Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 01, 1895, Image 1

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    p - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - . - . - ' . . . . . ' . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . - - - . . . ---I1q : < - ' . , , . . , . . . . . : ' - - c r' " ( ' < . . .
. 1 . 11 f
I r ,
k . H THE . OMAHA . DAILY BEE0. : : . '
. L-L . :
r I I 1 : /
I , ESTABLIShED JUNE If , 1871. . OMAhA , MONDAY : rORNJG , APRIL 1 , 18D5. SIGti COpy FIVE . CENTS. , 1' '
Congratulatory Telegram Rccived by Bis-
mnrok fcm the Swcdish King
, , TOlIn " ' 1lnr8 , the Crownln ! IeiItMot
e the Celohraton Iii honor nf the Iron
Chnncollnr-Th'IA"nlIA ) : Crow,1
. \ronli * 11f I u 10 ,
\n .J _
, , Inrch 31.-The ills-
, rArck celebration Is In full swing , ali every
{ 'f , , , \ lay seems to all to the enthusIasm Ils-
; H ' 1 : , , " ' Played hy the Gorman PeoPle over the elghl' I
t , I. j , ' oth anniversary ot the birth of the 011 chan-
V ; ' < cellor. Every train arriving at Prlellehsruh
iW : , ' , Is loaded with Presents for the oge.1 . states-
? ' - - ) , man , nn.l . every post brings hundreds of
F : ' " congratulatory letters , not only from people
. . , " . } In ( ] erniany . hut from Germans and others
, throughout the civilized worM Thousands
upon thousands of sPecial Bsmarck IJost
} cards have been sold , and great numbers
have been maIled 10 the Unlel States
TIcso : In Oermuny who have received them
\ have put them caroruly way , to he lIre-
I served as mementoes of the Iron chancellor
t' ' and the great outpouring of the publIc heart
J ; In his honor
'J Nothing preventing , It Is b level that
y tomorrow , the actual nnniversary of the
prlnco's birth , wi witness such a PoPular
dtmonstraton ns has not been wItnessed
, since the return to Berln of the conquering
armIes from I.'rnce , I'cry preparation has
. been made to accommodate the vast cro\\ls ,
The decoration of the staten has lurch con-
' u ; clulcl , and the roadway from the station to
( ( the schluss hag bee transrormed by wl1ng
hands Into a veritable triumphal arcade. A
beautiful work or art , the girt or the Inha\
t Iants of Anhal , who took UII a subscription
for the purpose , has been erected In n lick !
) oyerlocleng the IJrlnce's huomc' The work ,
which II In bronze , represents a large stag
I 3 keepIng two dogs at bay
For the first tune since the beginning of
? the celebratIon In his honor , Prince ills-
, marcle on Saturday was somewhat fatigued
and IIIsp080d , his old trouble , neuralgia ,
I affecting him slght ' , A good ! night's sleep ,
I however , restored his health and spirits , and '
. today he was as bright as ever
_ Thousands of visitors arrived today , hoping
, f that they woulll gel a glimpse of the prince.
QuIte a rail has heen established In the
t. vicinity or the stal on , Ilcr"shmelt booths
have been erected , and here anti there and
' everywhere arc itinerant imrveors of Ills-
I marel post cards medals , t.ortl'alts and
, ' mementoes of every descripton , Quite n
) thriving trade was dune. Dnring the after-
Lt noon the sky became overcast , and thou fol-
, lowed , drenching showers The rain , how-
' 1.ever , was not sufficient to dampen the enthusiasm -
( thusiasm of the slghts"ers anll holiday
I makers , and between the showers the crowds
would watch the residence hOlllng that Iter-
1 , chance they might get a glmpse of [ him
they hal come to Iionor.
Today the IJrlnc' received his frst congratulatory -
gratulatory telegram from a crowned head !
; _ outsIde of German I was from Icing
Oscar or Sweden , and contained a graceful
ti , , expression of his majesty's Interest In the
occasion . ( and hearty wel wishes for the
prlnco's welfare and longevl ) ' ,
'b . HAMBUnO , March 31.-Ono of the features -
) , , ' turcs bf the Usmarcl : celebration here was
'I r the holding last night of a "coinmcrs , " or-
! p -r . FanlzC hy the Heichstag Eleqtorato union ,
. , If , xteCn hundred ' admirers of the prince
t , \ % ' { ere present , and 'hundreds had tQ he turned
} ' - way frcm the doors owing to lack of room.
\ 1 veral senator the president of the House
) Burgesses , officers , all the elite of 11am-
I ) 4 burg society were present. Dr Sievking ,
'p&'esideiut of the supreme provincial court ,
propo ell "hoehs" for Emperor Wiiam , . His
majesty's Ilolllarlty has been greatly increased -
creased here by his graceful atttude toward
the prince , amI the "bochs" were given
wih a hearty good wil Dr Slevldng then :
made an eloquent speech , , In which lIe highly
eulogized : the services ot Prince Illsnuarck ,
The speech was received with storms of applause -
Pin USC' ,
Today all the public and a majorl of the
' private buildings In the city were decorated
. with fags and bunting In honor of the occa-
. slon Tonight there \I'IS a general lhliiiiiliia-
ton , on a scale that had not been attelniuti d
before In a quartel' ot a century In the win-
r dow of every shop there WI displayed either
1 wI'eathel1 Ilrtral or bust ur the great
Relschslmsclol' , In adtlton , some of the
windows contained historic scenes InlIlor \ -
, . , traits ot I nleror ) William. 1hotogr11hs of
k the meeting of the emperor all Prlneo Ills-
larck last Tuesday are being sell In large
tt- numbers
i ; LIGHTED ' 'lr ImACON FiES ,
DEIUIN , March 31.-Tclegrams are Ilour-
; lag In train all parts of the en\lre nnnounc-
log that the Bsmarcklan fetes have been com.
menced with great spirit There was a
specially Interesting gatherIng at tht national
4 monument of Oermanla In the Nleierwall ,
, whither thousands traveled from all parts of
the Hhlnehlll , Al0ng those jureseuit were
rellrescntllh'es ot thlrty.slx cites In the
; Rhelnlsh dlbtrlct Prof. Autelml of Gcssel (
university delivered an oration al the foot or
the monumcnt , In Mnnlch , the Bavarian
capital , ' a musicale In honor of the occasion
. WIS gIven In the ( Olcon , Throughout : GIrma'IY
' 30y fires art burning on the hhhest : mounta'n
penles and hills from the Baltic anti North
tea on the north to the Swiss all
AustrIan frontiers on the south : frcm
the ( Russian frontiers al the east to
the frontiers of France and the Netli-
erlanlls on the west Nov.r before In the his-
tory of the empire has there been such a
30yful and spoltaneol8 ! ( xhlblton of love by
the German people , Tomorrow aU this schools
I and most of the ch'I ! , antI state ofllcs , wilt , be
closed In honor of fulL to wlom tIle empire
--I owes Its existence
1.0:1)1 , March 31- The Times has this
. dispatch from Berlin : "Wlh few exccl"
, .tz-1 t1oiis , the newspapers plblsh ! lenders 01
u'u1t PrInce 11Kmarcle , ncconup.unleul by IJOetcal
' . refrain from
effusions They carefully any
utterances calculated to Injure the feilmigs
of the ( erman peoI11e "
The cenul-ofilclal North Grrman Gazette
, concludes a very sympathetic article wIth
tbese words : "As In time ycara blfore
Prince Ihlsmnarck's work . so niI also a
large lecton of our people .tRII hetwecn
b0111 111' fear , abJ\lu \ themselves whether
we are In the right path all whether I
- will lead : to a new rIse and happy end or
-L wi decline and ' ruin'e ha\'c howe\er.
_ an Incalculable nd\antage In Ilwlng learned
or our strength Every hour 10 can coiiu-
fort ourselves by looking hacle ou time past , I
, which h gives us tbe assurance that ( sn lent
- I a our thoughts and actions are German and I
( elevated nothing can destroy , neIther In I
, I' 1Vlous external Cllm ) nor an Inlllous
L Internal foe. 1.01 all the services Prince
, llisuauch , his Ilerformtd for his king and
t4 country before the m3IIllu.le 'ot which
, I ) len'lces the ( tongue Is dUlb , we thank hll\
, today with time Incrrcst gratitude or our
t dcelll moved heatts "
I The ) address of the ( lunllerath to Prince
' . u Iiismiuarec , after expressing that 10d"s satisfaction -
faction ) havhlg co'opol'atell wIlls him , lire-
i u coeds : " 'fhanl.1 to the policy directed by
' our serene blEhneu , the ullance of the :
I princes Itln.l . 111 agaInst the ( Ilecolposilg' '
, clenleltl which never uveary In the ( attempt
to destroy the work at 1 florlnul time.
