Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 27, 1895, Image 1

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ES'l'AnLISlllm JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAhA : , WEDNESDAY : MORINU , lIIAROl 27 , 1806. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. t
, _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ 1 - T ' _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1'IVE _ _ _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _
German , Kaiser Pays a Visit t the Ex-
Ohncelor at FrIodrohsIb ,
TrODI'S'Ioronly Chccr the nctrNt State -
Inn-Ucclll/ of the OnnL
11\1 ; tlcO lIni'i'y hy the nCCO- -
nlUul AccurccII him.
FnlDUCISnUl March 2&-Emperor
William , at the bead of a detachment of
cavalry , Infantry and artillery , with colors
flying amt bands playIng , paid his respects ,
today to Prlnc ! Ismlrcl ( , presented hIm with I
a sword of honor In behalf of the army and
congratulatell him UlJn the 80th anniversary
of his ' 'birth Ills majesty was accompanle
by the Crown Prince 1rederIckViitIatn ,
General Dronsart von Sehclemlorf , the mln- I
hter or war , ami the olcers of his milItary .
household The ceremonlts atellng the
vIsit ot the emperor to the great chancellor ,
though marred by showers of rain , were
brilliant and Imposing. The crowds rOBnll }
at wilt through the Sachcnwald , and nearly
1,000 Ilersona ! gathered behind a low hedge
on the railroad embankment OI'os1e the
castle , while others were grouped along the
roadway to Aumehle , a village not far from (
rledrlchsruh , and waited patiently In the
drenching showers for the arrival of the em-
peror. Ills majesty and suite left Berln on
a special traIn at 8:20 : this morning for
. - F'riedricliaruh. Ito wore the uniform of the
guards du corls. ) At Aumchlc ho left the
train , cOIS. horse , and accompanied by
hIs suite , rode quickly to the spot selected
for time assembling ot the troops detailed to
do honor to Prince Bisinarcic. In the mean-
while the ImperIal train , with the crown
prInce , proceeded to rledrlchsruh , all soon
after the later's ( arrival here. music In the
distance announced the approach or the caval-
cad , heal by his muJesty.
Time emperor found drawn up ready for his
inClcction ) a sllualron or the laeberslall
cul\uler , of which regiment Prince Us-
marck , as honorary colonel wore the unlorl
yesterday ; the Se\'enl-nlxlh regiment of In-
farHry , and a squadron of Ihe Fifteenth Hus-
sarl , nil with their regimental bands , and a
battery of the holstein artiery rcglment.
With the emperor at its head this force
murched to an open space In Prince lila-
marcl's park and Il1n arrival there the
troops were deployed In parade order.
The approach of his majesty was the sig-
nat for a storm of "hoehs , " whIch \IS taken
up on all sides with great enthusasm. ! The
crown Irlnco and his suite , Including Gen-
oral Count yon Wlidcrsce , hal In the mean-
time walked to the larado ) ground , and as
tmo emperor alJIJClrel on one side , Prince I
smarclt's carriage emerged upon the ground
from the .ther side. The prince wore the
uniform of the lneuerst'ult ' eulr.ssl rs.
When his majesty caught sight of the prince
lie spurred hIs horse forward , alf sitting
gracefully In his saddle , rode at a fast
canter to thQ carriage of the veteran statcs-
man and soldier and cordially shook hands
with him. The emperor then presented the
crown prince and his suite to Prince Ds-
marcl Dlsmarele hurriedly descended from '
his carriage , shook hands with the young
- prince and with the latter ! re.ento' e I lila er-
rlage. Then , with the emperor riding \olnd
It and General Wallerseo waldng be.llo It ,
the carrlage was ' urin down the lanes of
Iohilers , the ofcers slutng , the troops pro'
sonting .lrins' and tIme bands playing patriotic -
otic airs as the prince : and emperor passed
The prlnco's carriage was than driven to time
middle 0' tiio parade ground , ' where l'rlncQ ,
Dsmarck alghtell ,
'Us 1ajestey took up a poait'on In front
delIvered anitddrezs , at con-
at time troops delvCed -ddrss
graUilatJon to .tbe ptnc nnd In ! hg .IaIQ
of the army : presented him with a sword of
honor of antique ' form , richly embossed and
Inlaid wIth gold. The emperor In presenting
the sword or honor to Prince Dsmarck said :
"Your Serene HIghness-Our whole Father-
land Is ' preparing to celebrate your bIrthday
This day belools to the army , which Is first
called upon to fete a comrade , an old olcer
whose ntl'y placed time army In a p slton
to achieve time mighty deeds which found
their reward In the resurrection ot the
Fatherlam1 The bali of warriors , here as-
semblell Is symbolic of tIm whole army , and
n\oyo all , there Is a regiment calling you
chief , and whoo colors , Ilatng from the
time or the elector and hallowed by the
blood of lar81ahtour , are I monument to
Brandenburg and Prussian famo.
"Your serene highness sees In the spirIt
behind this bam the whole band In battle
array who celebrate the day with us. In
the presence of this band I come to hand
you ' a glt. [ I could not find a holH weapon
than tIme sword tIme no less weapon of the
Germans , symbol at that Instrument which
YOI and my blessEd grandfather helped to
' of the
forgo , sharpen and wlelrl-s'mbol
great buiding time during which mortar
was blood. Iron Is a remedy which never
fails , and which , In the hands of kings and
princes , will , In case of need , preserve unity
In the Interior ot time Fatherland , even as
'hen applied Qutsldo time country I led to
international union. You see enraveJ on ,
the swell time arms of time Helehsland and
your own. May you look upon this a8 a
token of gratitude for deeds recorded In history -
tory which , were brought to a conclusion
twenty-five years ago '
" us , comrades shout hurrah for his
serene Lauenburg. highness " , Irlneo Dslarcl ( , duke ot
Prince Dsmarcl ( In reply saidVili
your majesty permit inc to lay lt your feet
my humblest thanks ? My military position
toward your majesty will not allow mo to
further express my feelings. I thank your
inn jesty. "
Prince Dsmracl ( , who was deeply moved ,
then resented himself In lila carriage , and
the emperor ordered the troop to march
past the prlnco's cnrrlage. The ex-chan-
celor returned time salutes ot time troops with
ovllent pleasure. At the end of this ceremOnY -
mOnY Prince smarclt thanled the cm-
purer for his kindness I and courtesy and
kissed I the emperor's imand. After this time
prince returned to time castle , stood on the
. terrace In which ho addressed the Ileleea
.4 lon yesterday ) ' , awl the emperor led time
culra8811r8 to the front of the caste anll
back aealn '
After limo review I'rlnce Dsmnrcle was
'olned ' by hIs ons , Count Herbert and Count
Wiiiam . and by Count antI Countess Hant-
Eau , Dr. SChwelnlnger amid others of time
househoh lon , who had witnessed ( the presantl-
cmmns GIVEN WITH A WILl. .
When his majesty called for cheers for
Prince Dlsmael , at time conclusion of the ceremonIes -
monIes they were responded to unanimously
by the troops and people. The emperor then ,
amid renewed cheers , grasped Prince IH-
n.arck's lmnmid. Ills majesty afterward en-
tered the 8chlos. and lunched wlh Prince
Dslarck , taking this occasion to present his
best with I seal from the ( writing table ot
his grandfather , Wllnm I. Dlrlne time
luncheon the culraulers remained outside
the caste and the arllery remained as a
guard ot honor on time IJarallo groumiti . From
the spot where the emperor had proposed the
health ot Prince Dsmar l , time artillery fred
S lalute.
