Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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" = THE 01\AIIA DAILY BEE - , : . SU'NDAY , ] [ ATIOn 31 , 189lS.
Socloty 18 Preparing to Enjoy the Plel\uros
Which Folow the Lenten BOMon ,
: j'rctt' l'nrolcl I'arty In Honor or JII
. ' 'I\"lcl : 'Cutdn ) J"tnlng-othcr ! JvetLi
Whel'rlnyc'l" of MctropoII . Flgure.
-VhaL of Mel huRl 'omen
Throughout the quiet c80n of Lent , which
- . b soon 10 give way to thc joys of the post
! Lenten sbOfl , wlun ! com'eulonal society
' crwl thu rellsless bolt on the hosplble
door there ore n few leulers : who , wthat .
Innocent (1arlng , offer n d llhtul rduge for .
the social butterfly . who cnjoy the sweetnes ,
k that Is found In Lenten cortep and tee , to
f3Y nothing of n lunch now and then ft
for the ( Ol3. Last week several or thc . I
leulef : or Omaha entertained Informally , but
10 , Innocently were the tnlerlalnmuuls con -
- ducttd nnl limited to to few [ frlenls that .
Tim lIce remains silent 01 the score of I
being the Lenten ( kb.
What with bier spreading 1lrts : 3n,1 box-
pllel blouse , woman Is growing more and I
. more like the savago's d ( rlpton of [ her-
EOllethlng beautiful In n big bag with a
I ftrlng tel around It. One with an eye
I to the future can see e'CI now what n VI
llcle for [ the display of small trinkets thIs I
box . platt wi become to the summer gtri
Last year her fOU'-ln.hanl relulrel at lest t
t n dozen pins to hell It In place , but thl
capacity of the box.pbl will surely outdo
Ihese numbers. The sash of a general or
. the bodIce of the prima donna In 4 comic
. ' opera wilt bo as nothing to the box-plal ,
and one only pities the poor girl who will
Jiave ] the IJlalt but nothing to put thereon
The girl of the Period has now adopted
the training canethat little stick athletes
carry when taking n onstttutionaI. They
are of medium length 8 demanded by girl ,
and have bal handles of any desired weight. :
* . Those who lug them around contend that I
they are capital things to develop muscle
and make one walk well.
A new color to be much In vogue this
.prlng Is called "I'haraoh , " and } Is properly
enough n red , which by courtesy can be
compared to brick and brings to mind the
t task the king of Egypt once set the children
ot Israel. I Is really n yellowish shade
of poppy color , and bound to set the teeth
on edge nnles It Is worn with exactly the
right complexion.
Society extended both hands and cordially
. . welcomed the return of Senator and Mrs.
fanderson at the Omaha club last TliursB
' day evening. The dinner party and reception -
ceplon given upon that occasion In honor
, of the retiring senator . and his esteemed
wife , was undeniably the event of the sea-
Mn. The new club building was , In [ tact
formally dedicated by this brilliant assem- ,
, : blage. Mcntt '
1enu was served at 7 o'clock and
, : the speeches were limited to an address of
welcome by Dr. Miller and the response
by Senator Manderson. Plates were laid for
100. Henry W. Yates Euclid Martin , Gen-
, : oral Drooke and J. N. II. I'trlck cnsU-
" tted the commitee of arrangement with
; gratIfying results. After the repast a reception -
cepton was held In the club parlors where
: several hundred people paid their rcspecta to
the Ilstngulshed guests If the evening.
Mrs. Manderson received In beautiful
llanderson a gmvu
. beautul gwn
ot pompadour brocade of pink and yellow ,
' trimmed In point lace with touches of yel-
ow satin and pink flowers . and diamond ornaf
, 2nents. The party was also featured with
C dancing , the Second Infantry orchestra furnishing - .
; lshlng the music During the evening the
; Mozart quartet presented severnl vocal
presentel vocl num-
. bers. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
11111 and Klmp.
'i' : ' Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Kemp's residence , 1708
- Cass street presented n very gay and festve
. nppearance last Tuesday
evening the rooms I
' being crowded with friends drawn there to
wines the joining together In marrIage of
: r. George D. Diggs and Miss Anna D. Kemp
: Rev. M. E. Goddard , a brthrr-ln"Jaw or the ,
i } geom , came up from Harlan , Ia. . to officiate
lt the interesting ceremonial The groom h [ I
n popular young man , who for the put four
_ . ; years has worked In the Union [ Pacific sbops I
1 I t In the mouMlng department , but Pacifc Is act
" t. log In the Fame capacity for the Missouri , ,
' . . Kansas & Texas railroad at Parsons , ICan ,
; t whrre be bas bought and furnIshed an elegant -
. . nnl Isbel
- ; ' ' gaeL home for his young wife and himself .
r . The bride Is a handsome and vivacIous bru
\ ' , / ' lete , and Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs
f' , , T. D. Kemp , at whofe house the ceremony
J - & : jwas performed. The bride was very bcorn .
, - r lngly attired In a white CNpe de China dress
) : r wih train and her corsage was draped wlb ! ;
embroidered .
sills. The
' . embrohlerel sik. pretty elect WI :
, . , greatly enh.nce by artistically arranged rib
. arrangel
: : bone . surmounted with '
bna. cupide' .
. , surmounte wih cupils' wing. The
: : bridal veiL was caught up with large whiti
, roses , and she whie
: carrie In her hands a boquet
: or La France roses. The maid of henor , 1ls
" . Mattie Tenney of Kearney , Neb. , wore a
sown of white chiffon , trimmed with ribbons :
r and pink Marechal Nlel roses. The brides
snaid's costume was a white Chna ! sik dress : ,
- - - covered with lace , and she ale carried pink
: , t : roses. The geom and his best man wore the
conventona [ black.
( , \ , The receptn room was literally strewn
: g with presents , contributed lteraly .
, V 'ih by the following :
; " fley and Mrs. M. E. Goddarl ot Harlan. In .
, ' Mr. and Mrs. J , E. Vangihier , Mr. and Mrs ;
, i' Vangidr
'f f. : C. I. T. nepm , Mr and Mrs. Raid ] , Mr. and
' ' , ' ' , : rs , Eastman , Mr. ali Mrs. Stone. members
'r , . , ' of Degree of Honor , Washington loge , Nc I .
. 27 : Misses Olie and Lotus Goddard . under. . i .
, f , I. Ia. : Mr. C. E. Reynolds , Mr. Godard. Harln. . . I .
. ; Babcock , Mr. and Mrs. I. Kauman , Messrs m
y ; . ! 1en. F. Cason Nicholas [ Dralmer George
. t H , l3urcbartl. Fred A. Volkhardt Ed J. Hey-
F , , den . , lambrlght , Me and Idea. A. liazeltor ,
. , 't . O.t'orge ' T. Foster Me and Mrs. E. A. lhr.ll.