The Juldesrath contInues Il way wih the
patrIotic conviction that with the tuneell !
' vIsion list ( enabled hue ( fotunulatiomma or this
I ' elplr' to bo lalll the federal council wl
contlue to the ( further comll ton ot the
i .nllelal edifice on lines cOltelllat-d , by
) . our sprono highness , thereby paying one
Jlut If the debt due to the stlte latlkl
- - chlowm dnt , "
chlowmlt ( of t4 cbiucclor
4g. \lt
' ' .f\ : - ' - " . - ii
S'.In.fWS cox1.'IIT Ul" 'USS ,
Mnrtliicz Cnlt' ' 1'Ictrll ' ; April - . Shin
the Cnmp"II" Wil ISo l'rr8c.l ,
TAMPA , Fia . , March 1.-Tho steamshIp
Ol\eto arrived tonight , brInging , among
other Passengers , Spaniards ant Cubans from
the Iland , The Spaniards said lucre was
fhlnf In the easter part of the island ,
but they were sorry for the "IJOOr Cubans"
engaged In It anti for those that were not
kiled In the fighting , ns they would be
shot arorward , 'fhey ridiculed the Idea of
Cuban sucees When asled If they were
leaving the Island to avoid being forced
Into the volunteer ranks , they said they
were coming hero to work In the cigar fac-
tories , as thl ( business was dull In la vana.
Spanish estimates place the Insurgent forces
at less than : ,00' ) , and the reason assigned ,
for the shlpmcnt of so many soldiers from
SII.lln to Cuh\ was that as there was only
t,000 ; permanent ) ' located In Cuba , Spain
thought It advisable to plce more or a
standing army on the island , so that lu
case the Cubans would attempt to rise up
they wou11 ho overpowered at once. :0
other reason for the movement or the troops
was assigned
Martinez CallJOs Is expected to arrive In
Ia\na on , \prl I anti It Is nnderstood that
the tight will then be on Mth great vigor
For the first ( line the civil Juanl of Havana
arc aclmowletgln the Insurrecton , The
lanilng or Iaceo with 1,000 men , near
Bor.\co , Is generally coueCle,1 , Plotcrome
Is said to be with him , and It Is asserted that
til landing was effected , on the :3.I ,
A Cuban report Is that arms were tilsem-
barked near Santiago : by Cubans on the
: Ih , Drool.s Is said to have left the
Island , uvltimlasso commandln his troops
Illrlng hIs absenc Santo Gldes Is salt
to have been routell by Amador Guerre on
the 22d. with slght ! losses. Camagny Insur-
gents are In command ; or the Marqumez do Santa
I.lca , They are In IJOssesslon of the town
of C\nngny , All the Insurgent forces are
focusing toward Yara , where they intend
forming the new rellblc , La Chambre has
beeu captured by Ouilerman and Dalre ami
Is now a Ilrlsoner at : Iontene/ro , A baud
al Vlneles , In Clue Vuela Abajo district ,
near Havana , Is said , to number 200.
Gonzalo Quezada , secretary of the Cuban
revolutionary party , Is here at the home of
Colonel FI/ucrredo ,
KI Y WEST , 1.'Ja. , March 31.-Prlvate advIces -
vices last night from Cuha , per steamer
Olvet , state that several minor fights on
the 2ih ( ant 27h Instant took place between
the Spanish troops and Insurgents In the
province of Santa Clara 'rime Insurgents lie.
fented the SpanIsh troops both days The
Spaniards left their dead on the field and re-
treltell In good order 'rhe deall , It I stated ,
numbered fort-nlne In both day ? lJhtug ,
According the advices the soldiers re-
c nly sent from Spain called volunteers , the
most of whom are boys , are conserlpls Their
hearts 110 not In the fight ! and there has been
man ' or thom desertnf and going over to
the Insurgents Two regiments were sent to
the country three days after their arrival In
la\'ana I , Fifty socalell Spanish volunteers
recently arrived from Spain deserted ald are
wIth the insurgent general , Palcio.
General Allllor Ouerr Is near Manzanlo ,
n seaport town , with 5,000 wel armed
cavalry. Ho Is considered the bravest of
al the Cubans I Is expccted he wi shortly
raid the towns of Santiago and Manzanhiio.
I is I cstlnltell ! tlat thc Insurgents number
20,000 ulller arms In thc Isllnd ,
Today a Ilrominent Cuban of this cIty sllll :
"SIJlln will timid us prcpare,1 this lImo anti
not lee ' 86'e have leaders and lots ot ,
moue ) ' , We will have oumm' Indellcndence and
very likely Innexalon to the United States. "
lie lld time yellow fever - \n wihin u.n
SI1nlsh rnles : 111 that limo hmisurgemmts l - " would ;
get aid from time outslle. , .
The steamer Pedro Pablo Is still under
surveillance hy the customs authoriles , The
cutter Icl.ano Is stIll here to enforce the
neutrality laws.
RU\t , Gwn A 1,11 SIN rmiCI
\SIUU"lt of It lull Cimiumig Iuely tu Oct
AU with 114 1.I ' .
SIIIONFSEKI , March n-Koyama : no-
l\nseld , the young Japanese who attempted
to Issssnate ( LI Hung Chang , has been sentenced -
tenced to penal servItude for life. -
Time armlstco established by the order of
the mldo extends to AprIl 20 , but It will
tellinato If the peace "pour parlors" are
blolen In the meantime. According to the
tLrms of the armistice , the movement of
trcops anti the transportation of contraband
ot war by sea Is forbitidemu . The new Ilstrl-
IHlon at troops not Intended to augment
the armies : In the fitid Is alowed ,
Colomh" i'rttier4 Helr".nll ,
COLON , Colomblu , March 31.-The phit-
Ical IJrlsOICl1 who were brought here have
been IhHated ,
' 1he Ceutlul . \ nl'rl(11 coffee shippers ure
rejoicing over thi . lfng of the Panama
railmoati Iljuncton , whlrh Is IlrQlollced to
\e vh'tlaly I callcllent of the monopolY
held liv t Ime Pal'Ulc \i
hell I tl ( C : Ial 3 teamnt'lm ip com-
pal I y. ' 1h. gcncll I tC11 Hteamshll preimme
"ol't t II I New YOI'I' SIn to r ccii C ly h.lllell .
.1011 I aim opllion un al allikal I 11 I IL I t'um It
II I olht ; hi I ) ) tw I Paoilc :111 I :1\'aIShll' com ii.
IIIY I al\118l thl' Ilnlma I tal I ion' I coma-
IIY 10' I ii. I Ilollllm I L of a cuntract I IJtweel
I he I , partes tin ( cml . Ib72 , 'hl > oplliol mOIU-
hut > ci-y latellal ) ' the Ilraste effect of
the I i iii um nct Ion ollgllal ' ohtailell hy Ihe
< t'118hI1 I COlpalY ngalnlt the rut I mail , In i
tmt It denies the right of the mutczeinshiJ )
" ummu pan y to "xcluslve tim roughm hiing I I hriv ) I-
ICJc ! tu IIHI from Celtll AmerJcan Irlv
11 i cominec thou wih the rail m ouul. : , I lot U itmm i.
ties arc now a'I'allnH the Issuance or I Inl'-
I. 'I cu based on this olliniol L
1\ . I . 1'1.1'-01'1 \ tllr ,
I.ONDON , larch 31.-A Ilceial dispatch
from ParlK cays that the so-calicti "Vmuiikeo
mystery , " th ( ' shootng \\aI11el Orrlll
hy ' 1holnK O'Urlcn , \'llllsday Inbt , at
the Northern 1IwIY staten , Is still un-
, 'xlllnin'd , 0' hi m ion Inulhs at the ante-
ctdcnls 11\lllell on him maid Bays that they
tire Ilrolmbly ilium brothers , whom he de-
Irrl\ls ( l 1 "bud lut" The "uarrcl , I I t Is
snll , Is not Ole ullslng frm < lCerences he.
