Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 29, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 . TIlE OlIlA : \ DAILY nEE $ FRIDAYAUCII : ! 2n , 180 .
lallronds OaUed on to Answer Questions
on Oominrt1al ; OIu/8 / Complaint.
rapcr Flied ! hy the Club Hccltlnlr In Udnll
the UrIC"nIlC4'R on Ac'ounL of UIRcrlm-
Inntloll In JII'tc , from WhIch
. Hellct Is Sought
'Yestcrlloy morning the Chicago & North
estern Hallway company , The Fremont , Elk
horn & MIssourI Volley company , the Chicago , ,
Mllwaukco & St. 1'0111 noli way company , till I
Chicago , Hock hland & Pacific Hallway con- :
pany , the Chicago , Burllng'\on & Quincy Rail
road company , the Burlington & MissourI I
IUver Hall road Company In Nebraska , aud the I
recclvers or the Union Pacific system re
celved formal notice or the complaint filed I
with the Intcrstato Commerce commission I
relative to the brldgo arbitrary on the pan 1.
ot the Commercial club oC Omaha. The corn
plaint Is exhaustive In Its nature and goes
before the commlslon as a dIscrimination
thai should have been remedied long years
Freight Traffic Manager J. A. Mun-
roe stated thai the Union I'lIclfic would I
nol bo mode Party derendanl to the
complaint on the groullll thai Its Inlcrosle
would nol bo alreeted either way , havIng no :
specol ! Interest In tim mollor. Commlsslonor
Ull , on the other hand , explained thai ho
coupled the recelvcrs or the UnIon Pacific
with the case on the advice oC Commlsslonor !
Morrison , who desired every Interest joined
In order thai there could bo no doubt when a
verdict was rendered one way or the other.
The complaint filed by the Commercial club
ot Omaha against the railroads above mentioned -
1I0nell Is as follows :
The Commercial club oC Omuh\ [ Is Incor-
poroted under the laws oC Nebroslm. Its
membrshlll comprIses the prlnclpul ship
prrs or Olnllha anti ! South Olllnha.
' '
ThIs orgllnlzallon' herein complain ]
against the Chicago & ; Northwestern flail
way COlllpUn , the I'relllont , IIhorn &
Missouri Valle ) ' Hallway the
COIIIIIl\ny , Chi
CllgO , tllwaukee & St. Pnul Hullwuy coin
pany the ChlclgO , flock Island & ; Pacll1c
Hallwa ) ' cOlllpnn , the Chicago Durllngton
& Quincy Hnllwuy COmlllln ) ' , the hurling
ton & Missouri River Halh'ollll company In I
Nebraska and S 11. 11. Clark , Oliver V , , .
? dlnlc ] . B , Ellery Antleron John 'V. Doan :
and Fred H. Coullert , receivers of the ;
Union Pucille HllllwllY company , and allege I-
lege unjust dlscrhnlnlltlon and other violations -
tions of the provisIons of the Interstate
commerce laws In making freight mtes.
' 1 his unjust discrImination and , 'Iolatlon !
of the net t.J regulate commerce consist :
1. Ln the unreasonable and excessive rntes
mallo and charged by the defendants between i -
tween Omaha and South Omaha Neb" , nllll i
each of lie various stations on theIr roads ,
reppectlvely , In the state of Iowa
2n the unjust dlscrllllinalion made In I
favor of Council Blurrs anti shippers at
Council ilIUlrR , as against Omaha IInd South
Omaha IInd shippers at Omaha nod South
Olllllha by reason of the higher rates uml
charges nHlIlo between these NeIJraslm
points and the several stations In Iowa
on the respective roads of the defendants
3. In the lIIlIlue nod unrenponable prejudice I-
dice and disadvantage to whIch Omaha and
South Omaha hid shippers at Omaha and
South Olllaha arc subjected and the Ilrefer-
ence given ! to Council Bluffs nail shippers
lit Council Bluffs by reason of the higher
rates and charges of the defendants IJe-
tween Omaha and South Omaha and the
several stations on the dcfendants' lines
, re-
spectlvel . In the state of Iowa
All of' which unlawful nets are hereby a I-
leKed nod complaIned of
' .Tho rates lire the Same between Council
11lufIs , Omaha anti South Omaha' and all
of ' ' the principal points In the UnIted States ,
The rates lire the same IJetween Council
fluffs " Omaha. ' Soutll Omaha and all points
Iq"Ne"'roslm " , but tile ' rates between Omaha ,
SOlllh Omaha anti polntR ( In Iowa arc higher
' 1linn the rates between. Council Bluffs and
points In Iowa , vb : : Small : : 10Ls. 5 centR
per 100 pounds : live stock , : ; per car : sect
, coal , carloads , 10 cents per ton ; other carload -
load freIght , 5 cents per 100 pounds The
following examples nre gIven to show the
disadvantage to complainants
The wholesal grocers oC Council Bluffs
and Omaha buy nlJouL 40 per cent oC their
merchandise on the Pacific coast ; the rates ;
to Omahn , Council muffs and points In i
western Iowa from that 1ectlon UTe the
same 'l'ho Council Bluffs Jobber " can
ship goods bought and shipped from the
Pacific COURt through Omaha bacl to poInts
In Nebraska at the same rates liS the
Omaha jobber , but when the Omaha jobber
desires to phlp merchandise bought
on the
Pacllic coast Into Iowa 1 ,
over the paine road
the freight : charge Is 5 1 cents per 100 pounl1s :
or $15 pel' car greater ; than ts charged the
Council LimiTs jobber for the service under
sImilar conditions and ch'cumstances.
