. , . , . _ _ _ - _ . . . . , , . , , ' I 1f 't / ( ' II t ( I ) ( ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fJ'llE ' OMAHA DAILY nEE ! 4tEDNEDAY 1 ( , l'AROII 27 , 1895 , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 'T J _ SPBGIP1L IOT1QEa A.I\'ertlsements far Ihuo 'olumns nl bo alrn until 12130 p. I. for tim e\'enlnjnnd . untl 8 p. m. for the mowlnj Rnd Sunday , edl Ion. Ad\"rther h , reluutlnJ " numtllrel ehelk , tRI "B\'O RnSWel n.llres.e,1 to n numhered % leter In core of The 11cc. An- "ulrs 10 nllre880d will 10 " , I\'orod upon 1 I fsentntol of the check enl , lates , 1 h2c 1 1"rd , frt insertion , 10 1 uord hereoUer. Nolhilj l.kol for len than 2Ge for Irst intortion. 'Judo n.hcrt olenU mutt inn ' coiecu ti1y. , , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - SITUATIONS WANTED. - - - - - - - WANTI : l'OSITION DV YOUNO MAN AOF 2. In machine shop or baktnitth thop 10 Implele ItRP : gor,4 teterencel. AdtlrlAI AI. bHt lncker. Duo Iol . Neb. A-MTI2' WANTED-MALE nELP. . A MAN on IA11 TO " \NAO lSTltlI3UT. Inl impIet . cArh. , bookt . clrr . 10 rrre- pon1rnce. * end B'lvAn CO' ) ' . . Detroit . Micti. lOa for nmplet & . clc. . and RPI pctn \ ofr 10 'u. U-li 2" - - - - - - - - - - - - - WANTlJ SA1.ERtN rOI I.ND ctmns ! ) nnt chnrs : Allary no.o n molh onil " xpn.PA . pnll. Arl'resM CalifornIa ChicI conipafly CIil . fl-MS' ' ) ' cfigo. 1. J-MSQ 2' WANTED-JThMALE : I3ELP. 1tflST CLARS Omf.A AT SCANDINAVIAN Y. FIST 1111e. Omee. 101 Capllol avonuc. Tel. 1' C-121 AIS' a1nr WANTDI FOn OENFn.\ ! 1tOlflT. work In smol famIly. Cor. 1lh nnl Hurclrte 8tteels. C-tI)77' ( _ _ WANTm ) . A JIOIT , INTm.LlnNT NUmm for a lIttle girl of 8 , nn,1 wi aIM hI reqtlrpl 10 f.errom I Ille Ilrl oC the lutA at tnitlr , . ' flflt(1. . noom tog. 20. 2t ! 0001 Omaha National C-M919 flank l > t1tl. 28 . - amI WANT 1m ron HI CONt wonH : : NO ' - coklnR : 151S MII9n Ave. C931-2 1 RENT-HOUBES. FOR - 1 1OUBES. F. K. DAnLNO , uAnmn I1T.OCK. . 19:9C OUgEs tN ALb rAnTS 0' TiE CITY. TiE O. F. Davis ALl crplny. 15M Fnrnrm. . D-Gi nOUSES : lENAWA & CO. . ' 108 N. 1:1'1 : tfl' . . , D-9G Fort ItlNT-G.itOOM COTTAOE. IN GOOD HE. I'nlr , city - wAIr. $10.0 per month to Rod pnr' ttet . ' 1' N. 311h. I block tram l'orn\n : car line. Inquire al Sloetzel's stove slore. next 10 10.1. omce. D-91 hOUSES , WALLACI DIO\N UL1. . 10 & D973 Doug. volt , RlNT-2l13 CA IITO AVENUD. 1 roomt. modern. The O. F. Davis CompAny. moern. fl-971 - I D-97 ! IDrnN 7-nOOM HOUSE NEAn PAItK . AP- , ply 1r a 281h slreel. D-MSG ' - - - - - LAHGE LIST 1IOUSES. WEAD IGTJ 1 fOLIO. . - - n-21-A3 ron flnNT. FLATS AT NORTHEAST con. ner oC EIwenlh and Howard slrpels. In good condition. HenAonnlle lerm. Inquire rom 311. FIrst NatIonal blnk building . D- f513- : nOISES FOR IUT . $5 TO $ tO. I Fmrf.tTY Trust Co , , li02 Farnam. D-M333-31 11. E. COLD CO. LAnOEST LIST nr OMAHA. D-I1G3t DGI ILEOANT mUCfC nESJENCES IN nf.OCK at southwest corner 230 and California street : all molern , con\'enlences : very low renl. C. A. Slnrr. 515 N. Y. Life D g. ver D:11 2' ODEnN 10-nOOM 10USI . CENTHAf , I.OCA. tion . 21 Douglas sl. ' \ ' . I' Clnrk. 221 Douglas st. D7O.2S' MODmN .nOOM IIOUSII. STEAM trAT. fumlshec or unCurnlshed ; term at ears. Ad- dress J 51 . Bee omcc. ) D-Mi9 \11tDiSIRAULl hOUSES VACANT , \lnfL 1st. - Sherwood. 4 : N. Y. 'LICe. ' 1hone 3S. D-MS2 ' D-IS2 ron ENT. EtIILT-IIOOM DIT.CtED HOUSE wIth barn. 21U CalIfornia slrecl. Inquire 30 North 22 slreet. D-MS79 MIS MASON VEItY l'lI MAN'r. ; 8 uooM. moren , * 21.60. 223 New York l.pDIS9 . D-IS9 M' Fan _ JLENT , ELEO.\N'r . 10nOO" UICt . h u. . with range and all modern cownIen cs . - - on Iwl cAr lines and len minutes wllk Cram postotilce. street. nt i33.o : must leave city. 2 Hurt 91 ALL S1ODEtt2. UNEQUALED. 6. G. i.nOOh houses and Slats. Tlzmd 221 N. 2itli. - -015 31' _ f-91531' EIOIT.nOOM FLATnD FJ.OOR. INQUIRE Ltndqucst. 31G S. IMh Blreel. 3)-ID-i FOR BENT-FUItN1SIIED ROOMS. II.EASN nOOM 192i D0DOR. & VEny DESnAnLE FRONT nOOM WITh AN alco\'o ZI3 S. : Bt. _ E-433 FOn , ENT. NIC t , ) 'URNISICD nOOMS. Cal at 210 DouglnH E-nS-2 FRONT DOOM , WITh ALCOVE ; MODnN. : W S. % a\'eun. &M137' FUINfSIED DOOM , DAT3. ' 6 MONTH. : 191 DATJ. l'amam. E-90 21' NICELY l UnNISIIJ SOUTH FRONT DOOMS . With first enl board. 12 Dode. E-92i.l. Fl'nNfSHED nOOM. NICEfY LOCATI O. M2 Cass slrel E-M943 25' TWO FURNISHED nOOIR. sU'\n.F FOR _ _ _ man and wlCe. 831 S. 23rd.stret. -M93i 2 , ' " . ' } UhNISHED ROOMS AND EOARD. NICIILX 1'unNISIDD nOOM8. WITH OOOD board ; rates reasonb1e. The Iose , 212 lIar- ny. . . F-M'i AI' Il.rASANT ROOM IN IUVATF PAUIL.Y. with or without board. ! cerenee . 1 Fa I' . nam. 1'-Mj'S : NICEIX 111NlflmD SOU1'I DOOM WITH board. Modern connnienec . 3 ht. , Mal"s nvenue. 1-S15-.9. 4 D' SmAB.E nOOMB AND HOARD tN PRI- . VltO tlnl ) ' . 70G N. 191h. J"-MS6i,20. 3100MB , WiTh flOAlti 2 ! 21 : DODULIHTIIIHIT. I NIcm.Y l'IIXISID tOU''U I"UONT JOOAI wlh huanl II I.rll'ule ( amity. Inl Douglas. 1"-92J' UNFRNISHED ROOMS TO RENT lI0tJSEEr1I1tINGItOOMH. cox"m INT. : cheap . cuol. talKs lawn. ou 131. M ' ; j'27' - i-ii RNT-STOR8 AND OFFICES 1'01 ILENT " 'ru J 4'OIY ImCK nUJUWO , DIG J"arnl .Ireet. ThIs buildIng tins I tire- l\oof cement tuiseiiieiit eomll.Ic hl'nl h.ul- tnt : Ixlut' : waler on nIl Iloors. gas . clr. A11' ply at the ofilco ot The Hoe. I-I'I/ FOIl RENT . T1l1l1E.i41'0IIY ANt ) 1I.ILIHtI1NT I brick Mlon luUdlnl lt ItJ I.'aral stnet. In Irsl rlau condition : 8ullblo for any Illud of busIness. Inquire reel 311. First National 1.tink ! ! d I' _ _ _ _ _ I-I.Lf3 ' 27 TWO wroniu. AiJOLNINI , COINJI Z3 . \NI Joannworlh ; wilt Icnl together 1r M"III'nle ; good lu31ncKo location . Inqulrc on prepuises. , 2' - c L - _ _ _ _ - - - _ - - _ I-MW AGENTS WANTED. - - . .UI N1' , lAliE OI IJM.\LE. WRITE 'ro lt . quick : Wo ha\'o ImNhinK at gre.It Impulanco tl .a ) t 3003 : brand new hue ; big lane ) ' In II ; " 110 ; quick or you may he too hate : lon'l ( all 10 ' 110 today lure ; JaM send your address on postal : wo wi MUl1rlBs you : be qutcic or , Iota allay lose Ibo ( 'IPOI ( unity ; $ .0 1 day In it Bure. Flenlrlro aUIpl ) ' Co. , d"prtl nl n. Augusta . . 1 [ " . J-MD : 25' ' : O O I o0.n OIYl- ' .Q 1(1 AllN1 WHO sell In nex titter , monlhs 203 copies ot 'Tiaik. tl ChIldren About Jo.u. . Owol'.1 8'llng "Tnlil ) . . lwbiisIiti. . Outfit iIe. . \I"nl. ie4Rit4 Ilso ( erne new hooll b1 ' larlon liaalund. One uC"nl 11,10 $1 last wl 'I ; . OUllt 31(0. Freight 1111111 11111 , l'ul In credit Kh'en. Address 11. 11. "oot\ulI c. . IL11t1or" ! . Md. J- : I :7. J.\IY AOIINT $ . ltI'13111111 VNIIIflLU.tIt. "NIIIU.\I. In nl ; quirk . h"l ; big I'roll , : .llllolll tie , ' . Alr8. N. l. LIttle Mfg. \0 ' Chiagn J - . ! Ill. ( ' : 27' WAN'I : AtUSTH TO ULt ' 'lU IATi1T I \'r\,1 \ dlah wloher : wilt \Iuoh nail .hy dlstaa t'r In orIIAr ) ' tlml ) ' In IWo minutes ; I coIunaIis4ni ugelats mnkp from 1I.0 In $ . ' I"r daY . Wllo tor prlc 1.1 an,1 1.0 . 'Flie Atlj t3hade hanger lUg , C. Kain-ui I CIty. 1itii. .3-35943 2 _ _ - - IN8un.\NcJ ms AI ) Ohta.kNiZEIItJ : &Cll'y D'uncl ; $ . .O'er montl , $ .WI.OI ) at "eulhi ; $100 per week ; tIui . nO tier iontt , ' neVi 11 I I. easy 10 \ fork..Ih. . J'attra \ Aroxtatit . Ionohoe Ulde. . : .n 2 . 'raneis.'o. ' J-Jlii 2' S _ _ - - - - - - - , STORAGE. 