, . . - - - . - ' .r . - . . . , , - , - ' - q , . . THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. . , - : .AJH.JJSniD ) JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAllA : , TUESDAY OnNING , MAHOII : 26 , 1895. SINGLE ) OOpy ] "IY.m OEN'rS. 1 .j PAID TRiBUTE - TO B1SIARCR { Membera of the Reicnstag and Diet Call on the Aged Ez-Ohancollor , SPOKE WITH HIS OLD TIME ENERGY Alh'\ell the : t..herR ot the RetclIMtIg to ClIItI'atc Nntonll S.ILhlell-'nlehlll n.t.r.nee 10 the 1.110 1itIwror , nod Three Cheers for the l'rl'Re'I1 One. FrEDUCISlll Mach -Three spe- cial lralns , havhig on board nearly 400 members - bers at the Ielchslag ) ant l'russlnn Diet . ar- rIved here today and were received at the stalon by Count Herbert smarck , Count W1Iam Bismarck all Count van Hantzan , husband at Prince Blsmarcll's daughter , and by Count van Waldcsee. The delJtatons proceedell to the caste front , where they Were received In a body by Prince Bismarck herr van Koeler , president at the Prussian Diet , made a speech congratulating Prince : msmarck on the approaching anniversary or his birth. Tim prince made a speech thank- I log the deplles for their Itnll wishes. The weather was sunny this morning aCer n stormy night. The Irst train arrived aL 12rO : p. m. , but few reporters anti halt a Ilozen gendarmes constituted the greater part at those who greeted the vlsHors at the statIon. But there was a scene of great animation when Count Herbert msmarc . , . _ Count W1Iam I3lsrnarck . Count van Hantzau anti General Count van \Vahlesee arrived In order to meet the nearly ,100 members or the nelchstag and of the Prussian Diet who came here on three special trains. A large temporary wooden pavilion was especially erected near the platorm to accommodate the visitors , who were In the most varied attire , some wearing evening dress and opera hats and others wearing morning or travelug costumes. Conspicuous [ by hIs light blue uniform was the venerable Oberroorsler Lange , who was evidently wel known to many of the visitors and who actively as- ' slstell In theIr reception. , Just as the train bearing the final con- tngent steamed Into the staten Prince Ills- marck appeared on the platform , having walked front the house , a distance at only 1r0 ya rls. LOOKS TIm SO.Dmi STILI Ito wore the uniform or the lallerstedter 4 culraslers covered by a long , light gray cloak , with yellow facings and a wide fur collar. 'fhe burnished helmet on his head glittered In the sun's rays. As he walked down the double row of bowing visitors , Prince Bismarck , whose bearing was as erect all soldierly aB over. though he was lean- Ing on a cane exchanged greetings with his former colleagues and frIends , having a pleasant word for each and now and then Indulging In a jest which excited a burst of laugh ler. As he passed the pelnt where the representative - atve ot the Press association was standing . the latter heard him remark : " ' . ' , 'ell , you have come to see me In my wilderness. We are not accustomed to such grand visitors In hide parts I can tel you. " This sally evoked a fresh outburst or mer- rlinent. The prince's eyes were keen and undimmed and twinkled kindly and good naturely whlo he chatted pleasantly with all al sundry suhjeets. ) Having walked the entire length at the platform , the prince invited the visitors who were thronging around 10 accompany him to . , , the house , apologizIng for the poor aecommo- - I daton It afforded anti Intimating that u . , more formal rectpUol Nould be held there. I 'a Count herbert lsmnrclt repeated the invitation - ' ton In a lower voice , and the company walked In a long , straggling procession to the house. c- Upon reaching the garden the guests pro- ceetled 10 the rear at the house , where ther : Is a large balcony. Prince , flismarcic accompanied - panlell hy his sons , his daughter and his son- in-law. nil In deep mourning , appeared on the terrace and were received with loud cheers by the visitors below. \\'htefl the cheering hall subsided spokesmen from the several branches of the legislature made sleeehes brIefly conveying the fervent hop that Prince Bsmarck would long be spared to enjoy his well earned repose. Each speaker pall an eloquent tribute to the great- ness and enduring character or the great German statesman's life worlt. DS IAICK SPOKE WITH VIGOn. PrInce IBmarck listened attentively to the speecbes , loaning against the gable or the house and bowing and touching his helmet to each round of npplauso. When the addresses - dresses were over Prince nsmarclt , standing close to the stone balustrade , replied In a loud , clear voice , which was distinctly audible to all present lie spoke for nearly twenty minutes , with wOlllerrl1 animation , emphasizing - sizing his remarks wHh frequent gestures of the band. The seH.deprecatory remarks with which he bepan were answered with loud Ihoutl of "Neln. " When & In the early Part or his remarks the 11rlnce referred to his "ever lamented mlster" ho broke down completely - pletely , and for fully hal a minute his hips moved , but no sound could be hieartL When nt last the silence was broken I was WIth amlblo bobs and toar.dlmmell eyes that he completed the sentence referring La his lIe- loved Emperor I Wilam I. From that mo- ment on the Ilrlnce spoke with energy and earnestness , anti later beenmo more jocular exciting alternate cheers and laughLer. lie concluded with elpreBslng regret that he waR no lanKer able La take an active part In 1101- ' \cs , and assured his hearers that In his reo troment ho was with them In spirit , per. haps more heartily than was good for a man or his ) 'ears. The prlneo thanllell tIme leputa- ton for tIme high honor conferred upon him by their visi , and salt that tIme Sachsenwoll had ne\'or before seen such amiable sym pathmy . lie regarded the demonstration , which , personally hall not leservet ( crIes or "Yes" ) , nB being male "In behalf or the . " lie added "Whnt have achieved eamse. 10 ndlel : we \ se. IB Imperfect , bu . still It was the best we could get. " get. CULTIVATI NATIONAL SlmTIMI NT. Referring to those who helped to build UII the empire amid who hind Iassell [ away , he said that foremost among them were his la- i , 10ntellmaBter , wi hauL whom nothing woull have been achieved . . ConLhHllng , he slll : " 1npply the dynasty II\s now laken Irm root In every German land , Rlll so long as those conditions are maIntained 1 feel no mlsglvlngB. 1 would like to see , however more expression given In thin individual Ger- lan states La tlO national sentment before which unavoidable party strifes have been compeled to yield In the l'rus8lan ) et. Na- tonal politics should also be given moro prominence In debates , und the minister of foreign affairs houhl be guided Iy this sonti. ! ment. In the federal states the Saxon nnll Buvurlan goVefmentB shoull not bo reo aarded ns separated from the Germnn gOY. Prmmnmeiut. 