Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Part III, Page 19, Image 19

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: rILE : O
- - - , lAIIA DAILY nEE : STTNflAY ; . . : , rAROII fll. , 1rc. ; . 10 j
. . -OF-
.tttLhor of "A rritoitnr of Ollltn , " Eta.
Cortrlghl , JII04 , by A nlhony ) Hope ,
- 1U TunN.
N&1 ) ' . . ! ! I.ady Lucia : , . having reach11 ! ! the
_ 4 . ; . iteps , Mood stili there . ! ! ! , her eyes ! ! ' !
1tVV V 'ke. Very fair was she ! ! , and saIl ,
rv 4eemed rather like some beautiful
, , V : ' , lal vlllion thou n. living maIden ! ! , I ,
A , r , fth Bho trove to form words with
r' , . Tyct no words ! Clm ! ! . Therefore ! , It
V ; 'her muteness that she * besought pity
ff ; J * 1'er ! ! and Ilardon for hr ! ! lovr. ! ! But the ! !
' "icjke ; , leaning yet further ! ! toward hr ! ! , had
, t'htlln ! ! but that the physician , kneeling passeJ
'II ' , arm around his body anti held hlln up ,
ar'd \ 'he said In low , hoarse tenOR , and like a
rn lII\thatls \ nmazod nnd full of awe , and yet
moveil with n glallness ( so great ! ! that lie ! !
. cnnbt believe In It :
"Who Is It ' "
\Vlio It7 Who Is It ?
4 'l\l1d the Lady Lucia still could not answer
Ilrm. And he , craning toward her , spalto to
lier In entreaty :
"Mnrgharlta , Margharltal"
. I Than , Indeed , nil mnrveled , for thin nanto
ttal the duke opoko was the name hyhlch
the princess , who had been his wire and
a1 s dead had been caIlednd : ' thy ! ! perceived
t'a his hIghness ! ! , overcome by his clcknees
1nd lot discernment ! ! and , conceived ! ! the ( I.ady
.ucln to bc not herself but the spirit of his
Uad ( love , como to hllll frolll haven ! ! , to
' ltlch delusion her whIte robs ! ! nnll her
: J uleathhlke , pallor might well Incline him.
, i nd now thc ( wonder and [ fear heft his face ,
1 I\I ( there ! ! ctlmo In plnee of them a great joy
, , anti rapture so lint ( his sunken eyes gleamed ,
4 hI lips quivered . and he ckoned with ) : hll !
- ' ,
! band murmuring : "I alii ready , I am ready
j Margharltal" And while this paned nil
/.ho / . Were too dhtnnt to hear tile duke's wont
) 1 V : \'vondorell ' that the signal came not , but sup-
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posed that the Lady LucIa bad Interceded
1 for Count AntonIo , and that hIs hlghnfSs I
I h ; was flOW answering her prayer. Some hoped
that ho would grant It , And Antonio stood
n the scaffold between the Lord Lorenzo
A md : the executIoner and his eyes were act
on Lucia.
Then the duke spoke again to Lady Lucia
! aylng :
"I have been lonely-\'cry lonoly. How
\ palo your face Is . my sweet Come to me. I
I cannot como to you , for I am very sick. "
.s : And ho llelll out hIs hand toward her agatn.
. But she Ices now very b wlldered , for she
could not umlcrsa",1 , the words whIch hIs
1 llrbncss , used to her , and she looked 'ound
4. seekIng some \ one who might tell her what
' they meant , but none moved from his place
J or came near to her : and at last she found !
"olce enough to say In soft tones : "Antonio ,
my Icltl the Count AntonIo ! "
, F " 4ve I know that you loved him , " said the :
&V i1ulte : : "nut slllce then lie has done great
, k crlnes. and lie must die. Yet speak not of
I hIm now but come Ioro to me , Marghiarlta "
Th"n with wavering stops she came toward
. . . him , mounting t'be first of the steps , and she
satd : "I know not what you would , my lord ,
I nor why you call zee by the name of Marghar-
Ua. I am Lucia , and I como to ask An-
tonla'il liftr , "
. Lucla , LucIa " said he , and his " face grow
( Joubltul. "Nil ) ' , but you are my Margharlta , "
he laltl.
"No my lord ? she answered , OB with waver.
lug , Jlllcrtain ; ! ! steps she mounted until she
teed but one step below where his coljch ; was
placed . and then she fell on her knees on the
hhllntltcp / 011I1 clasped her hands crying / :
\ 1Ia\0 Jnercy. my lord , have mercy ! Think ,
my Ilenr lord , how I love hhll. For If he
dies , 1.lI\l\st \ die also . my lord. Ah , my lord ,
) ou have known love You loved our sweet
lAdy Marguerite : waR not her name now on
, your tips Eo ; I love Antonio : 60 he loves me ,
' Ab . my lord , ChrIst Jesus teaches 111t"P'nd (
LID ) buried her face In br ! ! hands and sobbed.
' Thou the ( hike , Ii Is . Ilhysiclan , and now the
master of the housholll ! ! also supportl:1g : blrl ,
stretched blmself over the edge of hits couch .
, , anil Pllltllll out his hand with frv.rlsh
strength ! , , plllckell tbe Lady ! ! I.ucla's hands
. L Away from her face and gazed at It. And
.st when ho had gazed ! n moment , ho gays r
, . great cry , "Ah , Cod , " 1111I1 flung his dru : .
up above his head ! and fell back Into tilt :
arnll ! 0.1 his iliioIaii , whJ : lalll him dora on
bls couch , where be lay motIonless , his eyes
i shut nllli his chili resting 011 lila breast , AIIII
, all looked at the phHlclan and he answered :
"Nay. ho Is not dead yet. "
' ' "Why tarries the signal asked Antonio of
, Loronzo on the ( RcatroM
I 't ' IIIUSt bo hint tile I.ady Lucia bc-
/leccbe.s 11Im for your life II1Y lord , " anawered
Lorenzo. "Indeed , I w'lh ' thu duke would
boorhe/l to her prayer "
line will not turn for lice " BuM Anton
'I Out presel'tly the report of what hall pus d
spread from those rOlol11 the Iluke to the
, dkemen . and they loving a marvel al must
men do , must. needs tell It to the pel'lll . and !
