Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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-y. . , - ' .
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2 . . - : " '
. 2 'l'lIE ' OMAhA DAILY tUJUJIi1 : SUNDAY , : ! \AROn 31 , 18Hi. !
t Spring Medicine
. .
: Now Is the Time for Attention to
Your Physical Condition.
- Orin Future You Must Pay the
; Sllrlll 1M clllllhntlcnlly ) tile enOIl ! !
wllell n geol blood puiifylng ! tnelilchw
J . Bholllli ( he tltkCfl.'h3 "i
. It'll's I , tlw lIeeli ( or such II lIIetllcllle II I !
more IIUlIoI'IIUve , nt tlh4 ) HOIISOII limn ( lit
f nil ) ' olhl'I' 1)urlng the whiter tug
1110011 hecomeH lIulllell ) with 111111\1rltles \
111111 io1beiI or Ihl vltllllly , ' 1'Iigg lIu.
1I1\rltlcs mllst he OXIIOllolt 11I111 n hew
, vttnlty ( gh'cn If gOut I henlth Is to he
expected ( ! throllghllllt the comlllg HellHOII ,
eL'I1JI1 the system 1M 1II00'U IIIIHCOIIII. !
hlu 10 the hellullt 10 he ) Itel'l\'oli ( from n '
good ) lIIelllcillc ( nt tiltS time tlulII nt nllY I
other It I Is n tl1uu whell the hOlty ( Is I
- 111 n Itohllitntcli cOllllltioll heellllsu ) ( or
IInlllll'O I ) nllil IlIIpo\'crlflhecl I ) ) ( hlomt , 111111 (
every f.lllelloll will ( 1IIIIcl'I : l'ellllOlllt [ ) 10
: the toltig ! 1111 urrecls or n good blood
11lll'IIICI' ,
'heHu statements nro 1111\111 II lilt slm.
, llle CUCIR flint l11'U "el'llIcll ( III time ex.
Ilel'lellce or 1IIIII0st ' ' ' 1\1111 the ( '
every OliO \ hey
rellllll ' be thhIdeVHtOO(1.r111g
CUll readily ( 'l'lm next
hhlOrlnnt fact 18 that the greutl'st
y 1110011 ) Il\1rlllor 18 IIOOlt'1I ) ( 1\1'Hllllllrll1n :
. 'J'hlll IIICllIelllC hits WOII Its W'1t3' tn time
- CI'Ollt hy Its ncllllli IIIcrlt It hns nc
? comllllshell 11101'0 genllille 11I111 IHB'1II11'
helL cllrc8 thllll tuiy othm' ( I1"OIIaI'UtlOII
- that hllll e\'er IJCI'II I1I'OI111ce11 hlIIelll. , ( .
. : clmll Hclellcu. 'J'hu'hhmcu ( ( or t helle
cures line been I1lucell ) before thu lIl1hlle
year nfwl' year , 111111 It I IIhllollllely 1111'
; 4 1IIIIICllchllhlu II nil l11\alllll'oachnhlc \ : ) ) , 'l'here
111'0 tllOuslIlHlH oC IleolllIJ nil over the
couuitry Cfljo3ihhg IleI'fl'ct ) health who
* would Rtlll bl HUlrm'lng had It uut.
: been for 1I0ud's 81u'Sallll1'IIIn : ) : Other
rs rolUl'llIml have bocit tried , but only
: Homl'a ( Sm'Hllpnrlll1l cured
k It lOCH nil that 18 clnlnll'll for It It
: really d01'1I effect limo lUost remarkable ,
. ; cures or Scrofula , Snit lthculU , D\'Hlwll' [
sin IUIII IUIIUY other 1IISClIiIS , and : o\'e1'- I
come : 1.'hnt 'It'ell 1ce1htig.Vhien you
huy your IIllI'lulIUlJlllcllle gut the bl'Ht
; , 'Inlllt ! ! UIIOIl ) hhu'lng ! Hooll's Snrsallll' :
villa , because
Such n lestlmonlnl , ns wu give herewith .
: with few mClllclncs can IlI'ollllce It
: Is only one or mnny possessed by
Hooll'lI : Snl'lIalHu'lII1l : : and proves the
merit of this mClllclno
. HIJllnhle ) , honest , Industrious , Is whnt
; nil say of Mr Beullett lIe hns IIcen
engaged / liS It glllo\ \ litter In Boslou for
m : years with 'l'urbell , 111 'lIshlllA'tou
street , IIIlll : i ul eIhmiiiey , 'nllhlntull \ : !
Street , ollllollito ) ) Boylslou ,
: "c l. Houd & Co" , LowellInss. , :
l "Gentlemen-l lUll dullIA' ollly rhat Is
f just wht'u I tell volulIll11'lIy whllt I
f : I1oocl'H 8nrSalllI'llhl has 110ne for mo I
. ' > - know It I
1 _ E3I _ _
% -p
ii : . .
. . .
\j : ? 0 odJ
' .
' , . .
1'41' Thomn. ! ! Donnett.
Saved My Life.
"A year IIgo last wlnlel' , after cx-
\losm'e to stol'ms , I caught a severe
cold , after which chronic ceZlllIa ! Ul1'
lleu'ell on the calf or lilY left leg amt :
HIlI'cud all O\'N' my lower 11mb fmm
knee to IInllo : , and thc Itching ! and lJUl'll-
log WIIS somcthlng awful. Added to
thIs WIIII : Ii severe ! ilaill , seemingly III
the honc ) At last It bl'cl1l1e so that I
had to give ull ) worl : ntlll was unnlJle
I to wull : I hall to have 1)13' ) leg humid-
ugell nil the tlme Hill CI'clluont changcl'
I oC the cloths For nine months 1 sat
. . - .
with my leg reslng In a chtll"
Oh , It Was Dreadful !