'fhe mlnlBtors of every state should be In touch with the Imperial , which , without this condItion , could never mnlntaln Isel I 1 were only well enough I would like t say n great deal mmiore ( Cries Of "No , pare yourself. ' ' ) In my thoughts I have worked more entirely with time members of time Holehsta than Is consistent wIth m ) ' ace , but I have still found It Impossible LO quito saver connections wlh them 1 hOl1e you wi nil adhere Ilrmly LO time Imperial moatlmnelit . and 11 the Diet ale , that It shoulll not be forgotten that tIme l'russlnn king Is aL the sale time German emperor , all that he shoul bo SUpllortel1 In his endeavor to IJ r- sue the nalonll POlICY , " \lh Imch thoughts In my mlnll , 1 call upon those present LO give three cheers for the emperor. " The crowd responded and then gave three tremendous "hlochs" for Prince Uemurok , 'hen , taking off hi hohnet , Prince lBmarck 4 led the cheers for the omperor. which were J enthusiastically given , Alter this the prince , leanIng over the balcony , apologized for the 81alnol Of hIl houll Baying that ho re. ( ; rct , ud lie was only able to eltertaln a por. ton Dr )1. vlblton at luncheol pr- l'rlnco Dflurck Inj his faniil. then re- tired to luncheon. At the luncheon Count St01berg-\\ernlgrote. who recently resigned the presidency of East Prussia , proposed Prince lhismarck's health In n short specch. The special trains returned to Berlin at 3:30 : p. m. EMPEHOt \Vhi.L CALL NEXT. Emperor Wilam Is expected here 10 visIt Prince Ismarck tomorrow , and n brilliant military suite will accompany him. , Prince Ismarck received the deputations today , despite the unceasing warnings or his physician , Dr. Sehwenlnger , and his secretary - tary , Dr Chrysanuher and he will practically celebrate his eightieth birthday with the whole of the German Ileople. A deputation or the commanding Ienefh or the German army will \alt on Ismnrck April 1 , as the bearers of good , wishes and Ikewl e at flue glHs. Splendidly mounted adlrNses , \ 1 bo presented to h m on behalf or the conservative - tive . national , Ibeml and anlSemlUe par. ties on April 1. The National I.lberl club will also give a banquet It thin Ialserhor April 1. nt which the euloly on lhmarek wI bo pronounced by 1)r. Iloettinger . the header or the party The conservatives will hlve "commers" nt tIme PCln palace at the same time . and the Bslarelt eommlte \ ill have 1 similar celebration . but even on a larger scale , au the evening or his blrthllay The grandest celebration or alt promies to he the one arranged to take Place around arrnJed \lace the vicinity of the Germanla monument In the Nledorwahl on the Ithilne which wI be participated In by representatives or thlrt- six cities In the Hhlnlsh district , and men belonging to every shade of political opinion. The central hart of the celebration will be at the foot of the monument ItsoH. A grand "collors" In tIme evening anti the illutmuina- tons or the his aol mountain plalls nearby . together with great fireworks on the Rhino , wl also take place. In the lack rarest similar rejoicings wi occur All the summits . mis or the mountains In that region will show bonfIres on thc evening or arch [ 3t hamburg's municipal celebrat'on , outside or that arranged for by time German university stiideuits wi be very extensive A 110m- teal commitee has assumed charge or a "commors. " to which everybody Is Invited , on the night of March 30. On the night following - lowing there will he a great display or fireworks - works and on the night or April 1 a great torchlight procession , In which G.OOO will ! share , Is to proceed to I ' rletrlelnruh , The Society of Arts and Sciences will undertake ] a procession to Prledrlchsruh on the birthday morning and serenade the prlne and on April 2 the Santo socIety will witness at a specially reserve performance In the SLadt thcater n Ilatrlolc dama and festival pia ) writen for the occasion Iesldes that , the whole city will bo illuminated on April 15. Mauty [ other cities have made similar ar- rangenionts. Besides undertaking a pilgrimage . age to lrledrlchsruh on April I , In whIch some 1,200 or the corps students of Germany - many will joIn the later will also lay the foundation to a Bismarck ] monument on the summit or HIHlelsburg In Thmuringla to whIch the emperor has contributed 1,000 marks. HI l'HtTS Ol A NI > W 'J'1I ATl lJENiIu. : CllnllnB Sty Therowill 10 No More 101111 tea itrraigoinents. OTTAWA , Ont. , : [ arch 5.-I Is denied In government circles that there Is any hikohi- hood of a new treaty In regard to Dering sea fisheries being negotiated , as indicated In dispatches from Washington. I Is true that Canadian officials will probably go to Washington - Ington soon to maIm arrangements for assess- lug the damages suffered b ) Canadian scalers aB congress has refused to pay time amount , but the general question oC Bering sea negotiations Is not likely to be reopened. WAShINGTON , March 25.-Omciais here doubt the competency or the Canadian government - erment to deny there will he no new arrangement - rangement negotiated In place or the present Inelclent system Imposed by the Bering sea arbitration for the proteclon or seals. Such an arrangement , whether It took the form era a treaty or a modus vivendi , would be ne- golated directly between lie United States and Great Britain. or course I Is assumed that the British would consul the Canadian government before commlttnp themselves , hut It Is a maler of record that the first i'iodmus vlvell was even entered Into against the CanadlanB' wishes , who naturally can be counted on LO favor absolute freedom In the seal waters at all tinics. As 1 mater or fact , on January 2 : Secretary Gresham addressed , a note to Sir Julan lluncerote , the British ambassador here calling his attention to the Inadequacy of time present arrangement , and suggesting a modification to further restrict time fisheries. I Is true that as yet no reply hRB been received front the British embassy. but It Is fully expected that the maler will not be lost sight of. GhLtNl ) , lVla JrIIC''J U QUEENSUURY. , Iu.leo Instructed Them time Words Wore 1.lleloll , J\"n It Trio . LONDON March 25-ln time Old Bailey today , the recorder , Sir Charles lal , In charging the grand Jury referred to time libel proceedings instituted by Oscar Wilde against the marquis of Queensbury. lie Bald lint I the marquis wrote the words which J Is claimed he did upon the card pro- tuced , whether he was justified or not In so doing It constituted n libel. Moreover , the recorder added , time defendant Intended to plead a justification as his defense. The grand jury eventualy returned n true bill 1glnBt the marquis. -A dispatch from Monte Carlo to the Ob. server says that after Oscar Wide alul I.ort AIred Douglas , time second Eon of the mar- quis or Queensbury , arrived at that place recently , they went to 1 hotel , but after staying there a day the proprietor , nt the request of tIme other Englnsh visitors , Informed - formed them that their rooms were engaged Both Mr. Wldo and Lord AIred are now In London. TlV ; l'I\SI U To ImEJ.EASII ( IOMEZ. ! eArn Ul'rlllul Iii Ouhn Avertoll 11 Tllol ) l'rlclwtOI. : IEY WEST , March 25.