Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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: 8 - TIlE OMAHA DAILY nEE : SUNDAY , , MARCh 31 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I
Extra. Value Offered In Our Dress Good ,
Department for Tomorrow
: J.lu1lCfl' nhl OIove . ! H,1I0 gUAUt1 , for 08el
: 4.0.lneh French l'rlnteJlRllste , Worth
. ' , 311c , fur 20e l'arl-Hea,1 the Un- ,
gains Otterc\ In Uuclenvenr
r Reul : the followln ! list of the most ro-
r remarkable ) value giving of the season :
Elegant quality $ , Hand M.ln. wide , $1.00
al other stores buys no better , tomorrow at
1i0o yard.
' All wool , 40In. wld , actual value 760 and
$1.00 , tomorrow fjOo yard.
(2-ln. wide , small neat effects , silk and
, woo , the real $1.1i0 Iluallly , tomorrow 1i0c
O-In. . wide , slrlctly all wool , a cloth that
haa ) never been sold under any clrcumslances
for less than $1.00 , tomorrow 60c yard.
26c and 30c fancy waist linings , Monday
16c yard.
. Capes , jackets and separate skirts ; wo
bavo a full IIn. and It comprIses all that
Is new and novel. You can sot. an elegant
capo. 24 In. In length , wllh a full sweep , for
cpe $2.60. Jackets worth $10,0 10 $ ,100 , wo
have them for $4,18 , In broadcloth , milton
and chovlols.
andSilk waists , wo have 0 complete .lno . In
all the latest styles.
Ladles' shIrt waIsts , 0 complete line , a
$2,00 waist for $1.20
Every day adds new novelties to this popu-
' lnr department. We certainly prlh our-
. Bolves upon the grand showing wc are
making this season. Wo are show1ng all
, the popular weaves al popular 11rlccs.
Our chief attraction for tomorrow wilt be
2 piec3s 40-lnch French batiste , printed
Ih the very latest pterns and colors. This
' is positively the most beautiful line of goods
I have shown this seasou Wo will take
. great pleasure In showing them to you.
They are 40 Inches wide and arc well worth
. 35c. Tomorrow our price Is only 20c yard.
: hero Is a great bargaIn for tomorrow
Wa will place on ale tomorrow 60 dozen
( .buton wi dressed and suede Couvoursecr
cloves In all the desirable shades including
black , tan , brown , etc. These gloves were
j hover before offered for less than $1.50 ; , but
i for tomorrow wo wl offer them al 98c
pair. Wo have 0 full line of size and
colors , and at this price wo expect this de-
parlment to bo crowded from morning till
night. A $ I.0 glove for 98c.
' Special bargains In children's and ladles'
Monday wo will continue our special sale
on children's fine white gauze merino vests
. and pants. These gods formerly sold at
.55c 10 $1.00 per garment. Our ENclal price
Monday will , bo 33c per garment.
We wilt also offer al special sale all of
our ladies' fine white gauze merino full
fashioned vests and pants that formerly sold
at SOc to $1.10 per garment , our sp3claI
price Monday wl be 42c per garment.
Vests come wIth high and low neck , long ,
and short sleeves ; also ribbed arms ; pants
- In knee and ankle length.
Lad 10' $1.00 quality fine Egptan cotton
glove-fitting unIon suits . with long sleeves
and ankle lengths at G2c per suit.
3C ItII3IlONS. RIBBONS , 3 % 0.
See the beautiful ribbons tomorrow for
only 3c ; all colors , all silk ; actually worth :
! 2&c.We
Wo are still sacrificing our-embroIderies ;
' tomorrow your choIce of some beautiful goods
, for 90 yard.
: A line of laces ] for iOn that cannot be
equled : nil new goads , wide and narrow ,
regular 20c to .5c ; your choice for 10c.
Corsets ; here Is where wo do lead , It Is a
little dandy ; fit and wear guaranteed , well
; worth 76c white and gray . only 48c.
200 sun umbrellas , excellent value , lnlcly
. mounted , sold regular $1.50 ; your choice for
$ ,00.
* . 100 satin parasols tomorrow , white , black
'e and colors , good quality , regular $2,00 ; sale
:4- : price , $1.26.
See our now novelties In umbrellas.
" \bRt I Ucourd Is Thll
p" The Burlington's "Denver LImited , " which
J loaves Omaha al 4:35 : p. m. daily , Is duo In
Denver at 7:30 : the next morning.
. In other words , I Is scheduled to cover ,
In a slnglo night , the 538 miles between the
MissourI river and the Rockies. AND IT
DOES IT. During the month of March , the
"Limited" has never failed to reach Il
, destination on time to the second.
' I you are going to Dmver , or Chicago , or
Kansas City or any other place , and want
ton. to GET THERE , ' you wIll take the l3urling-
c Ciy ticket ofco , 132 Farnam street.
' ' hl New South , .
A very low rate Homeseekers' excursIon to
the splendid agricultural and fruIt lands of
Mississippi and Alabama wi leave Omaha on
I Tuesday , April 2. For full information as to
I land , rates , ete. , cal on or write
, Room 521 , 1st. Nat . 13k. Ddg , ,
i- . _ _ . _ _ Omaha.
. . Atenton , ' 'rivoll& Ilenl
) The rates at the Lincoln hotel : , LIncoln , have
: . teen reduced to $2 to . $3,60.
, Low Hate , . to Arknlsl' and Tcxs
; Tuesday , April 2 , the Burlington route will
Bell round trIp tickets to points In Arlmnsas
, and Texas al very low-practically half rates.
