Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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" '
i it 8 TIlE OMAIIA DAILY nEIil : : 'VEDNnSDAY , AROII 27 , 18m _ _
Veto of the Ordinance Lccatng ! Additional
lire Hydrants'is ustained.
. .
- .
Orcllnl\lIcl's ' Irawn UI tiT the Itetrenchment
, Commltro Will Ho Considered In R
" 'rek-Jlllclnl 1n1)ector WIlL Kelp
] ls Tcephonc-OU&Cr ] lslless ,
. The meyer scored a pint In the Interests
of retrenchment at the regular counci meet-
. Ing lat night , when the following veto of al
ordinance locating additional hydrants was
sustained :
. I return herewih , without my npproval ,
nn ordinance ordering three water hydrants
, nl on IIalf.Ilowarl street at Thlrty.thlrd
, Thlrty.fourth and Thlrty.nfh itreetH 1
am not Hpeclaly ant opposed to the ordering
of these particular hydants , but the time
has arrived when the city must take I posi-
I tive stan In nil its trnslelonA with the I
A'nn.l.nn.Inr 'Vnrks cOlnany , In the !
. t Iiydrant have ' ' been ; ordered Intits-
. crlmlnltely and the wlter company his
: been allowed to put In any size of mains It
, . chose without regarll to the future demands
f' on those mains ant without any system
whatever. The result Is that the city Is
'Jhe resul
. unllerlalll with I network of small mains
which arc utterly inadequate to supplY the
. I needs of the consumers atI are worthless
us a mcIis for tire lrotection.
f II al I melns wlter system was first Ilhl out
i , and the size of the mains defined I was
k probab'y ' ample to supply . the needs of the
b \rolllly it then existEd , but the growth of
I the city his been very rapid Inee that time
extenllll from
nn4 the sifliLli mains were !
p. ; time to time natit there are now 110 miles
) of mains tme all sizes. OC this 110 mIles
there arc eighty miles of Ix-Inch i'llle und
I twelve and peven-tenths miles of our-Inch
I . l > pc. In other words , two-thirds of our
r entire water system Is comloscil ( oC pipe six
, : Inches or less In iia meter. There Is no
, method whatever In the distribution oC this
- pipe and If this system , or luck of system ,
g Is niOWel to contnue : the time ' viII soon
i come when the pressure at the points most
i 5 , distant from the source of supply wile
( reduced to nothln
t The city mut take I decltell stlll In
r this matter anll must assert its right to
. mlter locuton anti size of mains and
: , the size and character of hydrants. \Ve
: ' , have ifllsed the lOtflt where any private
corporation should be allowed to dlelate
" ; , corporton the city. and I rests with the
mayor and council to protect the Interests
. ' of this municipality and
of the taxpayers munlcipaly anl
not allow a matter of such vial Importance
, IU3 alow mater ) anll the protection to
' lS controlled In all Its etals by I few ,
' Individtlals. I
t private that tInder the franchise of this
\eleve the city has not only the right
comllny ciy
to the location of hydrants . but to
t deslgnlte localon
prescribe the size anll location of maim
tInder ( reasonable regulations. A general
I plan should be devised which wi provide
( for a. pille dlstrlluton throughout the arel
101' the city of I size sulelent to meet all
probahle demands . nll(1 tills Plan should be
, . satisfactory to the city. After such u plan
has been approved Itshould _ be rigidly fol-
lowell In future extensions of the system
The matter shoull le given careful and
thorough investigation . ant I recommend
thorouvh special committee be alPointel1 at I
? once to take hold of the matter anti Inst- '
tute a thorough Investgaton , The question -
tion Is one Involving I knowledge of engineering -
gineering and leJul IOlfltS. ) and I recom-
t mend that the city engineer and city attorney -
torney be made member of the committee.
Prince characterized the acton of the
mayor as "pure buncombo" and "a play at
. the galleries. " The location of the hydrants
, was a necelt , as the Board of health had
, . condemned tile wells In that vicinity and
the residents were not able to obtain water.
, Kennard dlfercd with Prince. He held
that It would be Door policy for the council
' to locate any more hydrnts until the pres-
( ont ltgaton ! In tIle United States court was
decided. On roil cal the veto was sus-
; , tamed , only five members voting for tile
: ordinance. Oa motion of Kment a committee -
1 moton - ' -
* tee was ' appointed , In accordance with the
. suggoston of the mayor consisting of Howell .
1 'Prlnc d , , Dechr , ' thp' city attorney and the
' . : clty' nslncer . ' , ' -
" \ , The city engineer sub'mlted report of
' : th number and condition ot the fro hydrants
tf In the city , whIch was placed on file. lie
found 1 , 7 1qdrants , of which . . five were
- out of rpair ,
. ? dITTED.
. . " . ITED.
1J. The ordinances submitted by the finance
4. , _ out.s , ldns , oJ , retrench-
ITent were recommitted for one week on ac-
: count of the absence Of fV members of the
1 : cotincil.
, I counci. submitted 1 resolution directing the
Board of Publc Works tD have the removal
: of earth from Fourth street and Poppleton
' avenue done by day labor I was discovered
; , that the board had already advertised for
< ' bids under a final ordinance and the resolution -
ton went on the table. I
k There were two committee reports on the
" resolution . dispensing with the telephone In
, the building Inspector's office. The majority
of the commitee wanted to leave It In , while
S ; _ ennard urged that the city was running wide
open with the safety valve tell down. I was
about time that the council showed the sin-
1 , , ceriy of its promises of retrenchment .and
' .
eonom )
. Howel and Thomas supported the minority
report. They stated that there were now
three telephones on the third floor of the
city hal , ant \ one of them could not be
dispensed with the policy of retrenchment
was a good deal of a farce These arguments
failed to prevail , howtver , and the majority
(1 ( report was adoptell. ,
t A substitute for th present city hai ordinance -
, f nance was Introduced rand ' referred . I re-
duces the salary of the superintendent from
4 $ ,200 to $ ,000 per year , and that of the
janitors from $50 to $0 per month
, Thn r"nort of the board of enuaiization.
