Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1895, Page 4, Image 4

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    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . . - - - , - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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r 4 _ TIm 01\IAIIA ] DAILY flEiMONDAY : , ARRIL 1 , 18Ul1. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
4 'Fii OMAHA DAll.N BEE.
- . . . . . - - - - =
11. nOS . ; W TEn , Bl1ltor.
. =
- - - -
- - -
- -
- : - -
l'UnLtSnCU IVlm\ ' ) tOIUilt i.
- ,
TcnMS 01. snsc1u1'Tto.
" I1y Une ( Wlttiiit Sufl4y ) , One That . . . . S O
, n"l , nle Wlh ! un"IY ' . . . 10 M
' 'cnr . . .
' tflthL , Une .
r . , HIJ ] aUy Month flee , nn1 . . . Dun.I' . * . . . . . . . . ylnr. . . . . . . . . . . I
; ohln Months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2"/
fun"IY.1. On" Yertt . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 /
/.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
11Itu"ly IIor , One YIflT . . . . . . . . .
\t kly lce /e , One YCt. . . . . . . . . . . . .
, OI.Jc S.
f Otnhn. The 1e Uut1.1In.
Olh. .
, 11' nllllnJ. SIA.
. . N end 1t
loutIi Omnhn . InJtrlc. . Cotn.r 21h
'k ( 'oiinIt mur ; . 1 IpKl1 gtrLCt. .
Chamber ur Commerc
ChIgl OflItf' 1T
ChloKO or 31 Chlmhct . " IL jtjbUflO tU'IR. '
N Votk . ltn'rn. 13 U ' 'rllun II'
, " l"nl 1. '
'VoAhlnClon , 107 I Itrett . N. , .
coItflrMPONIECI. : :
CnnlH\OKlnNCC. ,
rc1itifl1 In new" nnl1 PIl
All communtcaInnM (
rrntnIn .
tOtll1 t Al eommunlcnton" mllet Rhnull 1\"lrc5 cd I To Ihe FdItOr
73ustN1s ; 1Irns. ; :
AI Iutnta nUSINr I"ters nnll r . rllnne"A Ilnll b.e . !
Al huAnctA
' ' C0mP.
, u1droc In Thl Bee luhlAhlnl (
, lteAArl 10
Omn1r , JtnfU. thpckR nfl lnAllm"e orllp"
I be nutle , 1 ] ) 'lhlp In Ihe tllpr nr the CO1PAN. eomt"Y.
. II nrr lUnLtH1NO COhn'A.
, _ _ _ .
.1 - STT111T Ol CmCl.ATION. .
, . ' 0 nee t'lh.
George n Tz.chuek ' ecretRty n '
Oentte ,
. . ' , ' that
, tAhlnl cnmplnl' . hcl'oJ 'uly R1'on RWR Ihll
th" ncttnI nunbr , or full Inll ( olplcte COICC ;
Rctlnl rll
, . nll . JvenInl I'Utl Slnll100 ,
' of thl Iilly Mlnln nnlnl < Slnll\
I prlnl"1 1111 .lltlll . Iho nth or FcbruIrY. tS31"
as foflowi
t. folowR' . . . . . . . . 2 .I S 17. . . . . . . . 1 . 7
' . . . . 2t4 ; in . . . . . . . . In tr
. .
2. . .
. 3 . . . . . . . . 21n . ' . 11 . . . . . . . . . N. 21
'I 4 . . . . . . . . . 2 1M .1. . . . . . . . . I , !
. 4. r . . . . . . . . 2J.012 1) ) . . . . . . . . ID. . ,
r. . . . . . . . . J9.1 ! ) 2r. ) . . . . . . . . tD.r,8C
1. !
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
7 . . . . . . . . . I9.G ) 21 . . . . . i
8. . . . . . . . J9Ri1 : 22. . . . . . . . . 19.t71 I
, . . . . 23 . . . . . . . . ID.C '
:1. : . . . . . 1i.7I9 ! . . :
.I 1l ) . . . . . . . . . 1'.719 20.C' .21. . . . . . . . . , 2,4G )
II . . . . . . . 19 . CGO 2. . . . . . . . . . . ; I
1 . . . . . . . . . t9.r. . . 2.\ . . . . . . . . . U.r1
1. . . . . . . . . ) 27. . . . . . . . 19rI
N H. . . . . . . . . 19.70 23. . . . . . . . 19.2 .
TOtal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . , . . . .riC33
. . . nnl ItUflOd
LCRR 1ticttone for uo1it nt1 rellret
.lc.llctonA . , . . . . . . . unRol1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Nel RnleR . . . . . . . . . . . .ra.61 :
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . 19..01
Dlly ! nl'cre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
un1n. ,
.SuntI O onor n. T7 ( nUCI .
fh\orn 10 hrfor ml nn.1 . RlhrrlhPl1 In my pre-
' Ihl" 2,1 d ' of Tnrh. 1.
. cnrp " ( lay o Mnrh. :
! : , .
. ' . ' . . Public.
IR'nl ) N. 1. FIn. Notary lut,1c.
; IJewnle of ho/n ) ! 11tllonB !
j Deltl Icn telL no tnlcB-excelt when
their tlmc : are nlxcll to frl1111cnt
1)CU tIItiS.
Now Il'l Ollim hUH llRR Icn re\I\
the ' ' fm' Iwet factory In
iii o Ict a ) RUI1
II'o.l'd .
DuuglaH C01It .
'I'Iit're IR In\le tue h'onhlc ) yl.t ? If a
Chll'll'I' olcl' IH tint I t OICl' } ro'llI1 for
. , " 1iorst.
the IL'at 1lllctm"H hOIRl'
Our most Ilartflt conJI'ltullltonR to
Prilee Bhml1e ; on thlH tll' oCl'aHlul
of the 80th I I IIel'RI'r of his hh'th.
\Viiy have I city COUnCIl If C'er V 11e.
tail of city ,0"llnm11tIH ( to iL' L ) PI'O'lllell :
fO' ly ) cllu.te' IogI4itttiOfl at Llucolu' ? ,
Even ( lead men are IwlnJ , IH'lel
Into RII'\lcc tHe lwlllouel'H for the ! ittct- :
uncut of the otlous pulce commlRHlol
lU1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, ow Ihtcu for comillaints hong nnd
loUd Ihout thc mUlle1 lu which the
I $ : OOO ( ) ( ) state relief money Is ! to hc 11hl-
lrIl)1114Jh. )
. The hilt /h'll . the city of Lincoln u
single tux aSSl'RSO' haH hLln killed. The
' ' and tux Rhlirkers not
COI'pol'uUons ) Ihl1lw1s are 10t
. to le found In Omaha lone.
"e Those entelpllHln blnrR must
have several "unlmowu" lelecl h'cs In
tl\ emlllI to IWel1 them Infollll
' . whel the ! Iolcemen ule not looldn .
, I
, . A IISI of :1tcllnton : of nn InCOnl !
tux < ccnlon Is scheduled for every ; Ion-
( lay ulII the supreme court actually
nunkes Ithlc ) the concusion at which it
- has 1'1et. .
. ' A bill that his : to he holstcl'el up
, wih llettons , Uw signatures to which
arc either forged or ohtnlne by fraud
- and misrelllescntuton , mUHt he reHtn
on I YCI'Y lween Ilous ( founln tuu ,
I 11 to bc Spenl.c1 Gully of the BI.IIHh
house of Counuuuoius. I will also IOOU
I. he Speaker Reed of the Alel'lenu hOlse
of reI)1eOtltalttY'S. The two RllenlII'H-
to.he need uot mutuul rntulu-
4 . , delay couugratuln.
i. t lOlS , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No county ought to apply . for I share
or the 1011 ' voted \ the legislature !
. for the purchase of BeNI gmln for leRt- (
. . tule Ih'outh.Rh'lclwn farmers unless Il
' calnot possibly ) get along wihout IHeh
1'hoHl ullproprlnton : hi I must lie
. 1lu'8ell ) ' hefol the lellluture adjourius.
'Vlittt IlnlS that the chtlces of uny
OtlieL' Ielll ) uuieastit't's for ( 'HCIlllg !
thl'lullnel dUHt1eton lre not wOllh
, ' .
wllC'ln on.
\Ve hlwcn't : heard of u Hln"le train
rohhll' ) . ' Ilncc Colonel lUll RIJ'IIJel' went
to ( ) klalioiiua to ' ' ' ' the courts
Olulllnl II'L'Hlle over 10\11
or jtRtLI' . Jolt BI'1 persuasive Illh'
hutu'o WO'I\ < such wOnllel1 In 10 Iholt
I III'Ol ! of time ? .
ny thc tlnl ! j,1 IunJ Chnnl . gout
back to' t tl I hlnL'Sl I IIIHH'lnl I Colt rt hil
\1'lh'ohe ) ) will nIl longer lie l'ellH'111 10 u
? lone yellow jacket ald ono Iwncoek
II'nthl'l' If the . ' ' '
.Tnllnlll' l'elltntol for
generosity IH WfOlllt. .
