Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1895, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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. THE 01\LAllA DAILY nEE : SDAY , MAIWII 2.1 1895.
. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1rARCI , : " _ . .
Life and Exploit or the Famous Veteran
Dothctive .
Jaetd" nNIrr"ta Joh-A Brush wRit lLong
, " , 1lI Ltfe-
John"-AtomIL3 Upon JI lfo-
Ildl 11 the Cnl.tnro of Ex- :
1.roall nBII nohhor
( Copyright , 18H ! . )
. "thn Pinkerton , frlenl1 and defender of
Abraham Lincoln , easiy the geatest detec-
tire Atnerca tins 'et born August
tvo America ha yet seen , was bor
26. 1819 , In O1agow . Ills father , William
Pinkerton , wal n police sergeant In that city ,
and died In the 111scllnge of his duty of In-
, j Jyrles Inflicted by a prisoner. Until the age ,
of 33 , Alan Pinkerton folowel the trade of i
1 cooper , which ho learned In Scotland and ,
Ilbsequcnty practIced In Canada and the
United Stte ! .
Pinkerton's search for a location and open-
. Ing took him to Chicago and then 011 to Dundee .
lIce , kane county , III. , thlrt-elgh miles
from Chicago. There he lved for nine years ,
the coopering business growing under his
energetic management , so that In 1850 ho had
twenty-flvo men workIng under him ali wap
counted one of the most prosperous men In
Kane county.
In those days of state banks and wild cat
money the country was full of counterfeiters ,
and the store ktIers In Dundee were frequently .
quenty swlndlel One day a saddler named
Eaton Walker , who had just ben victimized
by semite false bills , called Alan Plnkerton's
attention to a suspicious looking Individual ,
'hom he believed to be enl of the counter.
felting gang. This at once aroused the hardy
young cooper , who In characteristIc fashion
proceeded to make the wrongs of the com-
. munl ) . his own Dsguising himself as a
laboring man , he followed the stranger without -
ont arousing his suspicion , and finally trace
him to an Island In 1.'ox river. which ever
afterward bore the name of Bogus Island.
This was found to be the headqlarters of
the gang and all were captured , with their
entro outfit , RS a result of the amateur de-
tectivo's discovery.
The fam3 of this exploit . together with
his success In capturing horse thieves on
various occasions , gave Alan Pinkerton I
wile local reputalon , 101 hevas made
I4 ; : .
. .
deputy sheriff of Kane county In which capacity -
paclY lie soon became tile terror of cattle
thieves horse thieves , counterfeiters and
mall rohbr all over tie state.
, The man was a born detective . with such
rare genius for the craft and [ such In extraordinary -
ordinary personality that there was no keep-
jog him In and much
obscurity , Ind being Slolcen
of In Chicago he was soon tendered the posi-
. ton of deputy sherIff of Cook county. This
position Ito kept only a ahort time for the
Officers of tIme Illinois Central and Rock
Island railroads , having suffered much from
train robbers urged him to establish I detective -
tectve agency , which he did.
Alan Pinkerton was a man of great phys-
teal strength. Ho stood nearly 6 fet , and
weighed 200 pounds , with no wastl flesh on
lila oiId frame. Ho was a formidable antagonist -
onist In a rough.and-tumble fight. ! Not that
he was fond of fighting , or quarrelsome by
disposition. On the contrary ho was mild
In manner and not easily aroused ; but when
pushell to the limit , as ho was more than
. - . once In hIs adventurous career , he could and
, - . would fight 1 < n lon and was afraid of no
At the time of the great lager beer riots
back In the GO's , Alan l'lnlcerton , then
deputy sheriff of Cook county , found himself
on one occasion In the midst of an angry
mob. who were threatening to set fire to
the city. BeIng In citizen's dress , the de-
tetvo lad not been recognize by the
crowd , but , realizing the danger of tie situ-
aUon and careless of his own safety , he
walked UI to the leader of tIme rioters , a
powerful workman , and In the name of the
law ordered him to desist. The Icader's only
answer was an oath and an attempted blow ,
but before his fist could strike Pinkerton
lied caught him around the neck In an Iron
grasp. Then. by the adroit use of tlo hip-
lock throw , learned In wresting praclce , he
. buried the fellow ten feet through the air ,
.3 landing him sl.unne on the ground Taking
advantaGe of the astonishment of the others ,
be started off toward the Sail . dragging the
. . . heavy body , unmindful of the rabble 'who
pushed aftEr him wih oaths end blowa. Oc-
caslolly ho would stop to sweep them back ,
Samson-like , with a drive of his heavy arm ,
und then proceed Thus wih much noise
and struggling , this curious procession
n10vc slowlY to the jai , and lS they
approached the jailer stood lt the open door
ready to leek It against the mob as soon lS
Pinkerton and his prloner were Inside but
the later , 11erfecty cool nt this trying
moment , told him to leave time door open
In I moment the crowd In their fury hall
swept Insldu the jai , forty or fifty In all ,
und did not realze the trap that hall been
abt for them until the Iron door closed be-
hind and they were Ilrl80nors. Mr. Pinkerton -
erton was Ilelchted with time success of his
ruse and thought the few bruises he hal reo
ceh'ell cheap payment for audi rare sllort.
On another Occasion , several years before
the war , hIs Immense strength was shown In
an encounter with Joln Wentworth. at that
tmo the editor of the Chicago Ulmorat and
famiarly known lS " Jot111 " Went-
worth was a giant In statur , Standing six
feet seven Inches and weIghing 300 pounds.
every one regarded him as the ltrongest
Jan In Illinois , amid he did not heslato In time
columns of his lisper to Insult his enomles as
lie ' pleased , knowing wel that none woulll
tare to hold him personally responsible. Ho
bad been writing bitter articles about Alan
Pinkerton for 60mo tme , und One day time
later meetug him on the street said pleas-
antly : 'Goed . Mr.
anty "GoO morning Wentworth ; the
next abusive article ] that appears In your
paper Ing. " regarding mae will cost you a thrlsh'
"Who will do , I T" asked His giant
"I v1il. " answered the detective ,
Mr. Wentworth thought this a great joke
and havini related the Incident tI a number
of his friends , IJblshod In the Jext Issue
.of the Democrat aim attack more biter than
that hall previously ' '
any appeared 'rbe same
day Mr. PInkerton met him In remit of onu
of the large hotels , thrashel him wihin an
1oh of his life II the 11resence of I 'wonder.
