 70 amid SO cent scale , as they
ran at a severe loss the past 'car. Tsveumtyti
l\e hundreo miners are p Idle In the county.
_ L I : 'U ITU.UH ; ( JITi'Lfl .1.VTlaeISIS. .
'lrcllJ ur the Stuck Gr'm"'I's AssoclaUl1
ot tutu " uiii.
ChEYENNE , Aprn 1.-Speclal ( Telegram )
- TIme twenty-thlro Innunl meetn ! of the
" 'yomlnl Stock Gro\IIS a soeltlon : WIS
hed In Che'elno today. Considerable busl-
less of Imrtance to the live stock Intel'
ests of the stnte was traumsacteil. The re- :
p ort of the Secretary ) ' shows that the asso-
ciaton has a membert1111 of 22. being an L
Inelelse i oC sIxty-eIght over last year , ' 1he
Insllectors I cmployed by the rtssochttlomm lt
Chicago , S.uth Omlhl , Issoclalon ) anti
Denver tuispmtcteml . W.OOO head or cuttc , .
Fourteen thousane hem ! of stra's worm
dlseoveree by the Inllleeto's , the proceeds ]
from which amount to fD,557 : ; 86,44 of the
proeecds have beeui remited to the own rs
or the strys sohl ,
All olcel's oC the aSloclatln were re -
eleclc ! as folvWs : 11 silent J.imn Clay , Jr.
of Chicago ; vice president. George \ , jinx
I.r ; seeletar ) ' , H , n. Ijams ; treasurer ,
lenry G. Ilay , al ot Che'enne
The State Board of 1.lve StacIe commls-
Ioner will hold 1 meeting tomo.ol to
fx the rJumlup dktriets of the Itlte for the
year , ' 1he State 10al" ! oC Live Stock Coin
mlsllonels auth the Live Stock 1s80cilton
nre now entirely divorced , J. \ , Hammond
h havlnt been electee secretary oC the foumimer
This Is eonRldered best for the Interests :
of all concerned. ,
Stockmen . from 11 sections of the stnte
repO.t that the outook for time coining year
IR h most encouTlnt Stock passel ! through
the wlntl'r In hue conditon , Dut little loss :
WIS oecaslonle on account of Saturday's :
Alarm , Oumly a few early calves su cumbec1
' l'ime moIsture wi tiring on time t1-ass ant . :1 :
more than compensate for the losscs
iIsmt ) : room Ilaz I I - , lt i ' mittim.
ANIT.\ 1mm. , Allrl 1-Speclnl.--Fire ( ) WIS
IlseovErel1 In the rear of the 1imig Hard
ware cOlpan"s ' store this morll ! about 3
o'ciocic. 'rhue lire started on the Imisitle ] or
tinder thl build lug. 'lheulllnl i hurel I ' 1
\'c'ry rplI , its there were several balt'ls
of oil to 5\r < a.1 the blaze.
The Parham hunt ' imiso ' .
. IJrn was IIRO detrO'et1. I II
IIS part ) tilled with oats mind 11) ; ' 1011-
scud's lumber ' , , .
Fell's YI'I hind a very close cal.
This IR second lire
the lre In this block Ilsld (
of I ) 'elr.
'rhe lossu on thn iimmg hlldware stacIe Is I
estmate , ! to be IO ! ; insimrmiuuce $ 1.OtIO. of
whIch $ , ri Is wih the Natonal of lart-
bitt. $1.WO wlh the Flremen'H I Ftmnd , Hnd
$1.HO : wlh the 10wI State Jn urnee unl rom-
[ ) ' of K eoll Ie. 'rime loss oum the King
Ituliuuiuug . , IIlIll In C , : I I'erl. ts $3,0 ;
Insurneo $1,00 ) , Ilh time Nllonal ot lart- I :
forth. Loss on Parham btmiimhimmg . , ahout :
tWJ ; no insurance. Loss on oats anti hn y
olne.t . by Joe . Kiser. 1 $ l5O. \
The wlne Wit very strong , anti If I la'l
not been for the hunt work of the Ile comi : m-
Ilan : ) ' the whole block p woull have gone
\11 Illru"f' SIIIX I ty 1.1..11 IUI. . . ,
SIOUX CI'I , , Allrn I-Speclal ( Tel let -
! t m-The Credits COlmutnton c ; 1IIJny !
or this cIty hns Ilose.1 . a deal by which OIl .
Inlon Stock Yard l'omllny wi tnke tim e
tltht > to the Sioux City I'acklumg " , .
1h ( I ) Iaelling CUIn : )
11111 \ II t. The the lull I of Iho I comm tnttC t ha\e not
rot hell malII public , hut In\or-
tumult nllllons wi IH nl.le In the :
1IIellnl pllnt ) In.1 itS ollttons wil
( I lt 111'9 1'lle.l . , " 'hel the :
eOllllny Ilst .lle Ilre It took a ten-'eal'
leaHo vn the \lunt 'rhls Irrnglmlt Is
hruln lp I wlll the Htoelt Ya\il 1011111) '
leut Into the 1IIIIs or n receiver , Ilt I
slna2 that tle thin 1Iant , has I eluinell h ) '
virtue of thr loltme wih the icceive V.
The \llllpal I I a mid ! It iomms wi I ho In i the beer
umacktumg dl'IHI'tlcnt.
Illorll' , iefiru"ui't ' 'lnf'
MASON Cl'I'Y , In. , . \11'1 l.-Shmecllmh ( 'reh 0 -
grant.-Thme ) CIHel climb or this city wil
give n Jefferson day hunquet here tomn m r-
COV I IR a state nifair. John Clglel rif
this cl ) ' , John / Ilneombo or I'olt 1)oulg .
,11.lge M. J. WIlII of 1011 City . . \ . g. DOllge. 1..11 . , ; i
or Iarlon ' ' '
( , l'x-Gol'prnor Boise of " 'lterloo ,
D I , ( ' . Flkln ! of I'rulo ( iCOVt ? , J. J. H'ln !
of . \11 Ina ' , C. I Iii. I 101lIInan or tIhri'Imtul II-
towI , W. J. tarllntl'r of Detlolt In'l ' : leha
anti Colommt'l 'ulcCouihmcgue of ( hits city vi Ill
( :1ulhlgu ( thll cl11
resonll 10 t ton.t t . jpellal I tmlnH I I lre to I Ime
run for 100 mallets In mill dlrelt ns for the
occa lon.
