Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1895, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    _ r , - _ _ _ . - . T . - - - _ , . - - , : - _ . . .
I _ G _ - - - - - - . . , - - - - ' - - - - - - THE OMAhA " DAILY Bij : i SUNDAY . , \LAUOII \ 24 , 1895. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ . _ _ _ - _ _ .J _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ - - _ - - _ . _ _ . .
- -
: , fiu OML .9UD\X D n
Velivered ty erle to any pat of tbe ettj.
11. W TIL'ON , Leme.
'Et.rIJONCS-DuaneS ! offlee , No 4 : n"bt ;
tlor , No. U.
- -
- -
S Jl/WIl Jl"TI01S ,
Orand , Council DIus. E. F. Cark , prop.
Mayu Real Estate agency & 39 DroadwY.
The gospel temperance meetings conducted
by Hev Anna M. Palmer will begin Sundays '
March 31.
S Thursday aUcrnoon the Indies of the 0 A.
n. club ' enjoyed a vhll In the art galleries
of Omaha.
The Oakland Avenue nealing club met
S Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. C. Waterman
on Avenue F. ,
The funeral of frs. Judge Bryant will
occur this afternoon ' at the residence of
Mrs. P. J. Hennessy ! 825 Seventh avenue , at
S 2 o'clocl
AI and A. J. Jackson , charged with hucle-
Iterlng without a license , failed to appear
In police court yesterday morning for a
trial , and their case was continued until
The funeral of Mrs. Anna Heese , will take
place from the family resilence , 191 Fourth
Bvenue , Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hev.
T. W. Wiliams of Latter Day Saints' church
will omclate.
S Judge Thornel went to his home In Shl-
may last evening lie will be back Monday
and hear tl motion of Wilam Hall for anew
now trIal nnll wi nrbably sentence the
, prlson' convicted \ at ' this t rm.
: The funeral of trs. H. g. Reese will oc-
S cur at the reidcnce , Hll Fourth avenue
Monday at 2 p. m. The services will be
conducted by 11ev. Williams of the Latter
S Day Saints' church. Interment at alrvow :
The Ministerial association will meet In
. the study of the First Presb'Iorlan church
Si TUCSifly at 2:30 : p. m" , to further rons'der
the matter of engaging ] vangelst Pierson
' for a serIes of union gospel meetings this '
, sllrlng.
S The $16,000 libel suit or Dr. , \ . n. Carter
against J. C. Pontius , growing out of the
Christian church troubles seems to have
evaporated. The time for filing the peU-
S ton has expired , ali the petition Is still
: : - unfiled.
S The Progress club , a dancing club composed -
, posed ( of young married people , wi give its
, , last party of the season Monday evening at
: Chambers' ball. The ladles have made arrangements -
rangements for a spread after the terpsl-
.S chorean part of the entertainment Is over.
. -
. The executive committee of the Good Government -
S ernment club had a meeting yesterday morn-
" log at the once or larl & McCabe , but was
unable to complete Its worl An adjournment -
S mont was taken until Tuesday evening , when
, place. another meeting will bo held at the same
. The following physicians wi lecture at the
Woman's Christian association hospital dur-
Ing the week from 1 to 12 a. m. Dr. Par-
sons , "Anatomy , " March 25 : Dr. Freyer ,
"Physiology , " March 2G ; Dr. McCre , "Sur-
gical Nursll ! " larch 28 ; Dr. Lacy , "Sur-
gical Work , March 30.
E. G. Emi : , the Pearl street real e tote
man , had quite au experience In a runaway
Friday. While driving along East Washing-
S ton avenue the team became unmanageable
, , and ran several blocks , dragging : lr. Emlg
OVer the pavemont. lie escaped with a
number or painful bruises and a dilapidated
buggy top.
0 : C. M. Beebe the Deebetown man who
S ! was arrested on a complaint led by Deero.
. Wells & Co. several weeks ago , charging
! , , 111m with obtaining a bill or farm Implement' I
by means or false pretenses , was to have
i had a preliminary hearing before Justice
Cook yesterday : , but an agreement was
\ reached between the parties for an Indef-
lnhto Continuance , and the case will probably -
ably bo dropped.
:5 Mrs. L. II. Moore , who has been living
, t : with her daughters on Twenty-ninth street ,
, ; JllS been showing symptoms of insanity
S lately , and her son-In-law. Charles Nichols ,
: ! , filed an information and had her brought
: ! before the commissioners yesterday. She
: was ordered taken to Clarinda. ler trouble
; . seems to date back to an accident she met
' , . with In a runaway about three years ago.
At that time sIte sustained a fracture of
:1 : the arm and so\'erl bad bruises about the
t } head , which have left her In very bad
; Ihape mentally ever since.
I : Chief Scanlan received a photograph of Pat
i ' Crowe yesterday , accompanied by a card announcing -
'I' flouncing a reward for his cnpture. An account -
, . count or his shooting an officer at Denver
, i appeared In the columns of The Dco several I
"t days ago. The picture now In the possession
, ! , or the chief shows but little resemblance to
'i , S those received a few days ago from the
' Pinkerton agency In Chicago , when Crowe
S' . was thought to have been the man who shot
t. . : Deputy Sheri O'Drlen. The last picture Is
S of a beardless boy , while the others repro-
L sented a man with a mustache and ap-
, parenty a number or years older. A close
if examination , however , reveals a good many
-1 ; points or resemblance.
S We hAe over $300.000 to lean upon 1m.
S. proved Iowa farms. Farmer desirIng loans
- can save money by dealing direct with us ,
, thereby aavlng agent's commission. 'Vo do
; 4 not loan on wild lands nor In Nebraska.
Lu& & Towle , 23G Pearl atreot.
- , ; 1'E1tSWtAL 14RA ( JiM J'II.'i.
Miss Desslo Stewart has been serIously ill
S for the past two weels. I
Oeorge P. Sanford returned yesterday from
S ; a few days' western trIp.
S Miss Klng or Woodbine , who visited Miss
S Foster last week has returned home.
S : Mrs. Charles T. Stewart has been Ill ever
S Iinco her return from Denver a week ago
; Mrs. Horace Everett has returned from
, l a visIt with her daughter , Mrs. Wadel ,
, : In Kansas City.
Mrs. Charles Hart left last evening for
Chicago , where she wl meet her husband ,
They will make their residence In Chicago
ltereatter .
S bereafer.
S Dr. C. F. Montgomery. who graduated with
boners from Chicago Homeopathic Medical
college last Tuesday , arrived In the city yes-
terday. He will soon enter on the practiceS
S of his llrofesslon In MissourI Valley.
, Illnery % Ulenhl
To the Ladies of Council Bluffs ; On Frl-
day and Saturday , March 29 and 30 , wo will
I . display an elegant line of choice millinery of
( all the latest novelties and newest designs ,
I carefully selected from the easter market.
Stock all new and complete In '
al aOl every par-
' : : . ttcular. You are cordially invited to attend.
4 lms , E. J. SCOTT , G3G Broadway.
Marcus' fro sale Is drawing the crowds.
S The stock consists of men's and boys' cloth-
tog , gents' furnishing goods , boots aOl shoes ,
\ hats ali caps , trunks antI valises. The goods
are slightly damagrl by smoke , hut not an i
article Is offered that Is not worth two or
, S three tme the I'rlce asked , Open evenings ,
' Clnhl" " ' .ru 1"lclthHI.
