Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1895, Page 8, Image 8

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    , r ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
: S TIlE 01tAILDAILY TIE1l } FRiDAY , 1tLAUOll 22. 189. !
'r Receivers Discuss Present Affairs and Prospect -
: : , peat of Union Pacifio System
. - .
1 No C.AURO for . 'nllUaUon In Jvcntll : Rt J'ort-
' Innd-I""lIuro of COlIlrcRR tuet LI\-
nicntc.I-la , iige1 h1 Old
c l'rl'jucllcc8.
e - -
. Mesars. Oliver W. "link , E. Ellery Anller-
{ 40n , J.V. . Dooho and rederlc n. Coulert ( , '
f , s receivers of the Union Pacific system , arrived -
. , : rived In Cmaha yesterday from the cast ,
accompanied hY Mr. Samuel Carr , one of the
jr , truotrot the Am3 estate
r "Thero Is little In our 'hlt that wouM ( be
t of Interst to the public , " aId "Ir. Mink : In
reply to an Interrogatory of a lIce relJOrter.
f "I might Bay that we have steed the trip
t splendidly and hope you are the same , but
" then I nm afraid that might be regarded as
t. n bit of ancient levity , unbecoming a receiver ,
. and therefore ask to have the whole matter
, : stricken from the recorll. Seriously , however
: . wo have many motters of detail to take up
\ which will probably keep some of us hero
' until Saturlay. Mr. Anderson goes to Denver
, to represent certain murtgage Interests In the
" , iHiaring before Judge lIallett on the ! ' propose ]
"t 4 ; extension of the Union Paciflc Denver &
i k Gulf company het\\een Pueblo and Trlnltlad.
't" \Vhetlwr all of us will go Is still a matter
, of speculation.Vc WIlt fIrst have to eea how
, ; well wo get along III the routine work tie.
mandlng our atlentlon.
" , "As to the status of the Union Pacific , II
. might be decltledly better , then 1I0t bo at
" , , all worthy of great comment but In our case
; any Increase III earnings would l bring joy lO
I everybody 011 the system. We are pretty
k hard hit and the future Is not at all prom-
r ising for the whole distance between Chicago :
( and Council Ulurrs was traveled ( through
, clouds of dust , great \\'aV03 of dust beIng
, t. noticeable , followlrm In the wake of the IlIa\\ .
r man throwIng up the furrows. And I nm
Ipfcrmcll that Nebraska needs rain much
, more than lown. Whll ! I nm hopeful that
another crop failure will not he ) Jut ) against
Nebraska this year still farmers are afraId 1
I to put In seed for fear that the dry soil will
, nat hold the grain planted nnd that the winds
" - will sweell the seed away. All of which
c Is liscoiirnghiig "
'i' Upon ) the question ( of a reduction In salaries
. on the system ; , lIIr. Mink would not talk ,
'r . except to say that the subject had not been
! . seriously dlscused , although \ the receivers
cit that the company was IIIle a tailor whr. ,
driven to retrenchment had to mlle : his suit
' . according to the size of his cloth , He sen.
. tentlously remarked that the Union Pacific
, was paying ) ' 1lghcr salaries than any of Its
. ) competitors , hut salt ! that no action had been
taken to secure nn order of the court author-
, : , Izlng a reduction
t lIIessrs. Anderson and Coudert were In
close conversation when a Bee reporter called (
tlnnn t)1f'Il ) nt Ih" 1IInlnr,1. Thn r"nr" "ntn.
