Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1895, Image 1

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' ES1.'AULISllED JUNE 19 , 1871. . OMAhA , SATURDAY IQ.IUnNG , . \
MAIWII [ 23 , 1895. SINGLE COpy FLITE Cl N rS.
r. J
T1UStd Leader Turn Ont t Have Been
a Base Deo3iver
'VR8 ArrcAtrl1 hy the 5""nIBrIA Only n8 n
Jhue or tu SaO hint from Iclng
\ 1.lchcl Rlt Wilt ne
Sent AwnT'
TAMPA , FIn . , March 22.-Incomlng passengers -
gers by the latest bet from Havana report
* . that sympathizers , wih thc Cuban rebellion
who were arrested during thc disturbances
have been release by the government from
havana IJrlsons. They wore watched , It : s
believed , and should they bc rearrested they
wi bo conlne at Matanzas. This release
Is believed to clear the prisons of havana
80 that no evidence of rebellion shall bc observed -
served by visitors. I Is stated that the
public of havana has no knowledge of ar-
restel rebels or suspects , because they arc
all connned at : latan1as , forty miles down
' 4t the Island. The 'datanzas prison recently
has been double garrisoned and cannon have
ben drawn Into positon around the prison.
General Sanguily , who was the revolution-
Ist leader In the havana district and who
was arrested and tried by civil court along
with Agulerro , who was arrested with hll ,
Is saId by the latest arrived passengers to
have collected ' 2600 on the Thursday night
preceding his arrest. Ho then told his fellow -
low Insurrectionists to 0 ready for action
on Sunday. On Sunday , February 21 , bow-
over , ho was arrested , and at the instance of
AmerIcan Consul Williams has been ac-
corded n civil trIal In3teall of trial by courtar
martial. I has transpired , according to the
latest information from Havana , that General
Sanguly was not only the apostle of the
revolutionist propaganda for the havana department -
partment , but when tiLe uprising came he
was relied on to lead the forces of insurrecd
ton on the fleid. BeIng a veteran or the
revolution of 1868 the insurrectionists trusted
and revered General Sangtiihiy. Confidence
In him was absolute.
The statement now comes from a passenger
just arrived that the insurrectionists have discovered -
covered that General Sanguly for about
eight years past has been receiving ' 200 per
month from the Spanish government to keep
advlcII of Plots against ; the government by
the Cuban Insurgents. I Is stated that
whll now In prison General Slnguly Is
daly visited by prominent ladles of I1\'anl ;
that he Is banlueted In prison ; that his fam-
fly visit him at wi and that his son sleeps
with him nightly. The Insurrectionists , who
thus are convinced that they were betrayed
by Salglly , claim now to have learned
moro at the funds collected by Sanguilly.
Manuel Garcia , the outlaw under an edict of
Spain , would have had naught to do with
the Insurrectonists and hence desired their
success In the present effort for fredom ,
I Is now stated by a man just arrived
here that the rebels have learned that Garcia ,
son before hIs death early this month ,
offered General Marti , the head of the revo-
luton , the sum of $3.000. General Marti ,
I Issl1 , ] , refused. Garcia sUDseqlenty gave
the money to General Sanguly for the same
purpose. Soon afterwards Garcia was killed ,
and the rebels , It Is asserted , believe that
Slnguly kept or turell over to the Spanish
government this hind other moneys collected
by him. Thc insurrectionists Interested are
no\y dotermIthd that If Sanguly Is released
* his life shall 'po , the forfeit of what they
- , ' , deem to be his treachery to theIr cause.
Bearing upon the above and yet freshly In-
dependent of I there caine here last evening
from Cuba InformaUon that the SpanIsh gov-
erment Intended to send General Sanguly gay.'t .
to the Philippine Islands , ostensIbly as an
exile prIsoner. The Insurrectionists claim I
to have learned , however , that I Is the plan
of the government to send General Slngul
to the Phlppino Islands to lead the go\'ern-
meat forces against the uprising now In
progress there and that he Is to b'e given I
$10,000 for so doing. I Is presumed San
gUly wi be glad to do this to escape the :
pri that wIll surround him should he be ;
_ -Bet free In Havana or any place In Cuha.
What has become of 9.700 rIles that have
been for ' two years past stored In lavanl ? r
That Is'a question that , It Is said Is now
. 4 , puzzling the Spanish govrnunent Two
years ago the agent In 11vanl of a SpanIsh i
arms Ilanufacturing company contracted with )
the Cuban government to supply 10.000 rlfle
A rIval firm , however won over the government -
mont , and when Agent Larranaga , for the
original contractors , delivered his goods they
were refused on the pretext of some defect
and the other firm's goods were accepted
The rejected arms were storNI away , and re -
centy the government bethought Itself to
ascertain tim condition and whereabouts of
the stored arms. The raid on the ( store
house his recently been made public and the
alleged fact that only sevCtynvo guns wero'j
found. The surrounding facts were not given
, - out , and I now trnspires that there were
300 rifles found of the 10,000 I rifles stored I .
Where Ire the balance of the ( 10,000 rifles
It Is stated by thc arrivals here last nigh
that 8,500 soldiers from Spain nigh
havana by man-of-war this weel They : i
are salt to he largely youths fum 1 years c
age upwards. From eastern Cuba , the disturbed -
turbed district . came reports that - IIenr. i i
Droolw Is In charge of abut 4,000 len at
or about nalre. General lacceo has forces :
about lyalo. General Joselar Is said to
* l bf near lurto Principe organizing forceu
' General Masse , who went from Santiago . Is I
reported to have fought Spanish troops near
lanzaulo on the 17th of March with reporto.1 .
loss to the Spaniards and unknown loss to
Cubans. o
CUIA A 1 U'I'1U ) OJ \'ot.U'tON ( ,
l'rlIlctnn the I'ul11 ( OI10ICO II I
Earnest \hol the CrOIJ' Are 1.111 tT ,
ST. LOUIS , March "
22.-"Tho InterIor of
Cuba Is a hotbed of revolution . " soul Ed :
U. Schmcdting. 1r , S hmettng ) Is thc
acting manager of the American Drmltc :
exchange and Is ou his way to Chicago Croi in
c la\'ana. Cuba. "Thero Is nothing but \I'lr
talk In havana anti the ( trouble Is only b it-
ginning. As soon as the crops are laid by
the fun wIll begin In earnest There ar
three races or nationalities of people In
Cuba-the Sluanieli . Cubans and Cuban nc-
! oes. The Cuban Is taxed , the SIJanlard
does the taxing , The negro Is the serf , the ( I
co 1on sen111 of all. These races are lie : Id
together by force amI they wntch each other
jealously , Each knows that there la no love
lost between them and each lows that the ( I
other Is awaiting an opportunity for 1 fig ] ] it
to the death To this country the Cuban looks
for succorfor life. Out of American
friendship and American sentiment must
spring the ravlonr of the Cuban's lioliticl 1 ,
social and commercal salvation. " IJollcal
General Gullienuo Is
Gullemo reported to bo Mar
Santiago wIth 4,000 men divided Into tl
cen1anl s. For the next two months , it fvo
stated , there will be no violent progress In
the revolution , as the Cubans do not inter
now to assume the aggruslve. I IarIy In
June , durIng the rainy season , the Spanish
troops not acclimated vIIi be exposed to the
elements and yellow fever Is relied upon to
kill marc troops ( lion the Cubans might
with rlnes. The new Spanish guns , of do ] Ii.
cats mechanism , will rust and tail In del- (
; , heavy ralus , while the Cuban rifles of
Amorlcan uuiakes , are relied upon for bett er
service. After this season the Cubans beter
to begIn their aggressive and determined
warfare. In the last rebellion about 200.000
men , I Is saId. were sent ( rein Spain to
Cuba amt , only 10 per cent are all to IlLve
been killed In war , the majoriy of them , it
I. laId , having perlshell y disease. I
- Gonrnor 11'nlu Alarmtst Iteport. .