1'J'leuds , said I could not live long In
all I have had seven dllTcrlll ! Ilh'sl-
elnus. all to 110 IJlll110S0 WhlltC\"C1' I i :
Imow the merit or Uood's Sm'sllIHu'l\a ) \ ! ,
us 1 hlld some \'I'l1'S : hcforu taken It I
with bellollt , and dechlell to try It fOl'
my Ulllllu'cutly ) hopeltJss cuso In two (
01' three days after I begitii my appetite -
tite was better \ and uiy courage : 1'0-
vh'el1. 1'0 maIm : n IOllg story short ,
the eruption entirely I1Isapllem'ed hum
the ( flesh on m\ : leg resumed 1101'CceU '
I hood's .Sarsaparilla ;
I ' . Is the Only
True Blood Purifier1 , '
Prominently _ _ _ _ in the Public Eye Today. Be Sure to Get Hood's.
i _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ :
that name In the city. J. Humpal Is ! an-
other of the signers , This man Is alive ,
though ho has lived In South Omaha for
years D , Ostal Is credited with attaching
his name to the Covell-Churchlll-Durr lIeU- ,
tlon. Oslnl r"sldes In Omaha , but for months ,
. he has been an Invalid In St , Joseph's has- ;
punt , al1l1 what Is more , he declares that a
petition was never presented for his signature -
ture ,
_ : John V , Vacek , 1:213 : : South Thirteenth ; :
. Frank Swaboda , 13:4 : : SOllth Thirteenth ; Joe i
NejeplnsllY and Nor Stehno 1301 South Six-
, ' teenth street , tell how their names were se-
. cured to the pelillon Tilts man IIromadlO ,
so they allege In an affidavit visited them I
aud Informw them that ho had a pcllllon
. asking ! the mayor to name him as a plumb-
lag InspectrJr To help the man out they nil
; signed These men , like all of the others ,
, aver that they arc opposed to the bill , behaving -
; . having that It wOllld be detrimental to the '
, interests of the city as well as corrupting
municipal affairs and disrupting tIm lIre and
police departments ,
Since this exposure has been made pUblic
statements are coming In from other portions -
tions of the city indicating thai the BalUO
line of tactics was pursued , and tim peUt
, tlons wllh forged names IInll the namcs of
I persons who hover er.hted have been sent to
. .Jhe , governor by the members of this gang
which Is trying to induce him to IIlen the bill ,
O\N 110 JIT1'LJ' : AlOltE.
Life 01 the ro hlntnro Too ! Short to Admit
4 or llleh "YIIltklnr : )
LINCOLN , March 30-Speclal-Wlth ( )
I' , , but one more 'week ahead of It the Twenty-
, fourth session of the Nebraska legislature Is
In posltlcn \ to make prelly accurate eU-
' mnte of the nlllount of work It will be able
to nccompllRh In reality , tlll're lire but lIve
worldng days left , as both 'anuses III\\'e
rd ? . altl'Ccd 10 adjourn sIno ills next Friday lit
- noon TIlesn live days ) vlll scarce suIDco to
' , finish the necessary - work upon the appro.
c prilltlon bills , None cf these bills have
4 Ilused ) , the senate , 'fhe appropriation
bill has been agreeel to III commlttEo of the
c whole , and a large number of amendments
adoptell Time bill has not yet , however , been
- IIDlillcd , by the lIenllte It will hardly rellllire
I on hour's lime to paS Ihe bill It could
cathy have been palliell ) l1lrell .lnYIi ago , 1111
It was agreed to early In thl' ( weelc hut the
men , who lire secretly m3nlpulnlllll the senate
. for their own anus are not yet really to send
the bill with its amelllhnenls lJ.\cle to time
. , bouso ) , The ceneral IIPllrollrlllllon tllll Is i still
. r In the hands of limo .enata cOllllllllleo on
. finance , ways and lIIenllS , nail , althauga the
melllbera forced 1111 nllJoarnmellt at lIoon to-
day In order that. they mlnht work UlltII dark
I tonight timers was not a qucrum of that
I : COUlUlll1eo presellt after diomer ulIII tIme
t L- . whole afternoon has eonseilthcnly l been lost
y The claims committee has IIf'11n ) In sslon
l , aU . aftfrnoon It Is probably the hudellt
. . worked ronllllllteB III lImo a.ellllte , cud 110
.i. . commUteD seeliti to ( bQ imiabing a mora honest
endeavor 10 do exact justice to all parties 111-
: tercsted It has over fSJLlOU ( In claims tl
m : adjudicate' , some of them fur .mal alUlnts ,
, others runninG Into the tlolsands of .101arl )
- To sit thuo claims to examine minutely
: the thousands of items , to listen to the ar-
\ g1Jtul and plcdlnK of time rial/nlllt. / , to
f seals down claims apparently too hlgb , I n
. I herculean ta.k And tim members or the com-
- huute4 nhttet lieu Ilredr . beginning toer a
hU111 lole.
, flute tbl illroprl lon bills ore not time only
c ones that will dellnd the attention ot the m
senate mhcxt. weak There are other interests I
, U t , Whether Important to the people or the m
' stile or not , must b ! given Borne attention ,
. , 'fko tst thing that will oUenlon alen-
tl londay afternoon la the Onlaha 'lr8
- snmi PoleD conlnlllon bill , This bill WS
delivered to theerner last .
delvre \erner Illt TueadY .ner-
5 Jln at 2:5 : o'coek , tInder the law the cho ;
. f.U1 11Ut return the bi 10 ( the lells
' Jature by 2:10 : o'clo3e Mcoda ailceneon. wilt
, at without his approval ell\ , ) will hecolo wih
Jaw. There f a "Idepreal belief among
tl members of both houses thaI Oovornor :
llmb still vto Ue bill. In iuch an event
. , h. wl h'aulmlt hid veto message tl lho
0 ha\IQ Monday Itnaool befan , 3 m-'cloclm ,
' ) Naturly lbs Irlonds ut the bill will under-
I ' & t pil the hilt oYr the "elo Unlesi I j
. , ' .