, 'A petition was fell yesterday afternoon In
the ( United States court by the First Na-
10nal bank or Charter Olk , Ia , against FL
A. Abbot & Co. , who operate a grain ware-
: bouso at Kenwood , Crawford county , on a
mortgage on the warehouse. given to secure
r several notes aggregating $ ,10 In'alue. . The
plaintiffs allege that after thIS mortgage had
ben gIven the defendants executed another
mortgage on the same
property to secure
other notes , and that these note representeti
fictitious claims They ask that representl
b continued from tme to tune as fast as
the various notes become due and that a
'udgment ' bo given them for the full value of
the notes
A new stock of sporting goods has just
been Ilut In by Cole & Cole. Fishing tackle ,
Gns , cameras , ammuniton , elc. Sportsmen
need not go out of town to buy the best and
S latest In this Ino at correct pices ,
Yu , the Eagle laundry la "that g od
laundry , " and la located at 72. Broadway
I In toubt about this , try It and be conYlnced.
S Don't forget name and ziumber Tel . 157 ,
Evans' lAundry Co. , G20 Pearl ; tel 290 ;
shirts , collars , culTs , tine work a specialty .
: Meal tickets good for 2 nleals 511 U
fcl at Hotel Inman.
DavIe. dug , paint , glass man 200 n'way ,
Boomer Township Farmers Crooked Work
Lands Um in Jai
rorgelJ Il rRther's Name to R Note and
IhloSCI ot Mortgaged Property -
erty to nit UI1hR
line ,
Sletert net , the well known young farmer
who has recently
from Doomer township recenly
done up his friends to the nmolnt at some-
thing like $2,000 , has just turned up In. .
Columbia S. C" , and occupies a cell In tIme
guard house there awaltng al order from
his victims here. A telegram to that effect
was received from Owen Daly , chief of po-
lice , by Chief Scanlan yesterday afternoon.
nef Is the son or one or the best known
farmers of l'olawatamle county , and his
faintly connections enabled him to get al-
most anything he wanted. So he forged
his father's name to a note for $300 and
passed It on W. H , Mackland another
wealthy farmer of Bomer township , December -
ber , I , IS91. lie sold a lot of hogs to J. H.
flutter , another Boomer township man
taking a cash payment or $150. lie then
ran the hogs across the river to Omaha ant
sold them again for $160. lie sold the same
hay to two different parties , realizing about
S10 moro tItan he otherwise would He
jge , his i father's - name to I note for $500
amid sold the note to Officer & Pusey's bank
In this city. He mortgaged a lot of cattle
to J.V. . Squire of this city for $500 , and
then tonic the cattle to Omaha and sold them.
'I'heso Ire only a part of his misdeeds , but
they are enough to show that he understood
his business anti attended strictly to It.
TIm young man thl3 provided himself with
something Ileo $2,000. and started for South
Carolina , accumllanlell hy two of his younger
brothers , who had helped him In his crooked
Il shipped seven horses , two wagons all
a lot or farm Implements and household
goods over the Missouri Pacilc by the way
of st. Louis to his destination , In the name
of John Johnson 1 was through the shipment -
mont or these goods that his present where-
abouts were discovered , and a telegram to the
authorities of Columbia brought a prompt
rc ponse.
The young man who has gone wrong Is 28
years of age , and his brothers are 17 and
19 respectively. 'V. II. Ware , who represents -
sects Macklaml , Butler anti Officer & Pusey ,
went to the home of Siefert Riot , sr , a day
or two ago to sea I ho would settle the
claims rather than have the two ) 'O\Eer I
boys stand the consequences of their mis-
deeds. "No , " was the old man's reply , when '
the object or the visit had been broached ,
"I tnle 1 har enough children mloulH dem "
lie Is the father of twelve sons , and all but
the three missing ones are al home with
him.Sieert nef , jr . let his wife and baby
at home wben ho started , and Ills not known
\hethel' he Intended to leave her for good
or semI for her when he had gotten himself
establshed In his new home. ills motIve In
skipping Is unknown , hut It Is supposed that
hB had come to the conclusion that ho had
not seen enough or the world for a man or
his age , and thought he would steal , enough
to give hIm a good start In a fresh place.
Ho will bo brought back here on a requisition
If necessary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
for a Feu' Days We OtTer the Fololn ! of Dcslrnblo Illrchanllso at
Greatly Reduced I'rlce .
Thompson's glove fitting corsets , that old
from $1 to $1.75 , at 29c , range or sizes not
Jackson corset waists , former prIce $1 , reduced -
uced to SOc.
See extra values offered In bedspeads.
$1.50 crochet and $1.75 Marseilles quilts reduced -
duced to $1.19 each See show window , GOO
dozen hand embroidered ant Initial hand-
kerchiefs worth 8e , reduced to 3c or 2 for
A new line or Irish point embroiderIes
just received. See our prices.
Ladles' night gowns , worth tram 45c to
G5c , on sale a. 39c.
4lc ladles' tucked skirts at 2Gc eacb. See
show window display for other prices.
Big lot of silk finished Foulard's figured
muls and SwIsses , worth from lOc to 15c.
to close at 5c a yarll.
All sizes or children's light wool and cashmere -
mere hose , worth 25c , at 121c a pair.
Council Bluffs.
Suit In Slrpy County Neb , WitleSs Involves
a Numhor or 3tiuilItes .
The doctrine of accretions , which played
a star part In the Cut-OU litigation which
ended In the United States supreme court a
couple YEars ago has come to the front once ,
more , and this time It Is Manhatan beach ,
Lafayette addition , and a lot more land just
south of Lake Manawa that are involved
Charles S. Lelerts or this city commenced
an acton a row days ago In the district court
or Sarpy county Nebraska , against the ! an.
halan Beach Improvement company , Dodo
Batchelor , Tom Skinner and a number of
others , to establish his title to lot I , In frac.
lonal section 8 , township 14 , range 14 , and
alt accretions formed against that lot.
Lelerts purchased the lot some little time
ago , and he and his attorney , L. W. Ross ,
have been going through the musty traditions
of the past , ascertaining just where the rIver
ran In all its successive stages When the
government survey was made In 1856 the
river , near where Lake Manawa now Is , ran
In a general southeasterly direction. Little
by little I : ran farther to the north making
a larger and larger bend , until In 1881 It had
reached t'no bet of the present lalec. Then In
that year there came a sudden change and
the river ran more than a mie south of the
original chan cl cf 185' , leav'ng Lake lhnawa
high and dry , and a large tract of land be-
tween the two. Lot I , the tract which Let-
forts now owns , was originally on the south
bank or the Missouri , but now lies far to the
ncrti ,
ncrth.Tle contention of the plaintiff In the suit
now pending Is that all the land formed
against lot 1 between ) 18lG and 1881 , and
within the bond of the river as It flowed
at the time of thin cut oft of 1881 , became a
part or lot I , and Is now within the Jurisdiction -
ten or the state or Nebraska. These accre-
ttons . unller the rule eslablshell In the East
Omaha case , belong to the owner or the
original lot. I Lefferts' claim Is upheld by
the courts the Manhattan Beach Improvement -
meet company , like Batchelor , Skimimior and
the rest of the occupants , Is merely a squatter ,
without any rights against LeCferts. Colonel
p C. Reed also claims to own some prop-
crty on the south side of the lake , so that
> he , too , Is interested In the outcome The
defendants have until AIrl 16 In which to
fo an amtswer
\0 flUC Got a sure ' 'hlll.
