- - - - - _ , _ - - _ . . . . , . ; ; 2-- : - - - , - - ; --j. r..r - ( - ----j ; : ' : ' - -V - : - - - - - ; ; - - - - - - - - - - .ru. I , nl. flI ' If. . r. ! .In . * ' F - - - . . . - . . - - , . - . - - - - - - J - - - Y.I1.A - ( 1.1IAM'O . - - : 1rr . . . - - , . . - - - - . - f } * I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . - TilE OMAUA DAILY nEE : ' , to iVrUnDAY , , MARCH : 30 : , 1895. . 7 _ SPBGH\L NOTIGES AdcrtIiement for theAo ( 'nlamnA " .11 . be nkll tnUI 12180. m. for tim , enIng and nnUI 8 p. m. for the morning and undy edition . A.I""rIAeu , h , rqoeAUn" . numbered dl ek , an have anA\erl a.llruAe , . to R numbered letter In earn of The le . 1n- "Cf Al nddreeed will bo dlverod npon IluenlnUon of the check enl , nateA , J 12C R uor.l , tint Insertion . 10 a \ord hertoU.r. Nnthlnl b.ken for iris than 2Go for lut ineertlon. hr.e " .hort."cnll hUIAt Inn ( olaeea' U\elt. - - WANTED - Ij L1- H.Ii.LP. - - WANTI ) . TIURTWOnTHY l'EnSON TO , tritvrt ; rnlnr , $180 nnd exwni . . : rer"r.n" ; \1Url mln" . " " $8 c"n' , , . . . . . eeb " .rlr'ldlr.1 etnmpe1 cnvelol' 1ln. ager . Dmwer I' . Chlengo. . 1 - .Ir ) - - - - - - - WATID A YOUNO MAN TO ASSIST IN light hou'lwork for bonr.1 nnd tl/lng ; can dvot' tnrt of time for "ehol or nny other oct1pttttoti. Ad.ltH. ! lmo I. 19. l e. it-M2 VANT1D TOl'NO MAN WITH IWmmNeS unit . el.rlence R" noRrnphrr nn,1 H'pc writer : mut le rnil'l nail correct ; nl" . aMt.t I In omco woik State Rlnry wnntcd. AiIIrcs L 21 , Il otilee. 1-11.31 ' A CIANCE TO , MAIn : MONEI M.\IJ 11 , ( tim Ilt , ; l.k. . .11nj ) dl \uher. AIc 'RS lck part I of the time. I don't Hee , why other * ii not gte Into ' the dish wn.hrr tuptne. , Ni " tvnetng \ , : ioIiI nit my waIier8 nt homer Irtet nlsrnclon : every one .01. ' another : e'er ) ' Iml ) ' WROte one ; I wi make $3.0 ' } ttIe year eay : I can wnsh and .Ir ' cur .10h" ) In Iwo : 'nlnntci ' : nay one can make i.O to . $ , (1 " .I : ) ' . 1" , ) 1. crulll write 10 Iron City l.h " 'Mhor Co" , S. 11lhlnn.1 . avenue n. Ia. . 1'll' burg. Po. 1-119 3' WANTI . MAnnnm MI.N ' 1"011 COI.r.EC. lag nR,1 , CRIVMlnl frm 7:2' : ' 10 10 n m. Itoomii 7. p. ii. ] 'ren.el 111k. fl-MuG 30' ' 'ANTU : A YOUNG MAN TO INEAt 0 dollrh. Appl after : o'cloclc S. E corner Irlh ' and \'lo'trr. ) tI-M124 30' WANTED-FEMALE HEL FIflST CLA8 aI1ttS AT RCANDINAVIAN 'L FnST CLSS OmL SCANDINAVIAN W. home. Omee. 1619 Capttol aveRUt. Tel. 1 : Ci2 AU' WANTED. omr. FOn OtNFttAt. 1lOU- work. German lreterrI. Apply Mrl I. Kahn Drexql flotci. . - c - - FmST C.AER Clint. : lIRT mGo eec : O non preferred ; no waehlng or Ironln 2' tre . \ C-M3G53O' - .odge ! _ t C-M963 " 'AND. A r.ITE 01171. Fan SATUIMT ono Sunday 10 take care of I 3.enr.oll chthl. Apply 16 B. : nt n\'e. C-10 WAWT1T A JIST CI.\RR COOK ANT InunteRA for I email family ; WlfeA i.0O. Ocr- man ) referrd.Iply 16 $ . 3nd ave. C-I0 WANTFD. LA1COOKH AND 11 DINING rom ' "Irlg. Out town BUrl pIrce fare pnt1. T.aun.lrcss . $ : .0 n we ll. Cnnsdlnn 0111cc. 12 I ! ? , . ' O' D'lRln C-II. : : x : WANT I'INfl HAMI'I.ER lANDFD YOUR friencle or IINT : . Reo,1 , A. P. \Vnnd . I'er. tumer. " 'oot avenue. Ietrolt. Mlcht . ito for G trIal bolics Satln.Scent perfumes : .1.1\ otter to ) 'ou. CMt : ) \\'ANTED. A } 'JIH1'-CI.ARS COOK AXU LAUN- , lree . for n email family ; wages $ : .0) , AI'pl JG 13. 32,1 l'enue. C-IO WANTED. WOIAN TO TIAYE. ON BALAHY 10 nppolnt D".nl" for very .uperlor lIne ot goods. Coret works Ann Arbor Mich. ) . c-mu : 30' - FOR RENT-HOUSES. EOTJSES F. K. DAIOLING. DAnKER DI.OCK. D-967 IOUSES IN ALI.PARTS OF TIE CITY. Tim o. F. EavI . comln ) 150 Fnmnm. D-9 10USES ; DENAWA & CO. . 10S N. 15TI ST. D-69 HOUSES. WALLACE. DnOWN D.K. 16 & Doug. D-973 1On RENT-2413 CAPITOL AV37NUIO 11 nENT-2U 1 roms , modcm. The O. F. Iavle compmy. . D-9n UODEnN 7.ROOU 10usm NEAR PAnKo 'Al'- ply 130 8. 8th .h'cet. DM a LAROE LIST hOUSES , WEAD. 16TH & DOUG I274A3 10tSES 'FOn RIONT. $ U ' 10 . $40. FID ITY Trut C : 170 'arnam. . DM3 l II. J COLE CO. LAtOET LIST IN OMAHA. ! ' D11681 1IDF.N 1.nOOM 10USE. SEAM l AT. . fUrnIshed 01 unturnl.h' ; term of 7eare. Ad- . _ drel : _ K 51 Dee offlce. ' D:797 ) YElY DESIRADLF HOUSES VACANT JU'UIL let. Bherwood . 2 N. Y. Lite. ' AnL S D-.MS3 DIr : tte MASN VRRY PLKMANT. 8 nOMB , modren . $ % . 92 New York LICe. " LICe.D1 30' iron RENT. EI.EOANT 10.nOO BRICK house. .wlh raige nnaII modem coventonce . ' two 'eor linee ontO . minutea. . o Ine nnl ten mlnule wnll from p.torc. at $ : .0 ; mUlt leave cl ) ' . 23 Burt . : 8lret D-l ; . ALL MODERN. UNEQUAI.ED. 5. G. 7.UOO bU " end flats. S Tizard. ' 21 N. 2Hh. D-DI 31' EmIlr-nOO FLAT. lilT I'LOOR. INQUII1B ErnT.nOM sD 1.'I.On. INQUIE Llndqucet. 31G S llh etreI. 1)-113.1.I TWO S-BOOM IIOUHB8. 2H AND 10WAUD : every convenl nee. Immediate poe'esaIon. A C ; Onl 11 Bnyd's theater . I-957-29' 1101'.110 CO''AOr. 842 S. 21ST STnEI ' . . . D.-02.29 D-:2.29 CILOICIOST IOtRM EmILY-ROOM BRICK CHOCET JIOQEnN JJT.nOOM nnCK r..ll.ne. I 'OmRho. $ : : .0 ; HhenvoOI n\'ut. . C. A. Starr. 015 N. Y. Lie Ild D-M9CG . 8 IODnnN 1.HOOM 1018N : STI..UI IIIIAT . furnished or unturnl."I : : S 251h 8lreet : term of ) enr/ Ad.re.s I Cl . lIce chico . S fl-Mt97 D-:17 IX.nOOM 101'UN : C0TrAGR. N W. COIl- , npr 291h avenue MI l > uJlns etreet ; large lawn I und barn . C. A . titarr 015 N. Y. 1.1. t Ihldg. DMD9 : 2 , ' : tODEnN COTT.tOF : . :2lUn' ) ; ' fl-lOS-i' FOn lUmT. C.nOOM . ILA'r. INQln : 1213 Dodge \leel \ : , ' D.U W.\N''EI CllF''I'Nr : ' PARTY TO T.\IE dining rm und klchen fu.l.h d for lIrt- elnR Inrder : board " " 11"11" for rent : ceo- trail ) ' located : rcfcrcuocii 1"'lulr..I. Addr" J. 23 , n. ( - 1-111 ; " FOR RENT-FURN 1HED ROOMS. . l'LRASANT ROOM . 13:1 DODOf : . - C1 VERY DISIRAIILFT FRONT ROOM wi'rU AN DESIABLE FION ; alcove. 211 S. : at W1 A 3 1"01 3tINT. Nicla l'LIBNISIIID ROOMS. Call at % DougLas 1:73S- : l"10NT no1. WIl ALCOVC ; 310D1I1N. : : _ . . 50 S. 2th avcune fi-M773 7' NlClLV YURNlSUifl IOI1Tll I"ItONT ROOMS NJI 1UHNISIFU OUTH 1"ltN'r ItOM S wlh hut class boant li % Dodge . fi-924-l' ' Jotmln fI'INO ItOOMi. rON\'I-NJ NT. chenll. eo1 . large i.twn 2n SI , Mary's ; ave. S : - 6r ; JOOMH 'on 1U:1' . 618 801'1 17H - SThtlIrr. ) 3' 1'h1ltNldIIlD t'urnani. ROOM . U.\'U. aU MONTh. J-9S.3 191 - ' l"IINIHIED 01 liNV'IJI1NI8IICD 100 tH. 181 . 1"aruatn. - - S. ! . : UhtISBED ROOMS AND BQARD. . NICELY l"UJNISIEI 1000015. WJ'J GOOD . S board ; rates reaconable. The n. . 