, . tlyo ' of this ; - iaIer ; ' " 1 read : ' to the , " receivers : " the
4. action talon In Portland ( Wednesday by Judge
Gilbert In appointing John M. : Egan condl-
: : tlonal receiver of the Oregon Short Line allll
3 . ; ; . Utah Narthen upon an ex parte application
; ; .The Information conJlnunlcatcd was somewhat
1"1 ; ' starlllng te the emInent legal lights , but they
. t' . would not commit themselves as to the novel
" procedure on the part of the court or the
, ' 7. " NInth circuit after remitting the application
\ , . tor separate receiver for the Short Line to
s , 'tlla dIstrict court of WyomIng
: "JJ "There Is no reason to feel elated over the
. i > : action of Judge Gilbert , " said lIIr. Ander-
' " J son 'rhe ' case Is to be tried on its merits ,
i" - and until those before whom the case Is tried
, . decide whether a separate receiver shoulll he
t appointed or not , wisdom has taught me to
c. keep slleut. I Imagine that the representatives -
1 ; ; Uves or the American Loan and Trust
tf ; comp % ny went Into chambers and Intimated
; . to Judge Gilbert that John M. : Egan would
bo perfectly ncccptabl to them In the event
" the court of the Eighth circuit should decide
r . . to remove the present receivers of the Short
t. I.lneamI appoint a separate receiver. The
L court thereupon probably , of this 1 have no
: Imowledt' ! , marlc you , Intimated that ) Ir.
L Egan would 110 acceptable to the court ,
thereupon the order , as you Intimate , was
F eh'en. Of course this will have 110 bearing
on the case when It comes before the court
ot the Eighth circuit for hearing "
r. Then the talk drifted to the failure of
t congress to enact a law looking to the relic
. I ot the Pacific roads. Mr. Anderson , continuing .
: Unuln as spolesman , although now and
" then Mr. Coudert had a word oC eXlllanation
. , to make , said : " 1 tlo not believe that the
1 government will \ ever again receive two
. ' fairer prop05lUons' than those submitted to
. t' congress lust winter. One was that the
1 " . Union PacifIc should pay $70,000,000 at 2 per
' . & cent , secured by a IIl'St lien on the property
, to the government. The other was that
i , $34,000,000 shoulll be paid outrIght and the
debt of the government canceled. Doth of
" , these propositions were refused on the Part
4 of the representatives In congress I goes-
lion very much If a commltlee of men representing .
resenting the varied Interests III the Union
, I'aelno will ever bo able to agree upon Eueh
fair propositions again. This , of course , Is
oilly my opInIon "
"Oh yes , they will , " interjected Mr. Couti-
, crt. "Who knows hilt whItt an Elllor.\do
4 , may bo eslabllHh In the west along the lIne
. of' the UnIon 1'lcllle. Crops may be once
mora of generous proportIons ; wheat may
advance : cattle and hogs may grow as the
sage brush : cotton In the south may return
. , to Its 0\11 \ kingly condition : then what would
be $31,000,000 to the American peOIII ! ? "
: Mr. Anderson was somewhat contemplative -
live durIng Mr. Cou ert's hypnotic reading
ef the future. antI finally "nlllll1l1",1. , "It'n
found ' It ' - hard ' to t n conubat i ; ' among ' ' ' the l ' repro- '
) lentatlves In congress \ , the prejtllllccs of
thirty years ago The Union I'aeille was a
product ( of tile lIecessary. It was buIlt as a
war measure as much as an.thllll ' . It came
from the loins of the 11eollle' ' so to speak ,
Since those days condItions have vItally
changed , but It was seemingly Impossible
to free the millds of those who are called
: to legislate for us from those other conditions
which obtnlne a generation ago , Herein
wo falleI ( There has never Ileell a desire
on tIle 113ft af Ully interest that I am aware ,
t.o combat the claims of the government In
the road Wo have been exceedingly aux-
bus to male the most advantageous tcrms
with It . for 11'0 recognlz the helll It ex.