V a Jnurmur of wond.f arose , and the report
rOlcheot the ( gllarda . . . the BcalTol ? . who cIImo
. anti told Loremo In the hearing at Antonio
of this Itrllnge delusion that had come upon
thoi duke , .
"Ue must Ie , alck to death , " laid Loreuzo .
' 1. "I pray not , " laid , Count Antonio "I or
: g thought : ho Is a stern man . yet h. . II an able
anll just prince and this Cauey of his 'I ' very
V pitiful. "
: "n" you Illare pity for him , " asked J.o-
; renal' .
V "Sholll not I IIliy ' all who have lost theIr
V lIves 1" answered Antonio with n suilk . and
1111 eye rested ! ! on the form of the Lady : ) I.ucla
knlellng by the ( duko' COuen , -
F 'or hard on' halt IIn hour the duke lay aa
tie had fallen , but lit last hla Ilb'llolan hav.
lag uaa& all hIs Iklll to rouse him , he opened (
I . t lila eyes and lie clulch hll' ph"llelln's :
IV hand IIl1d pointed to Lucia , aUtlng :
I "Wbo Is she , "
: "It II the Lady Lucia my lord , " answered '
Iha physician
"Ant there WIIS none else ? " asked V ( lie
_ l. take In a how tremulous whisper
. 1'1 114110 other my lorI , "
"Uut I saw her " .ah\ \ the duke "I sag
. * Vln I1S I saw her last . warn she lay 011
'lit ( ' IltIllind they took lbs chll4 out of her
' 4554 * F4l1i' I
V ; , "It was the weaksevs , ot "our'tlullaly : , my 1 I
, ' ; . swd , , that Jude' Ule v1sloi beCore your eyes : ' j'
"Alas , was It no moro " moaned the duke ,
"Inlleed , I am very weak : hero Is a blur
before my e'es. J cannot lea who this lady
Is that kneels before me Who is I she and
what ails her ? " And havIng ! . salil this In
fretful tones , he lay back on his lilhlow
gasplnl\ \
Then the masler of the' ( houshOld ! ! canto
forward end uhl to him :
" : 'Iy lord , thIs Is thc Lady Lucia and
she kneels before ! ! YOllr highness pra'lnfor
the lire of Count Antonio , bcaue she loves
Now the nama of Count Antonio when
spoken by him rousell the 1lIlto more than
Vail the ministrations of his physician : he
roused hImself once agaIn , cryIng : : .
" 0. AntonIo ! ' ( ' . had forgotten AntonIo.
Does ! ! ho still live ? "
"Your hIghness : has nol given the ( signal ,
for his death. " . !
"Have I not 7 Then hero- "
Ho had raised his hand , but with a great
cry the Lady Lucia sprang . forward and
seized Ills hand before' he coulll move It ,
kne3l1n'J ! ' and crying : "No , no , my lord , no ,
no , nol" Ant ) ( lie ! ! duke hall no strength to
fling ! her off . but ho gasped : Free mo Cram
herl" And the master of the household ,
terrlfiell lest ! ! In her passion she should tlo
vlolencJ to his highness : , roughly tore her
hands trom tile dulte's hand , and the duke ,
released , sat up on his couch , and he said , In
n hard , strange voice , thaI was heard of all ,
oven to the ( scaffold and yet 13lIIed ! ! ! ! not the '
volc3 that they knew as his :
"Let Anntonlo- " Dut then lie ! ! stopped , he
clicked In his throat and catching at his
shirt , tore It loose from him. "I.t ! An-
tonlohe cried agaIn , "It ! ! \ntonlo- . "
And he sat there for an Instant , anll his cs ! ! I
drew him , the intelligence ! ! \ departIng ! ! from t
them ; once again ho opened his lips , but L
nothing came from them s'dve a gasp : and I
with n thud ho Cell back on his pillows , and , ,
hnvlng rolled once on his sIde , turned again
of n hIs back and lay still. And a great hush
fell on every man In the square , and they
lookell l on one IInother's faces but found no
For ValentIne . duke and lord of Forl1loh ,
was dead of his sickness at the moment when
ho sought to send AntonIo to death. Thus
marvelously did heaven In Its ' 1lgh purpose
deal d with him.
"His highness III dead , " said the phylclan ,
and the master of the household , ns his duty
WIIS , came to the front of the duke's couch ,
nnd , standing there before all the Ileollle ,
broke the wand of his office and ! let the
hrolten fragments Call upon the marble sops
and he cried aloud :
"Hear all of youl It has pleased AlmIghty
God to take unto Himself the soul of the
noble and illustrious Prince Valentine , duke
and lord of Fornlola. May his soul find
Jlllt there came from the people no answero
Ing l cry of "Amen , " as . according to the cus-
tom of the duchy , It should have come. For
they were amazed at the manner ! ! of this
death , _ and many crossed themselves In frar ,
and women sobbed And Lorenzo , standIng
on the scaffold by Antonio . was struck with
wonder and fear and clutched Antonto's arm ,
crying , "Can It be that the duke Is dead ? "
And Antonio bowed his head , answering ,
"MIlY Christ receIve ! ! his soul ! "
Then Ito master of the household came
forward again and cried :
"Hear all of yoni ! According to the high
pleasure and the appointment of AlmIghty
God , the noble and illustrious prince , Vaien
tine , second of that name Is from this hour
duke allll ( lord of Fornlola , whom obey , serve
anti honor , all of you . May his rule be pros-
Ilerous. "
And this tIme there came n low murmur
of "Amen" from the peoplc. nut before :
more could pass bore was n sudden commotion -
motion In the square before time scaCfold.
