- - - - : : : ; - , ; " ; T- ; - , ; , , , , t ; ' ' : ; ; ' ' 'r"1' . . . iV' ' . ' ' 'r' ' ' ' ' ' JI' ' . . , . " ! _ w . . ; : . ' - , U- : G ( _ _ _ . - - - _ - _ _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ - PilE O rAJA DAILY nm.1 : S.Vl'UUDAY ' , : [ AUOI 2 : , 180Z. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - - . - - . _ - - - COj1IRC1At \ : AND FINANCIAt ? ! - ' . j : Wheat Iecdved Uo Encuragemnt xtpt f frm Orop rrospcts. - . CORN WAS LIMP AND ALMOST l'FElE ' $ I I t Tlro WIA 1 lund Chicago Uelnnel for tlo CMh Arpc0 with I " NomInal , f. Uecllo of One Cent l'cr iltislici. . . CllIC AGO . ln\Ch 22.-1'ronouncec1 wcnl - ' nus : In the roreln grin markets weak nec1 : wheat here today . und May close ( e I , lower. Corn followed . losing % c. Ine oits cloned . ) I , e lower. 1elped hy n sel'cly of I1gM ( . provisIons made flflS. The wheat rnnrket . receiving no ercour- ngelent In any tflrecton except In rather mediocre . pt'orn1ei for the next crop Ig- free ) the later no n prePfing factor nlli folowcc the direction Imparted to It front weaker forEIgn inarketh. The French coun- try markets were l\otell as exceptionally weak the Beer ohr cablegram quoting n declne oC 1.-II. alHI both Pnrls unit BerlIn S . covering or sent lower ( Inotutlons. Sore eoverllg S shorts.nlIer covet ' or the heavy feelIng S Induced h ' the enhies held the market stendy for nn hour at from Cl'e to from smc ! to &Ic . but further weakenIng Inilu- ene's IIJnrcII ns the detlll oC the ( lny' recelptl nml phlllrentB cnre to hand nnd before 12 o'clock the irlce had tumbled 10 5\c. \ The lecellts at MInneapolIs and Duluth - S luth 111herel1 3Gq cnrs. 'fhc total of the S primary mnllcet receipts was 31G.0 ' bu. The exports Cram the Atlantic seaboard S were dIscouragIngly lIght. amounting In S wheat and flour to about 120.0(1 bu. . nnd - 15.0 bu. oC that wnA from New Orlenns. Bome inquIry wnl reported for more or the S Chicago No. , 2 red winter for shipment nt the opening oC IIVlgaton and n cargo wits workell early In lie day nt n hl her premium over Mny prices c. I. f. . to Buffalo . than Ilre\ltllly inaile. Some more cover- Ing of shorts resulted from the evIdence ( lint ChIcago wheat was now comparatively \Int Chlngo that held elsewhere. The price ! al recovered to 61c. hut the closing cables S were taken nltogetlwr . no Ilpro\ement upon those which were received In the nioriilng the market becoming heavy ngnln. , \ 51'e. which W8M the next rest- Ing Ilrlel. there was n fair dellnd nlJout S half nn hour from the end oC the sessIon. hnI 'fhe Ilrlcc rove ngnln before the close to ll\tc \ , on the repored Inking oC from forty- S five to lilLy boat lomls for exportatIon lt ' New York ) and at lie close here thee were . buyers nt file. L ' he corn market was lImp and almost S lIfeless during a great part or the day. 'I'he recent huylng spIrIt has entirely ! ubslle.1 and ( lie price Is getting no support from any or the heavy operators. 'rhe receipts here , today were IG cars and 215 cars are eHt- mnlcll tor tomorrow. The exports for the day Cram the Atlantic pacts were CS. tO bu. . S Including 2.rQ 1)11. ) fl'OI New OrlcuT . There t was n good local demand for cash corn. with a nominal decline or le per bu. at the close. May rne.1 . from ( Ier . near the S openIng dOWI to , I : ie In the afternoon , and closed nt l54.e. 15iic. Oats w're active and u good business was S transactcd. Pries were weaker wIth the other cereals ltfl(1 ( were 10 FOle extent ruled 55 by Ihem. 1owe\er. free sellln hy the Car- rington-Hnnnah un.1 . Relnl razior people S. were Ininental In lowering prlccs. 'Ihe tie- mand was fair throughout . especially for S May . at 29c. The crowd 11 general took up the offerings. May sold from 201 10 2Oc down to 283c . and closed at 200. Inl1enccc hy II'esent and ProsPective light S hog receipts . provisions were very ilrm . with few seitnr3. 'I he Jr2atcst trwglh and hIJ heat - eat prIces obtained early In the day . but In the end gains were established or from lO to lre In pork and Jc each In lard iitil ribs. log receipts which yesterday were csttflite(1 ul 22OO head. turned out to he cslmntel 21.0 head. and for tomorrow 11.0 head arc cxpeetcll. Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat 32 ( cars : corn 215 cars ; oats 1G cars : hogs. 1.0 henll. S The lelnG attires ranged ns follows : Articles. I 0030. I l h. I Lo\v. I CloD ( Wheat.No. 2 . March . . : . 1 : : ! r3t l29' ; I : ' S Ma . . . . . . 5.4citt Hr,1' / \ 643 Corn No. . . . 2. . . . C' @ { Cfifl 55cZ55i , 65 } Mnrch. . . . HH 45 ' 44H 44 % lny . . . , . 4' ' ' ; ' 4U 4t,9i 45 H S July . . . . 4UH 40" 45 } 45e ( H Oats NO. 2. . Mny. . . : . 2fl ( ' 20" 28Th 20 Juno. . . , . . 20 2011 2S" 20 S Sniv. . . . . . 28\i - 28" 28 28 P . rit p r bbi . Nay. . . . . . 12 nfl 12 21 1 021' I 1201 July. . . . . . 12 17 } 12 4U 12 1 1225 S Laid.IOOlbs . lny. . . . . . 000 ' 0 07 % 000 005 S .iiih' . . . . 7 U5 7 12G 7 05 7 10 S Short Ribs- . Bhor RbB- . . 000 n ( 123 000 0 05 S July . . . _ 0 1714 , ! _ 0 :7 U 17 0 20 .nIY. : Cash quotations were ns follows : l'I.OUI-Dul quotnlons : winter ) Colows . $2.O3i'2.SO ; win- IeI "trnhhIA. $2,34f2.G0 ; hnllerA' $1.7t2.2 : oprln , patents $3.10 @ 3.r. > : sTnin straights. t2.lOI2.S5. S Wh11A1'-No. 2 opln ! r.6'qCOe } ; Np. 3 spring . S nominal : No.2 tei. t3P'53C. . S 34c. COHN-No. 2. 444I4c , ; No. 3 yellow , 43fJ OATS-No.2. 28c ; No. 2 white 31332c ; No. 3 white. 3l'/J32o. H\ -No. 2. 530. IAI.I Y-No. 2. 51@31Ic ; No. 3. 521:3\ \ ; No. S t. 47c. 4e. S I.'I.AX SFI O-No. 1. $ .42' . TIMOTHY SlmD-lrlmc' . ; : .6OZf5.CI. S l'ROVISiONS-Mcsa pork. Per bhl. $ t2.0 12.12' ; lard Per 10 lbs. . lG.SjG.Sl1 : short ribs , , sides ( loose ) . $ iD : G.o : dry Hle,1 shouhlers . ( boxel ) ( $ : .ofN.12short \ ; clear sides ( boxed ) . 6iO4i'C.2O. % % 'tIlrIY-1)istihlers' InlHhed goods per gal. . l.2G. The following were tie receipts and shipments to4y : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ S -Arllcles. HecclplB. ShijiieIit8. I - - - - - - - - - - - Flour b18. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.000 o.nol ( Vhieat . bu. . . . . . . . . . . . 27.110 ) 25.0(11) ( S S Cor. bu. . , . . . . . . . . . . 77.lon ( 27.0n S , Oall bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107.10 ( ( 77.011 ( ( lye ( 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.010 2.100 ) S Burley. be. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.000 I2.00 . ) S Ou the l'rOtlco o ' ohanro today tOo butter mar kct was HI'mdy : erl.alcry. : 10311c ; dairy 8@17c. Eggs . quiet ; li 121. r4I.v YUI { UI Nl lt.\L lUtU { T. ' ClosImig Ullotllon1 ou time lrlnull"l Com- mnuilittos . lUl I StulJles. NEW OflF . March 22.-I.'I.Un-Hecclpls. 22.- S $ bbls. : exports . D.4o Ihls , ; sales H.3o pllgs. ' Market weaker In lone except In winters which are steady . luyer8 are lOl50 below askinG price Huulher lour ( dull. n'oour. . firm ; ales. 20 bbls. ; buckwheat dour . nomlnnl. ] ICKWIEAT-ulel ul 4D153c. 3tY1-Noininul ; cur lots wu ; boat loads , 5i c. 5c.HAnlEY"I'odn ; No. 2 11Iwnulll. ( 6k' . 1'li\ erNI : two-rowt'l 8lle. ( G1 J61e ; Cllula. 7i2'e. S UAIH.I MALT-1'irmly hl'hl : w.lel. 70b72c , 70f72c S No. 3 weHI'r. GSC70c : alx.rU\ I. 73qj5c ; un. rai.ied. . GIGGc. lOHN \.Slel"ly ; sales . 40 Ibls. : 2. ( ) S ! a , U ; yellow western . $ l.OSCJh,12 ; Jrllvlle. , : : : .m. - S . [ , . , WII AT-Heeeipts. ' 6.0 Imim. ; exports 32.00 . bUd sales 3UIO.O 1m. futures . 20.00 bu. Hlll t ; S. Weaker ; No : red slow and el'\'llor. tUc ; afloat . G > ; t. o. h. . 61I10nl \ ; No. 2. 10rlhc'IJ. 18io dehi'L'retl : No. I haiti . eq.o .lcl\'e1'II. OptIons opentl 1 easier antler low'r cables bil showed n 111 ullc.lone ( nld Iulckly ( tallied 10 Si local buying 001) ' 10 tur Wl,11 Ilnln on hiulla. ' - lion . 1181111JlnIIJ I ! late cables and general milsa- Ireement over the biiuatltl. closing heavy II 1.tH.u lel 108. No. 2 red March cl"l ti4'c ; May , 5Dafo"e. \ . closed tU.I ; June closed tr , ; Julp ) OGIG , ' . closed tIV.e ; lPI'I'mll'r. C0'G5 Gc. closed 6QeJ \ ; De'emlcr. 62tfd3e. l'loset 62c. COhtN-lteeeii'ts . 3D.O Lu : eporlH , ( o bu. 1 sales. 30.0 I.e. : futures ' . 12.0J ) liu . Sl'ol ; spot S , easier ; steunier ' pulsed ' , ( lc deliveted , Options kdvanced 'tNI' IAx : HI6\ \ ; clnc 'II curer shorts , but 11'lhe Icclloon broke siaiiy ' tinder big ear lot l'UI\IPK cad closed ! H/\.o \ Ilwcr. 10)\ i LCMc. closed i.0c : July . 6j\H1O"e. \ clo.el \ Wtc' \ , lostti hl0c. ( c' Rellcllpr eIIH"II ( % e. Ic' S OA ¼ ' 8-lttwelpts . 31.1 hu. ; exports . r 1m. : , Sales SO.O I.u. . futures ; 4.0 ha. spot ; "pOI dull i No.2. 4\.c \ : Nu. 2 .Icll'en'd. 3me ; No i I. S'4c ; No. 2 while . 3G' c ; No : sImie . ICe , S trucl ( white . well'r 11.1 state . :7(10 c. Op. lions dull and featureless during Ihe day unl dul Iu S tonB ' ' . .0 tower Mlrch closed 1 I3tte ; ) April S closed 33\.0 \ ; May . 3ilGe . cloc' 33c ; July cloHl1 31e. IA \ -Qulel ; a III'lng. 600550 : good 10 choice S ; o@7ne. .5 10IH-Dul : atto cmmon 10 choice. old. 3 S 7c : 1t1 . H110c ; coast olti. 3'Mno ' ; lH'j. ' tj1hc. (70 IIItl-Firni : ; wet salted. New Orleans sc- I. leoled. U to 65 Ibs. 61 160 ; 11o 0. A'res. < > ' , S nil 10 24 , Ibs. . 1(13to ' ; Texas . dr ) ' , It to 3Ils. . . Im"e . I.I' A Tll H-I'lrm'l hemlock sole . Duenol Ayrcs . ' light 10 hel \ ) ' w11 lis. 16fN8e. WOOISleodn ; dOlelo fleece . IGO80 ; pulled . S 39t124c. l'HOYIHIONB-Beet. fIrm ; cut tuouts lnn : S pickled bellies . G\,070 ; pickled hunts . S M ( o. Lard hhllr ; WCbler Hleum closed nt 1.15 ; tlel , : ( te"l's. itt $ Tmotfl.2.i ; city , lt G'at3T.c ; S .lls. % \ t.ll'H ; March * 7.12 . nomilal ; 1uy. I . $7.22 . 10mlnol ; r.rnl'l hhher ; continent . $ .5 : H. A. , $1.51 : con\ounu. f'1C . Pork , quiet ; new mess . $3,0(1 % ; fancy . $1.tO . hJUT'l'lflI-.Vinner : wc'sler dali ) ' . 