Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    ( - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - _ _
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l- _ : : . . - _ , _ TilE O lAnA DAIIY nEE : [ ONDAY : _ _ , _ APUTL 'J , 18fj'j. } < n
- - -
c OFI"lCL , . . NO. 12 PI1tfi s'rmt : : !
' teulvrct by ) rer , to Iny f It ; or the dty. I
11. W , Tn.TON , LeS o ,
1 Tl'I.tIIO : - office , No. 43 ; night
ESluAlncrs otee 4
( ltor , Nc , . 23.
, i- 2..U
.U 1"OI ,1 l : " ; /0,5 ,
GrnIH , Council fliulTs. FL F Clark , prop.
r Mayne HCII I'stntc : agency , l3 ! nrolllwa ) ' ,
I The county Uperylsor wi meet this even-
I Ing anll mnlc nrratgements for the sle of
, i thc TOJO ( ) ( worth of hOII1 rcentIy 1U2J.
$0O reeent \su
! _ i 'V S. HKlon , hld ) pnreltnEc,1 , I feventeen.
i pound , ) r3cll ! ! bicycle , with which he expects
f % to knock some perlntnols Iurg ) the coin-
I 1 111 senson ,
t1 Thn fIrm of Doetkon & Wh310) have PiI
A' chns,1 . the drug stoclt otV. . N Yoiiig . who
/ recent ) mlle , 11 nssl llrnt. Dr "eotlten
r formerly oWlel1 the cUl lsllnent , and sell
' I to Youn/
' 'he captain of the Igh Sohol cnrl'ts has
Isucl 3 call for the Clllots tu assemble , pre.
pared to march , at 12 o'clock this 100n to the
Northwestcrl , Iepot to meet the momlJers of
h the Wlscnnsln ( lIce cluh
; . t A th.ltng of the city council Is to he heM
5 ' . this evenIng , nt which achier oC the fire dc.
, partinent. Street sUllen'lsor. meat Impeclor
,1 anll Iloun.lraster . wil 11rohahl hu eIcctd
; I Is reportel ( ! that a lellllon ; wi he pre'
Ecntel ! cllllror bids for the custody ) of the
ciy funtB.
Nargatot. wlCt of C P. Carnaltan . died nt
11 :15 : o'cloclc Saturday iiIiit , aed :1 : years ,
after nn Illess oC ten dYs , nt her residence , ,
corner or Sixth street and mJhth ) avenue ,
She leaves four children , Gertrudf , WIlliam ,
I Daniel and , ! \Viurd. Services vIii h holll nt L
ut. , . St. Francis Xavier's Catholic church Tutes .
day morning at U I ) o'clocl , He1. Sm'tho I
e ofciatng , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
We have over : OO.OOO to loan upon 1m. '
pruved lo\\a Carms lnrmerH desiring loa lS I
1 can ave money hy 'leall ' ! direct with us ,
thereby saving agents commission. We du ,
not loan on wild Innls ( , nor II Nebraska .
Lougee & 'fowl ! 235 Pearl blreet.
A . 10TO : : ' ' 111 : .
, \ lint 1111 Iiijtu ' tl.ln ) ' .
'Vo call ntenton to the extremely low
, ' prices made on de lralle melchanl11se In the
, J following Ileparllells :
I.WLS , NO'ii.TV Dmss GOOnS ) ,
, A henltrul lne or cloth capes II hlack ,
? . nnvy brown , tall , mode , etc" , worth $3lO ,
' ,1 on Mle at $2,2 ; ,
% Heavy hlack silk rape . Vandyke trlmling
I full sweep wol worth $7.50 , Olt price $ ! OO.
; : ; DON'T I'AI. TO Slm TIm NgW .iO -
. i1 , HAm CItlI'ON. TIlE Vlmy LATJST IN
We Illace on sale 11oulay a b" lIne oC f
A black rench strges at nearly hal the rormpr
. prices ; set values offered at 3lc , 39c , GOc ,
' 62lc Ind 61c a prd
Jf We have just received a new Ile of 12-In.
p novelty dress goods , geuIIs that Wcre bough I
i to sol for $ tiO I yard , the price for 101-
lay 89c a yard.
600 dozen Inltll antI embroidered Item
stitched handkerchiefs at just half mice
t. . 2 for 6c.
JJ ? sm SlO\ WINDOW ) DSPLAY . O ] [
g UlIBtmLAS ,
For Monday wt offer a 26-ln. carob sil Is
? ' umlrc\a. paragon frame natural wood han
dies , worth $ llO , at $1.00.
P 10,000 yards hew embrollerles just receive 1
. 1) which \\'t h:1 e made some cry low prlccs
to start the ueteoul.
A bIg lot of embroider and , Insertons ,
worth from lOc to 2c I yard , II one lot at L
6c a yanl See special value at lOc , 12c \
and llc 1' yard.
See our hue of cream , ecru and butercup 1
laces.Dack slt laces at the new IJrlces. See
values offered at 25c , 33c and 50c a yard.
; ' Council Bluffs , Ia.
: Marcus' fire sale Is drawing the crowd
The stock consists ot men's and boys cloth .
I lng , gents' furnishing goods , hoots and shoes ,
I hats and caps , trunks and valises. The goods i
are slightly damnged hy smoke , lat not an
. article Is offered that Is lot worth two or
three ( lines the price aslled. Open evening
Mrs. Albin bluster will have her slrlng
millinery display on Thursday. Friday and :
Saturday , April 4 , [ and 6. L111es , come
, out and sea the finest stock ot new goods II I
the ciy , 3n Broadway.
k ' , I , , ' ' , - ,
1'1lSO. I I/ . { 'IO\-
Mrs. J. N. G. Wiey leaves tomorrow or
b Sioux City , to ho I ture several weeks.
' fern , to : II and : IIs , G. N. Martin . a
Iaughter. lather. Officer Martin becomEs a grail ci-
James McGeachln ot Orleans , Neb. , Is In
the city , the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
I Iowitscn.
* . Mrs. John Schoentgen and famiy heave this
month for Germany , accou'panld : by Ecward
I ) . SchoentKen , who vill
wi take a course In mechanical -
chanical engileering.
" ) \011\0 "ut I ' ' 10 'I'hll .
I I Is the Insurance gasolne stove the only
ti . gasoline stove made that a child can play
I . with and do 10 harm. It tale' care or
1' ( ' Itself ; cal be blown out , heft open or turled
tt 1 el , and there Is no posllble way for the
( L gasoline to Ignite or rxplude. No sluieli or
' 1 1 odor , no dripping ' ot gasoline , no smel hlrnllg
k I your house down or burning your wife or
{ I . to Ileath. No misery ; nu to-
p. nerds , no deaths or use for aa undertaker
It you use the Insurance gasoline Stove , as It
Is absolutely Eafe. I you don't believe It ask
i any of our competitors , then ark them te
, Wow out their stove and leave It open for ten
I- minutes then apply a match to the stove
as wo do with ours and see what wi hap-
pen , hit be sure 10 he a quarter of a tulle
away berore he bights the match , as there Is
sure to be nn exploioui ; then 1\0 woullt ( nut
get to sell you an Insurance stove , as there
would he a funeral next dlY.
III1OWN'S C. O. B. I Solo Agents
Thn I , u . ii rut tu c'ft Ulonll" I oluvr ,
Jntroluce,1 ] , hy 1' . C , Do Vol In 189t , and
sold by him this .
season Absolutely rr" .