lug crowd , and thou carried 11m Into the
nearest drug store alitl ) cent for a doctor
Years afterward the two ICn became ! lrmmm
"When my time has come to die , " he used
to say . "I 1 will die ; until then , these fellows
waste their ( lame hotng at mime . " One night
il 1857 a ho was paaing along the street
ho noticed ) a man crouching In a doorway.
but thought nothing of It . as there was a
downpour of rain . lie had taken
dOY'npour rin. le but I few
steps whelm he heard two pistol shots just
- i behind htm. and felt that he lad been
wounded. I lappBned that ho was walking
with his right arm behind his back , a
habit of his. Ills assailant fired from so 1
.hort a dIstance that the burnlui powder set
_ " , . , _ . t _ . . . . -
' > j 2. "
Mr. Pinkerton's coal on fire4 and ho must
have been killed but that both bails were
received In the protecting arm. Wounded I
he was , he captured his enemy and held him
with his left hand until asitance came.
The assailant was sent to prlon. lie had
planned the detectvo's death because the
later had been Instrumental In sending
hi' father and brother to the penientar
for counterfeiting .
Once at Jockford , Ill . , a criminal named
nlnn , whom ho was taking to the jai , amid-
denly struck him on the hcnll with a pair of
Iron knucklrs , knocked him down and started
to escape. Mr. Pinkerton , although dazed by
the blow , recovered himself amid hurried In
pursuit , fring as ho ran Dlnn tmned upon
him and ) fred at close range , the bullet whiz.
1lnl by the detective's lmemul Then Pinkerton ,
takllg 1 more deadly aim-lie was I fine
hot fell mleait with the revolver-fired again and tuba
In 1868 the boo anti Anderson gangs of
train robbers were captured. Alan Pinkerton
was returning one day hy boat from Windsor ,
Can " to Detroit . when just lS the boat was
coming Into the landing ho found himself
among four or five thugs , one of whom jostled !
him , while another placed a revolver against
his ear ali told him to throw lp his hands .
lie mild , throw up his hands , but In a differ-
eat way from that which his assailant ex-
pected. ) ills rIght hand closed \(0 a flash
round time hammer of the revolver , s that
10 shot coul ! ho fred , while n powerful blow :
from the left stretched the fellow fat on the '
drek Time lan turned out to be "Dick"
larr ) ' , In olll.tmoblrglar and counterfeiter
and n pat of time Reno gang. lie subseqlenty
turned state's evIdence and confessed that time
attempt on Alan Pinkerton's life was time
result of n conspiracy , In which not only a
number of criminals were involved , but an
Irworth fellow detective named "Snm"
Peler , who Ild been bought over by them.
ROil i3CitS.
I was In the capture of express thieves
and bank robbers that Pinkerton achieved imts
10st remarkable successes. Beginning with
time Mlroney robbery In 1858. where after
mouths of Ierslstent shadowing. he recovered
nearly $ OOO for time Adams h'xprcss company -
pany , ho conducted the work In scores of
similar cases and Was usually successful. Ito
captured time notorious Carbondale bank rob-
bert recovering $35,000. Then came the
great robbery of the Adams gxpress cOlpany
on the New York & New Haven railroad ,
January 6 , 1866 , when a gang of six thIeves
burst open time safe and sccured nearly $700-
000. Alan Pinkerton secured the conviction
of the guIlty men and got back all but a nry
smal portion of the mouoy. The foJowln
year he succeeded In breaking up the formid-
able Heno and Anderson gang , who had for
years been the terror of the west , plundering
trains , robbing stores and blowing open safes
with apparent Impunity. So greatly was pub-
lie indignation aroused Igalnt these desperadoes -
does that after their arrest they were taken
from the jai In New Albany , Ind. , by 100
masked men and hangeJ.
PerhRI's the greatest feat of Allan Pin-
Icerton's career , certainly time one that wi
live longest In history , was hts safely con-
ductng Abraham Lincoln through Dallmore
Washington when the president was to be
Inaugurated In 1861 I had ben discovered
that there was a plot to assassinate I.lncoln
as ho passed through Baltimore . and Alan
Pinkerton \\as charged with time duty or
guarding hll safely from his enemies.
Alhough In his tme Alan 1Inllerton was
regarded lS one ot the most skilful "shad-
OW3 , " lie rarely resorted to disguises. In
one Instance , though ho went to the length
of shaving off his heavy black beard. This
was when he was investigating a series of
hotel robberies , and he succeeded In maldng
up as a rough workman so successfully that
ho actually stood by and saw the robbers
dig up a quantity of iiamonds and jewelry
burled on time lake front.
As an illustration of Alan Pinkerton's for-
hIlly In expedients may be mentioned the
case of a South Carolina negro murderer
named Joimnson who.e gui was strongly
suspected , but could not be proved. One
morning when Johnson went to his work In
a field he was to plow ho found the ground
spattered with blood. As he moved along the
furrows he came now and then upon little
pools of blood , and when ho wont back to the
stable he was started to find the bloody
Imprint of a human foot on the bar floor.
This continued the next day , when he found
every boo spade rake , ax and other farm
Implement tllt he picked up spattered with
blood. Whichever way he went he found
blood whatever ho touched had blood on I.
and that night the poor wretch , wrought lp
to n frenzy of terror through his superst-
tous fears , and believing that the spirit of
his victim was haunting him , cnt bls throat
from ear to ear. It l needless to state that
Alan Pinkerton was responsible for the
blood stalnR.
Though EO pitiless a hunter of criminals ,
Mr. Ilnllerton was the first to aid the men
whom , he brought to prison to lead decent
honest lives when their sentences bad ex-
pirod . lie pitied crimninais . never despl'Ed
them . Dozens of burglars and thieves like
WIllIam Forrester and Joseph I'arlsh could
tell of his generous efforts for their reform.
"Hore Is $50 for you , " ho would say ; "try
to make a new start and when this money
Is gone , come to mo for more. " Ho would
speli hours talking to men whose lives had
been bad showing them how they might do
better , and never refused material assistance.
In bls whole life Alan Pinkerton never
touched cards never made a bet , or Indulged
form of gambling. I lie fond of
In . any . " _ , : . was ? 1 L !
UrVlg anu iiuru.ea HlU1b. 111 I iS
later years tool much pleasure and spent
much of his spare time In literary work.