telulell to the comllany ) when helll was IIccled ( ,
Dut unless somethIng remarkable should ,
occur In thin next few years , I am frunl
In saying / I cIon't hellel'e n mora generous
' offer will ever he 1I11\11e than was made lust
win tel' , as a happy outcome of our antlctlon. "
? Mr. Anderson was then asked If he held wllh
JIIIIgo Cowin , who Is rellresnted ! to hare
lIal'l thut the 10l'el'l1ment wouhl still have
Its junior Interest tn the property If bought
by another interest , on oreciosure 'he
. railway authorIty nllon rcceh'ershlp8 was not
prepare\ ! \ taka direct Issue wIth JUII/I /
Ccwln , hut ' hue did say t hat some of the ablest
. lawyers In the country lucId , that if I the gal'-
crnment I'cfuse(1 to COIIIO Into court , although
notified L'y 11uu 11roce68. Its jll11lor lieu
was threatened , and 1 that If It continued Its
sphlnx-Ilko sIlence It would tale Its chances
like nuiy other credItor "l'hls , however
Is not a matter for executIve or legislative
11ctermhmtlon under the present condition of
things , hut iilreI ) ' JudIcial Rlul lntlt t be .10'
termlne(1 by flue tribunal which the gorern.
wont holds allegiance tu , al well as the ieo
pie It Is true that the HOI'el'nment stands
; In a Itlllcwhat different light than the 01'-
IlInlry : citIzen In its sovereign Caluelty [
It callnont bo suNl-- "
"Uut , " interrupted Mr. Coutlert "though n
glauit : , It must Perforce [ use Its strength , not
as a giant but as II lither loving hit chhl-
dren , with wlstlun ( , with tenderness } "
"u II true the gonrnment lies failed to
make an apuu"araace III any ot these cas , "
continued Mr. \ndIJrlon. . "It Itas not tusi1 :
Its right af Inttn'Plltll'l1 , and , 80 far at I
1(1101hIlS held aloof from 11rejudlclng Its
case In any way There may tJe a polItIcal !
reason for this one that stCIIIS very Pertinent
at lila ( time. It may lie that this I'rseuut \ ' head
Qt the law department or the gOl'erlllnent Is
lJ1lrnlcal to doing unythlng that might prejudice . I
dice the next allmlnhtraUI'n from carrying !
' out III own theorle , relative to this Greut
queltlon. 'rhore may be Ii clt.alro to allow the
next ; \XIusren , or the congress sue e"\lllg \ the
or.crul that will inset next December . 10
( " 0lc'r \ itself thew C\ueMtionl , coo Qt which
. ) tnJ&bt L'o the SO'lrnlt-eut ! Clwnmhl or a. 1111\1
ot rails from Omaha to San ranclsco. It
may be the policy of the next administration
to attempt the purchase or the main line antI
branches of the Union l'aelno for the pllr-
pase of attempting government ownershIp , In
which case the present nllmlnlstratlon might
deem It unwise to forestall any such action
by decided action of its own.
"We do not feel that the government Is
coercIng liS In any manner , and so far as we
know the foreclosure proceedings will not
be hastilY pushed This Is a grave problem
and requires the utmost deliberation We
are going through our period \ of travail and
the government knows our condition. "
Mr J. W. Doan , the Chicago business
man , who Is r. government director as well as
government receiver of the Union Paclnc , was
ollcltous a8 to the action the legislature had
taken In approprIatIng money for seed grain.
lie stated that the Union Pacific receivers
had been requested to donate a un ! : of money
for the purchase of grain and that the matter ,
he understood had been called to the atten- I
lion af the court , but nothIng bad C0ll19 of :
the application probably because It was the (
sort of charity which the court felt that It
eouhl not consistently eanctlo
1\lr. Anderson goes west today to represent .
sent .1. 1' . Morgan & Co.'s interests In the
hearing before Judge Hallett as to the advIa-
blilty of extending the Union Pacific , Denver
& Gulf company's lines from Pueblo to Trlnl-
dad In view of the Denver & Hlo Grantlo
offerIng to enter Into a contract with the
Gulf company for a period af ten years , at
an annual rental of $10G.000. as against a
former rental 01 $180.000 , for the use of their
tracks , "Ir. Anderson expressed himself as
being In favor of closing a lease with the
Denver & Ho Grande and abamlonlng the
bulhllng of the 100 mIles of extension until
a later perloth _ _
In tile hort I.\no \ CRAO . 'ulllo Ulbort NI\ml
n " 'lllrU ) ' Itt'cotver.
