Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1895, Page 5, Image 5

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, ' : \ . - _ THE OMAhA DAILY nmJG : lONDAY A.PUIL 1. , 1Mm. Fi
- # - . -
, lUch OeM Mibps Discovered In the Copper
( ) Region of' ( ilavoraCounty , Califoruta ,
- -
. : ' n"Rrr'ntonR to 11 UI.lell Soon-The
. ' , Uncoll''lhrn J.uIIR-Clty or ; t rlleo
' Thnalrlcll hy a VOtCHfl-NCW 8
: ff the NortucRt ,
S 4 I There t much excitement In and about
S : le old mining sectIon , or which Copperopols
' , ' js the ceqter , and ni on accoult or some re-
, I centy Ilscovered quartz and gravel miles
' near the town , says a Stockton special to
S the San Francisco Eumlner.
Tin CIIUG or It all Is the strike that wns
made a few days ago by an alII mine namt
' Tahn Brown , whose race Is familiar In
* C.lavera county to all 01 resi1ents . le 1
I made his strike on the Oxellne r:11 : , a
ftw mils from CaPllcropoll ) , and about hal
: wny hctlnen the 01 camp known a Telegraph - V
graph City nl1 Cal'pertown. Oxendine awns I
S 1 lr e tract or land : , and hI gIves people
l'erml , lon ta prospect tar gel , with thr
p unllerstlllnK : that he shall have a share at
$ ) the rlchl. Brown was lucky In nndlng a rich I
p ' 1llrtz lead : Man after commencing work .
Ito struck a vein ar white rock that showe,1 , L
the color of gold In 1111ces. and rolowlnl :
111 the load . soon olene.1 a porllrt , tram whIch I
lie tool the tidy um of 1000. lie carried
. tbe Jell Into enplleropnll nnll plcell I In I
Mfe keophiig . returning to tile mine to con
, tinue the lel' loplcnt of his Ilroperty.
b1 The gold runs In strings In white rock an,1 I
, aOlle of the 111eees were several Inches toni
and thicker then a leall pencil. The color
was very bright , the ! all bhng ar the Lest I
; fineness and worth the highest price pall I
for the 11rcelous intnl.
, Drown tells n story at his exciement
which II greatly enjoyel\ After tnklng
I out the cleanest gold In the pocket he hind a i
lot or rock to crush amI this ho put II a I
% aack . half nlnl It Tie hal In his cahill
1 a sack hail nletl with potatoes , whIch he
a boupht out or the . of his nrst nll
Fearing that some thief mhht visit him I
tS In the night 10 get I part or his wealth .
. A. the old man 111acod the pack of luarlz unler ;
I Ills b'd leavIng the potnlois aUlslto the
. oor. Ills rile was $ > Iacell nt the hell of [ the
I bed And the prospector retired to dream of
lumpier days.
, In3'8.
. Tile slumber ar the miner was not dis -
, 7 , turbed . and In the morning he fouli his :
- saclla ! In the places he hnl left them , thr
? " lotatoes under his bed antI the rich rod C
jtiLkle where a thief mIght have found [ n
< geol haul I he had visited the place that
, night. In hIs excitement the happy mine
1 made a mistake In marlcng his saclt of
' 1he gravel mIne that has added , to the
b exciement Was found , by Wilam Lewis .
4i Just east at COllperopols , where there hnl 1
, , been no prospecting for years While run
( llnl over some ground with lte thaught
that he would be the richer for hIs fain I
lie slrclt fine pay dirt unit took out sum
large chunks or washed gold . some of themes
' . os large ns almonds.
, From recent developments the Is/ulorah /
mine In Huby basin promises to be another
Ilomestalco says n [ ) eadwoot dispatch to the
, Sioux Falls Argus-l.ealler. Not ions ago I
% HarrIs Franklin , one af the owners vlslel ,
' . the property , and , armCI ( wih a 1lck , went
I 't Into one at the aid workings at the mine
1 ' ] n digging around ho struck something , :
q whIch 1001et pretty good anll orders were
given for the extension ot an old tunnel I ,
which was run some distance , when a cross
. cut began , are from which assays on nn aver
t ago $10 per lan. It Is estimated that there
Is euough of thIs ore now In sight to ; )
. 100 stamp nulls running for a year.
: The St. Ihiiio 1lnlng company Is n recent
: corporation OWfliflg claIms near Harney 1ell ( .
\ ¼ . The are Is the same al that found In the
. > I KeyStOne district , and at a dellth * of twenty
l three feet runs from $12 to $1 12 per tnn.
t A small stamp .ml will he erected during
I the year.
. . Carloads or are , lately shipped from the
. ,
LaCkawanna lode , have .Ielded the owner .
nearly $30 per ton. There are two shift s
workln an the lower cantact folowln/ the
I rich streak The contact Is eIght feet high
and eight fet wIde ant so far the owners
! . have 'olowed It about ninety teet. r The
very rich streak In the middle at this contact I-
tact Is still good
The Uncompahgre rEservaton runs more to
V mineral and less to farming country than the
. Ulntah. says the Sal I Lake Tribune alhough
.1 I wihin Its boundaries can be tounll n larl
area ot rich valley lands that arc second to I :
, The most favorable location for the hus-
' I , andmnn In the Uncomphalc reservation Is
on the WHt silo at the Green river In the
1. 10rthweht portion anti an hoth shIes or the
? Green rIver at about the central portion it
, the reservation. The hatter country Is " 'el
watered by the Whie river on the snuth-
C tE eastern border at the reservation . which runs
northeasterly to the Green river as wel as
by other streams ot less Importance and als (
by the Oren river which now entrely
\ .through the reservation I from near the north
' . east corner lo the southwest corner.
I The valleys In the northwestern jorttc Ill
at the reservation are also wel watered by
the Green river and Its tributaries
In the southern and eastern portions ot U
. souther ant .aster portons thO (
" Uncompahgre are thin Ball 1.lnlls. coverlug
1J ? I .qtiite a large area. and In the southern po ; r-
ton are coal lands , Immense asphalt fob Is
I Ind ( other mineraI lands There Is. however ,
80mo god farming land upon the bia 1
it . 8treams In the southern portion , hut the
1 search for mineral will doubtless overshatow
' agriculural pursuits.
, ' " . A mm HOT VOLCANO.
i The peak at Orlaba , an aMlent volcano Is
. ' In n state ot eruption. Tile signs of disturbance -
turbance have bln manifest for II whole
4 I wee and have Increased In force conatautI y.
V I says I Cotaba special to the Sun I.'rlnclsco
Cbronlcle. I Is now vomIting I'olsonous
Sues and thick vaIn nis at smell are aini -
ted train a hundred aperatures In Its great
( sngw.
a V ) The earth for 100 miles nronll Is shalen
I perceptibly with subterrlncan vibrations . 'A
great alarm exists among the dwellrs In the
I citIes ot Cordobu Orlzaba Jalap and the
dozens at small villages scattered within thl i
I scope ot the strange un,1 , Interestn ! phcnome-
non. The shocks 11 yet have not been of a
- I IcrOIS natlre anti na damag1 tram them lus
V ' been reported.