' '
'l'hls disadvantage Is equally great on
sugar , molasses rice and other merchandll < e
Hlrchasell In New Orleans and the south
IInl1 shipped through Omaha
' to Council
DIu/'ts. /
The rates on lumber from the south are
the same to Council Bluffs and Omahu.
shipments for Council IIJnffs pURslnH'
throul'h ; Omaha : the Council lllulTs jo..el' . . .
can ship Ilito Nebraska at Omaha rates ,
but the Omaha johhpr shipping ' : Into ( Iowa
Is compelled to hay 5 cents per 100 pouni ! ,
or $20 ' per cur more than the Council rOUnlS /
jobber malting a slmllal' shipment
Council Bluffs IR a strong competitor to
Omnha In grocerIes , lumber and ngl'lcul-
turn ! Implemellts
The western halt of Iowa Is Immediately
tributary . . to Omuha. The rates now charg-ed
between Omaha , South Omaha 11I111
( Ilolnts
In Iowa nl'e unreasonable , unjust and too I
high 'ased " on conditions
' and circu liiT
stances and bhoulll not eXCCNI the rateR
chargel ! between Council Bluffs and lie I
1\lno ! [ ) points In Iowa.
'J'ho complainants ] comisliler < that , they lire m
entitled to the same principle oC equal \ ) '
In malting In and out rates
, as Is ac-
corded cllleR doing hushleRH In competition :
tion with Olllnhn nn. ! South ! : ! Omalia. numely
Kanpas City , Si . Joscph , Council II1u Ifs ,
Rock ' 1111111111 : , Davenport , 1I11nncnpolls a net
St Pnul ,
'rho adllltlonal or l1I/'trrenlJal / charges
math by the 1'0a,11I , named In this co :
plaInt arc termed bridge tolls and they
are ndl1cII to lie Council Dlufts rates to
make the rates In effect between Omaha ,
' Sonth Omaha and points In Iowa. rIme
brlllr-e tolls chnrgell tn this manner are
C'lntmed to bu a violation ot the ] nterstato
Commerce Inw. The companies con'11lulncl1
oC own 01' lease allll operate r,111rol.dR bed
twern Omahn South Omaha and Pal mits
In Jowa. nnd use their own bridges at
Jlnlr ! , Omaha and l'lattslllouth : It n1t
( tim timer c1l1hnel1 lint these bridges " ( C iniis
n 11IIrt oC their continuous tracks , and are
not different from IIn > ' Other bridges or ,
parts oC tmclts InctIlh'11 ! within , allll foil ) ) .
log their 'ontlnuous lines of rnllWlly. It is
nlll'g'11 that the ronlls named In this COlli.
Illnlnt ale not 11erllllttl'II to IIIl1lw greuter
. chnrg , under any circumstances for n
bridge where It forms II part of their
conttnuoull road than Is jUStlllel1 by the
nptunl lullt-al1' Dial that 110 exception III
allowed for the bridges at Blair. Omaha
unit ttllmouth. Hut limo conditions amid
clrcumlltuncrl' ale mimic ) ) that tile mlleal1'e
between Ol11ahn , South Omaha anti 1I0lutll
In lowli , althoul1'h mall ! , IIhoultl not bo
consillel'ed , nilil the ratc' I1houlll he lie ,
clun'tl the saute baYC ° n Omaha and South
Omaha OR betwelll Council Bluffs timid
IlIIlntli In Iowa.
'ho complainant asl.s that ( the Interstate
Commerro Nmmlsrlon will investigate the I
matters above stated unll make 8ul'h order
eli the rights oC complainant may jUllttry.
Nut ( ' 'ulI.hl"rlll : 1'111111'.1' CuI.