Mr. i3alistra Mrs. C. C. Whiting , Mn :
. . Cooper , Mrs. W. McMullen . Mrs. 10ugh , Di - .
and Mrs. S. R. Patten. Mrs. Rose , Mrs Hus-
ton , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Edwards , Mrs. E. T 1 ,
y , Roe , Miss Esther Hamner , Mrs. H , C. Dies ,
Clinton , md . : Me and Mn. John Sliolbb
. Idles Mary Flynn . Mrs. T , B. Kemp . Miss :
' hattie Tenney , Kearney . Neb. : Mien Jessi le
. : . : 8wischer Cedar Haplds , la , : Mr. Matt Feiri - -
; mann Chicago : Mr , P. J. Wyman , jr , CI- :
ala Mills . Canada.
je , ' it t'iinijiud Hurllrlo ,
t . . 4 Monday evening Mr. W. C. Bouk was ten-
1 ' 'dared a very pleasant surprise Party at his
' : , . resilence , 18 South Fifteenth street , by a
! f . ; , number of his friends In honor or his birth-
day anniversary. By means of a little
, ; , , ftratagem he WAS kept away from 10me Itlu
It . tl the party hall all arrived and upon his
1' return found them In IJOUeSilon , completely
. . disguised In robes of white . Sufce I to say ,
their appearance was ouch as to case a
fooling of rear on beholding the ( guasts . which
, ' was sooii dispelled
8001 dlspelel by an assurance from
I . , the leader ur the "phantom party" that their
i , . object In thus invading [ his home was not
to do any bodily Injury but
. belly , to gently remind -
t. mind him or his birthday anniversary and
' Ipend n social evening. The evening was
very Illeasanty spent with progressive high '
1 nve. ! rs. Charles Schlerten won the hSh' I
, . frst Prize , a handsome hlnd.palnled ther- '
, Jnometer , The gontiotnon's lut ther'I 'I
. unique match holder , was awarded Mr. Jesse
nwarled !
! ' , " 'hle. for winning the largest number or
games. Mrs. L. N. Garret captured the
( r ladies' consolation gr and 11r , Deli the gen-
. , ' t temen's "booby" I'rlze , The surprise was
. _ : very ' cleverly IJlanned and executed , and
3 c'er the guests took their departure Mr .
Douk was the recipient of many presents as
. tokens of esteem with best wishes for man ) '
- . # Ilappy returns oJ tie day
Those IJresent were : Mr and Mrs. J0880
1lrs. Jtsso
, . 'SVldte. ! r. and lire . I. N. Garret 11r. ali
? dre. Will Whtto . Mr. and Mes .
Wi Wble. lr. ! r. G. W. Sutton -
, ton , Mr. and Mrs. David Smith. ! r. all
f t btrs. Charles Schiersticit . lr , and lire. A. F.
( f : Wliams , ! r. and Mrs. O. H. liolton . Mrs.
' , Nele Fisher . Mrs . T. 0. 1.lvlngston , 1lrs. Mr.
D. n. IIer.dricki. Miss latle Ogle Miss
hose Weeks Miss Ohio Sutton , ! r. O. U .
, 2" ] .aibury . Dr. 0. W , Wiiamson. Mr. Mark
Williamson , Mr. Fred I Heath. ! r , lieu . Mr.
k : ' .1. I. iiruckschen. Mr. and Mrl. 1 W , lr .
y ] iolland oC South Omaha
I Uoland _ _ _ _ I
. , ' , . Al' Ilsilecr Intcrtisii , ,
Mil Cora Decker entertained a number ot
. or friends at the residence of her parents
on Dodge street lest
Sunday evening. The
, . . 'I tore part of the evening was enjoyably
" " 1
j - - - U1
_ . _ , . , . . , . ,
.u . ' ' . ' . -.C''J' '
luse with bIh live . after w'lch a luncheon
wa s served. The remainder of the evenIng
wa s spent In dancing [ and singing Mr n. .
Re hfehl entertained the company with some
of the latest songs ot the day.
Those present were : MiMes JennIe
I3l otcky . Bertha Newman Jessie Lbman ,
Hnlda ! liar ! . Iena noMe"l , Ida Ne"'man.
Elma lothRchld , Fnnnio Me'eu : Messrs. AI
Uosenthal , Herbie Oberfelder Benny Rehfel ,
Dno [ Deagan , Jim Adler Sidney Hanger.
Henry Rosenthal , , Jake Newman Lou Decker ,
Wllo Singer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
HI to Moniplils.
"On to Memphis" Is the cry c the ( Thurs-
ton Itiflea and the crack GaUng section of
tt e Omaha Guards , who will soon represent
On1hl at the grand Interstate drill and encampment -
Oca Mi anl
campment nt Memphis These two valuable
acquisitons of the Nebraska National Guard ,
v.'o have won renown In the field both In
actve service and competitive contest have
glvcn up the pleasures of the roclnl world
3nll have gcne Into training and arc workIng
with the determination and vigor of the
athleteR ot I 'varsity team , The Rifles have
ta ken possession ot the Coliseum for trlelr
tranlng [ quarter nnll arc drilling steadily
very evening , with the exception of Sundays
umler the comma nIl of their confident anti
worthy omeere . The men are In excellent
conctton , anti as soon 81 the weather Is
ravorablo the company will go Into barracks
and drill mornings as well as evenings In
order to bo thoroughly prepared for the
great Contests that await them In May . This
wi be the I es' first OIJpcrtunly 10 meet
men worthy or their steel , and consequently
anl consequenty
they will bo pin cell upon the Mme looting
aR any of the competing companies who have
become famous ( on the dri ! field. The Chick-
SOW Guards of Memphis have the enC311) .
m ont In charge and arc leaving nothing un-
dona l In the way of entertaining and looking
aer the welfare of her visiting guests
Captain and Mrs. Sclnrl are receiving con
g ratulatons from their host of friends on the
birth or a son hut Tuesday. The newly ar-
rh'ed males the fifth h addition to the Scharr
faml t ) ' .
I Is with pleasure that the
Thurston Rifles announce their next
dancing party for Monday evening April 15.
This . will probably be the company's last't
P artY for the season and their friends may
look l forward to a swell military event.
JOC"lltlon to . ' 1. " Tuwsies.
ana ot the very brilliant affairs ot the
past weelc was the farewell reception tendered
by ! r. and ! rs. herman Cohn to Miss Hertha
Tewelcs of Milwaukee . who for three months
past has been their guest. Abcut twenty
couples participated In the festivities , which
took t place on Tuesday evening last at the
bcutul home oC Mr. and Mrs. Cohn on
Thirty-second avenUe. Card playing for
prizes was the principal amusement of the
evening , the fortunate winners bring Miss
Hatte Drelus and Mr. Emi Strauss. A
sumptuous repast served
was sen"el at midnight.
11rs Tewelcs leaves tomorrow for her home In
Milwaukee , and lEaves bEhind a host of
f rlenls who sincerely regret her departure.
Those present , beside the host and hostess
anll i Miss Tewoles , 're : Mr. all Mrs. J. L.
nrndels , Mr. and Mrs. Herman Freedman ,
! r. and Mrs. A. D. Brandeis Mr. and Mrs.
S amuel 1 Katz , Mrs. H. n. Sacbs of Cincinnati ,
11sse Carrie Goldsmith . Freda and , Elsa
Hanger , hattie Oberelder , Minnie Lobman
F lora and Nettle Hothschll , Tiie Sonne
l ull . Anna Itothschhid . Dole Polack Dole I
and Hattie Hosenslock. Hate Drelus , Era D. :
Kohn and Messrs. itt. Strassburg of New
York M. Levy , Alex Wessel , Fred S. Seiig' I
sohn , Rabbi Lo M. Franklin , Emanuel ] Fs.e' ,
Emi Drandels , Edgar Wessel , Charles Gol1-
smih , Gus Delches , lit. R. Tranerman and
Emi Strauss.
A Irlrewol oc"ptlon.
