Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part III, Page 20, Image 20

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I . . . ' oIt
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. 20 . . - _ _ _ _ _ m Tn1r ! OMAHA DAILY31E : SUNDAY , ltIAROII /31 , 1895. . u 11 ! <
, FRE'E 13 : DISTRIT.TTIO : : , -
_ . _ _ _ _ _ OF 1,000,000 BOOKS , INCLUDING OVER 1.100 FFERENT TITLES. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - ' f :
' IlkI.ti
, Thee books are offorc tim rondols of Tl OMAnA DEE fro of charge , ave alone t I whs i trnlo revoluton of Immeasurable value to the people inasmuch a It brought the cOmrolcl to absorb In order to destroy compotton \ lately forceti Into the mnrltetl nl.
' postngo uud mailing oxponsos. Following ma the 110tais of TIlE nNE'S unprecedentd I HcrlLt re of the 1011 , nnelcmt and medo'ni within tim rcneilof all , rich und poor nUke. I reee01 for Inlo nt any price that wou\ll \ con\'ert i Into ready cash. TIlE BEE h t11tera
: /ostgo maing ubot1bor1 prefaced by a brief stntement showing how It 18 enabled by I BoOts that 11\1 ) formerly cost dollars coUld now bo hnll for as many { lhr'us 'fho logical I nlvnntnfo or the oPtllunlty ; and hns been enabled , nt n morelv lomlnI1'c09t , to pmaco . '
n peculiar combination or trade coniflttone . t tindertuko this remnrknblo "Frco Book his. result was nn hnmense Increase II boKconsumptonj ; a corrcspondln'llncrclo In thelJ I ton of the stock nt the disposal of Its rouhr8. ( 1'0 this there 11\0 bon nl1011 )1lco I r n\ '
: trlbutlon peculnr to hs reuhrs. manufacture ; thou nn O\'ol'produoton , foL'owcd by nn undue trmlo comJ' ' ltton , ami finally I tnCOU9 plrchn809 or Btnntnl'd works In elUtons now for the most part wUlllrwn Crom .
I tim apparently Inevitable trade devlco-tho "trust. " The publishers " ( the popular ntl 1m'ket. In the aggregate . this stock thus secured nto\nts to n milon VOhll09 ' ,
. 1 " 000 , 000 BOOl78 . low.prlced "libraries" consoHdlt" thok bllncs3 Into The Intornat : Jnll Book Cornclinics over 1,100 lTcront. tlos-nud orlglnnl ' sold by Urn publshrs nt prices rangIug' " for
. . PaflY. " 10 cents to 50 cents per 'O1t11flo-oflfljrL5tIUZ soloneot , hlstol'Y , biography , rlnflnI. 'elt
. . It Is but n fy years since tim popular " library" form of book ublcnUon came pnIY. thc Internntonl Book Compau3'lfatCl In Its \llortnklng to cont"ol tim market for loot'3' , , theooKY ) ] and oconomlcs , by almost uB the lenllnHUO' In the nglth Inngu
nto existence : It W ! \ the beginning or the revel ngl\lnst extravagant prices for books. cheap books. I wont Into tho.hanaotwroec1vcrand tim Immense stoc" which it had been ns won n8 translations from mnny or the moteo1ebratc(1foroIgnaLtthors ( * , nlclontnnll . . m" n. .
To reduce to I minimum the consider-
nhlo ) expense necessll'ly Involved In the I
dlstrlhuton or S d hti'g IlumlJI' of
, books to so 'lflr II'1IJH. Hcatercd (
over nn 1"I or so Iln ' 8lnleH. the
. work wi hc 11010 In . strict Iccorl1nlce
wih the following em.cul , ' cOIHIIercl1 , .
. t' ruleR tt1d , 1 rc ulltonl :
:1 : \ 1. The fiec hook 11sh'lhutol Is to the
suhscrlhers-now and old nilke-of the
. 01111 111' I ( . 1lllth' t I If thl' I I HI1 I'\lhl'I' ) (
must the''fure ho tstnIhuhIeI. ? ) ' 10 10 this
. cut out nlli 111 to thc ( olce of the 11'
$ . IICI' , ole C H'l'WIONII' , ntcsthl sub-
Icrllltol to l'he flee like the one 11'lut- )
! . . 011 In thIs . i nhIuucCIncIlt. ( Onl Ir these
I O H'l'U'IAlgS wi nlllllr In every
f , issue or Tile Bee Int further notice.
, : : 2. 'l'he 11HI'lhltlol I I wi 1 hI 1 11110 i i i : i h h y
nli OflhV-tIO books wi he 11clh'CI'cd (
. nt the otcc of the 1"1111 : IH It would
Menioirt + , nolraphlcs , Letters .
. . .
70 Chnrl Darwin.ilant . . . Allen
Inl Iorl Ilencon.flel(1'j 1lte. . . . . . . . Alen . . .
U6 Coachmnn's l.ove..Hel hert Bernard
1971ocked . . . . . . . . . . . . Bel nard
: : 615 I.Ife ot urine..Thomas . . Carlyle
. 617 ; Life of Sflulller..Thomas . Carlyle
l19 ; lAte of John Sterling. .ThonaH Carlyle
: ll ! Dr. l ' . Slerlng..Thomll . . . . . Carlyle
' (21 ( Baillie the Covenanter. . 'rliomas Carlyle
. 121 HIIIIht. .
; 12 Count Clglo'lro..homls Carlyle
121 ; Bally KlngR or Norwny.Thomas Carlyle
. , . . & 25 Jean PaUl F'rledrlch
. l21 Ilchtcr..Thorna , ; Carlyle
' 12 Voltaire and Novnhls. . .Thotnns Carlyle
130 I'orttalt or John Knox. .Thoina Carlyle
130 r0 Porllll Spencer. . Knox.'lholJns . . . . . . . . Church
761 1.lfe ur . . . . . . . ' . Duwiln
912 Mary , An.el.eon..J. M. Farrar
103' ' ; Two Chiefs or Dun- I
I0G hoy. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jrunes A. Froude
1c07 LIfe of John Bun-
3' ' lei 3tfl . . . . . . . . . lun- . . . . .Jntne ! A. Frou'le
1l9 Me of Lm'kE. . . . 'fhos. Fowler D.D.
. lilt , Story of Chinese Gor-
lii tion..A. l glonl Hake
- . . 12G LIfe of Marion..harry and . Wlems
. 121 LifE or Sir \\'nlt Sectt..1t . H. Hutton
131S Cupt. HUl nlvl 1. . Wnshlnglon Irving
- 1:1 1. ( or Gold llh.'n hlngton Irving
1321 Lire or Mahoruet /2 /
; vela ) . . . . lDhomet . . . . . . . \Vulhlnllon Irving
. ) ' LirE or Dpfoe..WIID1 ? lnte
160 LIre or Gl Gibbon..J C. MorrIson
liO Gopthe and , Sehiller. . .Louise Muhihach
lil0 1.lre $ or Wordsworth..F. . Myers
"S 172. 1.lre or H . . . . . . . . I" . Nicol
1850 George . . . . . . . . Pastor
1851 LIre or Milton..Matic Pnteson
2111 LIfe or Burns..Principal Shalrp
1. 2191 211 Lire or Cowper. . . . . . .001\ln SmIth
. , 2225 LIfe ot Johnson..Leslie Stephen
22 1.lre or ' . . . . . . . . Stephen
; 2t26 AutobloArphy..Anlhony ' 110 \ lope
' 2131 LIfe of Chaucer..I'rof. i.V. . Wurt
21H Lire or Grover Clevelnn't.Dcshlel' ' Welch
! -
. 'NO. noon : AUTHOR.
2/2 11iRtorlca Sketch or
.ii _ the Distilbution or
thl Dlblllmton
I , . Lund In England. . . .W I.loyl nhkbect
. 1r0 ( Anti.t3lavry Dn 'p.J. Freeman Clarke
11Th History of 'LnI1holl. .
' .c 97i trig .In. Bnglund..Joseph Fisher
. 12' The Black Uealh.J. I" . C. Hecker. M.D
, 122i ( 'rhe Danng Mania
f 1G of the lhl.le A eR.J. F. C. Hecker. : .D
1320 Moorish Chronicles..WnshingLon irving
1322 Spanish Voyages and
, . 1)tscoverles.j.\yasliington IrvIng
$ . . 2265 . Ogln ' or the Aryans . . . .
ir'- ' 2G501'Gln ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Dr. Isaac Taylor
je. - . , . I' , Poctry. : ' . I
- t NO. . . , , _ . BOOI\ AUTHOn
- 107 IndIan Song of Son R..Edwln Arnold
L. 1 22M I3allads . . . . . . . . ; ; , , M. ' 'hackery
r 221 . nnlnd ! . . . . . , . . . . . .N. ParkerVIllis
Natural Sciesco.
NO. 1300K. AUTHOR.
ij 71 VHrnnttes from Nature..Grnnt Allen
. UO Are the Effects or
i. - . Use aiitl Disuse Inherited -
herled Ilt . . . . . . . . . . ' 'm" Platt Ball
. 70 The Formation Pf )
Vegetable I Mol
: . Through the Action
t % or Earth worms..Charles Darwin
709 Studies or Animated
70 Slwles . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . , . S. Dallas
73' Brolutton..C. F. . Deem . . 1.1..1
8J DIstrIbutIon or Life..Wallace . . Dyer
, 12t Mystery or l'aln..James . Hlnlon
. 12117 AnImal Automatlsm.'rhUmui hi Huxley
1393 Degeneralon..I AutomatRm.'rhlnnas Lancaster
1391 $ History and Scope or
. Hslory . . . . . . . . . . flay Lancaster .
s 16 1.lgh Inlng. . . . . . . . . . . .Gernld Moloy
r 16 The Electric Light.krald 1oloy
. 1063 Modern Theory or lleat..Gerald Molloy
. 1& Science at I-lome..Prof. . J. 1olOY
: 176 1811Iy llry or Matter. . . . . . .J. A. Icton
1922 MIscellaneous Essays
. . 192 1 . . pcellneous . . . . . . . . . . .Hlchurd 'A : Proctor
1Oi : Notes on Earlh-
1D.1 . . . . . . . . . . A. Proctor
- , ; : . . In9 Darwinim and . Polttics.Davld D. Ilchle
t '
, 24S0 FacU and Fiction In
2 Zoology. . . . FII.ton . . . . . . . .Anllr w Wilson
; 2181 Science and Crlme. : . . /ndrEw ! Wison
24R : : Science und PoHry. . . .AndrEw Wilson
Z183.Ulimoses or Nature
$ 2sOlmIIStR ; / . . . . . . . . . . . Wilson
; 24Si Current DIscussIons .
