Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 13, Image 13

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, I THE ! 01\lAHA \ TATT1V . nEE UNDA Y , 1\lAROII \ 31 , 189 . . "
An Important Quoston Considered by Many
Eminent Otzena
) anger Arlllll from Alen r.nlt Ownerre
.hll' nli Forcljii ! Yldlctu-Unlquo
S'hIoAlul at Opitilons on
( JuetIonI ot llonlmt
No question I of more vial importance
to every man and woman than that of the
perpetuIty of our republcan Inatlulon anl
form ot govcrnment. Recognizing this fact ,
the tolowlng questIons were recently sub-
n11tti to a number of our most prominent
public men beat qualified to nnS\er :
Firt-Wi our Ilresent republcan form of
government lut 100 years longer ?
SecII-I not , why not ?
Thlrll-What is Is greatest peril ?
Fourth-Is there any danger that alens
may so buy the land and ' .
UII lanl , 'torelgn syn.
dlctes so buy up the business enterprises
as to obtain control ot our country and evenre
tualy change Its form of government ?
The answers received , which comprise a
most interesting sYlposlum , wilt bo found
1) ' Dear Sir : , The frll question to which
you desire nn answer from me Is : ] you
think that our present republican form or
, government will last 100 years longer ? To
hich I reply thal I not only fervently pray
and trust , but also firmly believe that It
: wih1.
In view ot m ' answer to flrst .
my your frst ques-
, ,
ton , your second one -1 not , why not ? " -
requIres no answer.
Next you ask : "What Is its greatest
peri ? " I answer that Its greatest peril lies
1n I departure from those Christian princi-
pies upon which our very laws and Insttl-
tlons are based. As long a those Christian
Ilrlnclples are maintained our institutions
- wil , under God , lurlvo and flourish . Our
lavs , which are only expressions of eternal
law , \\1 command our reslledt * anti therefore
our loyal obedience. On the other hand ,
every departure from those Christian prin-
ciples upon which our social fabric rests-
especially In respect ot the marriage tie and
the freedom ot popular suffrage-tends to the
loosening of the foundation stones of our re-
One of the most admirable features of our
present system of government Is the happy
balance of federal power wih state autonomy :
and as long as this golden mean Is observel
we shall possess strength and liberty and
Indestructibility as a great nation.
To your fourth Query I reply that In my
jUdgment we need have no fear at foreign
capItalists ant foreign syndicates Those who
invest In our pubic lands ant our business
enterprlscs will naturally be brought Into
closer acquaintance with our present repuba
V 'V lcan form of government and there Is little
( oubt that our institutions ant our laws wi
gain upon them upon closer acquaintance. and
fnaly wIn their com plett ! respect and loyal
V fupport. Moreover , the influx of foreign
. cI\Hal , which has been observed In this
: country for a few years past. cannot In the
nature of things , contnue , The venders will ,
: themsElves soon be In competition with foreign -
: V eign Investors so as to obtaIn In their turn.
1ronhblo investments This influx of foreign
capital Is , according to my view , a positive
benehlt . rather than a peril . to large areas of
our vast undeveloped continent. I am yours
faithfully In Christ
lion. Joseph N. Dolph , for so many years
: nied States senator from Oregon and one
at the beat known and most active members
actve member
- V 1 .ho lenate , has ever had , writes as follows :
- My Dear Sir : Upon my return to the
city after a few days' absence I find your
Jeter of questions wIth regard to the ler-
potulty of -ur Instutons awaiting me , and
F' hasten to reply.
V To your first question : "Wilt our present
republican form ot '
republcan government last 100 years
longer ? " I answer , yes : the constitution
may bo amended , changes In consttuton
occur : but our republcan government vlll
endure for all .
time. Monarchical
al tme. lonarchlcal govern-
mentIs not likely to be re-establshet on this
V continent : and before another century shall
have rolled around all the leading govern- shal
meats ot Europe will be republican. gver-
' My answer to your first question renders
1 unnecessary to give one to your second ,
which Is : "If It will not last , why not ? "
Your thIrd question : "What Is our repub-
lie's greatest peril ? " I will not undertake
to answer categorically. The maintenance
et a government b the people Is possible
only when the masses are Independent , In-
tellnl ant virtuous The danger to our
? epublicnn form of
republcan government arises tram
the ignorant , the vicious and venal classes ,
controlled by designing and corrupt men.
To guard against thIs danger we should
V educate the rIsing generaton , prevent time
coming to thIs country ot the criminal classes
of other nations , maintain the standard 01
AmerIcan wages and thus secure the Independence -
Jentence ot the American \orklngen.
. frown down by public opinion and 11nish
by law all corrupt practices which debase
the vqter and chealfn surrrage .
I answer your fourth interrogatory by Eay-
jog that I do not thlnl there Is I particle Dt
danger that aliens wilt fD buy up the land
and foreign syndicates 10 buy up the busi-
ness enterprises as to obtain control of our
country ant eventually change Its form at
overnment. Time Inducements to foreign
Investors In this country are created torelg
system .f. ! . . _ _ at _ government . _ . _ _ _ _ ant _ our . _ . republican " . In- "
A"'U"UU ' ' . " , , _
. . , _ . . _ . 'U'"III"n WIO nave Invested
theIr capital here for greater safety and
better profits. will naturally be interested In
maintaining those instItutions : and I doubt It
a majority , other thIng being equal , would
.a prefer a monarchy or an aristocracy to a
republican term of government. Of course ,
I would bD better for the country If its
landowners were all citizens and If none of
its Industries were owned by foreIgners or
controlled by foreign capital , so that the
profits upon the capital would remain In this
country : but the production or what wo can-
.umo In this country by foreign capItol here
Is for preferable to , ant far bettor than ,
In every way ant on o\'er account , the pro-
ducton at such articles by foreign workmen
In foreign shops , located In foreign countrIes ,
with foreign capital I well . Yours truly ,
lon , T. V. Powderly , who for so many
years was time heat ot that great organization -
ton known u the Knights ot Labor , sends
the following hotter :
Dear Sir : I lack the tmo to do justice to
your Questons , and 111 not whiling to commit
myself on such important Issues hastily , but
I will endeavor to answer briefly the Questions -
tions you put to me , but reserve the rIght
to ampl ) ' my answera In the future it . at
any tme , they should be called In question .
In reply to your first question I would say
that our Ilresent republIcan term '
republcan of government -
mont can not haiL 10 years longer and con-
tnuo to drift under the power ot monopoly
and wealth os I II doing now : In tact , the
money IOWer ) at the present day forms an L
aristocracy or I plutocracy . whIch entirely ,
nullfes every section , clause ant article In
our bill of rights whenever they arc called
In Queston In behalt ot time people.
m In reply to your second queston , "It not , ,
. wily not ? " I would say that our present
republican term ot government
rpublcan can not last
100 years longer for time reasons I have given
The above replies answer your tnt and
second questions .
