Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1895, Part I, Page 4, Image 4

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TIlE OMAUADATLY _ 1Ii : SUNDAY , 1AROn 2.f , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I - _ ± _ _ _ _ - TlE ml _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : .
- , -
ooty Once More Adopts the Customs of
the Mikdo's ' JJand
( lr,1 l'nrtkq : uiil Inlcrf ( : nnlnIO In lrCnk
the I.citn Jlst Nlt'lhstnllllg ,
the TlmcS ot f.c Chuirch-Vlint ,
" ' of tIlt Swc11. : '
WIth the craze for \'erlhlng Japanese
That Is 1 OVluP'cadng ! art , ockty-eVtTY-
thing-IL bn't at all strange that the quaint
dancing or the Japanese girls shoul ( at-
tract 3ttefttion. Dut I 0 Mlyo San and 0
. YR'C Sin : , the taclnalng daughters or a
promlnlnt Japanese merellant , hal nol Cle I
' 'cross Feu : to New York , and It tim toUl.lore I
locety h:11 ) : i not fouml them out , and hall not
gh'en ; an oxelulve tunctlon to whIch the
i elect alone were privileged to Ilay $3 apiece
. to he present , why then t may bo that the
- prescnt rRle among society gIrls to ler to
. dance a la Mile. Chrysanthemum would not
have ohtalned so qUlcllly. As Il Is , colr nrs
, who can Iiitato the almonll-eyed Goddesses'
wondcrfui topknotaantl importers or the softly
Iwlshln . flowery robes ore In high reather.
- And many a svelte figure aches from the er-
- Sects of prolonged attempts to l.aUtn . aCer
: the grlceul damscls. whose nozhogusuma
( ilanee of the first plum i hlossoms ) and Itako-
dcxlla ( dance of lily fewer along the wild
grass In swamps of the peninsula of luna )
are EO wonderfully captivating. I you are
goIng to enter the lists you must have a
- samisen for the musical accon1anlnent. all
I you must lance In the thlnbtoed hose all
curious sandnls : or the real dancers rrom the
: land of the lotus. The proper sprenll to
. otter your guests after you have danced for
: them Is 1 the O.Chn.Gua-Shl. meanIng the
honorable tea and cake3. And If you know
- - just how 30U will not servo sugar with Jour
delicious brow of Jnnn - ten. but funny little
1\ared cornflts. Ad If your ' guests low
just how they wl Put one of these
tid-hits In the mouth anll take a sip of tea
. upon I. and pronounce the gods go to
A friend or The Dee now touring Europe
has a number of advanced ideas relntve to
the universal solicitation of alms. pracLcel1
; tn foreign countries and Is evidently not In
hearty syn1athy , with the begging propensi-
, ,
ties or the proreslonal seekers aCer coIns.
Speaking generally of life In the great con-
. tnental citica . she says : "I ha\'l s'een the
, cies from quite u different standpoint from
that of most Ileoille. I try COd learn the
. true le ot the dwellers In thee places. All
. cities are alike as far : the upper classe
are eoncernell , but the lower classes represent -
' sent the true state of the conditions : such
- . aplendor such niieery such poverty such
crime such vickNlness . such su [ . rstlon.sueh
dlene ! . but through It In many Instances
such patience as to mnllo Il most pathetic. "
: In Roman Catholic countries she found thl
" . pcoplo largely Ignorant but this Is undoubtedly -
elly true of all countries whether Cnthol
or Protestant the perccntno ot education -
ton being much the same In continental : Eu-
rope among the common people. Speaking I
of the solicitation of alms practicel . she
says : "I hare many and many a
- time given alms to a beggar at
the door of a church and remained
' and watched him or her long enough to see
that pcnny deposIted In the beggIng box be-
fore the Virgin or In some other duly appointed -
. pointed receptacle. On the other hand I one
gives them food I enl ) ' sere to nourish
their bodies and gives them strength to ,
i- wane for the church with greater zeaL So
the problem becomes confusing. and 1 sometimes -
, times ( nol oren now ) give n little to do good
. In the abstract let the resull be what Jt
may. " Upon the question of European inas-
: ; terplece $ . the young woman has also decIded
ideaa. "I think It foolish . to look at miles
of painted canvas , much 'which ts bad just
. because It happens to be In Europe and has
the name or an oh master upon I. who In
many Instances never oven saw it . as others
r not myselt. have proved. But I have seen
and studied most of the really geed things
and. needless to say enjoyed them. " That
- kind of observation cannot help but prove
A reception Is to bo gIven Senator all
; : rs , landerson Thursday evening al the
1" Olunha clUb ; to be followed by dancilig. ThIs
r will be preceded by a dinner for which
, a limited number ot covers are to be lal\ ,
- . Senator Manderson returns home on Wednesday -
- day and will on that evening be gIven a ro-
caption at South Omaha. The affair at the
: Omaha club on the following evening prom-
, lees to bo the great event ot the sonson.
% l'atrlotlo U"uhler J "tert"ll.
As a social organization the Patriotic
I Daughters of America are unsurpassed by
any similar society In the city Last Tlmrs-
, day evening a very enjoyable party was gIven
, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. C. 10ugh
and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Ledyard 615 North
Twenleth street , progressIve high five form-
Ing the attractive feature of the evening's en-
tertanment . forty-elghl people taking part
In the game which was one of unusual In-
tenst. In honor of the occasion the rooms
were very prettily decorated with fags ,
Japanese lanterns nll other bright color
Mrs. E. Fishier and Mrs James W. Doule
drew numbJrs to decide who should receive
c the ladles' honors for winning the largest
number of gaines Mrs. ionIc receiving it . a
, 1allsomo silk lined jewel baskel. The
. gentlemen's first prize was won by Mr. Miler -
ler , who cut with Mr. White. Mrs. Stringer
. . was presented with a little washboard ( a
* , bard rub ) . ns the lady's consolation gift , Mr. ,
, . Tremle Denman captured tbe gentleman's
' booby . a Ito sack of marbles. ACer the I
. - prIzes had been awarded daInty rerresh- .
. I ments were served. Mr. W. If. Doverly re-
cited In a very pleasing manner "An Old
Man's Idyl " after which Iomo choice musical
numbers were rendered by ! rs. Webster and
others , and then the young people danced .
Among the many present were : Mes-
I dames E. 1 Fisher Wahlenliaupt . aamber
Laura 1.'lsher. T. E. 1enman. Duval J.
c Stiobon H. A. 'Vebster. Brown J. W. liouk
I E. Stacey. Uzzle J. Stacay Ilouquet Winslow -
low . Knapp J. \'Iilto. Carrie Elsasser . Coke-
r rote Callahan . W. M. hay . J. W. Mohisli .
. r. Edna Owynnu Stringer Lelyard , , 10ugh.
F StubonV. . White , 1 < ltto Distelliorat . C.
nrlnk : Mesrs . J. n. Drlo'lJch. W F . Knapp
. Harry Brink W. C. flouk F. I. Gwynno. )
' ' . T. Igxnrt , August Scbnlen , John Stubea ,
f ; L. 1. ) Morris , A. Ii. H. J'lnt. Jim Calianan .