tweel hooIClaleC" , but hall its orllln In a
love affair , antI rlsemlllr ' the troubles 11
tween Jim FIHI tutu Stokes , which h',1 to' '
the Hhootng of the formcl' , 'Fhie 1)1I5ent )
hmeroimue's clulrll are very great Both at
the \merlcnn IrHalou and e InKulnto un-
u.slal mu'e-iuce ( I ) regard ! 1 to the .IICalr Is
110WI un lime Visiors' book mit time 11051)1-
' .al , whither the wounded man was ccii-
ve'II thc has been dc eeriited '
) womnn en lescrlhed simply
" . ' mmuee' ' , slmll'
nb "lIIICI" ( ( rlelt )
Ch4n''r I ' \I"lulrl ) t" Wlhh' I ,
I.ONDON , rarch n-The : Observer today
lolollzes to O CU' Wldo alli Lord Alfrtl
Douglas for the Itutement publ - hellly that
I'allr ' on March 2 to the effect that after
stityimig u diy at u hotel lt Monte Carlo
the II'Oll'lctOI' , nt tIme request of tIme other
) ' : ngllh gimests , Inforld1110 1111 Lord )
Alfred that their l'oomK hlh"en \ engnll.1 .
by others liotii'ihu1e . nut ! 1,01',1ICro.1 (
assure tIme editor itt the IJuper that ( lucre
was not the slightest fOlllntlon for tim
ftatelent , ' 1ho Observer continues : " " 'e
tale the enrlh'st ol'portunlty ' of expreesing
0th' slncote regret nml apologies for lie (
pain ami Ilnoynlce the stutrment has
Cllused thueiuu. "
UrlI.:1 ( ' ' mi I I hum " "f mull . \rll.te , ' .
SlIONI SI'I : , Mnrch I-Jnpan origt.
nul ' 11'o\Olel ns ( omltols ot an nrlll-
tee the II'CUII\tol h ) ' the Japanese ot
Shal.Kwan , 'falU ual 'I'ieiu-Tu'imi amid JIII-
control uf the Siuaim.ICvtumi &
alwe .h\-Kwtl Tlol'
' 'gIn rlirourl , China , to defray the costs
or etmeim oCCUltaton , J.\ \ HunG Chal had
\alnly t'ouJht to modify those conlllons (
1\.1 . ! I was lutoluoCeti to continue the nejoln- (
lens wlhuut ni Ilnlllr , ' hplnl establshel
when the ntemllt on time life of the ChlICbt
Illenlpotentur occurred , 'Fhiis lel ! to the
tonal miecinriution armistice ) , tlu . mikado ut al uncondi-
I 'mi'ulumm , iu ml Ihl 111 I , mm CIJln ,
l.\HIS , MUlch I--I'rcsldent Faure has
[ 1\'llonel ( lie italian l\ajoll. 1 ala und
Aurdla' , now In IU'lyon , utter ll\'lnG been
comivtte'i ot NIII"nae , The jiardon of
tl' \ ' clued-s I > SUPlolo'l [ to 10 Ilarlon 1 rtll'n
fllr II"Y'I I'ec'nt lele.5e fr01 prIson , where
lie was ( ontllfl' mutter hnvlnl Lleen con\ltel
of etillonnge , of Captain Homur1 or the
French a 1\ ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'me. : Ilt 1..1 let ( urrll In t'rrn ,
Dl'I NOS VnES , March a1-Adviees re-
cel\d : from ! Ire to the efect that
Vtnt has been 11\'I'clln \ ' reru ,
S - _ _ _ -
- : - :
Call Iesue ! ] for the Meeting of the Nntionul
Lenguo of Ropubloan Oubs ,
Two TImnuiiund Jcllt t(8 1lllcCI : to no
l'reiciit-Specimst Ullronll HAt " from
Alt I'nrh or time Country lur
tIme UC(1810n.
CHICAGO , March 3l-Presldent Tracey
and Secretary Humphrey or the Republican
Natonal league tOlay ( IJresent time following
cal of the next annual conventcn of the
league :
' 10 the Republican Stole lcnHues , League
Clubs mind All Helltblcnns : In COIIJI11ee
wih a Ilrovlslon of the consttuton of the
HelJblcal Nltonnl lea ue cltahlshlng un
annuil convention , anti In accortlance with
the Instructons of the ( last latonnl con-
venlon lt Ilnvl'l' , the elhth Inn111 con-
venlon of thl lelulllun ! National league
of the Vnlltt Stute ! IR hereby eale,1 , to
meet In the city ot Cllvclall , 0. , \Ve nos-
tl ' , June W , I ) , ut 10 o'clocl a. 1 . anll
continue its FesRlonR until its hU31ness Is
cOIIletell , , 1 Is iiroicweil to tllee three
Ia's tar this coimventloii so that there mummy
he alille time for a tumh \ I tlscusslon un )
lueMtun ! of special Interest to the party at
thlM tbmi .
'I'iie ratio of representation will be six
Ilelegltcs It large from each state ant
territory , fommit front etuch ccmngrciusionnl ilk- .
terlOI' foul flom ! lch cOIreFslonnl .1'-
trlct , In.1 . UII from cnl'h coilege repuhlcnn
club In the Unltlll States cul ' reprc.enl'd
In the American HCllhlcan College LN\Hle
conventon lt Grand HntJlds , : lch" , Apri
G - IM\3. \
' 1 . following are cx-oiilcio ulehegates :
Time president , secretary nntl treasurer of
thl' 11 tonnt league , one vice president and )
ole oxecutve memher of the nntonal lengne
CI'om each "tul' fill ! territory league ,
maldn/ four t'x-omllcio delegatetu from each ,
'rlmi : gives euch state practically ten Ilele-
pIl > nt large In mlUton to the four from
each conlrelSIOnl1 district ' 1'he total rOil-
re , entatun wIll excee.1 . 2,0) delcgntes , with
un equal number ut ulllHtes , The busl-
hess uf thtc' m"etnl wi Inellle I'eports
fl'om the oiileer. of ( tie ieagume , time election
uf olcer" , vice . Il'esllentl and memhers of
the ex\'cutlve cOlmltee for the ensnln
year , the 11esh natun of the time anc place
for tJ next natunal league conventon , 1
/en"ml 11Hl'ussion of lelue club work ,
part lolcles , nll organization , th forma-
ton llf n 1111n of campal n , wih special
iemem-ence tu thl preshlcllal year , ail 1
C'OmsitiC'matioti of snch other questions as
limO convonton may deem miroper.
'lhl titter failure of the democrtc ad-
ministraton In its management of both
fore n nnll comestc affairs tins created
national IIMtruKt , eno\1 parlysis In husl-
11055 a\l driven capitol from ( lit' factories
antI . labor Into the streets , I'etneellthl I' < ve-
nnes of the ( government nn.l . increased its
lujmuleui Illehtctness , This hUlllltnl con-
diton of natonal mlsfortuno has eliminated
party lines somewhat\ as Illcatlt hy the
Unll'lCedentet iamulsllde \ te of Ib91 , which
brought large numbers of protection dmo
elts and populsts Into the republcnn
ranks. These new ales wi fnd ample
room antI welcome on the republican platform -
'rue republcan lrt\ can stand on its
1he ) stanl Is
record I has leept faith wIth the peo-
ple of the United States ( and has protected
mull their Interests , both foreign ant do-
iiiestic. I haM demonstrated Its abilIty to
manage the affairs of the government suc-
cessfulY , both In war and 11 peace 'Ye
believe the people of the Unltell States now
recognIze Its ability to grapple with and
settle satisfactorily all the great public
questions of the day and to meet any
emergency that may arise. I Is the prlvl-
lege of 'the league now , ns heretdCore , to
he first In the leld to prepare the way for
the next caumpaigii. I Is the only 10ltcni
organization hat his kept its forces con-
Etantl' at worl , since Ib7 , nntl with the
coming convention proposes to begin nt
oiice n campaign ot organization and educa-
ton throughout the United States on n
platform brond enough to attract from all
parties those who believe that the Irlncl-
pies , policies and aspirations of the I'epub-
Ican party arc best for the pCojtle , of the
United States , All voters In the 1nlte.l
States In sympathy with tile above are
cOlluly invIted to join the Republican
League clubs , and through the clubs and
state leagues participate In the election oC
delegates to the national league convention
at Cieveland. \Ve appeal , to the young men
of the countr , particularly \ the first voters ,
to tlle nd\'antage of the league plan of or-
ganizmutiomi and form 'oung men's clubs
with special reference to the campaign of
189G ; ,
Special raIlroad rates have been secured
fem the conventon , n'11 ' Informnton conC = I'I-
log the same will be supplied by the yarloug
state league olcials or direct from these
headquarters _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
SliUIU''lS S7'IW.Hl .1 2' LO."IJ , % ,
\morJ"an Inlhvny Stncks Score a Heei.h'lt
dll , value , ' .