Tuesday evening last Miss Mary Wtlderrnan L
and Miss Jenne [ Berry gave a fare\vel reception -
ception at the homo ot Miss Widerman for
Miss Fannie [ Goodyear , who Is soon to depart , .
tor her home tn Illinois. The evening was I
pleasantly spent with vocal and instrumental 1
music. The principal [ feature of the evening
was the presentation of a gold Epworth
leage l badge by Mr. Sturges to Miss Goo-
year. At : late hour delicate refreshments i
were served , after which the guests deputed.
Those present were : Misses Goodyear , An-
nete De Del , Lillian Benson , Amelia Du I
Dal , Widerman , Jennie Derry , 1lrkwol.
Duncan , Schneider , Lillie Schneider , Stela i
Ogle. hattie Auch Moody , Della Markwood ,
Loie Reedy . Bosnia Derry , Aggie Leary ,
Cassie Markwood Sadie Humrneli , Ella Lid [ :
stone . Grace Chids , Sunderlanl , Pearl Sundr ,
l and . Dave Markwoud . Autumn , O'Neal , 'llr-
tha De Del , Ale Foland Ella Crane.LoUe
Holer , Pleasant flames Tere& and Oma
Force ; Messrs. Charles Frlscher , Ernest Fer-
rehi , Lawrence hoffman , William' Meyer Gordon -
lon Rumble Harry dine , Ulric Craw' , Wiard I
Ilerry . Walker , Frank De Del , Will Hender-
sen , Frank DHss. 'Vlerman and Frank Wild .
anl Wil.
erman , Mr. and ! rs. Hase. [ Mr. and Mrs
L. E. Davis , Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Pritchard ,
Mr. and Mrs. Widerman , Mr. and Mrs. T. F.
Sturgess. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
nIne" Birthday tochI ,
"The Bishop Hannlngton Ten" of Al I I
Saints' church gave a birthday social at
! rs. George P. oore's residence , 2G19 Cald-
wel street , Thursday evening. Each gOt ;
deposited a bag of money corresponding to
the number of years recorded at their last
blrthdal' . Mrs : Moore arranged a very :
pheasant program for the entertainment o 1
the guests . consisting of music , recitation a
and a Delsarte drill , led by Mien Delia Snel- , :
booker and a class or eight young mIsses
dressed In white , which was the personiflea , -
lon of grace and rythm. Mr. Julius Festner
rendered selections on the zither In his usual 1
beautiful and pleasing manner , which were
highly appreciated and heartily encorec I.
lls Jennie Heating of Council Bluffs favored
the gUEsts with vocal selections which were
received with pleasure and due apprects
tion. Declamations by the Misses : Conklng ,
Call wel , Jester and Newman were all goo i
and received much praise. Miss Emma Potter -
ter presided at the punch howl. Refresh :
ments were served at 10. The social was .
socially and financially a success , and one
that will be rememberel with IIe3sure ] by
those present. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I1H4 "rld01' " I I rUI" , .
Miss Adalile Wrlsler gave a pretty birth
day party In Morauti's assembly 100ms
Thursday ! , March 28 , from 3:30 : to 7 p. n 1.
11sIs Jean Thurston . ! abel Carter anl
Laura Conglon received with Miss Wrisleb
Iercshment were served and the cotion
was danced and candles
fJure. passel , between each
- The ! following young ladies and gentlemen
were present : Misses Adalalde Wrisley ,
! abel Carter , Bessie Brady , Jean anti Grace
Tiiurston Laura Congdon , Lucy Brady , Ethel
10rrhon. Jeannette Rogers , Marls cShane ,
Hazel anti Marion Council , Miit.iroml Lonmax .
11 I.max.
Etlmel Palmer , Carrie and Fanny l'urvic .
Marion Haynes , Ruth Evans , Mary Wood ,
Belle Ford , Josephine lrake. ar Banche
Wakelehl , Jennie Orcut a 111 Ela May
Brown : Masters Clarence Thurston , Leo Mc.
Bhane , Charles Shlverlck , Earl Raymond ,
James Godrey [ , Arthur Ifartman Nathan
Shlvcrick Harry Cuter , Wilber Van Cott ,
John Hellcl ( , Lawrence Drake Glen Cot
mend . John hughes , Eddy Darst William
J. Gahbratcli _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
T"I , lh'ct lit tii.i Nhrluor ,
At ( ho Hotel Shriner Friday evening 100
gucsts enJoye'l the social ! and box Ilarty of the
Bishop White-Worthington "Tens" of All
Saints' church The affair was an unlenlable
Jutes L.utnharti and Jo
Lumball Barton eacb presented -
seuted veal solos which proved IJOpular. prl
Mrl. J. J. Dlckey'a recitation was happily
received. Mater Gordon Mendelssohn haplJly gave
hlghlmt fling and was In great favor. Palm-
Istry was another feature
aother of the program.
'he parlors were artistically arranged for
the cccaslon , the decorative art oC Alien
Whlo being particularly unique Alen
J. E. Butter Inl ( ! ! r. Wager added much
to ( lie enjoyment ot the evening by their
excellent sen'lc at the ( piano .
Mrs. Nellie I111'r Jltortllnl.
One of the mot enjoyable events of the
week was the party given by Mrs. Nellie
Fisher at her residence . 1603 Howard street ,
las . Friday e"enlng. Progressive hIgh five
tormel the mode ot entertaining ari i vroved
to 1 a delightful pastime. Mr. anI IJrove . Ls-
bury ammil Mr . Charles ScliiersUen
ali lfr. Sehlersten won the
itrizes olere for those scoring the most
gaines . Mrs. Bouquet was presented with
the lady's consolation prize , and Mr. wlh . ,
Sigwat awl Mr. Irr&d Heath drew cards to
decide who should receive the ' gentleman's
booby prias , which was award to Mr. Sig.
wart At UIO conclusion ! of ten games Slg-j
tables were cleared and daiuty refreshments
l ' ; I " ; , [ . ' : TrJ ; . ; ' ; J
' " " . ' " " ' CTA , _ ' "
were le"ed In Blr courses b the hostess , as-
stated by ! rl. Seblerstien .
Those present were : Messrs. O. n. Las-
bury . Frell Rtath , Charles SChlerten , W. C.
ihosik . A , T. Sigwart , L. N. Garret James W
Book Drookschlne : Mesdame Bouquet
Charles Schierstien . James W. liouk L. N.
Garret , Ann hems .
OklahomaN leSDstlot11.
Mr. and Mrs. I' Stroushaugh of 1822 Vin-
ton street entertained the Oklabomta nt
high five last Friday evening. A most tie-
Ightul eve was passed , Mrs. James O. M4r-
tin taking ladles' first prize whIle Mr.
Nathan Richard took the same for the
gntemen , For the \ ( t es' consolation
IJrlze Mrs. Al Powell was the lucky one , anti
the gentlemen's booby went to lr , Tom Sid-
wel , Among those present were : Mr. and
Mrs. James O. Martin , Mr. and Mrs. D , S.
Parkhurst , Mr. and Mrs. anl flopper , Mr ,
and Mrs. Nathan Rickard Mr. and Mrs.
AI Powel , l and Mrs. T. I' Mahoney ,
Mr. antI Mrs. Alex Buchanan Mr. and Irs.