. - P. C. 10uth. E. Ii. 1llyarll. L. J. Wollen.
1lalpt. Jsso'hlto . E. 1' . ButeU , W. I.
Iloverly I ) . G. Brewer I . M. Stringer , Den.
others. luau Miller . WInslow , Reed . Wi Whie anti
In1nhnw Hrll hy Omaha lfoiicN .
Nrs. Jennie W'ertz long an Indefatgable
I lender In church worll and worker for charity .
baa now almost completell the program for
11 entertainment the principal feature of
which wi bo a "rainbow drill . " to be 1lven
at ' Metropolitan hal Tuesday evening . April
" 2. The program Ilresents an extremely
Interesting combination of novel and
e'o.pleaslng events The rainbow drill .
, performed hy sixteen young ladles and led
by I Mrs. Wertz , will 1leaco , the onlool18rs'
tsthelo sense In a high degree , as wl the
. different attitudes taken by the graceful [
poseurs mentioned II the program which
follows ;
Plana Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . .Jlss Bonner
" Children's Fancy Dancing. . . . . . . . . . .
" . 1 lnton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . YI vlan Hector
a > lustqle Tableaux. . . . . . . . . . . . .t. . . Hetor . .
. . . Elizabeth McConnell . Vi'itiii Hector
talnbow lrlll. . . McConnel. . . . . . . YI\lan . . . . . . . . .
) lses MoiCehl . Alexander Tukey , Ethel
' 1nke ) ' , Cook , Sadie Alexander , house .
Durrea , Cleveland , Cholwetl . Stale ,
Isaucs Bartlett . Barber , Sargent Brun
tier ; leader , Mrs. Wertz
olo. . . . . . . . JI. . . . . . . . . . . .Mlss Marshall
. i'oaes with 1ovo. . . . . . . . Marshal
. Lie Reproductions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . )
' 1 > 08el with Drape . . . . . . . . Miss Choiwehl
1' I rableaux D'Art. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cholwel . .
4 J. U. U. n. I. Ilt'rhltloll. :
. A very pleasant evening was SIlent o Fri-
- 'ay at the bonus or C. T. Butler and C. M.
Foster by twenty couples or young people
3 I was a male dance , and all appeared
dressed II I sheet excepting the olcer ot
the Ancient Order of Grand DulIN. who wore
the long black robes The lower floor havIng
been cn\ssed. at 9 o'clock I bln , quadrille
Wi formed. which was very amusing and
4t _ 'elrl , W tie lights throunau the house
" 'ee hung In a tntelt shade of blue paper.
Tie young gentlemen wee assisted In re-
eeh'lng by Mien Minnie Millard And Miss
Minnie /nrglnnd. while Miss Alice Stnler
11,1 . Mrr. O. n. Lewis assisted In entertaIn-
Ing. During the evening Mr. Will Thacker sang
l\ Wi
Durlnl lnlnr .
A tNlor MID entitled "Mary and May . . which
was much enjoyed , and Miss Carla MeredIth
gave a recitation entitled "What a Man
rEciaton entl (
Sholll Do to Do Liked by I.ndles. " J. T.
nUeannl gave a short talk interspersed with
a few droll rc-marks.
'Choe Present were : Misses Hansen , Cox ,
Meredith . Darst , Predericks Meredith , lien-
Mn , Io e Hansen , Stater , Millard , Ilurgiand , .
Combl , Karbaugh . Sunderlnnd , Klngsler ,
Prost , l'IIII1S. Iaton. Baxter : Me ss.
Aulahaugh . hioman Gates , Stokes Thieker.
'Windsor. Butler . Banks , Duest , hilath . DI-
pant ilucanan Cross Welier . Dechtohl ,
Hansen , Puts . Butler , haIl . Foster ; Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. J'ls , Mrs. N. C. Butler . Mr.
dud Mrs. J. B. Spencer.
High , 8chl01 11Iot.nle.
A very pleasing musicale was given at the
HIgh scllol last Friday under Ito auspices
of the Cadet Omeers' club . The following de-
/ghUul program was rendered :
Newport . . . P\l' . . . . . . . club ' 9G
"ocnl solo-Fiddle 1111 I. . . . . . . . . . .
Irs. Goodeve . M. C. Clarllon.
Piano dnet-am/'a. ; ( oOle\e. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . .Herold
Miss neb / nRon , Mls Kalbach . i
flecltation..F. . . . J. Gish
Banjo anti guitar duet. . . . . . . . . . . .
Prof. euinmiiig . Pror. Sutoril- .
O'enn Scitottiselie . . . . Mantlohin dub or ' !
Ohilcers' club quartet .lrinces or the Nixies
hiellman maccit..Mandolin club or 'M
Cavatna-\'iohin solo..J. Halt
flohert Cus' aden.
I Know n flniik-Voeal tluet..lorn
\htMS C'hninberialn . Miss Mcuhiih.
RecItation. . ( halnlellaln. . . . . . . . . . . Arthur "elslmns
. . . . . . . . .
Cn\alerla Huptenla-llnno Iuet. ( . . .
Miss Wessel . Miss ilehl.
Vocnl , . . . . . . . . . . . ! . . : . lss . . : Bell Clnlk on
gsenco or Tennessee..Banjo club ' 0
The class of 'OG Banjo and Mandolin clubs
covered themselves with their accustomed
glor ) ' . 'fho Oillcers' Club quartet composed of
lessrs. Clarkeon . l'urvisVagner all Dnle ,
showed the line results of Miss Clarkson's
excellent training. Profs. Cummings and
Sntorlus' duet met with hearty apillause.
The Mandolin cub of ' 07 charmed the audi-
en ct. The concert was a great success
throughout and was \atronlzll by about 400
pupils of the ( 1Igh school all their friends
- -
Ilrthl , ) l'arty fur Two.
An enjoyable double birthday party occurred -
curred Wednesday evening In honor of James
1 < O'Nel and C. ii. Kreutzer . at 1510 North
mghtc nth street. The early part of the
evening was enlivened by music. recitations
and high five . In which later divortisement
: [ 1. and Mrs. W. W. War won the honor
Yellow was the predominating decorative
color roses being used largelr. Mr. O'Nel
anl : Ir. Kreutzer of cotiro were seated
at the head of the dining table when refreshments -
ments were served . from which posl they
dispensed the dainties and cut the prize
The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. D. 11.
Ward and Miss Mable War , Clinton . la. :
Mr. and " [ rs. 'tV. W. \Vard Marshalltown .
In. : : [ r. and : [ rs. F. S. Ward Cedar Rapids .
la. ; :11. and Mrs. M. F. Reynolds . South I
Omaha ; Miss Maggie . Moores Little Sioux
la. : Mr. C. B. Kreutzcr Denver . Colo. :
Iesrs. and Mesdames James K. O'Nel.