Ills majesty , In prop llng I'rlnc Iiismnarck's
tealh at the lunchcan , add ; "Your 80th
birthday occurred durIng the twenty-fifth year
uf the eltenee of the empire. The cougratl-
' 1llons ot tit army alI rendlred i3ereJ by
time memory of the mighty Itrumles. 1 am
to offer you , In frut of my troops , IY fervent
vIshemm , not given to the gn'at statesman , but
, 4 _ to the officer. Three motoes appear to me
4 specially Ilgullclt : today . Tie first II can.
talned In COlosEans , chapter 3. , verse xxII ;
And vb/totvlr ) ' 0 do . do It heartily , 11 to
' tbo Lord , and not unto men. ' I htokins 11.
movable trust In God , wberb ) Wil accent-
, .
44 ' - ' - -
pUshed your mIghty task , anti which , more
eve , the army has never Ilenle
"The Blond Is an expression ot the brave
Count Mansfield , when , with the sword In his
mailed hand , be boldly confronted his toes In
overwhelming numbeu You have often
proveJ the truth of this mole , especially at
time time the weighty resolutions of my grandfather -
father were maturing , when you , proudly
pointing to hIs officers , reminded him of time
Iorte lCpeo ( sword bearer. )
"ThQ third mete , 'Spe tour Agenda'
( Let lS bo judged by our actions ) , lY
1nglsh : dragoon regiment , the first royal
dragoons , wrote with proud conscousnes on
their standard , when , after riding down the
enemy , captured their colors. This mete
serves to answer anything your enemies and
reviers may say or 110. We , who today
joyfully ' and admirIngly fete you as comrade
and colleague , with bearfelt thanks to God ,
who permItted you to comnpeto ! each spendll :
work tinder time glorious old emperor , one
and all join ' In the cry which all Germans , 1
from the snowclad Alps to the dykes of the
hiolt , where time breakers thunder and roar ,
wi shout with glowing hearts : 'Prince
Israrck ! , duke of Lauenuerg , lobe hochl' "
( hurrah. )
After time toast offered by 1INror Wi-
lam at the luncheon had been drlnle , PrInce
Ismarck said : "W1 your majesty permit
10 to eXlless my thanks briefly ? You
have called upon mo In my capacity of a
Irlsslon ofilcer. In reply to your toast , I'
cnn only confrm the words I used ten years
ago on time occasion of time reception of time
genomls In lioriimi-timat time host point In
my life Is that I also' have been a lrusslan
oiiicor. Hld I not been so I should not have
fallen In time right paths , but an oleer of the
Ninth reglmont of time Landwehr was my
guide , who , In iSIS , IJlaced me In the right
vay , namely , time path of adherence to tim
relnlng ! house , while having reard for
other ountrles whIch do not POuOS time
advantages ot a reigning house. In short , I
emerged from the yen 1848 with feelings of
moro intense adherence to time royal house
than perhaps ! In timy previous rustic ignorance
I could have expected I contnued ! In this
path , onrptr < d and devoteJly , as long as
my activity was re'ulred. I was throughout
convinced that without adherence to the
dynasty there was no salvation for Germnn\
Wo need only look at France. Since time i
dynasty them was removed \ here I It pos-
slblo to find n rallying poInt ? That Is al-
ways a disputed ( ItmOstlOn. Let Ud hold
fast to what we haveVo have
not only Germany In a single
empire , but wo have our princes anti ruIer. .
concerning whom Roman historians extoi
their adherence , to the Oermans-an adherence -
once which we scarcely equal In the spirit
of German loyalty to the royal house. I
beg you to charge your glasses and drink
wih mo time healh of my gracious ( sov-
ereign. Long le' to hIs majesty , time emperor -
peror king. "
The empress or Germany commissioned the
crown prince to present to Prince Bsmarck
a beautiful basket of rows and a letter of
cOngratemiations The crown prlnco handed
the gift to Prince Dsmarck with time simple
words : "I rom Mamma. "
The emperor has appointed PrInce Ds-
immarci's physician , Dr. Sehwelnlnger , to be
privy medical councior , and has conferred
upon Dr. Crysander , hilsmnrck's secretary ,
time Order ot the Crown. The railroad sta-
ton , postolco and all places of rledrlchs-
ruh and neighborhoOd were decorated wIth
fags tOday In honor of the emperor's visit
and of the occasion.
The Imperial train started from here on
its return to Berlin at 3:27 : p. m. The em-
peror was escorted to his saloon carriage \y
General Count Von Waldersee. Before he departed -
parted he had an earnest conversation with I
Dr. Schwelnlnger from the window. At the
last moment Prince Dsmarck appeared on
the platorm In order to tale fInal leave of
the emperor , "nl 'leer ! were raIsed and con-
tnued -long ' after the prince reentered the
caatle. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
cate.loi".lohn " 'II " 181t 118lRrelt ,
.ERLN , March 2G.-The grand luke or
Baden and Chancellor von Hohenloho will
vii Prince BIsmarck tomorrow.
. 1
' .IlltSX8D'OIllCITCCO ; Ills li'.IXHEl.
Tragic Ellln ; of a 6tr"ngo Story of De-
sortlon null ltccognttlon.
FOnT SCOTT , ICan , March 2G.-Noah
Slrevl , aged 2E , son ot Stewart Strevil , the
ranchman who was found before his own
lonely hearth on his ranch near this city
about two weeks ago with his throat cut
and his head crushed , arrested '
aUI heed was today ,
charged with the murder oC the father
whom he had never seen until last July.
This arrest revives the remarkable romantic
IncIdents or the murdered man's / . In lSGG
he left his wife now Mrs. lolng , , and an
unborn babe In Hates county MissourI , near
Crescent City. The babe was born a son ,
and the mother , having received word from
Kansas City that her husband . who had HO
n YJterlouHIY , I app ar d , had been killed 1
nt js.ansas t..mty axma inrown in Ihe river
Jansasly anI Urown 1 ,
married James lolng and moved to Dour-
bon count ) ' . The son grew to be 2 'eal'S
old , anti last Jtmly . by a strange coincidence ,
IlenUOCt the father , Stewart Blrevl , who
had been married twenty-six years ago to
another woman und was living on a ranch
nol twenty miles from where the boy and his
mother had Ilnly located. .
.1V71-XIou'r 1.tW 'Ul NRI 'unI { .
Selmtor Iln\11 \ , Introllneo. a Dr.I.Uu
MIRIUrO In tim . Teirimature.
ALBANY , N. Y. , March 2G-Senator Mul-
him Introduced In the senate today a bill pro-
hlhltng any woman from appearing In tights
or In any Indecent costume at any Place
where mnle pp\ons arc assembled . An
offense Is deemed a misdemeanor and la pun-
Ishable by Imprisonment of not leIs than
thirty days nor more tuna one year for
ench . otfense . Ammy person who procures any
woman to so appear shall Ullon just convic-
ton bo plnlshell ly Imprisonment oC not less
than three months nor more than n ) 'ear
amid upon each subsequent conviction haul !
he aPlteneed to time slate's prIson for a term
not less titan two years nor mOle than live
years , or to Pl ) ' a hue or not less lmn $10
101 mar ' tUU $ t.o. Time posting or theatri-
cal or other hills wih Indecent pictures Is
IJ'ohlllel. , as Is also the publication or so-
clle.1 high art plclures In any maazlne ,
newspaper 01' other publcaton. !