A. T. SII\el. Mrs. Dele Evans I . Mrs. 1.17.-
sic Michel , Mrs. J. D. Emery , Miss Kate
Power . Miss Ale Powell , MIss Sarah Mar-
tin . , Miss JUlie Powers , Miss Grace Strous-
b11gh , Miss Sarah Wagner , Miss Birdie
Iowel , AI E. Stuht . Don Hopper , Lwren
T. Sidweil. After cards
Sidwel. Arer n fine lunch was
served anti fully discussed by alt , the e'en-
tug being finished with a little dancing.
[ ) lrlng tha evening Mrs. Dele Evers pleased
all with a piano solo.
Chlhlrc'n'4 Ih"elnl Party
I was a brilliant party given by Prof .
Chambers to his children's class last Saturday
evening at his academy. The fut part 01 [
the affair was \hantom.llte In effect . the
lights being lowtrel whie over 100 chllren I
marchell In out of 1 dark room , attired In
many fancy coattitcea . and making a very
pretty sight. Under the dim light tim ? youth-
fiml [ knights anti their ladles performed lany
graceful evolutions. during which
gacetul evolulos. ( lie IEhts
were sl\enly turned on , disclosing a scene
as brilliant as the first one was weird. A
great many parents and older friends ef the
Itlo ones were present , all after 10 o'clock
artichpateI In the .
partclpat. dancing. Notable among
the t fancy dances was the Itaherll gavotte .
ono of the royal court dances at Berlin , and
f or the first time danced tn Omaha
A very pleasant feature of the evening
W : the presentation to Mr. Chambers by
Master Samuel flees on behalf of the Pultils
of a dainty little gold locket and IJllls
his I nionth-ohl daughter , Mabel Ihaicyon.
'Ie."nt t'orty " 'hlMt Club h'rlsr.i : .
Tuesday night the Pleasant Party WhIst
club played the last games of the first series
of the whist tournament , In which they have
bn engage during the winter. Nine meatM
hlgs h have been held Tuesday night's meet-
Ing t was held at the ( resIdence ot Mr. and '
Mrs. W. IC Jacobs , Thlrty-seconl and Oak
treets Those present were : ! essrs. and
lesdames \V. K. Jacobs C. M. flawitzer ,
John Ragan , Grant WIlliams , W. IC. Sclple
John Kuhn , Harry Miller , O. L. Salisbury ,
F. J. Coats Mrs. A. H. ltawitzer . Mrs . Keoicr
anl Miss Minnie Williams. The series reB
s uited as follow's : Gentlemen's
suled folows Gentemen's first prize ,
John Ragan ; ladics' first prize , Mrs. W. K.
Jacobs ; gentlemen's second prize O. L. Sals-
bury ; ladles' second prize . Mrs. Harry Miller.
At the conclusion ot the games refreshments
were served , and n few hours of informal
dancing joyed. Next Tuesday eventng the
club will . start tn on the second series or
games. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Unique Ar."r fur TueSday Nhht ,
The complete program for the rainbow drill
ntertainment to be given at MetrpJlan
hal Tuesday nigh under the supervision ot
Mrs. ! Wertz follows :
Piano . . . . . . . . . . . . . Donner
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Kitte Hobble
Fancy Danclng..Uessle Brady , Viola Cabn
Rainbow Drill. . . . . . . Drly . . . . . . . . . . .
Misses McKell . Sadie Alexander , Cholwell ,
Bartlett . Sarhent. TUkey , Barber , Ethel
Tlitey , Alexander. Cook , , House Isanes .
Staley Duryea Cleveland . Brunner.
neclaton. . . . . . , . ClevelalI. . . . . . . . . . . . . Vivian Rector
Vocal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Marshall
Plastque Posing.E McConnell . Hazel Calm
Posing with Drpe. McConnel. . . . . . . Clmolweil
Living Representations. . . . . . .1tss . . . . Cholwel .
Poses with Dove. . . . . . .Adalalde 'Vrsley [ ,
Poses wih . . . . . . . . . . . , . .Tuke
Living Representatiomma. . . . . . . . . " ' ; ' . : . . .f ; ,
Accompanists , Miss House , Miss Duryea.
S hi drrn'a l'lrty.
In rspone to dainty iavitatlcns . twenty fl-c . .
little folks gathered at the home of Mr. and i I .
Mrs. J. C. Howard , Thirty-seventh and Far -
Mm , yesterday atrnoon. to be the guests of r I
the 4-year-od ] twin tots Haz1 and Carol I
Howard , at their first . . '
frst part ) Punny games :
and romping plays served to amuse unUI I
luncheon was announced.
The little ladies and young gentem.n present -
out were : Florenc : Omstead , Fay Hitchccc ; .
! abel Loudon , Hazel Hitchcock. Gertrude ;
Whinnery , Alice Woodworthi. Louise Dinning ,
Lucetta Patterson , Isabell Miroy , Carol Dan
ida , Catherine ! I roy , Fred Patterson . Warren -
den Hamilton . Jack Webster , Gen Wilcox .
Dick Fuller , Kenneth Paterson , John Wod- :
worth Harold English , Frank Squires. George
Fuller , Thornton Daniels Norman 'Vhlonery ,
Kenneth McIntosh and Roy Sunlerland ,
IUn ; ' U"thtor ) . lntlrtlll"d ,
A very pleasant evening was spent Thurs
day by the ICIng's Daughters ot the First
United Presbyterian church at the home or I
Miss Grace Cevlanl. 2218 Chicago street
Refreshments were served during the even
hug and a Jolly tIme had by all.
Those present were Misses
: Emma Styl\3 t ,
Ethel Gulst , Florence Hardying Anna Watt ,
Anna Heywood . Clara Heywood , Edith Wal-
lace Nettle Wallace . Anna letenon. Gertrude -
rude Sh rman. Anna flornarnan Lotn
Chapin , Sadie Ieler. Jenete Menzle , Sophie
Ceveland , Grace Cleveland . Lizzie Lees I ,
Anna Gulck , Agnes Gulck and LIla Gal
Iher ot Atkinson Neb.
JnrurUnl Unncu for JI" ( jliohiyeII.
A very delightful informal dance was given
by Miss McKel Friday evening In honor
of Miss Cliolweil. The house was pretty
decorated with palms and cut flowers , which m ,
with good music and tempting refrehments ,
male the affair one of great pleasure to the
following guests : 111 s Buck Palmer ,
Sargent , Cook , Tukoy . Wolfe and Ceveland
of Denver , Alexander Cholwel , McNeIl I :
! essr Hclck , Heth , PaInter Cool . cKel .
Grble , Coohey Crappa , Patrick , lcKel nnd
George _ _ _ _ _
VIIt of Hoeilty ,
Mrs. 'Uenry Wyman returned last week
from Chlcugo.
Mrs. Henry Cole Is convalescent after her
severe illness.
Miss Edith Johnson of Chicago Is visiting
Chicg viitng ;
Omaha friends .
! rs. Kent Hayden at Lincoln was in !
Omaha las Thursday ,
Mrs. McShane and Miss Lnergan were In
Chicago the past week
Mrs. J , 1.1 House left Monday to visit
friends In easter Iowa.
Mrs. H. A. Bright ot Chicago Is the guest
of 11f. H. B. Lclnvool Chicag
! rs. Goodrich gave an enjoyable Iten-
slng10n rlday attermmoon .
Mr. and Mrs. David D3um have taken
rooms nt the lerr hotel.
Mrs. H . L. Lmax left on Welnesday for
Chicago to attend the opera ,
Mrs. E. O. Snyder Is very ill at her resi-
. deuce , 2532 Davenport street.
Mrs . A. ! Cowie , who has been quite
I , Is now visiting [ In Grand Island.