S . CUI'fnl 811t\.W. ! M. WillIams .
r ' 'VllamR
. 64O.Nnture ! Studies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . .
t t 2673Unou ' the Origin or
. . 2 : A / pine and tallan .
:4 . Lakes . . . . . . Inlan . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . ; . .
, ehlgIoiis.
. , NO. BOON. Au'rnOR.
I ' 42 Moral 'eachlng8 or
42 Sclencc..A. D. Buckley
. 4n More Words About
. \ ' the Worll . . : . . . . . . . H. flush
\ lOIS Progiessiva ' 2dnrahity..T. 1'owier. . LL.D
\ 108lro'Helslvf' 1 . . . . llorll . . . . . . 1. MeLeol II.D
' 'hall Tifl. 12sentIai Nature
, 162 ' of.Itsligloti..3. A Plclon
. . 2578 ChristianIty nn'lg ' -
. t . nORlclsl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . 2053 ulllll Lectures ( rom
, . ' , p 2 - ' _ Hobert It'clnfls Elsmcre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. ! . .
, [ Travel.
- : 110 An American Journey . , . . . . . .Avellng
. . 2G Six Months In . Metiio ; . . . . .Nellie lIly
. 8. t62 In the \'ailny or IInvllnh.P. F. Clarke
. , . . 162 Ittissia..V. . . . E. Curls
.1 736 American Notes..Charles DIckens
. 814 t.tters flom ilitili
. 81 len . . . . . . Ilgh . . . . I ,0 Id Durerln
- 18ll.18h Sketches..Mrs. Olllhlni
. .
. ' lJ8 ) Itelco1 Our Neigh.
: NI'Ih.
. ! .
- . ' 4 _ _ _ _ bOI. ! : . . . . . . . . . . .Ion. John H. Hlce
. .3 ; ' - . lludo alut. Drnntn.
- . NO. . 1100K. AUTHOR.
. . I 1087 Mikado aitil Oilier .
101 Comic Optrus..W. DII ; s. Gibert
' . 1t911)oeltx..1Iton Nobles
, . . . , 2m : Fourteen Years with _ } .at1. . . . . . . . . .
. - . " . ' . II S PolttCK nUtt oyorumeut.
. NO. hlOO1. AUTHOR.
. . : r Ultimate Flnulce : A
. True Theory or Co. . _
Operation \ . . . . " . . . . . . .w . N. Black
. , - , 251 litiinuite Flnancl : A
21 True 'fheory or Wealtb.W. . N. Black
2 11\0 the Area..Hemper Hooclt
10U1 The Land Question..Henry George
3017 ProtectIon or Free Tiade.Ilenry ( Isorgo .
. 101 121 StudIes In Ch'l Servlce.John ) . Hoyt
1128 ltussii&tis at the Gate
. : HUllllls . . . . . . . . . . . Marvin
1S : Inlr'srnl Co.Oneratlon..A. K. Owen
. . 1117 'I'tte George t1ewltt
* 191 Calpulgn..Polt Hewit & Ltwbacher
1919 The v'oreIiiers..Eleanor C. Price
? : , Wilul 'zoung 'Volan."Alee Price
.111 QuIntessence or 130.
: : k. :13 cIailsn . . . . . . . . . . .Prof. A. 6chnl0
219t'Lnw of Private fllght..Oeorge II. Smith
. : 80Ihllsm. . . . . nsht.Oeorge . & ' 'lson
. 2261 i'rollt Sharing lie- .
, 261 lrol Capital and I.abor.Sedhey Taylor
. , : 'r Cainpalu James G. Speeches lIlaine. . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .
2GSG Young Itepubhlcan
. .t , . . CampIlSI lepublcan 100Ie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' ; . -
NO. 1100K. AUTIIOJ1.
: . . . ni ReiFil or 100e. Law..Iulee of .lgyle
5" . . GI3 Cirillaitilon : its iause .
. und Curl. . . . . . . , . ,1 . lwurlt Cnrpeilier ;
1il3 Modern 6cleul.e..I.Jwnr $ : Cut ieqter
( )64 Scientific BasIs of < CUllIUler
[ Bcleltilo . . . . lasll . . . . . \ \ } ( Clror (
. M7 Cosmlo Iinotlnn..Wililiiiii K. ClIfford
110101.llllm Clrord
C Body and : lld. , . . , WII:1u : IC. Clr tl
16 Uttltnriuulstn. ; . . . . . .Juln Stuart Mill
1993 Diseases or .
' . . . IJenon. . . . .Theodqre . IUbal
ulily. ,
, ul . . . . . .Th.o.lore
:108 In : ; : . . . . .
: t0 StudIes l.flllnI81. . .8ohopelh.WII
\IV ( ' 'he Wisdom of Ilre. "i.6ChCIHwhnllel' I
' ' . . . . . . . . . .
211 ( Three t n'I. .1 crl n Spencer
. 2ltT Ett \ ' Speculative
. . . ' " - , 21I 111'I trah. 6peeulul\'e . . . .ilerbert Spencer I
.1 _ Fctql Qt Ora U I
mnnlfRl ' be hnllrnclcnblo to hnmle
81ch all hIII O \ 'OhlllliC of letnl worl ,
itt the 1IIIIcl"1 ) coullter.
a Huhclbol's wi mnl to the ofhlce of
'l'ho ngg the tJEht1'IFlCA.T13 cut fl'OI
thc 1IIIer ) ) 111 wih It r edits In coin ,
to CO0' I10HlngIU1 ; mlllg cxpensc ,
11\1 Hive the lhlllhhh)0l ) ' or the hook waSted
.1 Book Ilst be ortm'cll by 111her
lS , gln.n Iii the ( catulogue . 111 not h3'
' . . ' ' order fur
thc 'ln le ur the ( hool. g\\r
I iflOk Idumhl { 'oltliu II least three
lltlllhhtrhh ) . 111lltllJ the first , sccoml
RI1 third choice , KO thnt Ir the first
choice Khou11 Inl1llcn to he out or stock ,
Inotlcl' book to tle Huhscrlhcr' ) ) tnste
I'nl II Hlut illteiId. H the m'11cl' IH.
fet ' 10'e Iml ( o'le book II n 11e. then
three times us intiiy numbers us thl'I'C
tle ! IH 111 : I :
are hooks orlel'ct Hhoull be sot down
In the ore1c ' of lIre fe'(1 ce , mid so fur
lS the stock II laud wi allow the Rlme
HCluence wi be 'o tcr\Ct II filling the
Evoluton. . . . . . . . . . . . . .IIerberl Spencer
2219 Law and the Order
219 :
or Their Discovery..Herbert Spencr
213 AesthetIcs ; Dreams .
anti Association or Ideas. .Jnmes - - bully
So lat Sclcnce.
l3OG Social Solutions . (12 (
130 vol ! ) . . . . . Solutons . . : . . . . (2 Elwnrll owlnnlI
2 Vindication or the
. Hights or \'omen..1nry - , v. Croft
Flue Arts.
201 Val DOO\ . . . . . . . . . . lItielcIn
: lrt Art ot gu . . . . . . . . Ruskin
2i 1'orf < . . . . . . . . Hultn
204r ; , ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . Ituskln
207 ' . . . . . . . . . . . Husiln nlI
208 Our F'athcrs have Told Us.John Ituskin
209 Two Futlrs . . . . . . . . . . . . .Jul11 HlIln Hl I <
'iO ' 1lme nnll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Huskln
20i Arnlr ' . . . . . . . . H181 < ln
2071 Unto the . . . . . . . . Huskln
2073 ) gngle ! Ne . . . . . . . . . Iluskln
20il Loves : lelnl . . . . . . . . .John Hlskln
' ( 5 luner PulverIs : . . . . . .John Huskln !
Adventure .Jlvculc Fiction.
NO. l3OOl { . ' .
1 ' Red Brlc..R. : f. Dalnntyne AU''HOn.
GGI In Soulher Seas. . .Frank H. Converse
6G3 Thai Treasure..Frank Ii. Converse
6.1 The Mountain Cave.George II. Coomer
157 Our Young SoldIers. .Lteut.W. It.lI'm'tn
13t Peris of the Jungles.Lleut. H. H.I'm'I'n . .
131 Land or Mystery. . .Lieut. H. H. Jayne
1371 Mark Seaworth. . . . . . W. H. Kingston
2r. ! Family Without a Nam .Jlles Verne
2L'1 : ; FI'om Hearth to Moon..Jules Verne
2\ \ Hound the . . . . . . . Verne
2361 Topsy ' 'urvey. . . . . . . . .Jul 1 Verne
Fictio .
NO. 1100K. ' AUTHOR
I Algonquin. Maiden..Gustave AlmaId
12 Guide or the Dessert. . .Oustave Aimard
Ii InsUrgent Chler..Gustavc Almnrl
22 Last or the Incaa..Uustave Atmard
: Strung . . . . . . . Almnrl
24 Treasure or Pemls..Gustave Almnrl
2 Bee 11unter . . . . . . . . .Gustave Almard
3 : Interestng , Case..Mrs. . AlmaIl ,
H Ben Ion' I la.galn. . . . .Mrs. Alexander
52 Look Before You Leap. .Mrs. Alexander
57 By Womnn's . Wit..Mrs. Alexander
82 Fallen Iclol..i' . . . Anstey
8 Giants Robe..1" . Anstey
8f Off-hand 6kelehes..T. S. Arthur
97 StorIes for PaLents..T. S. Arthur
lalenls..T. Arlhul
1M Los Cerrlos. . . . . . . .G. F. Alherton
10 AmerIcan Nobleman.\V. Armstrong
10 Smulmler's Cave.\nnle . . Ashmore
117 RecoilIng Vengennce..Frnlt Barrett
17 necolln Uarret
18 Great IfRper..I rnk Barrel
121 Kit V5)'ndham..Frank lnrret
HI Arm ls . , . . . . . . . .1rs. L. 'V. Bates
H3 nle on n' Cyclone..V. ' . H. Danou
H5 His FleetIng Ideal.-V. H. Unlou
14 Strange Conllct..John M. Dalchelor
17 Fall Devlce..C. . W. Dnlester
151 Lament of Dlves..Waled Bcsanl
11 Holy . . . . . . . . . ' Desant
16 Inner House..Walter Beslnt
161 In Luck At Lnet..Wnlter Besant
IllS Katherine Regina..Walter Besnnt
li3 Why ' .as I.j..L wls Benjamin
17 Jim ; the Parfon..1rs. E. D. Benjamin
175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deale
liS The Sergennl's LeSaey..E. Berthet
ISO Pillone..w. Bergaol
18' ludncy & 'Valp..F. Bean
181 $ Hoanol or Roanoke Hnll..Malcolm Bell
Hnl.Mnlcolm Del
119 Conlngeby..Lord Dcaeoni.tleld
18 Conlnlly. Dlaon teld
Ito Rl . ! . . . . . . . . . . Ileaconsilell
191 RIse of lakander..Lord . Denconstehl
192 Contnrlnn FlemIng. .1.old ] 3eacoii.ilold
19t MirIam Alroy. . . . . . Lord lene'neflell
201 MIss M&irston..L. & . . . . . . H. Hekford
: Mary Annerh..R. D. . Daclunore
2 Alice 1.orralne' (2 vols.n. D. Dnckmore
203 Clara Vnughn..R. D. Dlackmore
2 Christowell..It. . D. Dncl < more
210 Crddoek Newell (2 (
vols.U . . . . , D. Dlackmore
214 Sir Thomas Upmore. . .11. D. Blackmore
215 Erema..H. D. Dakmore
216 Muld .or Sker . vole ) . .R. D. Daekmole
217 Crlp9 the Carrler..H. D. Dacl < moro
23 In , Far . Lochabar..William Black
226 Judith Shakespeare.William Black
2 Prince Forlunatus.'Vllnm Black I
2 Ihpnnce Or John Logan.Wllam Black
22 Four MieNichols..WillIam Black
2 , W ) l Vf1' ather..William Buck I
iS2 PlopI1 : ! 1 Mantle..Fabian . Bland
: 2f3118\otol ( Bough..Id. B. Brnddon
26 Mohawks (2 ( vols.M. E. Irdrlon
26 Cloven Foot..1. E. Urnddon
.274 Ilpstages to Fortune. . . .M. E. Drnddon
2 : : ! ( ellen Calf..M. E. Drnddon
258 Ruper. Oodwin..Id. E. Bradlon
28 .