, -
- :
hero ( are present Monday afernocn sixty
republcans who wIll vote to pas the bill , the
veto of the governor to the contrary not-
wihstnding , there Is almost certain to b
a call of the house that will force a deadlock
cf uncertain duration , The same ttming may
hoppen In time senate , although the prob-
llty Is not so great , ns there Is more cer-
return t ainty , that the republican members wilt all
Another measure that will force itself upon
imo senate Is the bill to annul the Dorgan
lese l of the penitentiary and to place that
Instuton i directly under the control of the
Doord of Publc Lands and Duldlngs , This
b ill was passed by the thcuee yesterday , and
the t Interests behind It are formidable enough
10 t force Its fInal disposition upon the senate
T imo house reduced the amount likely to be
paid to Dorgan fr01 $50,000 to $36,00 , and It
gave the governor a voice In naming the
board of appralserl ,
There Is still another bill that must fights
U s way through te senate This bi provides -
vides for the creation of I new state institu.
lol In the shape of II branch Soldiers' , bore
at Mlord , Thl bill as It passed the house
provldls that the stale shall have the free '
use for a Soldiers' home of the Milford sanl- I
tarlum l for two years At the expiration of
two years the state 'Ias the option of buying :
the building or leasing It for ten years at' '
$ 801) per annum Time bill further provides
hat the Doarll of Pubtc Lands and l3uiidlngs
IIhal "with the consent of the governor"
( whatever that may mean ) , appoint a com-
maniant at n salary of $900 per year The !
dilies oC adjutant antI qmmartcrmater are to
1m i performed without expense to the state
'rho 6um ot $8,000 Is appropriated to carry
imo law into elcct , crry
The senate wi not pass the bill wlt110ut
somethln cr 1 contest The senate commi-
tl'O on Sllfr' home presented I majority
and a minority rcporl , tim later recommendI
Ing t that time lull be placed on gener3l file amid I
the former that It bo Indefnitely postponell
Aflr nearly an hour's debate the minoriy I
report was adopted by II vote cf 17 10 9. The
bUt Is adroItly drawn , for apparently It , only
Provides for a Soldiers' home for two ) 'ean ,
It will be ono oC time slranrelt timings In the
history nf the elate If the next legislature Is
not called upen to purchase time 11ICord sani-
tarIum outright and for an appropriation to
maIntaIn n large staff of employes , etc.
Incidentally I may be remarlell ! that up to
anti Including 1Inrch 20 the senate his pall ,
to its employes alone ft7:18O : : , as against
" lG.9l3,8I paid 10 the 'enale employes for the
ful slly.el,1 days two years sgo The
senate wi have to malntln Its employee
for fourteen days longer Two years ago
nearly every employl was paid on an elght- :
hour bull antI most of them drew double I
P3) ' , Up to and Inchllng March 10 the i
house hu paid $10,701 , lS against $10,621 1
palll for the whole ' . :
Ilxt"lllt days two
years ago. 'fhe house '
. Ig0 hOlle t'lllloye : have stl : :
twent.Cour rays inure , hut many "f tl"l
are being discharged daily.
- - -
IIIA .111"1 ! Iy time HI\'Irlor , ,
INCOLN , March 2O-Specimmtfloyerno ( )
Holomb today signed the following cnsUI-
tlonal ImenI1Ien : Senate le ' , No : , rl-
alive to the merging cf . governmtnts : of I
clUes of the metropolitan : clal and thu
counties hHeln tlmey arc located ; 2S8 , pre-
.crblng ! the manner In whIch votes IlilF'be i
cast for ( ho amendments 2T13.
c,1t tlo ; ( relJllg tu the (
Judicial 1\\'er ; 215 nlalng 10 trial by jury ; :
23 , relating to cOlptluton of the "fkers of r
tbe cxeculvlnlpputnunt. :19 , relating tl the
number tf judges af the supreme curt sin I
their term oC oflire . , .
o I ! 21 providing fr Ihe
11\5tmen or the llnnnneut ellucJlon11 fun1 I
DC the state 2S9 , relative ,
Uo ; : to dOlaltul tD
work of internal Illlrovemeut mmmuj ; nanulac -
an 'nanufac-
tortes. The executIve ale signed ionate film C
No 12. p . Joint ruolulon a1tmorllalng Nt-
bruka senators and rpreseatatns In con
crus sad retuestug them to work for he
ndlnc l providing for the payment of $ Z :
per day tl veteran foder : : Imllrlcned 10 ubel I
prhonl during the war 'or every 'lay they so
served. and a pension .r 1 : per month ; 3Di .
a Joint resolution authorizing Lbs governor ot
14.brazk& t receive an receipt for money : a II
due the state from the ' "fuudlii Cf Ibl direct I
tax , and JSI , immemorIal and Joint reolulon !
requesting the Nebraska delegation to con
Errl ID support the bill to cede DUoyrl'
went had In Ike slats t the stat , . /oyrl'
- ' - -
ji i' iu , H. .
Brief Debate Betted the Claims of the
Dairymen on the Floor
Imitation Juter and Cheese Slay Uo Menuc
lectured for Halo Oat hlo of Nebrn"kR-
Many Other Measures Allproved-
Adjourned Tilt Mumidy.
LINOLN , March 30-Speclal-The ( ) only
debate of the short morning session occurred
on the Imitation butter bill drawn In accordance -
cordance with Governor Holomb's lugges-
ton when he signed the ant-oleoargarine
bill. I Is hones roll No GU , the last macas-
uro Introduced In the house. The modifications -
lions supplIed In this bill permit the 'manu-
facture of oleomargarine In the state for
exportation to outside pints , This feature
was the only objectionable point which the
governor could fInd In the original measure
which he signed
Mies ? attacked the bill on general prin-
ciples , as he said The house had passed a I
bill In the Interest of time dairymen of the '
state , but the house now proposed to over-
turn much of that good work and permit !
the manutacture of on article which would
I comC In direct competition with those
products , Miles laid he knew his remarks
would do no good , but he desired to g on
record as against the pending measure , le
asked Smih , populist , why he was now
voting for time oleomargarine Industry when
he Ilad voted agllinst every other Industry
whlcb had been before the house Smith
naked , In reply , when ho had ever voted
against a legitimate Nebraska Industry ,
'fho house passed Judd's penitentiary bill ,
hOllso cult No , G05 , but stopped on G07 , the
oilier one which provides for the ejectment
of Bill Dorgan from the penitentiary , I
may be taken up Monday , but there Is an
evident dIsposItion on the part of the sifting
commi tee , which lisa at lat degenerated
Into a steering commitee , 10 slug It to time
rear al lens ! as pssible , The one which
paueel , No GOS , provides for the appointment
of a full corps of penitentiary otlcer and :
fixes their salaries
At 10 o'clock this morning time house went :
immediately to work on bills on third read- !