Miss Myrtle Norris leaves for an extended
visit to Coluralo Springs next week.
Thin ilsses Nash returned Monday from
Chicago where they passed a few days
Mrs. Ludon Charlon Is very ill at her
residence , 622 South Tenty.nlnth Itreet
Jrs , M. Levy of 2037 DOdge street has '
returned from a lengthy visit In New York.
Mrl. George Hollrege went to Chicago
last Welnesday evening and will return to-
day.Jrs. . 0. D. Schmidt arrived last week to
be the guest of her daughter Nra G. D.
Mrs. harry Nott returned yesterday morn-
tug Crol u seven weeks' visit at Milwaukee
and ! Chicago . Mlwaullo
Mu. FL lcCormack and daughter returned
from E Paso yesterday after A stay ot
Myers ! weeks.
Miss Ella Calhoun of Dubuque , la. . Is vis.
Itng her sisters blrs. Charles D. Thompson ,
21 : Douglas street and Mr. , E , E. Jones
Park Wide Avenue ,
The Ben Ami club was entertained by Mr
and ! r. 1oldreg on Monday evning , it
being Mr. Iloldrege's birthday , he was I
canted with a handsome cut
' wl a glass pitcher
. . . . . . . .
_ _
_ - - ' - ' - . - - - - - , - -
o ---r--4.-- , Ilr - . 1 - - v--- - - - -
Ii" ' , iJI:5 ! ' [ .
4 t.
by the club , tff'zes blnK won by Mr. .
Camn. Mrs. Drake lr , Goodrich and Cap-
sin ( Palmer
Mra. J. W , Shank and son left for A two ,
months' visit to leer hOle In Columbus 0. :
on " 'eneslay. _ . _
Mr. Harry Qlmore has moved from him
residence on N4 . tts5Twentleth street to 161
Sherman n"enuo.
Mr. anti lr ( Drake anti Mr. and Mrs. [
HOllege le [ on Wednesday for Chicago to
attend the opecj 1 ,
11r , and Mrsnit H. Wyman who have
been spending bonths In Cailfornia . arc
expected home . tts.
Mr. and Mr , l \a. Harris , 121 North
Twentieth strec . . Rr rejoicing ever the ar-
rival ot n son rn Thursday
Mrs. Charles . , fean returned Thursday
alter a most del ! tul visit or five months
In principal clleRt the tast ,
Mr. and Mrs . Wllnl Clark and daughter ,
Gertrude , arrived Monday ami will bo nt
thin Madison during the summer.
! r. anti Irs. Adolph Meyer leave tim
Mercer hotel Monday . Allrl 1 , returning
to their hOle In Kountze Place
Mrs. H. I. . Ha'noills gave another pleas-
ant kensington on Wednesday for the Ishep
Garrett Ten and a few oC their friends.
UnIon Pacific council 1,069 of the Royal
Arcanum will give 1 dance at Inlependent
Order of Odd Fellows hal Monday evening ,
April 1 G.
Miss Flora Adler . daughter of 11r , and
Irs. I erdlnanl Adler , wilt bo married } anl
April 23 to : lr. Mu H. Alexander of Cln-
cinimati . O.
Mr. and Mrs. rank P. Woods or Groton ,
Mass [ . . are In the city . on their way hOle
from n California [ tour ( , the guests of [ Mr. antI
Irs. H. A. Archibald. gests
Count and Countess ValerloAntono , Italy ,
are autographed at the Paxton. They arc
contemlJlatng remaining In the city for a
month . making the Paxton their homc.
Lleulenant and ! rs. John Thompson and
eon returned from Chicago WCdnesllay ant
Ing. Madame
ig. Thompson accompanied her son
and wi make her home with him for some
"The KCI\r Ten" or All Saints' church
cordialy invite their trled , to n sociable at
the residence of Mrs. S. n. Manchester , 1322
South Twenty-fifth street . on Friday even-
i ng . April G.
Miss Corn Carson . after a delightful visit
or two weeks with her mother and numerous
f rlenlls st her home , 322 North Thirty-fifth
s treet. returned last 'VenEllay to her school
at St. James , this state
A few friends partk of Miss Kountze's
hospitly last Tuesday In the for or a
dainty luncheon Those present were : Miss
Y ates . Miss Dessle Yates . Miss Dandy , Miss
McKanna anti Miss Pratt.
ant Prat.
Mrs . Frances Mumugh baa decided to
h hold an exhibition of her paintngs at Whit-
moro's on next Saturday. There wi be
abut forty examples of her work In oil and
half as many In water color.
A number of entaIl dinner parties were
glvtn l rhly and Saturday for memberp
of th\ leVohf , hopper Opera company Miss
Dertha Walslnger being the favorite among
favorl along
the lyric artists to receive attention .
Ex-Senator and Mrs. Manderson returned
from Washington on Wednesday afternoon
and were met at the staten by a large group
o f friends wailng to welcome them back to
theIr old home. They . are guests at Happy
Hollow. ' , .L . gests
Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Whitmore went over
to Chicago last week to attend the grand
opera amid were acompanled by their
aughter Eugenic. 'ley will be the guests
of Mr . Meyer 1. Hollander at the Chicago
Beach hotel.
Hev. A. H. Ballard gt Des Moines , Ia. , was
mar le to Miss daryL. Niles last Wenes-
day afternoon at 2 o'clock , by 11ev Thomas
Anderson of Calvary Baptist church at the :
residece ot Mr. Deiz , Twenty-eighth and
Parker streets.
Among tbo most enjoyabl events or the
past week was the dancing party given by
the Oxford club . I , .herr club rooms last
Wednesday ev IAn & - ' ; 'ho commitee In
charge spare no pains to mak : the alalr
enjoyable , to all present of whicht1mere were i
about forty couples.
The second ladies' [ contest for the folk I
took , pnce ] jhlhe .Fe'ctr'a cub last Monday
evenfAand Mlss' ) ne 'agaln worn' There I
are - bhi twO m 1 tlal ' and I one mdrm .
victory Is added to Miss Doane's other two
she will b time happy possessor or the prize , .
The second cent st- for the men has not yet
occurred . ,
After a lingering illness Mr. Frank J.
Ramge one of Omaha's best known business m
mcii died at his residence last Monday after -
noon and tim funeral services w ro hell on : I
Thursday afternoon The house was crowded
with bereaved and sympathetc friends , and i
the feral tributes were most profuse and I
beautiful. . ' "
The musicale to bo given by the Dlslop
lannlngton Ten of All Salnta' church , Thurs
day , April 4 , at the residence of Mrs. A. P.
Hopkins ' 820 South Twenty-first street , wi i
be a rare treat for all lovers of goo music
Some of the bet talent In the , city , boUt
vocal and Instrumental , has promise to
take part. .
Congressman and : Mrs. David Mercer 'left
Thurcday evening In a private car for Call -
fornia . They wIlt shortly salt for China
where they wi remlt fo sOle tme , The
trip ta taken for the benefit of Mrd. Mercer . ,
her New York physician recommending an
ocean voyage lS the only thing likely to
benefit her health.
Mr. Morand's pupis are at present deep In 1 :
the evolutions of pretty and graceful dances
preparatory to the chiildremi's canlvat which
Is to be held In Doyd's theater April 29. Mi . .
lorand ha been an indefatigable Instructor
In dancing , and many of time belles and beaux :
ot the day have bedn taught the "light fan
( antic" under his dlrecU .