. Can't explodu No danger no sure you get
the "Insurance. "
I. C. flJ E VO" lOI Throadway .
Wil , I" " iso I ! " " , I. I , . . . .
t The Ocd Fellows lucid a m elng Saturlay
, ? - night , at which It was PractIcally decided to
arcept the offer male by O. ii. Simols for
. the sale cC the Ogden house. A commltlI
was appointed 10 make the purchase on the
terms arranged for \y the other cOlmlteo
u , . " and to report to the society tOlh ) ' , I I also
to arrange for the rental oC the building to
' bu1lclng
Mr. hamilton , the present Proprietor or the
hicteh I will he run ns I hutel until fall ,
I 1 when thio granl ! lodge meets , \ that Cal
It vilI b" decided whether tme
. , , wi .I , . . . _ _ _ , _ or _ _ , nol _ _ the ( . grJl1
, UUh" .un. " " . or
t nll . ' mlHS tle local
stockhohlera amI use I as I homo Cor ag
Odll Fellows . I this la l not done the Inten-
tion 18 tu have It ,
I ' I transformed Into the largllt
\ society buihding In the
hUlhlng city and 10 have an
, opera houc' cn the first foor ,
Ii Owing tl a recent accident Cox's flrownies
.1 will not reach Council Ilurs un 1 \ Irownles aday
I. Sea Challman's art wlnllows '
, _ vimiaws'cdnesd2y even.
-.7 Ing. _ _ _ _ _ _
. \Imt I. In te Nanu . '
I' \'erythlng It applied to a Ilaribnian , Piano ,
sold ly Mueller l'hlo and larllan company ,
103 Main street.
lrst.class otorago roonu Rate , $1.50
I month , J. IL SnYder wholesale fruit anti per
' : poduce , Council Bluffs , ha frui IUII
\ Evans' Laur.thry Co" , 620 Pearl
Lautllry " ; tel 20'
Ihlrtl , colars , curs , fine work a epcclaly ! , ( ;
Dr. Parsonsover Schneider's , ii n'W1
' Tel 215 , _ _ _ _ _ _ - lH
) thus heating stoves for rent and for sale at
Council lur GaB company's office. lt
" . W McPherson , hlori5t. Cut flowers and
planh. UeslE' work a specialty. Telephone
tH" 181 East Pierce , Council Blurs ,
Meal ticket " good for 21 meabJ ely U
b 1 tlcll , at Hotel
, Lit , Lugel , ofce 40 6tb ave ; tel 180. I
Eph1emio of Pastoral Rtsglltions ! App2nr
to lIMO Struck the City.
CRr" nln urllrloe tl thin Congregation-
Hector : Inheock of St , l'lut'll'renche
Ills l'nre'H'1 Sermln-Spcct. ,
Intlg on ills SUcc"Mor.
Four oC Council Ihluffs' leading : minister
hnve h resigned their pulpits during the last
fvt months , an,1 , IC the present rate keeps
UI' new faces will grace about all the \il. ,
pT its of thc city before the year Is out
Thrco of the nuuiubor Ilreached their farewell
s'rmons yesterday , and all three kayo for
the fields oC their new labors with the re-
grets not only ot the tnemherhlll of the
chlrches , but oC the congregntlono.
At the close oC on unutualy eloquent anll
Ilpreul'o sermon nt the First lresl'terlan
church yesterday morning , Dr. StClhen
I '
Phelps started his congrgalon by reading
the t following counmulnication
folowing communicaton :
To t , , First l'reslyterinn Church oC Coon.
lreshyterlll -
el luls , 11 : IJelr l"rlenlls-01 the COln- (
l ( 'hiiiuuiy , 1887 .
Ik .1IJUr1 , In ICCII'llnee with your
k I nll wih
iruvitation , 1 '
< Ilvlltol accepted the chaige oC
y our ptilplt. On the 2Sth ot June chnle fuhbving
1 was ; duly Instalel lS your Cullwlng
1I'fsb'tery oC Council Burs , 1Rtor ly cigiut
Y enl.s auth ' l'Ilht
yel'l Inll more oC work nnlong you have
l Imul'UI
11f11 delightful to Ine , H II for the joy oC
them 1 tituink both God nod ' ,
thlnk your.
After long rind earnest helil2erntlon , In
which I have svlght helvenly guidance , I I
nuw i ask ' Ilhllnct
you to Juln with iii
01 me re0uiisttuI
. 11
thl t prenbytery to diuti'ohve this forll requcstng
ton t hetwt'ij WI lS l'nRtur and PeoPle. : I I I
ISlr u ! YOI thlt the sunllcrlnl 1collle. tie ,
i t I t huotigh I earn t iy uuik It , ' te
IlholJh elrnesty Isk I curl not but be h i ,
h untufuul to Itie , for hn'u'
Imilrul II we hIVI' vnlhetl nuu I
WIIell ald
wOlltl,1 together ! 0 IOIg II Ihe8sel fellow - I
! hlp bunt I eh'eireu t ) suhurllnate felow-
felln R 10 'olr hcnelt ntl to rituly. \Vlti I
dl'Al' greutittiule for tull ' , , 'lh
dl'Al'11111t fil 11 your 1lnlncs cx
l ) I'essetl ! tllrughl the ' '
Iressll 1111h years In many delight -
ful vay , nuel wltlu ' for
" IU11 wlh praYer CorllsRlngs
I nuti rut l1'1 111' upon you and yours , I mlle
Ihls .
rl'Ue 1 Yours very 1111) ' .
= Pll
Council Ifluffs. Iarch Ih I , 1SD5.
That there has beel come opposition to the
pastor the , '
among lemhershlp of his church r
Ias h heel wel l.nOII for sonic little time ,
hut tire OlllJsllon was not of : such a nnture ;
al to male It at all necessary for him to
rslgn. I was by a smal minorIty , ami i
not an obtrusive minority at thaI The
church has been ) alMel1 with thE' 11'e\'alng t
financial stringency , and lacks '
fnnncial Ind several hun-
dred dollars ot having enough money sub -
scrlhed to foot the billie oC the current year ,
and this It Is believed , Is his princpal rca
sun for the acton ot 'oslerllay. . A meetng t
oC the church Is to be hell next Thursday : I
e\'tnlnh lt 7:30 : u'clocle In the church par-
bars for the purpose of hearing the Iloctur's
reasons for reslgnlrg , Until that time he
has nu statement for the Public.
At. St. h'uI's .
PtI's Episcopal church tht rector ,
Hcv. E. J. lahcccc , who has erved the
parIsh so faithfully . preached his Carewel l ,
sermon. I was ' listened to atentvely l )
a large cunl'regaton , and whie there was
nothing In thou discourse of I personal nature -
Lure , there was running through Il a thread
of suggestiveness. hhio theme "inuhiufeu .
sugestnness 113 thtme was "llller-
enc . and while there was nu scolding or
'fallt.lntlng , It was an earnest warnln
against this hindrance to both individual anll
church ( lovelopinont.
lIe Chose as his text : "And Gale care l
for none of these things " He spoke Irsl
of the beauties ot nature , and how they
naturally aroused feelings akin tu communion
with God IhmolC , 'hey appealed to a man ' 'S '
truer self. Whlo there was not In the ma-
tonal beauty any spirit to give Interchange :
between It and the heart , yet as all that was
good. true and beautCul emanated Crcm God ,
It should not be viewed with IndlrCerence ,
The beautiful adornments and allpolntment
of the place oC worship , appealing to the
aesthetic In mnn's nature should cause a
re ponse other than a careless whispering
or 1 lIstless regard to the service. The sense
ot tile beautiful was God's gif and found
its cbjectvt In himself. The beautiful was
a heh to the knowledge of God. The format
hahhu'ss of religious worship had been aim t-
Hrown and , on the other hand , the uinhin a-
Ied ritual and undue oratencss oC worship
had linseed away. The present Corm was
such a happy me3n that It should arouse
every worshiper to due appreciation and ci m-
thuslaslc participation.
