Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1895, Page 2, Image 2

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' 1 IIJ1 ! ( rAlrA DAILY : : 'UE.B : : MONDAY , , A.PHrr.l 1. 18j ! { , _ _ _ _
- 10011 ( to the soli. We need more rain now
Our ttriers Are ! owlng the usual amount
thll spring The sol ) II In excellent con
dlton for a Itepth or from eight to ten Inches
Below that hero ( Is n toot or two very dry
1'0 have had , neither rain nor snow this
nion th .
The outlook for sprIng sowing In thIs
count Is faIrly gooti. Spring wheat Is
) ralrl0011. Sprln/ I
mostly so\'n. and , tanners ore Ilrellnln to
IOW oats. There wi he an Increased acreage
or smal grain. The 801 I In pretty gooI
conditIon. We have had one good , roln ' thlJ
month , hut no snow to amount to anything.
Ialn ) has left the soil In good condition for
seetlng , ' <
The outlook In this county for spring
Rowin/ I goo,1 , The sol Is mellow anll
contains plenty or moisture for prout1ng
from. Grain sown In stalks wi bo !
right for three ' ceeks without rain , hut Ir
sown on fall Illowlng ) Is Ikdy to dry on
top and the dry sol will then ito blown elf
, h ) the wlnt , thui eX\o.lnK the raln , The
sol Is ser tutU melow with moisture near
the tof ) . , No rainfall this month and hut
Ito snol
J Our county has n poor outlook for sprIng
. ) rowing The soIl has very little moisture.
/ - Wo have hal . ! very little snow mil no rain
this titontli. This count Is realy only lit
for stock and Irrigation , where the latter
cal he hind.'e can truthfully say that
wo have the finest stock raIsing country In
the world
The outlook for spring sowing Is /ooll , and
there wIll Ilrobably bo n large acreage of
oats hut not Inch wheat The acrea/o soi In i
' fall ooulttion. ( We have not hal very much I
snow or rain , hut we hal both snow and ,
rain ahout the 1"llle of the inonth which
moistened the soil enough to sprout grain
The ground . Is In geol conditIon for CUt'
vaton , hut not enough to frehen subsoil . anti I
ulless suit. rall cOles son Iloor crops will ru-
Much wheat has already been soyxu. The
' lol hero Is In gael condition for ' p1anttng .
Wo have hail ) :
h\1 : very little or eIther rain or
snow this . . '
snai 10nth. I.'armers In Nebraska , as
usual lust depend lon rain during th ! :
growing soa80n.
In felds covered . with corn stalks there
Is plenty of moisture to start a crop at
entail grain , whie other felh are rather
dr The conUllon of the sol can best be
dlscrfber ns loose antI dry. This being the
cue , many farmers are afraid that the seat
may ho hlown away , but I we have rain
. wIthin a foi weeks we shalt be all right
shal al
' right
'Yc hal , considerable rain about Iarch . I. but
none sluice . and had very little InO\I' . Onr I
farmers are bran , and are busy sowing
seed. I
cusnm COUNTY. i
The outlook for spring sowing In thll ,
county Is tavorhle , ' will be a lrge
. . acreage or corn anti about twothlrds the
usual acreage or small grain The sol Is I
In much better conihition than
beler conditon It was last
year al this tltuue. The snowfall during
larch was light . and there was only one
rain of importance. : lore moisture Is needed
Sowing Is wel adl'ancell There will be i
soma mud left Idle because owners have not
any or enough seed. I anti are too poor to
IJY. The condItion of the sol Is good , clean :
nn,1 , unehlow . but It needs , more moisture ,
About sl:0' seven Inches of snow fell durIng : -
Ing ! arch , When this melted It went Into
the ground No rain has fallen during the
Farmers are busy nol sowing wheat seed
Is high anti the acreage wilt be below the
average The sol Is In excellent conthitlot I .
the raIns durIng February I doing Incalculabi te
benefit. Ono-halt of the farms on the vale y
ore under Irrigation ( litChies . anti , the farmers 1-
- ers will bo able to water the land artfcialy ,
At resent the ground Is abundantly mole t.
We have ball little or no rain this month and
the snow falls were very light , hut the general -
oral rain which occurred In February ler
Clue ground Ilce nml wet. There Is amp he
moisture to plant and start n good crop.
- - - '
The outlook for spring sowIng In this
county Is rather dubious just nol and the
sol Is very dry. During the present month
we have had some muiow. but no rain. Our
sprIng rains generally begin In AII ,
Thc outlook for spring sowing here Is at
present very poor , the sol being very < 1) ' . ,
I we have rain son wo wil be al '
. right We have had no scow or rain to
- . sloak ( ( of thIs month.
Time outiocic for spring sowIng Is not very
good In this count ) ' . The sol Is rather
dry nlhough I Is better than lust slrlng ,
We have had no rain or mow to amount to
ul'ythlng this month.
The outlk for sllrng sowing Is extremely I
geed See Wil bo furnIshed for those who
\ . have not sumclent seed to seed their groun ( I .
'ilie acreage wl not fall any short In this I
county at what It was last . yt'ar. The 101
Is In splendhl condItion for plowing and
? sowIng , but we must have rain seen , Wo
lucre had one ralnnl thus 10nth , That wnl
about the 1t or the month. We have hall i no
snow to amount to anything this month , or ,
In fact , durIng the wInter "Iu ground Is
: In geol shall for work now , but wo must
have rain soon , or It will get pretty dry.
; . ' The Gronnl Is In very lne conl1ton for
spring sowing , and a full lereagc will he I
sown . except where farmers CalHlt get seell.
t . The sol Is all right , owing to the soalcng
i. rain which felt the latter part of last muontim.
We had no ruin or snow 111. 10nth ,
Pt : The arreago or etuu lug sowluug wIll be
a light , as there Is n shertns or seed There
I , however , tnough moisture In the ground ,
: to start seetng , , Many at the farmers that
. have seed Ire not sowing yet , becanse they
, thInk the soil Is not sumdenly moist )
, bring It tilt and IICIII It IlrOwlnl along . No
[ ' snow er rain thlK ltnth yet , So far 0'
' . ' Irelent 00ndllo.15 . go , It looks somowhot du.
There hum been o\lr one Inch or moisture
In this county IlnrlnE tlm . monlh , and the
t outwok for spl'lnl Iowlug Is geuti . 'fhe 801
, I Iii II oxcelle itt Iondilon I I ,
Owing to extreme dryness of tht' sail . limo
outlook for sprln bowIng 1 not very geol
In this count ) InurIng the lonth or March
11' ( hal , uhout ate Inch of raIn stud two inches
lf snow . but the ground hi stilt dry . \VImm.
, ter wheat look fairly wel ,
Ult.'NT . COUN' .
: The condItIon of the soil I , 10O1 Our 1110-
plo ont hero meat '
are luL rnJugl'd II Genoml
f.ling. but the mllst of thel are In thr
stuck r\slnl busIness , The calves lure In
. Got cotiditloti. There his Leon very lt tie
rain or snow duim hug th' winter This county
I. r.ot dependent , upon the r.ln and Hnol )
cii. because I has natural subterranean hurl.
' Galen , Thl county deol not rroh'e any aid
' ' anti nC\'er dith TIlls n'P gael )
' 1I.L COllN'\ ' .
The outlook fer spring sawing f rather dIe.
cquragluig. We have had ahnoJt Cltant
\\'lnJs until the surrlce of the boll Is very dry
Inll dUlly , and reel I'f the lime It hoe been
, 1110IIIl0 te ow oats. A great man ) ' furlvrs
" ' " are Iloltllonlll "e " llnK II hOIltS thai a IPCI
bowcr may Improve tlm I con'ltll ' cit the sl ,
- UnoorlUltl and bclCII' that tart cf the coil
hlng l Imnwllatel' nt thl lrrUI'1 that has
been dried out ly the \ Izuils , the 501 has
btlm thorough ! mohlcutl1 to varying drutIis
\ ) time InO\1 nll , rain ot the I'aftlnler ,
In lllQWfd ground the 'I : I' rlllrte,1 ( to bI
_ . thorolihly saturated tl 1 depths of twelve to
clghtNn IItht . 11 Ihl ( r.lrle fOI tt I
ul1 tt ha csturutCti 10 D depth cr rICt to
Icu iticlics.Vc , 11"0 barl n rainfall I" .
, c moulh the hail rain h.lnl IMt \ hl.11a
In&lll thrulhoul the mutate. There lll\ " : ben
C nn 'Jr Iwo n ) . light falls Ir IOW , n't 8u1l'
. clt'lt0 \ hn soy elf 'et ,
lU,1m <
. ; ,
, ' the OUllolc ' fc r tlrlng l'lwll ; In thl'
county I quite , goad alll"u h thn a.resge ot
' Ie
1101 11.111 h. I smaler Ih41 tiuiI . owIng ,
la the ItKrty end i/ ) ; Price rf ' Leed. "h J I
IMI I itt Ixelltlt condition t.'r m.eethtn ; ; .
'Theio WA hut ) lIttle rain dlHllg Ihh mnoumib '
the . Wt\I 'r for the , uu'ct llart \ ' IIlIm lmea.1mmi whim , Io\t'\'e : : , too Ilell ; IDnth'1
11 1"11:11 we halt a m Snlfcent TaIuCaii.
IIAhtt.\ : ( 01 NTY. :
Tla ecrcug , or It I "Pfl ! 10lir WI ! n t I
e xceed 60 Iler cent or last year , that Is of
1131 grain , Winter wheal has been Ihmalpd
an,1 In some InBttnees kIlled by Ilrouth. The
sol Is In goO condition , Ilholghe n ell
rain for our UI wheat and ( r'e. No rain or
RnOI has fallen this month and very lIttle
his t winter
11 this coanty n fall acreage Is being put
Into crOft ; espe laly when the difficulties
that our farmers have to encounter Is taken ,
Into consideration. One or our troubles Is
that t we have not sufficient seed. 10we\'e
anI Ileoplo arc generally hoperul and \0
think \e wilt come out alt right. Where
grount , was put In crop the past season I Is
In tory fair condition now , but where IIas
nlGlel to lie tile the Past season I Is not
In good condiion. being too dry. We have
hall h no rains or snowfall or any ) nlount , ex.