LONDON , March 21.-With the influx of
gold front abroad and with no sign ot 1m-
mediate shllnents to the United States , the
Previous , mates for money continued durIng
thc 11It weel" WIth the exception of home
railway securities , which wee weak on hall
tn1lc re\orts , the tone ot the stock mlllet
was good all around , although owing tu
the ( setement dealings were only on a
mOlrte ( calc. The eastern armistice gave
a further IllJlse to siver securitietu. Sir
Edward 1 . Gray'tu stutcment In the I-louse of
Comlons ahout the I.'rench Iiolcy tn tbe
tipper , Nie hal the effect of weakening
Intel1Ionai Itocles , Spanish honls were
freely bohl ! lS a result of the cabinet crisis
In MI\lrlt anll the Cuban trouhles. Paris
Hold \ international stocks rather heavily
In ulder to obtain money to Invest In mines.
The hushlePR In the mining share marleet
hal at lAst become so heavy that I has
ellPet a break down In the ( clearing house
allnrements , 1 IK quite evident that the
committee IK bount to do something tu cope
with the hoom Clnndlan railway securities .
showlt a better tone
The marleet fOl' American railway securi-
ties ! ontnucd to Inl1'ovl on various signs
ot whllmlnl trade PI'OMtJects001 hns
been l.ught hl'lely ut the London auction
on .1lllcun account , whie large American
onlel's flJr mannfaetuI'll good have been
placed II Europe ' 1heso Increases were
mall : HemlnA Irlls , 5 per cent ; AtchIson
Is , 21 per cent : Erie ) : lerol1s , : per cent ;
At.'hlsOI . , Denvr & Ho Grnte preferred ,
Loullyle & Na hvlo , Norfolk & Western
tl''olc.I , leatlnA anti enlon Paciic each
lm ! \eI' ) cent , and Eric and Norther Pacic
Im'ferrel , each I \er cent , All the others
made fractional allvances ,
- - - - - - -
1I'I'IU : 1tIhtiIM'4 Clo1t \I \
" 'alher WI ( local Ihe "lstVlok for
( 'roil \\'orlc ,
LONDON , : llrcb 3l-The weather was
good for farm work during the past week ,
Autumnsown wheat hud u good appear-
Rnee The market for wheat has been the
IJrlnelpnl feature of thin \\el" , There was
some contnental inquiry , hint In the ( united
1llltlol everything was quiet , thin advance
having been lost , owing to the decline In
Amorlea Then ( wits n large quantity reported -
ported alont ( , however , the imiarket having
been stentler , with lure demand and rather
hlghel' prices fur parcels ' 1he Iemanll has
hel'n moderate for winter shlpiling , at 22s 3d I
Shot WaS slow , Thai t mand for lour from ,
consumers wat quiet ali torwardlng was I
inacti'e. Maize was nt I standstill , but
closed In memo Ilemant ! , lxell American
parcels were quieted itt 10s ! d , Harle hns
rarcels somewhal , the demand to cover
now being quiet and 'asler Oats were
about unchane nut ! lul ,
, \merlen : limrat'lhtes In Sea'.ou. !
NEW YOur , March 31.-The UnIted
or the Or-
Slate grnJl lode Independent -
ler at American Israelites hell Its second
convention today In the New York Muenner-
Ilor hal , This 'oungsler a\ong the Jeveir.u .
fraternal benefit associations had its orldo
In an iiitltpemmuien ( movement against the
tu'lmhuiistratlon or the Benevolent Society ot
the Semis at Benjamin and which finally
resulted In the institution at the American
ISrllt i 'rhe order II organized under
Irtle : of the ( Insurance laws , 'fhe nomi-
nation tint ! eleoton of olcell resulted In
( hue election at Aaron Levi grand master ; ;
Lewis Dorosle and Frederick Many , deputy (
grand masters : Levy Magnus , grand ! secre-
tun' , tumid MOllz gnglunder , grand troas-
urtr , Jelegutes fro\ the thirty lodges
which CUI10se the order . were present ,
Ban Ocil hut South 1Ikohi head lecort
CIUCAGO. March 3t-The Century Road
Club of Ammuerica last Ilcht allowed T W.
line the South Dakota state record. le
11lo Iv.nG mlel' during 1891
HJWST j.'ltW , llIW ( WHAT 1L1M.tIE.
luch Vlluahln Timber' ' ti'.troye't ani SOY-
oral Ih".11111 itutimotl.
FRANKLIN , lot . . March : I-I orcsl fires
have been raging In nro\n county durIng
the greater IJart of the past \'ek , and much
damage has been lone , The most destruc-
( lye fire I reported just north of NashvIlle ,
or about the center of hmo county . The fre3
have been confned prIncipally to the tim-
bar , but some loss to Uulhlngs and personal
property Is reported TIle fire reached Its
height Friday during the hIgh wlml which
prevaied all dar , and among other loses
reported was that or the residence or Jesse
lard Ins , together with rub toutJlhlngs
on his farm There wns little or no breeze
blowing yesterday . and the fires ha\o subsided .
shIed to nn appreciable extcnt. The residents
In close proximity to the ( burning district are
very uneasy
M'ICINNFY , Ky" , March 3l-Forest fires
burned rlday and FrIday night The wind
blew hard , and It was ImpoBslble to control
the tames , PiEce Jones was lie greatest
sufferer. About : o'clocl this moring the
lames closed In upon his home amt burned
up his entire possess lon The family barely
escaped with their lves , No estimate of the
loss cnn now be fxell , Tutu citizens are ral-
lying to the relief ot the ( distressed IIErlct ,
gaG tAltOl CITY , N J" , Iarch 3- : , .
A foresC lire , which Is snllpbel to have orlg-
mated from careless burhln of rubbish ,
bas been raging throu/holl this section for
! /
several days. I Is at precmut maldng rapid
progress toward the city park , which has an
area of two square Ile ' , ant Is covered
with majestic oaks atid lefty plnoa , Ilumn-
dreds ot IJerSOns were out fighting the
tumes today , but on account of the dry
weather couh nccomiiplish but little , Several
buildings emi the outsKirts are In danger
The residents nre Praying for rain
CINCINNATI [ , Mardi ,31-A special from
lawesvle , Ky" , says Prof , C. 1 Bruncr
was burned 10 death In 1M forest fires .near
Victoria. lie was passing throufh the woods
on horseb3el when he WS surrdundetl b ) a
raging fire. Ills horse betaIne unmanageable
amI threw him , In the tall lIe strucle a shnrp
stake , which penetrated his shle ! , and In a
short time ho was burncl alh'e lie was
a member of the county board of examlnct
and was formerly a member of the faculty
of the National Normal university of Lob-
anon , O.
