Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1895, Part I, Page 1, Image 1

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I " ' ' 191It'.II. 4IS . " . + + + Ttt44 + + + tIt *
L + + + PART . .L + J I THE OMAHA ' . " ' . UN DAY B EE. 1 _ . PAGES . . 1 . TO . 8. . . " _ I ! , J
. , . ' .
S S'rAnLISIjD JNE . _ _ _ _ 1871 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ } IA\r \ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ) ii ; :
Reiehstng Refuses t Oongratulat Him on
His Coming Birthday. '
President Lovizow Resigs on the Announcement - !
f ' nouncement of the Vote .
. . Emperor Wiiam Hastens t Assure the Ex
Chancellor of ns Good Will ,
11ngnlnccnt Church Iclll'ntclt to the Mcm-
S ory of 1'II.rIAR AUJURt'-I lhllllc of
Inlucnzn Slowly Sti1jIt1Iii-Sc'craL
Notnhtcl Die trol the flhieaic.
( CoyrIg1itcd 18 : . 1) ' the \ssoclnted Irc s )
mmLIN , March 23.-After a period or
comparative calm , a squall burst today over
tim sea ot German politics. The trouble
arose over the lueston whether the Helchs-
tag should congratulate Prince Dsmarck on
bls birthday , a prpsHlon whIch was Intro-
ilucd In the Helchstag during the afternoon.
Thd debate on this question has been anticipated -
patell , wih great eagerness , and when the
session opened there was a very large attendance -
tendance of members while the galleries
were crowded with politicians. dIplomats and
other prominent persons. The royal box was
fled wIth personage of high rank prominent -
nent among them being the grand duke of
Daden. Dc fore the order of the day was
taken up President yon Levlzow arose and
requested the house to formally aUthorizeS
S blm to congratulate Prince lsmarck on its
Count yon Ilonipesch-Tturlch , a prominent
member of the center party , amid loud Inter-
S ruptons from Various parts ot tim house
55 and cheers from his supporters , submitted ,
on behalf ot the centrists , a resolution disapproving -
approvIng or the proposal.
Dr. von Dennlgsen , In behalf or the na-
, tonal liberal party , warmly supported this
request ot the presldeAt or the Relchstag.
Then Richter , amid repeated protests , dc-
dared that the frlesslnnlge party was unable
to support the motion. In doIng so he re
marked that I was "as the representative of
the greatest political party" that he opposed
the proposition. This statement was greeted
wlh laughter. lie added : "I must , In view
or the hostility which Bsmarcl1 has always
diSplayed toward workingen , record my
veto agaInst the proposaL"
Prince Radzlwl also opposed the motion
on behalf or the Poles , and Richter unionist
announce thai the representatives of the
.5- . rrelsslnnlge union would not support the propo-
Count von Kardoff , conservative , here remarked -
marked : "If lerren Richter and Singer
- succeed by their remarks In dragging the
resolutIon or the Helchstag to the level ot
these of a Berlin municipality , they will at
the same tIme mall the Relchstag forever
rIdiculous. " ( Applause. )
Count von Iodeburg , on behalf or the I
Cuelphlsts opposed the proposition . and ,
Unyphausen : and Libermann for the anti- .
semites , approved It. Count van Manteurrel .
conservative . declared , amid cheers from the
right that the Relchstag owed Its existence
to Dsmarclc , and It was Inconceivable that
! chIld should refuse to congratulate its OWI
- father.
The house then voted on Levitzow's propo-
siton , and It was rojected-163 to 14G.
The president or the ROlchstag , Immediately
after the result was made known announced
his resignation , whIch caused an extraordinary -
nary scene , the members , ot the right rising
In n body and cheering as. they clapped
their bands In approval or his action. Even
the galleries expressed satisfaction In the
most open and marked manner. When the
excitement had subsided Levitzow
exciement Levlzow again
arose and formally handed over the prel-
doncy ot the Relchstag to Baron yon Douel
l3erenberg the senior vice president. As ho
( ld so Van Dennlgsen expressed the belief
Dr. Durldln , the other vice president , who i
now In Switzerland , will follow Von Lovlt-
zow's examplo. The remark was loudly
cheered by the members or the right. This
caused Richter to remark In n sarcastic
manner that even wihout Von Levlzow and
Dr. Durkln the Helcflsta would still be
able to continue its labors. The statement
elicited loud cries or "no" from the rIght
and much laughter from time members ot the
left. Time house then took a minor vote on
the estmates and adjourned until Tuesday
next , March 20.
Although It was known considerable oppo-
siton existed among the members to formally -
maly congratulating Prince Dsmarclc , It
was not entirely expected this opposition
would be carried to time extent I was. The
united votes of time centrists , Poles , rrels-
slnnege and members ot the yells partle .
however , brou/l abut this Issue
- n was stated In time lobbies or the Iteichs-
tag this afternoon , that the conservatives
and national liberals , who were dlssatsned
with time Present composition of tIme Relchs- !
tag will , on the reassembling or the house
on Tuesday , endeavor to force the govern-
mont to dimuaoive. I they succe their Idea
Is to go to time country , with Prince Ills.
marclt's name as a rallying cry , and enlarging
on tOllas affair a being an insult to time
founder of tIme emiliro. The general opinion
Is the moment Is not favorable to an elec.
tel , and that the elections would quits
probably result In a further Increase or the
memberhip ot the socialist part , as the
latter have lately been improving their posi-
then , even In tile agricultural districts , b )
eLaborate organization.
In contrast to the acton ot the elchstag ,
In tIme lower house ot the Prussian Dot today
the centrists , Poles , trelslnnlges and social-
Ists agqln united against a similar motion
to congratUlate Ilmarck ) on his birthday
11 this Instance the government secured thl
adoption at the proposition by a large ma.
jorlty .
