Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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I 8 . - TilE OMAhA DAILY ] 3EEi SA'I'UUDAYAUOII 2a : , ] 895.'I _ _
- - - - -
Members of the Board of Health in 0. Stub-
born Quarrot
: Jnncnn nnll the Two Councllltlcn Want 0111
1nector " Uecltlllo1ctl-lln1nr : Ho-
' InlclI to cI&n n Special Meeting of
the Jloarll-Tho L"tcst * 81nte
$ The controversy between the DOlrd : of
Health and the city council s ems to be
subject to an armlstlco for the present and
the members or the board are Improving the
opportunity by Indulging In a private row of
their own. It all comes because of the pros
pect that funds may he available to provide
for the appointment of tour or five / Inspectors
and the consequent strife to' see who shall
have the naming of the lucky men. The
patronage Involved Is not extensive , but It
Is sufficient to set the political pot seething
and boiling In a fashion that threatens snore
than the n8ual amount of discord.
The absence or Chief Seavey Is partially
responsible for the trouble. Formerly the
board was enly , divided , the chief or police
and lie ( comlnloner or health being a I
practlcnl balance to the ( plumbing Inspec- i
tor and , the two counclhnen. Now , however ,
the Illumblng Inspector's party has a ma-
jority of on and a tremellllous effort Is being
made to settle the question of appointments
3efore ) time chief or police resumes his official
The situation Is In brier that ( the plumbing
inspector and the ( councilmen want to reap-
point tIme same Inspectors who were removed
some time ago. This Idea Is not favored by
Mayor Bemis as he prefers to have men who
are not Involved In the political tangle and
he also lIoves that the allpolntment or new
men would go a long distance toward dl-
vorelng the board from politics. The slate
as at present made up provides for the reappointment -
appointment of Sanitary Inspectors Vander-
ford Smith alHI probably Albrecht. Milk Inspector -
specter Bruner Is not supposed to bo In it . as
S. L. lloyd of the lgbth 1 ward , Is slated for
( ha position. It Is ullllerstooll that \Ir :
: . Doyd's claims have been vigorously urged
by the chairman or the IInance committee
of tIme city ccuncll and as the good will or
; that particular finance committee Is of considerable -
flillerable importance to the hoard at this
time there III no opm opposition to the cnndl-
dato. _
; But now that the slate has been agreed
on and there are the necessary votes to elect ,
some dUnculty Is beIng encountered In obtaining -
taming a quorum or the board. The regular
meeting was scheduled for Wednesday but
on account or the absence of most or the city
oMcials who were engaged In superintending -
Ing the manipulation or the charter In Lin-
coin It hllll to be postponed. Thursday
Plumbing Inspector Dunean and Councilmen
Gordon allll Thomas sIgned a petition aslllng
the mayor to call a meeting III the after-
noon but the mayor knew his business
pretty well and neglected to do so. Now
the slate pushers have a new plan. Duncan
Is circulating a resolution providing that
Smith Vanderrord and Albrecht shall be put
on lhe ( salary list as sanitary Inspectors
pendlAg a meeting of the ( board and this will
probably be signed by himself and the two
councilmen and presented to lie mayor.
nmlslo1er , ! Savlllo ! Is occupying a neutral
posItion amI may accede to the demands for
the reappointment of the three Inspector
110 says that it I they go back It will be with
the understanding that they are there to
earn their salaries allli not to pull political
strings and also that they are responsible to
him and not to the plumbing Inspector. lie
S asserts that he will : not vote for any new
aIpOifltrnonts however until the board re-
S celv s some assurance that the council will
'atroril ' some IInanclal relief. The total
S amount remaining In , the fund Is $6.389,24.
The estimated expelllJltures for salarIes
during the remalllller or the year Including
those of three sanitary Inspectors and a
clerIc at $50 ; per month are $6.268.2S. UIUS
leaving a balance for all other expenses of
$ 12O.9. To leave the board with such a
5' small amount for offiee and other general ex-
S . peases officials claim would be to crIpple It
to Il ruinous degree and on that account
S Commlssloncr Saville Wants to postpone
. action In regard to Inspectors. Meanwhile
the three members are demalllllng the elec-
tion of their proteges the mayor says "no"
S. and the result remains to b3 seen.
S 1Iolds that the City Cnn Uo Cleaned \'Ith-
out the , \ IiI of hil8heCtorg.
S An order will probably be Issued to the
: police department soon which Is expected to
spike ( lit guns of the Board of lIealth.
The fact that It Is time that the sprIng
cleaning UII of the city \sis begun has been
S urged by the members or the board as one
S reason why the suspelllled Inspectors should
be returned to duty. The mayor proposes to
enocle this argument out by having the ( clean-
lug up accomplished without the assistance
of the Insllectors. The plan Is similar to
that which has been follo\\'ed In previous
years and consists In having a sergeant and
Il detail of police servo notices on nil prop-
erty owners that they must clean UI their
; - Promises without delay They will also see
that the Injunction Is obeyed. The mayor
55 believes that In thIs ( manner the property
owners can be compelled to put 'their premIses -
: Ises In a sanitary condition and the health
fund will be saved the expens3 of additional
help at present !
S S _ _ . _ _ I
Patronage or InferIor adulterated baking
compounds entail ruined digestive powers.
: I'rlco'l ! Cream Dalllng Powder makes hot
bread or pastry wholesome and enjoyable.
- .
- .
Valuation nl Shown hy the Bonus In the
ItulIll of Uity : 'I'ro.ul\r .