2 : Strange World..M. E. Br"don
2f Taken nt the Flood..M. E. Brd"on
301 Mount Itoyal..M. I ; Urnddon
301 An Islimasilte..M. E. Braddon :
3'J ' ( ; Strhngers and Pllgrims.M. E. Brnddon
311 A 'oman'8 Erlor.CIIrlole M. Uraeme
31 Fatal Wedding. . . Charlotte M. Uremo
4e ( ) l9men\ \ After..Robert . Buchanan
403 Master , Qt the 1Ine. . . .Hohert Buchanan
40 0 New , Abolnrl. . . . . .Hobert Buchanan
12 Dr. . . . . . . . . . . Broughton
421 Second Thought ! . . .nhodl llroughton
42 Betty's Vision..Rhoda . Iroughton
431 Miss Moly..leatrte Id. But
431 GeraldIne Ilawthorne..lleatrlce 1 [ . Butt
. 43' IliignI : . . luwlhorne.lellrlce . . . . . . . . . 1. Butt
43 N'lmport (2 ( vols.l ) dwln I. Dynner
4H Trions 12 vole.EdwIn . . L. Dynner
4tU Mystery or 61. James
Parl . . , . . . . . . . . . . . "Tohn n. Burton
ir Marked . . . . . . . Cnmhrhlge
6 My Guardian..Ada Cambridge
H7 Merle'l Crusade..Rose N. Carey
482 AdrIan . . . . . . . . . . Caddy
48J Ida Craven..Mrs. Ii. M. Cndel
496 Pure ( . . . . . . . . H. I. Cameron
r.ol In a Grass Country.Mrs. H. 1 _ . Cameron
& I The CO\ltry.Mrs. . . . . . . . . Calno
fill \'Ing of Asroel . . . . . . . . . .Mona Cnlrtl
M3 . Bourbon Lilies..F.V. . Champney
I ; Count l\ostn..V , Cherbulez
r6 Prosper. . . . . . . . . ! . . . . . V. Cherlulez
r.7 Joseph Nolrll's Revenge.V. Cherbulez
13 . Samuel Broht & Co".V. CherlJlez
till Diana's DisciplIne..Bertha M. Clay
HI Leader or the Ballet..Iierbert . . . Clamp
57 Ghosl's . ( . Inlel..Hprbert . . ; . . . . Collins
fo ; Legacy or Cnln. . . . . . . \'lkla Collins
r. Near ( Relations..C. H. Cole rid gO
593 Master or His Fate.J Mel.aren Cobhun
t9I horned Cat..3. Mel.aren Cobban
rIJ Reverend Oentlemun.J . McLuren Cobban
r f9 ! Id'l cr White Lotus..Mabel Collins
612 Carrlaton'l Gift..Hugh Conway
61 Family Affair..Iltigit . Conway
620 Paul Ynrgas.nd
6. other stories : . . . . . /nd . . . . .hugh Conway
621 SomebOll's Slory..lulh Conway
f.6 Neila Sen . . . . . . . . . . .J. II. Connely
6" . Nela . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .A. K. Cooley
68 Mercedes or Castile.J. . 1" . Cooper
1130 Oak Castc".J. . . . . . . . F. Cooper
6 f.1plet.8ulon..J. p. ( Cooper
65 ileadsinan. . . . . . . . . . . . .J. F. Cooper
61 LIonel 1.lnoln..J. . . . . . F. Cooper
613'u 'S or Iho Hour..3 . F. Cooper
61 Satanst , . . . . . . . . . . . . . F. Cooper I
ills Monlklns. . . . . . . . . . . . . .J , F. Cooper '
17 Wept of the Wish-
tOIl.Vlilh. . . . . . . Wih. . . . . . . .3. F. Cooper
fits Twp Atignirtile..J. 1" Cooper
619 13enIions..J. F. Cooper
54 ( " ' tllonc..I..J. . . F. Cooper
G7 G Heldcnnauer.J. , F. Cooper
e.s Crater..J. . . F. Cooper
tGQ Iaughter of SI IJeter.Jnnel C Conger
ccl After his Klnd..Johl Coventry
61 G : ; Arer 11s . , . . . . . . . Corkran
SU The Passion Flower.Te Counleds
681 Allrlcun VCndtta..T. C. Crawford
61 G : / . . . . Vendcla..T. , . . . . . . . . . ) . Crolmeln
GSI Freaks or Lady For.
G hiI . . . " . . . . . . . . .lJay Clommeln
I GoblIn Oold , . . . . . . . . .Mly Crmmeln
t .
191 pl.t'11 ( Mils Nevllle.I . ] . 1 Crokn :
6\ 61 ; 4asters..U. M. Croker
\ (
ti9'i 1tit144s . . . . . . . .a , C unberlund
1. I1 Stl.
M NkRmf1 ( Lr . . . . . . 'V. .A. . . I\t
order. 'hen tile numher Is IH'ccel1et br
n letter-thltIg A .J8 or H ti-lie shIre thut
the letter tS well ns the lumber 18
I\I . In the order.
dist \Vrlte Itictly. 1ume and address or subscriber
5 How 111 ' books lln n subscriber
Hem1 for ? As . , .
! the stock of hool,1 18 hitnit-
cII , lie ( Illuu or Ilstrlhllon ) Is lilTitlIged {
! 0 II to give . eHeh snhsCllhcr ni rquni (
OIIIIIrtnll ) ) ) to get nH iiiiiiy books lS
In ' othm' su Hcrlot 11 the aggregate
nn Iv'Jge or ONF vO.u m EACh I
DAY Is ; all any one ! uctlcl' ) can oh.
tnln. ' 1hls IIst'lcton ! Is ReCllcd h i ' the
fitet that enl ' ' ' ' '
fne Olil3 ole OfH'rn'lAi'l II
1IIIIted each , < n . ' , ' and 010 CEltTlII.
ONl'N must he sent for each \ollle
selccted by the t4tlbscrIle1. ) Hut eeitttI-
'cltel mu ' , he IccumulntC1 ( nlta ! HIIlo
0'1\1 selt nt ole utile mny Ilclllo ni
mll'olllcs IR there are certificates
. sent with the ( oider.
69 Drops or . . . . . . . . Curry
iO Copper Crn h..l rlk Dnnby
iOI Babe In Dohemln..Frnnk Dnnhy
iO.Vlnlfred . . . . . . .ee . Darrell
io Behind the Sliver Vei. . . . . . Dnrrel .
:11 :
i07 Ievil's Anvt..1lnry Kyle Dallas
ilO . . . . . . . . . . . . Dalns
718 Irish Knight or the
Nlnleenlh Century..Annn V. Davis
727 Lonl
72 and Lady Plccn-
111 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Earl or Desnrt
72 Little Cliatelaine..Earl . or Dcnrt
7 : Herne Llge..Enrl or Desnrt
731 ChaplaIn's Secret..Leon . . Dc Tlneeau
i31 LIttle . . . . . . . . : A. Dennison
737 Mystery or Edwin
Dro d. . . . . . . . . r. . . . . .Charles Dickens
73' PIctures from Italy..Chnrles DIckens
7tO Great gxpeclatons..Clllrles DIckens
71 Ilnrd . . . . . . . . Dickens
i2 Domley & Son (2 (
voll ) . . . . . . . . . . . SOI . . . . . .Chnrles Dickens
it3 Our Mutual Friend..Charles Dickens
7H Unl'ommerclnl Traveler.Chnrlel Dickens
713 Little DOlrl. . . . . - . . .Chnrles DIckens
itl ; MartIn Chuzzlewlt..Chnrles : Dickens
747 Sketches by Uoz..Chnrles Dickens
itS Mrs. Lirriper's Lodg-
Ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Chnrles Dickens
749 Burnaby } ' Rllge..Charles Dickens
i5lu < og pupers. . . . . .Chnrles Dickens
751 ReprInted IJeces..Charles Dickens
niSI Christmas Stories and
Tale or Two CitIes..Charles Dickens
i(5 Vengeance of Maurice .
of 1lnullce
Denalquez. . . . . . . . . : . . . . . & Dolaro
ii MIracle Gold..Rlellard Dowllng
715 BathIng QUcsl..IUchnrd . Dowlng
i59 House of Tears..H. . Downey
iG3 . . . . . . . . . . . . V. Dorsey
781 Severed Hand /2 / vols ) . . F. Duflolegobey
782 ned Lolter ) ' Tlclct. . . F. DuDolsgobe
789 Around . I . . . ; . . . . Droz
790 . . . . . . . : . . . . . Droz
792 Lutanlste of St. Jncobl.Cutherlne Drew
i93 BaptIzed wIth n Curse..Edlth S. Drewry' '
sirs In Durance . Curse.Edlh . . . . . Duchess
S21 Lady Yulworth's Dlamonds.The Duchess
82t Week In Killarney..The Duchess
87 Duchess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Duchess
81G Popular Tale'.Maria . Edgeworlh
851 Point . ot Honor..Annle Edwards
S : pla .wrlgh.s Dnughler.Annle Edwards
8' Archie . . . . . . . . Edwards
s ; Grton . . . . . . . . . Edwards
557 Ought 'Ve to Visit - Her.Annie Edwards
sr.9 Vivian the neauly..Annle Edwards.