S The news . at the vote In the Helchltag was '
Instantly conveyed to Emperor William ,
whole InleOe annoyance can be judged by
tIme following telegram ( , which he ImQlelltcly
caused to be fent to smarc1 :
"Prince Von nlmarclc , Dukoon 1.auen.
berg , Irkmliiclisrulm : I have to cen\'O' to
ynur serene blghnus the expression of I )
. . most profound Indignation ( at time resolution
S wImih time Reichiastag baa . .
whlel Iclchastag Just adopted It
Is In most complete opposition to tIme feel.
immi of all the Uenn:1 : Princes and Ileoillc.
"VII1lELM. " "
! o rejection ot the Uotpn I certain to
cause a great Ilel ot feeling In the country.
Richter , the radical leader , foresaw this ,
when a few ( lays ago he explalnol the reasons
why the radicals woulll oppue the propsi-
ton , when bo said It was not a question at
politeness toward an aged satcsman . liLa-
'marck , he claimed I , still represents certain
political principles , and his greal , personality
cannot ho divided Into the Dlmarck who
achieved so much In behalf at German unIty
antI the Bismarck who lisa been thoroughly
hoslo to liberalism . Richter said : "lie
does not regard his political career as
fifllShIel. lie takes every opportunity of in-
fnencng Public opinion by the authority In-I
hIs name In favor ot a policy which the lb-
orals have to combat almost 11al ) "
I Is now decided Emperor William will
visIt Ismarck nexl Tuc'aday . taking with
him his eldest con . In order for him to make
the personal acquaintance ot Prince Ismarck ,
with whom time emperor will stay six hour
Instead ot three , as al frst arrangeI ,
Emperor I Wiiam received at 7:15 : this
evening the following reply to the message
which ho sent to Prince Bsmarck this afternoon -
noon :
"To Ills Majesty , Emperor and King : I
pray your majesty to accept tile respectful
expression of my gratitude for the message
grcious\ sent , In which your majesty has
transformed the acton or my IJollcal opponents -
ponents concerning which I am not yet
tuly informed , Into a source or Joyful EI-
isfaction. Ds tAnCK. "
The National Zoltung says a telegram was
received this evening from Dr Burlcln , resigning -
signing the vice presidency ot the lteichstag .
Time formal inquiry Into the loss of the
North German Lloyd steamship Elbe was
resumed and various experts deposed the
Elbe was thoroughly appointed and seaworthy -
worthy ali that her cargo was properly
stowed. The survivors ot the crew , Thomas
Stohlberg . the third ofcer ; A. N. Husel , the
first engineer , all Seibert . one ot the sea-
men , repeated their former statements. The
president of the court announced the Inquiry
would not end In thai court as three law
stilts were pending In connection with the i
disaster. lie added that In spite of the efforts -
nt Aberdeen the
forts of the German consu1 Abrdeen
statements of the crew or the Crathlo could
not b obtained , and indeed a deputation or
the crew ot that vessel refused to testify.
The captain ot the Crathle al1mltc the
soundings or his wel , which he hall taken
after the collision , showed the Crathlo was
not leaking. Herr Dallrow , superintendent
ot the North German Lloyd steamship line .
deposed that time Elbe hall eufclent small
boats to accommodate 384 persOns ant that
there were only 352 on board. lie also said
the water-tight bullheads of the steamer
were Intact when sue sale < The Inquiry
was then adjounc. -
Thomas Stolbrg , the third officer . said
that at the time of the colsion he was on
the bridge. He saw the foremast lght and
the green , sIde light of the steamer
Crathle. The first ofcer also saw these
lLghits. Time Eibe , according to time rules ,
continued on her course. A mInute afterward -
ward he saw. just behind the bridge , a red
light . and then almost instantly oceurrc
time collision. Witness ran to the side or the
vessel to ascertain the extent ot the ' damage ,
and without delay reported to the captain ,
who had appeared on the deck. According
to instruction from the captain he ordered
boats Nos. [ and 3 to be place In readiness.
The sea by this time had reached the aft
deck. He had only time to jump Into the
small boats before the Elba went own. Not
until moring did ho see time faces In the
boat , becoming aware for the frt time who
had been sayed. On board the Elbe there had
been no rushing no crowding , no disorder
and no cries for help. There had been no i
squabbling among the occupants for positions
In the small bet at time time the Elbe went
11 , own.
< Several witnesses were examined , but
nothing or Importance was elicited from
them. The hearing was finally adjourned
to await the result or time examination of
the InjurIes to the steamship Crathle , now
at Rotterdam.
The Berlin radicals and socialists again
commemorated the victories or time uprising
of 1848 by decorating their graves on Monday
last and by holding twelve big meetings.
The Vorwaerts publshr a memorial Issue
but as It was sanguinary t was confiscated by
the police. The Issue of the Vornaerts ot
March 13 was also seized on accoul or In-
fammatory articles entitled "Militarism"
. .
whIch It contalnc. "
One or the cases remaining unsettled during
the present revision at the German-American
c.xtradition treaty Is that or I man named
fix ot ChIcago , who fed from time state of
Illinois about a year ago chargeJ with for-
gery and ombezzlement. Six mOlths ago he
was arrested at hamburg , and ho Is still In
Jai awaiting the decision of the German
goverimnient whose interpretation at time ex-
Istng extradition treaty I disputed by the
government of the UnIte States.
Time dedication of the Church at Mercy occurred -
curred yesterday In time presence of time
emperor and empress and prominent members
at the Imperial courtr The church was
erected In memory of the Bmpress Augusta ,
grandmother ot the present emperor. I Is
one ot time most beautiful edifices In Derln
and about marks.
cost 10,000,000 marlll.