1 lt'T 8'n'Ql nUILDINO IN OAJA U. H. 3O. bnded ' warehouse ; housholt goods .loN ; ! Go. II\ut rates. 10U.l0n L"yorlh.m : SOl.\OU viiwr.m . : , 1R1 , II ARNEY. - . . - h-9i WAN1' -'O BIlL ; WANTED. TO nux AUQUP11V13 ACIEI IN 1'E , II the , 'Iculy ot Omaha or Council Uulo' good . . 7- ( ho'u" ' and br ; 81all parltulus anti lowest 4 Vrlci , . I. . lIce. N-W G' WANTr.D. CIDAI'TIIAII Oi' WORK 110118E3 : CntAI' IVANTm. 0. WOlK 10IUIEi weight about 1.10 lba .dJI . klvIng full i.lal ful I lcrhua : L t , & . N-Mm Z FOR SALE. hORSES AND V FOIL SALT3TWO STANDAUDIIRED STA1 lions . 0 and 1 , s.\ choice breeding : ! Ilh fast ; ted , 10 track or for slud. Platte Valey Live Stock Co. . l nmonl , Neb , 1'-16 2 - FOIL SALE-MISOELLANEOUB 100 k CIIICII1N FlmCl WIRE. flUTTER CmCICN l " cheaper than wood. .7. J. WIE. . 403 B. 14th. Q-M6 UAlDWOOD COMI3INATION HOO AND chicken Cence ChU. ft. Lee. glh ant Dou/lu. DAllY FOR . BAI.I"0 COVS. 2 TEAMS , COIL- pell outnt.\ established Ilk route ; all 01 11ar chtnp ; app'y \ John floodepon 'Iorenr Neb. , Q1C'-A2) ' WEGMAN I'IANOS , tUDOElOnT OnOANS. Wo.lhrldll Bros. . 17 So. 17th. Q-DH NOTICE , T' : lii : ' t , ifAINH.Tl n mHL lag Union Slork Ynrd sewer. 1 quantity at lumber. for sidewalk Ilnlnl00,1 , etc. . which small large will he old cheap In .mAI or lots. on the grounds. Apply 10 I' . M. "fule : . _ on March 27. / 2 2 Inrl ( 30. l-9 2i' I.'n BAI.I , 1OOO ) flOlA.FIDE ! rASTIS IN- \rslors' nnre . who hA\1 mon } ' 10 In\'cl. . , . ' recplest. suet complied Full particulars upon teqle.l. compl 1.'ul 1ArtculArA Invulors' IrecIOr ) ' Co. . 10 Wnl Iret. N. V. Q-M321 A2 ' : S'CELLANEOUB. TO RENT . PAn:1 : ACIF8 CLOSE TO CITY for garden : houo" barn well. vIe Inquire at A. losp , Jr. . 1&13 1)otlglai , slrrel. H-M91 27 -LA RV Y ANts MnS. DR. n. WAHIF : CLA11tVOANT. 1111. liable business medium : ith ) elr at 113 N. lGtli. - - - - MADA I1OMAINC. :21N. \ . 15TH. 'IAT A. H-MIll-All' ) 'tm 1'nOM YOUH MIX ) TitOlTiul.ES YOU might I. by consulting nt once I'ror. Jngga . mlht . C OIIf , the mind rpaler , Icl nd\'lser. Ho leealA nil secrets and helps you In your nOlctons 10 your hell. entire eaUsfactton. Brln Ihls Acl. wih you today . .mUstacton. . 1th SL HourB , \ 10 12 I , ) 1. . : : i 10 9 p. m. s-nr 26 ' M.SSAW1. 1ATH1I . ET\ ( Nf : WI.Y FITTED IATH PARLORS : TUI1K- Ih and electric baths for Indies and _ gentle- men. Madame howell . 32 South 151h "treet , 2d floor. T-M310.AS' 1.\SS.OE-MADAMJl UEHNAID , ' 1 DODOE etreet . T-M3II1AS' - 1IADAM I3MITII. & S. 13H. 2D' V'I.OOil . HOOM 3 : magntlo. " ' 0 11 r. alcohol . stegtn . Aulpherlne and sea balhs. T-M911 : o' TURKISH B THS. TUILKISII IJATIIS : ONLY IACF IN CITY TUnSH JATIS exeludlvelY for ladies. Suite 109-10. Joe bll 99 ! FElLS ONAL. It. UAAS. FLOmST. PLANTS , CU FLOWlmS. Bnnquel. hail . rcsldncc nod grave decorations. 11 Vlnlon slret Telephone 71 U-9 MASSAOI3. BLEC'nO THDHAT 1IATIIS. c"'rpodlst ' Mme. 1'0.1. 31i ! B. 15th BI.U9 U-9 THE 1J131.LE EPpCnLY CORSET. MADE TO or..r UFI.LE trm leasur" . 109 Faram slreet U-'OJ VIAVI CO. . 36 BEE 111.130. : HEALTH HOOK I - _ free : home treatment ; lady attemlant . U-l0 o ELEOANTI.Y FINIShED CADNET PhOTOS 99 cents . for 10 days only. at Cownn'a . 5 liroadway . Council Iuf . U-M20 FOR FIRST CLASS PIANO TUNING HAVE Merriam. at 'Voobrldge Eros. . 17 So. lih AI. U.-IC.S-3I CURE t'on LADWS. lS10 CHICAGO ST. U-l06-31' FOR INFORMATION OS IOLACK UH.LS ( lOLl ) mine an.l prospects wrie U.ACK . Flower nApld nnr City. S. D. U-IS02 : , ' 5-310011 hOUSE. G31 SO 17TH AVE. rHOO:1 JOUSI 1TH AVE.D.93S AVE.D9aS A21' MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE : ANTHONY LOAN 1 TRUST CO. . 3U N.Y. LIFE . loans at low rates for choice security In Nebraska . brnakl and Iowa farms or Omaha city prop W-IQI rlY. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LO\N ) ON L1 bought lNSURANCr ) . . . Knnsa CI ' . Mo. W-I02 MONEY TO LOAN OS IMI'ROVI3D OIIAIIA LAN lMlnOVED OfA1A real 5tatc. I3tennan Love & Co. , Paxton hlk. SV-103 . \-103 MONEY ' TO LOAN ' AT LO\13S'D nATES. THE MOXFY'TO LOWrS1 . O. F. DtvlCo. . . 1 : . Fnrnam "h , 'V-I ! . , VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. . .7V. . iqulrellIfleebidg. W-I05 - - - - - CITY LOAX8. C A S''Ann. GIS N. Y. , LIFE. ' tV'-los MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA property. Fidelity Trust company . ' 1102 I.'arnam W-IOS ' LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property . I"arlm Smith & Co. , . 132 i Farnani. W-IO MDNEY TO LOAN ON OMAhA DUAL ESTATE at Oler cent. V. ' . D. JUelklc Il Na , ! Uli W-J0 bldg. CiTY LOANS $ jO.O 'fO $ .Ooo AT LOWEST rles I'owel & Potter . 1L floor , N. . Y. W-Il L. bldg. INVES''lS' DIR13CTORYCO.IO . , WALL ST. . N. Y. compile In,1 sell name of banI tIde eater Inveslorl who have money . (1 Invest. ) 'ul pnrtcnlal s upon requesl. W-M96 M26' WAN1' D. DUL1XG I.OAN AT ONCE. 1"1. dely 'I'u.L Company , lD F8rnu street. V-1t751 31 MONEY TO LOA-CHATThLS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FW1NIL'IIItE. I'IANOS. hirises. walon" elc. . al lowest rates In ely ; no removal at goods : strictly conOtenlal ; you can amQunt. pay the loan off ut any tIme 01' In any amQunt.OMAHA MORTGAGE EOAN CO. :1 So. 161h St. X-J3 MONEY TO LOAN OX hOUSEhOLD FUnNI- 10USEIOLD ? . pianos , hClbCS. Wagons. or any kind at chattel securIty nt lowest Ilo..lble late . . which you can pay brl , nl any , tIme and In any amount. FIDELITY I.OAN GUARANTEE CO" ) , loom 4. WlhnelloCII : . X-U : J. D. HADDOCK , J00 421. ItAItCE l.OCC , N-ill MONEY TO I.O4N ON FURNITURE AND pI0lo . Fled Terry . 4:0 ac b1ck. N-Ill BUSINESS CHANCES , DO YOUVAN ' ' A IIONEYI1AKEII ? TIlE Edison Eta.toacOt : , eight ( loehlnes : IAI.IU . TIE ' $8.0 hi los , Illn three nionilta. For terms uddrcs'a Idl.on : Kinttoaeopo Co. . 1O So. IClh St. . Om111Nc. . Y- 10:7 ; sO.OO \VI.L UUY om OF 'rJj uisi' , ES. 'fiE 11:1' ,18. lall.hed 8unlMluls. with all Ihe 1.lle.t 1m. provcmenls In electricity. e'eclro ' ' 1.'urktsh vapor nnt wuler baths . . with Iho ; largest cash otce pruclco .n . this city ; a Splendid elastics frr 1 couple ihISlcianS I . Specialist , or man IInU witH : " 'loon for selling . going Into wholcalo nne lalutncllrllbualne0 : wi give a month Irlli IC rmluested. Aldrp3 houston Eleclro Oal'nnlo sanitarium , 1cl.lun. 'l"x. Jlam building. . Y- IOOO All' FA.B. l'IST.Cf\SS.-lnOClmy STOCK - ; sT.- good location : A 1 trade ; invoice about .O.O ; good Ielona ( u& ' sellIng. "ddls K ' n. Uee. . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - \-Mm 20 - - - - - - FOI SAIt. A NIWSP.\IIt DOINfi GOOD business ; capital t..quhed. $100.0) In ' : J.o ; good 'hnneo for nell l'al' ' r talon. Message , lan. 1001 - Clearw"tcl' . Net . V-oMS' : imto H'OhIlI AXU 1"IX'I'UI\i : CONjj'IIONS H'On \ unsuljal's.'d ' . 'firoa'tI. 221 N. :11.1 IONDI'lNB ' \\N'I'I':1 : CII\Umll'NItN \ l : WITI ! TAL IC"I. In I-CereR 10 n large amount or tin rollnK.lnlllon Heating and 1'lumhlll ; tn . , Yanklon , H. D. I - V-hIll 31' 'R EXCHANGE \VANTED-.t JOISU IN ENCIIANO1I FOIl piano ur orgsn A. Ilowc , Ir . , J"OI' 11 " ) . : - z"I.J 1'01AI.I' : OIL 1'IAUJ A J.O.O STOCK 01' lenNnl mell"neIA" tOI' e.lcr Nebln.kn 01 w.ler 10WD falm. or Omaha or South Omaha plverl ) " , hlres K I. Omlha Dee Z- ZCOI \ . , ' ! 