In the portrayal uf the character oC Gale
was given a picture oC good-natured indiffe r-
ence The speaker dwelt at length upon
the details of this character , drawing thor C.
from some practical lessons for his hearer
lie fpole of the indifference shown 10 the :
crying neells ct humanity. lie touched upon
the use too often made ot Christaniy tu
Curther selfish end ! , The endeavor Lee miuai it-
lain sauna , social position often led . to s.ellsh- I
ness Ilame was Irouut upon . llrlslanl ) ' ,
not so much by atheists and scorers , as
hy those who , being In contact with th church ,
yet vlewell I and treated It as I It were
a human device I man-created orKnnlzaton ,
One ot Iho first needs to In arousIng from
this deadly indifference was for a man to
realize that he was I sinner lie would
theu bolt at himself . and not at others , and
train hlnselC 10 God.
lr , Babcock malle the Innouncement that
t:1 : Sunday school wuull maintain Its ses-
sions but that the hour would be chnnKec
lu 1 o'cloek In the morning , and that a
lay.reller ! wuuld hl securell to conduct the
morning I'rayer , amI that thur' surplcell choir
ivouhul ho maintained. Following the
woull malntalnell Ioluwlng murn-
lug prayer would be the session oC the
The annual parish meeting for the elec-
lon oC vestrymen Is to be hell on Easter I
1Iumll ) ' .
There Is 1 whlsperlJH ! that some art tnr-
lid ; their eyes toward Kountze's Place ,
Omnha. to seO I I would h3 Possible to se-
cure Hev Mr. 1.lwyd. lie Is a young man
who has uiomma un Ilmust phenumenal ! work
there , and his people woull doublcss malI
a muve struggling resistance against army prullsed
Ligiutruing . whll alli ruin Ihl not deter
n whole tabernacle ful of people front comIng -
lug out and listening to the farewell ser-
mon of Hev. EV. I . , \len itt the Christian
church last eVenh1 ! The Interest that the
event seemed to have awaltene 1 reached all
classes . alHI I Lime weather ha,1 , bocrm inure
favorable the large 1111"rlum woull nu
Ilouht ha\'o been far too smal to aeCOI-
1011lte nil whu desired to helr Ihe fare.
iveli remarts ! of a pastur who has hall amore
moro than ordinarI ) ' succeurul and hrl-
lant career. I alyboly , expected fome-
thing of a sensatulal character he was
riisallOiilteti. , ) The coulul
lslllolnted. sermon coull aptly be
clapst11 as a compaulon or continuation of
the frst enl he preached In tl city two
years a/o , I was emu the eubject of ChrIstan
unity , arid the alls anti purpoes or the
Christian chuuirehm I was a skillful SUI'
riling up of the work ot thl young pastor
In thus city , amid Ilchientnlh' the most fit.
! untO ejollller , 10 any . criticlermis that mlKht
have iJO'fl lalle npon 111111. The oasis of his
uPlleal was Cound In John xvI , 20-21 lie
defnell the Christan church as not being
a dlstnetvo organization , hut rather a
10vement for Christan I ni ) Ot the lll
IICerent sects lu Chrislelllol the Chrlstal
church was not Ilhtnctvel ) ' arms. Il I traced
the rmuoveruicflt from Its irmception In the
movellent Is Incepton earn-
est enlloa\'or oC Ttuommias
Tholas Calpbel , a de-
vuut . Presbyterian mluhter In Washlugton
count ) , I'eunsylvanll , In 1813. to harlunize
hue dashing of crels a ril hue warring ot
Christian factons , The Councer or the
movement , aCer carefully analyzing the subJect -
Ject , founc that there were two principles
underlying Proteuutantlsumi upon which there
Was no dl\'er nce : That the bible was the
Jlsilired ) worth ! ot God Ind that each person i
ha,1 a right to read It anti interpret It for
hlmselt 111 that Its leacllngs were so
plall and ! 8lmpl that "a waYfaring muon ,
though h a fool , need not err therell , " mln The
fuulder Ihco\'ered then the great founda-
ton upon which Christian unity for the
world must .1 * establshed was simply that
In maters of faith there was rio conflict ,
but that thuS contlct arose solely upon the
differences of opinion. Upon this funca-
mental IJrlnclple the Christian church had
tire creed that would , ] lake the world. Pre.
facing his arguments by sayIng that he
wu going to dodge every stuml or stone or
obstruction and ater clear anti avoid every
collision or contusion , or hunt any man's
I religious opinions , whether he b Catholic ,
Mohnmmtlan cr Buddhist , he proceeded to
male a clear , isawerful and beautul argo.
ment for universal Christian unity , letting
the church organization name itself 'mebnut- '
ever the prevailing opinion or the member
desired , whether It be the Church of Christ ,
Chtlrcl or the Disciples ChrJt n Brotherya
heel or any ot lhe ( other significant names
that lte Christian church had taken In
various localtes , In conclusion , he summed
up the work or the church during his peeso
tog rate In Council Burs , which had aggreb
gated an addition oC 300 members In the
two years ot his labor Five additions
% c ere m\lo : to the church this morning , sVe
eral were baptized last week anII the orcilb
min nce of baptism was to he administered , to a
n umnuber nt the conclusion ot the present
At the conclusion or the sermon one ot
tle members arose anti presented n set ot
very strongly worded resoitrtiomma
! resolutons expressing
the confidence at thl congregation In their
p astor , their love anti esteem for him , and
their earnest wIshes for his prosperity anti
prosperiy nlll
haplnes The resolutions were adopted
by a rising vote that brought al of the
members to tlelr foot , anti the others ircs-
ent who were not members
11EV. J. Ii. DA VIS' PAI WI I.t. .
Hev J. Ii. Dnls of the First Baptist
church preachel1 his farewell sermon last I
e\'enlng Crom the text found In the twentieth !
challter or the Acts , 21.21thrses. . The ,
frst fit ) orlon ot his s2rmon was meant to show I
that t the tendency ot thE tles was to reach
less l irborit the sins of the peolllo amid ) marc
to ple-8e them At tIre cOlcluslol of his serA
Ilon u he reviec eel the work oC the church
uneer his pastorate durllg the two year
ho h has been lucre During that Limo there
hal l heen received
recel'el hy baptism seventr-three
members ; hy letter , elghte\'en ; hy experi-
ence , seventeen ; totai 1St ; net gain , 108 ;
preRent l memhrshh > , 2U1. This I just thirty.
six lager than the church has ever known
In i n its hlstor ) ' . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11 : : t" , : U10' .
Big 1o".llg Sirk' .
Sale begins Monday morning , April I ,
100 pieces standard dress prints , 21hc yard
36-lnch Inhleacl11 L I. musln , 2'c yard.
F'runit of the Loom and genuine I.onsdale ,
m numehtru . 6c yard.
1.000 yards oC halC wool ciumuiiies . 10e yard .
A I our Jullcrted Prench all wool chalies u
luring sale 20c ynrl , worth 60c
1Inch nil wool Prench serge , In navy and I
lack , 35c yard , , worth 6ac.
46Incll French serge , In navy and black ,
goIng al SOc ) 'arl\
$1 II\mly \ . iO-inchu novelty black goods , we
wilt sell becals \\e \nt money , at SOc yard
7c novel ) ' black goods at 50 ) 'arl\
20 ant :1.lnch vlahn ChIna silks , In black ,
cream , navy brown anll gold , 25c yard.
20e pnre silk veilng , In navy , ham , hlack
ann brown , at lc yard.
Another big ribbon sale , mull sik ribbons ,
= os. 1 , ! , 12 aut 16. In black and all colors :
worth 20c to 35c , at lOc yare ,
[ pieces of genuine real hall cloth. 3ge
Nohbltst line ot ladles' capes anti chii -
, lrcmm'mu jackets In IhE' cl ) Flglrp with us
before you huy. Come In lonlay. ,
Couucl hiiuffs.
OCt U. \1'1':1 : ( . IS TUB II.UPI' : .
Un"IID Eltlrlulnmllt GIven for tire Ilnrlt
or the Y. : . C. A.