I ' Cal at 1324 Farnain street and gel full
. , " Information . .
A CartS Ir 'EItiiiiIs.
t Words cnnnot convey to our friends how
' thankful wo are for their Itllne and Sym' ,
pathy during the illness and death of our
r , . ' dear husbaJI and father , and may God's
choicest blessing ret on each and every
one of them.
. , TiE DIUWT tOU'rUIUts nOU"l
, Via neck Islu.l . Shartsst l.tnD nnl l".tlt
' .
' 'hI8.
i T all Points In Kansas , Oklahoma , Indian
. Territory , Texas and all points In southern
California , Only one night out to all points
at Texas "The Texas LimltLd"
' Llmll. leaves Omaha ,
at 5:11 : a. m. daily , except Sunday landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In
_ Idvanco of sit other lines. Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth and E Palo to Los An-
\ . geles. For full particulars , mails , folders ,
. ate . cal at or address Hock Island ticket
i , Office , lC02 13'arnam at.
: CIIAS. ImNNEDY , 0 N W. 1 A.
v viiL tii to ilsvoHtroets Vi'uliol.
, Wi A.I 1"0 l'IIJholl.
D , W. Van Colt and other busl-
! ! men arc circulating 1 petition , as.kln !
the council fa have the fire department lush
tht streets In the business district , This has
been previously practiced to some extent and
they claim thaI the council can do the work
without any material expense , thus savIng
, the annoyance at doing busIness In a cloud
of dust arIsing from the refuse that has
accumulated during tlo winter and Is now
. . being swept from one street corner to an-
other ly the March winds . , ,
. " - , l'lr"aant to Ta to
The Northwelter line fast , 'estbuled ChI-
cage train that glides call front the Union
. Deot every afternoon lt 5:41 : and Into
, Chicago al 8:45 : next morning , with upper
( . and la cato breakfast livery . part of the
. train Is hiluilT.
IT. . ' Other eastern trains II 1 :05 : a. m. ant 4
an. .
, . . .
. p. 1. dally-goad , too.
, City ticket omce , HOI Farnam street.
, - a
. , ihalts Of Mts ' I n.r ,
; ' . . ? Irl. J. I ICrner , who l\C al the reldencc
' or 1ie r husband Shteemb and Corby
. . , streets , Friday , had ben lit for lom8 time
and a surgIcal operation was performed Mon.
day whIch resulted In her death. The
funeraL wlbo \ held tram the residence at
, Z o'clock today Mrs. lcmner leaves a hus.
. bsnil and two \ sops \vlQ rcelvt ' the i'I'
, pab \ ) ot many friends II theIr berea\'cme
' . . . .
- .4
. - -
. : ,
, ' 4 - . _ - - . . . . . -
Tremendous Bale of Fine Imported Dress
Goods-Black and Colored Bike .
Thin liost nemnrknhlo Showing or Spring .
Dress Ooods Rnl Silk , Uemarlmblo
for Their Elegance , Their Novel )
nnl Their Marvelously Low I'rlee
Ne' : . silk and wool noveltes , 49c 10 $1.2. .
1,500 yards M-Inch all weal imported '
French serge , new sprIng shades , worth $1.00 ,
sale price 50c.
lCO pieces all wool O.lnch French Beige
Vlgoreux , new spring shade worth SOc , on
saiD at 3ge.
133 pIeces all wool French chales , ant new
silk stripe challics al 26c. 39c and C9c.
New colored bengaln silks , black china
silks , cream habulal , wash silks , usual price
59c sale price 39c.
New changeable stripes In taffetas , black
folo rancalse , bengalne and satin duchesse ,
worth 76c , go al SOc.
Now fancy taffeta stilts , magnificent color-
lags , extra quality ; also 10 pieces black
satin , duchesso and lhadames , worth SIc ,
go at 76c.
27 pieces superior qualIty ant finish black
satin duchcsse , rhatnmo antI gros grain silk ,
regular value $1.39 , solo price 98c.
25 plecen new fancy jacquards , In various
designs , In fine black , 40 inches , old tariff
price 76e , our price (9c.
15 pieces 40-lnch all wool German Sebasto-
pl cloth 59c. , fine black , old tariff price SIc , our
- ol nc\v \ black crepons arc the talk of thc
town. A choice line tomorrow at 75c , 98c ,
$1.26 , $1.38 , $1.60 , $1.75.
Cotton hair cloth ! , 9c yard.
Linen hair cloth 25c yard.
Imported hair cloth ( real ) , 48c.
Crinoline , 8c. .
Sheet wadding , 2c.
Percalne , lOc all 16c.
Fittest quality Gilbert Slesla , 12c.
Linen scrim , 12c.
Solne finish Slcsla , 19c.
1,000 yards fancy percale 36.lnch wide regular -
lar lIe goods nt 5c yard.
7e apron 'cIclt ginghams , 21c.
16c and iSo fine Scotch gingham , 6 % c.
Big lot of 40.lnch 26c French lawns , new
patterns . 6 % c.
Fast black 19c henieta , sateen , 8c. . .
Best 7lc standard Indigo blue prints , 3c. ,
All new 1c duck sultngs , 10c yard.
Big lot fancy figured 25c sateen , Gc.
All remnants of table damask , bleached ,
unblcached , and turkey red , which have ae-
cumulated during our recent big linen saleS
In lengths from 1'/ . to 4 yards , go at 1 to 11
their value.
to l/ of regular
1 lot 15c doted Swiss at lc yard
WOHTI $5 AT $2,50 A PAm.