- - -
/rllltlcnt ) 1111 lill'll I i Ilunef I I I ! I ,
DES : IOIXI Slrl l-Speelal ( Tel e-
graumm.-W. ) S. Sllh , late oC : larhaltoln ,
bookkeeper \ of the Cemitral Loan anL Truht comp -
paim ) ' or this city , took forty grains oC mac r -
phlne Saturday umighmt. lie , ,
Saturoa ) night le suns foun,1 d. all
last night. This lorulng p1lers were Coun.1 .
shollng le seas dospollleut over 11nnncial
lmrosiects. ) lie - \I'IS n IIQfUlar fellow .
Orl"'II1ltl % III l'harrrll . wlh 1'lrr"f'
( lESTO : 1mm. , ' \llrl I-SIIclal ( 'id Ic-
ram-'Inrence ) I . eves was alTlhte.1 . at
Grlen/ehl today fOI' CorHlnJ I hole 11.1
rellzlnl on I lt the II'1 In this cIty.
Dul hu.lnts arced two alouus cl qi ii t
IJslue ' s today. 'rho quarterly lax qui
dime aU11 two ) of Crestomu's 1w ! eise saloons
failt'tI to retpont1. _ . twI'e -
A 11111 Inlllllrll 10u , , Jnrnrl ,
ATLANTiC ( ' , In" , . \llrl 1-(81Ieclal ( "ole _
mnumm.-Time ) hnnlwuro nll hnploment hot : : e
of " ' . 0 , 1\ln ; & Co. , at Ania , was enUII h ) '
Ilpstrored ) I ) ' lire early thll mmiornimmg. I.oss : ,
11,0 Ilarlnl ) ' overe.1 . I Insurunce. O. :
'uS' . larhll'l feed Iullio was also dlslroet l ,
hess , $ W snOt - mme p iumsurauice . )
'oh utter 4st. him / $ ) ivorrr.
1A1\1itN , In. , Apri t.-lperlal.-Julge (
Green hns granted the decree of divom rc'
asked Ice by I E SchuUer. 10
Iu : pv1Llc.I.s , ( I\'u.Yl1C 7'0 hI1.'u.
: llnlrlpnt , tlrrtol' : Shnn' 10 l'nIUI nI
I.t.IU' , , ' . .
frlm I.t \.IU' " 'ot.
C.l VEI.\N\ 0. , AprIl 1.--Jctunums from (
moro than hal the cIty indicate time ( .Iecton
at Hobrt I. Melson , rp\blcan , for
la'or , II about tOOO PIUrlt ) Tie re-
mnlnder at the relhlcan ( tCll Is successful
by larger pluraliies , Time l man candidate
for the Ichocl council on the t'11blcan
tic ket runs behmlnd time three male candIdates ,
The \oto WIS1) ' U g hI. The resul Is 10t
iiliy-J Iu tCroilit-\m
yea r ago.
C INCINNATI . April I.-In Hnmilon
county \ Irs , Captain IEabodr oC la.lson\lo
was elected to time Uoard oC EJlcalon nUll
Iho e hind a 10man as eOlp.ltort Iharni-
son l , this county , three women were deCealCI ;
nt Carthage one woman \as electel : nt Nor-
10011 thl women were deCented.
A COlnmelelal-Ga1ele special reports the
women defc'atell at CalUlen , 0 : also that the
eve mmuen voted elsewhere . In Ohio us rolols :
At \ 'amiS'ert ff ) voted ; nt HI1Ie- sixty :
at thartium's Perry forty-nilt out oC a total
\oto oC 1:00 : nt lansOell and nt Morrow
thE ) ' turned out In time rain and refused olers
ot Ilrece.lenee . by men.
1lILENA. Iont. . Allrl I.-At time election
ror city officers today nr. Wilam Steele ,
democrnl , was elecl:11 nuyor. The "Jt" stOJ.I . : !
StEele , democrat , l,17 I : hockey , rellublran ,
100 : Heed , 1I11Ist , 7 to. The republcans I
electel the 110110 magIstrate , ely treasurer
a 11 f\ [ out oC seven nhlermen. The imopuczh
lsts . and .Iemoclals . eleetel one allermnn I
I\'ANSV1hLF , Iud. , April I.-The democrats -
cr ate met with nn ovrwhelming defeat to-
Ily by the repmmhiicaums. The hatter elecled
: ayer Anthony C. HawkIns , four councimen
at large amid femur out at seven cOlnclmen
Crm the wards of time el ) ' . 'rho contest was
the most spirIted e\er wItnessed In the alt ) ' ,
lawllns wi have over 600 votes to sllare.
'O.I DO , 0" , , \)11 I-Up to mmsldumighmt
fif ty-four Ilrecincts out of the entre city
ga\e Par11stone , the demecrte candidate
for mayor , 10 pluralty , Last Cal the re-
pulleans carried these by 2SGt.ajor \ fan
mmm ayer alHI : Inrln for polIce coummummissioner
appear to ho time oumly republicans defeated
on the ely ticket. Thus city counci alil
school boarll
sc are probably republican. None
oC time three women candIdates for school
boar.1 . wrre eiu'cteti.
nETHOI" ) MIchm. , April I.-In time electon
of a Justice or the supreme court In.1 . two regents -
gents oC the unl'erslty today the : Uehlpan
rrpublrns were again easIly vIctorious. The
' 010 was very light throughout time state ,
not to excelll hnl the vote oC last Cal beIng
Illell The Inlleatons nt I lisle hour arc
that loure. rlllllcan , deCeatel1 McGrath ,
tlc uimoercmt. the Ilresent Inclmbent , by 25.000.
'he republcan plurly on gOl'ernor In 1894
WIS 100,292. 'rhe rCIHblcan camllates for
regents are elected by about slmllr plurl-
ti cs.
tcs.D ) S IOXI S , Apri 1.-unlcllml elec-
tions were held at a few Iowa towns tOllay
Atl t Keolmk the republcans cleanelt up every-
tl miumg but two allermen atl time city marshal.
KALAMAZOO , Michi. , April I.-F'romum the
relurns at hll\l rrom time ' 'hld congressional
.lstrlct , Leutenalt ! Governor Mine Is elected
to succeed J. C. Burrows In cngress ,
- - -
] I'E ' .iiuUI tJUo1.D TU lIEIl.
Jnuly ConRtrlct'on ot 1 loler I.'uds : 10 n
- T"l'rltloluMter. .
\\'ODUHN , Iass. Anil . '
: , Apri I.-At 7 o'clocle :
thIs morning one ot the hollers In time Conn
tannery In this Illace exploded wih ter-
rIfc force , leling Ovo . , ncntd Injurlnt five
others , Time dead are : _ . ,
ALLSTIN CLEMENS , foc , man. . .
PATHCK LALLY finemnarm. ! .
PATnCK HI.EY , tiled at the hmsphtah.