RIO DJJ J.\NEIO , Mach 22.-Time fol-
lowing has juu been roceh'ell ( frol Govern
de CasUUos :
FOnT _ LI.EGIB , I"eb. 25.-1 Is knot mi
bere DOW that the river 1'Iata press persi Lit
InPo publishing false rumors to the effect that
Porto Allegro Is threatened ; that n panic
prevais : that people are said to be feeing In
all directions and that the insurgents of
Ialmelra , Elsrlo , Prestos , Alencar and Gor-
rlnono In great forces have occupied the great
torton of this state. There Is not even I
shadow of truth In the storIes. The frontIer
tranqulr , _ _ _ _ _ _ _
l ( . tISlR ! HI 31rUfm 'il : SOLUWHS ,
fccolMonts n I'emilunfor 'Vonntoll . Yet
orl" In JI"mor , If Ills ( rlnlt 'ther.
EHLIN , March 22.-Tho Relchsanzelger
thIs morning , upon the occasion of thc anniversary -
versary of the birth of EmprorOllam I. ,
grnnlather of the present emperor of Oer-
many , publishes a decree addressed by Em-
peror WIlliam to the chancellor of the Ocr-
man emlJlre Thc emperor says : "Wihin
a short time a quarter of a century will have
passed since the event which stands out In
the history of the world , whIch , under the
glorious reign of my grandfather , thanks to
the unanimous co-operation of thc German
so\relgns and peoples , led to the re-estab-
Ishment of the lmplre. On this day , sacred
to the memory of William 1" , I feel with especial -
pecial keeness lie necssly of making some
provision , as he would have wIshed , for the
mln who , obeYing the summons tf their cornto
mander and rejoicing In the sacrifice . staked
IfC and health for the J'atherland. I would , ,
therefore , regard It wih greater satisfaction
If the omcers , surgeons , omclals and men of
the army ali navy who , In consequence of
wounds received In 1870 and 1871 , or In can-
sequence of their Injuries sustained during
the time of servIce forfeited their claim to 1
second year's actv ! servIce In calculations of
their Pensions , could henceforth have lie
diference thus caused made up to them. I
would also give me satisfaction I the ( noncommissioned -
commissioned OmCNS and men who took an
honorable part In lie ( campaIgns of 1870 and
187 or In the wars waged by the German
states before 1870 , and who are needy , could
be granted assistance In thc future
"I do not lose sight of the tact that the
elrcumstnncts admIt the claims of only a
smal number of men and that those only
Ire considered But It Is my earnest wish
thlt time gratitude of the Fatherland should
at least bo manifested toward those who are
In a Position of indigence " .
The decree then charges Prince Iohenlohe .
to submIt the proposal and to carry out the
d etails crry :
detais. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: 1 ' : A'UON.\ IU\UHS slr1.0 AT.
ICJorlcd Ihnt 1 I11hu81crlll , 1 1JNlton 10
CII-UIII Uo.'n Org IIel Iii Now York.
NgW YORK March ! 22.-The sensatIonal
story was afloat today to the elect that In attempt -
tempt I being mh In this city to fit out a
large l AmerlcJn steamer for the Invasion of
Cuba. I Is statcd that he I came of II vessel
and the addresses ef t'ue men who have organ-
Ized the filibustering expeditIon are In the
ands Of the Spanish consul
.t Is said ( lint about two weeks ago the
Spanish consul was Infornll that a suspicIously -
picIously large number of men had been employed -
ployed l to go to Cuba. I was necessary that
these men should be ciizens of America ,
otherwise their employers had no work for
them. The men were to be given free passage
to and from lie Island , food supplied them and
were to bo paid a salary of $50 per montl
Of these who were hired the ones who appeared -
eared to be entirely trustworthy and Ilely
to keep the
secret were told the real nature
of the expeditton. The plan was changed , It
w as saId , and It
WIS was arranged to send the
men to Cuba on n steamer of the regular Ine
running to Colon Instead of the chartered L
steamer. The latter was then to be loaded LL L
wIth munitions of war . and. If possible , the
cargo was to be landed on the east end of
Cuba at flue scene of the present disturbance
The details of thIs plan , It was claimed , were ;
l earned througli n detective who had formerly
been In the employ of the Hlytan gover-
m eat durIng th3 late revolutIon on that Island ! ,
Arturo Daldaano , the onsul general , when :
told of t'le story this evening , saId very de
cIdedly that there was not a word of truth In I
't he story. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
SpnnshFaprurs l.ny the UIRmo tor the Cubnn I
UC\'outon : 01 ' 11. Country ,
MADRID , March 22-The Epoca and the
Naclonl1 persist In sayIng that the governor
general of Cuba , General Caleja , has asked 1
for large reinforcements. Thc goverment
omclals , however , deny the report. I
The LIberal accuses the AmerIcan press o fostering
fostering rebellion and hostilIty to Spain and
of partiality toward the rebel cause , which
the t newspaper mentions Is supported maInly
by funds gathered from the cigar manufacturers -
I turers t of 'fampa and Key West. The Liberal -
eral also declares that a large quantity of
arms and amnniunition was landed In Cuba
previous to the outbreak by American fisher -
mtn , and urges Spain to Impress the Unied
Stales with the advisability uf not encouragIng -
Ing filibustering amid assume n more peace
ful attitude on the IJrt of t h.p consul at
Havana . -
'be government officials who have been
IntervIewed here by the Associated press say :
they do not believe that an American Echooner
has been sunk by a SIJnish war ship
The chief omcers of the garrison off Madri U
of 1adrid
sent a deputation today to Marshal Afartine z
Camnpos to him
CrlJos assure that they would serve
tha throne and the government and that ,
there WI no question that loyalty and the
same opinion animated Spanish soldIers Of
all ranks .
Proceedings against certain provincial
newspaper whIch have been attacking tbe
army are being taken . The proprietors Ind
editors of some of these papers are to be i
tried before courtl-martal. ) At Reus provInce r-
lace of Tarragona , three newspaper men have
been arrested by order of a military judgi
WJ.I. 1'101' AOOU'rIHUJ TIlE CI'n : ,
luth FactIons II l'erl Agree to 1'11 Out or
the ( 'IiIltiI.
LIMA , Peru March 22-The los In klell
and wounded on both sides In the ( lghtng '
about the capital was 2,000. No foreigners
were killed. The city Is now quiet.
General Ilerola , the commander of the ii I-
surgonts entered the City with 2,000 men at u
dawn Sunday. 'he government forces made
a bravo defense and the fghtng contnued
until early 'fuesday morning when the
diplomats arranged 1 truce that was to be In I
force until : o'clock Wednesday afernoon. :
This truce was arranged to allow hath sIdes
to bury their dead I has now heon , a r-
ranged that General Caceres and his forcC
as well as General Pierola's forces shall r C-
tire from hue city ,
Co.sack4 ! lro.I" Clip Iirlgai.I , . .