-A passenger rrom Invann , who has just arrived , says that only by 11rompt action Captain ) ! General Cat- I.ja narrowly averted a serious uprising In Ilavanti. Since the imprisonment Of GOle . , time negro leather his s'mpathlzers have been very much incensed and worked . up n scheme to attack the palace The time chosen for this attack was Friday night. Time govern- uncut learned ot the Impending trouble , how- ever . and the captain generl Instructed his otcerB to use every possible lrecaution. The guards nrol11 the Palace were quadrupled anti 100 soldier were 8talolrd Inside. The city patrol was heavily increased I I said that the plan was for the sole purpose or releasing Goiuez I"UUI H.\J.OI ! UUT U' ' \EN1'l'.TWO , 1I\htool Others of time Crow fr tie liar. hll ( lily A \lllul. GLASGOW , March 25.-The British steamer Durham City , Captain 'hOIIPSOU , rrol New. Ilort News , March H , for Glasgow , arrived at Groenoe klllar and landed four seamen Of ' the Irllsh steamer l Iast , Captain Drown , ! I which bailed from Darien Ga. , March 2 for ) plat. 111 was wrecked In lena Isla ni. off time coast or Scotlaiid . mshtlen others or the crew are mnissimmg - - Wit Not 11101" Ih" Inl'hll/ HI ; I.IN , : llrch 23-Time NatIonal Zeluns Is InCormel1 6eml.olclul ) ' that lime govern- menL does not . Inlenll to dissolve time Holhl- tag 'its a J.tul or Uw nfusul or that body on Saturday lust to congrtulate Prince lsllf'lt on hula - - birthday . . Il : . 'c I rl'ul : Mlllfll't 1 ru , . Cumlhu' . BOSTON , Mnreh :5-1 Is announccl this afterilooli that ( time agreeimient between the 1 CcrnOOIthat lll aJrcel Oenernl Fiectrle conipumny amid the \'m'stlng. iiouo comllLoe has \en cunsummutel In this city , - - - - Ulsllrrv " "fllll to Ito Tru4t . I\ANSAH CITY , Mlr" ' " 5-'hc ProPerlY gt time Martiii liethiiing ' ut lImits : larLn Jftlln" compan ) Ihll city was conveyed by deed or trst today to John M 'Nula , receiver ot the WhIsk trust JAPAN GREATLY EXERCISED Attempted Assassination ofLi Hung Ohnng Onuses Profound Unensincss , RESOIUUONS CF REGRET BY THE DIET OI.IIIR 'nklll AoLh' Sleln 10 UIMown time : Int Al't uf n I'oittlemmi Itrms-o-hi- tnIIMhl'fl , lnlleMI 1111111t Sot In imuiigcr. OIA IA , March 24.-ResolutionS have been submltell to the Japanese Diet regretting time attack mnde110n Viceroy 1.1 lung Chan , who was shot and wou1led In the ( mice yesterday at Shlmono eld. - Time bullet has not yet been extracted rrom thin face or LI lung Chang , but his condi- ton Is favorable. lIe has no rover and has suffered but little pain. Ills assailant , who Is i described as a political bravo , rushed ham time crowd when Iho viceroy's palanquin was passing , seized the carrler's hands and fired nt the viceroy's heal , , but the bullet entered . tered the vlcero"s eheolt. The affair [ has I caused great Indlgnllon Itere. I Sergeants Sato and Isomurl are nlemlng LI lung Chang b ) Imperial command LI lung Chang objects to the extraction or the bullet , which lies a eentlneter under his left eye. Time woul11 Is three centimeters deep. lie sleeps well. The empress or Japan las sent two nurses to attend him. Letters amid telegrams expressing regret anti sYlllathy arc pouring In from all directons , CIA O IS JOL1LOVEItING : 1ItL'IIihX. , 31nl ' ' \Rlloll 111 hams 8crCI ' 110 Cur Ol.r I 111' " . LONDON March 25-Tho Times has this dlspntch from Kobe , which wl bo pub- Ished tomorrow : LI lung Chang Is makIng - tag good progress lownrd recovery from the erects or time bullet wound In his face inflicted - Ictell by Moyama [ Kokummostmhl . The wound has developed no dangerous symptoms. Thin would-bo assassin Is reported to be a lunatic. lIe has a crlmhml record anll has served n term or Imprisonment. A hung Kong dispatch to the Times says that precautons against Japanese attack have been taken at Fee Chow , Amoy anti Swatou. The harbor or Amoy has been planted with torpedoes and It Is thought probable that time Japanese wi malI an attempt to capture that 111aco. The Chinese steamers are unable to cutter the harbor of Tamsul In northern Formosa , owing to time torpedoes planted there. The coolies employed on the wharves In hong Kong have gone on strike. A nUI- her of soldiers and convicts are employed In dIscharging and loadIng vessels. C1LtNU'a WOUIIS NUT I.NtJEitOtJS. Uelor'll 0111101 ( limit time IlffalrVllt Not IIMllrl I'enco NegotIatiomm. WASHINGTON , Mardi 25.-Informatlomi coming to the Chinese legation Is t9 thin erect that LI Hung Chang's wound Is not dangerous , except as complealons may de- vlIOI ) . H Is In the fleshy part or the face but fortunately no part oC the skull has been fractured or any vital organ reached. Prince Ll's advanced age and several consLtulonal disorders which make hIm almost an In\ald , may aggravate an otherwise harmless wound. On hIs arrival at Shhnoneld he was too sick 10 leave the ship which brought him. He had to be carried about , this being a neces- sly In his case , ns welt aB an honor due to his ranlt. Officials or the Japanese legaLon say that the offender wi be charged with treason , as the assault Is nol only against Lho person of LI Hung Cluing . but also against the Japanese governmnent. H Is probable also that the trial will be br court martial and wi anl convicton by court mart'al would mean that the offender would be shot. Diplomats here mire inclined to think thnt time entire peace negotiations may possibly be broken nit by the assault , by affording n pretext for European intervention . 1.1 , himself - self , will prevent such a ralure , however , If It be possible. OfficIals here regard It aB settled that Russia and China have reached an understanding by which time Conner will extend her territory southward from Vladlvo- stock , titus securing a Pacific harbor open the year around. This has ben nn acquisition Hussla has long sought , as It gtves an eastern outlet to the great Siberian rairoad. S.U'S SITUI P.UI 1. ' J'OlSONIfl. I'hoebe CoIIS Adds n SensItnll Iem (0 time Story ul 10r liotrotlital. SAN FRANCISCO , Mardi 25.