The city tax list for 189 : ; has been completed -
. ; pleted and Is now In the hands of the city
treasurer It show the following total valuations -
tions by wards :
. First wl\l'll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,100.iS8
S Second waril . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.410.018
S 'rhlr,1 , vnrd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Ii3tI2 : : 1
S ) , ' 011I tll will'll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.770.ra :
Fifth wnl"ll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,362,755
S 3Ixthi vaid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,625,216
S He\'enth wnr.I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.t ! ) . ! !
Eighth wllnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,6Cui'J91 !
' . Nintii : svard . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 1.017.2n
- -
S Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $19.wl.4Ca
The following table hews the valuation or
versonal 1ll'operty. and thll total real e tate
S assessment :
01'11111I11' Personal property . . . . . . . . . $ 2,2:1S.6H :
S Blinks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W7.lar.
'l'rust companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6,226
. ) ! fl11Vft'i' . t'lght or wily. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1S7r.71
Pnrll'p ! ear coinpa nics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.227
'l'ell'Rrallh ) companies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2II.S .
) nsuI'lInco COlIIlll1l1es. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31,951 )
:5 Olllllhl\ Bolt 11110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11iJ' ! ! .
- -
. Total I'Cl'Honnl IWSP5Slllcn t. . . . . . . . 5 3.103,615 , ;
.nl\lls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1hi2fl5 . . ;
City lotll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G.62oJ.r.iO
S AlllItlonll , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.491.421 ;
City lots , cto.- : I.IJOO )
: . . - .
Totlll relll estate assessnient . . . . . l6,46OSO1
S 'I'ho aucnment Is lIIalo ) nt trans one-slJtth
i to one.blxteenth ( ot the ( actual value or the
prollel ty listed
i ( Sleanl'lI Electric Paste rids your hOu&O of
, S RatR , Hoaches allll other vermin : 26c.
J --0
- ' 1'111 II IlIlttU'I' : bIlU1.'UY.H JWU 1'P.
"Ill nook hl'"II ' h , 8hQrtOft rIIn anll 1''tOlt
To all points , In JRnru , Oklahoma , Indian
'territory ! , Texas and all Iolnls In southern
Calltornla. Only one night out to all Ilolntll
, t IJf Teus. "The 'fexlIII Llmltt'd" Ica\'ea Olllaha
at 1i:15 : a. m. dally , except Sunuicy l > , , hnlllng
I S passengers at all Points In Texas 12 : : hours In
; advance of all othlr lines. 'fhrough tourist
cars via 11 t < Worth anti EI I'auo to Los An-
r llu. Ior foil I'atlculaf loa PI , foldt'r.
ate " call at or ld Jrlt Hock Iland ticket
, oIee , 1602 I.'ar m _ t. ,
CJlS. ImNNIWY , G. N. W. I' . A.
. 0
110111 , II T"u'
prl 2111 will 1 excursion day fur ' 'FoX2a ,
. If you ifltefld io so thcrl It will ho to your
interest to call Oi or addrus J : . h. Palmer ,
S Iaaanger Igent Sante J e rout . rom I ,
i'J ; Natonal bank buloln ; , Omaha
' - '
' _ _ , . . , _ , '
. . . , - S- 5' ' - . . - "
r : - S ' " .
S , n. : '
raraor.Unar1 Jar "lnl for Saturday In
' 1'urn5almin Oooul.
O.ntl' 1'lrnhhlnc UnOIII.
Wo have just purchase the entire stock
of n gents' furnishing gods store In lhla-
delphia , which we place on sale tomorr w.
Wo will make thing lively at this counler.
Fancy laundered hirts . 25s : worth &Oc.
Ser fancy negligee shirts , 2c , worth 50c.
100 dozen fancy percale shirts , collars at-
( ached , 500 : worth 750.
megant starched fancy negligee shirts , 650 :
worth $1.00.
Wilson liros. ' white laundered shirts best
quality , worth $1.25 and $ l0. go at 75c.
7lo men's unlaundered shirts go at 50c.
Men's Earl & Wilson and Coon brand of
collars go at 12,4c each
Men's driving glcces 250 : worth 50e.
Gents' dokln gloves 98e , worth $ l.0. .
Yo pIa SPECALS In our silk department '
25 pieces of 24-Inch wide all silk crepons
regular G5c goods ) , for Saturday at 390 a
yard The colors are black cream , cardinal - ,
nal , yellow , Ilnle , light blue olive . heliotrope ,
mode , navy and brown.
On the center table main aisle you will
find 20 pieces of beautiful quality taffeta
sIlks In stripes and IJlalds , for fancy waists ,
former price 750. for Saturllay only 490 yard.
GO pieces all wool fancy suiting goods ) .
we've retailed Isis season for 50c. Saturday
2 .
25c.All wool 40.lnch serge for : ! e.
, \1 wool 10-inch henrietta colors only , : c.
All of Priestey ramous black goods regardless -
gardless or cost . goods worth up to $2.00
Saturday 7Gc.
All wool novelty blacks the Gge quality ,
Saturday 39c , only one dress to a customer.
The ramous silk and wool Lausdon , all
cturs ( and black Saturday , 79c.
Red broadcoth Saturday 50e.
Back skirting Ioreen Saturday 39c.
A dress pattern Saturday for 8Sc. goods
In this lot \\orth 29c yar.l. -
In the colt and suit department The
loveliest lot or tea gowns that ever feasted
the " female e'e. This lot comprises the
latest combinations or silk . satin , lace and
wool fabrics anl must be seen to bo ap-
preciated. The most retching pattern
among thcm Is a Persian silk , trimmed In
I'rench lace price $10.90 , other prices from
$ i.95 : ; up.