'I.\UI ; CLEAR I.ASl J'OP GOOn EN. CUllcl d rental city l'rOI'ul ) ' . HI Ihld Class cr unhnl"cv..1 property e"n ldeled. S. c K. I * 'ml'hn' ' . 1125 New York Life I. ) Z-lltC)3 - A' " ' : 1' TO TI.Um COUNCIL I3i.UF'd . itO teal estate tor a atocit oC t'iotiatiag ! and 8hocs. Adalieu J. I' . Eniig , A\'oea. 'Iolhn& Ind . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Z-Mo I > m : H.\ C'-A : FIND JI.loV ) 1"ARM In Iowa ur f. " eres worth Jd..4h0 for DV.\u In Omah" . . \I rlcan ton" 1u. . Kanl& " City . Mo . IC-li : ' I l" Z-l 513-30. Wr ) hIM'S A COMI'I.lfl'E 1.IS1' 01' VCIIV lAVC , .lmbe ! I.ropert for l"d , ' . C C. ' YCI\ In. ( 'hat ! " 'f . .chan&8 Ask for him. II. R .Ie C. 10 N. 1lh. Z 1. I "i.:7 ( ClOI'l Y.\CMiT LOTH Oil I'ND FOIl 3M. l'On ! LIruved " .hl"co Proi.erll. C l' , Shimer. 211 21 N. Y. Ufc. : 30.r 'V.T [ ) -locmu\g OI IEA1IDVARIj 1,011 \ & T nrI4 allt cash. IAlD\Amf Logan Di . Z-U3 :0' QUAItDEI1'SICTION . KNOX CO. r\NU. 3M. proved. Ilbt Iaicuaibntnce. for l. . . . harm's. 55,1 \ . flux 53. . . . . ' . alm : DUfa"m : , HOl SALE.-ItEAL ESTATE. . FARM 1.01 SALE ; 1 CAN OFFER FOIl A limited time. lD" at an 8larclh'0 Ol.n ln . a choice hOINVC . . ) ( aim. 10IN In tarpy coonly. Neulrask3. La Platte Nehrka. near 1. 1'11 statIon sad the new tort ; ibis 10 l strictly second bench Ian , ! . and tli . improvement . are ot a good solar : al.mO " & will bur tie eqully In 10 finn : n lre considered. " 'ale O. Call 11 ht.lrney II. . O\ala. Neb IU'-Wl al , FOR BALE-REAL ESTATE Cntnue - NOW T CNVINCF-Y U Tl1A' "WE NEVlm TIA' offer anything but genuine snaps , " we uk you 10 hook at -110M13S- 31 N. 2d ,4 blok : south nt ManIerson . 1 and % story lIve rom house with barn $ .11.0 : 1101.00 cash balAncc $ S0 per month Without Interest 29' l.ke Street. S rooms . 1 story $ IC.O . easy terra " 2821 i'altlck avenue , two etoo' 7 rooms . n.c.o. raLlY lern' 102 Ohio. 8 tom . modern with barn , U.o.o ; easy terms. I N. I : . cor. : and CAIUAr. 8 mIens. paved street I. large lot U.8)O easy termA. 362 Iodge Street 0 rooms . modern . IC.Of ; easy terms And 10 olhr just lS cheap. -VACANT 1.0TH- ManrJeron near StIlt . heluICul ) ' Ihade lot Mx12' . , 'G.o. % cash , Lnlance long time ot 0 per cent I. 2th ant , hiristol . $15.0 caAh. : : h In,1 llrlatol south trnnl. t9x32 , l.tO.O. 21h antI , Mnille. & 21. LC0. ® . N. 13. eor . Clh antI Chicago , 192x14) . 1 room. 1iOUs . 2 large tarn , . * 3 0.0 ! : terms ene ) ' . H. W. cor. 31h and I 10wntl , 132-p2. $ { 0.0 ; terms ene ) ' . A. H car lIst and Farciam $2SOd.0) , N. i-I. cor. : lh and Casteilar U.2.0' . S.MO.\ : eAAY lerms. And n numlcr oC olhers equally ns chen . 1. 1.ACRI' acre. 10 acres 4Ile \ .Unlght north , $0.0 per acre T ncre , . 4 arre . grap. ' , , . 5 room house , large barn . $2.0.0 : $ , .O cash. balance pn8) 5 acres wel improved fully stock" , ! . chIckens . fArm machInery . etc. . $ .5.0. And olher I. U. Cola Co. 10 N. 15th. ltD m-8C8-27 nXCnANO AND SALES : CITY InOIEIT\ farms merehandl.e. Uan'ln Uros. , 210 N. Y. t" , Im-U7 FAIl LANDS. C. F. IIAI1ILISON. till N. Y. L R1'i-MSOl-Al' DAILOAINII . hOUSES LOTS AND FAulTS : sale or Imde. F. IC . .arlng , Darker hlnlc . tE-l FINE OAHDI.N I.AXD. G MILES FROM I' . 0. . $0 per acre. 940 N. Y. L bldg. lIE-UI AIISTItACTS. 'lHE DYHON IU3ICl ) COMPANY. m-U6 DAflOAINS SALE on THAnE IN CITY I'ROp- ertes and tmms. Jno. N. Freuzer . opp ; I' . O. . 1t13-11St KOISTZP I'f.\CE IIAILtIAINS . VOlt HALE Ot cxchang" J. J. GILson , 31 hI NAt'1 hank. - . itI3-ISI-A21 A FEW OF OUR HAL BARGAINS : Wi eel I lot on Georgia avenue cheap It taken wllhln len 1103's. _ A corer lot lns. Cumlnl street worth $ , ,00.0 for t. (0 I It taken soon. 3 lots In Urnke's addition to cxchange for neat cottages. An elegant south front lot on DrlAtol street big snap too cheap 10 flame In I.rlnt. . Beautiful hauling Site fronting on lnnsrom p.irk high and sightly . can be sold very chenp. Want nn offer. Fidelity Trust Co. . . Solo Agent li02 l"nrAm SI. J -MS03 31 FOIl ONE \13l3K I OF'l"IIIt A MOfmnS 12 rom home nUI.casM In nil respects and n"lhbrhoo,1 uncxceled (2019 Ilnne1 ) cheap al $ I .o. Reuse alone costing f.5o. I soil nt once 86.505. Terms enS1' but no trade. H. N. Witlineil. 2i N. Y. 1.ICo. 11.13 m 870-23' LOOK AT G.nOO"f BRICK HOUSE WEST silo at ath avenue and , % block bulh oC Leavenworth ul $ I.C.O. ) our own lenns. Heremher "we never offer nnlhlng hut gen- ulno snaps. " n. E. Cole Co. , 10 ) N. 151h. 1113-30890 - - 27 WANTEI FARM FOIl lrnCHANDSI . Vnnted . Omohn for loS Angeles hou.e. Wanted. lot for acreage. Wanted house for acroage. " 'nnl-d. h"us" for lot , , and cash. Wanted , lot for Prnkln Co. fnrm. \Vaeated . fArm for lot on l'lre SI. " 'lnled. lot Cor mereimanlist' . " 'ollel. resilience for I'enl.1 blocic. " 'n n 1.1. \\'est "arAm lot for houoe. W'ante1l. 'CAt J'amnm lot toe cash. Wlnled. lot \Vimmdsor I'lnce. Wantt'tl. acreage for Ole Co. farm. Vnnted . houc for noule\'ard 101. . \\anINI. 10 loan out $ . " ' 011"1. 10 lon out $510. \Vanted . 10 lon out $ .OI. ) " 'anle" . f\rm for 16th SI. prperl ) " 'onle < . lot and cash for 11th SI. lot Wanted . lot for Inside reshlence. \Vantel. cash and property for farm. Wanted. Omaha 101 for Council Uurs house. . Wanted . to borrow 84.000. " 'onl.d. 10 borrow $ io . Wanted . , 10 o 25 acres for cash. " 'antt'ti . merchandise for cash. " 'Inlcd. $ : .00 nl 8 per cenl. Wanted. ( arm Cor SItu St. lot. Wanted la. farm fo house. \\'anle. house on monthly "a'ments. ' Wantcl . best lot cnn get tor $100. " 'Inlee. farm II Sunders Co. " 'nnl.l. fArm In Hamllon Co. Wanted . lG In Douglas Co. Wanted . house close In Cor lot and cn.h. C. F. iiarrison . 912 N. Y. LICe. nE9 : : ' t.noo:1 COTTAGE , 8-JOOI n01SI . 31 VA , cant lots and 1 5 and 10-acre tract II ' I > rlee. C C. Shimer. 21 N. Yo LIfe. nE31. : FOR SALE A COOt ) 7-BOOM 101SE NEAn Hnnscom park ; mod"ri ; I bargain. Artlrrss L 9 . Dec. ' 9. car lE-:191 2'J' BIC CLES. : f. O. DAXON t02 N. 16TH. lg VICTOR BICYCLES. THE FINEST OF ALL bicycles. Omaha Jcce Co. . 3 N. ' 16th street. 12' ) STERLING BICYCLES. BUILT LIKE A walch. Western Electrical Supply Co..32 S. tth 831 SEE TilE VISILU BALL BEARINGS ON Itelay . Spec tal. Will Unrum & Uro. , 12 N. 15. 75S 'COLUMIIIA" 1555. FINEST EXAlIlI.E 01" light and high grade bIcycle conslructo : Wm. . L'lo Dickey & Co. . H0 Douglas at. . agents. UiS nEMIXGTON AND EAGLE. CROSS GUN CO' ! lG ! S. 151h .treet. 11131 _ , , _ . :131 A. L DEANE 8 CO. . WJOLESALI AND 1013- tail bicycles lUO FnrlD Street : bicycles Bold _ 5r ! ? easy payments. 'Ot UNDERTAKERSAND EMBALMERS SWANSON VALIEN. liOI CUllING TEL 1060. . 931- U. IC. IIUREET. FUNERAL UUECTOR AND embahaner . 1018 ChIcago .1. . telephone 90. 983 M. O. . MAUl. . UNDEnTAKJn AND EMIJALM. er. 11 Tomato al. . telephone 223. D8. C. W. BAKER . UNDERTAKER 013 B. lIT ! ! ST. DS6 LGST. LOST. GOLD SPECTACLES. nF1'UnN TO 152 Jackson slreel. Liberal reward. S .23' LOST. IN OR NEAl NEW YORK ) .IF'J3 building. Inl ) . chalelone silver walch. 1.1F le- turn 10 Wcsler Union omee , N. I , . Life htimig. 11131 27' CARPENTERS AND 3UILDERS. c E. lIORRILL lApEn IIANUINO HOUSU sign Painting . brIck work plastering ; off . n. l. Darker bl' . ; lei. 733 ; shop ZU Izord ; tel. 405. 