. Wi-i ; ; , v 'Iildon the table at the previous
_ S meeting , was taken up und adopted The
, objections urged at former meetings against
the opening of Thirteenth street were over-
tt , ruled. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _
Iheumatsm I primarily caused by acidity
, of thC bleod. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the
blood and lla cures the p disease.
'J "n Nuw Iouth.
I A very low rate Homeseekers' excursion to
the sp\endhl \ agricultural and fruit lands of
M16&lsllllll ) alIt ! Alabama , wi leave Omaha on
; ' Tuesday April 2. For ( ul Informaton as to
land Ind etc. , cal on or write
- Room 121 , 1st. Nat 13k. Bldg. 01115110 ,
Iticmubers Qf1 Wheel Cub ! 10 the CUT
Vure ( .ues ,
The Omaha Turner Wheel club gave a
, delightful oltel'talnment to Its friends last
night In the club rooms at Gormilla hail .
I was a strlcl ) " ' Illtaton affair , and boo
, skies the friends of the Ildl\'ldual members
* . of the club the member of al the other
wheel clubs 11 Omaha were Invited to at-
t tend 'fho linn was neatly d coratell with
fags and bunting . allt tile stage wab beau-
c tiful vetted plants. Time colors of the different -
ent clubs wore wor by tie attending mel'
bQU and theIr latlios
The Ilrorll wus greatly enjoyed by tie
, , large number of II0ple who packed the han
from the stage to the doors 'fhQ first part
, of tile program at ten numbers consisted of
, vocal and Instrumental music and fancy
danres by home talent The Spanhh dance
, by Mils Sadie Sonnerborn and the solo
. . dancing by Misses Myrtle Decato , lclle
and Fannie Sotnebor were well received ,
And they wore compelled to respcmd to 're-
, prA ted encores.
, others -lllng part wore Miss Eda Andros ,
' S Mr , J. Sauerwlne , MIss Louie Metz , 'furner
I Zither club , Mandolin and Guitar Iluartet , ,
. Omaha Banjo club and the Turner Quartet
club. Mr.V . Scilnoler , leader of the Turner :
, Quartet , was preiented by the Turner Wheel i
, club with a beautiful baton , suitably en- I
grmtvej , '
: Relrodllcnh WdtO served aL 1 o'clock
Rnd tha evening's entertainment was closed
wIth a dance ' at sixteen numbers.
' , wlb 1 _ program _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
, LClfl'ea lt .1-G \ l. Ill ,
The nurlllslon Rcule' "Vestibuled lyer"
for Chicago.
S , , ThEn are othe : trains , of course , but the
. , 'Foiir J orty.fsve" suits most People best.
, Tckejs Inl full information lt VJ4 Farnain
street , Baggage cherkell trom residence In
. ' , OZlha to destinatiun.
, - . . - , - - - , . - - - ' . , _ . . - - _ . _ , " " 'J
' - _ . , .
1W Ki " 'N . . .
, , - - - .
_ L . A- .
. . J " " . " -
Question ] elnl liCllRCd hT Interested
( : onntq ( , mel"I.
The question concerning the tees In the
sheri I' . and clerk' offices promises to develop -
velop some Interesting Informaton : within the
next few ltays. Coneidorablo ammunlon ! Is
being preparelt ) on both sides , which In due
time , It Is promised , will be given to the
I Is qulto probable that the adjustment
of the question of who shaH get the tees In
the case of special receiverships will come up
before one or more of the judges of the dls. I
trlct court for consideration. nut no demand
has yet been made on Sheri Drexel for the
sum of $ Oj6 , the amount claimed by the
county to be due from him on atount at his
services IA l the Martin and various other
special rCcelvershlps , and until thIs I , ] one
the county commissioners say nothlhe can bc
donti In the matter. The slerll takes exception -
ton to the criticism which some have passed '
upon him on account of his attitude on the
queston of the o fees.
"This mater , " said he In answer to a
question , " 'Hi certainly bo taken to the
courts If necesary. All 1 want to ascertain
Is i whether or not 1 am entitled to this
money. I belovo ! , myself , that 1 am , and
have legal advice In the matter. The county
attorney has also advised the board as to
what he considers its rights , so there the
dispute rests. When the subject first came
up 1 made a special report , offering. contrary
to the precedent sot by my predecessors , to
turn over the money , If I Is decided by the
judges to belong to the county.
"Likewise I riat'on to the critcism
pssod upon me for let keep ng a I et at tcoks '
relating to executIons colec\1 : \ , 1 want to sy
that 1 have acted as a collector all notllnv
more. The rcords of Iry l'olrg Can bo found
with the county clerk. "
According to Commissioner Jenkins , Clerk
Rual has worked himsel Into something of
1 dimculty. Mr. Jenkins , when chairman of
tile finance committee a year ale , started
the bal rolling by having nuan set to work
so he rays , for tile finance committee to check
up the fees In the sheriff's office alone , and
not the clerk's oFfice because , owing to I
misunderstanding of the commissioners prior
to that , time , the outgoing sheriffs had been
alowml , even after retiring . to collect fees
In cases started during their term of office.
" 1 resolved to ascertain the amount of such
fees , " said Mr. Jenkins , "and by this means
savil the county a large sum of money of
which , year after year It has been robbed.