The mos magnificent line of patterns we
have ever shown In fine Imported lace cur-
tains In heavy guipure elects , and light ,
lacey Brussels designs , not a pair In the lot
worth less than $5,00 ; your choice $2,60 a
N. W. Cor. lCUt and . Douglas.
- -
To the l'nclflo COI\t Rll1 Western Points
VII the Union PacifIc , the World's Pic-
toral line. ROad the time. To San Francisco
from Omaha , G7 % hours ; to Portland from
Omaha , C5 % hours ; first class through Pullman -
man cars. Dining car service unsurpassed.
Free reclining chair cars. Upholstered Pullman -
man colonist sleepers daily between Council
Bluffs . Omaha and San Francisco via C. &
N. 'V. and Union Pacific system without
change , connecting al Cheyenne with similar -
lar cars for Portland ; also daily between
Kansas City and Portland , connectIon at
Cheyenne with similar cars for San Fran-
Corresponding time and service to Cole
rado Utah , Wyoming , Idaho and Montana
points. HARRY P. DEUEL ,
City Ticket : Agent . , 1302 Farnam St
Ills R . ve"enee , tim linby .
Mr. Carl Smith of the World-Herald will
on Tuesday evening , April 2 , render his de-
IghUul entertainment entitled : "His Rev-
crence , the Baby " for the benefit of the
W. C. T. U. drinking fountains. Fine music
furnIshed by generous souls will b an
added feature of the evening. At the
'Voman's club room over the Boston Store ,
Tuesday evening , March . 2 , at 8 o'cloclt.
( oin/ to Texls' !
April 2nd will lo excursIon day for Texas.
I you Intend to go there It will be to your
Interest to cal on or address E. L. Palmer ,
passenger agent Sante Fe route , room 1 , I
First National bank building , Omaha.
- a
- Samuel Burns says the discount sale has
been a great success and will continue I
another week ; 10 to 50 per cent off every-
thing _ _ _ . _ _ _
"Tho Or atol JllroRtln the World "
Santa Fe route , Is the popular line to either
CalIfornia or Texas. Best of service , lowest
rates. For particulars , cal on or address
E. L. Palmer , passenger agent , Room 1 , First
National bank . building . , Omaha. - , '
Record of JurglRry Juts Beau . Still Further
Some persons entered the bar of W. E
Clark , who lives at 1213 Park avenue ,
Friday afternoon and stole two sets of
double harness and 0 set of single hares ! .
Some time between 8 o'cloclt and midnight
the resIdence of G. H. Eastman , 61 North I
Seventeenth street , was entered through
a window. The window was opened with
0 pair of burglar's nippers. A valuable gold
watch and a beaver cape were taken , the
whole being valued at over $300.
The house or E. J. Albeneslus , at 171
North Eighteenth street , was entered About
$135 In money was stolen , as was also a
gold watch , valued In the neighborhood of
$75.Sore one rode or on n bIcycle owned by
M. O. Duon. The value of the machine was
Claus Lsmpke reports that a harness , valued
al $50 was stolen from him ,
A few days ago M. Decker of ISIS Burt I
street reported thaI his residence WS entered I
at about noon and jewelry worth between
$150 and $200 had beel stolen
Two small thefts were reported Friday
night at the polco station , 1. M. Van
Alstne of IG23 Dodge street had a suit of
clothes stolen and JUdge Doane was relieved
of a fancy laprobe.
! erml n Ultollrentreahlp % Before
Starting out na 1IclnYRIII. ,
C. C. Gibson , the tootl'ad who held np a
man al Fifteenth and Cass streets on Thurs-
day evening , and who was arrested a few
hours later , Is now known to have been
mIxed up In several other deals. Gibson had
been working for John Gunderon , a dairyman .
man of East Omaha. Last Sunday evening
ho called on O. W. Penney , a South Omaha
commission man . who resides at Thlrty.frt
and Oak streets , and told him thaI Gunder.
Bon had Bent hIm to get some money for the
IIurl10se of buying feed l'eal'ley being a
friend of Gunderson's . hall often before ac-
cOlmoJated him with small loans and ho
thought there was nothing wrong In this
Instance , ns ho knew Gibson was In Gunder-
son's cmplor. lie gave him a checl for $20
for hIs employer , but Gibson failed to turn It
over to the 11erlol to whom I was made
11a'able. lie qui his Job and when ho left
ho took his eml110yer'I watch ' 'he watch
has been located II a pawn .hop. The check
has pot turned up and Itlr Penney has
stellped l'ayment - - at the - bank. . .
G , . \ , H. & w , it. t. Atentlol !
Al members of Custer post and CUster W.
11. O. arc hereby ordered to meel al the
residence of Comrade J. W. lyner , IGth and
Corby streets , al 2 p. m. , Sunday March 31.
to attend tha funeral of Sister lyner ,
UY order Qf H , JI. .Dualn , p , C. , An , E. .
J. Arnout , C. p ,
, _ _ _
. - - ' " " " -
wu1I uIpE.
- - - - - - - -
Tomorrow Grand Opening Reception I Exh-
bton and tale nt the Fincst , Grandest
. \1,1 the Most Elaborate CORk , Jacket ,
\VrRI' , Wnlt antI Skirt DlsIIRr-
Nothing . 10 Equal It Ever
Vitncssctl In Olahn ,
Boston store bids you come.
French , American and original display
This department Is under our own personal
supervision nail direction. We show more
new stylOs ' k.HI a larger stock than all the
rest of Omaha miinery houses combined.