The reduction In the foundry shop or the
Union I'acfic ! was mnllo necessary IIY the rc-
ductlon In the number or castings needed
to carry on the work or the shops. Officials
Blato thai no more wholesale reductions will
ho mode , although where\'or a man can bo
spart-d. ho will ho let out until such time ae
Increased buvln'u warrants all Increase In
the rorcl's.
In one or two I departments at headquarters
men have lcoll lot out recently , two men
being drCll1t1ol1 from Local 'rrt-asllror Brown'lI
roll , Jut ! there has been no concerted effort
on the pari oC heath oC depllrt.tont to mlllc
reductions ! except n \ hero lack oC buelneu
makes reduction Mccuary.
It Is easy to hear rumors about the head.
qUarters bulldllll ns to what Is coming In
May when the receivers reo Iho tabulated
statements ot earlllngs for the Oral four
' montha oC the year , but II Is pretty sate to
'Rarrt Ulnt up to the present limo the receivers '
. coh'era have hot \ discussed 11 reduction In
ialarlos wIth allY degree oC senlousmies , lit.
though they 11110go lint hIgher Wages are
'bol\1g \ paId for clerIcal work all the Union
Pacific than on any COIIII'otlng ' line In thll.
.oetlon I
Another thing 18 also know , that the
, arulnl tor lS are much h below the torre. : I
k' ; ,
Epondlng period ot 1804. While time main
line seems to bo holding Its own , the Cnns48 ,
Utah h and Idaho divisions show 11 radical de-
creoso , thereby making the gross earnIngs
smaO ller than last renr.
Outside the movement of orange , cattle I
and sheep tram the west , there Is I little :
busi ness beIng done by the Union PacIfic and
the heads oC departments are nol overly con
fident aa to tIme Cuture.
JJAYUJ nnos.
A UrenL I'urcimnso nod R Still Greater 8Rlo '
IiegIn ! . Tomorrow
A fortunate opportunity came our way and I
enabled us to acquire from one at the best
clothing makers oC America , for spot cash I
and at about halr.prlee , a magnificent lot oC
lied MEN'S
which we now place on sale In grand bar
gain lots anti offer this week.
The finest suits In the entire lot , consist
Ing oC Imported and domestic clay and covert t
cloths , fine silk mixed cashmere , cut , made
and trimmed In most exquisite fashion , cia
bra cing all the beauty and refined ellllonce
thai rightfully belongs to real IGOO , $18,00
and $20,00 suits , special prices $7.50 , $0.00
oM $10.00
M en's sprIng suits , mlllls oC stylish look
lag , well wearing cheviot and thlbel clolh
with first class linings , every one a real
$ tO. 00 and $12.00 suit , now at special prIce
ot $6,50.
M efl' spring suits at durable and neat , all I
wool l cheviot and victoria , In light and '
medium shades , substantially made anll
trimmed , In fact absolutely $8.00 vol
ties , special prices $4.2G and $4.76.
We show the grandest garments that ever
left the ( tnllor's bench , suits thai ( won'l hay
to blush even Ir you should ! bring them
rnco to face with the finest made-to-order
gar imments.
Seelug Is believing ; lien why not look at
them In our 16th street window.
Wo are preparing for next Saturday mornIng -
log a most beautiful display oC thousands ot
hats , bonnets allll
toques In a limitless Variety -
riety sC styles and trimmings. Our cxciii
slve purchase oC ParIsian novelties will also
bo exhibited.
To make It still more Interesting , wo will
nlso arrange 0 special sale oC ladles' a 11I1
misses' spring suits , capes and jackets , In I
greater varIety and lower prices than over
bef ore for stylish garments.
Millinery OpenIng Saturday
TUI ; InmWT SUUTllltltN ItOUrC
VIa Stock tutu I , BhortlHt Line anl 1'n.tolt !
To all IJolnts In Kansas , Oklahoma , IndIan
Territory , Texas and all points In southern
CallCornla. Only one night out to all points
or Texas "The Texas Limited" leaves Omaha
at 6:16 : o. m. dOilY , except Sunday , landing
passengers at all points In Texas 12 hours In I
ad vance oC all other lines Through tourist
cars via Ft. Worth and EI Paw to Los Ar I-
gel es. For lull
particulars , mops , folder ,
etc , call at or address Rock Island ticltct ,
office , J602 Farnam st.
Better Every Year.
Time was when the "glorious climate oC
Ca Cornia" dId nOt attract tourists. Dut
year after year the tide oC travel sets In I
stronger and stronger every rail and winter
toward this favored regloll. There Is no Cl I-
mat like It on this continent for a winter
re sort , and the usual fine service on the
Union Pacific "ystem has this * season been
br ought to a degree oC perfection which :
leaves nothing to b9 desIred
City Ticket Agent. 1302 , Farnam streot.
