. OJ" , . ' , , / . _ . . , ' ' : . . . , , , , . ' ' ' . ' " ' , ' . p , " , - r . I rT'c' - \ I i" , , , " - . 2 TIlE OMAhA DAILY ] , I fF , I : SATURDAY , MATUJII 23 , 1895. , , . . . In the ( chair. nllIlI were ! recommenl 1 for pang R 1010w8 : 'i loufo roll No. 3 : , hy Conaway , providing for re/ulatons ) to prevent , the Introduction of cntagloul dlseues , ! louse rot No. r2 , by Cooley , providing . for the dlsp08al of carCast or dead Inl- Iilftl ! . mal.louse roll No. 1&0 , by Cram , authorizing county boards to bInd or apprentice minor ' chlldrtn under the age of I who may b . como public chuges. : IOUl3 roll No. hOG , by Crow providing for a uniform lystem of voucher for use In tl0 dIsbursement oC state funls. , louse roll No. 4r , hy Ely to levy a tate to cream a sptclal fund for tie erection oC I court houses and other public bulidingi. louse roll No. 420 , hy I'rlz , , to provide for the relief oC laltla county. house roll No. MD , by linirgrore , to appropriate - proprlato the sum oC $2,000 for thc purpose of furnishing additional shelving for the state . lbrary , louse roll No. 42. by Inlr/rove. appro- printing 'COO for a card catalogue In the state Iibrnry. lolse roll No 366. by Judd , lrollucel , - Fomethlng oC a nlrt ) . . I Is a lull to de'lgrat' a floral emblem for the ntato , naming the golen rod , ( Rllla/o 8ntna ) as such fewer , Soeerman movo:1 : to ltrle out the wo d , I gold'n an.1 . Insert silver . Hpealwr HcHlls sid that Jud.I . , the introducer or the bill , had a speech . which \ ho would ask leave to print Thin bill , was recommended for ilassage , house roll No. 382 , by Hoddy , providIng for . : tile formation of school distrIcts. , ' ; 10u 0 roll No H5 , by harris , defining the , , boundaries , of Arthur county. house roll No. Hr ( by larrls , defining the boundaries , ] oC Deuel county. 10uco roll No. ' 17 , IIY harrIs , definIng the 1 boundaries of Orant county. The commIttee rose the house advanced a , numher of bills lo third , realng , , anti agaIn ! went Into committee of the whole ) on tie t general - , . oral order recommellled hy the sifting com- . mitIe. louse roll No. 101 , by Sutton . re-es- ' : tahlshlng the State Banking heart anti denn- " Inl and , Ioslgnaln/ state balks , with the ; commlteo's amonlmo ts , wn nr t ccn-Uerll , , but before completIng It the committee rose and . the house took a recess untIl 2 p. In. In the afternoon the speJker read an In- vitatlon from Chancellor Canno:1 : to the members - . . hors of the house to nttml a rQvlcw of the ' ; cadets of the Inherslt ) ' at 51 : & p. m. The , Invitation , on melon of Darks , was ac- : cepteti. - . ceplel. - - ; : lalrgro\'e Irovet that the Journal record 1 , be corrected to show that Ilouso roll No. . 17i providing for the cllportonment or fnes ; penalties All lIcenses 'anl , licence 10ne's In : lles Cliii 'lage , \\'as. rocon1nendet Cert t , Ilassnge. Instead oC Indefinite postponement , and the'molon prevaIled. i ADOPTED TiE mn.tP fILL. - The report or the conCrencc committee on l house roll No. & 25. the $200,000 relief bill , : Was , on melon or Bee. taken up and reall " - The conference commIttee's report was In y , the shape of an l'ntrely new bill , wlh an , emergency clause. The speaker ruled that I ' the report could not bo amended , but Ilst be adolllet or rejected as a whole . and also : that It would require 8lxty-slWen votes to : - adopt I , In vIew oC the emergency clause nt- , emer/ency tached. The report was adopted , 69 to 26. ' - Following Is the vole In total : YeaJ- AIiou . Gonr M'prs , Ash ! ) Grlllh. ! . . " lll.s. , i Hleon , Oulhrh' . rt liger. ' . harry. 1ulrllo\'e , Oi toll . 1lechcr. 1urJlln , ] Bhodes ] eee , I Il riH. ItLketts. ' - uP ( ' . urrl.on , Itoiertion. ? Benellct , ! IV I k , lint tileutner , Irl ! . Higgins , nOlse , ItUicli , IIIII. I I iott. : , , hums ( ( ) ol/p ) , 10rsl. Rhlrke < anlz. limns 1Iovan.I . Smith . ( Ianraater ! ) , lul wal. , Rn.lermnn , Cain. Jl'nuo" . 11ol"nan. lallllol , John.lon Rlleneer. Cailson . ( IougIas ) . I'hller. Dullns rasper , TU.I ! . , Timme. . Chace. enup. Thoma. Cole. Inntimorn. Van jiousen. 10usen . . Conaway , Matlsn , Wart . Colty. irIirIie. " 'lller. Crow . ' Crw. MpJ'ul1en , Zinle . Dempsey. McNItt. ' ( Sherman ) . . ' , FrItz . McVlelwr , Mr. Spclkc ' . : - , Nays- . , ' , : Demal' , . enUins. ' Shook \lmCkman , ' . Johnston Sisson . nrolmw. , " , ' ( Nomaha ) . Sutton , 1 , pl , . J.nhorst , ( Dousll ) , . llurk , . I" k . 1" . . < , , Joqk. / . Ruton - . Clinhi000 ' l'erlclllK ! . ( Pawnee ) , I t- " 1Ihll ) 1H" " ' "l'ottlitman ; " ' Walt. ' : ) I ! ! , . Jternlngton.Veher. , ! < t \Veher. " ' : : . lus' : : fliitntdmnn. : Ink " Statler . 10d ) ' , ' - ( hnson-2G. ) . j- i Absent and not votIng- ' votng- " fel"np ) . . Jones. nolnson- j , Ilarte. 1tochrman , - ' ' : 7' The house then wentInto , commIttee of the whole and continued $ discussion of the banl- . i' i . log bIll , which was recommended for passage. ' nouse's bill . house roll No. 22. providing , : for the appointment by county boards or : dep9sltorles for ' public funds , was next con- } , sldcred . TIme bi was recommended for i . ; passage and the , commIttee rose - ' , , The special commlteo of InvestIgatIon of . , ' ' the penItentIary submItted 1 report com- pletely exonerating Warden Deemer and - others In the InstItutIon agInst ant -i charges hat been made by ox-convicts and ; - others. 'ho report was adopted. anl , : The house thtn adjourned until Monday at , ; i 2 p. in. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : , HIGHT'S lULl. W.\S S\VIy CIttI'I'LD. 'r - , 't Seilt Hack to the enatC Rlgrouott Without , 'i ' ; tim " ItlimictIlig , I Innoo. , , ' L LINCOLN , Mach 22.-Speclal.-The ( ) senate - ' ' ; i : ate spent mOJt of the forenoon In listenIng to 'I ! ? : the first reading oC n large number oC hous ( : : bills. . Shortly before noon two bis were , ' > . taken up , read thu third time ant passed. F - - One oC these Is the now celebrated allU-ciga- i , reto bill. I prohibits tIle sale ot cIgarettes -i - : to all persons tinder 21 years or age. The " bill , lS It ; cale from the house , absolutely ; prohibited the manufacture antI sale of prohlbltel clga- J rett8 In the state but Its opponents In thc ; 9 senate succeeded In addIng the amendment : . limitIng the sale to perons over 21 years I old. Dale made one final effort to restore _ ' the ll to its original form by movIng that ' i I bo sent back to the commitee of the whole ; for the purpose of strIking out the words ' which hal , been added beol Iddcd by thc senate The ' ' motion proyolela discusion In whll1 : 1 great , : dell of eloquence was expended In a very " low moments. The bill remaIns just as It , , : , was I enl , and Dalc's rfort to recommit I i ' failed . I IJaSsec hy a veto of 26 to 4. 