M. LoCu . T. E. Wood E. Amowalt. T. W.
hleipen Dr. Owens 11. S. Emory ; Misses
May O'Nel. Hazel Amewall ; Messrs. J. Law-
rio of Omaha. Wallace . Isaac O'Nel and Jamie O'Nel
Iii Ier honor .
A farewell party In honor or Miss Mary
Bergland who Is soon to leave the city . was
given Friday evening last at the home or
Mr. all Mrs. D. H. Ball. The evening was
very pleasantly pent In playing games ,
charades , elc. . aCer which refreshments
were served. During the course ot the evening .
Ing several fine piano solos were rendered
by Misses Stckney and Lidstone. A unique
and Interestnl feature or the ovenlng's en-
tertalnmont wa a stereopteoa exhibiton ! . In
which ortra1ts of the guests were ehown
yortralt gests
and a short history and Prphecy given of
each. Among those present were the following -
Ing : Misses Jessie Gulls , Mabel Comfort
Nellie Stlckney. Cora Batteiio . Stella Blue .
Ruth hiattohie . hattie Auchmoedy. Ruth
Sprague Jeanneto Auchimoedy . Joslo Cole
Kate Swartzlandor Beatrice Ball . Mary
Bergland Ella Lidstone : Messrs. George W.
Street. 1 _ . T. Hoffman . Sherman Pinto
Charles L. Fritechor Oscar Engler. Charles
Sheeler Lon Beans Frank Bliss . FrancIs J.
tush . John W. Nawiean Oliver Auchmo d } . .
Ernest Farrell and Howard liruner.
" . _ _ . . _ . . . _ .L
" .r"rIMO IlILLy .
Mr. and lrs. James G. Marta or 2818
South NIneteenth street were given a gen-
ulno surprise party Friday evening. It being
tIm eleventh anniversary of their oiarrage. ;
They were the recIpient of a beautiful
haml-palnted jardiniere fled with choice
cut flowers. high five was Indulged In for
.ovenlng entertainment. Mrs. Sol Hopper
secured the ladles' first prize and the same
rot the gentlemen was captured by T. P.
Iahoney. Among those present were : Mr.
and Mrs. Sol Hopper . Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
hlougii . Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Mahoney Mr.
and Mrs. W. 11. Dudley or Council Bluffs . Ia"
Mr and Mrs. Alex Buchanan Mr. and Mrs.
P. Strousbough Mr. and Mrs. AI Poweil .
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan nckard , Mr. and Mrs.
L. T. Stearns Mr. and Mrs. A. T. SIdwel ,
Mrs. T. G. Laur . Miss 1oulno Laur , Mica
Dell Morland Miss Grace Strousbougli MIss
Sarah Martin . Don Hopper and Lawrence
SlUwell . ACer cards a lunch was spread ,
followed by some songs and dancing.
. : " 8111' tlnr ICnt'rtninment.
Vesta chapter No. 6 . Order or the Eastern
Star gave a delightful progressive high five
party In the banquet hal or the Masonic
tomple. corer or Sixteenth and Capitol
avenue last Friday evening . The ladles'
first prize , n beautiful handkerchief case , was
presented to Mrs. Nellie Fisher. The gentle-
men's first prize a necktie box containing
n four-ln-haOl necktie , was awarded Mr.
Martin of South Omaha. Mrs. Weeks and
Mr. Blake won the consolation Ilrlzes. A
large number ot ( lie representatives were
present from the South Omaha and CouncIl
Burs lodgos. the attendance being very
large The varIous committees
commlte01 on arrange-
meats deserve much credit , for the efforts
put forth to make the occasion one or thor-
ollh enjoyment to all. Hetrcshmont were
serve during the evening. and after the
various prizes had bell awarded Ito floor
was cleared and dancing was indulged In
by many or the young us wol as the older
folks. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, v. A. I' A. Mask l5sIh.
The masquerade bal given by Success '
council . No. 3 . W. A. P. A. . Friday evenIng '
March 22 , at Wolff's hal , was much enjoyed
by those present. The printed program was
cnque ! and aJpropr'ate. ! Tw01ty-elght daces
were 11artelplto < 1 In. the dancing being to
excellent orchestra music. After ulmasllug
al 1 p. m. the judges selected for the prolen-
laUon of the prizes consIsting of Mrs. Harry
Kemp. state irosillunt of the W. A. P. A.
of I Frrnnont Neb. : Mr. H. n. Maxwell and
Mr. George S. Ilcllx of Omaha awarded
the prizes as follows : Miss Georgiana Eilet ,
most appropriately Ilrolze lady ( Columbia
In white ) ; Mrs. Ilr.lo He'nolls of Glenwool .
poresl dressed lady ( ragged girl ) : Mr D. O.
Brewer bOlt character ( clown ) : Mr. George
Morris worst costume ( tramp ) . There worD
over 100 couples on the floor . and the dane.
Inl continued until 2:30 : a. m. The mistress
of ceremonies was Mrs. M. A. hfortzmnann .
Turll111horcilu 1'111 Osrihs.
n. Knigh Poler entertained tie Terpsi-
chorean club members at the residence or his
iiaremlt , 222 North NIneteenth . street , J'rl.
tay evening at high five. This was the ( third
of the alternate serlea or dancing and card
iarties . Mr. A. W. McDonald captured the
gentleman's prize , a silver mounted
gnteman's slver cine
bearing lie motto of the club. The lada
prize a box or bonbons was won by Miss
Pickering. After an enjoyable time at crds
dainty refreshments were served.
Those who shuffled tbo cards were : Misses
E. Irecklnrldge. Dewey Ihetta l'lclerllg.
Bowman. Fredericks . Van Uuren. Hal , St.
Qeyer . Buiwer . Cowlea , liaiuhin. Van Curen ,
Wilcox , Eastman , E. I'otter. Mrs. Charles
Black ; Messrs. Angehl. Hamln , Oacomlnl ,
J'alcoler. ilurdick A. McDonald Body Van
Court. CoUel , Berlin , Meigs Curry , SchneIder -
der , t3qutres. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Surprised 00 her Twelfths Utrlbdy.
MIss Fannie ltcheU , \OG South Twenty-
eighth street , was very pleasantly surprIsed
on her 12th birthday last Saturday1 March
. .
' " ' - ' -
; _ : - _ ' _ n. . ' _ r r-i- .
16. by n party of her young friends , wh
came prepared to spend a jolly afternoon .
The merry children present were : Fannie I
Chamberlin Gertrude White . Edna Butler ,
Mary l'rank Elen Treme Henrieta Bartlett ,
Nettle Teurel , Edna Hard ) ' , Com hardy ,
Pauline Sehenck Fanny Condon Mary Chapman '
man , Ole Speclit BessIe Dc le\'olse , I dna
De Bevolse , Gracie Irn ) ' , Lela Shaw , BessIe -
sIe lO\vr Fannie Rowland , lUte Clark ,
Laura lisle Margaret Pettbone , Ada 1nt-
( erson . Gertrde Clmpbel. ! I\nte SmIth , Leo-
nora Smith , Charlotte Powers , Alee I.'reer- I
icks Constance I.'rederleks , Loraine Com-
stock _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Inncl' nt Odd 1'ehlntv' hall .