.UU.n TJlY CU.llWll L.ur J : J-ALll.
t'rcihiioxmt 1111 " 'ery l'robmshiy IOrll" to
. \ "I''lnr Conmniiislomer . ,
CHICAGO , March 2G-A special tram i
Washington lars : 'l'he subject of f"relgn
relations occupied only a small par of the '
ntcnton ot the presIdent and hilts cabinet
today. Time chief stmbJect discussed at the
regular cabinet leetn" wa lhlllldl ) . of
the law creatng the monetary conmnmission
The fact that the attorney cenerl was absent -
sent , engaged In time Dehs case Irl\ment
blfolc the tiupremne court , detracted some.
what tlom time immt * rest ot the dieuslomm .
' 1he vmesident Is Htronly Inclined to the
oplilion , ! ! , tu time , _ . \Volcott _ urejolu.tqILwnl"tn -
\111 , lnn IICre IS n IHrnl 11011111) ' iliac
ho may ICfU80 to IPIJolnt the Ihree commissioners -
sioners Ilthorlzed I ) ' the last congress. No
conclusion was meacimed on the subject. it
18 snlt that Judge Cllbu'lson ot 'J'exus , one
of the ommlssloners selected by the house
or representatives . ulll I tree silver nlh'o.
cate , calncldel wlh the president's views .
ln'lo.t Oi t I . l.mb I . , 1.lmh.r 0 ' 11"ny ' ,
KANSAS CITY , March 26.-Attorney
Elijah Hohlnson Iled In attachment sui
for the National lall ( or Commerce tOday
lalnst J. hi. 1emll , Charles 'I' . Ben1s and
William N. hlemnis , ot the Bemis Lumber
(1flipmtfly , ' 1hl IHmbued for Is $1 HI1SI , the
amQunt ot jud&m.nts secured agafrmmmt the
lumber company l ) the bank some years
ago _ _ _ _ . _
, Iivnrei frnm.S r I. . . JII\ua\cr.
B1" LOUIS , March -Mrs. . Anna Von
del \he , wife or the base bal magnate ,
was today frnted In absolute divorce I ) '
the circuit court , and Chris will have to
pay her $ .I50 ulmony In gross. The proceedIngs -
ceedIngs were conducted very quiet ) ' , Mr.
, lieI Ah.'IS lot In court havll/ ! -
10wlI' n default to be courti rl. yea del
Ale charge'l ' infidelity ,
Pus ll't.r I Il\u I itm I fur Mal it .ibbiimp.
l'JNCINN.TJ , 0" , March 2- Wilam I ,
' 'IIIII , uiDetmnastem' at Jaellsonlro , was
indicted today for 1'obbn ! the mails .
DIspatch t that Effect Reoived by the
Japanese Legation at Walngton ,
Ill'Osslblt ; or Extractimmg time nuloL and
time . \.1'1 I c(1110 of time I'atiemmt
Ulvll RI T\O nf time leRsons
. for II ! (1.lllon ,
NEW YOnK , March 2&- ' special to the
Press from Washlngtol ays : In a prIvate
cablegram from Tolco received by a member
of the Japanese legation here today , Is con-
\'cyed news of wor1lwld3 Interest. Accord-
Ing to this dispatch , which comes from the
highest official source In JApan , a Oerman ! ,
physician who Is a professor nt the Universiy
of Tolco and an expert of high standing , was
sent yesterday at time personal request of the
Mikado to examine LI Hung Chang's wound.
After a thorough examination of his distinguished -
tnguished patient , time physician reported
confdenlaly to time Mikado that LI Hung
Chang must die. The wound Is In
the face , and the bulet , which the
surgeon hall not succeeded In extractng ,
yesterday , Is apparently beyonJ reach More-
over LI Hung Chang Is 70 years of age , and ,
though a giant physically , his years are
against him. The dispatch whIch conveys thIs
information Is a prIvate ami ! confidential one ,
but its trustworthiness Is not doubted by its
clplent , who gave time news to the press
SIIMON SEKI , March 2&-The condition
of 11 Hung Chang Is favorable. I Is reported
that he has now consented to the extraction
of the bullet In his face. His only fear was
of a lack of cleanliness on the part or his
physicians In using old Instruments
CllS1IS ; A - Ul'T1NU 'I'EH. .
In Adnitlon to /luloy Shin Is S'Ihiiimmc 10
. . .
Cede Numoron. IIB.uh.
ST. PETERSBURG , March 2G.-I Is stated
on good authority that In addition to the
Indemnity , which will bo guaranteed by time
provisional occupation of the Chinese terrItory -
tory already occupied by the Japanese , LI
hung Chaxig' . the Chinese peace envoy , Is
authorized to cede to Japnn the Loo-Choo
Islands , which lie to the south or Japan ; time
MaJlro Sima group , to the eastward of For-
mimosa ; time Islands of Datnn and Dahyan ,
which lie to the northward of the Phll-
pInes ; and time Island of Formosa. Imtruc-
tons have been given to Lt Hung Chang
orderIng him to oppose any demand for the
cession of territory In the Llao Tung I
peninsula. As a last resort ho may suggest the
conversion of the peninsula Into a butler
state between Corea and China on condition
that It be placed under the protection ot
RussIa , France and England
Opposition In the hungarian Diet Compels
au Obnoxious Ulehd to \Vlh < r..w.
LONDON , March 7-A dispatch to the :
Standard from Vienna says that there was
a scene or unequaled violence In the lower
house of the HungarIan Diet today , time occasion -
casion being the appearance In the gallery
of a returning officer connected : with an
election sca dal. Time members of the opposition -
position arose In a body and shouted :
"Expel hIm : remove the scoundrel "
The oleer disregarded those cries , whereupon -
upon the opposition shouted : "To the gal-
lows wih him , " "To time pillory with him , "
at the same time frantically beating on the
The president of the Chamber tried to
pacify time excited members , but , found It
Impossible to restore even a sembanco of
01101 until le compelled the obnoxious
ofcIa to withdraw.
Spectator lit 1 Uul Fight ChRlonges time
l'restdont to R Duol.
CITY OF MEXICO , March 26.-At a Sun-
day bull Qght Juliet de la Elzeldo , editor ot
the Corfo and EspAnolo , became offended at
the rulings ot Jesus Contreras , one of the
members or the city council who was time
presiding jUdge at the function , and challenged -
lenged him to fight a duel. Contreras re-
pled that It was Impossible for him to con-
sider the chalenge , as the offense was taken
as the result of his official and not personal
actions. 'fhe Incident Is one of the most
interesting which has occurred since the reestablishment -
establishment of bulfghtng In the federal
district , and Is time frt time 1 spectator
has allowed his enthusiasm lver the famous
Spanish sport to run away wIth his reason
In the direction at the judge , who Is con-
sldore by . time rules to bo above ' criticism
In his rulings. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WILL sucCmutNISTEn LiiUutIJ.Gm % .