The Injured are :
Michael : lcGulle , internal Injurlos.
Patrick KeeCe , bad scalp wound.
John Tlacy , scalp torn off
Herbert Sanlers , badly burned about head
nnd several rIbs hrollen
John lnney , scalp wound.
Wiiam Rnedress , Injured In the hIp
John Jennings , cut ant bruised.
There has been trouble ! wIth time holier Cor :
some tme and this morning John lurlwr ,
superintendent or the pllnt , was called to
the t boIler room to bee It It could not bo
fi xetl. Itvas found that the water sUPllly
could not be satisfactorily adjustcd , but this :
was neniethieml By the time the tanner ) r
opened for the day I was thought that the
holer was all right. Five minutes before
.M leo Parker entered tIme boiler room and
orllered the whistle blown to start the
worlls. The rope atneherl to tie whlsto '
was Iluled nnd Instanty there was a fear
CuI . ,
explosIon The big Iron smollestacle on
the t boiler house was blown hlh Into the
aIr nlli fell across the root at the shop anll
the tail brick chimney Cel In I thousano
pieces , crushIng the engine reel beneath It
When tIme sn1lw and dust cleared awn ) ' the
scene or wreck and ruin was revealed. Men
hurrlcd h from \ parts of town and the worll :
oC relo\lng those burlel Inder the ruins
s ells commenced Ilme'\atel' .
'fhe \lloous \ cries or the Injurell pi lned :
under t tIme debris urged the rescued on to t
rpll work ant In a short time the hOles
or four men hall been remoyl and six oC the
Injurerl i hld leen tallen out I was then :
round f that ono at time two boIlers had been :
IJlown i to pIeces , cOlpletely wr2clling the
boier house anll tleuuohlsimlng several sheds
tearby u Time head . ot the holler fel 300
y 'alls from the tannery anti the tubes wan 0'i '
s cattereml . In .
calere.1 every dIrecton ,
Tim e fall I mm g chimney I ammO sm01estnal Ic
wrecked , tIme tanner ) ' hUlllng itself anti the t
strueluro m swill have \0 \ be rebtmhlt. I Is not , L
known hal mutiny men were In time bummer y
when the explosion occurred , hut when the
r oil of employee was called shorly before 1
o'cloele se\en men were mls lng , I Is not ,
Imown whether or not they had begun worll
when the accilent occurred , TIme Ore tic m-
partment l was called out promptly anti the
s cone of remo\lng the wreQlmgo and tnlng
out the .Iead anl woundell wae carrle.1 . 01
under the dIrection ot tint fire chief 'fho
lunnery t Is a three-story hrJik bulrlng and Is I
fUlly Insured , 'rho boilers , which cure at
150-horse passer , were Inspected only yesterday -
day u : anll declared to ho nil rlghl. I Is lit ? -
loyell h the explosion was caused by tIme es : -
IntimatIon of the water In the boler ,
The seven men who were , mlssln hma .0
been loe3te.I 'hey wrre not IlnJurel1 : Ia\e
Palrlele Hle ) ' , who was taken from the
ruins alive , .le.1 . . at thus Mls : ebu3ots eneral
hospital thIs aferoon ,
. _ *
, ' lI'JU.IT1X . III NtH' .OI'rIS1"I' I 1.1
1"1' ) 1. uulor : , time Iorlrllt 1mt'nIor ! , : lleh
I'r.'tt'r" I Ilvuufoo.
NEW YOHK , AprIl 1-JustIce , \n.lrow8 '
ef the UIIlel11 court 10(11) ( trIed . time Icton
ror IIJsoluto milvurce bmoVghmt Henr
tlvurco Ilol/ht ly
Insler , the Portrait painter , agaInst ii )
wire Maria Teresa ; Insler , . \ ! mlomitem 0 ,
who Is itimitawttatlor to the republic of 10-
ltSitt fromn time Ar-'snt1no , '
" republic ,
Ivln flom Ar"Jntno 'epIIIIl vm mum
nnme.1 . its eo-respontrent. The ihimintiff tes-
t I liemi . that t ho ' plaintif
tll.1 WIS mlt'lelt to ii feud an t In
Home In IS10 II Ib.j . he tQole imp hIs res-
iience In New Ylrl , , ' having lett his wlCe
on account of lit r tHIrtulty for : lontelO ,
who was then In Home. In Ibt the ii C.
felllunt left Italy amid went Wih ( Amtlas-
Hf.tOI lontel to J.IIIZ , In 1olvln , where
u-lit , has sluice lived with hIm as n wife. A
I'llca of the civil court or Home , timttemi in
IMI3 , grnntlll . Ir. ; lslf I felulrton Intell II
hue sItu on ( he Hroun.1 . ot undue Intmae ) '
wih Montero , Wlt put In uneue , 'J'here
waR no 1llllenrnne for Irs. Zlnbler. Decision -
cision was resers'cuI .
resen'el. .
\I'UI , II I I he l'u'lll e IY ,
PAIS , April 1-Camnlllo faucet , perpetual -
petual secretary of the Academy , II
dead. M. Doucet was born In ParIs In
1812 ttudlcd law and for some time pro : c-
tce at a notary. ' Ills earlier dramas we re
produced at the Odeon with consIderable lue-
cess . In 1853 , 24. Uoucet ' 1ame
dh'lslonal chIef at theaters , and In this ( ta-
paciy was charjed with lupreme dlrecton
or the Illlerlal theaters f Parh and the
dllartments , lie wal e\-ct'd \ I uumeint tIC
oC the French Academy \prl 7 , 18G5 , In
the place ot AUre1 Ievlgl , , anti on March
30 , lS7 1 , succeeded M. J'.ln ) as prpett mal
secretory. .
- - - - - - - - - -
' , - -
Fatber Knrminski and Several of Ills
, Adherents Arrescl : ( for Anon ,
One lt lie OI'lulsll I ! 1'11.tll h i the 1'lrnml
COII.llllnlt-I i t i : I mlcmmu'm' emu \hl'h I the I
l'ru"'l'ulol I I'm I UIIl'rllk'I _
J'rt llcl"'I : lt 'nl ( ,
That ftc Pouch CatholIc church troubles
by no means ended \ Ih ( the burnIng of time
church In controversy Was fully el.llenCd
yes terday afernoon by tl fact that Ilthcr
an,1 , a nw set oC warmnts wcro ser'I.I . , Ue-
teetl'os Hudson and la'c intro been worle-
Int on time case ever slnco thl fire anti since
las t Friday night have succeeded In galnlnl
emi omugim evidence , the ) ' say , to Justify them
In cmlslng time arrest of several parties for
ar somu.