The ephlemlo or influenza Is slowly subsiding .
siding , but there are still numbers of fresh
eases Among the recent deaths from the
dIsease are those or .Pror. Wesley , Colonel
yon lennlgsen , Baron von Roche and Count
Osten Plathe.
Captain Cleve Slmmes , formerly a professor
at the West Point Military academy , and who
hu since ben residing In Berlin . died during
the week of softening or the brain.
United States Ambassador HunTon attended
thl evening a dinner at the Frfnch em-
b3b ) ' , which was given In his honor
- - -
C'aulht a : otcII 111101 ( hwlmdior.
TORONTO , March 3-J. . Coleman , one of
the most acron11hhed and successful dia- I
mend swhuler on time continent , was caught
today at St. Mar"s , Ont , and brought to
thts city. On March 20 the Jowelers' Cir-
cular' New \'orlc contained an exposure or
Coleman' . melhods In several outhern cities .
10 swindled Atlanta , Ga" , jewelers out or
' 31,000 , and aha fleeced those of Macon ,
Augusta , Charleston and Savannah. Coleman
will b3 brought UII In police court Monday .
Itlp"'AI of I "rhllllkca II IAI" .
HOME , March 3.-A heavy carthquake
occurred at 1:10 : thIs afternoon at the town
or Comacchlo , located In the provInce of
F'rrmira. One or the churchEs and , a number
of houses were iamaged at lrabela , and at
Imbnccarl In the province of Catania the
church wals fell , buryIng a number oC wor-
simipera. Up to the present iliac . six bodies
have ben rcco\'ered.
nlI&lol' I" msures In Ihlnlar" .
DUD.\I'EST ' . '
, March 23.-'fhe House ot
Magnales today , b ) a vote of 120 to Ill ,
passed time third realng ( of time bill providIng -
Ing for time free exercise ot religion . The
contentous actions , In regard 10 Ilerols
of no relIgion were dropped for the present.
The house rejected , by I vote of 17 to 111 ,
the bill giving otclal rCIDlton to Judaism I
England's ' Aged Queen Booms Rapidly Approaching -
preaching the Inevitable End ,
Unable to Raise Her Head or Lift Her Poet
When Leaving the Tmin
Fatal Issue of the Attack Feared onshntly
by Htr Loyal Subj3ota.
. -
11M hl80mnl" ) oeM NoL Leave 11m ali lie
8holnrkcII Effects of Ills UAtte
wIth Discuuso-l'olltlcnl Situma-
t0n Semmeatiomimul .
( CoP > hhtll. 1S3 . hy J'rCS" Publshing Compnny )
LONION March 23.-New ( York World
Cablegram-Special Telegram.-Mrs. ) Emily
Crawford contributes to this week's Truth
the frt pUblc mentIon ot the queen's serious
conllton , concerning which there Is luch
private discussion. Mrs. Crawford writes
that on arrival the railway staten nt Nice
the queen "seemCInablo to raise her head.
She looked up and around and under her
eyelids . as If waiting strength to look other-
wise. One might have thought she did not
feel her feat under imer as wih the assistance -
anco or her servants she tried to descend
the sloping gangway from the train Into the
station. "
I Is well known among those familiar with
court affairs thal rheuma"I : ot the knes lies
lately not only developed complete less ot
power over botim but has extended toIe
back and arms and that a fatal Issue Is to be
feared at almost any time. The reports of
the queen's condition seriously affect the par-
lamentary situation. With the death or a
sovereIgn Parliament Is dissolved. This contingency -
tngency Is undcubtedly considered In all the
present calculations. The political atmosphere -
phere Is charge with sensational possibi-
ties. The government organs have published
thts week very evasive reports or Lord Hose-
bery's Intenton to resign , but time opposition
journals repeat the rumor daily. Time TImes ,
In a lender this week , discussed for the first
time reports cabled a fortnight ago.
S Meanwhile Rosebery Is In almost complete
retirement , In ( he country and the premier-
ship practically Is out or commission. Ills
doctors give only the guarded opinion that
ho may soon recover. The \Vorld's corre
spondent learns from friends or Earl Spencer ,
first lord of the admiralty . who' visited him
yesterday at his home , that Hosbery still Is
able to get only a few Iours' sleep out or the
twenty-four. and that only In the afternoon.
Those who saw him al the cabinet meeting
the other day say that his hair has turned
quito white In consequence er his Intense sur-
ferlng and continued Insomnia. or course this
cannot last , and unless some relief Is soon
round he will certainly resign at no distant
day. There has not been an hour In time last
three weeks when ho would not have done so
except for the opposition of rrlends.
Should the conservatives come Into power
at the general election necessitated by such
resignation , they probably would have a short
tenure unless they could repeat their success ,
for the queen's death Is considered Inevitable
wlt'lln a year or two al the most. Princess
Beatrice , who Is now her constant companion ,
has of late been always present during her
Interviews with the ministers , and Is recog-
nlzcd In ofcial circles as practically time
wIelder or all or time royal prerogatives. I
Is well understood that the queen has willed
this favored daughter the bulk or her sayings - i
ings beloved to be $75,000,000 , together with
Osboro and Balmoral both residences being
the private property or the queen.
The report Is current In the clubs here that
the prince or Wa'es c nvlrcel row or the aupe-
rlorlty ot the Aisa over the Drltann , wishes
to sell his yacht and that she Is likely to go
to a foreign purchaser.