lenor DUI > Y do 1.lmf UIU lie "alt to
\ . 'tilnmmotm from Saln. ;
MADRID , March 2-The Spanish minister
to the United Slates Senor Muruaga , cabled
hIs resignation to the Spanish government
Immediately on time formation of time new
ca\lnet. The appointment ot Senor Dupuy
de Lomo as Senor Muruaga's successor will
be gazetted as soon os It Is known the ap-
IJolntment receives the approval of the United
States govcrnmnent
( WIG J ) . JSUITOY u.lilm .tJJtJSt
l'ronmlnent nOllonla' ( : hlrlod wills Passing
Worthl.u ( : heck8
NEW YORt , March 20.-0rorgo D. Burton ,
un electrIcian of the New England house ,
Boston , was brought hero today under arrest
Burton caled : on the bankIng firm ot DroJwor
& McGowan of 2 Wal street last hJccemnber
lie represented hlnHolL a the senor ! member
of the George D. Burton Ietng company of
Doston and wanted to borrow $ H , OOO to pmt
Into his buslne lie was willing to pa ) I
$ ,500 for the use of time monoy. The brokerage -
age firm agreed to Juan Burlon the $ H , OOO
and gave It to him In three notes or $5,000
each , which were to bo bold ! by Burton's con ,
cern to bo used ns collateral , hut Burton , It
Is alleged , sold the notes lie paid time firm
of Dronwor & lcGowsn the $ for the
use of l5,00O by 1 check of $500 on the
Market National bank of Boston and $ ,00 In
a draft to his own order Ten days after the I
money was advanced both time check and !
draft were found to be worthles. '
UrouwEr said today : "Durton Is a reput-
bbs man and Iluito prominent In Bostoxi . hIs
Is IJresldent of the United States mectre :
Forging cOmpany of that city and senior
member of the George D. Burton leat'ng
and Forging company. lie I. the 'tnveato
of time Hurton ttock car , which Is used ex.
termalvely by the railroads for the transfer tt
live stock. " .
a- '
aiovemmient. uf S.asolno SusseiN , larch 20.
At New York-Arrlved-Taurlc , from
At New York-Arrlved-Mobawk , from
At San Franchco-Departe-Cblna for
10ngkolg and Yokohama
- - -
lu ! It tRlt Ulpullt In AIhAnIA ,
ADUEY\'ILLE , Ala. , March 26.-A big d"
posit of rock sal hu been discovered on Joe
Jefferson's island at a depth ot G3G feet.
TIlUUlT Ills ru' , W4 . ,1 "ITCl ,
ORV" tier n 10. . nrJ' ) , db(1 SeL Fire to
1.1 Clothing to Irlvo ( hit . vl 11.lrlt ,
WATERFORD , Ireland , ? dhtcit % 6-A most
extraordinary case ot mtmxitelarting from
superstition , was Inquire'nto \ today by
the special court ot clonm'M" twenty-fve miles
( rein here. Ten persons Iwtrc arraigned be-
fore the court , charge wl\h \ murdering a
Woman namcII Clear becabe they supposed
her to bo 1 witch. ,
The prIsoners IncludeltJl \ : ' murdered
woman's husband and father The evidence
showed that she was sufering front nervousness -
ness and bronchitis amid , her husband ,
believing her to be be\yltched , and
In order to exorcise tht evil spell ,
obtained n concoction frdm a Herbalist
ot the neighborimood. Then , whie the other
prIsoner held the unfortunate woman In
bed , her husband forced the obnoxious : con- :
cocton down her throat.
After this the suffering woman was held
over a fro and dreadfully burned until she
declared In the namD of 00(1 that she was
not Cleary' wife. ThIs torture was repeated
on the folowing tiny , but the woman reusell
to conform to her husbAnd's request , where-
UPOII ho knocked her ' down , stripped off her
clotlmlng . IJurel1 parafn o\'er her body , then
lighted It and the wonl\ \ " burned to death
In the presence of six male - , and two female
Cleary declared that be was not burning ,
his wife , but that ho was burning n witch
and she would disappear lP the chhlne ) ' .
When the woman was dead her bUlbanll cl-
lected her charred remaIns In a sheet and
buried them In a dyke beneath the mud ,
where the ) were tound a week later
The prisoners ) , who wire remanded , nar-
rowly escapell lynching at the hnnds of the
crowd In and about the court room anti haul
to bo remove to Jai under the escort of a
strong force of constables ,
Sevol lIumdredVouiiitcd Hpunhh ' o JOr
In tile UO"I.llll. .
POnT TAMPA Fin March 2-The
: , " , 1Irch ( -
Plant : steamship arrived tonight from Hn-
vana. One or Its nassenlers states rumors
In Havana say Baamo and : Innzanlo
ha\e been catured by the Insurgents. The
whole land l Is In an anxious state. In
Mnnzitnullo , Santo Clelds , the Spanish commander -
mander , was defeatet and wounded. Denials
oC a race war are emphatic. Reports are that
there are 15,0 SIJnlsh troops now on the
Islund. There Is much fighting In the east-
er part or the Islnnd. A commissioned
olcer Is on every train , anti at each sta-
ton a detachment of Spanish troops come
aboard and I'eport. Yesterday 2,0 troops
arrived In Havana. They were all well
drilled. The troops are on their mettle and
guard all points or the city. Time whole
Island Is practically under martial law ,
Another passenger who 'cume on the
Mexico , plying between SalHlago and Savannah -
vannah , state that at GUtemaln they
waled two days for the AtQMO XII and
from her tool 2,0 troopsi ' to Santiago. He
reports them all young , men of good
physique. While on the island he visIted
the hospital at , Clenrlcgos mind saw over
30 wounded Spaniards HIs estimate was
that there were 70 wotmndcd In all . Vague
.sklrmlsh Guanti-
reports announce a near Guant-
name last Friday ; also . conflict between
: Ianzanlo amid SantagOI Sqturday , The
losses were heavy and the Spaniards were
ereated. Humors state , tat 20 spaniards
have joined the insurgent tn , the eastern
department. "
! IIule lie mot or RU Opju9Lutty 10 tonic ,
VANcouveR ' D. C" , , .MJJch 2.-uaw'er
from Honolulu arc here ' threatening to bring
suit against the Cannll1 Pacific Railroad
company on behalf of Mueller ; Cranston and
Johnson the departed Hawaiian ' exiles . who
arc now clalmlngJlGO damages each for
having been brought from Hawaii
against their wi on time railroad
company's steamer . ' The Canadian .
Pacific company . had In bon from '
the Hawaiian government however , indemnifying -
demnifying them against Joss through any
acton , ofthe kind. WIlam A. Kline , who
resided as judge advocate at the recent
court martial In Honolulu. 'Js here and has
employed counsel to defend the threatened
action. He asserts that ' tht Hawaiian gov-
Cmnent acted within Interlatoral law , and
that at any rte the damages claImed by
time exiles are preposterous , as they were
only making a bare living In Honolulu.
Itofuioul I to U.aURS . ! Itlltl" ' ! l'rup09RII.
BERLIN , March 2G-Durlng the dIscussion -
slon at t e management iot' the Deutsch
\ank In the felchstag , Copnt yon rlrbach
all Count von Kardor attacked the hos-
tity at the governor ot admInistration ,
Dr. Coch , to binuetaiiism. Dr. Koch- refuted
these attacks amid loud applause from the
members or the left .
A melon upofl , behalC Qr the consera-
lives 10 discuss Count vim Kanltz's ng-
rarlan prposals tomorrow was defeated aA-
I vote or 19 to & 6. '
Editor Arro 'ted ' , for ' 'ronlon.
COPENHAGEN , Mar h G.-Herr Noerre-
mol , editor of Heindel , Jblshed ' at Denrna ,
In northern Schleswlg , hos been arrested
on the charge or treason In' cOllnualy ld- !
vacating with Denmark the reunion . or northern ' Shleswlg
. "x-l'rhul Warden Viole t. DoI. !