-The Call says the latest sensalonal development In the noted Pair will case Is that insinuations are abroad that time deceasd milonaire died by poison ministered by parties Interested In hlB death taking place nt n certain timmie. Miss Phoebe CouslnB , who claims to have been the affianced wife or Senator Fmulr , broally hints aL her suspicions thnt Senator Fair laB been given poison nt more thal one time . The suspicions of Miss Cousins are backed UII by a Sln rnnelscoan , who IB In a positon 10 know n great deal that oceurrell to Senator Fair just before his deaLh. This mulct Is keeping In the baellgrounll for certain reasons , but when lie bus his story time [ Iublc ) will be able La ( aria ollinions as LO whether the suspicions oC Miss Cousins are correct or not Time hllloBlng mausoleum erected for the remains of Mrs. Thersa Fair and her famiy IB ready for its occtipaiits One or these Is the father of Mrs . Fair . Thomas Ioomey , whose remains arc petrified . The body was first Interret nt Angels Carp , Cal. Time earth In which his body uvmqm laIn Is largely com- wal posed of slcla , the same subsLanee nB quartz , though In a different state amid pos- seared or qualities havIng the power or petrlfcatol , or , more correctly , of slclCylnp organic smmhstmumuces and changing organic tiabIies Into I glaBB.lke bOlly known ns milhiclu . 'fho lssues were rapidly s\lelfed. \ Time remains IOW weigh GOO poundB , - p 'I'iwo leeuh'lrs for I ho IlrH"lnr I ( 'oimmltrs fly . , : II.WAUI\ , March :5.The'aler A. \'ood Jar\SLer COI\UIY reeeivershl [ has received the sanction mind Baneton protection oC the Visited States court and time uuthorl ) ' of the recel\rs his been exlended LO every state where the comnpauiy . hits property. Judge Jenkins on application of J. properr' Parsons of NI'w York . nhimoimited [ [ Frnlt A Seymour , Albert A , I.tntlelce nnd Peter JneCo\'lrn or St. Punl receivers 'I'Iie coumipany Is 'nlel d to owe banlls , cOlrntons com\al' iii- dh'lduals In the states oC MInnesota , Illinois nnd New York over 19)0,0)0. , ) 'fhe har\esLer company Is the owner of 8mnl lecounts anti ICLes oC Carmer resldllg In the states vest or time Jlsslssllpl [ river to time amount of $1.10,0 an.1 . I Is clalnell hint this vast , . amount wi hI h largely wasted unllbs liiOP- erl ' miiid ' erly Ind rnllrul ) mnnaget. l'n\.ltnlltl Jnton..HI II ! .ebr.iukim ' COZ" , Neb" , March 25-Speclll ( Tele- gram.-A ) party or six Minneapolis capital- lets arrived hero last night In a special car They buvo spent time lay driving over limo route or time Cozad Irrigation company's canal They are Ilro looking up invest- ment' a 11:1 lnolle LIjllury neat. WIChITA , Ifan , March : , -J. I. Ahoy , commandor.ln-chlef of. WkhlLa host con- \OBt siltor ) No : of the Masonic order nail n Past olcer II all the 101ies of the York lULe nnd SrOLtsh Rite Masonry , Is dead lnlght l\od08h tunlml ceremonies wl bo held ut the cathedra ! Tuesday nlIut . 'l.USTI.lr.IL A Lr.rs.vcli 1" J'lU/ - 1ln8nS CIty UI\lnos Inllo& AJroo Over' 1ldurRIII : (11 ' .i4ltmm. ' March 25.-E\'or since her KANSAS OTY , - \ advent In this city Miss Ida WeUs lias been n thorn In the sIde of the Ministerial alliance , comupusod or all the mlnltef belonging to the varIous Protestant denonilnations. On her arrival here , Miss \\els elllea\oretl to secure the endorsement ot the nllance , but several members who are southerners entered . tere positive anti decided objection to such a mo\ment , claiming Miss mVells' erusalle ngaimmst 1)'lchlngs In the south was uncalled for , there being , ns hlev. S. : I. Noel cXllreseJ It , no more cause for such ( crusade nga'nst the south than against the north The objectors - jectors were persistent anti they carried the day , so tar ns Immolllte ellorsement was concerned , but a cOlnltee was all- ' 110lntell to prepare "conservativo" resolu- tons on the subject. This commileo re- ported at today's session or the alliance . amid they raised a storm. lr Ned mo\d to lay the report or tIme commlteo on the taho : unread. This melon was defeated , and time resolutions , which favored Miss Wels , were reall Dr. Neel again objected 10 the alloll- ton or the rcolutons ant was supported by fifteen other mninlsters A heated debate followed , turlng which some very acrinion- ioU language was Indulged in . Rev. J. : ! Creamer was so excited that his voice tremblell when ho said he noleed a great deal or ungentlemanly behavior , and had also noted the same conduct on prevIous occasions. The work of the sessIon , he saId , hnd taught him a lesson lIe had eahlly sat and taken the ttnkind ungentemanly all unChristan remarlts or certaIn gentle- men , but woul In the ruturo resent all Personal aluslous at any cost. Dr. Neei \as on feet as soon as Dr. Cromer hail concluded aud repled In a vigorous way. Finally the Wells resolutions were laid on I tIme table , but this did not allllenr to smooth matters over to any great extent e Il ( l n.s Til LIE TU lIH1 [ 11. , Jligo InflUI : II.cre.IHi 111 S : ory of it'mmmriI 5Imrgmiul'mm I MI''llr. YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , March 25.-The Telegram - gram today wi publsh a letter front Judge n. P. 10lmnu , now living nt Passadena , Cal , who was private secretary to the late Governor David Ted of Ohio , which em- phatcaly discredits the recent story or a Columbus man to the elect that the rebel general , John Mar- gait , was secretly reeas ! d front the Ohio penient nr ) as the result of some understanding between Secretary Stanton and Goveror , 'rod. Judge hoffman says : "I don't believe I word of this ) 'ar or Itadebaughm lie was not any confidant or Governor Tad. Ho had no relations wih Governor Tad. I was TO'B private secretary at time time , closely allied to him comiflulon- Ual ) ' and woull most certainly have beard or klown something of such a matter . But I know the prIson cells were examined where General Morgan [ and others , Ramo seven or eight ( not thirteen as stated ) , went down Into the vault underneath through holes cut through time leer oC the cells and out under the outside prison wal , through a tunnel rrom the vault to the outside ant by climb- tog up the prison gate let themselves down with ropes. The examination ruly made showed ni tlii to thin saisfacUon of every ' , one all the trme. i-f - p Io.lIrdw.w cON..f ± S ' TON1J " ; I.UTIUID - . , IILorlmlOl1 Con foreleo to' ascot In Eumg- I 111,1 nt thin lnd ot ' . Juiie. i NEW YORK , March 25.-Many of the prominent railroad companies In this country - ' try are arranging for proper representation at the fifth session of the International Railroad congress to be held In London , beginning - ginning June 2G. The American commission - aba Is composed aB follows : H. Walter Webb , third vice president of the New York Central , chairman ; II. S. Hnynes , vice president oC the Savannah , Florida & Western ; C. H. Plat general superintendent of the New York , New Haven & Hartford ; Theo. N. Ely , chief of maUve power of the Pennsylvania railroad - road ; C.V. . Duekholz , clllef engineer Erie railroad ; J. J. Frye , general manager of the Atchison ; J. T. lnrrnhnn , second'vlce pres ! . dent of the Illinois Central ; W. n. Baldwin , Jr. , third vice president of thl Southern Hal road company , and E . T. D. Meyors , genern : superintendent of the RIchmond , Frederlek - burg & Potomac railroad. Eachm American road Is entitled to send two to eight delegates. The president at the Internatonal Railway congress IB Mr. Dubois , administrator or the BelgIan state railways , and the secretary Is Mr. Wiessen- brueh. Sir Andrew Palrbalrn'ls president or the English section and W .M . Ainsworth Is secretary. . JllmInUU.U1US Alll 13.3 URIC ! ' . I'alr Ileyclhu lt Victoria \urned Not' . " 'oar ' 1hol out thn I3treet. VICTORIA , D. C. , March ' 25.