sno Susan FIelding. . . . . .Annie Edwards
861 Steven Lawience..Annie Edwards
8t Shad und . . . . . . Edwards
r 87t 1y Drolher's 'Vlre.Am.l/ Edwals
8G Miss Carew. ' . . . . . . : : : Am'eil 1i IEdwiids
879 or'the " " -
89 Parting of the "Wnys"
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ir. Delhlm Edwards
iso Flower or Doom. . .M. Detham Edwards
S81 For One and the
'Vorld..1. Detham Edwards
882 Forestalled..M. Delham Edwards
" 1 Next or Kln-Wnnted
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Dethnm Edwards
885 L.v3 and Mirage. . . .M. Bethnm E"warJs
Sb7 Disarmed..M. Detham Edwards
888 Some or Our Girls..Mrs. C. Elloart
SO Amos . . . . . . . . . Elonrt glot
893 Felix Holt thefladiAni..George Eliot
89i1I.dlemarch..George Eliot
898 Theophrnltus Such..George Eliot
91 Mr. fulfil's Love Story..George ElIot
902 ( W . . . . . . . . . . . . T. Erskine
903 Christne. . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .1. Enault
0 : Little Worldling. . . oUlse C. Ellsworth
90S Ten Years } His Life. . . Eva Evergreen
9 Castle In the Air. . . . . . , . .Hugh Ewing
ni Flat Iron-For n 'Farthing..Mrs. Ewing
! 2 Step In the 'nrlhlng.1rs. . . . . . . . Eyre
913 I Happened This , 'Vay..Rose Eytlnge
917 Aunt Parker..B. L. . Eytnge
918 Dr. Gennle's Daughter. . .B I _ . Fnrjeon
91 Merry. Merry DOy8. - . . . .D. . L. 1 U.jcon
920 Blood WIllie RORe..D. L. 'arjeon
' 91 Mystery ot M. ' &lix..II. L. Farjen
92 Nine of Henrts..B. L. Fnrjeon
92 Basil and AnneUe..B. L. 'urjeon
926 Duchess or Rosemary
Lane..D. L. Farjeon
927 PerIl or Richard Pardon.D. L. Fnrjeon
92 For the Defense (2 ( vols ) . : .13. L. Farjeon I
92 Grlr. . . . . . . . , . . . . . .1. L. } , 'lrjeon
932 Love's Harvest. . . ' . : . : . . . 13. L. Farjeon
93 Ties Human and DI-
vine (2 vols ) . . . ' . . . . . . .n. J. Fnrjeon
93t Little Make Deleve , . . ! .D. L. nrjeon
SIC Sacred Nuggott..B. L. Fnrjeon
93 Toilers or Dobyon..B. [ J.Furjeon
! l Knight or Farmer.Lydla . H. Farmer
95 Double Knot..iGeorge Manville Penn
9t6 Golden 1agnet. .George 1unvle Penn
9t8 Mynn's Mystery , George 1nnvlo. Fenn
90 ; Eve at the Wheel.George ManvIilo Penn
'heel.Geor/e 1nnvl0
SM El's Children..George Manvlo Penn
953 ! Commodore Junk.George ManvIlI Fenn
9r1 ; Dark House.G rge ManvIlle Penn ,
957 Qolden Drlam..G/orge Manvie Penn
058 Haute . . . ,
Noblesso.Gdrge ManvIlle Penn I
96 Irs Jeopnrdy..George 1anvle Penn :
9G Mint or 1oney..George Manvilie Penn
07 Ilvorce. . . . . . . . . . . . Manvie eullel
9iO Dream . F'aoes..Mrs. . . . 'th'st'neh'gh )
978 I'.nlse. . . . . . . . . . .GeraldIne Fleming
9i9 SInless Crlmc..Gerldlne Fleming
98 Who Was the lelr.Gernhlne Fleming
982 My . . . . . . . . . . . . orreRler
981 ! Omnln Vanltus..Mrs. . orreRter
1S Once . . . . . . . . . . orrester
9Sf ; Viva. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. 1.'orreler
987 Diana . . . . . . . . . . Porrester
99 : : ; My 1.011 and My Lady. . .Mrs. Forrerster
098 Eight Dnys..H. E. orrest
l0 From Moor isles..Jessie I.'olhergl
109 Only u Coral Glrl..Gerlrude Foril
101 In the Oll Pnlazzo..Gertrude Ford
loll 1"01 Honor'8 Snke..l.urn C. Ford
1012 Iuts ' Darrell..Laura . C. Ford
1013 EnemIes Born..Laura . . . . C. Ford
IOU 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . , C. Ford
1016 Fashionable Marrlage..Mrs. Alex Fraser
1017 Match or the Season. .Mrs. Alex Fraser
1018 New Duchess..Mrs. Alex Fraser
1020 Daughters or Del-
102 . . . . . . . . . . . Alex Fraser
102 Under Bileve-Ban..U. E. Frnclon
1025 Golden Bels..n. B. Frnclon
1026 Ropes or Snnd..H. E. Frnnclon
102 King or Knnve..H. E. Franelon
1030 1 lamlnka..H. B. } 'ranclon
101 Ellen Mkldleton..Lady G. Fulerton (
10 : T'phnlne's Abbey..Lady .0. Fullerton
10' Story or Ida. . . ; . . . . . . . . . .Francesca .
1010 The Chief JusUce..Uarl : Emi Franzot
Ion . . . . . . . " . L Molt Foque
lot At Any ! . . . . . . . . . . . Garrett
1061 Llitle Old Man or the
101 nntegneles. Lile Od . . . . . . . . . . .Eml Gaborlau
10 Earth . . . . . . . . . Genl
lint Be'on.t . Compue..Charles Gibbon
102 ' \'nl Ever 'Yoman In
This Humor Wooed 7. . . , Charles Gibbon
Thil H\mor Gibbn
101 Dead Heart..Charles . . . . Gibbon
1075 Blood Money..Chnrles Gibbon
10 Victims..Theodore . . . . . . . . GIft
loll Maid Ellice..Theodore : Gift
1083 Pretty Miss Bellew..Theodore . Gift
10 10 Prety 11 . 1Iss . Uelew..Theodore . , . . . . Gilt
108 Not Forsaken. . . . . . . . .Agnes Olherne
101 Cruel Womnn..Annle C. Olbls
102 leI Fulhlr's S ! . . . . . C. Glbls
ImI Blighted Llte..Annle C. Gibbs
10 Ilghled . . . . . . . . . , , . . . . Annie C. Obb (
l0 Forced Marrlage..Annle C. Gibbs
l0 \VuI ( of the Storm..Annie . C. Gibbs
1o7 Last of the Thorn-
107 Io . . . . . . . . 'lhor.H. . . . . Gilmore
1098 General Utility.\Vlnona Gilniun
. Glnlnn
108 \'Inonn
109 Clarice. , . Ullty. . . . . . . , . " 'Inona OIlman
101 .Armlneil..e . . . . . . S. Baring Ooull
1 1 Count Royal . . . . . . . .S. htaring Gourd
ll John 1lerring..S. 1lrlnl Gould
1106 Penny Come Qutcks..S. Daring Gould
lies Urith.i.S. . . Baring Gould
10 Little Tu'Penay..4.B. . . flaring Gould
liii Dick Rodney. . . . . . " . . . . Grant
11 Bun . . . . . , . . . . Grant
ills Hlven Asunder..Ii. J. Goldsmith
ll2I Reproach or Anneeier.Muxweil : OroY
12 He&lroacl . , . . . . , . . . . . , J. Goodman
12 127 'Cara 10 Bulbs..N . V. Gogol
113) As Fate Would Have It. .Evelyn Gray
13 13 . . . . Woull . . . . Jave . . , I.Evel'n 0111111
1134 No. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grllthl
13t Victor Deane..Cecii 011111&
13 13 'Vrol" ) fladsa.b.CeeIl . . . Orltlh
flu Malwa' . J\\.QIS'.l. Rider luE ard
G Can I stlhecribar Solid In 10le thll
ole order .or\ books ? Yes . lS Inl ' 08
hOlly ha dClr d , II'ovllCll each order Is
olch ordlr .Is ncc0ulnuled by the re-
qul'cl nlulhel" or CEILTIFICATES and
moue ' tin uqrnlucl nbo\'e.
7 Can ttlU halt ( one book he ordered (
lt 0 tme ? ' Yes , provided It Ol3lt'111I
CNL'I' nll.monc ' 1m fcut for each vol- .
mne ? , lS explained above , all the ( certif-
. . .
lentes Iehll .ot different 11ntc
8 WhcluTer all orlcl' IR received for a
book the IUIIlr ) ) of which has been ox-
Inlstct b3enrh1er orl1el ! and the Inme
18 tlue or the subSttUtcR Junce1 In the
order . The 1Hl3 l wilt 11 the olllel with
some other boook from the list nt Its
tllscret toll alltb ' w'lthioiit. ' '
own -
dlsClctol :11'wihout COI'I'cRllon-
(1011CC or other explallatlon thnu tills
Icnce eXllnlltol
stateillellt. This Ile Is . deem ell Icce tn.
, ' It Is iuinitcticable to
r , ns i mlllfeHt hUII'netcnble
nS'ume the ( hUlden nl1 ( eXllene ) of 'X-
_ .tensh'o COI'eSpOllelce In Slattern In\oh'
liii ; Col. Qilaritch . V. Rider haggard
116 . Qlnrlch. . C..H. RileI
1m Allen Quatermain. . . .11. RIder Halgnrtl
lEd Tale or Three Lions. .lr. Rider haggard
Wi Allan's Tree 'Vlfe..I. Llols.l. Hider haggard
15 ' 'eeilin/ } . . . . . . . . liaIse
160 DeRpernle Hemetles..fhomnf hardy
161 HalHl or Elhelbertn..fhomas Hnrty
16' Return of the Native. . .Thotnas Hardy
1161 . Homnnlc Adventures
161 or a Milkmaid..Thomas hardy
1165 hInder the Greenwood
16 Unler . . . . . . Greenwool . . . . . . . Thomns . Hnrlty
16' , . . . . . . . . . . ' Hardy
167 Woodlanlera..Thomas Hardy
1f9 ( Trumpet Major..Thomas hardy
liO Mnyor of Casterbrklge. .Thoinns hardy
li8 WIthin the Clasp..3. Il. lnrwooil .