Ilg and passed the following : house roll
62i3 , by Munger , providing that proceedings t '
for reversal of final judgment must be commenced - .
menced wIthin ei lx months ; house roll 535 , , ,
by Sacltman , appropriating $300 t. the re-
lef of Cyrus F. laker ; hOUKO roil 216 , rock- : ,
mln' p\lul tire insurance company bi for
cities and villages ; house ron tH2 , the bll i
drawn In accordance with the reommenda-
lion of the governor accompanying hits approval -
proval of the ant-leomargarlnI but . The
measure provides tbat 1m ialian butter and '
cheese may be manufactured for . .
eleal laT b maluf ture export out-
lido the boummdarieu. of the itate
bounllarlei lf Quite a I
number explaIned their \'aeO and there were I
several changes from Iht Toe on the orlgt.
oat olto bil 'fiI mustr passed by a vote : ' ,
of CL to IG
Other blitz pase were 10uio roll GG , by '
Durn" Df DOI.e , to provide for township or-
ganzattou ! Ind to dIvide countlu
under .
township organlutoQ Into IU-
penlwr districts . house roll 60s ,
I by Ju providing for lt appoint .
met of o cer lt the penitentay and tblog
their salaries : house roll JI by harris .
for the eelGbhl1renr ( a Slate Dear of I
EnbalJlnS ! us. roll 39 , b nCkll , de
Inh:1 cauls for ' which marriage 1 may W
dtclued void ; 10ul roil 322 . by maJ , to
\ enable omeerl ud agents pt mucpalUel lo
. . . , .
- _ - ' - - -
- - - . .
, - ' _ 'IKliUr
Ienlhy ; nm r qlce , I was soon able
to walk nvO' , ' } I 1 camimiot. tel how
nln ell m31Jlihhol'lI ) nod friends were ,
1 can tmOWllh without any 1Il1ICl9 ,
as well n ! c el. In\'e not the slightest .
est 0l'ulllh1n ' 11' Ilhlll or bUlnll , 01
html ) ' soi't otLtmuhle whatever wih lY
leg , ' .he JtUl - 1 own 10ots Hal
nllrln IRI hifpb' Ulllenlmblc-'l'hoN ,
Belllett , 111 Sycamore street , Itoshimi-
thug , Bosto } : , ! ' ,
) ; ; .lo
' 9'-
By Sevort , , ' Illness-Friends In
h "t
" ( f' , Dospalr.
Strength Roatord . and Deed Purl-
. flail , by Hood's Snronpo rl' 0 ,
W. G Skinner Is wel known In Waite-
field , \ Infs" , whN'u 1m wits her amid
hns n\'nYI 1"cll , Ie served In the
I'my ni timrouglm thc wnr , Illt for 2.
3.enIU hns hl1 IH'omlnent emi time sl'ccll
aitut about the railroad Illton , Coluluet-
imig 1 lublc ) carriage htIHimICSH. ) lie I Is
every OIU'S CI'leIl'nUlt n mln of itt-
tegrity ' Ill ! lshlesi tI'W , b'or thirty
'enrll Iw hns not Imnwn what It wits
to be sick : to luch IIn extent to reqimim-c
the scr\'lces of n 110ciol' , Hut the
collapse caml IIneXllectell ( ' , ? [ eltcal
science succeetcIl In kecllln life In
time ! ) "AI'm , but It was lort to Hood'/
Sarsmipni'illa. to ' the blood , '
SnrRlllnrln plrlfy give
vlnl ' to thc organs nli renlwcd (
health to the ' , ' '
healh whole liomly. 11'I'om n
l'ltll heart Mr. Skinner \TII' : :
" \Vakeilelml , MUSS " , March H , 1SO.
"C , I. hood & Cu" , Lowel , ? IISH : ,
"Cetttienteu-iust Inl'ch I was seized
wih rheuma tlsm t ole forenoon lty '
fltel'noon I W:18 nlmost imitable to t :
'mo\'e , 'fhe tsliiis : wOl'e PhitlclPahi3m In
1:1 IHllel\nl
amy legs hURl nrms For " StH'crnl clays
I Was Very I ! ,
and i was time Irst tme I hfl hnd n
elector for thh't ' 'enrf Illcnllou !
10intud toward the accumulation 'oC
Impurities of the Blood
nnd germs of IIRenNI' , 1 was consti .
lltctl nUl hnd no nlletlte , G1dunll '
the doctor's f'catment trought ) nhout
uu Impro\'ement 111 In tme I was alit
to get arouimd I ' the housc I was then
iimy ntenton was called to Hood's Smti-
sapnm'ihln. I - gave UII ) doeto'lng wih
the iiimysiciaii :111 bought a bottle of'
Hood's SI'Hnlrla : to see If I co111
not gain In strength fster , and get
aD nppete ,
It Helped Me
Ullll made n change all throuh umy
system , gave mo In nele ) and
} } anl
wOI'ked ' ' ' .
effectively on my 11001. ) I
have since continued fnlhful\ ' with the
mcdlclne amid am now entirely free
from /ny : rhennuiUsm nnd It time or-
gnus of the elllre system : seem to he
In good wOI'ldn order. I '
eec : IWI'-
fccUy yell , my blood has hcen lJt In
good order-ci' , , :
I Fe l'Fcrtifieci
against the cluu/es of wcather nnll tile
dully mmlghtm ( , ' ' 1 gladly. recoUlmelll1
, hood's Sm'tI\11Ia \ : I an effective !
blood mellel IIIIII cur for rlmeuimla-
tsm , hl\II ' tested Its mcrltR miitel
founll It not wmuitlmmg.-"iV. G. 1lnner
From Stloi Agent Fis1er. !