Today wl l'I'lo'e \ luosslble donuts
tS to flue 1110lahll ICtol of UO\'I'IO'
Holcolb wih 1'lfC'I'lel' 10 the Chtchl-
'HISHel ' polcl' , ( OIIIISlol lull. 'I'Iio
gOY11101' IIBt cit hl'l veto the bIll tOlar
0' Ilm'll It to hllolo I law wih 0'
, WlhOlt his 11111'(1'/1. )
'Flie prOpOHll ll1l/l ( of hlll Igrut t Ion
Is ell ) ' &iuiotter Helwlo fI' feeding tax.
tltrst the eXIICISO or the toxintyors.
.l that ( 'nl ho ) dOle nlil ( nil that Is
: swcllet for stimulating luuminlgratloit I l'al
bo dOle ( by I $1,0 cleric anti $ iO I
e ' ' for timid . . 'rhl'o
year postage nl11 prlntlg. )
. Is 10 1010 101'11 for nit liitiuilgratloui
: board than there Is for I state hOII'11 or
i 1111 gnzcr
The Ilos8lbllll 1 of the bieyele iSI
IU'llhmt fet aiding In the escape ot
i t'iuiuIiials are oiily 10W suggested 1) '
thin It11111t(1 train robbery Icnr Suc-
rlll\mto ; \ , The robber who mnlcll 10
get itway unhh11el'ct 11ll j by meuls
of blc ' , 'j'ho ' ' Is veli
I bIcycle bll''clo wel utliitell
40 11l'o tow traces lhhtl , but thou It
tn'ol'ls Ilplo evidence for the lilenthil.
( 'IUon of the rIuiInuil ; should ho ho cap.
tm'I'll , I will take considerable 'XllI'I-
'loltnton to lll'o\'e unit the ISO ot the
bIcycle , hi n mote advantage than lt1\ \ '
went to 11cslle1udoc8 of this charucer. \
i& : , I ' - . - . . . , -
I I prudent for the rCl1blcnns or
ehrnR1m to commi the Imrl 10 the
POlICY of s ctl'lnn proscription ndvo .
lolc lllserllton nlvo.
cntel bJ nn onth.bounl secret lllUcnl
That Issue Is ' .
socloly 'lnt squarely Irc.
sNItil ( to the 1llJhlcnn telors of
the lgIslattire when they nro nHI(1 to
pUIS the Omnhn Police commlsslol hii
O'CI the veto . of Governor Holcmb ,
' 1hlt measure wu concoctcl In the
Mar chn1ber councIls or the A. r. A.
order , nt tIme instance or George W ,
Covel ouie of the great lIghts or the
order In this cl ' , and of other men
of equally unsn"or , reputattouR. I Is I
uRl'lcd 1 ' Coyel and his associates
that their object In IcmlnllnJ thc
utssago : or this law Is In the Interest
of good gOYelnment and for the 110'
flint Ion of Irluhlcnn BUII'emuc ' . 'hcn
Illl the reputable nlil patriotIc citizens
of Omnhn ami Nehlslm constitute
( eorgeV. . GonI ns their sllolcsmnn :
In hlhnlf ) of lLln o\'lnnlnt and 10)
ally to Ilw nlil ortler'iieui 11ll the' '
I'L'lHhleln IIII ' consllute this intuit
CU'el ns Its leather In matters of JtYl'
IHltcnl cOleel'12 'l'he career ! of Co\el
CI'11111r cIlnot : hlHlllrl ! eonl11'ICI } II
hll , aiimI : those who , Iwowlu his hubs.
( ' ' anti ' ' ' folIov his hi.tulershihp. I
tO' nld cm'lC' folow lelh'IHhlll. : .
4 ecoudl ! 10 tilt' hlogl'nllh flllsh(11
ly , hlllself , Co\el Is n Inth'e of the
slate of New 1011 : . lie was therefore
bound hy the most sacred of ties to the
loyal BIIII'e stale , which so luhlr Ie'
HlJlll'l 10 lie ( cull : of AI'l hlLn. .
coin for 10npr nll for men to defeml
the union nJnlnst treason ! 111 rcltei.
lIon. Whele wus CO\1 when that
call wns ml\le ? lie luiul Yohlt\I : '
turned I hs ! buick ; upon his nat Eve state
nnll jolnell the tlenHl11hl ( ' horde that
sought to destroy ' thc ( U'l'rnmCul 'l'he
cOlfelh'l'ate I'eeolls uow In the " 'U1 tc.
1IIItll'nt , tat ofelu I cl'rtll't CO\ ' of
which Is ! 11 our hosse.sslon , Hhow ( lint
George " ' . Co\1 WH Rl'conll . lletuteuu-
nlt of COIIU ' B , 'l'hilrdiissourl II'
faltl ' , Coull't'ntl Stales of Amerlcl ,
DLcelbl' 8. 18 ( : wnH elected Il'ulor
Hl'L01L ( I el h'IU1 t .lauuiuaiy : 1.1. ISH ( ;
11romoted first Icutelnnt May S ,
18B ; nsslgnl'll : to duty .Iuiue 1 ; ISI ( : ;
fiulouughii'tl October 2 O ( , IS0:1 : , fO' forty
Ila 's : II'Pll'nt neLlllll' al , ISU , and
II'ololot I t cUlal1 I t I .1 : ii tuary 27 , 1 811 I.
'I'he 'l'hulrd ! Fifth ' , i1ls.
1hl'll tutu . . Fifh l'JlmeIIH lIs-
HOI'I Iiifuuuitry , COUrl'lh'l'ute States of
Amc1lca , wel'e cOIRolhlulml , nll the (
l'lcorll ! show ( hint G.V. . Covehi was
tml COYel WIH
Caltlil ) of : COIIHI ' I . , Tile : O , 1804. -
'l'hiat COlptU ) ' WUH lll.t of thc ( army
that ( deYtHlntLd : ; IIsotuiI IUII Knnlts
wih lire Ult sworl under Geuelnl (
' .
Since his Ilh'elt ( In Nehl'uHIm Co\el
hits been , first , 11 ardent COII'lhcnll )
< mlocr t ; two yenis ago lieviis I 1011'
nltt , mud ItHt fail ho Ilcnme I lnjo\t
repiubhienii. Cuu republicans of Ne.
hmslm u Iol'll to follow such leutLI" .
HiLip , e"l'n though Attorney Geleml
Ch\'chl , who also trains with . the
Him' chamber faction of the patty , lois
gone lute IJltnC'shlp wIth the ex-cou-
fe ] , captain ?
Is It uol tIme for thoughtful rCII\
Icaus 10 IHIRe Hli count the cost of
coiuiuuiitl lag the 1111) ' to 1 sectarIan
Wi' that wl disintegrate : rmlm ,
force I to S111111't doglas .whlch l'e
Ito part of its creed , and lIght battl'
at : Hie wheu It II lSSL'IUII to liar-
11Jlz Its folowl'H on the eve or : l
hlllcmll untolal ! conlest ?
1S.tAlC ICS I1'IDA r.
' 101u ' Is . the eIghtieth I : ml\cl'RIT
of the II.tlln ' of 11'lnce BslUc : ; ,
111 I wi ho celebrated throughout
GC'manr wih great eat luuslasuui. For
I weel mist the great Htntl'sllU who
created the Gel'lmn l'lllh'e hilLs herl
the recipient of 10'e tllstltugtuishii'tl
honors thnl WC' e"l'I' before conferred
1110U II ' 111 11 gl'olH' ) not I lellC' )
of t iyti : \11 1111 hOlse , und , In.
deed. few of these have hCI'n Hhowt
such COlsllC'ltlou lS has heen be-
Htowell IpOU Bslard ; HenllC's of
cm'I'ent e\'euts ha\e followed . It Is I"'e. [
Imled. wih boso _ _ utllton the dalh n. . :
. cose .
l'eI.t u : of the hOIOI'S Ahowel'el Ulloa
the \olel'al HluteSllU , lu the I lurogross
of which there hits beel hlt one 11.
hlllllr IICldclt the I'Jectot by tw (
Helchstug of Ihe ll'ollolal ) of Its president -
dent that the congratulations of that
hot ) ' he ul1lel to the flood of test-
Innlul of I'espect for lie ( great noun
who , 1010 tItan nuuy other , brought
about the union of hue ( Gel'lat sInteR
all celeltel thel into 010 . great 01.
Ilh'e. 'hnt t act Ion , II'Olllt 1111 11.