I say robbed , though ; of course , the men bo-
levcll they had the right to the monoy.
nUan made 1 mistake In reporting to the
commissioners Instead of to the finance com-
milee , as he should have done I. want to
say , too , that there has been a goo : deal of
cheap notoriety about this mater , but there
Is a good deal more of truth In Frank
Mooros' statements than at first might ap-
pear " added Mr. Jenkins significantly. "Dut
upon this point I cannot speak yot. "
A further controversy turns over some
$2.800 of uncollected fees In the sheriff's
office for work lone last year. The eom-
missioners hint that the sheri may bo responsible -
sponslblo for this amount. Regarding It"
however , Sheriff Drexel says that few realize
how difficult In all cases I Is to collect
the fees In advance. "Tho papers come from
the clerk's hands , not the attorneys' , or we
could compel too attorneys to pay Then ,
too , wo do not know what the fees In 1 par-
tcular case will amount to until service Is
made , and the mileage footed up. The
amount now 11 not so large us It was , as we
have done considerable collecting since the
beginning of time year "
In reference to the report as to fees re-
cetved by Frank E. Ioores , district clerk ,
Mr. Mores said he did not yet wish to talk ,
but had some Interesting facts to bo made
public In due time. .
V. M. C. " Law r.rc
. . . . , , " . mires .
"Nptes and , Checks" was the topic chosen
by : . C. Page last evening for Ills talt
before the Young l n's Christian associ
ton . This was one of the lectures In the
special course
Finding the subject extensive , Mr Pave
eoulned his attention to the subject of notcs"
TheRe he c1'ldel Into two classes the ne-
gOlabl - and "no -l egoUable : - .The former
constitute the mass of commeriaL paper I
The negotin1le note Is defined , as "an unconditional - i
conditional - remise to pay D.sum certain. "
Most of the UU/Ilon over notes arises
from disputes as to the liability of the en-
, dorser. Je'ls the .ary who. ,1y his signature -
turc , turns the ' paper over to another. This
In a sense Is , the drawing of n new note
but special privileges have been atached
to 'the act ' by - the ' law Treating of the
note of corporations . .m ! Valuable hint
as to the proper forms were thrown out
Isaac Adams delivers he next lecture on
"Agency. " , '
- "
Dr. or.ho Coming to moho.
novo Dr W.V , Harsha , who has the chair
of didactic and polemic theology In the Omaha
Presbyterian Theological seminary , was In
the city Monday 10 says that about
April 1 he will leave Tecumseh . where he
has been pastor for seven years , and make
his 'Iomo in this cly , He and Mra. Harsha
will take reels In the building recently acquired -
quired by the seminary-the old ! Cozzens
house-and the doctor wi devote most of
his tmo to facility worle though he will
continue to bo heard occasionally In the pal
pit. _ _ _ . _ _ _
C. L. Vagner ; Carbon , Wyo. , Is at the Mi-
J. L. Car on , Atlantic , Ia. , Is at tile
Horato Swingley . of hastings Is at the
\v. ' F. Forner , CincInnati , Is registered at .
the Darker. , _ . , '
F. M . Moore , ' SIi&ridan , Wyo. , Is a Merchants -
chants guest.
Frank Wilson and wlo are at the Darker
from PiattamOUtlI .
I. M. Humphrey , Rapid City , S. D. , Is reg-
Istored at tile Paxton.
W' F. Winters and H. Ild , Fremont ,
Neb , are registered at the Barker
W. A. Powelson , representing the A. E.
Church "Faust" company , Is at the Darker.
Mr A. O. Aldrich of Logansport , Ind. , Is
In the city with a view to locating here
Colonel H. D. Freeman , U. S. A. , and wife
are at tim Barker llutei guests of Mr C. E.
Dwiiington. '
At the Mercer : R. D. Leech , O. P.
Pleuger , St. Louis ; L. n. Deason , Portland ;
S. H. Io'oclder , Prescott ; W. F , ogglns ,
Maslna , Ia. : Arthur Britten. Chicago ; H. J.
McIntyre , St. Joseph : 'V , O. I'eather , New
York ; 1. N , Groves , Chicago : A. L. Johnson ,
Detroit : If. M. lnler and family , VoleY1 ;
J. P. Murphy , St I.ouls : Oof Canton ,
Mcorehead ; I. ) . Marcus and hOlly . Chicago :
Mrs. Stone ler , COIU1hls : 0. ii. Weideman ,
n. D. McDonaich urdoclt ; J. Groves . Chicago -
cage : John I. Price , Nebraska City ; George '
G. Wiis , Chicago.
NctnimS'llIll It the hotelS.
At the Millard-Il , N. Smih , 'Yo I. . Cone ,
Kearney .
At the Paxton-H. C. Andrews , G. I.
Downing . J. F. Crocker , l'tarley ,
At the Art'ado-C. I. Jlhnson , : C.
Minnierimmun. 1Ialnvlew ' F. 1' . 10nnel. Su-
Ilellol ; " ' . T handy ' 1IIIron ; J , F. Mey-
ers , J. S. Lomnmon i'ellther ,
At the Dehione'-A. P. Stafford , Nebraska
City : Dan D'lno. . North Ilato : James Me-
Nany . \ \ ' . N. itichmartlsoim . Jell Cloud : Mal
W1 I ! IioldregeV. \ ; . M. ( 'line , IIRlngs ,
At the MerhantsConrall WIRnel' S."Y. .
'rillkconf HarlnntolbJames Muilsen J. 3.
Read Wnkeleh : F. b. lilmod's , TI\len : J.
\\'iesrnan . Lincoln ; Mrs , g. I. i'arker
Otto Hat'n8Icl was arrested lat evening
for cruelty t his famiy willie Intoxicated.