1 , The senate Irnasod time bill cl\'Illng for a I f' pension for volunteer firemen disabled whIle I , ' In the IlerCormanco of their duty , and then I f' , took I recess till 2 o'clock. anl i ; Quito I stormy ftslol ensued Immediately ! I. After recess over the Wright Itlalirailce bill , ' bil 1 DurIng the 100n hour It was discovered that , f the cnactng clause hntl ( been omited , In- 4 , asmuch as the chairman oC the engrossIng , : . conimitteo had been one oC the biler opponents - t _ ponents of ' the bill. the friends oC the measure - " ure were dot at all back\arl II hintng that , , _ the eactn clause hat been omlN by ; , "My Food Do9sMe No GDod" In nn ) ' city there are many possIble wa1 to travel from one I'olnt to unothel' lint between the toad on your table and Us destination In the holy there II call \ one - road-dIrectly through the stomach. There Is no going lrun.l the Itomach or forcing . , . \ a IJRHale through It. Here the food la , detulneti a while , for better or for worse . Ileic It ttttl.it lie Il'le 1n 10 dIgested-that la to sn ) ' , Cilttngedi , IqullCd mil assorted for usslihl. l , lstItiit-or ( , ( tIlling flint , I must lie hero and , rot , geiicrntliig lOIeOllOumi cenel'ntng Ilolsonou/ princIples which enter thO blood antI let UII n IISpaIH11 nc- . lon Ihrous/out the salem. ' 'hll Is In _ 4. dIgestIon or dYBlWIlltift-ite condition that eIsts when a 1'Crlon S8 , "AI ) ' teed doe I : : Pll0 Knol , " toC . 4 CertaInly not. How cal Il The more ht eats thu 10ro hc SUIfCls . The road hi ; blol'kl. Nn hut ) Iluttng Inul'l grilit In ( lit I gr,1n thl hOllllel' when til' ( mi cannot "rind. lien I Ire some ot ilitture's 1"'otllt8 : Loss ot llre Iiellte . tilsirciut tifter ' . voting heartburn , elh' .IMlr18 Iter l'atnH. hentlurn pal . platen , Ilshes oC Illt nnll cuiml . the ris- Lug of nauseous acids nod gases lii the ; Ill roat , CUl i cii tong Il dul mint ) GoSt : ttg heu.I , - - ( ' allis In the chest and unl wearlllls , ta- : Igue t.nt wor , loss ct sheep cohil liuntb S , Situ let , ) 'eltwllh 1)11 antI 11\n \ cell , wualmelS Lnd trcml'lnG conHt"aton , ( allure of nerv - DUS torcn nd courage. etc. , Itc _ Out of this lecthlnH blockallu II thn Ilumacl mu ) ' ' - come aimy ot u dozen loeul coinpiaiiits - : t commol fonts of IIMCItIIO.COhlllruhittOiI aluani ; , - thefts. Yet you Illen4to-I'0llnmpton . MIser . , able lllemla , . 1)rastlc ineasurt's % ol'L do Take ' , . DI'a6tc lealUI'1 wOI't 1 von ' Ittle light nourllhment ut first tttd tin Irst L meliatel ) ' after I a dose oC time Shuleer nl- ! restllr Cordlul. thl tidily radical trfevtlv remedy for indIgestion or rUlcal eIelve ; I'uret by the fhaler Comm un ' ul Mt . t l.tbanol N. Y. J will leleve I' at once and cure quick ! . Male ( rots c'Jlh'ated L ledlcllal herlul Ulll "Ianls grown by the BhRleerl Plcasant to the taste , Ialnles , . Ln'J hUI'mlen f 'rlal bottles 10 cents. 1"or sole by J'nl t' all dru IIlt. . , , . . - , - .leslRn When the senate convened , the bill was brought out for third readIng , anti , then I the senate .lsco\'erc . omclaly that the enacting clause hat ben omitted. ! Wright , author of the bill , at once moved that the hIlt be lent back to the committee , ' . with InstructIons , , that I be correctly engrossed - , Call wel , chairman oC tile engrossing com- mitee and leader or the opposition to the bill , resented Wright's motion as n reflection litton the committee. 10 said that his com- , mlteo hall correctly engrossed the bill. I' ' the ohtor from Lancaster he said , had not taken pains enough to prepare his his properly ho certainly could not blame : the engrossing committee. Wright went dn to explain the circum- stances. Ito salll that his original insurance bill , with the enacting clause hall been referred to - the committee on miscellaneous corporations , The commIttee rejected , hit itihi . and lent In In Its ; lace a substitute and . reeommtnoel Its passage. I this substitute mild not contain the cnactng clause It was I not the fault of the author. lie wantell his , bill correctly cmigrosseml . , Cnhlwel grew somewhat warm under the collar anti rising to his feet he pointed his lonl bony , forefinger at Wright and began ! asklnr a number oC questons so rahly' ' that the penator Crom Lancaster finally ex- clalmel with a voice not entirely free from wrath that he was not on the wItness stand mind mild Ilot propose to ho catcchlsell by a senator W110 showed plainly that ho had not forgotten that hc was an ntorne ) ' . Sprecher Indulged In a ltle plain talk. lie Mil ) that Oll thing was 11erfecty evident. The enacting clause hal been omltel from the lull either by acchlent or design The senator ( remit Hal county whoso bitter opposition - position to the bill was well known , waa nol trying to lake atvanta/ ! of I mere tech- nlMly to defeat tbe bill. The effort was unworthy oC the manhoo or thc senatc. Wright changed his moton so that I pro- , posed that Iho bill be commltell hack to the commitee or the whole for the purpose of hlsttng the enactng clause , aUtl that the senate hnmeJlatel go Into committee or the whole for that purpose. The motion was agreed to , and the Incident was closed. IttI.l1F , ILL CONCUlnED IN After concurring In the conference report on the $100,000 relief bill thc senate went ' Into committee oC the wholt for the urpose ) 'oC considering the bills recomm.ndet by- the sitng con1nllt . Senate fIle No 41 I , hy Or ham , was rec- olmlded for pSlgt 1 provlies for the keeping or an Incumbrance book In the ounce or the clerk or the district court and to require - quire entry thlreln by time ant each levy .t altachment or execulcn , In order to blnl subte'luent vendees or lncumbrancers The senate then took ] up s nato file No. 187 , the till Introtueed by Pope and desIgned 10 enable ( lally daly newspapers In ntetropoiltan cites to obtain business which they cannot obtain under thc la 1. After several amend- meats hall been offered Sprecher moved that tile enactIng clause or the bIll be strlelen out Tile . motion was earrleJ by a decisive majority . When thc committee ros Pope moved that the report be not concurred In , but that the bill be ordereil cngrossed for third . orterell reading. Thc yeas and nays were cahlcd and the muottomi caled , moton was defeated by a'ote of : O to 7. This elled the hUh , ns Car as the I'resent session Is concerned , and It Is not likely to b' henrt ( rain until the legIslature meels again. In commillee or the whole the senate spent some time In consilernton oC Ilitchcocic's judicial - dicial ' Ileal reapportonment bill , but there were so I many Rlendments offered that the bill was m umiconipieted . The uncompletet. bill will bi wi come up next ' \\'etI . Cramie . chairman of the penitentIary In- vestgatng committee . presented the report L of that . comnmultteo. The commitee. report was accepted I and ordered spread upon the journal The senate then again resoh'el ItEelf Into Committee of time whole to consider bills rec- onunendcd hy the slftiimg eomnmlttee. The 3 slUhl/ commitee. first bill taken up was house roll No 139 , better ' beter known 'as the Omaha Fire and I'olici I comlisslon bill. Polce After reading one or two sections the coot mitee rose without further action. The sen ate then adjourned until , Monday ' ' , untl at 10 . o'clocle ; " - " , \IOLI'HI TIE CONTRACT iiSTEAI , J.'onitcntary . ! ! Committee ! H port In , l'avur _ UH of I _ CIRn6 of Maziagcinent. LINCOLN March 22.-Speclal.