Ilunltl'll ' lolllellell by the ( lllel'or ,
Is stl u source of publIc cOlh'o'C'S- ,
nud the wolght of Ilhlc opInIon 11
OII'lnnr Hlelf toe dlchlcll ) ' tJlllst
the eh'lllll In tl Hllchltl reHllonsl.
hh for the defeat of tlo ( II'ollosa\
Agitluist this I'xhlhllol . of vhiidletlve-
UIIS on Iho lout of ( ' 1'11111 Iioltlnl ;
factIous lu the 1I\h'L' ! , which patrIotic
( lirnuans vigorously rolnIdlato , Is .
OI'I'lnllIO'OUHI rl'llllate to bl
placeil the I IIStlgulshl'l1 l'OISIIIII'1 UOI ,
whol ) ' 111"'leelleutlll ) ( , HhoWI ] slnl'cl ; .
hr Ito t "III'I'O' [ ) 111 which I i llth'II I I )
( 'am'eIH 11l 0\lle1tl's the ( h'l'Utlclt :
of the \ulelu Ilntl'I111 by the young
I'ulel' shortly UtC' ( hIs lissiinijit Ion of
Hl'\'I/1 t ' . 'rho visIt of the kaiser tl
1"I'llll'lehsl'lh , ICCOllHllct I by tl t
10wll' of tIle Gel'mul'mr , his 11's.
I'ltatol of I swm'd to the ( ex.ehinut.
I'clol' , ii lid Ils eXII'I'SsloIH I of estecl
fi' hue ( Inl to who I ho owes 111)1'111
IIOWl'I' , CIIHttUI'.111 . 1'\'llt of the ( ' Il'II'
est liittrrst . ' '
hltl'I'I'll tutu sigiihticaiuco. . 'J'hI8 ,
wih the uhl1lntt C.llelces or lIIHII'
Ill'clol for Htlnl'cl ; , have lund n mosl !
stmuln tlg effect Ulll the Iin t'luIHI
of lie ( OI'I'IIU IHOllle , nlil lie ( I a II ii once !
CII hnl'II ) ' be otwl'wlHc than to I
Hh'l'ngtll the go'm'111It In the by. :
11 111 Ih\otol ! of thu ( ItOllle. Every "
utlI'IIl of Bhmll'cl ; hus been Il-
l'I'cteL to this ( end. . All his spel'ehl'l ,
llro bOI'10 tetthlot to his uuquuahl.
11'l 10 'IIr to hid ( tlrolo 111 to his ho- ;
10f that GI'I'Im ! UIIul OlI'lnl
llowel' ) Iii thl ( affairs of B\'OIIO cull le '
iuuitiutainod oul h ' nthhiereiice tho'
mliltlhled only by udhelelLe to the
policy , which ho hImself established , or ,
rellltl ( olwllelco to the Imltrlnl wi '
tutu IUthO.I .
1'ho celehl tul of the nllh't.tll' '
of BIIII'elti hh'lu1I ' Is to cOltlUO
1 WClk or lucre , longer , but today . thin ,
whole Go'm:1 : 1ntowl IluI.tellJt ( ,
In hionorhiug the ( Illustrious ;
honollng mlsh'lous st\tltIII
nud c"ol'hl'l' throughout the llllh'o
UICI'O wIll bo 11011111 domolttrtols i
tutu doubtess ( I lenSllO of enthusIasm !
ucht ' ' bus ! . :
luch IS Gel'wlu , rarely knowu.
- . l _ . _ . _ . - . . - . - - - _ 4
TImid Rfunrclc 110I1' 9 nU time houorA
his countrymen ClU show hIm on1y
those will question who are \tRblo to
appreciate hIs great services ! 10 the
thcrlum1. . The . mncs or Ito ( Ger.
Inn peollo RICO In him the sage 11110.
Int , the ( wiRe cotutisehior , nut ! the "titan
of blood uml Iron , " whoRe 811clllhi uu' i
dncty gave victory over Austria , hUI'
bled 1"I'unce " , nut crcntcd the empire.
AU who value I muted Germlly fee
grntled to the old statesman who Is
ncnllng thc eml or his telm of life nnll
tire eager to testIfy theIr gratitude.
' . I'Olny wi bo I melornble one In tlc
history or GCllnny.
Tim OflOl' OUTvOl.
At no thorn In the history of No-
Ilsl ; did the whole people mnnlfeRt
I dCIIIC' coneN'n In the crop outlook
IUn they 10 now. I Is I subject of
vital lutcI'cst to every cItIzen of tue
stnte. I'o Il 1'nlel degree , titan ever
before lie fortune of our people , are
tllllllllent upon thl ! 'elr's II'Op. ) Hhoull
the 11'0811ct for n hountful hnl"'I'sl
hrlghll'l ns the season Ih'llel'R I wi
lend nn lllltls to ( rode 111'el' '
hue of huslnl'sl will feel tin quulchwtilimg .
I iii jutibso.
'Thc ! Hoe IllNlents t'u8twollh ( ' rehUi'tS )
fromuu l'lrl e\el' ) ' counly In the state
us to the condition of sol , hroshiet ) lye
acreage , mimI the Ih'el' of Ilufll I'C'
el'clelUln ! Infm'latou thus gained .
it I fair 111111101 , \'l'n nt this early '
thimy , cnn \e housed , 110\1111'1 ' of course ,
thc tllrllg t'nhiifzuhl Ihli not fnl hllow
thc n\cI'\ge rel'ol'll of the past few
) 'C & I'S.
I IH indi'ed gratlfyhiug to unto the
vet ) ' "enl'l'nl rainfall of the llHI tWl'l'
t ' .fol' liouuis. Wll ( hip t.'eituuImtty of
su lIho lout t seoti ' I thl' flu ' ' ' '
sntlllt Ret glut a i u' fl'III'S l'l
hll'Ollll i ! in 0i ( ' IHIII'fnl , nlli Hhulll ant-
1'11 I cOlcllols i t COl t I I' Il t hI' IU'ollllols
I hits years CI'oll wi [ ) lflC . ( ' . tl t sIn tt ' 01
Iho I hIgh road to 1"'ORIII.I ) ) . 'hl' ( lull hook
could not be inure fitvorahdt' Ihll It Is
I olln y. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N1rAu.iGU.t ( ' , tSI 1 : ( O./SSl ! ' .
'I'he InRt congress unlhorlzlll t'l' ( ' n\
1IIIntmelt of n COllllHSlln to oxumimmhma'
\11 IOllolt Oil tl WO'\ 0 1 UIOI the
Nicaragua canal : , and tl IlrlRlll'lt Is
hl'll/ urged by II t calnl 1 1011)1 ' to
11)lllnt ) the co mu iii t ss Iou UH Ruon IH IOS' )
slhle. Unler tIme tll'lt of the UIII'o ) -
pu Iat Iou thl'e enlnILI's m'p to ho 1\
pollte ( < to 111w the ( l'xllinuton , our
to ( he choHen 11'01 the l'nIICII' corpS !
of thc arIas , another flol tle ( engineer
corps of the IlY : , utah u thlrt 11'01
civil Ii fe. 'ho COlllRSlol titus couistl-
tltel Is l'ell\'ell ( hirIng thc comll
R\llel' to 1ulw I thorough t examulmiti.
lon of the ( Xlcul'ag11 : IRlh1lR ( anti of
thc WO'l already accouiuphlshu&'ul 1 ' the
canal coiuuittuiy : , maid rl'lloI' thll'eon t hy
O'e1her 1 next , 10l'e than a mOlth
hefore the ( cOwenllJ of Hue Jify-fomth
congress. I Is urgr(1 that In order to
enalio thl t c011JRsion to iou kr thc
ietiiuIietl exaliluton here ( ought to In'
lit ) further delay In nppoiuuthiug It mud
It Is said the presIdent has givemi asuur- :
unce that thin nuttier shah receIve bus
early nth'ntlon. 1 Ippen'H : thai . lucre ( Is
I good ( bat of competition for places on
the comuuiulsslouu.
'J'he IlucRtlon of ov(11Int tutu Iii the (
construction of the Nicaragua . eanl1 wl
certainly ho ! H'l'slnll'el to thl' t IIXt con.
gross , anti 11 the ( report of thl' 101111'
Hlol of enJlneerl Is fU\olhll' to thc (
enterll'l e anti tines not : Im'I'paHo the
UI0lnt est Imnatotl to be nICeRRa' ' for
Its completion there Is I strong 11'01.
abilIty thnt the 1I01lsiion ) fet ' gO'l'I'I'
u1nt ull . wi III S COI/rCRS , The 11'
lll'lanee [ of ohlallllJ I I the Ilforlllon I m u
which I pOl111Jlon of expert enJIII1
can sU\lllr Is obvious. Not emily wi It
hL Ilcllel h' thur IWXt congress , hut tll (
llhlc also sl\ull he hl'll'l Infol'lell
( hurt It IH regaudluug whl t IHN hL''n ( lole
II I IH'IIJIIIJ I ) I this ( I II'ol'l ' all whnl t ! i1Rt
sll he llCCOuublIshtt'l [ ) , to call ) ' I to couuu-
Pletloul. Ullolhtl ' II ( fuhn'e of time
entcI'I'lle will largely 111\1111 UpOI thc (
clmlclel' of the cOlllssion'1 ri'luort.