Ex-Chief Galgln has had several hem-
orrhagea during the past three nights and
Is dtelnlng In healh rapidly
CYII liouchard . a 6-year-old boy , Is at the
police stat n waiting for his Parents to cal
for 11mm. He visited the city with them
from the street Sac , City , I. , yesterday and got lost In
- '
-'Mr8 . tohlen Dles at Iondon , Elg" ,
will speak before the Omaha Woman's Chrlso
ta n Temperance union alit ! their friends at
the Commercial club rooms at 3 o'clock this
afternoon , on education as an Important
factor In W O. ' 1. V. work
Officer Moran discovered sonic rubbish on
fro In the basement of the Omaha Tent
and Awning cmpJny , 131 Farnam street ,
last night and turned In a still alarm , The
chemical from No. 3 engIne house ruponded
I to time cal , No damage was dene
- , S. ' . ' _ : _ - . : ,
- , - . . ' , . - - - ' . 'm' . , - ,
itt. Sees Flncllt Cannot rail to lie " Great
} _ \ell ,
G. W. Sues has JUt returned from Mom-
phi , Tenn , where he went a a committeeman -
man In regard lo the interstate drill , which
takes place In that city durIng the week beginning -
ginning May 10. Mr. Sues was the guest of
the famous Chickasaw Guards , a military organization -
ganizaton which owns one of the finest club
houes In the United States , The gentleman
declares that the coming Interstate drill
promises to be the grandest affair of It kind
ever given The encampment Is to be held
at the Memphis Jcckey Club park , three mles !
from town , and with its shade trees , club
houo and massive Iron grand stand could
not bo excelled.
"A surprise awaits every westerner who
visits this southern cty. : What Impressed mo '
most was the absence of the lower mechanic
and working classes which form the great ,
mass In our northern cities . In Memphis It
seems there are but two classes , " said Mr.
Sues In speaking of the Incidents of his trip ,
"a wealthy white class and 1 laboring
negro population . I Is 1 common thing to
see I white mechanic work side by side with
1 colored man , both working at the same
trade There Is no pride In the whie
man If the darky Is equally as good a me-
chanic. 1 was also very mnch Inpelse by
the hustling , progressive spirit of the people.
Memphis has no less than ninety miles of
electric street railways and fifty-six miles of
sewers. Sue draws her water supply trol a
battery of ftfour artesian wells , boasts
, time finest theater , for Its size In the world ,
and stands sixth In its health rate. The
young men arc encouraged to the fullest degree -
greo to enlist In the military service of the
state and here the officer and clzen ! soldier
may be found In all his glory. In tilts : : state , at least , Mars Is the fetch
at the people , and there time olive branch Is
o'ershadowell by the glories of the laurel
Tile old Chlclmsaw Guards , under their invincible -
vincible commander , General S. T. Cares ,
achieved renown unequaled In time history of
peace. The company owns 1 spacious , richly
appointed building , entirely devoted to its
use As the company Is able to drill In
the open air time year round the dri hal
Is nothing more or less than 1 beautiful ball-
room. The drill grounds arc adjoining the
club house , and a canopied grand stand extends -
tends from the club house across time parade
grounds , for the accommodation of the cub
visitors. Some idea of the completeness at , '
the club may bo gleaned when It Is remem-
berel that It takes $18,000 1 year to run It.
Ata club luncheon last Saturday I was enter-
talnell by time chief sponsors of the club
General S. T. Carnes , Brigadier General A.
H. Taylor , General W. Anderson Colonel
Allen and the affable Major Dick Clark .
These were the officers In command during
the Coal Creek rIots some time ago. General
n. D. Snowdon and Secretary George Cunningham -
ningham are also mainstays of the club , and
more courteous or perfect types of the south-
om gentleman I would bo Impos.lblo to find. '
With these gentlemen at Its head . and with
the aid and endorsement of Major General
Schofeld at time United States army , the
coming interstate drill . Is an assure : succ ss. "
Time Modern Why
Commends ! tel to tIle well Informed , to do
pleasantly and effectually what was formerly
done In the crudest manner and disagreeably
as well. To clean the system and break
up colds , headaches and fevers without unpleasant -
pleasant after elects , use time delghtul
liquid laxative remedy . , Syrup of 1 lgs.
Hold Tiicr "ho 1cnrlell for , 1 Quontt ) 01
Gotd Jewelry
Mike Decker , an old-time engineer on the
Union Pacific , hiving ut 1817 Burt street ,
when ho Is not on hIs engine , Is time warmest
man about the neckband In Omaha. Ho Is
up In arms against the whole world , because ,
some unmannerly scoundrel so ho says took
advantage 0 : his wife's temporary absencej
from his cottage and went Into the sleeping
apartment of the engineer and took tram , off
his bureau 1 easltl containing aU , of h18 {
wlfo's jewelry , valued at $300. The box con- ,
talned 1 ladles' handsOme gold watch , several
gld'lns. n set lf handsome garnet'jowolry ,
a pair of sold gold bracelets and other pretty ,
things that women gatler about them to
adorn their persons. The theft took place I
Monday , between 10 and 12 o'clocle , while
Mrs. Decker was In the little garden In I
front of the house , arranging to plant out
asters , petunias pansies and other flowers of
springtime. Entrance was effected from the
alley In the rear of tile house , the sneak'
thief entering through the back door I was
a leverly executed bit oC work , but Mike :
who Is usually 1 very conservative Individual
and who keeps himself In hand as well as his
engine , has thrown off time lever of urbanIty
and has made his loss known to the police ,
with the hope that the thief may be speedily
brought to the baste and his wife's jewery :
"olhloon I'COIlore Asking Eoch Other
where they will spend the summer Assum-
lag you arc one of them and an eastern resortl .
Is selected . you wil bo Interested In knowing
that the Lake \ Shore & Michigan Southern
ny. Is the direct and POIIIII' line for this
class of travel between Chicago and the east
M. S. Gies , T. , P. A. , Chicago. C. l.I - '
her , W p A. , Chicago.
- . - .
(10111 tn T"x9s'
April 2nd will bo excursion day for Texas :
l you Intend to go there It will be to your
Interest to cal on or address E. L Palmer ,
passenger agent Sante Fo route , rom I ,
First National bank building p , Omaha.