Third ( , The greatest peril menacIng our
Kovornlent Is the poverty and indifference ot
our l'30p1e. The poor are so oppressed that I
they are forced to sell themselves for what
they pan , get and are thus at the mercy ot r
the boles , the plant tools ot monopoly who
forge to the front In our poltcal partlos .
'ho people d.h'en to
' are the polls to vote
' for theIr clpreuor and dare not ammurmur tom
'teal or dismissal trnl employment.
Thee who can bo more independent are )
indifferent or so absorbed In business uffain I
that they do not note the rapid r
thIs unfoneen power
In reply to your fourth questIon let mo
say that I do not . are whether I b au slier I
pr a native syndicate that buys up the Isnd I
01 the business enterprises or the country ,
for the instinct at greed Is the aale In an ;
Americn a & Englishman5 &d wo have ,
, ;
. - .
th erefore , u much to tear from land steal-
in g In ono form a anotber. Very truly yours ,
Hon. George F. Edmumnls . who for 10 many
) ' 081 represented Vermont In the United
States senate , who was always ono of the
fir st and foremost In debate , and who toned .
sig ned a few years ago to resume the
practce of law , take a ale more hopeful
vlol' , a will bo seen by hIs appended letter :
vidu My near SIr : Your ! of the 3d Insl. was
duly received , but 1 have not been able to
reply until now.
In reply to your first question let me say
that I most certaInly think that our present
re publican form of government will lat 10
ye ars Ion Ier. This answers both your first
an ti second questions.
In respect to your third query , I remark
that I think the greatest perils to our reo
puhlo are Ir.Rumelent education , excess of
the foreign clement and political corruption.
\s to your fourth , I think there Is no danger
ot any considerable portion of the lands of
the United Slates falling Into foreign control ,
nor that any consllerable portion of its busi-
nes enterprises will ever be owned or con-
troled by [ orlgner ! Yours trimly ,
lion. Wiiam M. Evarts , the distinguished
New York Jurist ant ex.Unled States senator
rro _ New " York . takes much the same view
ns eumuntis :
My Dear SIr : I have bad the pleasure to
receive your letter of the 6lh Inst. , anll In
reply woult say that In my Judgment the
conRtuton of [ the United States Is better
and stronger than It was 100 yells ngo. The
great nation that has grown up under Its
llrlecton Is more capable of sustaIning tree
Insttutons than at any earlier period for
every genorotiomi . no doubt , will find evils to
b e guardel agaInst and good ! principles to
necd development nIl defense. A more
Intmate unity of feeling throughout the na-
ton , ali n subordination ot local and par-
tcular interests to the general good. and a
watch Cui attention to preserve our industrial
and social hulepellence of Europe must for
years to come bo the great duty ot this
it eople.
I cau foresee no danger of a serious or I ,
p rmanent desertion of this duty on the part
of our fellow cltzen . So long as there Is I
n o such desertion we can readily overcome I
any' peris that may menace us , whether front '
fo reign syndicates , individual aliens or other
sou rces.
I I am correct in my vews ! on the matter 1
see no reason why any patriotic AmerIcan
citzen need feel any apprehension for the por-
Iltuly l of his beloved nation. Therefore ,
s peaking for myself I cannot possibly feel
any great degree of concern as to the stability
of the noble institutions which this great ,
prosperous and powerful country Is now In
the enjoyment " of. _ In I cJretul and thoughtful
pErusal l or what I have here writen 1 think
that t any reflecting person may find a full ant
c comlele answer to nil four of thes3 questons
which you have propeunded to me , anti whIch
I think are of very great IrpJrtace to every
true-hearted , thoughtful American citizen.
I am , very resp2ctfuly : . your cb tlent servant
A msnoP's VIEWS.
Rt. Rev. Henry C. Potter , Protestant EpIs-
copal bishop ot the diocese of New York
ngrees wih Cardinal Gibbans . the head at tlma
Catwlc church In this country , In thinking
we are most In danger from an abence at re-
lgIon l and I departure from Christian prlncl-
p lea on the part or thost In authority. HIs
letter l Is appended :
My Dear Sir : The four questions you ask
me are certainly of the most vital Interest
and importance to all the people of these
United States , and like nil such qustcns they
are not easy to ans\er. ncr are rep las to them
to be hasty formulated. In reply to your
first question . " " ' 1 our present republican
term of government last 100 years longer ? "
I would say that I have no accurate data
which would warrant me In expressIng an
opinion as to how long the present govern.
meat of the United States will endure.
Yeur second question , "If not , why not ? " I
am equally unable to answer satslctorll' .
In reply to your third question , "What Is V
Its i greatest peril ? " I would say that In my
, judgmet the indifference at the people to
righteousness In , their rulers , and to integrity
In I the administraton of the government , Is I
the greatest peril with whIch ! wo arc threat.
ened as I nation.
In to fourth question I would
reply your queston woult say
that there Is not the smallest probability that
aliens and foreIgn syntlctes will ever obtaIn I
control of thIs country by buying up its land I
nnd buslnes's enterprises tnd eventuJly charge
Its form ot government. The drift of the t
world Is not toward mnarchal ! government .
but away from It , and our danger Is not In I
the direction of monarchy , but rather of anarchy -
archy : 10t from foreign syndicates , but [ rom m
domestic syndicates , and then from the treat I
from that tyranny which great moneyed cain -
blnatons seek to Impose. I am. my tear sir ,
sIncerely yours , H. C. POTTER.
Hon. Wade Hampton , who for several terms !
represented South Carolina In time Unied I
States senate , writes as follows :
My Dear Sir : Time alone can give the
answer to your first queston , " 'VI our present -
cut republican form ot government last 100
year longer ? " ant also to your second , "I. .
not. why not ? " I
With regard to what Is the greatest peri I !
ot our government , I think It Is the accunlu -
lotion of money In the hands of a few persoas
ant the unscrupulous usa at wraith.