6C1c ; webl. S 5J ( Creafliery . IUJ'c : western CIC(01' . 7t120 ; ' l hllne.ie ; imitation creaaiery. 1lc ' ; state 'S dairy. i0j1fo : atllo creamer ) ' . old . lOuiSe. i OUI HII-Sle"I ) ' ; large . 81m"e : small . Hlo ; tatit skimni' . 21(8c' ; full skims. ' l iU2 i - 1X0SWelkl'r : state nail l'enn8yl'nnlo. 1" ( Uo ; western . Cr.sh. Ulo ; southern . 1t(1210 ; receIpts . H.S'5 lkB S TAI.I.OW-Iul ! : city tU ( $ per pkj ; . ) . 4c bid ; .5 Cooiltry ( pkll tn'l . 4e CUnlry ± I'l'1'1tOL.llJM-ltea0y HIN-lld ) ' . ; Unit ( < closed . 1.10\ \ ; . 'J'UI'I 1 N''INIQuel \ ; : 6f(36c. : CTON I1B ) OlkNo < l. > .lton 10 < bus. - _ . - " I " . . . - , . . . , . - . mcci . 110tMrl ) ttftise to eunceds Dn .thlnl. Ilel omen 1''UI" IS. Me , w 1 enog'.i .11'I.lel t"nc" 10 awaIt denl. Dmen ) ' . nCI.I'lrnl. MO.\I'F -1'lrr" " , OllAaCSly ; Cal Coml , 117 lU ) ; WCtt. un Itilin 12 t' . .r'J. Mirl.- . t Ill ! iron . qllet ; N.td . . SI3.00f2'.4Of ; . I J41enIcttnt.9t.'tJi2t.0. , . CII'er. qtmlet ; Irok rs' It , ItO . f'.fn. ; . exchange Irlc , . $3.24I9.3d . l.n.l. thai . : ttuktts' price . $ .1.1) e'clnn , e itrice. S.121 . ' 1"IlrOQ. ' Stra'ts ' , ZI3.DOi3.0 I : ; \1nIII. tenily , . fl" \ I IlrOQ. , ; " l9tk' ! . , ] .n' ' (3S. ; Snles on ehiane . fr ) tons - MiIch - tihi - . - ftUJ. _ . bJ' ( \\ILI : JF\'ln\ / TnAJ . IndicatIon . of Improvement In lu8lns8 (1mw 'mlore nlstnet. NfW YOnllrch 2-n. G Dun & Co.s weekly revltw et ttnde . which Issues tQmorlow. will Say : In < lcnlon9 of Improvement In IJsl- floss grow mere distinct. The most obtrusive of llmm . tIme speculative advance In cotton and In stocks . Is the least I reliable . nor can either of Ihe" , Ie said tl reflect octlnl In\lo\'ement In hUllnls9 conditions. Railroad earnings ate Renrcely better , anti the speculation Is Inmely LnRcI\ on the expectation of n more cfcct\e l\nOIJoly In coal anti Mme other products. Len- . doit wits buying largely , but is likely tO sell On nay 'i . ( ; fo does not rism' : eel e I. I toot C demand for Ioof.It because COttOn Is Ioof. mienrer More \'Mlln"I" Inllcnlans . are that the volume oC domestIc LUllne s gains I little . money 1f In much better legllllle tlcmnnl nnll the Coree oC hands nl work 11'.lunly increases In some In.luslrlls. , altO In DlhelR IA restricted only ! b ) ' strleo. which are lresulnhlY Iltl'ornty. . The rl8e In Cotton to 6.31 conll still seems 10 hays scarcely any contact with ; the facts of , I"lnn , ' en'i supply . hut haul n'er uhslanlnl 1n.s. ! ne\erlholePI. < . ! ns tome Illnlnln. more cOlon hail leII sohl In Ihls ( country for future 11 1\'er ) ' Omit could he lroluce.1 hole until snottier 11'01' come/ Iml elull Amcrleln slacks werc last Friday 1.345. . 0s Imleo. agaInst l.l.t.iO bales last ) ' 111. wlh ! , . . 00- thit , general c'xiecttttiofl htmL somelhlnK over 711. I" expelnlon I listles will Clle forwaiil . while foreign stocks ( wi 11 Amerlcon are 60.0 ' hales Ilcnlcr thou nt the same .llle . Itcr tie great crop or )1l . 1eceltlls continue large nUl th < movement has really no other baths tItan tIme heleC lint the next crop vtli he small. wi pmnl. wheat which slnrl.1 with the reo . port 01 wheat In farniers' hands has 1eel CDI. 10111 by n reaction . so that prices are ( owes ( lion they wcre prior 10 that report having Iml 2 c'tti ; Cur the week. Wesl'rn receipts rnlen I.DM3.21 21 clnU llls. against I.G33.3t taislols Inst year and for three we"ks were llrclenly nll year's . white Atlantic exports , ate e'llil ' I I. 10 Ilst ) ! lr's. whie Allntc S Com has not followed . malt armor I rise t tlc holc ' the price oC I week ago receipts being about I thlc oC Inst ) 'Inl"s ' and exports iflsigntllcnnt . Iork lntlclnl. declined : per btI. and lard SOc per 100 IbA. The nlmnco , In wnges Dr coke workers raises tIme cost oC fuel tor n large proporton or the Imn nianufactuters . hit ns yet does not nfec prllH oC Iron or its 11ulucls. ns ( itt increase In demnnl nPPNlts. Po"slbl I ) ' It It hOlell that larger l'I > 'i a g wil I soon be promlJtell 1) the idea that pig nnll all PrO1UCtSIhl be lenceell more cosl ) ' . though thl' large , 'xce" oC l.rolluclon . * oat , producing capacity slells In lie vay . One sale pr"lueng 10.01 Ins cnllacl sl.1 tails . ont ' case Tlhl contract for 9./ 1 tonS n bridge and live buildIng contracts n"glelnll ! nearly .O'J ' ) tOis ore reo , but ' hait IH weak without 1111111 otis veck . p'g lnn wlhoul change . hlih wecl. the "ls1 and nl Illsburc. and emnKI. . ' Is noted In time tie. no chnnKe oC consequence nolec te. , . continues itiand for Inlshed prlulucl. Copper contnles IJ1c WOlk ' " ' nl $ D.2 : for 111e. American p"lucton In February beIng 12.0,0 tons . and foreign 6.739 tons whIle t'l has risen shnI1,1) In $ .U. ' Lead 19 weaker , with heavy wiles ) 2.5' ' 1 toot .10' leslc and 1.500 tons 10 foreign takers nl $3.0 to $3.10. bUI , large saIL's or tin Pinto ate reported wlh prClS I phiIe stronger. The riFe In colon his stimulated bu'lng or gords nnll given conll1'nce 10 ! enls. Heavy IO'S . transactiotta and 81nl advances II Prices np. per In oliher ceUse "oOIA. but nol ns yet In time Ilnest. While many orders are Ilelnlned by later , liIlloUltteS. there Is nlso much complaint Iy dll"ulles. oC cancellations . whIch appear . 10 10 JUHlled In some cases by inferIor quality . hut In others not justified nl 01. Orders for fall are nt prcs- eat email and new hlslness has been Iluici. smal Sales oC wool gradually decrease and Cor the well , are smaller titan last year . 4.11.900 lb. . agaInst 4,33.SS0O Ibs. 1'01 three weeks or Match ; Hales indicate about 70 per cent un full can- sumittion. Failures for Ito ( pnst week have been 2j8 In ( lit' united States against 2H last cnr. and thirty-hive In Canada . against Oily last ) 'enr. CI.BAIUNU hOUSE 'OT\LS Aggregate of lu8hlcs' 'rnnsncted by the . \soclnlrd 1nll , I.n.t " 'cole. NEW ' YO1tl . March 2 . -The followIng table compIled by Ird"lrel's. ( shows the total clear- mmccc nt tIme principal cities and the percentage oC Increl.-c : or decrease , ns compared with ; the correspollnl welt lasl year : CITIES . I Clearings. ! Inc. 1 Dec. ! New York . . . . . . . . . . $ 512,919,172 . . . . Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . 2.G2.069 10.1. . . . Basion . . . . , . . . . , . . 83 474,600 17.3. . Ihlldellhlo . . . . . . . GII.5O.133 G.7. . . . HI. Louis . . . . . . . . . . 23.9:3.61 2'.l . , . . San I."rnclso . . . . . . 10.S01.487 . . . . . Baltmoro . . . . . . . . . 1.5D4.G G . . , . 3.2 1ItHburl . . . . . . . . . . 1.DI7.101 . . . . . . . Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 1.29J.400 ( ) 3.7 . . . Knnsns CIty . . . . . . . . . 9.0DI.OS4 , 4.1. . . New Orleans . . . . . . . ' . 3.105,795 14.3 . . . BuCCnio . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 3.833 _ 13.7. . . . Milwaulteo . . . , : . . . . 4.Hi.7 ) . . . 3.0 DetroIt < . . . . . . . . . . . . .G2S.S70 1.2. . . LouIsville . . . . . . . . . . 5.511.230 . . . . 9.0 1.llHIIe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . 22.7 . . Minneapolis . . . . . . . .5Gi.l0D 2.7 . OMAhA . . . . . . . . . . . 322J.22i . . . 20.3 l'rovltleace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pro\llenee . . . . . . 5.12 .2o 2.D . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . Cleveland . . . . . . . . houston . . . . . . . . . . . .02G.33 . . 2.3. . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HI. Paul . . . . . . . . 541,149 . . 1nul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311.H9 . . 111. . . , Denver . . . . . . . . . 2.75 .330 10.8. . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . Indianapolk . . . . . . 3.622. 8 13.7. In.lnnnpol" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Columbus . . . ( 0. . . . . 2.886.40 "llmlu8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 . Hartford . . . . . . . . . . 1.821.O 9.2 . . . Hchmonll ( . . . . . . . . . 2.12.917 4.5 . . . \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.90.35 25.3. \VnslIngton . . . . . .159,35O . 4.8. ! \"ohlngIDn Dnla" . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.3G1.3IG 1.0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 37.8 . , . . SI. Joseph . . . . . . . 1.580,6iO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PeorIa . . . . . . . . . 2.27.821 4,5. Memphis . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.7D. GD 6.5. . . . l'ortlnad . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.8. Ore. . . . . . . 1.15G.71 . 10rlnnd. nnel"sler . . . . . . . . . 1.5:0.6)1 ) ' 27.8. New Haven . . . . . . . . . 1.23.7W. . , G.D ' \ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ . . . . . 15.1 Savannah . . . . . . . 1,822il . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15.1 . Stiast. . . 1,505.511 . Springtleid . . . 4G.4. . \\'meesler . . lnss. . . . . . . . . . 1,2,4.151 2. . & . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . 5.3 l'orIlnnl ; Me. . . . . . . . 1.03t.7GI . . Iorlnnll. . 1Ie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . lnnla . . . . . . . . . . 1.042.9DO 10.4. . I.'ort Worlh . . . . . . . . . 1.816.6,0 ( ) 10,4. . , . . . 'Wnco ( . , . . . . . . . . . 2.5.7 . 121.0. . . . . Syracuse . . . . . . . . . . . E6j. ; 8 2.D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Del Moines . . . . . . SCj.40 . . . 6,2 . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . Grand 3j.G . . 39.W . Orml itaplds . . . . 127.0. . Seattle llpilis . . . . . . . . . . . . H U'2 . . 2.9. . 1.7 I.owel . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5700tD 1.D . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 8.8 WIlntigton Del. . . . . . Wlmlnglon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S.72 . 31,6. . . . . Nortolt . . . . . . . . 