-Tho police have decided that bloomerB are not suitable for ladles' street wear , even when worn nB a bicycling costume , and have taken steps to enforce thlB decision. Miss Ethel Delmont Is an enthusiastc wheelwQman , pretty and gracerul. Last week site made her appear- ance In the bloomer costumeme and Ir Lady Godiva had herself essayed a repetition of her famouB ( rIde the sensaton could not have been greater. The town calO Corth to gaze , and for time moment the Ilolcemen were petrl- fet with amazement. Then they aroused La action , ant Miss Ethel received an olcial visitor . who Informed her that a , 'epetton or her appearance In the objectonable costume would mean n police court 'summons on time charge of creating a disturbance on a public street. carded Miss DelmonL's bloomers are Ils- . ( 1'1 11" I'tl'ICJtS TO 1'11 COUll . George ItS. Irwin , lui11 1'001 Operator , . 'lr&UH m 1itimoif I .r ttOiltt3mmipt. PITSDUHG , lurch 25-George M , Irwin , tIme famous blind pool operator \ , today purged hlmselr at contempt by surtldqrlng his books and papers to the United States court where they will be accessible ta the receiver and hilts own aUorneys. JUdge Ewing several weeks ago declared Irwin In contempt for reruslng to surrentcr time , bkB , but the supreme court suspended the order and re. leased Irwin from jai unt after time Lrlal ot a crIminal suit timers pending against Irwin , which rosule" In the acquittal of the defeimdant The hooks ald llpers will be used by the receiver LO discover If IrwIn really thl use the maner , of lila clentB In legiimate speculation , as he alleges. I wil not , follow a number . or civil . ' : ud : clnlnnl suits jjK.ICO'S . 'iUJ1I'LfJ5 Ub' SIId'JfV . 1II'rvolent In I'rlco a ( Insist SLmulu to lurll ! of I'nrel\u Exciimtme. CITY O MEXICO , March 25.-The Improvement - provement In thE price of silver greatly stint- I mutated the buyhl Of foreIgn exchange dur- Ing time week anti many large transactions ha\o been made by the banks on time United States and other foreign countrIes , the Pll' pearanceB being that exchapge will continue to gO down There IB a probability that time great pletbora Of $16OOqooo In Mexican sliver now lying In tIme banCs at this capital without use will be rele\d by loans 10- leled und that a decided stmulus will be given foreign trade generally. The feeling In Mexico Is much better than somE weeks ago and already the ouLook for I largely In. creased foreign trade IB . good. - : lo"elella nf 111:0111 " 'emmsohs , \nl'ol : r At I myra-Arrived-La Norniandle . Irom New York At Liverpool [ Arived-lfaumsas , from lies- ton ; Numldlan , train PorthimnU. - - - - - MANITOBA I ± WILL \ \ - NOT YIElD Legislature Will Undoubtedly Rejeot the Command of the Governor General , OPINION IS PRACTIC/IIY UNANIMOUS I'remlor Ureenwn II an Inl.n'h'\ Statt'q ' 'hl'Y1 FIght , It Ntll'M""r ) ' , for Wlnt They CunMltler Are Their nlll. WINNIPEG , Man. , larch 25-The remedial - dial order or thin governor general In calling upon the govrnment at Ianloba to restore lo the Homan Catholics their paroch\1 . or sep- arte schools reaehell the city this mornIng - Ing 1 wa adtessell to the lieutenant gO\- crumor and by him was trnsmltcll to the legislature , which was sitting In readluess to rlcelve It. The legislature was crowded wl\h \ nn IntenBely earnest gathering when thl Important elocument \I'as delivered. H was voluminous amid revlelHll al the evidence taken before the privy council or nglanll , which bet ) declared that the CaLholcs or Manitoba hal a grlevnnee and thnt the governor - ernor general In council hall tl power anll authority to grant redress by a remelial order. The tenor all language or time order leave no opening for compromIse. I Is a command to Manitoba [ to submit , amid PlainlY says that I the legislature does not obey , the governor genernl , or . more accurately tIme Dominion , vlii - speaking , government wi en- force Its autimority. No definite action was taken tonight. ACer the order hall been read I was laid on the table for ruture comisidermutiomi. That the order will b rejected may be taken for certain. or the forty members or the legislature ommly four or five will vote aginst the rejecton , Lheso four or five belnr Cntholcs all repre sentng itutreb- Catholic commstitumeuicies. Premier Greenway being interviewed tonight - night said : : "We earnestly desire to act wlhln thin constuton , but let all people kuow this trouble Is not of our own mal < ng. Wo claim time right to maIm our own laws 'ul thIs right we will not give up without n strusgle. The governor general's order wi be reject ell In its entirety. A long step wi then have ben made In the perilous journe upn which the government at OLaw has set OUL. The DominIon parla- ment wi not be armell wih jurlsllclon to Impose upon Manitoba [ a law to which un overwhiehmtiimtg majoriy or Its people arc al- posed. I will be wise for parhiammient . as Mr. Gladstone 5111. to think once , thlnlt twice , think timrice before coercng a loyal and law abIding commaunity . Few In numbers though they may be they wi never submit to this unjust coercion. This 15 a struggle for our rights. \0 are I free people , we wIll not be made slnvse will not have the laws which wo have passed lelberately , and with full knowledge or our own comitlitlons . destroyed by a body to whom these comB- tonR are umnknowmi acting wlhout Inquiry and wlhout adequate consideration. " A sensatonal feature of the trouble today was the nnnouncement that the Dominion cabinet , which has just passed the remedial order , had appointed one of Its tneiiib'rs . Hon. J. C. Patterson , minister of mlla to - take the place of Premier Greenway.- This change Is beloved by the ManItoba , govern- u1mt to mean that the Dominion authorities' "vant a man aB governor more pliable to their wishes and who wI unhesitatingly carry out their wishes. a FURIWLUSE TUB EJUST 'lJlTOAOI.S. Steps Taken to Force time Mneoll : troot I nllhlB ) to ! ale nt1.t01. . : LINCOLN , March 25.