2 liar. . - ' , , ' " fle y" V-lifT Al' - . . NIE.y rlJNI81'n : SOl'I'U noon WiTh board . Modern cOllcnl'ncH , : Ht. llnrs , , ' . aVenl8 1'-l ; ! ) 1 SIAm.E ROOMS AND BOAR ! ) IN Pitt- ] IOOIIS lJAln PII- \ale tainihy . 10 N. 1lh. 1'-186' :0' 1100515Vfl11 U.\HD. 2T DDO F'-M'.i3 ITI1RIIT. Ii' IITI : Ol ROOI . AI.SO .SINlhll BOOM tC.n . 1)1 . . wlholnl In 1\11'010 tllly. let'.I..n' . fill 1.'Irnam at . 1-l0.3l' NICI'l"I'INIIlD sou'rJ PIION'l' 1001 ( wIth Loart In pflrute faintly . - lIlt Iniglaa. pIU1 31' . - . Ii EENT-STOflESAND OFFICES 1'1 I1NT. 'l U : I'Sl'OltY lIlthCK lil . , 816 'aram alrecl. Title building baa A lire. bulllul Ar. proof cemenl Ita'I"lt. e"OpltI. . t"all heal- Inl Ixluru : waler on all /0. IIS. el , Ap 1.ly al lie ole ot The l1o. 1-910 % VO bTOhtiH : ADJOINING. rINt 2D AND r.enwnwollh ; wi rent II.thO or "I'lalc ; good bt.ln . location , Inquire on pr.nlla _ ' 1-MOlT 2' -S--S--S.--- _ - - - - - - - AGENTS WANTRD. OUN'rd WAN1'JU T I4I0.L A""S n01' . tl.rla ' ( otIk. . ) , < i. to the nilillens whl are 1111 .urorlnl fl\nl bICXXI , .1.ln. . . lnt' . kidney . , stomach trcubIee . but alit' cnnnol atare the line and bone ) ' 10 Ia to lila Iprl"I" $ ; we wlhh 8.n. pl''al 10 any ahlru , nn elht-outic ( u\ckalo ot the suHI ( enough tor' two hot - tatlia , < aid thhlr slann ot drinkIng WII"r ) . t wlh full directIon . . on receipt ot tOo ; Itny live &icnt , 1,0. pI fenuile. can wake UO.t a week nal'I . tre , , the 10t Sprlnge C"ncntrUnl Co . . < 5" Smih buIldIng . Cthetnuatl , O. Jnf 31' OENTa WANTE130 1IAI.\ NEW i. . . vtll ; 11" > cente , two to air sold In a . cllat houae. ! tmple . trG 1'or.h. t Ihikin. J-mn : : Cm. . . . \ BTOflAGE . m'T STOnAOF BUILDING IN OMAHA . U. S. S 1' bonded "hou.1 hM.hold goods .Iore : lo".t catts , 1013.10t Ivenworth. M-91 fOlMID P'RANICICWEItS. . flit IIAI1NBY. - V 1-9 ; WANTED-TO BUL. WANTITD . CIEAt TAU OF WORK IIOI7SES' weight nbout 1.10 11 Addreae . Ilvnu full { . lcularl I. 7. Dcc. N-MOB 2 . IIOL'SE.-L'.D. . WEAl , 16TI AND IXILGLAS. . N-Dr.3) WANTED A SECON ! hAND TOi' BUGGY nOt much worn ; moat be cheap for cnh. Ans. _ T , I. . flocTOG , . Omhn. N-OIl-Il . WANTED A (100DPIANO ( . CIIIIAI' . ROll cad ; . lIt lee 1111g. , N-StOOl 30 TO 111' ? . SECOND-HAND II1CYCIU . Cli EAI' 1'1. ( { JCCI.t. CIFAI' for cn.h : 'td..rrlplon and Irtce.IMe' . ' _ lock lx IC. . lImlurR. In. - Rnt - N-M12.131' ' F01 SALE-m1SCELLAfltOUS 1100 & CIIICRIfl'l TBNCB. W11117 . IIETTER & CIClmH WTE. II'lm , cheaper than , 0. FENC Leddy . t0 - S. 14th. Q-)6 lIAflflVOOD COMBINATION 1100 AND chIcken teDce. Caa IL Lee. ath 100 Q-9 .ND . DAftlY f'n fAI.FCWI. 2 TIOAMH . COB- p1cte ! outfit ; e.lnht.het milk route : all or wirt : cheap : aptly John Ionde.on . Ficirente QiC9-A2) . Neb. ' . WEOMAN PIANOS. ihTSiflfliOl'OItT ORGANS. ITOO 010AN8. WuodLrldle 1m. . . 11 8o. 171h. Q-9. 'PIANO ' ( IRANIUt'ltIOhIT. FOR 81. nt a great brgln. J. Sonnenherer . 105 10ullnR ! lre l. Q-M99 G N 107. MASON O.ASH .IAlS TOil SALK - cheap ; also jolly glnNe . Ahlr ! IC - 30. lIce. 31' CLAIRVOYANTS liEs. un. n. WARREN , CLAIIIVOYANT- . lible lu.lne. medium ; ith "ear at 19 N. 5-900 . 11th. MADAM nOMAINE. 321 N. 15TH. FLAT A. S-M706-Alt' V M.d SSAG , 7IATHS. ET ( . NEWLY FITTED BATh I'AIiLOiOII : TUm tab an.1 electric bath for ladies and gentle- men. . Indame Rowell , 32 South 151h lrpet ; Howell % floor. ' 'r-513t0.A5' MASSAOE-MADAME IJEI1NARD lU DODGE ntrcet. T-I38 AS' MADAM SMITH. IZ S. 13H. 2D FLOOR. BOOM 3 ; magnetIc. Ynpor alcohol etenin ! .ulphrrlno and sea Illh. . ' ( T-M217 II' TURKISH : BATHS. TUn'lsn BAThS ; ONLY PLACE tN CIT exclusIvely toe lles Suite 103-110. Dee bldg. fill PERSONAL. D. HAAS. FLORIST . PLANTS. CUT FLOWEng. DnQu l. ball ; resIdence and grave decoratIons. ltl3VlnIon .Ir et Telephone 770. U-931 MASSAOE. EI. CIO ' 'UEtMAL IIAT1IS . .rpotl.t Mine. I'ost. 3l9l S. 151h st. U-9 ' THE DELI.U FllEILY CORSET. MADE TO or"r tWi menaure. 109 I"alnam steet.Uto U-to ; WAVE CO. . 346 lIBEl DLDO. : HEAI.TJ DOOI , fr : home treatment ; lady attendant. U-I0 6 JLEOANTLY FINIShED CADNET PHOTOS. 9 cenl. for 11 day onl' . at Cwan' . . ill Broadway . Council Bluffs. U-BIb FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING HAVC ! lean1 at Wodbrldc" Bros. . Ill So U-I63-31 flu 81. CURIO FOIl LADIES. ISIS ChICAGO ST. _ U-1C6,31' A. FELDMAN. FOnMEIU.Y ONE OF TiE firm ot the rnlrprlse . CredIt Co. . I. now sales- lea nt The X'eople's . Furniture & Carpet Co. . 1315 f'amam St. . where he wIll "A pleased 10 ace all of his ole friends and nc"unlnlnne U-951.:9 . IF IARTmS RETURN ARTICLES TAKEN from ill N. Hlh Wednpsday night. rewln given . no questIon asked. ; 9'29. MONEY TO LOA.AL . ESTATE. ANThONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LIF'B los at low rte for choice security In Ne- braskD and Iowa , flrma or Omaha city properl" W-lo LIFE INBUI1ANCII' POLICIES LOANED ON o bugbt E. O. Cheaney. KaDa City W-102 ; Mo. . MONEr TO ' WAN , ON" UtpnOVED. , OMAilA real . T . 'LAN . Love & Co ; . . Paxton W-t03 1,1k. MONEY TO LAN AT LOWEST RATES. TIC O. 1" . Davis .Co , . 1 Fn4m at. : W.ll VERY LOW BATES MADE ON 000D . LOANS. . .1.V. . SquireS IS Dee bldg. W-I0 CITY LOANsc STA1OR . 5U N. V " ' W-10a LIFE. MONEY TO LAN ON IMPROVED ' OMAhA prperly. Fidelity Trt company . .1702 3'arnam. V V ' _ r , LOANS ON IM1'nOVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. 'V. Fans Smith ' C ' . B13 . . b'arnam. W-II , 5lNBY TO LOAN ON OMAhA htBt4.11STATE : M'NEY I's'rArE LAN AlA ot 6 per T cnt W. . 'Helkle.1t nE. Nn' 'D.ll . .llg. . CITY LOANS. .0 TO $50OOO.O0SATLOW1IST eats , . Powel' Fetter , let nor , N. . V Y. W-Ul L. bldg. WANTED. BUILDING LOANS AT ONCK. Fl. deUy Trust Company. 12 FrnOv atreet. - 31 PRIVATE MONEY FOR ONE YEAn on PnVATE 10lger. F. D. Wed. 16th and Dou/la. . -9S6.3J loon SALK . 10.0 DONA.FIDE EASTERN IN- veRlors' names . who have money to Inveol just complied. Full particular. upon reclue.t Investora' Direcoy ' Co. . . .11Val street . N. Y. W-M92 All' MONEY TO LOMJ-QRATTSLS. MONEY TO LAN ON FURNITURE. I'IANOS. hcrae . w0000B , etc" at lowet raIse In city : no removal or coos : .lrclY ! eonndenlnl ; you amount. can pay the 10Jn oft lt any time or In any amount.OMAhA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 30 So. 16th st. X-U MONEY TO LOAN ON IIOUSIIIIOI.D FLIRNI. lure. fl.nos. hones ivagons . or any FURN. Itnd chattel security ot 10lest possible rates. which yon can pay back lt any tIme nn,1 In any amounl. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . Ioom 4 . Wlhnel blodk. X-Il J. D. IADDOC noel 421 RA1IE BLOCK . X-114 MONEY TO LOAN ON IunNITUIC AND pl.no. . Fred Terry . t3 Rame block X-lll BUSINESS CHANCES , D YOU WANT A MONEY MAICER TIm Edison 1 ln"to.eol' ( eght machines ) . took In 18.000 In lose than thne mOnths. For terms IS.OO mnlh. ] 01 ter. aldreas EdIson I ICln lo.eoP Co. . 10 Bo 161h It. , OgnahiaNeb. Y-MG31 p.000.0' ) WILL BUY OE OF THY bEST El labUlh" suoltarhums. wIth nfl the halest 1m. pruvementa In electrIcity . eiectro . Turktsh . vapor and water baths . with the largest cash otlice practice In lIsle cli ' ollce pmclcl el ) ; I splendid chance fn' I couple physlciana spectalhit. or man and wlte ; reason for selling . going Into whole.ale manufacturing busneae , : will give a month trIal I requested Addrr.s houston Iliectro- Galvanic eanitarlum . houston . ' . . . 1lnm buhldhng. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Y- 1606 AI5' mum ITOI' AND FIXTLJIIESCONIITIONS itneurpaseed. Tizard 2 : N. 11th. Y-91 :1' roll SALE , nAT MtIIKIIT ; OOD COOLER bloi.k anti tuole. A'ldre. L 10. lice cor - : ; 3 STOCK AND FIXTURES 01" A JEWULI\ II ore ur Ihturo. alone ; on or the beat 1octions In the chance good for sell- city ; great chnncl : god reason .I. lug . Addr" . I. 19. flee cube . Y-Muo l'AlTNEI WANTED ( ltBTA1l . COALI . FINK oprtunly for 0 good bslne.s man 10 mak" .n payhiltf huveetnient : IIIIe ace and buatnebs "X' pJlnj ! - < Adlr" 1. :2. Board or y - Trade. 791 CZ.1IAN STOCK OF Imm. ROUGh ? . SOTl ) ( r exchange4 for lan.1. I you want 10 go exchnng 10 Into 01 get out ot Iusinepo writ IQ us.y" may have what you want 1. O. BeCee. 10 . MaIn .t" Council Bluffe . In. ' - I\.u : - - - - - - - - - f'OI IIAI.31. \V1lf.L IHT."D.IIJnD101.1 sale ) groceim ? sundries , nod nifg. hu.ln. CopIlot required 1.0 tl 1,0,0 & or 10 take II 8 partner . Who undcratands eorinIs'iIoii prlner. buslnc" , . \ddre. 1. B lIce ofllco Y-1IG-31' WANTBU. l'AITNI.m. 01 l'AWry TO INYfS1' : I.C In drug business ; It'eJt&nl . Adirra I. 21. l o. Y-UI1 :0' FOR EXCHANGE tVANTKD.-A 11011531 IN BXCIIANGIC FOil WANTE1A 10nSE 'ClANOI ' I'Oi piano or megan. A Joa ! . Jr. ' . 15U I'ougiaa. ' . . - ! S-1 . ' 01 HAW TU.ll A 1IIOM ) s'rOCI 0. general nlcrchandl.o fur custom Nebraska " 1 w"I m Iowa fdrln. or Omaha or South Omaha pfopeny. Address K 1. Omaha Ute. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 31-BIll WILl4 ' 'AUd CLEAR LAND FOR GOGh ) EN- tberCI rental cIty prop rly. 10 Ihlrd class . mnsldcied. ii. . cr unimproved property cnal.eld. I. K. Uuoiphrey . )2 ' New Vent LIfe. . _ _ _ - ZMi1' WANT TO TltDE cOUNCIl. I'Y cl ) ' real e.lat tot A slack ot clothIng and . \0. . Address J. I' Bmig . A\'ocl. Lothll IIICS < 31-11605 QUAITfn : Imt'ION INOX CO. LAND , 3M. pr\ . . Ilht Inrlbr nce. for bom. ha" , . and " sgoua.I3oa N. Dunlap Ia. 7.19 OG' EQUITY I 'iNtU Mill : . non 10.11) ' , tr.do for clear lot wet Ig"te. f" K. lalrl. l.1er blotJ Z-1l3.I 30 TELLS THE SECIEt , , "SINCE I us " . , b , , . , . c . ; ' ' I ' " . . : , . ' : SA . ' I , f . ' 'I 'I : 1 C1 LAU5 , Il. . SUA 2y- Clothes are \vhitc. " ' , my health bctte Iny Labo.a tcss : ' ,4BEST. . PuRE5T .MOSTEcONOMICA I . IBESTaPUREST ' \ i ) tADE , . TIIEtIK.FA1RBANKGOMPANYCIIICAG " T N .fRAK I FOR EXOEANGE . ContInued. 101 LIXCIIANOE-A FINM IMPnOVEU l'Anl In Iowa of lCO acres worth 16.400 for re.ldenee In Omaha. American Land Co. . KnnsM City . - . Mo. . 7.M' ' s" - ' T fXCHANO 81 AClmS IN SAN JOAQUIN valley. Cnltomln near clty highly tmlrvel , "Ineyortt nod fri orchard . all full be"rlll : 1 > buIldings : perpetual "nter ; cimplel ly equIpped ; for Income property or ale corrd- .pondenee solIcIted. . \ddrcs L 13. lee nmee. V 1.)96 : t" .OR. TH.\VN. A NnW 11101 ! Gn.\m. 32- FI III \ 1- gage homm.rle , , shot gun . cost $7).UIL . as pat poy for I good carriage here weighIng net ! ! IQt Ioo less than 1. 10 I'ound 4ddress I. % . H. Z-IM . TO liXChfAZ'Ulu. nOYs' 21XCU BICYCE for I.on i ) ' saddle and brlddle. C31 801lh Isl. 31-lOS-Il FOR ALE-REAL ESTATE ! FAit1 LANDS. C F. MA1oRISON . 912 N. Y. 1 ' 1IE-M303-Ai' 11-:30-A5' F'AItM 1"01 SALE ; I CAN OFL.'Kll FOIL A Ihnle,1 Ilu . and nt an ntornetv" price n choIce lnuimmyed ' 40-acre farm. located ho Sarpy county . Nebraska. ; tt Platte I tCn ro : and the new tort : this Is strictly second bench land. and the improvements ore ot n good order ; $ .2.0 cash wIll buy Ihe e'uly In thia farm : nl IrRdM con.ld.red. Wailer G. Clark . al8 HarM st. . Omahn. Nrb. Ithi-M.llS n EXCHANOES AND SALES : CITY PI1OPEIITY . PPOtEITY. farms . merehnndl.e. Oarln Dma. . 20 nEU7 N' Y. 1 II.lOAINS. IIOUSES LOTS AND FARMS ; sale or trade. F. X 1'rlnl. Barker RB-lit hioclc FINE GARDEN LAND.SMlLliS FROM 1. 0. . 10 per acre. 9tO N. Y. L. bldg. 1131-982 AIJSTIIACTS. TiE DynON HEED COM PAN\ 1IAIIGAINS SALE on TRADE IN CITY I'ROP- erUes and frama. JRO. N. Frenzsr opp. P. O. UES1 I'OUNTZE PLACE I1ARGAINS. FOIL SALE OR ' IAHOAINS' 01 eChaflge. J. J. Gibson. :7 1st Nat'l hank RE-TB-All nE-7.A2 A FEW Of' OUR HEAL BARGAINS : \V1 sell I lot on Georgia avenue cheap It taken within ten day . A corner lot on Cumlng street , worth $3OQO.0 . for n.5 I If taken oon. .O.j. 3 lots In Drake's addItion to exchage for neal cottages. A elegant south front lot on BrIstol street . big .nap. too cheap to name In prInt. BeautIful buIlding ! site fronting on 1lscom park . hIgh old sIghtly . Con be sold very chenp. Want nn offer . Fidelity . Trust Co. . Sole Agent 1712 Farnnm St . IIE-SISOI 31 NOW IS TUE TIME TO BUY INSIDE PROPerty - erty . business property ospeclalty. such as 3- ery. , Irporespecialy. . Btorr brick . Farnnm .t. . rent n.tr ' ) , ) ; price : .OQ. ' 3-.101 brhr'k . I'arnam . .1. 15000. ' ' Rouse and good sized lot 4 bIke front .ourt' house $3.00. . _ , Farms near Omaha are bund ta brn . larger prices than the followIng : Inrler folowing .nc" prces fm IT miles from P. 0. nl $3.S. % acres . 0 mie , out. al $50. _ 160 acres , 22 mIles , , % mile from stnlon , nt $30.00. $30.0. r acres Z miles from Houth 0. for $ hTO. 2 acres near Itt Omtha , for $ ' ) . \\1 have cottage hOIC from $215.0 upwan or some clear lot will be taken II part pay- ment. I'lne resIdences at less than cost. Elegant placl on 32nl st. . 04.100. 8rm house . Pak ave. . $ ,0' ) . 32-room house near park . $ .00. , A $10,000 hoe for $ 32.000. 0.0 $32,0. A $ . ( place. wIth IG acres . $2 .Oo F. D. Weed. 10th and Douglas atl n 17-917-30 .2 FOR ONE WEEK I OFFER A MODERN 1 rOm home. Seat-class In all respects and neIghborhood unexceleo (2019 mnny ) cheap nl 810.000. 