A rthcr umiiqma entertainment was given
lt the home uC J. 1- . Evans , corner oC Sixth
avenlt amid Sixth uutraet , Saturday evening ,
under the auspices uf Mrs. Sawyer , Mrs. Stud -
darn amid : IIs , Tilton. I was called a "trl-
benefit" for the Young Men's Christian asso
claton , Ind the figure three figured ec :
tenslvely In Ihe arrangcments Tie inuvita -
tons were tirrec-cormuered and prlnled In
three colors ; three young men sen'et on the
three comnmualttees of rcceptlomu , and
commllees recepton games rc -
freshments and feral decortons , the hanili
work of J. H. lcPherson , were In three
colurs A game vms played , the object oC
whIch was tu make as nanny combinatons a fS
possible of the figure three anll ifs mntmitiplem i.
There was a museum with a bowldcrlng
array ot "trls , " the exhibits Including a hun-
die of "excelsior" with Its delicate hint to
"try , try again , " some "trl".plo plated
spoons and an artistic representation ot
"Trl"lby's foot , In crayon , on the wall The
three fates were there , armed with a lot of
three-cornered carts bearing the fortunes cf
the guests , and tIme binding twine which too k
the Illace of the mythological fax , was nipped
off with a pall oC hugo plumbers' shears ,
The three blind mice , tie three crows thlt 5.I I
sat on 'a tree rind three fishers that went
out to fish and heft large families ot wives
ant children because they got drownell , were :
celebrated In the songs by the High school i
Iluartet , which by a strange mlsslrokc of
IJrovldence , was composed oC four young rumem 1 .
The practical part of the entertainment was u
the contrlbutun ot three coins hy each gues t .
The request sent out with the Inviatons' was L
generously responded to , and a goodly sum
was colccted , to bo turned over tu the Your ig
: en's Chrlslan association , to be used In the
IJrchase uC a carpet for the parlors of the
nQnflliltntL .
An gpworth league birthday party was
given at the Broadway Methodist church last
FrIday evenlog. Inviatons were sent cut to
tie friends of the league , each one being in-
vied to "come to your own party , " and brIng
as many pennies ( Ilmes ant nfckeis not
barred ) as he or she was years old Aleut
$40 was realized as the result . and $25 oC the
amonnt goes t th , ' Young Men's Christian
associatiomm. A musical program and reCresh-
ments were two very taking features of the
A ball will he given 11Ier the auspices of
Washlnglon camp No. I , Patriotc Order or
Sons ot America , In their new hal , over '
101 Multi street , Thurslhy evening , April 4. I
: lss Lulu HUIIo ! ! entertained th3 Busy B es' I
glld ' of Grace Episcopal church at her here ,
on South First street , Saturday afternoon.
11ev. E.V. . Alien was tendered a farewell -
well reception rhluy evening at time ChrIs-
tan tahsrnaclo IIY th3 member at the
church and congregation Air enjoyable feature -
lure ot the eveulng was the music several
guitar rind mnnlloln selections hellg ) rendered
hy : II ant Mrs C. A. Atdn ! ant : lssrs ,
i'amri Devoi coil
Iall Charles Harlcl" Mls Ie
Great played I plnnu solo which WS mtii
reeeh'fl , , A seclal tlmo followed flue mnmrsi-
cll prolram ant reCreshments wore served
Me . Alen leaves tomcrrow for his new field
oC labors In Buralo , N , Y. = u slccesscr for
him In this city has been /eclret ,
Miss Blnl later on 1\'O given a surprise
II a lot or her rrlends last Tuesday evening
at her here , 1724 Sixth avemumme . who visited
hel' In a hody. Ilcalled hy : lss ' : lut Duncan
cC Omaha 1111 Miss . ! reel oC this ciy ,
A .elghtll lme was hlH\ Thin , following :
were IJrcsent : Misses Weibuurg Bulerlehl ,
Ibodder , Malcle ) ' and Ilncln of Omaha ;
Misses Pool , Maloney , 11arll , Spearman ,
I"lnney , Leper , Bonnet t ; : lescames Brown
arid Inlelson j Messrs Stukesluerry , Oc'.mcl-
tree , Vandenburg of Omala , Smih , Shipley .
Marie , Hshel , Bro\\'n , Paterson , Hanson arid
Palon , alt
Thu T , 1 T.s wno entErtaln at time .
home uC Mime Mabd Hick 01 Wiow avenue
Unity gulhl will give an entertainment
umler the manager'nt ot Airs irees at
Hughes I hal Allrl 18. ae
CrIIIIuli : IIIRN .t1hrhl'u IN ' 0\ N ,
- .
\llcon.11 Urriv.'rrIty itinri.'muts I ntrllilod t
nt tiru . ( lull ) irnurri. , C 111.
The Gee , Banjo and 1iantoln chubs of tin )
Unlvenly of Wisconsin arrived In tire ciy
yesterday morning at 9:30 : o'clcck over the
Northwester railway on their special trainer n
or three cars , amI their movahle hulel Is let L
UI' In the comuipany's yards. I
cOIpanY'1 Forty young race I
art In the cOIpany and a jolier set Is seldom I
seen I\'tn In cOlege circles ! , whlcb are noted I
for their got Celowahlp ,
The train Is fitted tip with all possible con
\nlenccs for travelng , One car Is let apart L
Cer sleeping and loafing IJUrposes , rural with r
its lines oC hooks , coda oramented wih a I
dress coat , Ilalr of trousers , valise or other
brIc-.a.brac , Icoks
brlc'o.brac more like a Llothlng store
than an'thlng else Stacks of banjos ,
gultau aumd other musical
all accoutrements m
SirO % % ' tin nature ot the
slow Inhahlalll , and tin I
pUnk or the mandolin Is abroad In the land ,
Anothfr car Is the diner , where , three tfnmuea I
a day , or oftener , If the spirit moves 11l ,
young felcws gather to appease their app -
Iltes which haa Jeaae
Ues , \ a periodic longing for roast L
beef minI brown potatoes which sweet liar
meny sems unable to wholy satisfy , The
imoker sail baggage car C011IIIetes the outfit .
Yelterca ) atternon the members of the or
ganlzatcn u'ere entertained at flue aanymede
W/eel club rooms In an Informal way. The
afternoon was sput In getting aCQualntel ) ,
and . few vocal role by Messrs , B1C'J and I
M erse and some pl nolullc by l'ror ShirCl ,
1'lh a number or colllongs of the more I
devotonl sort , such 18 'hlo , Ye Wlnl , of
th e Mornl-I.ln , " an/I" / " " ; here Wu n Men
Named Peter Gray , " tbrbwn In by way of
variaton no on. , served to ) \US a } pleasant after-
Time concert at Dof"ny 8 opera house this
evnlnl promttes t bt a lrllant affair
loclal ) ' . Several bOJes ' R\'O been engaged
by ptople from Omaha Inqc11he advance sale
ot seats In.lc1te thallarge crowd "I be
pr esent. This aterloo :1 : the clubs will I
entertained at 1 rcc litlon In Omahn given
by Mr anl , Mrs , Mqmtg mmery. The concert
w ill bo n musical treal , ' .or alt thl press re-
ports indicate that " er'er tIre peu men
have beel they havenuudo _ _ a frOSt favcrmuble
Impresion I , Time nrogum Is fibbed with
catchy music , renllered with n snail alll n
vll that are dlttnclvl1 features ot college
ir uusic . The folowing , lathes have consented
to act as patronesscs for' the occasion : Irs.
H erbert Arthur Wodhury , Irs. Ii. I' . liar-
rett , Irs. E. B. hart , Mrs. N. I' . Dodge ,
M Irs. E U. Ayltsworth , Mrs. Hor3ce E\'trel
M rs. W E. liahnbritlge , Mrs. Joseph Lna I ,
M rs. Jacob Sirs , lrs. J. W. Squire , Mrs. J ,
J , Shea , lrs. Joel Stewart , Irs. Jol1 N.
lalwln , lrs. V. E. header , Irs. Thomas
M etcalf , Irs. John M. Thurston , lrs. John
I , . Webster , lrs. Carrel S. Montgomery ,
: IIs. Mathew A. lieu , Mrs Elelil Martin ,
M rs. Alfred J. LUlt , lrs. Henry V. I Cody ,
: Ira. gcrunll 0. McGiiton . trs. Henry P.