Two of our head trimmers have jusl ' returned
from : Paris full or noW Ideas and thoroughly
conversant with nil the novelties and extremes -
tremes of European millinery. Sixty trim-
mers are kepI busy In our annex , and 20
new salesladies have been engaged this month
on account or their special flness to wall on
millinery trade and their knowledge of what
Is becoming and In taste.
260 imported patern hah , no two alike In
this lot , large , beautiful street hats , sma1
topues , seine of the choicest trimmed hats
over brought to this city. Hats for which
mllncr ask $25 , your choice , $7.50.
We have . sPecial department for children's
trimmed or untrimmed hale. For the openIng -
lag we have placed on bargain tables 250
chiidren's _ trimmed hats In n great variety
of and trimmed with
shapes styles , wih plaid
or plain colored ribbons , flowers and ora-
inents ! regular milliner's ! I price , $2.60 , Dos-
ton toro's prIce , i.iu.
Five bargain tables of untrimmed hats ,
over 600 distInct styles and shapes , all
guaranteed to b this season's style , In black
and all colors , g al 25c , 38c , SOc , 76c , $1.00
and $1.50 each , which Is less than hal mi-
liner's orices.
Flowers ! Plowers I At 26c , SOc , j5c and
$1.00 for n bunch. All new goods.
Dest broken Java and Mocha , l6c.
No. 1 Java and Mocha , 20c.
French market coffee , the finest Moctta and
Java In the city , 32c.
Uncolored Japan tea , 25c.
Very best sphlerleg Japan tea 48c.
Sterling belt pins , 25c.
Shirt waist sets , 74e.
Sold gold baby rings , 26c.
Sterling silver cur pins , 24c each.
Sterling belt buckles , $ ,48.
Baby button and pin sets , 49c.
Long watch chains , 98c.
Spectacles from SOc to 300.
Choice of tIme entire stock , Including Stet-
son's , TIger and other men's hats , worth up
to $5.00 , g at 95e and $1.60. All new styles.
Days' 75c and $1.25 hats , 15c , 25c , 50c.
Doys'.and girls' yacht caps , ISo 25c ,
New line Virginia cut vase , formerly $1,00 ,
In this sale 24c.
New line crystal glassware berry dish ,
formerly GOc , In this sale 28c.
Bohemian water set , 7 pieces , formerly
$2,00 , In this sale 98c.
Selling nearly all the shoes In Omaha.
N. W. Cor. lCth and Douglas.
Better Every 1 .
Time was when the "glorious climate of
California" did mot attract tourists. But
year after year the tide of travel sets ' In
stronger and stronger every fall and winter
toward tb1s 1avored region. There Is 10 cii-
mate like I on this continent for a winter
resort , and the usual fine service on the
UnIon Pacific system hu this season ben
brought to a degree of perfecton whib
.ieaves nothing to be desired.
.eavea not1lng HARRY P. DEUEL ,
CUr Ticket Agent 1302 Fornam street
. -
Detective DonlbuB laB 1 Narrow EBcape-
Notes of the Courts.
While an effort was being made In the crimInal -
Inal court to secure the release of Henry L.
DavIs , a full account of whose erratic career
appeared In yesterday's paper , the case
took a sudden tangent and for a time every
one listened with bated breath , expecting that
another contempt case would be fed , with
Detective J. J. Donahue of the Metropolitan
police force as the central figure.
The arrest was made hasty FrIday and
the swearing to the papers had been over-
looked. The state concluded that It would be
bet to file new papers and have another ar-
rest made. This was about 10:30 : , an adjourn-
ment ot court having been taken for the pur-
peso of allowing the state to make its showing
to the erect that Davis was held under the
"fugitive from justice act , " pending the ar-
rival of authorities from New York. 'Ofcer
Donahue accordingly , . stepped outBid ? ot the
court room wln Davis ana serva a , new warrant .
rant , under the advice or Attorney Day , act-
Ing for time state. When Judge Scott heard
what had ben done he called the detective
forward and demanded the wherefore of the
proc elngs.
"No one less than an angel can do such a
thing In . the presence of this court , " aald the
judge. .That man's person Is Invlolablo. 'Le I
an affidavit be drawn setting out the facts and
there will be a fIne entered up for a contempt
of this court " The explanation thaI the act
was done under legal advice was finally accepted -
cepted and the case continued , with the result
thaI DavIs Is to be held 0 reasonable length of
Before JUdge Keysor the full of Su11 against
Oft , brought 10 recover the loss at a harness
shop al Dennington , together with $2.000
worth of Injure business credit Is on trial.
Charles Suh left Dennington January 15 ,
1894 , and wont to the cattle fields of W'omlng.
The following August , when he returned to
Dennington , hI chlms he found Eggert Ort
selling his stock and gathering In time money
Five thousand three hundred and fifty dollars
Is asked Ort claIms thaI Suhl was only a I
clerk for 0 time and has no ground whatever '
for his demand. Suhl admitted that while In
the store all goods were bought In the name
of Oft.
Peter Elders has instituted a creditors'
bill against Chris , Claus , Charles and Maggie
Feddle , In order to collect a $1.000 judgment.
A Harpy county execution was returned unsatisfied -
satisfied . Ehlers claims ho knows of con-
cealed property.