1 Is time Insurance gasoline stove , the only
gasoline stove lade that a child can play
wIth and 110 no harm . 1 takes care of
itself : can be blown out , left open or turned
on , and there Is no possible way for time
gasoline to ignite or explode No smell or
odor , 10 dripping of gasoline , no burning
your house down or burning your wife or to death No misery , nd funerals -
nerals , no deaths or use for an undertaker
If you use tIme Insurance gasoline stove , as It
Is absolutely lafe. I you don't believe It ask
any of our competitors , then ask them to
blowout their stove and leave It open for ten
nilmiutes then apllly a latch to the stove
os wo do with ours and see , what will hap-
pen but b sure to be a quarter of n mile
away before he lights the match , , as there Is
sure to bl an explosion ; then wo would not
get to sell you an Insurance stove , as there
would be a funeral next day
nHOWN'S O. O. D" , Sale Agents ,
Miss Stooro'i II UIIOldl.
Miss Anna Moore , 615 East Pierce street ,
gave a musical last Thursday evening.
Among those present from Omah were ;
Messrs. D. O. Combs , D. F. Carson , L. M.
Starley , T , L. Combs , C. Stock horn , O. 1
Perry , D , M. Coney , A. 1' lakel , E. C.
Moore , T. L. Andrews , C. J , hanson and I" .
T. Prenzer. 'fhe folowing were present
from this city ; Misses Jennie Pile . Joie and
Lena Clausen , Nellie Coker , Anna lIutcition ,
" . 'Ip.1.i1 : ' 1"'IJJIiJr1L.
Elsie Orahl , Minnie Jansen , E. C. Moore.
The following ladles were present from
Omaha : IesiI2 Haskel , FanDle hart , Elsie
Twire , o. tunon ,
Pleasing musicAl numbers We c g'ven by tn6
Messrs. Combs brothers , Starkey , Stock horn ,
Perry O. Corey and hiaskelllltefreshrnents
were served , and music and mirth crowded
the evening wih enjoyment
Took Them About Three 101rs 10 Agree
on ma "erdlct
The trial of John Emarlno on the charge of
assault with Intent to murder 111s father-In-
law , W K. Lames , came to an end yester-
day afternoon at 3 o'clock. J has proved
very interesting , and the court room has been
crowd each day with eager spectators
After being out a little over three hour the
jury came In shortly before 6:30 : last evening
with , a verdict of acquittal.
An amusing little piece of by-ploy took
place at the morning seaslon. County Attor-
nay Saunders was making his closing argu-
mont 10 the jury , anti In It he took occasion
to say that Colonel Daily was one of the finest -
est criminal lawyers In the state of Iowa , that
ho had conducted a strong defense , and he
said a number of other things that woulll have
a tendency to lh" a modest man blush for
joy. As he was finishing his tribute Colonel
Daily , who was sitting about ten feet away ,
arose , wale cd across to the water pitcher ,
fled a glass with water , sot It on tIme table
close by Saunders' hand , and resumed his
seat The movement was accomplished by an
apologetic sort or look , as though Colonel
Daily wls'le It were stronger , but hoped I
would do. J took the audience several seconds -
onus to comprehend the meaning or the Joke ,
and then a quiet snicker went around the
room , extending to a considerable depth In
the jury box.
Colonel Daily devoted most of his energies
during tIme trial to throwing ridicule on the
durllg , . . . , . . . . . .
tntp. tIn wnl o""ollnn".1 .nm" " "h.N.
, c t by ' - the -ref l i ri"t le - county ; : ' attorney
to put Clarence Enmes , the young man who
shot Emarlne , upon the winess stand. lie
hall expected 10 turn Eames insIde out upon
cross.examlnaton , mil make a spectacle or
' 111 that would influence the minds of the
jury In favor or Emnarino This pain was
spared Eames and Saunders by Eames being
kept off the stand , and In his argument
Colonel Daily accused Saunders or being
afraid to put Eames up where ho could be
sUbjected to the hot shot of the enemy. When
Saunders came to reply he likened Clarence
I ames to a mustard lllaster , which Daily
was using as a sort or counter irritant to call
tIme attention of the jury away from the cal '
or John Emarlne. gui
IiN.lS0N IsitOs .
Monday' , , Sleci Bargains.
I you want tress goods , sls. cloaks er
table linen conic to our store Monday.
Alt our $ .00 and $1.25 2t-lnch black
figured taffeta siks ( all black ) Monday at
one prIce 74e yard .
$1.00 black satin duchess Monday S6e 'ard.
$1.35 black satn duchess Monday 98c yard.
27-lneh black satin duchess good value In
any _ house at $2.GO : Ir you buy Monday it's
only $1.G9 'ard. I's
5 pieces SOc quality white Ialmton wash
silk Monday 33c yard.
mack wool crepon at 79c , $1.19 and $1.48
yard : reduced for Monday sale from $1.00 ,
$1.35 and $2.00. 590 38-lnch alt wool French
serge , navy and black Monday ISo 'ard.
4G-lnch navy and black French serge Monday -
day 49c 'ard.
Novelty black goods at GOe. COo and
7Gc yard ; worth fully 7Gc , 85e and $1.00. See
them Monday .
54-inch cream table damask , was 45c ,
Monday 29c yard .
GO.lnch bleached satin damnaslc worth iGc ,
Monday SOc yard.
$1.00 bleached satin table damask , Mon-
day 7to yard.
$1.25 72-lnch double satin damask , SOc yard.
$1.75 , our finest qualIty. 72-lnch blea"h.i
satin damask , Monday $ i:25 : yard .
8-4 and 9-4 half bleached Loclmood sheet-
Ing , Monday 1Gc and 17,4c yard.
42-lneh Loclewood bleached pillow casing ,
Se yard.
45-lnch Lockwood bleached pillow casIng ,
9c yard.
50-inch Lockwood bleached pillow casIng ,
lOc yard.
3G-lnch LL unbleached muslin , 3 ½ c yard.
Genuine rail hair cloth Monday 49c yard
Cotton hair cloth , lOc
yard ; worth 20c. :
Alt lining cambric 4e yard.
llc quality sel ca. lOc yard. I
Some big bargains In ladles' new spring
cales on sale Monday at $1.GO , $2.00 , $2.50 , I
$3.50 and $ G.OO each. I
Council Bluffs.
Officers In n Juandmry Whether to Push the
l'rogeemmtlon or Not.
The case of Andy nolen , charged with a
fracture of the state liquor law . has not yet
been dispose of , and recent rumors are to
the effect that the city authoritIes are timid-
Ing It a very troublesome to
one deal with.
At all events they are showIng not the
slightest anxIety to push Rolen to the wall
and agree wIthout argument to mill or the
Iwrendant's requests for continuances. Helen
would have been fined $50 and costs but for
the agreement between his attorney and the
city attorney that the case should be held
under advIsement for a few days In speak-
Ing of the case Judge McGee refused to con-
sider the complaint or the police that Rolen
had kept his saloon open until after mIdnight -
night , but only that he had broken the 10
o'clocl closing law SeeIng that the officials
were not anxious to have any stress laid
upon this feature or the case , ho said that
they could do as they pleased about dismissing -
missing the case but Ir they chose to prose-
cute the fine of $50 and costs would be levIed
as laId down by the law or the state.
Time officials now find themselves In :
rqther uncomfortable position. If
posIton. J they prosecute -
ecute Helen for keeping open after 1
o'clocle , as the court says they must I they
prosecute at all , Helen will probably turn
right around and prosecute all the other
fellows In the same line of business Every
saloon leeeper In town has been keeping opeit
until midnight by either a tacit or expressed
agreement wlh the city olilelals I the
present suit Is dropped there will be no
further trouble , but Ir It Is pushed there Is
great danger that a saloon war will bo pre-
elpitated . People have had all they want or
that sort or amusement , and there Is a
strong hope expressed that some way can bo
found of avoIding it.
Ur. Reese Wilt Lecture .