In .l he produced seventeen books 01 his
thrilling experiences as a detective , the first
one being the story of hIs pursuit and cap-
turo of the express robber , Nathan Maroaey .
Thi case had attained almost national hn-
portlnce , and the book had such a tremnen-
deus sale that ho was encouraged and urged
to write the others. Although he did not
go to the theater very frequent ) he enjoYEd
seeing a play . now and then , but did not
care much for tragedy or heavy pieces , what
pleased hll most being screaming faces ,
which he enjoyed lS keenly lS any one of
tie gods In the gallery. Ho was also pa-
sionately fond ef music and of flowers.
In everything Mr. Ilnllerton hall rare fore-
sight. A few years before he died ho had
his large fermn , containing 360 acres , planted
with perhaps 300,000 larch trees , whence the
name "Larehi farm '
"What In the world do you want to plant
all these trees for , major ? " asked Superln.
tendent Robartsol one day
"I um looking Iheal1 , my boy , " ho an.
swered. "Tho trees won't do 00 any good ,
but In fifteen or twenty years they sybil
be worth $4 or $5 i apiece for railroad
tes , "
Any one who visits Larch farm today , amid
whe Icnows the value of tinmber . wIll see that
the detectives canny Scotch mind hail thus
contrive a sure , thongh slow way to fortune.
In hIs lifetime , although very free with his
10ney , never refusing mmppltcamits . whether
worthy or unworthy , amid giving to all public
charities , yet ho managed to lay by a goodly
store and died worth about $350,000.
So robust was his healh that be never
wore an overcoat even In the most severe
weather , declaring that I hampered his
movements and was unnecessary . Time only
overcoat he ever owned. was to his great
amusement , almost Immediately stolel from
hmini "I am glad of I , " he said "Whn
does a man lIke 10 want with an overcoat .
coat ? "
At the age of ISO Ills splendid constitutIon
was shattered by a stroke of paralysis , which
kept him an Invalid for I year antI left its
effects through the rest of Ilia life. After
that , 1 alght lmp betrayed his infirimmity . his
body setting more heavIly on his right leg
than on the left lS he walked. Nevertime-
less , he contuu& his active life to the coil ,
taking constant exercise and priding himself
upon his ski In "punching limo bag , " this
lelng I favorite recreation. lie died lt 66 of
cancer of the stomach. .
Cml'lrlccl of ( 'ontomot .
Judge Smll has rendered his decIsion In
the case of Nora Murphy against the nine
Iquater whom she accused If violating the
court' Injunction to allow her to contInue In
limo peaceable possession of her broa acres
of willows und rage brush In time region
about Manawa . \ \ . J. alrcleth he seenl to
consider time arch otcnder , for he Ones hhn
$50 , with the alternative of going to jai for
fifteen days. E. W. Sigler ani Albert Sigler
conic next , with fines of $0 or three days
each In jail . M. Wimatsione and Ii'lmet -
stone are to pa ) $5 or spend otwo days In
jai John legwood , J. W. Pomeroy W.
U. Kuykendal , H. Kuykendal and P. Costel-
low are dIscharged. The cost of making the
transcript and time otber cst , In the case
Ire charged up against these at the defendants .
ants who are conylcted .
Deputy Auditor Runn's Oharges Against
oak Moores and Sheriff DfexoL
IlerOIIlhlo Iookkccpln , llco\'ore,1 II
OOcn of Clerk of tlc Comirts-Mourca
JccnreN It IN an Effort to "llT
11m fur Political Hled ,
As mentioned In the report of time proceed-
Inga of the county commissioners In another .
other column . 1 communication was received
through . County Clerk Sacket from the
county auditor yesterday complaining that
the system of bookkeeping In use In time or-
flees of the sherIff and clerk of the dhtrlpt
court covered up the amount of cortln
classes of fee collected by Clerk rank
Mooros The following Is the full text of
the letter :
Prel J. Hackett , Eaq . , County Clerk : I nm
In receIpt at I communication from James
Buan , who hI employed , U ! you know , and
nssiimed to my department by time Board
of Commlloners for time purpose of checking -
ing up the accounts of co ln officIalS .
which said cotnmunlcatton Is tranamittemi
herewith . and from which It nppears that In
the oUles of the Sheriff und cleric of the
district court certaIn letl0lls are em-
PlaYed which tend 10 conclnl the amount 01
fees and costs collected. The failure oC the
sheriff's olce to keep a record of execution
fee bills Issued I nnll collected . ns executon wel
thnt of the district '
clerIc's 0111cc In filing
olce Iln ,
Slle when returned with the papers tn tIme
ease . is I olmargeil , Also tIme retention In the
hllis oC the clerk or the district court of
trial nnd wlhles9
fees thut should have
been . paid Into the count treasury ns well
us overcharges muncie by the distm4ct. ! court
clerIc of fees In crimi nut caseil , heretofore
11ahl by tIme com.mmmt3' , nil of which Is of grave
Imnlortnnce. 1
Iour attention Is coiled to this communi-
cnton ns n channel through which the
same mny reach thc proper olclats oC
Douglas county , with n vIew to such action
us may be teem d Iclvlsable tn the Icton prm-
Ises. JOHN H. 'ATE , Audttor.
Attached to this was the following from
James Huon , who draws $1.000 per year from
the county as In erpert accountant :
J. II. Tate , Auditor : 1 would respectfully
cal your attention to the following state of
facts which exist In the olces of the sheriff
and clerIc of the district court of Douglas
county , Inl which tcnl1 to obstruct and
prevent n full and complete investigation by
myself or any one else In ascertaining )
full and true amount oC moneys and fees
collected In these olces belonging to Doug-
las .county and whih should le accounted
ror by the several olccs above mentiofled.
There are at the prescnt time I large
number of what are termed nnd known ns
execution fee bills In the hamls of the sheriff
for collection. I think from what 1 saw
that there are about 300. perhaps more.
Except : tie one entry In each case showing
the Issuing of time fee bIll on the appearance
or execution daclcet , as time case may be
there Is no further record made In eIther
.he clerk's or sherlff's ofce whereby the
nmount collected 01 said Ceo bills can be
ascertatnel\ . B. Hosenzwel , ns deputy
for Sheriff 1)rexol told me that they kept
10 record of fee bills In thlt olce , us they
hnd no book on which to enter thmenm and
tit had not been the custom to do so.
