- ' . . . . . . . ' " " - . - . - , _ - - ' - ' " " " " ' ' ' ' ' : ' I _ _ _ _ _ - , - or _ . , , . . ' . :1" . . . . ; , ' I : . , , r 4 - . r . THE OMAhA DAILY fl4 : \ DN.ESDAY : , l\r.AROn 27t l8UG. . _ - - . . " _ ' _ . t I - THE OMAHA . - DAILY DEE D. nOSEW ATER , &llor. l'un.lsm:1 igity : toxtzfl. - TrnMS OF sUnSCII'IO : : Dllr nlO ! ( And WIthcuL unhy , Stuijay , One ) . yrar. One Yeflr . . . . . . . ' 10 A C t . Fix , MonlhR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . Thr 8UntM . Monthi I lIU. Q1 e . Yir : : : : : : : : : . : : . : : . : : : : : : : : : : : g ' % Slllnry : ( . Ono ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 FM . Wec11y Jre , On" OFI.'ICES. ynr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Omatii bulb ( . mahA. The n Sin e , fltiII . . flIh. lhg. . C"rMr N nnd 21h St3. Onel 131titf. 1 : r.AI Htret. . Chlco erne 317 ( 'hnmr/er or Coml'rel. NWuk. . 1tn.tni 13. H nn" ( U. Ttllne lihIg . \uk. I" , 1. . 'Vahlniion. H07 1 Stct . N. W. COIttWSL'ON1)lCI. , . CIITmSIONl . NCr. n"w Irn4 41. All rnrnmunlcatlnni' r Irl. . IAlr.1 torln .1 mnlmunlenlonf ta l nlru.N1 , To the Ldltor . T.trrrIni. lUfINl SS I.t"mm. All hulnen lFttrs 1 nml rtIIIAnef . , hol1 tA n(1Ir9d In lers ce 111lohlnCOln : , ' . r.fcd 111lohln/ 1f1 / , , . Omnh. ! IrafU' . lr(1f nnll l"hHnCe ) ! OPICN . 10 ho nlnl 1'wnlle 11 te , 1"I"r or the ( omlny . ' . ' ! 'Jin nrl 1'UI)1.tSItIU ) COMI'AN - , RTNnmNT : crct.\TION. . ' aeorgFj n. T chuc . nrrtly ot Thr 1(1 Pub- " . flAIling com ny. 1lnl .111 ' w0rI. $ lays Iht the nClunl Illher or full nn.1 cOlpltte cOlle . or Ihe fatty Mutnitig . \cnlnl antI Smu'"y ' t a ( Ily frlnl. rrlnlll , lurlnJ tim month of FebruarY . IS9 , . WI3 u 8 follow : I ' 1. folow . . . . . . . . 2 n.I I . . . . . . . . 1.7Si 2 . . . 2n.ni 1 . . . . . . . . . 2. . . . . . . 1.C .3. . . . . . . . . :1. .1 .1. . . . . . . . . . : & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO.1 G ' , ) It . c. . . . . . . : nl ! H. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 10.1M 6. . . . . . . : " ) .nI2 10. . . . . . , . . . . . . , . , . , . 10.r. c. . . . . . . 10.Hl ! 20. . . . . . . ' 7 . . . . . . . . 1.rv 1 # ' II . . . . , ' . . . . . .rr' 21. . . . 1ii' R. . . . . . . . . 1.R" , 22. . . . . . . . . " , UI , . . , . . . . . . . . . 9. ! . . . . . . . 10iOO . :1. . . . . . 10.r:3 .10. . . . . . . . . 20CO .21. . . . . . . . 2 .41 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . nur 11 . . t fl ) 2. . . . . . . . . . . : 1. 1 . . . . . . . . .r.o , 2F. . . _ . . . . . . . ; 13C4t . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . , ; 21 . . 13. . . . . . 10ir. 2. . . . . . U,5R . , : . . . , , . . . . . , . . .632 1. . . . . . . 19,70 2. . . . . . 19,63 . TotAl . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , J. COI.I" . . . leluctloni . . . . . . . for . . unA' . . . . . no.1 . . . , . rclurna . . . . . 6.0:0 Ntt AI ( " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .ra.CI : . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . i Dly n\'era . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.iOI ' tlndny. . & 'Sunrn oonav : n. TSCnucl . , : Sworn In I"rore me OFOna . 8uhcrlle.1 In my Ires- enc thIs 24 ( Ifty or .thtch H ! ( Seal \ ) < r1 N. 1 JI . Notary PutjIIc . , A luhlc ) mnrlwt houc ns thc tel'mlnus of tuft Douglas coull ' l'mwn ' WoUld Ilc In keell ) wih thc elerlnl fles : ' of thllg : . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ait electrl ' between Omnhn Al elech'le h'nmwny hetweel Omnhl and 1 I'elolt "oul1 real ' facilitate de. - livery of the United Slltcslls 10 resl- dOlts along the IhJ , n ' fact worthy or Rome ) cohIsIderfltIOlI . t . South Ollhl l'cscmhles . ChIcago In , two llfllOl'tallt IJI.tculars : Bolh ( nre : , . packIng centiw's nml nrc In the throes of mUllelll1 ) CflflljflIgUs. : At this point , howe'er , tine cOIIHlrlson censcs. Arc tltet'e Inr ghrQnpfol'IR among . the nRSCSSOI'S of Douglas county ? This , qucston ( In only bc flhls\Ve1'Cd when i'cttiriis arc m:11e : ullon the property - of , great corporatIons mi ] notorious tax i shh'lwl's. : Tile Chl'ch1-Husse1 Ilolic commIssIon - sIon bill Ins lJssl1 ( holh houses of the t .lcglsllll'o Ill ( wl o to Gonlr lIol- comh for his excellency's approval 01' : rejection. To be 01 lint to he-I hit Is the question. , Chlcgo Is urging that measures be adolllcd 10 effectually tale the police , : < clHu'tmelt out ; of 1101 ) tcs. Omaha's' : representatives In the legislature have : ' - done theIr utmost to drag OUL ' police 1' department Into parly poiiticii. : Count nlhalwwsk proPoses to found nn nlu'hlst community nt some 10lnt ! c In tine wcst. IIo'oughnt to be more . . le' ought SII- p : clc n8 . to tine proposed . location. Thieve are cevttiii Parties In thIs neck of the , ; wood who Im\e labored to nuJm nn- : nrchiy unpolular , cud their resources : . are not yet exhausted. . " i . A faith henler Inns heen arrested In i J InmUs City ns 1 sequel of the patient's _ , ; : : . denth. In cases oC thIs kind the near : ; : relatives of the deceased ought to be : made to share sonic meaS\'e of 10- : sponsibuitty. Iaws to thIs purpose , , ; ; L properly enforced , would put I stol ) to ) : thIs species of criminal negligence. , Tine Ilnol ! legislature has been In ' ; # seB'lon nearly three months 111 his I : ' . IlsRell ) four laws , two oC the four listing ' t . for appropriations for legisiative cx- t Iionsvs. Tints may he rcgarded lS n very ; " sntRfactol' ' record. Each of this two , : : c general hnvs IJlsed nutty 11\0 cost this , p . state $100,00. Yet It mIght have heel f far worse. . MI' J. C. Im1lham , a LIncoln manu- i 1ncln'er. his been elected Ircsllent of 1 , tine Nebraska Mnnufacturers and Con- j sumC'S'Issoclnton , u selection which Is . generally rl/lrdel a most hlllPY ) ona. i Mr. 11'I ham Issnnws tine llrelllency of ' . nn organIzaton whose potency Is beiing , , fel In OVC'y city of tine state and whose 4 I Ollpol'lunltel for growth and usefulness ) ' ' without limit. are IJ'lctcnl wihout lmIt. Inqul'y into tins causes of the fatal explosIon In tine Ahinny mlle Is In prog- t ress. I It ho fonnl that thc ownel'S I ot the mIne inuigint mare , hy thc expeindi. ture of mon'y , afforded . inn'ans ot ire- "an ton , tins lle11 for neglect should I : r ho severe and Ilrolilty nthnninistei'ed . 