99 OOAL. 1) . T. MOUNT lAS ItI3MOVED HIS COAL omco to 20J e. 1lh 81. Drew bloe1 . 120 - - - - - - - - - PRICE REDUCED : SIIL'ltlDAN. DnST WYo minI coal : nut , 04.50 : lump. $ .W ; 2.m torn n Ion delivered . 1005 Farnm Street . 11 DRESSMAKING DHESSM"ICINO IN FAMILIES. mo GRANT .1. 16.31' HOTELS. JOTE DARfnn. 13I AND JONES 8TH. it rooms lt U.W per day. W towns It $ % 0 Ier day. Special rates 10 commercial traveleu. Room and board by week or month J'mnl. 1ldlch. manaae. 88 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) . N. W. COIL 13th and Dodge. Ioma by day or week. 5" BUILDING &LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GIlT A IIO113 OU SECURE OOOD interest on vlni' ' \111) 10 Omaha I. . 4 11 , AI'n. liOI lee bldg . O. ) . Nntncer L , see. u _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pn tl.\lS : IN MUTUAl , I. & B. ASS'N PAY G. 1 , I per celt when I. Z. 3 yuar : old . always rc'decmn.tble. . 1 1 I'"arnnm BI. . NaUnger , hIre. 988 ELEOTIUCAl : UlPLIES 1 I.CCmC.nSINECIS AND CONTnAC. Ion lor d1 I' l light and motor plnnt and all kinds o electrlr.1 eoaatnirtion. Weller I al neal Suplly , Co. . 41 timid 42 8. 151h at . i'I3 ' 8'rOVE IU PAlt trO\'E RI3l'AiItS FOIl 40.0-i. make oC IlcIU : \iler atachmenll smut con , Ill necllon" a specialty. 11 Douglas It. Omaha liters Repair Works. Doujlal m MATHEMATHIOAL INSTRUMEN B . AINA 'J. onoENONEElS' AND An. cbutecIs' supplies. Ill a. 1lh street Omaha MI 'J9 CONTRACTORS UIUCI WORK I SIDIIVALK33 CELLA 11. 1or , etc. aot a. lOGO BIEWALIO 81re11 Tel i A. Kiewit . 9.11.03-All MUSIO , A' ' AND LANGUAc c V. GELENUI1CKIJANJOISTAND - GUiTAR tracher 11 Can .t. . 81 BICYCLE RIDING ACADEMY ONLY RIDING ACAIUIY IN CITY ; PUR. chaer tree Will J.ru.n " Uro. , t N. 11th . 1. _ SINES tljOl EB. _ _ DAGED MIRRORS I \ , a fLVnm . 7 .iJG EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CANADIAN EMPLM1'T mmEAU REmoved - moved to 12 Dougla : male and female help , - M5 AU " PROF N AL E1f . . hAH Dlt A , SHI\ . < Y' 1TH & fNC1 O' - . . M _ _ D"NTAL COLLEGE . OMAhA COLI.EOJ J . . 9UIG IV , PRIOR .T.l infirmary : dentistry . ' tctst. IGIh 8 Cap. BVO. . , f" I M12 . " SHORTHAND AWTYPL\VILITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOl , 01. ' SIOlT hAND. N. Y. 1.lte. Omaha. Ask for circular. 1 : OlSBP OL UXJEAFER. . emSpOOLS CLIOANIID MTl.ltONOPOLV price John Nelson. 418 S. ANTI."IONOI'OI\ Ilh. MI9S.Al' - ' W ANTED- UOILILOW. WANT TO BOnlOW 82.010 ON lOf.ATgIAI , APcurl ) AMterl I. S.\ 11019 27' DEN 'ITS. 1)10. PAUL Dm'rIST. 2' HUiT BT. 1 1 POULTRY SUPPLIES. - - W. C. ASHTON & CO. . 30 S. 12TH. 710'AlJ TilE ltlOikl.'l"i MA1IK1I'l' . INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 26 , 1895 : WAHn.NTlHml . T J Hoberls to 10stlu'r Jefters . bloclc t. nnc' lot I. block J , ltlrr \ , Jefen. . hlOI. . . . . . . .8 2.0) Julia DAVis and litimibamid 10 0 \ HOlhrl' . lot G , block 7. Saunders & li's Mount 11."nl alt . . . . . . . . . 8 . . 1' . . , . . . . . 15 C D lowing anti wire to'M .1 ienneiy lot S. black 4) . Albrhhl' Choir" . . . . . . . G J I .ltoad antI wife 10 I 1 \\'eI8. wrl"rIY 31 feet bit 1. 8 and 9 , block I. Oberne & . Il's . all ( reOI ) . . . . . . . . . . . Olrn . . . . . . 2.0 o I" Da\\ company. 10 , \ I. Crow. n 10 feet lot 23 . and , all lot , 24 . IS' A ltedlcic ' . nl.1 . . . 2. . . . . . ni . . . . : . . . . . . . 11lel . . . . . . 1,10) QUIT CI.\if 1111111)5. g 1 Peter nnl hus"n" 10 county oC Douglas . :0 , Cue strip amijoimming e "hIe oC nl : acres at s slrll - nIolnlnG . . . . . 1 Peter & George cOIpn ) ' II caine . : fCI,1 strum nljoinlfl C silo pt n 12 acres oC M 41 acres nt se - I : s\lo . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . 1 C ( ' George 10 same . M-Col strip ndJoln. lag e Side oC s 16 acre , of R Z.l .1 . . . 1 DEI 111)13. Special master 10 A U DuCrn" . iota 5 and Sppcnl . . 9. 1laln\'lew I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0) Same 10 Christ tickler n 03 feet lots I and 2. block ( 12. Ordinal 111 . Cee . . . . . . . . . 1.33 StimO . 10 F' M P"rllln9. lots 31 and G. hlol , S.\nl . Omaha . height , . . . . . j . . ant . . . . . . . . 1,0 Slme 10 N 11 lOmmitnon , . e S lot 6. block .121. Omaha 1 . . InOnA. . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . . . 1.0 , ) Sheriff 10 J L Kennedy . trustee lot 1. Sherlr hlok 1. Mlnr" Kennel Ilac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .O 10 A hienoon . trustee 10. puhle , , Iedlrnton or a G-Col slrlll off at w side blocks 57 . rs. I 69 and GO . Hensn or . . . . . . bloks . . . . . . 1 J , I Campbell anti wIfe 10 moral' . dedle.'t- tion nC a 0-foot strip nit v side block 52 . lon : . attoot . . . . . . ' . . oc . . \ . . . . . blok . . . . . . 1 Tolal amount ot transfers . . . . . . . . $26,715 J rE r Lawyei's aud so1cit.I'si SUES & CO. , Dca . allllug , OMAHA 1 , b. Advice FUEI . i ; _ , . RAILWAY \ : T11IE CARD " 1. J Leaves IIUI1LINGTON : & 'AIO. 1l1'l'llIt. iArrires Omaha Union Depot tli RIVtI./Arrl'es / 10:15Am. : . . . . . .Denver ! 1jres . . . . . , V:4UUI : 4hipm.lJlk. : lUlls . ? , Iorit.94'ugot Snd. LIX 4iVpmmm tpm.lk : . . . . . Den verI ' Exjiross. . . . . tx . . 4:011 : O:4pl.Nebrasl,1 LCI tjc pt Sunday ) . 7:4pm : 8:1 : ll.Llncoln Loca1 ( ( pt Sunday.h12lammm : : p.1"os . M' ( rLThcoin ) paI ) . . . Leaves ICILICAGO . UUHLLOTON & Q. Arrives Omaha \CJICAGO. \ . l lh . & Mason SI" Omaha 7 : . . . . . . .Chl ic i\'cfbul . . . . . . . . 9:50am : 9:50am..Chicag .1Jress.- . . . . . . . 4:15pm : 7:1Opm..Chtcago : I and hEr Louis Express. ; 8:00am : II ; : ; : : . . ; . . r , IJ IUlt r. . . . . . : : UlOpm .1 t - . . _ . . . .u..I..astJll. . . . . . . : . 2:43pm : Leave . " CLICAGO . Mi kst. : : i'AuLhArrlves Omaha Union Depot 10th f.t'I' Stsi Omaha -OOm. : . ' . . . .Chlcao , l.lmled. . . . . . 9:3' 1:10am..Chle8G0 : Express ( es. Sun. ) . . 6:00pmim : Lea'csCIICOO - - & - NOnTll WEST : lArrives Omall \ UnlNI _ Uelot , 10lh & Masn Sl. / Omaha 11:05am..33aternExpress. : : - . . . . . . . . . : : 1 1 4 : OOpm. . . . . VesUlulet Limited. . . . . . 9:40am : 6:5am. : . . . .Mo. Valley Lcal. . . . . .1 :30"m : 5I.pm.Onah" : CblclKO _ Sla : . = . 2:15vm : Leaves C0IICAGO . n. I. & 1ACl JC. lArrives Omaha \ Union . Depot . 10lh & . Mason St.I Onmatha EAST. 11Olanm..Atiantie Express ( ex . 5undy ) . 0:03pm : 6:2pm. : . . . . . . .NIRhl Express. . . . . . . . 9:50am : 4:1pm..Chlcogo : Vestbuled Limit.-d. . . I:0511m :3&pm.Oklnhomn Ex ( to ' 3.13. e" 13un.1llOpmu : - - - - WES'f.--- 5l5ani.Oklahoma & Texas Ex. ( ex. Sun. , lllupm 5:15am.0tnhoma . 1:3upm lIOpm..Colorado : LImited. . . . . . . 4:0pm : Leaves - C. . ' ST. p. M. - & O. IArrlves Omaha Depot 151h and Webster Sts. I Omaha 9 : llanm . : Nebraska - PaSenSellnU)7 ; ( ) ) : ISpm 4Sopni..Sioux : Ciy Express ( ex. 8un..U:5am ) 6:10pm..St. : Paul LImIted..10:23am ! : Leave , I F.E.- & - MO. ; VALLEY. - lArrivea -MOVALLE\-/ LIVCM : Omoha 1 _ Depol. IU antI Webster hIts. / I Omaha - 2:10pm : . . . . Fast ; iid xl.rea. . . 4:53pm : 2IOpm.(0 : ( , Sat ) W'o. 1" . lex. Mon. ) . 4:5'pm : 9Olam..Nortok : . Express ( ex. Surdny.IO:3lam : 9:0lm..Nortolk Surdly.10:30 & : IOpm. . . . .SI. Paul ExlreM. . . . . .I :3am : Leaves 1C. - C. . ST. J. 4 c fl. : Arrives Omahn _ Union DepotlOth & Mason at" , Omaha 9:2'am..Nooses : City Day gxpre. . . . 