TIFLIS , Russian Transcaucasla , March ! 22 . , -
A band of Tartar brigands relnty (
sacked the railway station at Udsbava
They were Pursued by Cossaclls and
a regular fight followed. The r C-
suit was a leeat for the brigands ef whom
live were killed , In addition two Cosslcks
were killed and four wounded.
\ on 1111,11 " 'li i'uccectl Vim \forter ,
IERLIN , March 22-The stml-ofelal
North German Gazette announces that Irlnc&
Von Halloln , Germa ! nmbasado 10 Turlley ,
11 bo appoInted In n similar capacity In
St. Ietlrburg In succession to General Von
Werder , who was recalled n few days aKa.
fand of Cuhl1 10h"l. lurIJI , '
MADln , March 22.-A dispatch fro ma
havana states on Monday hut General Ga r-
rIch surprised n baud of rebels and killed 11x
of tbem. A number ef horses all a qua 0'
lit ) of arms were captured by time gover ml-
meat t trpops. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
I'rll'es of tlher Are l'lrln"r ,
LONDON , Iarch 22.-rho Daily NOIIn
Its financial article , ' aya that sales Qf shy er
from ! New York and Cblntle buying of tbo
metal had been rtiUmtll , but yesterday tbe :
sellIng clued and the , prices became trl r ,
UII.,11 . the , \ rmmieiuIiimEcclslasIs. :
CONBTANTINOI'UJ , Iarcl 22.-The lul- I
Ian has released the Arl\flian eccleuiasti ci
who were imprisoned 11 lime pro'loce. for
polItical oaense"
Oatarino Gnm , the Mexican Agitator ,
Killed by the Government Troops
AtRck on UOlR8 De Toro Cost the 11-
urrcctonlAt8 'cry UCRrly and It
Only Ncullt Ono More Fight
to Settle Them ,
. -
( SpecIal to the \s.oclatcll IroA )
COLON , Colombia , March 1-The details
of tIme attack recently made upon Docas tel
Taro , durhlg which the notorious Mexican
bandi Garzl was killed , have now been ob-
ta l ned.
At about 4 o'clock on the morning of
March 8 a party of rebels from Nicaragua
mlde 1 desperate attack upon Bocas tel
T oro. The rebels were well armed with
wel armel witha
Wlnchesters and hat embarked nt Grey-
town , Nicaragua , according to one report , or
from Port 1.lmon , Costa RIca. In any case
the ( ) ' reached Bocas tel Taro In the schooner
Paver lIe Dos , The attacking party consisted -
sisted of fifty men under the leadership of
CatarIna Oarza , Perclr Castro and Seflnor
Mar , a lawyer. After landing under the
cover of darkness the rebels captured the
polcemen who were on duty and after put-
tng l 1 guard over them made an alack upon
the l calaboose and liberated all the prisoners
Thc rebels then proceeded up the streets
wih time Intention of attacking the quartet
whIch was garrisoned by about forty
sellers under the command ef LIeutenant
Lopez , Defore attacking tIme quartet Garza's
band broke Into 1 house belonging .o J. n
D . Flake , opposite the quartet , and from the
upper story they opened fire upon the quartet
The goverment soldIers were taken by 5ur-
p rise antI some of them were Idled while
s till In their bunks by bullets which passed
throlgh the wooden walls of the building.
Dut when aroused the soldiers fought gal-
lanty , TheIr lieutenant was killed. The i
ring brought a number at citizens to the I
asslstanco of the ( troops antI among ( lucia
Senor Jovane , the local political jmlge and
his secretary , A. R. Perez , who dlpllyed
much m bravery.
DurIng the fighting ten rebels were killed , ,
nfeen were wounded and twenty-nve were :
talen prisoners. On the government side ;
these were four 1 led and nine wounded
Among the rebels killed were Oarl and i
Clstro , As soon ns the Invaders saw these
two men fail and being utterly unprepared
for the determined resistance they had met
wih they retreated toward the outskirts of r
the town and disappeared In the brush.
During the encounter In attempt was made
to let fro to time town , Castro having ;
charge of this work. He saturated the side
of 1 house with Ierosense anti was In the
act of lighting 1 match to start the can ni-
g ration when he was noticed by n soldier ,
who shot him dead The rebels also n1de :
In unsuccesul attempt to use dynamite In ;
theIr operations .
At certain perIods of the fighting the
ring was very wIld and several women were
k illed. An infant In its mother's arms was
shot through the jaw. Miss Nellie Isaacs ,
tbe government school mistress Is reported i
to be among the slaIn.
T1i . government officials after the engagement -
gagement captured the schooner Favor de
Dos and found on board of her eighty rifles ,
,20,000 , cartridges and blankets , clothing and
mtons for the rebels
Naturally the attack upon Docas del Taro
caused great excitement and at the request
of the United States consular agent , D. R ,
Hand a detachment of fifty marines tram ;
the United States cruiser Atlanta were
landed l for the protection of AmerIcan In -
On March 10 a detachment at forfy-fve ,
soldiers was sent from here to Docas del
Taro all the marines from the Atlanta re -
embarked on board that vessel which arrIved -
rIved here the following day. An officio ii
bulletin was published on Tuesday larch 1 :
containing eight short messages to the governor :
ernor of l'anama del Toro
As thIs letter Is mailed a crisis has been
reached In the revolution In Colombia. A do t-
clsh'e battle Is about to be fought In the
department of Santandre. General Reyeu ;
the commander of the government troops I S
at Cucuta with 6.000 men and he Is there
awaiting the arrival I.G neral lateus who
Is at the head ot relfforcements numbering
5,000 men When these two bodies of troops
are Joined together 1 combined attack wi
be made upon the rebel forces , estimated to
number about 6,000. This will be the largesl
number of men who have met In bate on
Colombian sol since lie war with Spain ,
News of the result of this encounter Is I I
anxiously expected here
Since the above letter was mailed the
Associated press correspondent It Colon on
larch 18 cablell that a telegraphic message ;
had been receIved there from PresIdent Can a ,
dated ilogota . announcing that the revoluton
In the republic of Colombia was ended The
dispatch added that the triumph of General
Reyes over the rebels had been complete the
decisIve engagement referred to In the leUer
from Colon was fought near ledaga In the
department of Santandre. I was ale an-
nouncell that a rebel force numbering 3OUO
men was defeated by General 11teus at m
Cucuta , The rebels retreated toward Doyaca
and hero surrendered to General lateus ,
. \mcrlcR" MinIster to CoAa Ilcu Gives nn
. \rlollt of fl l'olnns.
WASHINGTON , March 22.-Writing under
data pt San Jose Costa Rica . larch 10.
United States Minister Baker connrm the I
report ef the death of Catrlnoe Garza , the I
notorious Mexican revolutionist and outlai Iv .
The minister says that Garu for some thu me
IIUt hat ben rlsdlng ! In Costa Rica , but r e-
enty left Port Limon for San Juan del
Norte , Nicaragua At that place he gathered
around him some thirty men , chiefly Colombian -
bian cxiies , and secured money and 1 qua n-
tty of small nrms. A small sailing era ft
WIS chartered , and the party embarked on i
the 2d Instant . landing the following day at
Cabulta . Costa' Rica , thlrty-nvo miles south
of Per Limnon Here Glrza took ( IUarter
with In AmerIcan named Reynolds , Ind
awaited the expected arrival at the Colombian -
bian exiles from the interior In this . imo a-
ever , ho was disappointed , IS thIs gover-
ment Immediately stopped
conirnunicatli on
with Port Cohlula , und dispatched 1 body onot
soldiers by land to capture the revolutonists ,
Garza received warning of the approach of
the troops , and with sixty folowers em-
barked In two smell boats for Doas del
Tore , Colombia Upon arrival at that point
the party at once atacked ! the barracks , but (
were defeated , Oarza and eleven foliowem rs .