'S I II not always 'a 110lslhlc to 1'011 a ' mIne explosion , hut It Is Iloslhln ) to exerclm thc ullost II'ccuulon. 1'aI11'c , , to do thIs Is a I ermine agnhllt humnn- I ' lty I . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . y.l ' Jvery county In lowu IPllnarH 10 11\0 Y 11'cf'rcl cllillutc for o"crnO' Tine IWWHIlp'S l'U 111CUslhl the , merits n\l IlsluullcltolH of nil of them. Ono II rejected hecati at one : tunic In his life hc voted tins II0hlhllon ) ) - tect. while another Is hounded for n silnlIiar nict. Ono IH ilerallied beenume ? shnlll'lct. hC1llcd bl'IUKl ins a republleann , ho his n weakness for , . ' free lh''l' , while 11 Ollllolent In In adjoining . joining county Is hdlbornll ) for inch of such veaknness. HlmnwI'cI1 down It up- loars t bo a rll1 fl'ee-rU'-11 with tint : 111'1\11 In tins jUII e's staini. No state fair wi hereafter he conin - ' photo without n cI'mlllhl ! exhibit of Nchl'ISkl'l zuannun fuettnrt's. 'l'ho : Innu- fuctunrt'rs and COllulel'S t6SI)11 Uon wi opttii ncgolltonl wih Iho t Shill Board of Agi'kuihttnro In nit ( 'lol' 10 . . : have I building 1)'otJ ( solely to homo . ' . No ' ' itlt'a luis 'l't s _ h\lush'y. 11'IjhtI1' 1)1 hUl . yet ; been oXlu'cslel with reference 10 tints 'll"8 ' state fiI' . 'l'hl'ro iti'o large 1\11 1ourlshllg factories In tints Hllio of , ? which this lujorl " of 110\10 know little . 'l'ho exhIbIt that mini or nothing eIltl doubtless will ho mails of these Products . uels 11Ut 10 1 revelation to state fair visitors. B\'el' town In Nthl'lska , whel'o I factory hi located wi InsIst ho erection of homo ' ' Upon ertclon u Industry ' ; bul)1I \ - - . " . " _ . ' , . , : Y" " - . - , . , - " ' 4 . . " a ' . " : - . . " " ' ' ' 'T . . : ' 1'IL'r AND sztvm. Al effort htts heeii made to plnco Oov- erOl' McKinley In n quostonnblo 110sl. thom regarding silver. Among those who are anxious : to embarrass hIs chnnccs as I candidate for tine prcsl- deutiAi nomlunlon 10xt year seine tih- httgt. ! . bf course without the slightest an- thorlt or substantial l'enlol , that be Is .llclnell In favor oC tine free cotnage or sliver by this United States nl tine ell 110. . while others sny that l ho hits no 'sete opInIon on tine que ton. ( ( o\crnol' McKinley : ' Is In the soUlh , br the advice of his pinysicinins , for the ye- 1I11erUoI of hIs henlh , nll hIs visit to that section nlolls uu opportunity to ii. I ChIllS of new8Illl'C'S to say that he II thieve for the PU1IO0 or Il'Olllllg hlR C\IRo : ns n presllenUnl cf11hlute , If necessary. iy iuituklnng ColICeSsIomnS to the sliver sentiment or that Rectol . A 1111)tch' flol Thnounnnviiie , Gn. , . whore IcKlnley has heon sojouning with nn 111Inio friend 1l'lDllenl In 1orthm'u OhIo ( ) politics , 1'tllortl hIm IA snyluug , In regard to n letter pledging I mini the vote or Georgl In the national I republican c0\cnlol Ir he wolld de. dare hlmselr for free slfer : "u the repuibhicani party should deciare for free replhlcl ! holll decare silver 1 wonld decline 10 hecolc Its cmlcnlc anti I woull quilt the party torevci' . " Whether or not thIs Is the I'\ exact inunguago mused by Governor Mc- Kiuhey , there cnn hc no ( tolhl that I accurately reflects his 11081101. lie Inns never given the slightest reason for 'doubting that ho Is In rul accord with thc Ilst rClllhlen nutolul plntol'l declnrntol regard lug II h'Cl whih de- InllcII "tho use of lath ell fll slyer yer ns Blnndf'l IOIj , with such to- sh'lctons and \ller such provisions , to ho tlelermlnctl 11Y legislation , as will . . secure the mnlltcnnnce of the parity of values of tine two melnls. so that time ' . ' tumuti debt ' ' ' Iml'chllln : IU1 Ilayln POW'I' or the dollar , whether of silver , gold . 01' paper , smith he lt nil lmes clIta I. " ' ' understood better Probably . nobody Ul1 betcr than : 31v. : IeJlnlc - that this Is tine utti- tllo of n very iimrge majority or the rClmblcnl IIrly tOVili'(1 sl\"e' nt thIs thus Ill lumltlouhtehiy wl continue to Il when the next rClJhlcan ! nntonal COl vcn lon mukcs its cn uncln ton on this sl ject. . lie knows that the 10- llblcnn ) party of OhIo , \lln this SII' JO'I 01 whIch ho must depend for what- over chllce hc shall ' have for the II'csl- dCltal nomInaton , Is opposed 10 tine free coinage of silver hy tine United states at thc old rate , ns was most conclml\cly 11emonslrnicil In the last elocton In that state . I he were not In synuintlny wih the rcinnbilcaii south- intent In his own slnto 01 tints queston how could he hope 10 have tine support oC OhIo . . In the national convention of hIs partY ? And without thIs of whnt benefit to hum would ho the support of this silver producing states ? ' 1he merest tyro In politics cnn see thIs , and McKinley inns lund I great denIoI llltcnl experience. WhIle Governor McKinley has never utered a word to just " tine auiegn- ton that ho Is Inclned to favor free slh-e' 0' that ho Is not 'ns cm'nesty do- voted to the cause of ! somll money ns any man In tine republican : party" . tine fact that he Inns not gone Into the dis- cusslon or the sliver question us flly us some olher does not warrant the assumption that he inns no fIxed opinIon 01' convictions regarding It. Certainly " time long public career of , lh' . McKinley sufficiently attests hIs ability to Judge for hlmsol ns well lS hIs courage to act upon hIs convictions. I Is no dls- ) of