After the decision was renderell Wednesday
In PortlalHI by Judge Gilbert on the Inter-
\'onlng pettoll ) of the American Loan and
Trust company tinder the Dillon orecllwlre
stilt , hy which the parties were rcmltell to
the Wyoming court the American Lo\ and
Trust ccmpany made an application tinder its
bill for fonclosure of the junior mortgage
for a receiver. There was no one present
at Ulls application except the cOlpllnnnl
After s6me little talk Judge Gilbert nllpo111ed
John M. " ' exhibit A "
ggan , "pellloner's , tS
such receiver , Ul.n [ condition that the order
shoulll nol taho effect unless the glghlh
circuit made nn order to change the receiver-
ship . And that the order of appoiitment
should not nIce eIect until after such artier
had ( been entered In the court of Ule Eighth
circuit ,
This , It Is understood , does not change the
status of the property or the present re
ceivership over the Short Line In any way ,
heaving I the whole matter to he trio before
the judge of til Eighth cIrcuit as heretofore .
fore ortleretl.
An attorney yesterday saul "that the pro-
ccetllng was decidedly novel to Iay the least.
That so far as he knew an ex p1rte hearing
of an application for a receiver woulll hardly
bu regarded sound In law 1 such receiver
was appulnted "
They refused , to say anything at the Union
PacIfic except that It was nol prejudicial to
the present receivers should the court of thl
Eighth circuit decide against a divorcement
ot the Short LIne property.
- . -
ll.tYDINS' St'EUtL OJI'I n.
In Our Boy ' nol Chlhlrcn' Dcturtrcnt
for l'rhl"y unl Snturlny On11.
Doys' all wool Imee pants suits , ages 4 to
1i. ; double or single breasted coats.
Pants have patent waist band and taped
seams , warranted not to rip.
We tlon't Insist that they're worth $1.00 qr
Dui : we Insist that they're the ILiad thaI
bring buyers and duplcato orders and are
as good as any $3,00 suit In the city.
A good durable , hard wearing boys' . long
pants suit at $1.75 , age 12 to 18.
Do's' all wool junior suits , ages 3 to 7. at
$1.50 , $1.75 and 200.
See others , ace ours , and ) 'ou'l be our
- Q
GRE.CT 11 Y A.1) " F . : JIUS JJCUS
Of all Inspiring lIterature none Is marc
suited to entrance the reader and to kindle
ambition than that grandest and most real-
Istc of all romance which permeates the
lives or great personages. In the arena of
great men's lives we witness the battlefield of
( line ; we see the great struggle In which
ideals seck realization , forcing their Buprem-
nay over the baser clay o ancient , superan.
nuated Institutions , rigid customs , rocl.roote
prejudices and the seillshness of establIshed
power. I Is the contct or the world's soul
wIth Its environment of baser nesh. Thin
new vehicles or progress after a time become
Its obtttaches , ! ( O Sinhad's Man or the Sm
forcing a lIfe "nd death struggle to get rid
of them. The lines of this grand romance
or humanity are nowhere more vividly wrItten .
ten than In these stories tracing the career
and development or poets , inventors , artIsts ,
statesmen , d'scJverers-ln fact , men who have
heft their mark upon thi ages. In lie eighth
number of "Great Men and Faous Women , "
embracIng parts 49 to 6G , Inclusive , wo find
the portrayals of the lives of such men as
Ferdlnalul do I.esseps , General John C. Fre-
moat David LivIngstone , Queen Victoria ,
Florence Nightingale , Dr. Pasteur , General
Gordont General Cluter , Henry M. Stanley ,
Thomas : A. E3ison , and the great poets and (
authors . Homer , Plato , Virgil , Horace , Dante ,
Petrarcli. Chaucer , Tease , Ccrvan tea , Shialces-
Ileare , fliiuyauu , Burns and Schiler , whIle
among contributors of note we have Right
loll , Wiiam E. Gadstone , John J. Ingalls ,
1)r. Cyrus Edwards , John G. Whiter , Wi
Carleton era . , 1) ) . L. Farje and Cther able writ-
Every number contains three mag-
nlcent engravings and the entire set Is to
contnln no less than 200 , of which sixty-eight
wi he photogravures by "Iesers. Goupi &
Co of IJl'ls. The lives of more than 200
prominent IIrsons In history wi be depicted
by as many famous writers , a large propor-
ton of whom are among the most distin.