In sUJport of this statement 1 wIll say that
In all of the examinations 1 have made In
these olces I have never found n fee bill
Ied with nny of the papers In the clerk's
ofhice. where they ought to be , showing the
imerIff's action , If any . and the amounts
collected on same. I know that Mr. F. g.
Moores . time clerk of the district court keeps
some fee bills flied away with what he
terms his private papers and did , on one
occasion when I Inquired for certain ones ,
produce them wih the request that they bo
returned to him personally , 'which was dono.
On these I found $ 0.91 of . fees earned by
Sheriff Bemmnett , which do not show on any
record In either the cleric's or sherlfs office ,
and should these fee bills ever be mislaid or
removed from the clerk'R office there would
be no record by whIch the amount of fees
earned by the sheriff could be ascertained.
Mr. Rosenzweig also told me that John
Iowlf was employed by Cleric 1oores to
collect I large number of the50 fee llIIs. I
asked him It Lewis was acting In the
capacity ot deputy sheriff. Ho said no
will Douglas county get the benefit of fees
earned by Lewis to apply on the sherlff's
salary ? I looks to me that both cleric and
sheriff should be compeled to keep a record
of each and every fee bl issued the same I
as Is done with regular executions , lS dl- ,
rected by statute , a there must have been
upward of 1,0 In the past year
Another mater that prevents ant obstructs -
structs me from ascertaining the true and
full amount of moneys collected by the
clerk of the district court Is the use by him
of character or letters to Indicate the
amount of money that ho has collected In
certain cases , Instead of putting them In
Illuln figures. I have frequently found tbls
and I bears upan its face the evidence of
nn atempt to conceal the true amounts
collected , and has been used In some cases
to divert money that belongs to the county
to the use of the clerk pro se , as shown by
the following receipt : .
"October 27 , IS93.-Recetved of surety
herein full satisfaction or my unpaid costs
herein. ( A.U.A.I. )
"FRANK E. 1OOnES , Cleric. "
I have thoroughly Investigated this case
nOI have evidence to show and prove that
the amount received hy ClerIc looreR 11
this case was not all of his unpaid costs ,
but also Includes trial fees duo county $1 ;
sheriff's costs on execution , $1 : costs on
transcript from lower court , $ .55 : mlldng
total fees other than his own , $9,6.
This Is not the only case of this kind
The use or this chamcteh' or letter receipt
has been In use In the clerk's office for the
. pat five or stx years and Is apparently used
.to conceal the true amount collected. Is
there no remedy for limbs ? Docs not the
law prescribe that the record shall show In
eaah Ild every case the amount received
by the cleric I find that this kind of re-
ceipt stl cOltnuls to be made up to the
present time , I find ii large number of cases
In which tme county Is entitled to trlli fees ,
also a large amount of witness fees that
have I not been called for are stl In the
hands of the clerk. I have also found a
great number of caRes In whIch the county
hns been overcharged anti his collected hy
the cleric far : 11 excess of what they shoull
taken In conmiection with
he These facts , tlkel connecton
the peculiar manner usell In making receIpts
In the clerlt's office , impel me to make this
communication , to see I some acton cannot
be hnll toward removing amid preventing
such obstructions to the work In imand.
These letters were not publicly rend before
time county commiesinnera . As they all knew
their contents they silently allowed them
to bo retorted to the finance committee for
Shortly afterward n Bee reporter handed
ranlt Moores a copy of the charges. lie ,
was very busy , but every tmo ho took a
gllnco at those papers bo was less Inelno ;
to take his eyes oft them "have I unythlnG
to say to those charges ? Wel , I should ]
think I had , " ho said. "It I one of tIme
cruelest most unmerled and uncalled for
infamies that has ever been attempted to.
ward 'me. What Ire these fee bills which I
Is claimed I desIre to cover up ? They are
simply bills copied from time entries on the
appearance docket. Every Item on them Is
alwa's on the docket , whIch Is I a public
document on these counters , which any
schoolboy cnn come up and look over If ho
pleases ] , without asking a , . question. Thole
items which are put on'these bills from
time dockets Ire time costs In actions which
Imave not been paid because the parties to
whom they are assessed are found
to have no property. They would
Soon outlaw on the docket , but once they
are mlde out II the form of his they are
revived for five years . Time pates may In
this time be able to pay. For this reason
alone the greater part of these bills Is made
out , for you know that 10t one II ten of
them Is ever collected. But If they are col.
lectell the amount Is entered on the docket
and the receipted bills are fed with the
other papers In the cases ,
"When Mr. Ruun says they are not so
fed , amI that the amounts are not entered
on the dockets he Is telling 1 deliberate lie .
and he knows It as well as I do It Is Impossible -
possible for me to make A cent out r .
( Ile. .
bills In any way whatever ,
"That bunch of bills that he says I keep
among my prlv\te paper I a lot returned by
ex.Sherlf lennet , most of them unpaid
They are being entered up as rapidly as
110slble by Captain Ijanie . and every paid
bill Is being charged to me and fed In Its
proper place But I cannot make any money
out of them Every cost In a suit , as said
before , Is entered on the appearance docket.
Every cent received 01 account Dr these cons
Is ale entered Ihere , al \ b'll every cent do-
posited with me In any sifl There , too . on the
same page , every cenud ! out Is receipted
for the it .
by Parties reeitfig
"Now about my nthtirIous t cipher that
Roan complains of. ' Is no part of the
record and concerns 'k but myself. Take
this case here where ' woman got a divorce .
vorce from her husbnn"ITnst week When I
came to paying costs anJtttng ; to $10.60 she
found she hall onl' fB flh the world I let
her oIl the $2.60 , nnI this amoumnt which
J pay m'sel I enter ( II 1pher I does not
cOle out of the cOlnty
"AmI so I might gd1 ' ' 6n. but under the
system It Is simply Impbiible for me to get
away with a cent , and I ' don't want to. My
bondsmen are good and r have $10 of my own
care for everyone dollar that Is entrusted to my
"No man ever yet can say thnt t did him
out of n dollar , and t don't propose to let an
at\'enturer like Uln brand 00 as a tlmlct
lie gets $ ,000 a year frol this county , and
by usimmg the Information obtained while
working In thIs office has already In n couple
of weeks cost time county over $300. lie finds
that there are sonic unpaid fees due to cer-
taln persons who have forgotten all about
them . lie goes to these parties alli divulges
the fact , agreeing to collect tIme amounts for
25 or GO per cent He gets nn order and
draws the money. This money would other.
wise go to time county 1 Is entered against
10 on time locket amid I must pay It over.