10u. . alone costing 87.500. I sold at S once $ 6.500. Terms c.y. but no Irnde. It. N. Withnell. 27 N. Y. Life. nE m 370-30' . BI0 CLE8. 11. O. DAXON. m N. 15TH. 1U VICTOR BICYCLES. TiE FINEST OF ALL blc'cles. Omaha BIcycle Co. . 32 N. 16th .Ireel. S 12 - STERLING BICYCLES . BUILT LI1 A . watch \\'p.ler ElectrIcal Supply Co. , 1515 Howard .treel. 87 SEE TIlE. VISll.E BALL DDAlNGS ON Relay Special . Will - Dnrnum - & Dro. . 1 N. inS 15 . "COLUMBiA" 19 : FIN S EXAMPLE OF light and high grade bleycle cnslructol 'tYni Lyle Dickey & Co. . 103 Douglaset ' , agents. 91 nrIINOTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO. , JG S. 1t Btreet. 131 A. L. DEANE & CO. . WnOLESALF.ND 1(31- tll bicychee . 116 Farnam slreet : bleyccs sold on easy pa'menl i t UNDERTAKERSANDEMBALMERS SWANSON VALIEN . liOl CUBING TEL. OR- . ' 106' . I. K. BUIIKIIT. FUNERAL Dm COt AND V embalnmer . 1618 ChIcago al. , telephone 90. 9S 11. O. MAUl. . UNDElTAKElt AND' EMIJALM- Cr un Fnrnm 8t. . telephone 225. 9S C W. BAKE . UNDERTAKER . G3 & 1TI 9S6 ST. CARPENTERS AND UILDEBS. C. E. 1101nLL. PAl'En 3LANIING . . IOUm , sign patnting . brIck work plastering ; off R. I. , Darker bhk : tel. 735 ; ahop % . Izrd ; tel. 40' . 91 CUAL. D. T. MOUNT liftS 1110VBD JS CAL cmeo 10 20 S. 16UI al" BroW block . UI PRICE CEDBIElDAN : - . BEST WVO- ming coal ; nut $4.50 ; lump. $5.6 ; : .01) for 0 Ion d lvered 165 11'orngm street. 11 DRESSMAKING , DIf881AIUNG IN FAMILIES. 416 01INT ' .1. HOTELS. uo'rBi. DARKER. lIT ! ! AND JONES HTS 75 rooms . at 1.5 per day. C rooms at 1.0 per day Special rates 10 commercial tra\'elen. nom and nilnager. board ly weak Dr ' monlh. Frank 1ldlch. AETNA 10USI ( IIUUOI'IIAN ) . N. W. con. 13th and Dodge. 100. I ) day or week. 9'0 BUIDING &LOAN ASOJIA'.ION. 10W TO GIlT A n01I on SECUIf : COOl Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha J. & Ii. Au'n. liO lIce bldg. U. t't' . atln& r. II' & I. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PU - - - IIAI IN MUTUAL L.&U.ASIrN I'Ay C. 7 , I per cent when 1. Z. 3 years old . always redeemable. INI Farnam .1. . Nellinger . 13cc. ) 1513 _ _ _ STOVE1tIIIALItS _ - - _ _ STOVE lthl'.IIIIS FOIl ; DIFFIIIUOc'i' makes ot atovcs : water attachments and con. necUuns 0 lCC1Ztt1. ( 1:1 UouGI . at Omaha Stove itci-air Ivoiki , - m MATHt1ATHICAL Il STRUMbN' . S . \LV' .1. OJOY } ; fNONKI nS' AND Alt. Al. \'hlecl. ' aPII . Ill S. 1tb t'el. Oniaha. , MI ) ' - , . - . lU LCST. LOST ; TIn l'An''UAT POUND A IA'Nel basket In fronlor Dr. " 'erl'8 olcl will 1)lel "tur 1'1 Gli S. " lilh , n.t lei r"'An. 874 : ' STB.tYlbl ; : ) , A DARK SOliltilL hiOIlhiA15OUT U years ; wetgtt. * 1.10 pounds : hall helter on . ; laP ) r - w.f1 tl' luturl lu A'ldVhln y , 1 : N. lId Iv"nup4 Lo.t-Mm 31 LOST. : nOl l'iIARTONON AFTIOIINOON OF "Ih Inat. . I _ hort dark Iluo AF ' : NoN \an. : . ' . 1tuaiiton . 6 : lice bldg. O'IIAan. : WST HOLL QUAIITA7TTLO MUSIC. OtETURN QUAIt'Il ltIC. 1N II lice eEc. . LU : - - - . - EMPLOYMENr OFFICE. CANADIAN 1MPLOYMENT I1UI1EAU HE- ] MPI.YMIN nUtE.U IE. moved 10 152 Douglas : male and f.m.le help. JIS AU PROFE 810N , AI nI A. SIIIPMAN. COIl. 16H & ChICAGO. 11532 A12' . ' 1' SHADE TREES , FRUITS , SHRUB3. 1. ' . I. 1AITIN. 1' . O. BOX El I. OMI'Ht hOB west U. & D. In.tilt. M9)6 A2S' S ELECTRHM.r SUPPLIES EI.CnC.ENGNJI n3 AND CONTI1AC. lois for electric lght nni looter plnnl and all kInds or eleell"1 construction. \\'e8Ier Biec- Irloal Supply Co. , 115 howard .1. 993 DENTAL COLLEGE. OMAIA C0L,1.liG1C DENTAL SUI1GIII1Y. JIED ! Infirmary ; denlitry ( .t c.t 16th & Cap. 1m2 ave. V CONTRAOIORS. mlCK wom . , SIDEi\'Ai.KS CELLAR hioor . etc. :4 : , . 10lh .Irect. Tel. , 40. A. Klerlt. 81703-All' : : AI' MUSIO. A' ' AND LANGUAGE. c F. OELENUEC. BANJOIST AND GUITAR t..her. 191 Cu 8t . 91 BICYCLE RIING , ACADEMY. ONLY RIDING ACADEMY IX CITY ; I'Un. chasers free. Will Darum & Dro. . 120 N. 1511 759 * . CESSPOOL CLEANER. . . - . CESSPOOLS CLEANED ? r ANTI-MONO1'OIY prIce. John Nelson ' ld r' . ANT.MONOlOO' 1th. \i3. . - " MISS-Al' V ; - : IS.AI' SHORTE.&ND h . ± YL'EWRITING. , 1.5'I VAN SANT'S SChOOL ' 1 SnORT RAND. N. Y. LIfe. Omaha. AskIif circular. . 1:3 BUSINBS $ , pTICES. . . pTIEB. IAlfAGED 1Ulums LYEnCD. 79 N. 16. \ . 12S \.I . , DEN4s. .5 DR PAUL , DENT1STrBURT 5'j' ' IZ POULTRY . SWFLIES. . .Tl W. C. ASHTON & .CO. . ' SOC . , UTL : " 7tO.A9 , . . ' " " " ' Y' - ' . . I' " t ) " 1 ! . , .4 ! : ' , I G ' J , 0,11 .1 8' # L SEALES BLES . it. . & S 'RLES . \ . . ( . Chronic , " .1 11 fr ' . Nervous , . I' j1 ! : ; . Prvala : . DlseJ ! , TnEAT.UT IY 11JtL ' ConsultatIon Fran We cue Catah , aU diseases of te , Nosu , Throat , Cheat _ 6tomlch , Liver , Blood , Skin and Kidney Dieaes , Fe- male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , ad ALL PRIVATE DISEAsES OF , MEN. WEAK MEN ABE VICTIMS T NERVOUS DebllhLy or Exhaustion. 'WastngVeakncss , Involuntary . voluntary Losses . wIth Early Decay In ) 'oun& and middle age ; lace of .vlm. visor and weakened ' ened prematurely In approaching old al" , All yield readIly 10 our new ; treatent for loss oC vial pow r. Call O addrei . - wit slamp for "lrclllr8 tree book And , receipt. , DrSearles and is1' 1410 Fztrnrirn MI , ( LULL . 3r J ; IJUSLIUO Seal Oimaliivi'iob ' , r Ltwyersanc1soIIcsttors. SUES & . , Bee Boltlng.OAHA. Neb , Advlee . FnEE RAIL'V ' TullE CARD ) L ve-IIUtLINOTON & liD. R1VEIt.IArrlye Omaha UnIon Depot lOLh& , Mason Sis. / Omaha 0.15al. . . . . . .Donvel Ixp" & . . . . . . I : Oanl * 6IIpmIJlk. . utIle . , Mont. 4 l'uget Snd. tx lI'pin : . .35vmUk PI. . . . . . MOIL Expres. . . . . . . 4:0pm :10pl 6wpm.Nebr.ka : Local ( oXClpl Sunday ) . llIprn S:11m.Llneull Local ( except SUDdaYI.I:2il 2.5VII..1..18t : Ilul ( for Lincoln ) Daily. . . Le\'e. ' UI.\GO. ' IUlLING1ON- & Q.IArrivos Omaha Unl'u lolOI. IUlLING1ONc / Omaha I ( : wpm..C I"1:0 Ve.Ubule. . . . " . . . 9:00am . 9:00am..t7h1cao Express. . . . . . . 4:15pm : hiOpm..Clmlcago and St. Louis Express. : . 8OOom . : Spm.Chlcago . . . . ' . tt. Lut 1'xlre&8. . . . U:10JI .Oom : . . . . . . . . . eat Siall. . . . . . . . . 2lm : L.aCJIAUO. . IIL & sr. I'AUL.IArrires _ Omaha Union Depot. 39th & _ 3asun SI. . / Ora , 6O0pmn..Chicagl4mlted. : . . . . . . . ! :3'Jm : ' U :1011. . . .fhlco/ J6xprcii _ ( ez. Sun. ) . . . . OuOpni : 'LaV\81'CHi ' oONOnTJI'ESTNArfV. V Oh Union llt ; IUlh & losl SIs.I / muhu * OmahllE . . . . . .Eastern 31presi. . . . . . . 