- - - - - ' ; . , . _ _ .I" . . . . , L J , . . . . . ; : . . . ' . . . . V - _ w ! , , . , . . ) , . -u- . . . , ; - , . - ; - - , ; . . " " ; . . " . - , . -V. - _ _ _ _ _ I P - - - - - - ThE OMAHA : DAIY lUJ : SATURDAY , MARCH 23 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ V 5 THIS FIGHT IS NOT OURS - laV3 Troubl ! Enough of Our Own Without Harrowing NiCmguas UNITED STATS IASN'T ' BEEN WTANGLE - Url"L Irltdn , Trou"lo with NICralua , WIlL Not IIVolo Thu ( IorcrnnIeut- UltUI Irp"rl , Ia" ! leln Clr- culatell A"uut the 81uIton , I I WASlNOTON , March 2Z.-'ho trouble between Great lrHoln nUl NlcaraSIA , which 11as thrcatened to entangle the United Stalls , bas not assumed the b llsercnl Ipecl made out hy recent reports. These untrue reorts were to the elect that Great lrHaln had 6ured the United Hates ! that there would be flU clcroachmelt au American soil , and with ) this Indersllnlllg Great Urlnll might bombard Ore'lown without the Intervention V. . at the United Stntes. That Great Urlaln 101le on llch represcntatons Is discredited i II those bed Qllvlsell on the subject. I Is known ; delnlely that Sir Jllan Pouncetote , : the British ambuSdor , bas not seen Secre- tan ) ' Gresham ( 01 the Nicaraguan : question . . and has had no communication whatever wil him cn the HuhJcct. From the stnnd. I point ot Nicaraguan olclal , the question Is roadlr tU&celllble of pBaccul ) adjustment , anti there II not I . remote chance of I bcmbarthnent at Ore.town. General Darrlos , the upeclal envoy of Nicaragua , who recently ler hert , for home will soon return to ' \'a hlngton. From the Drltsh standpoint , In the trouble with Nicaragua , the Interests of the United States Rnd Great Urltuln arc , mlell rather than opposed. When the ' s 111115h vice consul , Mr. latch , was ex- ppled from NI.uagua. scveral citizens of the United State were also expelled. The laUeI were alowed to return but It I be- 10ed 11 Indemnity for their eXlllslon was quietly vaid. _ _ _ _ _ _ CO OlU S"lN.\ ! CI.I'UU.1 1iIIOI llsll"ecment nf u FewWord that dcnui a ( rtat Inll , to fe"tUe ) , WASIINOTON , March 22.-.n . error by some congressional clerks , II making up the lunlry civil appropriation sent to the presI- dent has materially change the intention of cOllress In providing for the establshment of two military poats. I Involves also the rivalry of the cites of Seattle and Tacoma , 'ash" , and probably will result In favor of Seattle. When the bill was pending II the house Senator Squire who lives at Seattle , gave notice ot an amendment for the estab- lshment by the secretary ot war of a post on 1ulet sound. This would mean a Ilost at ' Seattle , al General Otis , tn command of the Department of the Columbia , had already reported - ported In favor of that point. Iepresentatve nooltte , who lives at Tacoma then alTered ni amenlm , In the house for a post at Puget sound with a prevision that its location - tlon should bo determined by a board ot . army olcers , nOl of whom should be sta- ' toncl In the department where the post was - located. This was adopted In the housc. The senate struck out the proviso for an ex- amInaton by al army board. Senato' Hoach of North Dakota olerr an amendment In the senate which was adopted providing for the abandonment of the fort at Fort Yale and the establishment of the same at Iiisniarck. When tlO bill went to committee an a ree , ment was reached to rcstoro the Doolte - amendment with some slight modifications , : which necessItated its being rewritten. I now appears that the provision for a board of army olcers to examine and report upon the best site applies to the Bismarck post , : whlo the' secretary may go ahead and locate the 1)OL on Puget sound at his discretion . The department cannot act on what might ia\'e been the intentIon of congress. but must . construe the law and apply I as It relds. I . . - , vI be a serious disappointment to a dozen or Jorc places on Puget sound which wore getlng ready to present their claims for the post to a board appOinted for that purpse. Now the claims will be presented to the scr- tary , who will Probably be governed by the ndvlcl at the army olcers who have exam- thoU the mater ali the last annaul report of General OtIs , which recommended a post nt SpOlmnl and another at Seattle . wi have great weight. The Spokane post was author- 1zel In the army appropriation bill. TetItIII ? WiLL NU'I UI TouChED YE1' , 'hon Cite UemoeratH Got Control Ag"lu Hom" J'rr"l : Wilt lie ( 'orrectod. WASHINGTON , March 22.-Judge A. D. Montgomery of the Fourth Kentucky district. . . - 0 member of the committee on ways and moans and ana ol the three men who , on itho part of the house , conducted the conference - once with the aeliato on the tarIff bill In the long sessIon of the last congress . exprlsed , , : i thO opinIon today that the republicans would attempt little . Il any , tariff legislation durIng the next congress. "They are , " he saId , "already making the plea that they won't have a majority In the lenate , evidently for the purpose ol excusing themselves to their constituents. All the lgns , Inded , indicate that the greater part ( f the time will be taken up with criticism of the work of the cngrebs which has Just dosed , without seriously attempting any 1m- rovcment. and POSSIblY with getting through Como makeshift on the financial question. " true chances art god , however , that they swIll find themselves 'as Incapable of l chlnR1 an agreement on ' sliver as we wer . of course they wi have such a vast majority in the house that they may get something. tbrough that body , but they wi not succeed 3n the senate In that respect also the re- publcans will probably bo as wo were. 'Ve got everytIiln through the house that we everythlnJ tried to get through until after the November elect"\ demoralized us , but wo found our Ilfculy with the 8euate Wo were unable to do much In that body because there was meyer ate. " a tariff reform majority In the sea- Asked I he thought the democrats , when they should return to PO"'l. would attempt to correct the tariff law t correspond with the Ideas advanced by the house In the sup- plementary tariff bills , he replied In the amrmatvo and added that there were also Jther changes than these which should bo mnale , a for Instance In the metals schedule 'hich le denounced a grossly unfair and in the woolen schedule . which should bo toned down aomewhat. As a whole , however , Iso thinks the present law a vast Imllrovo- V afloat over the McKinley law and expresses - the belIef that the people will see this and aCknowledge It when times Improve In a way to permit them to consider the mater without - out Prejudice _ _ _ _ _ 11NIHTIUt JIUIUAO , 1tIONIW , ( 1IIIIah ( overumelt , Uowovor , le1lu0ell 11m to Stay ) lt IIl . I'olt W ASlNGTON , March 22-lnlsler luru. Iga at Spain about a week ago forwarded his resignation to his government The stJ was taken bDcause ot certaIn criticisms mad In iuba . The resIgnation was withdrawn at the request of the Spanish government This 1 regarded a closing that Phase of the recent agitation , so that Senor Muruags wi cI\lnuo : as minster from Spain until further acton I taken his friends In the diplomatic corps say ho bu no desire to leave at a time when Ids services are needed here In the effort 01 llln to check the Cuban uprising There 1 reason to believe . however , that he will oak for a leave of absence a soon a affairs assume a more IJlcllc aspect. The reply of Spain to Secretary Gresbam's , 'eDand ' for an apology on the Alianc matter % va not received today and there Is An apparent - ont cessation of acton both at the Spanish capItol and In Cuba. Tutu Is accounted for by the tact ( last the new cabinet of Spain Is 'i , tot yet formed and the omcals of the foreign office are subordinates who would 10t anticipate the action at the Incoming mln- ttry on the Incident wills the United States " 'omaorrrtted for t'lrlll Chureh"t. WAShINGTON . March 22.-Miss Mary De- aney of Milwaukee was arrested at the Els- snore hotel today charged with having at- eharJ cempted to lire St. Dominick's and St Pat- rlck'a ROl an Ctholo churches yesterday . wIth kerosene and paper She answered to ( tie tall , woman drelol In black who was . - . . , seen In both elsurches , and the odor of ktro- lens was on her clothes when arrested. She I about 25 rear old ansi came here to leo- ture. She claims to be a ROlnan Calholo and to have spent much of her life In char- liable work and a a hospital attendant In Milwaukee . Her - sanity - I quesloned , ron &toX CITY'S : : \ I'OTOFI'ICE. n , " for 1 Ne"ns the Superstructure 'Vero ( l'lnlll tn 'Vluhlnjton Yl.lerlt" , WASh INGTON , : hrh 22.-Speclal ( Tele. gram.-lJlds ) for the erection of the superstructure - structure of the public building at Sioux City were opened In the ofco of the super- vIsing architect at the treasury toay. There were eighteen proposals received and ached- uled , and one reached the office to late to bo opened , aol wilt be returned 10 the bid- dor The unfortunate was J. H. Eggers of Omaha. 'fhe other bidders and the amounts of their bld are a follows : iM.lel & Pmlth . MinneapolIs . I.cGrancl . Ia. . I " . lmllh. . . . Mlnn"III. . . . . Grnd. . . . . .161.'S ForMer k HmltIp , Ikdford limestone and Ohio bu . Imlh . . JIcord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & . : q Arthur Juhnpon & ' ) . , Omaha. . . . . . . RI,416 C ) . J. lIng Omaha 11' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S0 Jem-e I' . Wa\ . Iloux City . . . . . . . . . .8,9" James P. tVeIl . Sioux CI ) . . . . . . . . . . 80.913 I ) . C. Ilurdlrk & Co. , Manknlo , Minn. , ( In- f"111 lunlck ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( . . $ . & " : . Ilnshaw & Son , ChIcago . . . . . . . . .ro , tnil'reon tlroa. , 131 Loulu. . . . . . . . . . . . ' 1Z3 ChulNI " ' . alniele . Chicago . . . . . . . . 71.620 Cllu'I " Olnlelo , ChlenRo . . . . . . . . . . " , G" l"re,1 'nlrs , & 0" Milwaukee . . . . . . MG Thomas I. O'Neill . lOt. Luis . . . . . . . . . .5.\ 'fhotns I O'Nell. 81 Loulu . . . . . . . 81..0 Thon' 1. O'Nel. SI. Juls . . . . . . . 82.0) O. MIOol , n'okronl , III. . . . . . . . . . . 9,3 O n. ataItloll . Inekrnro , 1. . . . . . . . . . . O,3S0 " ' . C. Gt 1 Co. . Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . 69.37 I. . J. . I.MCh & Son , Chicago. . . . . . . . . . 7 .591 J. . I. J.neh & Son Chlclg. ) Chlcn/o. . . . . . . . . . 52,691 J. J. Uleh & Sn. Chien" . . . . . . . . . . 8Z. B.S" Valentine Jobl. PerIa " . . . . . . . . . G.fT VII.nlM Jot'et . Penrl/ 1. I. . . . . . . . . 74,597 CliarIt'q . \ . Since . ChIcago. . . . . . . . . . . 80,925 Northern luldlng coiiiany . SI. Paul . . . . 69.60 Norlisern lulhln empan ) ' . St. Inul. . . . 7S.S Northern luldlnl cumpiny 81. Inul. . . . 70.9' ) Meaning & l'ar8011u . . Vahtngton..113.1(3 Jrnk Inllwln. , " .n"hllglon. . . . . . . . . 'O.S ! } " 'rnk IahlwlnYashlngton. . . . . . . . . . . 78,323 I.'rnnlc lnhlwln , " .u.hlnlln. . . . . . . . . . M.7O The different amounts of sense of the bids are for Ilrereut kinds of stone that the bid- dora propose to use ler . Two splendid meals to the credit of Dr. PrIce's Baking Powder. Hlghost awards at Chicago World's fair and California Midwinter - winter fair. . nE"J S Tl.IT liE It 'JII l.UlRIEn ) 11 n. Ialc V , Streblg' \os'er to 111 WHO'8 Apl.lc"t'l for 1horee , WASHINGTON , March 22-Judge McAlam today took the papers and reserved decision In the application for alimony and counsel fee In the acton for divorce brought by Nellie Streblg against Isaac V. Streblg , 1 theatrical munager. Mrs. Streblg alleges that Hho was married to the .jetendant In Chi- cage September 24. 1891 , by John C. Murphy , a Justice of the peace under the names of Frank Nemo and Dora YOUI ! Their marital relations continued only a few days , sInce whIch time the Parties have not met. Streblg Is alleged to have married Ada 1elrose , an actress , last October In Cln. cinnati. Streblg denies the aleged marriage wills the plaintiff , but says he lawfully married Ada Melrose. He says he Is unable to pay counsel fees or alimony . being so poor that he has been obliged to send his wife to live with ILr faintly In Loulsvlo , Ky WI = TCI 1.\t1 ON lEO\OO1 TRCE. PortIons of the lark have Steen Torn Off by Whll "nit SlaIn "ni l'r08t. WAShINGTON , March 22.-The Inclement weather at the past winter In this city has had a serious effect on the trunk of the large Seuol or California redwood tree that was such an attractIon at the 'Vorld's fall and was afterwards sent to Washington and set up In the grounds of the AgrIcultural de- partment. Large portions of the bark of the tree have fallen off as the result of the exposure to rain and frosts. Workmen are now engaged In replacing these pieces , hold- Ing them In place by wrapping wIre tightly around the tree , ald when this Is completed an umbrella-like coverIng will be erected over the top of the trunk sufcient to keep the rain from dropping down the sides. The trunk Is abut thirty fet In height and probably half i thIck. I'l tents In "ealeru Inventors. 'VASIINGTON , March -Specla1.- . ! ( Patents have been Issued as follows : No braska-Horace A. Kuwlzlcy , Nebraska CltYt steam cooker. South Dakota-Daniel Ilolcomb Ashton wind wheel. 10wa- Alonzo D. Arnold , assIgnor onehato D. M. Helenstne , Le Grande , felly expander : Albert E. Dealt . Hubbard , upholstery Fprlng : errlck E. Chihds . West LIberty , apparatus for providIng picture mats with square or rectangular holes : John D. dIne . Jefferson . assllnor one-hall to I. Slbau h. Greene count ) . , kitchen cabinet ; John Cells , Cedar Itaphds assignor one-hall to E. M. Deckel , Anamosa. corn planter ; Alexander and R. Cowan Prlmghar , grin unloading appa- rtus : Charles L. Smith . Fairfield . provision chest wine. ; William Smith Clarinda rotary en- - Alrlcnlnral Atacho to German EmblS1' WASHINGTON , March 22.-Tho German cmbassy has not been officIally advIsed at the reported transfer of Daron von Saurma Jelsch , now German ambassador ( at 'Vah- Ington , to Constantinople , as stated In the Associated press cables tram Berlin. . It Is now definitely known that the German - man government will send an agricultural atacho to the embassy here , but word has not yet come aa to the official to be named. Ihteb of J'o.llater.ppolnted , WASHINGTON , March 22.-The president has appointed Henry G. Carlisle as postmaster at Mound City , Ill. California-Orovillo. J. Marks : Portersvle , Percival C. Montgomery. Alissourl-Ilonno Terre Thomas H. Walker : West Plains Henry P. WhIte. Charles C. Fenger to be frt lieutenant and Chester M. White second lieutenant In the revenUe cutter service. Orders for Arm ) lIn , WASHINGTON. March 22.-Sptcial ( Tele- gram.-Major Edward M. hayes , Seventh cavalry , will proceed to Raleigh and relieve Captain Thaddeus W. Jones , Tenth cavalry , on duty with NatIonal Guar of North Caro- 1mb . Captain Thomas F. DavIs , Fifteenth Intan- try Is granted three months' extended leave : First LIeutenant James flaylies . Eighteenth infantry , two months. T.o ! hltRnaIuutor Ill , WAShINGTON , March 22.-Senalor Lee Mantle of Montana has been seriously Iii at the Cochran In thIs city , suffering from an attack of grip. He Is now on the road to re ' , co\'ery Senator Carter of the same . state Is Iii at Helena hold tip the Oato Keeper , WAShINGTON , March 22.-'Soi" English and Joe lateman fought twenty rounds at the Bteuhener's rod house on the fliadens. burg road last night , ending In a draw A young man named Charles MorrIs , who was taking In the gate receipts , was shot by two men , who trIed to rob Isim ,1wo Nav l'ulla.lers WASHINGTON , March 22.-Speclal ( Tele. gram-Postinastere were gram-1ostmasters appointed today I follows . ; Nebraska-Sn'dlr , Dodge count , I. 'V , Parchen , vice J. Id. Cusick , removed. South Dakota-Volga. Drookll ' county , Julia M , Smith , vice P. if. Smith , resigned . _ _ Uh'ol I 'J'h"ll ( Jo in iii " I Shut , . WAShINGTON , March 22.-Special ( 'ele- gram-I'ostmasters were commissioned to. .Iay al follows : Nebrask-ohn C. Baker , Hogers. Iowa-Sarah E. zenor Ontario South Dakota-Thomas D. Murring , , Pled. mont . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0. . , . . 8:00 s.110. WASHINGTON , March 22.-Speciui ( Tele- gram-John S. Wllnms at Iowa , I clerk In the general land olc8 , has been pr- meted from I.C to 1.60 Iler annum. . hut :110 hitS I. Not the lan , ALUUQUEHQUE , N. M. , March 22.-Jim Turner , who was arrested at HOlwel last Monday afternoon by Sheriff C. C. Perry AS the notorIous Jim Turner , alleged partner ot outlaw lull Cook has been brought here. The prisoner admits his lale hi JIm Turner , but says he was never In Indian territory , does pot know Bi ! Cook and cannot imagine why he was arrested. Marshal Hul and Sheriff } 'err ) ' are confident he Is the man wanted and will hold hIm here unt an onlcer from Indian terrItory arrives to Iden. Ufy hIm GAVE nnl A TERUIBLE SCARE - Futile Attempt t Fore a Confession from an Aleged Woman LYDcher , ATTORNEY LEAR'S NOVEL PROCEDURE Locks Stunt In a Cabin and TdlJ 11m 111- lee Ils Ueen 1urderelt and Avengers Vera I.ooklnl for 111. but It Failed. SPRNGVlW , Neb. , March 22.-Speclal ( Telegram-An ) attempt was made yesterday at the Holten ranch to force a confession tram the man hunt , who Is under arrest for the lynching of Mrs Ilolten. While the preliminary - lminary hearing of Hunt and Miller was In progress County Attorney Lear took Hunt Into a rom , apparently for a private conference . ferenco Just after they had entered ' the rom there were a dozen revolver shots heard out- side , mIngled with shouts and curses Lear jumped and ran , locking the door ot the room and leaving Hunt alone In a moment Lear returned and announced that the vigi- lantes had come and had killed Miller , and that they were now hunting for Hunt to kill blm. Hunt was almost frightened to death , but the expected confession was not forth- coming. lie swore that I the vigilantes had killed Miler they had slain an innocent man , a Miller had nothing to 10 with the lynchIng o Mrs. Ilolten. The officers are not satisfied thai they have the right men and are still on the hunt for the murderers. SllNOVlW , Neb. , March 22-Special ( Telegram.-Count ) Attorney C. E. Lear starts for Ainsworth this afternoon to met Attorney General Churchill , where they will take ateps to investigate the 10len murder case , lIE lUIT hAVE BSC'l'EI AILY Inlletment Asaln.t 01111 Contained is Loop- hole Which hII . Aturl01" Overloukell. LINCOLN , March 22.-SIJeclal ( Telegram. ) -In the federal court today the govern- meat continued to plo up testimony against Nathan Oadd , charge with embezzlement and stealing letters from the Urokln Dow land 0111cc. To the three counts In the Indictment - dictment charging the theft of public docu- meats Atorney Lambertson , for the defense , objected on tim ground that no definite ape- cilia offense appeared In any of the three counts. The objection was overrule by Judge Dundy who said that the defense had elected to plead not 'guilty. Had It argued a motion to quash on these grounds the court frankly said the Indictment would have been quashed as not setting out a definite offense. Counsel then suggested that as these grounds would prove effective In securing - gounds electve curIng an arrest oC Judgment , should a con- vlcton bo secured . they might as well be considered now , but Judge Dundy saId , tersely " \Ve have not got to that yet. " In hIs testimony the regIster of the Broken flow land ofce said that Gadd returned from MexIco and Texas whither he had gone after leaving the land office about December - comber 18. 18'3. ' lied informed witness that he had preserved all the documents stolen from the land ofce , and had sent for them. After embezzling the contents he had mailed all the incrimInating papers to his mother and brother In Ireland and was expectIng their return. On the night of December - cember 22 Gatl came to the land office wIth ofce wih a bundle of papers containing as he saId all of the documents that had been abstracted. Together they had gone carefully through the papers. The papers were then put In evidence and Identified. In the afternoon William H. Plumnier A. J. Pluniiner L. D. Merrill , John 1. An- draws Darius P. Wilcox and DavId Mc- Naly testified that they had sent money to the land office In sums varyIng from $14 to $200. which had never been credited to them on the books although they had received filial receipts. They had not receIved theIr patents until after Gadd's return from Mexico and contesslon. E. C. Beauvais express agent , Grace Mosely , postmistress at Droken Dow , and Harry C. Deebe testIfied that they had received ' - ceived moneys sent by the above wllnesses' . The government will likely rest tomorrow mornIng. Stuart and Mary P. Shears today fed their answer and cross petition In the suIt begun some time sInce by the New LIncoln Hotel company , alleging that the plaintiff now owes them $7,385.81 as damages. SEIUOUS RESULT OJ ALLEGED . JOKE Young I'Inttemouth Woman ( 'robabl , 1' , tally Injured In a Uun".y , PLATSMOUTl Neb" , March 22.-Sp- ( clal.-Miss Gertrude Fletcher was seriously If not fatally Injured In a runaway near town last nIght. While In attendance at a school entertainment some one party cut the harness on her huggy. While descending I steep hill on the way home the harness broke and after puling the young man over the dashboard the horse ran away. The young lady was thrown out and was found totally unconscious , with her face and bead fright- fully bruised. The unfortunate victim was still unconscIous this evenIng , and suffering with concussion ol the brain The officers are investigating the mater and propose t secure tIme punishment of the tends who cut the harness. During the past wInter a gang of thieves have Inaugurated a system of raids on the corn cribs belonging to farmers living a few mies south of tQwn , and their plunder has already ben quito extensive. The authorilos until today have been fOIJed In their attempt to locate thin thIeves , but a raId on the corn crib of Farm A. M. Holmes , perpetrated Wednesday iiight resulted In the arrest of Chester Owens , Charles Hendrlcltson and Or- rln Kinnison on the charge of doing the steal- I Ing. To get Into the crib they were comp led to break I lock and thin men will be coin- peled to defend the charge of burglary. They will have a preliminary examination tomorrow - row , _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL ARE RELEASE - 1 01 HAL AUUN , I , IWI.octod Lynchers of Jarrett Scott Out , Until Court Convenes 10 11a , BUTTE , Neb. , March 22.-Speclal ( Tele- , gram.-Hoy ) , Plnlorman and HarrIs , the three suspected lynchers of Darrett Scot who were unable to furnish ball Ilt nlglt , spent the night In Jai and this morning were arraigned before JUdge Skuse and gave quahi. fled bond for their appearance at the May term The men as soon as released left for O'Nel. _ _ _ _ _ _ Farmer Deserts Ills Famiy , BUTTE , NEb. , March 22.-Special Telo- gram.-A ) warrant was sworn out tonight for the arrest of O. Id. Unger , a farmer living four miles south of Butte . charging him with desertion. Ungor fold all of his household erects , and II now headIng east. A com plaInt was fed by hIs wIfe , who 1 left pen- niess , with a babe a few months old In her arms. Telegrams were sent to Stuart tonight . night to Intercept him , and Constable Ken. aston lisa started otter bIns The case or the state agaInst Oorlly for adultery was called today , and a contnuance taken until tomorrow , This afternoon the difficulty was adjusted In some way and the complaint withdrawn . IIh School Oratory at York , YORK , Neb. , March 22.-(8peclal ( Tele- gram.-The ) York High school oratorical can. test was held In the opera house tonight The house was packed All contestants did exceptionally well. The decisions of , the judges were for Lllo Frickey , In dramatic ; Birdie WhItcomb , humorous . and Reuben Clark , oratorical Clark will be the delegate to the Aurora state contest , Farmers Busy ( 'rll.arlnl for Irrigation. NORTH LOUP , Neb. , March ' 22.-Spe. ( clal.-Many ) farmers are now busily engaged In the construction of laterals to lead the water from the North Loup Irrigation and i Improvement compans ditch to their farnis. The work Is somewhat difficult as yet on account of there still being tome frost In the ground. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ju"I' a ) AccIdents at. Minden , , MINDEN , Neb. , March 22.-Bpeclal.- ( Misses Mlnno and Mary Kiitt , sislers-In.law I of John F. Oaaro of thIs cIty , were driving I together when the bOre became frightened i and unmanageable and ran away , throwIng I the ladle out of the vehicle and InJuring , Mary , the eider , very , .enrely. The knee cap IA said to b dtierously fractured and her heAd Was btdly 'ha"t also , causing quite 1 few 0' ' blood from t1e ears. I IA dliii. cult to know the eyac . . .condlon or her In. r. " J juries as yet. S. W , Johnson , I thute , met with a similar accIdent also yestendsyf'venlng. lila team ran away , throwing him to the ground and ' Injuring one leg so bly ? ΒΌ that It Is now feared he will lose It. ' ' ! . The trial of the city of Minden agaInst J. I. Cllrman and Ida Tbarl was head In police court today and tho- dCldndants were fine $1 and costs . The 6fl e was building a wooden frame for an ) aJynlng In violation ot a city ordinance , , ) .1 Pure and shinIng gel Is the meal for highest honors awatC\1 to Dr. Price's . Ilak- lug Powder at the IIJornla . Midwinter fair. lIU\11'.IL I'OLITVU'S UETTISU I.HI.n , Many NobrAlt" Town ! I'rep"rlns for R " "Ielon Fight at the Election , DENNINGTON , Neb. , March 22.-Spe- ( clal.-At ) a citizens' convention hold In Ott's hal the following were nominated a candidates . dldales for trustees : Herman Timme , Claus OU , Henry Arp , Ferd Kuhl and Gust Pothlsen VElmON , Neb. , March 22.-Speclal.-The ( ) democrats have nominated ' the following to fill the city offices for the following year : A. D. 1'outch , JV . Slump J. W , lourne , C. C. 1001 anti A. W. harris. nUIOLDT , Neb. , March 22-SIJeclal.- ( ) Interest Is growIng as the city election au- proaches. The "dr's" will malt a stubborn effort to cain the vIctory , but the "wets" are not at all asleep , and will limIt forth every effort to elect a license board lion . O. A. Cooper , the IJresent mayor , says he Is not a cahiulitlato . but his friends Insist and , . wi not tale no for an answer. 1IL\H ) TI , Neb . March 22.-SIJeclol.- ( ) I The anti.saloon people of thIs place noin- hinted a ticket yesterday by petition for vii- lago trustees as folows : Charles Shields , II. A. Bridges , Prank Glenn , John McKInney and Robert Trumbull . This makes two tickets , and with nearly equal strength. The light promises to be "along the line. " The ticket nominated Monday nIght has on It the names 01 John Roberts , W. S. Marr C. E. SaIUeISOI . D. 11. Vincent and Waler lice Vihliams uses , , and will , I elected , grant salon OV ITON , Neb. , March 22.-Speclal.- ( ) The p20plo's party caucus last night ilaced In nomination the folowlnl 10wI trustees for the ensuing year : E. O. l3oardinan . Ed Dotes , I.V. . Walace. J. A. Carrel and L. O. Carr. This Is an orsement of the old board and means a dry town for another year NORTI LOUP Neb. , March 22.-Speclal. ( ) -Dut little interest Is being taken hero In the city electIons . and the question of license or no license has not yet been agitated to any extent Should the question come np the no-license party would probably have an easy victory , as there has been no saloon In tim place for several years. FALLS CITY . Neb" , March 22.-Speclal. ( ) -The Falls City republicans are having a hard time to find a man to take Henry I Smlth's place on the ticket as mayor. Luis I Wirth was selected and accepted I at the time , and I was thought everythIng would : run smoothly until thIs morning , when ' Wirth withdrew , and noW George W. Marsh has been chosen. Marsh Is now holding the office of county treasurer. lie was elected ' by I large majority to thIs office. COULD rOT CLOSE TiE SALOON , - LIncoln Excise Hoard /rlkes a Snag tn the Llmlel Hotel . ) . LINCOLN , March' 22.-Special ( Tle- gram-Tho ) LlndeU JQel saloon , whIch the excise board attemjted to close up , Is still doing business I tritihiros that the license was Issue to Mrs. ' } I gdalen L. Melr , Instead - stead ol William II. Melr , the slmlarly of Initials misleading itheboard " ( The fight In the courts now Is Ito keep open until April 16t whIch time ! the"lcense , expires. The district court today , issqed a restraining or- ler against MayorS Wlr , the excise board and Chief of Polce COper , enjoinIng them from taking any acton toward closing up the bar. . Mrs. Maggie Hall . who I was denIed a dl. vorce In WashlngtofDC. , from H. L. Hal , . has secured one . fro/udge tFibbetts. The ' father was given the custody of the child. 'I Evans husband Police Matron John Evan , of Polce I Evans thIs morning before Judge Tibbts gave bonds In the sum of $500 for his appear- once one week fem tomorrow to answer to n charge ol contempt or court In disposIng of property pending' tie hearIng of his wife's , petition for divorce. ! pet ton When Detective Malone arrived ! In York . yesterday , where he went with Claude Bell , tie unlversty student charged with stealing geological specimens , stuffed birds and books from the museum , he fond Q quantity of other bIrds and specimens , bringing the total value of the theft up to $200. Del Is said to have also taken a diamond pin from his rom mate. His father returned with them to LIncoln to get his boy out of trouble. but the authorities srI inclined to make an example of bins. ThIs morning he was released - leased on $300 bal given by his father Doth houses of the legislature adjourned at 6 o'clock this afternoon to accept an invitation - vIaton by Chancellor Canfeld to witness a drill of the university cadets on the north side of the capitol grounds. About 300 of the boys participated In the military maeu- vers , and their marching , filing . deployIng and company work was enthusiastically applauded - plauded by the members or tie legislature and many LIncoln citizens who had assemble at the scene . _ _ _ _ _ _ HOFFMAN IH NI S 'I'lI LST STOny Sitys lie Was Not l'lalol Chess \hen tbe Elbe /ank. GRAND ISLAND , March 22.-Speclal.- ( ) C. A. Hermann of this city , survivor of the Elbe , denounces the statement of one Van- derseo ol Toledo , 0. , as being false tram beginning - ginning to end. Al .an Instance , Ito Is /aId tq have played chess at the tIme of the wreck wIth Vandersee , when he scarcely knows what the game Is and bas never played it , . Halmann was rescued with only his underclothing . clothing on , and would scarcely lave been playing at chess In this attire. Hoffmann has also ben accused of makIng public speeches In Omaha on his return from New York A. E. Dlutuss , who was alleged to have made these statements to agents or the Lloyd company at Chicago , vigorously denies the charge. The Grand Island survIvor of the Elbe has just returned tram Cblcago. where he gave his sworn testimony before the Ocr- man consul , Uuenz. Chore ) Conference lt titus ' 1.rhll. BLUE SPRINGS , Neb , March 20-Speclal. ( ) -The United Brethren conference spent the forenoon yesterday hearing tht reports of the various charges. The afternoon was given to the dIscussion of the ( general Interests of the church Tim subject of Sabbath schools elicited more heartYI Interest Ulan any other How to reach and bold the boys Is the great problem. The evening session was devoted to the Interests of t'hoYoung I'eople's Chris- tln union. Crowdp I I In attendance , IAY NOT WOR \ { A D1SIlSSAL Payment of Fint Mortgage Interest flood Not NcOariy Stp Porc1ozu. FUTURE SECURITY MAY BE INSUFFICIENT Telegram from " ' 1110' S. Ph'reo Confrm' fiery of the "loV Itch by Ilr , Thurton Concerning Jobn lt , Egan's ' \I'I'olntlllt. . - When the ( telegram from Portland \ W.I read to the receh'er of the Union l'acllc'j relatvo to the expressed Intention of the , AmerIcan Loan and Trust company ta pay . the Interest In default on the first mortgage of the Oregon Short Line and Utah North- ern , thereby removing the cause from the Wyoming court , to which I was remitted \ by Judge GIcrt. and maklhg absolute the appointment of John M. Egan as receiver , It was received wIth mingled expressions ot doubt , unbelief and through misunderstand. Ings. When The Bee reporter raied upon Receiver Anderson for an expression ot opinion on the strange and unexpected turn affairs had taken all asked as to his under. stanling In such matters , he Mid : "When a mortgage Is foreclosed In default of pa ' - ment of Ito interest the pa'ment of Interest - crest ( will not Ipso facto discontinue the suIt Under ordinary circumstances , after such IJyment the Ilerson against whom the foreclosure - closure Is Pressed Is entitled to an order ol dlscontnualce , but I the security I insufficient . or I for any other reason the foreclosing litigant can satisfy the court that It should retain jurisdiction at the case to meet further Iml.enlng defaults . the court may decline to permit a dlscon- tinuknce of the suIt. I preter to eXllress no opinion as to the erect ot the suggested 11)'menl of the defaulted Interest on the proceelllg Involving the receivership ef the Short Line railroad. The Interest 1\ default Is $410,000. The statcment made by counsel whie arulnl the demurrer that the receivers have hand funds , \ on properly up- phicable rect. " t this 1Jrpose Is entirely Incor- DOUnTS ABOUT CURRENT RUMORS This statement was heard given to the reporter - porter by Receivers Coudert and DoaM , and was entirely sanctioned by them. But they didn't believe that the Short Line receivership - ship as created by Judge Gilbert , was cor- i recty represented hy the dispatches that : have been crowding the press for the past two I days , and hey set about finding Winslow S. Pierc. representng the trustee at the first mortgage . and who fell the demurrer to the petition of the American Loan and Trust company - many asking for a separate receIver for the Oregon Short Line. .t was ascertained from Portland that Mr. . Pierce had remained throughout the whole mater In Jude . Gil- bert's court and had sane away perfect ) satI I Isfed wih what the court had done. Tele- grams were sent all over the Sound country asking for Mr. Pierce's version of the affair and late last night Receiver Oliver W. Mink receIved the following telegram from Winslow S. Pierce dated at Huntington , wbere Mr. MInk's telegram caught hIm ; POWER OF WYOMING COURT ADSO- LUTE. Message receIved. In a very full and sat. Ilfactor ) ' opinion concurred In by Judo Ilehlinger . Judge Gilbert sustained our Ini- thai objecton. that mater should be re- mited absolutely to the Wyoming court. Counsel for the other side tried to obtain a provision In the order Indicating that If time petItIoners were unsuccessful ' n ' 'yom- lug the ( matter might be hear anew at Portand without regard to the acton of the Wyoming court but they failed tn thlii. The vIctor was on the fundamental objection to the proceeding of the Trust company and was as complete as It could have been made. Egun'M appoIntment was on exparte application and has absolutely no signf- canoe of the character attributed to it . hut was made merely to create a hand subject to any future objection Into which the . \'yomlng court mllht deliver the property , ! If It chose so to do. Judge Gilbert has ns- sured me that hIs curt leaves the mater , fully and nbsolutely to the "V"omlng court. It was the first confirmatory telegram received - ! I celved supporting Judge Thurston's ' original i telegram that the appointment of John 1. Egan was entirely conditional on the acton taken by the WyomIng curt , which la really ' the Eghth circuit. I was the first utterance the receivers had for twenty-tour hours other than dark hints of the complete divorcement of the Short Line from the Union Pacific system , and In consequence there was peace among the receivers , who left last night for Denver. Nothing succeeds S like success. Witness ! Dr. Prlce's Cream flaking Powder , thl stan- dar for purity and perfection the world over , conceded by toM experts to be strong- est and purcst. . ; rAIJE ClEH > llATES "Ull " TiM CIIBIIS. Ono Fare , I'lus Twoflollars , to Denver and nelurl , CHICAGO , March 22.-The Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern hl given notice. effective In fifteen days front larch 21 , ol withdrawal from the Buffalo agreement entered Into last January by all the leading lines between Chicago and Cincinnati and Buffalo and Pis- burg. I declares the other lines lave failed to maintaIn the Buffalo agreement as to the up'holdlng ot ratei Western lines today reached a agreement on rates for the National Educational asso- elation's convention to bo held In Denver next July. Tit roais east of the MIssouri rIver agreed to make a one-laro rte plus $2 for the round trip. Ticket will be sold July 4 , 6 i ; , G and 7 for trains reaching lie Missouri river upon those dates All tickets limited to contInuous passage . alt will bear fuel return - turn limits of July 16. Rev Frank Chadron has been found guilty In the federal court In this cIty of having made use ot time snails to sell hIs clergymen's hal rate order over various railways. lIe sent letters to brokers , inviting bids on the permits he had secured. He also secured a number of trip passes w'hlch he sold to various - ous brokers In thIs city. He claimed that he did not understand that It was wrong. Sentence - tence was deferred , hut under thl finding ot the Jury he may bo sent to the penitentiary for not less than eighteen mouths . and bo compelled to pay a fIne of not less than $500. Trust ( -oll.any JllY 1'11 Ito Iltero.t , , 10lTI.ANI Ore , March 22.-It Is stated hero In connection with the tentative alJ. polntment of John M. Egan as receiver of the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern railway that the American Loan and Trust company will pay the interest due under the Ilon mortgage , and that thD suit wi \e dlsmlue by the circuit court of Wy- owing , leaving that court free to ratify Egan's appointment by Judge Gilbert , Northern I'"ell" Receivers J'loo.ven. . MILWAUCI E , March 22.-The Ncrthern Pa- ciao railroad receivers fed answer today In - - - - - - - , - - - - ON PEARY'SEXPEIJITION ' . - - - Perfect Reliance Was Placed , in . Pai11e's Celery COll1P01111d. . , . - .a a . - . . . : . . , _ -V _ 'V , - _ _ _ v , . , ; j'e . ' / . : : : : ' . : " r'i : : : , V . . , \ , " \ \ . . ( ' 1' . . f4 , . ' V : ' II\ f'/2J 'L4icJ "When I was selected by Liout 1lary to I accompany him on his trill to the arctic re- ; I glens to try and find a way to the north pole , " says Mr. James \V. la\'ldson In The Fourth Estate . "It was partly because of my strong healthy constitution . all hts belief that 1 could endure the fatigue and danger IncIdent to the trl ( . 1 had been associated wIth hIm as his huslness manaler on his lecturelng tour , anl was on terms ot the gleatest intimacy with him. " \hen the situ ) Falcon left New York on her trip northwards It lied among the ( stores se\'erl eases of Palne's celery comoul1 'he. reputation of that mellcine was sell eltolshel , 50 that It was the 10St natural thing In the world that the members or the party , and they comprised men from nearly every walt In life . from common sailors to men ot science , should desire to use it. "The record or our perilous trip to Camp Anniversary Is too wcl Iwown to neCI repl- I tition. Once In camp wo naturally tool an Inventor ot our \ossesslons. ant I was ex- . ceelingly glad to find Paine's celery com- i iiouiid. The medIcine chest was open to all , and wo were free to take from It what we thought advisable. I , In COI\nny with sev- erll others , selected some of the compound , taking a belle of It to my cabimm knowing that It would be handy when wanted. Nor was 1 inistnkemi for the excessive cold weather - er Boon had Its effects , and 1 began to be - - - - - . . - e e t a t a g a I 1n11the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in t1 resped , ; I is purest and strongest 1 , ' 1' WALTER 5 HAINES , M. D. , : t Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health. s s a s a s g ; - - - - - - . - - - - . . - . _ - Choeotat" , " ' Cuke . Three.qnarters cupful butter , two cups sugar , one and one-hal pints tour , five eggs , one teaspoonful Royai flaking Powder , one cupful nilik Rub the butter and sugar to a whIte , light cream : add the ega , two at a Lime , beating live mInutes between each addition. Sit the tour with the powder , which add to the butter , elc. , and the milk. Mix Into rather Ulln baUer , and bake In jely cake tins , vel greased , In hot oven fifteen minutes. Spread between the layers of cake the following : Chocolate cream , one pint ml , one tablespoonful god butter , one cup sugar , one.half cup grated chocolate , two teaspoonfuls corn starch , 'yolks three eggs , . one teaspoonful Royal extract vania Bring the milk to boi. stir In the chocolate , the ( sugar and corn starch , boil five minutes : take from the fire , add the egg yelks , stir- - - - - . - . - - - - . - . - - - . - - - . . . . " . . - rIng rapIdly the while : return to the ( fro to sot the eggs . add the butter , cool , and then add the vanilla , . Weights amid , 1.&urrs . One cup , medIum size , one.half pint or one- halt pound Two cups , medium size , of silted four weigh abut one pound , , pound. One pint of sled four weIghs abut one One pInt of white sugar weigh about one Ilound. Two tablespoonfuls ofllul ! about one ounce. Eight teaspoonfuls of liquid abut one ounce. One gill ot liquid ( one.quarler pound ) about four Ounces One pint of liquid ( one IJ9und ) about six- I \l ounces . - - - - the cases growIng out of the demands by the receivers of Ito Chicago & Northern Pacific and WisconsIn Central companies for Interest on Chicago terminals. The Wisconsin Central - tral sets forth the claim that the lease of the Centalnes was voId , likewise the assign- mont of the lease to I of the Chicago & I Northern Pacific compuny. lIt'tE SETTLES ) TnEl 1IFFBIJ N ( : , Ueorg"nlzaton 4greelcnt of the 'eahting- ton & Columbl" IUv"r nead PENDrETON , Ore , March 22.-Tho board of directors of the Washington & Columbia River railway , at a meeting at Walls 'Vala , decided on a plan for the reorganization of ( lie company and taking it out of. ( lie re- ceiver's hands , Time reorganization will take effect June 1. TIme present receiver , W , D. Tyler , becomes president , and T. B. Wilcox of Portland vIce lmreident. The agreement is in the nature of a comnpronilso between tIm parties represented by Tyler and Wlicox , vhio have been carrying on a litigation for niany nionthss over time bonds formerly held by 0.V. . hunt , the builder of the road , Tyler represents C. 13. WrIght of I'huiadei. phiia. Wilcox represents Lathi & Tilton of Portland. It is stated that the conipany is planning sonic extensions , whIch may ba mnado on the north cmiii of the system. New Itotut Imicorpnrat.i tim Illinois. SPRINGI"IELD , Iii. , March 22.-Articles of incorporation were filed by the Do Kaib & Great Western railroad , to rums train Sycamore - more , Iii. , to Do ltalb , Iii. Tumo incorporators atmd first board of directors are : Raymond Dupuy of Chicago , Robert II , Wright , St. l'aul , Mum , , amid II. C. Lott , Da Kalb , Ill. C , , . . i-u : Elects Directors , COLUMJ3US , 0. , Ham cli 22.-Time Coluimibus , Sandusky & hocking railway today elected I ) . S. Gray , I' . S. Huntington , F. S. Hubbard and 0. W. Sinks of Columbus and Charles Andrews of Zamesviiio as directors , Tue other ollicers s'cre re-elected. itiiliuuiy Noto. Receiver Oliver W. Mink of ( lie Union Pa- cHic , Mr. Samuel Carr , trustee of the Ames estate , and a musmnber of olficiale of ( lie Union Pacific will go west this evening as far as Demsyor. Receiver B. McNeill of the Oregon Railway and Navigation conipany paseii through Onhahta last night onroute east. lie was ac- coinpanletl by Major and Mrs. hlowland. Tea a reporter Mr. McNeiii stated that the action of Jumlge Gilbert In sustaining the demurrer to the Petitiomi of ( lie American liaui asud Trust company was not. what ho had ox- hooted , It. Is titotsklit Mr. McNclii goes east to console witlt his American Trust comnpamuy friemids , Forest IIro lii New 1orsey , ATLANTIC CITY , March 22.-A forest fire ( hat lies already burned over twenty-five acres of valuable tiniber is raging wititln two miles of Egg harbor City , Several real- dences are iii thi PatIt of ( lie flames and gangs of amen are working to'savo ( Item train do- nructlon , Jtiiiibles No , 1. Oae cupful butter , one cupful sugar , four eggs , two Cupfuls flour , one-half teaspoonful Royal flaking Powder , Rub together the butter and sugar ; add ( lie beaten eggs and flour , sIfted with the howder ; flour the board , roil out ( he dough ratiter ( lila , cut with jumble cutter , or any you may have ; roll In sugar , lay out on greased tin ; bake In fairly hot oven ten mniiiutes , ( liuge'rbread. One cupful brown sugar , and one tabespon. fui butter , stirred to a creans ; add cpu cupful New Orleans molasses , attd mix well ; stir dry two teaspoonfuis Royal flaklrg Powder in two amid one-half cupfuls lIoltr , ; putting ginger or siuico to taste , 1bhp 1ctsee large loaf Quo hour , or two srnail st ? ' -half hour. , enrls w itai'e pro henry We V troubled in a ntmmher of waya. 1mm every case whenever I felt time sliglttest iitthlsposition , I used ( lie conupound and found relief. "One tltimig noticeable in tIme arctic region was thtat the cold weather misdo us all cx- ceedlngly nervous , Vt'o becatiiu irritable aiiil cross. Our nerves were all umssrstng , and nat- murally it affected our hmealthi , I talked the matter over wltlm come of ( ho othters , anti mnade tip may tisiumil ihat possibly ( lie celery conipomind wottlcl be betieliclal , for I knew ( lint It s'as used for nervomus disorders at home , 'tVell sir , wo tried it , amid I niust say , that it helped every one of mis. " \'hemi the loumg uuighit of six months canteen on amid we wore iii darkisess , we found ( lint thio effects were very depressing , Imagine , if you caii , lIvIng six miiomithis In darkness such as ocetirs luno every nIght , amimi yomi can rca- dill' umuderstammd how we were sihiated. It Is a wonder that sonic of us dId hot go mnad , 'We hind not very mnucli to divert our atten- ( ion , auth time effect was soniothting like soil. tar ) ' comslhmiement iii a dark cell , "I hiavcm used l'aine's celery compound for a dozemi ills suclt as a person Is liable to have at amiy tinie , and especially in that desolate country , It him always helped mao , and I shomihd ho pleased to have inure of it should I go north agaIn. "I do usot kuiow of any one thIng that I can say mitoro of than Paine's celery corn- potimud. It Is certaInly a great muiedichne , and I bin an advocate of it. " THE & > ' "V ha w ' 'I ' This extraordinary Rejuvenator Is the moat womiderful discovery of ( tie ago. It baa been endorsed by tlio leadin scientIfIc mon ofEuropa fludyanma rx vega- co Ihtulyan stops 5 , , , ' Prematureness : : . ohargo ' . . _ CMi'oaS XO 'I' mg tA.I-IOOr ( bimatipatlon , Dizzinecs , Falling Sensation ; Nervous 'rwiichutng of Uio yea awl other pails. Sireiigtliemss , invlgoratcs and tones the enUxo eystern. Iludyatmcure.sDcbiiity , Neryouaneu , V himnlasioiis nuid deychopes and restores weak organo. 1 udime 1mm ( Ito buick , looses by day cm nightarostoppcd quickly. Over 2,000 private etmdorcements , l'rernaturoncauimesmtishmpoeney In thio first tagu. I I is tt syinuttomot cemimini wcakmiessand barrt.'ntueca. It cami be bPlCd In 20 days by the V ueaofllitdyan. t The new discovery was misdo by the Special. 15(5 ottlie old famous II udion MedIcal 1.Li- tutu , It Is tito stromigest vitahirer made. It ii very powerful , but harmless. Sold for 51.00 a packagoor is packages for 15.00 ( plain scaled boxes ) . Written guarantee given for a cure , If loll buy six boxes amid are not emttirely cured , 4 cix mnmwihl besenttoyoufreo of shichargea. Bend for cliculars atmd testImonIals , Atidresi ' HUDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE , 1032 MARKET ST. , , , 818AN FRANCISCO , CAtIFOENIJt'I ' _ _ --'I . .w Cures the effects of self-abuse , excesses , V K , emissions , Impotency , 2I P vanicocelo and consti- 0't ' " nation. One dollar a f/ box , six for $ . For , ' , - _ _ . . - - . _ 4 Mk'NRUciCO. tlW Fafi . 4ii1hOU't'CI1ANUlNU . ISh 8lU titO Feature' autO lternuv- law Jilemcijbemi , In SRI p. book ftjg a ittamap. , , , , Iiii II. % ' . ' .dumr' ) . 521 Vt" . 42d lit. . N , Y , Inventor of Woodbury's ( 'octal houp. 1 Teeth Without Plates ' BAILEY , DEHTIST. l'axtott hliock , lOUt nU Variiatfl 3(5 ( , Lmu-.J4p - 'i'e.I. JSfi , i'tilh ' fIot TetIs . , , . , $5 00 I Silver Fihlitia , , , , , $1 00 V IleatTeeltt . , , , . , 7 tiO I h'itro ( hold lLhlitr SI 0) 'I 'l'ltiu l'iatu , . , . . , . , 10 00 i Golil Crowoe-3iL , $0 l'aitilctts llxtraet'n IOu ihlidgu Tuimh-tuotii ( 6 01) Teeth Out In Morning , V Now Teeth Same Day VIORoFMEN Easily , Uulckly , Permanently Re8tored. Veukiics , hiervousneap0 - V Debility , anti all ( lie train , of cyhls from early errors or , . hater ezlelees : ' thu rimitultiuf overwork , iic'kness vorny , etc. Full streegdo , dovel. opmnmittnd , toitugiven i.e . . ) uvcryOrgsu amsd portioma I ottliob.1y , Bimxsjisena V 4 \ T'urel methods. Immued I J ' i/I / ate hmuproioinent. seen. V Failure imupoutThle , 2(0 references. hook , uxpisastion used proofs manUtud ( sealed ) tree. ERiE MEDICAL 00 , . Buffalo , NY. 'V , V - : :