Including Dr. Pereira Castro second In commend -
mend and General Moreira were kilEd , The
remainder at the party . were taken pnisonex rs .
111tnltol Ilporloll Ildlctcd ,
BAN FH\NCISCO. March 2.-'fhe Unit ccl
States grand jury this afternoon returned an I
Indictment against some party , whose name
18 wlthhelll ( , and the amount of bail was
fixed at $ .0. The afternoon paper nsslrt
that the tndlctment Is against C , P. HuntIngton -
Ington , lrlildtt ot the Southern I'aeI I
Railroad company , tor violation ot the In- I
tcrtate commerce law In issuing Jasses ! to
poltcians. _ _ _ . - _ _ _ _
filiurhelt Iho Salvgtlonl.u.
John Delelrhge was arrested last night
for dlsturhlng the Salvaton army services '
on 'fwent-fourth street between Clark cii rid
Grace. 'fhe members of the SIIvalOI ( nrmy
claim thnt they IJut up wih Delelrldgl1
1110)'a1Ce al bug al they could , and when
lie refused to desist they found It neceunry
to cal In IU oflicer.
nu I'JfIfNOIf rWJTn .18 .JtU 7l.1 Toll ,
Elort to : ntle rhe Nest 'tirlexummi , StrIke
lenlhlnl is SlccfuTull IMUI
NEW ORLEANS , March 22.The following
commlleo from the ( WhIte crcwmen's assoP
clnton called upon Governor Foster at , the
Hotel Royal today for the pUipeso of devising
S0l0 means whereby the IJrcent state of
as alllrs on the ( levee could 0 brought to a
suitable adjustment : James Elwood , Thomas
Harrison , Richard A. White , James fluffy ,
James P. Bren , Robert Draugh and Wi :
McCubbIn , The committee are the most In- I
fl uential men In the association . The conference -
enco lasted for s1veral hours anll at its conc'u-
ian Governor Poster ( leclnt to state to the
reportersI'hether or not any agreement had
been arrived at I rom of the commJteo
It was learned that ( the scrcwmen made an
ofer to store colon for 35 cents a bale , bUt
ww anted the seventy-n\'e-bale limit done away
w ith . They also desired to 110 away wlh the
tevelorcs They were willing to have the
agents place a man over them to sec that the
work was tone properly , but this mh1leman
was not to ISSUle any authority over them ,
le was merely to oct In the capacity of an
overscer. The cCHnmllee represent themselves -
selves as much Pleased with the conference
a mid say that they are more than , willIng to
agree to any settlement the of mnerIn
chants might arrive nt , providIng I Is an
Cullahlo bime .
The general committee or the various exchanges -
changes held n meeting to adopt a plaIt of
s ettiemmiomit . The commlteo will Present their
plan to the governor for approval.
SlWIOU , 1.\H.i. Al'.b'A . . Ill .IWJ'OITIW.
IrlU"h tentcnRlt 1111 , SlmQ lt 111 MOi
IUlrd lit Chlrllh ,
CII.ATH , March 22-Tho slluaton of
afairs In Chlrath bas grown moro serious.
Lieutenant Ross of tIm Fourteenth Sikh regi-
ment has ben attacked ! by the enemy and
k1ed wih sonic of his men. Cllrnth lies
been In a disturbed state ever sInce early In
Januar last , when Nlzan UI Mull , mehtar
of f Chlrath , was murterO by his youngest
brother , Amlr U Mult , who established himself -
self as mehtar. Fighting hetweeu Umra , the
ItIm of Jandol , Ind the Chlrtls fol'owcl and
the later were salll to have been defeated
A later dispatch declares that Umr was de-
f c'aed. ( On February 28 I was announced
that Umr was sending reinforcements to
Dorslfort to ( meet nn expected attack by the
Chlrts , and It was also announce that
Sher-Aful. uncle of thc late mehtar , escaped
from Cabul and joined Umr at Dorshfort
Hs attitude was said to be uncertaIn , hut
Umra assured thc British poltcal ofcr at
Chlrath , Mr. Udney , that ho hall no Inten-
lon of acting In a manner hostc to the
British. Amlr Ui Muik Is described
1rtsh. U Mul descrilell as a m3
of weak character , with little intelligence or
experlcnce ,
IIOTEIS WElE N Or S7'lllnmJ.
ChIcago Chief of l'oilco Lays All limo 111mm mime
O : Boys Inl l ltIters.
CHICAGO , Mardi 22.-Chlef of Police Dren-
nan , In his annual report ' declares the Debs
strike an unimportant aftair. AccordIng to
Chief Drennan , the ( mostannoylng element
consisted of half-grown boys who were determined -
termined to do mischief. The report says :
"it Is 1 notable fact there' was no trouble I
where there were no troops. In all cases I
where thc police were left to themselves peace I
was preserved , property vaS'kept un Injure : , '
and the Interference with 10nunion workmen I
was trifling. " The report severely denounces I
the conduct of the deputy ! United States m
marshals , who are declared to have been I
hasty gathered largely fron . the scum and I
refuse ot the lowest classes of the clty'e I
, , , ' "
populaton " - ' . - .i r'
Yalo-Cornet Crew tl Compote toe the I
'Vorld' . AquatIc OhninIJIOnshll ) .
NEW YORK , March 22.-Passage to South
ampton and return bas been' arranged for the
Yale-Cornel 'var.lty crew. 'The Ihlca oars
men , takIng their shel ' with ( them , will ell I
from New York on May I on the Paris and I
will proceed to Henley , where they will train
for the grand challenge CUll to be rowed on
thc Thames during the second week In July
In this event the American collegians wi I
meet the best crews of England France and I
other countries that may aspire to the aquatc
championshIp of the world. The Leanller
crew , composed of the best oars of Oxford c
and CambrIdge universities . will be In the
race. This Is the first American eight-oared
crew to go to England to row In time great
regatta It Henley .
l'/.AOE ) UN TIE I TW7'/ON .WAIU ) ' .
IrOnllent UeforltrK of St Locus Given mu I
I I rlrlsl
ST. LOUIS , March 22.-The election reformers -
formers of St Louis were given a great surprise -
prlso today by the appointment of some of
their prominent supporters all member S
of theIr reform association u judges Of dec : -
ton In the spring election next month I
Among those appointed are ex-Secretary at
the Interior John W. NoblSecretary ' of r
Agriculture Norman J. Coleman PresIdent
Thomas W. Death of the Merchants exchange ,
Jacob Furtim president of the Wholefnle Grocers I-
cers association , and nearly I hundred others
of almost equal promInence. As the appoint
Ing power has ablute authority . time gentle
men named will have . to , serve. -
cut' : UJ' I'/NI ; U."l -I-uUllrH L.tnGEl.