6:10pm : 9t.pm.K. : C. _ Night ) ; _ via _ U. _ 1' . ! ran . :5am : . Leaves ISS0Ul PACIFJC. lArrives 011ba I _ DepotlSth anti Websle Sls. / I Omaha 10:40am..St. : Louts . lxl.res. . . . . . GoAm : 9:20pm..hIt. : Luis Express. . . . . 0:0811 : GIOpm..Nebr.kl Local ( ex. Sun. ) . . . 9:00am laves - SIOUX - CiTY ' & - PcCtFIC . - lArrives Omaha , , Depot IIh and Webster 13ts. / Omnhn : ' . : : . . . . . I'aul Llmllcd..IO Dana Leav'Th1OUX CITY & PACIFIC Arrives L Omaha 1 Union Depot . 10lh & 1n.on SIS. / Omahl 6rCam. : . , . . . . Sioux City - i'aasrnger..10:11pm : G:5 < m..8oux. . 5.3lpmn..t. Paul . Limited..11:23pm : - - ' ' LeavesU I ION I'ACIFZC. Arrl'i' Omnha \ Union Dpol. 1 PACWf.Arlvot & ! Rn Rtl. / lOJoain..Kearmiey : I xpr" . . . . . . . . . . 3:4lpm : 2:00pm. : . . . . . . . .Ovcrland I..h.cr. . . . ; . . 5:25pm : 2OOpmhJea'tce : . & Sl1msb'c l3'c. ( ex Hun ) . 8:4.pm : , 2opm.lea'lee ; m. . . . . . . . .P1cll" I'xprcss. ; . . . . . . . . .10 ; 5al 3:10pm..Fast : : hall. . . . . . ; . . . IOpm : Leave . , \-W _ D SI HAT LWAY. - - .ra'lvc , OmnalialUnloma \ Depi . 10lh & MU"J Sls. / Omaha -jpiuSC1.ul - : Cannon Bali : : : JI'EA 'J'JIRIO ] JlW.ISr. 1mmir nlt Warmer hut Colder b , \e < ru's. . ility Night. WA SIll NOTON , March 2G.-The Corecnst fO' Wednesday : For Nebraska-Fair arid warmer Wednesday : colder " Wednesday night : westerly wimucla . I'or Kansa -Falr weather : warm south to southwest wlnd9Veclncsda ) ' : 'colder by Thursday mornIng. For Iowa-Generally tall Wednesday , with warmer lolth to west wlnls , (01. lowed by ' cokler \ \V dneHtuy night. For Slth Inkota.Icu1r ; westerly wlnll : cohler \'ednegdrsy nigh wcterl' For llIBourl-I.'alr : generally warmer : winds shifting tee so\ trly. I.ocnl Iecori. OFFICE Ol TIi ' \VFA'I'hI16R flURIOAU , OMAHA , March 2G..Omnha record ot ter- pcralure and ralnfuhl . compared with the corresponding day ot"thp InHt four yenrll flfl Ib 5. 15101. ! ibJ1. : 11.92 . Maximum tempcrture" ' . . 6. 2 o 47 1&9. : Minimum lempernlltl . h.:1 , : I 26 4 Average Imp"rtur 1 1.\ ' . 5) IG 36 31 1.lplaton . . . . . /.I , . ( .00 .0 3 101 COlllon ot teum1Ie4AIUro ! anal preclplnton itt Om.\lm Cor the day ali IIICO March I , ll ; : Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 41 llxcc'm.'m for the dl ) . . . . . . : : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Normal prellllulon..e : ; inCh Delehmcy for the ; . . ; . . . . . . . . .e inch ' Total prechllalon Iln < el March 1. .46 Inch Helclene ) IIICO Marcn.I. . . . . . . . .6 Inch Reports trom Oilier . Lltln at K 1' . ill , > ITS " : J" . -S , E : , c& ! j' ! j &TATIOS w p SlATS or lun Bo a , . WATlLIll. . : : 0 i ! a p i r ; ; . . . . . . . . , , 112 M . Ot ) Clowiy. i North , ' : : 7 71 ' .00 Partc : Ysiemmilmie . . . . . . . LIII 10 .00 Portc2Oudy Cllolro . . . . . . . . 11 413 .00 I'aricloudy St Lout . . . . . . . . bS 41 .00 Cloudy . 81.laul. . . . . . . , . lt 41 tS .00 Clc"r. , Davenport. . . . . . . fit ) 52 .00 Clear. Kansas City. . . . . . 04 70 .00 Clear Ielr.r. . . . . . . . t6 70 ( .on l'arelotmdy ball Lake . City. . . ' . 14 7 : .no Clond ) ' . . . . . UK 74 .un ' . Partcloudy. UUplcCIT. IIIea. . . . . . . . . . . . . 02 lit .00 I'lrlclondy. J'Jrloluuuy . Iltenaafck . . . . . . . . 04 ' : .00 ) J'.rloluuIT. , ' 61. t'inctjtit . 411 48 .90 Cloudy. Cheyeulu. \'Incult . . . . . . . . . . tl 41 II I . ( ll)1'jrt ) ' . " . Ila Caly . . . . . . Ihl 74 ,00IOld rt.lon" ) Galvetomi. . . . . . 70 7d .no , C"ar. - ' Inadirmutea trace of precipt'mulmoi. : I. A. \ ; , Observer . MONEY ON CLOISTER WASTED \ \ Mysterious Accident that Has Created I Oren Ecuaton in England. GRAND tAT.ONAl - FAVORITE . SCRATCihD 'on the Great Stprllccluc Omuce . but " 'NI 1.110 I.I t " ' "Ir nn.1 Thll Year ) (1 In l'nuctlcc-Vnc l'hml'cd Il ' to 1. IONION. March , 2G.-Time slten ocr.otch- Ips ; ot r C. F' . IuIf's ) Cloister I big favorite for the Grand Nnlonalsteqllechnse to be run next Friday at 1lverpI , has caused a great sensatIon hi sporting circles Cloister Wall the Ornnl National two years ago , nUl was n favorite for thai event lost year . but wont lame Just before the ruce. Whl ! exercising yesterday . Cloister seemed 10 go slm ) antI then slllienly ilroppel to the ground , and lay with hIs tongue irotrudIng. The lad who was riding hll was pitched to the ground Ineensl te. A velerlnary surgeon who surleOI has exnmlnNI Cloister reports thnt he Is very lame and very jailed , but the racer show no SI1nS or hnvlng been poI80nel. , Mr. Dull hats ordered the most completc Illulr ) ' to bit made Into time afaIr I1men81 SUIS ot money lund been \ \ 'agorod , on Cloister nt 7 , to 1. The most angry complaints are he.r1 In sporting circle at tIme accident which has . eCnlen Mr. Uuff' entry for the Grand Na- tiotial . umWLT.i U : TIlE JUNSIU TIIACI't. Thto . I'n\'orl" amid Thr.n Ilodprlurl ) I.onl , Shot Wil "t hay DIstrict . SAN FHANCISCO , Mardi G.-l avorles won the third ' ncul nll sixth rnces. Coma- 11lon. at even money . conld not do better . tcr tmn third. Major lclauhUn was another { reel thing that wenl \\'Iong. 8um. ' mary : First race six furlongs . selling : 1.oifl . turlongs. 100. McAulfe (6 ( to 1) ) . won ; selng 1obolll. t.otl. Isom (4 ( to 1) ) , sComl ; l'h'lmmcC 100. Heinrichs ( S to 1) ) . third 'l'iiiie : 1 :14. ; Litle 10. 'loUh . ' Aulelante . Wnh 10 \lh ) , filly . ulsJ TOUlh. Second , race , six furlongs . selling : 'At- flette . 90. Bnln (5 ( to 1. ) won ; Ai'tic . ' 101 , lloyd ( ( i 10 1) ) . second Coninuheslomi Ill . Flynn (4 ( to 6) ) . thaird 'rima ; IH : % . Gcor- get . Hond Runner I.otte CollIns , ClaIre San Limit Roy , Lotlalia . Sloe aim mu. Third race , lIve furlongs , selling , : Joe Cotton. 8. Gllln (1 ( to I ) . won ; : tlcI"nrlane 12. Cart' ( ( to 1) , second ; Ahl 1. 140 . Clauicy (2 ( to I ) , third Time : 1:02. : Fly Time I.t'um- rner 'ulcan , Ar1'nncp ulso rnn. Fourth meet six ( tmrlongs. selling : Duch- 5t ot Mhlpitas. OJ. 'som (6 ( to 1) ) . won : Major 1lcl.lughln. 10. it. I"or (3 ( to 2) ) second ; Ycnus , 102. Chevalier (7 ( 10 5) ) . Ihlnl. seconl TIle : 1:13V. Tom Clark , Cabrleto , Kltlo L also ran.FifIlt racc. mie and 1 unit hurdle : ned Pat 121. Spence ( G 10 5) ) , won : lIeu. ringer . 13. , , Almark (6 ( to 1) ) , second ; The Lark , 120. Clancy (8 ( 10 6) . third. TIme : 2IHl. : St Jacobs , Douglass , lenloclno also ran. ran.Sixth rce. seven furlongs . selling : Cnll' lain ltees 105 , Grlln (0 ( to 10) ) . von ; Char. trcnse. 82. 11glol (3 ( to 1) ) . seconll : llulberr ) ' . 102. Sloan (2 ( to 1) ) . third. Time : 1 : ' % . Realization . O'Bee amI PUla81.1 nlso ran. Nl3OItLEANS . . March 2G.-Track fast. results : First race six furlongs : Dr. Work ! to 1) ) _ _ votl . . Fidget (4 ( to 1) ) second , Van lrUI ( : : to 1) ( bIrd. Time : 1:1' : , . Sccond race . live furlongs : May Thompson - I son ( even ) won . Scn'la (8 ( to I ) second. Salc lcllnn (6 ( to 1) ) third. Time : I:01'/ : . Third race . one mile : Fnlcr (9 ( to 5) ) von . Ten Spring (8 ( to I ) second . nnplnn (2 to 1) ) thht'd Time : 1:13m/ : . Fourth race seven furlongs : Revenue ( ( to 2) ) won , Bill White (5 t [ I ) second , D. F. FI ) ' . jr. . ( even ) third. Time : 1:20 : % . FIfth race . five furlongs : Miss Sptecks ( : to I ) won Luke Short (30 ( to 1) second Dean Swift (2 to 1) ) third. Time : 1:03 : * . GILLL1O "UOKS" . \ NeW YORK 1\Ult. Joe larmon Males , a.Fllr ShowIng AgaInst : tim " uRrl\lnn Jr"alhcr. . INEW YORK larch G.