5:0m tOpm. ; : . . . . VerILulp ' 'Z.lhl.l. . . . . 9.tOam . < 635nm. ; . . . . . . . . .110. ValleyLocal..10:30pimi :47l'nl..OmahaClmicag.513pet : = 2:11pm : L""vcl I CILICAGO . 1i.L& ' lACI"'IC orrlvu Omoho Union Depot. 1Oh . Mnsn She. Omaha _ ! r _ llU'Mni..Allantlu tBpm..NIght . Exprqsaoex 1 , l7remW. ( . Sunday . . . . . . . . ) . . . . 6.001 . : 4Wpru..Chlcago : : i VestlLtUd e.tt { .d : : : : 1:00pm ; pln.Oklahoma 1 ' . U ' I D . 2Un,11L5pi \ S 1 6:15am.Oklahoma : & Trass Ba. ( . dun. , ll:3'j & 'ta Ex c. tun.I:30pr llUpm..tboloradus : : ! " t01 ' LI.I : , : : L.\.I : c. 81' . 11 : & O. . \ ! . Ulh Webater . /\trtvts / 0101 1t. an1 Web.t\t ( Sts. I Omnha ' 9:17asu..Nebrabke ; 3'aiiIihor ' , , . . : : Lr ; ? * ( daIly . ) HHpl : i 9an..N Ja1M1ner _ ; . . lIlpnm..Sloux : City hxjmre.g' ( er. Sun..llIlamii 4.30pm.tloux Cly (1 . ; : Opm. . . . .ti. Pant t.lmleI. lun..1 . . . 331 .01 Leaves -j J : ' . : ' E.AJI.r\ - . \ e . OmubLpot . . 15th "o' . ! ale SIS. ( Omaha pot..5 2:101".I..n3t : . Alnl und' 'J"pr.u. . . . tIpn\ : ; 2:0Im.e. : ( . Sat. ) WYPi 31 Irx. lion. ) . :5jIJm 8.oan..Nortolk . l.xprejs(4'x. : , dunda ; . .l0:3)am ' . : . ! ' : . : . : ! _ _ _ " . _ _ II 1 * Jre.:3nl Leavess I : 1 ( . C. 13 ' ? . J. I C , U. - : JArrltca qna ! lo. Depot. lUt Ii Mason da.b / Omaha _ 9:50ani..Kunus : . City Day . lbxpess. : . . . 6IOI"n : 9.'SVI.K . C : lgll Ex 1'1 U . ) . _ 'ran"G ; am L"iV' I _ ) UtSUlU 1'/t.CIFIC. lArtives _ OmahalIeput _ . 1h and _ Webster His. ( Omab 10:40am..13L.ouis : . . . . . 0'3xprese. . . . . . . 6IJm ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9:3pm..HI. : Luuis Express. . . . . 6:0Sm : 5:10pm..Nebraska : _ Local ( ex. SUD. ) . . . 9:9am : Z.eavea I - SIOIX- CrY ' - II - 1ACIFIC - fAritvea - n\.e.l- 6-1'XCJFIC-rAfllve- OUUhl Depot. Ililihnml Webster St.j Omaha Or.h 6:10pm..St. : I'BUI < Limattetl..10 Barn . - ' - - Leave' . T'ThIOUM CITY & l'ACII"lC lArrices : ' PAciFI ArI..a OmlhalUnl"n 11 > t. 10th & Mason S18. Om.ha 6:57am..Sloua : . CIty l'assenger.10:33pm Gllm..Bluul Cly I.D . 1:3jpl. : . . . .ll. Paul Lmled. nCeri..l03pl . . . . .1t3jI0 ' ' - ' ' - ---1ION'IA-elJc . \mvu OmahnlUDlo 1"I.ot. 10lh " M"ou' Si , . , ! Olaha lo:00aut..Kcasney . . l'ispre.e. . _ . . . . 3:41pm : : 2:00pm..Ovcrland . ] 1 .r . . . . . . . 5 : il 20lpmn.l3eatce ti Stromsb'g Br. . ( ex. Sun ) . 8:43pm 7m. . . . . . l . Itoml'F fx . . . . . . . , 10:10am .l.u.lo IIS."m 3:15m. : . . . . . . FaitMail. _ "u. . . . . . . . . . 4:11/1 : / I.esves WAIIAIOII ItAILWAY , - Arr4re L.ves \ W.\IAtl HAI.WAY \ Olh. Union 1)01101. 10th < Mason St. IAr\e . 3pm..St LouIs . Cannon 1ol. = t 'Pl I AILSA WINS \ ON A FAIR TEST - her Supremacy Flnaly Establshed in R Contest with a Stiff Drem , MASTERLY SAILING OF TiE CRACK YACUTS . Urlnnnin UR.I n 1.11.1 nt thin Start , but t.o t It at thin L'lret 1Inrk Uoat anti Was Two 11nut. . Uchild nt the 1,111. NICK larch 29.-Alsl Inll Irlannla , with n strong westerly wlnll blowing alI' a slight Sl running started at 1 o'eloek to. day with reeled , 111aln811s and hOlS - top. masts In the race for time James Gordon Bennett cup , valued ' at $2,500 and $2.50 In sp < le. AIM , however had two reefs In her mainsaIl. while Briannia cOltcnte.l her- self wIth one The prInceot Walcs' cuter crossed ( lie line with a ball of thrt lengths a Il' lupt ahead to the frst lark boat There llritall. nla stayed and Aisa kept away round , and nrlannla test ller lea < . The finish was n grand oiie The tmes ot the two ) 'achll In crossing the line of the race were : Aisa , 2:26.8 : : Urlnnnhl , 2:28:48. : : The rtsllt of today's care proves conclu- SIVI ) that Ais wIll be n god boat In a fresh wind and fen when thoroughly lit for ritcing. The contest l twetn the two cutes today was one of ti fntt races ever seeii. Hath yacht WeN' trled In masterly style anti the result fQrms a reliable tett of the two racers , as the RdvantagC galnr \'er about b\'fnlr balaileed. . \lU\\N : . WIN ; Tit : NATfOAL - l""IUU Meol.elnsl Not 1.010 U. III' tOrest by CIll tel' " "cr.utcIli1l . Ll\l RPOOL March 29.-In spite of the scratching of 'Mr. G. D. hutt's Cloister and the ball weather prevailng , great crowds or people assembled today at Alntreo , about sx mies from this City . to witness the Grand . National steeplechase. - The Grand National steeplechase was for V 2.500 sovereigns Incuslvo : or a trophy valued' It lOa sovereigns , Eecond horse to receive 300 sovereigns anti third horse tu recolvo 200 soverelgls from the stakes a handhlp : far 4.ycar-olds and up\arl. Grnll National . courEe , about four . mies and GIG 'nrds. Mr. John , . . Hodgen' chestnut gelding ghlng . Wildulan . from Borneo . by Decider , out oC WIld Duck was first : Mr. F. n. Atchlwn's Cahal. 6 years old , a bay gelding. uy Cas- sock or ilorniny out of Dnlodl , was secontl and Major A. Crawley's Vanderborg , n bay gelding by Dutch Skater out or Yurata , Was third Nineteen horses were entered. 1'-1 OXFOlU Fun A bUUE T1l1140 . \'llormel 11"0 thin U".o n.t".cn Dark und Light 11.0 1\lre'y ' Won. STAn AND GARTER , PUTNIY , March 29.-The ffy-seventh boat race between crews representIng the UniversItIes or Ox- ford and Cambridge will be decided to- morrow. The hum of opinions and rea- sons therefor Is continuous. There slght dlfcrcnces oC : dimensIons In the shells of the two crews. Oxford's style varies n little . this year from that oC ' 91. Up to last year It ( was always n point with Oxford to Jet hands away from the body on the reach forward with n - rush. This sear It Is done rather slower . The stylI of Cambridge has also nlered n little. Last ) 'cal the ) ' .dld not swing the bo.ly as Oxford does , but used the leg power as I piston. .Thls year they are swinging the body somewhnl -The betting tonight Is 9 tG 2 on .Oxford I .whlch crew all the watermen claim will , wIn certainly , , barrIng - . acc1dent. ; First or thin SaiCnn . t 'e presnt c'cetonal mpr1ng . 