Stoddart , : lrs , Lauren J. Drak" . lrs.1
A . Carson , Mrs. Joseph A. \\'llnI8 , : \1 IIs.
H enryV. . Pennok , : lrs , Thomas J. Mackay ,
: lrs. Charles Iendal Adams.
( "r".t , t urt"ln strut , 1 hung immie \ .
46c < ualty Incn warp lttng , 29c yarL
40c quality Jal13nes ( matting , 23c yard.
All wool Ingrall carpet , tIc al1 Ge yard.
Body Brussels , Wion , velvet and ) mno
< uetes , at $1 'arll.
: lOuele rugs , size 27 hy 63 , at $2.63.
Japanese velvet rungs . size 21 by 63 , at $ .9.
Smyrn rugs , size 21 by iI , at $048. $
Smyrna rtngt , size 26 by 63 , at $198.
Smyrna rugs , size 30 by 70 , at $2,48.
Sm'rna rugs , size :6 by 81. at $3.63
Felt curtain shades . with fixtures . 15c.
Opaque curtain shades , with fxtures , 2ge
and 39c.
36-lmmcii dolde curtain swiss , 12 : , ) 'arl\
Im = NSON 110S , .
Counci Iiulfs. :
Yes , the Eagle laundry Is "that goud
laundr l ) ' , " and Is locatell nl 721 1 iiroauiw'rty .
I 11 douht Ihuut this try It ann le convinced ,
Uon't forget name and number. Tel 151.
- - -
Don't forget the Waverly Is the best high
Krlde bicycle uut. Our 21-him. Eclipse roal-
ster Is UII to late Full line bicycle supplies
nt Cole & Coie'mu 4 Main street , supples
Davl3 thug , painmt glass moan . 200 B'way.
' , % 'Onurfl % 'ho , l"vo M"tl. Ilnno for 8IOUO-
CUC " 'url h or ' 1' ' nu , ' rat' ru C 111111 I I n I ' .
\'iid could plan a C0110110lS IlwelnK
house h better than a W01nn 7Vhuo should
know the convenlencos oC pantry , stairways
c losets . etc. , :
more thorol/hly than thc one
whose Imo\lcd e his to keep tIme establish .
10nt m In running orderViuo , more :
clclent ) than a Irotmeowifo sholid
plan 1 the essentals uC good house-
wlCery ? That In the present tmt :
a man does 10re comlletent ) comprehend
these things Is due tu training inure than t
Inherlanco i or Imutuitiori .
The dlnculy has boon that until the last
two year Ito Inducement In the way oC
practical training has Men offered for girls
' rIme advantages , for architectural Perfection
h ave all been gis'em ( to the menu. Event the
opening of such a ciopattmnent at the School
oC Applied Design Was a supply to create a m
demand , and the somali class oC five women
who joined were pbrsuatlell Into it.
Miss hands and , Miss Gannon , who have
nn ofce In Now York ; , are trying to hrlng
themselve more quickly Into IJromlnence
hy solving the tonenicnt house Problem ,
Miss Hands and Miss 'annon have talked
to tenement house keopr1 ant secured their
views on the . :
They :
have also " lken coulsel , with time College Set
tement women . who ; after long hattlng ,
are famlnr with thglosso t defects ot the
present tenement bo sc' system Through
each garnered expoMpIoo this feminine urn it
ot architects hope _ to erect in tenenient 25xl00'
feet , , where families ' , can ha healtltfutl
housed. healhculy
Their newly completed plans give light : ,
all and separation for every family , Is lght Ire-
proof and Inexpensive "Could any man do
better than that ? " they IIUerled !
1 tbese two young girls-Cor they are
only 18 antI 20 years at age-havo their de -
sign accepted It wilt mean an order Cor :
Investment of money In tenements -
meats , which ot course , will secure their '
future. I will also prove that
I1'1 women hay 0
stmcceeded In still another
slcceeded stl Inother art Ill intitustr3
This will not bo time
11 first approved work
of these clever girls. The Florence sanitarium -
tarium In San Francisco Is ot their liar
nlng. Two dwelng houses In Mount Vernon -
non , two macro In Staten Ishammul one at
Jamaica L. I. , ) the Huclmwav Hnnt
club have been Inlshed , while ' thmieo
churchcs amid a California millIonaire's
homo await their plans for mllonllro's .
This record seems sumcicnmtiy briglrt to '
slfclenty brllht encourage
courage other women In studying archltec-
turo as a proCession.
Miss Mercer oC Pennsylvania Is another
promIsing young archiect , The splendid
woman's hul.lnl at the coring Interstate
exposition In Atiammta , Go" , will hear
expositon Atanta " wi testi.
mony to her talent , test-
Miss Bellen and Miss HaYden are recl-
uned among a tow others whoso successes
seem to prophesy a golden future. As a
measure ot e < ualty tbeso gentle aspIrnts
have gained the notice uf their haughty
brethren hy each having been invited to
join the Sketch chub ot New York and enter
the competton at the ltalx Arts In Paris ,
4lrt Eteoi'uiL 1"/01.
The two wives were clscusslng the pe-
cunllr ) ' IJecularltes of their respective huus-
banlls says the Detroit Free Press , anll they
colnchlell with great unanimiy munitil they
reached the point of their own relation to
the lrse-strlngs. relaton
" : ly Iluhanlt never gives me a cent of
money Inls he growls about my extra va-
ganice . said Ol'e
other 'Mitme , does the same thing , " attested flue
"But I get even with him , " and her face '
showed the color of satisfaction .
" 110w do yon ever du It ? "
"I gu through his trousers' pockets when
he's . "
IlleCI. I
" .
"Goodness gracious ! " exclaimed tire '
othel' . " 1 woullln't rio that for anuythinmg. ' '
"Why not ? Haven't we a right to . the
money as wel as they have ? "
"Yes ; bulL I wouldn't gu Into my hus-
band's trousers' pockets for I , "
"I'd like to know why ? " cube Indignant
at the apparent reproof ,
"Because , " hlushed the other , "he carries I
his money In his ost. "
IUI.I J'll ' ' t.OI,1WST ,
' -
Cedar Haplds Itepubli ; an : An Iowa dtmo-
crate paper says thlt the state demoera y
Is getting its second s'inti I appears , however -
ever , 10 ho coming In spa modlc gasps
Cedar Gazqte : The death of Judge
Scorers at his homo In 'Osllaluusa on Sunday :
lust romol'es trom the legal circles or Iowa
ene ot its brlghtet qnd most conspicuous u
memher Ills / . a remarkably succeOsful i
career , and as a supreme court judge he was r
alike an honor to his state and his imrofosuion .
Iowa has lost ama of its first ctzens ,
a\'enport Democrat : Kate Shelley , who I
saved a Northwest passenger train from
an open bridge at Domino , la" , a number oC
years ago , Is reportel to ho tenehlng bchool I
near her hume ther . The Waterloo Courier
has started a mo\'ei nt to make her an at :
traction ot the next t fate fall Kate got
$00 out of the road and I hattul of glory
from admiring Iowans , hut their Ittenllons r
to her never took the Corm at a cash testi .
mmmoriial Sine has had about all the honor
she wants I there Is any money 11 this
state fair scheme I noisy b worth pushing.