1.I.T ; ' : I.xl'L.tIx. ;
, . ' 'U.1f fJXI'I.I.
The Douglas lelcJu lon In time hOUHI
has mutnlell . the ( chnrh'l' ! lelI'l'll II
the ( duu.ter c0111teo 1) ' cntllg t out
'itut1 provIsIons and Insertn others limit (
1\IIHly had 11'11 to Irs1'uut for con-
Bller tOl 01 the cItIzens' 101 11 I ee.
: mu'.t ( 'ii t us of 11 I I lie ( taxll t I 'lIH lie- (
1011 IR cRsIL'nt 1'(10'1 hint ( will
l'lluulze I IhL I him tl outs of tuxuton t ( a mid
force Cli elm h I I II I 1' I 1111 I a mid cm'llmtol t to
Ilr Ihel' I Jnlt 1"'oIIO'tou I of luIlllml :
taxes. " ' 1 thl ( doirgatiomi Ilh'aRI' ox-
Illnln ) to its cOIHltulnts II W'IUst' Iii-
St it lice ISSI'S llllt reformui I WUH ahnl'
dOll' mil tlit' 11'I'selll.\lll'l ) 1'11111'11' ,
'I'll II'olrt I ) ) ) ' O\III'S of 0 nun hut a u'
vItally cOleel'II'll In getting their 11"1
n1lls 1 1111 hy I fiiI I nl11 imuul at iii pt'red colut.
1)011(1011. ( 11'01111 HlflgUI'IIH I/ullt
11111 COl'IWtl'H' ( cOI1hwlII'C ciii-
hOllet ( II I II t I < III'IC' I h ) y thl' t I el t h'.emis' :
CO 1 1 I nlcllloph'll lust WIII ; h ) ' the
dlllgutol afel' : a ( mull biseuusslomi . 'l'lieso .
smufegumuirils WO'C cult omit of limo ( 'hul.I,1
IwfO'o It Imlsell thl' house \ a ruth time ( mix-
iuYr5 are rllullh'll to Ihl' 0111 1)'HIII
of coiuibl mutt 101 t 111 ( I 1010\ol ' II I lilly I mug
iuummit'rlnhs.'iIl the ( dehe'gat lout Please !
( 'Xlllull I why this t I t ohm a mu ! vas mini do 1111
mitViiOSO IuiSttiuiO I . ( ' It wns 1111. ?
" . 'hcl tl (' WIR hn'liig . thisptusst'd
II u tl citIzens' COllltlO ( thl t hiIl of
< Xll'llllg limo tlrm of nlY electIve ou. !
CPI' SItS lot Ih'e11L'11 or Inll WU111 have
1)0011 Ilrom\ly ) ( voted down ( If It haul hlcl
II'ollosell. Hut the 11el'/n101 hUH tnlln (
It " \01 ItSelf to Hxtelli Ihe ( tHI'1 of tle (
comubpt roller for one year , thus uuummklng
him the ( only cIty oIC'I' to he elected In
Il hutisitlt'mititil Illelol 'cal' . At whOee
1IIIulco vas this ( XI'10I'llhll'r chlnge
Iltn Inl whl t CXI'nle It tll'L' for such
I ehlngo outsIde or thin Ilel'lwllll IltN'et
of the ( present Ilclmhent tutu huts depuu.
th's''j'ho Ilgtenle ) : ( ( limit the ( 1IIInlon ot
the II'esent Ilellhent hlK hlcolu I
uuoct'ssIty for thc Ilrotl < lou or the ( cIty's
Interests Is jureosterotis. [ I his services
are hllsltlNahlo lie ( leOllle ) ) cnl bn con
\1111'11 of the ( flct mutt ! they will cheerfully .
fully Ieelcet lulnu.
Nohoty ) In thiN city ever t1'lnlpII that (
thai . meat IIHIIl'ctor would hc lade n
charter olcer with u fixed salary of
$ l,5Oo a year ( ! wheu t1ro , are
I hUldred cOlpntent nln II
the ely wilng lulI Ihle to
act us mcat Inspectors anti \ Ilollcul
barbecue : inamiugers for $0 1 muomittu.
' ' .
1' - -
At Whoso instance did the delgatbon hI.
8ert thlF extutnrdIuunr ) ' llro\I lon Rnll on
what t'tlt cnn I he jUttml ?
Is equunl4 . ' the 11cle.
I eltnt )6oxl11cnhlo ) whmy
ulon bias fet the pnr or city hall em
lIOYCS In 1/1 / (1m 11 ( l' or why I should
force n decfpasf' 11 the ( number of lire-
men anti 111eenlI hy raIsing and fx-
lug time 5811jftg { ) so butt ( the commission
cannot cstlhlih I I'ntlet Icnle of IIY
nccolllll to"merll and tmc of sen'lcc.
H mn1 \d'MihC' ' late to ask ; un oxIIa-
nation of nl"these , peculiar features or
the (' fromui thmo house dolegn .
lew : frl til hote 11cl n.
10u , hut I IM llN.tllcll to ask ( lie three
senators from ' l ollln ! COUlt ) ' on lwhlir
"lil hut the Interest l of lhl'I1 COIItUltS
to It that the ' mntule lie
to see cUIIJ ( lullc hr tl
house delegatioli 81nl not he colel'1111
In. We believe w < express thl ( 111\prsul
S'I\I\lt of Ihl' best cllvels . lint ( ( lucy
wouhlll'I'fl'l' ) 10 see lie ( (11'le. IIIfL'a 1111
rather thnl to ha'c It 111lll'll In tl
Inh'l'est of tax omitors t , Iloltlll ( IllmRles
1111 Scllll coultiactoms. ,
" 'h ) ' should thl' ( legIslature tllcl'ln1w ,
to raise thL' I salll'leR of 1IIlcL'Il1 nit Ihl' I
Ollim fl'LI nt thIs luuut'ticuuhuir thl <
Whl'l , by 10 doing , thui'y comuuin'l thL'
IOllUIHHlolt to l'l'lllel' thlh' ( I 1 nil icr.
'l'hpl'l Is ito l'01111nllt 11)11 hohlcemuiemi'it
lflii. Ollhl l'nl Jcl mill tIme IIOll'l111 )
stir wUltR ( lt $ j ( ) 1 1111h. t I 1111 Ifll'11
OIIS ' . , too , If slur goes Ihl11 ) ( I tire mIght
WI _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dnl AIJ1 111.1 GO'I'I'101 ( 101'011 I tl
11I'r the IHIll'l' force hSIgIII ) thl I
Chl'hl-HuSRI'l hIll. \hl'l lumi 1 ) WIS
llr I Ilu'shnl I hL' I WIR Ih I e 11'1 of tl 1II'p ,
( 'VS of all tIme 'l'lilrd ivmui'il
II'H Il 'lhl'llII hell-boles.
\11 I has also lalle 1 rt'tottl ns I re-
fOI'III' u II I u t thl' t I ( 'IHl' ( I f'I 111111' " 1'111
tioore , vhieIi ! . hO\H whul 11111 of IC'
f011 ter. luau ) ' \l' ox hncl t'tl 1101 I i i thut I 'Ul r-
tlr. ,
'l'I it' wl'l 1 Ilsh'lhltl'll I I I 1'1111 I thnt I I hl" (
SIPIuikh'tl 1II0lt all pnlll of Ihl ( site ( :
III'IIJ thL' t lust fLw tlmtys : ( ' 10st(1. .
cOle to mill classes of Iho ( counmnuuilty.
SII'III mils mire 11 Ihsollt' necessIty
10 ( thl' t fll'III'I' hlil t t I mig 11 I hll cmop. ' 111
10w1SIII\le t lre Ilwn I ys Ihaulfnl I I : m u for
itttY 1.111 I of WI'llhll' : I thln t I hlIJ I m ! thL'
Shlllll IlK i J"'AIIJ' I , .
1'1" " CRY ! I 11"
tTah I ! al'ln\'ell ' ' ul'anJln ! to hecome
I I'elllllla rCfuulcan slnle In 11111101 to
nholshlng poiyga tiiy. fllp nl'JHlle Ilw re-
qlh'cs thlt Ioler lusl be Ible to rend
the state comltIttmtlon , .
III . .r 111.rn\'cnu'nt.