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas . Wilkinson of Blab . ,
Neb. , Ilave sent out invitations to the mmtar
rlago of their daughter , Nettle , and 11r.
George D. Dyball. which occurs Tuesday ,
Apri 9 , at high noon A reception Is to fol I-
low the cremony at the residence of the (
groom's mother 2547 PO/p/eton / avenue , this .
city , from 7:30 to 1 o'clock.
MIss Fuller entertained her elocution pupil S
and their gentlemen friends In a most de i-
lghtul manner Thursday eveitlng at pee I-
gessive conversation. The busy hum peeif
conversation anti ( tile constant ripples of
laughter proved how amusing was title novel
method of entertaining. Prizes were
awarded to Miss Higgins and Mr. Plait
as the best lady amid genteman conver-
Mrs. Dr. James L. Devans or Decatur ,
hI. . with her little daughter : .
ltle Dorothy , ts expected -
pectel to arrive mioxt Tuesday In the city to
male an extended vlst with her sister Mci 5 .
S. A. McWhort Mra. Devans will be re
membered by friends hero as Miss Dessle
111ken , especially by "the I.ael girls "
wiLls whom she attended Lsel seminary ,
AUburndale , Mass . for three years prior to
her marrlaJe In 1,502. , .
The engagemenlt ' is'tannouimcnt of Miss :
Jackson to Mr. AI'nh W. Irech ot this
cIty , Miss Jackson ' :1 the guest last winter I-
tee of her sister , , .hmirs. . Gardner , amid made
many friends by tier llming amid xmiael
manner Mr. he\ } , has but lately bean a
resident [ of Omaha ; his' former home bale ig
fit Paul He 1& expr't accountant In the
olce or special malier I chancery or JUdge
Wllal Cornish of..fhe . Ajnion , Pacific .
Dr , J , F . Hertzn nh' was the subject era
a very enjoyable ' uTprlse party Thursday
evening , about tw rtY.f"o couples caling
upon him and taklhg Ibmplete possession of
the honse. The occasion of the surprise
was his forty-first iiirtb&lay. Progressive high
nyu was Indulge hit . Mrs. Kate DCler ] carrying -
rying off ( lie iadie&k'tlrst prize . Miss Nell to
Hathaway the ladles' " "
Isiies' "booby" prize , lii C .
George S. hilekoxthmriirat prize tor gem :1- :
temen , and Mr. KllnUucher the "boob ) , "
Irlze. ? lter time awctrdlmig of
Cer rlg prize an ( e-
gant lunch was serye } . ' Among those
seltJ. thee tire -
emit were lr , anti Mrs. George 1. 110rrla \re- ,
Mr , and Mrs. n. H Maxwell . lr , and 1lrs.
henderson Mr. and Mrs. IE'ker. Mr. [ and
Henry Cashman , Mr and Nra . A. E , Gwin- :
ncr , Mr , and Mrs. Thomas Anderson , N r ,
and Nra . John Lucas , Mr. and Mrs. Emory ;
Mesdames Jelrlt antI Oree : Mmesh Nellie
n. Hathaway Cynthia Hathaway , Alice
Beltl : Messrs. George B. Ickox , n ( Imeorm .
ioty K. Iloucher J. hathaway . Thompson ,
Ed hathaway anti Dr , I. S. Wheeler.
A very pleasant surprise was tendere Miss
Edith I Sayre It her home 709 South Eigh -
teenth street , on Thursday evening . A l\arty
of forty of her young friends and chool-
maCes walked In on her and the e'enlng1 enl
, delightfully spent with music , gates and
dalelng. Iereslulents [ were served at 10:30. :
I Much credit 18 dime Misses dna Shropshire
and Grace Gurney on whom rested the re-
SIJOnslblly of this welt manage SnrlJrlse.
Mr. and Mrs. V. ii. Lnederlch entertained
a few friends at their residence , G25 Georgia
avenue , last Friday l evening Ten gales of [
progressive high five were played , Irs. Pat-
fcntath anti Mr Sprague winning the prizes
Tim guests then repaired to lh dining reel
nitti indulged ] In n delIcious tCIHIR. Those
present were : ! r. anti Mrs. Ira lh. Napes ,
: Ir. and Mrs. WiIam Garratt , Mr , antI
Mrs. lC S. Erwin , Mr. Garrat : Prell I'd
fenrnth and ( Mr. ned Mrs. Ii . n. Sprague.
Nra Wiiam Owens entertained Thursday
at n most Ilelghtul violet tea , the decora-
lemma consisting or ferns anti cut flowers ,
violets , ot course predomllUng , anti filed
the cozy parlor with their sweet auggestioni
ot spring. The Immaculate lunch cloths ] were
faintly embroidered In scattered . , violets ,
while the tapestries , drapes amid lights all
harmonlzelt with anti suggcstel ( these sweet
blossoms. Those present were : Ihs Mary
Sally and leslames [ , J.P. Enllsh , D. Mc-
Milan , John lulvehl , amid A. KC\lt.
Mr. antI Irs. W. J. Hunter 2225 Miami
street , gave a , 'ery enjoyable progressive ' ! high
five \arty I.'rhlay evenIng. After playing
twelve game fereshments weri served amid
prizes awarded. } Nra . " ' . g. Berry and Mr .
A. S.'J nwarlel II'r lr nrAt , .I.pq Ihq " " lr. _
ii tomms ' g l- g"ti r : ' C. : - 0. " ' \gte' \ ; anti ' Miss
Pierson Time nclbers present WEre : Mr. and
Mrs. U. N. Cross , Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. \Videnor 1r , and Mrs.
W E Berry . 1r and Mrs. C. G. Wagner anti
Miss Pierson
Next Friday evening the members of the
newest socIal organization . the "Trilby" club ,
wilt hold a sPecIal meeting for the purpose
of electing officers .
electng olcers for the ensuing year. This
s oclety has for Its principal aim time providIng -
Ing t of nmusement of a high order for Its
orler Is
members. I starts out with lncouraglng
prospects and a It Is composed of ener-
gotc young ladles and gentlemen It Is se
to predict that It will have a brilliant future.
Quite an elaborate program ot amusements
Is i In course of prlparaton , which wi b
announced at nn early elate.
'he annual election of officers of the 1.
S. N. held at the home of Mrs.
Hhoades last Saturday. Miss L. Josie Cole
was elected president , Bertha Montgomery
ecretary Hattie Auch Moody treasurer and
Ella 1.ldstono vice president. Lunch was
terved at 9 o'clock. Those present were
Misses L. Josie Cole hattie Auch Moody ,
Beatrice Bali . Jennie Derry , Jessie McCune
lyrtn and LII Schneider , Minnie and flerso
tha Montgomery , Stella Ogle . Grace Chilleis .
Ella Lidstone , and the directress , lr
Mrs. Nellie Fisher was given a very
pleasant surprise party at her residence ,
corner Sixteenth and Howard streets , last
Thursllay evening. The evening was devoted
to progressive high five , llrs. ChJJles Schiicrtr
sUen winnIng the lady's trt prize , and Mr.
Sigwart the gentleman's first prize whlt
Mr. and Mrs Jesse Whit captured the conle
solaton gifts. Among those present were :
Mr. and Mrs. Jesr Whmito Mr. and Mrs.
L. N. Garret , Mr. and Mrs. James " ' . Bouk
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scimlerstien . Mr. W.