Clllt the one general rain In Pehrulry. In
the i early part or this month we had a lIght
1111 fnl
101T COl'NTY
There will he about the usual acreage
s own In 10lt cOlnt ) . . The sol 19 thy It tures' I
ent amI Is not In good enuolition. There has ! ,
been practcl ) no moisture during the
ii i on thu. ,
Parmer8 arc getting ready to put In crops.
There will not he a great amount or sunalh
g raIn , sown.e have hal sOle raIn smal 01,1 ,
snol this month anti , the Ilrevlous one , but
113t have n good deal more to Inslre n
Clap ) ,
The onteok for spring so\lng Is got1.
iloat or the farmers have already ome small
grain sowiu. There \11 In till Ilrobabilty ) he
I very small acrtage of somalI graIn. The
101 Is In ( prime condItIon for plantIng . 111
I Is wet to a depth or about eighteen incItes
lave l hall hut little snow or rumluifall this
u nontlu . about the least ever known In this
secton In the month of 1.iarch. .
There arc a large nlmber of farmers sow-
I tug oats this t spring , The I nil teat I otis are
that the acreage wIlt he ns large as uisnuui .
The grolhl , Is In excellent shape at present.
C ouldn't be better. We will have to have
a nether rain soon , though ns I Is getting dry
on tall. Snowfall has been very light this
m onth. Not three Inche altogether has
fllen , hit we hall one maul of about two
ncites i which thorough soaked the soIl anti
( ut I In Ito Ilresent good conliton , sol anl
Time outlook for spring sowIng Is '
ontook vel en-
c ouragtuug. There wi be thl greate acre-
a/e / ever lloln In the county , nl < ovary
foot or lalHI will be In nse Oats will be
the principal entaIl sown. The
slal ! grain IOln. con-
d lton of the Hal Is flute . although rather
d ry. We have ha,1 , no rain since February
26 last We did bavo one Inch of snow
during the month ot Iarch.
The outlook for spring sowing Is good In
this county " anti so Is the condItion or the
ohl. \0
sol have had some snai and rain
this 10nth I , sit [ Helen t to t pit t the 501 I In ului
c ondition. \\'e have had no rain or uios
for the two '
Ilast weekl , and there Is Soune '
anx\t ) ' displayed b ) man ) of our farmers lome . ,
hut h IfI' ' get rain by the mlldle or AprIl
and thereafter the crop ) wIll be gOOl ,
We will prohabl have about 1,500 hushels
or wheat , besides what we get from the
state. Many farmers lay that they wi not
101 I ( It doas not rain soon The weather
Is I extremel warm here now. There are
Inlcatons i , that we will soon hV rain , The ;
sol Is moist enough to start wheat now .
We have had no rainfal this month hit
le did have some last mouth about hal an
inch and It Is still In the gruud ,
The soil here Is 'ery dry . auud
sol ) < ) Ino as a can-
sequence the outlook for sprIng , sowing Is I :
poor. Not much more than u Iluarter of a
crOll wIll be sown this year The rainfal
has been very lIght. rainfal
Those able 10 do so have done some sowing
and have some grain au hanl. Others more
unfortunate are hoping for grin through
state appropriation. So far the salt Is In
geed condition. but shall heed some spring
rains to Insure need crop.0 have had
but little snow during this mOIII , , and wi [ I
require considerable
to brIng on crops t ,
The sol Is In good condition now.
One-third of our people 11'lng In Irrigate d
, lstrlcts will plant an Increased arcagc Irrlgatel c
everything. On the uplands there mviii be
a falling oft of from 25 to ra ) per wi . 'fhe
sol II In remarkably goolt contiltiout . con ,
siderllg the small amount of rain '
Elal Ilount or snot
that we have hal ! . I Is quite moist from
six to eight Inches. Tile
Tie smll umount of )
moIsture hums rendered the sol m'ory recol , '
th'o to seed , , hut It will take copious raIns
In Apri and May to prevent a repetition at
last renr's failure. ( repetton
The people nee considerable aced , hut
the ( state alupropriatlomi , together seet
appropriaton ( with the
prIvate contributloums . will furnish almost
enough seed to hut In the nsual crop We
could Use a great deal more thinui
thln usual hut
It seems nhlost hnosslhle to get enough
The ground Is utiore nuolat that It
< 10re 10ist was last
year , but we hiavo lund ' '
lave hll vel'y little 10isture
this uitoutthi In the month at February we
had 1 good rain nl1 have hall one or two
light snows during the present month If
we let the rain we can . raise anything hen r .
hut I not , wI wIll raise nothing.
The soil here Is In good condition for
working , but It Is not moist enough to Insure
crops. There with be .
wi an Increased acrea e
of corn sown , amid ab3iut - lerea/ !
ycar's acreage at slal grain Thort Is suf-
Itchent ummolaturut In the soil :
fcient moistre tht 101 to Iermlnate
secus. '
'rim outlook for sprIng sowing Is faIrly
/ oed , but I Is a Ill difficult for some to
get seelt The sol Is rather dry , but saro molht
enouh to ' .
, spront gruln. There has been
very little rain or snow this lonth so fur.
Certain ! ) less than ( one Inch over thIs county.
d I t rIftIng. Is 'ery dry and wIndy , wIth the dirt
Ihfng.rlmlCK COUNTY
TIme outlook for sllrlill sowing Is fair.
t , truncr4 are eIther sowing or making ready
tu t bOW , notwihstanding the I dryness of the
sol antI the pTI"nl somewhat depressing
c'/adllon of things \0 have had no talus .
ai' snow durin/ tn pte.ent month ,
The outlook For spring sowhl/ Is good ! , The
Irount Is In gOCI ! condition , but Is n trile
dry to germinate ced. A smaller acreage of
'lal I gralni I wil I I b Pit In I ban t usual , owing
to t scarcity alll high. prices of seed. I.'arm
rra arc pretty blue over lack of stmouuulurlug
the t wilter , but are generally going ahead
wih spring work , about lS usual. I we get
the nornll 1.lnal dUI'lng AprIl , May Jet
Juno 81al grains wilt do wel , There ant ,
t mon no moluturo of any klnll 11urlng the
10nth u ,
Sprlnl LowImig will nt ) he very extensive
hero. l Spring wheat I. not sown any more.
A faIr amount at oats wI be sown The t
hal I very Mr , hccauso wo hava hnd no tt t
clslderahlu rain as yet. lurlng : a lack of
water , .It I.i In excellent condttiotm. The t
want ot raIn atum' Is Iolnr ! much damage ,
Whcul. U ( ID wIthin A tow days . was Itt ;
prIme l cumllol ,
1'/0111' / fOI' 1'01 Iu wEl nuttier way nll
ats ore being 20wn. The condition at the t
sol Is fair , RII whltPI wbrat ns a rule Is t
Ilollg t veil. lul" I'rrc1'lre ! InJure,1 ly the t
dr ) ' wcathcr turlns nl fall a 11 winter
\\'het wIll to wellhout mln for len llys I
or turn \elR , .
11m : < INS COUNTY ,
'fhe outlook tn' illrlnl ; &o\lng Is gleam ) ,
anti but Ito ced has bcen sown at vrcs ' .
60\1 l'rll.
ent Ve haVno FCCLI. ;
\e haV\ no soIl Is In good
COUulltiCult. In fact : much : beler than It was I
lt thIs lmo las 'ear , Wo ha'O only hud I
t\o lIght P1rB this month , In all about
three lobe In ( de'lh , ' , alil no raIn at mill .
' ' '
l alCa are so\lnl hero now , IUI , Ihe ( 801 I
b I In good ! ccmllou pr'vldln tl ! seed It I S
put In def'p. Hut \0 Ihoul get rain seet
lung. Have laL\ : \ come anol and mum but not L
aufllcient sowIng , to lint Ibo ground In lollton : for
rUm.I'S '
' ( ho ouilealc for Il'rlnl sewing I unouler
mutely Got Anl , ronslleralo .owing la sues h.
coIns on. Time 1101 grain 111'11'1 not
rrsul In aim hsrge I 11 acreage 81 u.ud for
wnut af cecil 11\ , \ abIlity uf OU' hmeople to
luruluo : I 'hh ahertage , however , " iI
mOit likely fD offstt lty a Good cern crop
011 soIl li l In excellemit cOII'JI\on , Tiut ;
grauitud ' I moil : 1101 fifteen to eiibtect
fhcl II
Ilohrl deeJ amid I. In One condItion clc1l1 .
lug , H II dhlEcult :
dIOc:1 to account tel the 1001
- -
sera il here , na wo have had but little snow erin
rain during the winter There Ilaa been no
mnterlal rain or anowfala during this month ,
The last of I.'ehrusr 10 hall n slow , steady
ralnral for about twenty-rour itmirs , 110unt.
Ing to one and , I quarter Inches , but since
that ( line snow and rain have eIO from
ab eve In small uluantltles .
The prospect for spring cowing la not s'ery
goO The ground Is good on the ! surface , anti
Ir 10 could , have some raIn Iculd be nil
ri ght. There Is a little molsturo 01 the top
of the sol , but extreme dryness below
There bas been n very hM" ) ' nnll dry WII,1
blo\lng this winter. Wo ha\'e hall no 8noW
Ihl9 monUI stud , only one gooll rain , but It
JIUt the .urfaco In good slmase The SOIL
belew II In poor geol 011 the atmosphere
Is exeeelngh' , dry.