Sioux City Journal : The friends of Senator
J. B. Hursl ! of Union county are making e
very energetIc and effort In be. I
half of his candidacy for the republican nomi-
nation for governor Senator harsh Is In.
deed I man wel known and well apIJrove
In Iowa ills service In time senate has
favorable Impressed his associates
and the
public . Ie hues been successful as I busl-
lutes man and In every field oC btort which ;
he has entered. That ho would make a good
governor goes wihout laying. Time activit3
of his home supporters Is one at the obvious
features ot the campaign ,
, _ . . -
- . , - . : . - . "
" .
\fnr lchtccn the \cstw Union nnl Ifl
omJ"nl (
Chicago Tribune : Unless all Indications are
mltleallng , the United States : in ices than
two years ' mny \ the scene ot a battle for i
luprcmacy In tit telephone ' thl between
two oC the greatest , 'eattd interests In the
world , There have long been rumor that thl
WeBErn Union Telegraph company 'mv5 FO
m itch Ilssatsle\1 with what It cllmet1 to ( be
n violation cC the spirit ot tine contract cx- I
le ting btwcen It and the lel Tlellhone I
company that It
I proposed to enter Into the
telephone field Itself . Au the imifornmiation
Al hlCormaton
that II obtainable points to the conclusion I
that the great telegraph company hiss about
reach ell a Ileterminaton to the nel
eomJny on its own ground when that conriv '
tract ends. I
The key ot time sItuation with respect to
this t mo\'e Is to be Counll In the fact that
the contract In < uestOI expires In IS97. 1
has becn gentral ) ' supposed It hall 1 much
longer tme to run When It was enterell
Into years age its Intent was to divine the
eltctrlcal uslness oC the couutry so far ins
lho transmission or sOl11 aUII slgnll ! was
concernell , Tins Western Union , shortly
afer the telephone was perfecteul Into Fome-
thing moore tln a toy . Inauluratell a telephone -
phone s'stem of its own under the Gray
P atents . 1 was speedily found by the Bell
coml1n ) that the Western UnIon rivalry'H
was dangerous , anti , on the other hanll , tire
Western Union was mantle to believe that a
workIng ngreement wih its principal 011-
pOlelt woull he lvantngeous ' . Negotatons
Cor a contract were aecollngl ) entered Into
between the two companies , crummier which the
Western Union undertook to retire from the
teltphone fell durllg the letlme of the
ngrement , I was made a enelclnry oC the
telephone t usiless to the extent of receiving
a certain sum for each Instrlment per year
The Bel C011au ) on its part , agreed to
carryon a business which should In no way'I
comlleto with thO uslness or the telegraph
During limo first few years the agreement
worked tu the satisfaction ot hoth sides.
Lnter on , however , the lieu 1 COI'pn ) ' en-
terell upon operatons which were declared
10 t constl te a violaton of tIme prlt , ! ! oC the
contract. I began building long dlslanc31
wlre3 to be Ised for 11honlng. I went b-
yond this , fuel cqulpped the wires wih
: lore Instruments anti loused them to hruk.
crs In competition wih time hosed wire sers't
Ice i of the Western Union Vigorotus rernoni
stranees were made hy the Wester Union ,
lut the hell eomluny took roCug hehl11
th : corporation known as the \morlc1n Tele-
grl11h and TelephonB company , which carries I
un the long distance telClhone and the lelc- (
grnph business mentioned. Alhough It was I
well known that that company was of lel I
creaton , Limo hell clnlmlt It was an Inde .
penllent corporation. / The alleged irregular
Morse telegraph service I Is said was being
cnrrled on hy an outside corporation , and I r
the letter amid Inttlt of the DgrCmelt wilt i
the Westcrn Union ' ulis .
was being rudely ls-
tn umrbeii . the fault lay with the wicked part -
leI n the I American 'Celegraph all Telephole
comlalY aror ! all.
Tile Bell eOllJany has gone On buiding
Its i 10Ig-dlstanct wires e < llllped with lorse ;
Instrumelts l as a colateral feature until I L
hns I created I servIce oC many thound i
miles thurouJhly syslematzclI and so wel I
malagell n as to constitute an Indlrtct COlpC-
tton with the " 'ester Ullon , Not a mitch
In i this polcy of aggression has escaped the
\'ester Union peollle.
I has always had a largo nlmher oC met m
In i time fell unller the coutrol oC its coimstrmrc -
ton department. In time last two years flu S
constructon gangs have been Increased nll I
the company has strung an enormous number -
ber oC copper wires I has not only 11Ied I
down wires which were In good order a 11 I
replaced them by heavy copper conductors ,
hut It hits moreover , erected these expensive :
pensive lines largely In advance of the corn
pany's needs The result oC this work Is the
' 'ester Union has a system of metallc
CalIper circuis much greater than ' that oC
the American Telegraph ( and Telephone corn
pany. At the end oC thl52 circuits sounders
are tcking today. I would he an operaton r
Involving only a few months to rip uut al
the Morse instruments and In their places
connect telephones.
The supreme court decision In the nate - '
SUlzburger case last week Is , admited by the
best informed electrical men to have coma
plelely destroyed the more vallahle telephune
patents. It' Is asserted by men who ought
to know and who probably do , that the
Bells hold upon the telephone system of the
country , su ( mar as the patent olco Is concerned -
cerned , has been shaken loose Coreyer. 'ho
main patents having been destroyed , It Is I
possible for the Wester Union to secure
the best telephone Instrllents available at
slnlply the cost of manuracture. Its dec ! -
Irlclans and Inventors cuull easily cunstruct
tIme minor features of a telephone service IC
any were needed
I the Western Union enters the field at
the explrton ot Its contract with the Del
Telephuno cumpany , which , as said . Is less
than two years hence , It wi begin oper t-
tons In such a way as can hardly fail to I :
- - . . .
- -
precllllate a Iletvar , This will 1 .luD
to the vast difference between wi tnlHRc ,
ment anti thl Inaldnl organization or time
tIO C1pllcs. : Thp telephone bUBlncs , aa
con,1uctNI , by the \mulcan hell Tel ll\no
COllln ) IR I'lt B'StUI ot "II' IR within
wbceh , The whrlo < omp3n ) ' Is allotted to I
sum bortlinutte connpormy : or tire Aiimericeun hiehi.
oom\ ) tht AmerlC/n Icl.
In cacti dlR\rlcl \ ControJtl ] by these subor-
Ilnate rollanles there are Innlmenble lit-
te cmlnlcs , 'tine eoumtrtuiling Interest In
ni i oC t.OI . ) Is held ! by . the Amcrlc/n Bell.
I Is alleged thnt great numlers ot the
companls wltln tire ! American , nel ) Tele-
I id none Cllpal ) are stocked snl , botled BO
heaviy IS to niche It practicably imposSible
I for the Bel cOII'an ) ' to rCllce its tel rates
, geloraly anti Inee the fixed Ilnrges which
cI'er'hero stick to its organization. I costs
I to oper.tte a telephone Illeh less titan 1 sub-
scriber Ia's. , In Chlc31o , for instanmce a
teltlhuut costs time local compan n lithe
I O\'tr n a 'e3r. These flre tony bt an
oxa/craton , hut they are lurnishcli by telo-
I ) ) holt macmm. Whie there Is npI'tronty n wille
I margll hltwecl limo coSt or Ollerjllon Ohl
i t tl uc' n\rat charge 11alll h ) ' suulmscrltmers nlll
'tho ' Jlrofts would Hem tot Imla , It Is
I slhl thr t ehoseet ' '
' hI Closes IlanagelElt Is leCeSal' In
or , ier 10 pay the \ ' net 101\1 uC lutrC t chares
tnll dividends \ hlch time seclrl ) ' hohler' hvl
! learnell to
expect , nlhl wihout which time
steels of the eamumimanry would he greatly
umlflY reitly
arecttl II the Itrkt , !