oUter rciubuican ) IUagmnent : any Q.her rellblcnn lender to say , that In . these respects 110110 'or thom cnn faIrly enlm superiority - ity to McKinley. Tine honest money rllJhlcnns of OhIo have entire all \1 - questonIng confidence 1\ tins soundness of Mr. lcKlnlo "s ' financial vlew8. Twice the " elected hIm governor hy oycl'whelmlng majorities. Tlero Is "no question that the delegation from that state to the next reIlhlcnn naUonnl convention w1 support hIm for the presl1clt11 mnomimiationi. And then , ns now , Mr. lcKlnlo " will he found In imearty accord with the scntment of the rCJuhlcan 11\ly ) l'lllrdlng sl 'er. nI 7'fA II,1' /WJECT. . There was considerable enlhlslnsm mlUlrested by thc citizens ! of Douglas and Dodge counties who met at Ben. 1ln ton to consldcl' the reject of bllll- tug an electric nuotnr line betwecl Henson - son timid I'emont A committee emi 0' gnnlzaton was maimed wih In- strlctons to fO\Jllto 0 rCIIO' emiubodyimig I hnsls110n which the enterprise may ho InUI I'at'll A l'Olgh estmnle of tine cost of tine road WIS subunitteti. Obviously Ihls cslllto must ; Illcrgo radical revision nt tine II\U6 of the cO\\lll'c , us It . . docs not cover ome Icms of miecessitry expennnii- tlro , whie Ilporlnnt ICIS Inllomtci are iumt dowl 'ut 1\I'cs below reason- hills l'osl. however , Iho cOlmllc ! on ol'gallzaton : Is expected to thoroughly digest thIs cssentll phase of tins . sunb- jest Ill I Is II'csunwd tins report " ' 1 Il'cscnt Iigtni'es that wi bear expert 11II 'sls. 'l'ho 11SCIsHlon evinced 1 disposition upon tins Ilt' of ce'lnln Premont Ill'II's to the ' ' of tine Illeston IJ'nlcahtl } 1'OIISCII ibis. I wus Intmntel that OiUIII inigint derive 1 grouter bllft fl'OI time olwrltol of tins road thll will Fmenuuoimt. . IlllllJ ) ' , thIs thrust wns IlroUllt IJn'lcll hr ) time SIIIIII'I'I'S of tint II'ojccl. I wins 11tlh'II'd by ii. I 11\11 retainer of nine of tins l'llrOllt ( this stats mud Wlt received my tine imnt'ethmng for just whit It It worlh. 'J'ho'llh of tile mllcl' Is thnt II electric traU' way hltWlel Omllllul 1 1''molt w1 create mlhC' Ihnn dIvert Irale for thc great Ills of railroad now t'OlnectlJ IhelO Imllol'lllt I trade eemmters. ' 1he sole object of tints electric train. WIY , lS we take 1 , Is to facilitate alt mll'e 1I0811hlo this h'llsllO'laton of farm , garden amid dairy Ilrolutls 10 tine hllt lul'l.el In tine state at tine least Ilos/lhl\ cost to tine 111'lluccr. Tine Ilrlmlr ) ) ' lolcJls 10 nctI'le from tine enterprise . 10r1J'llo will thm'oforo go to tine 1110' ( llttrs Jf Douglas COIII " , who , b ) mcans Jf u trlUwn ' tl\crtllg their hinds , can . II'kel ninny tholSUul1 of dolnrs worth or products which hl'r. tofol'O woull . not bear slow and exiemu- ) slve trlulHlol.tntol by wagon. lnpld . , , " : _ ' ' \ . . . " , : . ' ' _ -P' . : - " ; : " * " transit II I prime requisite to tine ready sale or dairy and truck garden products , whIch , without Ule fnclUs afforded by nn electric tramway , coull not he markcte nl n' prft Tine surplus products or tine fnn\ destined for the eastern . market will , or course , lo trnn . ported hy the tramway to tine railway , depots nt l remolt or Omnhn. Omaha , ns n n\nter \ or couso , will profit hy tine constructon and operation of time trmwny , just ns amy great Inrt Is helclHel1 hy enterprises that Increase the , 'olnlo of trnle , A.lEflIC1IN R&CUlTUS .HWO.t. There are h\lcntols of ni ImprovNl rcellg In Bl'Ole townnl morlcnn se cunrities. Not olly has there been a great rn1u ! 0 ( II tine nlounL of our secmllcs l'ell'IC Ilnco thc le otntol of tins Inst lonn by the go\cI'lmcII , hit Ihol'e inns timkeii unlace somelhll ! of I rc' rival of foreign hlyllg II fits' Nosy York mnaricet. ] Al Impodnlt IUtuclro II into- motlg this chnlgo Is tine fact thnt European I' tinuaimcinl circles hn\'o censeti to rOI1nn Jlllcnl cl'cles \ ccaHel bo trolhlcl by the fear of n silver ball ! II tine United States , 01' nt . amy rate realize that Ruch n } OllhJl Is very rs- mote. No luau who 119 gh'on careful and Iiuteiilgentt at'ltol to the Illlclnl currents for the . Iwo ' ' will CUTent ! llBI years wi Iuoston that the nglnlon for free sit- "cr In this country bis h111 very great deal to 10 with tine IlsCI'CI1II or Aunuer- Ical sccurltcs by gurollCl enlllnlI ! Wo would 10t untcrestmnlo this effects . fees or the bal amid Ilshoncst munimmnage- melt or corporatIons In hrOlunciung ills. cO'llraton : llrlhlelg Ils. trust hut l\en If Ihcre ho cOlcelled to these tine greatest 81mre In dostroyinng conltence In our Slcullcs timers Is ins reaRon to loubt that the femur Ilslllrct by tine agitation for the free coilago of slh'O' ihayei ( 10 IISI lllclt : lrt In I cutng on dcmnld for American secm'- \Ics amid causIng their retunru. That nglnton stili .comitlnunes , hut the voters or tine ' " ' decided country Q"erwhelllnglr lecllcll last ro'cmber iugniuist tl e who are reo 8110nllhlo for It. so that Its mower for serious mischlcr was talwn Iwr for nt least Un'eo years , whlo there mire most excellent reasons for hcle\ll that whcn the pcoplo ) flgutifl si)1tk through the ballot hex thc ' w1 give II llC'In- ncIt quietus to tine Ileland that tins United States shal adopt tine IJlc " of the fiee mil unllltel colnngc of 8Ih'cr. I Is to be expected thnt forelgnm bU 'tI's of AICI'lc:1 : ! CCUIU1'S will contnnc to bc ' ' caintiotis anti cinnuservative . ie- very ) - caulous anl COlse'\nt\C. cam distrust or thc corporations stilt exists , annul this Is tins most t1lcnl thll ! Ito I but the smnunuil ' , ' I to overcome , smal 1111'o'ement notcd Is 1 good sign. 