SELI nSIUnO , lad. . March 31-A fum-
rlous Ire , fanned by a fierce pale , Is raging
In thc Imobs near here I The vIllage of
laussdale on the Louisville division of the
lennsyl\nln railway hau been partially
burell , The fire Is extemlng aid raging un-
controled ,
CINCINNATI , March 31.-An EnquIrer SIJe-
clal from English , lii" , says thin forest fires
are still beond control Great quantities of
lmber have been destroyed , hay stacks ,
fences and barns have been burned and fruit
orchards laid waste
CINCINNATI , 0" , larch 31.-The Com-
mercal Gazette specIals frm' points In west-
era Kentucky and southern Indiana report
that time forest fires are still raging , but
defnlto Information from any locality Is lacle-
Inf The los Is eslm ttd It $200,000 $ In
Kentucky , and less In hlanal
Dispatches from Dowln ! Green , Ky" , say
that ( eight miles from there the homes of
Otis Smith , James Water and Henry Eler
were burned after 600 acres of timber was
swept away , The famIlies mounted horses
ant ! escaped henry EI was so badly
burned that he died , anl \.eo farm hand
perished In bed on Elers tarm At An-
neta and 10wtown iarg tracts of tmber
were burned. Wilam Edwards , colored ,
was burned to cleath wUle lbtng thi ' fre ,
. Since the _ burning _ _ of Jr--a , . V. Penny's
housO yesterday lu Inllnnltl15 : : wife Is miss-
Ing , and Is believed to IIVO perished. In'
Clark county , Indiana , ohe brms of Dates
and Weber were burned , causing 1 loss of
$20,000. The death a ! Eler and the two
negroes ali that of Mrs . Penny , In addition
to those reported In these dispatches yes-
terlay , make three whites , two negroes and
one woman lost 1
TJt.UN , 'TUl'j'El TOO , rJJDB'Jr ,
Threw Four ) Iel frunl' the 1'lntCorm rind I Nut I ' Rtlly In3uureui " Thcm ,
NEW CO llEnSTOWN , 0. . March 81.-A
westbound freIght train on the Panhandle
was wrecked about a mile east of here this
morning , and four men were seriously , I not
fatally , Injured They Ore : John Wilson.
aged 25 , a barber , living at Tuscarawas ;
Oscar lurzer , aged 19on of 'Squire Hur-
zey , postmaster at Booth ; Wiiam Mercer
and Willis Derlellre , both ot the ( latter
place. A1 walked three miles to Uhrlchs-
yule to catch a traIn for New Commerstown :
Thin men stood on the emit sill 'f a car , about
midway I the train , As the train ap-
Jlroaehed the siding ! to pull In for Ito ( 1mled ,
the engineer found ho" vas running at a
high rate ot speed anti made an emergency
stop The force broke 1 car coupling just
In front of the one the men were on and they
were allowed to drop alnJost Into the Jaws of
death Wison has ld ) fnce anti scalp
wounds , besides internal Injuries , whIch
make his recovery hopel ss. hicrla.iiiro su-
feretl theloss of boll legs below the l < ees.
lie took off hIs coat , wrapped I about his
severed limbs and laid down to await surgical -
glcal ali ! or to die Mercer had a shoulder
badly crushed anti has internal injuries ,
the severity of which cannot be tolt yeL
Hursey's right arm was broken 11 two places ,
less Berkshire contlton will , tIle and Wibon is In n hOIJe- I
- . -
.IIIV1U-i .IX/ ) OI'JUllxtJl , .IHl IU ) ,
I"ttclont If time JOWIIO Ullculy
1""cl. , 1.iiut ZigIit.
ALllA , la" , March 81-lifter f hard work
and many concessions , the , ullners and oper-
ators , ut a late hour , agreed upon a sC'ledulo
for the coming year I II the ( same as the
Hocled scale of 1893 anti tIme $2 scale for
day wages , with the 18uul IUIerentals , with
the sale Ilrlce for powder ant hlacksmlhlng
sha1 be 85 cents for time summer months and
90 cents for the winter months
1)RhT1IS . oh' TJl 11,51' ,
AltholY C , Jhul.immrc IleA hUlhlrlly ,
CHICAGO , March 31.-Antiony C , Heslng ,
tormer fdltor Int ! prollrlt1o of the ( iinois
Staats.Zelul ! tiled today" , nt the age o
72. Death wn 11ue to a ttrQke ot paralysIs ,
Ills end was liainhess. ' For the last few
years he had retrcd from actIve ImslnesB
anti poltcal lfe , When Mm' , hosing retired
from lewspaper work his son , 'Valhllgion
Ilesing , vostniaser of Chlclo , took charge
at the paper , Washington Heslnl tonight
said that for the last liso 10lths hil
father'l healh 11\1 been lnieii better thall
for sonic time lmrcvious . rltl ) 110 was able to
gt around unll busy hlmelt , with I number
ot maters of Importatce , Ie wus uble to
call at the Ilostolce last 'lhUrsdu anll see
his fen , lrs , hosing diem ! oule } 'eart ago
Wushllgton Heling Is the _ qnly chid ,
ICRth Chumt II' ( 'ua'r 1 lrly ,
COnNING , N , y" , ' c'r 3I-Ftwar1' '
Irtord lumes , southern' correspondent at
St Louis at the Nortlwe ern MIller , the
leading tratlo journal publsllllt Minimucap-
ois , tle.1 In this city totnf rcr a brief iii-
IHSI , ot t'pholl fever. Mr. ikurnes wits 28
years of uge , Irlduatet ! trln Cornell , class
ot ' 8 alll wine ono of the Jendlng joural-
lstH In the Unltetl Stiutes , He wait for I
number at years IdentlEI' ( ' , % ' 1h the Jlnne-
apol3 Journal and 1'bune ! .
111. , i.eIyarmi'mu tulld $ , . Ittllh ,
DETROIT , Mareh 31.-Mrs : Henry D Let
yard , wife of the Ilrslilent of the Michigan
Central railroad , Itoppe,1 , ieud ut 1 : Ihls
afternoon while walking near the corer of
Chene anti Champlain stretl The cause
Is bele\'ed to have len 'UI'OIJlexy , Mra
Ied'urd was about 45 yearspf age ,
rUllo ' .ul II IUI Joom ,
TACOMA , Wash" , March 31.-Alo , Cross ,
1 member ot the large drIP goods firm ot
Cross Iros" , was found lelll In his rom
this mornlnl ha\lnl been Ilot , It 18 sup-
Ilosed that he commited ( suicide , although
10 cause can bo ultlgpecl ,
l'remukttunut uf Garret 1Ibllldtl lt1t ( head ,
ChICAGO , March 81fQHenry la1-
corn fldgeway , president of tbo OarreBl. \
Heal institute , diet yesterdtiy afcroon ! ,
. _ ' .
- - - - . , - - "
Point in Which the Ohtirchill-Russofl Bill
is Inherently Weak ,
Unrc\cnltl Stntlte8 nit ! Sections Ihat Con-
filet with time SOl" l'ohiee CCllh lln
Jill ! Hound to ll1leo ClufnRlon
t It Hlcoles Law ,
LINCOLN , March 31-Speclai.-Althmoughu ( )
tIme men who are engineering the Churchi-
Hus1el Ilolco commission bill have been Incubating -
cubatn ! their scheme for months lJast ( , the
bill ns It was seut 10 the governor Is about
as crulo an attempt at legislation as could
well bo hnaglnel , :0 fearful were Its 1110-
rooters that Its delicate provisions for transforming -
forming lie Omaha police , and fire departments -
ments Into Political mat'alnes might be
thrown out or equlpolo that they would not
permit n sIngle substanlal amellment to be
incorporated In the measure , hut rushed I
through both hOUS03 undcr preSJI c , to that It
came cut In exactly the same shalll In
which It was sent In ,
The bill by Its tItle purports to nme1l the
act govering citIes or the metro\oilan class
by repealing section 16 , thc section relating
to tIme composition and nPIJolntmcnt or the
Board ot Fire nll Polce CommissIoners onb' ,
amid to substitute In Its vlace the provisions
of the new bl , All other sections or the
charter are left Intac and untouched , notwithstanding -
withstanding ! the fact that many or them
arc flagrantly Incompetent ant ! n few In
actual confct with the proposed Ciuurchuhl-
Hussel plan The later seeks to exclude
hue mayor 'from melt parlclpaton In the control -
trol c lie fire anti police Ilepartments The
whole framework of the charter Is , however ,
based on the nssumllton that the mayor Is
both the nominal and actual heat of the
polce 11elIrtlmnt , and abouuds wIth refer-
ences to the ma'or's power over tue polee ,
For example , secten 18 says that " ( hue
mayor and counci shal ! hnve power to reQuire -
Quire all olcers or Eervants , elected or ap-
pointed In pursuance ot this act , to give
hond antI security for the faihful performance .
ance of their duties , " and section 19 empowers -
ers the ma'or and councIl "to require from
any olcer ! of [ the city at any tme a report
In detail of the trnsactons of his oaco or
any maier connected therewith "
Section 30 , relating to the Boarl ! of Healh ,
provides that the Board of Fire amid Police
Ccmmlssloners and the ( dole of police shal
co-operate with said ! board In the enrorcment
of all ordlnanccs of the cIty relating to matters -
tlrs within its jurldlclon , and as otherwise
directed by the mayor antI city counci , The
Churchl-luEsel bill , by elmlnatnf [ rom
the polce commissIon the mayor , who Is the
com men member of both boarls , takes away
the only agency by which this provision can
he executed and renders nugator the co-
operation contemplated by tie law.