I ha"e Irowu : Il GV ' SkhlOl'
for 18 ycars ' aitd I know the slute-
mcnts nbo'elulut : to ho true Ills me-
COVQ'y Cl1''hls" severe illness last
" :
1111u Is tuly"rcmlrlmhlc : , Ilmy
friends thoulhl , i t doubtful If he would
ev0' get aroithdigaimm. Acer the crit-
heal point 11 llsrlncss , justthe vitality :
Iud the stllgth he required , to mit
him on hls'ltcett he fould In' I-ooll's
81\r8n1lrl1 , ! arid ! .todmm3' hc I is tUevehL ,
.qlln wel
lS . ' , " . " - ! A\'i IRllir , Stn ton J Agcl t
: B & 1 n H wtterit , Division , 'Wulc-
field , Iuss : ,
. Every disease has n cause . Remove
r I the causes imd the dlSa.o wi le
I clrd , Most diseases are caused br
- -
go upon public highways and
publc gradeand other-
wise Improve the same
The house then adjourned until 2 p. m.
Monday , April 1. " , . '
, Feature that I'raottcauy } 'rovec Limo DeRth
of the LIncoln t Jmrtnr 1$1.
LINCOLN March 30-Speclal-Tbo ( ) provision .
vision In the Lincoln charter which Is the
subject of so much contenton In , the senate
Is i Ole which bas been carried into I Lincoln
city politics and ' Involves the right of the city
to construct amid operate its own water , gas ,
electric light ailfi- crematory works The
ful provision Is as follows :
When n system ( water gas , lighting or
crematory works shall have been adopted ,
and the people shall have vole to borrow
money to ni , In their construction as atore-
said the mayor In(1 council mny erect ,
construct and maintain such system of
water gas lighting or crematory worlea
either within or Without the corporate 1m.
its at the cIty , and make all needful rules
and regulations concerning the use of said
, water , gas , lighting ' or cremator works ,
and to do all acls necessary for the construe-
ton , completIon , und management and con-
trol of the same , nollnconslslent with this
act , Including the taking of private prop-
erty for publIc use for the construction and
operation ot the fume , compensaton to be
ascertained and mare thereCor In the
manner provllle by law for acquiring the
right at way and depot grounds for railway
companies by the exercise of the right at
eminent domain -
Anotb section provides that where such
systems have been authorized them shall be
levied annualy upon all the taxable property -
erty of the city a' tax not to exceed 1 mill
for every $20,000 In bonds Issued , The pro-
cees of this tax , together with al Income
received by limo city from such works , shal
first be applied to the payment oe the cur-
rent expenses of lall works , and Interest on
borrowed moncy , amid bond Issued for their
constructon , and the surplus , Ir any , shall
bo used for the extension or such works or
retained as a sinking fund for the payment
of such loan or bondl at maturiy ,
At 1 o'clock time senate went Into com-
mileo oC time whole ammi ' took up the I.ln-
coin charter At noon time committee rose
aCe ha\lng considered but three or four ,
sectons , Iy adjourning until Monday the
senate practically killed the charier , as It
cannot possibly , jeiitIzed : before Tuesday
Even I It should bo passed Tuesday the
hose would hardly have the time to read It ,
hardlravo I
the first arid lectnt 'timmies , refer It to a
standIng conmmithp. , tave It reported back ,
considered In \n\ltl of the whole , the ,
amendments enrolled : dud tie bill passed ,
There were two trticImig features to time Iln-
coIn charier on.1'W3' time provision limiting :
the number oC'rounclm n 10 four , The
other was the ht 'nthorltlng the city Thet t
construct and opAtoiits own gas and elec-
trIo lghtng IllanC 'Jle , Lincoln Gas company -
pany which nt , v s a monoply In the
electric and gaa.liglifling , ' business , fought I
the charter biter : 4cjl one of its represent- : I
atvs was consiic1mohl ! ! on the floor of the t !
senate whIle Ih'r ( was under conlldera-
Lion today lie ' ITwa , a seat the I
10 ' dyfi1d 1 set on republican - ,
publican side and tLhl practical purposes ;
perlonaly direct @ ye light ! ginst time , :
charter . . , . , " . ,
Senate VedlI ' to I'ureba.e limo Traot Near '
lb. ' ' .
LINCOLN , March 30-Speciai.--Tiie ( ) senate - !
ate this forenooll sat upn C. C. Hurr'e pro
'posal to sel to the unto ISO acres of land I
at $0 per acres and the state Ihe'br r ,
saved $12,000 , to BaY nothing about the In-
teret 0 that IloUlt for the next ten years ,
The bill wu brought , up by McKesson , who , ,
'move that lie bill be engrossed for tlird I
odlng , l uhf that by consent of tle I
senate the price at the land bad been re. . ! ,
duced tram $ 4O0 to $31 : ,
Bloan moved I an amendment 10 Uc-
Kenon' motion that the bill bo recom-
mited to time committee of the whole ,
IteKuson , with 11 .nfety tblt ho could I
scarcely conceal , begged the selato not to
lIsten to th IImedmlt , lie admitted thus I I
'hi ' land wu to expensive for farllDI pur- I
poses , but , he decllr ( < the state main I
tainmud the penitentiary for two
tll th8 pnltentlarl purposes Il
_ _ .
r- - " - -
PurifvY ur Blood . 1
, "
. . l .
- tJ ? : - ; : ' . :1- ; ! W
, ' . 1\/ \ .z-
, "
. . ' ,
. :
\ ;
_ ;
:0 : 0
-s : '
. . O °
? 'LI '
. . .
- . . . . I .
. .