A I'll' Aetvintags.
Offered by the Chicago , I\IIlwaukC & S t.
Paul railway , the short line to ChIcago. A
cll'an traIn. made up anti started rrom
Om aha. Baggage checked from residence to
destination , Elegant train servIce and cou r-
teous empio3'es. Entire train lighted by I
electricity and heated by : steam with do C.
tri ct light In every berlh. Finest dining car
service In the ' west , with meals served "a 1\ :
carte , " The Flyer leaves al G p. m. dally
Crom UnIon Depot.
City Ticket Office. . .I50 Farnam street. C ,
, s. Carrier , , city ticket . . agent.
( 'UICAOO , ROCK ' ISLaNI ) & l'\CIFIC It Y.
Excurlaon to Tcxna.
April 2 tickets will bB sold td all poInts In
Texas 01 rate oC ono fare for the round trip
Iplus ( $2,00) ) . We make 12 hours better tit no
to Texas points than can be made by any
other line. For full particulars , rates. mai 2S .
descriptive clrculaTs. etc. , call at noc\Island \ (
tlcltel office , 1602 Farnam street , Omaha ,
N ob. Charles Kennedr , 0. N. W. P. A. '
l'lrnsnnt to Take
The Northwestern line fast vestibuled Cl lii. I
cage train that glides east from the Union
Depot every afternoon at 6:45 and Into
Chicago ot 8:45 : next morning. with supper
anll In carte brealrast. Every part oC the
tr ain Is nIGHT.
Other eastern traIns al 11:05 11. m. and 4
p. m. dally-gooll , too.
City ticket oiilce , 1401 Farnnm street.
_ _ _ . _ _ _
uOOlc.c"lu'rs' Rxeur'on. '
Via the Missouri Pacific railway on April
2 d. One fare ( plus $2,00) ) for the ( round trip
to all points In Texas and Arlnnsas Stopovers -
overs allowed Wor rurtllel' informatli nm.
pamphlets , etc" , call at depot , J5th and
Webster , pr city office , N. E. corner 13th and
F arnam.
A. G. F. & P. A. P. & T. A.
4 -
The New South.
A very low rate Homeseekers excursion to
the splendid agricultural and fruIt lands ol
1I11sslslppl qnd Alabama will leave Omaha ! on
Tuesday , April 2. For full information as to
and l , rates4 otc. , call emi or write
Room 621 , 1st. Nat. Dk. mdg" .
_ _ . _ _ Omaha
Leaves ' sit oI"lli II , 11I.-
the Burlington noute's "Ve lIbuled Fly en"
ror Cblcago.
There are other traIns , oC course , but the
Four orly-five" suits most people best.
Tickets and full informatIon nt 1324 Farnam
street. Baggage , checked Cram residence In
Omaha to destination.
- -
Mrs. Amino Anderson Is sincerely thanltful
to t the numerous Crlenlls ( who rendered her
so many kindnesses during the sickness end
dcath oC her late husband.
- 4
Grand opening spring millinery Satun lay.
DII s' new Millinery Emporium. 1512 Dotmg has.
Polish Church Factions Accusing Ono An-
other of Destroying the Building ,
TnlkR ivithm Th080 of hoOt l'nrtlcR First on
the Scene -I'rlRt Jtnrmlnsld lend
PrlemlR Wilt Not Try to Uolll
Any of the l'rClIlerty.
Yesterday morning people at both raetlons I
were gathered on the street corners and In I
the saloons talking over the burning oC the 1
Polish Catholic church al Shceley the I
nlghl before , allli there was 11 con
tlnual crowd about the ruIns oC the I
destroyed church. This latter was corn
pletely burned to Ito ( basement walls , except
a portion oC the rear. The rooms In the
basement , however , especially those In the
rear , were nol badly dnmogC\l , and al eome i
places did nol appear to bo touched by the i
fla mes.
Tim ruins were being search ell by a. bane ) I
or men , women , boys and girls , who were
looking for relics. Time corner stone , 1n' tin I
southwest corner oC the bulhllllg , was tin
earthed allli the tin box that was placed In It 1
al the time ot Its layIng was uncoverClI
and the contents taken out. These consisted 1
oC a paper and $1.08 In money which the ,
finder was charged with Immediately spendIng -
Ing for beer. The paper was written In
I.atln , which was translated as follows : "In
the year oC our Lord 1891 , May 2 , when on tile
allostollo scat was sitting Pope Leo XIII. p
and during the administration of the republican -
li can presIdent , Harrison , under the power
oC Cardinal Gibbons and the blsh011 In Omaha ,
Ulshop Scannell , and Vicar General Chokl\ :
was laid the corner stonoC \ ' this church under
the i name oC the St. Paul's church , the con
gregatlon consisting oC about ninety lam Illes :
and about forty single persons. This church
Is erected : 01 about the cost oC $3.500. " The
paper was signed by Hev. T. Jakhnowlcz
F ollowing ! was added a postscript In Polish ,
giving the names oC the foreman and car-
enters who erected the bulhllng.