Time astonishing statement Is made In the
course or time strike ! In the boot trade here
this week that tlmd prices paid to workmen
hero are In many cases double those In the
United Slates. A large consignment or
American made shoes was received lately at
Northampton , the center or time Industry here ,
and the following statement was made as to
the cost of making : The amount paid In
America for lasting . putting on sole and hel
by hand Is 8 * pence at Northampton , Is Gd ;
for sewing In wel and stitching , 11 America ,
2d ; In Northampton , 6d ; for finishing , In
AmerIca , Gd ; In Northampton , lid. Total
cost or work In America , Is 3 ½ d ; In North-
ampton , 2s 10d. This allows a cargo or shoes
to be sent here and sold for less than time
same quantty can ho made hero The facts
have been known for a long time to time employers -
plo'ers , and they have tried to Introduce the
American system of laklng , hut without
success , because ot the refusal of the trades
unions to allow any departure from time old 1
fashioned methods. Americans work In
teams ot eight , and each connnes himself
to some part or time shoo. In England not
more than four are allowed In a team , and
each one has 10 110 several kinds of worlc.
The changing or tools and the difculy involved -
volved In tIle adaptation or the eye and
hand to fresh work limit the power ot pro.
ducton here , as compared with time American -
can mothod. Yet In 1693 , when this ques-
ton was brought by the employers before
the national conference , time unionists refused
to consider II. The result Is thqt AmerIca Is
Increasing her exports every year , not only
to England , but to time Irltsh possessions In
distant parts of the world.
The interview betwen VIscount halifax ,
president of time I nglsh Church union , and
the pope yesterday Is regarded In Rome cr-
eke here as or great importance and sig-
nifcant of time enormous strIde the Catholic
church has malc recent ) In England. In a
recent letter the World correspondent , noted
that a number or the English clergy haye
taken order In time Roman church during
the lat two ) 'Cars. Time mere fact or Lord
halifax's visit would have raised I storm In
the nglhh , church a few years ago but It
hardly excites comment In tOday's papers.
The Church union las In Its membership 3,000
ot the Anglican clergy and twenty bishops.
Lord halifax Is reported as asking time pOpe
to send "a tender and gracious mesage to
the Americans In the torthcomlng encyclical. "
On what ground and with 'hat purpose I
not explained .
I II stated that customer from time United
States have been buyers In the London sliver
market this week and that the American producers .
ducer are holding firmly for a further rIse ,
Time Statst , however , think that bet
- -
Japan and ChIn arc so muchtn this side
for war equipments that . a tarc1 , part ot the
prospective Indemniy wi be cTlre by bills
Instead ot silver.
In the mlll.Lnt parade through the Paris
boulevards on Thursday \aB a car satirizing
the Gouhl.Castelane marriage and the enor-
nums amount ot wedding Presents acired by
time French bridegroom.
Irllsh 10\0 ot CommonM Jnktnl Inquiry
Into the 1111r"l In ICn0lintI.
( Copnhhtfl , 155. hy the Auoclntet Pre. )
LONDON , March 23.-Th epidemic ot influenza -
fuenza which hal been causing so many
deaths and such widespread sickness throughout -
out the United Kingdom , Is decreasing In
strength. In this city , as a result , the death
rate has dropped from 42.2 per 1,000 last
week to 33.4 for the present week. The
normal death rate Is about 21 per 1,000. ' But ,
In spite ot this fair showing fresh cases ot
influenza are reported daily.
The general condition ot the .etropls
Is indicated ( by the tact that 137,000 dest-
tute persons were relieved by time various
charitable institutions during the past week
atll the Interim report or the select committee -
tee ot time house or Cominons whIch was
appointed to Inquire Into Limo existing dis-
tress has disclosed a state or affairs which
apparently can only b met by extensive 1
relief works In certain dl trlets. Through
the medium of the local governmenl board ,
a circular letter was addressed to the mayors
or towns , and to the chairmen ot county
councils , asking for Intormaton on the following -
lowing points :
1. Whether there Is any exceptional dls-
, tress In time district , and how tar this Is
duo to circumstances pecular to time locality
or to the severe weather ?
2. What Is being done . to meet the dis-
tress by public authorities , or by voluntary
agencies , and the average . 'daily number re-
leve by each or the agfncle durIng the
week ended Saturday February 10 ?
3. Is an emplo'e register maintaIned , and
with what result ?
4. lave you any suggestion to make for
Limo purpose or relieving such distress ?
The replies to this lrclar letter came
In with promptitude , and time { coummittee . In
its Interim report , made nn analysis or those
replies. In substance , the 1,194 replies which
were received from distrjcfa representing a
dlstrJct representng
populaton ot over 20,000o . may be summed
up by sayIng that In 596 loclties , representIng -
Ing a population at 6,792.37. there Is no exceptional -
ceptonal distress ; that In _ 454 localtes , with
a population or 10,381,000. ther Is exceptional
distress , due solely to time seyerly or the
wInter , and that In 14 localtes , with a
population at 3,700,000. there . Is only partial
want notwithstanding an , exceptional want ,
ot employment , owing t slack trade , depression -
pression of agriculture or to particular local
Industrial causes.
From this showing the committee con-
cludes that Il Is Ibundantiy , clear that while
over a great . or the
part country no lack ot
employment has prevailed beyond that which
mIght be prevalec consequence or an
unusually severe winter ; there is . and has
been durIng the present severe weather ' amniCh
gave distress. affecting ' w6rkmcn ordinarily
In ' regular work , 'as well as these whose employment -
ployment Is always liable t bo Intermittent ,
and that much su\erlng 1mth been caused by
this distress In"many parts or the country.
Hon. Cecil Rhodes , premier or Cape Colony ,
sometimes termed the "Napoleon or South
Africa"-some or his frends prefer to give
him the title or the "uncrowned king of
South Africa"-after havIng been blaclcbaled
at the Travelers' club a couple or weeks ago ,
causlJg the prince or Wales , the duke of
Fife and others to resign their membershIp ,
has become a member or the Atheneum under
the rule allowing the election or nine nota-
bites annually. Prof. Vl tor Horley and
Prof. Viers Stanford were concurrently
chosen. I
The funeral or Lady 1Iry Montagu , one of
time twin daughters or the late duke or Manchester -
chester , who married Miss' Consuela Yznaga
or New York , who died on March 15 al Rome
or double pneumonia , tool piace at Klbotom
church , St. Neots , on Thursday last In the
presence ot a large concourse ot prominent
people. Lady Mary was only 16 years old and
Is said to have been one or ; the prettiest girls
In England. Sue and her sister were known
as the "Heavenly Twins. Their portraits
have been painted for exhibition at the next
Academy display.