Every day I semI out blank checks to such
parties. Sometmcs they come amid often mint .
"Uunn knows he I wrng when he makes
these charges : he knows that I Is Imposslbe ]
for me to keep my books idaimier. Dut he Is
tle tool of other parties who seek to over
me with Infamy for fear I want Inother
term. I have lived here twenty-one years ,
and no man cnn honesty say a word against
my character. Whcn I 10 out of this oOce
every penny that I have receIved will be accounted -
counted for , and I even now have J. J. Points ,
formerly nn expert for this county checking
up every Iem on may books , and every thing
will be fuund correct No judge , mme attorney ,
no citizen of this county will . I firmly be-
hies'e , think otherwise than that this Is a
mlserabl Itempt to vilify In honest man's
character purely for political purposes. "
Moores exhibited several of the receipts
signed b ) Hunn , where he drew 10ney for
other parties to whom ho had given In-
formaton regarding amounts due them from
the county , and on which he collected fro I
25 to GO per cent lie would not . however ,
permit the names of the parties to he Iudo
public . Hs only object , ho said , was to
demonstrate the character of the man and
the advantage he Is taking . of the positiomm.
Program of 11and"rlon. lerc"r URnqu"t-
Capacity or heed lntel Wil lie Taxed .
The conmmnltteo In charge of the banquet
. _ ' commitee _ . . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ' _ n. '
IU UI 1' YCI l C"-"CIUll .uaIiuersomm anu
Congressman Mercer met last evening lt
Tima Stockman ofce to perfect arrangements
and approve the program submitted b ) the
g n\emen who had been ' appointed by Pres
lent A u erson.
lion. W. N. Dabcocl Is to bo master ot
cercmonl Ice.
TIm nddress of welcome will be delivered
hy Mayor Johnston ami 'wi bo responded toby
by liomi. Charles F. Manderson and Ilcn .
David H. Mercer. Th toasts will be :
State of Nebraslca . . .TITes H. Van Dusen
Our Munlclpat GovernmeritJohn S. " 'nlers
Our Future lrost1ectsi. , Edmund C. Jlnc
Press. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Edward Hosewnter '
Our . . . . . : . . . . . . . S. Knox I'
Our Board of Trade. . j.m..David . Anderson I
Our Publc Schools . . . , . . Wihlianm D. Cheek '
Cltizenslmlp..Robert n. Montgomery
The Reportetr. . . . . . . .S.muel P. BrIgham
I was the intention ' 'of ; the commitee nt
the start to Issue only 160 Invltllons , hut
up to this date nearly : OOf tckets have been
sold and the gentemen In charge of the
banquet are making arrangements for stl
more. The Reed hotel : dlning room , where
the banquet will 10 heM , Is of good size , but
will no doubt bl lxedTt Its utmost cpaclt ) . .
A conmnibttee will mmmeet"the distingubaimed
commltee wi me\'the dIstnguished
guests In Omaha and . es ort them to the
banquet hall. \ es
Instructing the Q.ul , " peotots.
Dr. ' Dpvoespecial . agent of the , Agricultural -
tural departm'ent , arr1vd In the city yes-
terny to Instruct the newly appointed Inspectors -
specters In their duties. . The talk of Texas
fever among cate dutes" the embargo placed
upon catte cQmlng from Texas hiss caused
Secretary Morton to Issue special Instruc-
tons regardIng the Inspection of shipments
from Texas.
Hereafter the Inspectors wIll carefully In-
spect all cattle at the scales , and ale lt
the houses where they , are killed. Dy a
careful system of inspection the government
hops to prevent any diseased catte from
being marketed locally or sent abroad.
Mrs. H. Lovely wi have her sprln openIng -
Ing of millinery next Wednesday and Thurs-
day _ _ _ . _ _ _
Nebraska . 10stu.ter UrouJbt from Mis-
soon for " : mbr7zPlelt
Samuel S. Shelby , deputy United States
marshal from Kansas City , Irrl'el1ln this city
last night , having In charge Henry A. Evert ,
ox-postmlstor of Concord Neb. Evert was
postmaster lt Concord during last July , and
luring his term It Is claimed that ho em-
bozled $468 , led us soon lS the discovery
was made ho skipped time country and went
to Rchmonl , Mo. The efforts of time United
States marshals to locate him availed them
nothing until Evort bocme tired of biding
from the officers and gave hlmsef ] up. lie
wa taken before the United States court
lt Kansas City and pleaded guilty to the
embezzlement , and Is her for the purpose of
receiving his sentenco. He was locked up
In the city jai last nigh for cafe keeping ,
but wIll bo turned over to the United States
mnrhal of thIs district tomorrow , and from
here ho wIll bo taken to Lincoln.
wi .
UnrlhlJlol amid Ccdlu' n"p\ls I RrnIJ' " . I
NEW YORK , March 23.-The earnIngs of I
the Burlington , Cedar RapIds & Northern
riway for January were : Gross , $279.71 :
decrease $2,45 : let , . $ S2.16 : decrease , $2,574.
I'IiflSJN.41 . 1'.ll.40/.U'lH.
Wilam F. Coy Is a guest at time Paxton
W. S. Stutsmnan Harlan , Ia. , Is at the Mer-
George T. Delf , Sheridan , \\ryo . Is j at tie
Paxton .
Charles . Laycock of Kansas City Is at the
W. D. Robinson , Inez : Wyo. , Is registered
at the Arcade
C. D. Alprd , Iuron ! J , 8. D. , Is registered
' '
ut the Millard. 'n
Miard. I n
U. A. WiIams anI v1co ; of Fremont mire
Arcade guosts. : : Hlr
James C. Dahlman ot C.dron Is registered
at time Merchants.
J. W. Driski , SpeiFj4j . S. D. . Is regis-
tered , lt the ' , Speu,1.
O. W. Jones and nui Card nel , Burns
Ore. . are guests at the f . imants.
James n. Dehier , agct9for time Nellie Mc-
Henry cOlpauy , Is at Ule1Paxton. .
D. G. Spencer and c."n ; Ward are registered -
tere at the Darker frojn'Kansas ' City . rCs-
J. W . McKinney , bil's I manager for De
Wolf hioppe.r . and I. ' p'Jipr : his secretary ,
are at time Darker.