The sIdewalk that extended over the street
nnd connected time church with the parsonage
was scorched more than two-thirds oC the
way across Even the front part oC the
parsonage was slightly scorched. This fact
Is being regarded suspiciously by the blshop's
f actIon . as they say that the wind 01 the
time oC lie fire was blowing strongly from
the south , while the parsonage Is directly
to the south oC the church.
The parsonage Is now In possession of the
blsho1's [ party. Members oC lie blsholl's
action have their own theory concerning the
fi re allll they have no hesitation In giving
expression to their views upon the sUbject.
They charge thai the prIest's faction
set fire to the church. Joseph Dargaczewskl
a brother at the mlln who was shot by the
priest In tim attack on the church , spolo as
follows :
"I was sitting In my saloon with a crowd
of ' friends last night when shortly after 9
o'clock wo were attracted by two pistol shots
I ran to the door and looked In the direc-
ion oC the church The belfry was all
blaze , but I was unabb to see any fire In the
lower l part oC lie church. As I looked , the
fire spread along the roof and gradually
enveloped the ! whole building It seems
to me thai there would have been time fore
mo m and my friends to run to the ( church
and put the fire out , but we were afraId
to do thaL. I have no doubt but that the
church was set 'On ' fire by the prlesl's
frIends In tIme chnrch How would It
have been possible for any oC the SCllnnell
faction to set fire to the upPller portion
I oC the church In the belfry , especially as
there were watchmen continually about the
"Furthermore , the time In which Kar-
mlnskl and his people were allowed to file
an appeal bond In the case expired today ,
and they would have to give UII possession
as they have been unable to get anyone to ;
go on the bond. They would therefore have
reason to set fire to the church , as they :
would be compelled to leave It. But why
should we set fire to It , when wo would
have C0l110 Into possession ? "
Time same arguments were advanced b
other members oC the Scannell faction , gra L
stress being laid Upomi the fact that the ,
fire was first noticed In the belfry oC the
lIIrs John Krystynlo1c , the wire oC the
man who owned time burned buildIng next
door to lie church , claims thai she saw
time priest with three 'oC his friends waklng ] !
to and fro In the church building with a
lighted lamp shortly before the fire. Whet
they were dolllg she Is unable to say. Her
hnsband , her son , Charles , and herself all c
claim that the first they sow oC the fire
was In the belfry , and lint the lower portion -
ion was free from fire. Mrs. ICryslynlal C
also makes ] the following statement :
"For lie last lour or five days I have
noticed a good deal oC noise In lie quarters
at time priest late last night , as It he were
pacltlng up On last Saturday night at
about 9:30 : o'cloek a wagon drove up to the
church and carried oil a load oC boxes What
the boxes contained I do not l\IIow. "
Priest Knrmlnsltl came to Omaha Wednesday -
day night after time fire and stayed al the Col-
onade hotel until morning. Ho then returned
to Sheeley allli went to the apartments occupied -
pIed by Joe CzerwlnsltI , who lives above lho
saloon al Twenty-olgllth and Walnut street
Ho will probably , however , nol remain there ;
very long , as Czerwinski Is Intending to 1'0-
move his family shortly. Minnie Kahoun reported -
ported to him thai she overheard a converse :
tlon between two oC the Scannel tactic
Wednesday night al time fire , In which one oC pI
the men remarked that "CzerwinskI's lilac
would have to co next "
Priest ICormlnsltl Is Indignant that ho allll
his friends should bo charged ! with the burr :
Ing at ( tie church. "Thro'ghoul ! time ever
lng , " ho sahl. "tho doors to ( ito front part
ot the church were locked and no one but
myself could get In. The fIrst tiling that wo
know of the fire was when wo heard the two '
I1lstol shots Some of us then ran to the
sIde door and noticed that time church was on
Ore. I Immedlntely tool my keys and um ) .
locked time doors to the church proper , but I
could nol enter on account oC the flames and
smoke thai appeared to bo corning Cram the
"No , wo will nol try to get Into possession
- .
--JOS. NE1\\EC , Mu1toger.- I I
'iVe IIc/ / to 1111110UIICO thot wo arc 011Cll
tor busllwss Sllhll'do .