Iud nf Thnnkl
We desire ' to thank \ friends for their
kindness during the last illness of mother' '
and sister CLARA ZIMMER ,
Via flock hhnJ , hetest Ems anl' Flstl"
11'1. .
To all Iolnta In IKu , Oklahoma , Indian
Territory , Texas Ibal points In southern
California. Only < Ol night out to \ points
of Texas. "The Tell Limited" len Omaha
at 6:16 : a. m. dalt . except Sunday , landing
passengers at all rhb In Tex ! 12 hours In
advance of f all oth ' 1thes . Through tourist
cars via Ft. Wortbenul EI Paso to Los An-
geles . For foil yrUculns , maps , folders ,
etc. , call at or address Hock Island ticket
office , 1602 Farnam.Jt _ .
CIIAS. lrNND' , O. N. W. P. A.
A i'OtzttVhlntllll's.
Offered by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to Chicago. A
cleh train , mode up and starte from
Onlaima DaggamrtheeRcd from residence to
destination . Elegant train service and cour-
trous employes. Entire train lghted by
electricity and heated by steam , wlh doe'
trlct light In every berth Finest dining car
s rvlce In the west , with meals served "a 1
carte. " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily
from Union Depot.
City TIcket Office , HiM Farnam street. C.
S. Carrier , city ticket . agent -
Hotter lIvery 1car.
Time was when the "glorious climate of
California" did not attract tourists. But
year after year the tide of.t travel t . set , In
stronger all stronger every rail and winter
toward this favore region. There Is no climate .
mate like It on this continent for I winter
resort , and the usual fine service on the
Union Pacific eystem has this season been ,
brought to a degree of perfection which
leaves nothing to bt desired.
BAlmy P. DEUEL ,
City Ticket Agent 1302 Farnam street
I' : ( " IUt tn TI t
The Northwester line fat vestbuled Chi-
cage train that glides east from time Union
Depot every afternoon at 1:46 : and Into
Chicago at 8:41 : next morning , with supper
all la carte breakfast . Every par of the
train Is RIGHT.
Other eastern train at 1:05 : a. m. and 4
p. m. daily-good , too.
City ticket office , 101 Farnam street
nlco's " 14D2" Is playing to the best houses
of the season at Doyd's. The extravaganza
has won the favor of our theater-goers. Only
two more performances will be given by the
clever people , at the matne today at 2 and
tonight the newsboys wi to a new song and
dance , and Mr. Sloan , as the trmp , will
Introduce a new song. IUce's " 1492" will
always be welcome In Omaha At the mat-
nee today the prices will bo 25 , 10 ant 75
Hoyt's "A Temperance Town" will be the
attraction at the Boyd on Thursrly next for
one night only "A Temperance Town" Is a
satire on prohibiton , and yet so happily has
the author written It that It pleases the
temperance advocate us well as It does the
"rum crowd. " The author seems never to
have lost sight of the fact that In every audience -
dience there are temperance and anti-teimiper-
alIce people. So IngenIous Is the plot , so
happy the diahogue that everyone Is pleased ,
can laugh at the fun and applaud the sent-
nment Mr L. n. Stockweil . who plays the
part of "Mink Jolmes , " the lazy good natured
good-for-nothing town drunkard , Is a come-
dian who has been string for several years ,
but who In this piece has made the hit of his
life. ! r. Lee , Harrison , another bright
comedian , plays the part of "Bingo" Joimea .
son of "Mink. " Tile sale of seats will open
this morning at 9 o'clock
The DeWol Hopper Opera company : , headed
by the prince of fun makers DeWol hopper .
will , on next Friday evening , at Doyd's new
theater , present theCtunniest and most melodic
of ' l comic operas , entted "Dr. Syntax. "
The company , which Is . said tQ.l he largest
anti best the comedian las yet Iial , numbers
seventy-five 'people and Includes all of the ,
orIginal favorites a the castl which comprises
the comedlan's charming young wife , Edna
Wallace-Hopper ; the bewiching soubrette.
Jennie G ldthwale , as well 1 , Cyril , Seolt. u
elevs : ,11ghtllom dlnI : EdmunfSanle the'
popular' tenor : Alfred Klein , the' droll come-
dian : Alice' Hosmer'-and Florine Murray two
clever comediennes ; Thomas S. Guise , an ex- '
celent baritone , and last , though not least ,
that entrancing singer , DerthaValzlnger ,
who Is today considered the best soprano In
the ranks of light comic opera.
The advance , sale of seat will commence at
the box office on next Thusday morning.
'V. H Powelsorm advance , representative ,
of John Griffith's "I aust" company , arrivQd
In the city lHf morning. His attraction comes '
to the Boyd on Tuesday and Wednesday next ,
under the management of' Mr. Ed A. Church ,
manager of the Lansing theater , Lincoln ,
Neb 1r , Griffith has made a most remarkable -
blo success la the character of "Mepimisto , "
winning praises from the eastern press that a
great many actors of world-wldo celEbriy
have not received. p
Lowest States Ever Made to thE South
Will be In effect via the Louisville & Nash-
vie railroad on March 5 , April 2 and 30.
18D5. Round trip tickets will be sold to
points In Kentucky , Tennessee , Alabama ,
MississippI , Georgia andVest Florida
and one way tickets to Florida at about bal I
the regular rals , Asl your ticket agent
about I , and If he cannot sell you excurion ,
tickets write to O. P. Atmore , general pas-
senger agent , Louisville , Ky . or George D.
Homer D. P. A. , St. Louis , Mo.
p . .