V The rim or the crater slows like tIre and
the thick gasses roiling down the mountall i
slJes have set Inamo the gr.uu end \'ogeta-
ton clothll ! the sl e to the I : slmml , wblch
Blds to the density at the smoke und the ( I
grandeur at tlo spectacle
I'or , the I > ublc .lety the \rnor of Iho :
atato ot Yl'm Crmwi shortly nom" I Coil 0-
t mtslon at scientists to matc al thl invest :1- :
- ' gatons Into the eruption posilblu a ril ! to
make recoluttiendatlons hoohhtig to the
- recnliemiltons II protec-
I ton ot the inhabitants or the neighboring vI :
lagos. .
The present eruption Is In the heart of the
I.V' I. belt hlllrovet land In Melco. The cafN
plantatIons ire not al yet thought to be In
danger at damage , nor 11 they be Inless
I n fail at thick ashes occurs , which Is not co it-
slderell probahlc.
( Masses ! are being said In all the churches
) ot the locality to ward off the hIflItelithil Ill ,
I ) danger Coming son after the ( late destru -
C tVt volcanic activities In many parts at the t
' 5 repu'lc , the eruption of Orlzoba / has uuusi
_ _ . , terrors not oily to the people or the lany ,
1 but to all living In the ( volcanic belt of rile x :
. .p- leo. strttchlng from blue I active volcano af
' .4 Colma an the west coalt clear to thl ( Gulf of
Mexico on the east
Shout its eruptIons continue the athcr
. volcanoes will b afEeted arid a gene : ai
) earthquake Period ret in . The consII.I'e3 ,
ar such a catastrophe . are harl to tell . but
5 % could hardly be anything IC8 th.l Hry
disastrous to l'uebla , Mexico City and the I
bundres a ( other townl In tile heat or
) lexlco
Ores and Metals . a Colorado publcaton .
V gives the :
rOlowlng interesting tacta cncer
Ing the discovery ar a rich ledge ot gt uld
quartz at Hahn'l Peak : &old
" 'onden never cease at hahn's Peall. 1
0"1 , the other day a tenderfoot , while coming
. the mountain after looking at some at
the late Itrlkcs brake one of his Snowshiot es.
. I After looking through his pockets ho tound
two nails and with these be thought he
luld fx the break ; but he bad nothing to .
tt V
Ilvo them with , Then a might l idea struck
him audi he went to digging In the snow with
lho other shoo for a reele. After getting to
ba re ground ho found n lock to gelng nnd
went la work on the shoe ; but the rock
broke to pIecEs on the first naIl and an one
ar the pieces ho thought he saw some gold
AUer gellng another rack and driving the
otwa her nail he started for town , but an the
wa y stopped lt a prospectar's camp lo rest
Here he showtd Ito rock , nll the prospectar
hall him stay Inll take dinner with him cud
go hack ta the place wh"re the ( rack vas dIs .
co vered . After worheln . the next afternoon
nnd the tOlowlng morning they uncovered a
nne lell , ot eluart. that pannNI well In gold.
OIII-Umprs have found float tram this vein
for year , though unable to lnll It ; then to
hnve I round under four feet at snow , ni
ci te or them said , Is enough to make A man
t i reiL"l
President Cleveland II expected to soon
Issue i a Jroelamalol opening lo settlement ,
the lands cedtll hy the Ynnkton Sioux Indians
In South Dilcta , says 1 Washington Ills-
Ihtteh la the Sioux Falls Argus - Leader. The
11roelrnnlon % has alreally been prepared and
pravhles i lint ( In thirty ( lays after Its first
iPl Iays
Inblcalon the Illut Ihnl he subject to
ob try ulter Ihe ( laws ot the UnIted Stales.
The lands coiled amount to 168,000 acres and
are accounted among the best In the slale
being In the ( southern part at the state and In
a rich farming country. Representative
Pickier at Soulh Dakota Ia's that atholh
th ere will be quite n demand for these Illds
he does not anticipate any such rush as has
hetn bm witnessed II Oklahomn. Tile general
11111 m alcc ( will she mesures to see that all
selers are treated alike.
. \ nolhrr resen'nUou which will soon be
opened Is that of the Nez Perces In laho.
The agents or lie ( government are now at
NeT Perces paying these Indian $600.000 , the
purchn9 Price of their lands. After this has
bee I done ( the steps necessary to throw the
cedrd lands open ta settlement will bo 1m-
medlalely tallen. A proclamation t has also
been Prepared and will na doubt ( he issuietl I
eon after the return or Presllent Cleveland .
alIening a portion of the Sletz reservation In
Oregnn to settlement.
lIE IS A 1hIhIElElt 01 EmS.
Colonel Wiiam Root who Is getting In
readhlss to leave for Europe with n carload
o f elk a 111 moose , Is II receipt or [ a coina
municaton which throws n valuahle light on
the l much , lsputed qUlton of the breeding
o f thlr animals In captIvIty , says the Lara -
mlo Itepulil ( icc n.
Three years the colonel shipped
ago sllpd n car-
10a,1 l or twenty head , of elk to the gaml [ park
of HnlhNfanl Stlyvesnnt In New Jrrsey.
The ( consignment conslsh or fifteen cows RII
lve hjuills. I Is the head keeper of the park ;
who from personnl experlOncu Is able to ex- :
111 > JI the generally accepted theory In rein- V I
lon ( i to the breedIng ot the animals when I I
tnken t from their natIve Ountalu. 'rhe corn
munlcalon i reads : I
"I write to Inform you that we have hall I I I
remar1ahlc luck with the elk shipped 11 hy
yoursel , [ . hart sprIng they dropped their
Irst calves , thirteen In number anti all arc ,
llolnK first rate. Up to this tune 11 hale :
nat lost a single heaI. , "
Another interesting fact relatls to the I
ulccessful cross-hreedlng of [ bufalo , At the I ,
lme t tie elk were sent Colonel Hot also I
s hipped 10 the Stu'vesant preserves n fln 1 ,
lare l full-blooded , male hufalo far cross i
b reedIng wIth Galway cattle. This experl- I
m ont also has prolen a success beyond at
e xpeCtations and the eastern . lo )
expectatons leoiile > are cor-
repollngly pleased with their lucll. Thl :
nol have a numher of these calvl In their V.
park , all at whIch are thrlvln fuly as wel ! I
as any or the strlght-brcd stock aleut the
p lact.
place.I Is staled that the robe from a cros -bred I
Galway II fAr superior to that of the gellln
bun'alo , The hair Is particularly long and I
g Iossy and train Its rarity will readily bring
$ 100 In New York City.
Keith county's fair will be held Septcmher
2 5 , 26 and 2j.
Emcrson's cr nmtry will be ready for use
In I a few weees. ]
Bertrand Con/regatnnalsts have secure I
the services at Hev. Mr. Healy.
Mr. G. D. laxnel ! has purchased a baIt
Intertt i In the Central tty Nonparei ,
In Nemaha county n ! talon which coat t I
$2,200 n few years ago was sold for $150. !
'ho semi-annual meeting of lie KCrne ) ' I
Presbytery will be lell In St. Paul April 2 .