The ground Is In excellent condition for
Reedln , hut the tarmers arc holding oft for
! holtlnar
tear that dry whlls will blow the / Bcll out
at the /OUIt The farmers nre short on
seed oa ts. There has been very little snow
Inll only n trace or rain durIng the month
In,1 , things lock blue W'iti ! good raIn now
everything would he all right.
Sllrln/ SO\III has been earrlll\ \ on with as
luch energy as ever , hut on account of lack !
or seed only about two-thlrdB or our flrmer
crall has beets IO\\'n , The soil lip to thIs
tme l has been In'er ) ' good condition. We
have h hnll but little rain or snow tils : l'l ' nth
'lt 111 neEII rain notu hrlng crops alang In
the I h grout uni.
RaIn next 10nth ' 11' put us all right
The outlook for spring sowing Is goal , \ , nlHI
the condition of the ( sol Is x.elent ,
The acreage so\n In thll county wIll he :
eu nahl. The soil Is In good conllion now , :
hut It wil dry omit Inlels rout cOles pen ,
The rains . of the past month \et the ground
about ten or twelve Inches , but below thai
the ground Is harll nn,1 , dry.
. )
Parmors are cowing oats , which crop wi L
he Ilraclcal ' sown II AprIl I. The ground
Is In line cor,11ton for seeilng , No sprln -
w heat raised In this locnl , The winter :
wheut II badly . killed. Wo ) have 11,1 , no )
mln since February . r. aunt no snowfnl to I
nuT miotunt. to nn.thln Ilurln/ the whole seasoli
The raIn that fell on February 2i was I
g enlc one and n IIIneh fal , The sol I
lot I all . but It Is needing more very bad I ) .
at the llresent ) moment. )
So far as we are able to judge spring
s owIng In this vIcInIty Is progressIng ) ' I
um lc'ly , anti , the acreage or slal grin / In 1 !
this count ) wIlt be vastly t Increased. r : I
sh oil on the surface Is In EIJlen,111 , cnnhltiouu ,
hut h I Is miry for a consIderable depth below
There Is sumclent molstnre , however , to
spront grin at this tIme , 1/11 / the entre
absence or II'cls , makes thO ground In fne
cOlllton for tlage this year , provldcd ( we
/et the Ilroper amount of moisture. There
has h beets no rain ( luring the prcsent month ,
aud the snowfall aided the wittier wheat to
some extent. \\Inter wheat Is suffering , now
for lack of moisture but with anythIng Ilk C
nn average precipitaton at rin winter wheat t
w ill be on tall
There trill he considerable Increase In the
acreage sown hlre this spring , especially of
a lfalfa. Outsie of the Irrigated terriory ) I
the ground Is dr ) ' . and there wi he lte
ofort to raise crops on land that Is not under
i rrigatIon. There wIll be a large Ilcrease rit
In i acreage under IrrIgatIon over last } 'ear ,
In this count ) farler have began sowing
o ats . and are expecting to pnt ant a large
creage but wIll sow TO other kind of smut Il
grain. The sol Is quIte dry anti In rather
poor condItIon , for seeding as there Is not
lufclent dOlpness to sprout the gralu u
There has been no rain or snow during this
nion ( Ii.
The corn acreage In Ihls county will be
about the same as last year . but the suna II
grain acreage will hO less than 60 per cent
of that planted a year ago. Thc ground Is In I
gOI condItion .1. . but below ten Inches It
Is' very dry and there Is no reserve mbhture ,
Without heavY raIns In the smear future th I ?
outlook will hI \'ery dUblo , s. !
The outlook for spring sowing Is geol , es- :
pecialy fer slal grain and farmers are cam 1-
Olent , of a good , The
crop sol Is somewhat :
dryer than usual for this season o the year ,
but In excellent contllon for putting In early
crops. About Ion incites of snow fell during
this 10nth. on the level which neltO Into
the ground , wihout drHtng ( , and has startE
, Potato :
grass growing ? ! anti vegetables maturing -
turing tn the ground In this section are a I-
ways sure crops , wet or dry
Our farmers have prett ) nearly now got
In all their wheat and a great many of them
are at present sowing Dnts. There tvt lii
be the usual acreage of small w1 ,
with thuD exception perhaps or tvhea t.
! less amount of which twill be sown
this year I myself have Old acres In cut tI.
tivatiout. Have just put In 100 acres of wheat ,
and am now having ,100 acres of oats \ : ms.
The farmers that the
say ground never
worked up any beter , Thlre Is ahout six to
eIght Inches of moisture on top.Vo need
rain and farmers all beginning to feel uneasy
as to the . 'Ve have had
sesson. ha\'O no snow or
rain this month to speak of . excllll n anti I I
rain 'In tine early part or the month. I smal
tIn not get rain soon farmers will be general Iy
discouraged. generaly
Our farmers arc proceeding energetically :
townrd putng In n full crop. '
llthods of ( arming are being geuserally
i stlOlteti . ns cvltencc:1 : by large sales cf Implements -
mont , especially lsters and sUbsolers , This
conllon , of the sol I. l gcOt The rainfall
c February I 2G saturated the sol to a depth !
or front six to ten Inchrs. Wo hare only hacl
ono rainfal thIs 10nth. which occurred on
the 19th Inst. This extended over lost cf
the county , and , alhough not heavy was
ne\'ertheless a great Iwlp. We Ila"e had nD
snai this 10nth.
The sp.lng swing prospect here Is not ( very
good anti hut ( few people ! ha\1 seed grultu.
Very little Elnl grelu i ralS11 In thIs county ,
any year. This Is not.a forming countr ,
hut Is a good locaton for stock r.lslng. We
hall about two Inches or rainfal about two
weeks ago , miami lately had from two 10 three
Inches of snow , which drifted considerably
and had hut lIttle elect Dn he I acli.
There will he learly , I not quilts , the usual
amount of grain sown this spring . A rain the
latter part or 'ebruary Ilut the ground In
goo shape for from a fet to eighteen Inches
down , ano I Is still In good shape , but below
that delth II II very dry If we get rain
later In the season prospects are better fern
n crop than fo some iliac at this season of
the year.'e hs"e hall one or two light
snows , which , however , hlil but little Iht .
except to keep the tOil or time ground moist.
No rain this month. groune molt.
W. think that there Is no question hut Ihat
[ , llerS wIll Ilrecee,1 , thts same as If no croulh ,
had eccurred The fnmrr are glng to work
wIth conslderhle nlacrly , The soil Is In
very flue cOllllon and moist on account of
havliig f.ozen 80 deep , Practically no rain-
fall , Hall some ser snows , which hl,1 , ( lect
Our farmtrs mire let afraid of the first half
of the season , but , of course , can muko no
preictons a. to the latter hslt.
In rllIIISt 10 time Inquiry , what Is the
outlook ; for prIng sowing ? I cams only say It
could hardly bo better . The hal Is In the '
wry lest condition. In March we had Ight !
InO\I' and rlnfals , Thst , how'er , has noth-
lag to do wIth the crop prospets , as talus In
Marci have no aPpreciable effect 01 crops In I
July and uugimst. Your ,
Jui. UII.t. correspondent hs I
resided In this county for aleut fifteen year : I
amid his exvrience has been that dry springi t
gtlo.olY rfAn good crop. Whlo last .prlng I
was dry we lner lied so flue a prepect for
corn as last year until the letter part of July , ,
and one 1' > 0 Bhower . would ha'o made 1 go
troll , and theme would have been I fall go3 crp
In spite of the etrme ! dry weather but for
the hold ; of JUly 2G.
The sprIng cowIng oulol ( f. lair , alboulh
tll'nlhr It dry , and .t present UI 1110-
JCl tnt a chmuinge for the better are lot rcr
t.\'oraIM , The soIl iln priUt gC.d wr ,
bulla rarldly dr11ug Quit , " ' : 'e had one much
nee : J rainfall durl" . Ibis mouth , but DO ,
, , ' ,
snow ot an , " oi1s'qiince'o
) . okslnce 10 can stand IOU l
moro raln.t'11.
Fairly gQ1 , ntook for spring sowing In
thIs count ticre ' will he a large acreage of
s mall grlll : file sol 19 In fall condition .
l" rom all ufec Mmts theta Is probably enough
10isturo 1rlh3' grolne tt s\rout the grain ,
b itt not endimh o ! uslln growth any length
of time. W ' luh'e had rnlnfahls
11 ( 'Id\o hac no rnlnrals or snows
to amount 'W ' 'iiythlng , Possibly tne.hnl to
three-quartH1 t 'ilt [ an Inch or moisture ha
fnlen this 'iMtYh. 1 wil take conslMrlbl
rain to starfkhisunali grain In good sha\e.
111IT1V" I I. _ Tl11,1" llnlS ,
1'.11 ltI'er t'fltim'ty \ I'rlllta " 0\11 : ti : Inkn
I'imiit' Ir"ctr"l thl ! . ' ln.
HOT SPH : OS , S. D. I , Mnrlh al-SIe- (
c . clul.- ) . Inrh" nlmber or the clthlla \ of
F ail RIver county met lt th" court house ,
In ( hIs city ycuttermiumy afternoon to effect
11 orgnnlzltton for tIme uumrpoae oC irrigat.
\lr\ose Irrlllt.
Inl lands In tlls eOlnt ) The iise'tImsg Was ,
clIld by hots. S , I lt. " 'lsol , who / ! al )
110lntcd l \ ' ! ! Ilrellillt fOI' Fall River cOllt ) '
lt time recent otgttumitntloui nf the liliu'k Ihiiltu
1un I rrl/n lon 1"0(1111 nnlznlol lnn lt Hallil I lalk lt , The
It'llnl WIS udoresell I I'Iljsttliti C' . \ ' .