( tIbe-icmmocrnt. ,
The Ilntenwnls of the cOii1ltlnn of Ihe
IItonal ) hlnls on lJarch G. cOlllton nre now
being lmtu11is1iet1 . show that m000 ( ' Is IOW
belnIUhlshcl. \ Ihll mOI' ) II nlJn-
dant , ouns aunt dlscOUlls Increasing. and
the Innnelal , situation . Icnerl ' Imllro\ln .
The th" l.ohh'I,1 " ' a.
thllHJcIphll Hccnrll. u
Al honest grII jury cnn do more to
sweeten and '
Purify municipal government
than any eli l' ztcncy . At best the ucoiilo !
of New York seem to have eonchlled , to
go at their tleals with this Old.fa5imjoned
weapon of thj law.
TroiLil. . on 'lnut I ) . oil 'lit m.
, .
Clrlcrnatl Trllln ) !
I the ( . Cllcllnal Cuba Iholll ha uro-
tiacteil , there 'lil : be ' 110
l'acle,1 , ilbe Illmt ) opportunltmes
o\\orlun les
for Ihe lnl.1 Stales amid Spain to bconic
Omiiiiioileii. It' wi be hard for the go\'ern. cole
meat of this ' ' ,
. 'oultr to prevent Itn''llm' !
tel on tl Part of a few utggressmve people
who wi lit omit from our aJJress'I' IhO'es. , there
will be irresponsilic ' . Spmlsh : cI'ulsers.
Am"rl.a' Skill u itinner.
PII"blr ) " .
! DI"Pllfh.
EXllorlng American boots to Enlland Is
an nehlevement to be proud , of. But It Is
an nCeOmlJlshed facl. The Ilhor COlt In
Amellcal boots IH 111' 11n In England ,
though ( I Per diem earnlngH of the Amer-
lean wO'lonen are larger 11n those of his
English 1)iotiier. 'hl American Superiority
IH In method and . ( nem ' . AmerIcan s\llel'l.
only In hoolmakln Is only the forerunner
of much more lint Is comlnl
- . -
Groolll ! " If Gciiormi 8111t0I ,
Rail Lake Tribune .
'rhe news that he who was Assistant Pa ' -
master G < nell Stanton has been made pay-
muster ! enell of the army of the United
States viIi he most welcome to the iiost
of friends of the . genetal In this region. lie
Is a mOlt ) ' olcel' , a great whole-
souled man . who hal earned Ihe p08110n
and wi wear the honors with his aIm-
dent grace Ind hIll time place wIth his
ancient ability and Interlr. II tIme name
of all the people here tl ' 1 rlhlne congratulates -
lales the arm ) ' on his . promotion.
"ccrln 'I'owtiri Itlinntiiilbmn.
Icm't itepimhllcaii .
The seltmelt In Germlny favorable 10
sliver Is growing very I'aphl ' . Ind there
II little doubt that the proposed monctar
conference wi be caled , What the ucloa
of that conference will hI no man cnn
foretell , hut that It will he blnelclal 10 the
cause of hlmclllsm admits of little douht
I Is recognIzed by ci L large nuunlei' of
thoughtful len In Germany that node -
quale relIef for the delmreMPd lgrlculul'e or
thaI country can he provided without t L re-
turn 10 hlmetalh < l. 'rhe con ( I nued clamor
oe Ihl agricultural class for relief malts It
Incumbent upon the govcrumm rUt 10 tU'1 Its
attention 10 hlmea18m In hope thaI Ile-
thIng will he < ole loon to I'eslnre silver
and with II the Prices of '
< wlh priceI agricultural Ji'o- )
tltict .
< _ _ _ - _ _
80el"y'8 Utieuereefim 111110r .
LIncoln ! Net'ii .
There II only one \nl 8euh' ' . Alt com-
pettor'H :0 : the Ino of Il'Jlslf\'e crooitcil
work are but hUlgln itnitmutors. The 0\1
.II . ) ' It \\'al co\'ererl ( lint the iimmtl-clgzmrctte
hIlt had hecl 'Hh'rlously lost. 'fhe loss
Wits only tumporl'y ! , lmovever. amid , was
l'ctfe,1 , us SOOI Il dlscoven'll. I Is Rare 10
Hay that ( If Wnlt Seeh' ' hind started . omit to
lose tIme lull It I woull cult a I ii my ha\1 iii mu Idlest
lost , even though the ( till IJWer of the state
were turned , out to tim , ! It . Later 1UH < K-
covered ( tint tIme enfctl1 clRlle had been
omlterl front the bill for lie ( regulation of
InKUllra counpitnies . The defect woull
have been a alaI nnl haiti It not been rK-
covered. Iliad S'alt Heeley stnrler out 10
lose an ellelnl cluule oC a bill lie would
have been slooth enouh to ( ' 1 her lose It
later In the game or IIHI ( Its 10/K until I
was too lute for a remedy ' 11're np\'er \\'IH
but one Wait i3eeley , alHI lucre ( doubtess
never will he. .
( enoral stnimtti's ( : lr..l II I own .
Des Moines Capital .
Tue vacancy In limo IJI 'lfsler , 'eolrl-
ship of tIme ar\ ' . CIUHer by the l'flrnwnl
of 111'11/11' / ( ieflemiul \1111 I Smith. was
Hlell by tht ' appolnllclt thlllo uf eolonel
'lhudleul , H. itanon ( heretofore ulslHtnnl
Imymasler etiirmiT. lie 10W takes tIme rank
oC hrhwlll' , gimmemth. Oemmt'rtil 81a')111UK
I resllenl of the county o"alhln ) , ton \ , In
this state , In ISrI , I HelnA \Ymtsliliigtoi , , I.
C" , at the tlel he enlKted un the WIT tiny
o 1.lncoln'l IrHt Il\clnmutol callIng for
75 (1) mln In' 1 rOlpln ' railell In ( time
District oi Celmmnibla for - '
ColumhlL thre monlhs'
service under time cull lelnR dlselinigeil
at the end orhll term of lervlc ! ho returned -
turned to Iowa. mind was , 'llcle.1 In Octotmor
of lie ( same , time county oC Orlolcr Walh.
loglon a reprerfltatls'e In the Ninth jen-
eral alleml. I wnH mlulchlirmal or
the commltl on flnln In the hou.l nod
was UI tntlueutat } memller or lie ( leglila-
lure. In AuglH 18 . he lecnme capllin uf
( om\lan \ ) ' e. INlUlelllh Iowa olnnlel'rs ,
hut leore seelaglservlco In that capacity
was afPollterl ( ! Jllonll capaely ,
time rank of nviqr. ' In 1" $ he wits hrev-
eled leulenal t' c\lonel. . JUIUII' WI > ' , It.C7 .
he waf appointed ( i Ilf'maslel' tn the Irm .
In due couree 01 \ time he Wil apllolme (
asslstunt ImllLster genell , ft-ani which
he Is now llromol 'I. Generat Slanton Is
ortunate. lets Also worth ) ' ,
.U' lCl\'r"r 4S1) IlS lIT.L
- I
Washington 10lt ( Inl. ( rep , ) = I I bo I
true a rllortel , that lIon . WillIam M lln- I
hey has hlt lohl ( the people of Ulor ln thnt I
ho would abanton the repuhlcnn party In
the event of ls Ieclulng for silver In lSG ,
Hon , Thoml n , Heed may 11Imls hIs tip'
I'rehenlons. Drothlr Mcmnley will get
mighty few delegates from the ( couth on a
monomctnlc Isauc .
ICansam City StiI ( ( . 11em. ) : I II presumed -
sinned that Mr. Heed wl chuclte 10 himself -
self 1 he sees how the ( unlortunnlo : c-
1lnley his tanJINl himsel up wIth the
sliver fellows. When ? ir. Heell nnnouncC1
that h91 going home 'ouhl mnke no
sPeeches and would sail for rurope At : \
early ( Inlie showe,1 , tIm nhnnlnts , of n
7 : hnl Some People mar 1\1 themselves
oft . 1 year 1Iforo tt 19 necosMrr. hut Thomas
n. HCc(1 dooan't . train with tMt leln&
CIncInnati Enquirer ( dem. ) : I the Contest
for the ( rplhlcn 10mlna1on for the 11reRI.
dcncy gets to lie ole of mere ! sllng ' 1'0Iu1
the ( cltcle. there I uioboiy ( who can beat
( enetnl harrison nl that nmt I will ho
rememhered that ho tra\'elct 10 tIme paelno
const during his term ns chief executIve .
slid mRI n lot of Ilrely 111ochls ! wlh 10th.