Logs that 'cre Scorched In the Great FIre N
flt ro lie fnrcst.Il lt Once ,
MINNEAPOLIS , March 2-Speclals 10 the
Journal say that time , log cut In the pine regIons i -
glens Is about concluded and that It Is about
one-fourth larger than lat Ylr's cut. This :
Increase Is largely due to th9 forest fires t ,
which made I necessary to cut the logs this ( ]
year In order to save them , The water In the i
water courses Is not IS high a. ordinarily at I
this season of lie ( ) 'ear and the lumbermen
Ire depending on a wet spring 'to permit eaY
driving I that falls several million fet of
logs wi , ba bung up , wlh little chance of
stIng them to mi , . . ,
(0J/mNUn M'1i.NIdY IdD TilE ( JItK1 ' ,
lIe Is Now Uolnl Well "nt Wit JCSUJO
Ills Journey II I .ew I"y'
TIOlASVILI.E , Ga , March 22-Oovernor
McKinley has lied In ItW k of hum ( grIp , but
Is doing very well . IS\'Ihyslcllns \ ; say he 1
perhaps will be on all Monday right and , ready to leave here
ills Florida trip wi b cut short , going
only as far as SI Augustine . lie will stop
one day In Savannall , ant from there WI Ill
go to Hlchmond and WashIngton , expectng
to reach homo before April J.
Senator Prichard of North Carolina , who
has been here In consultation with the gov-
eror , left yesterday for Wasimingon
lW .MINL1tS' STU/ - TIIItdTJ.VJ1 ) , :
b"vcntoen Thousand ) IIQ , ot thOo 1oRver
"nley 11lt on a TCn.tenl n.hl
NEWCASTLE , Pa" , MartI 22'Delegates
representing 17.000 Beaver valley miners have
bell a meeting and d clde4 that unless the I
ohl scale of wages Is restore a strike will be I
ordered tomorrow. The miners , are gettng
O and CO cent a ton , and want the old sea Ia
of GO and 70 cents . \
Seven Uolel"lcl Improl''rl , ( 'rIItled ,
TOLEDO , March 22.-Tbe board of elec-
( ions completed their Invlatga on of tbe I
tally sheets ot the republican primary ole C.
( ion at noon. They found that In time Eleventh - '
enth ward .eren delegates ' 'ert Improperly
certfed as elected on tbe ( tcke pledg d to
the renomInaton of layer Major , tbe ( fve. .
unpledged candidate having a majority , but !
this I time result or "a mutual mIstake and
umlslon on the pat of the canvassers , , .
MInor iegularlls were ale found In the
Second and Third vard . , but hit affecting tbe '
status of tIme delegatonl tberefro.n . , I
Fniure of this Country te Fay Bering Sea
Awards Renders it Necessary ,
: ' MOllns'Ivenlt for the l'rotcetlomi of
tIme SI'nl Alci NeecMBry Ilul11
1'robabl' , lIe Arnllct met
the Snme Tliiuo .
WASHINGTON ' , March ! 22-Prelhnllrles
nrc 'beIng arranged for the framing of a
new treaty between the Unlell Slates and
Great lrltln conclrnlng Dering sea seizures ,
The negotiations wi be carried emi In Wash-
Ii igomi. ( Sir Charles Tupper , minister of marIne -
rIne and fisheries for Cauatll , and other
leading statesmen of the 1omlnlon , will
come here to CO-OIJernte with Sir Julau
Pauncefote , the British ambassador , concernSt
Ins- - time terms of the treaty Time meeting wi
probably be held this fall . The Ilrojected
treat ) Is rndered necessary I ) the inaction
of congreS on the Bering se\ seizure claims.
Is pUrIJOO will bo to create n commission
tea hear all the evldeuce amid determine the
Imount of Indemniy to be paid the seized
sealers. After being signed lie ( treaty will
hlve h to bo snbmlUed to the seuate for rat-
fcaton , ant unless there hi i an extra session
' this cannot bo aCCOmlJlshed before next
1) ocemumber. Another phase of thO seal ques-
ton i which may come up simulaneously with
the adjustment of the ( claims Is the frnlng
of 1 new modus vivendi , or other means of
prbtectng the seals In Bering sea.
E ril.\NU'1 CLAIMS IN AL\Slt\
Hl'portl of time Two loultlry COlmlulons
Uo Not fiTer . " "tcrlll ] . .
WASHINGTON , March 22.-United States
terriorIal t rights In Alaska IS against the
lrltsh claims there have again been brought
to t the attention of the State departmnemit. I
Is i true that under time reports of the AmerIcan -
can boundary commission and the Anglore
CanadIan boundary commission of last year ,
England lays claim to large and valuable
portons of Alaska , both In the Interior mind on
the sea board , which had previously been
reglrdet as American territory. I Is' also
true that both of the commissions of survey
came to nearly the same conclusIon regarding
the questions whIch they had been appointed
to settle . There were , however , divergencies
between them regardhlb certaIn maters
which can not b overlooked Time funda.F
mental m fact to he kept In mInd regarding
Alaska and the British and merlcan survey
Is I ( hint the boundaries will not be finally
s ettled until they have been made the sub-
ject j of diplomatic negotiations between the
go\rnments at London amid at "shlngton ,
under time terms of the treaty of 1826 be-
tween Russia and Great Britain , by which
treaty t our own rights must be determined ,
Since the completion of time survey It Is the
negotiating authorities of the two powers
Interestell i that must attempt to determIne
the validity of theIr respective claims Insofar
IS they may conflict. The English desire
that the line shall be drawn so as to cross
some or the broad Inlets In the , southwest ,
through which they can obtainacc'os to their
own , domain frolic .thE 'sl , and , near , whlCb ;
they can establish forUfcl lens that may yet
be servIceable to them.
ComleatoRs : wlthiForoign I'owor Discussed -
cussed In I l'ortulctory U'ny
WASHINGTON , March 22.-Tbe cabinet
meeting today lasted but two hours , everyO
bOdy being present but Secretary Carlisle .
who Is In New York. The session Is saId to
hlve been uneventful , and there Is said to
have been an entire absence of friction be-
tween time members , although the principal
subjects under discussion relating to the
various complications In which we have beh
come Involved with certain foreign countries
were well calculated to exhibit "iverslned
Immdividual views. I Is presumed that ( the
attitude of Great Britain ' toward Venezuela
and Nicaragua was canvassed , but as far as I
can bd gathered the secretary of state had :
no now mater touchIng this to Impart , and
It was not believed to , bo necessary to take '
any positive acton on the matter at this I
juncture In the proceedings.
In view of time more weighty matters now
engaging time attention of the ( Idmlnlstra-
tiomu . I Is stated that foreign ministers In
Washington Ire likely to be left undisturbed , ,
at least for the present In their rclatons
with this government No answer beyond n
purely perfunctory one Iclmowledglng the
receIpt of our communication , all promising ;
to make on investigation , has been returned
by Spain to our demlnd In the Alliance at .
fair , and whlo under ordinary conditons
this might be resented by our government ,
1 dlsposlt n was shown by the cabInet to ;
make all due allowance for the fact that as
a result of tIme overturning of the ( Spanish
cabinet , the subordinates dare do notllng to
compromise the Incoming cabinet
1 5tlnto tmt It Will lie Ten Days or More
Before nn Alrerlclt Is l nClchod ,
WASINGTON , March 22.-Ten days or
two weeks Is the time In which 1 genteman
of the Japanese Icgaton today fixed for the (
conclusion of time peace negotiations between
Japan and China IOW ! In progress at Shimon-
oshiki . Dy that tixite he thought there should 1
be an understanding of some sort reachell
ono way or tIme otlmer No official confirma .
ton ( of the report of the beginning of the
negotiations his been received nt time legaton
here The beginning at peace ne otatons
has naturally suggested time prospect of the
declaration of 1 tree or on armistice by ;
the two IJwers , pellng an agreement for the
cessation of hostltes ( and the settle -
ment of the war. Inrormaton on the smmij -
ject Is lacking at the legaton , but the olcial
above referred to gave It IS his opinion thlt
no armistce ( would be declared until nt
least the basIs of an agreement of terms of
peace was reached.