Gi miller ' of Ilullont a 'cretin Lu\tlln ( Ilnck
His i ul nnlzalun cli "l'rnctlrnl lrrtgxu. :
t toil . " II I whl'h thl 01 vnrlols , tileS , Irrlgl. /111
Illnns of 111ntnl II olllrutnn In the stltl
were Iresented , for the conshlertlol of the
c ous'euitiomi. ,
cOlllnlol. . B. floyhe Foke out goverflmneimt
sll'\'e ) ' relative to Irrl/nton , al ' ; PVclnlelt Il'eseltcll
the tOllorl.hlcul feutlre ! of the Itlte mum
/ !
they exist In reluton to hrteslul , velts ItS
hrteslul'els lS
I meals of In'Illlon ,
Unit . S. I 1. Wlsol. wlo was cimtuirtisati I
of tbe cOlllt\e on irrigation In clllrlal Ienate i
of the recent iegisinture . spoke on .
eli relell 1lltlrl. govern'
mentnl nll to In'l/alon. 1\011 tol,1 lo\ern.
hOt hel unite In time r\cent Mesmion.
A Imutumber uf ethel Ihlres I'S were made t
lsk'ls ' , mate
whl\l l'unsp,1 much enlhltllll , stud ut
Illller . ) uf Illnns \ \ 'ere tlscus1c,1 I. 10 the i
h tu.t nisafla of local irrlgatlcsnt. it
hl melna was iutO -
I ) ueI to ( I tlstrlt the eOlnt ) . /CCOrtl I to the :
r oaml nilstuictiu nnlt ! . :
1'011 11gtrlcts 111 ( the monl ) ' l'X.
) elleo ( for ral Inproenlntel'Vt' the i
Idted mt. , purpose of cOI"tructlg ditches to
Iln the mt'uiter Into relo1'olrl ( tic storage t
t o , ' Inllatl ! 111,08el Instoll of huclmig nl- :
l'i l owed ' t run into the 11'111 nut before , , :
'I'he endeavor :
cflea"or of the conventon 'I'IHI to arrive -
rive lt it truucticni muulutltsui of tIle loin' ' I
ltrllcnl lolUlOI tl IUI/l
umestious. it '
ql tton. I wns shown that the soil of r
thll part of Dakotn cllleclllv ) the , suuther ol I
Ilp , Is eXL'elltonnl ) ' I Jh for arlL'nltlrl ! I
l ) ttrpomn' amid wouihd '
1)IO 10111 yield hnmen crop If
water l'oul,1 , be ohtahll'l nt ( lie limiter ' Iea-
son of tht' 'elr. ' 'herl lie Illelt ) ' JrOl'er ' ,
t u'at'l' In the rl"el'/ anti , HIssnIl stre'aust' I
Imal sl'.am
whlh tilts ) ' he ttm.emi for tIme 11rllo e If thcre
Is i t itnhteoum iii tIle effort' , . ' '
unlol II elort' 10 hunt cII. 'he
10lvelt 101 Is Ill e011 rlleltl aie of III
mOAt ImportantI'hJh his met II Ito' ' 1
8prlnlI lor sOle ( blue. In I ( fr" Hll (
h ieruna . foIst o"llnlzaton John 1 lltmln'US I
1'lel.t,1 , chairman timid John I. , BUlllU sue-
rehu' ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
tmt'm'r StrI , Ir lintel 1)t strltmutlom .
( 'I1AMtiIiltlAIN . S D . ? Inl'h . 3I-(8pe- (
c ial.-Nunicroua iutstnnre'i have '
Ilul-Nunlrols queer Instanles beet
hrouht h to light In connelton with II Heed I
Illn ,1 , tllhutol and , rclff fom' the poor
throlgholt Ihe Soil t hi Dalota IiOtl Ii t I a S
whel'c thl ( work Is loln on In cOlltes .Teraull I
count } ' enl luau Irer l'1111H out In orllL'r
Il'el him by one of the coult c.mml-
u mlotiers , vent to I store anti , Imll ( .Hh ! ;
fa I' tO worth of sttthT . Incll,1nH a $10 ) deal
for his wife timid a f3 cusp for himself. An-
othel' mnn toll a lHlfl1 ttule got In oriL r
fou' S01l 10ur nll , hean" I , Illt got the same
lme hld a bill of ladlnl In hlH Jollt for
200 ) pounlls of 1011 and IrOlIII'H that he
hud h ordllcd Ihlppe.1 to hll from nnother
IItrlhlthl u ! otnt. In Alexandria , ! one man
got an order hoc coal t Tm the count :
hearth . nll , when lie came to get I cons
Illnlncll of U(1IIIty \ ; he wante Ohio coal.
< conI
le a"lcII the Illerence In price between
lena anti ( ) bio -qoal. fll emu helng Informcll
t'lml pall .91' fluid took the Ohio A
' ' .
Irood mln'L'rIp r things hl\1 trnsplroll tn
lila count dUring the 11 trlhuton of thml
"oods As' ' I USI'I ton , cite farmer who
haunted inn rehie.'f committe' for days antI
finally got ointeoal . went Into one of the
banlH n h\rl limo later Inl , haiti 011 a
$20 gold JIIC ! t tt save the Interest on his
pot'sonnl hiroperty tlX , I Ii 1150 rh JorleI ,
In some quarters that soiiie of the seed
grin IHSlrll ( hah'llll ) ' bOen taken to
nsiih to he Into tlotut'
mi ground 101' . and that more
of It Is bcflkito hogs.
: : rs . Hh'qR.t hmimuuim'r 'l'rusveis I imc'og.
HOT SPlINCS , S D" , March 31.-Spe- (
1111.-:11 ) : " . Im le Hlves-Chanler huts been
In this city : ford the lat two weel.s She
has been ht' llcgnlo timid watt registered
at the Evans as/Hs Pratt of Denver. Site
' ie ( t . . ' 'hurp < nYf.e'enllg : ; , Jler party Cor
. Cnlfornll'l " . , . , , ' . .
"etcruns or thc Ilh.lon lctolbcrctl by
tln Irn.rll uioverluimmrnt.
WASHINGTON , March 3l.-Specinl.--- ( )
Pensions granted . Issue of March 1G. 18 : :
Nebraska : OrlAlnal-Allam Vesper , Grand
Island , 1jun11 . Ienewal and IncrenseJohn
Alen , SI'la. Hlehardson Henewul mind
reIHsue-I' , lwln P. Sweene '
1. Sweeney. Alliance . Box
Butte , Jncren8e-l rnl.ln Ii. nllle ) ' , Ayr ,
Adams : \ \ 'nlace'lhel' , Crol"hlon , Knox ;
Gorge W. l-ulgIoy. Auror Irmlton.
Iowa : Origlmiat-launac htricker . Iurcno ,
Iowa : Hem'y Butler . Clinton , Clnton : Ill-
mm flhnclcburn. } o/an , Harrl on. Addi-
tionuul-Joseph 1' . Josehyst , Sioux City , 'ood-
bury : BenJaml1 N He'noll ! ALlan-
tc , Cuss : John \Velrnsusn . 'J'oletIo , 'ama.
IncreaseWlllm KiIusg . Mison Clt } ' , Cerra
Gonlo. HelgueJohn ' .1' . JenlllnH , 111).ton.
Auduhun ; Jamcs I'aum Iubuque DulHHlue.
Mexican war , , tldow-Aiusanda H. Park , In-
dlanoll , " 'orren ,
South Dalwtl : IncrelseCharlel ' \ ' .
Strong , I.'ai'wel San hor.
North Dalwta : Increase-Peter Da'hlff ,
hope Steele.
Colorado : Atitiltlonal-Nelson Powell . 1.'llg-
icr Kit Carson nellsueDuvll lloyd . Gree-
hey , \Vehd. Iexlcnn war survivor-Iuucrense ( )
Heulen J. SlallnA. , Swallows , Puehlo.
Issue of March IS :
Nebraska : Origiuuni-John Solomon , Weiclu .
Knox ; Muter Itubbuirtus . Omaha , Douglls :
henry A. Curt ! 'I'ccuinusuteim. Joltnson Io-
newll all Inll'eaHeJohn , T. Bile . Bel-
3n , . Custer. , I ! c'lnseJohn F. Vlevllence ) ,
urann Jsllntl , S I aim.
Iowa : OrIglmuttl-\Viiiinmn I. . I.unt , Des
Motne9 , I'tslk . Incl'I'use-Amos Stewall ,
VnshlumgtoImVnslmhmsgton : John : Ielle ,
( 'ouncl Bluffs , I'uttatvattnmie. Iteissue-A .
DaluH l : lehlll , \Vtitun Juncton , lucn-
lne , Original willows etc-(8Ieclat ( act )
glzahth J" llalldtl : , Clnton , Clnton ucl ;
Must ) ' Flnnert- , leolII. ,
South ) alwll : lelsHIW Ind Inerease-
( ( halley II , De.r. hiaulkitcr hiauhic. In-
( rcasl'-tnthew W. Blaelthunl , WZlertown ,
( otlnlton.
( olorlo : sue-l'harles Ba ) ' 18s. Deum-
"er , Arlaho ; ufus U. Hurlburt , linEns ,
i tluipuuluOe.
Issue of Mardi l :
Nlhrslt : Orhgiiuai-Joiiui ltd I Dasvsoui
alas i John Murray . :11lson , Jnllsn , In-
c rease-\\'ilhittiii I" " . 10ndnl , I.'rlen , Sllne ,
' , .
OrIginal Wlloll'l elc.-llnor of Jafller
' 111.erlher , Saline.
Iowa : Orlgnal-GeorAl } 'ullr. Jnlleton ,
Jononl i ; 'J'homas J. Nichols , . \nla , Caste ;
Ilnr ) ' ' 1 Cluamutlher. I"arrlul. I.'remont ;
Henry n. Jhulhhtt . lIed Oak , Monl/omoT' .
ltnewal and Increase-John Helm , lid-
it lel-
mono , , \\'rlght , iutcreuuse--Aimiote I' . Iom-
iaIl i , Nlshua , Chlcllasuw ; \Vilhluttn : .