Among the many pleasant events of the
pat week was the socIal dance given by the
OmahA DancIng society on Monday evening
at Jndpnlent , Order of Odd Fellows' hal
The attendance was large , and a very enjoy-
able time was spent by all .
. Among ( hose Present were : Mr. alHl Mrs.
Levy , Mr. nnl Mrs. Devereaux , Mrs. Cu'ler ,
Mrs. Sullivan . Miss I. Calvin Miss Iantl !
Miss A. hlergqulat . Miss V. Metcalf . the
Misses Cuyler and Jaekmal , Miss n. Shaver ,
Miss Lewis Miss 1 _ . Inns , Mils E. Cnrran ,
Miss Whie , Miss Whiehi , Mia Dexter ,
Miss Kurtz Miss 1lmmerln . Miss PhIllips .
Miss Walker , Miss Wiillams . MIss Lahll ,
Miss llantin . Messrs. C. I. . Mather , n. Q.
iiaynes . A. Ii. Weinberger , M. D. Albrecht ,
J. GarrIson , J. J. Yoger G. Ynger J. Mc-
Geougll , G. limits , C. Shaver , ii. De9tman ,
II. Gear , W. Hclle ) ' . C. Seaman L. Fitzgerald -
ald . D. Mallory , I. He'er , J. Jack . J. J.
l roster , F' . Perry . J. hiynes . W. 11. Kings-
hey W. Bet , S. n. Gulcn. . J. Oroster ,
1dcAvoy . Bruce Grady Inches , Lalor Bord-
well , Kllnkner . _ _
[ ' ! H.n"t 10me Unlllnl I'nrly.
A number of North Omaha young people
were very pleasantly entertained by Miss
Belle Kendricks at her hionte liO1 ! North
Twentieth street Friday evening. Games
were played after which the evening was
spent In dancing until a late hour , when r.
rreshmlnts were served
, Those present were : Misses I.ull Ichsln-
beam , Cora Schultz . Belle iCendricks Louise .
horn . Edna Adams , Mabel Adams . Ilda
Swimbey Gerto Stannarll : : [ essrs. Charley
Gates Sam Ocksenbeamu Elmer Ochisenbeam
George Culon. William Miller . Louis Ielf-
fer Joseph Spccht . George Bowyer Charles
Baltiwin . Robert Patton . George Toy . IM-
ward Lalorty , Arthur Hathaway Edward
111atner , Otto Born Lester Docoek , Fred
Martin. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _
Chnt of Soctely.
rever. Mrs. S. S. Curtis Is very 1 with typhoid
Mr. John A. Creighton went to Chicago
residence. Mra. Matt Cawson Is seriously ill at her
Miss Grace Himebaugh went to Chicago
last SUlla ) ' .
Miss Dacha 1 out again after a severe attack -
tack ot la grlppo. i
Mrs. Jackson of Minneapolis returned home I
Monday afternoon .
Mrs. Outcalt of LIncoln Is the guest of her
sister : [ rs. J. E. Damn.
Mrs. Dealt Is recovering from an attack
of congestion ot the lungs.
Mrs. Henry 1) . stabroole has returned
from a month's easter trip.
Mr. D. K Chopin has gone to Crete Neb. .
to spend Sunday with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Barton returned yesterday - I
terday from their southern trip. I
Mr. and Mrs. Lininger are at homl after
theIr journey through . Old Mexico. '
Mrs. Robert Wols leaves soon for Phi-
adelphia for a visit or several months.
Mrs. Robert S. Anln left on Sunday for
Utca. N. Y. . to bo the guest of her mother
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Hector and daughter
Vivian are visiting In Chicago for a few
dayc.Mrs. . E. C. McShane and daughter left for
Chicago on Tuesday to attend the grand
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Daring leave Monday
for Chicago . where they will attend the
Prof. C. H. WIlcox of the Iowa State unl-
veristy Iowa City . Is visiting frIends In
Mr. and Mrs. Brogan have taken the bouse
en Twenty-sIxth street adjoining All Saints'
rector- '
Mrs. H. L. Reynolds entertained the Bishop
Garrett ten at a kensIngton on Wednesday
M. and Mrs. John A. Horbach left for
New York on Monday and will shortly sail
fo Europe.
! r. and ! r. E. A. Cudahy. Infant and
maId leave shortly for a visit of a month
In Cahifoinia.
Miss Mao H. Smith has just returned front
a delightful month's vIsit with the Misses
Elck of Fremont.
Mrs. Charles E. Ford and ehldrtn have
returned from a four week's . visIt [ to her
out home In Indiana.
Thursday evening Miss Luela Plgau was
very pleasantly surprised al her residence ,
3018 Webster street.
Mrs. rank IrvIne , who has been visiting
In Pennsylvania for the past six weeks returned -
turned home last Sunday.
MIss Van Patton of Davenport will arrive
In Omaha about the first or April anti will be
L'e guest of Miss Darnard.
Mr. Gerard Van 10urlck ot the City or
MexIco 1 the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Slddmore on Georgia avenne.
The engagement ot Miss Susie Woolworth
or Albany N. Y. . and Mr. Ralph Warner of
New York City Is eminounced.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Richardson returned
Wednesday from Chicago where they heard
three productions of .
thre productons grand opera.
Mrs. William Cressier who Is visiting her
granddaughter Mrs. J. A. Morris returns to
her home at Do Witt ha. . Tuesday.
The marriage of Miss Edith L. Wagoner to
Mr. Richard D. Wagoner of Albany N. Y. . Is
announce to take place hI Easter week.
Mrs. A. L. Del and chid have gone on
I visit to Topeka . Kan. . to paned several
weeks sister with Mrs. Fred H. Glck , Mrs. I3ehi's
Ex-Mayor Droatch and Mr. Walace Droatch
have returned from Ohio where they have
been for annie time owing to lie illness and
death of Mrs. Droalch.
Mrs. F. M. Marsh . 31 South Twenty-sIxth
street entertained a party ot frlends'Thurs-
day evening by the introduction of ( lie new
game of German whilst
Mr. and ! rs. T. G. Denton anti son Andrew
and Miss Ethel have returned to their home
In Montana after several weells' visIt with
Mr. and Mrs. George 'iv . Lancaser , 2406
Casa street.
The young friends of Iable McKelvy
tendered hlr I surprise party on the occasIon
of her 13th birthday at tao residence of
her father , H. E. lcKllvy , 2520 Charles
street , last week.
Mr. E. W. Nash . Miss Nash and Miss Mar
Nash went to Chicgo Friday and yesterday
were the guests of Mr. Henry E. Abbey at
two performancls of thl Abbey , Sehoefel &
Grau Grand Opera colpan )
William Mathews of this ( city and Miss
Alice Morse or St. Joseph. Mo . were marrIed
at the home or lie bride last rhursday even-
tng 11ev. G. A. Trlnholm olllciatiig : . Mr
Mathews Is an mployo or Tie flee.