'Vhon Senator 111011trson Returns. I I
Senator landerson will arrive from Wasil- '
Ington this morning and will bo given'
1 reception and banquet by his friends at time
Omaha club Thursday evening. This evo-
log ho - wi be accorded a reception , to- '
gether with Congressman Mercer , at South ,
Omaha Elaborate arrangements have been
made for tile events
1. ' IUS : huGS , I
Come find See the New 81flnl 1onlotl 'Te
live , JU8t Ifcohtll In ( lot 111-
nlrr UIllutment.
Tints a brilliant as day and as becom-
lag 8S summer have come to us In our new
spring millinery to make women beatitiful .
All the latest , most graceful dainties In hats
and bonnets are now received , and It Is In
keeping with our well known policy to make
prices far lower than the howest In fact ,
It Is easy to do M this seaSon , nI we have
bough much more largely then ever , and In
consequence secured a reduction In prices that
we are sure that nol but ' can obtain
I You can pass a pleasant hour looking at these
I new things without being expected to buy
unless you want to.
We arC now showing the largest stock and
the 10st exclusive 'tyles In drt1ses for house ,
, parbge , reception and street wear that we've
ever been able to secure A thorough I competent -
petent dressmaker musket all necessary alera-
tons to secure a perfect fit , all as to prices ,
her are some that are incomparable :
Heefer suits , all wool , navy ell black , $4.00.
HenrleUa cloth , all wool , $7.45.
Henrieta cloth , han some trinmming , $11.50.
English worsted , brown or gray mixtures ,
Silk and wool mixtures , latest shades and
nmeat desirable combinatons In trllmlngs , arc
$12,50. $13O , $14.50 an(1 $16.60.
Street skirts $ nearly five yards around the
bottom , all wool , sl00th fnlsbeJ storm serge ,
at $2.46 , $3.1D alll $3.46.
m m silk walHs , $2,69 and $2.D5 ; plaid
silk waists , $4.98 , worth $6.60.
'Vash waists , 2lc , 42c , 60c , 6Dc. 7lc , D8e
Our French lace trlm1CI Plrslan silk tea
gO\n at $ O.DO Is real ) ' worth $20.00.
'Ve say compare : you'l say we lead In
correct sprIng fahlons , In values that arc
ful of goodness , In prices that are 10re elo-
qtlfnt than words
_ Gentlemen to whom It Is a consideration
will find It greatly to th Ir alvatagm to se cur
superb slack of spring suits before paying at
least 2 ! Iler cent more for ready 10 wear suits
Mens' all wool cheviot suits for $4.25 .
Men's all wool business stilts . $5.00 $ to $10.00
In clay and unfnishe worsteds and scores of
others , In medium colors and light shades.
Don't pay double till you see these
Parents . those of you who woull dress your
big and little boys real nicelY at a small cost
should certainly see our large anll beautiful
stock. Il cost you nothing to look and we \
want you to know that you arc welcome to
look and not feel that you must buy
Days' knee pant suits , good and durable ,
for D5c.
All wool cheviot double breasted suits for
$1.65 , worth $3.00.
BJs' long pants suits , ages 12 to ID , for
$1.75 to 1000.
. p
Contracts that Are Soon to lie ' \RCllet to
tile sikittcrs.
There are somo'slgns of the usual spring
activity In tile line of PublIc Improvements
and during tIle next few weeks the con-
tractors who have been statesmen out of a
job & 0 far as tIle city was concerned , will _ -
have an opportunity to bid on a number of
small jobs.
On April 5 time Board of Public Works will
let tile contract for paving Jackson street
from 'hlrty-slxth to Thlrt-elghth with sheet
aSllhlltum , class D , and for repa"lng the
intersection of Eighteenth street and Capitol
avenue with the same material , cass : C. On
April 12 contracts will bo awarded for paving
Twenty-sixth street from \Voolworth avenue
to hickory street with shoetasphaHul , class
B , and for curbing the same district with red
Colorado sandstone 01 tIle same date bids .
will bo opened for grding the alley between -
Jones and Leavenworth and Thirty-ffh and
I Thirty-sixth streets , and for the removal at
: earth from Poppleton avenue between Third
and Fourth streets and from Fourth street
I between PIerce and I'opp\eton \ avenue.
Brunch of' an Electrical School to Uo
Located ill ThIs City . I
. Some , o the locl electricIans are porfect- ,
log ! arrangements to establh : a local branch
of the National School of Electricity In this ,
city. This school Is a regular educational
organizaton which alms to teach Its members -
hers the latest methods In electrical work
and to demonstrate time most recent ro-
searehes In electrical s'clence. Thomas Edison ! -
son Is the dean of the faculty , which Includes
some of the most noted coiege Instructors
In the science
I the school Is established In Omaha Its
I members will have the privilege of attending
i lectures by these Instructors at regular Inter-
vals and It Is beloved that much profitable
information would bo acqulro City Eec-
trIcian Sehurfg Is at time head of the move-
mont and If tIle school Is cstablish'ed the
lectures will no doubt be given In his office
In time city hal , where there Is a fair colec-
ton of apparatus for tile demonstration of
the lessons.
Cimiloll's Cure Is Iold on a guarantel I
cures Incipient consumption . I Is the best
cough cure. Only one cent a dose : 25c , SOc
and $1.00. Sold by Goodman Drug Co.
The funeral of MrFrank J. Ramge will
take place Thursday at 2 p. m. from late
residence , 1821 Davenport Street Inter-
mont Forest 'Lawn cemetery ,
V AGNER-harles , died March 25 , aged 41.
Funeral Wednesday , ! arch 2 lt 2 p. m
from famiy residence , 815 Leavenworth
street. Friends Invited
JOHNSON-Myrtle , March 26 , 189 , lugh-
ter of Mrs M. L. Qbnson , aged 18 < years ,
2 months 1 days . , of consumption . Pu-
neral Wednesday at 2 p. m. , from I'esl-
dence , - 215 Capitol avenue Interment ,
Forest Lawn
r'I'I' : INit ! - ' , I I
Singing . . _ , " _ . . ' II
l Cures , , Con- . Cures Scrofula , General Dcm
# SUtlJtolJ , Bronollts CouJhs , AstlJ Ptne T . \ IJJlty , Loss of Flesl Anaemia ,
< ees .
amI Diseascs.