The Katherlnes or the nlc Kingdom and
America have just placed a beautiful slab of
Irish gray fossil marble over time grave of
Katherine or Aragon In Petfrborougl catll
dral. The inscription and the arms or the
queen are beautifully carved.
Time Balloon society bas presented lion .
George Nathaniel Curzon , eldest son or Lord
Scarsdalo and member or Parliament for
time Southport division of Lancashire , wIth ! , a
gold . medal In recognition or his notable
achievements In Asia. : r. Curzon It will
bo recalled , Is engaged to 0 marrIed to Miss
Mary Leier or Chicago d'ughter or Mr. L.
Z. Leiter , the western millionaire. Mr. Cur.
zen was formerly private : secretary to Lord
Salisbury and Is time author ot time Iothlan
and Arnold history prize essays , "Russia In
Central Asia" and "Penli and the Persian
Qmiestion. " .
Time duke of Fife , whD - ben learning to
ride a bicycle In the sluded streets or
Brighton with a man servant on one side and
a page boy on the other , sl,4e { or his wheel , ,
seems to have set the example to other imota-
ble persons to do likewis , - for time duke at , .
Portland , master or the orQ and late colonel
ot the honorable Lon4on - artillery company
all Mile. Guibert , tbo , lvelr French singer
whoso , suggestive songs havf delghted large
audiences In London 'ad o.the . continent ,
are now following the dykp o Flte' example
and Lady Coln Campbl his I just patented
an Improvement In btccfln " wallets .
Cardinal Vaughan , Iho"nQln C3thol'c ' arch-
bIshop ot Westminster , \ as ; accepted an In-
viaton to preside , joCn1If with the archbishop . '
bishop at Tours , Franc lt , the Joan of Arc
fetes whIch are to take place In Paris In M3Y.
Charlea Wynd hal , the lessee and manager
or time Criterion theater , on , Tuesday last bad
a fainting fit In Limo second act of "The Case
of Rebellious Susan , " and was unable to finish
his part In consequence the Criterion will
be closed tonight Mr. Wyndham's sickness
Is ascrIbed to wCknesa wbleb followed an
attack ot influenza. IIa condition Is causing -
Ing alarl among hil friends.
Ilpslun 10111 hi 1 Receior's Iliumils .
MONTEREY , Mex. , Mach 23-An official
telegram was receIved by the federal judge
today from the City otiMexcl announcIng I
the issue or I decree by tIme supreme ! court ,
ot the republic conOpnh'k ' the IPI'olntment i .
of J. A. Robinson a receiver and general
manager of time Monterey & MexIcan Gulf
railroad , with full power and control The .
decision Is received wIth great sattacton.
In all quarters . I
Representatives of tht Mikado Give the
Chinese Oonditions for Settlement
Time Needed in Order to Consult the
Authoriti at Peking
Conferees in Earnest in Attempting to
g Reach n Satisfactory Oonolusion
ShimonoMeki WnR Once Forced OI.N' h )
time Comblnell I'lceh of Limo " 'eAt
RII a 1(11I11cmnly I'Rht
by , JIllln'R Go\'ernmcnt.
( Cop'rlghtc,1 1595 1) ' Press Publishing Comptn ) ' . )
TOUO , Japan , March 23.-New ( York
World Cable-Special Telegram.-The ) peace
ambassadors at Japan and Chinn met today
at Shlmonosekl. LI Hung Chang presented
his credentials as China's envoy. The cre-
dentals were examined by the Japauese representatives -
resentatives . PrIme Minister Ito ana Porelgn
Minister Iutsu , and were round to be sats-
tactory. Thereupon Limo ambassadors pro-
ceeded to the business which brought them
Loge timer.
The conditions on wblch Japan will consent -
sent to end tIme war were slated In explicit
terms by the mikado's minister. After some
discussion 11 Hung Chang asked for three
days delay In order that he might consult
time authorities In Peking on certain points.
The Japanese minIsters , who have entered
on Limo negotiations with an earnest desire
negotatons wih
to reach a satisfactory conclusion , gran ted
the request.
Unless the government at Peking Instructs
LI Hung Chang to reject the demands which
Japan considers tndlspenslble to a permanent
1 peace the treaty may be speedily executed.
NEW YORK , March 23-Speclal ( Tele-
gram.-The ) place ot meeting ot these peace
ambassadors recalls an Internalonal Incident
of a generation ago , known as the Shlmono-
sokl a\alr. The prince or Shosu , a semi-
Independent ruler , attempted to close the
straits leading to Limo Inland sea. He planted
1 battery on a little sandy plo and In June
and July 1803 , fred on two American shIps ,
a French and a Dutch ship , killing several
men. Failing to obtain satisfaction from time
Shogun's government , the representatives ot
Limo three countrIes concerned together ' \11
tbo British representative , who deemed I
essential for all the western pOWers to make
common cause In their dealings with the
Japanese or those days , sent a combine feet
ot eighteen men-of-war to bombard Shlmono-
seki The town was sheled two days , Sep-
tember 6 and G , 18G3. Nol content with
this , the foreign governments whoso ships
had been fred on demanded an Indemnity
or $3,000,000 the last installment or which
was paid by the Japanese government In
A resident or Japan , writIng on the sub-
ject commented thus : "No Incident In the
dealings ' or tire west with Japan has met with
so much adverse crIticism as thIs a\alr.