More pertinent still Is section 131 , which
designates the mayor as thc ( chief executive
omcer anti conservator of the peace throughout -
out tllo city , amid gives him the power , by and
with thai ccncurrenco of the Board cf Police
Commissioners , to appoint snch number or
special ' policemen as he may deem necessary
to preserve the peace of the city , and to Ils-
miss th . same nt niensure. ' He Is alone au-
thorlzed tn"lg 'tho-comnmlsslcns ' ornpp-olnl-
'i ents ot all oacers elected and appoInted
by time city government. Section 13& pro-
viles that the mayor and elef ot police shal
each ) have power to cal ! upon any citizen to
aid In the enforcement of any ordinance or
the suppression of any riot. Sections 1 6 and
18 make the chief ot police subject , only to
the orders of the mayor and thin Board of
Fire and Police Commissioners In ordinary
times , and to the mayor alone In tmo of rioter
or ( uniultuous disturbances
Finally , an act cf 893 , known as section
180 of the city charter , provides that In all
clUes of 25,000 or more Inhabitants "a woman -
man shall be appointed by the ma'or to the
office of polce matron , " who Ilal he a regu-
lar member of the police staff. This act relates -
hates to other cities than Omaha and Is mnn-
datory The new bill , however , also provides
for a police matron , but vests her appolnl-
fluent In the police commissIoners As It Is
also mandatory , Omaha , should It become a
law , would have two police matrons , one
appoInted by the mayor ant the cther by
the police commissioners
1.ITEUlUUl VlJWIO . l'ITl FI.J un ,
bensUoml Alol"tols In thin FaIlure ut I
I C.lml' I lol , l'lrm
CIlC.GO , March 31.-C. 'V Darwel , a
commission hrol'I' of Jefferson , Green
county , II" , obtained 1 warrnt churg-
Ing Thomas Waterbury , president ci' the (
Insolvent comml'slon firm of Mulcoln &
" 'aterlmr ) ' , wIth the embezzlement of $8,0
thnt hal beemi put up to cover mar/Ins ,
Harwel says lint the capital stock : of the
corporation wait $200,000 , of which 'Vuter-
bury hell $ JOC ) , his brother Harry $5lo
anti J. g Fi-Ishjy I the remalnler , There
were thirteen branch olees In Iowa und
Last \Yellnesday 'Vatlrlmry mruuic' a vol-
untary Ilslllnelt , Echeduln ! mal claimed ,
time liabilities of the Irn lS $ lSO and the (
assets , consistng of furniture worth $300
The compllinant avers that this schelule
19 false : that \Vaterhur called In all the
money hehl at the vlrlous branch 1encles
a few 1)IVS ) before the ( assignment , taking
from the Jefferson oloe $3,00 . which money i
) arwel clnlmH 1Il0lgcII to people who Put
It tip for malln'
U\ ! . ,
nlrl Into Whom I ' Wn IIJcotrl Iloc him
' ' , . , . ,
NEW YOnK , Mlrch 31-A lull supposed
10 have heen antl-toxlne was Injeeted Into
hue 11'1 of Bertha M. Valentine , 17 years
ell , at hiroalcl'ii ] , to cure 1 alight attack
ot dllJhtherll , The girl dle.1 In awful IHOIY
Iii less thnn ten Ilnutls , Dr , I. , J. Iort-
right , who Inject the luld , sale : "When
the anti-toxine was prepared In Germany
ome nowlrful lolson must hu\ ' . become
mixed \\li ib mls nl < euIJiioSl rs soon
as 1 had Injectell the fluid Into Miss Volen-
tine's arm clue heelme unensy. 'I'imemi she
cOlplalnel1 ot a tclelng sensation tn her
throat anti all over lice bol ) ' , Sue was
then seized with convulsions tumid never hue-
fore 11 niy lfe have I seen such I horrible
leath , "
Coroner Kramer fall : "Tbla Is I maier
ot too much 10ment for mo to say what
acton I will tllee , The autop3Y phystclan
Fays the death : Wil Ilreety ( due to the
fluid presentel ( as nmiti.toxine. .
I n'af rlt Crnw.ho Shlt ; loorf
DENVnH , March 3l-The man who shot
and kIlled City Detectve A. I. Moore Is
James JcDonlll , alias Los . AngeleR Ills
partner , who also shot at Moore , Is time no-
torJous Bob Stewart , idles Jnmes L. Lao.
sing , The Ilentty of the men hns be(1 It-
tablshell he'olll a possibility ot a douht ,
Iccollnl to th city detectvel Mc1ollll
and Stewart were recently ! lelset ( rUin
the Utah penlent\lr ) ' , where the ) ' servelt
terms for burglary They tire known nit
1ost desperate men Detective Moore was
murdered on the night of March 19 , whie
escorting- hex three exconvlctl to the patrol
_ - *
IOICri Jlklul ( boil ( lila lt 111 I'muroi- ,
CINCINNATI , Marcl il.L.V. , Rogers
of Chicago , director or the ( A , n , U. . wi
fllend part ot his ' vacation from jail for
contempt here , Meetings have been arranged -
ranged for him every night thIs week here ,
rngel ' , Newport and I.udlow , ly
Following these organizing rallies of the
weel there Is to be I mass meetIng here
next llunmtiay udllressel by Rogers and
others , with visiting delegations from Cov-
InRton , Newport ant , ! I.ullowl Iy" : , llminilh
tonb Dayton , 1hlrletown Inu other polnls ;
In bhio , Hogers representing Debts .
- - - -
" 'hhlow Sprll1 Hunk Alhnl ,
WBS1' I'I.AINS Mo" March 31-An
, " , - its-
lGnment wait mate last night by the \S'ih-
low Springs hank. Llabilitiems , Including
$18,000 f deposits , are $30,000 , L. Pseston of
tiiringfieid wilt mnatie tue assignee. Depositors -
positors svlhl likely be paid in ( uhh , The as-
irigmitnent was caused by simi-inkage of ) iusl.
I flOSS.
. . . -
- - - - - - - - - - I - - .
lftI. % C.f.Ifl hIIIRN MOSV X1lII)11) .
ittorni thmt liegmin Satimrmlay ihut Covered
it VIti , , Aremi Stuntlmiy ,
Before 7 o'clock yesterday mornIng twenty-
six lmuntiredthis of an inch of raIn fell itt ( his
Point ; lii thu. tvelvo hmours fohlosng twenty-
seven hundretithus fell anti after 7 o'clock last
evening eight hmuntiredtlms , nuakhmig a total of
sixty-erie hmumntircdths.
The rain was general over Nebraska ,
though comparatively nutucli lighter iii tIme
western timaiu in time eastermi imrtlon. .
enIiio ( time fall was buit 2-100 of an Inch ,
There was a trace of raIn only at Northm
i'latte at 7 o'clock last evenlmig , but after
( hunt hour It was reported raIning there anti
snowing at Chmeyenne.
Information seemureul at ( lie railroad offices
correspomideti imualmiiy with that furmuisimeul by
( hue weather bureau , Local railroati iiiaiia-
gers were in frequlemut receipt of muiessages
yesterday from lolnts au their lines stuutliig
( lift progress of tIme storm , amid they all agreed
wIth the bmishness main wluo were hmearth to
express tliemiuselvcs that ( Ito riuimu would ho
of imueaicumlable benefit.
Itaimuvas slight at Ies MoInes anti ICaimsas
City. Kansas was hat toucimetl.
Missoumri Vaile ) ' , AvocaVnlmiuut anti Glen-
wocti , In. , report good , lmenvy rains Satuir-
nitty itlglmt , followed by heavy clouds aimd
light showers Suindmuy ,
S SUhtltitlSIl , Nob. , March 31.-Specinh ( Tele-
grann.-A ) heavy downpour cf raimu last muighit
nut ! touinysihl ghmititiemu time hearts of all.