MONTREAL , Que. , Mlrch O-Ex-Warden
L VIolete ot St. Vincent i jie Paul penitent
died . It who subdued
tary todlY. I was re
the great convict rcvol eight years ago nt
the penlentary , , .
ln.l.h Ibl18 Urdotld to Formosa.
LONDON , March 2G-A dispatch from
lonAkong to the TImes' BlyS thnt the Drl-
Ish warshIps Spartan nld Bed Breast have
been ordered to proceed to Formosa . Imme-
dlatcly. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( : llhu time l.b , " , 4trui I'norly Prned .
MADHID , March 2G.-I1 .lberal says
thal time Cuban rebels del not exceed 3.0
In number , that only hair of them arc armed
and that the majority arB ' , negrQes.
IrurR' . \ et of Tao , Iuralsrs ,
DRIDGETON , N. Yi , , March 2G.-Two
masked burglars entered lme residence of
the Misses Elza and lullha Brown , who
reside In Lower Hopewell , last night anti
demande their 10ne ) ' , ' 1he women pro-
tested that they had no money concealed
about the 'premises One ot the burglars
then beat Eliza Insensible wtim ! the butt end
oC his revolver. lie wJh covered bath
women with his revolver' , whie his pal
ransacked the house. Finding no money
the robbers forced tile , wemran to give up
their pocketbooks , WOrlon In / about
$1. : ; Time two men contalnlnl 1 . telling the
women to mlle no outrym.or they would
return and runler timem 'i InjurIes , to-
Iether with time nerouruh , ck received by
Riiaa are expectell 1 . .IJrpv atal .
- .
. "
Iult AIAlnit IkhlhoQAl 'orknu" .
GUTInE , Old. , March , 2-Sul wal
brought In time circuit ' our , .fert today by .
time HllJrele lodge , United , ; . Workmen of
America , to enjoin the grtmn&h & ledge ot Oklahoma - .1
homa from using Ita name , losl&nll an
generl Imaraphermmalla . Tile ; suit Is the
I-esul oC an ali light betwee the suprem
lodge antI the OkllholJL organizauiomi .
When the lodge was started , In this terrItory -
tory dlfCerences resulted bJ\ween \ I and the
granll lodge and the tennlimIgi lodge sepa-
rated from the supreme lafge Jud organized
under a charter ot its qwn. However , I
made use of the name and nit ether torm-
uils ot the natonll order , qll time supreme
lodge wants to enjoin time further use ot its
pr011erty and asks fOr 'GO for the last ) use
or such
" litany for 111111' (1uqrs ' ,
S'l. LOUIS , March ,20.-ThO , Sunday Clos-
ing association scorel another victor today
aCer % great legal battle In the conviction
ot Jlcob Kurtz , who was charged with mmcii.
Ing whisky on Sunday . The crusade Is to
be Ilushed vigorously. '
\e vlgoroUIY. - _ _ . _ _ Impron on Itli"U
NEW hAVEN , Conn. , March 2G.-S. J ,
Morgan , employed In the mechanic's tie .
purtment of Yale Scientific 8chool. hal Invented -
vented an apparatus by means at which th
use or the motor dynaimmo Invmted by Edl.
lon Is ob\'la ted. 1)
J'rur""r Cut lu\\n II liii I'rlml.
PIILI.ADF1LI'IIIA , March -John A.
Ryder , professor of COtUparatve embryology
ut the lnh'ellly or l'elnS'lvlnll , tiled In
tils city today , aged 43 ) 'ulr\ dlee
ManItoba Legislnturo Takes No Acton on
the School Question .
Iet"Rl to Comply with time : nntRle Ibid
by One I'nctol lu no aim Act of Uebot-
liotm-No himdicmstloim of YI"II-
Ing oi tim Other Shle.
ST. PAUL , Mlmmn. , March 2&-A WInnipeg ,
Man" , special to the Pioneer-Press s's : The
frt step In tIme renewed fght over parochial
schools In Ianltha began In tIme legislature -
ture this afernoon , won time full mcssage
was presented from time Dominion govern-
mont at Ottawa , ordering the : llnloba leg-
Islatnro to give the Catholics their rights
as they existed before the abolition of parochial -
rochial schools In 1890. The reading of the
Ottawa message : occupIed over an hour , and
all verbIage removed , It amounts to time rc-
quest as above stated : I. larln , a
I rench.Catholc member of tIme legislature ,
urged that the govrment shoull take 1m.
mediate action , but Premier GI'ecU\'ay IJro-
tested , saying time messnge should be IJrlnlel1
In order that all members might Imow what
they were dealng with. Hero time maier
rested and the discussion will now probably
not take place till Thursda ) Meanwhile
LImo sltualon grows moro commiphlcated.
The Catholics and their frlemls say that
Oreenway and his followers , If they reject
the order from Ottawa , are rejeclng a document -
ument ordered and slgnell by her maJest ,
time queen . amid such act wouhl be equivalent
to open rebellion . They say the ) ' c1nnot
conceive hol tIme Dominion overnment ' I
could do otherwise than mal < time formal
reqttast they have made , as they were bound , !
so far as lay In Ihelr power , to take Immediate -
diate action upon time decision of the highest
court , and see that the grievances of her
majesty's subjects of time Homan Catholc
faih In Manitoba received redress at the
earliest possible momenl.
The Oreenway government contends on
the other hand that the IJresent school law
Is satisfactory to many Catholcs Ir It were
not for the agitation by the prIests of time
church. They say that /anloba Is
coerced Into recreating a dual system , dunl-
Ism both In language and education will be
extended to the territories as well , and thus
there will be IJerotualed In the west the
evils which have caused dissatisfaction nnd
stagnation In the older province Amen !
the members on time government side tonight -
night It seems to be a mnter ot opinion
that the remedial order will be disposed or
during the coming weel , ' and wlhout any
great amount of speaking Premier Green-
way , when speaking on the mmmattcr . said the
length of the discussion would depend upon
the amouft Indlvldu'l members wanted to
talk Premier Greenway denies that he will
compromise the maier by Introducing a bill
making time schools entirely secular.
OTTAWA , Oat. , March 2G.-'rhe news from
Winnipeg that Premier Greenway has declared
that "time gvernor general's order wi be
rejected In its entirety ( meaning the order to
grant remedial legislation to the Catholics In
the mater ot separIte selmools ) 'whie not un-
cxected , has created great exclement In om-
'lat circles. I'ls admlte" tluit the situlloq
Is pregnant with erllc:1 possibilIties : and timat
much depends upon the acton of time DomInIon -
Ion government. I Is , of course , possible that
the Manitoba legislature may shelve the ques-
ton for a year , as time federal Parliament
has no jurldlclon tl time province acts or
refuses 10 act on the order. But this seems
hardly likely to happen , judging from time
reports ot the feeling among the majority of
the people of Manitoba. ,
Assuming then that the order In council of
the Dominion government , Is ignored , what
will be the steps taken by the government to
enforce its commands ? This questIon may
b determined by the outcome of two bye-
elections , one In Quebec and time other In On-
larlo which arc shortly to be held
VerchEres , an old "rouge" ( liberal ) district -
trict In Quebec , Is vacant The goverment
will bring on , an election thcre , and If the
conservative candidate Is returned the govern-
ment will bo encouraged to Introduce a bill
In Parliament st the coming session re-estab-
Ishlng the Catholc parochial school system
In ManItoba.