For nona , seeing what was done , allll know-
lug that ( the ( duke was deall , had glrlllced at
thoplkemen who stood near , amid when hfJ
saw that hey looked not at hIm , hut toward
where the master of the household stood he
sprang forward and ran like a deer to lie
scafft'td : , and ho leaped UII to the scaffold
before any could hinder him and Ito cried
In u mighty howl voIce , saying :
"Illy " what warrant do you hold my lord a
prIsoner 1" ?
And tIme apprentIces raised a great cheer !
an' } with one accord Pressed upon the plko. !
men- . who , ulI1l1zed by all list had passed , I
gave : ) \'ay before them , allll the apprentices
IFOkIIV their bonds and surged like a wave
of water up to tilt ! foot of the scaffold , shout-
11mg , : - -ntonto'll name anti ( time young lord who
, belt ? Tonnnaliino came with him and broke
through and reached the scaffold , for they
feared for Lorenzo , anti yet woulll not let
T/Jmlllllsillo go , and Loronzo was sore at a
Iou. but ho drew his sword and cried that
ho wOllld slay any man that touched Antonio
Jnlll the right of lie mailer should be
' \ : ltOWfl.
'tindefd , If you wilt hut give me a sword , 1
wJII rlay him m'lIolt. " salll AntonIo "I cr J
ital1d hero by lilY own wIll and according to '
the Iroliso I gave to time duke , and If there '
II I hlll'flol I ull'Jy to hang imia , I.aug rite ;
but H lint , dispose at mime as the laws of the
duclmy bid , "
"I have no authority . " raId Loremizo "For
time duke gave 10 none , and now ho Is dead " '
Then time Count Antonio fastened hll shirt
again about his neck and hut on hIs doublet ,
and he sIgned to Iena to stand al ono aide of
bllll ; , anll hO bade the young lords to loosen
Tommaalno. And ho said to l.oron7o , "Lot ;
u. gO together tl the IJIce. " And now lie
was smelling. Then hey came down Cram : I
the scaffold nnd PF1 ! ! ' across the ( square , a
great multItude : folo'IDg ) them And whom ; I
they came to ( Ito steps of the palace the I
dukes body was covered with a rIch bro.
ceded cloth ( list some hand had brought :
from IIa : cabinet and the little duke stood
there with his band In the master of the I
bllurcbold' hand antI limo dull ! Was weeplnj
bittirly . lot lie was very frightened ; anti
oYtr against him stoo.t the l.dy I.ucla , 110'
Uonlo . , a though ile ! had been turltd t '
atone for tie strange timing that Lad conic
about through her 11)llrOacbluJ ) ) of the dulto
bAd bewildered liar brain . But when time boy
saw Antont JIO jo ! go the IIInd he ied ! and I
tau to' AntuulQ uu leaped Ilto his anna.
Then Antonio lifted hIm
the people , who haIled a It d showed him to
Antonio Bet him hliod anm t duke ; and
and kissed hIs hand. ant , knol before him
"Now that my father Is dea\tho chid crlelt : I
mlllt not journeyi. A tonlo , 'you
go on your jotirney , 1ou
stay with me. } , 'or. If I am \ bllt 70U must
learn to use my sword , 1 must
no man but you shall teach ( mo ' delay . and
"Shall I not go on my journey
ultlll Antoimlo . journey'I , lord I ? "
dU' "No . you ! hal not go , " saId , I
duke. .o. 'ho Ito
Then AntonIo turned to lie 10 ) I
stood rounll hIm and said : Jtds who
"Behold . Iy leeds , his hlghnes"
ale. " - " pardons
nut the lords doubted. And th
Antonio : tht" said t I
"Nay , but ho does not know
In partonlnc you , " what)1 ) 10 does
"Ho understQ11 as well , I thin "
Antonio , 'a hIs father unlerstod , t'l S <
w len he
sent me to death , Indeed my Ic ,
not children only who know ly not , . ros , It I
do " Ant at this speech Tommnasht thy ! !
and Bela laughed gruflly hut ) no smiled
he lord" ,
bidding Antonio rest where bo was l
returned , retired ! ! with the little dUkenlt they
palace and lent won } hastiy to . lntto It
hlhol1 that ho should Join them ithe nrch-
deliberate with them a to what It 'lelr anti ' 1
beat to do And when they were t. g I be
In Antonio sallt "us gone
"I may not move. But the Lady I
free to move. " f ! I is I
Then Tommaslno went to lie is !
spoke to her softly , toiling her that I I\IY anti !
desIred to speak with her , and Amitoinlo
Tommaslno her hand and ho led. "m gave
tonia to An.
, who stood within the portc\lor
from the sight of the people. Ant' \ screened
left alone thy ! ! Were
Dut meanwhIle lie whole t
townsmen all time apprentice Jody oC the
before the palace , and there ' hail gathered
Aimtonlo For time fear of A ne cry was for
no longer upon them an'l the 1IIIIto bclng
knowing ! whom to obe ) ' , s- the Illklen not
disordered ! . the ( licotile J. 1 lnd beimig therefore ,
l olle ' came bold anti ,
they had stormed ! ! tl fccano very ,
core : : 10 Antonio nn" e 11lace had not one
Implored him to show
hImself that the Ir ,
was safe. There , opltl might know that he '
the Lady Lucia , .Vire , ho came forward with
wlideretl nor pe' ) vho was now no more he-
wlileret (
rifled with fear nstonlsh-
mnt ! ! , but war rlfcI or -
smIlIng weeping with her eyes and '
smll ' wih" ) her lips , ant ? clingIng to An-
thus th'f' All when time PeoPle saw them I
heard , y sent UI a great : shout , that was I
' ' tIer beyond the city walls , and the ap-
a .1ced lads turned and ran In a bOd :
. toss the square niut swarmed on to ,
scaffold , Anll then anti there they plucked
down time gibbet and worked eo fiercely that
In the space of half all hour there was none
of It leCt.