I apprehend no danger to republican insti -
tutons from foreign capital or Immigraton
In the way pointed oul by your fourth ques-
tlon . but I thInk that great harm I done
to the country by allowing nihihists , communists -
munists ant paupers of other lands to become
citizens ot ours. I am very respectfully
lion. John Sherman , United States senator
from . Ohio for malY years past , l he still
, .nnfInitq . no intromluction to American
readers. neets Introtucton
Dear Slr-1 never venture to prophesy for
the future. No one can answer your Ques-
tons with any confidence , though I hope
most carnesty that our present glorious re-
publcn form of government will last for
many , many years. The perils of the future
cannot be anticipated. Any man would
usurp the properties ant attributes . ot the
infinite If he attempted to reply to your
questions. Very truly yours ,
Ex-Postmaster Genral 'Vanmaler's an- I
awer , like an old-fasimloned stick of molasses ,
candy , Is alert and sweet. ,
Dear Sir-In reply to your favor at time
I5tl Inst. , just receIved , I would say that
I have full talth In time perpetuity ot our republican -
publican I " Institutions . I Irmly believe that
our present republican form of government
wi improve steadily and endure lastingly .
ThIs answer , I thInk , covers alt the que-
tons yon present to me , ant they aN 10t
important ones. Yours truly ,
lIon. John J. Ingals , ex.United States aen-
ator tram Kansas , who describes himself now
ae "a statMman out ot a job , " concludes the
discussion In time following words :
My Dear SIrIn reply to yours ot the 16th
Inst. , I would uy that I thInk time Anglo
Saxon race on this continent have thus tar
o\"ercomo every obstacle In their ummprece-
dented eXllorlment of Popular sel-government.
'fhey have mate too many sacrifices to leave
any doubt that they wilt solve the problems
of time future as successfully as those ot the
111t. Very truly yours ,
_ _ . _ _
Colonel U'llolJh ot Montgomery lelevel
to 11"0 l'I"t YI J Much A10107'
MONTOOMEUY , Ala. , March 30.-A pro-
found sensation has ben caused hero by the
continued absence or Colonel Frank D. In-
dohlh , Probate judge of Montgomery county.
He Is believed to have 11d to Central Amerhca ,
havIng last ben seen at New Orleans by a
genttnlan ot this city , whom be requested to
keep the tact ot seeing him a secret. . The
state xtner of public accounts Is now In-
vestgtng his accounts ant I I officially
stated that be hu discovered a shortage of
from $ 0,000 to - $30,00.
Wimoteislo Iboo Dealer Horned Out
DROOKL'N March 30.-Flre started at
midnight In the fvestory bUltlng ocullled
by John Cavanaugh , a wholesale shoe dealer ,
destroying that building . Loss about $75,0. ,
Nobraska's Metropols Has rumlBbed Many
Prominent Ctzens f the Windy Olty.
II the NewspAper World , Legal Circles
Trailing 1'11 , Henl Istnto 1Art. nnd
lluineq nOulel They l'lnJ
I Leading Uolo ,
ChICAGO , March 30-Spoclal.-Tiiero ( ) Is
I movement on oat In ChIcago to start a
club composed at former residents of Omaha.
The Nebraska metrpols has contributed
many people to this city , and they are get- I
lng a fair share of the good things of life .
I would bo a hopeless task to run down the
names of alt scattered among the million
and I hal ot people here , and ! as for their
occupations , life Is ton kaleidoscopic In Chi.
cage to make positive statements In all
cases , to say nothIng of the act tlat one
often misses a frIend for three months at a
stretch 1 Is easy enough to place men
like P. S. Eusts , general passenger agent
of the ChIcago . Burlington & Quincy railroad -
road : Lucius Wakeley , hIs assistant , and
Thomas Miller , the general freight ngent ,
for they arc promInent , anti were pioneers
of the Omaha colony so to speak.
Of time later arrivals Fred Nye Is prob-
ahl- the best known , ant certaInly Is the
one In whom time exiles from Nebraska arc
most Interested. Ie started as a general
reporter In Chicago , and was soon nlghl
editor of the Herald , one of the choicest
newspaper positions In the city nation the
old regime. lIe enjoyed the conftence oC
hIs superiors to such an extent that he was
practically gIven complete control of the
Herald offIce after nightfal , and wel In- :
formed Chicago nowslJper men think he
has had no peer In the responsIble position !
ot night edItor. In buying John R. Walsh's :
two-thirds Interest In the Herald anti the :
Post ant the two bimlidings . James W. Scal
incurred an Intebtetnes of $ .250,000 , and L
he began to economize by letting some of his I
hlgh-salalet men go. Frell Nye's salary '
was wel UII toward the $1,000 mark , amid I
he fell under time axe. but It Is likely ant r
the best things that could have happcnell i
10 him.
" . , - . . - ' . - ' - _ . . - . . " "
n 11" &U " "H one or Hie most Important
and best paying positions In Chicago his
work was oC such a kind that none but
newspaper men could apprecIate It.
ne had scarcely heft the Herald before he I
was alered several poslton , anti he wi
probably be In New York before this reaches
the readers of The Bee. Whie It Is not
known here what he Is to to there , I Is
reported that he Is likely to Intro a respon ' l-
ble position In the management of ' time Trib-
une. I Is understoot lhat Governor McKinley -
ley and n. 1. Kohlsaat ; formerly of the
Chicago Inter Ocean , have been In conference -
once with Joseph Medl of the Chicago Trlb-
title durIng their sojourn In Georgia wIth a
view to arranging a campaign for the presI-
dental nomination. I Is salt that If 1etl
will agree to support 1cKlnle ) ' Kohlsaat
and his friends will buy the Now York
Trlhuno to boom the Ohio man In the cast.
I Is rumored that Nye Is to be Johlsaat'
rIght hnnd man If the deal goes through. At !
any rate Nye Is not lkely to want for a posi-
tiorm . anti his
ton. ant friends herB among newspaper
men are confident he will quickly come to
the front.
Omaha , wih limo possible exception of Kan-
sas CIty. has contributed moro , newspaper
men to Chicago than any other city In the
country. W. C. Gregory , formerly city editor
of time RepublIcan . Is a reporter on the
Tribune and stands very cose to the manag-
lag editor because at his valuable qualities.
P. P. Pomeroy Is a star reporter qualtes.
Tlmes-Heralt , doing sports In season , and
has just been tendered one of the choicest
plums In Chicago newspaperdom. W. D.
Axtman formerly night editor ot The Bee
during the run on the brnks last summer
hantled the affair so satstactorly for the
Inter Ocean that
he was immediately made
financial editor at a handsome mate
salary , ant that Is a position In which he
Is liable to be untlsturbed for years Major
Howard and J. 'V. Postgate have been with
the Herald . the later doIng poltcs" ' wih . .
Jackman was city editor of the Journal for
several years and Is likely to be press agent
for Unglng Bros. ' circus the coating season.
Daniel C. Shely , formerly night editor of
The Bee , Is a telegraph editor on the Tribune .