-Special ( Telegram. ) -A rather startling turn has taken place In the affairs or the Lincoln street raliway . The New York Security and Trust complY wants to obtaIn Possession of time line. Time company Is trustee or the first mortgage bonds or the railway , and today let a bill In equIty In the federal court nnmlng Brad I ) . Slaughter as receiver the New York Guaranty and Indemnity company , Joseph Sampson , and the Lincoln Street Railway company ns derondants. The complainant Is the trustee of the first mortgage given to so- cure bonds amounting to GOOOOO , Issued by the Lincoln Street Railway company on Apri 1 , 1891. The company at this Lmo do- termlnel to Issue a series or 1,200 bonds for $ 1ooo each , paynble In gel , but afterward limited the first bond Issue to $600,000 , ant destroyed the residue of the Issue. On July 1 , 1892. the company Issued a second trust deed , or mortgage , to the New York Guaranty - anty and Indemnty ! cmpany , subject to the first mortgape placed In the hands of the comp1alnnnt , to secure the GOO.OOO issue Dy tIme terms or this first mortgage the trus- tee , In case of default In the Interest couPons - pens , was empowered to take full and abso- lute possession or the mortgaged hues and plant and to appoint its own receiver , agent or manager. Time bi recites that Lhls provl- Blon has been vIolated by time appolntmont of Brad D. Slaughter ns receiver , and asks the court to put It In full possessIon by ren- Bon of time road's default In Interest due Anl 1. 1R94. and October 1 1894. The cem- plnlnan"t trust company further asks for an Injunction restraining the defendants from attempting to sel or dispose of the roall's property or plant In any manner , pending the decision In this suit , ani ' asks that a re- celver be appolntCl In title action , accord- Ing to the terms of the mmtortgago Ths ! nc- ton IB simply a foreclosure or the first mort- gage , and n deficiency jutgment Is aakeei Cor. 'fhe trust company , It Is underAtood , will seelt to ba\'o : Ir. Slaughter appointed receiver. The Gadd case In the redorl court was hung up today until tomorrow at 10 n. m. , owing to the Iness of Juror Hole , lIe went llama Saturday at noon. I the juror grow worse the pane ! will eventualy bo excused , anti Gnllt will enjoy another re- spite until the May term or court The governmont's case against Otto Becker ror selling liquor In wholesnle quantities without n lcense vas dismissed for want or ovldence to convict Baiiey . Slosson anti JOhnBon , time three young men ehnrged wIth impeding justice by stealing two or three tons of coal from Union Iacfc : cars at Clarks , were arraigned and pleaded guilty to two counts A colic prosequi was entered as to Chnrles Bailey , anti the other two Illaced on trial , 1 1'II' uf A. n. Clark lt 'rccummnsi. TgCUMSFI , Neb " March 25.-Speclnl ( Tolegram.-Tho ) remains or A. D. Cark , a prominent Tecumseh man , who dlet sUIl- denly In Burlington , In. . of hemmorrhage of the brain , Snlrday , arrived here today. Mr. Clark 65 of , and leaves uvife Cnrk was year age \ a wle and seven children . Ho had been In peer health for several mutontims TIme funeral wil be hell at St , Androws' Catholic church nt 10 o'clock Wednebday , 11ev ather Murphy In charge _ _ _ p _ _ _ ( lt.I.\11 , ItJiU' 7'ILI IOW"1 lU1Sr. ' 'ltmoIY learlnr 01 the irregularIties at time 31I.ul lllllro ( Imurdeums . NEW YORK , March 25.-There was mmum- her Of witnesses before the extraordinary grant jury today several or whom ha\'e hat connection wih the Madison Square Garten , John K. 10kBher , a member ot the Jockey club anti one or the director or Madison Square Garden , and aha a member or the horse show association , was among those who went before tIme jury AnoLher was J i. T. hull , who hal been chief usher at the galen since Its opening. TheIr testimony , I Is saul , was relative to the alege Irregularl. ties between time police and garden mnmitmage- meat I'oetmaster Dayton was also a visitor La the bultlng ' and was In conBulalon wlh Assistant District Attorney Lindsay In the latter's once , and It I Bald hE wi be 1 _ witness before the Jury . - cjiiiin- ' IIUJ-'USL'I ) TO (11iI1' I11I .11.4 I'OU. ( Ij' ItlrUSJ/ ( XII U.H'OI. Sf'ormul3 ) Meeting ot time .UIRII" Bunrll ot I'olico tommimmmlshtmmcrs , 1'0110'ommh lol.rA ATLANTA , ( ha. , March [ : : -A most storm amid sensa lon a 1 meelng or thin board or police con'mlssloners was held tbls mnornlng The mEtng was an adjourned one. At the last mm'cctlng Captain J. W. English , who has been chairman or the board for twelve years , Pro- RhlCI Ills tmo was oul , but II common cOI'scnt he held o\'er. The board tried to elect a cllalrman to sUleeed him , but was unable to 110 so. Thieve was a deadloclt. Since the meetng time city counci IJassCl nn or.lnlnco to tim's effect that Mayor 1lng shoull act as temporary chairman or the beard unL a IJermlnent chairman WiS seleetell At the meethll this mornhlg three I'lembers or the boardEnglish.'cnabie Iml hiraiinaii-rcfmmseml to ncknowledgo Ia'or Ilng as cimatrmuiamm. \el1hle aLeml'tell to speak antI \11 tohl 10 Fit Ilown by Mr. Iln . lie reitmeed ( 10 110 so aunt Mayor 1lng ordered Chief or Police Connlly to mlkcenable Hit doi \ n. Chh'C Connell' reusCl to act amid mng ! orller the chief ur Police to leave Lho room. lie rlruscll to leave the room amid the mayor ordered a polee captain to relieve the ehler The two raelolnB lined UII on I Ilrerlnt shIes of the room Ind for several 'minutes ' It looked lS Ir blows woull ensue. The mayor dlspatehell 1 messenger ( n hor&- . back for the city marshal to arrest Connen" , but before the marshal Irrl'ell Connel ) acting upon the advice of Captalu I nglsh IIHI other members or the board , hall loft the roomim The enll Is not yet IHI no one seems to know when It will come , nor what the re- stilt will he. ACer this Btorm Rceuo the board subsllell Into a peculiar deadlock. Mayor tug sat lt one end at tIme table , claiming 10 be chair- man , amid recognized as such b ) three mem- berg whie Captain. English occuiliell a seat at time opposite elHI amid was reeoglized and addressed lS ehalrmau b ) thin other three members , Wih this parlHloxlal state or ar- fairs the board proceeJcti to time routnO work or selecting members or the Ilolco rorce. No member dared to leave , rearing lest ito other I side would take 111vautage or hIs absence to elect a chmnirmanum . amI there Is no telling wheu the tie wihi be broken . te wi . ISJf.l.'iW . Ill JIRIN . 7' ( ( U TO " .Ht. 'rouhlo 10L\oel ' 10 TribeM Over the iurtL'r 01 n IOlcllo11. . TACOMA , March 25.