Many acres of oats hmavo bectu put iiu ( Ito
Ilast week ,
1IUM1'llltIi't' , Nd , , , Marclu 81.-Spccial (
Telegratn.-lleavy ) rain fell last niglmt amiti
tothay. Totlay's raIn was precetied by heavy
thuumider. Lots of small graimi humus alreatiy
beau plantctl , ant ! tIu ralmi was received
vitiu great joy. Conildemuco Is restored amid
spring work will proceed withmouit fmmrthier
PLAINVIEW , Nob. , Mmirchm -Special (
Telegranu.-The ) first hueavy mimi for imeariy
0110 year begamu Itullimig thmis mormuimug almaut
S o'clock and luas contimiumeti wlthtout inter-
ruptioti ever since. A large atiioummit of
seeding luas b ° cn done , ant ! time ralmu will do
mmmcli to restore commfldeiuce in time future of
( imhs portiotm of time state.
ELICIIORN , Neb. , March 3l.-Speclal (
Telegram.-Tlmis ) locality last night amid today
was visited by ( lie first rout of conscqumcnce
since July 3 last , As time farmers are 1mm
( hue midst of ( heir sprimmg seetling work , thue
moisture is exeeeiilmmgly well iiimiemi , anti
viewetl by time citizens iii gemueral as a yen-
table gotisemuti ,
\'AYNE , Nab. , March Oi.-Special ( Tele-
grani-A ) fine raImi has been fahilng nearly
all afternoomu , and Pnomnlscs to continue timiring
thuo muigiit , wluiciu wIll thmoroumghmly soak ( lie
grouml , Farmers are ahotut through sowing
wimeat , amuti everybouiy Is feeling juibilumit : ,
Three hmmimitiretl amid thirty acres of smigar beets
have beeti contractet ! in this vIcinity.
S1l\VAItD , Nab. , March 31.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-Tumis ) vicinity vas blessed with gooti ,
imeavy raimis last night , whelm continued for
the nmiost of ( Ito miighu ( . Today is cloudy , witiu
contlnuet ! light showers of raimi , which is of
untold value to ( lie farmers of tlmls section.
WAHOO , March 31.-Special ( Telc'gramii.- )
A light rain set In last nighm ( , antI hmas con.
tinued for ( ho greater part of today , witlu
proepects for a ccntinuammce for seine timmue
longer. -
FI1EMONT , Mardi 31.-Speclal ( Toic-
gramn.-A ) good , heavy raIn fell last mmlghmt ,
which continued for several hours. Thiore
was no rain today , btmt the cloutis are heavy ,
with goct indicatIons of more rain falling.
COLUMBUS , Marclu 31.-Special ( Tole-
grnmn-Thmo ) best rain for a year began fail-
Itmc lasLnlrrht at 12 o'cloek. and coninud for
twelve hours , The rainfall was quuito bavy. !
Them pecplo are exceetltngly jubilant today
with ( lie indications for more rain at Imand.
NORFOLK , Jdarch 31.-Speclal ( Tele-
grani-No ) rain fell lucre last night , but at
9 o'clock this morumimmg a good , steady i-aIim
began faIlIng , and has continued all day ,
si'Itiu prospects for Its continuance for seine
lmoumrs longer.
OAICDALE , Neb , , Mardi 31.-Speciah ( Tele-
gram-Tlme ) rainfall today Is ( ho heaviest for
mmiorc titami a year , 1 11-100 inches.
BLAIR , iularciu 31.-Special ( Telegramu.- )
A good , steady rain began fmihllmig last niglut ,
which continuet ! for ( Ito most of ( lie muighit.
Shauvers at imort intervals has been the
numb all day today.
PLATTSMOUTII , March 31.-Speclal ( Tele-
gnam.-A ) good rain fell lucre last night anti
timis miiornlmig. It is still cloudy , with good
Indications of mono mimi ,
LINCOLN , March 31.-Special ( Tele-
grani.-Tlmls ) section of the state 'as visited
with heavy rains last night. It. Imas been
cloudy all day , witlu frequent showers ,
HASTINGS , March 31-Speclal ( Tele-
gmamn.-No ) mimi has fallen here within time
hast twenty-four lmoumrs. It Is cloudy , witim
( lue wind from ( Ito north , anti quite cool.
CItE1'E , Marelu 31.-SpecIai ( Tehegrammi.- )
Light rtulis began failing Inst night , amiul
verc fohiowot ! today wiiu light slmowers at
short intervals.
WATERLOO , Neb , , March 31.-Special.- ( )
A heavy main has been ftuillmig all day , ltuttlflg
the ground in No. 1 simape for famnnimig ,
ASIIbAND , March 2l.-Speciai ( Tale-
grani-Ileavy ) rains fell the greater part
of last night , followed by good showers today.
GRAND ISlAND , March 31.-Spocial ( Tel-
cgmani-Ileavy ) clouds , thureateiming main , are
drltthmmg over this section of tlmc state , but
mio rain has fallen yet.
AURORA , March 31.-Speciah ( Telegram.- )
heavy clouds , bumt no maui.
YORK , Munch al.-Special ( Telegram.-
Goot ! maimms have fallen all day , followed by
heavy moist tonighmt.
] ' /tItlS , Mo. , March 31-TIme long drouth is
brokomu , A floe rain Ia falhimig Imere , It feli
jtmst 1mm ( line to save tlue oats amid wheat.
MARSIIALLTOWN , Ia. , Marchu 81.-Great
joy prevaIled in this sectlomi last night. 'fhme
great cirouihm ( lies heenm broluemm. A good rain
set In early last c'venimig.
LACON , Ill , , Miurclm 31.-A muoaidntg mimi
set in last evening , which is itaileil wIth joy ,
Meatlosv laud was parcimet ! amid time lucy crop
ST. PAUL , MInn. , March 31.-Very much
aeetieti raIn fell heavily anti steatlily last
miighmt in this city and throughout sotmthmcrmi
IIUIION , S. D. , March 31.-Rain began
fahlimig hero at midmiigiit and has contimmumeti
wltlu occasional addittomis of light hmail , Up
to tonight over one Inelm of rahmi hma ( alien ,
w'ith good prospects that. thue storm uili comm.
timlue all nlghu ( . This is omicouirnghmmg to
farmers. .
DENVER , March 31.-A special to ( lie
News frommu Casper , \'yO. , ( ay $ TIme heavy
mmmiowfall of ( lie last forty huours has ceased ,
with no particular miarnago to time raimge lii-
( crests in ( ImIs sectiomi , Thousamidms of shmeep
are here , as sheamhmug was to have coma-
nienceti tomnormow. Four huiitimed tlmouisamud
are megistemed to lie hmonmi In ( lit liCOS of this
vlclmmiy ( , and tIme starmmi will retard comtumiienec
macmit a week or ( cii days. Sheep imien aie ,
however , juhiiaiit , as time smmow insures early
anti abuntlmmnt feed , Railroad commummiumilcatiomi
is still shut alT ,
SIOUX FALLS , March 3i-Spechiul ( Tcie-
gramn.-Qver ) an Inch of i-alit hmams tahieiu geim.
c-maliy over the state since midnight last
nigiut anti It Is stIll maimilmig , Icarmumems have
most of thmeir small main 1mm ,
BLOOMiNGTON , Ill. , March 31-A
heavy main fell today tom about eight hours ,
thoroughly soaking ( hue ground , doliig 1mm-
estimiumilde goat ! to crops. Timis Is ( Ito ( Imit
rain of any guanutfly since Septemumber ,
SIOUX CITY , Marclm 81.-'I'Ime droutlm lois
been broken and a steady i-ala lies beeii
falling all day , arid is still coming down
lmeaviiy ( onlglmL
I' iii for C lie hivmmimslomi % Vidouvs ,
ChEYENNE , Wyo , , March 3-Hpeclal. ! ( )
-The people of Wyornimmg ha'o reslmonuled
liberally to the call for alt for the de.
pendent wives and chiltlen of time unfqrtu.
nate mnlmiera who lost tluelr lives lit tIme lied
Canon disaster. Several imundreul dollars
hams been raisetl in ever ) ' towim of importance
along thin line of ( lie UnIon PacIfic raliroami ,
Ovr $1,000 has been contnlbuteul by ( hit
people of Chme'enntr ,
- -
Smlcsenmriis of )4rmugotimt csieht , % lmirchs 81 ,
At Jlavre-Arrlyed--Lmi , Oatcogne , I
Ness' York.