Charles H. CreEsey Is publishing the Loan
and Duldng Record. Paul Ray Is telegraph
editor at the Mail. Frank Atkinson Is ' \ lIng -
lag specIals and helping to edIt an oil and
Paint journal. H. A. Halett Is political reporter -
porter on the Tinies-Ilerald. Henry W. 'VooJ-
brIdge was city editor of the TImes but since
the consolidation has gone to New York. Den
W. King has just returned tram New Yorle.
A. W. Clark , formerly of the Republican , Is
the Ghlcago correspondent at the San I ran-
cIsco Chronicle ant was the eastern repro-
sentatve of time MidwInter talr. CaptaIn Q.
C. Campbel Is on the Inter Ocean. R. S. Mc-
Intosh , formerly at The Bee ant later In
the grocery commission business at Lincoln
Is II the fruit commIssion business amid
frui ant recognized -
ognize as one of the most successful sales-
niert In the Water street coterie. And there
are probably others. Oh , yes . don't forget W.
H. Vaughn , the "ex-mayor , " who I pubilsim.
Ing the Democrat , an ant-A. P. A. Paper
- . - " . " .
"mero IS a sprinklng at Omaha lawers. M.
V. Gammon I a frequent figure about the crimInal -
Inal court and Is reported to be pIcking
ant reporte up a
good practice. H. A. L. Dck wears the
honors ot an assistant county attorney . Among
the others are Dana S. Lander , W. C. Van-
Giblet , Bernard Dolan II. C : Hilt and U. D.
A . Wade
Real estate men have I larger rcproscnta-
ton than lawyers R. M. Paterson har
become somethIng of a politician , and Is
credIted wIth controlling time colored vote of
imo South SIde. which he swings for the re-
p ubhicans. George J. Sterstorr Is nero-
clated wIth S. E. Gross & Co. , one ot asSo- the
largest l real estate firms In the city . and emi
the sIde Is harulng medical specialties from
nn omce In the MasonIc Temple. Among the
others are A. M. Kitchen , George U. Stos' -
art , T. B. McCuilochm . Thomas Riley , C. \ C.
Spotswot , Grover Stevemis H. J. Miller ,
Frank Tuttle , W. J. Paul , W. S. Hammond ,
D. R. Archer. Dr. J. W. I3arnsdall . W A.
Vannice , J. P. Schmlnke and W. F. Paine.
In time insurance line are W. W. Mos ey.
'Valer Dale , A. T. Denz , H. W . Creamer ,
Louis Dale , W. A. Godtart , C , E. blab-
cock and James Christy
J , G. Taylor , who was trelght auditor ot
the Union Pacific railroad , Is In the coal
business. W. F. GrIlUths . who was assistant
general freight agent of the Union Pacific
Ind m commIssioner at the Omaha Freight Bu
reau , Is In time passenger department of the
Chicago , Burlington & Quincy. O. E. Cornish
Is anothcr old Omahan II the coal business
here. Hoberl L. Gnrlchs , In the banking
busIness at Omaha , Is selling cigars for
Sprague , Warner & Co. W . A. Page , the
soap manutacturer , has bonght Into aWes : !
Side concern maiming I can enclose(1 In wood ,
deslgnet especially for the metlcal tralle. C.
11. Fowler Is In the grain business. Dr. H.
S. Ebbitt , meat Inspector at South Omaha , Is
Inspector at the Armour plant hero.
T. ' H. Taylor ot the old fIrm at Ilinvebaughi !
& Taylor , Is with tlB Jmebaugh !
company , as Is Mr MacLeot , formerly with : !
the Omaha iirmn. Addison Jones , record
clerk with time Union Pacific recort
wih tlo Paclle , holds a simiiaz
position with the ChIcago , simiar
St. I'aul J. J' , Wilams I an Insurance
adjuster. W. C. MiIgan Is In the furniture t
anti Charles F. 1llgan II the hotel business ,
A. W. and D. W Saxe are selling drugs. A.
Max Holzheimer II with time jewelry firm at r
Hyman , Berg & Co. Dr. J. C. PaInter and I
a. L. Farnsworth are wlh the Cook Reniedy ,
company , Samuel Mills , who was with Max :
Meyer & Co" , II running cigar stands In the I
VIctoria ant VIrginia hotels A. 1) . Hopkins I
ot time CommercIal National bank at Omaha I
Is saId to bo Interested In banking opera-
tons here. C. a. 10usel Is with the Lincoln m
National bank.
F. A. Alexander who was Interested with 1
D. Subway In the Omaha house on Fifty .
fifth street durIng the World's lty.
frh Worlt's fair , Is pro
prlotor of the Normandle
on Michigan avenue .
H. S. Maullby Is running a hotel on avtu west I
lido. a , a. Valentine and Jerome Pentzel I
are running an agency tot reporting certain
court records and proceedings and haunt Ibm C
county court bouse. Robert Ross II In tle ( ,
ChIcago National bank and Phi Mergen II
the American Nationaf9V. ! H. Newhali II a
travelng salesman tor'1 stationery house I .
Irney Dros. are , wh'ng ' their calarrh
remedy and have bu" l a sanitarium In
Wisconsin with a iiem " to ehnglng the
scope of theIr buslnel I'E. ; J. hush Is roan-
agel and Dr. H. R. "Weber medical director
of the Dlnsmoro Remllly company. J , C.
Lalng Is wIth the { 1ft # firm of Mandel
DraB. W. A. McGhtnl Is In time general
freight department n NJthe Illinois Central
railroad , E. R. Cool , & Union Pacific con. I
ductor , and .1. L. DArUe , also of Pacifc Union '
Pacific . arc In the flty f J. I. Neison of
Cummings & Nelso\ , wholeslio paint no.1 1
glass dealers at Omaha , I with the drug firm
of Derry Bres. Mr. 'CUltlngs ' Is also here ,
John , ' W , Misener Is 'ltlhe , \ John M. Smytho
Furniture company on the west side. Mltcheil
& laynes , who had I carriage repository on
time site of Omaha's new Jstofco ! , are In a
similar business here. E. I. . Kern , who
" 'as with Dr. Bailey . Is practicing dentistry.
1 . R. Scone Is with the Ierrlth ! Chemical
company , 'V , G. Bohn Is In the sash and !
blind bulnes Dr. J. 13. Kendal I runnIng
a medlell Institute. George A. Ferguson Is
In the lumber busIness. M. T. Mos has 1
mirug . store at Cottage Grove avenue anti
Fort-thlrd street. Ii. P. Barton , who was
with Frederick the haUer , Is In the depart-
meat store at Siegel , Cooper & Co.
t.rnTt.e'on.fAr . 'rim'm''a , VOflfl _
.nuUU _ . _ _ _ . _ _ .nn .