-The fact that ' " > g Gr1f(0 , " the'-Austrlan. was . 10 spar , at the New Manhattan club In n six.gound IO wIth Joe Harmon of this city packed the spacIous gymnasium tonight with members amid their trlpnds. George Gammon oC San l ranellca und Frank llcLuln , the Cuban colored wonder put on the gloves for a slx round bout nt 10 nounds ] . and I was I slugging nlzttcll with both men very weak nt the Onlsh. Gannn was completely done up , and the referee stopped the bout and gave the tight to the Cubnn. At 1:30 : o'clock Harmon climbed through the ropes. and was immediately followed by the "Ceathcr. " who was seconded ly Delia ) ' Murphy mid Tom Denny of Australia. Grlo had thc second round nil his own wn ) ' . but Hnrmon got In some good hlows In Ihe third. Grlo's blows renched Hnr- mon oren , hut apparently without great effect. GrlfCo started Harmon's nose to ble < dlnl In the fifth . and the latter led wIldly In the following round. I was all one-sidel and Harmon was glad when time , was called. 01110 got aliens ) ' decision Tamna "Ix HluI"lo air l'hlh.d"lphll. PHILADE.PIIIA March 2G.-A six round go between Jerome Quigley and Jack Ever- hntlt marked the opening of the new Grrd Athletic cub tonight While the New Orleans man looked In the pink of condl. tion . n friend stated that he had been nil. Inl for the Past three days. The Orst three rounds were mild . each man using the time In sizing tip his opponent. 'lhcre wcre I .Cew geed exchanges and 1 number oC harm- less clinches. The Inst three were n Irlfe lIvelier . but no damage was done. In the rushes nnl clnches QuIGlc showecl 10 letter advantage than \'crhnIH. . and the majorl ) . oC the spectators were InclIned 10 give the local man the best of the con- test. No decision wa render ; : . Starter ( .m : llol nl Itnckformi . nOCKFORD , Ill . . March G.-The' Hoc I' . ford Gun club opened a two days' lourna- meat today a high wind IlrevcntnJ remarkable . larlmble scares Many crack shots are here f\m all harts oC the country . Eleven ( events wee shot off toduy , In which the Orst prize winners were : GrImm Ilaker Irwin Bently . Vance . helm . Henry \\'hutte . Shnnnon and Damon. The tournament psii- tnues tomorrow , and many moro are cx- peeled. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T"tlt\-Too I"rh.r.tlun' II limo IIIBI , CHICAGO , March 2G.-'he following dee- 10 rtons have been made In the Ulmln handicap , which Is 10 be run nt hawthorne this Bprln : Hquaro Fellow , ! , antJorrl ( , \\'oodOehl. lOuse , Lazzarone Clementlne . 1"lnt. Inomnr , 1.lssncl. . . . Jim Flood , Major lel.IIhln. henry oC Nnvarre ihaima . King Leo , nrJoAo , Counter 'renor . lapp ) ' Day , I'earl Hong. Untco and Plutus. lt Itrl' ) Lswii : ' 1'1110 I luh trganir.sil. nEA'rIUCI' , March 2G.-Speclnl ( ' ! ele. grnin.-Thte ) Jealrlc Lawn TennIs club reorganized - organized lust nlh wIth C. G. Baker irea- Itlent H. J. Copeland vice president , 13. H. lIOWJie 'secretary and treasurer. t Local tOi\ nnnients will he held monthly . anll r prc. sentatves will l Bent to the Itnte tourna. ment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lmolt ! a :11lthleue : lt Schedule . CEVELAND , 0 , , March 26-Oeorce - soil ot CIncinnati , the "deall broke" pedu. "trlnn , who Is engaGed n thin task ot walking to the four crer ot time United States . arrived II Clevelan,1 elierlluy from MaIne twory.our tlaye ahead or titmue ) Ilmo Ill& 1.\11/6 lntchel. CI4Ii'J6LANfl . , 0. , 11nrh 23.-Arrange- men Is were completed tonllht for n ICeen- round match between Jimmy Dime and Gl'rle l.n\I'I. ' the lghlwclght boxers Time conl.'st , wi take pluce nexl 1'rhID ) ' evenIng ut lime club house ot the Cle\'clnnt Athletic soclet ) th"/s e tht 1.110 I "l I.lln I I I Itnek. LITTLE hOCK March 23.-'VIma able fOl' the glove contest between Ih Ic"or nnd Danny Nt.dhal lust hel'l chullwi from April 6 to MOllla . April I , at the U'mlU'st ot a number . If her emel , AIII'I G being "Gelnwuy dl ) . . Str"lo IIlel Pndrll It. CLNCINN't'1'1 0. , larch 26.-Max Lull. berg and hner \Vootlnnungee. wrestled here iOllhl , Greco-Horlt style , ' 1he mnicl lasted only seven mlnu tce , hen l.u\berG got the strangle hold , which tidel the sport. _ _ _ _ _ _ 10'I Ilj.r"cl ; ' 'U.h'llvll himmy . WASIUNGTON , March 2.-Iahll , the Georgetown university toot fall player , who i wits Injurell in the Thanksglvjimg day toot : bail game with the Columbia AthletIc club clul team died here Ihls afterimoon . lions. Outing ( 'hr" , . II Chiicmiuo CHICAGO , . arch 26.-At lime Ilerry here sale today the top Irlces ) were tor this bay nelllnl Jim C. record 2:2234 . 3875. hugh au ) I ) Jluwgrd , record : : ; 22 , Z0. 1ugh iLL P1I : l'JOLt Till ) QV.l n.ixrz.is it irs. l.nn J'JUf.ITpn . . 'TI..r f.lr.I. I.Rn.lnl of " ' . It . Cnrl.lo l'rnlnn5 to the ln IICllon of time U.nlh nlct . NEW YOle , March 2d.-llealth Ofcer Dot ) has ns ) et receive 10 ofclnl reply 10 hit letter to Collector Kiibretlu and Cap- lain Watkins or the American line steamer Parll In relation to the landing or W. IC. Carlisle , who arrived on board that \sel rrom Southnl11ton. nn,1 , who was transferred 10 the revenue cuter Hudsol hurler to the visit or the health officer aboard time Paths Mr. Doly was not nt quarantine this nUor. Iloon having mal n visit to the city . Pd- vote Secretary hall sintel tImed nn answer was hourly expected to lImo communicAtons sent yeserla ) to hue collector and Captain \'atklns. Dr. Doty Secretary ' hall saul . was vcr ) ' loth tp ctilcise the acton or Secretary Carlisle or Collector lCihlmreth . but time \'iola. than of time qUnrnlle J\W was so flagrant that he was com elell to take cogliunce or it. WASINOTON. Much 2G-o OM about the Trensury .Icparlmeut today wouhl' sa ) nnythlng about time violatIon of the qllaman. tine lows ill Secretor ) ' Calsle talll his son Wilam oft Ih ParI wihout the ! 11e. mission or Ihe hp1h oihlccr . No one doubts that there was a vlobton or the law , yet It goes wihout n 'lnr that the secretary and , his friends were innocent of any Inlrton to mlhsregard , I. The Inclltmt recalls tIme Morton . Ion coachman Clhoto of I fel 10nlhs ngo. The InCracton of the law Is not rpJald ns one calling for time ntenton which has been given ties . I by the New York quaranlue atitluorl. tes.Coleclor James l { roth hans received from Surveyor Johu C. lcOulro n report or time nlegel vIolation or time Iuuantno : law COl 1 It ell by Secretary ot lie Treasury John G. Carlisle . the guest or the ofclnls or the cUoms departniemut Tim collector post\'cl : ) ' refttzed to mnlo publc the comm- tents or the docuimuont . The trouble has arisen on nccount ot the sccrotar"s anxiety to care for his son. The young mnn nr- rvcl : In port last Saturday on the steamshlll ParIs , after n monih's tour nbroatl. The secretary wcnt lown to Quarantine In the revenue cutter and tonIc hi son al than steamer before the Ilanengers had . been In- SllctClt b ) health Officer 1)oty . This son- Ittutes I vIolation oC the state law , hence thin trouble. Iuch to , tIme annoyance or Cul- lector ICllbrethm . the matter ecnlo public , nlli he nked Surveyor : lcGulo for n Ic- Ilort. A. reporter called on Collector Ku- . broth Just titter the document was handed hiImuu and he was then engageJ : II perusinr It. He mlnlttc,1 , that It was the much sought after report but reused ( to livulgo the contents Neiher would he state whnt acton In the mater was immtcmmmlod. . le Ir.zs : toT 1. hi'O.ll.IX'.S .iT .1JC . GOHernl J'.rmJon ' 1',1. thin Truth \out limo I nllll'n "f . JeT ! lmiis. CHATTANOOGA Tcnn. . March G.