- ' - - ' ' -
, IJ ' \ lU , ,
impure Ilood , Purify the blood und
good health will be rcstored Hood's
I'salrla , Is time great blood lJ1'ller ,
Bet Family rledicine ,
"Hood's Sat'snpnriila has 11rlled ( my
blood strenglhened immy appetite timid
ImH hcllII ( me In mnlY other WIS ,
Om' whule Cunly Is usimig it nt pres
ent It Is the best family mellelne 1
hn\'e ' ' ' used In hife.-Miss '
\ ever lY ICc-lss Bm'-
tInt F'eimleieii . 1833 I ulon st'eet
1lokl 'n , N y
Purifies the Blood.
el hn\'e uscd Hood's Snlsalrln In
my fall ' for the last six : \"el'S : as a
x . aunuur
hlood ltmhitlQm' , and h3\'e Jc\'er hind ! iY
trouhlo with immipure hloot Hlnce ,
A I'lend nf mine hitul live '
h:11 : 1\0 0'
six sores 11 one of his IIm\J \ ! :
nnll tuclO't , without n\ll
unti hc begumi 10 take Ilood's Slolla. :
I'la , whlcb healed thcl-I.uh1 Bhsch I ,
{ , : Xelson , street , New 1luuswlck , New
The above headline at once silggestt S
Hond's Sn rsn mn nun , hlrausu Hood's :
Sarsapaijhia Is the onl\ hlood ' '
Salsalmlll : \ Ilu'llel'
llrminenly In thc public eye lolay ,
'J'he ImpO'tnnce of tII'oughly luirif' -
big thc blood ' ' .
! ; , Isocal , at this sea
: " _ . _ L. "
Hood' Sarsaparilla
Is the Best . _
. Spring Medicine :
f and True Nerve Tonic. I Makes Rich , Red Blood.
First. to prevent convicted criminals from
' running at large and second to provide
means for their reformalon , I wan to time
Inlerests I of the slate Ihat these men should
b taught habits of Industry In order that
they might be , made better elizens ,
Graham , aCer expressing himself as being
against the bill , move as an amendment to
Slonn's amendment that the bill bo indefinitely -
definitely postponed Sloan accepted the
, Sloan then proceeded to drive a few splIces
Into the coffin of the measure lIe ad-
mlte that he desired 10 kill the bi I
was not the time to authorize the purchase
of land at fancy prices lIe admitted that
$315 might possibly be a relatively low price
for the lan1 , but the senators would be
called upon to explain t their constituents
their motives In authorizing so expensive an
Investment at the present time ,
McKesson made the plea that the state
board did not have to pay $375 , I WM only
prohibited from paying more than that sum
It did not even have to buy land at al
Sloan said that McKesson's argument wax
exceedingly spe Ions , The responsibility
rested upon the smatend could not be
shifted to the shoulders of the Board of
Public Lands and DUldlngs , The passage
of the bill was equivalent to the purchase of
time land ,
Graham said that no doubt land at $400
was a snap ; but It was a snap for the man
that wanted 10' sel The state cannot afford
to buy land at $375 per acre or at any ether
price lit this tme ,
McKeby clinched the mater , He said
that alter making the most careful inquiries
hJ was satisfied In his own mind that there
was but one party tD the proposed contract
and that was the man who wanted to sell
the land , No committee had reconunendel
the purchase of the Ilnd , No slate board
had urged the n < eealy of having the land ,
No one had sho\n that any benefit would
accrue 10 either the state or to the peni-
tentary , The only one to be benefited was
the mlln who wanted to sell the land ,
The roil was called on the motion to In-
defnitely postpone time bill and the result
killed the measure Caldwel , Crane , hitchcock -
cock , Jllrles , 1lcKe.son , Smih and Wright
wore the only ones who Indlcalej by their
votes that they wanted to spend $01,600 oC
the pcopl&'a money for IS acres of land
which would be of little use . to time Itate ,
. - -
horse Uurncd to DI'nth-Total Ion About
A stable In the rear at 151 Dodge street
wag discovered to be on lIre last night at
ltO : o'clock Tie fire was noticed by Mr ,
Sweeney , a cleric at Bonnett's , and he , with L
three other men , ran to the burning stable , ,
and with un Iron bar pried the door oil anti I
liberated one of the two horses In time stable , , ,
The other horse was burned to death , 'fhe I
men succeeded In saving two waJons tram
the fre , The alarm was turned In ( coal box :
H7 The good work of the firemen kept tin I
blaze confined to the stable. Tin loss on the I
stable , owned by Windsor Iemp & Co" , Is II I
about $50. The here which was burned wua I
owned lr Standish & West , and was Value I
at $50 , '
I'reeeding this fire a short lime , two other
alarms were turned In , The fIrst was 'or
312 North Tenth street The fire was caused I
by sparks from a burning chimney No I .
damage was done , The next alarm win I I
4urned In ( real Thirteenth and Chlc o I
atreets. The fire was In time rear part of the i
two-story frame building owned by TImothy cP
Kely , 122. Chicago street. The building was
unoccupied antI the origin la nnknown. The :
damage did not Iceed $50 , and II covered I ,
by Inllurlnce , .
At 1 o'clock the fourth alarm of time night t
was turned In train box 52 The fire was tn
an outhouse In the rear at 31 North Thlr-
leenth ( street. The Iou was $25
Clrm Chase ( loss I Alone ,
MelUI Clement Chase and George Edr
Imave dissolved putltshlp , the latter retrlng
from the firm , lr , Chas will Conduct tbe '
lualnts , whIch & started smethlAg lk
ere ten of years pro.perUl. ago sad has enjeye its full mess
- - - - -
= : :
Official Answers Made to the Criticisms
of Deputy Auditor Ruan ,
Hoard Uocommond" that Rome Chalgos De
AI"do Iii time no'kl/l of Cortaln 1'001-
SherIff Calls for Ullan' " Dlscmro
-Clerk Urges lnvostlgmstlomi .