Several years later time United States government -
ment , conscience-stricken. repaid Its portion -
ton or the indemnity ; at least It repaid the i
principal but not time interest The ether :
recipients have not shown this modicum ot
gemmerosity. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
JnpAnOMO Convinced lie Comes with J'owcrs
to TrpAt to I'onc.
TOKIO March 9-Per Steamer IlelgIc
via San Francisco , \arch 23-Details or time
capture or New Chwang have been received.
After a contest or several hours time Chinese
were driven toward New Chwalg , within time
fortifications or which city they established
themselves , apparently determined to defend
the position In earnest. An attack was made
on March 4. Two poInts , at time north and
east were assaulted at dawn and al10 o'cloclt
the gates were forced and breaches made In
the walls . Time reslstancQ was stubborn , and
It was not until 1 o'clock at night that the
struggle ended EIghteen hundred or the
Chinese were killed before time streets were
cleared and vIctory was proclalmC1. Five
hundred prIsoners were taken and the bal-
once or the beaten army escaped II time darlc-
ness. Sixteen large guns and an immense
quantity or other war materIal was taken
Time latest advices convey the Impression tbat
the capture was effected by troops or time first
army from lal Cheng.
11 Hung Chang's appointment as peace
ambassador Is now an established fact Even
In Japan his mIssion Is looked upon as gen-
uino , and time posslblty that I may have
practical , rcsuits Is admitted In the highest
official circles. An Impression prevails that
Japan has allowed some Inlllcaton or her In-
tentons to bo convoyed ( to the Chinese gov-
eminent , and that LI will come prepared to
accept any terms not utterly ruinous or ( lie-
graceful Count Ito and Viscount Matsu will , as
before , bo designated to conduct time negota-
tons on the Japanese sldo. Mr. Foster will
accompany time viceroy , Is Is reported , and
ho will also have time assistance ot Mr.
lethlck , formerly vice consul or time United
States at Tlen-Tsln.
The question whether the procedlngs at
Shlmonoselc will modify ( the Japanese plans to
the extent of preventing the occupation of
Peking Is earnestly discussed So tar as can
bo torseen , preparations for continuing time
war will not be Interrupted wh110 the confer-
ences are In progress Time two army divIsions -
vIsions remaIning In Japan will soon bo on
time way to Osaka , and one divIsion , or a part :
ot it . to Formosa . Time Chinese arc also ;
keeping In mind the possible necessities of time
lture. New guns are daily being mounted
at time Taku forts , tie number now amounting
to 284 , and fresh lnes of detenle are con-
stonily being added to the envIronment or
Time emperor's extraordinary scheme at in-
yoking opinions of high provincial ofclals
as to the Ilropriety ot longer continuing the
contest Is prosecuted as assiduously as It no !
Idea or suing for peace had ever been enter-
tained. MemorIals are received from all
parts of the emilire generally favoring time
offer of any amount or indemnity , but
strenuously opposing the cession ot terrItory.
By way ot showing that China at her
lowest fortunes Is still capable ot Insolent
bravado , the ofcIal I'cklng Oazete , 10 the
Weather l''reea"t tor Nehmokn-
Ccncrl ) ' P"lr ; Warmer ; Wctcrly ,
I'm , .
1. leleh8tA ! " omm't ( 'ommgratumlmuuo ) ilsmururck.
QIfCI \ 'Ictorh'pr , ill /t : Ice.
1'lnll Com\lARlolerA at Siutmmmnnooki.
LrJllllre Will I./ t lulcllle13' .
2. Fr/lk 10ntYrrnllnel nt 1.llcohl
lrenmont Interestorl iii time Traumiwiry
IrOuont IIIerlRIOt II Trl"\/T'
Churehll on tim . 1011IRIIIII'
3. Aimmerlt'aim I""rlsoled I" Mauhiugaucar.
Surveying Old I'ort 1'\,1,1 ' 1.1 lt.
: c 111 In COltrol ot Whhk ) ' Trust.
.1. I.'t Wlck II l.oeAI 80clply.
llusletnns l'rll"ulll for TimolmEti
I. Not"1 IIUmon (5'no Not \et Settled.
Attractions Offered lt the Theaters
( I. Coonel hilumil. 1.01,1 Miutter .
, \lel : tn" lultors II Trouble ,
7. leeoloctOu of , \I.n l'iumkertomm.
COllt , elluR l'OM Are I " 1101.
Irtol : , hut Uiro UI' Ills trees
8. 1'11 , School IIYI tim Ommuiimm
10. l'ecuihmurltles or WIll Ihlck .
\ limit the % % Whoolm Arc loiuig.
l'hAIlnl Culture tim 0111n.
1. Wonmlt Ilr'fR nOd ler World .
Mitary 11111 L'.mbhic Schools .
I : . Illorlnl11 Conmmimommt.
13. lo\ amid Whro Tea IR Unlsol' .
Scirumrz's Rescue of Illl < o.
1,1. secret Society NotC RII GossIp .
Id . COldlton ot Omummuhia's .Jolblll Trade.
Conllcrclni amid III"Anelnl N.\\s , '
IrcAturea of time Live 1tock I/rket.
16. Chrolldes"f Count Amitomilo-Ylil.
same issue whIch announces LI lung
Chang's errand , coins a fresh epihet ot
contumely for time Japanese. They are called
"Woko , " said to signify "baboon bandits. "
Japan has given proof that she wants no
possession In tire province ot Shal Tung. ler
Interest II that region ceased with tire taking
or Wel.lal-Wel. Of the 25,00 soldiers sent
to seize the naval staten , only enough remain -
main to hold the works on Llu Kung Island.
Tim rest have all gone back to Llao Lung .
after demolishing the entre chain of shore
fort ifications.