-Chlet George Leshl or the Neaquahiy and lualull IHlans Is preparing for an Indian war , aud unless tIme White amid Black River Indians iiay $3,000 for tIle munler or time medlclno mau , Jim Botmclmett . b I ) ' Thursday Leshl SIS there wi be n lght Bouehcl Is I.eshl's couslu. He tried to cure three at Jerry Dominic's children on the lueleshoot reser- vaton , which contains a part or the Blade river tribe. nouchet failed , and tIme dm11- dren diem .Domlnle shot him In the hack and tomahawlled him wih n imatchmet A weel later time ledlclno man's body wa fommuid Uomlmnc confessed anll was Illac d In jail at Seattle , but the justice or the peace there released him , as there were no wit- neSS2S , and no one to ICClse him of the crime or murdering the metlelne man. An Indian courier brought the news or Domlnlnc's release to the Puyalhtmps . amid Chler Leshl haranued his rrlends about time , shortcomings of tie whIe mimaum's latva , amid time disgrace it will be to thin Puyallups and Nesqualhies to allow Domninic to go free. "Suppose you get neIther ? " Lesluivac asked , "Then'o will fight , " he replied , "I teih you we will Imave war if $3,000 is not given _ us. Bouchmett was worth $3,000 , and accord- jng to our laws that amuchm macst be paid b - the tribe or we will go to war. We don't v. m-Ttt time wimites to hmave anythilmig to do t'ith , u. Timey have failed to do justice , and now \ \ C tihi try our old umiethmods. " p II'.I JVELi i'iSOl'iCCTiCD UT I.'SUJiJ.VClf , Itohti i'ncicing i'Iuumt : murriomt .tbatmt 00 i'er ( 'emit of it Vmimie. KANSAS CITY , Marchu 25.-The exact ammiount of iiisuranQo on tiio Reid Bros. ' Pache- lag company's llant , destroyed hy fire yesterday - terday , and the apportionment anions the varhoums agencies cotmid not be learned toilay William J. Reid stated the property was insured - sured for aluout SO or 00 Per cent of its volume in various insurance agemicies. Board corn- panics , lion-board companies , time Lloyds anti the Indemnity exchange were nil interested. The largest amount was in boarti companies , or timoso that are represented in time local board of underwrIters. From another source it was learned thin company carried about $300,000 in the Indemnity exchange , a local organization , mnado up of time packing house companies and a few big mercantile flrmnm for their own protection , It Is the first heavy loss this company hmas been called oc to stand , and ( ho regular companies arc t closely watchIng time effect. Time niethiod ol handling insurammce emphoyed by the compamm was somewhat unusual. p 2YJC 11 .1) ' ' ' ' UJLIIXO hI'JtIWliL'fl 1/1' IJ'LIJ Great Imsummage Done 'rimrotmghmout time State , mit Ohio , TOLEDO , 0. , March 25.-A. special front Creston , 0 , , says : During time high vin tiuat prevailed today the aIde walls of ii I two-story brick building , in coumrmme of comi. structiomi on Main street for Griscomn Bros. collapsed , burying thmree persomis. One ot tiuem , JncogVentz , time contractor , was taken out dead , ills body was terribly crushed , Anmirow Baird stuataimied a hirokemm arm umid a shigimt fracture of time sihemuil , amh Martin Murray was interumahly , limit umot acm-i- oumaly Injmmu-efi. SVentz leavems a s'ife amid three chmiidren. CINCh NNATI , March 25.-Exaggerated reports - ports of tin alleged tornado sweeping over Oiilo have been sent oumt , Time winml hits mnmide the mitreeta almost nmtendimrabie todmiy , but the dminmago was himiteth to mmigummm lucre amid mmiiehs in tIme cotmntr ) ' . At 1 o'clock this morning a severe rain and wind storm atveit across Jelawnro coumnty , ( citing in part of 1)elaware City , Orchards and forests were badly dumniuugeih , fences broken anti some cattle kilied. In Delaware City time flenner hdock was ummiroofed end time hlacks of Frank Wimite and Fred Kurrely wet-c badly dmim- aged. 'rime telegraph comnpamiiea imavo sut- ( sired conahheruuble damnage , No ii'eit were lost and mmobody sas injured , _ - - p Cmi mm I in II mmii ii cc. sv i t im % ' , ' Imo mm , 'i'lmoy h'im'mi ir , SAN FRANCISCO , Mmurclu 25.-Judge Mc- henna , in time Unitemh States circuit court , rendered a decision today In time injunction proceedings hirouglmt by time Continental In- miuramice company against the Board of Fire UnderwrIters of time Pacific coast , lIe imolds timnt time floarmh of' Underwriters is a legal Imothy , timid flint Its mmiemnberms timid a right to any timey woumld riot tie business with corn. imarmies miot mnemnln'r mm of the umilomi , lIe holds , however , that time union smndertvritermm hail no right to rmubiicly mtmlvertlse , through their agents , ( lint tiiey would camirel tiny Continental - nental policies iiroimghmt to timeun anti meinmiuro time imoitlera in umniomm aomnputiies , , 1mm their om Igimmal comnlihmulnt tIme agents of tue Commti- nental company allege that an unlawful hiOycott bath licen declared against comp.'imiies riot beloimsing to tint union , p l'olygn uumy 1" o loyr r i'u. , iii hi I cml , SALT LAKE , Mardi 25.-Time committee on ordinance anti teheral relatlonH emmhimitted mu reiort to time constitutionni convention today - day , fime tIm-at section of time report is us ( ohiowim : "Perfect toleration of religious sentimitent shall lie secured , anml no lrmimmmlii. ( alit of limits state milmahi evem' be niolemmted in pi'rmmort or property out account of hilts or' her mode of rehigiotms tvorsimip , antI rmoiyga. miiotls or plural mnmim-riagea mire forever lire- imibitod , " The coumvemmtion adopted a resolution of sympathy for ( lie ieopie of Wyoming in time emulmurnity which overtook ( item In time Almy maine disaster cmiii s'oicd one day's salary of mitomberim for' tIme reilef of time wives tumid children of tIme victims. - I , imi I limit mm .tI tim ( hit I mm I a I I imhmt is , 1IIA\VATIIA , Kmtn , , March 25.-Tue thmli-ty- ttt'o cx-Puhiman svorlenmc'n brought here iai't fall have succeeded in InterestIng enough capital to start theta In time inunufac'turlimg business , A buiiultrmg and two acres of ground bmave been bought ( or theta and they iioiie to be at work fc lhmexmtseivcs inside a week. SENT TIIROUCII UNCIIANCED Bill to Give A. P , A , Control of the Omaha Police Recornnienlol for Passage , SMITU STEERING IT IN TIlE SENATE - hlmilmhmnmmotm hefemmmt Set lip hI ) ' Ulmit (4 Scrccui S h i mmiqulty of thmut tiemtsmro l'tumm'timrt'ml by iclIceby , halt tim ' , o hffcct , LINCOLN , March 25.-Special ( Tehegrnm,1 -Time semiato this afternoon , after a briel debate , 1mm whuiclu no attenipt ttns mmiaiio tt discuss its mimorits , reconinuendeti for passngg ( ito Ommmmuima Fire anti l'ohlco comuinulasloim bill-u ( ito mi-measure airemutly Passed by tue house , The bill will be read for tIme thmirti tiumie to. muinrrous' cmiii liiaccd mm its fluid passage , 'l'imero is miothmhng ttntighmt to imithicato tutU time bill will not receive ( hue votes of a mmuajority or time senate , anti wIll tie omit. to time governor ornor hot hater than \Vedumestiay , its lhl-ad 'iseti it piece of legislatiomm as over liasseti a imtw tucking body. Time debate in thin setiato t'as of a Icco t-ithm tIme whmolo couurso of time bi'l. Intro iuce fromut mme liopuilar deniand , whmipied thmrougii time imoutse by a iart' lash amid practically railroaded throtughm tIme senate , time bill tstmiuid uumtkcmi on time threshold of tIme govermier'a 0111cc , flS a luitifuii evldenco of partisaum stul. Pitilt ) ' amid imictiomual mttullce. Time chmuiuiiptons of time ill-advised nueasmmro hind mmot tIme cour. ago to tiefomith it tiXCelt tIPott ( lie thtimi smmiiter- ftmge that they desireti to take time iuianage- meat of time Omimahiti Fire amid i'oiico