) with II COll1llloto
. JlOW stacie of SJll'llig Cloth In/ / ; , 111111
- Shoes While , wo tire lIew lit lie ( lJltlil. I
, .
- , hess III Ollluhll , wo have a 1'l'llUtUtloll !
eta lI1lt11ufllctUl'el'H that cllIlJollJlHlli us to .
say that wo w1l\ \ hold 0\11' own , at least
In the strife rOI' lie ( retail clothll Imld.
JlI'S8 of 011111 1m. Wo urn lo'ulcll lit tim o
COl'UIH' of
13th and Farnam Sts.I I
One thiug we do--
Wo 'JlUh' ( rO\ll' . rllltlH'S free , Bitch 118
Rlwllll Itl ) dllll or on hltttonN , no matter
If 'OU'\'o houJht goods of our lUul\llIg ,
01' of 80tllO ouo else , ' . . .
" - - - r---- , ' \ - , - -r . to r P'f . . : , . _
ot the property thatm'oTllAlns , " ho continued
"I t Is probAbly worth 11$2.000 and Is covered
by a mortgage oC $ goo. ; ) Just what we will
do 1 do not know , bututhht will bo .1ecldell al
aw meeting that Is held tomorrow Then
wo will determine hcther wo will build a
new church edlfico' or worship for a time
In a rented plAce "
The building next to the church anti owned
by John Kryatyniakcwss'neaniy " destro'ed.
It was valued al UntIO ' anll was insured for
$1 ,100. Most oC thetcontenta were saved. A
small frame structurlllln'the rear , also owned
by ICrystynlak , and ieoupleti by Mike ! Gallos ,
waa completely destro ll. Time value Was
$ IGO , nol instmretl Tint contents were Ilam-
agcII to the extent ot1$30.
It Is sold by spcetatbrs that during the
fir e an eXllloslon Orl CArtrhlges followed , al.
th ough no one was lit I , . Il Is also stated that
an other explosion occurred In the InterIor oC
the church , which appeared to be time explosion -
plosion oC a Ieroseno can There Is no doubt
but that kerosene Was used In setting lIre to
tim e church , os both parties say that they
smelled It. .
"I notice , " said J. P. English , who tins
represented the bishop's faction In tIme Polish
church difficulties , "thai a charge has been i
thrown out hinting thai parties from among
the successful litigants In time church cases
mny have set fire to tIme building. This Is
very absurd The side I represent hall noth-
Ing to gain anti '
everything to lose by such a
-ocedure The decree was lu our tavor.
TCluorrow , the lasl day for filing an appeal
bond , IC the bond Is not filed , time decree or
Judo , Ambrose would give us 110ssesslon as a
matter oC course. "
_ . _ _
lnrd of TlumtR. :
We desire to thanle our many friends ,
Oeo , A. Custer Post No.7 , Oeo. A. Custer
Woman's Relief Corps No. 82 , Ladles' ot
Oarfiehl Circle . Knights oC Pythlas , Wood.
men oC the World , and especially JUdge
Derka anti nev. Plpal , for their Eympathy
and kind attention at time funeral oC John
W. I1onza.
. -
ouhmig tn T..XA. . . .
April 2nd will bo excursion day for Texas.
It you Intend to go lucre It will be to your
Interest to call on or address B. L. Palmer ,
passenger agent Sanlo Po route , room I ,
Flrsl National bank building , Omoha.
C. ,
Comnmlaioners noltl : Make 'uhllo TheIr
VlnulnAR on the Pen Vontro\'OrAT'
1t Is expected that the finnnco committee
oC the Hoard oC County Commissioners will
bo ready to report next Saturday In relation
10 the toe dispute. Nothing ot a. startling
nature has developed yet , although the ( corn-
mlllc $ has been In conference , looking over
the question The view taken by the commIssIoners -
mIssIoners deems . to bo that there has been
a disposition In certain quarters to stir up
tempest In a ten pot over the subject.
"Wo are all the time , anti for two years
last past have been , checking up all the
county offices , " said ChaIrman Williams yes-
terday morning. "Thero Is no disposition to
single out any particular office , but II Is our
duty to run over the acCounts of all time
officials. "
In speaking oC tile affair 1111' Jenkins gave
eOlllo oC time Inside history oC the Investll\'a.
louis ( carried on by Huan , whose report has
raised the Cerment. After Huon had been
loollulup \ the matter or lees which tim
outgoing sherlrr , Bennett , bad ! been collect-
Ing on cases started during his term oC
office , the commissioners made on order dl-
rectlng the clerk to pay Denuoll no more
money on collections , as time county claimed
the money , now thai lie sherIff was out or
office. Huan then asked for a letter , per-
mlttlng him to Investigate the books , and
II was given with the ulllierstlnding that he
shonld do so , so far as the county's Interests
were concerned In the matler. lie Is criti-
clsell by Mr. Jenkins for oversteppIng his
authorUy and looking Into ( matters In which
the commissIoner think time couimty has no
interest The matter oC this "hieroglyphics"
Is given ns on Instanct' "This I am satls-
fled Is all satisfactory , " salt Mr. Jenkins.