Sheriff Drexel and Clerk of the Courts
Moores both sent communications to the
Board of County Commissioners at the meetIng -
Ing l yesterday morning relative to the re-
fectons on theIr integrity and crlllcism
at the conduct of their olces recently made
by Deputy Auditor Ruan
Time sheriff , after describing Ruan ns 0 man
unfit to have the job of checking up the
books of any man who Is trying to be honest
and after calling him an adventurer , asked
for his Immediate discharge as an expert
accountant , making the demand as I citizen
and as an executive officer of the countr
AB tD the retention of fees In special ro-
celverhlp case Sheriff Drexel cited five
Instances I In whIch tees had been collected ,
the ( total amount being $ :2G , Ho reIterated
a request made a few weeks age that the
dispute over this money be referred to the
Jlldges j of the distrIct court , since imo had
legal i advice that the fees were not fees
of his omce .
ofce and that he was not Iccuutable
to time cOllnty for them ,
"In your communicaton , " sal , he , "you
InCorm mite thai you have referred this mat-
ter to tIme county attorney , I am not
satisfied with the opinion of the county attorney -
torney , as my legal adviser advhel mae .IC-
torelty , oath I will again reque3t you to re-
ter this mater to the jUdges of the district
court I In their opinion time fee collected
by mo In the various cases belon/ to the :
county I will gladly tur them over "
Time sheri than went on to say that ,
though 01 account or lack of help the boolc. :
keeping In his office may not be a complete t
as desired , rot It Is thorough enough 10
record the progress of every cent paulng
through hIs office I
"Mr luan was Informe when he called
at time aberift's ofce , " lie continued , "re-
garding these fee bills , lint ( thele ) was 10 t
boole of record regarding the disposition of
such tee bills , unless such fee hills had been
satisfied and coleclt I will say that every I
tee bill placed In my hands for colpcton amid
which hall been , ,
by me collected Is duly
entered on time 'blotter tee 10011 , ' that being ! ;
the book and the only book In nlY alike Itept
for such records , 'here Is tie record kept
of such tee bills whlcl are returned and upon I
which I receive no fees until they are lInal ) .
settled ; to my but knowledge there never
has been ana kept In this 0111cc and I al
relably Intormell that there Is no much book
state of record " kept In any sheriff's olc ! In this I
le admitted that some clerical errors had I
been found In hIs uccounts , but attributed I
Ihem to the inadequacy of lila oIco con.
Veniemmcel and time lack of privacy which him I
clerks must put up with ,
IN TI CInn\ . ' ! OI'IfWF.
The finance eommltee's report upon th I
subject t nnan's stltemcnls was tmnani
moully adopted by the board , Out at r
seventy.llve docketl In the clerk's once , II I
was reported that but thirteen had } thus ta r
ben canvassed , Mr ; Iors blmalt III/nls I
that be } lldl a considerable amount ot tHa I
ready for payment on call of the proper par.
tIS , Regarding the miss ot ch.r.\ehu to I
desIGnate the amount 01 . .
money rcclved , C1-
linues the repot , this I IOt oC a serIous nature -
lure and only touches IILout filly cues : out ( t I
the books examined , and would . Ilt "c"ed lot I
In all , 10 U" committee II t'arled. 'flu I
comanmittee lisa been furnished ' with the key , ,
but recommends that Ib , Ult of lbs GIIUI b. I
son , cannot be over ( ltl1ltl'll.
lurly the vItiated blood \ Whl1e"Cr
'ou limit ! 11 Illmrlll' ! bmmrst lug through h
' ' skiii In time form or '
3'om' Rldl Ilhlllll , crop-
tlons nlli sores ,
Pm'lf ) It when you fnt 1 olstrudcll
or sluggish 11 tIle veltis. lmlrt It
whIm It Is foul. Your feelings wilt
tell yoth vlmemm ,
Keep youlilimel mire 1111 ( ooll health
wlln surely folow , Anlt rCII'mbl"
whllJ\'lr 3'om' blood leedg ( cleansing
that 1htmd' , Snrllalllll 1M time best
mmic'mhkitie to take :
1001\ I \ ' ! Ullnll'l\l ) \ ! I ! the mmhost pron-
immemit blood iiumiilvr In the '
IllIt hlonllll'lll' theorll today-
hl'l'luu It I II thn t liest I ,
I lunnt' : I'snlll'lll Is n modern mCll-
kine , orglnntetl I ) ' l'XIIl'lellc : ( ( Ilhnl-
Ilncltll : of hHln\ : , tllel' whosl em'crul
sthleI'litdIoml ) It is HUll ' ,
Nnlllt''Ilon II IlrelllI'II :
It I ii ; lm'tiiirt'ul ) h\ . taunliluintion
II tl'tlllll'l'lt h1 : comhlnnton , 110
pOlton It lId II'OCLIIM ) peclllr : to Isetf ,
IInd by which it Is . glvcn llcllnr and 's-
hilheflmiuli'd t'thm'nt lye IIOWel' ,
10lel'I I Hl'salllll:1 : : ) : : comhlnes ccon-
OI ' :1 : ltl ! II'IA'Ih. i " ! ( X ) Uosel Ont Dol-
hat- " licing orlgimial with and
11' hllg 1'1)lnnl nll true only
of I looml's 8al'ullu'ln. : oul
A Crl's ! Lifo T hrontonod-Now the
Plcturo Honlth-T h In ks to
Hoou's Snrsoplrlo ,
"Dt'nr Simem : My little ( laugiutet' , AZIII
Beatrice , when three lonth8 old , haul n
! well ou the gland ol' her neck , bu-
low the left C : , v1mie'it the doctors 10-
nuune11 ( to he scm'ofimlmm.Ve \llllo\'et :
onu or time bust Ilh 'slcanH In tl ( owls.
lie th'8t tiled to dll\.e the swelling
nvay , hut It Ialhc'el again and hud
to be laticed , This gave n Ite roller ,
but n. 10nth latm' the gathering CUIO
once lore uue ul'olH' outside nli In- ' -
sitle . Time doctor I t'cntcl her six
inomttlm , hut time SOI'l 1111 10t henl SImo
WIN fllnA In Icalh 1111(1VC ( feared
that she , oull nut 1\'e , At this tlQ
r hnlllcnel to reach n tcstmonlal In
which It WI salll that I n little elllit In
Pemins3'lvntmlmm , nlictee about the Muo
tin our little girl , hae hocn
Cured by Hood's
8arll\lllla , I thought that If It
woull I'm'c olle It wo111 cum another ,
mind WI' Ilwhulcll 10 gl'e JOOlH Snrsa-
11111 1 tl'lal I BeJm'e 01' hah ) ) ' hnc
tmkeii mill limo ilrst '
111cn 11 II'st. bottle the fOI'I ' began
10 helll tumid she gained II fcsh mutt !
slrcnglh. After she hlll : tal'en two
hotte : Idm was enlrely cured , uld .