Sarah C , leArdle alleges that her spouse ,
John , since their marriage In May , 1887 , has
on several occasions been untrue to his mar-
rlago vows , particularly wih respect to
Carrie Detsman. Divorce Is asked
After thirty-six hours delberaton , the
jury empaneled to try Joseph parhnonl for
an assault upon Teresa Dgilo , found him
guilty. The girl was 13 years old She and
the defendanl's family iived In the same
house al Davenport and Tenth streets ,
The jury In Judge hiopewell's court gave
D. F. Gart 0 verdict for $1,000 , the amount
of the advance made by him to Waggoner-
Bnney & Co. of South Omaha , In order to
start hIs son In business. Before the year
was up that Oart agreed to stay he left time
corporation , and his father brought suit 10
recover the cash entrulte with the com-
mlrslon house
JUdge Ambrose made a final order yester.
day . decreeing to Bishop Scannel the
possession of lot 3 , block 5 , Summit addi-
ton , The bond had nol been fled by the
opposlton , and the sheri was directed to
see that the property Is turned over to the
bishop's facton ,
'he court has app lnted the three Minnesota -
seta receivers , giving them full authority
over till Waiter A. Wood Harvester company
property In the state of Nebraska ,
The injunction case between Fred Nelson
and L H. Ktnt has ben settled for $60 con-
sideratlon. 'hls was a dispute over a snort-
gage on a butcher's Btochc the . claim of usury
being set up as a defense .
e -
lie noseskur. ' JKeurlon.
Via the mIltiOUr1 Pacific tlwiy on Aprl\ \
2d , One fare ( plus $2.00) for the round tip
to all points In Texu and Arkansas. Stop-
oyers allowed. For furtlmemi information ,
pamphlets etc. . cal ut depot , 15th and
Webster . or city OrCt , N. E. corer 13th and
, . A. G , F , is F . J. I' . & T , A.
. _ . . . .
- - - - - - - - - -
Ohicngo Manufaotu ! Open 1 Branch
: elai Bto Omaha ,
I O"els for Jht81afu Mouln ) Morning
ami Will , ne InTn I time Equity
Clothing ! anti Shoe
lions , ' , ,
That old corer , this southwest corner of
, ' natural at
13th and Farnom woulln't look
all I there wasn'l a clothing store upon
it , So , at least , thought time Equity pee-
pie , manufacturers of fine clothing In Chi-
cago. They have leased this historic cor-
ner aad have placell therein anD or time finest
stocks of clothing , furnishing goods and
ShOES ever brought to this city .
Hecognlzlng limo ability of Mr. Joseph
Nemec , the veteran clothier , they have secured -
cured his services as manager oC the Omaha
branch of the Equity Clothing amid Shoe
House , who will be ready to greet his many
friends Monday morning at time old corner.
Indeed , I was largely through his efforts
thaI the EquitY was hulucell to locate here ,
and recognizing that I would bo the only
clolhlng store on Famous street , the deal
was closed.
Time policy of tIme Equity Clotimins9 and
Shoo house I ; to sell and guarantee all time
clothing they mmmake Dy guaranteeing , they
mean that If your clothes rill , or the but-
tons come oft , or yu arc otherwise accidentally -
cidentaly disfigured In your raiment , their
tailors will malI you whole again , while
you walt. Mr. Nemec asserts thaI they
will nol bo stingy In this mater , that they
will b glad to repair the clothing of any
man or boy , no mater where he made his
ptmrclmases ' But they do not guarantee to
keep their clothes In order mom than six
monlhs , for the reason that they hop to sell
a customer al least two suits In a year.
Time Equity has an advantage over the ell
timers here that will he hard to overcome ,
and that Is that everything In stock , from
shoes to stills , will be of this year's making
and right up to date In sly Ie.
The Equity Clothing and Shoe house Is
open for business Monday moring , and an
orchestra will dlspensc sweet music from 10
10 12 a. m. , and 2 to 5 p m. , while you size
up the new goods.
A Few . tttvisimtng's. ,
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short IIno to Chicago A
clean train , made up and started from
Omaha. Baggage checked from residence to
destnation. Elegant train service and cour-
teus employes Entire tr : : . lighted by
electricity and heated bi steam , with clc-
trJct light In every berth. Finest dining car
service In the west , with meals served "a Is
carte. " The Flyer leaves al 6 p. m. dally
from Union Depot
City Ticket OGce . 150 Farnam street , C.
S. Carrier , city ticket . agenl.
Miss McCann , formerly with Oberfehler ,
now with the Elite new millinery , 1522 Far-
nam strect .
Park COI mt luner.I' Not Sure Where , The ) .
WIll , ( Jet it.
President Tukey and Superintendent Adams
of the Board of Park Commlssloners.l1vo
been authorized to have the north bolevard I
sprinkled , beginning ' this week , There Is beginning -
ginning ' to be n good del of driving on the
boulevard and as II Is a dirt track time dust
Is a great source of discomfort. The sprinkler
'wi probably bo run Saturdays until the
senson , Is' further advanced , as the street Is
nol In' great demand for driving purposes , except -
cept on Sundays.
. Inl'thht'connctondhe ' cOmmlsIQnCs , find
themselves ob11g d'to prwdefOr ! ' some'means
of obtaining water fet sprinklng purposes.
hey wii ' get a ' temporary ' permit -to draw
Irons the fire hydrants ; but owing to the
danger of getting the hydrants out of order
this wi not bo allowed except as a tempJrdry
malteshlft. To locate the six or eight
hydrants that they will require for sprink-
lng purposes will be quite . an expense
and as . the department Is without money to
keep its present Improvements In order
throughout the year time m'mers , of the
hoard"are at a loss to tel where the , funds
are comIng from. I the council passes the
contemplated resolution allowing $1,000 for
use on the north side the expense of locating
time hydrants will probably come out of this
Notes from the ll trlet'l'ourt.