Yestertay cemplalnts were sworn out
agnlnst eight memers oC the Ilrlcst's rncton ,
the partes nnmell llmug Priest Stellhen I nr-
mlnskl , Ignalus HelltOnld , Joselh 'J'bar-
czle , Iohn Dargae1owslll , nlnls John Doma-
chowskl , Jacob C1erllusll , Vincent Czersvlnril
slI i , Johu H'II1elsl,1 filth Casper Slac1nll ,
Warrants lerl Ilme.latel ) Issued ant wen
ser\et on lS man ) oC the men as coull bi
fem mumel 'esterday aCternoon amid . last night
Thc first warrant was serve on Priest Kar-
mmmi mmski . At the tlmc of his arrest Karmlnsl
Ial In his room m at time ColonaJe hotel lie
dtemed to be cunsllernbl ) surllrls..1 Ihel .
thQ warant was read to hint b ) Detecl\
lullson In : : In'es , blt ho mnoe no objection I
M going to Jail. The oumiy notcable effect nl
his arrest on him was I very deellell Ilalor
Whc ho was asked IC lie hnll anylhlng to ,
uy for IllhlCton ho InSleret that he lund I
110 1. lii ) was seen by few .
\ot 10 a relorter ) aCeI mll-
utes before his arrest , how\er , amid snl
that he hall hlret two oetecel\es to dlsco\er
the men who set fro to the church hllllng , .
The entrance of time detectives at the moment
pre\nlell any other qlestons helng nslJ
Thei his chief anxiety was to fluid some one r
to go bal for him
ImmeJlately alter the arrest of Inrmlnslc I
the detectives went to Sheell ) with two of-
fic ers to servo time other warrnnts , They
Htcd 01 as many aC the men as could be
fOlllt , ' ) ' are1le , Vincent C1erwlnsld , John m
Hynazowsl(1 amid Slaczak Thc charge or ar -
son WIS regmatered against the IHme" of 11 I
the arrested incus.
'ho eomplnlnts agaInst the len over ,
sw arms to by Nicholas Chelek , Time In _
formaton was glooms to the count ' aUolne ' '
h ) him and se\erl other oC the Scannel i
faclon who have heen worlling wih the
delectves during the past Cour 01 five days
I Is alegeo that there arc I large mains -
ber oC winesses who will swear that the
fre was first seen by them In the 1IIIIer
pa nt oC the buildIng , anll that the loose : r
Pa rt was entIrely Cre Cram ,
entrely lre This Is I :
consloered time strong Ilolnt , shuouvlng thaI
the Ire WS started by men who were In
the huhldlumg . All time arrested men arc
those who are known to have been In tie
buiding out . watch on the night that the
church was burned.
The detectives have gone carotuly eve r
th e evidence , and they have reached the
c that time buildIng was set ci n :
Ire In the trout part ot the hail In the (
secon.1 . story oC the church This Is lam -
medlatcly below the beICr ) ' . The hal Is I
some twenty feet In width by sixty feet I Ia :
! englh. I Is claimed thlt this porton or ,
the building was thoroughly saturated wih ab b
coal oil or Ierosene , as was also the beUr I '
a 11 the roar Another point In the e\l-
tiC emuce gathered Is the aleg'ton or the
Chrlstnyale family , Iho claIm : thaI time I ,
saw men Inside oC the church walkIng Into t
the front part or thmo buiding with higlmtc
lamlls II their hanlls. 'rhe8e people lghted . C
Iho occupants at the Idjolnlng house , which I
was also destroyed by the nre
At 0 o'cloek last Ilgl Jacol C1erwlnslll ,
one at the armlnskl folowers , vas ndoco
to the list oC the arrcsted _
8 -
TO l'/lJS :110 ( I.V1)I.IN - l' , ,
l1"'otllltleoll : tn ihnw'roy In StrnlJhl
1"111 : 1111 i'ii res Ih" l"wl I I ( .
DEADW'OODimrlh . ' .
\prl l.-Speclah ( ' Talc
g ramn-Captuhmm ) Stmlght Hond anti LIeu :
tenant Scares the I lassie , the two IndIa ii
Ilolee ) 01cers trim . the Cheyenne Itvel
al enlY r0111 guIlty at the ses lon of the
Unlte.1 . States court hell here two week mm
ago or Intent to do great bodily Injury In I
1IIng'llam Fielder two years ago
whie attempting to arrest him , were on 1
S mttumrtlmmy senteneed to th ? penitentary each i
fO' one yfmnm ' anl a day . 11'1 ' yesterday . ut -
n ioveti to Sioux Fails. Ie-
mO\.1 I.'nls. All the JUIOIH In thl' :
easl mimi Commit 01clal ! hnve sIgned 1 n pet I-
h hcn 1ldresse.1 . ' . pet-
lon ! to Iresllent Clev.lall pray-
Inl i for their Immellate anti . umumcontlltlotuu ;
parlon i , ,
Dorll anti hmemivy pnows havl Interfered to I :
I grelt cxtlnt with trvel on mill lelncs ! oC
rOllls m anmi . wih the telegraph Inos through
out time Bace Ils I fa I' the Ilst two UI'
three t ilt'ii
Another honanza will loon lie allIn II L it
output to the Hlle\ \ , hIlls gout ! produmetlo Is .
A fw days ape a strenll oC ore was strlelt
In h tile GoWen Slipper mine two mIles frm
Hi CIty . , a test I'un of whIch ummade tOol y
of fort ) poulis of l'ofle gave returl of u
forty ounces. 'fhe vein ! a strng om me !
a mid . plves Promises ot dev lplng Into mum m-
011'1 Inly 'l < , 'he new Ilscovlry has
a.ldell u . to the 1111nt explement now In I
progress In time Houther . lIthium.
. ' ,11' 1.1.0n 1',11.01 JI.lJ.1 J I
\ rut let .t \'lllttal I I " ' (1111 I I I f.lC'lr I. ( 'ul'
Itn'll ! v ii I'nl'hlll
CAnnOr.TON , Mo" , April 1.-80 great Is
the t hostiy to the Tn'lols throughout tim lit
secton thnt there was perlous IIScuH lon
nlong the rllendl or law amid order tooa my
ut tIme aclvlslllt ) or senllng the two len
to the Kansas City jai for protection ali
BICelleelllnl. Morton Jonlun ! , al time a , tonic -
torne ) ' general of the state , Irrlvell here
todny anti . the rumol' spread thlt he hUll
IJeen h sent II a warrior Slone tn lear ti mite
htnte m of feeling hero Int see Ir It woull I9 1
advisable to sell time state militia to imr ' 0-
tlet time Tn'lorS. : Ir , Jor.laun . thechiuia .
however i , hint he hail come to visit friends ,
to watch the 10111. elelton tomorrow nnl ,
to hour time arVUlents In the 'l'mmylor aase
tomnorrss' /teketi If ho thought the ' 'ny-
Inrs WII'I In danger from 1 unoli , Mr Jor-
.hlun smIth "I ' thlnle
slll : not , becluse the jury
11 I I himoitim lily con\Jt thom t on the t tsvithetm . ' ,
I thert Is a hunl jury , there wi douhteHs .vlleno' ; ;
he 1mm tutu hlter t I fe lng , hOICVOI' , /nd no
ono can preilet the result shoul.1 . timers he
vcrllet of mucthultual. " \Vimemm court open ei
today the IIW'Cr8 on each sile read the
Instrlctc , ni o the court to the jury , aft or
which time ntuments wen hegun.