C. Book Mr. Fred Heath , Mr. Sigwart.
An enjoyable surprise party was given at
the home . of Mr. and Mrs. Gibson . 848 South
Twenl-thlrd street last Wednesday evening
In honor of Mr. E. L. Kunkel'a birthday.
After many good wishes the guests were
entertained by playing cards , games and
music after which dainty refreshments
were served. Among those present were :
Mrs. Gibson Misses Ole Ohimorc . Amanda
Johnson Nellie Butterfield . McBride , Gerle
Gtbaon . Dell Gibson : Messn. GIbson , E
L Kunkel , D. J. Ratio . R. H. Morton ,
Shlple , N. A. Pillsbury , Howard 1Isbur ) ' .
Mr. and Mrs. Dicta and Mr. and Mrs.
Cady and Miss Cady loft the steamer Frles-
land , on which they were doing the Mediterranean -
iterranean on Wednesday , and are now
going overland from Italy to Paris , where
tiieyromaimfnex week , thence to London and
sail for New York on the City of Paris on
the 20th. While this Ito Omaha party
were In Algiers they were very happily
entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Garvey , cousins
of Mr. Victor White of this city. Thcy took
them rIding upon the arrival of the steamer
and before they left sent down great gilded
baskets of flowers , led with broad lavender
ribbons on which were lettered the ladies'
The Oxford club gave another enjoyable
dace at Its cub roms over the Boston store
Oil Wednesday evening last and about thlrty-
five couples enjoye the interesting program
of eighteen numbers. Among those present
were Misses Lids [ Dryne , Elrod Sayers , Met-
calf . Brady , Jessie Dryne , Emersons Chesbro.
Peter , Bear McBride . Dewey , Stockham
MeCuhiocim . Butler . Hi , Craddock Paul
Bath . Leeder and Frankie Whitehorn .
Messrs. Rowley , Eirod Kaufman , Forb ,
House , C. Kaufman . Shehila J. C. Kaufman ,
Helmer , 1lssen. Pinneih . Brewer , Drough-
man Ruthen Young Berlin , McCulogh ,
Coulter , Proctor , Kreba , Mattn , Keating .
Von Dora and Walker.
A number ot Miss Mary Von Laclmm's
friends surprise her at her here , 242
North Twenty.second street.Thursday evening
; In honor of her return to the city from a six
I months' visit 11 the east. Music amid games
furnished the entertainment for the evening.
At 1 o'clocle refreshments were served ,
toasts given , and a general good time enjoyed -
Joyed by all. Those present were : Mrs. F.
Wolf . Miss Grad Baxter , Mine Nellie Stick.
ney , Miss Sadie Hummel , Miss Beatrice Ball .
Miss Josle Cole , Mitts Ella Crane Mrs. J. O.
Prichard , MIss Mole Lucas , Miss Sarah
Von Lackum , Miss Hosala Von Lackum :
Lawrence hoffman , Charles Shmeeler Oliver
Auch Moedy , G. ' % ' . Street , Frank Bliss . J.
G. Prichard , Ernest Farrell , C. L. rttscher ,
jr. , George N. b'chmotlcld , A. L. Pinto , E. C.
A very pleasant surprIse was tendered Mr.
amid Mrs. H. W. Fi at their residence , 1321
South TWlnty-stxth street Tuesday evening
lat , the occasion being ! r. Fitt's birthday.
The evening was spen . In old country games
Mr. FlU being a direct descendant of the
king of Ireland. As a slight token of their
esteem , Mr. Flt was Jrt.sente with a very
handsome rocking chair , after which the
ladles served a dainty lunch Among those
who honore the occasion wHit their pres-
once , were : 11r. and Mrs. Charles Cheney ,
Me . and Mrs. Thomas Meidrumn sr" Mr. and
Mrs. Goodman ! r , anl Mrs. E. Chapman ,
Mr. and Mrs. George D. Shand , Nra I.
Jolle , Mrs. C. H. Iroster 111ss Clmeney
Miss Edythe Cheney , Miss Marlin Chapman ,
! t. Thomas Meldrum , Jr. , and lr , E. W. ,
Gettelt .
The home of ! r. and Mrs. Harry Hopkins .
524 'VllamB street , was the scene of a very
leaaant surprise arty Friday evening last ,
) )
being the seventh anniversary or their marriage .
riage The affair was under the auspices of
Mrs. HOklns' sister , Mrs. Guy Palmer , and
lilies Emma M. Quick , the result of whose
efforta was In every way trhllphant. ! Aftertime
the usual conratulatols by all present ,
games of various IInds were Inlulgel In , rol-
lowed by n bountiful repast. Those present
were ; Mr. and Mrs. Shields Mr. and Mrs
Hester , Mr. anti Mrs. Guy Palmer , Mr. anti
Nra 'Velsbroed , ! r. and ( Mrs. Umpherson ,
Br . And Nra Dennis , Mr. auth ! Mrs. Koysor
lr , and ! rs. Ihitrlltm Mi . and ! rs. Drexel ,
Mr. and Mrs. Fair I . Mr and Mrs. Madlen ,
Misses E. N. Quick Cora Knapp Anderson ,
lenson , Sharp , Hansen , Anderson , Iely and
Hansen ; Messrs Paten , Knapp . hhickok
Shanahan and Sullivan . ,
l'urUnl to l'lnk.
An Easter opening In Illnk Is promised as
one of the leading attractions for lie Thursday -
day previous to Easter Sunday Wilcox &
Draper are the promulgators having yesterday -
terday closed a contract Involving several
hundred dollars for this decorations. I
Highest of all in Leavening Power.--Latest U. S. Gov't Report
D'A1 ' Baking
iv'v Powder I
_ . . _ . . . . , , ,
" - - " - - - - - - - . ,
, _ . . . _ _ _
- - - - -
i ii' J ' ; ' ' : ; : : _
Active Proparatton fleug Made for the
Coming of Thoodord Thoin.
Ilerlort. hailer to Take ma IImmtetit Provioni
to IJii Lcnvlimg for Eurojmti-Jimnior
I'uhmihi' Recital at time Onmmtiia
( iomisorvimtory of Mumle ,
Apropos of time coming visit of the Chicago
orchestra , tIme following selection front a
Into edutorisi iii thmo Chicago Evening I1ost
wIll be of lmmterest. Time vrogranl to be givemi
here PromIses as fine a musical treat as any
given by the orchestra at thm Chicago Audi.
toriumu , and it goes without sayimmg that our
people iviil turn oimt emmnmasee to hear thorn ,
The Chicago l'ost , speaking of Mr. Thomas
nimil hits orchestra , sa'a iii part : "It is cmiii-
nently fitting timat time year whmiclt will see
tim celebration of the jubilee of Theodore
Thomas' musical career in tli1 coummtry should
wlttmess also mimi extensive tommr of time Chicago
orclmestra. through time cities of ( lie vcst ,
This tour began last imight. Thirty-six towmis
will imp visited anti forty-six concerts svlll lie
givemi. Time interest ( eileen imm ( lie scheme
may be estimated in part by time tact that
ii i each instance a guaranty fund has been
ra ised to secure tIme visit of thto orchestra.
Ti me seasomm which has just closed in ( hits city
lin e been unusually brilliant , and in the best
ai md widest sense of limo termn educational.