( 'otutetoclc , Sidney . Frmunt : Opore I.
liiglues Belmall , Davis. OrigInal wlloWl ,
ehn'-l'lizubethi : Ossmln , \'iltomm Jumuctioti .
: lusatne ; Muir ) ' Nixon , Sue ( 'I ) ' , Site :
minors of Joseph Nlrlc , Prescot. Adlll :
( reilsu"-Mnr ) ll Iltitxeh 1lallrll. 100 I C.
South iakOTul : _ Jtdtllttonul-J'.itepll , COlier ,
Sioux Fuls , : Ihmehahl ; Charles N. I Frogs ,
Cetiar hlund. - Orlglnll wilows , ctc.-Miisors
of Wtlum H ! 1'11/1 Itocleum Cu tll' .
North Dlkot : ! einselenry I. him.
delphi Valeyl 011' , laret
Colorlo : OrlHlnal-harlrs 1 hlichu . Mnn.
IOI Hprln/ , I"Pnso 1 : l llloJI H. ( lllron ,
Durango , I.a I'rilta ; Orlando (1. Foster I ,
Staricviile . L:1R AnImumu . 'nithItIonuuI-\VIi.
lam hleauirh'k. 1)Pisvertrapnsot' ) . In-
er.'ame-Gn'or1t' Martin , Trlnldnll. Anl-
limIts. nel "IIllum S. Morris . Durno ,
I.a Platu ; Jlvht O. Markle I'-trt Collins .
I.urlmer , Or4lnal wIiiow'i , 'Ic-nthlu A.
Hrnut , Coltuiele l trlngs , m IUIO ,
11tIIIUII ) 1111,1 I Ilnl tiraggi 11111. I I .
SCnANTO Pa. , March : 11.-In the Anna
11.ltln501 cf c r ltlrdl two experts on In.
Saimit ' testified that from the tectilnon ' .
Ranl ) telllcc tlat tltmon ) anti
from whnt thpy fll , seen of Mites Del.lnlon
the ) ' 1.le'CIhl to he IISalH ' ( 'hey de
crlhl her Jtuirtleuiar f011 of disease lS
( susraiiolu. A jlrt ? T,1 sure.ln from this
folio of IIIall , y , I Was addeth II the IOKt
dlnHerus 111\1 or 1 IUluto uud Is likely
to (01 I I homiIde ,
' 'hl ccfenle nstll ! and : lpl Jebslo Win.
tersteln welts rnlfll to time stunll 11 rehutal
She \I'US nn I ttlont ! lt the Iunus'iIle UI ) ' .
lum when time .iatuuIff . wag there and swore
that fhe lo\'er saw Anna act In nn ) ' man. ,
ncr that would Indlcnte that she wits insane ,
: , McDonald of Wlklharre , who for
tWetone years was Anna'u , trnvelnl
malt , claImed that she tme''r taw Anita act
atl'lllel ' , 'fl te\rami Anna Bent to Jay :
Goimlti . . Hobrt I I' , Putlol and others were
offered hi evidence , Anna was then called
on to give rebuttal testimony , but CUlfd CalrI
&n adJourntd , ) - ulll . miuimday ,
111 tiu'wtrI Uturdtt , for Ur I'r.ker ,
KANSAS CITY , March 1.-i'tsited States
110I.hal Oeniml Joe O. Shelby recelyed n
letter ( rout J I' . Davll of Topeka , retire.
' " . re/re. ; ,
lentng the def"nllunt In.urancc coeIt'tlem
Iii the Irrk'r case Inclosing nn offer of '
$ . O rcwlnl for the delivery or lrraker
Cl t. Ili 11'111 States delh'err : t 1'11111 I'
- ' - '
Sccretnry Carlisle's Optimisto ! Figures Not
Berne Out by Iconoolnto ! Fnch ,
WI Ills f.512,000,000 nit ttiy I , n4lu tha
Stcndy JncrCIMO , ot JnCllO nlrll/
time Jnot :110 lUlt h.- " trn
Session'Iy. %
1ASINOTON , March 3i.-Cotmirany to
the eXlleclatJns cf the officials , the treasury
recellts for the months or March
wi Ilaln fall below the exiucuitli.
tures , The amount , however , Is
Is only about $23tOOO. Time excess or cxs
Ilellllurls 0\01 receipts for the lime months
or the IIre8ent fiscal ) 'oa are $36,600,001) , anti ,
this alount wIlt almost certaInly he lu ,
creasell ity $ , OOOOOO or moore during Apri ,
which tvili leave a ulefleit or abut
wi Ileleit ( $12,000,000 )
on May I. Durl1I May amid Jnne. however , things ,
arc eXllecte,1 frol the Income
tax , hut the most ccnservativ'o estlates flOW
place the deficit for the fiscal year at $25.-
000.000. The outlook for heavy receipts frol
the two great sources ot Income , cusloms and
Inlernnl revenue , arc not euicottnagIng , var-
tcularly t from the latter , Durlnl Ito lonth
of Atigumet . IS9t. the Internal re\'lnue recelptM
In nnteillaton ot the IncrelsOI rate of duty ,
ran UII to $2i.G2OOO , but not since that
tmo t have the ) reaehe.1 luch more tiln a
thlrl t , of thnt .
nmouul In Selltemler they
s carcely exceelled $7,000,000. nud since then
they have heen slowly Incrcaslnl untIl the
present month" , when the ' alnountetl to over
$0.800,000. 'hls , however ) , Is far below the
eXllectatons tf the othichalte.
The receipts from CUst0l3 Ilurlng the past
twelvc months t hl\ ' " shown In uneven , but
on the whole n roll Incrca e. Imurlmtg immly
18I , they reached the how I/url of $8,527,000 ,
hut tittrluug , August they Increasel to l'arly
$ OOO.OOO , 111 duurhumg SelJtrmber to ahout
$ ] i.r61.I , Thl three 8ucceedlnl monlhs
showell a falling off or frol t.OOO.OOO to
over $ ! , OOOOOO. In 180 , however they re-
conred to over $17,000,000 , anti , theu
a gaIn there was n leclh1 ! to $13.000-
OOJ , Inc then on Inereasc during the
Ilresent h lonth to nearly $15,000.-
0 1)0. ) Only tllc" . however . since May . 189 I ,
h ave Ihe receipts fronl all sources eqmmnllm'd ,
the t cxpemttlhtiures. In June , I8I I. there was a
s light excess , alll durlnl August thc exces
relchcd $ ! , OOO.oo. The receipts dtiriuug that
10nth i wee about the norlal , owing , as
s tated . to the Inerensed tax on spirits. All
thln i gm ! colts itiereth . much IlepelHls upon tIme
decision or the supreme court on
the queston of the validity ot tH
Inccmo h tux : Shoult the t law ho nphel,1 ,
as seems altogether hroitahie , the treasury
ofchlls leak for fall sailing from this tme )
on , but shoull the lal : he declared uncon
sttutonal aa extra session ot congress called
to [ 10\110 for revenues sulcllnt to meet the
needs or the government Is regarded by the
omcllls a3 nl least probahle ,
- - -
- -
HllOHT ( N COlT\UIOL- ; . \ < W. .
C holrrl 1'nl , II I 111.111 Ext"t Iii
nl..ln nld SUllh , \ , muutrleti.
WASIUG1ON. March 3i.-Tiuo abstract
of salutary reports lS made h ) the surgeon
general shows the Ilresence of smalllx In
twent-ono states or the United Stntes. Ot tbe
cities . Milwaukee has suffered most this winter -
tar , recording 52t cases anti lGI eaths. Pitit.
< 1111-
adelpluia hall 22t cases nnd twent-slx deathl ;
Chicago 240 cases and fort-four deaths ;
Hot Springs , 18 cases anti , twent-seven
deaths ; WashIngton , fr-one cases and nine
delths : Ietrolt elght-one cases and twenty-
six deaths : St. LotUs , 105 cases ant thirty-five
deaths ; New Yorl , fifty-five cases and ten
deathmu .
Cholera Is epidemic In many parts of
RussIa and thlrtnlno dIfferent places are
enumerted In which cases appeared from
Jausuary 24 to March 6. In Podola alone In
that period there were 2,031 cases and SGi
deaths : Galllcia. In Austria-Hungary , re-
portC 450 deaths out of 877 cases ; Calcutta .
India , 36r deaths , and Constantinople . eIghty-
seven deaths.
There Is also more or less eboler In the
ArgentIne , BrazIl . Belgium Ceylon , Fraitce .
Gennsauu l ) ' anti , lioiiantl. The Unlct States
sanitary Inspector at Rio de Janeiro reports
that cholera In tIme Interior of BI'azl Is
rallly declining , owing to saniary precan-
tons , anti time same Is ( rile or yellow fel'er
though the weather Is very hot anti sulr ) ' ,
I Is hardly likely Is wIll be epidemic this
year , ns the number or cases anti , deaths up
to now are considerably less than usual ,
Brazil reporto a total of 137 enths from ( ycl-
low fever up to I.'ebruary 23. fifty-hive ) or
which occnrred nt Santos H'om February 9 to
2 : , out of n total of seventy-five cases In
Cuba there had been twentyseven dlaths and
se\enty-fonr cases up to Mnreh 17. There
were also n few cases nt Vera Criuz Mex. ;
Oua'nqul , Ecuador ; Puerto Ho , Salvador ,
anti ! Curacoa . West Indlos.
The secretary of the Connectcut Slate
Hoard of Health contradicts the existence or I
vrlololl nt Yale , I appears from n report !
or time state of Kentucky baall that an In-I
specter who was sent to Floyd county to In- ,
vestgato ( hue mysterious dlelse which Ie-
centy appenre there found It to he cerebra-
silinal unlningetis. There
mlnlngets. were twenty deaths
In the county ont of I total at twenty-Ove
Tract or Ehhtcancr , Near ( r.lul . hlRnd
to I. 1'ltOltet I I to the ( :11111) : ' ,
WASHNGTON , Mardi n.-Speclal- ; ( )
The commlsloner of the general land olc !
has trnsmited to the secretary of the lit-
tenor for approval Union Pacllc list No.