The other vacancy Is In Ialemlan , which
vent conservative by a small majorIty at the
last election . Shoul the result of the con-
lest show , as I Is expected , large liberal
gains , It will bo evident that what the government -
erment has gained In the French and Cath-
die constituencIes , I has lost In the English
and Protestant districts , and the government
will have to choose between the
wl two or en-
dcavor to appease both \y some Intermediate
The Drltsh North AmerIcan act Is an elas-
tic affair , and It will be a dllcul - matter for
the government to decide thot I has or that
It has not the right to interfere In the educa-
tonal legislation of the provinces. I If should
decide to Interfere It Is probable that the IC-
ton would make the political division of Can-
ada 'coincidefit wIth Its great religious division
or would lead to' a series of appeals to the
courts , the end \ ot which can scarcely be fore-
So far the acton or the government has
resulted In stirring up a feelng In OntarIo
very hosle to itseif , while In Quebec It has
hall a directly contrary effect. None of the I
party organs In Ontario dare to commi them- .
selves to any definite statement as to the
course to be pursued toward Manitoba. The
liberal papers , naturaly , their party being In
opposition , are delighted at the trouble , and
devcte many columns to reports of all news
bearing on the school , questIon , whie time gov-
erment organs , to give one example , yesterdAY -
dAY gave a notice In four or five lines of time
arrival ot the order of council at Winnipeg
BuL the Independent journals wIthout ex-
cepton cry out against any IntrrferencQ by
time Dominion In time school acalrs of the
province. Their cry Is "hands oil , " amid there
Is no doubt as to that being the sentment of
the great majoriy of Protcstants.
MONTREAL , Iareh 20.-The excItement
In Quebec over time school , Iueston Is none
the less real because I Is In a meaturo subdUed -
dUed for time tIne hong. I Is not
yet known what wi be the acton
ot the DomInion goVernment In the
event of a refusal of Manltuba to grant
roredlal legislation to the Catholics , and
untIl It Is known there will ho mme great
public outburst , The tone of time rench
prel , however , distncty Indicates what
will happen If the Oranges , as they term
them , triumph. Considerable additional
feeling among the French Catholcs has been
created by n paper read tOllay before the
Irotestant 1lnlterlal association uy
Hev. " ' . T. Oraham , and whIch has been
ordered to bo prlntell In ( till by the nasa-
elation. novo Mr. Graham made a bitter
attack on the Jesuits and called on all loyal
citizens to unite to leellro theIr eviction
from Camiada Mr. Orahnm closed his ad. i
dress with the decllraton that time right I
or ManItoba to enact her own school laws
must bo preserved ,
- .
Illu GOll1 Gulll % \.1 fur thor Illth , ,
ST. ' LOUIS , 1arch 2G.- ls9 Helen Gould
and her brother , Frank , her physician , Ir ,
1unn , and a Party ot friends from 'rarr ) ' .
town , N. Y. , are stopping lt the Southern ,
The party Is on the WiY t the Pacific
coast , where Miss Gould will try to recover
Cram the effects of la grippe , with which Ehe
has been suffering recently . General Man-
ap'r Doddrlge at the MissourI Pacific and
a large number of prominent railway men ,
day wIth their wIves , called on Miss Gould ' to-
" "AIIII "pr.allll In Okialmoimumi .
OUTI nIl Ii , Okl. , March 26.-Smallpox
Is preldln" near the town oC Moore , Cleveland -
land county , Oklahoma , ten cases being fully
developed , and others are expected to niche
themselvu manifest. Scores of people were
exposed before the disease was rcco nlzed.
lieu Clothlnl ltsisiiuiimnettt 11 ChtcRgo
1ltr,11 : CUlllmlt
ChICAGO , March 2&-A fro which broke
out In time Imsement ot limo Del clothing
house at time corner ot State anti Quincy
streets today destroyed the entIre contents
ot the establshment above time second 1001
nml left emily time wals of time buiding from
thnt floor to time groumt stallln . Occurs
ring nt the busiest hour of the tiny , with
tim store crowllell whim customers amid em-
plo'e , anti limo fames running through tIme
bulhlnr hike a train of powder . tilling every
smock 1111 corer with the smoke , It was re-
marlahlo Ihnt 10 lives were losl. In at-
temptng to escape from time bulhlnr the
folowing IJersons were Injured :
C. H. Smith , leg broken In jumpIng from
thl secorll floor , amid brulell about time body.
Dcle hums , elevator boy , alghl ) burne(1
about the face.
Grace : Iertel , clerk , bruised by a fall amid
carried from the btmiithlng.
Helen Caesar , clerk In a store IIJolnlng
time burln builtlimmg . overcome by smoke.
Samuel Colm , leSIAn , anti John WchlI ,
the cnglneer , had 1 narrow escape from (
death They were on the t hiIll fcoI or the
buiding amid dltl not hear time alarm of fire
when first given. 1oth trlNI to get down
stairs and were about to jump but time shouts
of time crowd below warnell them not to do
so. It became too hot for them In tIme window -
dow , arll both men , grslln ! 1 sln which
extomlell across the hulllng just below the
third story wlmluw , swung oil amid heM on 10
the Ilrojeclon until the ) ' were tnken down
\y time fremen ,
Charles Smlh , another ell.loe , was
slgh I ) ' Inured by faiing fro 1 time second
story . The loss on the bulhll waR 16,000
1\1 ! on the stock $ lrOOO. 'fht" I ! 1J was
Insurell for $30,000 , al\l the stlCn m'r I S0OOO.
I TiNSi'i1 imi.AZi AT l\l\AU1I I- .
Y. : mt. C. . \ , Iulh\u l'OIIUIc AlolYlth
Several others .
MI " 'AUK , March 2&-Flro broke olt ,
tonight In time Cour-story block on Grnnd' '
avenue , ownell by the Plank In ton estate , and
completely destroyed the building amid con-
tents. I was occupied by I.lmlaur & Co. ,
wholesale dry goods , anti 'fanner & Co. ,
furulshlng goods The total loss will be be-
tween $500,000 and $600,000 The fire Is not
yet Illler control at 12:45 : a. m. and sur-
rounlng ( property ) Is thmrcatened 'fhe Mu-
wnulce library across the street Is I kely to
bo destroyed .
Atl :45 a. in. time fire Is belevClto be under
control. I has now become one oC the worst
fires In the history of the city The lames
were carried across time street to time Yuung
Ien's Christan assocIatIon : building on the
norlh , one ot the handsomest anti most eom-
Illetely equipped iim time \vest , anti that is mmow
a total loss. To time imortim time flammmcs Imavu
secured a footimold on time Plammlcimmton lmuiltilng.
At timis writing time loss exceeds $1,000,000.
time heaviest. losers bcimmg : Plankimmton estate ,
five-story block , Gramiti avenua tmnd Foimrthm
street ; loss uxmkmmown. Tanmmer & Co. , 117
Grand avenue , 1molesalc anti retail furmmituro ;
loss , $100,000 : insumrammce , $80,000. lieldoim
conipany , reinii clotimlmmg , 311 amid l15 Grand
muvcntme , adjoimmlng l'Inmmkimmton block ; loss 11mm-
known. Groebel & hteinimardt , art goods ammul
uiictumro framimemo , partiaily burned and wlmohiy
ruimmed by imeat amid water ; limsuraimce , $60,000.
Youimg Men's Cimnistlan assocIation buildIng ,
Fifth street , $75,000. There are mmmany minor
losses , includingsmnailstcresmmnd fiats.