' '
lag emlHrrasslu In Ihem. "hl ) ' were .0
Imoolh ( and Insiluntng that e\'H'hody for-
got that ho was not Illculslng Issues of
the tiny
I . oulsl'le Coimrler-Jouurnal ( demo. ) : TIme reo
port or aim nlrlell remark of Oovernor Ie-
IOn Icy. tint ( It the rellutlcal IIIHt hollil
dcclare for free silver he would 11el11 to
he Its calH1lnle , and IMve It forever comes
11 . mm. too circuItous and Irresl.olslble ) ' to
deserve alY rellcct , o\en I It were nol In'
conslslent with the ( only utetnnces ( lint lie
"o\'crnor has mnlle regarding silver wlhln (
th { lest two years. \s yet he hal s1110u"ly
avolle(1 commltlg hImself on the sliver
Ineslon , anti , I he eVer lhoul positively
express himself regardIng If the counlr
woull IOt hlle\t It excelll upon lulh morc
re I mule aim t lion ty thnn Ihot I upon which lie
St A Igu811e story seems 10 usl
ChIcago Inlcr OCMI ( rell. ) : Sema of
OO\ror McKinley's fool frlells ha\c been
1Jlllnp worlls Into his mouth 01 tIme slver
questIon , greatly 10 lila Injury 'he govr-
101 hat taken the hit Iii his teeth and aulot-
Izel time statement that he stands squarely
II the phnuik In the republican IlaUorm or
IS02 In favor of bimelalsm , or "Iho use
of holh gold amid , sll'er ns slal\larll money ,
wih ( such relirlclons and Provisions
* * as wi secure lie ( malnlclnnce of
lie ( ParitY of values of the ( two melals , so
that I the dehl-plylnp , Ilower of the 1I01ar ,
whether of sliver , gold or 1101ler shal he
at all tmes equal" The governor I should
Issue a notce to ( his over-officious anti oh-
legcd frIends that hereafter ho will .10 his
OWI talkIng. .
"O/l. " 01 Tl/ . ST.I 7'l I'RISS " .
Corlan,1 , Ierll : I cannot 10 repeated
100 ( ouCh that tha ( greater part of NehrRka
IK ns fertile amid productive In all seasonl
: S tummy Ilrt of the great MIssIssIppi valley.
alrl that thIs fertile and productIve area Is
an empIre II Itself.
Wakefeld HelJhlcln ! : The legIslature h
to 19 credited for some things It woull nol
110. It wouhl lot repeal time valued I'olc '
Insurance law. and II woull not repeal the
law giving the Iltetest on publc fuuls 10
the ( Imubile. whlre II belongs.
Schiuyler Qui : AU the last image of this
Issue Is nn article from . The lice In regard
to time State ull\crslt . showing up the
worldugs of that institution. The more one
lears of tIme ulI'erslly and Its eXllenses
tha more one thInks that It Is an expensive
Ilxnr )
Tolrcge ! CitIzen : The people In ( lie towns
II the easter part of the state are rejoicing
becluse telephone rates wi be reduce,1
This wi cause ni the patrons of telepholes
10 rjolce. I telegraph rates woulll come
down now It would be a eon to the busIness -
ness world
Nehraskl City News : The next state air ,
which wl he hold al Omaha , wIll have a
building In whIch the manufactured products (
of Nebraska will he on exhIbitIon. This
Is Indeell a good Idea. and the ( exhibitIon
should he made permmianent. 11 lets ruws
of luIpltlns amid poor horse races.
Taruglol Herald : Time tItle or Immi-
graton has set In. Thousands of people
arc coming 10 Nehraska this sprIng. This
Is encouraging. People still have eonl-
deuce In the Tree Plan leIs' state , regardless
of the exaggerated stories that have gone
abroad about lie ( sufferIng , supposed to exist
here. There's better tmcs coming , boys
and thmey are riot Car almeaml
Plate County AlgUK : Time A. P. A. rem-
neat or Omaha , under the pretense of taking
the Board oC Fire anti Iolco Commissioners
of Omaha out of politIcs . are trying to be-
sm\ar Ihls department oC their cIty government -
mont wlh moro political dIrt anrl tutu than
was ever before dreamed 0 [ . Their Ino of
procedure Is very narrow , and their success
means the beginning of a rule of fanatl.
Holirego Progress : What western Ne-
hrslca leeds more than nnylhlnl else Is a
lucre Intelgent devclopment oC resources
The farmer who leaves Nebraska In the
hope of escaping douth Is quite likely
to meet with the sme dry condition In
some other stale Droulhs are general , as
wel as local. The proper allPlcaton of
Irrigaton to the semi-arid lands or Ne
brnslm wi be n strong fortIficatIon against
total failure. 'el acre under I system at
\Indml Irrigation . such as nearly every
farmer can hul < at . a slight cost wIll rise
enough to keel ho amid his famIly over a
dry season and every farimmor In the wetero
part or the slain should uumalce Home such
provision thIs year.
Clumtus Argu8 : Thomas J. Majors was
In 1lncoln time Iljor Ilorlon ot time weelc for
the IHrllose or swingIng the party whll
with Its A. I' . A. cracker over time heals
oC the reptmbhlcmums. The specIal work - in j
hand was to deprive Governor Inlcnmh or
time usual 1olnl\o Ilo\e\ enjoyed by his
delncratc and relluhlcan lretlecessors. The'lrate ' ! for Jo\ernGr husled hlnlet
UpOI the floors of the legislature us well
as behind the curtains with this ( unmanly
purpose In view. But , be It said . 10 the
credit or quit a number of rCIHhlcans ( hint
they store miamI are very much dlsKusted wlh
hula klnl or Iloallt , politics. They claim
Ihat I the rllHblcn parly has a higher I uln.
amid contains too lany self.rlsl.cllll mcn
In its ranIs 10 stoop 10 such peevish tactics
10 halss aim OpOI opmmouuemut .
7 mum . .17'1IJU I (
Milwaukee .10urnal : leoJllo who hust to
luck soon hose their own credIt .
Glh'lsllU News : Experience ; II I teacher
who ' ' delegates olhers oC
) Iw\'er dlle 10 any ls
Atchls ( Gohe : A- mlllen lady . In New-
"UI g ICNP8 a parrot which swears nod a
nioumkt'y which chews tobacimj Hhe says
that between the two she loc8n't miss I
husband very much.
Judge : Ahimei'tn-I believe 'Ol cal 'OUr-
Illf un 1lvunc.t wnlan. rl'ul"llh"I I
\'es , love. Albelta ( ssveetiy-'liien you may
tim [ the wal1" , dear.
Ihlllllllhll 1lcord : Newsle-l hear you
cut an 01,1 , friend dead time other day. nr.
Hcalpel-\'H ; I hell a ) est mOllem on iulun .
LIfe : Cnptmmlum-hf you saw n patrolman
cOlln Out a. I Inloon 01 a HUHII } ' , what
wluhl ) ' 01 do' ? Hounlsmal , ( l'ioiumlmtiy-Aslc
him Ilw he got Iii
" ' "I 110n't know whether
Hlrpel"'Veldr' :
yeti ' ll like ( lila . \1 I I peculaI Jlxlul'o of
n ml \ - Iki I gnJIHh IJ'elkfu 1 anti half
Ooiong. " "it certainly ought 10' he tlhl.
One of the Irsl mules ) I 10aleI , In Hchoul
was that we should always truss our leaK. "
New York ) I'rl , .
You may choke me off with lulnlne ,
You mf frlhtfn me sultht squmilis ,
YouIY , wil 81Ul19
You IU ' try 10 o\lrCOI@ I !
Wlh your tOllcs and your 11118 ,
But I'm t.tronger than your doctors
Though for miles uxlen,11 , their Cale ;
' . " " baclhlmim4-
little 'grIp'
I'm I Itlu "lrIJ" haclul-
And 1 gel there just thc same.
Highest of all in Leavening Powcr.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
K.oyal Powder Baking
t -
- - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fn UM.ItA'.S ; - 11.11:8. :
OMAhA . , : lnl'11 O.-To the Editor ot The
nle : Durin/ n reshtencl ot several yenta In
Omaha I have scarcely lulen n rip from
lie ( city that 1 hitro not been Impressed
ulon , 1) return with the lnnlrnll\'ene9
of ( lie city , ns compared wIth other towns
nnt cIties not mote favormibly Iluutel ! Nn-
turc his clone much for On aha. 'ho topo.
graphical situation of the cIty Is such its to
Innllc I wel adapted 10t only to the Sink-
lug oC comforlable hOles , blt homes of
great bNIUty tS well . Alt . that Iq seemIngly
needed Is n sf8\t\Rllct \ tort In,1 I
Imowlclle oC the best ) ! thol ! tOI llhr
wih n Ilsp.sllol , on lie I'al t or 1'101'-
ell ' holders 10 lulle Olie Inllrest In nl
good svcil lS Ilko sOle slrtll'c : for the publc
! II
A Clunllr , ] uolulon ( ( reut ! : "Whlt"er '
mnltel two blades of grass 11'01 whll ) ! one .