180I.dy Egerta..j. 1. . Hnrwood
181 ills Brother's \'Idow. tnr ' O. Inlplne
182 Strange Dlszippenrancc..Mary : G. lialptne
18 Great Divorce Case..Mary G. Inlplne
18 ! . . . . . Cnse..1nry . . . G. 111\lne
18 : Divorced . Wire. . . . . .llary G. ilalplne
lSG Girl . . . . . . . . . : ) . G. 1nlplne
18 A . . . . . . . . G. Hnlplne
119 Brenda Yorl < e. . . . . . . lnr . Cecil Hay
1:2 Modern Ulylses..Joseph Halon
12j By Order of the Czar. . . .Joseph Hutton
1216 Mistress of Ibichetein..F Hnton
121i Curse of Cnres Hold..G. . A. Henty
1221 Scarlet Fortune. . Holl..G. . . . . . . . . Herman
1229 1 Stern . . . . . . . . . Bony
IBO Lovers . . . . . . . . . . Hoey
1231 Queens . . . . . . . . Hoey
129 Mbrrled by the Mayor
. . . . . . . . . . 1nyor . . [ . H. C. Hoffman
12tO Treacherous Woman
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. H. C. hoffman
12U Lench's Mistake. . . .Mrs. H. C. Hoffman
12U Broken Vows..Mrs. ii. C. Hoffman
n1212 Lost to \Vorhl.MrR. . Ii. C. htofftnan
12t3 Laughing Eves. . .Ilrs. l. . C. Hormnn Herman
12H Harvest or Thorns. .Mrs. H. C. Hoffman
12t5 SIsters or Vengeance
. . . . . . . . . . . . . Irs. IT. C. Herman
1216 MIserable Woman..Mrs. H. C. HoImnn
1217 IncOmplete Advenlurer.'lghe hopkins
12.19 'Twlxt Love and Duty. .Tighe IIopkin
12 121 Klnlew . nnl . . . . . . C. 'llhe I. Holsier <
122 Great Treason (2 ( vols ) . . .Mary HopPul
1259 1.lre's FItful Fever..A. M. Hopkins
126 Price or the Ring..Margaret Holmes
1266 Piccadilly . Puzzle..F.rgs Rlng..Mnrlret Bure
126 Year or lHrcle..Fergus Hume
120 Mme. . . . . . . . . . . Hume
12iO Girl from Malta..Fergus Hume
123 In Hot Haste..Mary E. Hullah
12H I.nden Casket..Mrs. Alfred Hunt
12i5 Tat Other Person. . . .Mrs. Alfred Hunt
1281 An Ocular Deluslon..Frnnk H. Howe
12 New Eva.tne..Erank H. Howe
l292ione Santo-A. Child
122'one SantoA . . . Chid . . . . . . .i. H. House
126 Uncle Ned's Cabln..Atah M. howard
127'llnst Her WI.uAI"h 1L llflwnr.i
128 DoUblyWmni d : : . : . - ( h M : i ' f
.12.lrene- tray's . Legaey.Adah ' Ill " Howard
130Desperute 'Woman. . . . .Adnh M. , Howard ,
1301 Little Nani..Adah ; M. Howard
1302 Mothers . Mlstnl < e..Adah H. Howard
,130 Haunted Life..Adah . . . 1 Howard
13(1 Little Sunhlnc.A'lah Id. Howard
130 By Muual Consent. . . Adah M. Howard
1307 ' Great Amherst Mystery. Wnlter Hubble
1:0' 131 Theodore . . . . . . . . . . .Col. P. Ingrham
132 Agnes Sorel..0. . . P. R. James
132 Darnley. . . . . . . . ; . . .G. p. H. James
1:2 Anlns1 ti Grnln..C. ' T. . C. James
1326 Galloping Dnys ( at the .
132 Galoping . : . . . . . . . . . .C. T. C. James
132 Who Breaks Pays..Mrs. . C. Jenkins
139 Within ' ian Ace..Mrs. . . . C. Jenkins
1330 Juplter ' Daughters. . . .Mrs. C. JenklnE
130 131 Jupler'l : Daughters..lrs. . . . . . . . . . C. Jenkins
1334 Secret df Her Life..Edward Jenkins
134 139 Fatima..A. . . . . . . C. Jack'mon
13t5 Jack ot IFearts..H. T. Johnson
1347 ' A Bluegrass Thor-
134'A ! . ? , . . . . .hor- . . . . . . . .Tom Johnson
13t8 Terrible Crime..Mrs. E. G. Jones
131 A Modei-nt MIdaS..Maurice Joknl
1252 Far Awa3 and Long
. Away . . Id . . . LnF. . . A. Kemble
13. Matron or Maid..Mrs. E. Kennnrd
13 . Crack Cpntry..Mrs. E. Kennnrd
135 Glorious Gallop..Mrs. E. Kennard
1357 Straight as n Die. . . .Mrs. E. Kennard
Siml/ht 0"
hIm Duvallen (2 ( vols.Grace . . . . KennedY
13r. 13rt Duvulen Iost . ' . . : . . . . . . . Keith
1263 An Honest Lawyer.Alvnh Milton Kerr
1G Sibyl . . . . , . . . . . Mien Kent
1:0 Pnsslon's Slave..TUchard Ahe King
list Two Years Ago..Chas. Klngley
138 Polish Princess..J. J. Kraszewsld
lISt Dreams and Dream
I3t . Stories..Alma . . . . D. Kingsford
1386 AU's Drol ! but Love. . . A. B. Lancaster
138 138. Hon. MisaFerrard..Mary I.arnn
lass Christy Carew..Mary Lrnn
1402 Mistress BeatrIce ' Cope. .M. . E. L Clere
142 Iealrlce'
l4 ; Harry Lorrequerl.'Charles : ; Lever
1 ( Phantom Lover..Vernon . . . Lee
110 .
un Miss Brown. . . . . : . , . . . . . Vernon 'Lee
1412 The Price of . h Soups. . . Vernon Lee
112 Te Maturin..H. F. Lesser
11 : . 1nturln..H. . . . . . . . . . . . L'wald
1417 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lee
117 .
1415 Dr ; Wilmer's Lore..Margaret Lee
118 Dr"lmer's .
1419 JMrimer and Wife..Margaret Lee
110 lrlghtbn l.tmer Night..Margaret Lee
h421Klaus Brewer'8 'Vlfe..Paul 1.lndnn
H2'llnus Sowlnl the 'Vlnd. . . . . . E. Lynn Linton
125 lone Stewart..Ii. Lynn Union
126 Under Which Lord..B. Lynn 1.lnlon
12 : Lost . . . . l.rl..E. . . . . . . . . . . Linskiil
13 In Exchange for I Soul..l. IAnsltill !
1438 Happy Mnn and the '
13S Hail ) Mn . . . . . . . . . .Samuel Lover .
1458 Kenelm Chilllngeley. .hi. Bulwer Lytton
158 PluHnnlus..I Chlingsley.g. . 1llwer I..ton
1rr 161 Godollin..H. . Dulwer . Lytton
172 Jell all Flahes..Hem.y C. Lukens
11 At the Red . Glove. . . .Kath. S. MeQuold
1478 Mrs. Rumbald's Be- .
178 . . . Humbnhs . . . . . . . . . . . R. MeQuol1 !
1479 Elizabeth Morley..Kuth. S. McQuotd
179 Hf Elzabelh COHeto. . 1orley..I\nlh. . . . . . . R. leQuo
HRI Old Couryard. . . .1n Ih. R. 1cQuoid
1412 John worlh..Knlh. . 8. leQ\ohl
1182 haunted Fountain. . . hCuth. S. lcQuohl
1485 Miss EYOh or Eyon
185 1Iss . . . . . . . . . . { . S. leQuol"
1481 Mrs. Stranger's Seal-
1187 MI. \ pnckt.- Slrnnger'/ . : . } ! lhul cC.l
1\1 \ ( flannels..141ty ( . M. aiajennic .
191 ) . . . . . . . . . . . 1 [ . .ulenUc
192 ( On the . Scent..Lady . M. Mnjendio
1q : Elect . . . - . . . . . . . MacDonald
15 Eleanor ' Gwynn..M. . O. McClelan"
1510 Natures Young No-
hlemen. . . . . . . . . . . .lrooka McCormick
Fill Rival Battalioni. . . Brooks McCormick
1512 hearts and Goith..McKeiinu . . .
151 For I Drnm'l Sako..Mrs. n. Martin
154 Hi And Valley. . . . llarriet Mnrlnolu
1518 Bowers Not Haapers.Harrlel h4nrtineau
11.50 Charmed . . . . . . 1lnrlnenu \
, Glen of the Echoes. . .Harrlet MArtineau
1162 Mount Eden.4..Florence Marryat
ll2 . . larn'ul
ll AnRe..l . lorence . . Murn'at
" ! t Mal lnrrylt
1557 Confessions or Ocr-
157 Conf.sslons gslcourt..Florenee Marrynt
If.M No . . . . . . . . . . . Mnrrynl
. .
[ . .
. Blindfold. . . . . . , . . Florence nrryal
l&OOCait. Norton' Dlar.Florenee lnryat
Bit Wih CUJlld's l yes.Florence 1nrryat
1 ! l Out of Hi . Reckoning.F'lorence 1nryut
I55 How They Loved hliin.Florence Mnrryal
lf 156 Open $ esme.Ftorenee 1arynt
1167 Poison of Asps..Florence Marryat
15G i'hylitda.e . . . . . . . .1 . , . lorence nrryat
loJ J'etronel. . 1 , . . . . . . .Florence Murryat
BR Ghost of Charlotte
151 Gray. . . . , ' . " " ' " Florence . Morl'at
15i2 Jrghtnl Ute ' Atr . . . Florence Marrynl
1573 The .01cm or. 1.'ever.
sham. . . . _ . . , . . . . . .l loreno 1Iorryat
151 Fair-Haired Ahla..Florence Marryat
1111 Goatlenian ' and Cotir-
157 Gentemun' ler. . \ , . . . . . . . . 'Iorence 1Iarryat
1510 iiarves'b or Wild Oats. Florence Marryat
15 lnrvesc ot Wltl lnrryat
HAl Hoot oC.1 l vl..1florence lnrryat
15 Hlen bead..Florence . . . MUrr'lt
. . . . . . . . . -
16 Driven to flay.'lot-ence . Marryut
1rt l.vI' ' Conflict..Florence Marryat
l head Qr Jams Wttrner.Florence . Murryat
15 1M7 Why ? . . . . Wlrntr.Flornce . . . larryat
15 Little on..Florenee . Jarryat
lf2 \ IU Fire.i.lrloretce . , M8rrnl
1&s Mailer I'asion..Florence Marl'at
lr.94 Oil Contrary atiti
Ootrry UI11
Other Idlcs..Florenco MarrYlt
159 My Own iChilde..florence Jaryat
lM6 IclresS all 1layer.Florence Jarr'at
158 Star atii * Ileart.Fiorence Marryat
urll . Maryat
16 If Nobler < e. C. . learl..Florence . . 1arryat
WIT . liedri or Wind Jus-
Wf Utdri lce. . . tr . . . . . . . "Helen B. ) ! uther
1608 Fashions ot Fhs !
16 " . \tld. . . , . . . , . . . Helen D. Math r.