-The ( , ) - re- port of the special penitentiary investigating committee presented to the senate late this ' evening was Identcal with the house report and was as follows : ,1 lr , President : Your Committee , commitee acting In coiljumtction . conjunclon .wlth a hIke CQmmlttee front the house , altpOlltel to InquIre Into the conthi- ton of thc State penltentar ) ' , treatment or convlctl. the methods Ild manner of man- ngelent of that instItution , etc" , and mllee recommendations , where needful , begs to re- port as follows : Your committee , through Its chairman , Ia chlirman received - ceIved a communication from Governor Ifolcomb whIch Is'ln the ' : followIng words : " ' ' folowlng "S'rATE OF NFDHASK \ , IIXECtJTIVE EXrCU''IVE OFI"ICE. LINCOLN , lal'ch 1. IS9 ; . -Hon. T. D. Crane Sennte Chamber , Lincoln : My Dear 1y Sir-Understanding that ' you mire the chairman oC lie committee plolnted by the senate for the purpose of Investigating cer- pu/osc Investgatng taIn charges of cruelty and mismanagement male by ' discharged prisoners regarding the state penitentIary , I transmit herewith for the consideration ot your committee . commitee. cer- tlln statements made to me by one Frank Jones. Peter Degle and Frank Kennedy on March 6. 1S93 . together with it. cop oC an l original allavl made by theo same par- ties regartlng . their former stltements. You ' are at liberty to male such use of these 'stltements as your commitee shall lint ) proper In order to aid them In their Ind In Investgatng the charges made . r am ! very truly yours , mnte. "SILAS A. HOLCOMD. Governor " Accompanying thc goverlor' ; communica- ton Is a transcript ot the testimony or three ex-convicts , Frnl ( Jones testmon name Eu- gone E. Hawley : Peter Begley , right name Michael Welch , anti l.'ranl Kennedy , right name Frfllc Hart anll a copy of their sub- sequrnt joint ntda\'lt or retraction or such testimony . te,1 In thc executive 0111cc. The olce. communIcatIon , testmon ) ' . anti atllavlt of retraction are hereto attachem ) . marked re- sllectvel ) exhibits "A I filth C. marllel Your committee , In the pertormlnce Inl or Its tutes , went through the prison nt dIfferent times , movld amoljst alt com'erse,1 wIth the prIsoners , telling them what the com- mitee was there for , ali that mttiy COm- 1IIIInts that might be made wouitl he its- tcned to nod considered malt . woull Is- 1111 cOlslderid.'e also called a ' caled number at them before Uq Inll emtuncd tlmelr tellmon ) ' to bo taleen down In Ihorlhnnd cnlsel , a transcription o which Is hereto attmicimeml , Inllhl ) exhibit " 1) . " ' ' made a atuehe.I Invst/atol In every way . 'Ve find that ) ) /nd there . Is no foundatIon tor charges oC cruelty totvard , or mistreatment or , prls- oler/ . Prison malllement , oC counl , reo lulres disciplIne , amid tlsclplno necesslalel IIunl811nent of refractor imtmna ( cit. Wo Could no instance In which cruel or ulusllI plnlshment was Imilllcted , not Inlcted even II the CoHe or the 11'lsoner who refusel , to olmey orders nl,1 , threw 1 hammer It one oC , ) guards . ( See testimony oC this pniHoner . H. Holmes , In exhibit ' 'it , " hereto attached. ) 'urden , Jeemcr Is dealIng' wih thll prisoners - oners accoring to loderlzed tind iitmmimane methods. " 'I thini Warden n..ler nnl hUlalc II nn IntellHI'nt olclat anl very etflcientiy tills lila loslton , Wo found nothing to indicate , 1IIeale thnt Dr. Houtz Is perrormllC his duties , as prison Ilh'slelln , other than ( mihthifuliy nnml , well . Mrs. Beemer , the wIfe or the warden In lien work , Is praised by all , and every Ilrlsonor IHII 1 coed ) word for hel' ) From the ( gO\'trnor'l letter ( above set forth ) , Iml the mater accompanhlg It . wo " gather that these ox-convicts Wrlt to the executive omce together . where the ' excutVI to/ether. governot eXlmlnel : ! them , anti had theIr testImony , tll:1 elowii . Ioems to 11 thlt this test- loony 01 these three ( x-convict bears imiiog I its taco the Impre8s oC Imlu'oba"II' ) , and the slhsetlUCI ntdavlt of retraction of thl 81Ie let In the govornor's oleo imttiicate , t Inlolte 1 vicious purpose on tim ! hart oC the ( leronH , : I mlllnl saId charges . , CO . ' ! 'HAC'l SYS''I IS VICIOUS . " ' 0 can make 10 recomnh1leiijatlomms for tIt ! better conducll ! of the Ilenlt'tur ) ' under the existing so-calell contract system 01 r working tilt' . ' ' o thl ilrlponers 'J'hls 1)'stem Is r vicious 'Une detrimental to the state ant I thu prisoners. 'rho ' late Ind , thl prilontrl penlcltllr ) ought to be a rutolma\lr ) ' II the ( best sense . its teii IU ; 1 IliacI rr contluement. lost oC those con- hued will again I11Slo whIm the Ileoille at r our rmmonw/alh. and whel 1"'Ipile.1 olsht to be posse lse , I ot nil time rnormll- tIIJ possible that run COle trlll ; habits ot t habll ( Industry anti diselplle In well 11.11 ; . It II contrnr t'J tll trtku functIon 1111 right I - Ie ) ' of government for It to IJPlllt ilidivid - lul" to ml1e mHchllllso of lie ( Inllv1J- r till unwllni tel of thllse whol c I Crulo n uult to relm\n In 10lety , Thl Incurcerh'd orenler ought riot to he IUtl' the slave of the ( 11".cIIBtng contractor luhlhl smiormi are not 1,1vanct11 , by , ueJI emi tlcnllhtnl1 morll ! trausmiriluil. 'rime pentellur ) oUJht not to he maIntaIned 11rllurl ) ' to assist t Indl'Idual8 In I'cunll' ) ' ventures . and 'l'cJlllarl ) ' , aK IIII.oe or L'nlltlrnt for those \ ht commit I erlimis That the ( 8)hm ot letting the laborer ! or IJ'lsol.rs II uiulnlt the imbue good his Iool been the experience of'er ' cJlerlente e'ory Illte that ( hal h ; 11 It. trl1 Upon the high 11Id conl/ollnl JrCuntl - - - : t : Ihoye set forth the so-called contract A'R- tem In our IIenltentBr ) ' , wIth its every vestige , ought to be abolished os soon OR liracticable. The tate olht to own man- age and receive the benefits or the labor or Its prisoner . When It doe , It might he further midiled the Penitentiary will be self- sustnlnln On a fair bais provision can bo mnle , for the purchase er the property now on the prison premises , not owned by the tnte. which cnn be advantageously Isotighit There Is nothing In law or mitt dealing In tavor or on'bo.1 to prevent these things being done More than that , no legislation . 10 acts or puble olcel' can \'est In'thln/ In on'hody against the nh- solute exercise by the state ( of its IJolce IJower at nil times. al tmes. We recomlel11 that this senate take acton at once. HCpectrUly submlttetl. TIOIAS D. CflANI Chnlrman , \'ILLT.M STrmFBn , S. SAUNIms. . ' 'r.gX.'NDI' GHAHAr , 'V , F , DALE , Senate Comumittee. riiija TIXT : 01 TIB nm.lp JIJ" J'rn\'hlon' , nr time : lrluro 1tlortrd by the Cmiii fore neD Co iii in I I too mini 1 \ ito ot ed . LINCOLN March 2L-Special.