A ulanute goat at North York belongIng to I
John Lloyd sr. . has given birth to four : I
Y 'OU Ig one
St. Paul has organized a bicycle club unde r
the euphonious lame at the Cyelnlan ! unl0r
W. 1' . Brown :1 l-year-oll bo ) ' of Fuller -
ton ( had his head crushed by beIng Idcled
by a horse.
John Jansen n farmer livIng five mile S
northwest of Atkinson , committed suicIde by :
hnlgllg i illlIielf.
The lurber's ' wife at Berlin threw hot nshes
agaInst n frame building , and nearly causet I
the t destructIon at the town.
Clifton Itay. n young'eeplng Water lad .
tell anti hurt his heulI badly and later In the
day got a cough drop In his windpipe. Ils
throat las badly toni while It was beIng i
Irlre destroyed , the barn and some adjoin
Ing i cribs Qf corn belonging to William Nel-
i myel' a farmer living seen miles northelst
or Fails I CIty. Ills loss wil aggregate $4,000 I ,
al which ho had $1.000 Inur nce.
AIr Kimmel at Aurora haul been slling , i
up t nIghts watehln a sick nile. Hearing his
wife muter something he hastily rose from
his chair In which he hal hen dozing tl ga
to her. Ills leg was numbed and gave way
under him anti he [ e.1 against a stove i ,
fracturing some of his ribs.
Thomas Wherley , colored at Independence ,
tied ! at the age of 100 years.
'ho Odd Fellows at Manchester will nsslsl
the DUbuque Odd Fellows In the annIversary
celebration on the 26th.
The town Waverly reports n populatio ml
or 2.883 , a gain since 1800 of 37 , at HO since
lBS5. and of 5'8 since 1880.
Constable Tlnllc'r was stabbed and Henry
Abegg. 1 merchant , idiot In the arm whlo
trying to atoll I fight at lhiakeahurg.
The school board ot Grinnel voted down
the ( question ot submItting to a vote a prollo-
slton tar an $ BOOO Ichool bultlng for the
east side.
Flora Draper .111 AI Davis. who were at . .
rested near Manchester for dynamltn/ / ; fish i ,
were fined $50 , Incullng costs and soot to
Jai In detaul
g,1 Patty has been aaln Icqulted lt
Montezuma the
Iontczml on charge or obtaining money
from the Iowa State Insurance
Sllte Insutnce company
under false pretenses.
The HalwlY Young ieI1'R Christian assc u-
elatIon of Marahalltotvn ! has
ciaton arlha\OII IHlrehasel1 the
canning t factory hUlllng I anl , wi i I I remotlel It I
for an association buidIng , llclllng baths
antI other convenlonces.
ElectIon day at Aberdeen hroughl out seven
,1lerently comlJsel1 tIckets.
There Is every Ilrobabliy that the Itate
mlla wi have , to disband ! In Soulh likoti
There are slxt-twa cases of measles In I
Toronto , Deuel county. Time 1chool have been
close'l for two weeks.
One farmer In Jerauhl county offers ta sel
Seed corn to hIs nelghhors , In distress for $2
per bushel lie bought It In lana SOlE
months ago at 3C cents
ArtIcles ot Inelrporlton have been filet ! at
Pierre for the I.
Il ( MexIcan-American lining ccii -
" COl-
pany , with head'luarteu at Sioux Fells and I
Juerro , Mexico. Capital stack , $3.000.000.
The Ice In the lsourl river broke at hum 1 -
nlng Water anti In doing so sunk the ferry
boat. Captain Leach will rake lion at once
and b" ready for transfers lS SOOI as the Ice
Is out
Br a unanImous vote af IH shares or A I.
pena Warehouse and Elevator company steck
represented In open meeting It was resolvel
to contnue the ( elevator In the hands of the I
farmers. 'hll meeting was brought about
because or a 6cheme of eastern partes ,
through a hOle loan , to buy UII a cal trolng
Interest I In I the ( In8ltulon. I I I
Gettysburg , the county seat or I'oler
cunty , I. on the high prairie and the citizem iii
halo never been able to secure a water
supply tram more titan cue welt and in a
large lend formed by the rai read grade. 1 An
enterprising citizen af that town has least 'ci
the well and the ( land an whIch the reserve hr
Is located and h3 fenced the whale water
supply at the town , and charges for Its use
A strike or n large body of rIch Iran ore
Is reported from the Eka property nt Yankee ; -
keo creek , owned by Oscar Burs & Co.
The Hobert Emmet mIne , In Chase gulch ,
Olpln county , gave nn output of 150 ouncel
at gold hart mauth , the mill dirt averaging
ovr five ounces or gld Jer cord , and the
cncentrates netting ; per ton
The February output ot the Isabella corn-
pan Crpplo Creek , was 640 tans ot are ,
cantnlnlng 1,430 ounces ot gold The new
ere caD tract made by the company ore $ C
beler , owing to the breaking up at tile
ameler JoeL
The Hard Times and Great Dlvhte lades ,
In Ounnlson county , are at present looking
very nno. The Japan group , owned by Ell-
wards I Co. of Ouray , I looking especially
go od . Seven assays from this group run
rram $6 to $135 .
Bonanza , In Sagaucho county , wi be a
busy place this summer. I Is reported
that enterprising parties , appreciatIng the
lcvanlges ot thll lead , silver and gold pro.
cucln/ camp , have leased the old smelter and
wi l bo ready for business about April 1.
The activity and ( Increased force at the
G olden leece , Lake City , will bring 1m-
medlato returns In n largely Inreae,1 , aut-
pu t. The management Is ImprovIng the
haulng rnclles 11 the IntroductIon of
slcam power and various laboNAVlng ! dc-
vi ces.
The AllIgator . In 1gle I canyon , front which
the ( h lessees , Wignal and Smith , mall a
shl11ment runnIng eleven aUlces In gold anti
twenty ounces In sliver , adjoins the Back
Tiger , Owned by n St. Louis company . and
n property which has been considerably ap-
eralld In past years .
At 1 meellg or the huslneRs men an\ , \
miners at the leI geM camp at the Wlhl
Cat hotel In the little town or Alhambra ,
which was attended by sonie 250 11eoille ) , a
commilee Was appoInted to select the most
prollsln Prospect II the Inulellnle vicinIty
and were empowtrcil to lease anti bond time
11roperty and put three shifts to work on It to
leveloll it. The People of thc new district are
con\'lnctd they have n good camp but whnt
Is IOW necessary Is developmrlt work.
TIme gld find north of A. K Stevers' ranch
In lulllFon county Is attracting more at.
tentan every ulay. This was first discovered
hy h George W. holmes amid Lark Young who
have h been Mmllllg different speclmels most
of the wInter. The formatol Is that klowl
as blauket 111 Is capped wih abolt eight
reet of gray porphyry. This Is undorlnhl
with about twcuty-n\'O feat of black porphyry
nnd this lies on n bed of rr\'el. ! This gravel
carries consluierablo .
cOlshlerable gold. Under this Is n
form or sand carbonates about eIght feet
Ileell. h whIch runs high In gold. Three men
are now worllng al the prollert amid pros-
pectors are rapIdly staking the cnlre coun-
tr y.
TawlhlR Is to have n minIng and smelting
co rnpamiy.
There arc 8 < 0.000 8mnl fish In the troughs I
an,1 , learly 100.000 eggs arc II process at [
hatching al the stale fish hatchery nL Chey-
cm r no.