Al over the COlnlr ) ' rivals to th ! lel are
sh Jrll gl lng liii. Thl lallsnl I i I Telephone CII-
1'IY uf this cl ) haM 1II'alirl its territory \
II mmiany hubacce. 'rime Hell iras cut Iller t. ,
larrlson charges tl some IItlne.s two or
three tinnes . 1 Is Fall II a fght with
rl'als or this I 1(111 I I t rum I ghr t win I h ) \hl11llllg
them In detail , IJro\'ldel the process did lut
h ave 10 lt Incelnlcly "rolongell.
I The Weterl Unnion's Inalcl31 oralizton
Is i wholy IIIerent , ' \hc C011.IY Is one oC
the best nnmanuageui
lannet corporalols tn tire world .
I I has only two aceoults on its hoolls -reo
ceillts nnll eXIetllres. At the \Iresont \
tle t Ile rivalry to the \lstOI Union Is
C0llJrlEe,1 , hut the Postal TelrRraph e0l11any
011 the Long Dstalee ) Tele\Ihole \ cOII'aIY.
I I allmlte,1 , 10 he as sharp a cOl11ellon
ns ni ) time telgl'nllh commulu.tumy ever eueri ; '
encel\ Always slol to mnlC ralral luves ,
the \\'estel'l Unlol has not Ilevlatrll II 11) '
la ) ' frol its lon.setlrt polc ) ' oC prelllln ! I
for what Is to come , su that wih Immcnse
c apital auth a systenmm tried huy' ' oC
capial alll S'Stt1 trlet ) years tx-
Ilcrlencl i when It tlters the telephone iOnIc
there wi lo a strlggle the ell oC which no
ole can roresct
I I ( not IIOWI II what secton or the
country time \\'e terl Uliun wilt hpgll Is :
telellholc t operations , hurt It lay bo taken m
for granted that when It lues s It wi I
create a scrvlce that will Ilcludo long.
distance wires ant systems In cIties I Is I :
asserted hy the hest Inrormcll that tIme Wcst-
er Inlol coni mimeet nuuy' isle tIme hell coirli I
u uiuhce anti thrat it is tlue only comicemmi tlna t
fiint the hell to a fimmishu for comutrol o I
a held t imat Ii a s y' ielch cti I mu ruemmee him mu cia 1
h iarveots amid tlmat
nulmnitteuhiy iras mimer a
vithmliu it.
i'ln ) p.'nrl C , , irri ,
An incimlent occumrremi mit the trial of tb a
B arber will casa in thou superior court 'linuur's
t iny' , says time liartlorti Comuranit , wimichu is a
l ittle otmt of ' .
time ou'dimmary comnrso of court imro
c ceuiirmgs. TIco jurors hail just crumume iii at tim 0
a ftermmoon sessiomi amid tnlcenr their seats , ho
J nudge I hail was a few minrurtes iito. liessi o
h arbor , onmuo of time testator's blight 11th C
d utnmghiters , who bias becim a constant cruel am a
o boerving sjeciator mhunmimmg tire six wehes' tria : i
o f time case , nuotieeui time rhehay , amid , bncnmint to
little immupatictit , lln.uiiy ran over mmd cimnke 3
C ii ) unto tire siueriff's cimeulr , rcac'ircmb over fo r
t ire gavel cud bratmglut it tioivmm with a wirachu : ,
a t thom nanmo tirume smcaleinmg onit 1mm hror so cc t
l Ittle olce , " 0 yetlm , 0 yetiu , 0 yctlr. "
Myrtie Thurber , ilessie's little sister , tlrcure .
1 11)011 mitmurted in quest of tire taruiy lawyers
a mmni , meeting one of them commminmg Iii at tim
d oor , eattlu "Iturry up , Bessie inns jima
o pemmeul commrt. "
Bessic , mmot satisfied with ope'ninig court
l ater in time afternoon , tiunrinig time recrsm ? '
made her way aroummel imito tIme witmmes S
stand , ' amrti , raising bier right hmamuml , stoo
there , bier brigiut eyes appearing just ahoy
the level of flue hmailinmg.
"What are you doummg lucre , Bessie ? " cake
ommo of tire coumnsel for tire contestants , bcn
l og over hrer ,
"I ama tlotmig just what the men do , " re i-
plied I3essho.
' throostng tire Nurtlommuui Capital.
1t's not generally known , says flue P1db
delphtia Record , but it is a fact of luster :
nevertheless , that Bristoi towiaslutp , lying c
time east Ithe of Germmiantown , hail en vet
nmarrtmw escape from being selected as ti
sitt of the capital of time UnmlteJ States.
VCt5 a very smiuail mimatter 'irat turmmeuh tl
chmntcc toward Maryland amid \'irgimmiem ,
positive were some members of commgmess thuu
time capital was going to be kcat"d net
Germantown that they purchased real csta he
tlmerc , not , of course , as a niater rut spocuml : a-
tion , but sinmimly to be near at iuammut vlmeui th
reemmoval tromum Plriladeimiuia to hiristol toe
idace.Vhmemm time 'ote of ttmme cumumnnmishmre
was taken thuere was a : te , four beimmg I
Bristol and four for tIme l'sstrict at ( ' 'mm :
hiaVasiuimugtorm cast he ieci'1lmu vt.u at i
Bristol township was left out iii time cold.
What s
i .
' ' '
Castoria is Dr. Sasiouci Pitcher's prescription for Infmuitia
niitl Cli'iltlroia. it contains neither Opiitmn , llIOrplilUO iioi
othcr Narcotic substance. it Is a liariziless substltuto
for Pnrcgoric , Drops , Soothing Syrtops , and Casutor 011.
It Is : Licasnttt. Its guarautco Is thirty years' usc by
iI11lIons ofMotlicri5 , CaHtorimt c1etroy'Voriuis anti allays
fcverlsliiiess. Castoria Ire'euutS vomiting Sour Cimri1 ,
cures D1arr1iaa and Wlmd Colic , Castorla relieves
toetitirug trolllIcs , cures constipation tuni flatuluney.
Castorin assimilates ilto food , rcgtiittte:4 : tito stomach
iiiid. bowels , giving licaltity and natural sleep. Cas' .
toz'la ii tIme Cli ilcireat's Pammncea-tiac Mo ther' Friend.
Castoria. Castoria ,
, castorIts man ezce'lcnt .
medicine for cliii. u
Castorla i vcil
so admmptedta clmihtlren tinat
dremi , Mothers hnaso repoatdhy told mu of its recomruniciai it
good ellect. uimou their chiildreu. " kmmowui to use , "
Ba , 0. C , Oaoon , IT , A , Ancrnmam , M. 1) . ,
Lr. . oil , Mass. ill So. OziorriSt , hirocklyn , , Y ,
I' Castoria ti tue lmt'ut re'nmuothy for cluilduec of " Omur pimyzielunmn inn flue chriluirerm's depart.
nuhnicb I ann acquainted. I imopu thmo day is mot ment hmautm spokcn lrlgiuiy or tbelr oximerl
far distnmt wluemm mothers m'fllconsider tue reci t'mlt'e In their outside vracticc 'mvithr Castoria ,
interistof tiueir chmiiiirea , aol tue's Castoria in. autO although smo omuhy hove nmnionm onur
teadcf tiuovariousquackrmosrunismshrhc1tar'o emmedicai suppiieum what is known as regular
dt'stroying tiutir loved once , by forcing o4mmrn , produmcns , yet uo arc free to conuteas tieo thus
mrmorpbimue , soothing syrup amid other hurtful mncrbto of Castoria lieS 'mvo " Cs hook with
agents down their tirroats , tlucreby rucading favor upon it. "
Iluemu ku prennaturo graves" UsmTSD liosI'mThL a lisi'smi&nty
Bit. .1 , F , Knmicnst.oe , Uostn , ) taes ,
Cooway , Ark , AtLION 0 , SmrnTen , P-re , . ,
rjio Centaur Company , TI Murray Street , Now York City.