gnhhell In the land , 'fho wcrle wIll be corn-
plete In blxty-elght parts , , lml only subscrip-
tons for hue ( complete set will be recelvd .
Sellar less , Iuhlsher , , New York ; W. T.
Marshal , agent , Omaha. p
\1" ltootc' : , "hlrloH 1.lnl an:1 : " "ntelt
'l I tim.
To all Ilolnts In Knnsas , Oklahoma , In lan
Territory , 'fl'xas and alt Ilolnts In southern
CalifornIa , Only ole night out to all Ilolnts
of 1'lxs. "The Texas LImited" leave Omaha
at \Hi : a. m. daily , except Sunday , landing
11assenger at all Iolnls In 'exas 12 hours In
al\ance ( at all other Hnes. 'hl'ongh tourist
cars via I.'t. Worth amI m Paso to Los An-
geles. For full liarticulars , maps , folders ,
rtc" , cal at or address Hock Island ticket
otilce , IGO I'arnln : st.
ClIS. KENNEDY , O. N W. I' . A ,
A I'cr 11"/URIP. .
Orere by the Chicago , : llwauleo & St
Paul rlwa'r the short line to Chicago. A
clean train made tip and started ( from
Omaha. Ih\Jngo ehecke.l . ( rent residence to
Cblllatlon , Wegallt train service amid coot-
teou elllloyeH. Entire I trail lighted by
electricity anti healed 1y steam , with elec.
net light II every berth Fittest dining car
service In the vit t wltui meals ' "
! ' \ , wih served "a la
carte " ' ( ho Fhyer I heaves at G 11. m. daily
from Union DCIII.
City Tlcllet Oleo , 150t Fdrnl street C.
S. Carrier , city ticket agent . .
- * -
- ' ; ulll I" 'Fm'xas'f
. "prl 2id ; wi bo excursion day for Texas .
I you intend to go there It will be to your
interest to u'mmll ' address . . '
) I'al on 01' addres E. I" l'almer ,
passenger . agent Saul J'e route , rom I ,
First ! National bank building . , Omaha ,
Miiner ) opening today awl tomorrow , lilT
Dourlas Ilret. Everybody Invlel , Mrs. J.
M. : Gpl ) ' , agcnt. )
a -
JHJ. .
:1111\-1\ ) ' Hh' ) ' . furch 21. l"u.
111'nt 8turdl ) ' . 8 I. m. . tram residence .
IW North Eighteenth street.
WAiti1lN-Chunulemi p" , Match 21 , aged 2
narl Funeral I'rltla . 'Iurch 22 , lt 3
1' , I. frQmn 67 South Hoventem\h \ u'exitie
Internment ( t Ilns.lalo , I
\OULt.I'Y - ' 1'hie funera1 pr the late Cimas
n. \\'oohey * will luke lIlacI tl'OI his hUe
resldenc 70 South 30lh at. , l"rldl utter-
noon at 2 o'clcck )
_ jJJf. .
Why the Patronage of Liver Stables Is on
the Dedilne .
Their 1'lBecI Icln/ Taken 111 the Bicycle ,
" 'hle the Un'r'lcn Sit I ) ' slut
. llOlrl Over the l'rouipectt
for the Future .
Liverymen of Omaha and South Omaha
are wearing I worried look. A great many
of them are quite discouraged , nnll most
of them agree that the man who engages .
gages In the livery business Is playIng II
deD(1 card I Is all Ilue to the bicycle.