And now tire archbishop wIth the lords
canto forth from time council chamber al1
the ( little duke with them Anti they cause
the ( servants to tIme
remove body of the dead
dlllte , ant thy ! ! set his son on a high seat
anti the archbishop offered ell a prayer betore
the PeoPle ! ! ; and having done this , he tured
to AntonIo and saId :
"My Lord Antonio , most anxiously have
his highness and we of his council eOlsldercll
of this matter ; all It has t'eemimed to us al-
my own , In truth , was the sale reluctnnt
voice , and now I also am brought to the same
mind-that whereas ! ! the virtuous purposes of
Ilrlncel arc meet to be remembered and
male , lereptllal by fnlhflll fulfment afler
their death . yet the errors of which they ,
being ! ! mortal , are guilty , should , not evenly
them ! ! nor be suffered to endure when ! ! they
have passed ! ! nway And though we are not
blind to your oeellses , yet we Judo ! that ti n
the beginning tbe fault was not yours. There
fore his hIghness decrees your pardon for al
orenses against his cIvi state and power
And I myself . who hold authority higher
than any earthly might , seeing In what this
day has witnessed the fInger of God himsel
do not fight against It , but will pray you , as
soon a you may fit yourself thereunto by :
prayer and meditation , to come In n humble
mInd and seek again the blessing of the
church For In what you did right , and In
what you outstepped right , God himself immtis t
one day judge and I will seek to judge 9f I I
no more. "
"My lord " saId Antonio " 1 have done
much wrong. Yet I will own no wrong In th Ca
matter of the abbot nor In That of the snore ii
bones "
But the lord archbishop smiled nt AntonIo ( m ,
and Antonio bent Vend klued the rIng that : ,
was on his finger. and the old man laid his
hand for a moment on Antonio's hed , sayIng -
lag : "It may be that God worlcl ? sometime !
In ways that I may not see. "
Thus It was that the Count AntonIo wal
restored to isis place and caIn" again to For
nlola. Having been .eleve3 of the sentence
of excommunicatIon that lied ben laid upn
him , ho was wedded In the .cathedral to the I
Lady Lucia so soon as the 'lays ' of mourning !
for the duke had passed. And great was the' '
joy j In the cIty lit their wedding , for ever
maid and ever man saw In the triumph of
Antonio's love a. sign of the favor of heave .
to t those who love with a pure and IIbldlng
passion , So they made gnat feasts and , '
were marvelously merry , and liens lea not :
the t day \O by without plghting hIs troth ina
comely damsel saying , with a twInkle In I
his eye that the Count Antonio would have
need of hIs son ! , whose servIces ho had prom-
IsC' i to him as they rode togetner across the
plain on the morning when Antonio had supposed I- I
posed that he was to die. Nor would Lien a :
give any other reason whatsoever for the !
marriage Nevertheless , I Is likely that theTe :
were others But whether Dena fulfilled his I
promise I know not , for . as I have saId so
\ l I known cOlcerlftng hIm that. his true , Ito I
name does not aurvlve and It has prove i :
an Impossible thing to discover lhether any :
lof his descendants yet live In Fornlola I I
chance that they do , I trust that they fight
as well and serve DS loyally anti ( pray beth ri- '
than he. But Martolo has left those that :
bear his name and a great-grandson of 'lis '
Is I at this very time htntmal to the ( monastery -
tory of St. Prlslan , where I have seers ' and L ;
talked with him many times .
Time task which I had lalll upon myself
thus fills Its end , For there la no need for
me to tell of the after deeds of Count Antonio
of Monte Veiluto . nor how , In the space of a
few months , ho was chosen by all the lords
to be ruler anti protector of the state during
tlo Infancy of tie duke , In which high ofce
he dll many notable deeds , both of war and
peace , nnd raIsed the duchy to a Seat height
of Ilower and conferred many favors on the
townsmen of ornlola , \hom ho loved nnd
cherished because they had not forsaken him
nor ceased to love him during all the years :
that he dwelt an outlaw In the hIlls. And
he built again his house o'n the hIll which
Duke Valentine hall burnt . and dwelt there
with Lucia 0111 with Tommaslno also unt
Tommaslno toolt to wHo that sale lady tor
whose sakI he had lingered and thus fall. . mn
Into time hands of' the Lord I.orenzo , and Cllen
and dwelt at llano , where these of his
house still dwell. lint when the young duke
care of age to reign the Count Antonio d a-
tverell his charge Into his hand , yet co mm.
tlnuell to connsel him and was very high In
authority . Anti neighboring princes nllo
sought his aid and his counsel , and he was
greatly liQuored of all amen Thus I there
was aught In hIs youth that merltl censure ,
I may be held that he blotted out the shame :
of It by his after life , for his later da's
were lled with honorable aervlco to his I :
prince and to his country Yet the heart
of mat Is a vain thing : for when I , who am
known to have learned nit that can be recovered -
covered from time mists of past tImes concer
lug Count Antonio , asked-anll whether It
bo by lIIen or women , iy boys or girls , nye.
or by toddling immfanmts - -to tell them a tale of
the great Count Antonio , , when he was an
outlaw . banned by his prince and
by Ito ( cimtmrcli living by time lght
of his own heart and by
this strength , of lila own hand secured only :
by the love and duty of the lawleos men
who followell , and risking his life every day
and every hour for tbe lake of the brig lit
eyes of that lady who wailed for him In
the city , and I , when thinking to check tbla
IIn'erl ) . bid them look rather on his lore
worthy and sober dan , they emwer with II
laugh : "Hut why , tather do you not we lie
time story of those more worthy and sober
days ? " Nor will they t believe when J . a
that I I. hilt because the deeds of those da1 sy
are elsewhere recorded. } In good truth , I bt 1
leve Ilat In omit hearts We love a lawlen
man , Here . then , ye I'en'ene chmlidreim , ne
the stories ; they Ire all that ( you ahal h"'e
from site. Read them
: lay they teach you
to be true comnratles . faithful lovers of one' '
imiald . antI ' , mince strife . mUlt needs com , :
until Ood's pleasure
unt bring peace to reign on' '
earth . able when occasion calls to give and I
take good blow. Aye , never laugh I
have said it. A churchman I. Q masri.