Tltl II'JXO IHl.IMl ,1lOlES.
J' llc-Strlclcl Curl Throuah I
Factory "Irllllll 'Ferror
ChICAGO , March 22.-Flre In the ( Square
Match company's works at Unon : and Erlo
streets today caused a panic among the fly
girl employes. One was perhaps fataly
hurried and three others seriously Injured by
jumpIng from time second story vindows The
Injured are :
Annie Hans ; may die ,
JennloVannor ,
Roy Tate
Unknown girl
The Injured were removed to I hOSIJltal ,
where I was said all would recover with the ;
possible exception of Annie Hans , who caused
the flro. She was opening a box of mnatclme .
Which Ignied , settng fro to her clotimini
nUlhlng screamIng through the
factory she
Icalerell the burning matches about the
place , setting the building on fire . Dahing
trough ( ( a second-story window she fell sense-
less to limo pavement , followed by a dozen at
the terror-strIcken gIrl. The remainder of
the employes escaped by time stairs and flu e
escapee. slight loss , Tie lIre was . extngullhed wit hi
Hovemmmrxmts ot ( CI'II HIIIUlen 11arch 22 ,
At Oenoa-Arrtved-Werra , from ?
Oenol-Arlnd-Werra New
At Iluhl-Arnived-Colorado , from New
At Ualburg-ArrlVd-Iussll , from New
York ,
' P L ltUItO-1'VJUMojV1t ] . lx IC.t.\'S4N . "Oi
Unlel states Authlrltl Notified of time
TOPEt , Iran. , larch 22.-Unless the
Judgment of I'rofV. . S. Mnyo , veterinary
su rgeon nt the State Agricultural college , Is i
at fault , IJleuro pneumonia has been located
In I'mimmsnxi . The dread IIense Is saId to
hn\o made its appearance In Genr ) ' , \Vmtu-
bun see nail Mains cotmmutics. I.'or some tme
111st cattle In that Part of the state have
heen ! lcl . The later was Innl ' called to
the attention of tovlrnor : torl\1 \ anti the
Stnto Sanlnr ) ' commls lon wih Irof. Mayo ,
tin der Instructions frol the overnor , made
a thorough Invest aton , which hal Inelulel
"e\'eral Post mortem examinatons , ' 'olla ) '
I'r of. Mayo enle to time eallnl , nccompanled
l ) ' l'rof 1'Rlrlhiii of the 8tnte Artculurl
co llege , 1111 the two were closeted wih the
goVernor for "ome time . 1 WM nt Irstlle-
termlnc,1 to keep the mater quiet 'untIl time
Unied States authorities CJuh bo miotifled .
hut "e\'erl exaggerated Itatements got out
nlll I was Inll ) deemed best to tel the
whole stor ) ' 11 Lieiumg less Illrmln , Prot.
lil aye reported that , In his jUIImcnt , the
di strict was Inlicted wih typical IJcuro- !
IleUlonll , 1igImt : head of cattle nllctlII
with thl disease , he declared , had died ,
ab out Ifhrli are now Juterln , with It
nnll nhout : head have heel eXl1nsell The
St ate Sanlnr ) ' comm\"lou nccoml1anled
l' ref . 1n0 In his tour of immmimtectioxu . 11 1111
nlso Prlchnrl , the state vctlrlnnrlnn. A
rlgll ( quarntne wnl estnblshrtl ngalnst the
In feetil IJorlons of the three countes
Inmel , Ind It Is the hope of the nuthorlles
thnt the ) ' mar Itlml out the Ilsl'lle wih-
out its further sprenl , GOI'eror : Iorl
notlel the ( Ruthorltes \'mit'hmluigtoum to-
night of the state of atalrs lll 111ell that
be at to verlf ' l'rof
In , expert selt lt oncc 'erIfy
M ' ,
1ayo's diagnosis .
SEW I'OIIK 11.1C1.'O luLL lWI'OlTln.
I'ro'lles for Simile SuporvlAlon of All ! I'oot
Meet iimg. '
ALBANY , N Y. , March 2-The amended
Gr-percy rcing bill WIS presented In the
lsembl' today " -hle lu the commitee
01 order I has been chaned In sunny rc-
spects , 'fhe most Inl10rllnt pro\\lons of
the new bill provIde that hereafer there
shll be a State nncln commission , to be
the ' ' anti to consIst
nlpolntell by go\'crnol' 111
of three miieim no two of who I shah be
member : of the lRnl ritcimig' nssoclatun ,
The cOlmlsslol If to Iccnl ! nssoelatons
11t meetngs under reasonable rulel Iltl
regulatols , whIch mn ' from . lime to time
hN o prescribed by the Jocluy' cluh and the
Nalonal Stlcplechne iimm4OclittlOil. 'he
COl11188101 II 10 lmitve owem ' to cnncel nml
revoke hicomises. A tax Qf 6 per celt of the
g ross ealllngs of the corpomtons emijoylmug
the i privileges of the lull Is to he IJait0 the
state , 'rhe bill Pi'OViht'm9 limit Iny 11erson
who mlles or recorll n bet directy or lu-
Ilrcctll ) ' upon nny race course shah forfeit
the vilue of uny money or PropertY so
w agered . received or hell ly him , to he recovered - .
covered II n civil actIon hy the 11erson 01.
IJ rsons with whom such \IHer Is male , or
hy whom such money 01' II'OIel'ty Ii Ile-
bP posied , 'rhe Eves pool bIll Inl the Sax tOi
amen ment Is replllell 'l'he bill will le
lade I special order some day next weelt.
. ,
. .F .1 114W TU I'JSS . Al'l'lll'llITJU\ ' .
Arlzoun r"IIIBture ) .eai'es Al I'iibllc 1mmtI-
tlllnnA " 'Itimnut lUnnoy.
PHOENIX , Arlz" , March 22-Amld scenes
of wild disorder the Eighteenth session of
the territorIal lsem1Jlr came to nn ahrupt
termlmton ntl o'coc this mornIng. After
a biter light the huh creqtng Navajo
count ) . , In tIm northeastern part at the ten-
rltory , was passed by both 'houses. The '
generl approprIation bill was then taken .
u l in the house and every scheme to delay ,
itt s passage was resorted to , Thu object ol
t his delay Is to kIll the chmaiuces for tiiO ;
r emoval of ( lie venientlary from Yumna to I
P rescott , for which tile anti-railroad comrn .
p auly men hiaya 'been , maleing' a flghmt , op. r
Is oited by tIle Soutimrn Pacliic commipany's i
lo bbyists. 'Fhicy prevented the taking of mu L
v ote until after midnight , ii'hudn the seashbn I.
vl l apsed through limitation. Speaker Carpen. :
( or arbitrarily adjourned ( lie imouse. Nearly
n il territorial oihlcers and institutions au' m
t imus left without fundS for the comimig two ) '
y ears , An extra session can lie called only r
b y congress at its next sessiomi.