01 rathem' : Stlmmer ' Induced ' SUrrner weather . has psople' Inter- .esle In athletic sports ta show thersetv s. anti perhaps one of the atrongest organiza- , tOls In the way .or a "tron/est bal orranlza /anlzed for this summer's campaIgn I ! the Clean Clipper BasR Bal club. organIzed for the season of ' ( : . WltL the following players : 'H. : URlqueUe. first base and cnptnln ; S. MeAuliffe . second hOse ; \"flitlri" . third lime ; P. Bradford shortstop ; C. J1wman and A. hayes catchers ; F. Jlen , E. Lnw IeI and H. RobInson , pitcilers : J. Scully . picher : Sculy. rIght lehl Tie club Is patroled by tIle Rector & 'Vlhelmy company of this city whose merchnndl"e trade mark they have taken as ' a name. They have juft rEceived tine new uniforms . ald on and after April 15 they , wIll be pleased to cross bat with any un - formed nonprofesional team In the cIty or state. Challenges inny b ! addressed to the captain or to J. E. Marsh , care oC Rector & Wllhelmy company , city. . Battng order for Sunday s llre : 'Clean ClIppers . Positions . Fort Omaha Clppers. . . . . . . . . PosItons. . . . . . . Dewberry .Tehien . . : . . . . . . .PItch. . . . . . . . . Goo Scul ) ' . . . . . . . . PItch. . . . . . . . . . . BUbltz 'Marquette . . . . . .FIrst. . . . . . . . . Heist .McAullfe . . . . .B " cond. . . . . . . Trapper 'Vlltng . . . . . . .Third. . . . . . . Ihnnahon . 'Lawler . . . . . . . . .L ft. . . . . . . . . Smith .Robinaon . . . . . . . . . . . .CenterIlassler .Hoblnon . . . . .Cenlel. . . . . lIal'es . . . . . . . . .Right' . . . . . . . lassler Urudford . . . . . . . .Short. . . . . . . . . nusse.l fouth filnt to InYD n League. SIOUX FALLS. , S. D. . March : -CSp- clal.rA } . grounded movement has been ntarted for the organization of the South .Dalcota Ease Ball league. negu\al \ schedule - ule games WPJld bo played as In the Na- tonal and , Western leagues . I 15 though the , fcllowlnK. towns wi come In as memo hers : Sioux F'alls . Madison. Flandreau , 'Egall ; Del Unplds. Canton , Parker , Salem . Mitchell . and YankOn.V Kit f.avliio Qud Crlrl llmitchoil. PITS DUnG. March : -It was learned here tonight that BUi Fitzpatrick. "Kid" Lavigne's backer went to New York todny ) to arrange for a flen.roUHt gu between 'LaVllne ' and young Grlfo : The fight will lake pljcC on Apri 1 before the Atlantic ' Athletic cl , b. _ _ _ _ _ _ Fall nn"'H "OHt tu ' c.llahur . GALES RO , Iii. , MardI 29.-horseman C. W. Williams anhlOuflc.s / brodera' . fall. racing meet to begin September D and close NoveU- bar 2. The program provhles for 138 races , with purses of $300 Cor each race entries to close August 2G. Uan Crl"tun n Iii 'l'r"ln lIt ( lhIcmgn. : ST ; I.OUS. . March 29.-Dan Credol loft for Chicago today to g into training for his fight with Henry BaIler . which will bo pulled err II that city ono week from next Monday night. _ _ _ _ _ _ } 'llldy 1'111,111 Meet 1) I. KANSAS CITY March 20-l'adily Pur- un Is In receipt of u telegram from Charles ( 'Parson" ) Davies accepting the terms cf- tert < tor an elght'loUII sotto with Tommy Bran , to take Illaee In Kansas City .Ill-li , 8. t "TS _ f.UU.'n . , - "nr. Syntax . " the latest vehicle for the c\e. \ IlhUul fooling ot I Wolf flopper , Is not a new trent by . any manner ot mns . I hail tl' orIgin with the Germans , trom whom Torn llobertscn . 0 score or years or more ago , crIbbIt "Schol , " anti lter a musical tinge was given to our oM friend S'nla thnug'l the medIum of "Cinderella at EChoI , " which hail , ' nn ephemeral existence , then droPl' eo'letcl' ouL of sight. With "Cinderella at School" as the nucleus . " ! r. Srnl , , " was mal ! Into R burlela by Wolson I , Morse and Ihat clever Ilbaser at nonsense . for stage purposes J. Chtvt OO'lln ' , who has Introdue several very bright things Ilto the book Which needlEsa 10 say are takEn Ah'nntago of by the elongated eonoiisn * Dc Wol Hoppcr. Whlo the mmlc Is fairly bright , It has little reason for emlur'ng fsme , and ' will not be mlsstd when "Dr. S'ntax" gives way to SomEthing bler In the HOPlur repertoire. : Ir. hopper Is funny but It Is time IIUIOr or " 'ang" RI' "I'anJan. Irun" \\hch ho gives lS.en to "Casoy nt tim flat , " who ough to be allowed 10 rrst Inll the but bal daisies bloom athwnrt the IUslonl' field. Bul tlin Mr. Hoppcr's humor was positIvely bounUeu. II was Infect ous ( aIR ! bo curled a trclel < ou luUenct with him I t night at 10)la through all the convolutions or mnerrtuient e\'en going so far AS 10 ddl'er a right c'crly prepJrd speech , II which he talks about tears heart . thor- ouh nppreciaticn Omaha audIence , tunes p st anti other things nn audience 1IHs ! to licar cr .lselC Cram the star Who Is called lilIan far a few words , In Iho ( Intereat of tlra- , matte art Mr ltcpper has a forl or nr. Panlosa pat In "Dr. Syntax. " anti h. capers therefore with the nlmblelus requisite 10 so unMtural 0 cbaract.er. But one looks anti longs Cor better things In this right clever artist . anti fJlng tilerlIn ! , falIo . to moralzing on the tendency of these days cf burlesque and extravaganza. I Is not too , much to say however that : lr. hopper ) Is surrounded hy the ablest com- Inny 11 ] lisa ever carried entcur . hoadE11 by his u : ulul girl wife . EdnIVahiccl hloppor who was her old.tmor soil laRL night In a jolly part , ? .Itrope Mallow , who doesn't .10 anything but keep the fmalo Imnlnary In , an Ipro r Crem morning (0 ( night. She Is vivacious . womlerfuly wInning In her wn's of entertainment , "In short n bundle of ller- fectr atunel' string prodtlcing SlVOdt mel- . hdira. . Miss Bertha Walzln er. an old favorite - vorie In Omaha , Is herd to advantage ' In ( hI roll of the school drudge - Ntobe She has a bauUCuly tralnc Go-prl 0 , which she uses splendidly In two songs. and her playing Is almcst as good as her snglng ! , which IR SIng : ) lug Incl for the oung . womnu who has a fine future beloro her. Miss Jelnle Goldth- waitE" a recruit frOm the comcdy stage . In- vests the character or Psyche wIth genuine humor. She shows orIginal methods In her m nner of working ant little details leding 10 a perCeled ensemble , She Is a fine blL of . femlnlnlt and In her "tlrcdncss" opens UII a new filed for the character wcmn. although MIss Goldthwaie Is essentially a soubrltte. Miss AUc Roamer Is sprightly \ 11ss : sufficiently prght\y to please the most exacting burlesque ndmlrer. The mel are In time maIn ml Cactory. Cyril Scott playing Jack Alden with credit to him- self , while Alfred KlEin makes : goD deal out of the smal part ot Lord Lwntennls. Time play Is sumptuously mounted . lome 01 the fctles suggslh'e of Crul.shanll drawl gs , and the girls In leng dresses are a blesi1 re- Ilet burlesques to the : lack of drcsss remarked In recmt Nellie Mcllenry . with her "Nlghl at the Circus . " will app ar nt Doyd's theater en Sunday and Monday evenings. Eighteen months ago thIs crco.farce cOmedy succtz < 'd In fling the lloyd Ipon its frsl presentaton lmere and Its stay could have been prolonged . profitably. Mss ! McHenry appenrs In the play oS Mile. Elcctra , "Queen of lie Arena " ali as suck Is surrounded by all kinds of mn'erry characters , such as clowns . , acrobats I ' gymnhsts , equestrians and all such Calks' that 'go to malta up life beneath the .ovlmlte-domed tent. 