-In ( ) both branches or the legislature today the report of the conference commitee on house roll No 525 ant time senate amendments and sub- stiutes thereto : were adopted. This Is the re' lef bill appropriating 2OOOOO for the purpose or purchasing seed ilt feed grain for tIme farmers who are tlestlt . I only awaits the signature of Governor 1olcomb. which It will semi recetve. In full , the bill Is : Be It nacted by the Legislature of the State ot Nchrkl : , SectIon I. 1 That there hc amI Is hereby op- : tlrOltrllttcd ( room the ftlte treasury , from funds not othe.wl e apitropriatcil , tile sum of f ' .O for the PurPose or procurhll ! eet timid teed for tenms for the desttuto farmers or thIs stnte during the spring or IS9 , ) . See 2. I Is hereby made the duty or the nudltor of puble accounts to draw isis war- rants on the state treasurer . , on the requisi- ton oC thc Slate Helrr conmmisslomt tip- provet by the presllpnt and secretnr ) ' . thereof , In favor oC the several county treasurers of the countcR entItled to re- relve alt 111er the pro\'IHlons oC this act , for slch porton of the amount herein tip- In'llrlated ni the State Helef commIssion ma ) ' tcerrlne necessary , In accordance wih the pro\lllons ; oC thll act. SIC , 3. It shol be amid Is hereby made the duty or the State Heler commIssion 10 appoint - point In each of the coulllei entited to receh'e alt under this net . where Much np. polntments . have not already been momuhe . t county central I'el ! eommlHslon , ant late. , every county entitled to receive aid ummder thIs act . the count centml relief commlM- stun shah have ehm'Hc of mill seed nut ) feed ! proclred for theIr respective counties . mint ) said county cenlrnl rel r commission shall shll uppolnt a subcommls'lon In each votIng precinct - cinct 'wo or more or thc county COnllll- Mlonels or supervisors , al the case ma\ be , together with the county cleric , shall , I be member of ) the county central relief com- mission amid Much count central relief com- mllslon hmmiii . on Its nppolntment , Imnie- 1IIIel ' organize h ) ' the electon of 0 IJresl- Ilent mmd lecretar . anI ) See 1. 'he couny cleric Ihal on requisI- ton or time county central relief commission , signed by Its presIdent and secretary drw hIs warrnt on the sum placed nthI count ) trensury hiy the provisions of this mict In la'ment for such seed anti feed as I flmay be procured by the count ) ' central I'e- IleC eommlsslol , and the expenses Incurred In procuring the same. Sec. 5. The county central relief commission - sion o the several counties . : \1 use the ' slm placed In the county treasury iy the pro\'lslonH of this act , or so much thereof lS mn ' he requlret , In the procuring at seed stud teem for teams , und shall apltor- ton the same iwo rata to the several pre- : Clnetl In l'rOI'orton to the number of needy farmers to such precinct Said seed neelY feed U ! proportioned by the county central L relief commissIon shah hc delivered to the i several subreler commlsslonM for tlatrlbu- ( bit. . ton. . 6. I Is hereby made the duty of the i State Helef commission to aId thc sever I I count ) . central relief commlsMlon In the PI'O- curing of seeu ant feed , when requested b ) ' the saId count central relief commission Sl ; to do . and furnish them , upon applcdton ! , al ! 1 Infor\aton on this subject which they , the State Relief commission , may possess ) ; Pro vllet , limit where the county central relef r comllsslon may so detro they may procure - cure their supply or seed and feed thrlgh ; the State Relief commission . , ' Sec. 7. The subreler commIssions ot , the several counties shah report to their count ) p central relief commission the disposItIon ) nil seed and feed 'plsslng ) through their hands , giving thc'nmc , : or the , persons ' re- cetvlng the same , the amount and kinds rer a'l seed and feed each lerson receIved , and the several cOlnt ) central relief cor1nlsslons shall compile the' reports so receIved tram the slbreler commIssIons .Into a statcment which shal give a [ complete accounting of al moneys received and pall out under this act , which statemEt shall be submitted to the county bard for their endorsement and approval at the next regular meetng , Sec. 8. That all moneys approprlatel and to be distributed under the provisions of thIs acl shal be tlvlded among the several coun- , tel havIng relief commissions auxiliary to the State RelIef commissIon pro rata according - cording to the number ot farmer requIring such seed and feed In said counties. the same to bz determined 1) ' the State Relief commtssiomi base on knowledge now' ' In theIr pOsesslon or upon Information tn i wrIting , slned by the president and see- I rptnr' of the county cenlral relief commis- I sion of such county , showing the number 0 farmers In need of such alt In theIr several countiest ! the Slate Helrf commission shall receive the sum ot $00 for services properly rendered under thIs act , to be pal out at the appropriation herein provldetl tor , Sec 9. Any member of the county central relief commission , or oC the Hubrelef commissIon - missIon , Imowlngl distributing see or reed to Individuals who are able to procure the same for themselves or who shall show favoritism In such dlltrlluton to 1 member ot any secret , political or religious organ- orHan- IzaUon , or who shall Improperly dlsposo oC any oC such Heed or teed , ahal be deemed guilty of l misdemeanor , and upon con- vietlon shal be fines ) In any aunt not exceeding - ceeding $100 , or Improsonel In the county Jai not more than thirty taYM , ) Sec 10. In the dIstribution ot seed and Ceed' as provided for herein no old soldier of the unIon army shal be discrimInated against on account or his tlwlng n pen- Mlon ot $12 or less per month. Sec. 1 No county shall receIve aid which does not furnIsh the Informaton caled for In this act to the Stah Relief commission , on or before AprIl I , 18 ; , amI the distrlbu- ton to the several eountel shall be coma- pleted on or before April 10 , 189 : provldecl that nothing' In this act shnl bo so con- struel , nothlnS lS Interfere with donatons so- 10ied hy or made to IndivIduals , precincts or nitmniclpaiitles. See 12.S'herean an emergency exists this act shall he In force and take effect from and after Its Ilatsge , IFUIW COUISSlt'I > ! I'iOI'IOE . Circular Sent to l'Ut1o Counties , UrgIng 'l'hel tnot Uulolcy , LINCOLN , March 22.-Speclal.-In ( ) accordance - cordance with the adoption of the relief com- inittea's conference report on house roll No. 525 , the State Relief cmmlulon his forwarded to fifty-two countes , hlClng relief , the ( following - lowing cIrcular : The Stnte Helet commIssion , In compl- unce with the provisions IC houst roll No 5 : , I cop 1M herewith enclosed , do hereby appoint the several persons comprlslnS your Ceimtrmti RelIef committee present County Centrl HeleC commltec and constituting your Present organization as a Count Central Relief commission uux. tllry to the State Relief commission , for time purpose oC crrying out the provlsIQnH of saId house roll No : , the presidIng oIeer ot which II hereafter to be known antI deslgnatet as president , Instead cr chaIr- muami t any chnnges have taken 'place ' , either In the membership or secretaryshIp nul or record It thIs olilce . such tact must be communicated to us at once so that our records wIll ho ( till amid complete We rrsplctCuly would suggest that you call I meeting oC your organization at once to ruall\olnt your prcinct ) commitee under the name or I lub- uommlfslon , ut whIch tme nil arrangements dhonll Iu consummated for carrying on the ( wOlk oC Ilocurhll u/II dIstributing grain for seed anti ttec , UI contempllied by Ito proylsIQima ot the act above referred to , anti mttmbimIt stutement" ( or requests whIch you lubml la nceplsalY for our Intormaton anll oonlllerlilun , so . that the busIness c n IIroeel41 Inllll"ent ) a041 with the promptness - ness the exlglnclcs oC the sllaton deman'd. Yesterday the State Relief comllslon placed orders for time thlpment of ! eventcn tons of flour . six tons oC corn meal Ind sixty packages lall : twO bOJn oC garden 8eeds. These ItaclmreH each conlaln live pounds of asserted see4 \ and the hexes are regular aced r.leB , The finance cOlmttw of time Slate Relief cotuitilsiston cteroy onlerel paid ; 6.286.70 ) ' for fuplle and trammsportntiomi . 