01 :
Nebraska arrivals ak ; Darker : H. F.
hhlerwlrth . Lincoln ; D. , GJIrlo , Superior ; W
C. Bedwel and J. I. .rrldn , Broken Dow ;
Frank E. McGnnis , IMllng % ; Mra U. I.
Benstock , Kearney ; . \ S3. < no Cahill , Grand
. ' ,
Island 1 ,1'1
At time Mercer : H. E. Dow , Chicago ; A. L.
Smlh , New York ; JoWl n. Powell , New
York ; C. G. O'Meara , Chicago ; C. H. Gausscn ,
St. Louis : Mrs. J. n. Widen , Massachusetts ;
Benton Morse , New , Yrle ; ¶ 1' . P. nement ,
LIncoln ; Hurk Frelsleh , : t. Louis ; J. I'
Murphy St. Louis : A. B. Thrown ChIcago ;
L. M. Fizhugh , Cincinnat ; A. 1. Drink ,
Uushvlo ; W. A. Steele Des Moln ! ; A. W.
Elliott , PhIladelphia ; Joe J. Humphrey , To-
ledo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ehrallln' ut the Uot"I.
At the Paxton-Ym'ilhiam 15. Hymer , nol.
At the l11I fl-F , WIttze Norfolk : J.
H. ' ' olerh' . , JlWlllJ City ; ! U. George .
At time Merchantl- J. Ross timid wife
Uastngs ; J. J. 1ulton , Table Hock ; E. U :
Saddler , 1lncoln.
At the Dellone-Creighton Morris , 11pm.
hohl : C. lt Snyder , Ponder ; Charles G.
Ryan , Grand island.
At the Arcae-orneluK Keyes . O'Neill :
O. W. Gnmrdmmer . Gern : Fred Kunz A. J.
I.nger"Ct I'olnt ; ! rammkV. . 00ff . Na
rska City ; Dr. D. A. Waidesm , BeatrIce .
Easter . 0 " Who . .
4" . '
, ,
0 . Sunday ) cO \ "d " Will Itnkc your .
1 \\f"
; p. '
: : , '
April 14th < } i 1 : .h1 0 0 Suit ?
Better place your order with a house like-
Nicoll the Tailor
\Vherc you wi find the assortment of Spring and Summer \Voolcns-zcz'ther ! 1car or
stz'n , ) ' -w11erc they guarantee to you-the very best of workmanship-trirntiiings and lit.
The prcc wi not : stand ir your way-
Trousers 85 ; , $6 , $7 , $8. 1
. - Suits $20 , $25 , $28 , $30.Cfl ' - OI
Do you live . . . MINNEAOLIS
_ _ _ I _ _ . _ out . _ of . _ _ town _ _ _ ? _ ( .JP ' ' CINCINNATI NEWYORKf2 DENVER
" . . - . . , ' TAELOR . WASHINGTON
. . _ . ; file \ \ ; I ' J J n . ' WASHINGON IOIANAPOUS
: ti . CITV
' I ; . : = . - : . . . . . . . . : . 207 , . KANSAS ptTruRo ORD
_ : _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ .tART WtA
South SANf r4GtaES
Write for our . . . LAND '
. . . Sample Bag 15th St. PO
Commissioners Think le Has Money that
Belongs in the County Treasury ,
Fees In Telporary Ucceh'erfhll' Cases mind
' 1"/e Received by Ucpnty Swift Arc
. Iimcludcd-Coummty AUorney flacks
VI' time 1eland.
Sheriff Drexel yesterday afternoon came infer
for a large share of tie attention of time
county commissioners. His reports of the
receipts and expenditures of his ofco during
the second , thIrd and fourth quarter of the
year 1894 were received from the finance
committee , and , with a few aught . correc-
tions . wore approved. From the four quar-
terly reports or the year mentioned It would
appear that on a cash basis the office was
$1.09 bettor than self-supporting , the receipts -
colpts for 1894 having been $7.54109. and
time disbursements 7540. There Is earned
and not collected . however , In pending civil
cases $2,88123. and insane fees uncollected .
$166. These outstanding fees In civil cases
called out a resolution by Stenberg , which
was adopted , Instructing time sheri In all
cases where pTactcabo : to Insist upon pay-
moat for services In advance.
This was only the first gun leveled ltI
. I
the sherIff.
Another report from the same committee I
referred to a communication from the sheriff
to the elect that ho lad In 1894 collected
fees as temporary receiver In certain cases
to the amount of $1,046 , which lie had re-
tamed , as 10 did not consIder them fee of
the office to be turned over to time trels-
uror. The finance commitee hall obtained
thin opInion of tIme county attorney . which
was to the contrary , and accordingly the
boar ordered Mr. Drexel to turn over this
$1,046 to the county treasurer at once.
Another report from time finance commitee
ordered time sherIff to make I report to the
board of all 01 the foes collected by James
C. Swift while acting lS deputy sheriff In
thn omn or the county ludre. and Day over
the whole - m i n-t-so- le i d. It ' will be
remembered that The Dee published the fact
lat week thaL James C. Swift was acting
and that the
tinder Ippolntment by Drexel thlt
later had notified the county judge to allow
Swift to take time fees ernel as payment
for his services. This Is contrary to time
statutes as Interpreted by the county attorney -
torney and Mr. Drexel wIll now have to re-
fund SInce the publication of the facts
Swift Ils been notified that his services
would bo dispensed with unless time county
cmmisioners allowed him to bO put on time
of regular Apri.CHANGE payol of time sheri on tIme 1st
The resignation of Assessor J. W. Schu-
mlcher of Ekhorn precinct was received
and accepted , and upon motion of Stenborg ,
William H. Turner was chosen to fill time
A petition from time village of Dundee
was received and referred to the finance
committee , aeklng Ullt the commhsloners
cal a special election under section 27 , chap-
tor 18. of time Compled Statutes of Nebraska -
brslca , for time purpose of alowing time
. people of that vicinity to vote on a propo- ;
siton to Issue 1onds to time amount of $10" .
000. to be applied to securing contnuous
street car communication with time center 01
Omaha lt I 5-cent fare.