Dr. 11 , W. n. Roes of Cincinnati , formerly
pastor of the Broadway Methodist church In
Counci Bluffs , will lecture next Sunlay even-
Ing at the Methodist church on tIme subject
of "Charity , " and tIme Christian home and
its needs will be the central theme No admissIon -
missIon fee wi bo charged , as the lecture Is
given purely with the Idea or awakening interest -
terest In the hiommie. Dr. Reese Is wel known
to the people or his former home as a
thoughtul and enterlalnlng speaker , and
there Is no doubt that his popularity , with
that or the Inslluton ho favors wih hIs
help , will be sulclcnt to pack time church ,
Several pastors or the city will take part In
the service
Hohmlteln , WJ\iuel , '
Hans Scllnlteln , the young German who
victimized Fred Spetman and C. P. Nelson
by means or forge checks , was brought up I .
In police court yesterday morning for pre-
Ihnlnary hearing. This case has ben pend-
Ing for several months , having ben con-
lnue from tme to time tim she hope that
Sotmnmlttlein's father In Germany would come
down with the cash 10 settle the claims.
The father slowed ito inclination to do so ,
and yesterday the blow fell. Schmlteln
waived examination and was bound over to
time gramt jury ills bond Is each of tie
case was fixed at $300 . and In default of the
amount lie was sent to Jail.
Council Bluffs horse market Auction salv
every FrIday ufernoon at Ilel's barn. Bring
In your horses I you want them sold .
Dr. Laugel ofro .0 5th aye ; tel 180.
l'urlhUIH Enllrlllned ,
Friday evening John Conoyer entertained
his Sunday school class of Puritans at the
residence of Superintendent Ed N. Brown .
This Is one of a series of cass socials given
by the senior classes of time Christian Sunday
school , the aim being to Improve the social
abilities of Sunday school workers . The
' \onL was a marked success , and was at-
: _ . .
; iill
- -
tended by about sic4y , of Council Bluffs' beat
young pcople. Amoag5thoso present were the
followings : John qtorer , Carrie Gros\'enor ,
Grace Delaler , Dn ' , Coval EdnA Van Ar-
om , Jennie Mile f4llian \ haladay , Carrie
Alen , Eva Coy , EJma Egmann , Ella Dlr-
pill . May MUer , t IS Ohitey , EOo Mllep ,
1'lorenee Readm ArtQur Head , S n Anderson ,
Iva Lo Master , Florence Steepy , Edna Lo
Master , Carrie Dingle" Allen Hall , Katherine
Haser , Oertrude Autfnrleth , Alpha Miller ,
Crinn Derger , itammmlo Sides , James A.
Shoemaker , Maurice drhlge , hattie Berger ,
Bird Drown , Robert Crahnant , Minnie San-
dora , Lillian mllonl Alice Joseph , Edith
Joseph , Mary Adams : Lulu Fowler , May
Grosvenor , Hey Paterfn , Low Cooley , al" -
sle Daugherty , I.a\ra Heisler , Robert la1a-
day , Prank Zimik \ Wallace Doln , Clara
Sackett , Crystal Dingle , Lizzie Milnaeht ,
Mayme Ihalle . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '
Onnledet Will lun to the "Rle , TOI\y- ,
"Icu'ln : n H\co : Meet.
The Gan'medo Wheel club will make It
first run of the season this morning , leavIng
the club rooms at 8:30 : o'clock for Missouri
Valley , twenty miles away. A dinner will
be served at the V le )
The question of whether there will be a
race meet this summer Is now agitating
the minds of the local wheehmnen. This do-
ponds principally uJon the acton or the
executive commlteo of the League or AmerIcan -
lean Wheolmen. The Ganymedcs have made
applcaton for membership In time national
circuit , and a meeting or time executive corn-
mlteo Is to bo held April 10 to decide
whether I shall bo granlcd. J Council
Bluffs Is enrolled , as It wants to be , one
or the finest meetings ever held In the west
will undoubtedly be held. The club docs
not feel lihto going to the expense or $3,000
to give a meet on Its own heel with tmes
as hard as they are now. The cub Is In a
prosperous condition , time membership beIng
larger than last year.
Time Council Bluffs HawIng association Is
planning for sOnic much needed Improvements -
ments this summer at Its headquarters at
tanawa. The club house will bo moved
farther to the west , to get It out of the
neighborhood of the unsightly ice houses.
The banks of the laleo In front will bo
parleed Six double boats are to bo pur-
chased , and time five doubles that were
bought last year wi ho made Into singles.
The club Is In better shape this year than
ever before It now has a membership of
lot ; . and to prevent It from becoming un-
weldy the initiation fee has been raised
from $0 to $2G. For twelve years It has
hung together through thick and thin , and
now finds Itself out of debt and with money
In the treasury.
A move Is on foot to secure the state re-
gatta. 'Vhether the necessary funds will
ho secured Is time main thing that stands In
the way. I will cost about $2,600. Iana\a
Is one or the finest bodies or water In the
state for rowIng purposes , and would furnish
an excellent course for the races Some of
the members are disinclined to try to get
the regatta , on account of the poor transportation -
portaton between the city and the lake.
Great cnthuslasm Is Celt over the project by
most or them however.
No prophet who cares a cent for 111s repu-
taton will hazard a guess as to what the
foot bal lends or Council Bluffs will do next
season. From March till September Is a long
time , especially when , considering the person-
nel or a foot bal team. Just at thIs juncture
It looks as though the Hi school will have
no team next year. The stand-bys of the ' 9-
team were , In time main , members or the class
whlc'i graduates front the school this spring.
TIm members of last fall's team who will
be In the school next year arc few In number
and rather light In weight , and could not be
numbered among the most skillful players I
The lawyers the champions last fall , undoubtedly -
doubtedly will scare , up an eleven once or
twice In the season , just to show the young-
sters how easily old college men can wale
around the school. boys , oven If tme and lack
of exercise have stiffened nlelr joInts and
shortened their wind , and I they can't remember -
member the trIcks they played years ago.
And I will take a very husky and heady team
to defeat the lawyers , too.
The attorneys , at course , cannot be expected I
to play oUtside teams ; to any xtentl" H the
High school docs not put up a team the puh-
lie will have to rely on eiher the Young
ren's Christian association or a purely Inde
pendent organization organizing an cleven.
There 'Ias been sme : tale or SCil an organlz
ton beIng formed , and the project Is quite
favorably regarded by the players or the
city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Frunk G. Cmsrjioitter .
The war between China and Japan has
made Asia the most interesting news center
or the globe. The wonders which are going
on In China , Japan and Corea are surprising ,
and the world really knows but little or these
countries as they exIst todDy. Mr. Carpenter
who spent the greater part of last year In
traveling through tlem , had wonderful facilities -
ities In getting information , and ho IntervIewed -
vIewed everyone In Japan , from the premier
down to time jlnlksha men. He had talks
with the king or Coren and LI lung Chang
He took photographs everywhere . His tlla
are to bo lustrated by magnilcent views ,
and It I safe to say that no such Idea or
Asia could be go len I months or study as
from his lectures.
Seed potatoes northern grown , Early Ohio ,
Early nose , Burbank anti sweet potatoes ,
onion sets : special price on large lots. J. n.
Snyder , wholesale fruits ; Council Bluffs , Ia.
'Vhore . ' 'W4ro l"ree.
Reorganized Church or Jesus ChrIst of Lat-
ter Day Saints , on Pierce street , three doors
west or Gen avenue. Funeral of Sister Maria
Jensen at 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ;
Z. n. L. society at G p. m. Preaching at 7:30 :
p. m. Subject : "Woman's Place In Cio
World "
St. John's English Lutheran church , James'
hall , No. 1 Pearl street. ncv. W. Snyder ,
pastor. Sermon atH a. m. ; at 7:30 : p. m. the
Women's Missionary society will hold their
Councl Bluffs day servIce. An interesting pro-
gram Is prepared. Sunday school al 945 ; a.
m. ; young people's meeting at 6:30 : p. m.