'The sal , o ( seals \1 CIBU at I o'clock 'Ihls mornng. , , . , . - ' "Faust " wlththatsterlIng ' actor at tragic : roles. Mr. John Griffith , lit , the character or , Mtpbisto . wl be the offering at Boyd's theater Tuesday nIght-and ! the folbwlag nlgM. The romantic atmosphere In which the greatest . . cst of German poets lived and wrote , and , the 'wonderful ' picture gallery ot chracter that he.created In his mastorplcce' . show the power of fascinatIon. That eager , vivid and lively personality . quickened' by a keen per- ception. wee'a : hl comniand . Is seen In ' every , lne of .hl "beutlCuly told' story "Faust. " The 302IU is''tOld wIth a simplciy and a brilliancy ( hit tong clings to the mEmcrY of its hearer . } nc the name of Goethe Is net only Idolzed' , In his native land but Is revert and ) h norcd wherever the poetic in- spiraton 'C''hs sublime master work Is t"ld. - The tableaux "Phntasma"wl bl given In Omaha In the early pat of May g\'n the benefit of the Presbyterian hospital. "Phan- tacnma" def . decription . I must be seen IG be appreciated. Living people are made to vanish flute all and reappear like speclres. A perin Is transformed Into another on a fully lighted stage. The most beautiful tableaux. artlatic' 10slQns and surpriing ef- fects are preduced. . Nothing of the kind has over been exhibited except by time Inventor. John W. Sherman , under whose personal supervision the t lerlalment wi be given here. Mr Sherman fUrnishes his own cos- turnes , but Omaha donates . the beauty. l'l..JTE GL4S . ? ' . J.icroicij.is ; : CI.OJ Ta II , , Shut Io\yn Uurlnr J\prl " 'hlo thinS 'rn.t TRiu I Sh"pl. PITTSI3URG , March 2.-AI the plate glass factories il the country , with very few excep- tions . will close ' down tomorrow night and will not resume until May 1. In the mean- tme arrangements will be made to operate the factories under the manalement of the recenty formed combinaton , which Is to be known as the PllJburg Plate Glass company - pany : All time plate glass bUllness of tIme country will then bo transacted In this city. nil orders being received at the main ollo hero from whence they will be apportioned to the different factories all money beIng received and paid out at tie same 0111cc . Two or three ot the rmaler plants will be closed In ( lie Intercst of economy The concerns now In the combination are the Standard at Ihitier . Pa . ; the Pennsylvania at Irwin Station Pn. . and the Depauw company . with three factorIes In Indiana , but now In time halHls of a receiver and out ot operaton for over a year . Erroneous l'l"otol Imllrlllnn. WAShINGTON March 29.-There appear to be a general impression that congress , at its last session . amtnde' the envlon laws so as to provide for an increaco Of all Mexi- can pensions but I Is erroneoua. A bill pasleti tht ! house fxing the rate or $12 Ilcr month for al pensions granted al account of In the service eeoaie In . tie Mexican war , but I faieJ . - ' \ 'a ' 1 ? ' . .it ' - 0' - . \a\S \ ( > c)1IL ; I . . Il- ) ' .5 S. : * i4 , ' ; ! hm , : S if ' C , . ' : : ' t.iii . ' - . p3k' . . iL. , : I , 'r = I ' . ' . . , 4\ \ - " I ( I ; . . ; ' ) it \ I " I 'l' ' ' \ v1 : t [ I , / ' - . , I 1J \ 4. S ¼ 1 , ' A _ _ 4 -r- - ' _ . . : = . - - : _ - ( . . _ . - - . . . - _ : ; : ! ? ; ; } ' good HEAD this OF IOUSEUOLD94.Alrcd ( ) , denrl your bIscuits were cry YOUNG HU81AND ( colorinq wiTh Pkasur4-Pzn glat t hear you say so. plasuTI' HEAD 03" TLOUSE1IOLD- ' BUlL they ' ) flOt goot OJI0USElOLDStl not quit lS guo I ! pupa used to llIflkC . Dy the WiY , Alfred , do you still use Caluet Baking I1owder You know 111)a alwa.'s use It. . CALUIT BAKING POWDER CO , CmCAGO. , ,1 , - _ _ _ l RECORD BREAIUNf WEATlER - 'I , . OM Sol Put Up a Now Mark for tlo Mcnth' ' of1arc11 , : - 0 J ' HEAT GENERAL IN - TiE ClNTRAl WEST J NothIng J.lko I lelown Sllco thl WCAthn - ' lurcRt " 'RI 1.1111.1"1'Itllln , , -i' ltaii , Score , the Uh"st of AUT l'olnt 1Cllrtcd , KANSAS CITY , March 29.-The mercury J chiimlbet ' 111 to 86 degrees today , breaking all pr\'lon. records In this city so far RS tha ' Unie" States signal : ofce Is conccrne.l. Thl hot wave eovere,1 part of Nebraslcl nnd Iowa , } time whole of Kln8as and , western MI8ourl , : The hottest place In the country 1011Y was Wichita . KI" . , with the thtrmometer Rt " DO ; Des 'lolllea is. . came next With 88. nmt I then Concordia . , Nan. . and , l\alIR City fol- , j 10\el' ' with sa. Local showers are I.re.lot" ' for this section tomorrow , Rnd eastern Mis- " sourl wi surer wih tim hent. INlIANAlOI.lS. March 29.-A hot wave \ etrilek this \Iclnly today. At 7 a111. . the thcrmomoter it the signal ufcl marlle4 tlt'grees . allti at 2 P. Ill. It mnrkt ! S2 degreeS . V a rise of nearly forty degrees In sIx hours. CINCI NNATI . March -Tllo' thierimmolumo- . ter reached 8. degrees lt 3 o'clokodny \ , anti remalne that high 5010 ( lIne. At ' o'clock , tonight 11 was 76 degrees and at 9 o'clock i It was 73 Iegrees. No such weather was previously expericrmct'd hero In March slnco ' 1 time govermelt wealhtr utrNt was established - ) tnblsht In 1870. There Is i no record pro- j VIOII 10 thal date ' .j OTTUM\ , la. . March 2D.-Speebl ( Tele- graltm.-Tlmis ) Ivan the hottest day ever . known Ill this section In March. 'he thtrmomttcl reached 89 degrees II time shad. I Is I typical eet1nl 'eather and the Carmers are making the lost of It. ull unless rain c"tel ' . soon the crops will never eprout. . , ' CFIAIt 1tAP1DS. l. . Mach 29.-SIIlelal ( Teiegranm-Tiilo ) was the warmnsl day ever f I known her tn the monlh or March thOr- i mometers rUlnlnK sa degrees II the shado. 1 Rain Is hn.ly n * meedetl. ' . MAItShIALLTO\'N 10. , March 29.-Thls : was the hotest day ever known In March. The goverment thermometer IldtCted S8 In . the sliad.at noon . and It was still warmer ' later. 4' CHICAGO , larch 29.-Chicago hal a foretaste - taste of stmltr today , the mercury this , arernot registering ' 7 degrees. This break. U the Mardi record beIng the warmest cay In I time month for twenty-tour years. IYII ITillIlt IeOIIECA'mT. Cooler , l'nrtiy Ciotmelyicud l'robtily 1.oeit P'hiower.4 itt Limo .1 flarimc'in. WtSIIINGTON , March 29.