Our stock or jackets capes stilts waists
alit ! skirts Is now conmplete See our new
Plaid silk waists at $4.9S. sold by other
dealers at 650.
From 7:30 : to 9:30 : p. m. we wi sell one
box fine stationer . worth 25c , one bottle
best black Inle , worth 5c. one lead pencil . one
pen holder one rule and one slate pencil In
case worth 6e. this lot Saturday night only
for 10c.
10 copies Encyclopedia lirittanica 10 copies
Chambers' Enc'clopellas. 10 copIes AmerIcan -
can Fncyclopedin 25 copIes Annual Enycclo-
pehia 50 copies Universal Encyclopedia , Is
our entire stock or all kinds of encyclo-
pedias. We want to close them out. As
many as you want Saturday only at 25c
cccli These books are worth from $2.00 to
$5.00 cccli Added to this will be
200 cOllIes of the life of Jefferson Davis
by his vIfo . al } 1.000 staple books worth
from 45c to 9Sc. by standard authors , your
choice at only 25c. ,
Finest country butter made only 12 ½ c.
FInest creamery suede only 19c.
Good country butter 7c 9c and Uc.
Best Wisconsin'full cream cheese , 10c.
Swiss cheese lOc l2c and 15c.
nrlck cheese lOc 12 ½ c and 15c.
Sugar cured bacon. 8c.
Salt pork 6c ; plclelo pork , 71hc
Corned beef 3'4c ; boneless baum 80.
Providers for the People.
Tutlo Pacific C OU8t 1ldIWctcrn 101nt ,
Via the UnIon I'acilc. the ' 'orlls I'lc-
tonal line. Iead the time. To San FrancIsco
from Omaha 6714 hours : to Portland from
Omaha 65 % hours ; first class through Pullman -
man cars. Dining car servlco unsurpassed.
Pro reclining chair cars. Upholstered Pullman -
man colonist sleepers daily between Council
Bluffs . Omaha all San Francisco vIa C. &
N. V. and Union Pacific system without
change connecting at Cheyenne with sImilar -
lar , cars for , 'Portland ; also daily between
Kansas City and Portand. connection at
Cheyenne with similar cars for Ban Fran-
Corresponding tmo and servje to Colo-
rado Utah , Wyoming Idaho-nd Montana
City Ticket Agent , 1302 Farnam St.
There Is l 1'robllo Other Catcrn Line
So universally patronized by the very highest -
est class of travel as the Lake Shore &
Michigan Southern ny. Time character of Its
train service and equipment , Is recognized
and appreciated by those who are satisiled
only with the best. Try It on your next
eastern trip. Trains leave Chicago as follows -
lows : 8:00 : and 10:30 : A. M. . Z:25 : . 5:30 : and
8:45 : P. iI. dally and 1:30 : 11 : daily except
Sunday. M. S. GILES . T. P. A. . Chicago.
C. K. WILDER W. I' . A. , Chicago.
AXTh uiinxr .
The tramp and the treasurer , the queen
and the COPPEr and all the other characters
of " 1492" that you have read about will be
seen here at Doyd's theater for four nights .
commencing tomorrow ( Sunday ) evening wih
matinee dnesday , allli with them a great
many men and wonien . mostly svomnen who
are either shapely or sprightly or agile . or
have some quality to make them popular
with hoopla whose eyesight Is good whose
hearing Is passable and whoso power to ap-
preclato things amusing has attained the
slightest growth
Mark Smith Is the Queen Isabella Will
H. Sloane Is the tramp Ross Snow the
royal treasurer . William McMahan the polce-
man , Yolanlle Wallace the Inranta Johanna
Carrie nehr the Infanla Catalina . anti Ger-
rude Iutedg lie chappie 'fhe novel ballets -
lets ore entitled "nally hints From Paris "
"Newsboys' Frolics . " and , the latest lilt . a
scene from "Tnilby . " Fleunette . the latest . ,
European importation. Is said to have created I
a furore , whtever she has appearet In this
country by her marvelous dancing and lightning -
nlnl changes The little lady Is young , pete
and beautiful and Is chaperoned by her
mother who In her early days , was a ramous -
mous Russian premier The sale of seats will
open this morning at 9 o'clock
Fred H. Znioifel now manager of Hoyt's
"A Ten\erance Town" company Is to handle
: Ir. 10yt.s latest and greatest success "A
Milk White Flag . " next season.
Hoyt's "A Milk White Flag , " whIch Is to
Ilay Omaha a visit next season Is said to
number fifty people 'fho play Is a satire
on the local militia .
The pearl of perfection In leavening
ng nts-Dr. I'rlco's Baking l'owther
. -
. I.oeI fltEl'ITIIS ,
Chris Pedersen will build a $1.500 dwelling
at 1308 North F'ortleth slr'eet.
The Cozzons hotel property was formally
transferred Thursday to Its new owners.
floyd Arcanum Union PacifIc council No
10G9. will meet In regular session Monday
March 2 : , at 8 p. m.
AntI ) ' Gram of the ( city clerk's office Is
rlcel'11 congratulations on lie addItion or
a daughter to his earthly pOBesslons.
The hotel men are just now worried by
the operations or Il gaiI of sneak thieves
who seem to bE working the ( town especially
the hotel .