Congregational-Morning subject ; "The
Goad Shepherd ; " evening : "Handel and HIs
Genius , " with concert by tIme choir.
FirmA Preshyterlan-Cerner of Willow ave
nue and Seventh street. 11ev Ste,1hm Phelps ,
Pastor Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a.
m. and 7:30 : p. m.
Broadway Methodist-H. P. Dudley.
. 1. . llstor.
Preaching at 10:30 : a. m. anti 7:30 : p. m.
Morning subject : "Spiritual Nature " Sub-
jet In time evening ; "The Genesis or Evil ; "
class meeting anti Sunday school at 12 m. :
Epworth league at G30 ; p. rn.
Graceorer Pierce and Union streets
"ornmg servIces at 10:30 : a. m. EvenIng
services at 4 p. m. These services will be
conducted by members or St. Andrews' so-
ciety or Omaha
This afternoon at Young Men's Christan
association hall , room 2 Everett block , there
will b I meeting or unusual interest I
will bo led by Mr. ' C. J. McNit , who wi
speak on time subject "Two Ways or Being
Helpful , " All men ire cordially invited to
b present _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. ( olbgeIUee Club
The Gee : Banjo anl Mandolin clubs of the
University or Witmeorysin will appear at Do-
hany's Monday , April 1. The student songs ,
so dear to the 31ear ; or the cole go man , always -
ways strike a responsive chord In the 1Iart
of people whose Dily acquaintance with them
Is from hearing lwn , on time concert platform
The Glee club of time Universiy of Wisconsin
has Ne I.ed the ltIght rral 0 of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee , Racln' antI Iockford p ess , and
that of all the other cities In which I
has been heard ' 1h'e hays wi arrive In
Council UurSuhiay and fpenll the day here
Monday aferoonlller will be tendered a reception -
ceplon at the ! lbl.S ' of O. S. Montgomery
In Omaha.IMonday ofenlng they will give a
concert at Dohany's , and they should be extended -
tended a Iieartywelconie .
The auction sale ' 'or shoes I still running ,
and the longer It runs the cheaper the prices
of shoes become. $5 shoes are still being
sold occasionally for $1 , and you can get
any amount of bargains at 25 cent on the
dollar . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
au beating stoves for rent and for sale t
Council Bluffs an company's office ,
Surl.rlult mime l'lutur.
A number or the younger members or hIs
fleck perpetrated a delightful surprIse on Hev.
J. II. 1avls Thursday evening. Taking advantage -
vantage or his absence they Invaded his home
on Harrison street. and w11en he returned
ho found the house In possessIon of tie merry
party. Tlo evening was passed In amusements -
ments usual to sucll occasions , and dainty
refreshments were served Those In the
party wereMisses \ Oultar , Dalon , msel ,
Hols , Odessa and Gertrude Downing ,
I'rances and Maud leper , Miller , Ole and '
Claudia larl , Leper , Wind , Miles , Clark , I
' "ir r ULHIF
Spore , Reynolds Brooks , stevenson , Hobin-
son and Iontelth ; Messrs. lendrlckl , Barrett ,
Miller , Colburn , Irons , Robinson Wca'p : ,
Ole Weaver , Heynots , iCing , MOl' ' \ ' Wh.
lace , Stevenson , Clark , Mr and Mrs. "est-
cotto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
An l tellng wills lnndI ,
At the Congregational church this evenIng
the sermon will be on the life and musical
works of George p , Handel , the great com-
poser . The followIng Is the musical pogram :
hymn , Lesson. Chorus , Iesslnh , " And
the glory of the l.rd , Ale sale , "Mes lnl "
He shall teed Ills flock. Soprano solo ,
" : res8Iah , " Come unto 11m , lemarkl by
the pastor . Tenor solo , "h3amsomi " Total
eclipse. Otertor ) ' . Quartet , "lle slah , "
Since hy man come death. Chorus , By
lnn cameo also the resimrrectiomi of the dead.
Quartet , For as In Adam all dlo. Chorus ,
gven so In Christ shah nIl be made alive.
Alto solo , " : lelslah , " He was despised
Recitative soprano , "Messiah , , " And there
were shepherds almiding In the field. Heel-
talve soprano , lesslnh , " Ant , 101 the
angel or the LorI came upon them , Reci-
tatve soprano , "Mes lah , ' AntI the angel
saId unto them Chorus , ' lesslah , " lialle-
IUjah. The regmmlar choir will be assisted
by Mrs. NCole Ogden : leIern , Miss Jonle
Bnllwln , Mrs. Le\eret Miss Kirkland . ,
Miss Luring and lessrs. C. II. O/llel , T.
Trenor , J. I. Simms , Leverel and Charles
verstock. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dr. Parsons , over Schneider's , &H n'wy.
Tel , 21G. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
" . C. , \ , 11nlltni lopnrt ,
The following Is the condelell report for
Januar and February of the Woman's Chris-
tan association hospital :
Patients athmnltted . IG : patents discharged ,
7 ; county , 22.
Money receh'ell from patients . $5 ; money
received from county palenls , $2 7.9 ; money
received from soldiers' relief fund , $53.45 :
commissary , $90.95. Numerous donalons
were received during the two months ,
. , , . , , . . .
A ( : r'.1 Mrr'sm.
_ . .m. _ . "n' . . ,
Our half price sale has been 0 grand BUC-
cess. 'Vo have sold over 400 frames anti pic-
tures. This will be tIme last week of this
great sale. Come early and get your pictures -
tunes framed for just hal price.
1. L. S ITI & CO. , ,15 Main Streel.
J , H. McPherson , florist , cut flowers and
plan Is. Design work a specal . Wire or-
tIers day 01 night. 1281 E. PIerce , Council
Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _
The Aberln , slrlcly first-class. Cuisine
unexcelled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Council Bluffs.
' . . ' , ' ,
Omnlm 'Ino nt WhlI ,
The contest In tlO League club rooms between -
tween the Omaha and Council Bufs whist
clubs last night resulted as follows :
Omaha- Ierklo aOl Wilbur , 217 : Heed
anti Comstock , 218 : lussellan and Jordan ,
212 : Druner and Scannell , 251 ; Alice and
n.rn"r Or. ' ? . ! , Scannel ) 2:1 . Alee 'n' . '
_ . . . . . . , , uu. . . . . " _ U" . U' , 'U" " .
i':4i:5' : :
Council Bhtmffs-Lautortvasser and Darston'
251 : Shea all Wlcleham , 217 ; l'usoy amid
llendircks . 256 ; Walermau anti Treynor 21 :
Everett and Mayne , 21 ; Dodge and Slm-
son . 217 : total . 1,393.
Furnished anti unfurnished rooms for rent
at 70 First avenue ; also a house , 623 Droall-
way , seven rooms , suitable for boarding or
restaurant ; also four rooms adjoining , at 621
Droadway. E. " ' . Jackson.
( arlclier I.eolur .
Tickets for course , $1. Single tickets , IO
cents. Broadway church April 10. 12 and 13.
A woman who can do general housework
well can get a good paying position this
week at the corner or Bluff street and Fifths
avenue , CouncIl Bluffs. John T. Stewart
1,000 bu. seed oats at T. Rishmton's , 2tOG W.
Droadway. _ _ _ _ _
Furnished room for rent . , G1 First avenue.
OXf'UIl ANI ( .IIllJl S.I T UJtI.t r.