Thomas T. Tuttle , who rellrecnltl lhe
Fourth ivarti In the Omaha
wlrt city council. Is
still ' \uhhIR the Silicon plaster Patsy Fal-
lon's lines have fallen In agreeable pl3ces.
Ito Is representIng a French wine house and
entertains old Omaha friends by \Isling his
customers and buying back
bl'lnl some of his own
gaols. Frank Solon Is In the city water com-
missioner's office. Jesse 1410 Is a lmuhiding
contractor. 11. J. . Vandenburgh Is with Sic-
gel Cooper & Co. J. J. Smiiitli . a real estate SIc
man In Omaha has bccome a dentist. C. 11 .
Rurey , known In Nebraska as nn organizer of
traternl lodges , Is with a publishing hiotmse .
Edwarll Murphy pass (1 the cl\l ser\lco ex.
amlnaton . an" Is a guger 11 the reVenue
Emery A. Cobb among other real estate
affaIrs , Is managing the Omsha bmmilding . for-
lerl ) ' ownC ! by John 1\ . MeSimane. The new
owners made It one of the eOllllons of the
purchase that he shoulll remain vithm them to
take charge of the buiimling . wih Ewing Is
wll Br'an & Lathrop , 1 firm controlling a
number ot the sky scrapers. Clyde CrelFhton
Is 0 bookkeeper at limo Oobe National bank
James Ryan advertising solicitor for Omaha
papers Is advertising manaer for lirownlng .
King & Co. Eugene Bertrml Is asslstanl
niht city editor of the Tribune. Thomas Dillon
Is with lavanagh & Co. , distillers . Dion . . "
Eaton Is again making photographs. his
daughter Mabel who won santo distinction Ils
the stage lak s her home imereV. . A. Derrick -
rick Is In thl printing business. J. W. fleece
Is runnIng a livery.
" ' . R.
Goodal , who wrote Sunday news-
paper stories for Omaha papers and illus-
t rated them with < lus-
tratct his own drawIngs , some
mcnths ago found I backer for one of his
new plays "The Two Colonels , " foumled on
s entiments growing out of the war. lIe organized -
ganized a comlJny In New York , with Frank
Mayo at the head and lalle a successful
debut at 'Vashlngton. At last accounts the
cOl11any was touring In New ngland.
Roland Reed still has Goodall's 'Absemmt-
: lndC . Man. " n\l may he 10'eto \ put I
emi the stage If "The Two Colonels" malles
the expected hit , In which event there viil
be another handsome pament due the
author. George D. IlMt , formerly with E. A.
Benson , Is dealing lln minIng properties.
Jell Morrel Is In the lIve stock Insurance
business. Gaston St. .uten , a liveryman at
Omaha Is In the groc1ry department at
Siegel Cooper & Co. '
E. F. Gbberson , who was Omaha's city V
clerk some years ago , nnd also private secre-
tar ) ' for James E. Dod , Is In the atomic busi- :
ness. Udo Urachvogel Is soliciting insurance
Pr S. S" Felker Is running a cure for
drinkers. Harry Latham Is solcing I fire In
surance. H. C. Pcgrun' Itt also an Insurance ;
man. George Wadd I II I a builder on the
west side. M. C. Kaeg Is Interested with
George J. Sterlsdorrtl several medical wih
daubs. john 'Veland Is i with n wholesale
hardware firm. E. K Shno Is wih the New
England Mutual Lie Insurance company
William Athey. who , had a pugilistic resort
near the Millard hotel , Is 'tunning a saloon on m
'Vabash . bE : ' . ' . .
avenue. I N JKulPP' Is In , irtsur.
ance. August Pomey i running the restaurant -
rant In the Schier theater. J. J. Jobst. who
V 111 the Omaha cIty miami . Ilvldes his . time
between Chicago ant Peoria , having hIs tam-
ly In the later city.
W. R. KellY Is interested In time Cimicago
AmerIcan , an A. P. A. paper. D. E. Culi-
none Is In the advertising business , Among
the men In the saloon or liquor business Ire
Andy loynlh n. Herman LeDea , Henry A.
ICostcrs J. n. OberCelder , Bert Sampson and
Frank Murra ) ' . Among other old Omahals
living In Chicago Ire 'Vlnfeld Paynter , Dar-
ney Gordon , Frank D. 1ulr , C. W. Moulton . .
Colonel Enright , H. D. Hicks . George Morton - '
ton , Loyal L Smith , Edward Wessel , Major
i3ourke. Charles. P. Morgan , formerl ) ' tra\'el-
lag auditor for time UnIon Pacific rairoad , and
John A. O'Keete. ant
Lincoln also has a large representation In
Chicago. AmQng these Leon Douglas deserves
more than a passing ' mentlon . for , although
scarcely moro than a , boy , he has made inventions _
ventons In the line of 'Edison's work at great
Importance. Starting In the Lincoln teie-
phone exchange as a mere lad , he developed
such aptitude that ho was soon matc man-
ager of the Grand Island exchange. While
there he learned of the phonograph and Whie
structe an Instrument of his own making a
work-bench of his mothers dining room table
by sawIng holcs In the top. lie continued
his tul investigations ant mate the first success-
phonograllh slot machine. There were
many chlmants for that invention. H. A.
Denson , " 11e Omaha real estate man , became
Interested In young Dcuglas and backed his
claim , employing John M. Thurston to rCpre-
sent imimim T'le contc'st Inaly narrowed down
to Douglas and a California Inventor , but It
was clearly shown that the Nebraska boy hat
perfected his Inventon I month SOJner than
the Calornian , and he was gIven the patent
Another invention of the Nebraska boy
was a device for duplicating phonograhplc
records , something which baffled oven Ed-
isen In time early hIstory of time buslneu It
was impossible to reproduce a song on a
phonograllh record wIthout having the singer
repeat In Into the Instrument , which made
time records rather expensive. Edison found
that In atemptng to have one machIne re-
peat It to another the resulting copy was too
indistinct to be at yalue. Douglas Invented
a diaphragm that Inionsified ! the sounds ot the
phonograph , ant ho made It possible , with
two Instrument to reproduce a record many
times at a trifling cost. For some Vine !
lembers of his family did a thrIving ! bus-
laces In reproducing records. Young Douglas
was persuaded to go t Wlhlngton In the
employ of the graphophone people , and they
secured control oD the reproducIng process ,
Just ho\ has not been mate public. Whie
In Washington Iougmiuvantod changes In
chine. the graphopbone that ; Irade I a practcalma- !
Mr. Benson sent Douglas to Chicago anti
gave hIm a prominent PFflton In time North
American Phonograph qqmmipany . The young
hlontor soon becanio "conftent enough to
branch out en his owl rMponslbllty , lie secured -
cured the right for polwgraphs ; on the M'J-
way during time World's fair , amid cleared
ant cllaret
about $10,000 that y4am. Ho then dealt ( iii-
rect with the manutrlters or time phono-
gramims Ito securoci..Jtophmonograpim ; rlghh
at the San Francisco amid. Antwerp fairs and
made a profit out ot th2M . lie Is now run-
ning I lot ot time slot mlehlnes In a room on
Madison street ant Is 1\111lng money.
I. \Yessell , PJqPlf at the Lincoln
Ccurler , has been ptIIIillng the ArkamisawV
Traveler , ant I wlh1 ilCa ( printng firm of
Ruble Bros. John ncnrJI Is In charge at
the advertising for llecago / , Roche Islanl1
& Plclfc railroad. C. . II. Cosgro\"o Is In
time real estate busIness : Mrs. Cosgrove was
well known In LIncoln as Mme. Weber , a
nne singer Mrs. 'V , E. AJlllegate , wllo was
Mrs. Iate Materon In Lincoln , Is running wasV
a big livery busIness on the north side and
Ilurlng the World's fair
Worlt's tnammagetl the I
Granada . hotel. Mrs. Cela : Tyrrllis manaJe lving on I
the 10rlh side. Her daughter married
Charles SmIth , a Postal telegraph operator
on the Board of Trade , who Is about 10 lie I
made manager ot an outside office. Mrs. V ' .
R. Dennis Is ale lvIng on the north side . .
John lglnbothal Is vice president ot the I
hyde Park Gas company , Miss May l'ol'ln
Is prominent as a pianist amid Is living at the
ant lvIng
Windermere holel. J. C. McNaughton , state ;
bank examiner In Nebraska , II vice prealdeimi
ot the flankers National bank. A. J. Scimihl. .
log II runnIng a drug store at Thirty-sixth !
street and Cottage Grove avenue. ThlrtY.ixth . .
Bride Is In the Insurance business V. 11 , ,
Dyer II handling real estate. W. a. 1
NerlY la connected with the Illinois Central I
railroad's land department John I. HarrIs I
. S.NOR5 : i "i
F. ,
We place prices before you that cannot IJossibly "
be duplicated-on new goods-of course The new goods arc coming in fast ,
now and they arc bought rigilt-Let the prices ten the rest ,
New Hosiet.y. Dress Goods.
\Ve have closed out the
cosed en-
tire line of an eastern jobber
and the easter Something new-we have it-Come and see
goods are arriving ' .
daily. The bulk of arrving go the niCeSt assortment ever brought to Omaha .
on sale Ionday morning at
fabulously low l prices ' G.lneh . Black crcpons of the very finest $ j,5
Ladies' nbsohmitely fast rces ' qunlt ) , go on sale 1 0111lt. . . . . fnest . . . . , I
Ltlles' Nubian
101Ier ) ' ' , seamless foot. . . . . . . dye . . . 9c . . . 1 . '
Chltren's nnd ' extra Bicycle 40.lnch .Inele anti colored Crellon . all brand 87
Hose . guaranllel Itnhllefs , 2 Imaira ) new goods anti the vcr ) ' Inttst ! styles brnll . . . . c J
for ' ' 40c , or 1 pair for . . . . . fnlrl 22c ' .
Ihoys' '
10)8' amid niisscs' Ilitibed hose ,
guaranleed Nuhlnn lbbel . . . 10se . . . t Ic 40-lneh Black Crelon ! will hI on stale Mon- 621/ .
Fine gunrnnteld Indies' Prime atnhmiless llermnsdorf . does blade not day nt the vcr ) ' low Price of. . . . . . . . . . /JC . 1.
tur green . . Miicod heci 10es toe . 171e . .
, . . Ileed ,
Jllcq Ethiopian nyc . warranted . 40-lnch Novel ) Stiitlmigs . In cimecks etc. , 45C
. absolutel crock ' . . . fall . . . black . . . . anti . . . wi . . . not . 25e . some oC the best bargains 11 the stol" . . '
l.teR' ! fnnc ) ' lisle hose , wih fast 32c One table 1 of 10-inch I I I nih wool I Novelt ' .
. eve Stilt-
. . )
boot Mc goods . for. . . . . . . . I ; I.
. Iood . . . . \ lug , In nIl colors , mimariced .
I.adleR' ton Ho Ethlolllln e. wih high dyed SPliCed black Cot- heel I . . . ni . . . . . . . mnrllel . . . . . to . . lel . . . MOluln . . . . . 35 C
Inll ! double aoles , : i 8111cc < . , or .
a pair for . . . . . . : . . . . . $1.0 . . . . 35e . One nice table line or of 40.lneh patterns all , wool Smutting , In I
? .hlN7'S 10SI -Flne mott < Hose tOe nt ( lne one tlnterns prie. . . regardless . . . . . . . . . oC . . value . . . 25 C V
Fllt black , dommble soles , heel arid
toe . . . . . doulle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14e One frill tnhlo of Snltngs , crepe efTect . I table '
Aer ' oC nstonlshlng bargains
heel 'ery' timid line toe Bthloplan , 3 11,111 for dye SOc . dOlbe or 11 ful tomorrow or. . . . . . . . . . ot . . the . . . . one . . 12'/C
pair for . . . : . . . . . 01 . . [ . . . . . 20e . .
Bthloplnn ely-ed real Iaco ,
high sPliced heel . . . . : . . . . wih . . 25e row French and Cimalhis all week . alt nt. wool . . . , . wi . . . . go . . lemon- . . . . 32 C
Two Easter Novelties in Cloak our Dept. V ' $1 $
, . m '
'Wo are also V i
_ . .
% ' - . . . showing complete -
' . I photo lines of '
V ladles , 1 I U n. '
: ; : '
tiered \ a 1st I s .1
' . "
' -s.- "
, : antI white lawn .
V ! whie , V I
. . . ' I walsls.
Ladies' separate , ' VC '
Latles' separto V
. _ _ _
, skirts , In wool . , L )
V ' 4
V ' )
I 4m
, ) V _ ant sum : ladles' / i ' $ k
_ _ _ _ _ _ wash iIIj ; .
wrappers , .4 ' 2 : 1 s , , VS
_ _ _ _ _ \ children's new i. , . 'I I , ' t .
_ _ _ spring Jackets ,
, V . :
V _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ , \ Children's wash ' ' V iV : ' t V
V j3
. , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ suits and aruli t c1"r , , .
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1" . cal clon of tul \ ! . ri' ' A ' ; 4
' \ ported and do-
l \ . . : prtet - , \ '
VV V mesto sprIng V 1l\ \ ' ;
. .
; cape for ladies I
J \ and misses. \ CV' I\ , f
, "
Figured flnc ) ' China Satin Cape silk . , bows lined tlroughout . wltl$998 All wool Dradeloth Cape " , 21 Inches long , I' . , "
ailver buckles : vale $15.00 : our price wih . H7-lnch sweep , embroidered with worsted
Ilver $15,0 prIce. . . braid , bows to match , with Jet buckle $798 $
value , $1.0 ; our 1atch price. . . wih . . . . . . . . . . . : . '
Wash Goods. Bas k ets. . BOYS' . LOfT - . r.
Silk strIpe Zephyrs. . . . . . . . . . . SIc to Special cut on Scrap Dasltets , a few Aery Spring handsome line Suits. . I 3
go Monday at 98c , \ery of nil the lead.
Corean Silk Novelties. . . . . . . . . 5Oo $ , 10 . reduced from novelties of lne ni
f Fine Scotch Ginghams. . . . . . . . . lie $1 Inl you the bIggest season-and wo
Candy Baskets . orer bargains
Fine ] ) omcstlc Ginghams. dress Dnsketl ( for Easter ) . In beau- yoU can
Domestc . . . . . . . . .12\2c \ , hOc and 8c ttul designs anti colors at 2c each. possibly An elegant fimiti.
French Madras Cloth. . . . . . . . ant . . . 8yc Drlnl YOII' glasses and examine our with double Knee Pant Sllt'$298
I.lmogenB Figured Jlconet3..I\e . . . . . . . . . . \ ' cute Blnltful little 3c line . basleets. Including ot Busslan Lacquered wih Bo's' . . . Knee . . . . Pant scat . . . and . Suite . . . knees . . . ,
Ful ' line . . . . of . . . . . colors . . . . . . . . tn . . . . . plain . . . . Cre- spoons , Puff and candy boxes and tea . you cnn't bu ) ' short of that$300
Full pens . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 15e kettles , salad sets etc. , Imported elsewhere are. . . . . . . . . .
. . . di-
Ful line of Percales. . . . . . . . . . lOc " 11- Days' Reefer
Full line of Che\lots. . . . . . . . . lOc red and . Offered at less than Jobbers' the thing these Jackets cool Just$200
' prlcps.
Plain Duntng , alt cohor . . . . . . . 5c ; All thmeime and tnornlnga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sitirtings , checks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Al e pretty things can be seen ant 10rnlnls. . . . . . . .
Shirtngs check. . . . . . . . . . 6c \ by making I trip to our basement. Slen Days' Boys' I aunteloy . Waists. . . . . . 800
Unlaunteret 'Valst/h. / . . . 240
, S.9MORSE .
P. .1 lDRY GOODS @
and Joseph Henry Smith arc with Doard of
Trade firms . V. C. Seaver has mate con-
slterable money out of several lunch rooms.
Charles Burton , mlnager at time Lincoln Pis-
Inlet Telegraph Is engaged In electrical comi-
struction. H. G. nartrut Is traveling audi-
tor for the Singer Sewing Machine company.
David Wlge Is In the wholesale liquor busi-
n ess. Joseph Oppenheimer Is chasing a
varlet assortment of rainbows as usual.
Among other LIncoln peollle here are C. J .
Newlerry , ex-fre chief , Morris Hathaway
F rank Cook , Forey Moore , A. M. Stewart and
A. halter. ant
W. E. Sm.the , who dazzlell Kearney people -
ple with time enterprise of hIs Daly Enter-
p nise . Is now publshing hIs Irrigation Age
In i Chicago having nn office In tile Masonic
Temple. Ray Nye. from remont , Is In the
grain commission business. 1olarl ) P. Flu-
ley I and J. D. Paterson , tram Hastngs , have
been engaget In the Insurance business Mrs.
Scovill . who was Miss Minnie Hawko of
Nebraska City , nail her husband are living
at the Hyde Park imotel
Council muts Is represented by a consid-
orable colony. 1' M. Gaul , who was general -
oral agent for the 'abash , Is mnnlng a
IJroduco commission business on Water
street. Miss Julia Omcer Is one of the best
known pIanists In Chicago ant fIgures In
many entertainments. Frank V. Miller Is In
1m lamp department of Hlbbart , Spencer ,
Barletl ) & Co. M. F , Ellis Is In a drug
store on State street near the Palmer liommac
J. H. Wheeler , connectet wih the Ogden I
house h In its palmy days , Is In the real estate
business. Edward Bennett Is still with the :
American Express company alli Hay Wels I
remaIns with the " 'els.I argo comnpamiy ,
Thomas Hait win Is with a aeemh bemuse
Prank Stubbs Is In the gonts' furnishing
goods hue. Sol Mosler Is selling clotimimig ,
I ranlt I. Dullard Is a builder . Amen ! ; others ;
are Dr. F. P. .
lre Ilelhinger . n. D. Wanzel ammc I
Herman Uuertort and FIlED H. I' . IIiEN1NOER Sackett. ant
? , lonteroyto SRI for 110 ilutitim .
BAN nANCJSCO March -The Unied I
iltatea coast defense vessel Monterey arrived -
rived here ) yesterday ( \m Mommterey
Sue Is tulcng on coal ant within two luYI
will proceed to Calao , Peru , but she wi i
stop enroute at some Nicaraguan port . The
Alert Is 10W lt ( alao and the Hunger la
KOlowhere between I'eru and Nicaragua .
I hI evidently the intention ot the Wnsh-
InHton authorllf to concentrate a respect. -
able navmd force on Nicaragua's Pacilim
coast. Time Navy department is certainly
desirous of getting tue Monterey to heu itt m
quickly as possible , for the forces at Marm I
Iblafld imavo been working day and night IC )
get imer away , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
urveylug aim lremomm I.ake.
WAShiNGTON , iarcim 30-Secretar : I'
Smith lmas Instructed the surveyor general o f
Oregon to award to Deputy Surveyor .1. hi ,
Neal of Diamond , Ore , , time contract for sur -
veying limo lands embraced within the Mean -
den lines of Lake Maihiour , Oregon ,
2"mmrmiiers Ilmusy I'lomvlng ,
SUI1PI1ISE , Neb. , March 29.-Spectal.- ( ) -
Farmers are all busy putting iii their oat I
and plowing. Time ground is in good shap 0
anti svitlm it good rain everything would be 0 ! a
the boom , The p581 few days imave been ex -
cesdingly warm for March and rain seeme
almsiost certaIn ,
Ambition of the Thuratou Riflea With Re-
Speot to the National Encampment ,
Not Afraid to lIme lip Agmmiimst limo National
1'cnchbhcs .ttgaimm-Whil
- Attcsampt to Vimm
Otto or All of Three l'rizea -
L'rclaralions llmmdor ' . % 'mmy.