' "Il Is a mere business record , which anyone
would have a rIght \0 \ mnke. "
- .
Law Ittc to A..I\URR' nUll Tcxu :
Tuesday , April 2 , the Burlington route will
sell round trip tickets to points In Arkansas
allli Texas at very 10w-l1ractlcally half rates.
Call at 132 Iramnamn street and get full
Oroml opening spring millinery Saturday
miss' new Millinery EmporIum. IG12 Douglas
Corncr Is/It _ anti _ Douglas SI reels.
Havil1g turned the clothing
world t.lpsid down , , ve'll11oV
proceed to sit upon it with one
of the grandest windups of the biggest
three' 1110nths' business the Continental
ever , did. The sale \ve hold Satur-
day and Saturday night will give the
clothing buyers something to thip.k
about : and something to buy , at prices
never before attempted in the memory
- ofthemost : experienced shopper.
Nev:08pr.i11g : ' &tlit- 1'
have placed a' lot. , of suits on the $5 table
for Saturday that were intended to f-I'S
sell at $1 1,00 , but to see if you want a / f
suit we make them $5 for Saturday only. J J - . '
rs % I ; = ] , , t
- - - AAAAAA HI\ \
They are gray worsted , cheviot sack
SUits made in the height of fashion ,
with good' linings and trimming , Sat-
urday $5
New Spring Suit$7 95 !
The Oxford mixed cheviot .
sack suits that we sell Satur- !
day for $7.95 have never been
shown in any clothing house in
Omaha under . $12. We make
the price $7. 95 simply to do all the clothing busi-
ness-and there isn't a finer suit made
that will give you the wear that this
$7.95 suit wilI. You'll save $5 , sure
New Spring Suit-This
-"I > is what we call our corlcer-a silk lined
, , ; \ worsted cheviot sack suit for $10 , that
' I PlIght ; to be S 18
k t - . r I S1Oi ! ! II
I ) This great record break is prominently ! -
, nently displayed in our window-a
genuine wide wale , diagonal cheviot in
dark blue , all silk lined , worLh $18 t ,
for $ io ,
Biggest Bargains for Boys-
We carried over a number of :2-piece : _ _ _ _ _
suits from last season , and regardless
of value we're going to slaughter them - U the uniform price of $3.50
- A
Spring 2-Piece Suits
, Some of these suits that were carried '
over you will remember to have paid
, $5 , $6 and $7 ( for , Most of them arc the $7 kind now ; : :
In all the spring shades , in one lot Saturday at $3.50.
Invcstlgntlons OI'C In ot' er-OI'c they not ?
Vcrl1llt us to suspcn - COI1lIclltol'urgult1ent - Iit'Itc In
vest Igat to it.
Investigations arc ngrcenble 01' dlsngt'ccnbl , costly 01"
profitnblc-but hOWC\'OI' the result It tenchcs n lcssou.
'Ve sell bo 's' stud ' ' . .
'ouths' clothes chicinpor thnn nnyoiic In
this wcstct'n hull of 1H1t. continent because wc Invcstlgnte the
It1l1t'lcts'cr ' closely. OUl' suits nt.c sthlr , bettct' worlc . 11I0t'C
dui'ablc . nnd In cvci'y sense of pct'cction far above others ,
becnuse we take trouble to Invcstlgnte.
Thot's lwofitnble Invcstlgatlon Don't wont the worst of It ?
] ) o us we-Iool { itrotiiid , Investigate find out whose ' 1ll1" ' Is the
biggest humbug-nml btiy whet'c jmlgment dictates
'Vc sell n all'lcUy nil wool suit for n boy betwccn ta 1 nod 19
yeah-s of age for $ : J,50. Don't give n rap If others consider alike
like suit worth $5,00 01' mOl'C 'Ve have some 'ouths' ' suits
chenlel'-ns low $2,75-nml
os - Itner-uml the best nUlllc. .
AssOl'tment this sp1'illg Is unusunlly 1n1'ge An Immense I
variety of new shades and Imtlerns
Second floor-tnle , clevntor'
Spring ' 95 Catnloguc-s'lsh for one ?