The Douglas Budget states lint ( 8.000 acres I
ot 111 < hale heen ned upon In that vicinIty . V
alll n veil will he stifle this slJln to Ieslg- ,
. !
n ate . whe.ther there 19 oil II that \lclnlty or
101.Gfnger will Probably he a very lively .
eaml > this summer. The great Irrlgltn
1':111 : wi employ many men amid when I
rompletel will start a large number of small I
rnrmers to II'ore. !
The Casper oil refinery has n capacity at r
100 barrels at lubricating oil dolly amid ten I
barrel at Ierosene. Casper now has the t
trst lnbrlcatng oil refinery .ected west of I
the 1sslsslllpl rIver. i
Citizens along the Dig Laramie river report - :
port that work on the placers or ( hint stream i :
wi begin In abolt I month and that there I
w ill ba more activity thIs year than ever he - .
f or. Last year a large number ot Ilches' '
were built , nnd they wIll become Immcllatel ) '
ayalahn ! as soon ns work can be opened I
this spring
Stockmen rangln sheep on anti arolll I
Desolaton I desert this winter hiavo surerell I
a earful loss. I Is said . 111 already / number -
ber of wool IHllers are preparing for the
worlt of scouring the wool from the carcasses -
asses of the amuimimals. This Is an Industry
that usually pa's well , a rntlng picket r
being abe ] after n severe winter ta make .
f rent $10 to $15 per dny.
An effort Is beIng made ta apen up the
Union t Pacific coal ntno lt Ilanna whIch
was closed about n month ago on accoult
at nre All the chambers which shaw nny
e vidence at fire black
or damp have been :
closell up , an,1 , the wore ] of replacing the
lmbers Is helng pushed as rpIdly as pos
s ihile . I will probably take until the 1st o f
Apri to Plt the mine In condItion to resume
work .
Jack Howard amid John Kutch who spent
part of the winter In tlS clr , says the
Urecn River Star
JI'cr Sta' have recently been en -
aged In securing two car loads of elk for
e astern . parls. At last nccounts they hal
capturcd thirty-eight. but twelve of the lion ) -
bar hllVO since died tram the exhaustion af
the cilaso The elk wIll ho shipped fran
Opal and the boys will receive $10 Iplece
for them.
SprIng clover Is sIx inches hIgh In the
lyrte Point pastures.
'ho Welter Signal says the Oregon girls
como over In flocks to that town to get mar- : '
n od.
The object In view In the incorporation ot
Dunleo Is stated to have been the ovrrthrow
of saloons.
Mr. Kay at the Waterloo woolen hull Is I
reported lS saying that he has assurances the
Southern Paclnc 11 he extended to that
Florence Is juhlant at the przsence titer
at three contractors who are figuring on
the $20.000 contract for Improving Stuslnw
J. H. Logan. n farmer residing an the
mountain above Weston. has kIlled two
catamounts and one large wildcat In hIs
ehlcleen houie so far this 1'lnter.
Forty " cars or railroad Iron are sldetrackell
II i Grant's Pass. and the Courier Is unlnd
enough to remarlt that the Iron Is suppose
to t be a porton of a large amount ot materIal l
talen away trom the cOlpany's yanl at Oakland -
land l , Cal. , to avoId the assessor.
A peaceable procession was formed at Ontario I-
tario the other night for the Ilfl0S1 of removing I.
moving i seine newly arrived Chlnede laundry
men by moral suasion The Chinese promise
to go. Ontario Is determIned to have no
Chinanien but will endeavor to drive them
out peaceably.
A large amount or beet seed for experimental -
mental purposes was distrIbuted umong
Union county tarmors last season urnonjU
rlsults are satisfactory , the percentage o f
slgar being about 18. Some Imounts ralsell 1
Were : C. E I . Davis. 47 ton anti GO pounds .
per acre : C. C. Did wel.j % tons ; A. J .
Ooodbread , 75 tons and John Fraser , Ct tons
and ISO luOunis.
The other evening Policeman lathews
hall nIneteen tramps In jai at Eugene .
Among the number was a 12.year-ohl boy . ,
who hall come all the way from New Yorl :
Cltl. lie satll that ho ha,1 , never ridden on ;
tim brake heams nor on the top of cars 1)11 t
h ail secreted himself Inder the seats of the
tlahhengel' cars. lie WitS discovered ! y the
canductor at Eugene anti put off the rain.
I Ii likely that 80le lax . will bo sown
In tnmtla county thll year. One turmer ,
George Carml' ' lweI of Westal , ha con
trlcted his crop with the Porlanl , Llnseell
Oil company , and Georga Shutrum may plt
In solute land as an e"llerlment. Years ag (5 (
there was a large amount at tax raised ale I
iTumiatihia county , bult sluice the railroad
Umatla hil rairoad cain a
In i the culture of that crop lisa heen tuogloctet I.
The contractor on the government revel
menL work at CorvallIs have arrngll to
procure the rock tram hue mountain nearV
Detralt , on the Oregon PacIfic railway. I
was Intellletl to ship ) hy rIver from luena
Vista but the low stage at the water has
caused the contrctors to change their plans ,
and they will ship by the Oregon Pacific
completed. raIlroad ten carloads a day untIl the work Is
The receivers at the Northern I'ndfllc ,
Yakima & mtta company have decided to
receive ( hue check In Ila'menl for land. !
Orders for 1 tew car loads at potatoes have
been tilled at $ a per ton at North Yakitmia
hut the supply greatly exce.ds the demanll.
The Snake river fruit growers are predict-
lug I large crop the coming season A week
ar Inure af mld : weather will put ) blosoms OD
t he peach trees.
Gartehl farmers are going Into the huslness
of raising sunflowers an an extensive scale
this year The seeds are valuable for oh !
ann the stalks for fuel al
Mining In the t Swauk district wIll begin
much earlier this sealon than usual. It I
feared that the water supply will be short ,
and the mIners will make every moment ar
tle count 11 long as It lasts.
Seolng Is nearly calpleted II ColumbIa
county , and gardenIng has cOllenc d. The
acreage to wheat this season will probably
not be over two.thlrds at last year , wble
brl y remains about the same. Quite a
nu mber ar farmer II eparlng ground for
fla x.
Jnlauso City Is tolh'se.l aver the ( prospect
tar a beet SUI" " fateh. A company hu been
Incarporated , with In .crapital named at $0OE
00 0 , a fine sIte hM , Irn selected , ant the
ne water ' Is ,
necessry power donatel.
The Sprague rlltl company Is having
Jlnns drawn for a. mhgnlncent new armory
I will bo 100 teeL qllare and contain drill
room , gyninnshurnrpai.lor anll readIng room ,
baths nnll many oCle''bonvenlences. '
A horticultural "olety of the growers ot
the Lake Chelan Cultry ( has been organized.
Lake Chelan Is tsa 'oming to the front ns
the fruit growing rclan at the state Over
20.00 trees were ) ' 1 , out last fall , and the
amouft will be more , than doubled this
I' '
sp ring
There Is n " In the mines
ot Stevens county , . ' the
p'h Sprlngdnlo On-
ze tte. Every mal ( Irlngs letters laklng
Inquiries concerning { hem , anl , every train
brings new arrivals to tiuetn The prospector
wih his docIle nnl , well trained laellhorse Is
already seen ploddIng Patiently along laward
th em.