P rosecution In tile A. It. U , Cases Commiom I
Nomur iieiflu hCnocleod Out ,
SAN' FRANCISCO , March 22.-.Thue intro .
d uction of testimony in time long drawn otm t
c onspIracy ease against members of tlmu ,
A merican Hallway union was meimpposed p ;
h ave been closed ili the United States dr
c uit court last Friday. This unornhmug cor -
( am instructioiis nsled for by Attornel p
Monelthi ( of the defense develomied time fac t
t hat attorneys for the government had imeg
l ected to irove ( lie exIstence of tIme SoUth :
e m PacIfic company of Kentucky as a romn -
m uon carrier. After heated argtimiieiits oi m
t he Part of ( lie opposiiid counsel Judgi
Morrov granted a motion of time ProsCUtIoi
t o reopen Clue case to allow tlmeimi to intro .
d uce evlmienc on thmimi poimit. Time trial vil I
b e resummied agalmi micxt week.
t ourteeii of tIme Evanstomi VIctIms Still ii 1
tIme Mine.
EVANSTON , Wyo. , Mardi 22.-Time fir C
which broke out yesterday in Red Canoi a
No , 5 of the Central Pmmcitle was today cx -
t imugulahied anti twenty-four bodies recov -
e red , an follows : Samuel hates , Isaac John .
son , John Lopar , John Wilkes , Mat Ys1l I ,
T lenm'y Burton , John Lehiti H. A. Nrlorr : i ,
? elntt Johnson , Samuel Ilolston \ 1111am ii
Clraiimiin , jr. , Jommepii hinydon , Villam ! l'opm '
George linrily , John G. Martin , Davh 'I I ,
Lloyd , William Langdon , icr , , Jamnes ' 1I
Clark , Aaron Butte , John it. F'emtrnVililnm I . ;
\Vcedup , henry Scotlmren. 'rimia leaves i'oUi -
( ccii out of Ilry-thmrco who Yerc buried i n
the mimic yet to be reeoverei ( , Andrci v
'itiison , voummi1eul by Ilyimig timbers , die cI
tolmty ( at 1 o'clock , muiaking time total deal I
roll sixty-one.
. .
Ii.1.o.uIxo ht'ILL lS1C PUJ3L0 411 , ,
Iostitule Fanmihiel of limo % 'lctinis of ( Ii 0
limo llcmmster Siuctue miii 1vicaI ,
ChEYENNE , Iilnrchi 22.-Speciah ( ToP , . -
gramn.-Governor ) Rlchmardii has received a.
message asking for nssiatance fom' time ( tin I.
iliems of time ommemi killed ha time maine diiuatc .r
at Almay. Mimic Smmperixmtendent liramlbur y
immtormed ( hue govem'nor that torty.tlmi'c , 0
ividows anti over 200 children ore heft In dci 3
tiuto circUiuumutuifl'eii , overnor lticluarhmm ;
in comuferexice by s'ire vitit Mayor fleumrd if
Fvmimiston in meference to time niommt aulyhsmmb ] Ic
mmmaxuxier of iroceetlixig iii time imimctter. It is
miltogetiter lulobithIie ( lint IL hdmluhiC ) udtlr 'm Ui
will ho mnmido to time licoimlO Of Wyommiimmg b :
time gaVOi'flOr umohicitirig voluntary coxmribm ( ?
tiomumi to relieve tIme tlisrcaacd ,
Cuso tiC I.m'prosy lii e iv Vonic ,
NEW YOItI , Mamchm 22.-TIme imealtim boar 'ii
today leanimed ( hint ( lucre had been a mci n
stricken with leimrosy living for tIme jun
six years lxi a ter'mcmeimt house iii tiuiH cit :
i'residc'xmtVmmldron said ( lint time facts , m ;
far as mimcertaimicd , imad been given to Han mi. i.
( nary HuImt'm'iimemRidiit ( ltohsentms acid timmut ii
llrornhlt tilmul thmomougim invemiigimtlcmxm vou ] Iii
follow , 'flie nman'iu imumo and acidness hr
not been given oUt , Although tIme case lit
been lmunmilech durimmg time Imast ( OV yeumrH I cy'
two iuhmyaicimcns timid brought to time muitice m it
time uuiedical tafC of tIme l'remubytcnian Imouqi 1-
tal , it has never been reimored to time imeahi ; im
board , _ _ _ S _ _ _ _
, lncimimim l.oI I un 0 lmecks Go Ii , l'ritnst , ,
LANSING , Michi. , Mardi 22.-At time tn oh
of ox-Deputy Secretary of State IAndhmol ni
today for exmiiezziemnemit Of i,782 of ala to
tunmimu , Iindhmoim , ii'imen on tIme stand in hi iii
Wfl behalf , teumiileul Clint certain cued ( S
drawmi by lila sumpenior , ex-I3ecnetmiry of Sta tO
Jocimirn , and foolm I in Lhndimomn a debit alt ,
hula flight. to Swc'ietm wcre to cover ida ;
funds loaned to .Joehmrn , to be used iii hi is
vrlvate business , arid that tIme latter allowi : Ml
11mm to go to protest unul has not since ia Ida
ttienm , Time testimoimy created a decided ac a-
muation ,
Vs mimoims Ia , iid , ; o , , ult End ccl ,
flENVlli , Munch 22.-Judge Alien gran' ed
a nonsuit this afternoon hum time cult of Cci iI
A : Deane eguiims ( 5 , W'ilhis Frencii f or
$ hO(00 damages for alienating the affectio am
of time lilaintltf'a eife. 'I'hmis was the ( hut :
trial. At ( lie first trial a verdict was .
turned for I00.OO0. which wasjiet aside ty
time court as oxceemuive , A secoimul trial i 0-
ruited in a verdict for $ l5V)0 , An ap
was taken ( o tIme supreme court acI t
was reversed , witim aIm order entered I mr
new trial.
O onfrcnco Ooniniitteo'a Bill Passes Both '
Houses of the Legislaturo.
I t Make. ii ( Iremit. Ciiiemmgo iii tIme Commtrac
of State ltitimk.-ltau.n's Ii'mmnsitnry
lticmmiutmro Also ( Itteim ii ( lunch
W'ord iim Commumimlttee ,
LINCOLN , Mmirim 22.-Speelal-Thc ( ) con
fe remice commimmmittee's report omm tIme relief bill ,
hm ouso roll No. 25 , whmichm ii'as today nulopteul
b y a vote of GO ( 20 , is on entirely mmciv bill.
I t appropriates 200,000 for ( lie hitmrtioae ot
li rocurlmmg seoul and feed for teaimma for ulcsti-
b ite fmmnmmmcrs , Time auditor of Public ac-
C Otiiuts shall draw lila ivmmrrammts Oh time state
tr easurer , out time requisition of thm State
il eilef coxuimmiission , in favor of time several '
c ounty treasurers of cotmuuties emmtitleul to re- '
c eive aid , for imcim portion of time nhumoemmmt ap-
hi roPriatcil mis the comumnismiomi slmnfl demui nec-
e ssary , It is xuuamlo ( lie dtmty of time Itehlef
c ommuimilmusion to appoint in timeso coummties ,
w here timey hmn'e umot becit niade , coumity red -
li d coimmimmisslommo , amid these coummiL's tire t
a ppoimmt stmbcommmmumlsslomis iii each votimmg Pre-
c iact. 0mm reqtii'sitlon of time coemnty commmmmmis-
sl on time coutmty clerk ahmmill dra' his vmmrnant
o n ( ho smmumm llaced iii time county treasury by
ti me provlsiomms of this act iii PaYnmemmt for such
f eed and seed as the commiiumisaiomi many pro-
e mmre. Thmo nmmmommnt is to lie apportioned lure
r ata to time several lirecixmcts iii Proportion
t o time mutmmuiber of micedy' farmmmers in such juno-
ct lnct , All mumommey appropriated ammih to be ili.
t nlhuted shah be dIvided ammiong tlm several
r elief commmmiiissiomis auxiliary to time State lie-
hi ef commimmmission ro rate , acconilimmg to limo
im mimmiher of farmers reqtmlriumg such aced anti
f ecil iii said coutitles , This is to be deter-
im uimied imy' tIme state couuimnissioum , based out
k mmowledge in Its imossesslomi , Five hmtmmmdreml
d ollars is mippropnimiteul for time state corn-
uu uissiomi for services rendered uimmder thml act.