- - - - ' _ . . . - - - - - - ttW'WfuIL - - Jt . -i
t _ _ _ _ . - _ _ - - -
- .
The T e New DelJartment Store
Begs leave to inquire , will you want any new Furniture
or Carpctings this spring ? If so , it will pay you to see
what we arc offering. You know we have no old stock
to palm off on you , as we have just opened with an
entire new line. We need not tell you that we bought
them cheap , for we did , and can therefore make you
Figures and Ter11ts that are not in the possibilities
for merchants who bought their stock several years
ago at war prices and must therefore get big
money for their stuff to get even. From us you ob-
tain the latest in
styles House Furnishings at I
prices far below what competitors want. You see
goods were never 50 cheap as now , and to prove this ,
pay us a visit. Let us give you a 'fcw sample prices
just to' make it interesting some of the Two Hundred -
dred Per Cent fellows that have skinned you in
the past.
We show a Hattdsome Couch in Corduroy or
Plush , worth $16,00 , our price this week , $10.00.
AU Wool Iugraitt Carpets ( new patterns ) go
at 60c. We have them as low as 40c , but we are
quoting good ones.
The above are only samples of our Nut1terous
Bargait1s. See our White and Gold Wittdow.
Your money's worth or your money back.
i MAflAf ' F4NITUR
I 12.11-1213 CA'D1P : CO
L ] I cJCJcJDc : = JDcJ I101101ior : : IIfl }
El 0
j A Bright Eye U 0 .
' .
Is a sign of good health and if the
L I stomach is not in the best of condi-
L I .
L ] I tions the eyes will show it. Ripans 0
LL : I Tabules will make the stomach Di
L J I right and keep the eyes bright and DD :
0 : : . '
c I ear. OJ
] , 0
O nlpan. Tabulea , Sold by druggist : . Dr by man
It the price WJ cents 11 box ) t. nat I" The Ht. 0
IT II pans Chemical Company , No. 10 SprilCO it. , N. Y.
- -
' ' # I # # # # ' # ' I G I' " "I # ' # # "I # " ' 31
" 456" " 456" " 456"
To Retail Dealers of Cigars :
1'0 Introduce our new brand 11J5Q0 " ( without oxpon of
at tl'u\'ollnR' wo wllllicnd you tim
OlUnho Dolly Dee for a : months l"ntla
With each thousand clgal's pureliawd. \ These cigars
arc wIthout doubt the fincst Jj.OO : ctgar" Iii the mul'1cot ,
OUAIfANT1Hm TO 511 ! 1'J/fST / CLASS ,
A tI"al ol'dol' wl11 convince you
.rol'ms 30 daytl-2 per ccnt Cor cash ,
DUFfY & : CO. , Omaha , Net
. . . . . ' # . , 'NIIN'IN7'U& II"N"'N'IQI' l' ' '
_ _ _ _ _ _ - .
- - - -
' ' , . , , , ,
nil 'I'bh . icrYUus , , Puimuiii , OIICIUOI. . . . . . Cemcdy Wed , . ; M , cocci , . IUI > , QllleklycrmluoIIUI . " " . iratm ; , t'o.or.
Ih.ulnc1lu . W..tuIIlUIl. J.J VltulUy , 1111I1I1Iy . . . .
, , . . sail
.lulI",1I dricatna . iuiputermeand . " , .
. . . . cnu :
: . . . . ' . . , eft by , . ) "ulllrul err' . "r exceisci . 41u1I11111J , DA
; : ,
. T" " ; , , . " " " . opln10 l a , micrvu Ionic biuui bUilder , r.11I\.U
" , t , tbo , p lo "ncJ . 'U1I1 ' . IIrollll ' DllcJ pjuUl ! . a hJ curried hi
: ' , , . net"ockot. " IL : iOr bOr U orts5. ) 1IItIIIII\1rep..III"III \ ,
, 'T" ' " 1"1 . . . . nllllmralJleo . . , tocuroor , . money rcful1I1ecJ. Wrtloal ,
. . . ' CAV'D ' . . . . , fr. . OUCIIICIII . b"ok Bellied platll . , wrappcr.wittm te.U'
I. Pit i"i AT ' ' "C CA ! moilali folIC' ' IJnonrlul rarorunees. . Nur'fu'fllorclln.UI/u.- /
11011. IJru'are 01 Imitation SOld by our antI , or.acJarcu ' Nerve Seed C" , A111101lIC'fcwpluCblc au.
GoIIS ill Omjlh , "T C.nI1Q It I.IcClI1t1c11 . , Kutu. & Co. ana tj' Vlckm A i4ucbant . , Dl1InLt