11/ .1 T .11,1 I m. .1 rlIt " : ; 1' / 'UOl1 /1.O
Two l'ulllB lower 'fll IV15 1lr
' '
nt 1 hh 'Ihimme.
CHICAGO , AprIl I.-Tho Apri crop report
of the Orammge Jud.1 Farmer mualces
Orno mllls time cc un-
Ilton or wheut f 3 , or two points lower
thal wns reported last year , Insmumodhatt .13'
after the to\'ro Murch fmceze. 'I'iiu pie tnt
lit hut utIle further nd\unced thal I wal
In December. A consldethleorton at lie t
acrelgo sown will Jrohahly > lieu listed Ii ito
cor 'fhe conilton aim the PacIfIc coast II
\ 'ery hIgh , all It malnllilell1'1 malI 1\
record . for time year In the muter ur yltl.l. .
The 111 of tle labt two .la8 mar In Iome :
measure n.slore tIme \lurl to vigor , which
le"IS to he lacking ,
'I'he PraIrIe Furmer'B report for .A mnil
mnkes the conllton of reprt wheat Apri
against 8,0 last month , anti hiG.7 as br.S _
mated otltctahly last . \ , ' ' esl
mal-I olclnl laltprl 'lhe condtt 10mm
uf wlnt\r rye Is 17.1 , agaInst 91 , ' last /mp ru ,
( 'ondlton of swine , 9t 7 , Ilallst 971 Apri I :
) 'ear Number of brood sews al courmpam red
wih n year ago Is - reduced . G lien comparel
1"fUPIIC tf CI"'I ( , "Ie"l.rA A I.rl 1.
At New York- '
Arrh'ct-Auranll , from
I ) UOtJ1'fl 1,0 l'IWIWI'UII.I' 111 'i : ,
Inlnl'oltulr4 I Inlrlcht [ 'mu r mmiers T ii mum mii.
111 tl 111" ' ,
11AI1TINGTON , , Net , , 'I'rl 1.-Spcehal (
Tet iegraumu.-Tiucm ) "rollh Is thoroughly ) ' broken
In this secton oC time tnle. I hums becn
ra ining steadily for t\o Ihrs , longs < UUtt s
oC Wner : l'a\'lng ' fallen , nlll the I grommnti is
tim orouughmiy aoahr'ml. This Itmsumres a crop of
w heat amud oats , of which has aleently
be au sowum , anti limits tiuc. groummal Iii exchismit
co umullticui. The hIrosluecis lure good for mum
fo r tssenty-fommr iuoumrs macre.
NIII11ASK A Cl1'\ ' , . \lmih 1.-Speciai.- ( )
A Imerm vy raumm , acciums Pa ii I ed hmy V lv Li h Igim t mm I mig
ami d Imeivy thtumumtk r , s Isitcd Oils eectk mm Sums lay
mulgr gimt , falihmig deathly Icr several imaurs. Toe
gr ommuid was thtorouugimiy oakcd , mimmti time lucasOL
ime cts are gocil for a commiimsumauice of time storm.
IfluNliAli , Xcii. , April l.-Speclai ( Tel"-
gr ammm-Timc. ) groummmd is covemeth luy a llgimt
11 10W , % simlchm Imas been falling chico hate tiultm
af ternoomm.
MUNitO1 , Nob. , Aimnli l.-Spccll ( Tele-
gn immut.-itaumm ) couummuuenctd falling litre at II
o' clock Satumrtlay nIght numil ccuitlumumcti nil
ula y yesterday , tmmrumiumg to tuuiosV. it is still
uum mowlmmg. Time grouummtl is thmorotigimly acaketi.
O ils arc' about oume-itnif sosvn.
N EhiGh I , Neb , , Aimrui 1.-SpeChuil.-Tiio ( )
gr oumuni Is now tiiortnmgiuly soaked train a
rtm I mm t ii a I coumm mime umeetl ftii I I mu g 5mm umtlny fore-
mio oum aumel comuthummued time reuuituhumtier of lila
ti , my. lttriI- thIs mmmonmmimug a ammow stormut
se t him nuimi still commtlmmmmcs. There is mio
ss' iummi , amid time ss'crmtimer iii ummiimi.
S\'itACtiSi' , Neb , , AprIl I-Speciah.-A ( )
ril co has tueemm fulltmmg for time Imast
tsse s'eflty.fmumr hours , wimiclm is shmmiply a god-
se mumi to tlmlum comumut ) ' _ Full svimeut : is bob-
hu g scil , limit suns mteemllmmg batlly.
SI i it.iiv : , Neb , , Aisril 1.-Spccial.-Crop ( )
P respects euro hue him timis locality. A stonily
m um fell mucanly till day ) 'estertbm ) . There
os'w as a simooser Satmurtlay imigiut also. 'rime
w hiter wheat mummul tii rye fields lure gremm
am id tIme imastmmres uumahe gootl grazing. Mast
of time oats os'ero iii , neatly to receive time
ca lms ,
\\'iiST POINT Neb. .
, , vnhl l.--SimccIimh.h- (
A soakIng relum hins breum faihimug oviim very
si igim t I mm termum ls bums shmmce Smu mutiny a f I cmii comm.
'I' hme weather is mmosu' growhmmg coitiar , mmm'iI
nu mossIs ( ailIng lhgimtly. Soveum-cihitims or
ti me acreage of small graimm Is soss'um.
\\'ATIiti.OO , AprIl l.-Sitcciai ( Telegrammm. )
- A imeavy snoss' loll tiuhum aftenmuoon , comum-
iih tcly covenhuig the grouuumi.
SI , LVI11 CllFlhC , Neb. . APril --Speclal. ( . )
_ _ \e itaml a hue' maimu yesterday , Iastiimg maui
iu midmmlghmt muumtll umooui. This os'lll inut thmo
gu oummuri lii gootl coummiltiomu for seetihmug. Fanmum-
er s are feehluig goeul.