A s an agent for introducimig stow instate to
A mericans ( lie Chicago orchestra has done :
m ore than any othmer aimmmiiar organizatioti iii
th is cotmnry , and It tins commsidrrabhy cx-
ce eded in time number of novelties time records ,
of the Berlin amid Dresden orchestras. The
ca se for the Chicago organization is even
st ronger. A majority of the works which
w ere given a first performance in the series
of commcerts that closed last Saturday had at
( li e same tIme tiumlr first Amnerlcaii pertormn.
min ce. The actual volume of music rendered
w as very large antI as clearly marked by
va riety and wise eclecticism as by skill and
fi nish of immterpretlve method. It would beI ,
di fficult to overesthimiato time edtmcational value I
of Mr Thiomnan' services to this comminiunity
du ring time four seasons of hits commtluctorsitip
of time present organization. Perhaps in
n omme of the four has ho or lila following
sh own so distinct a genius for leadership or
so high a degree of uniaon , symmipathmy amid
re spoimslveness. To the nmimsically cemltured
tim e choice programs have been a growing tie-
hi ghit. No micIioot has been immjudiciottsly me-
p ressed or unfairly favored. On time other
h and , the lover of muuaic , vhto loves it with-
om it special hnowledgo of the technicalities ;
of construction or rendition , line found a
tr uly liberal allowance of those light and
ri chly colored compositions which are vaguely
st yled 'popular. ' Indeed , there is not this
le ast doubt that the series of concerts just
co mpleted has been as conclusive a demon-
st ration of the superiority of his jtmdgnment
as of the superiority of his skill. It has fur- :
n isimed an additional cogent reason why time '
fo rthcoming fIftieth anniversary of him en
tr ance upon ( Ito musical life of this country-
a life he has done more titan any other man ,
p erhaps , to stimulate and develop-shmould be ,
mn ade time occasion of a public tribute worthy
h is services and fame. "
The junior pupils of the Omaha Conserva.
to ry of Music vtil give a recital in the roomm I
o f ( tie conservatory in the Boyd. theatem
b ullding Monday evening , Aprii 1 , to which t
r ecital the public Is most cordially Invited
M r. E. N. Jones has been signally auccessfu i
itt the work of the conservatory , andi this
program which tohiowa shows thoroughly ( ho
musical influences surrounding the commsetyA
Piano Quartet-
a Vertirmil e Arimmo , . . , . , . . , , , , , , , , , . , .
tm Setelimimle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , litozort
Ioiwrt hliormiemon , Hoscoc Withers ,
Thoinna Mehmnne , Janice Enetniap.
Violin Solo-Gavotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,
Ethel Itoctor.
l'iano Solo-Maccit . , , , . , . . . . . . , X , Sclmnrwctnka
Robert Ziiorscmnan.
Piano Duet-Melodie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bicidermanmi
Margaret mimi Iliee ItleHhtane.
I'iano .9olo-Aquarnilen No. 3 . , , , , , . , . , Gemmilt
Mntmd Wright.
Violin Solo-Gavotte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " , S'ohmifaitrt
Joat'plm Dreibims ,
Jiiocutiomm-Mentmett . . . . , . Mary Mopes Dodge
Claire F'eriefl ,
Piammo Duct--March Miiitaire . , . . . . . . Schubert
Ethel } ltrnighmt , Ethml liethimnmon.
Piamio iloio-Vieurette. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , I.tchmncr
Thmonmns McShmnne.
Violin Solo-l.uilnby. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smechmmumitl
\'i'lttn ? tteIowehi ,
I'innn 1)tmct-Pohka Bohierne..ltubinsttlmi
Ziinimd nmiml ItessieVrlghit. .
Piano Soho-Sommta op. 49 , No , 2. . , lktethovori
I'd ' tirlnd I lomimmin.
Piano Qeinrtet-Swethltiti Wedding Mimrch
' , , . ' , . , , , . , . , , . . . , , , , , . . . . . , , , ' . . . . tiotitrnimimin
Mmmii anti 1teasiVrIgiit , Alice Mc.
Bimmimie , Ethel Straight ,
The hlaytin String quartet , first violin , Br ,
linetemis ; sr'conml iiolin , Me , Charles Rig-
gIns ; viola , Mr. Martin Cahmnl 'riohincelie ,
Miss Lihlie Bichie , will hilay at time St ,
Mary's Avrmnuo CongregatIonal chmurch tlmis
eveiming. I'rogramn :
it Quartet , I.ieheslkti , . , . , . , , , . , , 'V. II , Nestler
1 , 'ttr..3 , 5 , Bach
Solo , Violincollo-
a lioninnee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ltuhmiimsteiim
b iiitt'rniCzT.O , , , , , , , . . , , . , , ( j , Goitcrmmumn
Mitt I.ilhic Bichme.
Qtitmrtot-Sercnatitm , , , , . , , , , , , . , , , . , , , . , , htaytln
Solo 'iohimmceiio-Noctimrmie . . , . . , U , Goltemiimaii
Miss 1,111km Eielio.
it , Metmuett . . . . , . . . . . . . . , , , , . , . , , . , IlocTherini
b Trmtummmerei ntis Kimitlersctmmmemm. .Schuinnimmi
Orgamilst , Mr. Ii , II. Allen.
Mr. Edward Ilnrmilsch , formmierhy organisL at
Hoummtzo Menmorlal church , has returned to
this city to make It hilt home. Mr. htarniscit
will occempy his old imosition , His nmusical
library ha saitt to be , without. exception , the
flumest in town ,
TIme program for thmo Herbert Butler concert -
cert line just been made hitbhie , amimi the nunt-
her of new novelties to be imitroduceth is an
earnest of what tIme coimcert Ia to be Mr.
Butler has been part. of the mnusicat life of
Omaha for several years , He has broadened
greatly In ( hint time , and gives promise of
being hearth from in thmt' world of mnuaio after
his European emlucation hiss been conmpleteti.
This concert Is a temttlmomilal of musIcians
arid friends to Mr. Butler and deserves veli
itt time hands of time music lovers of Omaha.
Time imrogrnnm is as follows :
Overture-Merry Wives \\'indsor.Nicolni
Violin Solo-Umilintie ot I'nionatseVieuxtomps
Herbert Butler.
Septetto ( tirr. Ut ; quintet-Ahlegro ) con
Simirito . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mr. Calm , iiiiimmo Mr Butler , . .Hsmmmol ;
Sauerweln , 'ioia ; Mr. Letovshcy , cello ; . - -
Mr. Pierce , biutmi.
Sotmg-Staccato Polka. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muller
Mr. herbtmt Butler ,
a Petite Vaise-F'iirtmition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stock
b Serenudo Enfmsntino. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Iiounand
String Orchestra.
Aria-C'Era unit Volta imit l'rincipe , troma
II Guarany . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gomnez
Mrs. Martin Cabmi.
Piano Solo-Amidminte Sidanata Polonaise
( String quintet nconmtmaniment. )
Mme. Muentefering.
Recitative et Aria-Aim. Vita Cite VAr.
ride , trommi Un Ballo in Masehera. . . .VertlI .
Mr. hiommier Moore.
Violin Solo-Introduction ot Itoneto Cii-
pricciosa . . . . . . . . . . . . tlamnt-Saens
Mr. Butler.
Overture-Oberon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Weber
The Pliliharmonic orchestra. is actively rc.
hmearsing for theIr cosmeert , to be given the
last of April or beginning of May at Young
Men's Chriatian association hail , amid the ccc-
rotary of the club has sent out invitations
to all musicians capabe ! of handling their
respective Instruments to assist the orchestra
in making a success of their conert.
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pure Cod Liver Oil , Ozone and Guaiacol- -
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