10W Shl' Is the Illelm'u or health.-
:111 C. l. StW't Ial'cngo , 0 ,
. For Wor Out Women.
"I . have used three botes of Hood's
8\11111'11 : alil I Ins hlJlcll ) tcl me
1 gl'l'at duo I gives me st relmgtii to
do thin extm'i vork that
l'xl'a0'1. 11lt he done
m at his tme oC UH yemmi' , I hOllc moro
I I \ O'llltomen . will try hood's Smir-
Halll111 : us I hwu : done.-Irs , , T Jr
I \11lIS , , Glml1 , , lo\n _
- -
discontinued , As to any overcharges , to which -
Hlan 1 : mad reference , Mr Moores tel
the commUtee that I any exist through the
errors of his clerks , any and all such amounts
wi b refunded to Douglas county. I I.
recommended that the clerk make a complete
record of all fees In hi hands , dut the county.
'fhe county audItor II recommended 10 malts
a complete checking UJ of time dOltets , ll
Moores las' cJalnn for unpaid f2es In crIminal
cases against the county ,
cggregalng $15 , -
81GY8 , regarding some of which a dispute
exist between himself and the auditor , I Is
reconimneniled that the matorl In controversy
be rtrrellto two Cf the jumigos for tetti'nment.
Heferrlng to the shcrhtt's clIlce , I IS recem-
mended that a bock be kept ,
11at ! ok ICtt recording nil
"Execulon Pre Ui4is" handled ,
A letter was read from Mr. Moores offering
to facilitate so Car as p lilble a full inveatign- ;
lon oC 11 the facts n'lcrrell t/ by James
Huan , Regarding the issuance or fee bills ,
everyone Is noted , Mr Mores says , on the
apPranco doclcct and when returned by the
sheri entered up again with II record of all
costs , etc" , the record bilng In each case full
and complete Regarding the "charact r "
the reporl of 1r , Juan fdlg to state that oVer
all of the character the clerk bas charp eve -
himself In plain Fnglah wlh the defnie
amount for which imo nimmat answer . The chr-
' octets thenullves Indicate where the el"k
has accepted I less 'co than the law would
allow hll to exact So far ns trial f el whCh :
Mr , Huan says arc unaccounted for , the letter
states that tIme clerIc holds bull receipts Cora
a large number cf such fee , but thes hlvo
never been receipted for by the c llly , When
the county receipt , heI Ilall ) check
through the docicets anti furnish time treasurer
with his clrcl for hlaneell : due As soon as
J. J. Points checks over the books , the &on clerIc a
8'S he will at once turn eVlr the amolnts
due on Ihl ccri In re/erence / to overcharges
he hus Collowed time Htallt , 3 he understood
them and v Iii foil.w the dclsl"n If thejudg I
decree on time , 'IU'Jloll , abiding ly what they lay
A coinmnunicathon. \\8 also read ] from the
cleric treating al nuan's private history .
Cxhlblt on State I'nlr Grounas-rreolnett
UIMII.y. ' rl flu Maule ,
At I meeting oC the lauglas County Agrl-
lllural society yesterday Ifernocn the pro-
mlll list for the county fair was revised to
correspond with the state fair list ,
The county exhIbit will be on the slatE fair
grounds and durIng the slate fair , All ex-
hibiors at the state fair from 1oulu9 county
may put their displays In competition at time
county fair.
An effort will be made tn secure precinct
exhlbla , and the 631e rule wi apply to
these relative to state air entry a to the
IndIvidua exhibit , 'rime board ot managers
I\I appoInt a mimi In eacb Ilfclnct 10 super
vise time precinct display and to encourags
this f.'lure 0 , J , I'lckard , D I , Ii , Chrilly ( ,
Jame 'ahh and G , 'I'm' . Hervcy were ap
pointed a conliiteo 10 pU8h the Iluclult exhIbit -
hIbit plan , and wi report at a meeting April
G , imt2p. mum , - tlnt Apri
A lug Drop tl Hlrar.
Sean , loehuek & Co" , better known a.
time cheapest supply house .
aim eartb , I17t ,
13 und 15 West Adams street , Chieauo
ill " , era ceiling 40 pounds of the very best
granulate sugar for one dolnr , npmh other
: 01101'
groceries at proportionately low prices : thl
ship their goods 10 anyone Anywhr ; they
wilt supply you I anywhere \lhln one
Ihouland nmilee
mies of Chicago , selling granu-
fated sugar 40 pounds for HM , and e\'ery.
thing arcordlngly ' , Send no 10ney , hot cut
Ihls nolcu out and send to Sears , Itoebmick
& Co" , Chutcago . for - . full parlcula r Joebtck
Pears Allne l'roll16 a ( fnl Ore I' ,
ST , JOIlI March 3.t the meeting
ot the Iltmchmalimn ' . meetr1
Uuchatan County IorHcutural -
clely lo1ay reports were submitted shdw.
lag time PI'osjlcls for fruit. I'eacies ) -
frui I'eachel prom-
1M. 20 Iler celt oC I 'ul crop ; mmppie , G to ' '
70 per cent ; fapherrltl ) 8111 strawbetrfee ,
SOer edit ; blacimbeirismi . tt 8lrawletrre.
clnt per cent
\er lhtulberlu. i ;
iutumrns , 80 her cent and pears a lull "r"p
' Woither 'h" amnali ot fruits list Lab. ware injured 'y Ibo dtf
, - . - . . . . . . . . l"
- - : w. ; Y. ' " " "
- _ , : = " A.-
. . : . " . - . } .