\'EitllGltE , Neb. , April l.-Spcchai.- ( )
T ime dromuth Ic brokemm hum Humox commuity by it
g oomi , sm'aicimsg rmlmm : , viuicim fell nil tiny yesnu
te rtlay , fluid a sic t suuosv camuue tiowmm all imigimt
ti mid Is bthli Imulilumg.
FhtlmiON'l' , April l.-Special.-Time ( ) rruiuu
C f Satmmruiay mm lgim I , S mmumday em miii Sum mitlity mm lgim I
os 'as svortlm titoimsaumis of dollars to Dodge
C iii t ) ' . I I somlcemi : ( hue groumummi ii iccly.
IIA'h'TLFi CIIEK { , Nob. , Arii : I.-Speciah ( )
- 'l'huis is a galrm tiny lucre. 'l'iie luirtis arc
sh umghumg , bells are riumgiumg umad time people arc
r ejoicing over time dosvmmpotur of mum. There ,
Is no excuse uuosv for miot putthuig iii seed hi ,
it Cam' be got. Time Utmttle Crocic lIed conulmaumy
Is mmmakiuug extemmeivo prcparatiomms for a itsrgc i
O mitlimit timis sprhumg. Nebraska is in a good I
c orumihtion to isroduco a good crop this yeau .
time people stIll do thuehm' host.
OA1iAhi , Nl > . , Alwhl 1.-Spcclal.-A ( )
ralmu fell here tommy ammti yesterday , mumak .
li ii ; hurt commmmty fanummers oxceetilngly joy. -
f ui. Most farmers have sown tiumslr wheal I
a nti time mum conies just , In time. Time grotmmuu I
i s stulul to be 1mm time best possible condlthoum ,
t lmomugim it caum stauiri lots of rain.
FORT CALHOUN , Nob. . April 1.-Spur ( .
c lah.-The ) bug coumtlnumom.h speil of dri
o s'eatlmer is eummied.
Out Saturday time clotud : I
s lowly gathered over our town antI mu u
C ounmenceul fallIng lii ellglmt slmoos'ers. Dur -
l ug Saturday mmlgiut quito heavy simosvers fell .
a mmO on Sunday aftermmoon muumtl Suummulay evemi -
l ug time maims contlnmmemi fumlhlmig uuioovly , bu I
h ot iii imeavy showers. It was stIll raiiulmmi I
WINSIDE. Ncb. , April l.-Simechai.---I ( ) t
r alumed all duty Sunday and mmmucim fell toulay .
\ t'ater muosy stammds eu tue ground lii 1)0015 1.
Fanmmsers imave bcn seeding tue past svcek .
' rime ground seems to be in uuuiuusuaiiy flue a
c ondltiomm. A large acreage of small grati ii
I s being sown ammO prosPects muow are of tb a
b nhgimtest.
LOUIS\rlLbl , Neb. , April 1.-Speclal.- ( ) -
About an Inch of maui fell hero yestercia ) ' .
MASON CITY , in. , Ahnii l.-Speclal ( Teie -
grauum.-Snosv ) iias beemm failhumg nih day
Several Immciues swore oum tue grommumil at umoon I.
i t is swarmer thIs aftenumeoum anul mumeltimig.
IIUTTI NeIm. , April l.-Spechai ( 'ide -
gramum-'l'iie ) maims which set in Saturday even .
I us g cots II nuieml iii I ii iguut a nd t oovu nO amormu I ii I ;
t unuseci to a wet sumoss' , wimlchm has beui falliui g
ever almuce. Farnmers amid business muon say I t
i s tIme best fall of umuostmmre ! time couuuty ito S
l und for uumaimy mouths.
ASU11NI ) , Nob. , April l.-Speclal ( TeIc -
gram.l-A drizzlIng rain lois kept uiji at In -
tervals here for time blast timirty-six Imouru I ,
tmmnmulng to a snow at : u p. mum. today. and con L-
tinumed so time rest of the mm ) ' . 'Fimo taimuti I
gmalum receumtiy sown still b greatly beumohitet ; ,
iummt fm'umht is somumesviuat hum daumger simoumlul I It
tunis severely cold , Fanmomers are in cxccllcmi Lt
stunts over the ormliook.
Ilmutti mmmi t'mmuss' , tim mmvri.
FOfl' ! 1)OIJGl , In. , April l.-Spcclni ( Teic , . -
gramn.--Fvcryiomiy here hum happy over tim C
perfect crop comudltlons wlmhclm have ummddemmi ) '
sumececuleil the drctmmtii. It has rained timlrt ) . .
six iuommrs , anti a vet amsoow. svhuielu Is eve mm
hotter than raIn , Is mmosv fallIng.
SIOUX CITY , Almnhi . - ( ) Teiegrnmmi ' )
-SIoux City amumi vicimmity os'as visited a 'ii
day Sunday by a Elheuumliul raIn. 'I'iue gremmmi ml
Is ouch soniceil aummI time ( anummers arc' jubihmmn mlt
hlnrly this mmiornlmmg tIme
mahmm tumnmmemi lisle m
snosv , anti the grotiummi Is covoreul ovltim ma
maumtlo several lncitcs (1101) , auiui there Is
os'ery ldicatlon that the snow os'lhi commtlume 10
faliimmg nil Iia ) .
CE1)AlI ) ltAPliS , Ia. , AprIl 1.-Specl ( : iii
Teiegrzmum.-A ) Coimhmlo of lucius of smmow fe iiiii
here tiuhe afternoon. Ileports froumi aloe ig
tIme ] humnlhuugtomm , Coular ItumimIds & Nomthuer ui
maul simoss' timat from tlircme tu ceveum immehut 'S
fell 1mm Jous'a north of here.
CitflSTON , Itt. , AtmnIl l.-Simcc'ai ( Tel e.
gr.mumm.l-A lIght fall of main vlsltcui tlmi boa I-
1Y this afienimoon. It Is uunw atowhmig : ,
( Ii Ii sututnim Iciun'ums ; ,
TOPflICA April l.-'i'iie
, maIn yesterday sri ma
gemmeral In eastern Ffarmsait
svhtii gooti muhowe : ra
as far orost tus Arkansas ( 'it ) ' , limmtchmhmuso : mu.
JunctIon CIty nnti i'imlliiiusmbmmrg ' , Last nigi Imt
the atonmmm shifted frommm eastern Cohorrmmlo iii md
Is mmosv sweejmlmmg dosvrm lute Kommsns miummi N e
bramima from time nonhimweut , At 000'liaumd
Itt snoovlng heavily oeiihi immurd mmortlisve t
s'indum. 'lime fruIt humus In limit great fnm : lit
imoit of central anti eastern Huunsas are I I
aus advanced condItion.