IJOdItI ) 01" TR4JE tUEY M.11C16 P1(1111' .
CommmplulhntB A gatmmt Elevator Mon aunt
GraIn hiuyera imeiui ; llomurd
CHICAGO. March 2G.-Time contest between
time brokers and commission' rnerv of the
Hoard of Trade and the elevator men anti
grain buyers was begun today 'before 'time
state warehouse commissIoners , It is being
forced by the Board of Trade or the warehouse -
house conmmission of that body which some
time ago filed complaints against the elevator
men , who not only receive grain , but buy
and sell on time board. Time defendants in
time case are : The Armour Elevator Commm
pany , the Central Elevator commmpany. time
Cimicago & Pacitic.Elovator conmpammy , Charles
S. Counselman & Co. , A. C. DavIs & Co. ,
tim lihinois Trust amid Savimigs bank , time Ciii-
cage Railway , Terminal Elevator comnpammy ,
time George A. Severns compammy , time National
Elevator and Dock conmpammy , time Soutim Cammai
Elevator c immimammy , the Santa Fe Eievatom
company , Kumtim and Co. , and Cimicmugo Eiova-
br company. Against these time fohiowing
complaint has boon filed :
The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elevator corn-
pany is charged tvitim violating the elevator
mw of the state of Illinois Iii thmmit time italti
elevator company is deallimg either directly
or iuthirec'tly In grmuimm stored Iii wareimouses
designated by law as pumbhie warehouset
operated by them.
The sessions of time comimmmmlssloim are imelti
at time Painter imouse , amid each company is
given a separate hearing. TIme sessiomms will
probably continue to the emmd of time week.
The hearing of cases against time elevator
companies of Clmicmmgo en charges preferred
by the Board of 'made wns , after a simort
session , postponed by time State Railway and
Warehouse comnmission until April 4. No action -
tion was taken today ,
i'rotmiliioimt I6mmnaaa City Siimslchnn mmd Ills
% % , Irt , iifrerent Smonioui ,
KANSAS CITY , March 26- ! , special from
Fargo , N. D. , ' to time Times says : Max
Demuci , time noted baritone and teacher of
mntmsic of Kansas City , has been here several
days , amid it was whispered lie vat
imere to spend time usual ninety days prior to
iimmmtituting proceedimmgs for divorce. Time divorce -
vorce colony was today furtimer augmented
by the arrival of Mrs. Dead , Shme was ac-
comimpanied by Lawyer Reeves of Kammias
City , who served on Mr. Dead mu notice of
commtest. In the cnmmmpialmmt lodgt'ul by I'rof ,
Deed imo alieges crmmmmlty , anti cites mmamnes
and instamices where imis wife Is said to Imave
treated both himself anti imis pumpllmu in a
cruel amid unliecoimming manner. Mrs. Debel
puts tin entirely mhifferemmt phase en tIme case ,
i3imo alleges Iencl broke Into imer trunk , re-
liuvimmg lien of all her nmuney while in New
York amid left lmer pemmmmiioss , alma being
obhlgeti to secure a position as servant girl ,
and that by tItle immommiai labor sIte obtaimmeti
money with wimicim to return to Kansas Cliy ,
TIme case will lrohmaiihy lie tried Satumrdmmy ,
'rmd sensational devclopnmemtts are expectoth ,
NOT CONJ'.i OW US 1'hI (1110. 1'.S1 UiW'm't.I.
IximertI l'ronoummmcothmnRammsmms t'mumtlo Muh-
iiuly Saute iifTrcit , ihiasp. ,
TOPEKA , Nan , , March 2G.-Special ( Tehe-
grammm-Dr. ) Mayo of time State Agricultural
college , Dr. flevoo of tIme Bureau of Animmmal
hmmdustry , United States Deportmnrnt otugri -
culture , mind eli LImo mmtenmbr4 of time State Han-
Itary conmimmlssiomm ient to time scene of time ai-
Ieged outbreak of contagious pleuro-pueumnonla
1mm ( leary , Morris and \'abummsie counties to.
day and made a thorough examninatiomm , with
the result that time .diemmte is isoaltlvoiy do-
dared to be not imletmro-irneunmonim. :
Dr. Mayo , who was at first cdnvinceml that
it was Imleuro.lmneumonla , said at midmmigimt
tcimmlghmt timat it is iiroved conclusively timat Ime
was mnistakemm lim his diagnosis ,
ist'U 'Jclrpiiii , , , Eirrt Itlr.etra.
BOSTON , March 26.-Over 125 persons attended -
tended time annual meeting of time Bell To'le.
phOne company imere today , Time meeting
voted to cumsnge time by-laws so as to make time
board of directors thirteen irmetead of twelve ,
\v. R. Driver was unanimously elected treas.
urer amid time foilowing gentlemen were
elected on time board of directors : Francis
Blake , Charles P. Howditcim , George L. hirad-
Icy , Mix Cochran , \'illtam Ii , F'orbev , Fry
SimuWO , Charles Rustic hubbard , Gardiner 0 ,
hubbard , John Ii. hudson , Charles E. Per-
kilts , 'Ftoinas Sanders , Clmariez W. Armory
anti imioaes Williams ,
Time annual report shows time expenses of
time company for the year to be 1,721,45U,87
&nml the net earnings ; 3i23,78.O5. 'Fimo cur.
plus account Ieceambor 1l , 1894. showed
$2U1,0h1.0t , Time long distance conmimany
shows an Immcreaiu In gross earnings of 11.4
per cent , the amount for 1804 greas being
; l,01lu61.62 ,
Partisan Backers of' the Bill Ride Bough- j
shol Over All Opposition ,
Only 'Vcmm Voteit Cast Agimhmmet thmo Infamimool
Leglahmutiomi leslgimmt to Turiu Over
tile tmmmnlixi lepmtrtmmmi'nt to miii
Omttim-hlouimd Order ,
l.lNCOI4 , March 20.-Special-Time ( ) one
all'mihmsorbimug topic of ( iiscimssion iii time hotel
corridors tommlghmt is tIme hirobablo action of
Govermior Ilolcommib witiu referemmco to thia
sugar amid cimicomy luotumity bill antI tIme Ommmmuima
Fire and l'ollco commmmmmission bill. iloth of
tlmeso bills will ho iii his imammuls tomimorron'
for commsitieratlomm , Aitimotmgiu time governor
has given no imimmt as to lila attitude toward
either of these biiis , time rcpumbhicmtns imm tIme
semiate amid itemise scemmi to be simmilmlmmg their
futumro cotmrso upomm time omme theory timat both
bilis will be stammmpcul w itIm time seal of time
govcrmmor's tilsapprovai.Vith timims theory
In mmmlmui , time republicami mimajority 1mm both
houses is bclmmg actively canvassed tommighit iii
aim effort to ascertaimi whmethmer or not a smmfll-
clout smummmber of votes camm be secured to
vass thmeso imlIls ever time govermior's veto.
As far as tIme Ommmaima Fire anti Police coin-
mmmisaiomm bill lit commcerimed , time quaklmmg fear
of its friends that it mmmay be vetoed seems
to prove to tIme mmilxmds of all fmiir-nmlnuled
mmmemm that timey have becmi emmgaged Iii lie-
farIous work iii forcimmg time parsage of ill-
aulvisoul legislation , Time bill was lmsseml by
time semmate thIs nftermmoon with butt nummoteemi
votes in limo favor-timree lees thmaim rilh ho
requmireti to urnas it over time goverimor's veto.