'l'hcre Is 1 great I amoult or idle European capital . the Investment - . vestment or whIch In thc lnltc1 States I woull . materll " hell ) tine l'c'lyal of IrOSlel.I ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPAn\s DL.ct1lD A/'or.oor. While tine 1bpatch of Socrctar Gres- hunt to the Spanish : o\C'nmelt called for n IHOlpt eXllresslon of regret for the A1lncn outrage , the fact that there WIS a mlnlstclnl crIsIs at Madrid disPosed - Posed the ) rcsl1ent nol to II'ess the mater during the Ilrc'nlcnce of tine ' . ' ' Ir ubso- not ICI'lsls. Tints was IJ'Oler , - lutcly necessary , sInce n dlnercnl cOU'se would hl\'e been regarded hy : this , 11- tons as evidencing a disposition. on' the part of thIs o\crnment to take un undue advantage , amid , possibly , as IndI- catng nn unflendly feeling toward 8lmln. Wo could not , under the cIrcum- stanceB , 11\0 II'csRcd for ant Imme1lnto complance with our demnml Wihout being 8010whnt InconsIstent wIth our Irofcsslons of pencerul Intcntons towlrl nil nntons , anti while to mayo done this might have hen veuy grati- fylng to the slllrlt of jingoism thnt Is abroad lu time humid , It would not h\'o added t our nntonal dignity nor In- creased the lCSllcct ) for . us of other ni- tiomis. Spain now , however , has a new mln- , istry , and the o\lrnment of that country - is In ' order. The . try s ugnln l'Ullng ol' er. io ltcal disturbances nt Madrid : seoul to l he'ovC' amid tine IcmJers of tine cabInet being eneral ' rnllhu' wih imbue affairs . fairs , from havIng served In previous mlnlstrlcs , ought to settle down to their dntos at once. Such beIng the case there Is no longer any good I'caon winy otur O"cI'llent should hCHlnto to unrge cOlplance ) wIth its dennununtis. I IK the hIstory of nil our den lngs wih the Slun\h O"elnlelt that irocL'astilna- ton Is tine habit of the Intm' . 1(1 n l'ollellon ) of lust eXllorlcll'c Iii the In'Cent case Is to he expected I this gm'c'nmclt w1 tolerate . It This It shol11 not do amid cnnnot without HOle loss of II'eslge. I Is the Illnln duty of our go'ernmont t now hIHhit UIIn an early l'CRpOI : to our dcnlull , whIch hlIVII heen nlllJ'o\el . , by thc public snntmclt of thll couiimtm'y Ihoul1 not tc ml ' niotlihhetl In tine . chnnuigeI Ol' mOllled lelst. Although time new Spanish cabinet rep- l'eRcnt 1 tliITt'm'i'nmt 1IIIcnl ulc\ent t'Vonnm Its 11'ldecoIH0' thQ latter hl'ln/ hlborni nnd the ' t connservntlve , Iblral Il'oscn sine COIHCI''n t \ It w1 lot ho nlceSSl'r for tine Unied Slutcs to restate its CHRe. Hut ho I change In tine Iloltcnl ) chinractt'r of tine mhllsh' Un ' lIHSlhl ' aggravate tine complcatol , the Iu'eslllllon bcln/ Wit time IH'cHl'nt eahilot w1 he ielhlgereint In Its tendencies. ' 1hls Is to ho CXllt'ctcll of this lu'oml , ScnO' Cnsllo , amid of COU'O ho w1e' ' 11'gcl ' 1llliencl tile OUW1' membcrs or tine muuimnistm-y. The f\ng In thc Arlnu3' 1(1 IHI ' , It IK 1'0- honed , Is Iule wlrlw , hu'gely dune to IL Imh'ld of the United Sllll'H , amid thIs scntmcnt Is slilrl hy tine 1)001)15. I time mllllh' ' shou11 rlchl 10 tine feeling ln Iltl111 nl'ul circles , 111 ln doing Ihnt Ild POllhu' 11111'0"11 , timers wou\1 hI n'CI' ) great chllcn of n COl- filet tetw'cl Illln Ild this country. But ; tine II'ohlhll ' 1 thlt tine inninuis- tl' y will decide I to bo thus part of ivis- doni not to 11\le u quam'reh wlh tins United States , slnco t do fO wou\1 II'nl tine Iluvllhlo loss of Cnbll amid Puerto Rico to Spall amid tins ptmylimenmt to thus counh'f of I large : hll'mult ) ' . AnothtI' COISlfUCICO ; of such n cOltet -fOl' tine success of tine Inled States lust 10 IHSUINI lS ccrlnln-mlght bo tine o"e.thl'ow of tine SJllth 10IU'ch ) - , shines I would Ito1l n splemntitti 0111101' tunly for time 1'IIJhlcIIS of SpaIn to . Ignhl assert IhoIHCh' ( . TakIng It for grlntcd that ; thelo ( 'lslhrntnus ! wl not escape tine sOl'loll Itentol or tine HIIII1 IlnI81' ) ' , It WOu\I'H\ Hafo 10 _ say thnt tins Issue crcnlod by the Alit. tuba Incldclt wi bo settled wihout . . , " , _ . - - - - - - " - - ' . : - - any disrupton oC tine friendly relntons of this two qlhllrh's. 1 , An hmncipttj1uhce war bins hroken out llclplf tco at Lextnglourtlnls stnto , llstlgllshcII no tine home l ! non. Jnck MacCohi. A Chllnmnn , jii i ,01 Tnl , Inns flied n dark horSe11MHHon os candidate for \lrOI of tlntJhrlvllS little city. The oily clerk 11h1tNI the poUlon dowl , which hns ittelnscd ? Slm and hIs suup- porter W\l\ \ pc tlt no serIous conmi- plcntons nin1'insti. Whlc Sunni ninny not ho I nnfiailzcti cllzcn of tine Unied Sin ujnmutl therefore 11sl\nl. fell for olclln Iexlngtol. yet nt this j\nctl' ! , W1lulSecretIury OrcRham inns S11nll on initJlmuutJR , annul r lIning Chang 18 d"mllell0 ( must not r\Bh tints nlY serious Inhiltllil'l ! ! ' entnl lelcnh . Illslm' L'ht 'ton haK mnlo hnlnnnself 101 } eloul 1 111 , to { 'leo Snm. lIe IA tine uumnfortunluut , \ . l ) IOHICS0' or n hnh' trigger tonglc , , stud thc \ClUlst mule \1101 lreshl lt Dole for hIs recall ml ' ho . ral'I ' IlhJ'll'\ I ell , 10 mcnn thn thc 1.tI'll\nt itt WI8hlugion olllucs . Ihnt 'l'hm'stol Is 'not big emnoungin for time 110- sllol he OCCUIIII's Tins else IA lot unuuiquie. Thieve nro innany square pegs In rotund moles . not omnly inn rcllUon to forelgum legnUIIH , hut to tine olllce-hnoitl- mug class or thIs niutiomn . ' 10 he Ihle . to keel ) onc' swim counse Is mu. I rare "I.tue In Ihcse degenerate , g\I\11.sluII dn 's. Olclnl nlh'les rl'OInll1 contnue to hellte thl Cuhan hunsunrrcction. The rehcl t\e said 10 ho wihout arms all their ollcI'n\lons \ l'nflel to a sllgle p\ovlncC. These slltcllnls 10 not cohn- chic with the 11010 direct Inlc1gcuco thlt Unls its way to our Ihores rl'OCulm. . ' 1hel'e can be no tlouht tmt Spnll has I wel ol'gnnlzel re c10n on bier hl1ls , t Iluel which Ihe must Hileli n mint of h't'III'O amid sucl'llcc thc lves of mnny of her ioymui sUhjecbl. , The house bmius 1lsca\ded ( the proposed consltutolnl nltll1cnt p\ovlln for elucntlonai quallca ton of "otm's. Such tcton docf "Iolcnco to the cou\lc- tons of n large lujorlty or the voters of thus sin Ie. A like