( TlE . END. )
The late ne\ , Hr Lord . of Buffalo omchah ed
.t the mineral of one of Buffalo's olclate :
neb anti wicked citIzens. Alter noting the I
decued' parentage Iud dle of birth be
closed his tribute. by rayluc' "Our dead
friend had ole noLle yletue lie * lwgya g bt
DQ .Iv 11 .tba , wara1n" alw8)8
FcarloE In D ng'r ; ' Bitter in d rfroverall ,
G nto in Private Deed
Time 1ISC1e of ( harrison from R 10slo1 Mob
Ills Inlllton In the . ItltuI ttmyo-
IIt-\I'ltRml(1 pii the 1'Ia'
forum anti itt litilitis.
' 11 I.
_ ,1
BY JAMES R. { * . ' onc.
( "Edmund iickq . \ ' )
( Copyright , iS9 G , h , S. S. ' McClure , j.lml d , )
Sixty years ngo' a you n1n , lrelt trout
nan'all law school aoouin , time steps of
the Clifton hails ! In 10ste\00klng \ on at an
Infurlatcd mob who werol dragging 1 baro-
iteaded . defenseless ! ! man thmrbuVgit time street ,
with a rope around his tVtidk , , ' ' Asking what
the tumult meant , the yongtwyer was tel
that the re-heajed immanhtadtlaned , " to speak
against tIme "constitution and time laws , " and
that a Patriotic II&ploerb abut to strangle
his further ulerances IC" ( ' d' lalllil
post The bare-headetl hmai , , was Wiliam
Lloyl Garrison , the ) 'ounl lawyer was " 'endcl
Phillips-the Moses and Aaron of the great
revolution which , thirty years ! ! later swept
over the country. Garrison was rescued from
the laml post anti Phiips went home l
nocitier the ,
pen er upon situation
Of arIstocratic lineage ! ! , and roared In af.
IlIence , thert was nothing In the hlrth or sllr-
rOllllhliS : of Mr PhIlips to ( incline him :
to any great sympathy with the "down-troth-
don mases , " Jartcularly with the hlaclt
masses of whoso conliton he had no personal
himmowietigo. However , ho made the ncqllalnt-
anca of Garrison , and within n year at the
sacrIfice of friends , legal standing anti social '
posIton , ho enrolled hlnsel In the unpopular
ranks of aholitlomi.
Two years after the attempted hanging of
Garrison-on 'te 8th or DOconmber 1837-thls
same noston mob came together ! ! ! ! again ! thIs :
line In l anelll hall . the alII Cradle of Lib
Crty , to put down a handful of abolutlonlsts ,
who had convened there to denounce the ;
killing of Elijah P. Lvejoy by the patriotc
people of Altoim Ill. , and this same young
lawyer , Phillips , was among them , Jested
by the crowd , which fled every square Inch
of standing room In the venerable buiding ,
be quietly listened . to the reading of the
resolutons" , drawn by William Elery Char
flIng , and expressing his owneelltnents.-
Probably ' not those of , more than 100 otber
In th'o vast asemblage ,
-he reading over a , stprm . oc hisses swept
througl the hcu ; lsnd ; , hte \ nld t f9fl the
storm 'he ! attorney general ,9f Mns chusets
mounted the platform and ° bein to'denounce
the resolutions. They rVJincendiary . h ! !
sale : they were ' _ treasoni4le. 'ovejoy hall
"died as the 'foodleth , " ! dnd : , , the Alton rlot-
ers ! ! were a patriotic band : , . worthy to rank
with the "orderly mob" wbo , In 173. had
thrown overboard the ten-In Doston Imarbo :
Phillips was only 25 yegrst ago , and hd
never spoken In public . bit'mow ' hll elbowed ;
his way through tie densI trong and claw I.
berell up the steps of the platform . As Iid
stepped to the front his titly beauty and
perfect self.pssesslon dreiyto bins Intant
a ten lon , and with hls 'lprnco a deep
stIllness fell upon the MI assembag :
"When , " ho said . 9 imeKrdatho genteman
( the attorney general ) herdtho ! principle i :
which placed the nioter5ircendianiea and
rioters. J
murJererl oC Alon side 11 . ld/ with Otis and
Hancock , wIth Qutncy and. Adams , I thought
those I'tt I I trls ('ltg.f I lie . l'rtra L I
along the walls ) 'votut'i ) hlvo I./OI\ \ Into
voice to rebuke this rccreatltAmeniCtiai , this
slanderer of tHo' Jead , IOIV : the Fentllente :
ho has uttered on soil c"neclated by the
prayers of Puritans , Ibo bloo,1 of patrols : , the
earth should have ya'ned and swallowed
him Up " Then , 'standlng face to face with
that snob which had come oxtJrel&ly to
break up the meeting . 11 POUto forth a torrent -
rent of Indignant eloquence , but sent tl'o
crowd away enthusIastIc upholders of the
lIberty that had bean trodden down at Aiton .