Thl record at lie ( Whitman county niullor'w (
olce for February , shows eventour [ mortgages -
gages nrtl on real estate , as cal11rell with
108 tar the Mme month last year. Fifty-one I
re leases or realty were med , against twenty-
one s last year , antI , only torty-threo crop
lrtgaKe have heln flied lila ( year , ns compared -
pared with try.nve last year I
F. it. Iolsom , tormerly of I "erel hut now I
In charge at thl telephone station at Walker I
a few miles tram Sylvania , In the StiiLtc '
! unmlsh valley , brought n lunch Sll-
town the ( other day , which he had just killed , '
wlhln ten rols or his house In which time ,
telephonl olee Is located. A few dl8 ago
he kIlled nnother In the same vicinity amid
ono week prevIous his wife shot n large
w ildcat In the lloor'arll of her home , while
It was tryhmmg to capture a ehlcken.
Los Angllcs Is shlplling c1bbng an,1 , ather
v 'egetables to eastern cites In ClilO.hl lots
A lot on Third street between Iroadll'a ) '
and Spring Los Angeles . was solll I few days
ngo for $ f60 n frnt foot . The lat Is tort-
seven feet wide by 120 uleep.
Stocleton has a club conlluctell on the ilmies
ar sulchle clubs. wllh the excellton that lnes
man who draws the ( hllck lot must sacrifice
his mustache instead of his lIfe . There are
elghleen iuicnubcrs.V
gggs are considered ] very cheap In 'ucnn.
for they are scln ! at 25 cents. It Is only
wlhln hue Inst tel years that lhls figure was
r reachet I.'rom 45 to ji cents a dozen was
the average lunice. I >
An Arizona man reeenl ' bouht 600 henll
or Sonora cattle. Whie ) was receIving
the h stock nt the ralronll yard In onglno
stamlleded the entire balH About 400 were ,
ecovered hut the others were still missing
Vfl the latest relorts. , ,
't'he Delmont ( Ne\ ) Courier sa1 that the
h eavIest snowfall at the seanomi occurred at : '
B lnont last week ] . New snow fell ta the
dellth of [ twenty-one liuclueuu mnalcing with !
the 0111 snow . thIrty Inches emu the lel'el.
Some old blldings collapsed under the weight : '
o f the snow.
The contract has been mnde ta complete
the irrigatiomu canal for the Stanlslans and
San Joaqlin company front Knlht's terry
to Burels Rtaton , an the line of the Stoce- !
ton & Ierced raIlroad . a distance of eleven I
m iles. The contrct will amount to about . .
25000. Teams are being landed with sup-
ples l today.
The hard tmes 311 the demal11 far good ] L
gold iuropertiems Is iiav'ug ' tIn effect [
g properles hav''p ; efec of sendIng -
Ing l more mlnerl alid amatelr prospectars Into I
Into i the mountal , l prospect for gold than I
have h ever gone 11et re. From Ippenrancel I
the Cascade nut ! 'Canst ranges are to be thoroughly -
oughly prospecte tr nut the Alaskan border
to California. !
Ils learned Greo Falls that ( Mcnmarn
& MaLlow , n wall known firm at Montnnn
c attlemen . have ' hosed ' a deal whereby ( hie3 p
a re ta awn the entr banll of the circle bar
rand at cattle . In nn something lee 1,000 I
ueaul h NegotatofB for the plrchase were
carried on by cable as the owners at the
clrclo hral11 lIve 'In Elglalul. ! The purchase
Irlco h cannnt bet learned. but It Is i tinder
stood that the total conslderalon will amouumi t j
to about $ lj5OOOI ,
Curials speclnCl1 at "frce coinage" wih a '
vengeance have bceneco'ed by some or lho
local l banles. The coins are meant to. ba
a bout the eqlivalelit of the American slhve : ar
d ollar. They were' ' originally coIned by the
Perlvlan government amid hear all the Islal i
ul , late lines . tradltnns and stamps ot authuonity
Blt nn tal > of thf e Is a stencil stamp hy I ]
the Glatemalan government , tItus Indicatng
that the Gualemalan government has appro-
prlatOI the coin and uses It as Its 1'1 mo-
Illm ot cxchiamige n practical demonstraton
of a possible universal financial polcy ,
Captain B. F. Ilnumce. a well known Cola-
rndo minor , Interested In the Cochlto mining
dIstrict In New Mexico confirms the news :
of an Immense stock at are In the Lone
S tan mine , owned by Thomas Lowthlan and i
other Colorado hiatties. The genteman
states that there were two strikes hut the
'bl iggest anti rIchest Is In the seconll level
where eleven feet ot paying one has been en- .
countered. From tell assays the rock oven - .
a ged $ G In gold to the ton. The people . a f
Hiamuti . the principal tawn of the district , nro
thoroughly excited over the strikes.
What ii JI ( , tnl
I Is to have strong nerves and how many :
are denied It. They to whom nature has
been nlg all In thIs respect can enjoy nerve
vigor and quietude It they use Ilostetter' S
Stomach Bitters , anD at the tnt.t nervlnes
and tonics In exIstence. Dyspepsia , a pro
lne l source at nerve In'uletlllo. Is Invariably :
overcome by this genial mcdlclne , which II I
also potent as a remedy for malarial and
kidney trouble arid ( constpaton ,
. - -
l'niniitlv'i Tonls.
"One of the ( most Interesting courses at
l ectures . " says the ' Phiilauleiphula Record , "that (
has b over been given In this cIty Is now nun
n ing at lie Drexel Iumstltute. I Is a course
nr five lectures on 'Pnimnitivo HandIcraft and '
Arts , ' by ranle Hamilton CushIng of [ the
, 0a
Unlell States Bureau of Ethnology. Three
at these lectures have been already ulehlv -
ered , and two are yet to conie . : r. Cushing
Ilustrates i his lEctures hy examlllrs of prim
Itvo h handicrf collected by him In the
course of his reseArches and further adds
tu t the entertainment of his audience hy :
fashioning ! nrrow-heads and spear heads wiLl I'ii
the crude Implements , such as were uset , by ; i
prhnllve man. Mr. Cushing has acquIre
great chili In thl manipulaton at these rough
t tool , front a long reslllance among the Z:11 I
Inclans of tropical 4tmnerica. One of the
most m curious of these tools In the pos eislon ;
o f Mr. Cushing Is a primiive auger mall ot f
WOOJ . with the ( cullg tool tashloned Iron
the t bone at a certain sea bird "
Too .lnrh In " 1110.
According to a scientist who has been look
i mug Into the queston three lines ( as much
rain fails In eastern . Kansas as Is required
for f tl ( growing , at bountful ( crops. The
problem I to conerve this moIsture by
means af deep plowing. mulchIng and Ilonll
hulhlng In order , to 1tave It avalible for unusual I.
usual ) dry sr.lsols : ' 'lie Inls that It can
be 110m' , lmuuleetl. thurt 1 Is has been done anll
Is i helag ! one hy a Ileadly Increasing number -
ben ot farmers every ' year.