. ' \ , . . . . . . . . . .
1r 1.'Quol ( \ . . . . . B. Malhel
1610)y Jo Jchn. . . . . .1elen B. M I
lug AU 1 AmnH nmounts or monc ' .
I ) NI bonk wi Ie exchIU cd. ,
10 Tile BEE'S catalogue tines not Ill
alt CIRes hlhl1e nib the ( wO'Is of the ,
nuthl i' . Onl ' 8\t1 cln he lulllllet lS
tIle Illc(1 ( In the cntnlo le.
1 Orders will he filled as promptly
lS the great Ilount or ccrlcnl work !
hlol.\'ell makes llsslhle. ) HI\Rcrlll'H
Hhol 1 wlil two weel before Illdl
COIII'IIII ' I I or ( i : nOI.rlclllt I If heel , !
12 rho Free hook Distribution will he
conth\cl1 Until the ( entre StOck IH this-
tritiitt'I ) lI1 Is ollcn to new nnl old
suhtclhcl's ( alike.
1 : : In' case I book conRlsts . of two 01
I I'e volllCS , the entire book mlt bc
1111'1'11t ? the I rte Ir lne m'JH'l'l I-
' 5 Cellti4 t for etichi vobunie.
OA1' , llt ( I ccn fol elch , ohlne.
Otiti VObhlllll42 Chtlillot be Kent.
Olhohmlc ! Cliot
Tile BI.m hUH cI11cl\'I'eI1 In the fore-
glln 1'\1(8 Inl lelntons governing
Its FreelloolStlilJutIOllto itccolfl-
Is _ lool 'stllblton _ Iccum-
1611 My Lady Qreen-
16 1y Laly . . . . . . , . . n. 1nthers
1613 Story or a SIu..Ilelen . D. lnlher
hill . . . a . . . . . " . ) . hi. . MaShers
1618 The Berber. . . . . . : } . . . . . " . S. Mayo
isis FrAncis Kant's . . . . T. Mentl
1620 Beforehnmt.:1..I. \ : . T. Mea.l
1621 Heart of Goll..I _ . 'r. Mea.1
1522 Girl of the i'eople.'t.L. T. Jtll
162 Honorhle 1lss. . . . . . : . I , . T. Mend
In21 How . It All Came Around. .f ' ' Meal
1626 In 1 Al . . . Arounl.C . . . 'l' . 1cll
hAlO Story or Three Slsters..C. 111xwel
IGI Her Nurle's \rengeance.oeo hi. jdson
1,1 MoIlys Story..Frank MerryillJI .
IG ! Case of Gcn. Opal
nnl Lady Cnmper..Gorge MeredIth
IG6 Tale of Chloe..George Meredith
IG9 Daughterl of Eve..laul Ielrltt
161 The : fnddoxls..Mr . J. 1llllmIR
16U Crack or Doom..Wtllinm . llnlo
1fo5IS She Good or Baui..Willinm N into
ICE Old Manes Inrln .Jrs. . \ . McV. Miller
1653 Little Golden's Dau h-
1653Lllte . . . . . . . . . . . . A. McV. Miller
Wi Bride of the Tomb. .Mrs.A. Mo\ . Miller
1eV. Mier
16' ' LnileR' Gallery..Justin McCarthy
107 Roland Oliver..Justln . McCarthy
Ifr. Maid of Athens..lultin McCarthy
Wi9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCarthy
16m Rival Princess..Jutln McCarthy
1661 . . . . . . . . . .Jmln . McCarthy I
1662 Marrying and Giving
In 1Inrrlage. . . Giving . . . lrl. ltlolesworth I
16' 1-Tathercourt..Mrs. . 1lolesworlh 1 olelworth
1664 'riuat Girl In Black.\Ir. . . Molesworlh
ito Seafort.h. . . . . . 1Inclt.lrs. . . . . . . . Montgomery
160 Thwarted..F. Montgomery
1671 Flora Llntsny..Slsannl Noodle
163 Geoffrey : Ioneton. . . .Suanna MOGle
16i LIfe In the Clenrlugs.Susanun Moodl
lCD Houghlng It In the
16 : Dush. . . . . I . . . . . . . .Susanna Noodle
If04Auut , Rachel..David C. Murray
16 Bishops BIble. . . . . . . David C. Murray
lrSG ; Bit of Human Nnture.Dnvld C. Murray
1617 ny the Gate or the
16S . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Murray
IGS8 Cynic Fortune. . . . . . David C. Murray
16 Old Blnzer's Hero..David C. Murray
169 One. 'fraveler hteturns.Davih C. Murray
l1 FIrst Person Singular.David C. Murray
lr92 ! . . . . . Slngulnr.Davll . . . . C. Murray
169t Rainbow Gold..Dnvld C. Murray
1695 Dangerous Cats Paw..David . Murray
lr95 Paw.Davll
ImS Weaker Veeel..Dnvld C. Murray
' 1699 Young Mr. Dnrton's .
Repentance..David C. Murray
1701 Way or the World..Davld C. Murray
l02 Sweethrler In Town..DavIII C. Murray
liOI Val Strange..David C. Murray
li0 Golden . . . . . . . . . . . . 1fulr
172 MIss . . . . . . . . . . luloclt
1715 King . . . . . . . . . . Mulock
172 AdrIan Vidal..William. E. Norris
1728Heaps ot Money..Wtlllain . E. Norris
1729 MIss Shnro.'VIlm ! E. . Norris
170 MI I a s Wentworlh's
. . . . . . . . . . . ' . ' E. Norris
1731 Marcia..William . . . . E. NorrIs
1732 Mysterious Mrs. WI-
. . . . . . . . . . . . E. NorrIs
173 laled Conspirators. Wiiam E. Norris
1734 Matrimony..WillIam g. Norris
li3 My Friend Jlm..Wllnr E. Norris
1736 Mrs. Fenton..WIlliam . . . . E. Norris
1740 . . . . . . . . . . . ' B. Norris
1742 . . . . . . . . . . . . ' E. Norris
1743 That Terrible Man. . . Wilam E. Norris
17H Mr. Cbnlne'a Sons /2 /
) . . . . . . . . . . . ' E. NorrIs
1745 1lsndventure..Wllam E. Norris
1751 Dr. Rameau..Georges Ohnel
175 . Claire and the Forge-
I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ohnet
175 PrInce Serge Panlne..Georges Ohnet
1Th7 ' Weird . . . . . . . . . . / Ohnet
l58 Cnnndinn Senator..Chrlstopher Oalces
1759 Chance or Fate..Alico O'llllon
li62 O'Hnr's Mission..WIlliam . O'Urlen
liG Unfairly Won..Mrs. . P. O'1onolhuo
1i66 WhIte . . . . . . . . . . Olplnnt
176 RaIlway Man and His
Children (2 nnl ) . . . . . . . . Olphanl
1719 Country Gentleman..Mrs. Oilphnnt
l77tEme OgIlvie. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Oiiphant
1772 House Divided Against
Itself . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mrs. Oliphant
1773 Old Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollphant
1777 Poor Gentleman..Mrs. Oilphant
1779 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollphant
1781 His Presumptive and
. . Heir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollphant
1787 Son of Ills Father..Mrs. Oliphant
17811 Lucy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oliphant
1791 Salem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oliphant
1798 Margaret Maitiand..Mrs. Oliphant
1800 Ollvers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ollphaat
1802 Queen's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oliphant
1803 Altiora Peto..Lawrence Oliphant
1800 Iloboe ; or. Two Little
Wooden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1822 Tricotrin (2 ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1823 house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1825 ] lutiinu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ouithe
1826 Princess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1830 Rainy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1831 Itobe of Nesaus..Dufileld Osborne
hiM LIon of Limerick..Dennis OSuilivan
1836 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O'Sullivan Maid of Cremona..Iennis O'Sullivan
lilt Beauty of hienburle. . .Iennis O'Sullivan
1839 Mary Mavourneen..Iennls O'Sullivan
1810 Eileen Manna..Dennis O'Sullivan
1811 Robert limmet..Dennis O'Sullivan
1542 Strange Case..Dennis O'Sullivan
1813 Fumed Fontenoy..Dennis O'Sullivan
1845 Hero Carthow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Louisa. Purr
1817 Loyalty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parr
1818 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parr
1849 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Parr
1851 Mr. Perkins of Now Jereey..Guy Parker
1855 l'laying with . . . . . . . . . . . . l'arlcer
1856 Marjoiie's Child..Mary Patricic
187 liurnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payn
1853 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pu'n
I IK'.i One of the Family..James Payn
Canon's Ward . . . . .James Payn
1sco . . . . . . . . . .
lSi2 Luck of the Darrolls..James Pan
lS W'ord and the \ . . . . . . . . . . l'ayn
isco Sunny Stories and
Some Shady Ones..James Payn
1867 TaIls of the . . . . . . . . . . . . I'ayti
Isle Kit-a Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . Pawn
1875 SocIal Vicissitudes..F. U , P1IIIiIIu
1516 Daughter's Sacrillce..F' , C , Plililips
1871 Htrang Adventures of
Lucy Smith..I' (1 , phillips
B79 Jacic and Three JIils..F. ( I. Philiip
1162 Fatal Phryne..F , U. i'hIlIips
1883 Young Mc , Ainalle's
Courtship..F. C , Phillips
list Dean and Ills Daughter. . .F , 0. PhilIIp
hill Margaret Ihyng , . , , . . . . , . . . . F. G , i'hllbIps
1156 Pemberton ; or , 100
Years . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Patterson
1581 John Ilrown's Legs..Kenword Phllp
1888 SIbyl lines' I.iarriagePhiitlPS and VeIIs
1890 Black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l , I'lerson
1902 Among tub hills..E. Francis Pointer
1903 My Little Lady..hi. Francis Poynter
1004 Diusilla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Francis Poynter
1905 Failure of Eiizabetll.E. Francis I'oynter
l90 Ileud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C. Prued
lOll b'opl of Countess Adrian.Mrs. C. Praed
1913 Scottish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Porter
Bit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Power
1913 Mrs. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , flay
loll Freckles , . . . , . . . . . . . . . .Rebecca F. Itetid
ISIS Mauleverer's Millions , .T. Wemyss Belt !