A comrnunlclLon was received from the
county clerk Inclosing a letter from the
county auditor complaining that hula deputy
was unable to diode ul the accounts of the
clerk of time distrIct court owing to the fact
thlt the 8lstem of bookkeeping used by
thlt officer nail the sheriff tended to cover
up the amount of a certain class of fees
received The mater was referred to time
finance committee , and time board adjourned
to meet next Saturday at 10 a. m.
fhnrt I'oiice nmrim's.
Ma' Horshman , a peddler , nnl Steve
Moroney , a 17-year-old boy entertained the
passers by lt 'enth Ind Farnam streets
yesterday afternoon by engaging In a street
If ht. Moroney hal tIme best of the light
anll was cleaning UII lower I arnlm street
with Iershmun when mimi omcer Irrlvell und
placemi bath of time comlJtlnts upder arrest .
HerRhman attacked Morone , who , he
clalmR , has stoned him on several occasions
Wiiam EllIott was arrested yesterday on
the charge of having stolen n walon bed
from \ \ ' . U. Iuskiru Eliot claims that the
' ' borrowed mind , that It
Property was only brrowll In,1
would have been returned at any tmo It
was needed by the owner
Jv. . Unycs and Howard Webster were
arrested boat nlHht In time Third ward .
'hen arrested they hul , In their ] POSSeSSIOn
I new bicycle and a suit of ho's' clothes
which the police thlnlt Is stolen property I
Webster la supected of halngtolen I i
valuable walch lt the Cozzens hotel Ibout
ten days ago and has been tinder eurveil. I :
lance ever since. 'he bicycle belonged to
John Mad/en of the Mercer hotel. I was
stolen about 7 o'clock from In front of the
Home hotel. _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ _
' hlnk I 11"Inl " " "erll lacl 10) I.
lien Jeayn ton , an IS-nor-old boy claim-
Jng 10 hal from Chicago , was arrested lat
night by Detectives Hayes and Hudson .
Meyer 4 Ralpke la\1 for some time been
missing goods Irol their store , HO Harne
street & and alhough the ) were of the
opinion the goods were taken by ere
boys . they were unable to catch them at it.
The mater was reported to the police and
Lbs ofcen have lei1 on time lookout for
about two week and were finally tuble to
cntch LeAvenston. A number of other boys
are thought to he Implcated Iii the petty
thefts , Incl It was . learned limit Bore of the
stolen propert has leen ( lsl08el ; of In
CouncIl Bhimffs. 'he ' boys have hired n room
In' the Third wmmrd . where , I ts tholght ,
good would II1e leen stored lS fast 11
theO were able to malII It a payln huslness.
' 1he boys mire regularly orgaulzed mind the
arrest 01 yesterday will mme doubt brcnlt uptime
the glng of ) 'olthful criminals.
Go"crnUent l'ropnKrN tl Chase Out SI'LUor
film W'imimmebago HKI'r''Uou. ,
There Is no intention on the part of the
Interior department to lonler tolerate the
illegal occupaton of the lamls of the Omnha
miami Wlnnebago Inllan reservatiomis. Vi'hemi
the Flournoy Live Stock and Real Estate
company and time 160 partIes who hold leases
under It refused to abandon their claims , amid
were not molested , notwIthstanding the fact
that Unied States Circuit Judge Tha'er hal ,
declared time leases nul and void a ccrtlin
amount 01 confdence was felt by the holders
that the goverment would lot undertake In )
further imroceeilhumgs. But In lan Agent Deck
sInce then has not been idle amid us n resumlt .
a bill has been fed by the Unl,1 States
askIng for In Injuncton against all of thc
lessees , Including time Plourno Live Stock
and Real Estate company , J. D. Carey . T. I ] .
Hul & Sons , Ernest J. Snmitim Frank U.
Hutchins , trustee , and G T. Chiitteimdemm . together -
gether wih :50 sublessees under them , ask-
Ing for an order restraining them from luter-
feting wllh the Indian Igent In the dlschargo
of bls duties toward his charges , and touch-
log this reservation , commanding them to
vacate the lands. and restraining them from
leasing any or the lands from the Indians or
from one another.
R. W. Drecklnrldgo , special assistant
United States district attorney . who has the
suit In charge , has been 10 St. Louis and
procure In order Issued for the defendants
to show cause why the injunction should not
Issue as prayed Cor. This order Is returnable
by April 22.
NeIther Mr. Brecklnrldge nor the Immdian
agent ammticipates that there svili be any
great resistance by the occupants to time execution -
ecution of time orders of time court , as time ama-
Jority of the hmohders have beemm imerotofore
Ignorant of the fact timat their claimums to time
lands are valueless , amid when timoy are finally
convInced of the facts they svili leave. The
few whmo are expected to resist will be
'promnptly ronmoved by force , if necessary ,
oldIcrmm Who Fonmghit' Limmilor flbsniarck anti
% 'otm aloitko CeIebrto 'rtignmlier ,
Time Onmaima Lammdwuir vereln consecrated
their new flag at Germnanla imall last evening.
There was a large attendance , and in addi-
tioa to the Omaha Landwehr a contingent of
old soldiers came down fronm flenmmington to
participate in time InterestIng cerenmoaal. Th
imimil was tastefully decorated witim German
and Anmerlcan flags , amid tIme occasiomm was
nmade a very enjoyable one. Time First 1mm-
fantry baud , Nebraska National Guards , under -
der tIme leadership of herr ileumry Lutz , sup-
lhied time amusic. Anmong otimor timings , It executed -
cuted In a sliriteul nmaumner Franke'mn pot.
pourri , "Doutchea Land In Sang mmml Kiang , "
l'mot. Gliaries l'etorsoem shmoweml how svell lie
imail traIned time ummemubers of time Saomiger.
humid , time "Weihmelied , " or consecration song ,
being especlaily good , Mr. l'oter Kaiser gave
a flume remmditlonm of "Time Stammilard Watclm , "
anmi was thme recipient of hearty applause ,
Time ceremnomny of presenmtlmmg time umesv flag
was a very Inihiressive one , and time memimbers
of the Lanudwehmr vereinm svent timroimglm with it
In a truly ummartiai way. Mr. Charles P. Hoof-
11cr , time iireeident of time Omuma'iia contingent ,
delivered aim able , hatrlotic ammil Imnpassiommeml
51)00041 on time deeds of valor demme by time
German soldIers clueing time Frammco.l'russlami
war , and described tim detail time battles front
Saarbruechcemm to time siege of Paris , lie awak.
ened old memnorlea smnong mnany of hilt
audItors , amid hum was most enthusiusticall
enccreml. 'fhe beautiful mmew flag was mnade
by J.V. . Zerzan of this city.