9SD.181 14,9. . . . FiIottx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . ' . . . . . . :0.3 Slolx CIty . . . . . . . I.02J . 11.8. I.OH Ciy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( , . j 21.7 . . . . . . . Ms Angeles . . . . . . . 1.1S7.3 . 21.7. . . . Tacoma . . . . . . . . . . . 54.JG 11.3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iiaginuw . . . . . . 4n.916 71.7. . . , . llch. . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spoknne . . . . . . 31D.8j2 71,7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.G JacksomnIllo . 3t2.13D . . . . . . Jlckln\lc : . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3H.03. . . . 2J.2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ; ; 4.3. . . . . . I Nev 11eltord . NlW . . . . . 2810 4.3. . Wlehln lellorc . . . . . . . . . . . 55.373 9.7. . . - . , . , . . , . . , . , , . . . . . . . Blrmlnghum . . . . . . . . 3n.S09 20.8. . Topeka . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.1.41 . . . . 18.8 TUlelm . , , . , . , . . . . . , . : . 39.8 . . . 3:0.378 LexIngton ICy . . . . . 9.7. . . 1lllhamplO1 . . . . . . . . . 315.400 2.6. . . . , ! uilch , , , , , . , , , 232,245 . . . . . . . : ' r'1\WerlT. \ I.I : : : : : : : : : : : : . : ; ' ) r : . : : : : : : . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Akron 0. . . . . . . . 23G.3D 4.3. . ' $ lringtleltl . 0. . . . . . . . lGI.4DS 10.2. . . . 'HIrlnglell. , . . . . . . . . . . . lH.ln 2.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Sloux Falls . . . . . . . 68.023 41,2 . . . . Fnl" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ' . . 41,3. . . 'F'remaoat Neh. . . . . . G9.02 . . , . , , , , , , , . , , , 57,573 , , , 41.1 llnsttngs Neb . . . . . . . 5.573. . . 'Chattanooga . . . . . . . . . 200.IOG . 24,1. 3.h oChntnnoon ol.'nrlo . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 131.9G2 ) 76.0. . Nashville . . . . . . . . . . DI.11 8,5. . tNlslwle . . . . . . . . . . 5,10.42 . 4.5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.ake . . . . . . . . . . 062,0)0 8.2 . Salt . . . . . UG2.0J Snl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226,361 . . . 13,4 Itocltford . . . . . . . 226.369. 1. Ioclltor . . . . . . . . . . . . . WU.301 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . 626,033 . . 2.7 . . . Hlrnnlon ; ( . . . . . . . 626,033. 'Kalamazoo . . . . . . . . . . . 28.1 % . 11,2. . . "l.tttle hock . . . . . . . . I . 238.IUG. . . . . . _ . : . . Total for United Statei I 932,491,315 13.6 . . . . xcluslve I uC Unlel Y rlt. 400,542,2.3'9,2. . . . DOMININ 0' C\N.\DA. Montient . . . . . . . . . . . $ " 1.01.\0 S.U . . . Monlenl 'olnlo . . . . . . . . . . . 4.D9G.25 . . ilahifax . . . . . . . . . . . \ S71.IS . . . . 16.3 Halrnx . . . . . . . . . . . 4,993,259. . 10.4 Hnmilon 'ilnll" ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . 69SC.0. . . - . . . - 1.6 'Fatal . . . . . , . . . , . . \ $ 18.18.933.4. \ . . . o Nol Included In totals bectiuso containing other items that ; eIearlItccs. . Nol Included In totals because ot no cam- parison I for last year . UHAUS''HEE' ' " U"\l W OJ T1tl)8. Illrovolont lit ' 11110 Noted nt Moat hl 1"'rtllt ( : onll'rf. NHYOItIC , 11nreh 22.-llradbtreet's tomor- row wIll stay ; ImI'lvrcnl In general trade Is . mor marked . hut not general I IB more con- 1leuou8 at larger New Engla'll iolais-no'abIy 10sion and l'lo\hl"nce. anti al New York l'itts- burg . ( 'titcinnatl . I.oulsvlliu anti other centers ( l.uls\I" alonti : lnellll. rIver 10 Ht. Louis fnl nB far vest n8 1ln.o. City . Simlnr epurlB coma tram Ciilttg. MiIrttttho" and SI. Paul the Ihsl lhl"I1Iwuul.o nnnl.1 ! \ nnnounelni that "ller Iluantll oC 6 leI cent money ate h < 'lnl oIel. < . thus hanks voalIng steadily tuwuul n 5 I.er cent basIs time demand Clr loans l'onlnulnl to Improve unit re- selves being lower Iln for a ) 'eue' pnsl. 1''m 11'\11 helnl tither cities a better feeling I. reported . baed 1 on the recently lenlol'N ' stmengthu II cotton . 1. wheat nndaur. . ' 'ho whlesprel.1 I'relulelce .r \aur. thu Inquiry whether thIs upward , 10\emenl I. time uejlnnlnl oC n 1' r/II'lt recovery ( roll ; the . , ' Is or Itself significant . Iwo years or Ilel'1'8SI01 II0r eljlllcanl. \S'Imlie important ptlce nwvenients there " 'hle umong 1010rlnni I > mo\e/enB : are reactions for wheat OolB coO lard final time I . \IUC rtncton. < last week . thIs was 10 " expected as the outcome ot n selling movement tu toke 1)0)11(5 ( . ellm.lzl1 Iy tl\'orlll crop reports 1'1011. Cr"l ; nbn1 antt freer recelpls. Quotations for Illhrlel" coal have been d"/orlze Int there Is little hope for them until those who make 1110 them desIre 10 have 11IL" ; ' higher and steady Hggs continue 10 decline and live hogs II seine western llnls are f lower , . weH1 jlnjhlla have closed out their storIes In sonic cases Iy cut lurices ' , but these cover about all the noteworthy declines In l'llcl' . " ' 01 remains unchanged . although time volume of business Is smaller . because I Is \IWC'1 seasons with ; dress goods /IB ant Austrshtat. . wools are mor IJI'ullr. No changes II quotationt are noted for cI . sugar or luvul aloles On tt. other hand col1n , his jump.ll Uhu 8I6C , Cumin I. 140 higher anti butter has 5""reQ ulII& cur ! Inl nnoUer allle. . Oti the l'aCiilc coast lumber < \ , ' ' ' cenlrnl western Is higher and 0vanc1ig' . anti at wlslem 'I. anl Ilr1el leather 1 Uv Ie vcr lb. and calfskin \ 40 to S pet' foot . I.ivs cnlll have also sal' lanced nl Ir coke . which. IRken In cnnpcton with Incra cd "llel ; pnll iron Inel steel 1 workel lt Plliburlc Indlc'Lte al Idl'nlcc for Jeucmcr Ill Iron Int blhies ( . Increled anne Is reported In Iome , 'nrlc' 1'3 of t tDn00 t. due \0 Ih advance In 101- ( ott . some \nrlet . having teen . mArlrd up ' Cent by manufacturers. JXMrR or wheftt In- clllnl flour 18 wheat from both constS . equal 219 S.CR hushel . this week or 07.0 bushels mote t Inn is ( week more than 60 0 bushels II e ' . list Cl 8 of the qUAnt IV shltPtll O\tIl In time thlid week f lt5rth . IS SB. , , ! more than & . ( busn. ti8 : In extms 01 the total In the like I week at l93. e Increase ) li coml'ar\ "Il the Ort0- .p"nllln" Iterlod nr 1 JQ 2. Ts n\mGt 40.0 bu.hel . Anti with 1891. more thol 800,000 bushels . Thtms Car the first time In many months , the 'rek's exports ot whCt have been in excess ot cone- Ixprls polllnl totals In four preceding ) 'lnN. 'hole. Sale trnc0 hns improved nt Toronto with ; job- market berm. Df la tiry stronger. goods and hardware . and the grain STOCKS ANU JON09. Upward : Iovllcnt lathe SeenIl . , Market JeeclvcR n Setback NIIW YOn March 22.-Time upwanl movement . mont on tIme Block exchange received another setback today . not serious except In so far ns the general advancing tendency was c\eekell : anti some of the leading stocks recorded \ fractional reactions. The only hnre" which showe,1 , I lessen on time da ' exceeding n. fraction ore SU"lue- hnnnn & 'estern which was subjected 10 n bear maul . accompanied by unfavorable rUmors. Amon" Ihe , , ' were Moles that the comlnlY haul failed In negotIations looking to an Increased - creased tonnage . . negtnton. , In 10011nl prolo.e,1 read- Jn8lmc'nl ; ntnong the anthracIte coal carrying loml1nles nmon/ eomllnne ! would lecel\e , lois favorable treatment Con81Ierhle stock , \ n. thrown on the market the elmlon shares selling off 2 per cent anti the preferred 3 . leI , cent. . \ time close recoveries had been 1"le oC ' 1'11 cent anti % . per cent respect\el ) ' . The general market opened sU"lg anti ncll' ( anti , ! nll'nnce was .ecoriNI . 111lnlP to 1 lead liar , cent wlh lelnwnlc & l.acltIWllln In the Ilt1 Spceulnton. however . soon became unsettled anti thc Illllg inegumian time must kel ! llunl ) ' lapsing Into .leclle.1 weaknes'm . Time mieptu'smmion continued In force until shortly after I o'cloll. when I rally look plmmce and the mlrkel , swung Into the ncerHI In good tone. Nl malerlli gains were mnle after 1 o'cocll. the dealings ! rowllg mlher dull . and 1 wes not tint ii Icr , lel\'e ' that n general reaction tceumrm.l . nnl from tml time IIJ II time close time market emms heallsllnl was mo.t plomilent 11 tIme U'nnHaetlnH. and after In early gain or % leI cetmt . tmrole 1"er \ cent on pellnl : . The stock closed , t per cent above the 10weHI and % her cent below yem.ieniay's clushlK Irlce. Chicago Gn" was notably s1OI ! on purclmases b3P hue new interest In time p1Ierl ) ' . anti mndc ; I net gain on time day of lU l'cr cenl. HUh.r wnt mlnillulate wllln a rlmge uC H. per cent closing nl < laos ot i . \ per cenl. Oen.11 mee- trio opined I. per cent lower muse ' her cent broke It per Cent . ree \ere,1 % per cent 1- acted % ocr cent nail rattled % pel' cent eloH' ' ' " ' . On or led- Ing 11 ) 'l'slerlo"s fIgures. a purchnse 1 O shares . $ t. Inul & Dululh 1'nnc"1 2 per cenl. Oregon NI\IJnlol antI Chlcll & Insl- era Iinois "reCclTo mesa 1 per celt nail Cottoti- seed Oil prererr"1 H. for eenl. Time other < changes on ' time tiny are merel' fnmmcttonai. Dell' WI'e & Laclnwannn 111'nle1 1 per cent fail off HI per cent and rallied % Per cent. New Jersey CnUII rosa 1 per cent lost the gail . mIlieu . liar cent , reacted . per cent anti regained - gained tier eenl. Time markc'l cl",1 weal The trading In bonds was less nnlmalel and ! < Iheru was con."le1hle irregularity In IJrlce. The losses however on time timmy ale In the mnln eonlnel tu fractions. Total sales were $ J642.UJ. ) Thc I\'cnlnl ; I'Ost'g London cnblellnm says : The stock nunlll ! were quiet ammO Irrellnr 10 < ay. Amerlcnl" were good . notmmbly , tcimi- sans . which were strong on n tip here 10 IU ) ' . I Iq believed that the details oC tIme reorganiza- tlon all . The will lon Hheme ama ni nrnngel. mectlK wi 10 hehl elr\ In .Imnil . anti time first nS8Bment II Icely 10 Ic plhl In May . Closing prices oC Amellons were rather weaker . except Atcimison whih clneed nl the hesl. Crane ! Trunks were < easIer The meeting oC proprietors yesterday resol'e1 10 seek t change In managenment . but the . 