Such was time magic of his tongue : such thc
remarkable power by which In a moment ho
could convert n crowd of "orderly conserva-
tlvea" Into as "many howling fanatics . "
This was the first brand that PhIllips
thuron' upon the great bon.firo that was to
be oxtnglshed only In the blood of fOO , OO
of trim men , There arose an army or "agi-
tators , " but none of such transconotant abi-
Ity a Phillips . More even than Garrison he
became the leader of time abolItionists , and
like the big gray horse that Rosecrans rOle }
through his campaign In West VIrginia , ho
always managed , however rapid time sunned ,
to keep fully a length ahead of the remainder
of time battmmliomm .
In 18G Mr PhillIps sent me , through my
New York publsher , a hotter ! ! In which he
thanked mae for the "bravo words of froe.
tiont" . that : I had spoken In a book I hall
then recently wrlttemm . , Subsequently , he
sought me out In New York , and then-
though ho knEW thllt I disapprove of his
nmethoda and thought him mlstaltQn In his
belef that the negro was entirely fitted to
rule over a cOlmunlty of white peoplehe
urgell me to visit him whenevcr I should go
to 10ston. Being there aoL t long afterward , I
looked him UII In the directory and called at
tIme modest brick house In Elex street , which
was lila resldenco. Its next door mmeighbor
was a retail provision store and there was
nothing about its dIry' coat of red italumt I ) to
Indicate that It was tie ) baie of a man worth
$500,000. nut It was , and he ! ! lived In I
tbroughout the ) 'ea. except uring a few of
the Ilt t weeks of summer .
Entering the htue ! I was shown up a Plain
stairway and Into the parlor-a modest apart-
meat In the second story , TIme room was not
more than twenty feet SIUUe , and the entire
houle not over twety-nVO feet by forty ;
but he said It was large enough for a m8n
and lila wife and two fenmmile domestics , A
modest carpet covered the ( hoer , a hmif dozen
Ilalntn s were on this wals" and scattered
about In appropriate r.laees were a few chalu ,
a center table and a large sofa , all of ma-
hogammy and all covered ) l1lm hair cloth . and
destitute of carving I " Y Ivch a domicie
ae any reaonably prudelit ; 'f.n could support
on $ IGo a year : but I mvst told that with an
annual Incomtl of $30,009 Mr. 'i'hmlhhlpa always I
found himsl lit ( h" rn" , of th- yea over-
drawn at his banker's , 't'he , fitc :
'ie filJ ( was that he
gao away about ten Ilues as luch as he
expended for the IUPllon : C't111s own house.
hold - A
.s I was examining hit . Intngl be en.
ted the room-a man cabaut five feel
tcn ( Inches hIgh , some f years old , with : I
) wih
stooping shoulder noble fatircs slid . a bald I
Ipot on the top of his hmdiIhmat ' aeeme to p
cap like a patch of .nD' Via high , moun
llnous forelaad. He re.g.eIe4 1 me a cor.
dlaly n1f he had thought1 Tgatle < k.hpm U' I
a great human beneCaetoll mme ( l a mere I
Ice-breaker that the imlihr powers went ,
uslnr to clear the etrean1 d human progress ,
and motioning me to I chRlr he threw him :
self UlOI ( the sofa . 91e arm over its back
and one leg eJtenledln a horlontal position
Then not aojphug ( to .pclcgiz 'for his
shabby linen coat , his r PI9Jlz shirt amid i
soiled dimmgr-drab trouser mpld
oied dlni.drab . he plunged 8t L j
. - , .
, ,
' . .
Furniture and . Carpet Department
_ _ _ r
_ _ _
- At from 30 to 5O per cent Less than Cost to Manufacture.- - -
l oooo-'rcui Tliousnntl Iohlars' wom'th at Cam'pots cmi s'alo at rout' ovn jmrk'o , * 2,000-Two Thmnusnttl : 1)ollmyrs' is'ortlt of Rtige V
0m m mtlo at yotir own iu'lco. aooo-rhireo Thtoamantid 1)oIhters ) woth of Alattinga on sale at your own Pt10c.
9.oie.a. rL ) Ott Sale rfltiS Week-Only. V
Hlt ! lllt . ni wont II : tll ! . . . . . . . . . . . . -te
° 'd . : lul wool 11 I'nll CItIII. . : : . : : . : . : : : . . . . a.le
, - . _ : . . i Jl'Nt : llltet ( uirluiitM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75m
, ' ' f. HI't AxmmiIhIsh'r4 UI11Ietl. ( , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97c
. Carpets and Rugs. 1txO RI 'I'tU HtJs. . . , : . . . : : . . . : : . . : . . : : . : . : : . . . 47c
" . . .
t .ce-o I , ' . ' : l"at HI 'rll HI I. . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.10
_ _ _ _ _ _
V V _ . - . . - . - . : , ? : ! ( xi ; I Ht . .I.IUII N. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . .tH
o Wxi : Simiy'niuit HI N , . . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . $2.76 1
Ilx1 : .1111111'8Q HI N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $9.50
' ; - txl .1 u 11nll'le I Igl. . . . . . , . . . . . , , . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . $ .t .50 "
ChlllIIUIIgt. . . . . . . . . Bc , Ion , 12c t , 16c to a.le {
Gasoline Stoves. 1
'Vo bought ft urn SIded & Cii the entlt'ti !
- - amok oC Ituhlablo Gasohimmo Stoves nt dO comita
Hfln GI9ollo lO 00113 \
. . on time dohlai' . A . , .
-The 'I flume citbimmot stove . J
1110 cnbilut sto\o.
) a
Bold '
' ° o\OI'ywloro 1 .
V- V' ' '
r .IDO tOI' $28-our
11Icu . LI \
klcit- tl , week only .1
a u . . f
' i : ' - Te ) , I Baby Thollolimiblo $16.OO , . ' i .