Before Judge Ferguson the much fought case
of Richard E , Rice against the Anglo-American
Mortgage , LOn and Trust company was
aired yesterday afternoon upon 0 motion
made by some of the creditors to have the
receIver , S. S. Curtis , ' curtail his expenses
In runnlnl the defendant company. I I
claimed that expenditures to the amount of
G.OOO to $7,000 In excess of what was necs-
sary were incurred from time to time , and
If thIs continues the possibility of any dlvl-
den 1 will 1 b wiped out. _ Big . salaries arc
spoKen or as one cause or trouule .
The sheriff . dispatched an officer to Ne-
braska City to bring back Asa Graham ,
wanted for the larceny ot a' watch and suit
of clothes. Graham Is a colored man.
I was ordered that the criminal cases
preferred by the state agaInst Schultz and
McCabe , charged with setting tire to their
furrier etablshment , be continued until the
May term for trial.
In the estate or , Richard Kitchen It was
recently ordered by Judge Baxter that the
heirs should have their legacIes paid In stock
In the Kitchen Hotel company. This Is
distasteful to' the three heirs , Nellie Kitchen ,
Herbert Whalen and Wallace Whalen Dy
their guardian , they have appealed from tIme
order , taking time case to time district court.
& Short Police Stories
William Wallace Is a dry goods clerk of
Springfield , lii. , who came to Council mutts
Friday on a subpoena summoning him be-
tore the federal grnd Jury. 'l'hat night
William came over to Omaha to take In the
city. le drnk Third ward liquor and then
rounded up evil resorts lie WIll refused I
admittance to the house of Gladys Hush
and threw a spittoon through the uoor.
Yesterday when he was arrIgned before
Judge lerku , he said that he never drunk
over In Iowa , but that Omaha was too
wicked for him , lIe was mulcted $10 and
coats _
A warrant has been issued for the arrest
of Fritz Muler , who runs ' a saloon on \TIn-
ton street , In the charge of selnI liquor
to Alexander Miller and larry Kuhn , two
minors. 'l'he clpldlDlng witness hi Mrs
Rosa Peters the mdlher of one ot the boys
I was proved In police court yesterday
that Mrs. Ferrtn 0\10 I vicious dog . and
she waR given the alternative or paying $0
smmmd costs for the privilege of keeping It
ant r1rlvlege
longer or or glvln the dog ul' for execution -
tion . She chose tle'luter.
Y. \ . C" " . Note. .
A parlor conference of Young Yumen's
Chrlstln association workers was held
'rhursduy afernonn at Mrs. Tilden's. at
which I number Of state ' workers \vere \
Ilresent. AlhoublHhe ' associatIon Is not
connected wih the lutc organization , there
Is a very trlendiyiteelimig and desire for
mutual helprulnel
Monday evening .nor Jalford wi lec-
ture. . :
This afternoon at > o'clock the regular
gospel service. Ii.etlder , Miss I'tremnmmer.
The concert Thurdy evening by time
library commitee was a suc.eSI In every
respect , but the comlltee Is not ready to
make its report ,
. .
Caught hum , nt Ntbrlula City ,
Thursday night Ichard D , Holmes , l2
Case street , reported to the polee that his
room had been entered and that clothing
to time value of $10 lad been stolen , lie
suspected thaI the thief was a roomer In
the lame houle named AZI Graimam and
his suspicions were strengthened by the
fact that Grham left the city hnmedl.
ately mefter. Graham's descripton was teie- .
Ilhoned to time smaller cities In the vlclnl )
or Omaha and yesterday the police 1.
celvd Information that lie hac veel cap.
tured In Nebralltl City. Oleer Boyle went
for him In the afternoon . wih n Warrant
chaH.1ng him with grand larceny ,
DOlaUol tu 451thei5tcd " CharitIes .
'M Omaha Retail Dutcher up lon , through
V. F. Kuncl , treasurer , hn very kIndly
donated 2,380 pounds of Bait pork , valued 'at
lCGCO , being the net proceeds of the ban
given on larch 13 II ' Patterson's imali
Mr. Lughlhl ) , the secretary pf tie As-
sedated Charites , asks : "Viii seine . good
. friend supply the beanlt"
, , .
r-e - - - - - - - - - - - -
, . , - , ,
The Denver Aeetnl of the Naton' rd-
neMlonl1 Asqoclmstlofl .
The program for the general sessions of
the National Educational association , which
Is 10 meet at Denver July 9.12 , has been
made public , and leaves no poslblo doubt
that the meeting will bo to of great Interest
and value The program restricts each of
the three morning sessions to the discussion
of a single subject , and opportunity I. to b
permitted for general discussion under the
fivc.mnlnuto rule. The three topics that have
been selected to bo presented and dlscusslJ
on this occasion are :
1. "Tho Co.ordination of Studies In Hie-
nlnlary Education. "
2. "Tho Duty and Opportunity of the
Schools In Promoting PatriotIsm and Good
CItzenship , "
3. "Tho Instruction and Imprvement of
Teachers Now at Worlt In the Schools. "
These topics are all practIcal anll of inter-
cat to teachers of all grades and In all se <
tons of the coumetry Papers on time first
topic are to bo presented by PresIdent De-
Garmo of Swarthmor college , Pror Jacltman
of the Cook County Normal school , and Prof.
Charles McJurry of Illinois Normal eint-
\e rsl t ) ' .
The papers on the second topIc are to be
by Supervisor Martin of Boston , Principal
Johnson of tIme "Intbroll Training school ,
Cohmmmnbia , S. C. , and by Superintendent Mar-
blo of Omaha.