Ilro\lslon Inns found 1)11105 In the constutons of mnny Htutl : I Is stlngc hllect thut time n1lhnr of thc house ful to appreciate its Importunce nnd the henel18 that would nccI'uo fl'om its adoptIon by th peolle of thl8 state. AgaIn I his been found necessu' : to puhlcl ' deny thc story that .Ien Davis , whcn captured , wore heel ) skirts. This Inlay le nn Imllltant matm' In ' vinndica- lon of tine .irllth of . .hlstor . but few people enrn-wiitiner Jen wore IJfcd sleeves. lloln ! or bifurcated slllt. Dress does not llwa ' 8 mnko tine man. Iul he worJAtustc It Was Jeff Davis till thus smnmuou.i . . . . : " ; 'rho starttlng'i in lmn lon by Miss Phoebe Co\/this' / thnt tie mute Senator 1'al. was jdfSWnl " ,01 n\uy he the preculor of unoUlel' , ' .e ( qlon thut mast sinake society of time const from center to clr- cunuiferennce4 A. slngularly tragic fats seem cd to Imy ! ! awulod some of the honunza Id ! ! f the \vest. Thc pos- session of' s'imittE is' a pheasant thIng to cott mLlllteClht ; It hus t1 s drawbacks . . nS'woh. n . " [ I 1' Ex-Sllealwl' need stciuluHUy declines ul invltntols to el\'el pUblc nd- dresses. Unt congress convenes he shnl have nothllg to say. Fact Is , there , Is little , to he said by I prospectvo 10- puhlcln 1"'osllen tJI , , calllu tc. This democrat have made tho'wu ' easy for republican canlidates Crom' lInlne ! to Qhlo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Prond and Foarlu , . PhiladelphIa Press. Johnny Bul knows just when and how to get hIs back up. He also knows wMn the proper time arrives for . getting It 'down. ' The Jocord Closod. 'Washlnrton Stnr. Now that Hon. William Jennings Bryan has ben safely delIvered Into the hands ot his recent constituents the nation will take a receipt for the genteman and cal the incident closed. cose . GRIns , - Ovrr\h"lmlnr the Limit , Giobe.Democrat. The ofcial statistics show that , the farm mortgages In the western states do not amount to a tenth part oC the gain that has been realized. In the Increased value ot haul and the amount . received for products. , "orks Both 'Vay. ourler-Jpurnn. Truly death Is an erratic archer. A man hal kled himself because he was not elected a member ot the Indiana legls1alure ; sev- erll people came very near being killed because they , were elected members of the Indiana legislature and the people of the state would bo much better off It many more had been killed before they were elected members of the Indiana legislature. - - ArGulu"ntlJnln.t .onnexntou. Kanss City Slar. Senalor Proctor or Vermont declares that the pOulaton oC Cuba Is such that the Island would not be a desirable portion ot tine United Slates. Senator Proctor Is right , as annexation advocates will Ind out mater Besides tine United Slates Is large enough as It Is and congress has its hands full al- tending to preent needs without beinG worried elemenl. by IJerlodlcal uprisings of I foreign Crowding COIIJlcnUon , . Chicago Tlmes.Jerahl : The murder ot an AmerIcan In Honduras and the apparently unlawful Imprisonment at another by the I"rench In Madagascar are thus latest additions to the large stock at "International complcatons" now on hand. Either the newspaper correspondents are pluentmnenally imaginative or there Is phenomenal a mania amp1lg , foreign nations for taking sly kicks mit 11ncle Sam. Secretary Greitham . inowttver has given ample e\l. dence at his tl ( 10 maintain the dignity ot the ' United1tflhttes I In controversies with forelms nationS Wlhout either timidity or bluster. ' / " I I i. ' . Trouni11Iii Uht ICentuck1. p:1rnnid : RePublican. ' [ Secretary CAiisie will be herd from on the KenluokyJ.tulhp pretty soon In defense ot tine admlnlsJra ln' financial Iiolcy , I Is sahl. He mny crep be plannil/ clec. mq" ] / ton to the United Siaies senate In niace { ot Blackburn. * ljll term eXlllres with : the present adminititutlion. but at any rate he intends to mdJi'he later's candidacy for re-electol thl ocslon for a demoinstra- ton In left18 ot his nll.slver course. liiacklaurn's campaign Is to be made on the free sliver iseu.- . -'he democratic party In Kentucky Is Uadw spilt. on the Inanclal question und . lJift slvertes no longer have tine held II tlitI9aeves. ' : Henry 'Vulerson's recent deserlonl.lo the gold slandurd. along with Carlisle 'dcCecllon. ; threatens to give the soft money supremacy In that state a hard blow ZtCK AND BILL - New York Tribune : Comnitantine nuckle1 Kigre or Toni hits Ibout I much mooS for 1 place on the bench a for the pst of chaplaln.ln-orlnary to the queen. Washington Star : There wi bo to oh- strCrorus Conduct before that Indian torltor1 court as long ns Judge Constantno Duckley sort ] gore of a wears Jurist the ermine . lie Is not that ChlcaRo Tribune : To whAt heights of civic amI poltcnl greatness aught not the lion. Di Springer mayo hoped to grow. I ho had transplanted hlts l to the forte moil of Chicago - cage instead of permitting hlmsol to bo boxed for shipment to tim Indian territory I Olobe.Domocrnt : Duck J Ioro has lover lied any Judicial experience , but there Isn't much needed to bo n judge In the Indian tor ritory , where tine duties of such an ofco per- tain principally to the trial of cnes In which the only qleston I that of fxing the terms of Imprisonment , or the days when the hnng- Ins shall take place l'liiimubelpinia Inquirer : Two Iatesmen out or a job\\ ' . M. Springer and Buckley Kth- ! orehnvo beln given Judgeships. untying been 1opudlnted by their constituents at the hate election , they had special claims to recognition - ogniton by the administration . ali maYo learned by years at experience to draw an oaclal salary In a very satisfactory manner. Durao ! Express : I Is tuggosted that possl- lily Mr. Springer , growing UI with the country - try mar yet como back to congress from tine Indian territory when