. hn n wOlll wide
, Carriages ill l'olltntlnls IfSU. boo
e 111e sto\o lulo.
' '
'l'ho 11'tlcRt sight Oi eurth Is n Wo
wi Hel ul
. '
Irt of three. , Ol' Holubles nt
! . IHI ! IHIUt mil lte CI'01 : to 50 Ilel'
: 'I l . ' " 00 I. . OU t r 01 . n II'Olelll I e. COlt yon can 10\01' IH . thll .
. ' ' Bless tll. lIttle lit ii ' ts , , the hables I ) i ! ol 01' ' , 610\:0 : ni l'lb'L" _ .
. V'- WOI't ha\c to wll" . this y 'car. s&oo who'c Gasoline Stoves , , . . . . , , , . , , , . . . , . . , , . , , ' ,
F $5.0 Sto\s for . . . . . . . . . . . $ &at1 V
. TII.S , veek $3 . 50 . ' ' . $ .00 , Gasolne 810\ls. \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . , on
" hyo enough to SUl1l11y nil the $12,0 . GaK olne tHo\s for. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mln
$ . . ! .
t8.0 Gnsolno Slo\(1 . . . . . . . . . .
1) ) 'lbles iii Ommtit , ' . $ . \ ( for . . . . . . .
! II Ollh'l $22.0 , GIRolne 8to\'ls . . . . . . . $
. . . .
$ .
$2,0 Guolne Hto\es fO. . . . . . . . . $1 ( .OI
Folding 1
IJ'Il ' il 'I j- Il ) r
! : i Beds. . 'ib ° ! V ,
" ' 0 IHnc : ! of these hnldsolc I'ohl. ,
lug Bels lef i the ' nro nctluly w01'11
O.OO. 11 ( IUI'lurl onk. l releh bO\'ul
11'1'01 In fnt. slzc , 18x.10 ; tlo Ilshlo
Is l1ed wlh the best Sllllol'lell wlro
slllug. Om' sale Irlco this weck
You wi lC\ ' ( hnvo the CIflco to
bl ' fS cheap ngalu.
This week price $7.50.
BOSTON STORE , V 16th and Douglas. ' 1
. . Without Pain No Gas 4
/ ' : Teeth extracted absolutely without pain
, /711 and without Cas or Chloroform.
" '
, ' , : : ' , if Gas Given When Desired.
/ * ; ; ; ( ' .
: : .DR.84R./'i1LD/Ac.
, . . / /
' ' ; I' . . aX / Expert In Filling g Teeth and Crown aJd BrIdge Worli. )
/ / ' ' _ _
//r DL'NTLS'T rr
I . _ Vr V ' y It i poor economy to have anything but COOD
: - .V'
- WORK on the tooth-bottor little
- expend a
. . : . : - , - " more if necessary and have the boat 0 ltte
. '
t ' ' .v 7 V ' ' OIL1 BAILEY , , Leading Dentist
' ' ) ,
h _ . ad ltloor , ' , .
J'ixfon Illir , ' ,
- Plxton 1Ot
V ) ' Ilc. lOt fnd Furnum StlJ
J Tel 1085. Lady Attendant. G9rman Spoken.
SUVCI' Flihinga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Atendant .
FIlnli. . 100 GoodSotToLhm , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $500
PU'U Gold Fllngs. . . . . . $2.0 ( ) and up Beat Sot . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 7,5n
Gold Crow lS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ; .Oo ( Best 'I'octh. thin plato O O. . . . . . . . . . . . . In.OO 'V '
1Olcoln1n Ot'own ! , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 5.00 1ninl081 thinllato. . . . . . . . . . 50y
Bi'ldgoTeethi , $ l 00 pOI' Tooth nn 01'OWI Ute DR. BAILEY'S TOOTH POWDER
- - - -
once Into conversation with , "what have you
been doing tately-what have you written ? "
J told hll , 'whatevor It was . and then he
poured forth a stream of musical words , the
sentences as round and balanced as would
have been those of any other man who had
coned his subject ! ! for a fortnight. I had ! !
hll In silence , for one of the first lessons
I ever learned ! ! from lie good Doctor Em-
mons-that great light of New Englllnd
theology-was to listen and not talk , If I
would grow In knowledge and wisdom nut
I remember that after awhile I did dissent
from some of his opinions when , with a
gentle smie , he saul : "J am sorry we don't
agree : but you are wrong. I answered your
objCtlons ! ! In time last speech I sent you
Have you read It ? "
"Yes , and am not convinced. ! ! Yon always
run a thlllK Into time ground . You would
malto more friends If you used a little mora
moderaton , "
"I don't agree with you , " he said. "To
get a entail slice wo must ask for the whole
loaf. "
"nut you might at least ask for It In a
respectful ! ! manner. You can win imo man by
abusing hll , "
"There , again , ypu are wrong , " bo an-
swered , In the ( saute kindly tone "Notblng
wi split a rock but 1 charge of gunpowder . "
In this last remark lay the secret of all
the personaltes that were ever observed In
the speeches and public addresses of Mr.
Ph illume. Whie In private Intercourse he
would not apvly a harsh word to his bitterest
enemy , li held that , as men are , to gain
theIr attention ho had to resort to harsh epithets -
theta and unsparing denummolation . For this
relson those who merely read his speeches
or beard him ( noun the 1IaUorm , knew next
to nothing of Wendell Plmiihlps. lie was In
reality one of the most courteous and kindly
of gentemen , sYlllathetio and tender-heartell
to a degree that was almost womanly. He
would shied tears over some affecting story
anti eml.ty his pocket of its last Ilme at time
faintest cal of charity And all this ho did
wihout tle least ostentation , his left hand
never knowing what isis rlgM hand was
doing A alnille Incident wi lultrato WU this
phase of his character.