The Bishops Worthington ant Seabury
"Tens" will welcome the ladles of All Saints'
church at the residence of Mrs. D. I. Good-
rich hill Park avenue assisted by Mesdames
lendrlo and Baughman , on Friday , March 29 ,
front 2:30 : 10 [ i II. I m.
Mr. I. I. Ilaldrlge county attorney . and
Mr. Joseph Baldrlge wore railed to Holidays-
burg I'a. , on Monday by the sudden death
of their father . ! r. Daldrlgo having visited
hero several times . leaves many frIends , who
were grieved to lear ot his death
Miss lmnia Lear gave a very enjoyable
party al her hom9 , Twenty-eighth and Mero-
dlth avenue Thunda evening The guests
wore entertained with several leaaing games
until B late hour Those present were :
Misses Lizie Nichols , Emma Lear , Nettle
- -
MnUn , Lora iTsriTh . Ellen Oruentg , Hnn-
nah Grnenl.ind Mn . Charles Lear ,
Menu. Cobb , t' irres Mel < erhle , Dave Me-
ICenzle , Coln : l ; ZIO anti Fred Martin .
CI'do U. Stiner1sbti , n recent arrival from
his former homcii5tiakIanti , c'I" , Is spending
1 short time with his three brothers J. A. ,
I , . T. and Halph E. Sunderlanih or this city.
lie Is enroule to Minneapolis . where he will
bo connected wla the Northlstern Mutual
Life insurance cMtany.
A delightful phantom party was given last
night a Chambers' . catlemiiy the chIldren's
classes entertaining m large number ot visitors
wIth dances In fancy < rrss. A feature was
the kaberlne , iyotJe . taught the ehlhren
by l'rof Chambers , and Ilancell for the first
( line In Omaha last night.
The members Iil 'the ' Improvd Order of
Red len will give their third grand ! annual
peace and pow-wbw dnnee on Thursday c\'en-
tog . April 25 , at Washington hail. A com-
mitee or members of Yah-Nun-Dah.Sls tribe ,
No.2 , has the mater In hand . anti the Red
Men's banl will furnish the music .
A very pleasant high five party was given
by the members of the ladles" degree or
locahonl18 or the Improved Order of Red
Men I the residence of Mr ! Brownee , 2305
nonglas street ThurIlny evening there
being about twenty of the mcmbers present.
At 10:30 : p. m. luncheon was served .
Mrs. Annn Andrpss entertained at her
pretty home 4738 North Thirty-eighth street ,
Thurslly afternoon In honor of the ladies of
Golden Rod grove Wo03men circle The
afternoon was delightfully pleasnnt. At 5:30 :
the tables were very pretiy arranged and a
dainty and "elelous menu was served
A very pheasant little Imrty was given by
.Mrs. Tuttle of the Freiizer last evening In
honor of Mr. antI Mrs. nobb , who arc to oc-
cupy their pleasant hole ems Woolworth
a\'enue. The guests were the young peple of
the ( house and a few other frlentis of Mr. and
Mrs. hiobb. \arl , playing was the order of
the evening . followed by rerrlhments , music
and social time ' .
all a lme general }
A musical evening was greatly enjo'ell
by a few friends of Mrs. J. E. I House lust
\Vednesday. Mrs. Morton sang several se-
lectons. ! r. Schenk played most delght-
fully and all passed a charming evening.
After the music refreshments were served.
Those present were : ltIr. and Mrs. Charles
Morton ! r. and Mro. Wilkins . ! r. anti ! rs.
Wertz Mr. Schenk Mr. John A. Creighton
and Mr. Harry O'Nell.
B. itosenthial the president or the People's
Furniture and Carpet company . and his
brother George who has just finished a sec-
onll year's course at the Omaha Medical col-
hego left last Wednesday on the steamer
Drlannla for nn oxtendell trip through
Europe. They will visit London l'nris
Berlin . Vienmia Rome Constantinople and St.
Petersburg , after which Mr. Hosenthal will
continue his medical studies In Lelpzlg.
The annual banquet or the' AncIent Order
ot Grand Dukes tool place Thnrsday evenIng -
hug at G o'clock all was participated In by
twenty-elghl young men. I Is a remarkable -
able fact that out of four annual dinners
there has not been one vacant chair each
genteman making Il I point to be llresenl
at the table. The grand sir duke was the
toastmaster for the evening while the duke
chief respondel Seven course were served .
and al 8 o'cloek alt rose from the table when
a short business meeting was held. Mr. H.
B. Windsor visiting prince was the guest
ot the evening.
Mr. and ! rs. Arthur Chase al 2426 St.
Mary's avenue entertained the members ot
the Christian : EnlOvor society of the St.
Mary's Avenue -ollegatonal church Frl-
day evening In a very delightful manner
about sixty couples being presen ( . The ladle
spent the first hour or thc evening with
Miss Cody at 2qO St. Mary's avenue In a
very prcftable dIscussIon of Christian En-
drvor work while the gentlemen held a
similar meeting with Mr. Chase. Al : o'clock '
the ladles nlljourned' to the home of Mr.
Chase where the remainder or the evening
was passed very pleasantly with games
music and refreshments.
Last Saturday evenlnp at theIr home on
Davenport street MIS Hattie Duncan and
Miss Lela Curry asisted by Mlsse Mabei
Dutcher and Grace .Rldenour . entertained a
number of theIr friends al high five. At the
close of the games refreshments were s rved.
After refreshments a few bright selections of
vocal and Instrumental music were given by
Miss Sarah Harp'er and Mrs. Cbarles Savage.
Among those present ' were : . Mrs. H. M. .
Weeks Mr ali Mrs : Charles Savage Mr. and
Mrs. Frank itidenour Misses Mabel Dntchier
Clara Ruth Grace Itidenour . Sarah harper .
Annie Rudd hattie Duncan and Leila Curry
Messrs. B. F. Cason T. L. McDonnell , J.
Ilodson Charles Buck and D. Hopkins.
A jolly crowd gathered at the home of Mr.
and Mr.m. ! Twenty third all Grace
streets , Thursday evening. Games of all kinds
were Indulged In and a very enjoyable even-
Inl was spent. Among thmso presenl were :
Mr. and ! rs. J. G. Prlehard , ! r. and Mrs.
C. M. lummel ; Mrs. E Ie Bottle . Mrs. J.
J. Freytag Mrs. S. Itt. Peilfor . ! rs. Long-
well and son Alfred Longwel ; Misses Jennie
Markwood . Della Markwood . Cassie Mark-
wood Doyle ! Markwood Oma Ferree . Clara
Ferree , Annette DeDo\ ; Grace Baxter Rosa-
la Von Lackum . Sarah Von Lackurn Maude
Martin . Ella Crane. ! ole Lucas and SadIe
Hummel ; ! essrs. Edward Lucas Roland
hlummei . Ryan Hummel Ernest Ferrell .
Frank Henderson. Bliss . Charles Fritschier jr. , and ! I.