A peimolty of line or ixuipnisommunent is pro- ' '
v idemi for Pumiislimmiemlt of fraud in securing
s eed imimiher the pnorlslomis of ( lila act. No old
s oldIer drawimmg a pexisloim of $12 a umioxutit
o r lemma is to be ihiscm'imniimatod ngaiiitt Iii tIme
d istnibumtiomm of ( lila relief. No county shmmilt
r eceive aid which does mint ftmrnish ( lie in-
f onmnatiomm cahleml for in time act on or before
4 \iril 1 , 1S95 , amid the dlstribtmtiomi umutmst be
c ommipleteth on or before April 10 , 1895.
Iloimse roll No. 101 , considered iii commmnuittc
o f ( lie ivhmole todmy : , was luutrodtmced by Smmt-
( Oil of Douglas. Its scope is a detaileml re-
v ision of time state banking law amid reimeal
o f time sammme. Its title is time iuiot comuupre-
hm emmsive of ammy of time bills that have yet
r eached the general file. Its lmrovisiomls es-
t ablishc a State flammklng board and desigmuate
s tate banks , regulate said banks , whether ,
c oimumnercial or savimmgs , provide for a scene-
ct ory of the board and bank exnmuiincrs , de- '
fi ne their duties and provide for their corn- '
p ensatioum ; require corporations , partntrshmlps ,
li nus amid individuals tramisacting it tianktmi
b usiness to muinko reports and stateuiuenta
i mmider oath to tIme baumkIng board , miamI publish
t he munumie , of all thmeir resources and liabiii-
t ies : to provide for time examninaflon of the
a ffaIrs of all mutate banks ; to fix a mnialunumm
c apital ; for the isatming of chiartera.
b oard ; , for time appointnient of receivemr ;
make it unlawful for Indolvent state banks
t o receive deposits ; fix time lIability of stock-
i molders in bankicmg corporations anil for thin
e umforceinent of sucis liabilIty ; a penalty for
b ank officers snaking false statements , en- '
t ries and representations and falsifying
b ooks ; make it unlawful for officers , dt- '
r ectors or enuployes to borrow time hinds of
t ime bank , except under certain conditions : a
penalty for failure of banks to make reports , '
a mid to repeal chmaliter 31 , sesslomi laws 1B89
Section 3 of the mmciv bIll provides that
t ime banking board shall appoint a secretary , , '
i vhmo simali have hued at. least two years' prac-
( teal expenienco in the general banking busi- -
i mess or in affairs of time Sato ( Iianktumg do-
partnient. This relates to time present cleric
o f time heard , Dick Townley , whose salary' ,
was fixed by time general appropriation bill
a t $1,200 per annum , and who was , also ,
g iveum an assistant at a salary of $1,000. Tima 4
bill under comielderatlon today retains the
assistant mud fixes the s9lnry of ( he secre-
t ary at $1,500 , '
Section 8 of time now Imlhl provided that'
t ime president , vice president or cashier
should nuako oath to not less ( ban four reports -
ports during tIme year concerning time condition - '
dition of time bank. 1)avies secured time
passage of an amendment requiniimg , also , ( liii
oaths of at least two of tlm directors , neither ,
of whom shmouhil hue nmi officer of time bank. -f
Time bill provided that bank examiners simouimX
give a bond of $50,000 , but this was reduced
by the commmmiteo ( to $25,000. Section 15 of
time bill provides penalties for falsifying the
books of tIme bank and for makIng false
statements to bank examiners , but no provision -
vision was made in time hilt for a hionai ( ,
for bank examiners wlmo muluould do likewise.
Davies' amendment to section 12 imros'ides for
thmiii and was adopted , 9action 25 was ( lie
foundation for a lively discussion , It made
unhawflmt for any partnershIp , firm or Individual -
dividual to ( ramusact a baimking business under
a corporate title longer than for a pcrio
of six months after ( lie talcing effect of time
act , and tIme mmdoimtion or use of a corporate
title after time time Prescribed '
ly' any Portlier-
iiii ) , tlrxui or individual transacting a banking -
ing business is prohibited.
Miles , cimalrmmian of ( ho committee on baxmk5
and currency , saul ( hint a corporate title waa
misleading ammil did not convey proper information -
formation to ihepositors. lLls bank sailed under -
der time title of Miles & Fhshmburn's PanIc , and
gave every one nil idea of who ie'as behind it
nail what tlmelr responsibility was , It partners
or iumdlviduals waimted to retain time corporate 4'
name they could incorporate.
DavIes said ( list it was true , mind lie be-
hieved it would hue admittemi Imy time gentleman -
man from Saline , that time bank comnjueeth of
ixmdivlmluals was safer than an incorporated
concern. Individuals engaged in banking
were lhmmble for all they were worth , hems legal p1' '
exernimtlons , in case of faIlure , Stockholders
were liable for wice time valtmo of ( heir stock
and no more , lie cited alt ilimisraien ( of a
wemmltlmy man , .wiim a reputation of being
connected as a mmockimoldor iii a certain
hank , That gave time hemdc credit among
depositors , but when time bank vent under
it was developed that timis man was liable
for only double time amount of cue share ,
$200 , 1tunger agreed with Davies , amid see.
tion 25 was stricken out ,
htousc's lull , relating to depositories to's
caunty funds , provides that any natioumai banlt
in time tmmto moo ) ' apply to limo county bOard
for appointnient acm a depository , and , upon
giving a suitable bond , simail receive a lion-
then elf tIme funds , interest imaysbie at time
rate ef : i per cent. Thmero wan a pnoiongei
debate on Judd's amendumment , wimich providsil
that , iii cidmiltien to ( lie bommds giveum by baumic
ollicers. there should be other sureties , en-
iirely disconnected with time bank , Ilurns of
Lancaster nioved an amnmuundumieimt to ( liii that
all of lImo sureties ahmoimid be dlsconumecteol
with ( lie bank , but thus amendment went
down , and Judd's prevailed , Time Interest on
publio funds deposited shah be computed on "
tIme average of daily balances , anti no coumuty , 4
treasurer ahmahi be lishlo on lila bond for
money deposited , provided that he shall not
have on deposit at any One depository ouiors
timan one-half ( lie anuouni for whIch the
county board hmas appreyeml liii boimfi , With
tIme inmpairmmient of a bank's capital , time
county treasurer his authorized to deonmund ad. . ,
ditIonat bonds froumi tIme batik. County reas-
tuners faiiiuug to comply ihtlu ( lie provisions of
( lila act arc to ho tietimmed guilty of cumismie.
muieaiior. 'time act does riot take effect until
time eximiratina of tiic Present term of limo
I 'venal county Ireasimrer of ( lie state.
At 0 o'clock ( lila mo ning time hm9Usent
into committee of time whole , with Harrbso