-Gen. . cral Henry larn on. thc ofc r or thc lulon aria ) ' who captured Jefcrson Davis , president of the confederacy . Is In Chtanooga tOllay whim time Wisconsin commission to locate the positons or the troops of that state In the Chlcllnmnu national mIlItary park. "I Is not true , " sahtl lie , ' 'that I'resldent DavIs was in vonan's attire when captured. It was a cold morning , about daybreak , whemi I arresteul 111111 , amid he land a woman's shawl ovet. Imis shoulders. Time story about heap- skirts is totally tahoe. " Then General hlarndon , who bellnged to time First \Vltconaln cavalry , told how , lie \vas given 150 lClcetI ! horsemen and glvemu orders to capture Davis. They rode three muighats and three days without rest. Time capttmre vas Inade near Irwinville , In Irwin cotmnt' , Ga , Just before the capture a botly 'of Michigan cavalry on a simIlar expedition anti Gemueral hlarndon's men clhlideti. A fight ensued and two or three men on either side were killed and a number wounded before - fore it found out. they vcro friends instead - stead of enemies. "When I rcachicd tlio Davis camp , ' . ' con- tlnued Cenrah Uarndon , the first man t spoke to was the Texas gentleman , , now Senator Reagan , who told me tlmat ho was thus postmaster 'general of time confederate states. Pesitlent Davis was sitting near by on a log vithi a shawl , I presume his svlto's , over huts shoulders , as It was a cool nlornlmlg. " "how did tIme story get out that hue hmaml on dresses and lmoopskirtsV' asked tle re- porter. : "Vhmen I 'went to Macon and reported to ( leneral W'ilson , my superior officer , luo had time story teharaphied out as fast as I spobe , and time womjmaii's , shawl became exaggerated into female attire , "In time excitement hue may have mismunder- stood nie or time newspapers exaggerated it. I have tried for years to correct the story , lutt huive beeih unable to do so , entirely. It Is very hiaril , for truth to overtake a lie. "In Grand Army 1osts wlmemi I attenupt to explaIn it I' man sometimes hmiised. If thai us'rltcr of hmistory gets it corrected for future generations I shall tool bItter. " FOUL I'LL 3 IN SUSJ'Jlt'T163' ) 11131W. Dlii Soldler , Ilitruod to leatla isuid Ills l'on- alomu ihlaimey hi Ill laming. CEDAR'ILLE , 0. , Marchm 2G.-Time suburban - ban rcslmhence of William II. Wilkes burned limit iuaornlmmg. Time fire originated 1mm a detmmchmed room where slept a relative , San. forth Wihaomm , wlmo was burned beyond recog- mmitioru. lie was single and aged about GO years. Time body wa foumud face downward on the floor. ljo was. aim old soldier and Immud drawn a large pension in gold. This Is mnhsslmag. ills skull tuna found to be crushiemi mud total play is suspected. An Imuvestigatlora will be mmuado. COlTLr J"IllIl 1s .1 (11131Ja' 13011001 , . iSrolmo Out In thin Top ( if than llullulumg amid Ihiurneul Imowimwaird a. CIIAMrIEIISHUUG , Pa. , March 21.-Time thIrd floor of the main btulhdlng and a Inmahi ovimug of lime \'ilooii fenmalo college was de. stroyetl hmy' fire this mormitrag. 'rho fire su'as tllscou'ertd antler the roof about 7:30 : when 11mm. girls were at breakfast. Time origin of the fire Is a mmu'stery. Time third floor was comnpietely glitteal , whallo thue fIrst niid secomiul floors are ilainaged by umalor. 'rime tircmmion worked heroIcally. halt a (1050mm girls hoot all theIr clothIng' with the exception of what they were wearing whuerm tlao fire u'aa dis. covered , 131121 113 11I..l102'1.1' ' 1i1JIC OP .IMIIZI1C.l , i.yblh ritimmioramma I'u 1nhtvhnT 11cr Nattls'o Iuimii for l'm'.snm'm' . NESV 'OItK , March -Sybil Saluilerson , tIto primmua donmia , Is enroimtc for l'arie , The fact bt'eamno lmmouvn : late today that die sailed by lImo steanusimip La ( J0800gne lust Saturday. Another pamsemiger on La Ciascognue is Don Antonio 'rerry. Miss Sanderson Is reported to huau'ci said to her close friends be. fore her tiepirture thiut she vomih1 never agmuiiu returtu to this country , her natIve haul , whom ship said shun hmad lmecmm horribly nbus.ei. She u'as hleartlh ) ' side of America. It is also stated thuat ohio will retire ftuni time stage. * ' l'uhlmn'mn Mcii % S'i I % l'ui'lc all. II imuwmtthsmi , HIA\'A'rIi , Kohl. , March 2.-Timo thirty. tern ex.Puilmmian worlcnuea broughmt. here' lIlt fail have i'mmccee'.led In intfrL'stimlg (11011gb capital to start ihmcnm In time htlllltifloturtllg busitmeci , . A building anti Iwo acics cf glOlfltl imoye been imoughit for thieimm , and tIlCy luope to be at work for thmemscht'einside of a All I us ( 'rew % % t'rI' i.upuiiril 'mI ' ( ely , GLAf'GOW , March 26.-The llrtili ! atroinor Ilehioul , wlaleli uvas before reported cashmere us'hmile cit a voyage ( rein Iarlen for fleifast , uvihi imrove a total wreck. I3lghlteemm of the crew who are rt'lmurted by the steanmer TOur. haanm City as immisaing have been landed at Censolat Isltund , south of lana Island , p l'auseengera , i thin 'l't'mitonte , LIVRIII'OOL , March 20.-Aiuuoiig thut , rat- sergera sailing for New Tone toninrj'ouy arm board time WIile Star le1ltums1hlp 'redtotmlc ore Count Zehiorowokt , hlOrry 1)etvinuli mttiml Z.Ir , and Mrs. flutter huiiacaim , All ( Joint Now mu ( 'oiopmmhiia , COLOIi , March 28.-The hmighebt authorltira report that the country hmaa been pacltte0. Time UntIed Rtates ship Atlanta wtil shortly sail for Carlagena. I'Iagtme 5lkea ii. aiiearsics Its Cuba. LONDON , ? .Lprch 20.-A special dlspstcba ( foul hung Kong galls thmat time plague has broken out at Kowloon in virulent ( Cr111 , OFFICIALS KEEP REBATES Whisky Trust Wa3 Played for a Pavorit . ; by tho'Rallroadi , ' FOUR HUNDRED TIICUSAND DOLLARS GONE l'ayimmemuts Auumoimuted to Pmmhiy that /smuunuiut htmL Vere Newer CrulhtctI cia tIme ilonhc4 of thiti Trust-Who ' ( hit the lUnacy. Ci ihC.tflO , March 26.