'oc thIs amounl , $ I,427.6f was 1 bill for bacomi , 4lQO for tour anti nital anti $217.47 for hOllny and rice , the coal - hilt I10untnl to $550 . Early , \ < JOUIII'UI Not I'rob , hh' , . iNCOLN. March 22.-Speclal-Tbe ( ) house adjourned today until Monday at 2 p. m. , ant an effort Is being made b ) the mem- here to force I line die adjournment Friday Ixt , I ran hardly succeed The house ennnot at urn of Itself without concurrenc of the lunate , and , although the mntimbers don't lIke working wIthout iay , I looks II though Iho might , oblge to Cor a cupe : oC iyeks at leut . - - . , ' , . , . " . . _ . .ia.J4 . ' - ' - CONVICTS : f LL ThEIR TALES 11 - II ( Warden Beelndr Genorly Given a Good NanW'h the Prisoners , ' : I " , , ' - BUT A FEW 1''ORRORS ARE RELATED io Ite I , ' 1- : Ien Strung UIY'by the WrIsts ( loUt ThaT 1'"IntCI mind Titan KIcked Into ( on- 5ciotismi4si \ ln-nottor TIln : " ' 1 Used to lie . "I.- LINCOLN , March 22.-Spedal-The ( ) tcst- mony taken by the Joint commItee ( appointed by tIme house anti senate to investigate the con- dion and management or the state icniten- ant jenlen- tar ) ' covers about fifty pages of typewritten . . manuscript and Is remarlcble chiefly for what It does not contain Warden Iloner : certaInly stands high with the convicts entrusted to hIs custody . This fact stants out signIf- canty plain In the testimony of every convict examIned by the committee . Contractor DorIan - Ian Is not ; seyerely dealt with , but some of his foremn ard keepers como In for SOIC hart raps. The tact sems to have been pretty clearly IslablshtJ thal ( some prisoners need discipline ant are \ Ilng to admit It. l Is also quite clearly establshed that some forms of punishment In vogue al the state penitentiary are unnecessarily harsh , to say the least , alhough the convicts who seem to have Deco thc most severely dealt with admit with a cheerful readiness that parhaps ( hey deserved all they get. The Investigation two rears ago brought Olt the fact that the favorite Corm or torture at the state penItentiary consisted of placing the convIct In the i'holc , " or thc dark cell , with his hands culled behind his back ant drawn Ip"toworlllhe back or his neck with a rope first passel around his neck In such a lanner that ( every effort made by the man undergoing punlshlent to lower hIs hands Cram , the palnCul elevation drew the rope so tightly behind his necl that suffocatIon would ensm' The commltN then r.commended that this form oC plnlshment bo dispensed with The recommeldaton eeems t have been neg- lectN to SOIO extent : but a new mode of torture - Lure has been brought Into prominence. The new mote Is more refitted In Its cruelty The convict's hands are cuffed and a rope tel to the gyves. Then the other enl of the rope \ passed over a pulley In the ceIling and the convict haliet imp unt ( he can barely touch the floor with his toes. lime Is left In thIs po- sllon until he Is either sUlclenty punIshed or he faints dead awa ) ' , In the latter case ho Is let shown a bucket or water thrown over him to revive him , and he Is then conduced back to his cel ! or to a cot In the hospital , Imetmes with a kick In the ribs to aemon- Ish hIm that he escaped with his life only because his warden was one or the most humane - mane people ! on earth. Very approprlitely , this form ot punIshment Is always admlnls- toned In the hospital. I saves the trouble of ' carrying the convct , to that institution on a stretcher 'toe ' { t I HUNG UP DY THE WRISTS . A convict n 'meil ? Holmes , sent to the penl- tenlary sixteen , months ago from Madison county for the'trio ' of burglary , 'told to the ' InvestIgatIng cBnnitce a story that Is worth rpeatlmig. Heteillffd [ , that he went through the punlshmen ! described In the month of June 18H. ! Ills testimony as taken by the commltee' stenographer will be Inter- : eating as luslKatvt of one phase of life at the penltentar ( , I Is as follows : "In what way $ .re you punished durlnS : your lmprisonmutmit2"i "I was hung , up tby a pulley as high as i this ceIling. This was over to the hospItal , and I had a Pll ,0C Ihandcurs on with a rope attached to that.nd 1 was drawn up from I the floor. " I ' " " 'Vhen was that ? " , I "That , was sapmr1ime In Juno Don't Iow exacty . what , tatc - some time In ( June-about 1t Iho " , , whl ' , , . " ' un _ m _ _ . _ _ r _ _ . _ . "June , 1894 ? " - "Yes , sir. " "For what offense were you punished ? " "For assaulting the leeeper. " "How long were you suspended by your : wrists ? ' . "I should judge abut two minutes I fainted before I was let down. I felt as If t some one had struck -mo over the ] bead 1 thInk I was a rush of blood to my head. " "What do you know about other convicts beIng punished In tills manner , and In other ways ? " "I know of three or lour cases , of men being punIshed over tbere. They were sup supI posed to be hung up the way I was , but I don't know how they wee punished 1 sup ' pose they were punished In the same way , but I don't know " , "You dId not see any of them punl8hed " "No , sir. " - ' , "Who was present during the punishment you descrIbed ? " " ! r _ Wagner and Mr. Hand. " " " "Aro they convicts ? "No , sir. Mr . Wagner Is deputy warden and Hand Is limo cel , house keeper " "Don't convicts deserve some . punishment when they assault their watchers and superiors L- periors ? " "I think they do. " BULLDOZED DY IllS GUAnD. "Was your punishment more severe than : what your conduct warranted ? " "No 1 don't think the punishment was too severe. In tile first place the guard 1 was workIng under Is inclined to be buldozIng and I was.only I couple of days before this he hit a man with hIs cane , and when I had my trouble I was only smIling out the window to a Ino of convIcts goIng by Ml . Drown called mo up to him and told me to quit smIling or he , would report me I didn't say anything to him and started bee k to work , and then ho says , 'and I don't want any damned monkey work about it . either " Then 1 came back to him and said , 'Mi Drown , It you want to report me , that Is al right Go aheatl and report mae ; but hon 't ( nile to me that way , for I can't stand I. Then he said , 'That's nil right : don't you give me any oC your back talk , ' I was standIng I- lag on the floor , ant Jle was up on the guard stand , and I naturally took offense at what ho said , so I picke up a' .tave that was lay InS there on time floor , and I told hIm again that I dIdn't want him to talk to me In that way I saId : 'You can go Ihesd and report me IC YOI want to. Then he said to lay down the stave and come up whet he was , that ho wanted to talk to me. I went up , and ho Bald he didn't want any trouble wIth me. Ho says , 'I won't report you , ' ant I said , 'That's all right. I J Is your place tooreport ' mo. That's what you are hero for , bm t ' 1dn't cuss a man and talk to hIm In that , , $6n't Th n he says , 'What was you going ? 