-The forecast . ' for Saturday is : For Nebraska , Iowa and Kailsas-Cooler ; partly cloudy weather ; Probtbiy : local showers during Stturday' I nfterimoon 01' night ; winds shIfting to north- ei-ly. eily.Foi Missotmri-Continuemi warm , generally fair weather Stmmmdny ; coliler nuid ilmci'enslng cln.tidlnes Saturday night. For South Dtltota-Inci'easi ng clommdinemue with light melmowers ; imortherly winds alit ! colder In the coulliermi oortlon. Lical ! , , rd , OFFICII Oh" TuB WEATIIK1I IJURIIAU , . OMAhA , Itlitreli 2'J.-Omnahma u'ecoitl of tern. ilerature and ralimfall , comnparetl with the correspoildhllg day of the Inst four rears : Maximnuna tempernttmre. El CO CS 10 Minimum temperature. . . . . (3 14 31 45 ' Average temperature. . . . . . 74 32 51 43 PrecIpitatIon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .00 .00 .00 .72 Condition of temperuture and precIpitation . at Onlulla for time day and btnco March 1 , 1195 : ' : Normal teinpSrature.a..l. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Exees for the day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .It Normal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch Deficiency for the day. . . . . . . . . . . . . . hitch- Total precIpitation sinqp.Mut'cIt 1. . .46 lncl DeficIency since March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inct , Itoporta Cream Otlior Statiomt at 8 I. ' . 11. , ' 0 e t' .1 V V STATION0. i ' 0 STAIR OC Ol' OYIATLISIO. -a 6. r _ _ Ommizimme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 S1LS .00 Partcloudy , North I'Iatto. . . . . . . . (110 ( 754 .01) t'.mrtclomt ty' . Valentine . . . . . . . . . . . ( Its 7 ! .110 l'.trtcioutly. Cniemiico . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 100 . ) ( Clear 5l. LouIs. . . . . . . . . . . . . 701 84 U0 Partcioudy. ' , St. Paul. . . . . . . . . . . . 54 014 .1111 Clear. . . ' Davenport. . . . . . . . . . . . 74 82 .0(1 ( l'aReioud , ' Kanemum City. . . . . . . . . . . 80 * 00 .00 Clear. ' Demuvcr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 10 70 .110 Cloudy. ' Salt Lmmko City. . . . . . . :00 : 40 .011 Cloudy. ItnokiClty. . . . . . . . . . . 41 (12 .051 Cloudy. hielcimum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1)4) Cloudy. ( fiummarek. . . . . . . . . . . . 45 04 .01) C loudy. St.Vtnconi . :44 : 42 'P Cloudy. Ctmoyetmuo. . . . . . . . . . . . . * 10 . 111 .011 Cloudy. MIles City. . . . . . . . . . . . 40 48 , ( l2 Cioudr. Galvesioit. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ill' 71) ) .00 Cloudy. ' S . . ' .7 : ' Indicates trace ot procipilatloim. L. A. W'EL)311 , Obaeryer. . - S. LNJJflfl 01 ? 11115 ( luNG lrOU.VI ) DIO4D. John Underwood , the Train Rubbar , We. ' RIiilieei with icuIitu by tim Ietoettvea. . CHATTANOOGA , Mardi 29.-The story of tile tlniiing of time dead body of John Under- wood , the leader of the imighwaylnen who attempted - tempted to rob a train near Greenwood , Ky , , Wcdnetday morning , was confirmed today , Time body was found near the scene of the holdup and was fairly riddled with buckshot , ThIs makes four victims of the plucky detectives - toctives of th Cincinnati Sautilern road. Tile thin , a trarni ) naintol Martin , was still alve this looming. but hts diath is expected lit almost any time. Tile officials of the road will watch tile tracks of time' Cincilmlntti Sohth- ' era for seine ( line for fear timat time friends flay seek revenge by attclnptlmmg to wreck a train. Detective Griffin goes backward anil ' forward Oil time train each night. .LOU.ht , 1313151" ) T1IC.'i. A marriage license imas hen issued to Christiaim F. Enghauseml anti Mattie 11. Nei- SOIl , both of Omaha , lb made several contradictory statements alOUt tile nlahiner in whIch lie was hurt , anti ( lie police are inclined to doubt ills claim , - Judge Dundy will take UI ) equity cases at Lincoln uoxt iccok. Tile fo'tlt'ral court itt Lltucoin has athjourned for three ( lays. Miss liritiget Corrigan of Miner's Mills. Pa. , illS written Poitinaster Mariiii , asking for information as to time whereabouts of a sister supposed to be In Omaha. S A blazing Pile of kindhilig Dial had beea Placed too uiear tile stove in a house occupied by J. D. Selirotli at .1523 South Third street calid out the fIre departllmellt 3'csterday bootIng. V w , . Fisher , a tramp who has been sheltered at. time ilo4ico station frequeatiy thit teintet , was taktn to tue l'resbyo'rlan ( lies- lltal yesterday afternoon. lie was sufferhug S froal 00 injured back , an injury whIch he cialnieri he , iustaiimtsl by failing off a railroad train near Duriingtun , Mo. , seycral days ogo. 1'1h1'1 1131 % L1'Y Bit IlK WI' , INSTRLJ.liiNTS placed on record March 29 , 1(95 : WAR hA NTY 1111(31)8. Sally Ifcisey to if U Coy , out lot 52 , W'umlerioo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,10) A 'IV ( 'imihtomm Hill wlfu Ia (1aj rip $ lut'ui , II 10 feet lot 7 , tmluck 6 , lIhrltel's nd' . . . . . . 10) a IA Iunrmmmm un'l wIfe t' ) C. A I'Aymme , umlie 1,34 hot 1 , t'h'.ck \vuiidalm , p4iic . , , . , , . , 10 , ) ' 1' hi l''litalnm anti wIfe to BV lIulse , lot 24 , hihuck 5 , Albulghit'a Annex to Bottllt 0 malta , . , , . , . , . . . . , # , , , , . . .t.t. . . , 400 QhIl'h' CI.Al8i lll3I)13. V 11 ' 1' llsiicw un.1 tvif toV I lieraead ( , lot 7. block 2. HluerwuoI park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IC H Newrumiib tulti rlo to Ii K ZIsm-tin Lumber ceuul'nhiy , lot II blurk 38 , lltiaat Placu , hut 12. Ilucle 7 , llcCorimiictt's eM. . I Ahfled I'Izey tn LI C 0rclmid , lot. 6 , block 10 , JihCoimnic'k' ati.l , . , . . , . . . . , . . . , . , . , , , , . , 1 1)11(208. 5 Special mmiueit'r to Hainut-l Holmltiler , a to lot . 10 , hmiotlt "C , " ltorbach utdltof jl'r. bcli'i , midO , . . . , , . . . , , . , . , , . , , , , , , , , , , . ' - . , . ' 1,193 Siuli hi iiyroim Iteed coijipany a lot 4 , block 1 , h'elilma' subdlv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,000 Sarie 60 Alfred Plzey , lot 0 , block I' , Mc' CunmIeit' , adtl . , . . . , , , , , , . , , . . , , , , , , , , , , , _ , , 3,471 Total itummount cit lrantcu . , , , a- - FUNJ3IC.tt. 4VfliVl , S Tue ftlllsral of James 0 , Winstanley will be lucid Smmitday atei-nooil , Short services ' - lit rosideImce , liftS North Tliiny.wixtiL shruet , at 1:20 : , Regular services at howu Avonu , l'reslytcm-lan church mat 2 O'citCIC. lutem-- aerhi : lit i1.pu C4Jll2tCr , Friends lnvlto4.