- - -
u.iuI thmi , " , tmmiorlo i. ' '
SIOUX FALLS , s. I ) . , April l.-Speclal. ( ) -
I'mof. Profit Crane , state suptsrlntemmrlent or
schools , hues aemmt out time following notices to
every cImooh in time state , smith hmartiCuiarly to
mmcimeohs in cItIes amid villages : " \\'edmirsula
Almrll 3 , lisa been miesignimted us a day ;
expression of imatrlotle symmipatimy with t "a
gmanti old national hmymmium , 'My Coummtry , " 1 . l
Timcc. ' 11ev. Saumimii Francis , I ) , I ) , , autim 0.
of timla imymmium , Is stilt ilvlng , and will jo lit
whim us iii slngimug at mmooum 0mm time day nit ui-
tlonemi , V'hii you see to It that time imynmum Is
and that all of time church and SChit Xli
bells Jim your cIty amid couunty arc rmmmmg I Or
five mInutes at imoomm , April 3 ? " Supeniumteu : : d.
emit ga of this eoummty says thmat thIs ord or
ovihl b gmmeualiy observed here aumi tbmroua h.
: mount ) ' .
I Mills % % 'hhl .tmi Stun I'u.
CI.I'IL.tND , O. April 1-DtmvlmI Arm Iii.
etr ng Svlmei has imetn 1mm Youummgstown mis a
fliflJ ) f lime conemermce conimnittto of lie
\nttmiMmumu , t.I Association of lu-ems auth SI , lieCi
Vorkem"4 ii mmieet limo Iroum ZmiflmiUatmiiCj'ut i mum-
eoclation , uctunmued to timlum city toduy. I lie
salrl use mugrecnieuut reached u'e'gnrthlng I lie
scale of ss'ages for iron work u's ovems iii-
tlreiy satisfactory tm baum tIc anti ss'I tb
that rmgteeunemmt mull time mills lit time set .
wcm.lic ) turt t'lay , All time hmtllis cure uugr
unfluuug III Youngstown mutter mm bug ieri
cf idIenee "All eon"eru i I1I'e satl lied cm mid
evlrv else s Ilailpy. " airi Mr. Anunstroimmu I.
, - .
Go vernor Rcfusc t Attach His Signature
to time luftinious A r , A. Measure ,
Co ntuiiis Absolute'y ' Notliiiig to 110dm.
ihitliti it to time State's ' Izcclitive ,
N ot a reatitie of till Proposea Lgis1atloii.
that is Not Daugeroul.
i' rt'uutis % tif ( liii tiemuaurtu Im'ir uui 'l'iilet , % u'
I hue Vet n mu mutt I t I 5I mm tin mm S luechumI
( I rd cc Ca i m's I S'ctI ii ( ' ' .11.13'
A fI'rmmmummmm ,
LINCOLN , April l.-Speeinl ( Tebegmauim- ) .
G os'cnmmor iioieouumb imus : s'ctoeth time Clmuircimhll' . C
Ilu mssebl bmOllct3 commmmmulsstmimm bill.
'l'imo huomise hail itartily becum crmhlcd to entice
vi tciu time govenmmor's private sccm'etau'y imp-
lme arci , with time mumessage. itleketta of Doug.
liu s mnovcd tlmat time coumsltlu'rrmtlomm of the mimes-
sa ge be mmmdc a speciul : order for 1 o'clock
\ \ ' cdmmesuiay mmftermioomm , Audi 3. Ikumry matseut
tIm e bmoimmt of ormier ( hint limo immessage mummmst be
ac ted mm usomm I mum ummcd lot ely , or ii kim 1)01mm 1 I Ii a
sP eaker evemnumleri. Viii I Iotusett thiemm immortal '
to lay Itlclcetts' mnotlomm aim tiuc table. Time
mum utloim to table urns lost by a vote of 12 to 22.
it icketta' ummotiomu was themi agreed to.
'limo mumessage Is ems foiiosvs :
To time iloumorable , time house of Ilepresen-
tu tivos ( if time State of Nebraska : in rut-
tui rmuimug , s'itimomit ummy slgumatmmro. house itoh !
13 9 , ' 'Aim act emmtitieti an act to ammiemmil section
1 I S of aim act cimtttled 'Aim act lmmconlmoratiumg
iii etroimol I ta mm cit los ii mmii defl mm lug , m'egmuirmt tug
nu mml imrecnhbhmug their mlmmtles , lowers tumid
go vormiumictit , upurevctt Mitrcit 30 , 1SS7 , aummi
mis ummbscmmmemutiy zuuumemmdnui , and to repeal saId
se ctiOuu imtt hiem'etuifore exIsting , " I tieslre to
ex press mmu' ulhitaluhmrovmii of a bill w'imieiu , umliout
t i uorommghm exa ummhmuatloum , 1 find to be umo I mum-
ii roveuimeumt oum the lat' as It umow exists , amid
to cummtaimm comae very' objirtlouutmijlo features.
to whlchi I ovihl luridly call the atteuutlomm of
y our imummorattle bomly.
O LI ) LAhil'l"f1it ThAN TiII NIW.
Iii lit ) ' ouhitioui , time existiumg laos' govormmlmug
th e flomml of Fire amid l'oilce Coumimumlesiommorra
o f Oummahtm : is hum every respect simerelmi it
tiu ffers hotter timamm time Iureimosci law. Ummuier
ti me lmresent lass' time board shah consist of time
mu uayar of time cIty , ovimo Is ex-ofliclo clmrulnmnan ,
a mid fommm comumumilumslommers to be appoInted by
ti me goveimmor , till of witomum uiliall ba electors
o f the city , ausmi at least one from each of limo
th ree iohlthcai partIes castIng time largest
mm ummibcr of votes for cIty officers at time last
ls i'ccetihng city ciectloa. Tue hIll tinder
c onsideration eliminates the mmmnyor ot time
c ity frommi the board , restricts time
mm ummsbisr of comsimnissloumera to timrcue ,
t o bo eiected frommm time lose iuohitt-
c al parties castiumg tIme largest nuumiher
o f Votes for govonusor , and timlces the appoInt-
la g vower omit of time Imimmids of time govenmmor.
g lvlmmg time authorIty to appoluit comunmissloners
t o a board to be commmposed of time governor ,
ut ttormuey general anti comnnsleslommer of publIc
ha nds amid biulidimigs. 1mm mmmy aimhiuhon every
a lteration jimmie Iii limo mncautmiro ummitier cams-
s lmloration is less deslrabin than time onlglmmat
p rovisloum lit tIme oximutimug law. In umo me-
e pect caum I thumb a shmmgle vrovisiomm svimhciL
c all bo coumstrueti to be aim lmumprovcmnent.