:1 : : , covering 18.22 acres In tie Graml Islalll
district o1 ' Nebrasll , ' 'hl lanl Is Ilrt or
the tract granted to the Union Pacific by
the go\'erment under the net of 1862 , 1111
has heen certO .1 . to the .Ieartmenl , so
that patents inimy be ismueti 1 , out It to tIme rol ,
roull. The land Is rEhcrlhe.1 . .E lot O. In the
southwlst quarter or ReeHol 2 : , In town-
SIII 15 , ranlO 101'lst. . In lulJnltng the
list the comlllsuler of the gu'umcrai land
otce apllnds n reCOllelHbtOI tlt the
patents le ISluI , since . so far : S the records
of his otce chow , the lands are free flom
conflict , nl ! ure within ( lie granl tetu-
tellllaled by tllP law. 'fhl'n' Is alsu a
statemenl ( rol the ( Htore ' 1 wlo examlne'l
the list tlat theme II' " ' ito IJnlHI claims
anti , no mineri rcturl for butts 1 Ilhn ! six
mies uf the tract. The list has : IWel reo
ferred hy tIme secretary of the Interior 10
the Isslstunt Iloreyenelul for Ilcltl-
gtOl , anti the clslon o the ( Hecrct'y
will b3 accorlr , g 10 the Intlngs alil ( lie
oJlnlon of tIme assistant ntorm'yenerl / : ,
I Is sold that ! 011 hItch has orcnrrc,1
which wil delay time ISnalce or patents '
to ( lie tlnou I lacific road , because this
roa,1 , I lehln.1 II plments : 01 11 b'JII ' '
tu the gO\'erIICI , und thaI a hal huas been ,
ordered ill the Isstiumitu'e of t Ito patnitte until L
a vortloum of ( hue deiheicutcy has hteen patti.
No record cmiii be founi of such atm order
Itt time Intenioi' depuitineuut. but lum viesv oi
( lie fact that there is canto iuneentaiumty II
cantuot he jsrcicted vu ( mcii ( lie pac'nuts ( emi
this iateit list of Dod mutay be tsui ii by
the ] oIlIce.
' ( lie curvey uliviution of time it'ncral Isiuui I
ohlhce lass just iransunitlemi to Surveyor ( len.
crmI liugitm'tm of louthu Dakota cli l'aperm '
umiitl xnapm iii coumuiectton with the eomnimii ;
siurvey of the fractIonal tntvllbimhits hetw"cu : I
Nei.mramla : umiti Scuithi ikota. lie has iteex I
autimorizeti to asvaiul time cun'tract tot titt I
survey to harvey' d Glummer of St. Paul
Nob. _
_ _
( :1 evuutaiut 'tVtl I Ii ii I uuv I ted ,
W'ASIiINGTON , .iarvhi i1.-It comnasittet
of jiroimulneust cllizeuma of ( : lihcagtm. unt. st 0 f
ts'hmotn are iii ( lie cIty. wIll cull otm I'restmiciu : I
Cleveland It4Jirme tlnutt next work ( ci ( lit '
iiUl'PUe of Iiit'Itimtg hint tim Iiartkhiate 1mm
"suuiud musoney dmumsumistrujioum" to b li'.hth Jr S
Chicago cosmic tlttsii lu I Ito tmmIimr' . Foul Sr
macushers of tIme coinmnittce Ui I hvvd hOle lti L
night , ' ( 'hey t1eehiimd to hi' ltiervlcwed ( ox u
tile subject of ( lie Imi'oiiJCCt.l lxivltttthit ! ,
itogiimi t'rtst .umm ills l'fli IS'S.
Vi'/tSIIINGTON , uiarcim 81.Igr. ( . Hatch I
has been pniioyed by reltomIs ftom yanicu K
vane of the c'ttiusti' ) ' us to an silleged mciii u
who goes nbout Iepreseultlnmj Iuimitrif us uii
eloso conIldantu of ilue diegaIe. 'i'himm 1mw U
beeui cuulicleiit to hecUre the Junpuat r ox .
tendent iIUItttmLlItY us (1w ( gtF'st Of lurCIate I
throughout time country , 'l'lue lust ibid ci C
ol perations of the . alleged imiotik wit' rut
l 'at'kerslnsm'g , W..n , Tht tutsute glvc'ut list
ta Ime tuna is ( hint of an cimilnent tneumiimu'r ci
th monastic ortit'r , vhtn , upon Investigation
h e ( mind to luive been tus hits nuonastery
c onstantly' .
_ _ _ _ _
S cimcmttmmi'r I.nut limit ( tin Crest 'unq $ tite'ui
W'ASIIINUTON , Mardi -Getieral Sum. .
vortntteuitient Ritmshinll of tltu' life snvin
s ervice received a ulispiutcit tht , tuorntng
fronu hhmIl'tu isitinti , Northi ( 'ium'ctiiiua. stilt.
l ug thnt the c'hiomner l.muirtu Nelson of Nor.
lt folk , on tt tisluing ( 'inIe' With is even' ci
t hirteen men , huuul strattuleti hietsvec'n thai
moitit anti Nngs htnt1 ycstn'rtitsv nfteruutsomm , :
i'iue ei'v % ' l'as'cti lit stmrf boats anti ii
uI iory Iiy tilt' life sus'luug hint. 'l'iie et'sel I
I s fl totuui loss. The iruuira NeI'on woe
built at 1nex , Muss , , Iii 1571. Sin' is 01
eiglsiy'-muinc tomite itIdeit amid uuns owuteti ni
Norfolk Va.
, _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S.UIi .ST(1tt114 ( I'flUSI T111 t'.Il'Il'.iI. ,
\\Shi INGTON. Marelu -Special.- ( . ) -
Comtgrcsstmmaii John . 'tlheuu may's tliit tIme sep .
a rate PartY silver miioveutuemmt Is out effort
vu Ii I cii trial mu tls ii I in of t hue e ifart itu aml e hmy
s lioeuitaker tItus ii n ylississl1u1ul. lie was .1 I
h ioar vhi I to uuua Ii utittl had bent tvorit h utg ii t I
m aui' all luis life. One ulfly a 'u'auukee altoc' '
nsnluor caine to lana ' oiutt startetl a I
riuitt across ( itt. 5tret xuuutl PIlL Cult a sign I
t'imiclm real :
JflhtN Q1'IN ( ' ' l'itD"h'Olt ( ,
I hint s mu uiti Shiiete Nu'tu ti ' I LL'lutth iOtl.
) itti's Ctiuuciti ltet'ti ,
That sigum suornieti thun' ohti yiiesissimuistt fat .
i mmure I htaii a tteei , situ tlucmu hut' slvc.i hut .
l uroblent by' svuhiigittg out a bIgger slgts witt I
the fullotu I us g anuicim nconu euut
.i il'ilitSN ( lA VIS l.1i ,
hittot it n itt ! Siitu'te I 'erft'ctl y I ti.pi lietl.
: tl emt' ii mitt \vou micut's Coutmela I tect I ,
Shortly' after ( lie election of hicusry 1' . l'.uyuit
to suucceeti ithuit lii time settate' , Smuistor l'euithle .
lout was s'alklmmg dossmm ( lie nit ) stone dull
case out thIn lost ( rout of the caluitol iuittlti' '
iuug with Seuiator Vest , vu lieu ( lie' litcu
Pal isteti I a a sigum l'o i it ted mm paul tht tetti e of I I
I totiute amiti tealtl : "St. Jacob's Oil cmmret Ii
, ,
es. ' ' respouutl eel Scum tot I 'eutti letoit , ' 'aulL I
Stunuiartl : Oil electe.l Payne , "
hut reply to inquiries comtceruuhimg his CX .
hteniettce , Mr. Johns floyd reclietl it iumiummlii ref
of imucitlents wlthclm occiurrcti dtmnlutg tIme clvi I
mvar , ens of stimichi is extreuutc'h' lnterestliig .
lie saul that thire were niunult seveutty uteitmo .
cruts iii time Thirty-seventh cauugress tumid tlua I
time ) ' held a catuctus OilC' e'euuiiig lii thte rooit I
of ( tue coitmnitittee ott hue jtttlieisry. , li of thmi
etumIoyos : of ( lie house nero ri'lsithhicaims. ant I
Mr. ilayti was selectctt to gtuiurth the tioor alit II I
guarti tIt secrets of ( lint deittocratic caut -
cute. hI Itas mtevnr tilvuilgeti tim occurrence : I
of titlrty years mmgo until stow. lIe says tima t
insuttetliately' alter tite caucus was opeuteti
witht Mr. Cltuimtthler of New York as ( lie pie :
sitiittg cuber , Mr. harris of Marylsual mb .
llm'oti a very bitter spereis full of rebelliot 'u
SI ti ti t u'eZlSOIt , ( I enoli ut ii ii g i'rcs huh euu t I .i us cal u 1
nuutl all of ( lie ohiheers amid sotihers of hue ituitsu
anuuty. lie state fohhoweth hu ) ' Mr. Lcitj
of OhIo , vito tiehivereut is ituort ? vltui :
hierative attack utpoii titti' atluiiiutlstratiou :1 :
autO time govermiuuuent tltaum that vImicl m
bath iteuu imtheretl Ii ) ' Mr. harris. Mr. Lout
of Ohio s'as aftorwarti exltehleti from tht' ' a
house of reprcseuutatlveum. At ( lie coui -
eltushoti of his remtsanlcui I Itat utight , sluortI : 1'
after 10 o'clock. Mr. Iimiunuuitries of iluuffalo. u . ,
very large maui iulmyslcalI , anti a bIg Susan
hiutellecttially' , arttie auuti diIvereti as strottg
a uiuiout dhect'lt as ever t'uuuaiuatetl frouti ( lie
lIps of Thmadtiehts Ste'euttt , lIeu \'amlr or
auu3' other of time repuhhicaii miutioutists of
that dumy. lie ts'alketi ( town the Couutntlttet !
rootti tuliti .slmook Juis tlmuger at time face of
Harris antI Loit , aiiti told ( item thuat if tImes'
ever dared to titter suclu seuutintents ott ( Ite
floor of ( ito Itommee of reitreseuutatlvee lie
wotmld introduce anti uurge ( lie atloittloul of a
resolution expethiitg theta for treasoit. That
broke ( lie ice , autmh otiur miemocrats followed
with simimilar suteechmes. The result of ( Ito
ctuuicuus sitoweti that a large itsumlority of ( ito
ileuttocratic members of tiun luntise were
loyal to ( Ito huackbone aiutl hiitterly resentful -
ful of ( he uilaloyalty of harris autul Louig
and a half ciozeut otiters who euttertained
mulinilar seumttinentg. ' ( 'lie speeds of James I
A. Garfhehti , iuthvocatittg thmo eXpuulou ! 01
Mr. Lung of 1mi oss'n state of Ohio , was I
time strongest anti nllest ) speech that Mr. Garfield -
field ever delivered in time house of rejure.
seittat ives.