On the third subject time leading speakers
are 10 b : Prt , A. D. Olin of Kansas State
unIversity , Pref Earl Barnes of Stanford university -
vcrslt , and Superlntendenl . Jones of Clc'e-
land .
, O.
Evening addresses on gcneral topics are 10
be ! made by the president or the association
( who reintroduces tIme former custom of an
annual presidential address ) , CHancellor W.
H. Payne of Nashville , the venerable Prof.
Joseph Le Conte of the University of Cal-
ioria ; President Baker of the University
of Colorado and Mr. hamilton W. Mable
editor of The Outlook.
As an indication of the representatvc character -
actor of the program for the general scs-
slon , I Is interesting to know that twenty-
eight "ames appear upon I , all but one of
which arc those of active teachers. Of these
fourteen arc engag 1 In pUblo school work ,
six In normal schols , and seven In colleges
ald universities , The western slates ( if MIs-
sand be Incluled In them ) are represented
by twelve speakers , the eastern state by
three , and the Dominion of Canada by one
In all , eghteen stales arc represented ,
'ho representation of women on tbo pro-
grain Is smaler than usual , owing , II Is oil-
daIly announced , to declinations received
from those whose presence was mol de-
sired.I will be observe with regret that the
pregram does not contain tIme name of Dr.
Harris , commissioner of education. But
after due deliberation Dr. Harris has de
cided that his health roulrcs 1 rest front
active - work : , amid - - ho proposes - to sail - - for -
Europe before tIme date or the Denver : meet-
In addition to the elghl sessions of the
general association above noted , there will
b ( ten sessions of the national council of
education ( July 6.9) ) and two sessions
of each of ten deparlments , as follows :
Kindergarten education . elementary educa-
ton , secondary education , higher education ,
normal education , Industrial education , art
eucaton. music education , business educa-
ton , child study. In each department there
will be a variety of papers and discussions
on topics or special interest to teachers by
eminent men and women In each educational
Time National Herbarl club will also hold
two open sessions ( for the discussion of Im-
porlnl topics.
The programs contaIn no sensational feat-
urea but Indicate a convention where much
hard work will be done and ' much good
wi gd
of the mot practical . character accomplished.
We'itcrn PoltlelRns on'oman's lurrae
. BALTIMORE , March 30.-In the discussion
of the subject of woman's surlage at the
FrIends' Circle last night Mr. J. K. Taylor
'preEented ' extracts from letters , just received . ,
' rom time governors or western states.
Governor Merrill of Kansas rites : " Tle're
ii.m been no complaint. I seems to , be suc-
. cessful. "
Governor McIntyre of Colorado : "Their ad-
vent Into political life will positively and
permanently benefit the people. "
Governor RIchards of Wyoming : "Women
are allowed all the privileges that men have
In voting. They are not allowed to sit on
juries and do not ask for II any more than
they ask for miliary rights. "
Justice Grosbeck chief justice of the I
supreme court of 'Vyomlng : " 1 has been I
tried and nol found wanting. . "
Iorbaeh Stakes Vigorous Proteit
John . A. Harbach has protested against
tax levies made on tax lot 36 , section 15 ,
township 13. In 1892 It was assessed for
$22,5. He claims It Is a systematic piracy.
To make It worse , ho aver that In 1893
"the scoundrels , led by Specht and C. H.
Drummer In the council taxed him for $29.0
and $30,310 In 1693 and 189 respectively .
$10.3 respectvely.
He asks a reduction to $5.0 Time protest
was referred by the commissioners to the
judiciary committee. .
ReslCIRtol or an Omaha - Teacher
Miss Jessie Love , a very successful
teacher . In the city , . handed her . resignation !
to inc secretary or one : or uucaton :
yeterday. She leaves for Chicago this
week to take I position under I principal (
with whom she taught . for several years.
SCHWIOIZER-Hermann , son of Mr. and
Mrs Fred Schwelzer on March 2th , aged
8 months Funeral , from residence 2502
Pierce street , Sunday at 2 p. m. Interment ! -
ment Laurel Hill.
Spring Is here , so Is Mllsll and all
the rest of the numerous In\lslles
whIch "stalk abroad nt noonday . "
Don't , on account of the triflIng eXllense ,
neglect to disinfuct Hero Is I list of
lme of the best things to use. Tim
prIces tel thel' own stOln :
Anl.elm. qunrtltes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40c
Anl.Oerm , .qunrt bottles. . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Carbolic AcId iuro while crystal , pint hot , . , 500
CarLolc llre \ot. to
Carbolic Actd crude pint bottle 1 . . . . . . . . . 20
Chloride Linso 1 pound cnn. . . . . . . . . . . . SIc
Chloride Lime ' .4 , ) puld cnn . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
Chlorhle Lime \ j pound can , . . , , , . . . , . . . . . 60
. . . .
Hulpiiur 1)111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
\rlm one , IOund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOc
COPlleros ' ( Iron Sulphate ) pound . . . . . . . . . 6c
Moth flails . boic . . . . - . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 6
Agents for all the New Drugs & Chemicals
1513 DODGE ST. , . OMAHA ,
! t Newa .
t P. rect.Wi
, . BOIL. "
' ' " 'SERYE : : ! .S
- i t I 'I . .