Vll 2 amI al Pultonary Comllillts . allVastlJ m
Drinking in the buoyant ozonc the sufferers from lung troubles i to retur to the disease - weakened II
of the mountains , sweet with the need not brave.the dangers of long system the nutriment : which is so I
. odor of sprice and hemlock , many joureys iil the winter time to Se- richly suppled by the , palatable
a pilgrim in search of the fountain cure all the great benefits to be Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver OIl ,
I of health , has found surcease from secured from tseason spent in these through which these great curative
anxious thoughts and the goal for great storehouse ofhealng , , Ozo- agents are introducd into the , sys-
which he searched , But not all mulsion brhigs1aU these great heal- tern Science , eycr produced a
who should go to 'the"mountains ' , lug properties 'fo your very door , grander remedy , for all j forms of
I "or who could be bencfed by a It is made of Cbd Liver Oi. Ozone lung trotiblestlianOZOMULSiON.
sojourn iu the piey woods could go and Guaiacol Oliaiacol is a pro- Thee i nothing new or untried S
Vlnot they would , And if they could , duct of the pine , tree , and not only about it. Each ingredient . is a
not all seasons would be fitted for has a marked ' healing effect upon standard remedy in itself , and has
1 such a sojourn , The rigors of the the diseased lung tissue , but has been successfuly prescribed in lung
climate in those regions make it the added virt.ue.of destroying the troubles for years by physicans ,
cimate unpleasant if not impossible to live very germs 011 the disease , This Only the combination is new , antI
I there in winter , the very season germ-destroying qua1y is a facer Ozomulsion is to-day more popular
when weak lungs need their help in the successful treatment of lung than Cod Liver Oil or Gtlaiacol
I most. But thanks to the progress- trouble which cannot be overestihas ever been with physicians in .
ive science of medicine , whih has mated Th ozone supplies an extra their regular practice , among coli-
I caught the ozone of the motintains , amount of oxygen wii'icli acts powsunlptive or scrofulotis patients , or
t distie , I the healing qdors of the erfu1y au the bled ; revivifying those suffering from any form of
pine forest , and holds t11em captive and purifying it , and making it wasting disease I is up to date ,
in the emulsified oil from the fresh able to bur up and cary off the thoroughly reliable , never disap-
liver of the Norwegian cod fish , worn-out tissues , and also enables points , and is always sure
T A'STIOCUM co" , ISI Pear Street , New . York City _
' 2'lzIu , 10mon lc' "lump and beautiful (1 O OJUISI0N ,
'L : : : ' _ e
For Sale by KUHN CO. , 15th and Douglas Streets , Omaha.
_ . . , , . _ .
- - - - - -
' - ' . - - ' - - '
- - = : ; '
_ - - . -
- - -
w - - - - - -
- -
' . In ot.tlct'-nra thc ' not ?
In1cstntons U.c Oldcl-I'c )
Pelmi us to StiSjCiUl-COi11pCtItOl'Li1'g1iiflCltt-flh1d by in-
Vestlgiitloii. ;
Investigations nlC nglccablc or 1Isng'ccnblc , costly or
lwofnblc-btt hOWC"C1' thc 1'CSUI , It tcmhcs n lcsson
\Vc sell boys' nnd youths' clothes chcnpcl' thnn nn'o1c Iii
this wcstcln hnl of om' contncnt , bccnusc wc inycst'ltc thc
1lU'ltcts "CIY closely , Our suits nrc sm'CI' , better wOlltcl , lflorC .
' , itiitl lii ' ' ' ' If ' fiti' itbo'c othc1's ,
lm'ublc , nnl 11 C1Cl'y scnsc o pct'fcclo1 n1' nbo1c
bccausc ' tttkc h'oublc to .
wc tlltc hncslgntc.
Tlint's ploftnblc hncstgnUon. Don't wnlt thc WOlst of i ?
)0 ns wc-Iool iit'otinti , In"8tgltc , hid out whose "ml" Is thc
biggcst humbug-nml buy whcl'c judgment dktittc.
\Ve scln strictly nil wool stilt [ ( n boy Ietvecn 13 nml i
) 'cnI9o If age for $3fn. ( on't give n rp I othcl's c01shlc1' n
like suit worth $5.00 oi' more , \Yc hl"'c somc 'ouths' stilts
, ' ' . -nml lliicr-nnd thc best iiiade.
chcnlcl'-ns low ns $2.7nml fncr-uml mnlc.
Assoltmcnt this spring Is tlusulty lll'ge. An Ilmcnsc
, 'nrlcy of ncw shndcs and paUc1'ns. .
Second floor-take clcvntol"
. , .
' ' for onc'l
Spring 'D5 Cntnloguc-wlsh one
, - - - - - . . _ _ _ ; _
- -
- - - - - - - - - ' - - - - -
_ _ _ -I
. . .
, y' ' - - ' , ,1.- _ : - - ' , . ' . ' , i.P' _ ' '
e'fa "CUPIDENE" 'I
MANHOOD RESTORED I Tills great V lotnbh !