Fifty-Secommd Sheeting of the Blues 01 time
Thnmel Course Lomes this Weott
LONDON , March 23.-Barring accIdent or
I change In the program , the tifty-second
boat race between crews representing the
Universities of Oxford and Cambrldgo will
be decded on the Thames over the usual
course , Cram Putney Bridge to the Ship Inn
at Mortake , a distance or about four and
one-fourth miles , on Saturday next.
The greatest Interest Is taken In boating
circles In the coming of the Cornell crew
to compete at the Henley regatta with Eng-
lan 's crack oarsmen , and the "points" of
the AmerIcans are being eagerly discussed.
They may be certain of a warm welcome
among the oarsmen here
There Is another feature of international
sports which Is attracting consIderable attention -
tenton here and that Is the prospects of
the American horses now training at New-
marleet. Naturally very few I any , poInts
are to be obtained by outsiders , but It Is
understood the Americans Cell pretty con-
fdent of getting a good share or the good
things during the .comlng season , although
the weather bas interfered with training.
- -
Five Out of Six I'lclcd by the 0001
Guessers nt Slay DIRtrlcl.
SAN FRANCISCO , March 23.-The 2-year-
old race was the only one that Cooled the
talent today. 'A rather poor lot or fillies
raced for the Fairy stakes , worth $ ICO
and the prize went to Tennessee Maid , I 12
to Summary 1 shot ; The track was In poor comidltlon .
Flnt race , five furlongs , selling ; noma
18 , Hennessy (9 ( to 10) ) , won ; Klngsly , 16 ,
Carr (3 to 2) , second : Mutineer , 16 , Orifiln
(8 ( to 1) ) , thIrd Time ; 1:07. : OntarIo , Green
Itlver Lodi . also 'Vah-to- ran 'VnI , filly , Ale 110 and
Second race , five furlongs , selling : Ross ,
SO , Isom (7 to 10) , won : Candee , 95 . Burns
(0 ( to 1) ) second : May McCarthy , 96 , Flynn
(2 ( to d $ , third. 'rime : 1:0' : . Grandee and
Chlqulto also ran.
ThIrd race , Fairy stakes , 'ear-old fillies ,
five furlongs : Tennessee Maid lo . Carr (12 (
to 1) ) , won ; Elsie Ferguson , lot , Isom ( (2
second : Pensy , 103 , JI ( tiO to I ) , thIrd.
' ! : 1:0tm/ : . Joan , Eventide , Marionette ,
Briannia and Suffrage also ran.
Fourth race , mnlle and eighth
mlo un elghtb , handicap -
cap : Oakland 107 , Carr ( t to ( ) . won ; Mc-
Light , 10 , Grlln (3 ( to 1) ) , second ; Sir Wal-
tel' , 87 , Jsom (3 to 1) ) , third. 'I'Imne : 2:0' : ) .
Red Root also ran.
Fifth race mile and a half , steeplechase :
'fhe , rcli 0 Cancy (6 ( to 5) ) , won ; hell-
ringer , 132 ; , 00 to 1) ) second Bel-
Spence ; Hay-
rlnler . 1
morllt V ! ; ! Spence , . . t tn fl . I-I , " 'Im. .
3'Ei : : ½ . " 'JordamiWoodtorml : ; ImestorhndHe i i =
lampago also mu. '
Sixth race , six furlongs , selling : Contrl-
huton , 107 , Grlln ( even ) , won : Royal
Flush , 114 , Curl (1 ( to 1) I ) . Iecond ; hientiza-
tion . 107. Taylor (7 ( to 1) ) . thl'd. Time :
1:19'4. : O'Bee , Jim Flood Sir Hchar and
Modesto also ran.
NEW ORLEANS , March 23.-Trael fast
Results ;
FIrst race , five furlongs : Mark B (13 ( to
5) ) won , Flush (4 ( to 1 ) second , Norman (9
to 6) ) third . 'rime ; 1:02 : .
Second race , six furlongs : St. Croix (7
to 5) ) won , Masonic llama (4 ( to 1) ) second ,
Erstwhile (12 ( to 1) ) thIrd Time : ljl : , .
, Third race , utile anti mimi eighth ; ; Florence
l (7 ( to 2) ) won , ' 1heodore 1 ( even ) second ,
Iapldan (4 to 1 ) third , 'J'Ime : 1:13 : % .
Fourth race , six furlongs : Frauds I'otC
(6 ( to 1 ) won , Bi White (2 ( to 1) ) second ,
len Wison (0 ( to 1 ) thmirmh . 'J'lme ; 1:15. :
1"lrh mmmcc seven furlougs : Ho\enue (6 ( to
2) ) won , 1Inoa (6 ( to 1) ) econd , Guilty ( Ii 10
1) ) third 'rlme : 1:28 : * ,
stilts S' . : LOUIS . , March -East SI . Louts . re-
First race , three-eighths of a mile ; Feast
Venus second J'ardon . ' '
won , , timimd 'J'lme :
0:39. :
Second race , nlne-slxtecnths or a mile :
King David won , Message second , Uuzgo
third. Time ; 0:594 : .
'J'hlrd race , three-quarters or a mile ;
Ilelle of the West won , Jack Bradley eec.
Jele o
ont , Jlalwwood timird Pinto : 1:21 : % . tC-
ourth mace , handicap , thirteen-sixteenths
or a mile ; DaHo won , , , , Mordote second
'l'ext third. Time ; 12 ; . .
Fifth mace three-quartcrs of a mIle ; Entre
won , Veslgner second , 'lradesman third
Time ; 1:20f. : ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'rlro FIght , l'rohmlbito.l II 11exlco ,
CITY OF MEXICO , March 23.-Tue Mex-
Icon National Athletic club recently agreed
to hang UI' a purse or $6.0 for the Carrel
and McAulro contest for the IghtwelHht
champIonship , which they both accepted
'fho club has now been notled ! y the
federal authorities that they cannot brIng
oft a prize lIght or glove contest to a finish
In the federal district The club does not
feel Justified In going out of the federal
district to brIng oft the contest. They expected -
pected to bring It off In this city , as I Is
the only place where they could see their
way to get their money ack. The Ilresl-
dent or time club Is negotiating wih the
National Athletic club of London , arranging
to bring the contest oft there
nll Ilrllia m " , 'nll time ' ellu' .
KANSAS Cl'rY , March 23.-PItcher "Kid"
Nichols , It IH said , has made up his mind
to accept the llromlses held out by the
Boston managemlnt or doIng the fair thing
In the way of salary. He heft today to Join
that team at Columbia , B. C ,
n.Jl I r lic"L. ! I L _ . _ : _ !
- . -r-
. . .
Catarrli . hroat and Lung Troubles Making Havoc Eycrywhere
Un , ( IIelnult amid blfl'Uli Caring for Sufferers . Rt . R Muelt Nominal Evpcnse
I .nd AU 1lecletno. rree.
So far from there being any abatement
or any clear signs of abatement iii tIme to-
cent wide prevalence of all manner of climatic -
matic and catarrhal maladies , there is no
questiomi but that the past week has been
worse iliac the preceeding. Dra. Copelammti
and Sitepard , who are perhaps closest to
the people , generally , in thmeir professional
capacity , have no hiesitatlomi in tiechnnimmg
this maladies referred to now definately amid
decIdedly epi&iemnio. And it is needless to
atith that family PhysicIans of large practice
lrotessionahiy familiar with climatic action ,
on tIme human system , and presonally con-
\'orsant wIth the present situntlomi , confirm
tIme stnternemtmm as tmmmmitmcstloflabhy ( rime ,
Nor Is the absence of amsy nlnrmnimmg Pres-
cot increase in tIme death iate of the city
any evidence to tIme contrary. 'rime Curse of
tIme maladies now Prevalemit does not lie in
their Imernemhiate or eitrly fatality Tue dali-
gem and time honor of tlmemms is In a post-
loiieti fatality-lit their imn''ltnltlo liability
to beconme settled anti chronic with no other
Prospect , If muglectt.d , ihmami that of a long
imeriol of simiferimig ,
Drs. Copeland imnml Slic'parti bare hail a
vast experience in time tliagtiosis auth hitmid-
hug of these disenet anti tlmc'ir subtle cciii-
phicatioums. anti their methods reflect the
imresclit advanced state of miiedlcal science.