Tim Stone Contractors Interstate a80cla-
ion hcll a regul.r session at the Millard
Thursday e\'onlnl and ' adjourned subject to
the ( cal lot lie ( chairman
Fritz Mueller lies taken out a permit for
the erection of a two-story brick block at
1i06 Vinton Btreet. Tht lower story will be
divided Into stores , while the second } floor
wi bo arranged for a public hail . The
cstiiimuted. cost Is $8,000 .
1d Irelbtl& tie cyclist who Is making a
tour or the world on his wheel will reach
Omaha In a few months and lies asked for
hotel aCt'ommodatlons free In ordfr to win
his wager that ho could leave lobon Ilennl-
less ann return In Il year with $10.000 In his
'fhe diamond cross which ; I stolen from
tie ( office ot Judge Gustavo Anderson last
Monday . has Ileen hel ! . frou ; A telesram
wa reeelved ( rain time chief of police of
Topeka Itan. , ) 'eaierday , stating that both
the thief and the l'roperty were In his cus-
( ody . lie wss 'w ired to hold them and an
'lmeell rte . for 'I'pekl last eyemilng.
The eron was a valuable present frou the
IreEent fr011
1\llghtl Teimilfiar and Is hIghly valued by
Its owner
S4 , . " "
, , ] :
r S- \
Mr Keney's Fist Cause for Divorce tic-
cured on Her Wedding Day
80molmt1 .mU801 himself b1 Hllckln
Icr } "I1O , , lh Stove I'olish-Fond of
Kicking antI l'oundlll 11cr-SIte
" 'nntl ler 111llcI Natiuc .
, -
The existence of Mary E. Jeley jUdging
from the testimony In the divorce case cOIn.
me need by' her against her hus.
band , John : N. Kelley , and whIch
Is now on trial before Judge Ieysor ,
since her marriage has been one of extreme
mltery. On the day of the marriage . Sep.
tember 13. lS92 , Kelley became intoxicated
and from then until ho left her scarcely a
day passel on which he dId not abuse
her with vile laluage allll by striking , kick-
lag alit ! otherwlso ill-using her I
At lines ( he would vary the monotony of
her misery by overturning the dinner table ,
besmearing her with soft boiled eggs or deluging -
luging her with buckets of cold water. Once
he nearly strangled her she alleges pounded
her race with his fists until It was black and
blue and then dragged her on the floor hy
the hair. Two lays after this ho aaln
threw a bucket or water over her and beat
her over lie ( head with his fists.
On August 1. 1893. he blackened her
eyes and overturned everything In
the house le caught her arm between
the door and the jam while she was trying
to escape and badly disabled I , shortly
afterward going to her rather'a house hal
dl eased and offering him $ SOO to take his
daughter back proffering $40 to bind the
bargain. ' At other times he pulled her out of
bed by the hair and kIcked her unmercifully . ,
from which abuse she Is now under the care I
or Ilh'slclans. Keley at times was original '
In his abuse. As an instance of this Mrs.
Keley says that he entered the kitchen one
day while she was preparing a meal jammed
her head down between hIs knees and deliberately -
lberately Polished It all over with stove
blacking. She also aleges that he ha failed
to provide for her since November 25. 1893.
After recclvlng one of her severe beatings
Mrs. Kelley had her husband arrested but
was unable to attend the preliminary hear-
ing owing to the ( Injuries sIte received.
Kelley . however pleaded guilty and was fined
$100. lIe Is alleged to be worth about $8,000.
The plaintiff Is suIng for alimony and the
privilege of resuming her maiden name , Mary
E. Quealey. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Qucslol or ( l"nerMhl.
I'erlno & Co. , commission dealers have In
their hands $5S9.92 that does not belong to
them and which they want to get rhl or as
soon as the courts decide who Is entitled to
lie money.
In November 1S94. the Parhin Orendorf &
Martin company recovered a jUdgment or
$6SG.SO In Knox county against Alfred Lund-
berg. According to a complaint led In
the distrIct court by the Panlin . Oremlorf
& Martin company Lundberg shortly
after thIs judgment was entered
shipped a lot of hogs to PerIne
& Co. . to be sold on commission but entered
Into a conspiracy with one L. Hansen to
send the hogs In the latter's name. The
sale netted $5S9,92. and thIs amount was
placed to the credit of hansen. The Parln ,
Orendorf & Martin company want to recover
1'lghlll the l'lvlll Tnx.
The city of Omaha has led an answer In
the suit In which Elza D. Moore seeks to
restrain the selling of her property for the
collection of a special tax levied for 'treet
pavIng. The property Is on Park avenue
which In 1880 was paved with cedar blocks.
The plaintiff alleges that the blocks wer
decayed when they were put down , and tha" :
two years later the street was Impassable.
It was then repaved wIth asphalum against
the plaintiff's wishes and taxes aggregating
$1.130 , were assessed against her property. .
In Its answer the city claIms that the re-
pavIng was a necessity , and furthermore
that before It was done no protest was entered -
tered against It by the plaintiff . although
she had ben notified ( lint she had the privilege -
lego of doing so
SteJlhen SOOI < 8 1 Separation.
Another tale or domestic infelicity Is told by
a petition led In the district court yesterday
morning Stephen A. and Ellen G. Fox were
marrIed In December , 1889. but Stephen Is
now tired of hIs bugaln. Ellen has not IQve
and obeyed him as she promIsed to do . and
one day she wound up by kicking him. The
plaintiff also alleges that she associates with
bad characters agaInst his wIshes. StephE.n
wants a divorce.
; 1101' Court Matters.
Mary Cooley has led 1 petition for divorce
from Thomas Cooley , alleging extreme
Margaret 'Volman bas commenced suit
against August D. Woltman for divorce on
the ground of desertion.
0.V. . E. Grffith Is suing Fremont : N.
Jaynes In the county court for $140. balance
of rent duo on tiuf premises Ilt 1507 Dnney
Two suits have been commencEd In the
county caurt against lie Phoenix Foundry
company. One Is by the Baum Iron company
for $356,21 and the other by G. W. Zetter-
qulst for $158.70.
An epoch In Chlcago's progress was
marked by the tablet erected to commemo-
rate track elevation This record of Prlco's
Cream flaking Powder as a life saving factor
Is likewise an enviable one
IJUI-I\'O 1.'IuIXl EI ) i'iwii . 1lWLNTiNJ. .
Instead or I' J Exporter This Country Now
un Importer of Slits Prutuct
NEW YORK March 22.-The arrival at
thIs Port early In tIle week of 0 steamer
from the Argentine republic with 0 cargo of
120.0 bushels of lax seed has bought to
lIght some Interesting rncts. I seems that
quite a trade his been going on In seed
from the rar-nway country for some time
past ahout IO bushels of the Argentine
seed having [ already been sell hcre. Another -
other vessel with I cargo simiar to the one
recel\el } here this week II due next weelc
The seed . although dirty Is reported to be
of good quality . antI the price Ilaid Is equal
to $1.28 Iler bushEl . duty pahi . the later
amounting to 20 cents tier bushel Crushers
Ret 1\ rebate emi oil cake exported . which
males time let price nbut $1,20 pall for the
South American article. American lax seed
Is quoted nomlnall at $ .6 to $1.55 , I Is
Interesting to note that two years ago
} large uC hlax
AmerIca eXllorlC quantities fax
led. Now she II importing .
A bottle of Cook's Extra Dry Imperial
Champagne with your dinner makes It com-
photo It pleases everyone.
t $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ * * $ * T $ $ $ *
: on' : ie ;
1 In the house How often you hear that old sayIng ! I j'
* Where else would you expect a person to die ? You T
4 wouIdn't expect a sick person to get up and go out I
4 of die , when there was a nice house , with all
* the modem conveniences right at hand to die In , *
t would you ? And still there are lots of folks that do t
I , die In the house , before , there Is any reason for them 4'
J ; to die at al , Haven't ' you seen friends oC yours just :
* ; waste right away , almost under your own eyes , when
4 i did seem as I there could have been something r
t done to stay the dread disease ? The doctor called It *
f Consumption , probably May be It was a hard cold ri"
& at first , and a gradual decline. A ' good doctor says J ,
& 4
4 U OZ1T1uIioft 4
4 & e % $ 4
J.In . such a case. Ozomulslon won't bring a man back *
, S from the cemetery , but It has prevented many a man ft.
4 and many a woman from going there Are ydu on *
t your way ? Are you beginning to get tired out ? Get4 ,
; ting so that good things don't taste good any more ? t
Y @ Getting worried ? Getting so you cough every day , r
4 and lots of nights ? Want to get hungry ? Want to fT"
ei " have things taste good ? Want to eat and enjoy It ? f J
& ; Try Ozomulsion. I costs a dollar to try a bottle. 4
"t" May be it won't . More . '
, help you. likely it wi. You'd *
t give a dollar to be better , wouldn't you ? And you'd ' t
4'give more than a dollar to get well , probably. C
" . Tub , , pale WOICI got , ) IUII ) II bcamztlfiil 01 OoIulslol. fT"
Most all druggists sell Ozomut- l
I ' O OlUISION Cures Colds , Coughs , sion-they nil will pretty soon-or l
Consumption nil , Dronclllts , Asthma , anti you can get al of' 'r. A. SIOCU1 Co. , *
Pulmonary Complaints Scrotum ,
11 General DebilIty , Loss DC Flesh ; , An- 383 Pearl 1 Street , New York C't y. < + ,
nemla , and all Wasting Diseases. f , " " ' "t.ttf'ft , - , , . . ' . ' .
, For Sale by KuIut & Co. , Omaha.
MInnesota : Putting UI' B Starrier AI.lln5 AU
Other Ntl&tC8.
ST. PAUL March 22.-A bill designed to
prevent the bringing of dressed meats to
Minnesota from outside states has been In.
troduced In the senate In the guise of a bill
In the Interest of public health. Sheep on
the hoof are to be Inspected at i4 cent ; hogs
at 1 cent and cattle at 5 cents. For Inspec-
tion of slaughtered cattle the fee Is 25 cents
for each carcass or part thereof and 10 cents
for hogs and sheep. The words "or any
part thereof" bars out dressed meats from
aboado as they . . come _ In pieces.
: peaKlg O ( Inc situation . a representative
of one of the large Chicago concerns said :
"Under that ruling every side of bacon
shipped Into any city , or 30.000 Inhabitants or
more would have to be inspected and would
be taxed 10 cents ) and I reshlppel from
either or the twin cUes to another city would
have to be Inspected with another cbarge
Doth Kansas City and Chicago men are here
It Is said . to prevc - the passage of the bill
. " bil
I possible. _ _ _ _ -0 _ _ _ _
Higher than all others nt the great faIrs
ranked Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder.
FIrst award at ChIcago and San Francisco.
1'1ll'EI DIDN'T S.l J'B nER LIFE.
Young Mother fbi tInder the Christian
Iclpneo Troistmmiont.
LOS ANGELES March 22.-rs. Ella ,
Samis the wife of a 'Whitter blacksmith
gave birth to a child two weeks ago. Dur-
Ing lien ) confinement she was denied the
usual medical attendance and even skied
nursing. Instead of providing medicine and
nourishing food her husband a Christian
sclehhst summoned Il practitioner of that
belief , whose sole treatment consisted In
prayIng for the young mother's recovery.
After three days of this treatment a vIolent
fever set In. Even then homely remedies
were despised prayer stIll constituting the
sole treatment. The woman died this mor-
Ing and the husband will be summoned be-
fore Il coroner's jury to explaIn his action.
A Few , \ tlvtuitiuLps.
Offered by the Chicago Milwaukee & St.
Paul railway , the short line to ChIcago. A
clean train made up and started from
Omaha Baggage checked from residence to
destination. Elegant train service and cour-
( comm employes. Entire train lighted by
electrIcity and heated by steam with elec-
trlct lIght In every berth. Finest dining car
service In the west , with meals served "a I
carte " The Flyer leaves at 6 p. m. daily
from Union Depot
City Ticket omce 150Farnam street. C.
S. Carrier city ticket agent
r.IUllt : to Tnko
Time Northwestern line fast vestbulel } ChIcago -
cage train that ( glides east from the Union
Depot every afternoon at 5:45 : and Into
Chicago at 8:45 : next morning with supper I
and la carte breakrast. Every part of the' '
train Is blIGHT.
Other easter trains at 1:05 : a. m. and ,4
p. m. daily-good , too
City ticket office , 101 Faram street
flu lloyd'S ICIII..1elt , \llonnccd.
BALTIMORE March 22.-The engagement
Is announced of Tunis F. Dean manager , f
Hazey's Academy of Music to Miss Annie
Boyd the clever actress and singer who fills
the title roll In "Aladdln Jr , " lie spectacle
which Is playing at the academy the present
week The wedding will take place early In
the coming sunimner
- - - -
A safe and cash register 'for sale cheap.
Orchard & Wilhelm Carpet company 1414-16.
18 Douglas street.
MinIng Iinl I'urnhuiie. I' Rellnery.
HALT I\U : . March 22.-A special to the
Herald ( noun Butte says : W. A. ClerIc . the
mIllionaire. mine of has
milonaire owner this cIty his
purchased the refinery . copper alll brass
works \"alaee & Son lt Ansonia . Conn" ,
for $ .00).0 ( Time Ilroperty wIll be used to
work Arlzonu. the United VenUe mlnet of Clark , In
. iutlluuui Hoys 1 lronto to ( 'nr1810 Hccnro
Strl&nded on the " 'ay .
CHICAGO . March 22.-Four.'Indhan boys on
their way to Carlisle school , havIng spent all
their money for cigarettes and fine clothes
have applied to the county agent for hal-
rate tickets. When these boys Leaping
Panther , Jack Frost anti Jose and Manuel }
Doralmlner , left their homes In the Dad
River reservation two weeks ago , they were
given plenty of money to take them to Car-
lisle . I'a . and provide for their comrort amid
convenience on the way. They arrived In
Chicago about ten days ago all the attrac-
tons proved too much for them. They ror-
got while buying new clothes and kid gloves
that they had their fares to pay. They wrote
home for money. I came but was Insur-
clent. They told theIr story to President
Healy of the c'ounly board who knew how
to help them. The young Indians were pro-
ruse In their thanks and expressed their intention -
tenton to leave the cIty this morning to
escape further femptation . .
.r1sco Dalrymlu1 Liable to Ho on
n Crlmlnat Chargt.
SAN FRANCISCO . March 22.-Every cow
of a herd of eleven at the state unIversity
daIry on the outskirts of the city has been
condemned by the Inspector of the Board of
health , who has ordered lie Ilnlmals annihui- .
hated on account of tuberculosis. All the
cows had the disease In an advanced stag
and the proprietor admitted he had been
serving customers with the milk although he
Imew lie cows were diseased He had
bought some oC the cows for $5 each In
extenuation he pleaded that ho had to sup-
port his family . but afterward admitted that
ho owned considerable cIty property and Is
far from being a poor man. The authorities
will probably arrest hIm on Il crIminal
Three deaths from supposed mushrooms
last weele. Ho\v many unrecorded from use
of as deadly adulterated baking powders ?
Insist I'rlce's Cream
upon havIng Baking
Powder ; Its purity and goodness have never
been questioned.
i'eld UOlosltor/ Left Ills L'undiontl.
NEW ORLEANS , March 22.-phlllp J.
Green came to New Orleans from Denver ,
Cob , . early last winter and deciding to
make his hone here established a private
banking house for which he claimed a capi-
tal of $600.000. He applied for admission to
lie clearing house but was refused During
the first week of March he left for ChIcago.
He has not retured since and It Is announced -
nounced he Is lying at deaUI's door In that
city. Ills wife left Wednesday to join him
Callers at the bank yesterday were Informed
that all funds on deposit had been returned
to lie depositors and that the business would
be wound up as rapidly as possIble. During
the day suit was entered against Mr. Green
for $2.000 for rent of the ( offices occupied
by him and attachments were run on the
concern by traders aggregating ,000. . The
closing of the bank caused no excitement on
'chanso and the prospect Is that the losses
If there be any wi be small .
hail No Contrac with UI'loll Cutcr .
CINCINNATI , March 22.-Kecle & Co of
this city have received word that diamond
cutters enrouto to their works here were hick
In New Yorle. Mr. Jeck says Franz Van
Reeth who accompanies the diamond emitters
Is to bo a member or their company and that
ho Is a wealthy resident ot Antwerp. Mr.
Kecle admis his firm recently put In machinery -
chinery for diamond cutting and they expect -
poet to employ skied cutters but ho denies
that they have malle contracts for such labor
abroad Mr. Kecles attorney declares th. (
firm has slot made either verbal or written
contracts for foreign labor and any Buch al-
davis that may have been - made In New
York are false
! a ea e a'
ROY AI has the highest leaveninfpower of any powder examined , and
is pure and wholesome No other powder gave results so satisfactory.
FLOYD DAVIS ' , M. 5" , Ph. D. ,
Chemist of Iowa State Board of Health.
-4--- _ - - _ _ - - . . _ _ - _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . - _ -5-- . . , _ _ 1-r-a , . , , .r.j
" I a a '
Choculnto Cream cntcc ( ) .
Three.quarter cupful butter , two cups
sugar , one and one-hal pints four , five eggs .
one teaspoonful Royal BaIting Powder , one
cupful mink Hub thl butter and sugar to
. white , light cream i add time eggs , two at
a tme , beatinglve / mlnute between each
addition Sift the flour with the powder ,
which ( add to the butter . etc. , and the ( milk .
Mix Into rather tin batter and bake In jelly
cake tins well greased. In hot oven Iteen
mil utes. Set on the fire one gIll of water
ono and one-hal CUllful sugar , one-hal cup
grated chocolate In a small saucepan : boil
until I gets llck and looks velvety : take off
the tire . amid add the whIte of two eggs
without beating ; use It hot coverIng the top
and sides of the cake As It cool It grow
firm / .
. .
e-r - - - S---- - -
: rB i'i _ : J ; I -i . ' _ '
'U ' , "
Illrhl.1 ( 'nice.
This Is made In separate batters . Il dark
and a light one For the dark one take one-
hal cupful butter , one .cuprul brow sugar
two and one-half cupfuls four ( , one tealpool-
tul Royal Baking Powder , tour yelks of eggs ,
one.hal cupful miik one teaspoonful each
Royal Extract Cinnamon , Coves and Allspice.
For the light erie take one-half cupful butter
one cupful augur , two and , one-half cupfuls
flour , one teaspoonful Royal Baking Powder ,
f''U . one-hair cupful milk , one
teaspoonfu ) Royal Extract Lemon. Doth hat-
tens are made by rubbing the butter and
lugar to a cream ; silting , the eggs . beat a
few minutes . thel adul , ) the ( flour . Ited with
the lwder. the ( extracts and mik , anti ) mix
Into smooth batter . rather firm. Have a
paper-lined tin , - ; - with - a spoon drop the two
_ , . " .
1 \ "C
batters alternately Into I , and bake In a
rather quick oven thirty-fve minutes
I10Uitoil , Cmtk .
One cupful butter , two and one-half cup-
luls sugar three whole eggs and three yelks.
one pint lour , one and one.hal teaspoonrulll
Royal Baking Powder , one cupful mik , one I
teaspoonful Royal Extract Vanll , one cupful :
red currant jelly . two cupfuls sugar , three
whites eggs. Hub the butter amid sugar to a
lIght white cream : add the eggs one at a
time . amid the yelks all at once beating five
minutes between " each addition ; add the flour
slUed with the powder , ths milk and-extract :
mix the whole ) Into a smooth , light batter :
put II a shallow , square pal , bake In a moderato -
erato oven forty mainutes. When cold cover
the top with the following : Beat up the
jelly with the whites ot eggs and sugar , until
light amid stiff , then use as directed.
, -
Wonder t Ofel ' branch of C0I101'CO that has been free trnde (
sulToi'ctl Itel0ratznUon ! equal to time clothing brnlch ,
I BO tot us mourn tim conditon or 0(11' country.
A your back wo sClatche 111 sClnlbted , flgui'ctl m(1 schole
t bo able to set n stilt , made or cloth ! 'OI n eOl'talu lomosto mis ,
nt $1i.O.-Of courso-tho nnle of the mis ls-Imnnintcrlnl-rss far eta
the public is concerned . , but quite ImpO'tnlt to ctothlli . trade , bocausO
its products n.o over tolnbte , always sI'Ictly ( clear wool , dependabto
colors , strongly woven , nHl n trade wil not' in every ' teapect. 4
This Is the " 'ory suit WO'I'O soiling today at $ S.7.
. .
hero 'Ol flt'o ; merely $3.00 less In jrlco , nnd ( lIkely Impt.o\'c '
ctuthl jllqlng fl'OI a point of pressed comnltotltlon.
Wo show this very slit In i dlffei'otit \ntcl t , of the newest sack
anti frock csrns-Pluln gray twecd-Pluln brown tvect-dni'k bt'owl
checked chovlot-Pluln blue chcvlot- Silk mixed whlo nld black
cas8lmol'o-Llght colored mixture or cllcvlot-l3Illclsh cast or SO'gt
That' the conditon or our spring dccs-towor aU around-
Spring ' 95 catalogue free-Send your address.
. . , . , _ , _
- ' ' . ' -
\ " - "L" - - "
Ljrnor--Il T eLi
o U 0
H Why Put Of
o taking medicine until you are sick ? . R
LI You can keep a box of Ripan's II LI
LI i
Tabules in the house and at the Q
D '
o first signs era headache or biious D'
o [ 1 attack tabule will relieve
atack a single 'vil 01 '
o you , D'
o 0 ,
Rpnns Tnbules : Sold by druggists. or by man tt
the price ( SO cents a box ) II lent to the lpnns 0
O . . . . .
Chemical Company No. 10 Spruce St. New York.
, 0
S ,1'0 Boiler. No Sieam. ] EluCneer. ,
I blest Power for Corn cud Feed Mills , Balng
- _ _ , ' flay , Running Creamcrles , Separators , & 0 \
* '
_ " I " Portable.
, I Statonary orabl
I S I to 1201 ! . P. I to3 ) ) I ! . P.
33.1 'olunt Sh. , 1'HILADBIlUIAI > A.
Cttcago , 245 Lake St. , Omaha , 321 So. 1th St.
CAr1OLE " : " IA beln" Isol by thOIAlla : oC lallc ' , mnoimilily. I Is tha
OAlIOL" ' JU"TIIJiJ" mnarnteil lady's Crlollll iu'i'egiilir Crom 10ntll' , I 18 sao
antI rehmabme. 10\'cr iltS. glUlloo : : with every bOlte , 81ro 10 a .Iay. ' 1hiK 1101cll" 16 Cat' slPerlor to
. ,
pIlls 18 every belle Is.oal"lllllo'/or loaoa Ua stu'omizllt. ; ol by 1110:111 : drmur.istu. Pi'ice $ JOl
per bolo I your < rlIIHt dues not IIIU H a iamm.1 $ , i.oa aJ wo wi CorwarJ you : ' baltic by oXllr0H
Wc&tern Office 01Ihn. Nobl'111n.
- -
' &
r 2 ' Chronic ,
1' Nervous ,
' lrvala
S , , lrvalaDseases
Dseases ,
Wo cure Catarrh , all diseases of the
Nose , Throat , Client , Stomach , Liver ,
Blood , Skin and Kidney Diseases , Female -
male Weaknesses , Lost Manhood , and
WBAl :
lehhiity or lxImamusttomi . % S'iistliigVeakniss . In-
1e"lly y 54)5505 \\'lh arlY Ucca In ) 'OUI1
oC vluli vigor antI wcal
antI nuiddie aged ; burg vlut' ull
mldll uge& lacl .
( 'nell ( lemaIUlcl ) ' II Ilproachlnl ohl age. All
' , treatment ton loss oC
yiehth meadih' to our iemv lo
Iell Ion l ) leW , . ' with ' for
'ItnI poser Cal or "IM.'s stnml'
cireuhanil ( ice hook an' } recclple.
Dr Searles and Soar ! 3) 1410 Farneni
Scarl3. . Omimalma I NubS
" 1
S'r' .en,1 , tile nmreinus l'rnchu
S h5enc1' , CALTtOB rrf' on,1 , I
M 1llllluurnteo Ilol U.\ , 7101 sill
. . . . , , ,
ii.churr. ' mmuilos :
, . . , , . , . . ,
. euhim : $1.rnMt.rrlCA.V.rIcovghe
l.o.t Vig , r ,
S ' - Uei1asdavifatAd ,
c ; $ (
M . . . , . . . ,
AaIr. VON M011. CO.
S Bole tm.rho Ag..t. ' , ti..i..U , uli. . I' ,
' 'Nlihtl , 101111111
BOYD Suit. , Mar. ' 24
_ _ _ _ _ ( Matinee ' \S'eilnesdayi
nce's Surprise Party
AdIii I the
I Up- " "
vance Bg
I ert1UC
I - Prices 1 I Extrava- ganza '
SUPERB } O4CiII1STI4A Olt .6 .
Splendid Costumes . Scenery urN 1lectrlcal tC.
( . .1. . or seats will open Saturday at usual price
- ' . # -
'a' . , PIANOA $5 00 _
, : \ . Font neil SnrlngtiaQk
which NUI'l'on'I'N UAcK ok
OCCUI.mwhor . : UIt neelud. 01 ,
A ANDREWS Scott ror l.rlel ot Ilelul Ciuuitri.
Ofce ! 1I'I
ere Iho ho.t 'eskl ' over mnnilc , Wo''o lust com-
' ' itiie&l a tier. ' luo or auutsmamutimil ult'uka-unusuimhiy "
low In tIIW , JJnk MI& Oleu 1'lt'103.
Jiesign. 111 EsIluumitti' , 01 AI'I.tclton ,
' ' . ; - -4. This Desk $15
' \ "
Propontionalely LowS
\ 4
S g = . , , AH.Andrews&Co
- I e ; : . i : : ; ; als WAD 8H AV. I
. m
I : r
_ _
'a '
: '
Our record or actual nnd un < 1nlabte cures oh
SYI'111LiH . . all m164
8\PJILIH I. phenollenal. 'Vo furnish al
Iclne free un'l eradicate the poison from tll
. ) ' .Ier In U days . Cure guaranteed.
flours , 5:30 : tm , .WI Wenesdayi and Batu
. . . .
days . I. p. m. j
81 New York LIe , Omnana Neb I
Id Til OKC.y
S WIO T114T14t
Woaknon lucfocre\
Svury 'UN Musr&uiWe& . .
. . ' IDOr&lle'
, 20 yer.ns bli'4fi000tS.
a l crs Ia , ; . , O
I'H. .1'.rl&luH mmook Pro
OM" . . ' . I' M.
, - - -5- 4- . :1r' :