' 'After ( lie itew aisportitinutseuut of thtc t
hotuse wlmhclt followed time ceitsius of 1870 , "
said Mr. lloyd , " ( lie old oakeum desks amid I
chaIrs , wluhcht mvere elaborately carved and I
very costly , irene haiti aside nitd smallet .
utiahiogany desks , similar to tluoso mtow It ,
use , vere bubstltuted. I bought about L
Seventy of the ohti desks at an average coil L
of $ h each. I seust a utuitiber of thuens t )
ex-nuembers antI to the famimilies of tleceaset I
mimeunbers. I retained the desks of severa I
vronmimient itiermibers , ansoutg tltemus time flesh
and chair viulch itiud beeut iusett by Thamitieum t
Stevens.'hmen General Hawley anti Mr .
McCiura of ( hue l'lilltulelisltia Tixttes weru i
here to secure legislatIon 1mm tite interest ci I
times Ceittennulal expositloim General llawIe
uvamiteti to buy limo desi of Steveiue , but t
Mr. McClure gave usie a very large bill nnd I
rejtmesteti that tint chaIr amid desk lie sertt tc 5
itis ofilce. ills offer aniouumutei ( to severs I
tiutics the cost of the furniture auud I mc' .
ceptod It. I have mince been told timat Mr
McClure umsemb ( lint tleel for a itluimstser Ol I
years UIOII which to write imis editorials .
tinti that hue exhlhiteti it to scores of vrouni' .
nent nmeum u'lio visited his office during tin
Centetiutlal year. "
XEhtl4Kt.'c- ('m1rr'II. (
LOS ANGELES , Cal. , March 25.-Spocia ( I
Correspouitlence.-J. ) T. Greenwood , an alter .
uuey of Nebraska City , Nehi. , Is vlsitiutg Marl , I
A. h'cuiuty , atm OltI-tllmtC fniemid , in l'errls'al .
ley' , Cal. lie iii so ; sleased wIth , what lie limit i
mom tltat Ito is titbiticlmig of locating In thu I
statc verntanenthi.
C. C. ilmuleht of the u1erchtants ttoteh , Ontalma ,
utccouuiisanleti by liii fattter , IV. C. Ihuiett , art
guests of ( he Carltcui hotel In I'nsatlexua.
'l'iue Panic faumully of Loup ( 'its' , Nib. , It I
Itu Los /tuigeles. It ( 'OitiltrlaCti J. I ) , 1'mnlt' ,
\hies A. l'unIi , Mig 8. l'ark' , C. H , l'anle , L
Il. l'ttnhe aitti hielemi i'arlm" .
S. Ii. 1)ean itiuml sv fe , unto btave been In h'as -
acheutum for stveral umouttits , Imave left for ( Itch
ltoummn' iii h'.usu nec , Nc ii.
U. J. Stewart of liratton , Nehi , , Is In Clilntu .
Cat. . where ( he Oxntirh ttcet sugar works are ,
I ho Wt'uit lucre iipaxt tite rt'cjuusnterutlatioim 0 f
his old iuelgitiwrs lxi Nciirhska , Mcssrus. I ) . C' .
tutti F. M. luiy' . lie Ii very' muutichi huleaset I
wltht time ttesv btmrroulutiiumgs aitti will go had C
to Nebraska auth ltrt'huart. lit reiuuos'e to ( iimiiit )
ierxtsa neatly.
Mr. anti Mrs. JIIgic'y of l.tcatur , Neb. , ar C
Iii National CIty , ( 'at. They ltave iue'tt jaur .
utc'yiuug thrcugui time uuut'tliero part of tlue stat C
anti itave cmiii ? to National City iii visit lii I
late Nehiraska : icIghmhiarue , Mrs , h , C , hate I.
fltl taitiIly an'I S. l. itohinits ,
JIr. AiuClla lhuirrotmgiH ! of Oinithiu is at thu
\Vestittinster itt Los Atsgrics.
Ilrnmser uui'l Gtmorge lagget of Orti , Neii ,
have arrivc1 lxi San Jucinto. Gm'arge f.mgge
hits arranged to heave icr Oregoim , hut lloiume
xviii niako his hmuimue Ir. Simm Jitehmmto ,
A ictumre was giveti heat wemtk Iii Sank a
I ( 'ai. , by Genn'rah Cumillihiehl for tIme b'ne .
tin or hue' Nelsuashumi sufferers. ThIrty-two del
iara was r'ailzc.i. whmIcim wIll lie SculL tO ( ii I ;
umroutrr couiiiuslttcc ,
ulrs. l. ii. Guuuuuuaun of Outuahun Is In I'.uea .
iieuut mtotmlxug at the hiutel ( Ireca.
istim.itI ltm rum I I tint' ' ( 'rust ,
( 'I tI'AlO ( , Murcli 81.-J mitige Bakt'r ret' ' -
, lt'rcd mm uht''ision miticimu lug ( lie 1uslte ti
St Li I t'e School ltu m usi I ure rO niuiam it y of ( 'I , I I.
cage to hit ut ( minit alud a tuiOimQjiOl ) ' . 'l'hm C
mlccjjjomi smiute re uttipniti imu thut stilt ( jt 4I I .
I ( u t icy Gull crab 'i it hoiuny titii hun' I t Im m' vol ii
h' ° na' . 'h'hie ntiimuit'y geit itul thl.'ti imis iii
I Olin ; t hum aga I nuet I It 0 t'itulti lull 5' ruiliui t
ug m. I to et ( euthm Iltrit it cuitu'lustl u :
t.itt't.ti uuIfl't'i5L w'nItIrtmtioflt' ilumi timmima , lists
it it'gttiat''ii irh''s ttut'l Ituadlicuily coil
II lIe'i ( lie iitoti I tim util uI. ' ulhttul , if Iii
( to u mu I ry. 'lii I it fntriitt : ( lout ml cela i'ti I I mu I lit
Utihleil Htuit'-um ct'tuutpammy ltatl auntie coitliaci
with it mt tlttIttiuihItt flu uns tvh"ne'iiy thu y won e
( U self tim. Ii' output to titus ( 'licuo , toniitjl it '
( Ion minI tICie SO riamuufttet mm e emily cut' ;
goothi. tm : tim. . lmittt'i u'ltotlltl milieu-i. 'jitiS , til
tuttuiti. ) 14' it" mmliii imimti , IViC liii Cttsiuio
ot ( lii , anti-tm U , , ( ltts' . 'lime teuitttxiy' : : ihIe
11 dciiiiilinr , .iumtiiiiiug ( httut It iut'mL'i ) Uti , i
a it .1 I St I Ihttm I u , i' otli em It rune , multi ui"it It'
that It mumumle nay nttuummimt tO meiuuln tric :
( , ) lt tlilt. 'JuluLniii Judge hi.m'er'it , uthu.rae fit ;
im lilt wuute I ' mimi leul tm'ttm ' >
find u'ummtiuiuteLuIlstteurl'r ; ,
N. I ) , , Marchu : . - , ( ss'ittliii [ 'I. '
mill day on hue hesc'i divouce c.'swe. Jutig' Mifl :
( "onnch , ieithd late y'm'stcriay a lint iuO' fl
that hue iilaiiiiilt was stet pntItld to
decree. 'lJmi. lcocl's atoiny ( $ arts tie IS'
trying ( ( i uttrOruk'O 140 llmut Site ClO C ( Is
denree and PeimamIent uihifl'uiy ,
Mysterious MUt(10r Which is Puzzling
Now York Polico.
hlimul ileeii SI rauigicul to lemmilu aiui Clue hotly
A tterus'arls tl miii iitutel , us 1(1. ( . ii lltiteimet
or Sumummu , tdimibinr lmistrummemut-lbo. ,
inimgeuh to time hull ' . 'orld.
Nh'OhtK , Mardi 31.-One of ( lie iiiost
timy'slerlouus iuturtlere coxtuimtlttetl iii tIml cIty
iuliicc' ( lie uuiiitlltttti holy' of "Old Shialces.
lteare" was fomuitti iii a low resort iiear tIme
lisst riser froumt , for whose bimtclmery tiuts
. 'ilgerlami , 'Preiuchm ) ' , " Is lion' servIng a life
s1'itteimeevtts uhlscoverctl totta ) ' shortly after
6 o'chork a. utm. 'Fiu Ici liii iii this case
young colonel woiuuaiu. whose distuem.
iuc'reti tutuhy us-as founti u rnupeti iut tuieces
or carpethiug , hutrtiahiy hmleltieuu frot' 'iew iii
tlu rear of ( lie Iiuuhltbiuig of ( lie New 's'orhc
Unmihc cauiilu.umi ) ' . cmi time southwest corner of
Sisthi aveutue nuutiS'nverly' l'luico. ilow long
tIme remiiatmas hunt beemi hy'iuig there Is hot.
kxuon mu. As yet Duo haileD have no clew to
time iterscumm Or versonls who deposited tIm
lua ( ! ) ' Liir. lnsiuetlatchy tipoit the ills.
cover ) ' of time criutte tIme 1)011cc of ( hue ceuitrah
0111cc sere notified , auth unIt mu uiozsmi of Limo
boat detectives store detaIled to fatttomts Limo
mttystcr ) ' .