, :
ir& : - tU
m-- " Q
'pcl.rr 1
Bruit time egg Into the cup . screw on lime cover and
boil time egg In theta China cup Imled 01 he weL
CJi . .
and serve lime egg In the same Chloe cup ' ,
China , Glass
- Glasmil
mil Slverwan ,
/514 Farnam SI" , 01lfa ,
Special prices 01 this egg cup Mon.
Un ) ' . llrl ) 1t
. . . . . .
-L--Prw---- - " - ' - - - ' 9 - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- - -
Not Toll to Come Items. , bat Going There
on JlI.lnr.l.
lon , Lorin A. Thurslon , the hawaiian
minister to the United States , wIse has re
centy been recalled at the request or this
government , passed through Omaha 'ester.
day on the Union I\aclfcNorthwCtern
frbounll for San Francisco , where ho will
sail next Thursday for 10nolull
Mr. Thurlon Is not lalrng much for pub-
lcaton just now Said 11 : " 1 have no of-
fclal statement to make. Individually I will
say that 1 leave heft Washington , and that
my absence Is indefinite . 1 have not been
notified by the hawaiian government 10 como
10m ( but I have voluntarily left for lano-
lulu to attend to certain business interests
thaI demand my Presence there at this ttnie , I
I heft my wire visiting relatives In SI Joe ,
Mlch , Mr. Hastings wIll have charge of the
Hawaiian legation Washlnglon during 1) ) '
'I Is quite probable Hint the next congress .
gross wi favor Hnwalan annexation , I sail
on time Arawn , and I do not know know what
ant to
action the lawalnn government will take In
the Greshnm incident . The republic Is n fIx-
tore , and the lay of monarchy Is over In
lawal , Wo will leave permanent reprl'ln ' .
aton In Wasimington. I appreciate the kin !
words Senator Mandlrson said about me "
UTe -
t'ubhio Sheeting on Monday Evening Next to
, Clns.
OtlRnho ii Clu"
A meeting will 1 held on Monday ovtnlnl
In the hal of limo Young Men's Christian as-
sociaton for thee purpose 'f organizing a
systematic study of the )
class 10 take II 1 ) Ih
subJcl or eleclioiy , Mr. Andrew Ho ewatci'
city engineer , will preside , and addresses wi
bo made by City Electrician Schurlg , 1r ,
W. S. Whlc , , 'Icoresllrnl of tim clectrlo
lightIng com\any , amid Mr. L. A. Ln"erl at
Chicago . Electricity Is becoming sO enerl1y
applied In one fotm and another that the
nell for a better understanding of time prln-
clples which govern its acton Is becomIng
more and moro felt , and time Nesnt mo"o-
l1ntls to supply that Inrormato,1 : under con-
tItons thaI will make II available to busy
NOplc The class that Is 10 be organized In
Omaha will bo along time hines followed In
mauy of the larger cities lhroughout the
countr ) ' . The enrolments already obtained
Insure a stmccessfmih class and comprise many
of time Icadhuig electricians and engIneers of
I the city .
- A VINE -
Parlor Grand Piano
beautiful size KIMBALL - -
We also have a beautiul large -
BALL uprgh , /slghtly used , for sale tta price that
Will sell it i AT ONCE. ]
Have YOl seen the new Upright
Piano at , . . . , . . , . $185 0 0
_ _ _ _ _ _
ORGANS , such as KIMBALL , Estey , Wilcox
& White , Palace all highest grade , with
stool and book , from. . . . . , . . $15.00 to $75.00
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -
A. HOSPE , Jr.D and t
1513 Douglas St. ,
OMAHA. Mouth.
- -4
. m'o Hke unto the French In all exceptS
1 D t
Our Bicycle Dept a I ni .
the price. See wheat a little moneg /
' 0 lte moI/
Is becoming more popular every day- vilI do.
people arc getting eter nc- wl
peoIlo getng ! 5c for square dishes , worth 10c.
quaiuted with it You cnn buy blc ' -
ullnte wih It ! .
( 10e for square dishes , worth 20,0.
cbs most place , but not nt our
any ! tic for large platters , worth 2 c
prices. We set the pace on high grade
pries. pnce . gr UC for plttcs with festoon edge.
blc 'cles nt $ 4O.OO-otleei's follow ,
bicycles may
- folow .
-D.O-tlc.S 7c for dinner Itlites.
but when they do 'ou'U find us chenpel'
! fnd . , .
. 4Dc for covered dIshes , worth $1.00. -
Our bo 's' and mIsses' wheels at $12UO -t .
4De per set for handled cups and sau.
to $3 , OO leave set the trade to guess- eerie.
town Ing. people. We leave catalogues for outof - eels. highly $1 S for eeorlte I six-piece . chamber st -
New CrOClery- Glass BAS ] ' I NOVELTIES , Including
pigs , rabbits , CIW , chickens , etc. , cte
I shows the superior sl.1 of the potnt ! 5c. !
tel's' nrt Plain , every-day goods that , New goods are ceasing In daily.-
The 99 Cent Store ,
1319 FarlajU Street. J
Our large stock of New Gloves for Easter arc in.
including all the popular shades . . buttoned and laced
Our laced Gloves at $2.00 , in black and colors , and
a four button with French Points and Centemcri cut arc
the best Gloves made Price , $1.75.
An excellent Kid , black or colored f3r . . . , . , . . . . $1.50
Gloves . for $1.25 , $1.00 , 50c.
Our large stock . of Ladles' 'Vulsts and CImildi'ens' Mull and
other Cups arc in.
. .
Chas. Shiverick & Co. ,
Upholstery & Curtains.
- " , , ' .
, 1206 and 1208 Douglas St. ( tQbf
- - -
; ' ?
- - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -