Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1895, Editorial Sheet, Page 12, Image 12

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- 12 _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - THE OAIIA DAIY EE : SUNDAY AUOI a1 , 1S9. _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
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f. 'Jf OMMJ SUDAY Br :
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, . B. nOSlJWTBn , Editor.
I , .
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I't:131.liuIL:1) . EVEtY onNINO. -
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> ' tEIIMH Of' fljJTjSCflht'T1O.
TI1y ( WiLtiout Sufl4iy ) , One "tr. . , . ' S 00
: ll T . . WIIICut IUII , , ' Yen . . . . . . 10 (
. )11) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0
. ) , . . . . . . . . . 2 t4 ;
1TIn ) rnUi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j
rhl. .
. Onp YtAr . . . . . . . . . . 2 (
I4llI(1fty ItN. yenr. . . . .
fl"lny I" . .
. . . . I
* tturIIAT flee . One Yeir . . . . . . . . .
Vc ( kIp , ijee. One Year . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
. Omi1i , , 'rho r.o TtII.IIng. ,
. n"l nlllnl. . ( ) flr N $ % fltI jith $ t.
follh ; $ Olnh ' 1IIIer C''I"r In < 21h18.
Council lUutiq . 12 JnrI ti'ett.
Counci ! 11 : 317 Ctifl'Ct , r [ Commrc.
Nel"nll. ChCIII 01 . n'lm 13 , H 111U. \ . TribUne lJWg.
. : WMhiftton . t47 I. ' Utrl. N. \V.
coItu1l'ONI)1NC1. :
AU o1iIunnicatIoM rtitig In n",8 nn.1 11. , '
Al matter IiOuIti I. . nlntll < .lo : ' 10 the 1ditor.
: m. 1.1 : TT1a
1 t :
hen i
Al . " ' 1"/8 lotors nl rnlHtnnCI8 'hritiIt ,
,1n'.s'd ! to Thl n ' l'n"l hlll C.If'IW
, .
Omahn. 7:8ftA. : : l'hrckn nnl 10.1'0 ( r.lorl . 10
ho ) flIfUf r3YnbIo ' In Ihp orll.f of t1 . 1'ltouy.
! ! ' . .
Inl 'i'l : 1m rt7iiT.1s1itNCOML'ANY. - - - ' -
. - s ' r.T1MFNT Ol ! : . Cin1UL.ATlON. .
(1.'orgo fl. ' rchuck. zwri.IntY ot The lien Iub.
" I. 'lI.huck II ht'
"fIO . . ' tIitt
1IIng er.tllInny . t.lnl dil ) "on. flYS "jnl
Illhll1 1pn )
tlio ncttini \ iiiilnber Of toll Im1 comll.l. 11' ' "
th. n.llnIllnbOf ful ,
1)1 "h. tnhiy Morning. I.nlnl nl,1 HunI" fl'e
( . Inl Momlnl. .
Itlnle" , luring the month 00 t'cbruati. 19. . \I"
, SIR 0o110W4 :
11 I ; . . . . . o.i " . ; 1 . . . . . . . . 1 . J
; . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ; Ir. . . . . . . . . . . I . ;
.3. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . ) , sco l7. . . . . . . . . 29' .
t , . . . . . . . 2)I ' ) IS . . . . . . . . . . '
. . . . . 2)012
r. : . : : . . : . . . : . : . : : : . : : : 2'.01 , : . . . . . . . . I itr !
; . . . . . . 19.r i ! ' . . . . . . . . 199
R. . . . . .1. . . . . . 19R.9 : 2. . . . . . . . . 19. & i
U. . . . . . . . . 19.i9Q . 21. . . . . . . . 19rr3
. , ' . . . . . . . 2),0)l ' .21. $ . . . . . . . : O
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .c17
It I . . . . . . . . 9.clO ; 21. . . . . .
2 . . . . . . . . . . . 19.rrO 19.5Ir : . . . . . . . . 1 . :1
3. . . . . 21 , . . . . . . . . . . . 19.51S
" . 17r4 21. . . . .
. .
. . .
. .
. . . . . . .
3. . . . . . . . 19.70 23 . . . . . . . .
, Tolnl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . .1,733 .
! " I 11 < , lplllclon . . . . , f"I' . . . uno11 . . . . . In,1 . . . . . . t"llrn"1 . . . . . . .
Nol Mlr" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .G I , 13
. . .
Inly n\'rulo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19"Ot
$ (1flIa ) .
.iln < GI.onm : ; : n T. crtCI { .
fw"rn In t Ifotl I" nn,1 , Illrrlbll In my I"CH-
nc' thti 211 tluy of nt"h. 1St'
Ihl. .IIY : :
In" I cl ) . N I' . I . I. . Notary PiLhiC.
.1 ,1,1'/.11 lUJMj. " , ) 1'1 I ' .
OMAIfA . March 2-1Ion. , E. nosewater ,
: tlor of The Bee : Dear Slr-'rhe ladles of
the Prcsb'terlan hurchs ) of this city wish
to Issue a woman's cilton of u , buY paper
for the benefit of the I'reIiyter1an hopita1.
IWoull } 'oU he willing to prnt us the prlvl-
logo of editing and managing The Bee . for
Ttay 1 , subject to any necessary con ltous
. Dr restrictions ?
H you wi be so Idl1 we wl be under
treat oblgatons to } 'ou. Very sincerely
Chairman of Committee.
OMAHA March : O-rrs. Ida V. Tiden ,
Chal'man : Dear Mrulam-t take pleasure
, in tendering to the Indies of the assoclatcd
I'reRhyterlan churches the publication facil-
: Itics of 'he lice to be used In the production -
lion of the morning and evening editions on
Nay dar. Ralt papc's to he 'ceUtel exclu-
flvely } hy women and nil advertisements for
: ' the two Clltons on that lay to 1JC solicited
, . by women. Thc proceeds of alt advertise-
ments FO lrocurd . as wcl as the proceeds
S from papers saM on that day , exclusive of
S our regular subocriptioli . to j0 to your assO-
'S ciation . tinder detailed conditions agreed
S with . our business ofllce.
S. ' ' ' ' its clileoty
'l'he Ilghdatm'u ltefe's Is chlcO'
S : wIh sugll II It.
. ; Al unc011tonli 1'llslce does netS
S mC11 till tIItCOlilitiOlIill declaration of
lcacc. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ,
S ' Now watch Nebraska ; forge nhcnd ,
S until It becomes thc 1lst sugar beet
S raising state In thc titilon.
I foot'hnl Is tabooed fl'om Hnrnrd ,
'Ilu'\'nrI1 graduates may ns well give Ul
all U1lltOIS or ever going to congress.
: 'Vhr , certainly we are Iii dire Iced
; ; or It State Board or EmhalmC's , If only
S to lm' ' the , 1 > ltcII corpses unnull '
Wlshcl to the shole of defeat.
_ _ _ _ _
i t 10 Institution or higher education wi
S hClceforth he uhle to hell I : own nit.
: ' lORH It offers u COmlletc cOU'se of study
fet thc thorough h training of receh'cI's.
S U r.1 Jun Chan ! had enl ' klowl
that ni ulcollltonll armistice wits to
- bc so easIly ohtllnet hc woull without
S " , Coubt have los11 ) lS I target weeks If
not months ago.
S , . 'Phe rise In the mien of meat Is not
' " S < ollucd to this 10Cllt . . Cities nil over
* the Pnlh States are registering [ coinS .
S 1)lllnlt nt thc elllr ell delI11s or the
; wholesulo ulIl I'ctul butchers.
'rho 1)OI1IieIItItI1' ) . bIll UIIU'opI'lntcs
r " . . 3OO "Ot. so much thereof lS ll ' hc
: . ,
s " '
r IItcesstry" ! : to pl ' for DOL'glU Iu'lson
- , tiiiarflttll' ) As If all the $ : : .OO would
, , , , hot bu 11110 ( lCCSSal' ' itild mom too I
, S I wet ' e only II sIght !
, : . ' Things must hc lt 1 pretty pass II
I " 'ho legislative hllH wlln It becomes
' St , ' ' lccessu' : ' to enact Into la\ that 10 one
f' 1m ICL'11ted to rIO\'I' fOI' Individutil I
S t , , 110 11) of thin legislative Hlllp1es 1)0.
S , , longing to itmiti 1)101(1 ) ( for by the state.
' S. ' 101:111 1111 _ _ _ _ _ luhl _ _ _ _ _ _ fol _ _ _ _ ) _ _ lllte
S : , ' . Aiiy legisiat lye measure that must
"CHl'OY 11 sr1)1 ) I 0 In time tire timid Ilolco )
i S : - force and Impair the otcl'IC ' of the
I , , ; t1CIlI'tlWlt II I nlluce to property
t . hollpl's who PaY for the mllntelltcO
: ; , or the dll1I'tlcnt. Such n meaS1'e If
, , .
S 1 the Ohunhl.usscl 101co comllssion
bh1 now before ( ioyelumnr Ilolcomub.
: . . . tlinow < \ Iolcoml.
: . II' 1'1' Is the unanswC'ahle Irjulelt
I S 'hlt huts hlen ) Ilh'IICI'd by un n 1'111'1 I
fUIPO'tl' ) of itmi 1111'luut luleasmire
\ 1\ ( 1IU'O
S l ) nIUI In time legislature : "lh'IHl , dear
, T1r . Legislature , IIIHH time hi creatIng
ho olce of supervisor of 11Intt . I
" ; Wllt 10 lte If time governor will gIve inc
n Job " I I thIs Ilom't Insure the enact-
l' II'nt of time 1)111 imothiltig 'WIll.
S tw bi 10111n _ _
, ' Son1 vt' . ' eiI1IIltlut 1)001)10 ) are under- .
IS l going I I'at Ih'nl of WO'I' , ' O\'e. the
! ulHlou vlmethmei' time Inmate tlX CII ho
collected by the 1lehlnel' ' IJ'o\'hlel In
S ihir' : iECseitt ) huz' . ' 111 collectors are cia-
' 1)103''il for time HIlclll ) work of collectIng
1ho tax , awl thity IUHt hot expect theIr
{ I JI\lh to ho luch * 3iilOthitL' ) tlln that of
' I ho average bill colectol' In tht'sl' Il : 'H.
" , . , Albion 'V. 'l'ourgee's IpW veek1y
, alL' ) , 'l'll linsIs , his appeared and
coml' fully \ll to time high HtL11nl'll
-S " ' ( \hll thl public humus been I'll to ex-
, S I'ct lu O\'cL'rthlnj with whIch Judge
S U'OUntOI ' Ii COiliIecttMl . 'rho field whIch
5' trIte BItI sets ! euro It Is that of good
r CIU'llthll good O\'Ct'llelt 111 good
S . : - Ilh ; 1Ltm'I' . ' 1hls I t Hell not only
' - unique III b011leHI nt the 1'11101
lt\IIt1 ; , but also one . lu\ltl cultivittomi.
SS Phc Ilt : tuimimbur Hhowt the lnll'es oC
t ; ullj\ 'l'oU'geo'ItlOlg IleL'Huull ) )
e , which wi stauhi ) time whole fabric or
Iliejournal , 'l'ho ll1I ; I ; 10ulli to IC-
ccd beettuso it decrves . ,
# cul llcauso 1ISel'\cl IUCCCI.
, 5 :
, ,
S -
l"'WI.lVT OFf'W" ; IiOt4JiS' : .
Time llllclO or otce holdl'tR has
hll1 proverbial duico the ( inyim or 11am-
let1 who exclnlmcll II his Immortal
solIloquy :
Wh "ouM bear lie whips and { corns ot . .
hate , the presor's wrong , the proud mami"
contumely , the plngs ot elpbell love , the
law'l delay , 1ho In llence or orca ?
Time rlcclt cltro\el'sy O\'cr the polce
commlsslou ( ! hn ! giveit Ill forcible lus'
tmtol oC the Insolence nl wll nK the
hll111elcO oC olcu hohlm's. JI orety
, wl regulated cRlalJsluUnt whllo
thee Is 1 dh'Ilol oC labor nucl re-
Rllonslhl\ ' II II the 11'nrlnllo i'umle
that 1\'C' ' uml : , high h or low , shul nt-
tcucl strictly to his OWI hlslnc H. Not
so II the Umnhl cIty hail and court
house. Thieve , Inateati : of ntl'mluJ
stii't17 to time lcrfollnuce ) oC duties
devolving . 1110U th01 , time heads < of II'
llu.tuwnti nut theIr slhu\luUtcH dente -
\ol ) mOll or theIr time I schcllu 1111
1)lotll ngllnst l'nch other and ugahmist
time taxpayers : \hoo In'I11t amid butter
' .
they ent.
It Is n matter oC notoriety that the
county Clll'I 's ohhic ' , the BOIl'.1 : . or I1umb.
lie " ' 011,8 rooms , Ilt the oUle nf the
city hicaht hi commuuiilsslotii'r are hothlls
el Il'nll l'e ( .
fet : Incuhiut lug plots ) to Illllmlne other
Ilhle ) ) olcm'R lul 111Ilnoto schemes of
Wol InCO'Icd ) lllcs , \\'hoso veracIty .
WI hl\'o uo Icnlon to 101ht. ueL't that
the Fire nini l'ohice comnunissloit bill '
nl1101ce cOltnlsHlou hi wnH .
tnJ\\'t'ltcu II the bisemntmit : of the , .
CO\ ) ! hOIe , nul the most ( ) actIve stIll
hlut for this UlIS1le has ln'cn UI\l , )
h } Chnl'mul W'hmmspt'ar. Now , what
right humus the chnl'lllu of the Board : of
l'tihuicVorks coumnteumance ' multi uuimil
lullcm'la ; to l'Olll'UIUce 0' ullunll
nlet ally Hchomo that wi deprive thl'
Itll 'OI' of : voice In the t j0\'l'1IWUt
of time ? Wh ' should Clerk
) lll' 'u\'hmy Conntr Ccrk
t4utckttt 111 ' ' clerk , Goin-
Hlcli'lt or . hil dllJt clrk , Park ( -
immiSsIOiIeL Hl'lllcle , moclll wl I thc
1)011cc ) c01mlsslon , with which they
have 10 rehitt bit wlltO\'C' ? AmitiVhiy
should nnr clerk 1'1111luycl by the
county I'CISUC' be Jc'ml ) tee to lrmp
itrimmumid tOWI eurln lushlsS hours so-
Icllng sl ntules : for pcttons nMkIuig
thc aiirovlil ) hr thc goveimmor of thc
Ghm'cll-HIsel hi ?
Time same IUeRU0H might he . hrO-
1)01\1ee ( to vnllous other county 1111
city olcliis who . iiu' : gone omit or tlh'
\1.\ ' to hllO.tUlO ) the legislature to
mutiate ; the I chart cr. 'Vhiy . should loL
o I Cl'll 01' cIty ali county employls '
who are \el hOld Il ) contmt wIth nt-
tetl1ng to the IJHllCKS for whllh tjl.\
III'I tmwln II : ' so long lS loboll ' else
interferes wih Ilm ?
flight here I 11) be timely to cnun-
elnte thc true of ,
cnte 1HllClplu go\ellmolt
Authority must 11lrH go hand II hand
with respolsl lt ' . Any olco\ who Is
l'l'sI1nslhle ) for an ) hrllch of govern-
fluent must have : cOll'ol of that branch.
'rhe IH'esllelt Is comlt\lleL' of the
It'm ' Imcl . ( lnY ' lcc\se ) : he . Is l'csI1nsl.
lle for the lnhlc ) safety nnd enfol'ce
uncut of I ute 1:11 laws. Time governor
Is mate the hcad or the state military
forces , II order that he may he 11
l > sitot to repress domestc Ilsull'cc-
Uon. 'hc sa1o Is true of thc ml 'O'
As chief nlmlellnl executive hc has
the rcspolslhlt ) of SIIII'cssIng ) riots
l\i Illllllnlnl order. Is It ratIonal
to vince ) thIs responsibIlity UlOI him
lnlCSH he Is clothed wih such authority
II wi citable him to enforce law anti
Unllllln : ol'del.
hallway construction In lSH ! reached
the lowest poInt In twenty years , there
hclm ) less thnl 2,0 mies of track
Inhl. A revival on any large scale of
railway building . IH lOt to he ) oxpcctod
this 'ea1 Q. pcrhnps next , but 11'ob-
alI } ' lot for InlY years wIll tlle be
so little ( lone II ! this direction In any
twcl\clonth lS last 'CI' . According
to tile last Issue or the hallway Age
there Is 1 favorable Prospect of increased ( -
eL'olsel 1ulwl } ' construction anti the
I1Csclt } 'CI' 11 expected to show 1 con -
shlcmble Ilplo\Uent o\el' 1894. ! That
Journal lireseults n < elalo < statement of
mlhYI ' cllm'll'lscs tinder constrmictiomm ,
mu1m' COl t tact , smurveyetl nmI hICOI(11'n- (
Iud-the hatter IncU1n only such
ll'ojcct. IS seem to hl\o reasonable
prospect of rlalzaUon nt some time.
This list shows 873 lines . 1'lI'csentnl )
1 total of 2O-17 - tithes , on which coum-
stlCtOl humus elhcl' been commcnccil
01 IllpCa' ) ) to be 11'01)occl for tlc hear
futme. ' 1he list emhlces forty.slx
siltes amid territories and of these It IH
stateth that thc imumimber or mimhies
Htntet IlmbeL' mil'S 110'
jeclcl In Nebraska Is 115 , 10\1 123 ,
Klns:11 t\\'lnty.thl'ee , ColoLllo 570 ,
utah 2f7 , W 'omllj 87:1 : , 1Yitsimlngt lon
87(1 ( . SOlth Dllwia1 , lontlla ' : : :
Of course It Is hllJsslhle to 5113' 10w
lllh of thIs lL'ojoctcl ) mllulu wi ho )
built this 'I'IU' In the imL'xt l't'sv '
hult yemtt 01 le x 11'rCI'S ,
hit tIme Unlway Age InYI that of time
roads lamel Its records show that 101 ,
with 1 total 11'011sod ) length of 2tEIS
tidies , % vei'e either sviiohly ' '
mies WC'e whol OL' PIL'Uy
gt'ulol ! 01' under contract t ut time
conlnolccmHnt of time year , and
that journal thinks It reasonable
to HUlllwse that wih time 111ltol
ot other lInes follethll 1m this utile-
ago of lew track mummy ho Illlel ( ( Ilulll
lSU : ; wih a IIOIHlhll ) ) ' of much mot'o
I good tles I'C t'esto1'cl. So far 1f
the weKtel states are COICII'IWI , II
theL tholil ho nlst'IICl or good cI'ol)1 )
It 11 II'ohlhlo that 1\'I'I'r mile of P1-
jecll'll uev titiiw'um , ' in that seetlout 'IIi
lew 111\u 11 tlat sedlol1
hI ) lul . thh 'Cl' .
Nut far flum 18.00 mIles of steam
1Iwu ' 1 1'0 11II Olll'atol II tl
ITnl 1 HI intos , \hlll It 11111 ' Inlf of
thc mll'\O oJ tire rest If the \01'11
nmu'l about douhle thoU.
111 tlnt of time UIIl1
FlumgtIomum , 1 I'II'l. Gel'nlt ' amid htus-
Hil l'Olhllcl ( yet time ) llwl : ' Ago says
that If any iet'somms ! l'onllile tll rail-
\I ' cunHt utuet ion hal II'Illcl ) ) cl'Kell
itt this t'oummmtrt' , they l'O greatly 11t.
tmmkeiu. HoublcsH this Ii coned ,
hit there Is l'oaSOI to hele\ )
tmt . In Cllme , itt least ! fO' tO\W
'I'a' 111Iwl ' (1Ihll ( In time united
States will be cl'ICl ou1101 1morl'
l'OISl'I'\'ntro hUtl : thul II the IHu3t.
'I'lmo cxel'IlICO of time last few ) 'ell'l
hnt 10t hll'l of I 1.111 . 10 elCOlta e tim
Ilrcstlelt of CU\111 11 ruuliwumys , nor
wlll he tO easy hOI'clfcL' , 1t mummy rate
for 111) ' ) 'l'I'S , Ut It hits heel down to
it I l'oI111'alh'el ) ' recent llC'lOl , to en
list fOI'el1 clillni hum this clnls or cmi-
tOt1I'll' ) . 1111 its everybody knows .
fOI'olgl capital ) IUt llll 'oll it I large 1)I.t :
lit OU' 1'I1wl ' uleveloimumuciut. 'l'lmat we
shall & 0 on building raIlroads ; thieve 1
, , _ _ " ' _ _ \ _ _ _ _ _ h --------------S-- _ _ ' , - - - . - _ -9 _ , 5 ,
Lf11E .jflIL.JLIJ " - -
no douht There 1/ n dlmful for them
In IJrton8 or the country which wi
II\e t be stipliIC(1. ( lImit It II very
lIkely there will lC\'C' . nlnll he nl '
such boom In this del1t.tmcnt or enter-
11 rile ns the cOlltr ) ' has ImoWI In time
IH1St _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
AN INTfmST1" L1Ji PIiIIbI1it. ( )
TIl lrelmlnll ' henrln or n com ,
1)lnlnt ) for clmlunl libel Is to take place .
In 11 m 01 Bcme jt'stlce court of th's co nty
this wlck ! which Iwoh'cl the whole
fabric of time freedom of the Itress. 'I'he
01150 ( II thlt brought against . the editor
or liii' GI'ehm HC\orte. n little country
veekiy IJhlshel1 In Gt'elnn , Sn\ ) '
county , lit thIs state , b ) time forcmn or
time Inte grand jury . called to hlllh'l'
Into the existence or criminal huractict's
Ilto Qxltelce . crlmlnulrlctcl :
In Iougias cOlnt . In the course of
Ionl sarcastIc cOlmenLllon the wOI'k
oC time mll j\ ' time Gt'etnu Iteporter
seems to hu\1 II\le nn ohnoxlols ) ( rl'fl'r
pnce 10 ho t let\I ' or time fO'omnn. 'JhC
hit t't ' S\\0'e out I Comllnlnl of crlmlnnl .
11,1 lit Iho court or n DOI/luH ( 'olnt
jUstco of time pence ) , WhORC CIIHllbio .
served tim Ilnlerl ) on . the I edItor In time
neghhorlng colt ty and dragged him
Iwfo'l ! time justice to Il' hounl o\'e' for
iulit'ulrmliiCt' n t I : the tmc set for 1101n.
I mitt ' ) I m cmi dug.
Time remit 1111iton upon whleh thIs case
hU'IHI 11 whether a 1111 who writes m' .
11'lnls ) un nltgel lIbel In ammo couumuty
cnn he l.t'cHtollnul trIed for libel In another -
other county HlmlI ) because some cOIles ) .
of his 1m pe' mny hl\'l hcen sent thel'e' '
for clrcuulatloum. Is the offense of erim-
lual lIbel commItted whl'o the lIbelous
am'ticle Is writen or prhmmkd ! . 01 wherever
I many chnlce to he carrIed amid rend ?
Is the locus of thc olcnso Ixel h ) the
writing or the reading ? Ot' hits tIme ] cr-
son niieglng thnt hI has heen libeled time
01)101 of lustntug IH'osecuUon at
either 1)lace ? AIIl ( If he CII lWosectite
itt l'lhlr ! place ) , 'imy not nt hotl 1)lnccH. )
0' itt I hunlrol dIfferent places , otto
tufter l\othor ? Like mill neWst1lwrs.
the Gretu HCIOrtel doubtless ex
chlUges wih other leIHetS ( ) nml
therefore circulates In ethel conutes
hlsldes ) Satpy and Douglas. Cnn Its
editor be carried to the most remote
COUlt ) that his IJIer enters 1111 ( there
lu'osecnfcl for lIbel ? Is libel so differ-
emit from other statutory offenses thlt
time iersomi accused of It loses nil const .
stlutoual right to I IICl'l ) amid Imlar-
tll ( Jury trial In the coumity whore thc
lhell ! saId to have hlcn ) commltell' !
I the ) roccedIhmgs Insttntcil against
the editor of the GI'etna He1ortel' are
rIght Inl ( regular no editor or IHhlshcr
Is for n moment safe from malcious
molcstaton and our "Imntel liberty of
the IICSS Is hut 1 mcanlnglcss phrse.
Xo editor would dare to cI'Hlclse any
liuhlc omccr I ho relleL's hImself ha-
hh to criminal acton In every jurlsllc-
ton which his ] apeI may rcnch. lu
tl some jnrJsllcton he couid . pcrllps ,
he m'l'nlgnel oul ) ' onec for the same :
offense , but what ahout other jmirlsdlc-
Uons ? After prosecution In Douglas
county , Nlbl'nslm ! , for . anolclle com-
mileilin Sf'i ) ' couumty . cau the nccuscl
bc ngnln prosecutcd In Potlwntlmle
county , Iowa , . becluw . I copy of the
C remit Reporter has been carried
across thc hriljo ? ' .ho law of libel and
time pcnnlls ) hnlOscl ) nitty be Illetcnt
In Iowa from what they are In No-
braskut. Can the malt who lublshcs a
libel hut Grctul violate by one and the
same : act time libel laws of forty-four
states and subject himself to successive
cI'lmlnal process In each state In the
union !
1 ' ' whosc Is Injured
Every man reputatIon -
jurel l' time puhlcl Uon of I libel has
L rcmcly against the nutlol' or 1mb.
IHher by It ch'l suit for Ilmajcs : , whIch
ml ' be brought whcre"cI' 1)rocess cnu
be served. OLllnul libel I : aim offense
against the , stnt . Every pm'son
nccusel of cI'lnc Is gunr-
nltcel by the constItution I
trial In the locality In whIch
tim offense Is coinummltted. 'rimis
guarantee extends to libel ns well ns to
other vIolations of tle cI'lmlnal . code.
I cnnnot and iumumst not bo evaded ly
the fiction that a libel II cOlmlUcl
whoreror time libelous article is . read.
A nxrw : QUBS7'UN.
The State Belief cOn1lls lon has now
before It thu most vexed queston
thnt huts been lubmHtcl to I for
Its conhll'n tOl and muctiomi. \Vlmiic
time 11strlmton of . supplies ) unlcr the
$ : OO flPI)101)iItttiOmt required much
\01'1" , the task nssljnlllL by thc le lsln-
tuii'e to I\JrUon the $200,000 rCllnt '
nlllJrolH'lnted wi brIng 'n 0 p'ny he very
best jut ILnl of tie comumunissiouu. Upon
time lrolIC' , distribution of tiuls flnt
largely lellHls thc success of Nebraska
In time comilg years. lc'mnnl , desIres
111 Imhllols wi hnve to he 1111 asIde
Ult the 11110rton\11t so made that the
greatest gooll to time greatest numbcr
mummy ho . ICCOmllthel.
Je ) COUl tcs have Ilcn on thc rolls
of time com\lsslon slice It first or nl-
IZII , hit now thirteen fltlUolal coimum-
ties have o'jnnlzcll for time 1I\1)0e ) of
ohtnlnll I suture of the IlrjcI' appropri-
utol , nl1 se\c'11 others hn\o OXlu'cslet
Ilh' Iltenton to joIn the list of 111)1)11- )
cnuts. 'rhe Ilw IU'o\'hlef ) that emu Mon.
duty all time uuiiiicuit ) ) louis that cun bum comu-
sll'I'ell wi hu\e to hI 01 file In time
commimmmisslout's (111100 , unt those rOlnt03
tlul have not lt t\t t\e placed ) their
111111caUols ) on tile wi nol II coimskl- -
CL''I1 Allclt ' several cOUltiH-li ! ,
suuimmmultteil thmt'lr orgaiml'intlomt that are
Kuhmllml tllh' ( 'junlzaton thlt f'O
known to ho In time eljo\ent of I
Innneli Htlllng that woult lrccl11e
the pos'lhlt ) ' of theh' Illhlt ' to iii o-
vhlu for thou' ' , hut
fO' tll' 1'001' ' none such Hhoull
ho mnlo rcclI'lts of . time state Imilro- )
prltttioim. Every county In the eastern
enl of Nebraska thlt l'cceh'c8 nn mujipor- '
tolmlnt cuts off just 80 much of time
t\li from the less fo'lullte rl'Hllonts
In thc wcstcr hart of time state , 1111
deprives time commuummonwt'muitim nt IlrAo of
thlt I\Olt of 1081)el'I ) ) ' In time coming
CrOiuO. Whcro It la In any way \osslhle for
IL count ' to lu'orilio seoul fOI' its
I coummity . ) 1 or I poor time
count ) 01cm'a Hloul refuse to organize -
Izu fOI' rllef ,
. .
' 1'lel.t Is ito cOUlt thlt could muot 1IHl
S0\0 heed ) Ieoilio ) ( wihin Its Ih118 , hut
this Is no t'OUSOI why time tluto commmmmils-
Hlol aloull coushlel' thch' temllll to
Hhlrl thIs RI1clll 11)llt0lrlulol ) fOL' the
drotith strickcu sufferers ot
lroutl'lttlckeu lufl'I'el's western No.
= -T---l-
- - .
braska. All Iuc.ll call null shoull he I
'lt'0\11(1 ) for 1y . " lime lucInuthoriies. \ .
' 1hc lroslerlUc'bf'ltime' ) ) ' vest will directly
hcnllt thc ( ' [ : ) ) ' all thoH counties
which make IIlllntol for aid nlli re-
ceh'o lll bc'm'ise ' of their nhltr to
take . care of thW tIwn people will hi' 1"0-
10.tolntel ' hltltedll tIme n\luml by
the nllltolll ( 'In-ll'C'I ' of their west-
era micigimbors. , . )1hJ ) decision or time state
cOl111RRlon on 1hlH 11ucston of nlIOr-
tonmclt Is ihmaui . 'umit1 I hchoo\'l1 them
to Illw time tlHtdbltol just nl11 ofuln-
hl1' for the futh pnlnclli CI'Cll of the
state at lut' e.
7'11 Alll Tl'f : .
' .he 'outh vit0 ntl\Itcl to n tns-
Hhmte J.I 1U1 1 < HIlN'hllS necommi-
llHhcd 10re for Chhm thll the
\\Ulll'l ( 'ii'0 $ ' amid his UHHOllh's l'olll
hltouc hut for this OCC\'I' ICC. 'l'll
hulct that tl'uc the \ctelu Ilnh'H'
lun touchcIl ( I chorll of 1 'mlUth ' time
wOI'I < over , amid Ilhnu h It'cl by the
h:111 : of a fnllte 11\1,1\1 ( reuscil to
whol ' relieve .lmijmtmi : or t'cKIIOlslbll ) )
All the .11Iale8l gO\'ll'llent Hl'l'ml to
have felt thlt this Wil not nitogetimer
unjust. (1 lt In : ' 1'llc eommcitmded that It
could not afford In time face uf n ulh'lI" .
smut rcprobatioim of the act to to lulhlng
h3 WI ' or Itcstlg its own sCIHe or the
emmot'mmtlty of time outrimge. In I procinlmmu-
lag an ulconlllonll l'mlHtcc , wllch It
hind before l'erURCII to 10 when the t re-
IlueHt for It was 1111e I ' the ChlnmH'
lwlce ) coumimmmissioumei's , time .lhllmahmese go'-
et'mmuiiemmt showed that It his respect ) for
time olllulon of the world , whether 01
hot It 11111s In ' cousllel ton to be IUl'
\IUllulshell foe. Au iti'mnistlce peimmh-
ing time cOlcllHlon of Ieace ) 1i otltIHI
melIS much for the ClmIuiqse 1)01)10 Ill
the Colestl1 clllrc , , for shoull the no-
otlton ! he iiioioiigetl 111 thc .TI1In. )
ese nl11es contlue to IrosL'emmte time
WI' It Is Imniossibie to estlllh time
110unt of luj\ ) thcr might 110. Of
course .11\111 ) : can brimmg the l'mlHtCI 10
un cli wheno\'ct' sue wis to 110 , nnll
110uhUcss them will be gLoat iwesstmre
. /L'ent IHeSHI'C
Ul1n the Jo\.t'nment to reopen imostlhi-
titus. 'l'iieVItt' ium'tY ) Is Hh'ong iiitlueui-
thai nnll aggressive . nnel is saId to le
\'el' % ' mudl llHsatIC1 : wih time leeilr-
ton of aim mmrimmistlce. But the go\'ermmimmt'imt
wi doubtless be able to con\lucc tie
fault-linders that II Is hOUIl to iu'ep
faih for a. . reasonablc tluu amml give
Chum ( lOimlfliids. 1 fair olilmOrtumnity to consider its
I IH sall In time dlsl1tches that ihl't'I'
mar lie somc IUlcul ' In agrem'Immg UIon
tm'ms of l1aC\ : \ ' , but the 1)m'ObItlIhitY Is
that the Chlnesc I'oys , who are umim-
lC'Htool to hnYQ ) comillete ) ,
wi mimnico 1 no leylouH 01111sllon to mummy
demnml whIch In\an ) lrml ' InHts
ullon , but wi.conpclle every conllton
111 reluh'cmcut d\lml11cl1 \ whldl tll , '
cnnnot by agL'cc1 nt or \crsuaslon Iii-
duce time .TnlJncse oYerl1cnt to nb11-
don. Any OUIQ , uuiuder the .
lon. AI course UIIC' cl.-
eumstllces wouldbc suicidal , for If
thc 1Hesent leotfltons fail .Jalm : will
not lttcn to uloth t. proposal for 1)01100
front . Ohlnn , hut will go on with the
w'mtr untIl sh.e 4s sable ! to dictate , tcr1S
.fl'QU ! ho capial .of the Chlnoso cmll'e
Time . Imslnes 'or- the lJaco envoys of
Ohlul Is to SI\'e. us 1uch ns losslble
of the empire nnd they wi tale no
chnnces on the 1 > RSlhltr of 10slnJ It
entrc anti havIng It reduced to I do-
lCllcuc ' of Japaml . Takimig this view
of the slLunton wo do not thmhmmk the
ne otlUons will he Itolon cd 01' that
there will be any serious difficulty In
a leelng UlOn t 011 ! I IH prctty safe
to say that the war between ChIna nnt
.Jal1n , I conlct that hums 1nd" I most
intelosthll chapter In thc history ' of the
nlnetconth centul ' , Is virtually nt In
Tim lUDAGASC.Ml ] CTll NT.
A great deal of persistent effort hns
bccn mnde to In\lucc \ the administration
to take action hi the case of ex-Consul
Wnlcr , who claIms to bc I citizen of
Kansas , and who bas just bccn sen-
tcncml to twcimty years' Imll'lsgnmcnt
FI'cnch court-martial In
hy court-mf'tli Inlndlgascnr ,
und It Is nnnoulccd that the president
humus decided to act In the mntm' and to
call for 1 report or nil thQ facts. ThIs
mummy mlun I mole or hess serious coimi-
plcnton wih FI'alco , wiich his made
Madagascar lU'lctcnlr l.'rench tern- .
tOI ' , MI .Johu I. ' 'uler , a colored
Amelcun citIzen , was formerly our consul -
suit lt 'J'ammmntmmve , nnt for years he hll
hecn ) cn1'yln on I hopeless struggle
against time I'cnch ussclton of I protec.
tOLto ( 'el lI11IgI8cm' , About I year
ago " 'ller obtalncd trout the HOYII ,
the d011nlnt nice In SIitdmtgascar , I comu-
cession of 1 hinge f'elL In time luhbm' )
district In the southcr part of the
Islam1 'l'hls wnl dlH\lelslng to the
irtmmdim. autimonltlt , timid W'mtiier .
Jtencl. In us WnleL' COi.
tnued hIs 01)11slton ) to the IJ'otectoLto
of [ , 'mncl 1 cnso Wits nU1lc out ngllnst .
hl1 , he18 1'lel by a of
Ft'emichm , otilcet's , 11 : 1ltcr of course
convicted , antI received I Hentence of
Inlu'lson1ent for twcnty yem's. Time
mltlr wns ht'oljht to time mint Ice or our
gO\'lrln1ln t ' soon ' /C' the sentence ,
amid time decsIon 'of thin IllmlnlstLton
to In11ul'0 Into Illec1ucts : wi ho very
gemmermuily approu" tl.
gencrly 111110i.
'l'ho ' ' of1time ( ' '
1lHtol'y , lgg1ossh'e Iolc ) of
1"I'lncl1 town i'd 1Imtthuiguusci : L ' II Imiterest-
lug. For 1'lrl ) h. ceimtmmu'y Jrcuch
stule81en have ' 1tiretl to uCllll'e ( the
Illulcl 11 a couimtturpolst to the I . slrelth
of 1migimtuuml In thr' ? ( iust. 'J'lmt'Ir "rfm't : . to
obtain COltlolWh : } ) \ 'v igorotmm4iy 1 coiuibmt- ;
tell h ) the : Imittuigmuscmr . : O\'ernl1lt.
w'itim time result thiut .ten ' ' ' '
wih resul tnt years ago Wi'
" 1f ht'oljht oil Atcn ! ? \ ? the l ' I'clch amid
time ! I O\'UH. ' 11h.I ) ihl l' tie hatter comm-
ceding to I L'IHC\hQ\I ! , lt 10 conduct time
nm'iatioums of lnlllHCf' : \ wih tO'elgl
) ' '
go\ol'lmenls , hu'w'lrh ) ( time express stih-
ulllon that this 11 ht'It to Imll ' 10
Iltel.rerelco wlltcYe' wih I the Iltel'nnl
affairs of the 1811111 , . But notw'itlmstnmul. !
lug this time I rcleh hl\o . been 111'IIHt.
cnl ) ' tr 'IIJ to com'C.t theh' Ilrtll or
nomlnll protectorate Into 1 fll 111
1011 ono , 1111 time lnlngnRclr govern-
ment has fOi 1 1 every sort or Intcrnll
affair . h'cltcll hy time . rcnch lS I It
WI'le 1 fO'cl'l mmfflmlr ; In olhel' words , It
has been the conlllnt effort of the
1"I'lnch " to Ignore the . l'eHllllts bit UIOI (
thom h ) time treaty 111 to construe It
for tIme tm'lhelnco ot their iuirPosL' ) .
I.llt 'CI' time 1'L'lnch government ! tieter-
mlncl to take steps to ml.o time Jo\'nl
Ilmlt l'rencl sorcrelnty ! over time Isll11
- - . ' - - - . . . -S
a11 slnt I I OtlnlsloIC1 to the 10\1
capItal to tc1nl1 n c0I(1'to recognl-
ton of I'rcnch deimmnmuuls. The 1Io'ns
refused to 'Iehl , whereupon F'raimct' r ,
! oh'ctllon war 111 I"I'CICh I'OIllS1
soon hegIn thc march 11'01 time ClaHt to
thc 10'a cnl\nl. or COI'U 1"1IcC "
wi lnnl ' conluer nlli IORReSS ) time
W\l thc lo"l'1 or France toward 111-
ngascl' thc Ulicil States InH , or couimumt' ,
hailing to do. UnjlRtlnhle ( ( ni n1' of
COllillSt on the 11rt of Franem' 1 IhlllS-
tonnbl ) ' Is , nlt ennimestly ns the .umiemi-
cnn Icole ) ! mimny desIre thc success of time
Ho\s In thclr struggle for Illl'l'l'lll ' ,
elide , this cOlnh'r cnnloL immet'ene. ( nlt
Il has nn Illolhlell ( ( i'lgimt to IImll1l time
facts rogumrdlmig time trial amid coimvlct iou
of nn Amel'lcln cit i'i.eit b % ' n coumni -mumar.
tnl of F'renclm olileermu , amid I sholill
llnumuiy insIst , \pon ohtnlnll nil the In-
forlaton \1)1 thlH t mlter tlll 11
Iccelsnr ' to ennhle the O\'l'rnml'nt to
Ilctel'llne whnt fmthll' net lout may hi'
rCllh'od to secure JustIce for I. .
WIIII' , If he his bcen unjust . tl'l1
vI tim .
Wo etc time'aw'mi and bitter con.
trou'ersy m'l't' hc t loca lon or he I Oln hl
feewl bultln : ni nn Illclon or whuL
many he In store for the II'ollel'I ) ' o\n.
erR of Houth Ommiiuima. We suggest to our
111/hhol'l of lie t Magic CIty that a half
lozen sites for their 1)011Rcl ) ) hllhlhlg
he selected tumid n fll 110sct'Iplon of
"Iwh he IHhlKhel1 for timlnly Iln , 's. 'I'hen
let time Ilnllel electors vote thch'
ii'eferlMtces 1)3' IIORtl1 ) card such cmls :
to be Itlth'osHel ( ( to I cOlllltec or L'e'
IIIon81hlo ctzen : IIUlell by thc commipeti- )
to's , Sllh \'otc , of cOI'se. would not bc
decisive , hit the t 'l'reasuury Ilel1ltlcnt
must obviously he lu'gc ' Intncnced br
'l'he Unlcl States Is not thc only
cOlnl' ' where thc lel1I'tlcnL of fOI'i i
cigum nllh's I : 10nol1Izing 'thc 11blc :
n ICI tol.
UIlereluu lu the I'omatt If "Ie\v.
Promonl lierolil .
The difference between the size Attorney
Gener.1 I Churchi Imalnes himself to he
and the size he appears to be to people
who are called upon to watch his actions Is
something truly wonderful to contempiate
A I'attrlotlc : I'HU In ( lothamu. .
Ncw York Sun.
The time has come for la'llg aside time
Policy 1 of lioilimg New York open for the Indiscriminate -
discriminate jrtlcnton of alt fOI'clgn-
AmerIcan semmtlmuciuts . and for turning our
thoughts . after the manner of othar nations
Possessed of prl.le . amid 111\ldualt } ' . to time
perpetuaton of tile name the fame , ant the
dignity of the United Slntes
Battle ot Steam nud ) lcctrlelty.
thll.lelphla Itecon ] .
The nnnounccment that the New York
New Haven & Hartford railroad has made 1
contract with a prominent electrical com-
pan for the first lrt of Its equipment with
electrIcal motors means that the Passing of
stcam has bcgun In the railway s'stcm. I
may take n long while to nass but I will
Imccesslon. go. Alrlldy electricity Is taking tte to the
The New uud the Old \'onln. ,
Cedar nnphs flepuilicafl.
Every blessed one of us Is profoundly II
thankful that his mother was not a "new
woman , " but 1 sweet-faced. mlt.tempered 1 ,
motherly human being who took more Intcr-
cst In her own children than In her neigh-
bo\s thoroughbred cats or Miss Gl dlrl's
bloomer The -fashlonet women of the
past and present arc the Ones for whom
hats come off wherever . they are met.
Jcllaus Comlul 10 Their Seuse.
Ihlndelphla Ledger.
Belgium has repealed the discriminating
duties against food products which Is cheer-
InS news for our State department. The
reason for the abandonment of this restrictive -
strictve 111c ' by the Belgians Is not re-
11orted. I was douhtess demanded by the
consumerR , and Is a token that Belgium Is
not scared by rumors of cattle disease which
arc Industriously circulated by poltcians
and by persons interested In the main-
renance of home monopolls ,
CllullllMI . Abroad
Doslon Globo.
The rapid growth throughout Europe of
the sentiment In favor of International bi-
metalsm gIves warrant for the hope that
the next monetary conference will really
"mean something ; " that It wi he the pre-
cursor of a speedy restorton of sound
financial conditions.
So careful nn American observer ns President -
dent Hill of the Great Northern road. who
has just returned from 1 long tour of Eu-
rope. declares that bimetalsm Is making
great strides even In England. He believes
that Great Britain wilt speedily realize the
need of rehahllatng sliver If she expects
to hold hCl' present sharc of the worl 's
trade. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l'l OJJR AND _ TJfl.VGS.
There Is no elect without a cause. Time
people of this country dlspoEed ot nearly
18,000,000 buuchs of bananas last year nnd
yet there are those w.ho cannot account for
the tumble.
Th joys at spring are not confined to the
poet's Imaglnton. Many a man tris as lie
builds tIme morning fire a Eong of joy at the
departure of the Icy blasts that frIsked 80 .
merrily roun ! the bristles on hula shins.
The city councils of Loulsvlll and Atlanta
faIled to reach the collar and elbow altitude
of time Indiana legislature. ! Like the modern
pugilist they threatened and emitted sulphur-
ous caloric but lacked time nerve to gel down
to business.
Lord nandolph Clmurcimihi's Ideal or a hol-
day was .to go to bed In n quiet room , stay
there during the day reading and dozing ,
dine In shIppers and dressing gown In the
evening and as 5001 as cOIncullnt thereafter
go back to be "
In view of the multiplicity of foreign
commtphications In which the cuntry Is involve -
volvo ! It Is well to remember the common-
wol began its initial pilgrimage one year ago
last Tuesday. The country 1 sfe. General
Coxey still lives.
Some men achieve greatness , others have It
thrust upon them at tIme christenIng. She
Slupeky and Hnky Dlnlt are temporarily obscured -
scured by tim risIng son at norther Mis-
souri who floats into prominence under the
name of Plnlcy blitz.
I General Maceo time foremost leader or time
: Cuban Insurgents was prominent In the
. struggle for freedom made by Cuba twenty
years ago . lie Is a tail man , modest ani
reserved In bearing. lie Is neat mind quiet In
his attire . hits popularity wlh the Cuban
patriots Is great
Time Industry or train robbing Is percept-
hly Increasing , hut the Irolts ) of time husl.
ness have readied a hard times basis
'here were twel'o holdups ) In 1890 , sixteen
In 1891 , sixteen In 1892 , thirty-three In 18 :
and thlrty.tour In 18H. : lives
were lost In these oiucoummters The amounts
secured , however , have not kept pace with
the Increased number of raids.
Many thrillIng climaxes are 11rodueed emi
I the stage which for the moment appear
. startling and unreal and provoke criticism of
author who are accused of strainIng for
effect. nut the real Is often more thrilling
and dramato than the i > reductions of the
ibuge. I may he doubted It the stage has
ever surraued a drama In real life recety
enacted In New York City . A betrayed wo-
lan lay on her bed , dyIng. Around her
besIde were doctors , nurses sorrowing
friends and a brolher. Hope of saving her
hall vaimtshmed her sands ot life were diminishing -
minishing rapidly , IJeathm was a question of
minutes but Iho was buoyed up wih the
haSH of seeIng and accasing Ier betrayer
Suddenly the door of the death chamber
opens and a man enters beLween two olilcers.
"There , " exclaimed the d"lng wonman pointing .
Ing toward the prisoner "Lhero Is time man
who wronged mae . " A momentary sience fol-
lowed. Then her brother , standing on tIme
poslto side oC time bed . pulled a revolver
and rushing toward the accused shouted :
"Stand back : I want to shoaL time wretch' '
lystanderl grabbed the brother and averted
the double tragody. A few muments later
the wronged woman was dead , and her be-
In .
mayor Jai.
- - S - -
- - -
I .1l."ITOIU 'W1Wn ( 11.1 If .
Chlclg Journal : I.'rom the , \ \Inerlc
.tandllolut our judgment In thIs untortunalo
controversy must be wIth the existing rlnl-
toba government and Its COl \ al , school
syslem , though our tmpatblc IIAY admit
the justice of a l1art oC tu , eompllint or the
Catholics .
Chicago Poet The world will weep for
Canada while this struggle blncn time
bigots roCcMs. , limit Il gives to Americans
new rca'hru tot time lost profound grntllllo
that tIme \'Iperous clemenl ot religions parti-
MlhII hs never been admitted 10 the na-
tonat politics ot the United States ,
Chicago . Thno-Heral : There nre separate -
rate achool In Ontario Quebec it.l the
northwstr territories. In time other oroy-
laces of the DomInion they have been can-
oiitiatetl . The crucial queston Is whether
time local lelslature ot Mamfitobu . has time
con"ttltlonl right to lelhlate on time school
( IUeston wlholt vlolatn its ohlgatons to
obey the executIve order or time crown or
Great hiritalmu .
11nnanpols Journal : Over In Manlo a
the old Illarrll haM broken out with al1cll
hlternes ! The atempl of time Ottawa gov-
ernmenl to force the Ieollle or the 11rovlnce
to aubsllzl Icllnrale l1rochlnl schools or the
Homan Calholc church which the legIslature
hail nbollhI , has fired tIme heartl ot time
flnhm-iLOtmimfl Catholic 1llllnton. Revolution ,
reboihiomm . defiance . are In the air , all tIme
Otawa govermucntay hl\e nn ugly 111ece
or business ou its hand/ .
Chicago Tribune : Outraged by thc Inter-
terence or the Dominion rovcrnment with n
law whose valIdity bad already bee passed
1110n by the privy council , all In8111l ) b }
the manner of the presentation of time order.
there Is little doubt thal time leglslatlra will
refuse to accept I. This will probably be
followed by dlssolulol at lnrlnment amid nn
al1peal to the eollle l for time Imlorsemenl at
Its action . That time people wi Indorse
goes without an'lng. I then the Dominion
overnment persists In enforcing its order
there will bl trouble .
OUT 0 ] 2'11 OIIH. " ' .UtY.
Iron pa\ements. which are now coming In
vogue and are thoughl to be new , were used
In London . In 1817.
The two longest words In time Century
lelonary are "palatopharlngeoaryngeal" !
and "trnssubstantnllonalst. "
'fhe average nnnual amount or Ivory re-
celvet In London from the African wilds Is
41 toils. The average price ts $5,000 per
ten.Sot. whIte breul. soups and other cooked
victuals are believed by scientific dentsts to
he the cause ot time prevaing decay of
According to the late Dr. Brown-Sequard ,
time "elixir or lIfe" man a gentle pnssure
or coughln the earn will control a severe lit of
There Is a monler tree growing near Santa
Maria do Tale , Mexico , which Is less than 100
feet In height , but Is more than fifty feet
In dlnmeler.
According to one or the textile l'adl
journals I takes 7,000.000 mies of threall
every } 'Cr to "Iteop the people of the United
States In their clolhes "
Time Wet Virginia house of delegates has
passel a law forever disfranchising any mal
ha\lng been convicted ot selng his vote or
of asking money for It.
A recent advcrtsement In a country paper
reads thus : "For sale-A bull-terrIer log ,
2.ears old , will eat anytlming very fond of
children. Apply at this 0111cc. "
A bronze figure of Buddha al Nara , Japamm
Is said to bo time largest castIng ever at-
temptel I Is fifty-tlmree and three-quarlers
feet from base to crown of thc imead
Center county Pennsyivammia has a man
who claims' havc "Ielescope eyes. " He
can tel time time by tl town clock when
separate from It b a Ilstanco of two miles. ;
Time largest department stOI In the world
Is to bo hul In New York wll Chicago
capital , The site alone for this stole cost
about $7,000.000 and It will occupy parts of
thrE1 blocks
There Is the succulent peanut. Maybe you
thlnlc It doesn't play a large part on the IndustrIal -
dustrIal stage but Ir you do . you are mis-
taken. The yearly 'mroductIon of' ' peanuls
In this country Is about 88,000,000 Ilounds ,
Virginia , GeorgIa. Tennessee and North Caro-
lna harvesting the most In the order named.
But after all . time American crop or peanuts
Is small compared wih that of Africa , whIch
In 1892 shipped 400,000,000 pounds of peanuts
ta Europe.
BLASTS . 1''Wl ll.tJI'S 110llN.
Time man who cheats another robs hinuseif .
great. When the heart gives , time gift Is alwas
The hands grow heavy when the heart I
Is wealc.
Those who borrow trouble never get n '
chance to pay it back. 'I
In delly never wrote a Ino that was
comforting on 1 death , imed. .
There Isn't a miionaire alive today whom
an angel would consider rich. .
No mater who has the floor self-concei.
will always find n way to speak
I the road to the pit dlln't begin In re-
spectabity It couldn't end In ruin
When wo go to church without praying
for us. the preacher tIme devil wales home with
The man who Is not religious at home
often wants to be considered extra pious
In church.
I takes some people n whole letmo to
find out that no dollar 11 big enough to
glvo an hour's Imappiness
" -
11l1WF . 11m 10JR
Washington Star : Her assertion that M
WAS to ha\I been hers mAY iimdInto that .
Mls Phoebe Cousins has 10mhow gotten lM
into Senator Fair contuse ) with the late
W rh'j fair
Cllcaro Icrll : No sueh romance hi !
been written or recent S'CiU. In It Is 1
love story , l1re anti Ilmpl ! Colonel Cousin
Is 10t n party , actual or Intending , to limo
legal bate over the Fair estate.ull I
ask , " she said lo time C"lrorll reporter who
sorrow toils time " story , "Is to bo left alone wih 1Y
Mlnlapoll Tribune : 113 1'locbo Cousins ,
the \omnn lawyer , tells ' ho\\ alma narrowly
t/c:11ell n big fortune hf failing to become
time "ll anll widow or time late Senator 1"alr.
t Phoebe hall been n rlsling lawyer , nrcI'
lImo engagemmmeimt , she w nl have mmuo'ed tar
Inlelllt ( excuton of the contract , anti not
allowed the prIze to get away.
Illllnunpots Jonrnal : Ol , I'iuoeIo Cousins ,
wy did rca do so ? Wns It not enough that
} 'OU "hou)1 allge n wel'lnrnell reputation
lor go"l ( fnle and oven brlhme } ' , end lower
yourself 11 tIme eSllatun or the cOlmunly
by } \lllgnlOM " crnp" whim time \\orlls
fair larll of laly managers ? YOI might ;
ho : recovered from that became theft \M
n posibihIty l thnt '
lly your clnlls were really
just , even It the controversy was II.Jtlgll.
hnt you le\'er cal rgahl the respect or the
Ilhlo after beIng Ilxcll up with the into
James G. l'nlr ' ' '
as .
you say yomi voro Never ,
I'hiocbe. lie Is 11etHl ( flOw , 111 It Is nol wel
to speak lii or imlm hut '
I hll , ho really Wasu't
the proper sort or person for } 'oum to ha on
friendly terms wlh , And It Isn't nice or
} 'Ol 10 ha telln ! that you ' were engaged to
him now that hI Is gone and c3n't speak
for lihmmmselt-miot al nil mdcc. At 'our tmo
ot life . lOa. Ohm . Phmoebe , Plmorbol
5 -
IIltItIU 11)1,1,5 ,
Chicago Trltnmmme : "No , Geargo , " said the
immature but still lovely mimruideii to her youth.
fuil adorer , "I calm mmever hti nmmytimlng snare
than it ummotimer to you. 'our father spoke
first , "
Pluilarlelpimin Inquirer : lie ( in courting
( lnys--Time ) dehighmt of mmmy life votmld be to
listen Lu yomir voice all mmhghit , lic' ( same ime ,
after mmmamrhag,9-\'Imat , aim awful w'imopper I
told you Whelm I sismke as aforesaid.
l'ittsbtmrg Chronicle : "You don't toil inc
that I 11111 time Prettiest vomnmmmu at time ye-
Celtioii , us you tised to , " imouted Idea ,
Simaggs. -
"No , " replieti imer hushamud : "you must ro.
mmmemnber that I joined time cimurchm ommhy tsvo
weeks ago , "
DetroIt Free Press : "Come imp to my
lmOLIst' , Smithson , and heur amy baby talk.
it's the most % 'ommlerful- "
" 'ouI forget , " nhtl Smnlthmsomi 'witim digumity ,
"thut I ammi it fatimer myself. "
harper's ilazar : "No man ever obtained
nnl'tlmimmg worth lmavimmg witimout working
lmnril fur It , " said Mt's. flickers to Imer imus.
imand , who 'flS lit a discouraged mmiooml ,
"rhmat's so , " replied Mr , iiieker , reflect-
Ively. "I remmmt'mhei' I obtained you wltimout
time slightest dhlliculty , "
\'nsluhmmgton Stnrimere : Is one satisfac.
tiomi , " said time ha do lecle girl , "In being
tilt ) mecimuient of attemutiomus fronm a titled
foreigmmcr. "
"Vlmut Is timat ? "
"You know that vhmemm he proposes imo
means hmmsimmess , "
Imidiamiapolis Journal : Mrs. Peck-This paPer -
Per says that a sea captain says that in
tIrmmc of great disaster wounemi are more
cool tlmamm mmmen
Mr. N , Peck-I have aeon instances of it.
"t'ou ? I'd lIke to kmmow when , "
" \Viien we were getting married"
Chicago Record. Old Skrooge'--Do you
think , young mnamm , you could support ray
tiaugimter in time styie to ut'lmiclm sue imas been
necimstonmel ?
11cm' Smmitor-I could , but I'm not mean
enough to do it ,
Cincinnati Tribune : Tomnnw-Paw , if the
lion is king of beasts , what Is time rhinoce-
ras ? Mr. Figg-Time politician , of course.
ills hide is two incimostimhclc ,
\\'ashiiimgton Star : "We are oil the verge
of a revolution , " alms cried.
"No , Maria , " replied Mr. Mcektns patiently -
tiently bUt firmly , "you can go out' and ride
your bicycle if' you vant to ; but. Pm blcs -a---
If I s'iil ,
narmem LIfe.
"Beware time microbes in a kiss , "
Cold-hearted science cries.
Alas ! where ignorammce Is bliss , ,1
Whilst folly to be wise !
, , , ,
' S
Jv1I,1 LiIlt'D LIMITED ,
Eugene FleW , S
The first train leaves at C p. rn '
For time lamed where time poppy blown ,
And mother dear is time engineer ,
And each massemmger laughs amid crows ,
The palace car is time mother's arms.
'rho wimistle a low , aweet strain ,
The passengers wink , amid nod , and bhin7
And go fast asleep on the traIn ,
At 8 p , am. time next train starts , .
For time poppy land afar ;
The summons clear falls on time ear--
"All aboard for time aleepiumg cam- . "
What is tIme fare to poppy land ?
I hope It Is not too dear ;
Time fare is this , a hug and a kiss ,
And is laid to the engimmeer.
So I ask of Imim , who cimihdromi took
In his arms , in kindness great ,
Take cimarge , I pray. of tIme traiums each day
Thmat I leave at C amid 8.
"Keep watch of time passengers , " thmus I
pray ,
For to me tlmey are very dear :
"And peciai care , 0 gracIous Lord ,
Over the gentle engineer. "
' : -
. . . . :
.4.o _ _
Between this aiid Fishing--
There'll be any ilurnbcr of days in which you
tliiiik you might catch a fish , but if you're not careful
you'll fiiid any number of cool nights and mornings in
vhicli you can catch a cold. You can avoid catching
cold and live to catch fish if you hire us to Spring Overcoat -
coat you with one of our new and nobby styles , such
perfect garments that our only competitors arc high.
priced tailors who charge as much for their name back
of your neck as we do for the whole coat , An Overcoat -
coat with our name in it as low as 7.5O. Retailers ask
$25 and tailors don't make a lIt better coat for than
We make up for si8 ; materials the best and style in
fashions' latest fad ,
& Co.
S Browning , King .
Itcilable CiotimIeri , S. 'N. Cur , 15th imittl 1)ouugias Sts ,
' --i
- . . . -S.--- . , . .
= -
- -5- ' 5- e. r--
- ' -5-- - -