depart. memuts out of ioiitics. This nmieeralmle nrc- teuiae , advanced alone by Soummutor Smuithm ! , utas iiimmmctum red by Setintor Spre'chmer. whmn ph hmutitly showed thttit time bill really lhmtceti ) timose do. pnrtimients umnuher timt' control of a Partisan board. Thin repimhlicaut senators tt-hmn voteti to pass it sat silomut lmehmluuth thmo ridiculous urctext so palmifumlly couucolvc'ti mmii so laboriously auhvaumcemi by Semmator lhltelmcaclc that time proposal to tmtko time appaimitumiemit of tIme comutuimissiomi ' 'out of politics' ' t'mia umiado tIme irimuclpal issue in thmo logsat.vo coma- paign in Ioumglas coimsity Imust fmull , amumi ( hint tmpoui that lssiuo time solid reimumbiicami miolega- tiout from loumglas delimit ) ' hind boomi elected , Settator MclCceby umiado the emily intelli. . gemit effort to liscuiss time hill impoum its nierita , hum emurteoums tommo Iiuti weli sol etcd vords that cult cli time miuoro keemily hiecammte of titel cuuirteoumsuiess , time seumator front \Vebster coimlity shmowetl in hilnin hilacle arid vhmte time 4 mimotives timat were inspiring time umien bade of time bill amid hmehtl timemmm imp to time senate with a acorn that thmcy keenly felt , biut fimireti not resent. IICK SMITh ACTED AS STEERER. The bill caiiio tilt in couiiumtlttco of thin whole shortly before 5 o'clock timis afteruioout. It was imm cimargo of Senator lick Smnltlu of Ommialumu , wimo actel as time uuouitimpieo of thmoso oniiuieuut roforunors , Dr. Veto Schmwemiclc and ItV. . Gibson , svhmo sat mint far behind imiun , After the 1)111 had been read by thue clerIc Senator Dale of Harlan commmity offered an ammiendrnenL mmikiumg thmo mayor ex-.athieio a meniber of tIme Board of Fire anti Police Coma- miiissoners. ! lie backed ims utrgumnant with the brief stateuncat 'thiiit thmduo W cArtdL1nI ) - - - - every reason rity time chief executive officer - cer of a city so large and important as Omnalma should be in a Position whore 1mG could at least have some voice in the direc- ( Ian of thio 1)011cc force chmarged with time execution of time laws , wimichi lie , as mnayo of time city , hind sworn to enforce. Souiator Smith of Domuglas county sad ! thir4 thmo people of Omaha did umot desire to take away from thin mayor any power or prerogative - tive timat belonged to Imis office , They desired to imave thin board non-partisamm. Mutkiumg time mayor a muiemnber of thin Fire mmd I'olee ! coin- mission mmtight bring tlmmtt board into pohi- tics , Senator Sprecher of Colfax county cx- hiresseth his surprise at tue pretense advanced by time senator frouui Iourglas. Time very oh. Ject of time bill was to take time appo'ntuiiont of time commission out of time htanmhs of the governor and vest it in two muon vhmo were not. chmargeml with tIme execution of the laws , but whmose huties were macrely clerical. Tue sole purpose of time proposed law was to niako the Fire ammd Police commission a partisan board. Sprechmer vas in favor of reducing the mmurntbor of comnunissioners from five to thmreo , bimt hme believed that time imiayor elmumhu1 be 0 one of time three. Senator Smith said in reply that time present - ent Fire and Police commIssion was rotten to time core. There was no way by wiilcha its rottenness coulmi be investigated aumd cx. hosed. except hiy provithing for an eumtirely , only board , At. present thue board was tryIng to Investigate itmielt , and nobody would ho- hove ( hint it tt'ommld criuniuiate itmielt , Thmo people of Omaha kuiew what time bill was , They leiiew what thmey wanted.Vimo simouhti know best , " Senator Smith demnarmuhed , "time - - of Ounalma or time people wimo live in tim little towns out In time state ? " What "We' ' want , said Senator Smnitim , is to pimrif - ( ho commission mind take it out ot politics. SOLID ARGUMENT WASTEt ) . Senator McKceby gave time senate a little plain talk , lie did not care to cay anything aboumt Omaha's Internal affairs , Any macas- umro timat vtts commstitntlonal amid legal upon vimlcii time senators fromn loumglas eommutty would agree would ohitmuin his vote , This mmtumchm ito felt it imla mhimty to say. If thmimi biil wars for time advancement of time interests of Ornalma antI would insure better govern. macnt for Oniaimu , then hue would veto for it. limit if it % 'as lumepired by hiotty liersonal sPite , if it WOS a stroke at sortie citizen , lie tras not tot it , lie diii not care u'lmat that citizen's politics mruigimt ho , hue didn't care svimat lila political conmiuct hind ijeesm. if thmis lull Is iumpirc'ti by an attempt to use tIme iegisiaturo to cumrtaui time prerogatives of army govormior , lOiiUlist em' republican , Ito wits not for it. lie diii not care to imuive it I itrown at turn tlmat imo hail helped time republican party to pumnisim some cItizen who hail per- hiaps immcurreih its iilspieaaure. If arty mmmc imail done time iarty a teromug , time proimor way vats to use time party niachiiiiery to limmmiisb that man by miriving hilt ) ) front time organiza- titimi , But tIme state legislature hued ito right to admmtinistor suciu puinisliunemit. its duty was to labor for time intereit of tim whole people , atmmh not for any Particular inulivimlual or faction. Somno explanation rmilghmt be made to intlmica him to vote for time bill , bitt if itt.ts oumly uic'sigrit'mh to Imirilisim ummmo one Indiviihmmal , anmi to curtail time prerogatives of time governor , liii vote could not ho recorded for it. Senator Sprecimer said with reference to time reunarlcmm of thin semimitor ( rota'ehster that timere was rio doubts in time mitincla of any one that time bill was aimed mit Mayor hheumiii , Time bill iiroiosed mme atlvammcemmment in tIme line of reform , It was merely a stroke at time onayor of Omnalma amid time goy ertiOr of time state , NE\'S FOR OMAhA PEO1'LE , It remained for Senator hitchcock to niako thin omuly argumnent. advanced by time frienthe of time huh. lie rmnuherstooil that tIme iloopl of louglas ) couimty hind made this an Issue in time last campaign , It such was time case time issue was certalumly mama tip and clearly do. thiieih long before aityiioiiy knew who ivas to ho time governor. Time Purificatlomi ut this Fire an' ] i'olico butarti was time Ieuuhiumg issue hi tIm Douglas county legislative curumimaign , tie mleciareul , amid upon that Issue a solhh re. piihihicami legislature bind hicon elected't'imls was Imroot enough thmat time iieoliiu of Ounaha wanted tue bill paseed , ik-miator SPrecher imiterrupteti hitchcock to Immiluire if it was riot true that lime bill would never have beemm Imearmi of If time rs.'ubhicami armthidmmte for gtmvermiur imath riot b en defeated , Senator hitchcock evarlemi time qucstmoi. Iii closing time debate Senator Srmiitii saiti timat time bill was not intended as a slap at Mayor fle'mnls , lie iilnieelf ( maul mnmtmiaged this cauuimaign in which Bemnis was elected mmmayq-