- Vltalizerthoproscrlp. J J
Uonof n rnmoul'rench Ih'slcnnwl quickly cure von r fF ncr
\ . - VO\S 01 It"es of the generative fr ' 110. "ncl n , Lost M nho.1 '
( Insomnla ' 111115 ill the 1llCl , SCImhihIhil fmISlln . ,
I'"ltln lncl/cmllll ) Nervous ilebliity
. . J'lmplc" , nltne ! to Marry . lxhl\stnJ Dntins , ( ' \ ! lebll\ , {
- Collsti"ation. I stop all iosseq tJ dny 01 night "Ic\'uls , Qllck-
ncss of dlchalr ) , which I notch/lrII lenis II Hrnu.lnrhr. and
' all the horro.o ! Jmlotcnc ) ' . ( : I-UUNI : clcU'c thoilven , time
B E FORE AND A fE R kidneys nnl time urinary organs of ul'wIurIUce tolver
CVPTIEiI strengthens hInd rcstorrs small Weak og n.
Tile PJUINr " are not cmell by loclor" ) iii I because ninety per Cent are trouhlel , ! with
Pro.all I I lon . . CUlI .uler"N I1N a Is the only known relNI , r to cure , wlhout un opiratlon. CAW ) teslinmoii-
elm. A writtro gmmarnntogivt'n and money rturm'lt I six hoxq does 10t CJfL't n I'efuuucutcuro
nls wrltrn Ilv(1
' 10 ; n box . six lor t5O by mail. Send for JUEE circular 611 tcslmollni
Ardr".s n" VOl. lEJICINE CO . P. O. lox : o , Sun Francisco , Cal lRale bl
_ _
- - =
1' I nlnorvluoll'ousos. ThIN Famous Itemeily Weak 'elrY.I.oRSoi Cure quickly Drlllowcr permanently ,
, . .
iloadacilo Wakefulness , I.o.IVltaihlty . iligbtiy owls'
. ,
, ' oluloovl drea.mis " , ttlhIotoIlc , . ; and wlLStlIlgtllseaBos . . cans- ,
cd by nllhl"u1 cl'rnr. t" excesse. Coiltains : no
, ; , Iontlns
. ,
' 01)111mm. In nervclonlcunolbluod builder . Makes
. ' . ' the palo nadeuny strong and phlmp I0tstiycarnlcdin
. vest pockel. 81 per box ; ( for$5. IlymnU propnld with
. n 1rltn ! ztiaratmteo locuror money rerunded wih
, Ilnrnlee
, ,
' , , , , . , Wrlo
' J S frto medlcnt Lni oenled plnln wrapper.with te8U
. DAY , IO , , D'V . Dhr. 'oh 0" 10nlnl. nnrlnnrlni refcrelees , No wrppcr.wlh r'trpe/or ' Ia-
" OA. . . , cnnJla.
( , , Jlrware 0/ ( mttations. bold by our agents or.address Nerve Hccol Co. . Masonic Temple , Chicago ,
Bold i Omaha bJ SDc & Jc\onel. ICub . . 0 ad b Vickers A Merchant , Druggists.
II ' I , No Holler. No Steam , No Engineer.
Best I'ower for Coru and Feed MIR , Baling
- : ' - hay , lulllug Crelnerles , 10partrs Dalnl
, '
' , Stationary or Portahl
' ' ltoI2OifI' . to 30 . P.
r' . . , . ' , , , Snr for Catlogue. L'rlci'.ietc.descnibingwor1ctbedone .
s ' , 33.1 da Walnut lt , PIILADICLPIIA , PA.
- " Chicago , 245 Lake : . , Omaha , 321 So 1th St '
" 456" " 456" " 456"
To Retail Dealers of Cigars :
To Introduce our new bl'lndl ! wihout OXOflS0 oC
oC travelingvo will send you the
Owaha Doily Bee for 3 months Grtis
Wi\h , \ each thousand cigars pUI'chased. These cigars
, are wihout doubt the finest $3j. : O cigars in Limo matot. ' ,
A trial eider wi e nvince you
Terms 30 : nyt-2 per cent foi' cash .
DUFFY & CO. , Omaha , Neb.
. .H $ " lH j
1 _ j r---ib ci i i i3 IElEr Jrfl -
D 0
o A Bright Eye g 'I'
g U
U Is a sign of good health and if the
o stomach is not in the best of condi 0
o . . . . 0
D tions ' t } le eyes will show 1 I. R. I pans 0 '
o Tabules will make the stomach D
Q right and keep the eyes bright and 0
D clear. 0
o D , . .
O Rlpnnl Talulcl Sold Iy druggist. . or 1) man 0
It the price H cclii I box ) Is sent I. ' ) . t ,
ITJ pans Chemical CQhlmany , ? 'Jo , 10 Uprn' 't , , N. 'A
hnr I n ln in I If ; ! ; rnrlnln
- - - - - - - - - - -
Teeth Without Plates
DEN 1131 .
Paxton illook .
11lh and 'arlln : SI \
' 01. IOt :
Foil Sot Tcctb.G 00 I Silver i'iliingsl 00
B oat Teeth . " , . 7 50 i l'llro Gold ' 111:1 e 1 U
1 'l'1111'lato . . . . .10 00 I Gold Crow&fl-2J ( . $ J
l'alnJe88 Extract'a 100 I Drldro 'i'cottm-tOQttm I UJ
Teeth Out In Morning ,
New Teeth Sara Day
. , . ,
HtW i'AUt die .a ' Features IlflJI. a I uthl A4M'U1'J Iteumuv' '
lug Iiienmlsbes.lfl , 'W " . book fog a stscmn . e'
IOI 1Ieo.tu.ln I. ' , In W,424t4LItt' ,
WYIWr ot Wu4buci' , ltlal i01.
- - . - -b--i - . , , , , .
_ .
--1 _ _ PERMANENTLY ' < 4
" \ (1TTTT1OR NO I
PAY ( '
_ _ UNTL ,
wt SlUR YOU TO 8,000 rATtHU
_ _ _ - _ ' WrloforD Ro1oronceI
) o Operation1 No Detontlon from Business. ,
T-I 0. E : . MILLER CO. ,
; O7-3O8 N. ' 1. LIfe Bldg. , OMMIA , NEM
' '