1951 Saved by the Sword..Robert flexdaie
1052 Degraded Deserter (2
) , , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . ( , \V. M. Reynolds
1013 liertraiii Vivian . (2 (
vole ) , . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . ( IV. . H. Reynolds
1511 Doom of the liurker . (2 (
vols ) , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0. W. H. Reynolds
1I.5 Wagner the Wehr
Wolf (2 ( ) . . . . . . . . . . ( . W. H. Reynolds
19&6 Joseph Wllntot (3 vols.CI. ) W. M.Reynoldv
1911 Necromancer (2 ( vols.G. W. N. Reynolds
I5S Mystery of the Match-
moats (2 ( voiC ) , , . . , . , ( I V. ' , 14 Reynobde
19Z.9 Adrian Lyle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Itita
1962 Mystery of a Trkieli Bath . . . . . . .Rita
194 Me Katie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .flIta
1SGO Dame Burden , , , , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rita
l7i lurby and Joan. . , . , , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . . hUta
1072 Sheba . . . . . . . . . . . . I' . , . . , . . . . . . hiIia
3974 I.alrd of , , , . . , , . . , . , , . . . . . . . . .
17G Sinlee Secret . , , . , , , . , . , .
1927 Lauiy ) ' , , , , , , , , , , , , . , , ,
Imhisil ( lie clerical 1111(1 lurtIhhlnI labor In-
voiveti itt the hllIlhiiIflhlhl of expeliso iBId
at ( lie 5111110 time secure to its iflllscrih )
ers a. generous iiiitl linimrtlai ihistrilat-
thin. I t is behluvcti tIii I. nil
thiI4'St tolls ( bItt cliii ' ' nitse'
titidei. the rtllCs llItVth bCtlm , lihiticilfltttMi
itiitl clearly ansvered ill advance , ( mis
sitiiig lmoth the stibse'riber tim ! Plhliet'
tim iteedless Cxiielise of cotreShOlltht'lleth. )
'J'lie books lllO nil iniper bouhld. As ( lie
stock is lint fresil flout the iiIlIlCl'y )
501110 lhrtiOlht4 of it. betray ( lie hiniul-
hilig It hits receI'cd , hut tiit books
which iire shighiiy ( soiled call scarcely
be staid to hiit'e lost aiy of their value
oil that account , Ever ) ' \'Oihllile is ititnet
-toliiplte. There 111113' be ill 501110 edseS
-lIlt &tliritsioit of tile such , but the egg
w'itliiit is vhioie iiiitl solIlId.
All orders 5110111(1 ( lie ittidressed to
The Ornaiii Bee , OihiahP , Neb
- _ ! II BOOK DEI'Alt''MI3Ni' .
USO Like Diana's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11S2 Seventh ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1189 Idle Taleq..J. hi. BIddoll
1150 i'rincess Sunshine..J , If. Itluluiell
hut Stisn Druinmonil..J. Ii. Itiddeli
1092 My FIrst Love and
My Last Love..j hi. Riddell
1919 Arden..i F. M. Robinson
2003 CourtIng of Mary Stnlth.F'V. . Robinson
2001 Our Erring Brother..F. V. ' . RobInson
2005 Fair Maid..1" . \V. Itobitison
2007 Very Strange Family , . .5' . tV. Itebinson
2OS Keeper cf the Keys..F' . V. ' . Robinson
2gx1 Lazarus in London..1" . VT. Robinson
2010 Noblesse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Roberts
1'oir. : ' In the Shires..Slr'R. II. Roberts
Hurry hiolbrooce..Sir H. 11 , Roberts
2olNurb and Snatile..SIr R. II. ltoberts
2010 I'tI' My Secret1..C. M. Roberts
2020 TreOf Etiowletige..G. N. Robbins
20h1 Married Th.Jjtiste..Blanche. Roosevelt
203. Ocean 'rrage' . . . . . .v. Clark Russell
2033 On the Fok'sle fau1..W. Clark llussr'll
2039 Jenny Harlotve. . . . . Clark Ittissell
2012 l"iying Dutchmnn..1CIark htussell
20111 Voyage to the Cape. . . .W. ciliusselI
20i7 Golden hope. . . . . . . . . . . . Clark itus4t
2036 Out of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ituesell
2057 Jezeliel's Friends..Dora Russell
205S Fatal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itussell
2o.9 : A Bitter Birthright..lora Ittissell
2001 Lucy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hiowson
2076 Noble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saunders
2015 Picciola..J x. II. Santine
2USd Anna of Gelrstein..SIr Walter Scott
2OSS Count Robert of Paris. .Sir Walter Scott
2090 I3lack . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Scott
Chronicles of the Ca-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Scott
2015 Fortunes of Nigel..Sir Walter Scott
2090 Quentin Durward..Sir Walter Scott
2097 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Scott
2098 St. htonan' Well..Ic Waiter Scott
2101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Walter Scott
2150 Legend of Montrose. . . .Str Walter Scott
2116 Name and Fame..Adeliiie Sergeant
2117 Esther Dennison..Auleline Sergeant
2118 Ficetwootl's End..Adeline Sergeant
2110 A True Friend..Adeline Sergeant
2121 Luclc of the House..Adeline Sergeant
2124 Life's Sentence . . . . . . . . .Adeline Sergeant
2128 Beyond the Sunrise. . . .Adellne Sergeant
2110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Serao
2133 Countess Eve..J , II. Shorthouse
2138 Sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' i. . . 131mw
2139 TIm County ; or , A.
Story Social Life..Flora L. Shaw
2142 I'aradise Almost . Lost..D. B. 51mw
2114 Boulderstone..William SIme
2150 Tales of Today..George Ii. Sims
l ! Dramas , of . . . . . . . . . . . B. Sims
: nuz r.lisatng Husband..George Ii. Sims
rinG Vasconseluw.rA. ; ; .Wtlllam C. Simma
2157 RIchard Hurdis..William G. SImms
2158 Southward 110..William C. Simms
2159 hieauchanip..William , C. Simms
2160 Charlemont..WIlliam G. Sinuns
2101 MellIchamp . . . . . . . . . . .WillIam C. Slmnis
2162 Wlgivam and Cabin. .William C. Slmms
2133 * PartIsan..William 0. Simms
11tH Woodcraft. . . . . William G. Sums
2165 Guy Rivers . ; . . . . . . . . Williant 0. Simma
21G0 Border Beagles..William a. Slmms
2167 Confession..William C. Stinnis
2108 Foragers..William G. Simnis
2169 Yeniassee.\Villintn G. Simms
2171 Blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2172 CourtshIp in 1720 and
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2173 ] reezio . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2174 BiacIc . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2175 Bad to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2176 Cleverly . . . . . . . . Smart
2178 Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
21S2 Lightly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Smart
2182 Long Odds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hawley Smart
2186 Struclc ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smart
2187 Pride of the Paddocic . , . , , hawley Smart
215S False . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Smart
2191 Lewis Arundel..Franlc B. Smedley
2103 Selma..i. Gregory Smith
2197 False Lover's . . . . . . . . . . .Smuth
2198 New Arabian NIghts. . . .11. L. Stevenson
2199 Merry Men..H . , L. Stevenson
2200 Kidnapped..B. L. Stevenson
2201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. Stevenson
2202 Slhverado Squatters..H. L. Stevenson
22411 PrInce Otto . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B. i. Stevenson
2204 Misadventurefi of John L. Stevenson
220i Until tile ] ) ay Breaks. . . , EmIIy Spender
2200 For HimseIf Alone..T. W. Speight
2207 Barren 'I'itle. . . . . . . . . . . . . 'p. y , fipeiglit
2208 SandycroftIiIyuitey..T. W. Speight
2209 Jessie DoAafj'- , . . .Charlotte M. Stanley
22i0 Golden Mnsk. . . . . , .Clmnrlotte I. ! . Stanley
2211 Accord and IiscordCiuarlotte N. Stanley
2212' FortunoCjiarlotto M. Stanley
2211 Deathbed Marriage.Charlotte . H , Stanley
2214 Quisiana..F. Spielhagen
2221 Amber Gods.1 , . . . . . .harriet I' . Srofrord
2222 Azai-lon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , Harriet P. Spofforl
222J Janus..E. I. Stevenson
2228 Eu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stank
2225 Daughters of the Gods..Jatmo Stanley
2EU Mortal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Strali
2233 Comedy of a Country -
try . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ilturges
2234 \Vnndering..Julian Sturges
22h ; John ltIailment..luliun ( Sturges
223(1 ( jiede' Charity..liesba Stretton
22h7 In h'rison antI Qti..hlesba Stretton
2210 Vicorntes BrImie . , . . , , , . . , , . Esme 8tusrt
2211 ICestei of Greystone..Esme htuart
22U Kiigrooin . , . , , . . , . . . , . , , . . . , John A. Stuart
2217 CIty of Rarras..Ashworth Taylor
2218 Venus Doves..Ashworth Taylor
22..O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Temple
2251 Sydney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
22P In h-Icr Earliest Youth..asma
2257 Uncle Piper of I'ipez'a lull , , . . , . ' 1 asnm
P2201 Macon Moore. the
Southern Ietcctive..Tutleon H , Taylor
72 ( ' .v' . . . W .t I'h't.rctv
2279 Itoso and the fling , , . .W. itt , 'I'hnclceray
22k1 Yellowplusli i'liieXS.W. N. 'I'hackcray
255 Parts Sketch.IIook.'tV , Id , Thuckeray
22S5 Catherine..W. itt. 'rhaclceray
2210 ChrIstmas Books..W. lu , 'riiaciccruy
2292 Sketches nut Travels
In London..W , lii , Tiuickeray
23 Novels by Eminent
i1mimul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'I. ' . ' . hIt. Tliaclceray
22l Men's Wives..V. N. ¶ t'hackeray
220r , Chnracter Sketches. . .W. N. 'I'iiucheray
rr.J9 Polikoucha..Count I.yot ' .t'ulstol
2310 Fruits of Enlighten-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lvof Toistol
2305 Tempest Tossed (2 ( vols. ) . . , .T hen Tilton
2300 Calleul to Account . , , , . . . , Annie 'Fhommis
2307 No Medium , , . ; . , . . . . , , , . . . tonic 'l'homas
rIog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'homnas
2305 11011 of I lotmar. o . . . . . . . . . . . Antiio 't'homns
iio That OilIer Woijlahl..Annie 'I'Iiotnas
rmli : love of it Lady , . , . . , , . , . Annie 'l'homns
'J112 The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Thomas
2313 Sloane Squuie Scamuulal.Aiinie Thomas
2114 Le hieau Sabicur..Annie 'J'hiomas
21113 Love's a 'I'yrant..Annie 'l'homas
2318 Elizabeth's Torure ( , , , . , llt'rthia Thornes
2319 1'atnous or Infamous..liertha 'i'homas
2321 house on the Sear , , , . . . Bertha 'i'hiomnas
2327 Old Maim's Love..Atitliolly 'I'roilope
2137 Mr. Iicaiboroughs
Family..A . . . . . . Anthony 'i'iohiope
2330 RussIan l1rltlCess , . . . , . . 'l'i acy 'rurnerelit
2I1I Moonshine..Fred Allison 'fupper
2167 MltcimclIhiurst i'lnceb.luiargaret Valey
2.361 Ieun' Daughiter.Sophiia F. F. VeItcti
2371 Scum..i . . . . . . . . ' ' I'aldez
i572 Magnetic Man..B. Ft. Van 7.ite
B73 Like . . . , , , . . . . . . . . ) Vane
2.114 As Avon Flows. . . . . .lftnry Scott Vince
2317 In Change UnhiUflgecl , . , .I.liida VIIlarl
2318 h'omnlret MIter/t. 1) . Vinton
217) Vhhimelm Iutefueter's
Travels. . . . . . . . . ' , J. W. von Goethe
23S0 Wilhelm Mister's .