'tli ' with that stave ? ' amid 1 salt , 'NothIng. Tllen he says , 'Yes , you wait What was you going to ) do with I ? ' And he got up"ndstruck a threatenIng at- tituda. I got orJ tIle /tand antI lucked up a stave and throwtItJt hIm , and I throw another - other stave that was lying there , amid I threw a hammer at him , I guess I ( limit' anythIng I could get my hans ] on , anti once I hIt him In the head In the meantIme ho calc mo names , vile names , before I hit-him the lat time. lie called me n tI-tI - - . " "Did . " "Dlt you hIt him with the hammer ? KICKED OUT OF A PAINT "No , 1 hIt him on the head with a lt ave. Then Mr. land came over and Mm- Waner took 10 over to the cell house Mn lan ! was night keeper sit that tIme. They put handcuffs on /Q tint ! hung inc tip to the llul- hey , I was there about two minutes , when I Calnted. The next thIng I knew I was lyIng on the for , I suppose they threw a bucket of water on me. I was all wet Mr , land put a can on my heath and said he was sorry for mo. Mr. Wagner C3me back In. Mr. Hand wont out In the dIspensary here ; where Mr. Brown was . Mr. 'Wager took hell or the rope ant toll mite to get up. I guess I didn't resllntl lively enough to suit him , and he kIcked mQ In the ribs , " "Who ,111 ? " . "Mr . " 'agner. " 111 any one . else kick you on that ocen- plan ? " "No , Rlr. Mr. Hand CIIO back anl , helped him pull lho rope. lie hal to hell lie rope to keep mao iiii . l you was there I could show you how I was. lie took the rope and Jerktl le to the ceiling anl ! let 10 fell. 1 lie Jerked 10 UII to tile ceiling four or five times , at the least. " "Was 'arden . Beemer there-was he pl'esent at that luimmishimmiemlt ? " "No , sir. ACer they Jerkel tao tip three or four times I was let town 10 I could touch time floor , with my hands up 1110 this ( illus- ( rating ) amid loft mo that way for about an hour. ! r. Beeler came out antI asked mo about I ami I told him , ! r. Beemer tool holt , of the rope and drew mao lp agaIn , Just so my toes wouM touch ant hcht le there about a minute . I was weak from tIme other punishment and ] ho let mo down Then they sent 10 over to the cell house anti put mo In th" : hole. I was In the hole that day , The , next tiny they took mo over to lie hospital ant hung me UtJ so that my feet was about like that ( illustrating ) . I was so I couldn't get my hands dowmi. I was hlng up that way tIll noon. Then they let mo down for an hour , ga\'o IC some water and hung me lp agaIn till half past 4 and limit mae In the hole ' Next day I was tool imp on the No. I gallery and handcuffed imp to the door with my hanes about lee that ( Illustrating. ) I was In that position unti about 9 o'clocl at night. I was not taken down at any time only for , an hour at leal time. They contnued to handcuff 10 UII to the door unt the follow- log Monday. only on Sunday I was down and I spEnt the day In the hole Monday I was ! hung up till noon and then I went to work , " , "You doubtess ( would have been let down' ' sooner I i you had agreed to abide by the discipline ? " "I told ! . 'Va/ner I didn't wont to appear to be inclined to be tough at all. I told him I was passionate and coult not stand abuse and was sorry for It , before I was punIshed at all. I told Mr. Deemer. I saw him Tues- day . lie came down to the hole to see mc wIth lie doctor I told Mr. Deemer I didn't : want him to think I was tough , that ( 1 didn't , blame hIm for punishing me. Ito salt I , deserved all I got , ant 1 guess 1 did , as far ' lS that was concerned . " 'I CHOKED TILL IllS TONGUE nAN OUT" Another convict examined by the com- mleQ was one by the name of Ebrldgo Gerry who la serving his thIrd term In the Pemiitemmttaty. He has served under five dIfferent - ent wardens-'Voodhurst , Wyman . Doreen , Nobes and Deemer-and consequently ho was able to furnish the commlteo wIth several very entertaining reminiscences of a blood- curdling , halr.ralslnS. breath-taking tcscrlp- tion . HIs testimony as to the present warden was entirely favorable , but less must bo said about the stories told wIth reference to Deemer's predecessors. One of hIs personal - sonal recolectons will bo of Interest to readers who delight In the horrible In literature. mony : He said In ' the course of hIs test- "As far as the treatment of the convicts ts concernell , some or these fellows ought to I have been here when Ir , 'Voodhurst was , warden I was punished then several tImes very severrly. 1 was put In stocks and choked up until my tongue ran Olt , Also , I was put In bull rIngs , and they kept mo there twenty-Cour hours with only 1 mouth'- ful of bread and one mouthful or water I 'cansayhis' It I was on my dying bed and I knew It was the last words I would ever uter , I got my ring out and helped Elder on my back , and ho was so thirsty that ho drank hIs own water That Is Ood's truth. " 'Vhose management was thIs under ? " . "Mr. 'Voodhurst's. I was shackled nIght amid day for two years " "Under what warden ? " ' ORDERED A PRISONER SHOT "Wo01hurst. I wore shackles yet under unter Mr Wyman at the time McWaters was eliot and after that ho gave orders for me to be 8liot Before I went to the shop he was waiting on the table and ho wrote mo I 10to and pulr It under my plate of hash. When I raised It up I found the 10tc and read It _ He told me to look out , lint Mr 'Vyman had given orders for Mr Dayner to shoot me , I went right over to the shop and when I got there Mr Cochran ordered mo to lc'Vaters banker I started out ant said nothing. Then Mr. Cochran called me up and I told hIm that I knew what was up and If ho shot mo ho would have to shoot mo In the back I went to the banker and kept my back to hIm. I went right to work and worked there for an hour or so , when one or the convIcts near by salt , 'Look out , he Is going to shoot. ' I simply - ply said , 'All right , ' 1 turned my head and looked up at him , but kept my back to him all the ( tine and he turned bls back to me and walked away I saw Mr. Bayner about two weeks after that and I asked hIm what was the reason he didn't shoot me and he said , 'I could not do I , Gerry , you are too geol a man. ' Dut there Is nothing or lint kind go log . now , nothing approaching that kInd of treatment , nol under Warden Nobes. " But It Is not to b inferred that all the testmony related by lie convicts was of the nature retailed by ConvIcts Holmes and Gerry. A number of the convict wItnesses were profuse In their testimonials to lie ( good management ant kInd treatment of Warden Deemer , Mrs. Dlme and Dr. Iloutz Holmes testified ( list the present warden Js kind and humanc. He salt : "I have been here under lr , Hopkins and Mr. Mailon . and I will