One of the pleasant events of tie week
was I party given by MIsses Edna Martin
and Madga Lard at the former's home on
Spencer street Friday evening. After several
enjoyable games were played lunch was
served by the young hostess. The invited
guests were : Miss Madge Holenbeck of Coun-
ci Bluffs , and Misses One Abbott . Dorothy
Ketchum Maude Macomber Mauda Cooper
Viola Fatms ( . Blanche Howiand Alene Mc-
Eachiron Ethel Wiiitlock . Alice Bowen Grace
Edwards , Maggie Cunens June Bennett .
Grace Leard Esther Martin . Madle I.oard
and Edna Martin : Messrs. Waiter Cost Gordon -
don Raymond Ira Marks . George Fowler .
Fayette Leard Clair Hitchcock , John Per-
Ilns , Madison McEachiron . Wiard Barrows
Clarence Fisher. Williamson . Ward Baker and - larry
.moll the .tnsiehisniu.
Oulseppo Verdi now In his 84h year , Is
engaged on a new opera or fanciful anti ,
spectacular Import entitled "La Tempete. "
The leading role which Is said to be or the
lephlsto order Is being written for lit.
Mauroh the distinguished French baritone
who made such a IlronouncCl success at his
first appearance In Chicago by his powerful
portrayal of logo , and intensified admiration
by his wonderful work as Falstaff.
Salnt-Saens has written an interesting re-
view of Mme. Augusta Holmes' opera "fa
ontagno NoIre , " which was recently pro-
duced at time ParIs Grand opera house Tie
famous French composer bele\'es that Mine .
Holmes has fallen Into the error of seeking
to conceal her sex and to hat end strIving
too much after virile effects. Thus , he says ,
sIte makes abrupt and starting changes of
key , uses the brasses to an ear-splittIng degree -
gree and stretches the voices to an extent
which causes one to tremble for lie vocal
chords. Nalural liirs , . Holmes Is or the
WagnerIan bent. ' .J ; MrJ.
The staring tourpf , Frank " Daniels In larry
D. South and Vlctorl Hcrberl's opera "The
Wizard " carrIes aOlllmJstakable Chicago at-
mnosihmere about it. hurry n. Smith was wel
known In newspaior crcles ! In O.llcago long be.
fore he beeamo noted tie u librettist. Ilrke la
Shele anti , Arthur /IClark. . the managers
ot the enlerprlscJw8r , formerly chromatic
editors respectively , of the Post amid , the Mal ,
and It Is now announced that Ernest Albert
the well known Chicago artist . Is to paint the
scenery "The Wlzar ' ts the stO\I' of a
peripatetic magicIan , Who visits Egypt dur-
Ing the longest perIod/of drouth known to the
oldest inhabItant. with the hope of conjuring
the Nile to onrfowtl.The opera Is In three
acl and Mr. Ianlel.1 appear as Kbosh In
"The Wizard " , wir ' r
Railway I."d r.yl' ' ,11011 I Approvail
WAShiNGTON , 4urch 23.-Secretary
Smith hitth aplrovell March vatent 41.932 acres
of mutt In the In"emnly limits of Ihe
Northern I'acc grailt. ' 1he lands are In the
Chiehiahts Inll VammcoU'cr thlatrict.E. All 10
acres In the M"rlhal land district to the
St. I'aul & Sioux City COIfliaily
Highest of all i Leavening Power.-Latest U. S. Gov't Report
IMVd I Bakns
LW Powder
Atrctvo Programs Aranged for the
Spring Musicnl Fostlvnl Ntxt Month ,
- '
Herhert ) lnlrr nn" AhrDul to Tnk" n Two
Ycars' ConrAD nn ( lie "lnUn-Short
Notes or COIII ! I ntor
I iii a mneiit a .
Preparatons for the festival concerts April .
19 and 20 at Doytl's theater are Rlmclent )
far advanced to warrant the predIcton that
artistically these concerts will crown the
) . Mr. Pennel has been Indefatigable In
his efforts to secure the very best artists In ,
additon to the renowned Thomas orchestra , I
and yesterday he made public the names of
the soloIsts , Mra. Genevr Johnstone Bishop ,
soprano , and Mr. Holer Moore baritone.
Tim programs are sufficiently attractive to
warrant crowded houses all should the
11rsent festival prove a success It Is fair to
assume that Omaha wi have an annual
visitation from Theodore Thomas anti hIs
Chicago orchestra
The programs are ns follows :
: S'II'hon } ' , from the New " .orlt..lh.ornle
! Adtigi Allegro MolOI Large Sherzu ,
. \ ilc'gro con ltmoco .
Cantata Pair Irgro . . . . . . . . . . . . .
trs. Oele\m Johlstone-Jsholl. ? d r.
Homer Moore Festival Chorus nnd
0 rciiestrti .
1. Theme anti Vmtrtaions. 2. FInale Op
G. . . . . . . . . . . Ynrlatons. . . . . . . ' 'Mehalkowsle ) '
Violin Obhigato . Mr. Max Uendlx.
Violn , Oblguto. 'Vav\ . . . . . . .Guunod
Chorus and Orchestra.
1. 'Vnllwehen. from "SiegfrIed. " 2. Sleg-
rrlell'N Rhine Journey . from "Cotter-
dammerung" . . . . . . . . . . "Goter- . . \'ngner
1. Vorspiel . "ile Mcl tcrslnger. " 2. Sleg-
Vorlplel. frlet's Idyl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \'ngler
Veddumtg Mardi . with VarhtLttoili.UOldiimurk ,
SYlphonlo lOCI. "Le9 l'retUdes..Liszt .
Overture Academic P ll\al..Drahms
'rhoim'rt Like Unto a Flower. . . . . .Colyn
Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Johna
Mr. Homer Moure.
V'alz Dornrouschen. . . . . . . . . . 'schalkowsle ) '
'ValzL . Arlrslenne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1lszt
Preltitic' Mimitietto . AtIitgioeo . Carillon.
prellllj \ ancrs from 41h series..Dvorak
March . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Schuberl .
S'lphony. No 5 C minor. . . . . . . Beethoven
\llegro con i3rio Andante con Monte ,
Allegro. Finale.
Scotia and Aria Frelschutz..Weber
Mrs. Bishop amid Orchestra.
Prelude and Glorimicntion . "Pnrsifmil" . . . .
Hide of the \Vahkymiott . . 'Valmrc" . . . . . .
'otan's Farcweii . . 'Vnlmre" . . . . . . .
Wotati . Mr. Homer Moore.
Magic Fire Scene " \Vnlkure" . . . . . . . . .
Bacchianmtle " 'annhnuclr" . . . . . . . . . .
March and Chorus , "l'nnnhauescr" . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \'ab"er
The coming mulcsl event at Dord's wilt be
the Sutorlus lanloln Orchestra concert
which Is to take place In Mar. Assisted br
the Imperial Banjo and Guitar club . under Mr.
E. II. Cummings and by such vocalists as Mr.
Kronberg and Miss Nanlie hands . the orches-
tr will bo II a position to furnish a program
far superlol to that of the ordInary concert.