I .
Efect of Recent Ohftngcs Male by Wood-
men of the World ,
Unllht ! of lie MACClbres MAln Jllertnt
. \rmntelcnt ! for the tArn nf Thtlr
Slrk- ] lt.rt"lnl.nt hI . \llh" (111'
-Uther Secret BncleT ! N"s.
The session at tie no\relcn camp or l.e (
Woodmen or the Worh thnt was recent ) .
held In this city made a numher of 1m-
porlnnt changes In the rules at the cider.
Adjourment wla tnltn for two years , the
next meetng of the camp to be held In 11t.
Louis. TIm'e council or the ( order ,
which met n few clays heore [ the session at
the sovereign camp , will hold its next leet-
In g In Alanln , Oa. . at the time at the colton -
ton exhIbiion In IBn , the session ollenln : on
the nrsl Timesday In March
Among the ( changes ts a new melhOl ar
choosing rel1rescIHalves lo the Mverelgn
Cal11. lerenCer twelve convention head
'clmps wilt cover the entire Unlcd States , '
each camll ( ta comprise a numhcr or states.
'These camps will be nhnnsl eet'Jovernlng.
being Ramewhnt of [ the nnll'e ot ito state
Kralll bilges at other secret orders . These
helil h camps will have the choosln of the
11elegales to hue ( loverelgn caiiip. Nthraslm
Is a lemher or a Cal11 which InelulC8 In
atMllon lalsas. Ocahnma a 111 the ( two
I ) akotas . Iowa will ho II the annie camp
with 'IIsconsln. Michulgan mul Minnesota.
Another Important change proviles that
very side mrmhcr who Is In good standing
w ill he retained In goll stnnlllA during his
lim hmmess. The same rile will apII ) ta huate
m enibars . all such being allowed 10 remnln
In i good standing In the onihcr. Iii regarll to
benelclary Jurisdictons , It Is 11rovltcll that ns
soon its there are 5.000 mrmbers enrol tl In
any jurisdiction 1 shall he srt ar as I sell-
rate jurisdictIon . provided always that there
are at least 20.000 ltmbers In the order.
I was Ilrolllell hunt the riual at the
order should he translated Inta SClllnavlal
anti rench. There Is at the present lme I
Oerman alll a BohemIan ritual. There has
heen n del a 111 for a ritual In the two han-
guages named , all I Is expected that the
n uemmubrshuip at the order will be consiierbl ) '
IncreMed. i
Acton was taken to introduce the order
Inla i Deutnmank Sweden and Norway ) ' as snouts
as practicable. Nothing , however was done ,
'tholgh sentiment was very favorable , the
maler m being referred la Sovereign Com-
manler m , Root . who was given power to dos
ns seemed best. Saro friends of the high
'nlclals or the order reside In those eoun-
t ries . amid I Is not at all Improbable that In
a short tIme the order wIll be introduced
TIme electIon or officers resulted In the rr-
eleololl of nlmost all of hue omcers. A
change was mlde In the nlmber of managers
on account of the Inereaso of ntentluerahuiiu
the number being now live instead of latIn
ns heretooro. The officers are as fQlols :
Sovereign council corniuiamtder . Joseph Cohen
Hoot I of Omaha ; sovereign advisor hieutemiant .
I. ' . A. I.'alenberg at Denver ; sovereign clere ] ,
John T. Yates of Omaha : sovereign banker ,
110 [ . F. F. Hoe ! at Omaha : sovereIgn escort ,
John McClntocl , at Creston Ia. : so\'erelgn
watchman , II. E. Fuller at 10uston. Tex. :
sOlorelgn sentry , Colonel D. W. Jewel or
Manchester la. 3 sovereign ph'slclan , Dr. W .
O. Hoders of Omaha ; sovereign mnauiagers .
C. C. I.'armer of Mount Carrel , In. . lion.
Duren B. Sherman at Vlnton Ta . Ilomu. C. K.
Brlln at Tomah , " 'Is. . Jonathan B. Frost
of Atlanta . Ga. , and S. I. . Wahle ar Chicago.
Reports show that during the past year
$207.300 was paid out In losses front this
jurisdiction. and that there Ias been nn increase -
I crease of 10.H6 ! members. The order Is now
paying aut an an average $1.000 n da ) ' . Dur-
'Ing thc year the jurlsdlcton erected 17
monumenls. On January 1 the net member-
shil of lie order was as follows : Sovereign
jurlsdlclon j , 20.272 ; Pacific jurisdiction . 0.70 ;
CanadIan jurisdiction . 1231. In the combined
order there Is at the present tulle more than
$62.000.000 taken ! out In Insurance
The order has just been admited Into the
state at New York.
A Illlm ( ' ftfll4 Irrlt Night.
Recently Alpha camp No. 1. Woadmen at
the ( Woriul . gave n very enjorablo socIal In its
lOdge rooms. I was very well attended , and
the program was thoroughly enjoyed. The
program was :
Song. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alpha Quarlet
Recitation-Poor Little Joe. Allhn . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : last'r Pay Rodgers
Overtul'e-Bnthnntrlss . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . .
Venetan Troubadour Mandolin Orchestra
Solo-Monarch at the \ 1anloln . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WIlam Owen
Itecituttiout-Littie Iluro.Mirus Mitrin i3vauti.eun
Solo-Armorer' Song..J. J. Cole
Fttiucy Club Swinging. . . . Wlllm lll'phy
Bolo-Wish of My heart..Framuic . W'alinee
Son/ . . . . . . . . . . leart..Frnle . . . . . . "alae
All the selections were well rendered espe-
daily ito ( recitatIons by Master \odgers
and MIss Swansan. The club 81Inln was
also very wel done ant was much appre !
elated by the nuthlence. At the conclusion of
hue ( program the guests danced untIl a late
hou : .
Alpha camp hell the record mEelng of the
order last Thursla ) ' night . More than 200 or
lie ( regular memhrrs of hue camp \er lires-
Cot and the meeting was honored with lie (
presence at Sovereign Consul Commnnller
htoot , Sovereign Physician \ollgfu anti Sovereign -
ereign Sentry Jewelh . What made the meet-
InJ especially noteworthy ( , however was the
fact hint tOI members were initiated Into the
canuh This 1 not only a record breaker for
the order , hut I Is claimed that no other
lodge has over received such I large numher
fr members at one thrute. In addItion to this ,
the camp acted on 100 applicatIons for mEm-
rshlp. livery member of the camp Is
working to increase the unernbuerslulp and the
memheuhl ant
results are tar exceeJln the expectations ,
although these were sanllno enough.
- -
"I xUIII.hll ! I" .
On Thursday evening , April 1 , the east
ohlgatory nl11 the ( extinguishIng at the ( lIghts
will be celebrabed hy Fidells
wi celebrJtl1 Semper JldtHs Chapter
of HoS Croix No.1. Anelrnt anti Ae"epted
Scottish Jte of Free Masonry , This Is one
of the mot ancIent or the timne-huonorcul ceremonIes -
monIes at thin rite , and the nitmial . which will
be propounded by Master Wiliam Ciehuurne
I most Impressh'e. Atlr the conclusion 01
hue cenelutony , anti , after the lIghts have heen
relghh.'I , a banquet wi he served , at which
all sir Imlghls and their ladies
nl 1"lles are urged to
be present. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
NIW Iegr..i "r 1"r 1.0110.