say that Mr. Deemer Is more lenient In punIshment and better than the others , and more huniane I would like to say , about Mrs. Beemner that people who were sick over here , In fact everybody that has ever come In contact with her , she bias been like amoher to them. Site can't do too much for any of them , " ThOUGhT BEEMER HUMANE. Carrel testilled , among other things , , to the ( ollovHng effect : thtta your first term in the peniten. tiary ? " "Yes , sir. " "During ( lie eleven months you have be tn here , have you been punished ? " "Yes , I have been punished once. I was cooling In a little , before dinner and was go- ifl down on one of ( lie tiers and a fellow asicetl inc If I hind any cigarette paper , I had comae harness shop paper that , we use for amnokimig cigarettes and 1 gave him somne , Time guard saw me do it. lie came down and asked ace what I gave him and I told iiimn I didn't give him anything. lie saId , 'If you don't ( eli ate what you gave him I will re -a -t - ' - - 'I - L . - - / ' k ' , ' , , , . , - 4 ' j , -I ( J - I T - / r , -a ' ' ( U , ' ! ' I I ' \ ' . . I1tm % , I port you , ' I told him" could not help it if ho did , and he reported mime to Warden lInemen. " "Who punished you ? ' . ' "Warden Beemer He strung me up in the hospital. " "Hcnilong were you strung up ? " "An hour. I don't know exactly bow long , hutjromn ( lie time ( lie smien canto In' to dinner until after they went to work. " "Dlii 'you receive any luermanent disabIlity from that punishment ? " "No , 'sir. " - "What is year opinion as to tIme treatment of ( ho 'prisoners by Warden l3eorner , as to whether lie Is iiummmmme or otherwise ? " "I think he is a very humane man. " 'tHow about Mrs. Beemner ? " "I have 'seen bier going around hero , but I never iolcc to ( ho lady In my lIfe. Site Is well spoken of by everybody , " SOMIlI COMPLAINED OF THE FOOD. The ( ectimony of the convicts varied as to the quality of the food furnished , but most of them agreed that it was good and wholesome , Some of the witnesses were profuse In their praises of the' daily fare spread before timemwhile , most of them complaIned about the pudding , or " 4uff , " as it is called in prison parlance. There 'was one exception to the list of macn who had so much to say about time bIll of fare. This man was Convict Charles McGuire , sent froma Omaha for three years , Concerning lImo food served the men lie said : "When I first got hero It was directly after Mr. Beemer came in , and we got very good meat and thin food was w'holesonte , ( hat is , what ( here was of it. That ran along about three or four months , and timen it. be- gao to degenerate , anl in about five months after , that we got ice spoiled meat for a solid year , Whiemt it. was cooked ( lie strengtlm was out of it and it wasn't fit to eat. It was red , green and a bluish black , The potatoes thmoy had buried In the groumid , covered them over with straw and then horse manmiro on top of that. They were left unventilated and it raIned on them and soaked Into the potatoes - toes , That was dished up to us in that condition for a year , " Children's Pliamitom party tonight at Client- boris' academy , All persona present may dance after 10 p. mu. Adutission , 25c. ( 'entral Nebraska l'euiohiers , LEXINGTON , Neb , , March 22.-Spo- ( cInl-Tlie ) Central Nebrasica Teachers' asso- elation , whIchi will convene at Aurora - rora April 4 , 5 and 6 , proniises to be one of time mnost important educational meetings eyer held in central Nehraalca , The principals end county superintendents , together with a large atumnber of teachers from sixteen comintiei , wilt be present. Chancellor - cellor Catifleld , PrincIpal Norton , State Superintendent - perintendent Corbett and othiera or our own prominent educators are on thin program , The central Nebraska high school declamation contest will be held thu evening of April 1. The veopie of Aurora are preparing to enter- lain thmet teachers in such a manner ( list uhl ivihi feel they tire indeed wobeormie guests. - _ _ ' 'i-ii' . - - J'i : ' - I find the ROYAL BAKING POWDER superior to all the others in every res1jJct. It is purest and strongest. - WALTER S. HAINES , M. D. ? iu ' Consulting Chemist , Chicago Board of Health. 4 ) s . . _ _ ' _ _ , i. ' - ti iiiv.'r i-iiiisps. One-half cupful lard , . one-halt cupful butter , Olin iarge cupful- brown sugar , one cupful water , one , tabiotit000fUl Royal Extract Gin. ger , one teaspoonful each Royal Extract Cimi- namomi and Cloves , one quart hour , one aimd one-half teaspoonfUls Itcyal Baking I'owmler , flub to a smooth 1155(0 ( lie Lard , butter and sugar ttienrub it into ( lie Ihour and iwwder sifted together. Mix into a uIrm dough with the flour mind extracts. Roll out the dough thin on a iloured board , cut out with a round blcult cutter , end bake on greased pan in a hot steady oveli eight minutes. - - Pmiimc'ikes. One pInt flour , six eggs , one salt- spoonful eai ( , OiW teaspoomiful Royal flaking l'owtier amid mmtilk to make a thin batter. the beilmig powder to ( lie dour , . . . . , . a.- ' ' ' ' - Mn - - - - - - , - - - , ' - ' beat the whites and yehlcs of eggs separately , add the yelke , salt , two cupfuls milk , ( lieu tile whites and the flour alternately with muir , until time batter is of right consistency. huh one tasiOOnftll of lard ever ( lie bottoumi of a lmo ( frying pan , pour in a large ladleful of bater , and fry quickly , Itoh pancake up like a sheet of iaper , lay upon a hot dish , put in more lard anti fry another pancake , Keep hot over boiling water , Send one. half dozen to table at a ( line , Serve with sauce , jelly or preserves. Jolly Cake , Beat three eggs well , whites anti yelks sepanitely ; take a cupful of flits white sugar and beat in well with yelke , an , cupful sifted dour , stIrred ia gently ; thue stir in the whiitei , a lIttle at a ( line , teaspoonful Royal Baking I'owder , snd one tabhis oonfui miikh ' _ , z.-.fl , S. Overwork , worry mtmttl nervous exitt mitolit nlc rthimhihlg tIme health of (11011' ( uiniid of Wohlleil. The cru'es of time household - hold , ( lie toil In the shop amid behiiitd ( lit' eoimiter , the hate hours which socIal tltttiet ; iuttlOSC , eac'li of these tt'hlhS ( grail' 111111 $ ' to llll(11'l'illihie the constituutioit , de lilete aiiil 1)015011 thlO llotitl , sveakeit the owrvouus sy'steitt , multi leave ( lie victim IltiIlt for s'oi'k or pleasure. Especiuillv Is this tt'llt ) iii tIme sirlllg s'lieii , o'iiig to imninire mimi iithpOVel'ISh- ed blood , tulle mtiul ( lebliltateti vomnemi look at etiehi oilier In sympathy aiid dIs- lulty : , mUltI vender w'liere hieli is coinlmig ( rout. SolileIulhlg ( is iieeded to InirifY the blood , nut ? btilhti up , strcuigthit'mt amid sllS tab time emitire phlysicill systeult. l'tlre blood is i'equired to feel tile tierves , a good mllpetite ) iimitl dlgut4tlve streiigthi are ( leiltmhmlIel to keel ) ( lie body strong mind vigorotts , noid 801111(1 amid rcti'eshiiuig Sloe ! ) iiititut lie SthtlhlCtl ) ) to restate the cx- lmatisteti nerves , By Its power to reslofld to nil these itctuis Ilooti's Sarsitlmtnlhla limis lroved itself the gi'catest frlemtd of womuieui. ThiolmsnmllS 'rltc ( lint tlu'y lias'e beeui glveii health amid strength by its use. It is time great. blood inmrlt'ler amid coit. sequcuithy ( lie true miei've toutic. it 1)05- s'SseS exietly : ( host' invigorittiuii. build- lug-up mUlti SllStlililuig : qtlnhitlcS that t ll'Cl amid nervoiim4 voimien mtecd. hood's .Sarsaparlhlmt itinlres ) urc , rich blood , ci'entemi liii appet ite , tOiles nmtd stu'eiigtlteiis ( lie thlgt'sI lye orgalis miii ' t liiis glvei i'cmie'emI 'itiihity multi vigor , Vail are ( ryimig ito ex1)cl'imtluiit ) In [ itlr- elimising hloomi's Snrsmipni'flhmt ; ore 1iking : I liii iiittlIclute w'lmh'li is to'Ietl niid th'ime utile ! it ; uiiul'i'rsmtIlS mutlinhtItl to he ' 'Oil I u ) ' ' iii iii ii'l , I , I II Sit k's it mid I ii etiu'es , Ucaul this froiii ( lie lithsIluiI ) : of a well ieiio'ut Brookl3'mi hmidy : " 433 hCosIusico St. , "Brooklyn , N. 