Late In 'I G3 there cale to me In New
Yirl , Q JrI Van B ntholplon , a culivated
lady , who \\1 the wife of a nephew of Jef.
flrlJ Davis She was a wOlan oC union
semitimmienta . ansi hind come north because ,
with her husbal,1 away In lie conttderate
. she could not endllro .
scull tw seceulon
m08phere by which chic wa surrounded ,
She was destitute of both frIends anti mousy
Ind asked me to point out to her .ole way
by which ahe culd gain an honest ilveil.
hOOd . Sllafylng /1)'sel that her tale Ivell.
true , I suggesteil that she should enlghten
the public on the real conditions of time south
In lectures before literary associations , and
I advlled her to begIn In HOton anti Il
vicinity . where a' \oman was most likely to
secum'e a relvecttul % he/rlng. She assemited .
wrote a lecture I which she submitted to ins
.and then I helped her aim to Boston and gave
her a numblr at letters to my friends there.
Along these letters was one to \'ommtioli
r'hmililps. Wondel
I _ teen heard from tIme lady that elms bad
been kindly rcolyod anti was lucceedlnl
- - .
boynd her expectations Then , some weeks
later l , beIng In Boston , I loughl out Mrs.
Denlhompson. hue had experienced some-
thing of a struggle , for the fiel4jS full ,
and hero was even In NQW , England fame
prejudice ngalnst a woman lccturer \ ; but she
had l t cued on with a brave bemmrt , . , . and never
been obliged to ask a tidier of aid train
any society or Indlvldllal. Ber moat kindly ,
considerate and ethichent friend had been
'Vendol Phillips. "And now , " also salll , "I
must tel yen sOlcthlng about blm. lIe has
ehargel mo to say nothing , of it , but ( I
know you won'l repeat It. A few nights ago
I lectured at a little place , about ten miles
from cJlommccster . and nearly that far train
the railroad. In the morning I had to ride
that Ilstance In I blnilng Inolstlrm to
catch the train to Jloston : and when I got
upon this car I met Mr. lhllps , He beclt-
oneIl isle to a vacant scat by his side . and
when I bad ( elicit I he asked use where I
had spoken time smlglmt boCoro. I told him , amid
then lie said :
" 'I woulln't ' be Impertinent , but tel mo
how , milch did they pay you ? "
" 'Five dollars , ' I answered , 'nnd lY faro
to and from Uoston '
" 'Flvo dollars , ' ' ho exclaimed , 'Why , I
always get 'fO or 1100 ; anti your lecture must
be worth more titan IIIlno , for you can give
CactI , J only oJlnlona , '
" ' 81al aH It Is , I am very glad to got It ,
Mr Pimillips. I woulli tale at that rate every
night during time winter '
"Ho rOllo on for a time 11 alence , then ,
drawing a roll of bank note from lila vest
pocket he said
to me In a hesitating way :
' 'I don't want to give offense . but you know
" preach , that a woman la entitled , to the
sale pay as a man It she does time saute
worlc. Now , I. was paId $50 fIr my talk at
Gloucester last nIght and If you will klmmihly
wi kllly
let ammo divide It whim you J shal not havu
lied any moro thall you timid the thing still
be even , ' wi
"J refused to accept time money but ho
qlllet ) tolt my retCllle from my lap , anti ,
ollnlng I. put limo roll of baiie notes Illto I.
When I lot hero to lY lodgings I counled
lie rpl und found It contained 15Q-all that
: Q-al
ho hllll received for hula lecture at Ulou-
cester. " Oou-
This was only one of unnumbered acts of
0 similar character nat , went t the credit
oC Wendel I'imliiips In those hooks which
Ire kept In the ( InvisIble couimtry A % lttimmg
Inlcrlpton for hil 10lUl0nt would IlinK
hues In which Jamcs Russell Lowell hu ciii.
bllimod lila Iemory :
He stood UPOI the world broad threshold ( ;
'fhe Iln o battle and of slaughter rose ; !
He saw lad 811nll utuomu the weaker side
. 'J'luut . . Hunk a . 'J'herl'Core in . \llon hue lobs wen JJCorl Its tCe ) .
And joined him ti the \el cr part
l anato name und foph yet well content
)1 !
So hl could ba learer tp God's heart ,
And feel its solemn IIUluB scatting blood
ThrouKh all the nldeollentd veins pf end.
less good.
-Note-I quote Cram memory. Time letter
Johns Itself II Hopkins ' In hiS university Historical . library leter th
- - .
11eV. Thoma Dixon , jr. . for the lat aim
years gaiter of the Twenty.thlrd Street flap
t.t ( church of New York , hn resIgned , ant
propaJes 10 eslablsh an undenonmiuattozua
church 01 Ideas ot his own undenominatonal
. . _ . , . . . .
- -
- - ' ' ' - " , ' . - =
J' '
ThIs extrlordlnary Iejuvenltr 18 time mOt
wonderful mhiscovory or Limo ago . I has been
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Dudyan l
. purely ytigo-
a . , Uut1Rn et (
jk . Prematurnesl !
( !
. . 11 : dlS ,
, , .
: , . . V
. '
. CrC V
IltrOR : OSTE .
tnsUpalon , 1 zllol } 'llng Ben toll ,
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St8e I I 1 fYlltOlofbCllull , waknei'eamn1
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'fho new luovory "UI mldo by the itpc.viai.
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Easily . Qulokly , Permanently Restored , j
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_ . . every urjcutu Dlld llrUoa
'f 1kV uftiibc'ily ! . A ulvle.llll
I hIIt urll gititimmais. jmmmt ( .
/J JllhlMlf. Imm'lt.
, j . I p I Ill ate tmllrOYm'ft seem
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explanation aud proofs inaiied ! ( sealed ) tree . I
ERE MEDIOAL 00. , BUfalo , NY ,
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