A new bilge at the Degree or lon or at
the Ancient Order of ( Stilted , Worlnen 1m3
been organIzed In this cIty as a result ot
thus efforts of Mrs. S. n. Paten. deputy
! ra111 chief at iu000r The oranlzaton was
completed ( Thnrlliay night with revemmty-flvo
members , and there are a large number of
applicants for memberhip. The new lodge
has been named Social lodge No. 102 , Ilrl
thl ( member/ or the lOdge have Ilgnlfed
- - - - - -
- - ' - - - .
. .
It'sa queer thing
( lI\ ) ) Why doesn't Pearl-
\4 'Qf y VIY everybody use Pear-
ine. Here and there
( # - ; : , - , though ,
4 there's a woman who's been left
behind. The word has moved
along without her \Vhat she
needs to know is this-that in
washing clothes or cleaning
E house , Pearlne wi save half
L J , . her half her
# I work time and do
7 away with the rub , rub , rub ,
that wears things out-that it costs no more than common
soap , and does nq' more harm .
And if she wants to know it , there are millions of women
who can tel her.
Peddlers and ! some unscrupulous grocers will tel you , "thi
B eware is ' a good a' or "the saute lS Pearlne. " IT'S FALSE-
I'earlnc b never pcddLed if your grocer sends an
imitation b honest-smdt ack. :15 : pcd1e I lAMES Iroer , New York ,
- _ " . = " = V. . ) . " , _ . t. " " _ . . _ ' _ . , " _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ -
, .
. ,
thelt Inlenton or living fully up to the
prapltous Mm at their 10th l.
The following officers were eleclell anti
InUnte.l ) : 1'Ast chief of [ honor , Mr .
leorge Michel : elef or honor Mr ! Ltl
1'II y : lady at hotter Mrs. C , C. Wh1II :
ehlet ot ceremonies , Mrs. It , l. I Poll h ' :
reM coruier , Mrs. n. n. Spningfehlow : nnlncler ,
reni rs. I.oulo Irereton : receiver , Mrs. O. loeh-
ni an : lady enter . Miss Mattie Ktle ) ' : in-
si de ltchmRn , Mems lcnr ) ' Icro ) ' : allsl.11 .
waichtnn , William Turnr : truStees , lrs.
Oorgn Irereon , Mrs. E. I. Harman anti
: Ir. I ) . T. Lohinems ; medical examitiers , Urs
I E. n. Wormsle and W A. ThlounlisOn.
The InsllUlln cerlmonlC1ero under the
dlreeton ar Mrs. At1ehi Ilardlng . grand
Allrla Iartln rran,1
chler of honor , assisted b ) ' Mu. Patton.
- -
IRee"br t"lhlh a sick ] 'Inll.
The uI\remo tent or Ihe ( lnlght at the
Maecabres has 11nllo al ImporlAnt change II
the h rules ar the order by establishing n etch
fu nd. The sick ot Ihe ( artIer have heretofore
bren Inken care ot by the local tents but
this methOl has not always been roul11 5liC .
ces9rul. In many instances I has hecn roul,1 ,
thit the loe.ll tent , were unble 10 care to
thrlr sick nlll In Mie cases the Ilmb r
w are unwilling to stand a special mussees-
un bent to care for them. It hms been uleckleil
a dvIsable , ( lmerfore , to take ( lie nmatter cult
o f the hands of local tents and to estzthuhiali
a lck fuinti , out of tIluicim ( lie sick may to
li rovitid for In every case.
hrvret Society ttpi ,
Gemueral George Crook post No. 1 , Souts of
V ctc'ranus , has been hmohtllng roumsluug muueetIna
( i f late , aimul time members propose to biimug
Li mo itost nuttIng ( lie foremost military or-
g amilentiomis of ( lie cotmmitry.
Ouuiruhma laulgo of Elks haul its nimnuiuuh eke-
( I on l'nidcuy umiglut anti chose : Exalted nuuien ,
R . lit. Iharthott ; esteenieti Ieaulinu kutighubV. .
Ih eachu Taylor ; esteenicut loyal knight , 1. W.
M iuicr : estee'mcl lecturer kmuighut. Jo i' , liar-
( o n : aecretuury , E. 0. hiramitlt ; treasumrcr , Ii.
If . Sniithi ; tiler , tlartitu Kelly ; ( uurstee , C. Ii.
C ollins.
Wiilhut flolulen Rod grove No. 1 , Wood-
le mon's Circle , was in sessIon last Thursday
iu igiut it. was suirpriseul by sortie two tiozetu
n ienibem's of lniiiul eanip. A very inforunnl
p rogram was arratigoth , in ss'hhchi dancliug and
sog cial intercourse huchth a promiiueuit part. The
g uests wore served with lighut refreshiments ,
- , .
'thi Conihuination % htllt 'sq leorasmry t
l'uiil it : ultiii tInt of mu Itoiter ,
henry Parker , colored , an emnploye of ttu
I'ictet lee ccmpan's factory , l.otulsvihla , wa ,
recently ( hue victim at au sintising as vehl as
a ullstressing aocidnt , says ( hue ( 'otirler-
Jourumal. For more than two hours ito wal
keIth a lnIsouuer in a large tatihet anti it ws
only by the liberal u'e bt flxle grease ana
time less of all his clothing ( hat Ito was
filially rescuoul. I'amker went Into the boiIce
imnurulistely alter thinii r one tIny to cletu
It ottt , The flues inslulo the boiler au-a at-
ranged so that itt one eni tlier is coins
shiilug to thieui , The other end , where ( luCy
coluflect wIth the toiler Is more solid , PAr-
ken backed uuneoutsctously tietwceit ( ito fitter
uuimtll hm reaclut'tl tlue coil of time boiler. When
lie attemupterl to come back , luonever , he
found to iui stuniurito hat hits body was
tightly wc'tlgctl betwelt the flues. Struggle
Its li voiilul Parker ntumhth urnt relaet , him-
colt. liii calls lirnuiglut several muon ( a ( hue
Celtic.'iucn l'arker e.plaimietl his sittus.
tiomi ( ho first impulse of his fellow workmen
was to laugh , 'two muten wciit Into this
holler to ieltase him , but their cociublumed ef- V
forts nuuly brought shrieks of vaIn ftonn. _ thus
umnfortuinntc' , houiie omie telephoned to Dr.
Man3evihho Thiumnu. A muuumcflhiuttt % ' , iaS also
sent for , and liotiu arrived uuttotmt the ItOuuiG
tint. 4ii sorts of echuenuesvore concoctet. (
iiy t lit' phm 3 sit'I a n , I hue ins cii hiuluct aitul t ho nave
Ilinmoughihy' fnlghiteiieui worlmmieii , To etil.
thircuuughm tli ( toiler would ttik mitveral hmotirs ,
110 ' that hmuitl bet hit , given tip as Inupracileable.
\'ithi the flutist lilt ( 'otis gtC'fluis Laiker iniseul (
( lint tlu lltmo illfl'S rPTa slowly closing lit
on lthtii cud squieezimtg out his breath. lr.