HI'w hdore Is 1 11110 iuemum'fntou. " 1 ' 'I\ul ' )
ture. nlli 11r\cullrl ) nllplkuhle tl Omaha ,
II the stnll1ent Ihnt whouI'er hllhl two
hOlcs on 1 lot ollnlte < fot- ell - one II n
PublIc vmietuiy. A fcallre of Omnhn' reHI-
deuce atm eels Is ( lint the houseS 11'
Cluwllct cloa Inlllher II localities \hn , '
tIme value of I'nl eQlnl' 111 t Clle % fOI'
such camile' ol'I''Ialor the ( Miuti Oil .
I louses Othiu'm'slse - ' - itlamuit
HOlsel OUI'I'wlle multI-actIve IIC \ ! hnll
II\nl lH' ) ds . alt IlmclIIC u stm 1k-
Iimg contrast with otiueu nvcrage Aumiem Iclitu ,
11p conlrKt wlh ollIerpc AIlcUI
cities lout ate 11"1 wih beautiful lmoumia ,
whllh 11"llnl ! wih I Ir'CI IIWIH , sit utli '
trees , shruuhl'r . etc . ( 'Hlall\ the
IWarlcl 11 Ihl ( leal estate IIN'IIIItl , has
mlll1 I llr inure lii miii I tea t Iml haute umitimii x-
Iou ! Iii ( hula city ' ( halt In uuimy city I "n\
before vlsltelnllll a late haiti led trip
to I Imllllpol ! I hi mitt thl' t t pl'aslre t\ gi , tl
Irnlh If North IllInoIs . .1'lI.hle I ) '
10 l1nHI the show , street \f ( lie city . ) . 't
\'cr ' hmomiio commelats of shuile houl" wIth
every hOlc cOII " 1 I11le ! " wlh
large 111 ! attractIve 11011(1. ( . At time 1m. '
I cummld hit \hlli 10 1Hllf that Ollhl ,
s'iiIt'hi nalUre has 1 In\'orl(1 10111 mint
how 1 Ilreel , 01 scarcely 1 block , 1''ull
to whal I lieu I sass'
'i'iie . localIty nr 111cem I 11111t , hnwi's'er , , .
eertnliuly hoist nltrnetIve. lii Its sit-ilmlty
CII.tallmnll nl\cl\'e. II II'lrlll
hllhl he homes In I helIlln wih ito ( IleIUI 1 t y '
of limo Ilatk , unit lutot'is of lunumses , or lalH 'I'
which are Heel nut streets Iladll tn the
patlt , Ild e\.1 facing II I ha\\ rc'lld .
near time 1111 for Hntll ( mimic . 'lh. tl..1
hOIHe I \'eulllell , whie ll Inlll" wits II
Iln ) ' mci'hicctS lie . elllal ur : \ ' reltahln
hOIle II lie city . uut\II'll lie ( house , a
dOlhle ole.'a ! 1IIIIIIte ) Ilnll\l' ( fen-
( tires , WithOut hnll , amid the ( small . l\WI
: hllTel i5uii4e . A houle 10le I..cell )
o'lpllI. ( whll 1011 pllal\t : II tIme lmildc' .
Iii wlhll two feet uf n hloek nr hlllt
hOIc ! l'ullln tim it a pien lance \f 11 o timer- '
\\'Isl ItU'ltl'e inline I lore Ilso no milieu-
lon has Ipen plll 10 the la\n. antI , , II
Icepll wih my lulghhor8. 1 Im\'a as II
back yard elher ( n 1111 hole or aim ash
hut time March \0111 there II n mot In-
tUI'esllJ Irlclll elllll110 ( ImlrO\'e- ,
lent Smie'leles , ( , ' which IH wel wOllh the
thoughtful conllllrllol ( or e\el' hOIlI-
hnll.r II Omnaitmi. I tells of the IIn'llous
chnlJeK that ha\'e hlel worlee,1 , In other
10\nH und ciles by village Imuiproveimietut
socIeties. I refer ( Ipeclul ) ' to one-Mont-
cml r . N. J. n mosl blllful t I luhurhan toss ii.
Whl'l I hail the plelur' rIHIIIIJ there
tttiimmt' 1\ , years . sIuic . timid yet lately very !
grc'mttly lnmumrovemb
glll\l Improve.\
: Ioltcllir : hits long he(1 ole of thp mOltl .
IlroJleI\l town ( f New , lllc ) 1n Mit im'im . '
18i8. lucre wnl a 1'1011" rlllnll 10 \ Il'-
lun' ( ( tim vlhtKU 1IIIN1\'lmelt. A coma nil t te'e
- "larll',1 , the next imioruuliug
ft\ tree plnllul " lotllg
to llrchale hll1111 of I'eel. wlh whllh
lie streets were eon Inc.1 Last AItl the
\Votimnii'a 'owu hnllrovement IHloclalon
wnl otJllzell. t iiegmmii Its w')111 wih
IhO'oulhneKI UII ellhullnHm , At n\1lhl )
nieetIimga the leerlH of Ihe toss nsere R-
leellll temalcn ! ! COIHilelell 'l'weive cOllllee ( (
. hue subJects
were npl.olntel 10 report on HuhJlctl
asslgiied to thel at Iht first Rell.nulunl
lepln . I was fly prIvilege to hear time
mcml ( ummlrahie. ijumalnessilke ! reports given by thin
chnlrlln of each of thls ! cOlmllee . or
die mll ) ' womnen'm4 Improvemelt societies
10W wotltlll so successfully . 101 ( within .
iiiy lemiowletige , . ItartclI with ito many mciii-
hel's \ Illallell ito cOlprehen"l\eIY or hilts
acc011111hl,1 so much In the first Six
monthR of its hil tor . Time occupation of
Limo bill pHler und of the Ilsll'lhutor of
clrculatl and hanllhll , haK gone. 'hl'
IllHlnce of defnclng trees , telegraph poles
amid fences hI nostrlmenles ! was nt once
aboilshmcti. The salutary committee lcec-
II'el ' nrpe , ! time wisest h 'glenlc Ilro\I/lull. !
State lawl and ordlnanccl of Ihe town
cotiimcii . which hind Inl heel I ( beau letter .
are 10W rigidly enforced , by the ( new Ilhlc
Heltment which the \omel have createul .
Ton omclals admit Ihat where they fnlell
these women have slcceelet School imtmtld-
logs nod shops In most towns are 111-
rounde.1 wih laper ICrfl1 antI the ! t.
But him n repent drive about Montclair I
found even theSe premIses . exceptionally
neat and tIdy. The contralt helweel what
I observed then anti , on enrlcl vIsitS \nl
gient The young follci' , too , fre effectively
J1'Pll '
enlltell In leellng the streets clean ' 'he'
ltOO memhll of lie ( Young People's
Auxiliary society have RI/nec n Illelle
agreeing to "worll together In mnkll !
Iontcllir , n happier place In which to live
: .
imy doing everything we can to mnle the
lown more healthful and beautiful. "
i'sluchi mIght be .Ionu for Omaha by 53'S-
teml " effort. The expense neell not he
great , alhough much hard work must he
rlone. WO\ld It 10t he a goo,1 , fcW for the
' ' better than ( d iscuiss-
" 'OIII'R club-mflhichi heleI .1scuHH-
log abstruse Huhjcll which rarely resul
In nl ) ' material it'neliVhnt ( matters It to
the wife amid mother whether there II mon-
omnetaiilsin or blmnetniliauii. hut I does mimi- ,
ometallm flml whelher the home II level '
al11 IeI iueaithifui. here Is I good suhject for
woman : Mllce 'our homeR beautiful , not
only limwamuhly . hit oltwar.l . ' . Surrmm,1 ,
them with la\nl. Ihlle , trees , etC : Infuelce
publIc opinion until fenceH are nhollhell ,
streetS ProlmerlY . ciemtuitah . an lulequate IIPlly
Hlrtls l.rO\er1'
of water furnIshed for lawns , etc. . thus use
of soft cOlI regulatel anti by public opinIon
educattu PiOPert ) ' imolders thumit in Imuiluling
something moore shuoulti lie' consiuhered than
their own immedIate Intersts nmmtl profit
Tlmt're is Inuleed no excuse for time huumildiumg
of resideimctMt In ( lila city as they are umosv
immuilt. or two or three unhitcH on omit' lot.