- _ 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ - -
-Guaranteed Northern Growil-
Council Bluffs and Vicinity Imported Thousands of Dollars Won Lu1
ofPotato9s During the Past Saaon , Buy G'ool. B33 anc We W Li ml
Export Instead of Import. Writ9 for pnicOs or call on
DUQUJYf'fJ3 & CO. ,
21 1 and 213 Broadway , Ccnoi1 Bluffs , Ia ' .
. , ,
TT T _ _ _ _ L
ICCCIIRIH'S 1)1115 are for bilious.
ness , 1)1110115 headaChe , d > 'spcpi
SIll lucau'tbui'u tor-nc1 '
, , livcrdiz. ,
zilless , sick heaclachelacI ( asto
in the mouth , coated tongue ,
loss omapettcsallow skinetc , ,
VIiCn ChtttSCtl by coilstpation ;
anclonstipation IS t11t iflOSt
frcqucnt cttlsi ; ( ofafl OIt.hCiil ,
Go by the bOok , Pills io nnd
231 fl box. Book flee at your
druggist's or write 13. F. Atlen Co. ,
365 Canal St. , New York.
Anntmsi , sIsq imos ttrsneen ) ( Ot'eni.
l'lie Good Samaritan , 20 Years' ' Experiencu.
ItlAiIt11 01 ? ISISHASItS Ot 'uii , tNI
% % 'tflhiN. ] i'lttl'htlfl'I'Oit Oi 'I'htlI
Oi11i'o ( hI1ltiht 1. 1)lSl'iN'
SAit' Ol : ut iltclNh : : .
I treat fire (0/lotting / Dscases : :
( 'atrirri , of ihuo iicmmh , , i'imanat runiri Lumfugmu' LOis. 0
case's tnt titu Ey.n . niniti lbtr , Pits utumt Aimopexy ,
I I e'mumt I ) iumi'mm so , 1,1 i'u' ( 'otru Irlil iii I , IC hulrit'y Coin.
piutimit , Nen'oumM 1)CJtllt3. Ienutn1 Dc-
IreHsirn , I.O44 of ] IImtnuItOocl t4cent- u
j miuti S'tsmLkrneHp , . lIiuiruie ) , iirip'Irt'r. lila-
curse , St'litms' lmumrce' ) , liirurnumniti itni , I'trniysis , , 4
% 'hmute Swolutunrr , ScruIuniun , lt'uem Ser cum , 'J'mtIl-
( ) ip4 mimtet Iristeria tin unto rE7rno'Cd
SViiIiInlt ( hill a&iiffc or Chi'5th1I $ ' IC
clrrl , ohiito(1 , % % 'cIminumn ithi leer
ituhicuitto o rr5 it3 rest o rts .1 in
iii'itItim. lmopnry dined 'Itlmout
taimIimi ) . t'ieclmil ittteritiora gl'ei *
( C ) 1m'tssttsm mimi Vensereust Ii.ieuthie3 *
OftCli leiritlnt , $ o to $5oopiomteit for
nnnv S'cmne'uth lin4eme I cumnnmtmt cure
' 1tltt ) rut 1lcrciir. ' . 'trupt' S'ornnS retumo'emt
in t umum or' t i rr cc ironu rs , or nmo lisry' . I lemon hioId
or l'fht's cur mcd.
'l'ihOSB . W'tni A 1010 AVVr.IeTRI )
"il sits. . . , ilirm nmud inurmmtiietl cut thoiirtms by call-
1mg umum or H s immg
Tir o ' ' ii ly I' I. ) M I ii i w I u U ( 'lilt iii I sitrtt mull.
a u.'r'M. . , ru mm t ( , , in t rt'it I ur g mu C ito , ,
at nt il I .1 it ni , , , st mnii f. , t' ( j meet ion
Itinur It , N. 1 a. u' mIre ni , N , , . 0 f , , r t , , noon ,
All corren9lcunmntcnucc rut k'tiy conuilrhenmtial.
3iechiclrmo senmt by' C'XhteSi ) , Atitirtus all letters
v. I'ANl.E. M H. ,
55 BROADWAY. Coumioum. BLUFF $ .
nclostm 10 iii stiummnps for reply' .
oiany's Theater :
JomnN DOIIANY , .tOIIN DOIIANY , .110. ,
Mammager. Treasurer.
One Night Only- Monday , April 1.
GIven by tha
Glee , Banjo aiid
Alnmhnmsion , , 7Cc , &Oc nnti 20c. lIme seats , $1.00 ,
Oi tOnIc aturdumy unormilnug , 9 o'clock.
When Buying
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered ,
a nd it's a calamity to lose several years.
w hich so marmy Iowa and Nebraska peopia
hug ave done when they have bought foreign
g rown , unacehimateti fruit trees.
W ere born on tire iuimds where their nur e.
r y stock is gmowmn , and years of patient.
Inb rtehigemit experiment brave taughut them tim
Inth eut vurietles toe' this climante. Consermentiy
thfo eir hmomnutm grown stock is as hmam'tiy as the
fo rest hoes. 'l'hiey iuetVo Ct 'ery lamge stock
fou' r tIne spring theiiveiy nmnd every tree is
u'L arrarutetl true to name. Orchard , Vinyard.
u'M awmi , Parking Trees arid Ornmnmentai stock
u'y mtice no mrmtstake itt your orttera , Send us
y our list of wafltmi for prices. We can please
y ou in prices liMit stock. ltt'feremmceuu : . Council
BO luffs hlanlemi , Council Bhtmffs Department
O rnutina lIce. ennui Prominent business mcmi.
Ntmrumerlee six onihtum3 srortim of Council hlhffe , 4
P . 0. Address ,
! mlENETtY BROS. ,
Cremuccmrt , Iowa.
President. 'nahier ,
First Natlo nal Bank
Cl apitit ) , - .
l 'a'oiits .
, - - 12,001)
On , of time otdeit bank. in the etale of Iowa.
% Ve , solicit your business cr4 colmections. We
I ns C p.r cent ott tiois deposIt. . We will be
p ieaad to see arid erve you.
MEssloni & CL1MENT ,
503 ¼ ihromndway ,
Grairu hnumrrrhhe.I hun car boatibots. 'fti , 203 ,
COUf'ICiL iiLUi1i1S , IOWA ,
c Il11t . flAflfllflPl ! ? Atdrursruy'r.nL-l.'e'V ,
urummus I.e unshnuiuuuu , I'ractlco in tire State
m tudoral Courts , ltotmnrre ] fli.T-8. ) , Himuar
l unch , Council 0hiutl' , low , .
SeciaI Noicos-ounciI Bluffs
curl s.INIIYS cl.IIANIIi ) ; VA UL'O'H ( 'IiIANID
1h Ilurlee , at W. iIhlomer's , tOt iuroalweuy , - '
sate chuenip mural emu easy terrirs. Day & lieu ,
l'eari strict.
Omurke , at lhomcr's , 1.35 IIrc.adwnuy , 4
FOR ItENT , hiotiSti , NO , 603 JujtOA1)WAT. '
with seven rooms ; titus four rooms uutjoIrminmn
at U21 Broadway ; good chance for either private j.
family , tioadunig , moUSe or rvbtaurrmnt. huh , W. " -
Jiuckeomn ,
li'tOItlO 1IUIbIJUc3 , 101 4TH 13 ? .
Lougee & Towie.
dog fluke ; hma cohinr witin nny nunrmie stumpe4
on. Lttsrai reward if returned to fan 24 isyermue.
C , hi. hi , Caumphiuhi , _
hAND FOR L.lASl ; NO ItRNT ; lQUT 20
acres of aeW land ; will sent tree 10 prmitiei WinO
iviih farrmr time tmniuie , ceitbon of ltSii Apply to
Ieonauth hiveeettCountuti IniurO , , lu ,
) 'OI ( UlINT , 1'IVS.itOOM orrAaie oi
i'meree troetu betweerm l'atk end Gicut aveomue. .
w. Bebu.
0 - . 4-1 _ _ _