10 time nt vresnt bo.ly orlnnlzell oppose manngelent ; Is somali anti notery iatlumentlal . Ail sol. . . . . " 5 Norlhwcsler. , . IJ AllnmB Express . 13 'N , W. pfti. . . . . . 137 Ahtomm . T. I . . . . ' 38 N. Y. Ceimtm'ni. . . " \4 Ammm. 1xprcims. . . 12 N. Y. & N. E. . , . , 349 Inltmore &OImio . 5 : Ontario . . W. . . . lU ' Canal : ! Iacllc. . H Oregol Imp. . , . . 1 ! Cannla Soutlmermm . 41 ) i Oregon Na' . . . . 10 CellrnII'ncllc. . . 11 ! , 0. 3. L . . ( I. N. . 5 Ches & 01mb . . . 17H Iaelfo Mail. . . . . . 21 ) Chlcnlo Alton. . . . 11 1' . D. . . E. . . . . 4t ! c. n. he Q. . . . . . 72J' . 1'lttsbumrg. . . . . illS ChIcago la . . . . ' 12 ' Pnlmnl 1nlaco. lll COlsolhlntel ( las . 131\'lendlng. ( ' . . . . . . 11' ) (3. . C. . C. &St. I. . . . : it. U. W . . . . . . 11 Colo. Coal ' trot ; . 5 H. G. W . pM. . . . :7 : Collon Oil Cart. . . :81It.G.W. . . 03tttl.1 Delawar" . ' had . 127" St. Patti . . . . . . . 61' ( Del . Lack. &W , . lGlt.j do pid . . . . . . 15\ ! I ) . . It. G. pfd . . . : rH St. I' , & Onmaima . . : 31' D. .3 C. 1' Co. . . . . 11 to pin. . . . . . . 15 1nio. : . . . . . . . . . HH ( Sommtimern Pacific . 17 tie . 11. . . . . . 17f Sugar ; Ielnery , . . 18t , Frt Waymmo. " . . 164 ! Tent ; . Coal k IrOn 15) ) C. . Norlhern 11. . 105 , Toxaq Paclne. . . . 10 ! C. & . I. old. " . 02 T. . . 0 Coni. pfd . 77 Uockln Valley. . 24 i Unto ; ; Pacttic. . . . 0 liltcols Cemmtroi. . . 8 ( U. S Exprcsq. . . 40 Bt. P. , . Duluth . . 25V. . BI. 1 & I' . . . . n It. & P. pItt. . . . . . 24O < pith. . & . . . . . 14 Lake ErIe & Wosi 17 ! { Woli Fargo lOx . 104 < 0 Pfd. . . . . . . . . 7231 Wols ler 1'ar/o . . 87 ; Lake Shore. . . . . 1'J ( ! ' WheelIng & L E. 12 Lead Trust..1 . do pM. : . . . . . . . . 43' LouJBv\o" N. . Stiii M. .k BI. L. . . . . . 2 I. & N. A. " . . . . . 7O.'eRG . . . . . . Ills Mlholtu.Cn. ! . 108) ( G. ! . . . . . . . . . . m .Iemnoimls&O. . . 10 ) N. L. . . . . . . . . 11116 1lohlran Cent. . . 02" C. F. . ' L. . . . . . . 11T1 Missouri PacIfic . 219' < 0 p10. . . . . . . 10 Mobile & Ohio . ] 1 1 ! . & ' ' C. . . . . 2" 'Nammhmvlilo Cimat . 70 T. A. A. .tc N. M. . m : National Cordage . 14O ' T. Bt. L. " K. C. . . 1 dopfui. . Coralo. . . . . 1 " . dopftl. . . . . . . 10 N. < J. Central. . . . . 044 S. R. R. . . . . . . 12 N. & W.pca. . . 12" dopfd. . . . . . . . 3H ( North Am. Co. . . 4J' Am. 'fob. Co. . . . . D : : Norlher l'aellc. 3 : iot do pfd. . . . . . . . 107 No.Pnc.ICI. . . . 15J1 st. P. . M. & M . . 107 U1.D.&G . . . . . 41 . o bId The total sales ot stocks toi3a ) ' were 22.21 shnrf" . Inelullnl : Amerlcnn < Sugar 1.9JO ; ! American Toliacco . 6,2tO , ) ; Atclmlson 1.41) ) : Ihalti- mor & Ohio. 3.40 ; Cillcogo One 20.9 : D. & C. F' . . j5.10 ; D. & C. F. cartlilcates . 1.70 : Gen&al Hiectnic . 17.80 : New .Teroey Central . 7.10 ; New York & New England . titled assess- moat paid 3.0 ; New York & Wc.t- ant . 3.10 ; New York & Western pro- ferretS . 3.81 : Norlh American conmpany 3.2) ; I Nnrtlmwestern . 5.00 : nen.lng. 3.2/1 ) : SI Patti D.CO ; Suther Irlroad , 9,0)0'heeIing ; & Lake 13rie .20(1. ( . The following vera the closing quotations on time lendinG stocks oC the New York exchange today : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now Yorle .tiummoy .tlmsrket. NFW YO iK. March 22.-Money 01 call easy nl 2'h 11'1 vent ; last loan 2'h. closed 2per cent . ImMI . 11mCANT1LE lAIEI- % per S'l'FRLING 13XC1lANGE-Firm . with actual business In bankers' bills nl 81.894.891for do- flnd anti $ l.S7c&4,8S for sixty days , posted mates sl.ymt . 81.S8'hOOl.'JO CgITIFICATEf3 : commercial his. . $4.57. Closing quotations on bonUs were ns follows : U. 8. 41. meg. . new. 1:0 ( ! ( U. & it. G. 7s. . . 1n U . H. Is coup.ncw. 12036 D. ' It. G. U. . . . 82" 1. . S. us. rag . . . . 11C" Irlo 20s. . . . . . SIJls 1. 1. B. 6B.OOUP. . . . 16' G. U. . . 8. A. da. . 101 U. S. 4mm . tog . . . . Iii G. 11. . . M. A. 7B. . IOU U. 8. .t. . rul. . . . 112" ii. . . P. ' C. Os. . . . 1IB 'U.8. 2s. reg. . . . . 15 do t. . . . . . . . . lOOls ' ( 'acute Us of 05. lOt M. J..f T. 1M 4B. H2 'Ala. Class A. . . ItO ; d02'141. . . . . 50 ) 'Aln. Class D. . . lOl 'Mulunl Ulion 08. lOll tAla. Cluiii ; 0. . . 15 N. J. C. Gen. B. . Il" Cast 'Ala. Iumrrotmcy . hiS No. 1'10. isIs. . . . 1 : % La. New Oun. 4s. . 0.1 d02rs . . . . . . HO 'Mlssourl 0mm. . . . 100 ( ' N. W , Commimols. . . 13' tN C. Os. . . . . . . 127 do B. F. Dub. lls. 107 'N. C. 4mm . . . . . . IOU H. G. WCHI. Isis. . Ot ( S. O. nommitmemd. . . . I" St. P. CunBolH 71. 12i Tout ; . now Hot ( Is . 83km ! do c. & I' . W Sit lll "ronmi. new hot 6H Wi ) St L..I.M.ncl. G. " 'rcmmmm. old ( is. . . . UO st . 1. . , . 8. " Oen.O. 771 Vn. (3emmttmrtei. . . . 00 Vex. Pie. 1IB. . . It dodere1ctl. . . lIlt ! do 2e1H. . . . . . 2\ \ ( AlehlHol 4K. . . . 0(1)4 ( ) U . 1' . III or ' 00. . 1:1 : ! d02d A. . . . . . IH } WesI8horl4. . . 101 CanodlL So. 2'11. . 1 : ' So I It. . . . . . 88 ' 0. I' . IRis 01 ' 0 ; . 10" ) . S bid. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . 1o.lon Htoekuututon. . . nOsTON. MIUeh : 22.-Cal loamms . 4145 per cent : tmn loanI4. 'itIS per COtmt Cioatmir prices for tocitrm . bundK tutU Illnll ; 6hlroB ; A. 'I' & S. j" , . . . 6" Wis. Comitrat. . . . . . 3" Am. Smmirmur. . . . . . 0t ) ) 1IBol : 1cc. . . . 121 Am. Slllr11. . . U1 ' h'n. 131cc . 1'1'1. . . Oi Inv $ tate OtIS . . . H Alchl.m 2ds . . . . IHI Telo\hole. . 105 AlchlHll 4H. . . . . till lel iloimtotm . . Aluammy . 207 ( New 1lgland : thu . 10M ! iiostotm & Mlilo. . IU1 I Grim. leclrlc 58. . HH IUBlol . . . . . . . . 1112 WI. Cnmmt . Ists. . . I O. D. ) . Q. . . . . . 71 Atlatmtle . ' . . . . o I" Fitcimbmmr . . . . . A51 ( loBI ' n , \ Munlln : 3tU Gen. Electric. 1 . . . . Ii : IU IUlO . . 10SI01. . 11 Moxlenn C"llr.ll. 7 Cnlulet .1 lheci . 2AI ) N. Y..N. l3. . . . . 3.6 ( Cemmtentmtai . 10ob. . . 50 Oll Colon ) . . . . . . I71 ) { 'rlnkln. . . . . . 1 Ore' . Short Llue. . I ItearIMrlo. . . . . . 7" Ittmbber. . . . . . . . . 41J { Osceola. . . . . . . . 21 ! { WeHnll. . . . . . 01 Quincy. . . . . . 111 ( W"HI Emmmt : hId. . . . . HK .J.allrack. . . . , . . 1:2 Wt'stiimgimEheo. : . . : I Wol.crlnu. . . . . . 21 w. Elect . \tll. . . . . 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Stuit ' 1 ' r.smctto a Mllln , MOO t ( } ultHlo" : . SAN JRANCSCO.l'lrot 2JTim > olcl:1 olos- irmg follows quotatiomms : 11 mllll : BttkH tu-t.iy tyoro a AlI . . . . . . . . 2 : lIsle & Norcross. . 105- AnneB . . . . . . . 20 Justice . . . . . . HI Ilelcimer . . . . . :0 KUllucky Comm . . . 4 lest' iielclmer . . 81 Mexican. . . . . . . Al 10Uu ' Comi . . . . . 125 Mounl Dlablo. . . . 10 1lllon. . . . . . . :1 Oellental Con. . . 1 lulwcl' Comm . . . . 18 Opitir. . . . . . . . . 155 l'aledommta , . . . . . . 1 O\.erlan. . . . . . . 14 Challenge Con. . . 4 l.oloBI. . . . , . . . . 48 Clilon . . . . . . . . 46 Savago. . . . . . . . 30 Con. Col" Va . . 205 Seorimlon. . . . . . . . I ConII\crlal. . . I Sierra Noi'amia . . . 10 \ Crown i'oiut . . . . 28 Ullol Con. . . . . . . 50 Gaunt , & Curr ) . . . 4 ( YeLlow Jacket . . 62 Buyer b irs laUI : ( c. Mmcloal dollars , t2G 52fc ) Drafts . 81:11. 7"0 : t3IcMphlo. 10c. Nol York Almn ! ( jumtmutlomui. NFW YORK March 22-The to\owln : are time closing mlnln : Iluotalolsl Iiubwt'm' . . . . . . . 21 ( OntariO . . . . . . 000 lul\.r. . . . . . . . . . 47 Opitir . . ' . , . . . ' . . ' 13S Crown l'oimmt. : : : : : : 58 i'1ytnoutt : : : : : . : . : 20 Comm. Cal . & Va . . 2UO ( Qumicksilver . . . 100 Deadwood. . . . . 40 10 pit ! . . . . . 110 Gould & Curry. . .10 Sierra Ncrad. . . 70 Halo & Norrs8. 100 Standard . . . . . 221 1010 lako. . . . .lbUO 81anlar Con. . . . . 45 3dexicau. . . . . . bO Yellow jacket. . . t : Jn.lne. In Currency II 8111. NIIW ' 01\ . March 22LeadingVahi street banks report thut time amount ot business In S S S S S - etmrrency tIn "ia 'lh their clntry carte- SftOflileflta iim ' Imol.hal little < 1 nolhln" hRI \onlenl come II from th wesm , 11th' week nod Ihfl the C'liitmugc. istflk . ore iIQUS 10 borrow rather RI lend I" nccommatt their ' 5t0mCt ! . T0 I Iks yclhi nccmlt ' I,35.O l'.lnmctl. wee. : . ; iits ! 1rIM dsiI e arts how the followIng ' lr to\IW' ni results for time , Total receipts . 82 $ , - r.J ; total ) ' IfRIYI lorlA ( . Thl ! promisC ! . allowing for time U. $ i . gold received by the I.uenlin. I gain for II sublrensur of neatly $2.0.0. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ $2.0.0.OAI. \ CJ SmtU.lIAIUET. - Condition ot Tmllo 111 Qlolnton1 on 'tRplo RIII Fancy I'rotimmce. EGGS-I'cr dos. . 94f lIme. lIUTTI I-C\lhd stock . easc ; common 10 fair 10e ; fair 10 gael country . 1(12c ; choice 10 fancy 13'1t : gnlher.1 creamery 1e ; separator creatner3' . 18f3l9c. tYR POUI.TnY-Iens. 7(71 c ; YOUng ro8cr8. : Ge ; dmmclcs ) . 7858c : turkey . ! i8e \ : heavy tom8. 7e ; geese . ShOe. DlPSSEI l'OUI.TI\-Clleken. fair Sc ; choice large S6c ! ; choice small . 81 iDcj ; turlecys , fair to good D\HUue \ ; choice Imeavy . 1Ohi04c ; choice sInall . 10Wile ; ducks . fair to good . ShOe : fancy , Cul tlrmiseil . 10ite ; geese . tall 10 good 78c : fancy . full .Ire"sed lOhlc. OA.tC-liiute wing tent per Iloz. . :1.5 ; green wing teal ' er thai . Sl.23011.tO : ltmcks . mlxe.1 per doz. . $ .0 ( I'er : : \ ' $ , : fl.M $1015.0 : mallards nnl toil heads . U.Mf/3.0' / small rabbits. t.OO ; jack rabbits . 75c ; sijuitrel' , Mc. VI\.Cholcc : fat 70 Li 100 lb' . arc quoted at Ch16'4e : Inlge antI 1,110 . CHII'SCWlsconsln ftmil 3Qtc. . Young Amerl. can . lIe ; twins . 12'4c ; Nebraska nail . Iowa full erenm. lie ; Nebtnokn anti Iowa part skiimiil 7@ 8e : 1.lmlurler. No.1. lIe ; brick No.1. Ie ; S\lss. No. I. l5. Y-Ulllnnd ll ' . $9 ; midland . $3.5 ; lowland $0 ; rye 51mw . $5. t < , color mnlleR time Price on lmll' . Light Ihnles , sell time best . Only toll grades bring top Irlce I'IUEONS-l'er Iloz. . 1100(11,20. \EO . : $ . I'OT.TOES-Wesler stock ear lots 75c ; small lots . Soc. 011 llliANS-hjmit3 lucked navy . $2 ; Lima beans . per lb. . 5c. ONINHOn orders . $ h.SO(11t,0' 1 per bId. . $3. CAIIAGI'On or'r" . 2t4c. Cm.I I\-Cnuorlln. Ocll.o. i'li3'1' l'OTATOI'HOnOI : stock $2.10 ; Sian' 9,15. 82.00(12,25 ) : oeell. 12.2. & $ 1ht3l'1'8-h'er bhl. . $1.5 CAI10THler bid . $1.00. CAULIFI.O\13l1-l'er crate at 0 doe . and half or two ' ' 'Z. . 12.23. hiOltil13ltAllSll-I'er Ih. . 6135c. 1'AltSNil'i3-l'er bbl. . . IAIHNIIS-ler bll. $2. $ IITAIAOAS-Ie lb. . 1' % e. l'AltSh13Y-l'er doe litmimelmes . 3Sc. TtYhtNIl'S-l'er hhl. . S.5. Sl'INAClI-Per bid. . $ . F1IUITO. I'FSAISO-V'lncr ( Neiiis . mmone. . \III.ESCholo stock . $3.0O(15.50 ; box tmp- pi" $2. CISANIIRItlthIIS-Jcrsoy . . fancy $1. ' 12.0 per ILI. TlOIICAI , FRUITS. OnANGP-I.'lnrllns. per box $3.0 ; ( nlrornln Ic'llnnls. $3,7.11.0 ; \eI nn\nls. ; 3.10(13.73 : DG to 12G size $3.2 : . I1ANANAS-Clmimice stock 82.00(12.10 per hunch. l.l lONHl.slnns. sizes 30 10 300. choice , $3.10 ; fancy . $3.7U4.0. . . 1IHCEI.LANEOUB. OYSTEnS-Jl'lum. leI can . lGe : horseshoes 201 ; extra standards 21e : extra selects . 2c : corn , Pan ) ' selects 26c ; New York counts Sic ; bulks standard . tier gal. . 11.30. \eI FIGS-I.'nncy. H'1c : choice , 12113c ; California . bags . 7c. HONEY-Ncw Yorl . 16e ; dark . Hc : California . 15mGc. 1AII. SYI1UX'-Cahlon jugs per doz. . $12 ; Ixh\ ' . . gal. cans 13. NUTS-Almond. lIe ; l nllsh wnlnmmts soU- Ihell . l. 12c : standards , lIe ; filberts . lOse ; Brnzl rtmts . Sc. HAlI.H lnAUT-Cholce white . per bbl. , $5.10 ; per unit bbi. . 83.00(13.23. 1INCn AT-I""ncy. . In hnlC bbla . . per lb. . 5e ; 10-gnl. IC'ls. 6c ; condensed per case oC 3 doz. plcga . $2W. CIDEn-Pure juice per bbl. . $5 ; hnH bbl. . $3. . HIDPH AND TALI.OW. HIDES-No. 1 green hides . 314e : No. 2 green lmiles 3e : No. 1 green salted Imides . Sc ; No. 2 green salted Imides 4.c ! ; No. 1 green salted hides 25 : ; tn 4'1 ' lbs. . Sc ; No. 2 green salted Imldes. 25 to 10 lbs. . \c ; No. I vcnl caht . 8 10 15 Ibo. . . 8c ; No 2 veal calf 8 10 I : Ils. . .t ; No. I dr > fnl imidea 6c : No. 2 tiny that imtmjs _ , Lc ; No. 1 dry HI"I imlies ' Sc ; part cured kides , 'c per lb. hess than full > ' c , , rnrt a " \ l SHEI" : lFI.TRGr.n salted . each 251Cc ; green salted slenrln"s , ( Hhor woolec early , klno ) . encim . 6 61l5c : dry shearlnlH ( short woolld early skins ) . No.1. each 5@IO 1ry shenrln s ( shlrt wool el early skins ) . 1jo.'m2 each . 5c ; dry Inl J" Kansas ammO Nbrnlm bUlcher wool pelts . per Ih. . actual 'aigimt l6c ; . dry flint Kansas and NehrasklL meirraln wool' pm'1ts . ncr lb. . nelunl weigimt HIGo ; dry flInt . Colorado butcher wool polls , per Ih . actual 'Wfl"ht. H16c : dry Int Colorado murrin wo01 belts . per lb. . actual . . weighmt 45Cc. - TALLOW AND OHE.\SF Tnlow. No.1. 4e ; inllow . No. 2. 35c : grease . white A. 3(14t6c \ ; grease . white D. 3e : greece' . yellow. 3e : grease . dark . 2A(13c ! : old buttena2(1glc . \ ; beeswax , prime . 1I2o : rough tallow . _ c" . FmtS. FUnS-nenr. black ' No. 1 large $2.o ( 2.0 ; No. 1 medIum . $5 : No- Hmnl ; $8.o@10.0 ; bear blade . yearlIngs . No. 1arae. $2.o@15.o : No . ; 1 medium $0 : No 1 snaU ; ' $1 ; bear black . cubs. No.1 large . $6O0118.OOr.1Z medIum . 85.00616.0) ; No. 1 somali. $4 : bear . blaOk . Montana and Rocky mountain No. I large $ .i ( 2).0 ) : No I medium , 114 : No. I small . $0 : imOar. 1 . black 'Monlana yenr- lungs . No.1 large $2 ; No.1 medIum $8 ; No.1 small . $5 : bemu' . black. Montitna : cubs. No. 1 large : $6.50 ; No ; 1 medium . $ UO : No-1 , .naIl $3 : bear . silver tip. No. 1 large $20 : No. 1 macilIum . $2 : No. 1 small . $8 : bear silver tip . ) 'earlngs. No. 1 large $1 ; No. 1 m.dlum. $0 ; No. 1 small . $5 ; bear . silver tip cubs No. $ large , $6 ; No 1 medlumnt $4.50 : No. 1 small. $3 : itear . brown . No 1 Inre. $20.o'2.0 : No. 1 medIum $6 : No. I smnall . 112 : hemor brown . yenr- lngs , No. 1 large. $10.O 12.0 ; No. 1 medium . $8 : No 1 small . 16 : bear brown . cubs No. 1 large. $ : No. 1 medium $ : ; No. 1 srntll . U : badger No 1 large n.o@l.r ; No.1 medium . hOc ; No 1 small . ICe ; fIsher . No. I large $8 ; No 1 medium , $6 ; No. 1 small . $ ; fox sl\er. us 10 color nc- coaling 10 I"nuly. No 1 large . $0 : No. 1 medium $60 : No. 1 entaIl . $0 ; ( ox . crests No. 1 large . $7 ; No. 1 medium $3 : No. 1 small . $2 ; fox red . No. 1 large . 51.50 : . No. 1 mlum. $1.23 : No.1 small. $ : fox g1) ' . No.1 large 75c : No. 1 medium . Wo ; No. 1 small . lie : Cox kits No. 1 large 5O : No. I medIum 40c ; No. I rnall . ZOO : lynx. No. 1 large. $3 : No. 1 medimmm $2 ; No. 1 email . $1.50 ; marten . No. 1 harge ' $2 : No. 1 me. ilium . $1.50 ; No.1 smnl ! _ $ : mink No. 1 large . G016c ; No. 1 medium.40e : No 1 small . 3.c : minI . dark . No. I Inrge. Go : No. 1 melum. 40c : No 1 small . 20c ; lounllln lion perfect heo,1 , and feet No. 1 1 large $ ll.C05112.0O ; ImperCect skins 85.00517,00 ; No. 1 small . $ : : otter . little No. 1 large $1 : No 1 medium. $ S : No. 1 small . $ , maccoon No. 1 large . GO(17Oc ; No. 1 medium SIc : No. 1 small . SIc : raccoon . black n8 10 beauty . No. 1 large , SOchj$2.O0 ; skunk black . cased narrow - row striped. No. I ILje. W : No. 1 medium 40c No. 1 small . 25c : skunk broad alrlped. No. 1 large . 2ft2e : wol'erlne. No. 1 large . $ ; No. 1 mllum. $3 ; No. 1 small . $ : wolf mountain No 1 large. $3 ; No. 1 medimmm $ : No.1 small . 11.50 ; wolf . prairie No.1 laige G3190c : No. I medium. COo : No. 1 small . 4O : beaver . per skIn No. 1 large $ 1.00(16.00 ; No. 1 mediunm $ UO ; No. 1 small . $2 : l'layel kits , No. 1 large $ : No. 1 medium . 11.50 ; No. 1 small . 75c : muskrats . win. ten . No. 1 large . 8@10c' No.1 medium. Dc : No.1 small . 7e : muskrats tnh. No. 1 large , 4@6 : No. 1 medium 7e ; No.1 small . 6c ; muskrat kits , 2@3c. Llvurl"ul "I.rkot ! LIVNItPOOL. March -WHBAT-Spot quiet : demand poor ; No. 2 I-oil winter 4s 8,1 : No. 2 rail spring . Sit 21 : No. 1 Imorml Manitoba . Is 2d : No. 1 California . 51 Od. I'llures opened quiet but slelly ( with near anti distant po.llons m/d 1 lower ; closed Slellly whim March 140 I lower mind othem' monlhs lil , lower ; buslnes" 111\lesl on middle positions ; March 4/ SlId ; April . 4H 811d : Stay . 4s , 8'1 ; June 4s. 8d ; July j M ; August 4s .jmmi. COHN-Spot quiet ; AmerIcan mixed new 4s 2).i1 . Futures opened qul1 but steady with near and dIstant Ilo.lllons,1 lower : closed steady wlh August IlehnnCI and other months " . ,1 lower : buslncss hen\leHt on nearest 1 > 01. lions : March 4 2040 ; APril. 4H 21 ; May . 4H \onH 2YI 2)Stl ; June , 4H 2 .1 ; JulY , 4s 2'5ml : August . 4s 3. iLOtJIt-Sleaml3' : fair eh'mnll freely supplied ; BI. Louis fancy winter 5B 9J. IllO\IHIONH-lnrol. tIm m : moderate lemnnl , ; nlherlantl cut . 28 10 .30 I \s : . 32s G : short this > . 28 lb. . 32H G ; long clear ligimt . 38 II j5 his . 31 : long clear h 11 I' ) ' 55 Ib8. 31M GI : short clear backs eenr . 18 Itis. ' . 32" GII ; shor clear middle hea\y. 55 lbs. . 31 ; clear hlles. 1 10 Iii ; his . . 3s ; simouldars . soumire. 12 10 18 lbs. . 30s G ; lmanms ' shell cut , 1 10 16 I. . ; lOs : tallow . line Norlh , \merlon. numlnnl : beet extra India nmess SOs , prime maces . lOs ; Pork prime meSH fnl wI'sl"f. ,6H : 3d : prIme mneemm amettium . 51s 10 ; larml . steady ) ' . pllnJ western 31 G ; .eln.d . In pails. 35s G. llgl' : " -SI I1' ; dem.n,1 mnderlo ; finest 515. . 'tmnortcan whll. tDs 6 < h ; /I/esl / American colored . IIITTml-l'"lnpsl tnle,1 Stales 71s ; good . SOs . COTTON HF:13l : ) OlI,1slvetpooi refned. 1G.9 ? RNlr IN LINH131II ) . - J" ' lIWHII'IATOH " lmF-JorequnrlerB. 4140 1 ; hinmtqmmarters. G.I. . ItOl'56-At 1.lnllon. IJcllc coast ! 2 10s. Time 11-\ . ot wheat dimming tIme pmmst tlmrm'e miaymm l26iY)0 imu. , in5mlimtling 87,0Y ( ) item , lumen- can. 'limo receiPts of 4jntrcnn corn were 21,500 cemmtmmls % 'caiimer cloud' 000 iimrv tenlng. haiti IIALTIMOItU , March 22--Ft.OLTR-1)ull , tin. cimangeil , Receipts , 55,910 imbis. ; elmipments , 6,210) bbliimm. m sales , 320 bIlls , vl I iA'i'-luhi , ' i' ° t , , , ilmmm rnoedii , G0(1GO4e ; April , GOthiGlJlSc ; Mmmy , 613.(1SIitc ; steamer No. 2 red , 57l)57'4e. iteeehimts , 5 t33 Ott , ; stock , 42 72-5 iju. ; sales , 20,00) ) itti , ; iouthe n , ity emmmmpltt , 6011j62o ; eutlmt'm , tIll grade , & 7hi0iV.c. CORN-Easy ; SPOt , tIme manhim , 50611005cm April , 49tjStlc ; May , SIm3luiOlsc : Itteiumner , nixu1 , 4S350P 407c , ltecelpts , 64.19 $ him. ; stork , 579,211 imu , ; sales , 9,010) bu , iloptiiern wmite corn , SOc ; hootimern yellow , SIc. . OATS-Firm ; No. 2 'siiilte , lmc ; No , 2 mixed , 34hlIc , ilnck , 194lh9tbtt. ltYU-Hllow : No , 2 , fhtj57c , llecelpts , 1136 bu. ; stock. 22.800 Lw , ' geed to choIce tlnmoth' , * 1300(1 1310' GRAIN FIt13ICIITS-Steady , but sery qukt , jmmmicimemmter 'textiles. MANCIILSSTI3R , lilarcim 22--Cloths and yams firm , with an improved demand. N. W. HARRIS 8& CO BANKERe. 163-165 Dcarborn-st"Clmlcago , t Vail.st. , New York. 70 Stmmte.st. , Iloster CITY , COUZOTY SH0L wATFk and . 'ZRIUGHGRAD Deuglot ms 8o14 , Correspondcmlcc SelleitCO. OIAIIi1 LIVE STOCK liRIiET Demand Wa9 Good for Cattle of All Ku.s Yesterday , hOGS SOLD FIVE CENTS HIGHER Condiiion % 'cro Fa'onible to time Selling Interct ammd Iloga Carried Over front Titumtsday liroumgimt Ten Cttmtt Ad- vamico Ocr ( limit Day. FRIDAY , March 22. Today's receipts colislsted of 173 cattle , m,572 hogs anti ds sheep , as against 1,193 cattle , 2,760 hogs and 107 511001) ) OIl Friday of last week , lioceipts for the week thus far are 9,700 cattle , 17,800 imogs nini 2ICO sheep , as against 6,250 , cattle , 14,117 hogs ntid 2,132 sheep for time same period last week. CATTLF-TImere were fifty-four fresh bonds of cattle of all kinds In time yards today , as mtgalnst sevetmty-tlmree loads ycster. clay. Than demmtnd was gooti for desirable cattle of all kltids and time market was tea- sonabiy active. .At time close of time tl'ttde , vhmlclm teas early , timera were von > ' few cattle tiiat were at all attractive reltlallliilg ill hlrst httd. Beef steers tvcre In good reqttcst nIt steady Prices , There were Soliie better cat- the in ( lie yards titan yesterday anti for that reason the sales show up to better itmbvatm- ( age. Some conimfeti natives brought 5.30 and $5.25 , and sotmie lighter cattle $ i.73 A tntiii of Oregon htty fed steers welit at $1.60. 'rhiere vere only fotir or five loads of kill- log cotvs anti imeifers In time yards. Under the inhitmence of time lIght receipts amid good ( Ietmmntmci time market tvams strong. Some natIve cows sold at $1.05. Commnion caIlnerS timid rough stock relmiain about steady. Good stockers amid feeders , both light atmd heavy weights , contintie iii gooti tlc'nmand at fully steady irlces. Iloider of such cattle have experielmeed no tlliIicuit' In ummloading at very satIsfactory prices. l'imere is , however - ever , a stIrplims of continon light stock cat- tie , tend no one appears to want them. As a result , time market on that class of stuff is very slow anti lower. Ilelmreseutativc sales : 1110111. ' SThB3ltS. No. At' , Pr. No. y , l'r. No. Av. I'r , I. . , , 790 * 3 10 2 l. . . 106' , 14 20 lJ.1l$3 $4 75 1. , . . 634) 3 75 I.122) 4 23 4l..1IOS 4 75 6. . . . 1010 3 tt ) 7. , . .1030 4 Ci ) 19 , , , , 102 4 SI ) I. , . , 1180 4 10 14..1l46 4 65 22..I276 5 20 2.1023 I II ) 2l..i063 4 65 23..lii ) 5 30 8,855 415 COW'S. 1 , , , . 760 75 1 , , . , 570 2 II ) 5. . . . SOC DO 1 , . , . 501) 1 27 I..l0J0 2 ( Ii ) I.IO9O 00 3. . , . 040 3' ' . . . , $01 2 00 2..il23 0' ' ) 1. . . . 921) 1 35 1. , . . t'21 ' 2 00 4.i012 0' ' ) 1. . . . 50' ' ) 33 1. . . , 52' ' ) 2 0) I.,113i ) 00 1. , . . 570 1 41) 1.102t ) I , (10 ( l.iOSO Ii ) 1. . , , 770 1 Ii ) 1. . . . 87(1 ( 2 0' ) 5. . . . Sill 0' ' ) 2. , . , ISS 1 to ) I. . . . 970 2 00 5. . , .10)1 ) 3 00 1. , , . $61) I so 3. . . . .130' 2 0' ) I..l12) ) ii ) I. . , . Sot ) 1 10 1. . . . 80(0 ( 2 15 1..I2Si ) S 14) 1. , , , SZi ) 1 00 I..103i ) 25 1. . . . Jii 3 10 3. . , . 166 1 so 1. . . .122) 2 1,1) 2. . .lOGi ) 3 10 2. . . , 167 1 55 1..lU10 ii ) I. . . . SilO 3 23 1. . . . $60 1 Ci ) 10. . , . 500 " 50 2. . .1040 3 23 I. . . , ISO I C' ' ) 1 , . , , 031) 2 tO 1..1100 3 35 3. , . , 876 63 1. . .1010 Ii ) I. . . . 940 3 50 2. . , 1135 63 t..lZs ) 50 l..10S ) 310 1. , , . 82' ' ) 75 6. . . ,1003 to ) i , , . .ll9I ) 3 10 2. . . . 855 7. , 2. , . , 933 65 1.1l50 3 tO 3. . . . 063 73 2..1033 73 1..13341 3 63 1. . . . 721 ) . . . , 763 SI 2.,1210 3 63 7. , . . 89 , . , . 660 75 1i22) 365 1. , , , 7141 ) . . . . 1010 75 2. . . . 1415 3 75 2. , . , 903 55 6. . . . 74' ' ) . . . . 1074) 3 75 i..1030 DO 3.loo ; SO 17. . . , I1SS 4 05 IIF7IFHIIS. 2. . , . 665 3 25 11. . . , 393 2 25 3 , . . , 40) 300 1. . . . 740 2 04) 1. . . . 113) 2 23 4. . , . 715 300 3. , . , 666 2 00 4. . . . 705 2 30 7 , . . . 39) 3 00 l.,834) 200 12. . . . GIG 2 30 1. . , . SIt ) 325 4 , , . . 615 2 15 5 , . . . 530 2 35 1. . , . IS ) 3 50 7. , . . 408 2 13 1. . . , Cli ) 2 50 1. . . . &S0 4 (5) 3. . . . 566 2 21) 1. . . , 40 2 75 1. . . . 560 4 00 1. . . . 510' 2 2) 1. , . . 710 2 75 2..Il03 4 00 8. . . 411 2 2) DULLS. l,1230 2 20 l..117O 5 50 l.,1570 27S 1 , . . . 770 5 25 I..1660 2 70 1..1410 3 50 1. . . . 970 240 CA L'138. ' 4. . . . 327 2 00 1 , . . . 170 2 55 1. . . . 104) 1 00 1. . . . 304) 2 Oil I. . . . 320 3 04) 130I tiO 1. . . , 370 00 4. . . . 332 3 0. . . . . . 18) 4 5I 3. . . . 26 II ) I. . . . 351) 3 15 1. . . . 110 4 50 2 , . . . 175 23 5. , . 334 1 15 2. . . . 15) 5 0) 2.,235 25 2. . . . 95 35' ' ) STOCKDI1S AND FFEDE1lS. 2. . . . 770 - 0' ) 7. . . . 578 2 140 9. . , 700 3 40 2. . , . 740 2. ; 4. . . . 650 3 00 2. . . , 760 3 10 3. . , . 760 40 2..1023 3 00 24 , . . . 750 3 40 1. . . . 150 60 11. . . 512 3 00 9. . . . 571 3 40 1. . . . 810 10 10. . . . 675 3 00 1. . . . 590 3 tO I. . . . 760 53 34 , . . . 720 00 11. . . . 7(0 2 50 4. . . - 515 60 1. . . . 760 3 10 S. . . . 778 3 t.5 21 , . . . 500 65 2. . . . 440 15 2. . . . 920 3 CO 22. . . . 819 73 7. . . . 632 15 6. . . . 543 3 6) 1. . . . 160 75 f , . . . 650 23 5..lOii 3 (5 Ii. . . . 780 75 45. . . . 850 25 2. . . . 913 3 65 14. . . . $21 73 1 , . . .1000 25 16 , . , . 900 3 50 5. . . . SSZ DO 6. . . . 813 25 (2. . . .10S4 3 87 ½ 33 , . . . 610 90 35. . . . 615 40 te b01ilitlN 0. Pacific Live Stock Company. No At' . l'r. No Av. Pr , 143 steers..1140 $4 GO 11 $ steers..1153 $4 6) 11005-The receipts today were forty-seven loads , against twenty-nine yesterdas' , ammO in addition - dition to the fresim receIpts there were 500 head of holdovers , incluiimmg , pigs anml all. A few loam ! ' were carried over from yesterday in iirst imands. Time quality at tIme offerings was about tIme snnme as that of most cla > s of late , except timat there was a better top. CondItions were favorable to the seihlag interests and the market was about So higher. Some of the hogs carniotl over ( mom yesterday brought SOc more timan was offered for them at time close of yesterday's mnanlcet. Ona 'ery muttractlve load , whmlcim was better tlman any. timing here yesterday. sold at $1.50 , or lOc above the top yesterday. 'rhe market was falmly active at time aivmmnce , and the' 'iens were cletueti at an earl > ' imour. Representative sales : No y SIi. Pr No Av. Slm. Pr. $ . . . . . . . . . . . $1 15 'JO..206 160 $1 45 43..160 40 4 25 . . . . . . . . , . . 43 52. . . . . . . . 1 72. , . 4 25 4 . , , , , , . . 300 . 45 . . . . . . . . ) , . . 4 30 . . . . . . . . , . . 43 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 30 . . . . . . . . 40 45 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20 63..201 120 45 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 20 87..ISO 80 47' 107..161 . , , 4 35 . . . . . . . . 40 47(4 . . . . . . . . , 4 33 . . . . . . . . . . , . . 4714 , . . . . . . . . 50 4 33 76..2437 . . . 47 ( . . . . . . . . $ , 4 15 . . . . . . . . 164) 1715 . . . . . . . . : . . , 4 35 . . . . . . . . . 40 50 311..103 . . , 4 33 . . . . . . . . , . . 10 . . . . . . . . . , 35 . . . . . . . . 40 Si ) 43 . , . . . , . . ISO , . :13 : 59..202 . . . 50 3 . . . . . . . . 233 , 40 78 . . , . . , . , 123 80 tO . . . . . . . . 40 40 71 . , , . . . . . 215 80 SO . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 75 . . . , . . . . 235 . . . 10 CS--------161 . . , 40 7.2 , . , , . , . . 201 120 4 50 . . . . . . . . 80 40 38 , , , , , , , ,2 12 , I 50 . . . . . . . . ' ) 40 40 , . . . . . . . . , . 4 50 . . . . . . . . . , . . 40 . . . . . . . . . , . 4 50 . . . . . . . . . . . 40 51 , , , , . , . .2 16 . . . 4 10 95 , , . , . , , - ISO SO 40 58 . , , , . . , . 220 160 4 50 23 . . , , , , . ISO . , , 40 Ii . . , , . , , , 220 . . . 4 52t5 . . . . . . . . , . . 40 74 . . . . . . . .218 40 4 15 . . . . . . . . SO 40 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 55 . . . . . . . . . . , 4 40 47 . , , , . , , . 206 40 4 55 . . . . . . . . . . . 4 40 26 . , , , , . , . 233 , , , 4 55 28 . , . . . . . . 218 200 4 40 Ci . . . . . . . .244 40 4 571/i 14 , , . , . . , , 208 . . . 4 40 71 , . . . . , , . 218 80 4 1 % 87 . , . , . , . . 211 40 4 45 63 , . , . , . , , 264 , . , 4 60 47 . , . , , . , , 209 160 4 45 63 , . , , . . . . 276 80 4 60 73 . , , , , . . . 201 50 4 45 63. . , , . , . , : toi . , , 4 ( .0 10 , . , , . . , . 230 40 4 45 . . . . . . . . . . , . 4 63 "IS. I , . . , . . . . ISO . , , 2 2I ' 17 . . , , , , , . 103 . , , I 00 20. . . . . . . . 79 . . , : i 0' 25 . , , , , , . . 120 , . . 4 ( tO I. . . . . . . . 90 . . 300 20 . . , , . . . , l' .0) , , . 4140 5. . . . . . . . nil . . . 3 00 19 , , , , . , . . 114 , , , 4 05 20 , . , , . , . . SO , , , 3 23 12 , , , , , . , 138 , , , 4 10 25 , . . . , . , . ii . . . S 75 120 . , . 4 10 . . . . . . . . , , , 3 50 . . . . . . . . $ , , . 4 32(5 lllllOgi'-Thmere were two loatis cit sheep imei toils ) ' . . _ Tme ! demimnd wutifair nmni the , mmmarke , , - utrmmm. Fair tO clmomco oat mves am-u mt'lttt' ' ' , , . ( mom $3 ( ml $1.55 , fall' to good weeterns at Irons $2.75 In $423. consumon anti toelc CItt'el ) at ( room 12 to $3. onil gooil tO elmoice 410 to 100 iii. lamimba mt from $3.23 to * 3. ltepreeetmtatlvto smiles ; No. W't , I'r. 117 Colorado mixed , . . , , , . . . . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . 78 $3 574 3ccotpttentI ilspOsltImm of Stolr , OllIclal receipts anti disposition of stock as simown by time books of the Union Stock Ymurds cotnimany for time twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock 1' . ma. , March 22 , 1533 : 1tECI311'TS. Cars , i1am1. ( attlo , , , . , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , , . . , . . ' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' ' St 1,573 hogs . , , , , . , . . . , . . , . , , , . , . , , . . , . . . , . . . . . . ' . ' . ' ' 47 3,572 illmeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 IISPOITION , Iluyer. C.mtlle. Slugs. Sheep. ( Omaha l'acking company. , , . S 1124 Time U. 11 , Ilnommond Co. . , , 95 516 436 Swift & ( tflflittfly. ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3)0 872 Time (3uilaimy Packing Co , , . , , LI it.'J l'iaaklngton , , , , , . , , , , , . , . , . . , . , , . . , 330 0 , It. It. , Sioux City , . , , . , , , , . , , , . . 311 ( 'udalmy. Kansas Cit ) ' . . . . , . . , I'S , . . . . . . it , Ilecle'r & Degen . . . , , . , , , , 102 . . . , , , , . . . J , Lehman , . . . , , , , . , , , , . . . . . . . , 336 L. Becker , . , , . . . . . . , , . . . . , . . . 8 , . , , , , . . . . Hamilton & 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 i0imipmers and feeders . . . . . . . . . 523 , . . , , . , . . , Total's . . . . . , , , , , . , . . . . . . . ' , . 1,401 4,221 430 hOt , Loumis lAva 8100K Slmirget. ST. 14)1118 , 2lmmrcim 22-CATTLIS-lteceipts , 1,20) ) imemuil shipments. 40' imeatl ; mmmmleet strong but offerings not ibm-st class ; geniI to choice simb , ' ping steers ut'anbetl at 85.00136,00 : fair to nmeiliunm , $4.'L 4h5.00 ; Iigimt wplgimts. 83.00114.00 : feeders. $1.25 (13.75 ; stockers , $2.6)4j3.23 ; cows , 2.O3(11.15 ; fed steers , 'texas , $3.234m4.5O ; grmmsmm steers , 'I'ttxus 12.50043.75 : cows , $1,514i2.15. hIOtlIS-lteceiiitl' . 4. 44)0 imead : simipmneot. 2.tO0 head ; omarket & (1lOc higher imn'l firm ; heavy , $1.0) (11.75 ; tmiixel , $ l.3544.6S : ilglmt , 84.100(4.60. ( 8l110li'-lteceiiits , 700 ut-au ; s'lmiprmmenis , none ; market active antI 11cm ; good mOtIons wanttel at full prices , Natives sahil at $ i.50(14.6S ; tmiixtmi , $3.8:4i4.5o ; Iteombit , $4S51J5.00. Stock him 5lgimt. Record of receIpts of time four principal markets for Friday , March 22 , 1805 : Cattle , Itogs. t4heep. South Omnalma . . , , , . . . , . , . . . . . , 1.73 3.572 II'm Cimicago . , . . , , , , . , . , , , , , .i. , . . . , 4.100 2i.ti00 9,004) Kansas City . , . , . , , , , . . . . . . . . . 6.700 8,100 1,80(1 ( tOt , Louis , , , . , . , , , , , , . . , . , , . . . , 1,200 1.40' ) ScO Totals . , . , , . . , , , , . , . , . , , , , . . 13,973 37,202 11,538 1Cnnmi.ust'lty Live SloclC , ISANSAS CITY , March 22.-CATTL13-ItCCeiPts , 4 OUR OFFER. offered for fillY 1oc1md1 Salts frnitttl in breai I1IIOOOIOO wIth CALUMIT BAKING PO\VDUR. bakca4 o1ferc for on Alum found Iii lmrcad bakcil with I CALUMUT AKING PO\VIMR. 4i $1000.00 offered for any Anmmonia foutmul ill brccal baktt stith I , _ _ _ . _ _ CALUMIT BAKING PO\VDUI. I siooo.oo offered for Lime found in brcnd baked with S S ; . CALUMflT A1 < INU - S offered for 1nurlous unwholesome substaimcc ' $ IOOOOO tiny or 'r _ _ _ _ _ found iii CAL MT BAKING I'O\VIflR. ' $1000100 offered for any l5nking T'owtlcr that will munkc bcttcr 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ bread thati CALUMI'1' BAKING POWLLR. , We mean every offer wc malcc. If you're not using Calumet you t should. A pinch of it has powcr enough to do a pound of leavening. V CALUMET BAICIG { POWDER CO. , CHICAGO. ' , 4AL41AA4 5- 6,700 ims'nd ; t'liipnients , 1,700 imen,1 ; muacleet steady to IOn meyer ; today's steers , $350014.60 ; 'testes roots , $2.54)Ii'.fO ; lied steers , $4.lO0JG.Oi ; mmqtivn ames , * l.23814,75 : stocimem's tmnil feeders , 12.230) 1.0,3 ; itulls , * 2.23013 10. llOtIS-lteceiptti , 5,101) immil ; sititiments , 400 imemid ; nmatket bIllIe' higher ; bull ; ot stilt's. $1 40 (11.60' lmeavics , 84.10(11.70 ; packers , 84.40(14.70 ; mmmixed , $ l,40544'm ( ) ; ligimts , $ l.lO'm'l.lS ; 'S'orhems , $1.40 (14.15 : pigs , 81.00111.25. 51h13131'-lteceiiis , 1,500 head ; slmihmnients , 2(0 imead ; tmiarkct strommg. ChICAGO Li % 'li sTOfilt , ' 1 imero 'sTies me ( looct letmmmttmtl for Cmtttle atitl time Market tS'mms Firmmm , CHICAGO , Maccit 22-There was a roomS tie. mmmanti for cattle amid time nmarket vas 11th ) . Time supitiS' was small tiflil tIme great halt of tlmat Imummiber oe'mus out of sellers' lmarmiis betote 10 o'clock , Tlmere were sotmme gao , ! Lnmticiies anmong tIme offerings , and timere were severmml pmules mit $6 anti better. but steers tvortlm front 15 to $5,140 antI cows minil hulls constituted time built of timet supply , Extra steel s tvere qtmtilt'ml itt ( remit 16.29 to 16.50. and lmcltt'rs of extra quality terre saiai0e arotmtmil $3. ( 'otmmtmmon stuff ts'mis dull at train $1.73 to 62.13. Time stocker ammil feeile'r ti'aile nimem was , iumiet , both ; beimmg t estricteil tiy time Ii ighm ma Ice. Frotmi Sc to iCe moore was hut Oil time mmmamltct value of hogs toe1mt' , Timmut emm I teil the hiost heavy gm tuileg close to $5 per 104) ) his. Timere were mu nuimmbor of trachea at fromn $1.00 to $4.85 , nimil otto 01' tW't ) at $4.90. Most mmn9'timing thmmut wmts at melt ( mit could be tumneil over at better tItan 81.45 , mmii time mimajonity of time 21,0(01 Imead receive.1 ( ohm > ' sohml at frommi $1.50 to $4.80 , or at fromfl 81.70 to $4.65 for comunmon to good ilglmt anti mit ( rota $ iC0 to * 4.80 for averages ot over 200 lbs. There wims a keen ulemmmmmnd from lotim shihipems atm , ! paciters. Tlmere eras lIttle clmnnge in time sbmei4 tmmai bet. Time ulemnamiel teas gaul mmii time , mhTentimgs scene llronmtmtly taken at full prices. l'msir to clmoicc ttht'eh ) were qmmotetl at from 84 to * 4,75. aimil lammilis of like quality at from $3.75 to $5.7 > . I4xtta qualIty sold at a moderate advammce on timese prices. Receipts : Cattle , 4,500 ImeatI : calves , ZOO Imead ; Imogs , 21,000 head ; sheep , 9,000 head. Nose' York I.tt' , , Stuck Market. NFIW YORK , Mareim iti.DESI1VEIteceipts , 3.836 imeatl ; on sale , 3 cars ; maarlat 01100011 active ; steers , oxen nnii gnol cows 10(1150 itlgimer ; choeel quIet btmt steady : native elects , liter to good , 84.50615.50 : oxen , $2.70j5.23 ; btmlls , $2 60(11.50 : dry cows , 81.50(14.23 , 13uropemmn cables otmyte AImmer- lean titeem's at ilhj1lSc per lb. , , lm'essid eceiglmt. No expmmrts today ; tommmurrmW , 835 beeves , 1,000 almeep anti 4.150 quarters of beet. CAL'ES-lteet'ihmts , 50 imenil ; on sate , 50 hiemmil ; omarkot active ; vemihi' , poor to faIr , $1.10. Si1l3EL' ANt ) LAMIt-iteceilmts , 1,753 imeaui ; 2,3(0 ( on sale ; maarkat active , bitt prices weak ; sheep , hoer to gao , ) , 84,23145.40 ; Inmabs , eotnmmeOii to prime , 63.00616,25. ltOGS-Iteceipts , 4,896 lmemmd ; muarbet steady at I 1.90035. 25. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ St. Lotils Oemmer.ii Market , ST. LOUiS , March 22.-FLOUIt--Qutict , easier ; patents , $2.75(12.S3 : extra fancy , $21052.60 ; cimoice to fancy , , 52,00(12.50. WIlSAT-Olmene.t met 14,0 decline , wltlmout much for sale , later the luying became ncttvo and the hmrtee adt'aacetl % (1c , then broke ) ir015c on free offerIngs , rallied again. butt cloceul ' 5o below 'e. terday ; No. 2 red. coal ; , S3o naked ; May , lISa IliAc ( mid ; July , 133t4(15.'tc ( bid , COhN-AIim ohteneul mAc lower , but a steady LOne elevelopeel on it good demnand and a scarcity of the product ; recovered ( Sc , ImOGminme weak later in sympatimy wltim wheat , declined % c , recovered a fraction and cioseil ½ o under yestemulmey : 0'.o. mixed , caslm , 42c asked ; Itlay , 42c asked July , 43(40 asked. dATS-Weak for fptures early , firmed up later and closed with buyers m4(1c beloev yesterday. Spot , lowerNo. : 2 , enshm , SIc ; May , 25i&3Oc bid ; June. 23 ½ F2'J05C aemmea. liliAN-SIC bid , east track. COlON MIOAL-$2.15612.20. FLAX 8123(10-Quiet : $1.31. cLOVlOht Sh'1101)-ActCVe , higher ; cimohce. $0.20 (18.40. TIMOThY SIOED-$5.33i115,50. hAY-Active. mstm'ong for fancy grades ; prattle , cimotce to strictly fmmncy. $9.O0(11O.10 timmotlmy , prime to clmolce , $9.75(1I1.25. 20c seharatOr ImUTTEIS-StCadl' fancy Elgln , creamery , 14(1)Zc. % VlIli4IY-$1.28 for distillers' finished goods. L13AD-Firm $2.10. S1'IILT13It-llighmer $ I.07'h. pItOVIStONS-I'orh ; , standard mess. jolhilng , fl2. Lard , tnime steam. $6.60 : clmolce , $6.70. lry salt meats , boxed simoullers , $4.87(4 longs , $5.57 ½ : simorts , 56.12(1. lincon , boxeti stmoulders. rltms , $6 : 83.51(1 ; longs , $6.37 ½ ; ribs , o6.10 ; 1morts , 86.62. IIEC13IP'l'S-l"ioitr , 3,000 bhls. ; whmeit , 8,000 bu. : corn. 11,000 bum. ; oats , 20,000 101. 81lI1'MIONTS-FiOttr , 8.000 bbls. ; whmeat , 47,000 bu. ; corn , 148,000 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu. CtITeti 111 mirKer. NEW YO1ll ( . March 22.COFF13EOptiOflS opeaeml irregImlmmi' at 10 lolnts advance to 5 limluis mull day with few dechimie , mid watt stupidly dull variations. Clomicil steady at from 5 IcointS advance - vance to 5 ht0int5 declIne , Sales , 3,500 immugs , I eluding March. 015.35 : May , $14.11 : .11mb' , $11.95 ; . November , 811,65 : Decent- .Septemmmber , $ i4,70(114.75 her , $14.60 , Spot coffee , 1(10 , quiet ; Na. 7 , 3662 ½ ; . Sales mild , stemtdy Corilova , 510,50(11300. rummmore'l , 7,1101) hags 111mm , ) ) , anti tIm ttrrIt'O , p. t. : also 30' ) ( tags of $ antott l'oaberr ) ' 2,10) bags and of 2-taracaillom 54)4) lili5 of Central American , 100 Imags of , lmemmmaicti , p. \VaroImoUso delIverieS train New York yeittortlay , 3,169 bags ; New TonIc stock today , 368,203 iags , totiml visible for time Unhiemi States , 440,160 bags , tmgalnt 440.204 bags last I IAVII1'i. year. March 22COFI'1312-"Olmeimeul stemudy atS(1'A1 amivmunco ; at 12 ft. Irregumlar , Un- clmmengenl ; at 3 p. m. . unchttngeml choKd Irregular - lar at 'MI'lut net advance for the day , Sales , 25,10)4) bags. IIANTOS , Marcim 22.-Firm ; good average Santos - tos , 1G.OO , lteceiitts. 9.0' ) ' ) bags ; stock , 26,00) lnmgs. itAMltUIti , Marclm 22.-QuIet , (5 pfg. decline to t % pIg. amlyance. Smiles , 5.00' ' ) iagmm. 1110 1)10 JANIIIRO , March 22-1lrrn ; No. 7 , 9750 , Iteceihmts. 7,101' ' ) HIt ) , $16.70 : exchmaimge himigmm clemiretl for time United States , 7,00' ) liags ; : cleated for Europe , 1,004) bagsstoChc ; , 92,00) bags. 'mt,1 , Market. LONDON. March 22.-At ( ito wool sales trmmlay time demtmnil tynim ite'nettt for ; nmill faulty Imarcels , ttimiclm reilect the aIVmmliCtl , motel , Amnem iemt uymmn a srnmmll , .t'raior. Z'Jeuv t4autIm'ales , scoutemi , 7161imu ' 4'ul ; greasy , 3'4tO ½ ii Qmmeumm"Imimitl , . . scoured , Silllla Oil ; gmemtsy , 537ltl. Victoria , ' scoureil. - - 914illiltt ½ il : gmemtmty - . . - . , " 3itOOis . - - . . . . . lii. . . b'ommilt Austrahhmu seoureit s'mtjs i , , , , - , . . . , , . Steno Itlver , , greasy , , , 314@hm4il , 'Fastmmatmilm , ametmured , 75014,0. NeW 7etmltmniI , ecoureti , 81(11(1 ( ] , , I tt)3i0 ammO is lii ; greasy , 3l6m lii , Cape of ( Nmetai , scoured , 70(110 2 1 ; greasy , 4 ½ 616050 , Slliw'munitt'ti 5lmsrltnt , 2t1 I LVAt1IC 15 10. lmlmrclm 22.-WI I ISAT-W'efllt : No. 2 mmnirmg , 55'4c ; No , I nortimu'rfl , ole ; llmy , 5Gc , ( 'OitNi3rtJOttlmmg ; No. 3 , 4 l ½ 0. OATH-i.uwer ; No. 2 whIte , 11350 ; No. 3 white , 31'4'113lc. ' ilAithUY-NoniilUml No , 2 , G2'4o ' ; sntmmple , 510) 5Ic. ltViO-Firmn : No. 1 , G5c. i ) UVhillUNS-Iticimer jmork , 111,53 : lard , 841,80. lt13ct4ilTl41rlour , 5,100 bbhs , ; wlmmmt , 41,400 bu. ; hjimi lm'y. I 6,0)0 liii. toil I I'AI iN'rS-F1our , 11,600 111115. ; wimeat , none ; bailey , 0,700 bu , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l't'orlmu Markets. l'1301t1A , Marc ) ; 22.-COltN-Mnrhict teat1y ; Ne' . 2 , 44e. OAT1I-MttrltCt slate ; No , 2 svimle , 32 ½ c ; No. 3 , 30 * ; 30550. tyl-i4cnrce : ; No. I cimolce , ilc. Wi I1Sic9'Mmirket iirtmi ; iirmisimeml goods , $1.21. 1t1ulil'TI3-Viieat : , 1,500 Ins. ; corn , 69,500 bmm , ; oats , 44.10)0 ins , ; rye , none ; imarlc' , 1,400 bu , lIIlhl'MI1N'i'H-WimCat , mmone ; coot , 11,810) bu , ; omits. 50,100 bu. ; rye , im000 ; iiaml"y , 1,20) bu p'tmgmur .tlmirltl , NIIW 'S'OIIK , March 22.-StJGAlt-ItaW , quiet Itut fIrm ; rcilmmetl fairly active mind tins ; No. 6 , 3 5.16(4335cm No , 7 , 3m4,3 31.l6u ; No , 8 , 3 5-ICc : No , 5 , 355(13 7-ICc ; No. 11. 3 3-IGIIIc ; No. 12 , 3 1.)64(3t'c ( ; No. 13 , 30 ; (1(1 A , 135t93c : mould A , 4 3.iCh4c : standmmtml A , 3 3.16614c ; cunfectioners' A , 3 5.16(1lc ; cut hint. 4 9.1661435c ; crummimeti , 4 9-16114c : lowdered. 4 3.16 (14c ; granulated , 3 i5.16(11(6eeubes ( ; , 4 3-1G(1lc , Noes York hry Unmitti 'thmrktmt. NI3' ' . % S'OftK. 2.tarcim 22.-A very lmt'altlmy Imusi. ness was done in oormmmntsmmlumn iwuso circus , with time greater ciemanul for dress goods , silks. ilne imrinted cotton guouls , hosiery , underwear ammO wimite goo.1s. Mono demaand for iileaciuat cottons A 8PECIALTY CRASS MILLET AND CANE CLOVER. TIMOThY. J- _ . . l100'ilOJ Union Ave. . iSsams. City. MO. - - - = - _ _ _ - . - _ in lmmodernl quantitIes. Agemmls Imave muilvanceet time itnlees of Flichviile nfl litmdrt'sc'egglp liieacitetl shiirtlngmt t melt , hlrown siieetlnS amid ubhits In mulenily , letmimumml anti tock memo Itt mmommminai sitlulil 5' . i't'ilm timig clotims strictly met 2(40 , SaleS met 1"mull Ittver timii track cxeevul 300- , 000 PIeces. 1mummsmt'm Ult ) ' > lmtritet. IIANSAS CiTY , ? , Immt'cim 22.-W'llllluT-i1ammlt'r to j 4 lIe lower ; No. 2 haItI , 52c ; No. 2 led , 23 ½ c ; IC- Jectt'i , SOc. I COIIN-l'irne ; No. 2 imilxeui. 42c ; No. 2 s'hlte , 4305c 10,1 , , 4 OATS-ihmsier ; No. S imtixcel , 2S1J2S'ic ' ; No. trimik' , ll'4e. hitl'141l"FS-Wimetit , 8,000 bul. coiti , 5,000 bum , omuls , 5,00) Iu. ' $ IiiI'1mllN'l'H-W'heat , ? iOO0 bu , ; corn , none ; oats , mmone. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Oil > hmmriem't , LON1)ON. Idarclm -CAI.CtSTTA lINS13L'D's Spit , Ss ; 7.la reit itlmi iimmietmi . , time 'm1l'c' , II , . I 'lS'l'l toLl I t 2tt-pitl , lil ; slIri is , 6M'i. . t'ltAitl.ts'o'iN : , Slmircii 22.-TtJliL'13NTINII'4 Fimmmm : l3t4c. itOm4lN-Firmn : $1.15. \'I 1.91 i NOTON , Mimi cli 22.-ItOSI N-Steady. Sl'hltlTS-'Qmmiet btmt stead > ' ; 13 ½ 0. C T.it-St"timly : $1. C - 'i'Ultl'ENTINH-Quict ; lmam'iI.lO ; soft , $1.50. stlmtimemiptttI' ii imemut .iinriaitt. ' SIINNIIAI'Ol.lil , 2-larch 22.IIIIATClose' e.mm'y ; 3mlmurchi , 5775cm Ma > ' , 5S(1S775c ; Jmmly , 58'5C 5914 ; i4titetmiir , 56'5hft6 ½ c. ( In track : No. I Imarul , l9t4c ; No , I tetim tlmern , SSLe ( ; No. 2 nortlm. ( 'I ti , t,715e ; receihiim , 2'J3 emmm's. FLOL ) it-l'musy : ; t mmlues ml no not tat 9' 5 % eli ilxe3 , Vital patents , in wood , 83.20011.40 ; mccottl patelmt5 , $3.tktli-t.l0 : ; Ilrst clears , $2.15(12.3) ; low grades , * 1.63(11.70. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I ttt'II , tI mtrket. N13' ' . ' OltL13ANS , March 22-COTTON-FUttlreO miteatly ; smiles , 143,70 tithes ; Mnt'chi , $5.50 hid ; April , 15 63f5.G6 ; Mo > ' , $3.Tl(15.72 ; .lune , * 5.76443.77 ; Jmml' , S 05.11(13.82 ; Atmgui I. $3.S76a5.SS : Suhttemmiber , 85.14018 5.1)1 ) ; October , $5142515.93 ; November , $5.96hf5.91 C December , 55.00(16.00. , ltrl.oti Vtmost Mierkot. SAN FI1ANCISCO , March 22.-W'IIDAT'-'e Steady ; lecemmmtier , 'J3c ; May , S7c. 1 ° ; mmtu umcimii i' ttcS. ISOSTON , Marclm 22.-ClearIngs , $12,161,312 ; bal , mmccc , 11,371,366. iiALTh > 1OIl1'i , March 22-Clearings , $1,933,022 ; balances , $262,357. I IA L'12lOiti. March 22.-Clemrlngs , $1,055,022' bahamiccs , $262,3S7. NflYOltl , Macelm 'il.-Chearttmgs , $ S3,223.735' iimiant'ett ; , $4,670,761. 1'IIILAIELI'ltlA , Mamcim 22-Chcanimmgs , $10,05) , . ' 954 ; lalances , $1,211,947. 1'lIl LA1)l4Li'lllA. Marclm 22.-Cleamlngs. $10 , . 003,1454 ; balances , $1,201,047. s'r. LOtUS , 2-larch ; 22.-ClearIngs , $3,541,935 ; Limulammees , $470,116. Money , Sill tier cent. Noty York exelmamige , 73c hmre'mmitmmmm bid , , amilmington , March 22.-Today's statement of tins , ' simots's Avmmilmuble cash cotmditlon Of tIme treflmUt ) : balance , $ lS5G21J,456 ; guild reserve , $00,749,534. 1"orolgtm Flimanclat Attmttrs , BERLIN , March 22.-lOxehange on Loti000 , elgimt days' slgimt , 20 immarks , 4 > lift. LONDON , Marcim 22.-Tue atmioUmmt 01 bulliort gamma into the Dank of Ilagimmnd on balance today 151,000. I'AltlH , Marclm 22.-Three per cent rentes , 102C ' 92(5o for the nccouat , Exchmatmgo on London4' 231 280hc for checks. LONDON , Marclm 21-Gold is quoted nt llue. , ace Aym'em , taitay at 231.70 ; Mamlrid , 704) ; Lisbon , ' 23.235 ; St , i'etcm'sbumg , 50 ; Athens , 77 ; home , 104.0) ; Vienna , 103 , . TILE 1tEAL'1' M,1tKI5T , INSTRUMENTS placed on record March 22 , 1895 : . WAItI1ANTY DRESUS. Walnut 11111 Strings and Investimment cornI I llaiy to P 11 Koogim , hots I and 8 , block 10 , Walnut hilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 3,000 D1413205. Special master to Otnaima. Loan ntmti Tnmmst I company , a part ( if lot 2 , block 246 , Ornmelmn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Same to Aisle Durlmee , n 30 feet of hots 7 mitml 8 , block 7 , I'utrlek'mm 21 mold. . . . . . . . 535 Simenlif to Omaimte SmmvItmgs ianlc , e ' 4 of lot 7 , block 3 , Iteeli's 1st mImI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,163 to Ommmmitmmt to be S J A Crelgimtotm , hmroperty umse , ! as part of Sommthwest houthevartl . . 1 J U Iltegeatim nnl wife to samoa , comae I Total amount of transfers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10,413 Loimiott Stoat ; Jmmotutlous. LONDON , Itarcli 21.-I p. us. closimmym Cam ; . l'acltic . . . . . . . ; i115 st. l'ammt coin. . . . . . Eric..H)4 ) N , Y. Comitral. . . . . 111414 Iriu2elu. ; . . . . . . . . . . . till5 . l'enmmsylvammla. , . , 5114 111. Cemmtral. . . . . . . . . 81) ) ltoamlimmm , . . . . . . . . . . . 554 Ilexlcatmormlitmnry 171-4 Mcx.Cetm. imtmwimm lii hAll SILVI'31t-28 13-10) per ounce , S StoNilY-i per cent , TIme rate or dIscount in limo open rmiarket for lmomt bills , 114 tier cent ; time rmmte of 'liscount in tIme open matbet for tlmree tnontlmmm' bills , I. 5.1 tier ccitt , , toIw IZilIJTML N2W FO fLVD , . Twenty True lulls ilmintled in Todmey by time 3scmmv York ( Irammil .Jtmry , . NEW YORK , Marcit 22.-Time cxtraordinary gand jury went .Into tue court of oyer anti tmrmlner at 1:15' : o'clock tlmis afternoon and Foreman Leggett Imatmded atmotimer batch of in. dIctImients against Police officials to JustIce Iligraimmim. There were said to be cloven In- dctmonts ! In time batclm , Court was (1mm ( ad- . jourtmed. Warrants cviii probably ho isaueti timis atterlio3ll for tits indicted officIals , as was done in time case of ( Ito other indictpmion ( , It was said later that. time imumber of limdictnients r , was twenty and ( lint timey were not in ootintc- ( loll witim police ca-ca , but with ciectiozi fraudmj In the Secoimd asseimiIiy district. S William 11. ( lardIng was subpoenaed before time extraordinary grand jury today , but wao at 1mb own reqmiest. excused untIl Monday , Ilardlog said lie Imami been mmublmoenaetl to tes. , ' tlfy as to time bribe ha is alleged to imavo given Inspector Williams while time latter was captain of time Nitmeteentil imrecinct for protect. ing sparring bouts in Madison Square garden , Aimiong ( Ito botmts inentionemi Is that betweonI Sullivan aimmi Mltcimeil , Howard CmmrroH was also a witness before the gralmd jury today and It tuna said that Jolmu 11. Starrln would appear before that body next creek , (5 imly Lasted Fomi r htotmmmd. CINCINNATI , March 22-fllhly Teller wont in a four.rotunml glove fight last night with hitick Stelser before tins ltooImlt'H Timeatet Athletic club , liothi 'Yore hIghtwelglmts. 'Tlothers' * Friend MAICI3S Coe.VIN , LA. , Dcc. 7 , 168G.-My w'lfo usoti "MOTHEItS' FRIEND" before her third coofbneutont , mid says silo would not be sc'ithtout It for hundreds S of dollars-DocK Mii.i.s. Sent by express or mmmii , ott receipt of price Iii. nor bottle , 1100k " 10 SIOTURUS't mailed fro , 8ld by all Druggists , IIIIAOI'IEI $ ) REGAULTOII Co..tlsntms , Ca , No timattor wimmit booklet ott r 1 . , , IARG - ' , mpeemtlaiiotm you many imtmvo , I ' mail etmmi fur oimrs wimieli its LI N13V maui COMI'LTM. It clearly explains mmmmirgiis I3XPLA I N 13 D - kions. Its free anti will ( cacti youm sommietimimmic , Ilumy somemit wheat : mIpl cormm before limit lug spring mgI- vatmee. MCIJOUAST & CO. , 21.2 'inliucib Iil0 Chic3mO. S