Suit on Jccoummmt of mu Note II is illothmer haul
iIgneul In bOlamik.
Judge Ferguson has instructed time jury In
hula court to returmi a verdict In favor of tIme
defemidant in time suit of Mary Gayiord , agaInst
the Nebraska Savings and Exchange bank ,
Tubs snit was for $12,000 , and was brought
to recover on a promissory note , and brings
back seine reimmommibrancems of Itaipim Gaylord ,
a young man wimo a couple of years ago left
for parts unkimowum whiie mnammy credItors
mourned halt ileparturu ,
Italpim Gaylord was time son of time plaIntiff
and to Imirn sime intrusted timla note , wimlcim
sue Imad sigumemi 1mm blank , for time hurimoae of
raIsing some mmmoney to lIquidate debts. The
Son took advantage of time conmfiulenmce which
was imposed in imimim , filled tIme blank note
out for $12,500 , soul It to time bunk for S,000
mmmd witim time iirocecds In iib lmcket lie dcii ,
leaving time Imupression that ho limed sulcuded.
Time bank negotiated the mmote and Mrs. Gaylord -
lord was conmpeileul to pay It. Sue sued time
bank , chargIng that the note was imot a no-
gotiabho Immatrumnent , but Judge Ferguson miif.
fered whim her.
Quigiey 4mus Outcls.iaeil ,
I'hIl I4ADELIIIIA , March 23-Jeroane
Quigley of this city and Youag Grille
fought four roummda tonight before the South.
wark AthletIc club , and , wlmlle no decision
was given , Orirfo , It was ronceuled , bmimd all
time best of the go , 1mm time first round Grub
, uinmply smothered Quigley , landing on Imlma
at will , In time succeeding roumi'Is Quigicy
braced up consimlerambly ummil imiimded some
stiff punches on the Australian , 'rime third
tmnd fourth rounds were very tommie , GrIffo
makIng scarcely an effort to punish lila
man , being content to ward off Quigiey'a '
leads , The latter , however. was clearly
outclassed ,
AMUsErIilh1iNTs ,
, ' - SUNDAY
March 24 , 25 , 26 , 27.
S 00 imumimiiy ilat. W'culmmcsday.
Isabella ' GREAT
Tramp PARTY."I
O opper l'm'esontlmig in all Its ina.
mmttteeiuce ihe Glorloimmi Ills-
ti happie iork'at Extrmivngmmnza.
Daiy Trulby $ infs 492"
From _ _ _
And all the 8UPFnIICOII1IanYOtCO
Matchless I Coitmimames icencry ,
Features Electric Effects.
NtC.llr PRICES , . - 25c , 80c , 75c , $1.00
- - - - 25c 50c 78c
Box OFFICE opou all Day SUNDAY.
THURSDAY , - MARCH - 28th.
I -A- I
I -
SAME GREAT CAST.S-atuiwbhtgo on sale
Weilmmeuuiaynt usual Pm'ices.
_ _ _ _ _ _
I BoviPs llo Theater
2 NiglttsuiiulSntstrthmyMat-
moe , Commencing ,
Priday , Mar , 29th
' - - - - -
icI ; :
Mimi tue largest and host Comu
pLiny ho iiaue yet lied ,
Imitorlmrotimmg thin fmmmimmiost , brlglmt-
mist , pmmobt mimulodle mmml Imest of all
Emmtltleii ;
A. Suimmtmtuoiusiy Simectaul.ur Pro.
S AVLE flrcmmt Cast ,
Pull Cliorumus of dO
Mmmgmuillccnt Cemmtuinmcu4 ,
Superb Statue 3ottiimg4 ,
Utilized io time original iruaummtation
him New York ( jity ,
Matinee t4mIuurdumy afl'rmmoonm att.S0
I'rIL'em3-250 f.ic,711e , * 1 , fl.Om ) ,
Seats omm halo Timuirmehmmy milormilgum ,
- - - - -
- - 4
pI 1f.1 TJ11lt F1I1W.1T ,
Jrair and % 'armer In time % Yatern PortIon of
Nebrausitmi ,
WAShINGTON , Islaich 23.-Time forecast
for Iiummdmsy lii :
For Nebraslca arid Kansas-Fair ; westerly
wimmdmm ; warnmer In time weustermi portion ,
For town : ulil iullssourl-FnIr ; west wimidmi ;
miligimtly cooler 1mm tIme extrenme soutimermi Per-
tiomm of Zmhlumsuurl.
For South 1)alotmm-Fair weather ; westerly
'wlmuds ; imilgiat clmommge 1mm temperature ,
Local liecormt ,
OMAHA , Numrchm 23.-Oimmahmmu r.ejord of tern-
perLmtume timid rmmlmmfumhi , c'oirmpared myltim tbmo
corresponding day of time last four years :
1t1J1 , 1894. 11191. fl92.
Maximum temperature , . , l 6 4th 03
lmilnimimum temperature , , , , 41 21 2 i9
Average Iemmperature . , , . , &J 18 37 36
J'recipltationm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0) .00 .20 .00
Condition of temperature imnmh recipl1rstiomm
at Omaha for that , day mind since March 1 ,
Normal temperature , , , , , , , , , , , . , , , , , . , , , . , . 40
Excea for time i.itiy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Normal hreeiluituution , . , . , , , , , , , . , , . , , , 06 mdi
heIiciency for time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inch
Total ireclpitation mince Mtmrciu I , .46 '
ieIiciency sitmee luinreim . . . . . . . . . . . . . inch
14. A. WELSh , Observer ,
Isj'roa iteemt Collection in Place ,
The Byron Iteed collection Is now in plac.
In the public library building , but It will
be another month before it will be tlmrown
open to time imbibe. TIme task of arranging
amid classifying tIme collection Is tin exten.
uive one timid will require at least four weeks
or hard worlc , 'rime books uru being arranged -
ranged unmit'r Itm sulielvislun of Miss
O'BrIen , actIng hiiarmrlumi : , amid time classiti.
cation lii directed by Miss Illunchue Allan ,
'I'ii librarIan. humus Jessie Aiiamm , who is
sojourning lii time mmoutlm for time benefit of
her health , hiss been granted a further iev.
of absence until May 1 , wIthout pay ,