that shall become a ! state ; but It Is sad to see n man obliged to go to a wild connntry to begIn life anew , a his years lIe undoubledly sympathizes with the remark of Objector 10lman. who Is now devoting his energies to Private life , that "pol tcs Is a poor business. " New York Sun : 'Ve wish to congratulate al parties . and especialy tIne Indian tern- tory. I Is seldom that even a state Is per- mltetl to have shnulnneousl ) ' two such Judges as Mr. Springer and Mr. Kigor will be ; and a young community hike the Indian territory ought to be proud of the honor betowed upon it. Doth the gentemen wi be residents ot tine territory I their appoint- ment I confimmeth Doubtless this Is Mr. Cleveland's understanding ot the declaration ot tine Chicago platform that "wo hold that the ofcial appointed to administer the gov- eminent of any territory together with the District of Columbia and Alaska , should bo bona fide residents ot the territory or district which their bo . " In duties are . to performed. IlCl.IW } ' , iUX. Philadelphia Record : He was , Indeed , one of Piniladeiplnia's Grand Old Men. Courage- ous and independent to a striking degree , ho was to the last a gentleman of the old school. Every day during his year at Wasb- Ington he Is said to mayo crossed to Jackson parhc near his home , and to have bowed with a courteous reverence and dignity to the Im- mobile statue of "Old Hickory , " whose eccentric - centric but noble nature he admired. Baltimore Sun : le was distinguished for his individuality , his frm adherence to prln- cipie . as neil as for many amiable qualIties. 10 was eccentric but his occentrIctes : ! were always interesting. 10 wore long hair , cloth- Ing at an antique pattern and was so firm a democrat that according to common report he would not walk on the pavement In front or the Union League club. But this extreme feeling never affected his friendships. Philadelphia Ledger : But It Is not as learned lawyer , political Icaler , mayor or cn- grossman alone that Hcbard Vaux will be remembered - membered by Phniiadelphlans. His name Is Indelbly associated with the common school system , as one of Its earliest promoter and as one of the draughsmen or the first leglsla- ton on the subject. le was also for many years at the bead of the Board at Controllers of the Public Schools. lie deserved th honors at a pIoneer tn popular education , to which he was always a steadfast Crlend. Philadelphia Inquirer : Richard Vaux never belonged to the crowd that do as other peop'o do. Born to the , advantages ot wealth and socIal position . educated entirely a home by private tutOrs and preserving that tempera- meat which Is more lkely to resist opinion than to yield to It or be influenced by It , It Is possible that ho was to 1 considerable ex- tent handicapped In the race for worldly honors by Ideas or what was honorable and proper. He. could not mao , bargains or ac- cept conditions or , Eancton .h dy. acts t gain a purpose , or push his own fortunes at the expense of his self-respect. Philadelphia Press : For thirty-five year ho has stood before the public as the conspicuous - spicuous and consistent representative at the convictions , the costume and the halits of his early days full fifty years ago. These ho never altered. His striking face , his spreading l'air , his formal manner and bh uncompromisIng - compromisIng assertion of his personal prlnc.- pies on all occasions and In all company made him both Individual and Interesting In a day when conformity Is the rule and aCluICCenco In the day's current the accept custom. In his speeches ho made the neat quotations at another generation , to all questions he ap- plied forgotten. principles and a practc now almost . PEU'L AND tJI1NQS. So Car as known , Constantine Buckley Ki- gore has not kicked against his appointment as judge of Oklahoma. Nay. nay , Phoebe , be not downcast There's IS Call fsh afloat as were ever caught In matrimonial net. Fifty-five thousand publications were copy- righted In this country last year agallst 23,000 In 1894. Most ot the Increased business - ness Is due to copyrighted dispatches. Tine advanced woman Is mellowing the jagged side at life In the Black hills. An eminent Deadwood citizen essayed to "lhump his woman" and was prompty floored with a poleer. Mr. and Mrs. Coppinger of Brooklyn quar- relied over tine morals at "Triiby. " Mrs Coppinger hit Mr. Coppinger on tine head with an earthen jar. He Is now In the hospital Mayor Strong of New York was 68 years , old last Friday Mr. T. C. PlaU was too busy expediting reform to send his can- gratOlations . hence the anniversary was ob. served quietly. An IllinoIs statesman has introduced a bi proposing a tax on bachelors For some unknown reason no one proposes to tax spini- sters . alhough many bachelors claim they are responsible for single misery. Edwin H. Anderson , time newly elected librarian of the Carnegie Free library at Pltsburg. Pa. , Is a graduate at Wabash col- lege IntL. and for several years was as- sistant librarian In the Nowberry library . Chicago. Mr. Edison , the great electrician , receives many amusing letters . Not long ago he was startled by an epistle tram a wesler damsel asking him If ho could nol Invent an electrical . cal contrivance that would enable her to see the face ot her future husband. The late Richard Vaux was an Inveterate smoker at the strongest cigars anll It Is said Very emphatically objected 10 giving anyone a lght from his weed . Inyarlably tendering 'courleously a maleh , ot which he Ilept a generous suppjy frt carefuly Ightlg I on a pocket malch-sat ; . Harvard's ramous class at 1830 become extinct through the death of Dr. Jonathan Wheeler Bonnie at Cambridge , Mass. lie was the last of 'I e forly.elght members. Among the members ot this class were Charles Sumner , Justice B . R. I'otter 01 Rhode Island , ongressman Kerr and S. T Worcester and Charlemagne Tower ot Plum. dolphla. The Boston city council Is making an ex- haustve study at Jags wlh a view 10 do- termlnlng what circumference justifies ar- rest. Tie member are pushing their Inquiries - quiries with Judicious deliberation and are acquiring considerable hlarloua eXllerlence on the side I Is i exceedingly Important 10 , draw the danger line with due precision lest the solons become enlungled In time meshes ot their own minanufacture. Highest of all in Power.