Apprentietehip (2 vos.I ( , W.vcun Goethe
lath thcheherezd'te. . . . , , . . , . . ilnremm \Vartlen
2311 'agsant's iVie.FloriticeVardezi
2355 Dotis' Fortune. . . . . . . . . Florence 'sVarden
.u8a At time Vi'orid' Mercy.Flortmnee Warden
? htl Highest Iteferehiees..lrIoreIIce W'arden
218t City and Suburbaii..Vlorence Sarden
1319 Nurse lCevell'ms NIs.
tithe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Florence Warden
2390 Deblee , or time Iruti
! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vurdexi
2392 Pretty Miss $ niHh.FIorence Warden
2392 Fog Princess..Florence Vardan
:194 I'rjace of Harknee * , , . .FloreliceVarden
. . Wihib af lhb huilli..Florencs 'dttrlon. '
Anticipating the ] tigh ? "
of ( lie Subscriber to l'nrtlclpa
SUNDAYMi-cht 31 ,
( . iNE CEI1TIPIC'ATE , vith I ( '
' -.5 cents to cover lOstngo , mailing itt
clerical eximenses , entitles SilO CLIbSCt'u
her to one volttino ( pulper rover ) , Mi
iCCtCi fioln ( lie hiririted catnlugue C
the Omunlin. lice Pree-lioolc Dtstribi
tioll , Send coin ; Rio stninls. ) ADDItEi *
Lsilllslior The Oiiiuhin flee ,
Oninhia , Nob.
zmsi ; Woman's Fnce..Florence Wa
lIlt ? St. Cuthhert's Tower.Fioremico Wat
2391 'i'lloseVcsterton Uirls.lGurencoVaz'
2100 l'aullnc..l. II. Vah
2101 Stlffimeckeil ( heneration.,14 , Ii.Vali
2102 l'iticlm of ExIerIcmucc..L. Il. Wall '
2103 Mere Child..i. Ii.Valf
210 $ hiclc , Ii.Vmtl'
2105 Cousinq..I. . hiVale
2103 hiitvoe of a Smile..L. Ii.Vai
2407 Sage of Sixteen..b. ii. \ -
2409 11cr Great Idea..I. , II.
2111 1'mlischilef of Monica (2
. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B.
2i12 Mr. 3mutim..L. ii. wing
2120 Miss iirethierton..M. hllmniplire what
2121 Robert Eisnitre..Mrs. hiuiiiplmreU.
IIB itleichant ClerIc..Sumnuel
2132 Littlu Itatliemil..3 , hI , P. ods :
2135 lregs mtiitl Froth..A. .
hId Mr. Fortt'scup..William
2 lIT I Ill adl misiclmi . . . . . . . . . . \ II in in - . . . - .
2138 Strange . . . . . . . . . . \ '
2130 Phmantoni . . . . . . . . . . . \ '
2141 In Two Moods.\VIillnni
2112 Queer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ lurha ,
2145 Mattem of Skill..Beatrice a y.
2110 Awakening of Mary
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
her . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ) .
"its 1'rf" Dane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1I9 . _ . . } . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2150 Ilenutiful . ' , _ . . S.
2117 In Luck'5 Way. . . . . ( 13take '
21is ; Dinna Forget..John lttimff ,
2154 Regimental Lcgenth. . . . .John S.
2i6G Iii Quarters with the
11th Bi1c horse
- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.
2163 Good-By. . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . John S.
2W. ) Sophie CarmIne..John S.
2170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S. C
2172 Little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.
2475 Lumley the Painter..Jot111 S. vt.
2491 Elwin Ilrotherloft. .Theoilore Winthi
2492 i.ife in the Opemi Air.ThcodnreVintfti. .
2197 10,000 Pounds.'r. Fl. William
211(9 ( Young . . . . . . . . . . . . Winterto
25)1 ) lIl-Itegulated Mind. , . .Katimu'riaoVyldt
2502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WylfIc
250 ; Lady . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 ory Wood
2501 house of Iluihiwell. , , .Mrs. hI'nry SVob
2517 Englishman of time
Rue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Henry Wood'
2518 Village Trngedy..Murgarct L. Wooc'
2.22 Night of the 'Ihird..H. P. Wo&
2523 Little . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \Vo
2521 'rwo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' WooS
1525 Her Son's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woo
2$2a I'oor ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Woo.
2i27 ; On tile Quicksands..htmel W0Q
2528 Armourer's Appren-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Yon' _ _
21 Chantey house..Charlotte N ,
2ra1 ; I.ovn and Life. . . . .hnrlottn r
2037 My Young Alcides. .Clutriotto At. Yo
2510 Two Sides of the .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . it ! . Yon
2513 Modern TelemachuSCharlotte M. Yon
2548 Nan of the World..Edmund gr
2551) Luck in Iisgtiise.\\mn. . J. Yextei . . .
2-dc : Actor's'nrt. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.53 : Addle's Husband. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2i56 Anna Cray. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , tt.
BIS Bitter Reckoning.- . , . , ,
2i5 ! Bess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2E6Crime of Christmas :4
Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , '
2581 Curse of Mitre : 'e -
Suuare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2MG Fatal Dower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2591 For Ills Brother's . .
SuIte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
29GGuelda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2'm lie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2005 1 lidden Sin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , ,
2611 hand-Shadows . on the
Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
IillIt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: Elti Jessie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
24fl7 Judith ) % Vynne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2620 KIng Solomon's Treas-
urea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2(22 Leonle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ,
2620 Little Golden. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2i2S ( ] ttis Bayles Romance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
: srii ? .lilihonahie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2t119 Mn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,1 ,
2641 Nat FoBter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
20io : I'l. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mu Princess of the Moor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2A2 Pauline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2668 Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2U1 'rwenty Novelettes..I
2(378 ( W'edded Hanls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
26i6yesterday _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Essays and Mlncellailies.
Gil Latter Day Pmtmph. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl'
& 18 Chmrtiem..Thomas Car '
5n : Signs of the Times . . , . , 'J' . homnas Car
5:5 : German Literature..homna Car
iBI Corn-l.uw Ithmymea.'I'imumas Carl
73) Centennial Oratioa.Chauncey M , Dci
714 Donnelliana..ignatium Donn
1000 Criticism of Robert
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Id , Glade
1172 Freedom in Science
( ( flu ! 'reaching..Ernest Hae .
1176 Satire ama ! Satirist..liunus hlnflf
12(8 'L'echnical Education. , , Tiiou. if. flu
12S1 Halt Century of Sd.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. flu
1290 Social Diseases and
Worse Itemedies. . , . 'jhomas IT. hiUj
1316 Abhmttsrord amid New-
Htead Abbey , , . . , . , , . . Wmmnhmington Irt
1317 Crayon l'umIuers..Waslminuton Irsi ,
1392 Modern Science nut
'uioilex-n Thought..S. La
1191 i'rohIemul , of the Fit.
tuie (3 ( ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lair
140' ) 'flie Iliac of Uluiver-
cities. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . Ii. H. Laurie , LL.
1475 Pleasures of Life (2 ( ii (
. ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Lubbo
1721 hahn : V'imat Can It
'J'euch ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Muluj
1701 Mental Suggestion (4 (
, , . ) ) . J. Oahiorowite
2274 Ciitleitl Iti'ivs.\V , itt , ' ( 'hack ra
22S0 riunhmiulabout I'npers. .W. .1.1 , Thackera
2123 ilmmgiimth ; I'tust and
' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Fr r.cj'
2J25 Scientillc Iioplilsme.S , 'mvmiifltvrfghit , L
25t5 Evolution in History ,
Language and Science. . . . .
1:19 : The Morphine . . . . . . . . . . ) B , fla1
: A ( ) Selentille Methods of
Capital I'uhliiulimejlt.J. Mount fllgy '
2&9 'ran IBtys in a Maul house. , . .Nelhie By I
( u'J I'iraies' Imuimmnd..harry Coilingwoo I
752 WInter l'icaic . , . . . . , , Iickensotm & DPWI
( di FashIon in Deform.
) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ . hfemuty Flow.
I'll ' Fiorenc Fables , , . , , . . . . . W. .3. Florenog
hh In God's Couniry. , , . , , , . . . , . , . . , B , Higba1
3212 Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . II , Juu
1111 Mtmmk of Cain..Mrs. Andrew Ln
11CM Mudern Magician . . , . , . . . . . . , J. F , Mahlo
1002 Twin Soul. . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . Chmark mm Mucrk
1501 OblIvion..N. C Medulla
UlI l'hysiognoimiy and Ex-
pmessiomi (2 ( vole.I' ) . Mnntegag&.ja
It3 'ruiIl , of time Barrow . . . . , James Moone
1724 Iiundboolc for time Kitchen.
1110 From the Otimei Iil4 , , . . . . . . , . , , .Natlsy
l83 llmmimeology . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .I'ar
2l(7 ( Feticlmismn . , , . . , . . . , . , . , , . , . , . Fritz . 3ehule
2137 ChIldren of TomnoerowWlfllatn Slier
2113 i'tme New Republic . , , . . . . . , , . . . Sheilimaus
2112 A Hummer in Skye. . . . . . . . . . A. Snilti
2220 iur , Feathers and Fuzz.Jmuiii . . . V. ' . Steel
22643'ltai Question , . . . . . , . . . . 'l'eiierishicafs
3J : Industrial Itevulution
(2 ( vols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Foynbo.
: its Pictur of Dorian Gray. . . , , .Ozcar Wilth
lit ) Soul ot Man hlemder
Socialisat. . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . Osar Wilde
' ' ' . F. Whnat.e
2198 TwIlight Chub 'i'raeteC'hmas. .
hS Chelsea householder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2M Common 2.tan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : Englishman in iaris (2 ( vols.5. . ,
2r.lI In ( be Olden TIme. . . . . . . . . . .
1623 Labt flays /tpswlclm. . , , . . , . . . , . . , . . . . , , , 1
I MZT Little Joker. . . . . , e , , , ' . . . . . , ' '
I 2GB One hundred i'rfzo Dinimere . . , , , , , , , . , .
rt $ I'rizO Recipes , . . . .
IuZl 13rugie ( for Itigimi. . . , . . .
? tO Storyo . * in Error. , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . .