Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ; - - ,4.JJ - - , # : . , . , , , , . .n. " " ' ' , , , ' " " - " " " - - _ . " ' , " . , . . - - " . , . - - " _ . . . , . . ' . . " " - . ' -.r " ' . ,
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f. - - . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TI1 OMAflA DAILY JUDE : S.VrUTDA Y , rAUCI 2a , 189 ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n _
- - - - - - -
crpIcnI I . . NO , 1 tEAtL ST1UI
- - -
Ptlvre4 11 trie to any part of the rU , .
It , W. TILTON , Lcsee.
. . 'ELFfUONCBlu'nel office , No U : nhbt :
. lor , No. t
- -
Grnnd , Counci flluffn. E. F. Clark , prop.
tla'u neal Estate agency & 39 Droadway. I
Wh ) Gnlnes celebrted his 21t bIrthday
Thursday evening by entertaInIng a Ilarty of
Iil friends at hIs home.
E. II. Ollt.1 commenced an nclon yoster-
11ay agaltist John S. Uncl < for tso rent , al.
leed to be (1110 antI nlI"'L' ) )
? _ .a ) " ' .L' . . _ . . .
Hev. M. : areiiet Inc sUleu ClerK 0 una
tebytery , wilt preach at the Second PresS
byterlnn church Sunday , Inrch 24 , at 10:30 :
a. m. nnd 7:30 : n. m.
1ret1 I. nnvls or the Pioneer Implement
company , will purehaso the Wles homestead
on South EJhth street and will occupy It
with hIs Irother , .John , I' . lavIi.
i ' The annual Inslltctlon % or thc ( fledge 1.Ih
Guards will take place thIs evening at their
armory , In the IllKhes building. The friends
or the cOlllln ) ' wil In made welcome.
Adjourned ) meetnr ut St. Alban's lodge
No : 17. Knights ot lythlas , this evening . for
vork In the that 11egree. All members reQuested -
. Quested to bo presct. Visitors welcome.
Della Downs has commenced proc etlngs In
the district court for a divorce from Albert
Downs . She allegc adultery as the cause ,
and wants to he restored to the use of her
maiden nnme , Dela WI < nson. ,
circulated yesterday
The report that was )
to the effect that George V. ' . Turner fell
from the fourth story or the new NIcholson
building turns out to have been a misthke.
Mr. Turner Is enjoying his usual good health.
Mrs. J. C. mxb entertaIned the ladles or
4. the Congregational church at her home . on I
' North First street last Tuesday afternoon. I
The time was put In In makIng quilts . ant
alter the work had been finished refreshments
were servcd.
Arrangements Iave : been completed for a
. "llllel night" at the Congregational church
Sunday evening. A choir specialy strlngth-
enell ( for the occasion , wl render n number
or selections from Handel's masterpieces or
musical wurl . I
' . of Mr. anti Mrs. I
Guy J. , thc 4-ear-ol son
M. I ) . Corles , ) led at 1 o'clock yesterday
' iuortilng. The funeral wi take plnco this
afternoon nt 3 o'cloc1 at the home , 239 Denton -
ton streot. and the remains will bo taken to
Detroi. Mich. . for burial .
The Omaha Whist club Is to visit Council
Bluffs this evening to play a latch game
with the local 11lnyers. There will be four-
teen on a side , and the game will be In the
League cub rooms. Herreshments will be
served , during the evening.
The city marshal Is considering the ad-
visahll ) or starting a rogue's gallery. lie
already has a number or photographs of more
or less dlstngulsheJ crpoks and the collec-
ton has been Increased quite recently by
Ow addition of a large number of others.
A character social was given by St. John's
English Lutheran church Thursday night , In
James' hall. Each guest had a name plnnt
to hIs back , and had to guess what character
lIe represented from the remarks made to
him by his frIends. The evening was passed
cry picasantly.
The petition In the $10.000 damage suit
of Andrew howling against James Saguln
for the loss of an eo has been filed In the
district court Bowling claims he would
have selkl with Saguln several months
ago for t125. that beIng the prIce he pall
for doctor bills anti the like.
Hans Schmlleln was to have had 0 preliminary -
lminary examination In polIce court ) ester-
F day morning on the charge of passing forged
checlls. but on account of his attorney .
Colonel DaIley . beIng busy In another case In
the district court a continuance was granted
until thIs mornIng , the Judge remarking that
It would have to bo tried then or not at all.
A. W. Askwjth began a suit In the dis-
trict court yesterday for $114.72 against
Nick ' FrItz. lie alleges In his petition that
twenty-tvq years ago , In the cIrcuit court , a
. - ' judgment was obtained by A. D. McKune
' for $32 against Fritz . but was
never satisfied . I has been asslgne.J
by the wIdow of the plaintiff . Mrs E. M.
McKune , to Aslwlth. and with the Interest :
- , . amounts to nearly four times what It did
Anne , wire of R. E. Reese died yesterday
afternoon at 6:10 : o'clocl . after an Illness of
nina weeks aged 55 years at her home , 191
Fourth nvenue. She was sick for a long
timne . but several months ago her son , who
had been treating her according to the Chris-
tan science method pronounced her cured. I
She was born In Wales and came hem In ;
1864 from Olphllt , Pa. Sne leaves a hus-
band and ten children , all but one of whom
are living. Her only sister Mrs. H. Olver ,
and her father , Samuel E. Hughes of Plts-
ton , Pa , wee by her side when the end
came. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
, Wo hive over $300.000 to loan upon Improved -
proved Iowa farls : Farmers desiring loans
' can save money by dealing direct wIth us .
thereby saving agent's commIssIon. We do
not loan on wild lands nor In l Nebraska.
- Lulee & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
baroN ! TUIU .
Ear R Iow Ins Wetrf.r the Folowln !
" _ . ' of 10sirnbie M.'reliandlse It
OrcnU 1.lueo < Irlces
Thompson's glove fitting corsets. that sold
from $ td $1.75 , at 29c , range of' ' sizes not
Jackson corset waists , former price $1 , reduced -
duce" to &Oc.
See ' extra values orered In bedsp ads.
$1.ii0 crochet and $1.75 ' Marseilles quits reduced -
. duced * 0 $1.19 each. Sf0 show window . 500
4.- dozen hand embrol"eret and initial hant-
lerchlefs , worth 8c , reduced to 3c or 2 for
Gc.A , new line of Irish poInt embroideries
just received See our prIces.
Latles' " night gowns , worth from 4&c to
65c. 01 sale at 39c.
45e ladles' tucked sluts at 25c each. See
show window display for other prices.
Dig lot of silk finished Poulard's figured
muls anti Swisses , worth from lOc to 15e ,
to close nt 5c a 'nrd.
All sizes of children's light wool anti cashmere .
) mere hose. worth 25e. at 12c a paIr.
, - Council Iliuffs.
I j'BIO..I. 1'.1fl.4 OllAI'lS.
I -
Frank ShInn of Carson Is In the city
' 4 TIm lealoy of Ayoca was In time city yes-
Miss Lou Hazard has gene to LIncoln for
a visit wIth her Ilarents.
k 1r ! A. K. Murphy of Des Moines Is In the
city , the guest of Mr. und Mrs. Wallace Mc-
Fmuldeu .
Mrs. J. C. Pontus has gone to Lamed ,
Keen , to meet her husband , who has been :
there for several weelts. '
C. II. Holns and H. J. Halre of New
York , representIng the American Tobacco
company , are In the _ city '
Always at the head or the proclslon-
Dr. 'rce's-the : best of the baking loa flora .
\'IUII " l'f'O I.uncli.
Edward Preeslg who lives at 418 West
orty.slxth street New York , Is contemplatIng -
Ing n globo.trottng expedIton , and Is wrIting . '
Ing to parties along his proposed route wIth a
view to making. arrangements for his entertaInment .
talnment" lie states that by the terms of a
wager he Is to start without a cent and to
return with $10.000. lie signIfies In ulmls-
lkable language that he Is ready to accept
the tree hospitalIty of hotel keepers and
others . 'he proprietor of the Grand hotel In
this city reeeivell a prInted circular making
thIs re'luelt. and with It was enclosed a
Postal card , duly directed to Presslg which
the hotel man was to fend back with his
accelltance of the globo.trotter's offer for
hIl society for I day or two The postal
card still remaIns at the hotel.
- - -
: hurh'lo l.tcvnsui.
. The following marrIage licenses .
rolowlng lcenses were Is.
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name amid Address. Age.
A . " ' . Eilswortim. ' IJotawatamle county . 21
I.'annle 1.lldel , l > otnwatlmle count . . . 18
dgqr I.ancaster Omaha . . . . . . . . , . 2t
: lubd 'ohllonl , Omaha. . . . . . . . , . . . . . , 19
Evans' Laundry Co. , 520 l'earl : tel. 290 ;
* - . . shIrts , collars , curs , fine work a specIaly ,
' DAVIs , dlug , paInt , glass luan. 200 13'way.
, _ \ ' ' . . , ' . . : - . . ; . .
God Government Club lolds Another Meet
ing t Perfect Organization ,
Cardinal Doctrlnc . ot the Club Formulntell
lend Announced - Six Cnll'lehcndvo
COlmitoPI L'ros'hicti ror-Short
, chlrc8sc.nlto \clbe ,
The second meeting of the Good Govern- .
ment cub was held last evening at Dc-
long's hal for the purpose or completIng
the organIzation commenced a week berore.
PresIdent S. Wallsworth occupied the
chair , and there were abut fUy citizens
present ChaIrman C. : f. han of the corq- i
mltee appointed to draw up a declaration of r
principles and a constitutIon made a report of
ant consluton late
the work lone , by the committee. The declar-
aton at principles was as follows :
This club lens been organized In renlza-
thin of both the Imnportntice nlul dllculy or
secll'ln Iroller , Inunlcllml govemnmnsnt our
responsibility lS citizens therefor and the I
Ilotcntlnl Inlnence which cln be exercised I
by organization looking to the better gov-
eminent or our city. !
I hll been organized not for the purpose
of InvestIgating unsolved problems or the
ntvoeaey of unpruven theorIes but to secure
the enforcement of law , the slppresslon of
\Ice all the 11'omolon of municipal economy -
omy anti progress. 1 Is not orgamlizetl to
agitate for the change of existing laws
with reference to which there Is welt te-
lIned difference of opinion among good citIzens -
Izens , but to declare I platform looking to
good governncemct . upon which nil citizens
deslrols of honest elclent tenth Economic
Ilmlnlstrton can stand wihout regard to
difference of creed or paltics. {
It shall be strictly nonpartisan and non-
I 8111 strict nonpartlln
sectarlume anti wi gIve its nsslsllncc and
support to every IIUllc olcer clulclvorlng
In ,181lo"lc Iw m1ntIe " of his olce , enforce .
the " ' laws and Promote - time weifare or. tie
municipaly. mired wIll visit Its contemnnton
upon all publc olcers countenlncln ! the
vIolation of law the wastng or publc
10nes 01 the prostitution of government.
We are In favor of the reasonable . Imommest
elclent and impartial enforcement of laws ,
of the complete severinI of the parlnershlll
01 municpal goverment with gamblIng
nml the social evil . n ! not only repugnlnt to
the convictions oC the lajOI ) ' of our peo-
pie and lt war with the Ilrlnclples oC our
civliIzatlomi . hut In direct delanee or the
In\I' > of the state . anti lemal1 that mill SUII-
item t , clther active or icassive . or these In-
stutons by the lunlclpll government
shal cease , Int that Inws against them
shah be rigidly and elclenty enforced. to
the end that wherever they shal contnue
leolle the municipal government nnd our citIzens -
Izens shll be relieved of responsIbility
We mere In favor 01 progress and the encouragement -
couragement of enterprise , but demand that
the taxes exacted of our . people shnl he
economically anti honest ) amincinistered . and
nil useless and unneceSSII ' bunions hal
ho removed from thee people. to the end that
the burdens oC taxation may be redmmcetl
nld our municipal government concluded
without levying tribute upon the vices of
time community.
We pledge ourselves collectively and In-
dlvilual ' to the support of these prlnclple8
and to efforts to secure their adoption ns
features of our municipal go\ernment. to
aiml In the enforcement of law . the suppression -
stoic of vice and the promotion of business
principles In our municipal admInistration.
The cOllutcn was a somewhat lengthy
one . providing all the various details of thc
organization. Six commitees were to be np-
pinted , as follows : Municipal legislative . to
look alter all proposed legislation by the CJun-
cl and notify the club or any that may be
Inimical to the city ; taxation and publc ex-
penditures to keep t,1 club posted on matters -
ters pertaining to these ncatters . and to suggest -
gest means for cutting down taxation ; retrenchment -
trenchment amid reornc to investigate the
number or city employes and theIr salaries
' 011 to suggest where the city can curtaIl
expenses ; jUdlclar , to find out the legal
rIghts of officials , the city , and the citIzens ;
law enforcement and moral reform to look
up the manner In which the laws are enforced -
forced , and the connecton of the municipal
government with vice ; printIng ' and education ! .
to print and clrctllato literature containIng
Information with reference to taxes public
expenditures and defects In municipal admin-
The constitution further provde : t'1al m et- I
Ings should be held the first and third Fri-
days In each month. at a place to be decided
upon by the executIve committee . and the
mater of demos was to be settled by the same
body. The constItutIon ant the declaration
of prIncIples were adopted without change.
Several shcrt speeches were made by W.
W. Wallace , 'V. C. James ant others. Chairman -
man 'Vadsworth made reference to the prop-
ositon made by the mayor In his recent
message to ticelty council , and salt that the
city was plying too much county tax now.
I his suggestions were adopted and the as-
ceased valuation or all properly were raIsed ,
It would compel every taxpayer to pay more
county and state taxes than he Is doIng now.
L. W. Ross ale made a few remarks call-
Ing attention to time fact that out of the 61 % -
mi levy this year only 2i4 mills are re
qulrell for stale purposes. so that the 59 mIlls
are levied by the people mselns. We
are In the habit of finding fault with the
government for its reckless way of managing
our finances . when It Is realy ourselves who
are acting like a lot of sponmltlmrifts. The
name "Good Goverment club" Impled to
his mind that there luSt l bl a bad govern-
neent somewicre . and he hoped the present
movement would root It out.
John Aides be.bbed Into view at thIs juncture -
lure , and made ene et his characteristIc
speehes. At the clmax 01' an oratorical pe-
nod ho wove In a small but picturesque
'word that began with a D , and J. H. West-
cott called him to tIme. Ahles went on untIl
he was through and sId nothing mere to
cause the clergymen present to look down
their noses
An executive Iommllee was appolnfEd ,
with President Wadsworth as chairman ex-
cfco , and the other members were W. F.
BokrV . C. James , C. ILl . hen and J. C.
DeHaven. This comnltee will hold a metIng -
lag this morning at 10 o'clock at han &
McCabe's office . an't name the sIx committees -
tees , each to consist ot five men , and decide
upon a Illaco of mmieetlng . The city council
will probably ba selected It It can be procured -
cured _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
J. R. McPherson , florist , cut fewer and
plants. Design work a specialty. Wire or-
tiers day or Dlght. ' 1281 E. PIerce , CouncIl
Du as. _ _ _ _ _
Furnished and unfurnlshe,1 rooms for rent
at 710 First avenue ; ale a house 623 Broadway - :
way , seven rooms , suitable for boarding or
restaurant ; also four rooms adjoining , at 621
Droadway. E. W. Jackson
1.lp fur SI. . loImIm'N ( imureb
Tomorrow wi be Council Bluffs' lay In
lice general synod Lutheran church throughout -
out time United States , and the Importance
or thIs city as a great commercial center , as
well as a place for every denomInation to
be well represented , WIll be Ilroclaimed from
more pulpis In one day than perhaps ever
occurred berore. Collections \yl at the same
" . . - _ "
t 01" . (1&1 <
One cupful very strong coffee , one cupful
butter , two cupfuls sugar , three eggs , one
and onehalf pInts four , one and one.halr
teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , one cupful .
ful stoned raisins , cut In two , one-balf cup-
Jul chopped citron , len drops each Royal
Extract Allspice and Nutmeg , and one. half
cupful mmcilk . nub the butter and sugar to
a whie cream ; add the eggs , one at a time ,
beatIng three or four minutes between each.
sm together four and powder , which add to
the butter . etc. , whit the coffee , raisins ,
cItron , milk and extracts. Mix Into a smooth
batter. hake In paper lined cake Un , In hot
oven fifty minute - . .
Lund C"k. ( Itosinimi
Two cupfuls butter , two cupfuls sugar , one
and ole.half pints four , ge teaspoonful
. , . 4 > d , , _ ' . . ' ' _ , ,
tIme be tAken to enable tlc Woman's MIs-
slonay society of that body to donate U.OO
to the St John's EnglIsh Lutheran church
of this city for the purpose of helping to
build A church edIfice on tie soulheat car-
nor at Seventh street and Willow avenmme
The Woman' MIssionary society of that
church will held tlelr CouncIl Dlurs day
services at their place of worship In James'
hal , 17 Pearl street . InterestIng articles
will be read , all the pastor , Rev , G. W.
Snyder , wi speak . . _ ! . _ the . work In thIs city.
ills 1'ntherln.l.n , , lern'ld to Let 11m Sec
111mm Wie And Clmiid.
John Emarlne's case wi go to the jury
this morning , unless some of the attorneys
find themselves unable to .lsgorge the reo
qulslo ampunt of eloquence In one session
Emarlne was upon time witness stand yesterday .
tertay afternoon ant told his story ot the
case the first time I bas been gIven to the ,
publIc. He said he left hIs wIre ant children
at Eames' house In the morning anti after
spending the day In town went back In the
evnlnl to see timem lie left hIs team , nnll
as he drew near the house was met by hIs . K. I Eames , who asked him
what he wanted lie saId he had come after
his wIfe and ) babies , but Eames told him
he could only come over his dell body. !
Emarlne persIsted In the statement that he
was going to see his children , but as he ap'
preached Eames made a melon toward his
hip pocket , remarldng : "I'l show you , "
Emarlne had hIs own weapon In his sIde
coat pocket and thinking he was about to
bo shot puled It out amid began shooting
at Eames. At the same Imtant almost a
son of the old man drew a double.barreled
shotgun ant let him have the contents ot
both barrels. Emarlne decided to leave. anll
ns he crawl off Into an adjacent flehl , to
dIe as he supposed he fred three shots to
attract the attention of some one , who he
thought would help him to find a more coma-
fortable restIng place than the cold SOl\
The three shots were supposed by the people
In the house to have been fired wIth suicidal
intent until they found that he was alve
anll kick immg.
Emarlne told of one time when old man
Eames and his sons were workIng In the
hayfield. Eances sr. . was Possessed or a
pretty good temper , nl I was arolsell by
acme real or fancied derelictIon or duty on
time part of one or the younger men He
ordered him to throw up some hay and the
boy said he woul"n't do it . whereupon the
old man chased him wh a imitcimfork and
tried to bore a hole through him for tht
daylight to pass through. The young man
rushed to the house for safety , and his
mother sister and several other women rau
between him and his Infuriated pa.
'he sIster referred to was put upon the
stand by County Attorney Saunders for the
purpose of rebutting the later portion or the
testmony , anti swore that she never knew or
any such tantrum 1s the old mnn had been
represented by his son-In-law as havIng.
Among the wItnesses was Dr n. B. Jen-
nings who attended Emarlne the night oC the
shootng and for several days after. He
said that about ten days after the shootng
he asled Emlrlne why he shot his father-
In-Inw , and ho replied that he was drunk amid
did not know what he was doing. At an-
other time he said the gun was a new one .
and he did not know Il was a seH-coeker , so
he did not suppose It would go off.
Colonel Daley has done nothing with the
"enotioimal : Insanity" plea which he announced -
nounced at the opening of the trial would be
his client's derense.
The jury panel was discharged for the
term yesterday as the last of the criminal
cases has been tried. Today the probability
Is that J. C. Morby . the Rock Island man
who beat his company by means of a forged
tme chck and W. H. Hall . the freight car
thief , will receive their checks for Fort Macit-
son fare. Time rest of the time Intervening
between now and the opening of the April
tlrm will be occupied In Winding up matters.
Clyde ship builders dispute that the
United States warship Mainerecord 17.55
knots hourly-Is fastest or its class. They
however concede the superiority ot Prlce's
Cream Baking Powder.
WILL hOLD ON 'ru 1'UElt 1'LjCE.
Humored Resignations of Urlght Young ito-
porter Plo\ to Ito Asetess.
During the last few days . I report has been
in circulation that t1me newspaper' ranks of
Council Bluffs would suffer a distinct loss I
In the near future by the retirement oJ
two wel known pencil shoverf , H. P. Baret
and R. R Jon s. Dth were seen yester-
day and disclaimed any knowledge or such
Intention. Mr. Jones remarked In the course
of a conversation : "I have never told any ,
one that I expected to make I change In
locaton. and cannot imagine how such a re- 1
port should get out. I Is true. lmowcver that
I have had several offers Irom other cities.
One of these Is to take charge of a theologIcal -
Ical seminary In the Indian territory. I had
some experience In this Ino In connection
with my Chicago newspaper work , and have
always felt that If 1 had any talents they
lay In that direction. But the offer was not
such as to tempt one . for the salary Is small.
So , although I feel that I could do more
good there than here . the demands of my
fancily compel me to stay In Council Bluffs.
. SInce I have been here the circulation of
my daily paper In Council Bluffs alone has
Increased to 40,000 a day , and the weekly
In proportion. You can say tat I mean to
rEmaIn here until that figure Is .Ioubled. "
Mr. Darret was equally positive In his
stateltent that there was 0 mistake some-
where. "I have been of
thinking some pur-
chasing the Home Delght and runnIng It as
an independent political paper , the organ of
the Good Government club and the Methodist
church , but the two organizatIons fated to
hitch , and I think the deal has fallen through.
Consequently , I shall still remain In my present -
ent capacIty , unless 1 meet with bad luck. "
IIw. . 1..rnu for : cmIe.
We offer for sale , for a short time only , the
followIng Iowa farms : A 287-acre farm In
Guthrie county , a 40-acre farm In Monona
county , 160-acre farm la 1onona , 70-acre
.rarm In Union county , 160-acre farm In Wood-
bury county 120-acre farm In Woodbury
county , two SO-acre farms In Harrison county.
Very low prices wi he made In order to et-
feet immediate sales ' Will take somd' trade.
Can malI liberal terms on these properties .
Cal or write for partlcuiars. James &
O'iCeefe 1 Pear street
Council Bluffs horse marl < et. Auction sale
every Friday afternoon at Klel's ' barn. Bring
In your horses If you want them sold
The Aberhln . strictly frsl-clas. Cuisine
mmexcelled. Brautful rooms. Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Council Bluffs.
Gas heating stoves for rent and for sale : t
Ccuncl Bluffs Oas compans office.
Meal tIckets good for 21 meals , only U
Iacll , at hotel Inman.
Dr. Laugel , amre 410 5th ave. ; tel. 180.
COII"orch&1 I'ilmrrimnmi' Alolvcr.r , ' .
The Commercial PilgrIms of AmerIca will
celebrate time fourth annIversary of the
founding of the order In Counci Bluffs , Sat-
- - -
. . " . - . . . - . " . .
Hoyal Baking Powder , six eggs , one gill wine ,
one teaspoonful each Royal extract Rose
Clnnumon und Nutmeg. Hub the butter and
sugar to a very lght cream : add the eggs ,
two at a time , beating five mlnates between
each addition : add the lour , sifted with the
powder , wine , extracts : mix Into a smooth
batter , put Into a thIckly papered shallow
cake van and bake In moderate oven one and
one-quarter hours When cold , ice the
botom and sides wIth . white Icing
llmoeommmtmm Cremimum Cakr.
One and one-half pounds each butter , sugar
and four , eighteen eggs. Beat the yelks
separate with sugar and butter. Beat the
whites separately and add to above. 'fo
one-half of the dough mix oneIluartcr pound
chocolate , and bake of each part ( the dark
and light ) sIx cakes. III place of Jelly put
. '
urdny evening , AprIl G , 1805 , nt theIr rooms
In the Brown buldl , The Pigrim Sisters ,
Academy No. I , wl1 hterttln the members
ot the order and ) tlmtlrfrlends , and wIll spend
the evening In music , dancing and refresh-
' 1I.1n S1ltssc 1 SOON FOUND.
She had TAken UI' Her home In" Mini
ter' If ml1'
Mary Rnsmussen , , tll ( i Unllerwood sIr ) who
disappeared n week ago , lies been found ) .
She arrived a week ago lat Friday , and )
went to the hous9iprHev. : \ . J. E. Simpson
rector or Grace plscopal church She said
she wanted a place to work , and Irs. Simp-
son consented to /1'0 her t trial. After a
few days she begall tu . show symptoms her-
doming on InsanIty , anAS she was not nt
all strong , Mrs. Simpson tel her she would
have to go and make n place for another
ant a stronger girl. hut Mary hall come to
lIke the place and she announced her intention .
tenton of staying whether or no. Thursllay
morning she locked herself In the bath room
at nn early hour In the mnormeing , mind all
efforts to dislodge her were fruitless , untIl
1 :30 : o'rlock In the afternoon. Then by
pullng out n smal window and climbIng In
that way . Mr. Simpson got the 11001 open
and made the girl go out. She said she
hall a sister Mrs. ( ] rahammc . on Broadway ,
and some or the neighbors saw that she was
put safely on board a train and started on
the way to Irs. Graham' . She got oft the
train when she got down towmc amid , after
wandering around town wenl to thee resi-
dence of 11ev. Mrs . Mattimlasomc. Miss Han-
somm who happened 10 be visiting there at the
timice . recognized her and tool her to the
home or her sister When she arrived Lucre
she toll n story ns to her whereabouts that
dll ) not tally at all wIth the ( facts saying
she hat been staying lt the home of two
sIsters named Gustafsozc who work out dtmr- i
Big thin day. She Is plainly Insane ; 1t It
Is probable her case will be 'brought before
the commIssioners. The fact that Limo girl
who hnd been staying at Mr. Simpson's
house was the missing ' ono was first dlscov-
erell by : Is. G. 11. Jaclson and Mrs.
Shmepard . who read or time case In yester-
day's Bee anll reported the facts to the city
marshal as they knew them.
A vial qleston"whnt baking powder do
) use ? Dr. Price's Is h'nmeasurably the
best. _ _ _ _ _ _
l.ul"1 " ' .ls lurl'nrlzcd.
The residence of Lucus Wells emi Oakiammci
avenue , was enteret by burglars last cvenlng
about 8:30 : o'clocl. The ( amly were al
away excepting Mrs. Wels. and she left
about 8:15 : for a short visit with friends
across the street , closing and locking the
door bolmind hmer A. W. Casady came home
frteen minutes later amid as he ascen"ed
time porch he thought he saw some one In-
side. lie gave a whistle . and 1 second later
he heard a whistle In response. Then the
follow ho hall seen Inside the house rushed
out past imhmcm tropplng n jewel case ns ho
went Mr. Csaty mild not chase hmin . and
both he and his pal ran down Oakland avenue -
nue and were lost to sIght. 1 watch and a
pall of valuable earrIngs are missing. I Is
suppose that the fellow got In by pryIng
open the front door.
lENISUN 151(08.
BIg C Imk ! ale.
Children's reefer Jackets mill sizes age 4 to
12 years Saturday $1.00 onch.
See our girls' red Jackets , In all sizes , Sat-
unlay $1.50 each. c I ,
Ladles' all wool capes at $1.50 , $2.00 , U.50 ,
$3.50 and $5.00 each ' , .
See thel on salp/Saturday.
Ladles' $3,00 nayy blle serge mackintoshes
Saturday $2.25 eah , ' .
All our misses' ald cctldren's mackintoshes
again Saturday at'$1s each.
Ladles' triple capp . I'acklntoshes. Saturday ,
$4.50 : worth $6.5 1 _
Get our prIces t4etdre , buying.
I O'
A n' UIlf\dl " .
"He who by 'his , biz would rise
Must either 'bust' -ot'advertise. "
We have advertised , and are doing the
business. All rra'mes'ant ' pictures at qal
price untIl April . 1. H. L. Smih & Co. , 45
Main street. ' IU
r Marcus' fire , .ale : l4'draWing , , the crowds
The stock consists of ' ' and boys' cloth-
Ing gents' furnishing goods boots and shoes ,
hats all caps trunks and valises. The goods
arc slightly damaged by smoke but not an
, artcle Is offered that Is not worth two or
three times the price asked . Open evenIngs.
Burglary , at Walton.
The polce were .notled yesterday that
AI Nlxon's residence In Weston had been
burglarized Thurs"ay night An overcoat ,
two shirts a suit of underwear sand a hat
were stolen 1 description of the supposed
thief was given the police , and they expect
to get him , as he Is thought to have come
this way. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Vmtvrmm's Dry ( ood's anti JllllolY 81&le.
For Saturday and Monday
Ladles' muslin skirts with embroidery
flounce , worth 95c. for 45c.
Ladlcs' night dresses finely made , em-
broldereci yoke worth $1.00. for 6ge.
La"leS 75c nl'ht ' dress , 48c.
I.adles' SOc corset covers , wIth insertion
and embrlotery dging for 29c.
Plnln corset covers 12m4c.
I.adles' muslin drawers , embroider or
lace trimmIngs , for 43c.
At VAVRA'S. 12 Droadway.
The auction sale of shoes Is still running !
and the longer It runs the cheaper the prIces
of shoes become. $5 shoes are stilt beIng
sold occasionally for $1. and you can get
any amount of bargaIns at 25 cents on the
A new stock of sportng goods has just I
been put In by Cola & Cole. Fishing tackle ,
guns , cameras anmmunition . ctc Sportsmen I
need not go out of town to buy the best ant '
latest In this line at correct prices
St. Andrew' . loclot )
The following officers of SI Andrew's so-
ciety were elected last evening : President ,
Dr. O. V. ' . Gordon ; vice president , William
S. JcMlclen ; chaplaIn Jumes Buchanan ;
treasurer , George W. Hewlt ; secretary , Sty-
mest Stevenson ; board of managers A. C.
Graimam Henry Stevemmson John 'r. Oliver ,
J. P. Greenshlelds , Andrew Bell .
Yes , the Eagle launry IS "that good
laundry , " and Is located at 724 Broadway : .
1 In "oubt about thIs try It aDd be convinced
Domm'I forget Dame and number. Tel 157. .
A woman who Cn do general housework
well can get a good paying p031lon this
week at time corner ( Bluff street and Fih
avenue Council Bluffs . John T. Stewart
"IIHIIY llornln/
Pot of Boston baked beans and loaf of
brown bread delivered for breakfast , .30
cents. Order from q.1D. ltanmhlett ,
Whutl \ I" ' Hi1 I 11/0 'f
Everything Ir mmplie1 to a Hardman Piano ,
sold by Mueller a'pl : f and Organ company ,
103 Main street \ano
l' I
e e e e
f ,
i ROYAL has the highest leavening power of any powder cxanjic1 i , and
is pure and wholesome No other powder gave results so satis a 1ory.
i FLOYD DAVIS , M S" , Ph. D. , l\t I I
2 Chemist of Iowa State Board of.I-JeaIth.
L. e . \ = " . Jealth" _ j1
Q - _ , . t w
tbreo-quat.ters pint ot cream amid yelks
of eight eggs . Sugar to taste , flavor with
Royal Extract Vanilla. Put arm fire and stir
until It thickens , then . put between the cakes
\hlto ' Jlolntlln Cake.
One cupful butter , three cupfuls sugar , one
pInt four , one amid one.hal teaspoonfuls
Royal BakIng Powder , whItes or sIx eggs ,
one cupful mik , twenty drops Royal Extract
flitter Almonds Rub butter and sugar to
light , white cream : add the sIx whites ,
whIpped to dry froth . tb. ( flour , sifted wih
the powder , time mIlk , and extract ; mix together -
gether thoroughly , but carefully , and bake In
jelly cake tins In a Quick oven fifteen min.
utes ; then ( arrange In layer with whie Icing
and grated cocoanut mixed . In the proportion
of two CUpfuls ot former t one of laler ,
. . - .
Agriculuro Society Completes Arange-
ments for the Annual Exhibition ,
- .
" 1 Heeolll'ml a I.bIRth'e AIIIrOIrh\
tIme br ThIrty Thou nIHllotRrl An-
nURly AIHI , Admi CitIzens
of time State Yree
DES MOINES , Iarch 22.-Special ( Tele'
grnm-The ) executive board or the Iowa
State Agricultural society adjourned today
after a meetng lastIng all week. The plan
to raise $0.000 by time sale or 20.000 tIckets
b ) time people or Des Iolnes was repotell as
successful amid time board thereupon added
another tIO.OOO In banlmble 11aper , the entire .
tire fumed , to be used for time IIa'ment or II'
debtedless now due anti II making prcara-
tons for the next state fair. Hal or the 20.000
tickets were taken by the ralwa's mind ) the
other haIr by the business men ot Des
: , MoInes and will be good for almltnnce to
time state roll thIs raIl The board decided
to submi a sehemo to the next legislature
for an nnnual npproprlaton of $30.00 Iml to
alhnlt the publo free. I vas the unnnhnous
opinIon that the plnn \oull be I success.
The the legislature idea will bl meets. agitated from now on unt
A .e..111 IOWa ItimIIL'mlmiq .
DES MOlNlS . Inrch 22.-Special ( Tele-
grmemic-Tlce ) state exccutve counci hna
been In ses ' lon for mm I , week conshlerln the
sessment of ' ' ' ' ' .
ralll'n ) Pr0P'rtY for laxntiomc
The wO'k Is about 11'oprt ammO report wIll
be mettle : lunta ) ' . Mcmmcy I rellrelcnlul\ea of
railways hnvc been heard In lEglrd to n
Ielluelon of mlssesmmmnemcts . amid their nrgu-
monta have bore u little frmmtt. The tug-
gregnte eSMment thIs ) 'cal wi be uhout
IU'JO.O In rounll mmtmmmcbem's which wil be
a redurton of several hundred thousand
from iiuL ) I' . 'he greatest rclucUon will
occur In time UFSI Smont of the Ghlcugu &
North\e ter 1'llwu ) 10ne of the oUlel'S
' .
being mnterlll ) changed. I
EIlorm 1.\0 u ( Sticirrol .
DES MOINES : ' , 'rcle-
:10INES. lnrch 22-Sicocinl ( -
grnne.-Applicntiome ) was made this rtftor-
noon by Henry Wallace for a receiver for
the Plerre- " 'alnee PublshIng comln .
whIch . publshes the Iowl Homeslel11 In this
city . " 'I consln . Fnrmel met Mmtthlecomm . " 'Is. . .
amid Knm'as City Inllcutor at KnmHs City.
Personal tlferences between " 'alnce amid
Pierce caused the trouh1e. W'allace hmeis
been forced out of the eehitom'simllm of time
10mesteall and treasurership of the com-
hmaimy Inl says a receivership Is the only
evmey to n\e the properl . I Is probable 1
receiver wi be appolntell. I
UI\II time Lmmes'yerzs 'Vorl
CEDAR RAPIDS In. . Mlrch 22.-Speclnl (
'relegrarmc.-At ) Vinton J. I ) . Strong ono of
the judges nt the school electon In ole of the
country districts has been bound O\'el to the
grund jury for refusimig John C. Shaw the
right of suffrage. Thee fight Is the culmina-
ton oC 1 long and bitter feud and promises
to outrival the famous Jones county calf
case. . Already nearly every lawyer In the
count ) Is engaged on one side or the other.
i'icmtttemi UuHty \dul"I )
COnNING , la. . 1nrch 22-Speclal ( Tele-
I'am.-Adams' ) count . court closed today
Robert Mitchell pleaded guilty to adultery
wIth the wife of S. E. Trimuble 1 young
farmer of Union townshIp timid was fined
$ : WO and one minI' In Jail. He also paid $250
dnmages to the husbaml
SmnlllzI I ut Iat Ime cvii ho .
CEDAR RAPIDS Ia. . March 22.-Specinl (
Telegram-Flre ) lt Esthcrvlio today burned
the Democrt and Bxby meat mnrlet.
Loss , $ 5OO. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Jnrle.1 Uulhlll to lie liopiicetI. !
SIOUX CITY March 22.-Speclal ( 'fele- ,
gmam.-Tice Implement dealers whose
storks " 'ert clesti'rmyed In 'rhursdn"R fire
) .
have nlrlnd ) ' arm'nmcged for n. w quarters and
ordered new stocks with whkh their bums-
mess wIll be 10ntnuNI with the least pos-
"Ihll delay . The l.lmmsee&t 01 company Is
IlrCparlnl to rehul,1 Its elc\'ator.
lRthnn "c1Allco lohhc.I ,
CORNING , In. , March 22.- ' ( Special Tele-
rnm.-Thl ) postolco at Cl'bon , eight
mlr ! north\'clt of here vas robhfl last
mcighmt. About $ worth of atamps were
stolen. ,
l'l .U'I"W j'UIIW.tT.
Conuiition . r > , orlhlo for ! e"lrn Local
'nrm" ' In time Missommri \ 'alley .
\\SlING''ON , Iarch 22.-'he forecast
for Saturd\ : Is :
For Nclraslm and South Dnkotn-l.ocal
showers , followed by fair weather : much
cooler ; wcsterl' winds : cOlltuns favorable
for severe local storms In the miissoutrt val-
' .
I.'or Miesoumm'l-Fair , probably followed In
the northern 111 north \estet 11orlon by
local showers : Warmer In the Routheast uili
cooler In the nurtheaRt 'ortons Saturday
c\'enlng ; outherl . shiftng to westerly ,
wlll .
. ' ' fair , local
1.01 inmcsas-Genermchiy fnll except
showets In the Ixtreme northern porton ;
wlllls sh\ln ! to wcstel'l IHI Ileh IJoler
, ' ' .
by Sntlrla ) e\'enlug.
For Iowmi-luemtl showers ; hlh'Intls ,
ahmiftimeg to westerly , wih cUl110nl favorable .
able for severe local turls ; cooler by S.utur-
tiny cvemiIng
I.m."t iipeermh.
O"I 0
0:1'1' , Mntch 22.-Ommiaima : record of , .
11elnllre ' amid rnlnll. cutJnled wih the
eorm'eslmommdlmmg day of the Past f.II' years :
cOr'e < lees . IS91. 1S03 . 1892.
Mnxlmum lemmeliemattiro. . . 11 30 38 2
Ilnllll temecpcrcmttmre. . . . 3j 2 31 15
Average temnpermetumrc. . . . 48 30 36 22
1Iecllllntol verge . . . . . . . . . .0 .01 .03 .01
Comuhitiome oC tem\erture anti preclJlaton
nt COIHllon for the \ llny nl1 since Mnrch 1.
189j :
Normnl lemmcimerature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Hxcess for time clay.'J
Not'mmemul hrecilmltatiomc . . . . . . . . . . . . (15 ( Ilch .
NOlnnl Ilreclillaton fO' . . . . . . . . . . .0 Inch
Total precipitatiomi simcct. ' March 1. . .46 Inch
' Delclcncy 'otll since Mnlch . 1. . . . . . . . .38 Inch
Ahix . the nel weather . has Iclset Nancy
llanies. Prlce's lakll Pewter has never
been shor of Its laurels , amid still Is tn-
umllhant on the \edetal or public favor.
I IlVlHlU J'.t IX - lIW UJ' GJtII' .
I.\get lx.uommgrcmcmnumc Is UII11 After Five
Iays' Illc , , .
PIII.DBLPIIA , March 22.-Ex-a'or
I' ' anti ex.Congressman Hchanl Vnux . lied at
his homo In thIs city nt 4 o'cioclt thIs mornIng -
meg from a severe nllck or the grip , aged
i8 years.
! r. Vnux cOIlalnell of nn unusual spell
of Indlgeslon In the early part or last week
but , thQugh taking but little nourlshmlnt or
any kind . he wcnt to his olce e\'er ) day anti
ntemlell to hIs .Iules wIth his nccustomel
cheerfulness. Last Saturday as president
of the state icnisonc board he received the
special cOlmllee ) or the state legislatue
appointed to report on the proposed removal
of the eastern penltentar ) ant pent fully
two hours In showing the members about
the instituticim . Arer leaving the warm
corridors the cell all chlell the aged iihmil-
anthropist anti on Sunday he ound hlmseH
In n hot rever. The famiy phmysiciamc Dr.
Chcston was called In and found Mr. Vaux
stiffening ( rom the grip. lie grew rapidly
worEe anti yesterday Ir Cheston deemell It I
necessary to call Dr. Tyson Into consulaton
and both physlclnns ndmltet the gravity of
thee situation. Late last nIght the aged pa-
tent began to sink rapidly and shortly after
midnight ho becam uniconscious. .
U.elcl'l time WIr d'itlps " for l'Iqmnrcmc.
DEU.IN. March 22.-An Imperial decree
has ben publshed ordering that all war
ships of the German navy are to be dresse
with flags on Prince Bisnianck's birthday.
" "lnlnr ( "rler 1'Itrel )
hELENA Mont. . March 22.-8enator Car-
, ter has comlllete recovered from grip and
Is attending to his law practice In this city.
, ' ' /
"I . _ -
. . I--
\ ,
4 ,
t IF n 'oman is not attractive , there is !
somethin wrng. Any WOlan can
' bc attractive If she wi make thc effort.
. I isn't altogether a question of bealty.
I Is largely a mater of health. The bloom
. . . . :111 glow ofhea1h go far toward bringing
- I beauty. A clear skin , bright eyes , rca
' - ' lips and the vivacity which bodily good
- ' woman fc'eflmmg hrimcgs handsome. , will make even a hOlely
. = The satisfacton of attracting the nten-
ton of ten is no moe to test women
S , - than the grtfcaton nfonled by feelng
, equal to other woncncmm. Leaving Olt all
consideratons of comfor and looking
only at the mater on the side of beauty ,
a woman's health should be the object of greatest care and thought
Hal of the women one meet are semiinval s. Carelessness and ignornce and
neglect have madc it so. Failure to heed the warnings of outraged nntui'e-faihumre
to give the help needed by the most delicate and sensitve organs-little troubles
ignored until they have become dominant-disease allowed every chance to spread
and gain a seled seat-these things bring about the sunken , circled eyes , the
hollow cheeks , the pale and sallow skin , the flabby , strengthles flesh , which
characterize the appcarnce of the womal who stiffens from "female weakness. "
There is ice reason. save that ofcarclessmcess , why the llman female should 10t be
a strngly healthy as the human ociale There is 10 reason in nature for it-there
is no excuse in the word for I female weakness. " If proper care be taken , it need
never exist. I proper care be takcn , its existence cal be stopped.
Dr. Pierce's Fa\'orte Prescription has cured thousands of sufering women. I is
a perfected SpeCifiC for the troubles peculiar to them. I eradicates the disease ,
stops the dragging hife.sappiicg drin , and in l perfectly ratonal , natural way ,
builds up the wasted stremcth . I will bring buoyant health . I wi pent roses into
ammaemmmic facesld flesh 1 sunken places I docs away with the humiatng ex-
and local trcatment" much dreaded
aminatons alI s by modesty sensitive woimmemc .
For thirty years , it has been successfully prescribed ] by Dr. Pierce , Chief Consultng
Physican to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute at Buffalo , N. V.
. The above href talk on Woman's p"cular alhnelts Is contnued In n treatise of 1M pages
Z cnntalnlul scores of testmonials amI reproduced photogrphs with names amid addresses of
o those cumm'ei. Ten cents { slamps wil hrim this hook HI'nll lvi iiiIis ( ' , mveIp ( . ; or ,
. , better still , lime I'eopic's Conimmnconm Sense Memilcal Am1vier. boimimfi imm stonmg pammer covers. comm.
. tnmimmiing all lIme foregoing treattse , mmmii s'ernl limmmmdred nmgcs iu'simiea , ii'ji I Ipe
MAIJdI ) FREE to ammy ommc bemmdimmg 25 Cr131.3 mm ome.cemmt stammilma to pay for inckini
amid posage onmly ; commtmmimms over nooo pages nazi oo iiiustn-mmtiomg. ver dSowo coicles sol
8 1mm clothm easels mit regmminmr price of Address ( witim mtanmps aimmi tlmis Commpomi ) for either
bookWoeu.n's Dism'zeNsav Manmcte. ASSOcIATION , 66 Main Strcctlcutraio , N. V.
Evt'm'ythming in tIme Jiimg , l'miiiit. amid Oil hue at hot tomii pr1L'4s. Agemits fot'
1'I IltCE'S M IDIC1NES , M ItS , YA LE'S TO ! i4i'r IthmI EDI ES' .
Amid miii le'mullmmg mhimlmitmfmIi'tlmreN , liring ' ' ' .
yoims' jnc'c'liptIoimH to na.Yo vill miyo
yoto iiioiiey ovei'y tUmee. ltoglstememi ciei'k itmid rcgiutcm'el Imroprietoi' _
, All kinds of Dyeing
r and Cleaning done in
j tile icigimest style of
time art , Faded and
atteirmeti fabrics made
_ - .
to look as good as
-i- _ _ _ _ _ .DYE new.Vork promptly
. done and delivered
' in all harts of ( lie
1 ft country. Send for
price list ,
i- 1'Wo C ) . .il , MACIIilN
, - ' _ r e7 J'vemrIotr
' : Broadway , near Normh.
- western Depot , Council
: ; ; limuia , Iowa. 'Zl. * ZL
' , .
' " -J--
- _ 4
Eczema , Turning to Illood Poison.
Treated hiySieeclallsmtg Stivemi Monethme
withiotmt ( ) mme I'nrticlo of' Stmecesi.
Condition Terrible. Life a lImu'don.
Tried CUTICUHA. In 'l'hmrcc IaysAt.
tenia to ilusinesa , Cure l'ermmmnncnt.
in thin spring of 1891 I took tint .lrcamltmci skin
dlease , h"czeimm , ulmielm Immnmmcml lute blOmti , , oison.
consulted time best kmiowmi speeahists ! in thIs
CIty.'l'imec'treateml mao for
' I'es cmi mimommtlm , taiL I never
, - ' , tlorfe'etl me l'artieio of
. JoomI frommu mmn3' ( if them.
hey imati gi''ii It up as
' mu imopeices cute. I was
. - ' cocmemi % uItii sores from
head to fool I had run.
" 4 ndig sores all over me ,
sommmo 01 tlmemmi mis iargo lea
: a hot of 3ommr'u'ricunA.
\ " It rest mmcc lmmmnmulreuis o
\4.ii S dollammi aitim theo so-
, " 'S " S eahle't ' FhleCialisIs , My
c'ommmlitioni tIde
urs term ,
life was aimmmtt a t'tmrden
to mnmo , I e'mmulml hOt eat ,
drink , or SICCI ) . I was
umiahlotowallcmencml tiami glvenu mmmysrll impecs dead ,
I tried nil mnethhciime imimaglmmabIe , mnmutii a friend
chmo iuml got iclief nmiriset into to try ( ' ( 'TictentA '
Riiummmm : ma , I senm I omit each got thncmmm , mmmmmi wicete
I took limo first miimsm , of yommr ( 't1mct'mm. ItEsob-
vr.r I felt a little tmetter ; cebit tlmreo boxcs of
vommr mccost valmmatmho ( 'uTmcunc amid ( dime bottle of
( : vTmctdmtA htIatmvsNT : I cuss a mmciv mmmsn. Ice
lImmee mIa' I um'a mmli u'aIktn amotnimil anmti attenmi-
Immg to tmmy timimmes'4 , mend It ma time ( 'IJTmct'itA antI
Curncun.t ihncn.'mNr that saved mae Irene time
Jaws of miCatli , 'flmis Iii tWo years ago. I created
to see If it hmacl beeme ( iri'eme oemt of cnmy system ,
amid I can say 1 ltavo mmcvor lmaml aii' I nemmhcie since
for two ) ears. (1l0. P. IIIIIGILT ,
2925 Pence , Ace. , l'ittaburgim , l'a.
Sold throuehout then world , Priec , CuTmeonA ,
tOe' ; Ioar , 18e , ; Ieson.rzx'r , i. l'TTicn ) Dave
scu Cmmr.em , Cummu' . , 8olo I'roprietors , llomon.
* _ - " how to Cure Skin Diseases , " maiicmi free.
" ' liackic'cmls , remi , rommgim , cimepped , antI
P IM1" oiiy skia ( 'muted by Cci'icmimt 1tmAL' ,
Nervous Instantly rehiec'c'mh icy mu Cuti-
ctmnms I'iaster , breaumso it 'si.
Muscular taiizcs time hence fmrces anti
lmenco cures mmcrc'omms Pains ,
w cakness weakness , and zeumnbues. , ,
- -4
All DriggLsti ,
The Good Samaritan , 20 Years' Experience. ' ,
ILEAIElt oi , ' 1)ISEASES 01 ? MICN A4JJ
W'O1t1.i ) ' IEIIRc5AL 1)JSI'EN-
: d' ' - , - ,
I treat the following D.soases :
Catarrhm of tlmo Heath. Throat tmmiml'Lunpst DIe.
oases of ( Ice Eye and lIner , Fits and Aeopioxy ,
heart IIscasm , ' , Iiver Commcpimulimt , KimInry Corn-
plaummt , Ncrvous Debility , Iticietal DC.
premft4losi , Losmis of Massisood sessa-
Itsemi VcxikiicNK , Diubote , Iiright'a flIs-
cmmsm' , St. Vlttms' Damcco , Rimemmtmmmutismi , , Paralysis ,
Vlmmto 8wollincg , Scrofuimt , Fever Sores , Tuna-
orN acid IrltIflhl III UhlO reusovcd
without CIsc Iceelle or cIrnsIflg a
drop ofllooil. ' % Vouiass vllIs Jeer
( iteiICcte orgahiN restored to
Isenltli , Dropsy cured without
tapping , Specisil Attention gtvels
to lrivnte Held Venereal Dlt4Cflt4CN
ouzII klitth , $5o to $5ou1Icem'feit fo'
mmmiv Vciscrenl XIIecmHe I caminot.curO
s'dt1toiit Mercury. 'I'mmpo Wormrms removed
1mm twOor tiim'oo imourcm , crib pay , lIcmorrhoid -
or Piles cmred ,
Will smwe life mutmel hm.miiclrcds or dollars by call.
big on or using
The mmiiyl'ImysicImmmm wino cant iizii whmatmuila
a poisomi cv I I lmmm I imi1 I mmg a 'm imct Ion .
TIiimo at a distance somiml for Question
Ulimimk , Nm , . I for mmmc , , , Nm , , CC fur cv.ttm001.
.Aii corrcspommdenmco strictly commfldentlal ,
) icmiiclimu tecict by express. Addm'esa eli lottcrg
C. V. XANGLE , Ill. D. ,
555 BROADWAY. CouNoli. BLuppa.
ncloso i0c iii statmips fur remciy ,
_ , ,
When Buyiiig
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A minute lost can never be recovered , 4'
and It's Cm. ealannity to lose several years.
wimicle so many Iowa maid Nebraska people
hmave done wlmen thmey have hmoughct foreign
grown , unacchimated fruIt trees ,
Were born on time imtnmds wlmere their nurse.
rp stock is grown , and years of patient ,
Imitc'ligenmt experlmceemmt have taught them the
beet varieties for thci climate. Consequently
theIr icotmce grown stock is aim imnirdy as the
forest trees , 'ncey imave a very large stock
for time smnlng delivery atid tvery tree Is
warranted true to nanece , Orcimarmi , Vmnyard ,
Lawn , I'arklng Trees anti Ornamental stock
] ttnmke no mnistnlte in your ormlm'rs. Bend us
your list of wants for prices. We canj eaao
you In imrices anti stock , lteerenmcesC Council
liluftni Ilcenics , Councli hliuffs lepartment
Omemicru lice , nazi Icromnmnont business men ,
Nmnnmcenies bix emmilea north of Councli BIlls.
P. 0. Address ,
Crescent , Iowa. '
- I'residcnt. 'ashier ,
First Natlo nal Bank :
Capitni , . S $ lOOOOl
lrolitH , . S S 12,000 '
On. of lie. eldest tanki in the state ot Iowa , .
SW. solIcit your builet. . and collection. . Wa
r.zmy S mer cent on timns depjilti. Wa will bs '
pleased to see aria isny. you.
' _ _ - -
SpflciaI No1ics-OouociI Oluffs
iiiimNtY8 : CLSAN1tD ; VAULTS mLmANBD. 1
Jmi Burke , &I V. 8 liotner's , iiroamiway ,
court buuu. ApplyalJe.oit1ce. ConcIi Bluffs. .
iiuir FAItH AN ! ) OAllliN LM4D FOR
sale cheap and m easy terdmma. Day & lies. , 33 - '
l'earl Street.
FLJitNlfliIiIi ) AN ! ) LlNFUltNIIlmii1I ) ROOMII
for rent at 710 1st avenue : also 10 looms at 713
Broadway , 11.V Jackimon ,
Fomt ituwr , , ricmi 7-ROOM corrAoil , FUll-
nialmed ; line laura ; good tarn , mmmi on paved
Street , It. I' , Olilcer , iS aimmin stitet ,
FOIC ItLN'i' , FtJltNi8iThiTi'iiOAIS , 819 FI1II3T
liurke , iet homer's , 538 Broadway ,