The Mandolin Orchestra rehearsals have be-
come so popular as to attract a large number
or visitors each week While this Is very
flattering . anti perhaps stimulating to the
players Il Interferes somewhat with theIr
proper drilling . and Mr. Sutorlus has decided
to hereafter exclude all outsiders except the
escorts or the lady members of the orcbestra.
A program or more than ordinary merit
was rendered at the residence of Mrs. Cox ,
261 Capitol avenue Thursday evening for
the benefit of the DorcM Ten of All Saints'
church The numbers were welt selected In
theIr variety the piano playing or Miss Wag-
ner being the feature or the evening Her
' rendition was s remakablo In Its perfect
tecli [ qand lrmness of touch Miss Get-
ty's singing was much enjoyed and Miss Va-
por's humorous recitation greatly amused the
audience. Miss Hazel Livingstone showed
great talent , for I child performance on the
violin . and her evident enjoyment In Iland-
hog the violin WM pleasIng tt see. Mme.
Van ICuran and Mr. Barton are well known ,
and enjoyment. their singing furnished thin Inlch'ato,1
- -
A grand concctt under the auspIces or
time library committee or ito \uurg Wonie'n'i
Christ ! , association , will Ll given him time
tpllula at The leo building 'thursday evon.
Ing of this week. The rro&ral , folo\s :
l'AI' I.
Quartel-The Sailors' Chorus . . . . . . . Parry
Mozart Quurtet.
Mr. Frc" S. 11'2art , nut ( tenor : : r. n. 1.
Sunllerlant , "cconll tenor : Mr. J , ii ,
Atal . , barlono ; : ' . C. A. Ifuftmnttn .
bnso. 80Io-Jarlurkn. . . . . . . . . . . .D'hn
Mr. Mmtrtin lii . h3movmi.
Solo-o Saran Miss rh\rln Myrtle . . :1. . . Coon. . Blown. . . . . . . . . .1,11
Recitation . . . . . MYI.te . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Selectcll
Mrs. 'ralbot D. I Dahtimi .
Solo- h' Qlern. lrl. 1albot . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .Pense
Mr. Jules J.tmbard.
IA11 I.
Violin Solo-lihelotil'.Moszhcowsicl
Mr Drown.
a. Rerenade..n. E . Sunder'anll
b. lropoRal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Drlckett
Me . Abeh
Solo-ontenlment ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Smith
Miss Coon.
Quartet-My IlcU ! ) ' haiti..Nciduingcr
Mozart QUaitct.
Recitation . . . : . lo2art . . . . . . . cJualtlt. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iclcetel
Mr ! DakIn
Solo-Horked In the Cradle of the Deep
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 < nigh t
Mr. Lumbard.
AccompanIsts : Miss Stelia lirovn MI' J.
l1 ! ! Stlla
E. Butler , Mr. D.'Hlzdol Stainbatighi
Next Tuesday evening an entertainment
antI bal will be given br the Omaha Turner
Wheel club at 'rurner hail. The musical
program Is :
\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orchestra '
Exercises I on larllollll.s. . . . . . . . . . .
I'ride or o. T. W. Club.
. Irlle . . . . . . . . . Club.Banjo Climb
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s Ella Anlres
Violn . . . . . . . . . . . . J. Hauerwell
( a ) Spanlh Damice . , . . hiss Sadie nneborn
(1) ( b ) Solo Ianco. ! Ialce.lss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Misses Myrtle Iccoto ! Hcllll . and 1allle
PAU'r ii.
. . . . . . . . . . . Zlhll Club
I h'inmmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Louise Mets
Sonl. Ilano . . . . . . . . . . . . . TUI'ner Quartet Club
Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mamitiohin and Guitar Quartet.
units and Hunnah. . . oulul . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . Mr. and Mrs. ' 'hlo. Lichen
Late from the Gennll theater . Milwaukee.
An interesting feature of lie D. Y. P. U.
rally nt Young Men's Christian association
auditorium this afternoon will be a song by
the Mozart Quartet whose rendition of sacred
music Is becoming very generally cencee to
bo superb.
At the meriting service at the First Con-
gregalonal church Mr. Moor wi sing
"Zion " by Paul Rodney . and the quartet
Mrs. Squires Mrs. Morton . Mr. leHoberls
and Mr. Abbott. will sIng Chadwlcle's "God
Who Indesl Earth I anl Heaven. " In the
evening a chorus ot twenty-five voices will
sing DUdley Duck's "To Detitmi. "
Mr. Hans Albert Omaha's well Ilown
violinist . has been very ill for the past three
weeks at Otumwa la. There Is some tall
of his return to this city for I short period
for time rest and recuperation le so much
needs Ills many friends here are plalnln ,
to induce him to once moro take up his
abele here and relnquish hIs cherished plan
of going abroad.
Time management of BO'lls opera house
and the musical friends of the leader of
the Boyd orchestra will cutler Mr. Herbert
Butler . April 10. a testimonial concert pre-
, VIOIS to Mr. Butler's sailing for Europe
: where ho will pursue his musIcal studies for
the next two years. Among those wilt as-
slsl In making the concerl an artistic success -
cess are Mme Muonteforlng Mrs. Martn
Calm , Mr. Homer Moore. Martn Calm and
Mrs. Butler . who will make her first appear-
alice In concert In this city on time occasIon
above mentioned. Together with these solo-
Ists ( an orchestra ( f thirty pieces has been
organized . with Mr. Adelmann concert master
and the program already hinted gives every
pronllse of being most allsractory. Mr.
Butler has earned this tribute and the thousands -
sands whom he has pleased with his playing
ought nt fail to give Omaha's violinist a
rousing benefit. _ _ _ _ _ _
Concert by Cnlvnry U"lllst Lsie. !
The following Is the program which will
bo rendered al the concert gIven by the ladles
or Calvary Baptist church , at Young Men's
What 1s Death ?
Not many folks speak dead languages nowadays
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ish in some cases. Lots of folks die every year that .
* could postpone it as well as not if theyd use a little o
common sense. Are you getting all run down ? Get-
ting consumption , are you ? Doctor says you are in a
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don't try our kind of medicine. If you want to live ,
take Ozomulsion. It only costs a dollar to try it. It
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How's that done ? That's our secret. That's what
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will look better to ' eat '
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you ever so little , you've started in the right direction-
: : c.try another.
T . Druggists sell Ozomuislon. If yours don't send to the chemists who make it
.3. -.r , A. Siocum Co. , itj Pearl Street , New York ity ,
. OZO1VIULSION CURIIS Colds , Coughs , Consumptlon ,
Bronchitis , Asthma , and all i'ulmo- , j
. nary Complaints ; Zcrofuls , Ocrmcrai Debility , Loss of Flesh , .
. Anaemia , and eli Wasting Dlsea.sc5 , Thin , pale women get plump .
amid beautiful on Ozomuiglomi ,
For Sale by Kitliti & Co. , Omaha.
_ . , .