-Latcst U. S. Gov't al Leavening . - . . Report JMVal Baking Lw Powder . A8SOLUTELY PURE , , . . _ . . - - - - - - - - t ' - - - - - - - - - - - - * - L - - HAUPT DREW THE ) PROFITS Used the 1tnmc of Prmlnont Men t feather ills Own Hest CLEVER MINING SWINDLE COMES TO LGH l'r "I.lrnt ot nun l norlOUI lu/IU ComU"I on Trial for Senltll Unnnl"blo " 31st' t"r ' 'hrolgh tine l'ostoflieo-Mimniy lll'oc nt ; 111 lntninlicatci. BUTTS , Monl. , March :6.-tenr L. Halpt , president at the MonlaM Mining , Lan and Inv stment mlny. Is on trial In tiv . United States court on the charge of telllng an- mnlnble mater through thc postofflce. Tine testimony introduced has developed I gigantic swindling scheme In which many prominent men were innocently Inllc.lod. 'fhe coin- pony olalms to have a paid Ul' capital stock of $12,000,000 and its slack Is valued . at $120 a slnaro . I was organized In January , 189 , anti has done , a trcmendous business stince. Upon tine representation of the ro\rment witnesses laupt had sid that 'le intended to organize a legltmale mlnlnl company . lie Induced John E. Itickards . 10 lckarls , Present gov. eror of the state , ex.County Treasurer 1 ! . C. ICesler , F. A. Lsrgey . n. O. Vailon , M. I. . Holand and C. J. Stevenson , all premlncnt and wealthy mining men , lo Join the incorpor- ation. Wih the names of these Incorpora. tons he then went to aU' the banks and sea cured permission to use their names as ref- erence A dozen worthless mining claims were located by him and deeded 10 the conmu- pny In consideration or $100 In cash and the ontre capItal alock. He then stint out circulrs all over the wend advertised the properly aa highly le\'elolel anti valuable anti sold the stock on the lonlhly Inslallnenl plan , Issuing certificates at $ t macin One hundred thousand certificates were Issued each montl and the purchaser of a certificate was entitled to apply for a lon In any sum under 10000. The trustees ot the company l're- tended to meet every monlh anal apporlon $50,000 among the borrowers. The person securing a loan was relnlred 10 give a note for tIne amount payable In 1912 wlhout Interest - terest or security. When the purchaser had 120 certificates he was entitled 10 I shar of slack. The remaining $50.000 from the monthly sale of certificates was SUllp06e . togo go unto the office expenses and the doveiop- mont ef the compan"s mines. The testimony al tine trial showed thai Haupt was the sale manager ot the concern and reaped nil the profits. lie apportioned the banns In clUes where he thought he should have bigger motoring and Induce othErs to purchase certificates. When tine Incor- poralors and the banks learned ot the swindlng nature ot the company they drew out of It and the trustee wlhrow time stock from the nnnarket but this did lot disconcert - cert hlaupt for he selected new trustees and conlnued Ills operations. The entire PI'Op' arty ot the company Is nol worth over $2.000 , and its mines , which are localed near Butte , are worthless. Ilaupt It Is alegej , has ofces In Lommdon New York . Chicago , St. Lotus San Francisco and other cites , . . , S.UYTflL I'I.K.tITh FUll 2Illt JIEST . .lU.Tll l'l.l'-IS . - 7'18 Jl'T. S"enltnS 01 lohuU of JrrJ/I\on . to a lii- ton Audl"ncc. BOSTON , March 2t3.-Chairnnan William E. Smythe ot tine National Irrigation connnuittee . ropresentng tine irrigation congres3 or twenty western /tates , inaugurated an easter cam- paign for his cause In Wells' Memorial hal last night. Edward Everett Hale presided all made vigorous speech In favor ot an organized erort 10 divert surplus population to surplus lands and develop Industries and social institutions that would prove n inmost strong attraction to the masses. He thought tints movement one of the 10st Important undertakings - dertakings In years Mr. Symthe declared that the cause of the west Is the cause at time nation . arguing that there Is a direct relation between tIne surplus lands In the new states at tine far wot. and the pressure ot economic wOfl , he east. He believes ' It Is nesetsary to provide . vide an outlet . not only for the unemployed , but as a means ot bettering the con itions of the middle classses. He said that a larger percentage of tenants are round In the United States than In any other cIvilized country except , Great Britain. Mr. Smythe presented telegrams from pub- lie officIals In Wyoming , Idaho , Washington and Montana , announcing that each ot 11059 states has passed legislation accepting the grant ot 1.000,000 acres at plblc lands on conditon that they shall be reclaimed and settled. These lands are noy offered by colonization on terms which no\ Is believed . will come within reach of IndustrIal colonies In which It Is hoped to Interest prominent working anon financiers and phlauthroplsts of the cast. Mr. Smythe remarks that for such advantages as w : be necessary to move , equip and sustain tine people ample security can be furnished upon the lands and water supply. _ _ . _ _ _ " 'aohlltol Hhl"I'111 zecil Potato" SPOKANE , Wash , March 26- specIal train loaded entirely with potatoes has let mere for Sl Louis and will g thr ugh on cx- press time . It Is made up at early varieties for seed use. Another special shipment often ten carloads wi be made 1 Minneapolis In a day or two - - - - J' lntSIA < YB lj.UCAS. Scotia has I mew paper , tine ntgttcr , "ll Henry O. Walrip ns the editor . Court Is In session at Valentine with coven criminal ant eighty eh'l cases on the Ilocket O. o. WhIpps has resurrected the Dodge Advertiser . , and wil run It I au independent pnpor. The Nemnha County Slnlty School 110- elation will hol' Is nnnuni mcetng at AUburn - bur Apri 26. 