1mm oruier to secure time Imest results timid
c ommmumihssiaua iuouim.1 , as umeorly mis imosslblo , ho 'i' ' '
im onpartisan ! um Its lairsomunel. Untier time
o xlstlmig law thul objectioum Is snore ncarly
s ecured huy hmrovidimsg for time reprosemutatlon
oo f three Pollticmtl Parties Iii limo nipointnmeumt
o f four coumumumiesioumers , so'imuie time luroposed.
l aw gives absolute coumtroh to ommo political
Im artY Iuy tlto aplmeiimtmumeumt of two of tIme thmreo
c ounmmmlssloners froium one vart' . 1Juutior
1 1mm , hmrcsommt lass' it was tutu-
c umlt for any one polItical Imirty to secure
c oustrob of tito boanml , wiulbo tIme proposed iimw
w ommiul bnsuuro a partlsamm hmmaed tumid time him-
e s'itablo deplorable results. '
Ammothuer very objeetlommumble feature is time
f aiitire to lrovldO timot time mumnyor shall isa a
m umemmmhc'r of time boanul. 'ihme eicctorrm of time
C ii ) ' , is'iio are tlecuuly humtercsteml iii time ccc-
amid hitmblmmess 111cc unammagorumeumt of
m uummumlcIpai affaIrs , siioumhui immmve it roprcsmsumta-
t lvo of theIr choice on timis very Important
c ommmmuulsshoum. No inane suitable persoum coumlil
lt l ie smiggestoti Iluomo time mmmnyor , who possesses
t ime coutflulence of the citIzens , as VldemiceuL
i i ) ' his olovatlomm to tIme mnost lumiportamit office
h um time city govertmmimeumt. Ills icuuosviemlge of
c lt ) ' affairs makes lmiuii e5iueclmiiy : titteul to
r ervo mis a mmuemmmber of thIs board , It Is to
h mhmmm tluo iteopiti look for time lmreservotion of
t he lmeuce umnmh good order In time city , for hum
p rotsetloum of Pmolmerty mmmmml time enforcemmiouml
o f time lass's. hi ) ' virtume of huls 0111cc. imo
I s time imeaml of time city gou'enummumeumt anti
lmomiiul ho hum touch whtlm tIme piIco oiiiclai ,
i vimo is liii hum mire the conservators of thus
'Fe rcmmues'e Imimum omulireby train thIs
c oummummleshoum umiti to mmmaicc It. a separate iummd
dlstlimct boam'mi seommlmt icami to a clasimlmmg of
ammtliorlty , emmdammgorluug tito ueacc ammul ou'el-
fmmro of liii' city. II : ovoumlml tulee frommi time
executive of the city n bmossem' amid atitimomllh
u urolmerly mmttacltlng to tiumut ohhice ,
'L imroPOaemI reductimam hum time mmummmbom of
counuumlsbi000rc Iii , hum ummy nimimmion , a faulty pro-
vielomm , Imimtsmmmuucim iii it Places mu ulammgerouus
h mom in time iuaimds of tmo foss' mmmcii , bvery
Ptmschiuie n1egmmnrti should bit creetcul to lire-
vomit the dire uimfiut'uico of tIme corrumlmter In
mummmumimipnl affairs. iver ) ' ehty Iii time minIon
Is cryiumg out agalmimt this evil , TIme mummmaiior
time huamurul of commlrol Ike ermblcr timeamlu ommemnics
of gael inimuslcipat govenmiumsomit cams aceomum-
Phisim tbmeim' rulmiomis ucork. ThIs bill , by no-
dimeing tue icprcseumtatlomm cmi Ilium Immmportant
cornrmiluslomm. virtually limits ut premnimumo out
iuoilticnl cornimptloum timid Imohibs out a imelplmmg
imamuul to the hirllmer ,
1W limbs hUb It is luroisCioti to take lenin tIme
govermuar time ammoummthmig l0'ur 1mm leaving the
selectlomt of tIme comutmmmhsIon cOlmteuimphmutod by'
( hula act to a board , Although Imo Is to be a
mmseunber of time npuohmmtImmg Itoard , yet time
Itos'cr is glvoim to tuvo of time inhuman state
olliclrmis to ceumtrnl time arpohmitnments , while
tIme govormior , by virtue of his huosllloim , mmiuust
bruar a gootl share of time rcbpomishhmhuity at-
tachimmg to such ahmhmoimmtnments , My luredo-
cessors , Uovermmors Crommneo auth iioyd , tmccit
wIth time experience received by servIng their
retfieetlu'O terms of oiflce , lii rmstlrbmmg recom-
nmendemi to ( Ito leghiulatumro thmo Irmuitentatuco
of givhmug blue excutlvo greater UlmhmOititititI
imoirur. Umuder tIme exlstluug bow time gos'oinor
Is respomislblo for tIme conduct of limo hoart.i
lie creates , amid commtphnlnts against itia op.
uioIIutCes lrmsmmro speedy iumvcstlgation. 'Itmu
child oseeuth'e of time state is thu nmtttmral
aimlioimutlng vowor. It is a prerogative of time
chico conti'unimhatel ( by time comuslttutloum amid
estatiiisimed tiy law mind alniust inymmrlaimic , cue-
team , lie aimouki imavo time autimority to mnabro
nil imiupointmmmeum(5 ( , cave In QXCIlptitimal ( 'miscit '
for sieclal meacomme , amid mmltommlti be kept
strIctly accountable for lImo t'ommtluet of time
inca imo selects , I camumiot ummmdcrstaimti huy
what course of reasoning , wimercu time 'butiai
immmpoeti are ummly to mnako apholumtnmente ,
swim ) time rosimommelblblty simouuiu.l lie
divideul amid tue appoizmmlumg hmOus'er so ccii-
tructemi us to imres'ent thme recImoumsibtlIy $ frimmo
restIng with cuirtuuimuty UiOui any ialtlcuIr
oubicial If thmo gos'mnumor lit hot lImo iumwer
olhlchai to muaka appImutmrmente , hue simuhul ha
reilev d Irimum mmmi ) duty and respmmnelbiilty mum
time mailer is time cimIci oxecCilve of time
t3tO unfit. by roasomu f hit CiRce ime hmoimlus to
mmmako lime app Irtumment of comrnismulrmt re is
Ibis b9cmrd , or cute It b saIl tttat
- , ) m _ .lts ' .