1mm time opInion of imimummy time bill received its
mmmaxiummummn sumpport today.
\\'iieii time Fire amid l'ohice coixmmmiission blil
caimme imp for passage Semmmutor Cammiphell imimido
a flimni atteimmpt to save tIme hiowor of the
govermmor. lie mmmoved timat time biil be ro-
commmmmmitted to tue comimmmmittco of time vime1o
for tIme mmmrposo of adtllxmg an mmmmmommtimnent
that will vest time almpoiimtmmuelmt of time coimi-
immlsslon with time governor. Time nimmemid-
iimcimt was rejected by mu vote of 20 to 9 ,
Senators Black amid Stouter betmmg time only
ropumbiicammmm wimo voted for time hmroltoscul
nmmmemm ci mmiemit. '
Time bill was tnemm placed on Its final has-
sage mud was passed by time foliowimmg Voto4
Alters. imitciucotic , I'ome ,
mmmesmer. I lombm , t.tmc , Simuimulera ,
( 'nidwelt .leflrmes , m4monmm.
Ci title , Iimi , dmmmttim ,
( 'ross , amciesson , 'Feit ,
( ' .m'amummi ! : , Niyes , W'rlglmt-19.
Iialmn ,
Iminek , flak' , nmmreciier ,
miauer. 1.timt1sn , Htewnrt ,
( 'aimuphemi , atltcmmemm , iteurer-1O.
Cmamvord ,
Absent anti not voting-
McKeeby , 1tatlibimn. Watson-h.
Time veto as talmulateti above In subject to
an lumterestiimg ammalysis. Of tim nineteen
senators vhmo voted for lImo bUm , elgimleen '
were republicans. Senator Jollries , wimoso
vote Imiado time nineteemmtim 1mm favor of time
bili , Is a Iolmuhist. and lila atIon in voting '
to take away an immiportant prerogatIve front
the only goverimor ever elected from his
pai ty has bCen time subject of the bitterest
conirnemmts by ImIs ImopuhIst colleagues.
Ottho ten ninators who voted agninat time
Imill but four rero republicans. TImoso femur
wore Senators Black of Buffalo , Lindsay of-
l'awmioe , Mitchell of liammmlltotm , amid Stcufer
of Cuming.
When time roll was first called Senators
Jeffries , 'Lelmr , 'Lindsay , Polio , 'Rmmtimbun ,
Stouter anti WrIgimt passed. Time vote without -
out their votes teed 15 to 7 , On time vonifi-
catIon of time roll call Jeffnicz lcd off by vet-
log in its favor. This seemed to decide
several votes , for It is believed that some
of time senators imaul said that if theIr votes
were not imoeded to defeat the bill they
would imot vote for it. Senators Leimr , Pope
amid Wrlglmt tlmemi added their votes , anti time
timing was ione. !
Time senate thIs afternoon killoti time bill
wimiclm imad been Introduced to enable the
proprietors of Iiuriington l3achm to establish S
a saloon at that resort , less than two miles
front time city of Lincoln. Timis Is one of the
"important" bills advanced by time sifting
commmimmittee and recomumnended for imnimmediate
constmleratlon , and it is hunted that this bill
was raised as time price of votes given to time
Ommmalma Fire amid i'olico commission bill.
Time amid again Joe Burns , time Iurlimmgton !
hieachm representative In time lower house ,
ummmderloolc to get thmis bill timrougum , anti immat
nit often vns lie defeated ,
Senator Tefft made mimi argumemmt against
time bill that Imad mnmcim : to do with time em-
lmimatie manimer iii wimich it was sat upon ,
lie said that It was hmts"good fortumne , 'a num-
her of years ago , to have charge of timat now
celeimrated Iatv , time Siocumb laV. That bill
svas mmmet with fierce ammtagonlmmm amid crit-
iclsmn of time severest kind. It imad been
fougimt immeim by immclm , and In that flht time
very proviso souglmt lb be incorporated ndw
lu the law 'was ' advanced time and again.
Time presesmt huh ito belmmg pushed in the per.
sommal Immterest of one or two individmm .ls ,
What , nkctl Semmator Teftt , woulmi ho tb
effect of tIme passage of time bill ? It meant
that within two miles of time ciiy of Lin-
colmm , a city surrounded by o nmammy muag-
mmiilmx'nt etlucatiommal immstitutiommmm , woi'iul
spring imp not oniy saloons , bitt those moro '
serious mmmeammcems to society , time road houses. ;
lie dimi not believe that time legislature vouIti
amitimorizo time establialmmmment of those ques-
tionabie resorts simmmply to hut a few dollmurs
iii time Pockets of a tow immuiivimhmials who
imavo hicen so liersistemmtlY demmmuimtlimmg time
passage of time bill ,
Senator 1toimo mmmdc an inelfectumal attemapt
to defend tIme mmmeasumro. Time semimito wammteml
notbmlmmg of the bill , and it was recomnmnenmled
for immmieflmmlto postimonemmiemmt , 0mm time dlvi.
stun bitt mmix or eight semmatonsi voted to save 4
tue bill , tmmmmommg them beimmg Graimam , Pope , ' 1
Smith , Caidwehl , Sloan anti Stouter ,
Time semmate also took up ammotimt'r questionable -
able mmmeammmire hmroumghmt to time surface timroughm
time sifting conmimmittee by seine mysterIous In.
fiuence. It was limo 1,111 , lntrodtmccml In the
senate autlmonizing time State Iio3rml of Pub-
lie Lalmulmo nmd luiitllmmgs to purchase of C , C.
lhmmrr of Ltrmcohmm ISO micros of land mmemmr time
state pemmitentiary at a lmrlco not to exceetl
$100 or acne. Time bill was warmmmiy ciman. ,
imbued by Semimmtor McKessoim , mind time owimer
of time land at lila elbow. Time lull was vig.
oroushy attached ( remit all parts of time seimato
cima mnbt'r.
Srmmator halo mmimawctl train time records of
Lmummcamtter coumimty last year that time land 1mm
question was assessed at but $6 par acre.
Semuntor ( iraimammi quoted fromm time records
to simow that but two years ago time State
lloard of I'ubllc Lantla numb hiulidtngs had sold
to cltizemms of Limmcolmm state iaimtlmm equally as f
good for $27 tier acre , lIe thmougimt it was
laml business policy to sell lnimtl at 27 per
acre and buy other land a immilu from it at.
$400 , , -
In imis intense ammxiety to secure friends for
lila bill McKesson let out a few secret. , lie
simowemi among otimer timimmgs timat a bill would
ba passed before the legislature adjourmmed '
annumlhitmg time inisoim eolmtract , and lie also
saId that Ito violated no coniltience Iii saying
that time latt Hoard of Public Lands mind BuIld-
inga imati offered Mr. Ilurr , or at least lma
agreed to use Its influence to induce tIme tat
to purcimmise , timirty acres of time hand in ezues-
tion at $1,000 ier acre. Time conmmtttee of
time whmoie decided to indefinitely postpone
the bill , limit after the coinmaittes rose enough
totes were secured isy lime trlemmde of time
nmeaauro to reject time rport , As time matter
stands now the lull Is iii time air , fl Is mieltiter
on time sifting file or lxi time engrossing room ,
A strong effort is beimig made ommigimt to thrum
up tIme yotea necessary to iass time huh ,
Time first of tiiti approlmnlatloii bills was re-
ponte back to the senate today ( rota the
commimlttco on fimiatice , ways and meau j.t