' ' ' ; : .
IN l)1Mi'AN'L' mIOMS.
A Lady of Moiitsmmt't-htes of tIme hull
Trem , S lmmemm t ,
Mrs. Philip Domlon , of lhozeman. Montana ,
wife 01' tIle Ienuhimig unercltntmt of ( hint dis-
tl'ict of coummtry. wmiies :
' 'I emit ommo of qtmit' a neimeber of PeoPle
of this far westermm cIty who hn'o trIed the
Copehamitl nuiti Shiepartl sb'stemfl o mmiall treat-
dent , mind who , as a result , have been mantle
happy by a Cttnplete mestorumtlon to health
at a muere imomnintul expense. My ailment vmts
mm. distressing chrommic affection of time tIn oat ,
? 'lthm threnteneti totith dcnfncss anti nut iii
imiost comittunt stoppage of tIme nostrIls caims-
ed lmy chronic catnrrhm. 'I'hme remnethies sent
site hmroughmt a complete cure , mimimi Imothi my
husbtmnth mtmmti mmyschf are mIchighited vltl , tIme
treatimielit. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
liv TIlE COl'RLANI ) ANI ) SllHl1AItD
' .l'itiiv Sl'IltK AOii5N ,
l'.itmcmmtM Wimo WertTremmtctl Ycmmrt Ago Tea-
tiI3' to Tli'lr l''mimmimmmeit Ctmrc ,
Elder J. II. Speck , 602 lInael-st. , Coubcil
Ilhitils , is it withely kimowmi evangelIst of the
Chmrlstinn church. lIe wns formimerly pastor
of tIme ( 'iirtstinmi Church lii South Ommiimha.
Elder Slmclt was treatctl by Drs , Copelnath
nimd Sitt'iitrd : tmeaniy two years ago , fur a
Those Who Pursued Add Bank Robbers
with Stolen Guns to Be Prosecuted.
Mmtmiy of time ItIlles Sccimred Vemo Never
fletimrmuod and live llmmmmdrcd
Itoummds of , % simmmmummuhttomt Are
Still 3llssiimg.
DES MOINES , March 23.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-On ) the day of the Adel bank robbery -
bery citizens broke into the armory of coin-
pany B at Perry amid took from it a quantity
of arms and ammunitIon , whIch they used to
hunt the , robbers. They have , up to date ,
failed to return five of the rifles taken , and
those returned were badly scratched. Five
hundred rounds of ball cartridges were taken
and only a smimali quantity returmied , and one
rifle returned was broken.
Attorney General Remley today rendered
a decision that such act was an offense
against the state , punishable by not more
( line $200 tine or six months imprisonment , or
both , for each offender , in tIme discretion of
this court.
tlUST ON STAN smioTily Il10ltS'AMEN ,
l'oter Glidorumaster Ilecolvos ma Bullet Itt
tIle Imtck 'mlmiclm May l'rovt , L'mmtal ' ,
CIU.6STON , Ia. , March 23.-Special.- ( )
Last nightt Peter Gildermnaster was shot
in the back by an unknown milan vhio accosted -
costed hint on a street crossing , ( Jiidcriras-
ter says he was passing along thte street
witemi one mann stejmped in fmont. of hiin amid
mtmiother behind hIm. Both had revolvers
iii their hatids. He called loudly : "help ! "
"Help ! " amtd then started to run north ,
Omie of ( lie nmen said "shoot him , " amid tIme
man addressed lired twice , ( ilidermauster
ran to mm. livery bum and told time mnen theme
of the attempt to mnurder hlmn. One bail
Iassed through hIs overcoat collar , The
uthiel' struck htlmn In the mtiitldie ot' the back
atid eistered the body to ( lie left of ( Ito
sitifll ! coluntn. 'rIte doctpr said that It
was irObmtble ( lint the bail was in the cheat ,
somewhere aroumid time heart.
Judge J , C. blmcrmvhm , Very Sick ,
MASON CITY , In. , Ma'rchm 23.-Speclal
Telegmamn.-Judge ) J. C. Siterwln of- this dis-
( net is very iii at his home in this city
anti will not be able to hold court for umiany
Brigadier Gemieral James Rule of tIme Iowa
Nittiummal guard has been confined at his
residence for four weeks.
1'mtir Itssocimitlomm l'roIerty Soitl ,
SIOUX CITY , March 23.-Special ( Tele-
gram.-An ) order of court wims issued today
for the sale on May 10 of time buildings ,
leases , franchises antI nIl assets of ( lie Interstate -
terstate Fair assocIation , Abotit $30,000 of
claims have bei'mi Illetl agaimist it. A new
cotnpatmy will bid in amid orgammizo It.
Called time iteiitmtiiicamm I.nisgimo Togotlm or
DES MOINES , Marcim 24.-Special ( Tele-
gramn.-I'resimlent ) F , H. Conway of tIme
Iowa State RepublIcan league bait issued a
call ( or stntq convention to ! iieet April 26
at the tmme or time ( irant club banquet him
this city , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Ju.igo Scevems Reported mcsmi ,
DES MOINES , March , 2i.-Special ( 'relo.
gmans.-A message receivetl hmeme says
Judge Seevers , ex-niember of the supreme
court diemi mmt lila imommie in Ositaloosa mit 1:15 :
tiil Sunday ) riiormiing.
Soils of ' % 'etentma' , ( ) rgmmn Trmmmiatoired ,
MASON CITY , in , , March 23.-Simcchal (
Teiegramms.-The ) Sabre office , the miatlonni
om'gitn of tIme Sons of Vcteritns , has bcet
trammsfermed frommt this city to hicim MoInes ,
vlmt 'my It ) Athjtmst l're'ccimimmgos Siomitimiy ,
ChiCAGO , Zmiarchm 23-On Monday the
presidents anti general meammugera of tIme
lie \\'estern 'I'mummic
months inememmted in ( Limme
pool vihl Itcmlti a meeting hero amiml ( hiscuss
time question of a. dlvlmmiomi of fm'cighmt , TIt
Burlington , MIssouri l'mtclllc and tommie othi-
ems hmutve repeaetuhy been commwileti to ttmrn
over freight to their comimcitors ( , ammil ( lila
while ( heir own euumiimigit vttre smhtowiimg (10-
creases , 'I'Imey have objected to Site exist.
lug scale of mlivisiommmm anti will ask tiiit ,
tlmey be reduced , 'rime weaker lines ulaur-
ally hiavo strong objections to ammy sticim
pmoceedings imnil deaire the lmcmcermmigetm ( to
ba kept atm they are.