At New Yurk-Arr1ye1-dmIutie , trait I
- - - . - - - . . _ _ _ : _ _ _
Nobiaska Not to Sco Allotber Year ot -
Drouth and ranuino ,
Before the Rain Poll Tlioro Was Enough
Moisture to Protect Se0J.
OUtlook Favorable in Afl but a Pow scat- :
tered LocaUtios.
- .
Ncmurly livery Cotuimly iii time State 'lsiib1 1
by ii ( lcmmmrmmms , rtimukhmmg Simoncr-
Suilimimmiumy of time lt'portmu
Ihiusis for hope ,
Saurtiay night , Suntlay amid Sunday nigiut
mum fell in iueariy evemy coumity In eastemmi I -
anti miorhmemmm ( Nebrashmi , A few spots in the
cemimal amid weston : Part of time state lua % ' .
itot repomtetl , butt It is known ( hunt tIme umutmis-
( time vas dlsmlliutet ! generally anti muhmtiost.
gemucrously all tlmroumgh ( hmo thickly settleti " -
Itortion of tlue state. Mono ( lamely rain imever
caiiie , for time greatest mumuxiety felt In ret- u
ememmce to tlue Iroslccs for the comnhmig crop
In Nebraska ant ! tIme lack of rain laid givemu
rise to npprchtomusions that already the comi-
ihitions iii ( lie state were such tlmat the out-
IonIc ( or an ahuntlmumit crop is-as very dumbioums.
In order that. ( Ito exact siuatiomu imiighut be
kmiowmi , The .11cc Itmus secured ! reports of thuo
Itmesemut confiltiomis thirougltout ( Ito state , Ito- 4
ports lmavo been received froimi mteamly every
county in time state , wlmlchm show tiuat as yet
( hero Is ito cause for time alarm ( limit ltamm
beemi felt-tlua ( , iii fact , tl prospects muro
generally of ( Ito best. In s ¶ e f time lack
of rain , time reports Indicat ( luat in almost.
every section of Nebraska Lime soil is maoist.
anti In good comiditlon for working amid seed-
lag , Theme are a few exceptions to this gemi-
eal rumie , but not emioumglu to make time out.
look at all dubious. It Is true ( hero Imas t
beemi a great lack of n-moisture , but. time reports - .
ports indicate ( huat ( Ito ground is not too dry . I
for scetllmtg , and that with time malmi ( Imat. -
caine last night anti what. will follow In
AprIl am ! May all crops wIll be Iii excellent
condit ion.
All of the eastern counties report ( lie soil
as In excellent comiditiomi , tlmougim in time south- ii
east more raIn is needed at once. This see-
Lion was soaketl yesterday. The acreage is
reported to be an average one , both in corn
amid small grain. -
Along tite Itcpubilcan valley Limo sItuatIon ,
is very favorable. Ne'urly all limo. counties In
( Imat district report ( he conditIons excellent ,
though In time vesterim portlomu of the valIey '
tlmero is a copiplaint of lack of seed to sow
a full ermi. - .
In tlm central portIon of the state time
situation sOetmis to ho generally good.In _ .
time districts whieme the tlroumth was ( ito most -
severe last year time meports slmow that the
boll is iii fine shape for aeetl. In Custer
coumity , for lnumtnuice , mlglut Iii the heart
of Umo drouthi-stmlcken district , the eon-
ilitlons are reported as good , though nioro
moisture Is needed. A few otimer counties
iii thIs district make reports riot quite so
favorable , nut ! ( urea or four will have a
decreased acreage because of lack of seed. ' i
'rime gioommilest reports come frommm ( hue far
woetemmi tier of couuules. iii one or two of
these coumities tluo tanners are discouraged '
unless timeir farina are tinder imnigatiomm , Time
mepomts , however , state ( imat Irrigation plamifa -
are belmig extended , anti ( lint with tim .
ditches theme muect ! bo no fear of a crap fail- . ;
nrc. Alfalfa will be extensively grown in
thtis district. 1
In northeast Nebraska Limo siumation Is -
very eneommraglng , anti an Increased acreage '
of all crops wIll be sawn. Thu sell Is me- - j
ported to lie In excellemit contiitlon. -
In Limo extreme miomthtemn coummutles there Is
geiiemal complaint of lack of mmiolstumre , anti
time outlook was not considered enmcourmiging ,
litit ( hue timely main imas put a dhllerent aspect
oil affairs , '
Wlmilo generally reported as too dry lii Limo
miortlivestemn counties , tluo oumtloolc is tie-
clareti to be very favorable , Raimu was .
noetletl atomice to Insure a crop , tumid thue .
raimm caine , u
'VIto followIng reports , all written tiumrimi -
( ho Past week , tell the story in detail from .
tIme various counties : . '
Tluo acreage souva Iii sprIng wheat wIll b
insIgnificant. Not quite so msmiy oats whil ba , ,
miown as usual , owIng to a scarcity of seed ,
hut periutips ( hue acreage 'Ihi imot be mnuchu
below ( lie average. Time soil Is in excellent -
comidition , iii fact never was better. Very
little preparation will Ii requIred after plow-
lag to put it iii perfect order for seedimig.
\Ve have loud Ito main or snow in timls county
( lila nmommtlm , except a little snow on tIme' 13th.
wlmichi was voiti of results. lint the splendid
rain in February was all absorbed amid time
earth Is maoist enough to Insure a quick
growhu ( of all seeds. If it ivera not for " ( lie
shadow of time past" ( lucre Is mtothming in ( lie
hireaent condition to catmito aiixlety. -
Time soil 1mm very dry , an there bias hcpn no -
main mind hunt little snoss' since iast fail , There
vill 1)0 lIttle grain hit iii unless omit' farmers
mtecimro aimi zed , Our county has hot been
inclutlet ! lii timue dlstrlhnitlon of aid , htmL to j\
have a crop we must lmave etii , 1
Tue outlook for spmhmig sowing lmeme was
never imetter , but we are sauliy In need of .
seed , 'flue condition of limo sell Is fimmut rate ,
Ve have had iuo raIn , hut hiami liglmt snow - '
falls , tIme snow evaporating slowly. It Is
now humetty dry ,
Time outlook for spring sowimig was never
better. Winter wheat , hmoiveyer , Is very poor
anti time most of it will be plowed up , Spring 3
wheat Is all sown mind oat sowing limes hucen
connmaeimced , Very little groimmitl will rmmnatmi ' -
hue. The soil Is in time best of conditlomi for .
tIme present. but time gmounti vlli need raIn
soon , In spIte of tIme fact ( itat we have list
very little rain or snow , ( lie groumiul Is maoist
for three feet down ,
Time outlook In this couinty for spring sow-
lug is very favorable anti the cendltlamu of ( lie
soil Is both miioIs and good , W'o imavo Imad , - -
severm Inc1ms a ( snow en eq. average , but no
raIn ,
Tue outlook for spring msavhmig Is 'ery poOr.
Very tcsv farmers are attempting to do any. I
thing. Timero Is about slg inches of moist .
soil on top , thmtn dry as meal amid bard as a .
hoard for about slg feet ulown , Umuiess we ,
get. rain soomi there csn be mio crop. Time ' --M j
ground is oxcsslvt'ly dry tiiitlerneatii , The '
pIetY or cultivator scrapes on lme dry groupd ,
'fluero is barely moist zIi enough . tocover . -
( lie scemi , \e hued one or two very light snow .
falls In early March , hut ntluin slmuce cxcept u }
very cilail , bright veathitr. warsmv end picas. - J
an , Our farmers sure itiuchi dejected amid 4k- 1J ,
'I'iio shortage of seed In this county will
jirolmabhy 1" ) two-thirds of usual acreage , c
Thusra will be mu larger lmropoctiomu ! if ornu '
( hamu of other cereals , Time condition of
time soil was never better , Thmu tni8iitct
is mellow anti moist for a sulficlent depth
far cultlvii'iomi ' o rains cat ! very hlglut
50 % during Mareim , but we lied it cloriouis
ralmufall in l"cbrtiary , viiIchi dlii lao.tlcu1atulq
. - - - . - . - - - . - - - _ ; _ . -t. ,