Howle , the dIsgraced American , wll was
captured at Wel-Hal-Wel , has been brought
to ilirosimima.
TI\ remains ot Admiral LIng were sub-
jecte to gross indignities on their arrival at
Tlen-Tsln. The head was cut off and ox-
posed at the gate or the city jail. One of the
assassins or the Korean mInister of state
Kim who was a promlnenl leader ot the re-
form party , has confessed that he was hired
to commit the crime by the Talwon Kun.
This latest revelation ot time old prince's iniquity -
Iquity seems to have touched even his hard-
cued sense of shame. I Is reported that he
attempted to destroy hlmselr on the 5th ot
Mardi , bul was prevented by his attendants.
Time empress ot Japan starts from Toklo
March 1 to Join the emperor at Hiroshima.
On the 9th she visited the navy yard at Yolco-
hala to view the launching ot a steel clad
cruIser or 3,000 tons , the buiding or which
has just been fnished there.
Issues n Proclamation to Salvallorenns Irom
mu ! afo Iit , since.
SAN FRANCISCO . March 23.-General
AntonIo Ezeta , ex-vlco president nnd deposed
dictator of San Salvador , Is still bent upon
revolution , although ho Is somewhat handicapped -
capped In beIng obliged to direct hIs Heu-
tenants In San Salvador at long range.
Ezeta Is welt out or danger. His latest card
Is a long proelamalon Issued "To All Sal-
vadoreans. " The fugitive general asserts
that his "heart still beats with the ardent
love or patriotism and the sacred fire ot
liberty. " lie says he knows his friends In
San Salvador are suffering on his account
and ho assures them that they shall soon
see him again contending with time enemy
on the battlefield In defense or their country. i
The douglly general refers to his release ! .
from custody by tire United States author-
Iles , and pays his respects to his brother ,
Carlos Ezela , time fugitive president , as follows -
lows : "I am before the world , after havIng
been trIed In the courts of this country. I
have saved myself from certain death by
a mircle after the shametul retreat or the
head of our nation and hIs cabinet , leavIng
my companions In arms , who were true to
the last , to bo tie victims or our cowardly
and Inralous enemies. Adversity docs not
lake me lose courago. "
Time proclamation Is printed In the Evening
Bulletin here today
Men In time Iltolvlnl Station Unable to
GIve Thor Any Aid.
VICTORIA , D. C. , March 23.-Tho tug Voles -
los , bound for time stone quarries at Nelson
and Hadlngton Islands , was driven ashore
on Trial Island during a gale last night , and
Is a total wreclc. Five men were drowned
They are : Frederlc Adams , a well known
contractor , who Is building a capitol here ,
married ; Arthur Bowers , chler engineer ,
single ; Robert Smith cook , single ; Frank
Duncan , deckhand , single ; Wilam Law , fireman -
man , marrIed.
Tire first four were drowned and the last
riled from exposure In the rigging. Captain
Anderson swam to a reef at mldnl/hl and
was rescued this morning. Tire Voles was
towIng a barge on whIch were twenty.fve
laborers , all the barge was fortunately
driven ashore on a sandy beach. The men
on the barge tried to launch It , but It was
smashed. They could hear calls for hell
for hours. The tug was valued at $10,000
and was insured
IIod trom 1 1\lnl l'u'son"ll Meat.
MONTREAL , March 23.-A dispatch from
Calgary , NV . T. , gives detals ! of the deaths
ot Robert and David Smih , sons at Sergeant -
geant Major SmIth. I Is supposed the young
men , who had been huntng and trappng :
during the winter , and hall been poisoning
wolves , had eaten ot rabbits which had
partaken ot some or tire poison This had
made them sick , and they really flied from
want or medical attendance . Tire bodies
were found In I hut which they had built
for themselves , aide by side , In bed
I'Iouigsrl to Rtruii Measures Against 53mba. ,
MADRID , March 23.-The program of the
new government being formed by Senor
Calllo Is publisimed . 1 pledges the new
ministers to act with energy regarding the
disturbances In Cuba , and says that Spain
will not recoil from any sacrifice In order
to suppress time uprising.
Irnnrl Ullutnlul Active ,
PARS , March 23.-Tho Bimetallic league
held Its first meeting here tOday. A committee -
tee was appointed to prepare a program for
time propaganda of the policy at the leasue.
M. I.oubet , formerly premier , Is president ot
the leaguf. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'uhlcu Wtre the hatter Markimen.
LIEGE , March 23.-Anothrr colalon occurred -
curred between the strikers and the ponce ,
The strikers fred at the police wih revolvers ,
but wlhoul eUect. The police returned fly
rIot fire . , wounding many persons and ending IIC $
Sine Die Adjournment of the LogislattlIli
1 Matter of Speculation.
Senate Unwilling to Join the House in Oou- ,
silering the QucsUon
Omaha Police Commission and Sugn-
Bountyls ] Given as Onuscs
" ' 1 Nut , \ ! 'I.ruAehI1ulrlJlnt UnUI
ThlMO lu'musmmre " 11'0 Iccn ! aftl1
81mt "lru" time lar to the
In\'f1 of lnRement.
- ,
LINCOLN , March 23.-Slleclal.-The ( ) logo ' ;
life at the hOlso ot representat\s for the
Twentr.rourth session ot tire Nebraska log- ' '
Islaturo becnuo extnct last nl/ht at mld-
mmigimt The senate has been In session fifty-
eight ( lays , all has , tlmcrefere two mora
( lays to cal its own lut notwlhstnllnJ
the tact that time session Is ended as tar as
the constutonal limitation Is concere ( !
time tiny or fnal adjournment Is not even In '
sight. The legislature mmiay adjourmi lute next
week , or fnal Ils80lulon may not occur for ,4
two weeks ) 'et. I all deponds. ,
Neither branch of the legislature Is In se- : j ,
SIOI , but the members ot both houses are ,
bus ) A strong movement Is on root In the , {
house to force an IIJournment next week ' .
A Paper containing an agreement to that ot-
rect Is being circulated among the memberl : ,
of the house , nlli It fiftl'-ommo slgnatucs cnn ,
bo obtained the house proposes ) to fix a tme ' ; ' .
for adjournmrmemmt amid the tme w1 nol be '
later than next Saturda ) ' . It Is expeced that
such acton on the hart or time house would .
force the senate to aim agreement for an
early nuljournmmment. Time imommee is , however ,
powerless. Time constitmmtion ilahmmiy says that
neither house can nrljommrn for mmmore than
timree days witimout time consent or concur.
remmce of time otimer lrouse.
Time house may , imowever , do tins : It may
fix a tiimmo for adjoumrmmmnent amid ask time eenatG
to conctmr. If time aemmatc refuses to do thu
time Imoimse umay ly resolimtion reprcsemmt to thu
governor that a disagreememmt exists as to ' V
tire time of adjournment. If time cimief executive -
tive recognizes time disagreemimont , Ire maya
tinder tire law , fix time tirmuo for final adjournment -
mont hirmisell. Sumcim a commtimmgemmcy is , ot '
course , remote , bumt not emmtireiy improbable. '
There are two reasons why time date ot
final adjournment cannot be fixet , Ormo of
these reasons is tIre Omrilma Fire and
.Commission bill and time otbpr is time beet
sugar bounty bill. Time friemmds of both of
these measures are fearful of the governor's '
veto. When timeso bills are both passed amul
sent to the governor ime will have five day3
iii which to either sign or veto. lie may take
one action or the otimer withmin tirq five days
or Ire may defer action until time fifth day _ V
In tlmat case time legislature would renmain Sn
session tile full five days and enotmgim longer
to complete time umifinishmerl work on time ap. .
propriatiomm bills. It is veii understood timat
this necessary delay can imo enforced by deferring -
ferring action out time appropriation bills. S
Witim tlmee facts in mind it is easy to mmmak.
a reasonably accurate prediction as to time
slay of final adjourmrmnemmt. Time boummty bill
may be passed by time senate tomorrow an
tlmo Fire and Police commmmnielon bill by Tues-
day. Both cart go to tire governor byVednea -
mlay mnormming , March 27. Time governor , In
that case , may Hold them until Tuesday ,
April 2. In time meantime time appropriation
bills can be easily disposed of in time dayn intervening -
tervening between Marcir 27 arid April 2 , amm
if time governor has signed Limo two biii bp
time latter date time day of fimmal adjournment
many reasonably be fixed on Wedmmesday
April 3. Tins calermlatiorm might ho disturbe4
by time injection of a now elememmt of con-
troversy. For instance , santo time may ho
taken up 1mm consideration of time penitentiary
matter. Tirere may yet be Unexpected de-
velopmentrr doug timis line , Time special joint
commmrmmitteo whmieim reported yeaterilay favori
state Ilossession antI control of the peniten-
tinny anti recomnmemmds imnnmediate action ,
Time chricory bounty question , commjured tip a.
mt bogie witir wlmicim to frighten tire friemmds of
time sugar bounty , refuses to retire to the
simade front whence it. was evoked , It. per.
slats in mmmaimmtainhmmg its materialized form
amid is stalking back and fortim between ths
imcuso amul senate wings of time legislature , to
time intense disgust of tire sugar bounty muon ,
Time stmgnr smiemm profess to he frigimtcmmed. On
tire otimer imand , tire cimicory macmm assert timat
tire sugar men are merely selfisim , At th.
brutel catmcmmses last night time boummty situation
vas almmmost time oio topic of discussion , fl.
Ii. Scimneider of Fromnormt , who is iooke
tmpon by comnnmon consent as the aecredite
rpromserrtative of tire sugar interests of tii
state , mnado Ito secret of iris fear timat tb
chicory rider to time bounty bill has cation.
gered tire measure , lie believes tirat the
hmcuc wili rofuiso to concur , antI Is aiready 4
anxious for time senate to go omm record as
beIng whiling to decide , On time direr lmamtd ,
r.mmmmmber of iopuhiet mmmemnbers were quite vol.
ubie with timair assertions that Governor hiol-
comb will veto tire sugar bounty bill unles.
it commies to brirmi withr time cimicory arnemmdment ,
Governor hlolcommmb imimseif feels no little
ammmoyance , over tire attitude itt wInch the
iopuilst memmmbcrs arc endeavoring to plac
hminm. lie hiss given omIt no inrlicrmtiom what.
ever as to Iris intentions , arid certainly n
erie Iras either right or autlmonity to aay
positively what imo will or will not do. He
is givimmg to time subject tire sammie painstak-
lag attention and consideration tirat Ire so.
cords to ivory otimer important matter sub- .
muted to imim ,
As a matter of fact , time friends of his
chicory bounty have much to say In favor
of their industry , Time manufacture of chic.
cry may easily become an industry in Na-
braeka that would bring several rmmiiiions ot
dollars into the tate every year , and that
too , without immtertening with the sugar in.
dustry or Lime reguLar agricultural pursuits ot V
time farmers , It costa less to raise time ohio.
cry beets tlran It does sugar beets ; time ) ' wIll
aeii for $10.50 per ton , as against ; s Per to
for time sugar beet. Tire farrmiera camr raii *
nearly as many tons to the acre , Time ftc.
tories for turnimmg out tire fimmisimed clmicor
iroduct can be built for a comparatively in. V
s'gnificant amnoummt , and timere is rio umulimn-
ited market for tire Product ,
There Is one difference between the tw
bounty provisions , Tbe sugar manufacturers
rs not permitted to receive time bounty