Time eamnimmgmi of ( lie Chicago , Mllwmmukeo
& St. Pimuil for thmu thmimti vcelc iii lamcim
were $509IJ2 , a dccreame of $58,594 froimi time
cormespondimig week of last ycum' .
l'rcsltiemmt Stlckii.y's Smiall iloldiuigs I'lutn ,
ST. PAU1 , March 23.-PresIdent A. B ,
Stickney of ( ito ChIcago Great Western
railway , s'hmo has beemi urghmmg eummigration
ft omn time cities to tIme ( arias ( or seine time
past , has made iluns 1' carry out his owmm
suggestions. lie limes seeced ( lands about
Stanton , Minn. , thirty-six miles below St.
h'aul , which viil be divided into smntuhl hold-
logs suitable for raising produce , and ( lien
leased at low mates to inca with families
( mom time cities wimc , emay wish to settle
there. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
IlhiSs 1t'VFi V1111.I ) ,
EdItor antI owner of Kate Field's Washington -
ington of WashIngton , I. ) , C. , a paper tie.
voted to time cause of temperance , Uted ( 1mm
a recemit speecim that time tmrohibiion ( laws ,
as enforced in tIme several states , vcre mmot
promoting the temnperarmce cause , and imem
ativice would be to snake a moderate allow-
: tmmco of mild beverage's , In lien estimna-
tion this would help time tmmuthierance cause
more titami prohibition laws. Miss Kate's
imead is level , and us to mild drinks , we
recommnend Anleuser-Iluscli Brewing Auo-
elation's Beer. ,
severe bronchial ailment , Now that ha
finds his cure hasting anti satisfactory in
every way , he speaks as follows to ( lie ub
hic .
- -
g . ;
S. \
_ _ '
- -
I ; d'1
I ,
- S
. \ .
' ' . S
' -
\ \
k "
) U : .
. - - - . .
S , /
11ev. 3. 11. SPECK , 602 llazeh-stCouncll BIts
"Nearly two years ago I commtmacted a se-
'cmo Imrommchmial dIsease , so ( hint 1 wits timiablus
to tiRe iii ) ' 'olce , multI it was rniiltlly tle'elol-
trig iimto consumnhmiiomt of ( lie lungs , I cmnmglmed
lumeessamitly , 'ithi , lees soreness in tIme lunge ,
\'nstIng of stueuigii nuiti ulesii hmuttl aft lii
mmmiii I 'its t'liIiihly failing , Iii fuict , I van
eouiiltelietl to u'eshgmm imiy pastorage sit the
First Cimml.stian ( 'imtmrchi of South Omnalmit ,
\'hihle 1mm tlmis 5ite 1 enhietl cmi Dr. Sitelmarti ,
who snitl lie thmotighmt lie could help mae seine ,
Immut votmhtl lint hrommmIsp miie a cmute. I begafl
tmticiimg hits trentmuiemi ( . Immitle of thmmee muomithth
I vilm. mttde to resimusie my regmtlmr : worl'i
nmmd now I cmii mms m'otumul as I ever was , p
have been engaged In evnumgehisIc ( work ,
speaking every mmhglmt ( ltmrlmtg tii last year ,
nuitl Part of ( lie time two amid three timmies a
dab' . I nat heavier thmamm I Iinve been for
years nmmtl I sit\ . mill lmrmmise to Ir. Shiepard ,
wlmn ( iti 110 mntmcm for mite , nuni I gladly cant-
miiemitl Imimmi to niib'Oiie who Is stuttering as I
was. I deemn it muiy lmiilimt thtuty to imty fellow
mmmcmi to lOhmit ( lie \i'ity to hiehim antI safetr
from the ravmtges ofterm'lblehummg disease , , '
DIIS , COPEI1AYI ) & SI1E11llD ,
OffIce Iloimrs-9 to 11 a. in. : 2 to 5 p. m. , Eve.
miutmgs-\Vednestlays nutti Saturdays only ,
6 to 8. Stlmithti-lO to 12 mit.
i. FRANCIS , Gon'l Pass'r Agent , OMAHA , NEB.
Wheti Buyittg
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never ho recovered ,
and it's a calamity to lose several yearS
which so many Iowa amid Nebraska peopit
have done wlmen they have bought foreign
grown , unacchlmated fruit trees ,
Were born on tIme lands where their nursery -
ry stock is grown , and years of patient ,
intellgemmt experiment have taught them th
Imest varieties for this chlmnte , Consequentlh
their home gmown stock is as hardy as thq
forest trees. They have a very large stock
for tue spring delivery and every tree
tyarranteti true to Caine , Orchard , Vinyar '
Lawn , ParkIng Trees anti Omnamnentai stoc
Make mio mistake imi your orders. Send us
your list of wants for prices. We can please
you In prices antI stock. References : Council
Bluffs Banks , Council Bluffs Department
Omaha Bee , and promimient bummhmtesum men ,
Ntirserlos six miles north of Council Biff ,
P. 0. Address ,
Crescent , Iowa.
Teeth Without Plates
\ . - A. ' DENTIST ,
_ fi. ' Paxoumliiock ,
'JA _ 10th , amid ? armmanl Sta ,
Tel , 1O3'1 ,
Fmmhh SetTeetli.5 00 i Silver Filitmigs , , , . , 81 0
Ilemit Teeth , . . . . . . 7 50 I Pimre Gold Filings 2 04
Thiimm ' ( . . . . . . . . 00 I Cold Cr , v.ta-JJ c , $9
Paimmheea Exmact'n Soc I hiridgo Tcetlt-toothm U 00
Teeth Out in Morning ,
New Teeth Same Day
- d
Easily , fluickly , Permanently Hestortd. '
Veaknosm. , Nervou.noqa
Debility , and all the trati
of evils froma early errors o
. later exlcsses : the results
overwork , iiccnoms won' ,
etc. Full ste'igth , dove
. - opmcntmumd toegivent
. . every organ and portio *
. . ' ' ofthehmc'dy. Simple.zia
I LIurul \ mcthoi.s , , immed
L iiii .
ate Imnprotoment seen.
FalhmirO imponible , 2o4xi : references. Book
expianatiomi amid Imroofa mailed ( ealod ) free.
FflI flIflPI. 00 , , Buffalo , H.Y.h
SALE OF ticiioor. , BONDS.
Ties independent schmool ( hismict ( of Silver
City , Ia. , have decided to issue school
bontis in demmomlumations of $1,000 each ,
amounting to $5,000 , bearimig 6 ier ccitt in.
( crest , interest payable Eemi'itnmuaily , bonds
mnuurimg November 1 , 1t97 , 1898 , 1S99 , ItmOO
nimd 1901. Principal antI interest Imityablo at
Silver City State bank , Silver City , Ia.
Scaled hula will he recelvemi for time nor-
chase of these bomds u ) to May let , 1895 , at
1 o'clock , p. in ,
'I'hme might to reject any or all bhhs lii re.
nerved , I I , I i. I fUFJ'A1CEut , 'rreasurer ,
Silver City , Itt. , Marcit 20 , hS9 ,
Special NoIicos-OouDiI Oluffs
15,1 Iium-ime , at W , S. homer' . . 138 llroa4way ,
court Stout , , . Apply at lie. olilce , Council lJIutta.
stale cImeai and cs easy terms. Day ft hess , 31
l'eani Street ,
for rtnt at 710 let avenue ; also 10 i-comas at Ill
Broadway , C , W Jatkson ,
nished ; line lawn ; good barn , and on paved
street , II. 1' . Ohlicer , 12 ) Iaie street
; : jj ItIINT , FUJtN151uEDiMH. Gih
1.iurke , met hiommmer's , 135 flrodway ,
\V.ANTRI ) . A 0001) HlCONh.h1ANl ) lJi'itIGmL'p
piano ctitem , ( or cash , , Address C. II. , Be
oftice , CouncIl lhluUmm ,
W'ANTII ) , wrgNoullAl'Iil1i ( ANi ) I'RltHOZ4
commipelent to do getiermtl 0111cc WOtk , l'er.
maccent postimi ( to m-liit I'arty. Smats m.ahmu
sapeeted. W Z , J.a , CouncIl Blurts.