The crack militia
companies all over
time United States are now driiling 111cc
veterans in preparation for lImo anA
tional encampment. whmich will be
hiehl at Mempimla , Teimn , , May Ii to
21. Timis is time great event of time year in
their estimation amid time tropimies whicim tvalt
for their compotiUon are regarded wills envious -
vious anticipation which can only be appre-
elated by timoso who have imbibed time spirIt.
of rivalry which animates time cotmtesta , All
tIme features of a uiathommal eacanipmnent lmmtve a
tendency to excite tue soldier boys to time
itigimest pitch of enitimuatasma. F'rom time
iilOliotoiioua trammlmg , back and forth ott time
echoing floor of time empty armory they are
transporod to a scene of 'real imuihitary en-
vironmmment. Here are scores of the crack
comupanes of other stales. Bomne of timent
bear time signs of the tniumiims of Previous
victories anti as timoy move In superb ailgn-
maclit across the parade ground thm spirit of
emulation is umuder every blue jacket and
mmiakes time mrigimt to wear' timoac honors the
proudest ambition 'imicim they can conceive.
Anti title is not time only inspiration which
hovers over time encampment , Time soldiers
nra young , and hero are thousands of bright
eyes unmier dainty simning heaml gear wimicim
wait to sparkle aisprovat on the victors , And
as time tnlumnpimanmtmm tile past In review before
timO kaheidoscopie array of glowimig spring
costumes and wavirmg imandkerchiefmm ( hey are
greater soimhIers In their timeme timan were ever
Cromnwehi or Napoleon in time tame of former
There arc forty ambitious soldiers in Omaima
who cimenlaim fond anticipations that whemi the
Mempimia encampment imas gone into history
it tvihl heave them at least a share of time
Imonora that fellow In it wake , At least. timey
are drilling night. anti morning with a perse.
verance and entimusiasm timat augurs well for
timeir success end they will go to Mempimhs
with a grim determination to win at least one
of time three first prizes. These young gentle-
inca constitute the select company fromn the
Thiurston billies that lies teen selected by
Captain Scimarff to enter time national contest.
For seine time timey have been drilling every
evening at time Coliseum , anti beginning tomorrow -
morrow they will go into camp arid Itut. in
four hours a day of active drill , Every man
must ije In rank ott G a. in , and for two
hours they must mnarcim and courmtermnarcim
in every conceivable flgiirm that may bu do.
mnandej on limo day of the grand trial. The ;
drill is repeated from S to 10 o'clock at .
- -
- -
- -
n ight and tlmen nil time
tlu o turn in anti be soldiers nra expected
ready for time
lu early
ng drill time next , morn-
1 , 0 continued program will
C until May 9 , when time Nebraska
sviii leave for
by special
Time niembers fiavo also
a ble raised a consider-
sum to
at aa nd a milItary defray tournamejit time expenses of time trip
t hmo will be given at
May 3 , by whmicbi the
p t realize exact -
T he eptertaimmrmient enoughm to Coniplote time sum ,
i Tt Which nearly will consist of a parade ,
a dozen
conupanies will
t icipate , and par-
an exhibition
drill ,
Time chief
be the commlpetitiyo
t he four between
comupammies of time Ihigim School
c adets to
cj company shall
j the
oy imonor of
carrying time
dd uring niltlmmg the ensuing year. The cadets battalilon are also fIa V
regularly for this
t his will in thueir ftrst liihllC appearance the as
c ontest
wlhi be
of exceptional
interest ,
A tIme
coimipanies which arc expected to
p artIcipate iii
lime parade are time Rifles ,
O maha Guards , high School cadets
, Dodge
L ight Guards
of Coummcil Bluffs Lincoln
, in-
entry and other military organizations of
n eighboring cities.
Time will enter all
tlmroo of tlmo
t ests at Meumidmis , The
first will be a free-
f or-all drill , lcnownm as ciass A , iii which nil
t imo
crack Comnlaflles ) of tIme country will be
e ntered
, These include time Natiommal
Foiscibles , who have imad a walk-away in
na attily previous commtests. anti It Is time proudest
a mbltiomu '
of thmo Omaima' boys to bring imorumo
t ime scalps of
these eider immmd alone celebrated
o mgamuizmmttons. 'Fhere are three prizes in title
c ontest Cf 3,000 , $ l,210 mind $00 , respectively , V
a nti timeso
are imo iIicormsimleraiilo incentive
t ime best efforts of time particlpammts , to
Class Ii lii for compammies whmlcim imavo never
e mmtered aim Interstate drill , and , mrs title is time
nmaidenm aipeararmco of time Rifles , they will V
i i eligible for entrance. 'Fise vnizos are
,000 amid sr.oo. Time Omnnima
commipanmy will
also cuter class C , whmicii is a sort of corisola-
t lomm race for comtujmamiies timimt Imavo mmevcr won
a vnize. The prizes are similar to timoso
offered in class Ii , lieslmics timeso principal
ovemitmi timero are any niuumiber of tirizes for
i ndividual amid fancy drills anti time aggregate
of time prizes alTered is ziearhy $20,000 , Cap-
tam Scimarif
Maya that hmis company has at.
taimmed mmmarvelomas proficiency
cenmaidering its
recent organization and if this young
i matmy comm win a place among its more oxpenl.
ommcod conmlpotltormi ( lie imoimor will Well ,
it for its limit. work , remy
I'nrt Tnwmmm ad i5eln Ilolorteri ,
TACOMA , Marcim S0-Lieutenant MitciiiL
U , B , A. , is here in charge of the parapimor. .
nmmhla beioimging to time army Post at Port
Towneenmi , wlmleim is being transferred to
Vancouver barraclcs , It consists of wagons ,
horses aimd other camp outfit end will his
shipped south , Tleo Port Townsend post
has boon completely dismantled , time build.
Ings being left in charge of an officer and
tour soldiers.
Jtepimbilcaummi tb.mct ) so is DisC Usimmhllate ,
PEORIA , March 30.-Over 100 republican. ,
dissatisfied with time nomination of William
Alien for mayor lest night , suet this macro.
lag at time Yoummg Mcmi's Cimristiamm association
building anti nomnlmmated James ' '
'i' , Roger , for
that chico. They represomit limo ministerial
elenmenit , Time democrats will nominate
candidate tonight ,