'flutimut hilt umpon a pluuim. lie semit the inn-
ehuinist into tile boiler wlthu a knife , hhy tear.
'S uttil cuttIng ( hue inutciultulat suueceedei In
r ovltig lumost of iarkpis eiothiiug , A bore
of uuxlu , grease was ( lucti brought iuuto use atiti
l'arker'a hotly \flS ( Iuorouugluly greaseul whuero V
( lie lillies diet hot huoit it. it relic vas ( lien
( P11 Jumat lxilow his muluouulclers , All the tuien
eatable thicti catughut the cnul of time rope cud V
hiulied , 'rue liii's alipeared to hrn tluc lwhmu-
cipal itlace of reistniice. A utlirlehe cautue
fromut i'arker as ( lie rotc begaii to tighten ,
amud tlmuu his hotly atiuldemihy shot forwitnul.
All of hula chothus ttero left behuiuitl aitti hue
mali was pumileil nuit ot his hunison as naked as
the day hi was banmu , his whole be.y glisten-
lug t ithi groase. l'uunleer's hips anti one leg
% ere a uuiuuss of bruises , auth lie lund to be
carried to his huoiuie In a mieighuborliig alley ,
c I. ;
] Jed - '
. men tell no tales , That's not true. They do ,
They tell tales of mistaken physicians sonietimes-
t : oftener of careless selves. Graveyatds are full of
. people who died for lack of COfflOfl sense. Doii't _
c. E : ; . .yoii knov of somebody that didn't live as long as
you thought he might ? 1-lundreds of
r died last year who vould be alive now if they I
hadn't let it run too long. Let what run ? Cough ru
-cold in the head-down the throat-oii the
t lungs-more cough-too busy to stop work- '
t finally had to-tlieii called a doctor-and doctor
; : caiiie too late. Don't common sense
: Tell
. you that ill nothing does " a stitch in time " count
: iiiuch as in lung troubles ? Ai'e you on the dee -
e ; Clifle ? Lost your appetite-lose half your night's
rest-woi-ry-glooniy-you know ? Don't ' worry I
14 , Stop it I Worry hurts more than anything else. IV
There's -
use to worry. Buy a bottle of Ozomulsion. What's
i' in it ? Life ! Ozone-Cod Liver Oil-Guaia-
col. How's it compounded ? Nobody knows as
- vchl as Dr. Slocuin , and he won't tell , It took too
many years' time learning how to ozonize it. The
frrt1 :
of his failures trying to get it exactly right
. would fill a big book. He don't tefl 'em. He's
. busy making it and curing folks of consunip-
tioji wit1i it. Want to get hungry ? Try Ozo-
mulsioii. Want to build up ? Try Ozomulsion.
t _ I
I Ozornuluuton curee Colds , Coughs , I Ozoiznts1ioii is a (701-
Consumption , Ihronckltls , Asthma , and I itir ti bottle nt your
' all Vulmotiary Complaints ; Scrotum , I druggiat's , or of T , A. V
, General Debility , Loss of noah ,
AnSloctun ) Co. , 183 Pearl '
acinia , anti all Wasting Diiuease ,
Street , New York City.
' : f (
Tbia , pa/s wonuejs gd plump and beautiful ott Oossion. ,
For Sale by Kttliii Co. , Omaha.
U TttlsgreuaVegoaule
S or dtsia's of liuc i. will . ( iuiciciy cureyouJ of all liar.
CanerabVu .trgaula , itutcit . . . ,
us .L.e.I Muintino,1 ,
urniuia I't'iuu iii the Buck , Somuuhitni Euuuisstiu.u , Nu'rvoui ,
plait , IJnfitne bA ) tarry , Ellusilatiutuc flrntus , , Varmrneehe liabilIty aul
CofltInatIon. I t eli , ,
stops losas ( my iv or ntgtt , Pru'vemuts
11(5't of dtichnrgti , witichi if iuolcheekutt Ioa4a be , t3permuttyri.j. quIck- , amid
all tlio luorn'tr'u of imn'otomucy , ' ,
0 K FOR E stun A FT R CIil'NHENEclcauicuu tlueiiyer , ( ito
. . kidneys and blue iirluuuery ergaius of au impurIties.
cUI.I DElVE .trongtbons iuuuui restores smail wt'uk organs.
'The rquscn aiifli'tar' , urn not citretl luy Ioeutra ii Iuecjuua iuInty per rent ture trouuhbetl
I'ro.Ittb LI I. . ( IIII'I lIEN Iis flit' muly lrnotii ranut4y to ctura Wliiuoutgiii aperu4buut. U'OIrillmutnl. ) , with
, ,
. ,
uulq. A wrttttn ' and ' ' ,
gultrtlntl'ft given mon'y ri'Iurni Lix txiitts doe9 not effect a ' .
ica n itoc , aix ft'r tam , hy tuuaii. thiruil for a'Jumeu circular Oail Icrulmnoruiais. h'enunuuuenl cure.
&ihilre' 1)11 'O I. IIIEDICINE tO. , 1' . 0 , llox ao7e , Ban rrattcliuco , Cal , Jttr Iattc aj
. jr " 456" " 456" " 456" 1
To Retail Dealers ot Cigars :
To ltmtm'oduco oumr now brand "l50" witluotit expanse of
of ti'avollng , we will scud you ( ho
I OlfihihIn Dully 13cc ( yr 3 months ( iralls V
With each timousrtnd clgara purchased , 'l'hcso cigara
are without doubt tito iluiust 35OO olgara In ( ho mtu'Icot.
A ti'IaI order tvIll convince you.
Terms 30 dayue-2 or cont. for cash.
DUFFY CO. , Oiiialia , Neb.
- - - . _ _ _ _
' 1'1115 ,
all nureous Vnwous dl.oasor. . ilewedycunos % VcaS Mcuioryi.os Quickly , oi torcrniiuntly L'uw.r ,
hlsadscluu , , , .
Wlt.tUintuus 1.usI Vitality , .
t'Izbtiy vIals.
, ,
slotusuTli ,
drostrus liuiutnc , .
uicd ' disuaseg
, , 'lealiug eass.
ad bY outtui , .
. . orrua Iii' caceisa. . ( vuauta nun
orilsIa. lie sirryc ( vuicluad biounif builder , ZfhteC
titotalu Situ 11007 strong ciii ptiiinp. gaiiycanjiodiuu
Yost pOcket. 1 1 mer boat U fortS , ilymail
. prrnjabtlwhthu
cunitt.cnguarantse Iocurooruloney.Iundsd.
hVrttous ,
. . . . tree uvdlcnl book. soaleul plaIn wrapper.uygu .
. . . CCCLI.
I. OCT. I.h inn. i'.s DIr. Car. loofitilis and Cnaneunt to feruteei. No ? , . . , .
, ns. JUu'ar ' of nLbtO(4Oits ( , botch by our uients. ouUdress 2ierv Hoed Co. , Muisoaio'rculpho curcsjvr , Cti.i c.nsuft.u. , ,
oid in Omab& (7 8aerwaa A Mc'onnsU , ILiLU. Ca an Liar Vickra Lerbzt , Druggtst ,
_ V _ V _ _ V _ .
- -