Thit' btitly was fotuntl at alnuost ( Ito santo
tlumu tmy two miiemm. Orue of timese uu'mts Joseph
h'iuihihima , a yotttmg electrician , anti
( Ito otluer l'atrohmuuait Kasimiir of
thus Mercer street ittmstlou. Tlmfr
hmuu ii ii he I mu t it IcIi t lie routial ii s Were foti nil wtis
Inittitil ilL cant eutml Ititim hmiCces of clothes
hitte tiimtl hi'avltug ( lie uittmitlhe iortlon sonme-
sviiat hooe. Aroumuuti her heck was tied hit
ii mioulule knot a long piece of elmeese chotlm.
TlmIs 1usd been tied so tightly ( hut. IL imunt
camsied straumgtulathomi muumd hail forceil thu
tomugtue to Imrotrtide trout tlt nioutht , ThIs
had bei'mm ( Iou acros'i her breast with a stromig
Imlece of cord lmy muteamma of a shilikusot. 11cr
legs Imati hicen cut elY just lichen' the knea ,
autti oume of ( heat haiti cmi ( Oh ) of ( lie body
t'.itim tilt ? foot toward the hmetsd , witiho time
otimer sas fotmmuti mmnthonume'atim thue hotly. IhotIt
unenthiers hitud hmce'uu huacketl oil with a sharp
mttlze or a hmtitchier's cleaver. Pieces of ragged
skhmi autO iieshu were hauugiitg frouus time ills-
luieutihiermul legs. 'Flue only clotlmlng time
votsuamm luul on was a chueutsista and chmeustlsettc
witlte mtmateniah.'huouu these nero to-
Oveti ii gui It I mug tvotintl , uiiitts incites long , anti
Wiulcim lui'uietriteti to ( lie hoist' , mv.tS disclosed
Jmtst uultot'o ( Ito niglmt ( imighu.
SLiGhT CLhTO 1hlht 1DlNT1TY ,
Itt a iiuinthho lucre was foimuui a hsiece of
hole hualier oil tvitlcit tuas a clot of blood antI
wnitteus but iutcIl thicee wormis , so far as they
cotiltl ba uutatie outt : ' 'March 23 , Ituiwway ,
.Iauutes ( Jtiume ) I , Siunlumulell , ltawway , N. J. ' '
hic'uieatim tas tIme tvord "Solounomu" autfi also
min u'nl ' 'tlnin ' ' , iil. . tin ' ' , lImtn' '
WtiS written betweeuu theumu , Ieputy Coroner
lr. 1)ommhiui reuttoveti time piece of clmeoso
dlotim with mltlcii she hiatl beemm strangled to
death. the found that tubs itaul been tIed in
a tiouble kutot atud ( lint It hiatt booms tiuo dIrect
cause of deitlu. Time other itsutlhations , ho
saIl , himd bui unadn' after iloatii , probably
' . 'itIu a shmarp axe or a imutditer's cleaver.
There tu'ns ttowitero to lie found ammy cvi-
dcmscts of a struggle out the part of ( lie
wouttamu. Tue depiut' coronmer vas positive
that the wounan hail beus dead snore tItan
twemit-four iuouurs. lie guild also that the
wOuttaiu had hiutemi a mutothuer. Tim woman
wore on time third linger of Imer rIght hmanti
a PlaIts gold ring , immid on her heft breast a
jmorous plaster.
It is the opliuiout of ( hue police that tIme
% s'oiiiaut is a mmmeuimber of tltat class of colored
WOiiiCfl V.1,0 , lIve on the streets rnttusing out.
of Sixth aveutue anti galls their livelihood as
OilO of ( hue town , They tisake no itt-
( euitpt to exlslaiuu ( lie motive for tIm crime.
No one of ( ho muautte of Surindohl could be
touumud lxi Italiway , N. J ,
hl1iI TJIIiI ( I.'OJf1j,1'iIr.
Simowers Iii ( liii EnrlymonmmIumg Vohlowemh by
Cleti tI umg lit N "ii ruitukui ,
W'ASIIING'I'ON , March 31.-The forecaster
( or Monday is :
For Nebraska-Sliowenti in the early
uusoruthitg , fohiovu'eml by fair wetutlter ; north-
only' svimsmis ; slightly warnier Monday' even-
For Mlsoutri-ItaIui followed by clearIng
'uveathier ; colder ; northerly wInds.
For Iowa--ltattt , PossIblY llglst ShOW iii
( lie muortliern jsortiout , foIhoweti by cheating
weather ; slightly % I'tut'mer him rmortlsern Iowa.
Motitlay evening.
h'nr FZmtmisas-Falr , prcceded by showers
Iii ( lie extreune eastern vomtion in the early
mnoruting ; eoimtuhr in time eastern portion ;
itortlietly tshmttis.
For Sotmtlu Itchcota-Clearing In the early
sssmnmttng : getserally fair Monday ; winds
mehtlfting to teouthorhy.
Local Itecorum.
OlIAIIA ( , Marcit nl.-Oinauta record of Loin-
peratuu'o and rnhnfall , compared witit tito
c'orrespOtidittg flay of the last four years :
1895. lSIh. 1893. 1892.
Maxlnitmnt temperature . . . 45 55 71 73
Miutiunulin teuitperiitulre . . . . 38 43 50 44
At'enage tentiterutUlte . . . . . 42 49 t ) 51
i 'rt'cipitutthon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 'it' .00 .00
Condition of temtmenictUruu and precIpitation
i tt. Oinuultut for time duty' and imiisco March 1 ,
h t9 :
N oriniul tcunperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 $
1 ) ethciency ( or ( hue miuuy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
N oniutal ( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch
h txcess f r ( hut' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iIicIu
't 'otai 1srectpitltti(5im titimee Marchs 1. . . .119 Inch
'ti i ) etlCieiiCY iiiee rmiarchc I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . melt
Reports froth oUter Simittomul &t 8 1' . ax ,
mmr&TuoNS. Vi ImrATZ Or
O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 aiim Italtiliug ,
N orilm i'hztttu , , , , , , , , . .1 ' 1' Ittmiitlimr ,
V aicittiuc..rn iii .u ruouteiy ,
C uticustro . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 : I :14 : .7'J htimliitng ,
8 1 , i.uuultt . , . , . . . , . . , . tI 71) .08 l'art n'Iouthy ,
S t. h'utmm . , . . , . . . . . , . . ' 3 ami 0 I ( : Iomumiy.
D . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .Pl li'J Ciomitly.
g nmtsas . . . . . . . . . mIs .041 Ciotithy ,
D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ) au ' 1' Sumouvlmig ,
h . % . . . . . . lU .00 Uhear.
t tuuu'idClty. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
tI I IetOtmU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aim 5 . cmi .
im iaunarck. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 54 . 48 , Ot ) Ciotstly.
S t. Vitmeotmit , , . . . , . 40 .imi . .00 . CheaT.
i ittaye'rmui'm. . . . . . . . . . . . : . : ti ' : mi , t ) I 5utosiui g ,
l 'ilit's City . . . . . , , . 4 I 10 , ht ) ) CIommmI3P.
( maisi'stm'mm ' . . . . . . . . mK ; 7ti ' 1' ( ie'a" .
'j" limIIetee tm'tmnl of prCCiuhuultIOtt ,
I. . % . S'St.Shl , Otseuver.
tiis Spring
Sen that y'olil' blooti Is ptviUvd * 011(1 ( CIl
i 'belied Iuy' thu tISt' Of B fhW liothc'H ( ot
IuutI'S ( ( Sarsullutlihill. 'L'lit'tt ) 'OtI vihi Ilot
l utu rum I 1 iii I i I roul ( eel I I m g , you t'li I ito t ho
t 1Ofliil'tl ( 'lilt muervniimeIlt's , Klu.1'lileuefiIemtH
i i Ii ii hrust' (1 f 8ll fl't I I 0 , 1 Iootl' ' 8:1 : rsi ; I ) r rlfln
il l im the Itlt'ii : uii'itig iiieuihi'hIln , hui't'ttiitt it
l ii lime giutil'it : imltoml Itl'hhht't' ) . It vIJ1
( I rI vo t lie I 1511 III il t I ( u4 flout you r blootj ,
t .ilvum 'nIl iuou'm' . timu'iihiil uiid bodily'
m Ci l'I'II gi I i xi titi ii iii I ; I' ) 'OII I ( tOl : il tog' i ltct
i mctv. 'i't' ' it.
HOOd'S Sarsaparilla
Is the Only
True Blood Puriftel'
Ii'nhiiItmu'ibtl III the putldi c'i ) todal' . It
( ' ( ' ( 'ii I u's n i I ( Ii l it' I I I t' U U ii Jun icc'a I hum tvt'alc
sli'nmiug. I I iii tImt bu'at shuI'hIhit iiiiuIItijjlti ,
Is 1ttodticrmi liv . the CrnmrUmtA httixtimits uchen
- cli ( ( hire. ( iii. ' 1 imey cittaa4e tti
r- STall. of brrhtettn Scat ) ' , tutJ ,
, muiti llt4tY buntoms , .tlnmuiite
( thu limit iUcii. 101.1 deetrey met.
, tromnoimic birth which feed tutu
thettsirufld ItCOCS.UCCCeuI when
l''u lime biet 1iimyiiiti3mul grid all uther
memmwdk.teit , bOl,1LLWUtLcMiIUiC apr14 ,