27 and 28. The Christian Enl1ewor : Iccleles of Butler anti . Pelt countes viIi hol a convention a David City , beginning tOI1.Y anti lasting over tomorrow. Bishop Themes DO\In of Chlc1go whit preside Q\'er the nlnual confercnce of the E\nnlelcol association which convenes at Sutton Tinursday. Mrs. John 'tyior nn aged lalh' residing nenr Table lock , fel [ rom time porch of her home I lit reeeivell Inllrles that learly proved fatal. She was Ilcenselous for 80me time , but Is now on the roall to recovery with I broken ankle and lany bruises ) 'onr years ago Mr. Drlper of Nlobrnra lost n gold ninngviniie on the road to Creigh- ton I.ast week I little girl on the way to school teunlt tine ninig and It was returned lo its owner , though 11 a very battered con- dillon at tinunes. , as I had been driven over hundreds - tleS. - . . lum/U' .iiiN IS SWISIU , harper's Hnzar : JI Bluff-Mate . wol' nn oralon nnywa\ Penn Tucker-It's nnywaTm 'uckerH's about 1 allen o' tlie to inning one down to ' the 1I'Int , ot the nrgunneumt . IrlUmolt. Gnh'c8101 News : An nllllogy 11 hllrel nn humble 11'Iell ' to \'nll . . ) Pltsburg Chronlle : 1IaI1-M ' horse 19 the most intelligent unlnul 1 Imo\ gco. Harlect-Go 011 ! Iiiitannd-lIe'g away UI In " 'ashlnglol Blnr : "What time does tine last train leave ' " asked tine tr\'cl r. And the gatekeeper lt the Boston depot gn\l him It hlughl ) ' hook aunt ! replied : "When " tine Ioal quits busIness. Phiadelphia Hecord : ' 011)-101) . what IIoc8 a triumph or 1\11 \ over mutter mean ? ' Tonnumnmy's POll-It that ' TOIIs 101lS 'our mOlher limits \ to unmake II ) her mind before she can mnlee Lii ( her face. Truth : Hjone9 ( very llll'simoliousl.-J Is I great comfol to me to reflect that tune 'l'enl . lirowne-\Vimv 1 " \ ' . tme money. I ro I 1 0-\\11' \\'hneti- ever I want to be Imrtcllnrl ' liberal to my fiends 1 go out amid spmmnd some tune with them. " - Atlanta Connstltnntiont "Tiniunk votn'ii . run for office this year , Colounel ? " t.Snure to , " ' 'hnat'M your cinutumees ? " 'Fim-sL class. . Tine price of cotton mind tine genorni uminr link- mtge of vahmie Imave operimled to brinng votes downi , , to where an inomnct nnmanu hum gtt at ' 'cnn. Harper's inazar : 'Tlntt ciimrge : ngainmst time prisoner is intimidatinig i'tntcrs , ' ' said the Jtntie. "Did Inn use netual vloiencey' ' Iot umcttmai violence , your imonnor , " replied the lrosceuting nttornmey , 'but. it was In- tinuidmitiomi , nevertheless. He was at time Polls iii. time interest at' time republican ticket. He mmd a li'e mnotnse inn his pocket , with a. string tied to its tail , mutt wineni a dtnmnocrnttir lady arrived to vote lie would let thmo animal mum uncross tIme iloor. Your honor can imagine tIne result. " Detroit Free Press : "What is Mm , fllannk's tla' at henna ? " nsked a indy of a veary . lookinng nnnnn she met at. a. reception , .ZIIY % yife is aim 111)-to-date wornanu , and doesn't have tinny dat' at home , " was the dejected answer. - Harlem Life : She ( after tine unmasking- ) I see that strawberries are eu tine bill of fare , George. lie ( nmervotmsiy-Yes ) , but time ) ' are very sour at this season of tine year , SIne-Of course ; hint I tlmink I wilt take a few , One canmnot expect uitrawber- rica to be at their best in March , you know. Ietroit Free Press : Winghe-Tiiere's oniy 0110 trotnbie with tine immeans nay cook geta U p. p.WangleWhat's that ? Whngie-I can't get thnenn down , Washmingtomi Star : " 1 mail a. long argu- , , fluent with Jiult tinint moruming , " said the controversial man , "and I counvineed him. " 'So ins told nine. " "ha ! He acknowledged it to you , did lie ? lIe said he'd rather be convince thaii talked to dentin , any day. " hERE THEY ARE. New York Recorder , And now each tired dramatic "show" Is coming iii , Both muorthi and otnthn , 'mid higim amid low' , It's mnied a din ; Sonne struggle witlm financial woo , While otiners win ; And as their ngenuts cease to "biow , " We buds begin. JIWIIT .IH ! i'JLL. Atianta Constitution. Might's well sing a song of hope as grows about the weather ; In time light or in the imigid , go Ingin' all togetheri When it's wiumuhy , fly your kites ; when tue summer's heaters Roast you brown , don't rear aroun' , but go to kuhn' skeeters ! Singin' on the way Mumkes winter sveet as May ; Aim' you might Ins well be happy 'Till tine jedgmeat day ! Might's well whistle as you go as growl because - cause you're gem' ; It you strike a thorn or so , maybe it's your unowlu' ! Thorns wuz fer a PUTROSO made-hard to live without 'em : It you look you'll always find roses all about 'cmi Singin' on the vuny Makes winter sweet as May ; An' you might as well be happy 'Till time jedgnnent dumyl u \ k / ' Yourunon78 ! _ WthOT _ 1 : . , t ? .43 , ; . . ; # y. . . - t.- . fiiti . I.zJ' ' ; ' ? : . ( . % 2't t1 I - . - . The First Gutt Fired"- We ai'e hitting thorn all-so used to it are we that it's no trouble at all to bring down our man. We are loaded this year with an unusually line lot ot" Spring Suits and Overcoats , and together with the exclusive tailor styles and the special low prices we are creating quito asonsation. We never allow a garment to leave the store unles3 the flt and style is perfect , no matter who you are , For tarlW reasons we are able this year to make lower prices 'han ' ever , while the clothes themselves are ot' the ies weave3 , Browning , King & Co. Relluubhe Ciothniera , S. ' .V. Cur. 15th utnid 1)omiluis Sts.