-Today's dilciostlres of limo extraordinary Itmanagelnelit of tluo Va'hulsky trtmst antler lIme Ureenhitit rgimo 'er quite. as startling as almytiultig that Imas hitherto bren devehopctt by Ilme examination of the books nim1 itlwrs. Time Inspectors op. pOlluted b3' time reorgaimlzaltoim coiuunuittto have , it. Is s.ltl , dIscovered nearly $100,000 $ was palut by lIme raIlroads , lmresttiumabl ) ' for thm benefit of time trust , but that muot oils dollar of It appears among time creJit itinus ohm ( hue trust's books , 'Fiuo haloney was pnhtt as rebates oat shmipmiuents , aimtl the imien who received it , It is alleged , were among tlme lmtglacst officers f thue trust. Ommly the outlines of tiac story vcro allowed to kak otmt , lit Its emutirety It was preserved to be lmreschmted to thao reorganlza- lion coinnuitleo at its mettliug in NeW \'orl3 anti by the conulmuitlea to be used as a basis for its future actIon lim court ogaimust certalmu officers of hit' trust. The oximrt , It is sbd , accl. dmlt3if3' lilt on a clume , whaichi , followed uiii , ( iimClOScd to hiram that liii , trust haul been a favc'rito of certaimi railroads , lOxtemuthing over a considerable Imerloll , tiuey fotlimth , 11. is al- ltged , that. caclu carloati of spIrIts shmipped was gireiu a concessiomu. The rebate amouiuted to frommi $7 to $11 a car. . It was aimmionmicetl today that bmmllmrtant - chmmmuges : iiu the urou1ticing facilitIes of thu \\'hmisky trust will be macla shortly. FWo or six of time t1lttlhletis 110W leasetl by thmo trtist anti 'hmlch are Ilot lmu operation will be dropped , Somimo of tIme leases vill be can- eden by ngrcetmment of the owners , and other thlstlhlcrien , Oii vhmichm the leases soomu expire , % .ihl not be re-leased. TIme location of thio plants lhutms aitcct0tl Is not made PtibilC. but. it is kmmovn thmmtt they are 'itIoIy scattered. It is also stated that hun reorgumization cola- nuitteo 'lhl 50011 imialco summue iiulhmortaflt ad- ditlans to the trust property. Several of time distilleries how in eperation by tile trti9t tinier lease have humrchmasing chaises lit tluelr heaset , mmml tiieme will hmo tsken advamutage of 01111 tlmo lilalmts iiumrchmasetl outright. ltecc'lvcr McNtmlta amumi othmer officials re- fuetl to say 'imt distilleries are to be put- chased , html their location wIll probably bo mmmdc i'ibhlc withuln a short Iliac. DEIOIIS ITS PiIOl'EitTV ' 21) ill3ClOLt'IiliS Whilicy Trtmmt. UccordsTrmtnefm.'rs of Thirty- ( luac Iistillet'les. MILVAUiCl1lOVis. . , March 26.-A quit clalami deed to time largest amouaut of properly embraced imu any deed filed in Milwaukee Imi recent years was put Iamb the hounds of the register of ( leeds today. Time deeti recorded covers , besides time old a1cimierts distillery in Wau- votsa , thmirty-ono otluer distilleries micatterOd over tim commntry from Now , York to Call- fornia , TIme deeti was givell at time direction of time Dialled States court for time haOrtlmerll district o ( IllinoIs , by which President Greonlmut was ordered to call a special moot- immg for thue pimrpose of conveying liroperty to three receivers. The distIlleries immeluded are : This Ilay View of Son Francisco , Cal. ; I'acbflc ot San Frammclsco ; Imuternltional , Des Moines , In. ; Riverside of Cook county , ill. ; hamilton of Ilamnilton , 0. ; Iionn Valley of Dearborn county , hod. ; Davis compnamy of Scotia county , 0. ; Orange Vahle colmipany of Ilaimmiltoli county. 0. ; Melners company of Wauwautos , Wls. ; White Mills , Clncinmmatl , 0. ; Mayflower. hiamnilton county , 0. : l'etcrsburg , BoonG cotmmmt' , IC ) ' . Covinglon commupaimy , ICenton county , Icy. ; Martin , ICamasna City , Mo. ; Independence - dependence , 131. Joseph , Mo. ; 01mb comumpany , ' Lymmchburg , 0. ; Heaver Valley commmpaumy , , Greene county , 0 , ; Valley company , Dearborn caulaut ) ' , limul , 3 Dorsemu & 'aVamltange ' , Covlnglon , IC ) , . ; Fayette , Seneca county , N , Y. : Eagle comimimany , Mason county , Imuml. ; Great Eastern , l'eorla , Ill. ; ] ) air , Desri.morml coumuty , lad , ; Carroll , Carroll couanty , Ky. ; Standard , I'eoria , Ill , ; Jolmn S. Miller conpany , Wimite- able county , Ill. ; Canton incorporated dis- tilllry , Fulton county , ill , ; ICruz Eros , , Teas- vehl coumut ) ' , Ill. ; I'hioemuix compaiuy , Coolc ' county , Ill. ; I' , II. Rid Distilling company of Cook coumuty , Ill. Mr. Flsluer of Jobmru Meiners & Sons stated thuat time deed was glvon by thio Distilling anti Cattle Feeding company on account of time dIfficultIes arising out of time charges : viiicht lmavo item brolighat. Time trust a - rinired irnssossion of the distillery fromn thmo Meiners concern under arraumgemonts lutghhy satisfactory to time Messrs. Melners. hIltS NI ) CONI'4IIITJON % VIT1I 'XIIIITIIUST. Nelson Morris Jonles that lie is liven a fttookhmlmlnr I , . tim IVimIcky Truit , CHICAGO , March 26.-Neloomm Morris today issued the following personal statement in connection with recent devclopmncnts in thu Vhmislcy trust immatlers : "Observing that my name is associated from day to day vllhm aupposd or real evil doings , done mmd lerformed by tIle officers anti nuuunagdrs of tlmc Whiishy trust , I deem it vrolmer to tay that I ammi not an officer , ) director or abmarehiolder 1mm tlmat comloern. My reluitiemms to time commipammy are imurehy Of a contract - tract nature , as hionorahile to than conmpany as to myself and as niucha to thin interest of " the coimapany as to nuy ouu'im , Thuoy are miqliare , 01)211 aiud abhs'e boarmi. The imujurious ihishmmtmatlona auth indirect clmarges Imave ito real ' toimndmitioiu , Os viil mluiimar when those now engaged iii imrolmuottumi-i ( muse conceptions ehial , ' lurt'eemut their thicorles amid Inventions to lImo coulrtl liusleatl of in tile columns of time , 1 lmevspnpern , I protest ngalutt being robbed " of muuy genii imanie hy limitirisuis fabrications which hizuvo Jmo just foumatlation uvhiateyor. " e- I , , I .VJlTfr ; 'i'll. , ( JJ1WJt1' JJ1.V01)IIOVA'1fl3 , I'lio .iemm Arrested lum ( 'omuimoetlomi with this Colmrmiii , Train Jtolmiery , ; CI-hippLu CltIOFlC. Cole. , Marchm 26.-Five muon are now under arrest chiargeth witlm the ' , robbery or this train emu thin Fioremlce & Orlim- ; mlo Creole railroad SatlIrulay night. 'i'hiey are hlob Tayior , Frank Wallace , Lou Vniinick , \V. S. Crtiimiiey amid Jammmes GI1soii. Yaiiriick , Crumnley and ( ilbsomi are emmmimhoycd at the Streaug ImuihieV. . II , Crmhnlhey is 11mm ! mali who drove time hack at Colorado hpriimgs whmemi ( ieilermmh 'farsnc'y was tahcen ff0111 thu Alalumo hotel to time outskirts of theo city and tarred unit fcatlaered. Jilooabhiotiitds lmlayd an inmlaOrtalit. ; mart iii tracking the lmIi'll , S Strmamga , lire lim ii ( hpttmoge , 'l'iae ( Ire tlepatm'tmnent was called to 2203 Fflrnmmmn street lust niglui , out 12:30. : A cue- . mitoi'y frame Ioiiae : occLiuied by Mrs. ( 'hirla- lena Goebel mimumi Owiltoul b7' Jtitige Iomlm utaH on lire. N nit. 000otiel Ivals avalcemmeiI I ) ) , ' tIme smoke , which wria muinloiit tmii'i'ocat. I mm g , ma lab ma lot tig I Ia a tt'iumluuv ithm u gave thio Lu him m in. 'i'lio Ii me , w Ii kIm latin ion am u at yalta' ) ' nttuichaeml to It , is suippos 'ii to Ilava hieezo eatiseil hiy IL latmump ( ul' a gutanhint , aloe. ' % Vhii'mi thmim tira'mnemm mmrrlvcil hurt-a roollia were on iii't. , htmL iiu tllrcc't aonrmec'tioma , betwct.'ul thin bJmzu lii cai'im ol' hImi roojimx imjah timcit In nmuy ollair was oh.oert'etl , 'i'Io : ttmmmmigu , o Imullmllng tmimtl contents Is nmhrmut $ Q , uhly' I r.nui'etl , ( 'eimuiul Not hiecuover time lIed Fimug , CIlIC.CO , Marcia 2G.-Time city worm us .Tudge lInker's court today the repleyiiu suit brought by tile Clitcoio iehmattla club for a red flag contlscimte'i by I'm city some yoarj ngo whelm the anarchist. Wpro active. Time jury fotitual that ( lie sebzutd 4'ns juatlflimbho , thIn hag imaving boon carried lii a i'EOceaio ' II deflSim'e ( if law slid ort1e , . ' . Vbea Baby was Lick , w , gtvs tier Castona. SThea she wa a Chili , she crlod fr 'tstur1a. iThen she became MIss , aims chun to Castoritu , Vben shmo bad Cbil'emi : , ghm gayn thorn Castcti 11 -