There Is mm remuutoit why Omaha shuotulti mmot
lUt'O attractive luorneit , w'imicii w'umuuith mint
emily be a coimstmuumt source of JO ) ' to ( lute 00-
eumprunt , but wctuultb enhmuttuen the niue ot
eSel3' dollar's worth of property In ( ho
lcinIty , eVen If oust Iii ( hut , city at lingo ,
jilt. A , E , liCICINi3Ot' ,
l'IWVJ ? ; .4 XI ) ill I iS ,
Prince lilsmnarck , iuc'cimh
Canada Is ruiumning hub debt aflil lute troum.
.Tolmn I' , St. Johmmi ealcuuhtmtemi he has traveleti
a quarter of mm unhlhion miles su Iimouit ( attaIn.
lug the uuuui5cim's of his chum.
Time Imuihlana itiess imas bdnthiy refralneti
trommi unorahizimug on ( lie Nebritaka helslatiu'e
Incident. Indlnummi limu lied troubirs of lute
It Is clearly wliuln ( ( hue pravlmueo of tli
heglalatumro ( o auumuuud ( hue titles of order b
emmgraftlmig a few hmaragrahilus on ( hit peaceful
( Cuitlency of wimldhera.
llia Wheeler W'Ilccix says she owes a gooul
deal to Cot-Sets , for slm feels so uumumt'ht betot
isimn she baa taken timeni niT that It is ccc-
( nllmI3- pleasure to wear thueni.
Up. hirinitiger , anti mit 'ciii ! Smite cmui hIp
auth thigh. Let others it rep numd gmmrtshu ( little
teeth o'er ( hue death numd woummmted Omurs be
hiacaums of ( iluifluluhm ! Are you ouu ?
I t is mmtiss iuimmtetl ( limit 3. Shon ( V'nsnot ( of
esv 'York Is lmuursimmg a hmmesitlenInh ( booni , Ii
Mm l ° .ussc'tt's IiiteimtIoii au-c set-louis liii
siunumlti Ilisiiemut' 55 Itiu ntmbrei'loims ( hum hula
lumimule' . 'flue lnumc'ouuip J miulglut lurovoko pain-
fimt rcflec'tloius iii ( hit' lit-nt of a eamuupiulgmi.
Time' cotmmmtry Is mint otut of thu svocnls In ( lie
mtuat ( cr of toreigim romumpllcatlummus , mumlecd , we
are seat-eel ) ' Cii ( lie thurcshtoid of troubles that
ivIhI lax our simrewtle'st tlIhihctiimmita to tireservo
I hmt' iieare Mnrk TisnIlm humis ulemarteui for
luIrOIo In search of a imiarket for his iuumummor.
'rho tinminhile Mr. Filch , a Plttslmumrger , Iron-
mubniiger stud coIeummmll'r , has lmlummlhy ngroed
tu ) mutisimimie' time' it ages of lila mmiemm Ii per cent.
su tiu anita' ( line Mr. Frlclc averts nit umumuimue
straluu mu Imla treasmmry by tiulvaumrImug tim Price
of time hlromhuct 30 sier cent. ThIs Is us chmarni-
I img spreilim emu 0 f h'eim ti 8)1 58 Ii in liii I imumi t lit-Ohm ) ' ,
h ii ( hue' uhui3's of lmI 3'otmthm t lie late lthchinrd
\'muumx was omme of ( its lets mmmcii whmo set ( Ito
5(310 ( for limnctmlhime' iittlru. Iii l'lulladelplula.
( Juice is'imu'uu oil imis m-vtuummu froumu abroad hue
hmrouighu ( a mien uhreas cimat from Skulls , thou
( hue i'oole of Eimrolue , It st-its left omm exImlhmItlon
mit a ulossmitosvum Moro for ( hue ( temuefit of ( hue
swells cf tIme' day. it coct $ i80 ntmd was ( ho
elms ) ' of iuhi thut' tiammullos
VItiuouit flunking niuy limirade about It.
\tOhiieiu art' uhally eximihiltimmg theIr almlhlty to
ima mmul Ic nh iii oct ii 03 t ii luig ( mma t coimmea aloim g
iii the ss'a of work Time' latest cxammmimle of
Oils Is shiest-n by Miss Ella Stessart , a young
5 % 011010 of ( 'oluiummhiuis , 0. , ssiuo for five years
has been on time' i-end as mu cumm-uummem-clal ( raveler
for it large Iutirulis are iuumtusc Shun Is said to
bui a very successful salesssnmmmamm
M Iss Nettle It. Cravcmm , wIuo imas appeared ,
timoumguu imot as a clalnuamit , In time FaIr will
Commtest , Is mmiii to ho one of tiu cles'erest
lioi I t It-ui mitt I mm Cmul I forum ha. Shut , I a a ivoniami of
euluucaloim , relhmmenmeimt amid tlechtled streumgthu
or cimmuractem tier juutlgmeumt of muon and
thlumgs Is excm'licmmt , nuud Is freuimmemmtl sommghit
ii- the ablat htartY leathers. Slmt hots a i'ldo
cii do of itoss'emttmh Irleimmis , huumt she humus mmever
motigiut immiblic vihlco Oxcehit lii time school board ,
lmreferrimmg ( ti Smulmlmort lutirseif aiuul imummintaImi
liii lummicluemuulvnco i ) ) ltatcitlimg 'i'hie into Sen.
miter 10011' tiSe'tI to say ( limit sime was ommo of
( lie safest aulvisers hue es'er mumet Time copy
of the isill ishuiclu she has lrothmuceit tiocs hot
iii eum t Ion ii e r mmmi umme , umor ii aes sue musk for aim y
of time' estmute. 'I'ite ciuiitlreum iutus'e accepted It ,
ituit time t'xecumtora , or omme of ( impii , at least ,
piohioses (0 ( figimt , cud imave begmun time battle
by attackimug Miss Craven , svlmo Is qumle capa-
1mb of defemmdlumg hmcirself.
SI TJh'l'I
Ilarperi flazar.
I do not elite for books at alt-I cia not hlk
to umati ; .
I Ciuiuumot work an Iuuerest up Iii nnybody'n
A tnie commid hmas'mi em mibyster ) ' lii eVery second
I Inc.
But it womului sshmoily fall to rouse a scott-
ummemmt of mmilime.
I do not came for mmmumslc-umiuusle'e naught but
imotse to inc.
\'t'houme'er t go to olera , ' ( Is immost umnsvlli-
I higl3' ,
Thuerto's un mmcii tImIng as hmmmu'mmmormy , as far
as I ' iii on mmecrumemh
I ssoumltliu't care if every bar In all time svorld
were hiurneti.
i : do mmot care for ummchimIumg-mmo ( ! I immie ( thmo
Ighit of mumulmitS.
It timt'3' look at It mis I do , it would mmrovoko
the saiuits.
Photo mievL'r Wits a pIcture In a house or gal-
I 013'
'Flint imelti tIme slightest bit of cimtmrmn so far
mis I could mmcc.
Shorts I despIse , anti always did ; nod
science-oh , lime uheuce !
Astronoimmy , geology-for these I have no
I ss'oumid not walk around the block to see
tlue biggest limo
'flint ammy science over kimew ( rain fleershieba
to Dali ,
Mimi as for fatco amid tragedy , and comedy ,
all PltuYS.
I hmtte 'eumu ius a modest nmami doOm hate time
piubllc guize.
I domm't lilt'- food , I don't like OrbIt , I don't
111cc gIrls or hmoyS ,
I ibomt't like gild or sorrow , aumd I have no
use for Joys.
In fact if ' ( were not for one thing I
siuouluin't emit-c for life.
It secimitu to be a grmmumd conmtuiuie Of trouble
ammtl of strife.
iftut that omie thing redeems It all. Fate
inmimle mmmc , hot ii. ( ueiIihm.
A htoninimoff , or Itotiuscimlid , but , what's best
of mill , Myself.
To lie myself ! My oss'mm fine self ! The one I
most iutiunlreh
'l'o wimmut couiluh omit , more sensibly , more dar-
ihigly imsimire ?
Mi , F ate , 'oui's'e mmmde ( he rest of life but
I J top nuiti s'mi iii t y ,
But you thlti (10 ( mile noble work , egad , wimen
3'ouu mnnulo Me !
C1-- '
: - -
this and Fisl-iiiig-
There'll b any number of days in which you
think you might catch a fish , lut if you're not careful
you'll had any number of cool nights and mornings in
which you can catch a cold , You can avoid catching
cold and live to catch fish if you hire us to Spring Overcoat -
coat Otl s'itli one of our iicv and nobby styles , such
perfect garments that our only competitors are high.
priced tailors who charge as much for their name back
of your neck as we do for the whole coat , Au Overcoat -
coat with our name in it as low as 7.5O , Retailers ask
$25 and tailors don't make a bit better coat for $43 than
we make up for si8 ; materials the best and style in
fashions' latest fad.
Browning , King & Co.
Itehiabiti Chotlilere , S.V , Cur , 15th atid Douglas Sts ,