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-i---- t -1
Chamber Sec our
Suits . . New Things
$1,751o$525 $ , $ ForMarch DRAPERIES
Until April 1st we offer from 10 to 80
per cent discount on goods in every
d e p a r t rn e n t ,
Peey & ; Stone Furniture Co.
1116-1117 FAflNAM ST , Isthilmsitcd 1864
' -
Chrtstian association bali , on Tuesday cyon-
lug , Mardi 26 ,
Quartet-In Silent Mead. . , . , , . , , , .tmmcreon
'l'Cmflttho Quartet.
Violin Solo-Fiittmi Aprassionata . . , , . . .
. , . . , , ' ' , ' ' . ' . . , ' ' . , , TI.ietlK 'l'emps op. f
Franz Adslmann ,
ihass Solo-h Fear No Foe , , , . , . , , , . , , , , , , ,
Mr. Jules iummnbard ,
Recimitioum-A ( vent Timmie . . . . , . . , . . . . . , , ,
liii's. ilIta Mathieson.
Tenor Solti-It Came \Vitht the Merry
It Is ) ' , 1.ovo , , . . . , , , . . . . . . . , , , . , . , . , , , , . 'l'ostt '
" . .14 Von Koran ,
Zither Solo-Medley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , . ,
Mr. Julius Festmmer ,
l1iamit' Solo-hieven Talis ( S'itches ! Dance )
idac Douveit
Miss Edith Wngm.oimer ,
Baritone floo-A ! Smmmnmnei' I. iglmt , , . . . , , , . ,
Mr. W. \VcCmmmme. .
\'ioliim Solo-liiezotmrica . . , , . , . , Fnrzyckt cp , 26
Fm'niiz Atleitnanmi.
Bass Solo-Minstrel 110) ' . . , . . , , , . . . . . . . Shelley
Mr. Jo F' , Barton.
Uceltation-Dearon O'Kearmmey'a Court-
Mrs. Rita lihathesomi.
Quartet-in ttsenee . . , . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . . thtmck
Temple Quartet.
, l must is hLommtmiy ilomi ,
it's nothing mit a tiictmmro of a hmcn in a
barnyard , butt It is attracting North Orna. '
liens considerably just ( lie same , It's a new
sign erected at thmo corner of 16th antI Clark
Streets , mind represents it mimotisi farhmi lawn
with thto old hmoimio in thm distance , tipple
trees , barns , hmcd , etc. , htmL ( lie feature of it
thiutt creates ( lie scrsatlomt Is the lieu , Tue
ladies of the house are out in full force to
catch the hen for dinner ; they have her aur-
rountleti and ( ho lien is about to die , when
limo sign wr'ter ' gets iii hits work I ) ) ' remark-
lug that , "If Wilcox & Draper sell $3.00
hmoes amid shoe 1,000 mnen how mommy womnemi ,
cit. ) you ( hint : , i'ihi it. take to shoe a ItCh ? "
The sigmm does mntichm credit to ( lie orig-
inahity of Wilcox & lraper , ( Ito sheers at
1515.1517 iouglaa street , amid is worth paying
car fare to see.
Browning , iCing & Co. , have a very effect-
lye sign on ( lie opposite corner ( hat also tm-
presses one with ( ho mnagmtltutle of ( hits comi-
cern's busimmosa. "Reliable Clothiers , " ( ( tat'S
all thtat need be said about them ,
. . . .
Are Invited
To inspect our new spring
stock , which embraces the
latest novelties and many
exclusive designs in
Iaxtoti Block
The Curapathic
107 South 17th St. Near floLige ,
Makes a specialty at time following , ilt'eaeee
ant cures g , mer cent or ttli cieo : Catarrh ,
Ieafnc'st , Ear 1)lscmiarges , Diseases of the
Ear , Throat and No'e , ieformed , Crooiad or
iii SiiatCd Nose. The Stomnticit , I.Iver , lion'-
cia , icwneys. Genmto , Urinary Diseas's , Con-
ttipntien , ( 'mica , ltiueumatisnm , lcmoo4 and Skin
DIases , Inlteritei and acquired tilooC Ohm-
dular munti System Poisoning , ipmleitay. arutly-
sis , Nervous Debility , llxhaustton , hiumne , ,
men's F'ng Nervous Debility , Sexual Di-
eases , Vttal W'eaknet'ti of young , mntddte-ageii
ondoid mmmcmi from abuse , excess or vIcious
lntll Is.
Female W&'akneas , nervous conditions and
Funehonat iisense peculiar to women.
We successfully treat all bmemislies , this-
flgurememita anm dlseasts of the complexion ,
hair anti scamp by the nuot nttproved meh4a
known to scIence. Our Electro Facial Treatment -
ment is a mnarvetotts beautifying proce.
Electricity end Galvantam schentimiralip ap-
CATAPIIOIUISth'-Wo are the only esperts
in ( lila country vho semeittincamly treat dia-
t.ttse by causing any remedy to be , tietrbcI
1y electric esinuu'Ia. 'rime pret'tiemut ? oC our
institute , wito ; weades over hue Omaha 0111cc ,
hats Itad 35 yeai ; experience as tom exerL in
prlt'nte and mttciiitnl prttctice ,
oijit TEItMt-\'e olTtr special terms as
follows : W'e will tm-eat ( untit cure.m ) all
who call trnm toiay umitil May litt , ( im ; Z to
BO Iter inontit , 'I'iiis iocliudt'ti professional
service anti miti'tlicine. Electricity eppileti at
serviccs and nmeilcine , lci'ctricmty amiplieti at
Advice free , We use tiuc most. utprovcd
methods known to science. Many of our
remedies and tttpiianCes are our own inven-
( lena -
'l'ito bust devehoped and the clicekut and
neck made plump by our Genuine Tistue
mitt ilder.
Satisfaction aaure'l to every one , Hours.
9 a. in. to 7 m' . mn ; Sundays , 10 to 1 , antI
until 5 p. in. Hattirday anti Wednesday imiglits.
. . I
_ _ _
! t'II \t'r-Ii \ S
\il1J \ :
Our inexpensive sideboarils thus year are
very popular. We have miever iiati such
beautiful patterns iii the ranks of the cheap
bo.trtls. _ 'I
hero , for example , is a distinctively high
grade design ; it has the carved bit , hang-
lng shelves , fluted jiiilars with carved cap.
itais , overhanging front , carved imaio and au
the Itroof mnarktm of a toast uxpemisive model.
Yet we arc aisle to offer it one of our
lowest priced boards ,
Few jersone are awake to the significance
of time IresomIt low prices emi fIne furniture ,
SEASON ! They era omiiy iossible ( lila year
because of time large stock whmicim accumnu.
hated during last year's deprasslomm , whmtmmi
( hue best worhimuen were kept at work ,
although there was no muarket for thm pro.
duct ,
Why not choose ( huts aprlmmg as a good
( limit , to chtange your old-faatiiomied sideboard ?
Clias. Shiverick & Co. ,
Fui'iiitnre , Curtaiiis
And Upholstery .
1200.1208 a . DOUGLAS ST