'V' . , March , 5 , 1895. "C. I. hood & Co. , Louu'ehi , Mass , : "Dear Slr-I ; have never bpfore given * , , testamiiomiial , but I feel that .1 slmouhi be want- ' log In commiton gratitude should I fail to tell ( ho benefit my wife line derived from lloocl's Sarsaparihia. She became serIously Ill front running ulcers , caused by itoormiess of bloom ) ; and failing to obtaIn relief frommi her mcdi- cal attendant , was strongly advised by a ' ( niemid , who had suffered sommiewhiat similarly , to try hlooml's Sarsaparhhia , Slum , said it had ctmrcd lien amid would no doubt cure my wife. So we tried It , amid to say that its effect is wonderful , Is emily using it mild cxpresslomm. It appears (0 be building up a ibis' comistttu. ( lout for lien ; and as we are a family of eleven -lucre are eleven of us rejoicing at ( ho no. nult. , . . "If tim foregoing induces only one person , sufferhuig In ( Ito semite muamimier , to try hood's Sarsapanihla. I shall feel muore ( lien rewarded in writing these few hues as to Its efflcacy. ELIJAh ! l'ACKER. . Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier _ ; - _ itour It Into three icily cake Plates end Imako from five to ( cii minutes In a well heated oven ; when cold spread vIIhu cursnt jelly , place each layer on top of thin oilier , and sift powdered ugar oa top. - Iougiimmuts. One-half cupful butter , one cupful sugar , one and one-half jlns flour , ono and one.hmalf teaspoonfuls Royal Baking Powder , cute egg , one amid one-halt cupfuls milk , one teaspoon. tui Royal Extract I-Jutmmieg. flub tIme butter sugar , and egg together smooth , Slfthi ( lie flour and powder together , add It to the but. ter , the milk , etc. Mix Into a soiL dough ; well flour the board , roll out the dough to one-basiC inch in thickness , cut out with large biscuit cutter , and fry to a lIght browmm In pleaty of hard made hot ( or lime purpose , Servo with sifted suar over theta , , -i _ ' . ' - ' ' P IP1RIIEID5IEC PLUG TOBACCO. ' ' C1PAC4p & - . Consumers odivitttoaccow1ia arewil1into paj a Iittle'more than te price caed jr the ordin&j trade tobaccos , will find ti brand 5uperior to all others BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. RAIL\YAY \ ' 11E CARD Leaves"IaUjtLINGTON & MO. ItlVERlArntvo. Omalmalumimon Uepot , 10th & Mason Hts. ( Omaha 1Oltan ; , , . , , , , , , . . , Dcimver Fapremms , , . , , , , , , , , 5:40am : 4Spiii.hJiic. : 111mm. . Mont , & l'uget Hnd. Es 4:10pm : 43pm ; . . , , . , , , , , , Iteavor ixprmsa . . . , . . , , . . 4:10pm : 6eiiimmNebrasisa : Local ( except ttUntl.my ) , 7:45ni : 5itaniLtncoin ; Locimi ( except Suiiduyi1Eam : , l:41ptn.,1natMail : _ ( for Ltneolmi ) laiiy. . . . Leaves icliucAco , uJUltL.mNOTON & QXilvei' thnalialUniumiIJeimot _ , 10th & Mason iima. ( Omaha 4llmmmn ; , , , , , , , , , . Chicago Vestihuin , , , , , , , , , 0'Oam : a&Oamim : , , . , . , , , . , , Chicago lxpress' . , , . , . . . , . 4:15pm : 7S0pmnChmlcago : aioi St. Louts iximiess. . 8t.Sant : l1)kmin . . , . , , , L' acUte Junction L.ocal , , . . , , , 6:10pm : . , ' , ' . . ' . . . . , ' , t'ast Mmtli , . . , , . , . , . , , , , , 2:4'pni : i4aVe cilieuO , Ml ! . . & mfl' , 1'AUI.iArrlvems Ormiaima Union Depot , huh & Mason St.l Omnalma ; . . . . . . . . . . . L.imiteml , . , , , , . , . , , Otnammi li:1'Jnni. : ' . . .ClmIciigO 1xpreIseL Sun. ) . . . . GtOpimt ; Laves CiL1C'iUO & NOlt'Fhit'IIST'U.IArrives Omnahia Union 1)CiOt , 10th , & Mason Iita.l Oimiaima 11:05am : , , , , , , , , , . . l.astonmm Espiesa . . . . , . . , . , , filOpin : 4 : OOuun , , , , , , , . , V "tibuIsd itrnited , , , , , , . , . Ut3jmu : 5:50am : , , . , , , , , . . ate. Vailey Local , . , . , , . , , . 1OaOpna : tepnt : : . . . , . . Omnamiu cuitcago Special , , , . . , 2iiimmt Leates CILIIAUO , It , I , & l'ACFIC , JAi'rivee Omnulma Umiic'mi iepu ( . 11th & Mason SLed , Omnalia EM3T. hitO.mum..Atlauitlo ; ) ixptum ( ex , tunday ( ) , , GUlpnt ; 6:25pm : , , , . . . . . . . . . t4tght Express . , , . . , . . , . , . iit'ani : 4epniChmicugo : Ve.ibulemi ftmnuted. , , , 1:05pm : h1:3pmmi.O1tlitiOmmia Ex. ( to C. ii. ti. num'm.iiapin ) : - ' iitammiUhiamiommia ; At 'CUI rez. t , , , , , . , ' , , , li0tmmn..Colorado : LlmnIIed . . , , . , . . , , 4tiOpni ; 1A : OntaimalDepot _ , 15th anVebater Ste. I Omaha 5taimi.Nrlrasliai'aiseflgCr ; ( iIy ) . . . , 5ilumn : , 4COttiiiSIOUS : Clitf Express ( cx. Sun..1l5sm ) ; . ! . ! ! DiLni..St. l'dUi Limited , . . , . , , . , . 1USlamn : LeaVes F' , , Li. & tOO , VAI.LlI' * ' . iMuives Umamaiia Isiotllihm mmiii Wehtur ISis. J ( itnalmmi , 5ir'mn : . , . , , , Fast Stall and Exmiree , , , , , , 4r.pmmu : 1lOu'nmex ; ( , Sat'yo ) , Sx. teL Mon. ) , , 4tpni : COammm ; , , , Nurfoitc ExircsS ( cx. dutidli ) ) , , .i0:3ain : : iOiln . , , , , . . , . , lit. l'jUt Sxpre'ms . . . . . , . , . . lQE.ima ; Leave. I K. C. , ST. .7. & C. Ii. iltrnives Omahmaiion Depat , 10(11 & Mason iltc.J Osmialma 9f.oammi : , . . , , ' City iaViapreai. . . . . 6:10pm : 5:4mnn.lC. : (2. Night ocx , via U. 1' . 'l'rans. , 5:51mm : 1eavLii I MlS5.OtJIt i'AOil"lC , hArness ( Jnmlmzil , His. , I5:1)am : , . , , , , , , .S I , iouls E.epreas , , , , , , , , . , 6Oaru ; 5lOpni : . , , , . . . . . . St. Louts ipres. . . . , . , , , , , GQpua ; 1:50pm..Nbraika I.acalex. ( Hun. ) , . . , 9:00am : y'ihThouxczTY Omnaha leIiot , iltis amid \Vebster His. i Otmiaha ' ' : . . . . . . . . , . ' Immmted , , , , , . , , . 10 11am Ieaees SiOUX Ci'i'Y& i'AC1m1C Annivc.i Omnalma Unteim 1tipot : , 10th & Mavnt His , Otnahma 6:55am : , , , , , , , Sioux City i'asuner'iO:15i : 5tlpmms : , . . , , . . . , . St. l'aui I4aiuled Leaves I 'UNiON' l'ACIVIC. Arrii'ii OmalmhiJflIon fli'ot. 10th e JhIrson fOa.l Oniatma f00am , , , , , , , , , , , Ueamney iarjie'ss , , , . , , , , , . , 2C-pmfl : , , . , , . . , . , . Oeerlttnd Vmver , , , , , , . . , , , Z'Jptmi.iia'tce ; 4 Hironisb' x. ( ex. hiun ) , 5Ipmu : " 7:10pm : , . , , . , , , , , .i' acimlu J.xprcaa , . , . . , . , , , , 3lOpni . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Fast Stall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4lOpmmi : Loaves iWAllAShZnMLWAY.1'iI OmaiimtjUnhon 1)opot. 10th Li Uaon wai Ommiatia LouIs Cgnmia 1Ja41. , , . , , . UI4 ; _ _ - ' " La I , - - ' - " ' - - ' 4 _ - - - - - '