Sadlllo horses are growing fat In their stall ,
with no decrease In their appetites , while
the livery stable keeper pulls his hat down
over his left car , shoves , both hands In his
voclceta settles Ilown In an ofce chair
anti sinks Into a reverIe over dull business.
The rumInation Is only broken by the shrill
blast of a passing wheelman's whistle , or
the chimes of a bike gong , unpleasant reminders -
minders that the silent steed of steel has
supplanted horse flesh In the popularity of
Tint girls have got the bicycle fever ns
wel as the boys and that Is what worries
the Omaha liverymen . who formerly drew
fat sums of $1.50 per hour for a lvery rig
when a 'oung man wanted to take his best
girl out rldillg. Even the narrow boggles are
no longer In clemantl. Most of the boys
have become proficient In bicycle rIdIng and
the fad now Is to g riding emi the wheel ,
while some of tIme enthusiasts have followed
the sentiment of Daisy Del , antI have a
bicycle built for two. Married men even
take their children out for an airing on the
thiecI . a custom originated In Omaha by
Alfred Millard and hIs little boy , the later
occupying a perch buIlt for him on his lath-
' '
er's bicycle.
Two years ago there were only .100 bIcycle
riders In Omaha , Pour stores hanllied
"bikes " Now there are over 1,000 who ride
the wheel whIle there are twelve dlrrerent
agencies that ( sUPllly the zephyr cutters.
All department stores have acceded to lOPtl
lar demand and hnmlo them. There arc
riding schools where the awkward squads
mount the tricky ] steel "hronchos , : ' antI arc
initiated Into the beauties of headers and
proper curvature of the . spine In ascending
grades. (
Two years ago , In comparIson to this increase .
crease of bicycle riding , there were forty
livery , feed amid sale stables In Omaha anti
South Omaha Now therJ are only twent-
five survivors , and those who male ( saddle
horses all livery a specialty are frantic over
lie decrease In business caused by bicyces
amid motor car riding. Electricity has male (
time horse a back number for business use
In street car service and scIence has counted
the animal out for pleasure purposes. As
a consequence , liverymen admit that before
next autumn there wIll bo a further decline
In their business , and the price or horse
flesh will be reduced to a lower nguro.
There arc four wheel clubs In the city
now . the Turners , Omaha , Tourist anti Wanderers .
derers , and the membership In each organi-
zatlon Is rapidly Increasing.
The Omaha girls do not approve of bloom-
era , said to bo largely due to a prejudice
toward anything savoring or Counci Bluffs ,
the former home of the orIginator of the
seml.mascullne garb Most of the young
men who push their .orms tip anti down the
hills of this cOIllnlty wear a cap , sweater
and knickerbockers , as a crowning glory or
tholr triumph oevr steam and "horse" power.
, And that Is why lverymen swear sa when
an income tax blank Is shoved under their
noses. to 10 fled out . and returned to the
rOl'ellO collector.
A reporter asked ! a lveryman 'yesterday
what he thought of the rapid growth of
time bicycle habit The all was instantly
filed with orphan nouns , widowed verbs
and divorced adjectives. Grammar and pro-
faulty were hopelessly mixed up , and when
the lveryman finally gave his tongue a few
minutes respIte ) he letl. the reporter past a
long row of stalls filled wIth idle nags. And
there was many a quiet "horse laugh" . behind .
hind the boards.
Rrly Settler of Omihta I'a3os Any at R
Jpo Old Ago.
Mrs Lucinda Monehl ' , widow of the late
Dr. a. C. 1onel , died nt noon yesterday at
the residence or her son , J. J. : Moneil , on
Dodge street.
Mrs Monel was born In Orange county
New York , September 14 , 1814 , anti was ,
therefore , In , \er 81st year. She was married -
ned In 183G to Gilbert C. 1lonel , and with
him moved to Omaha In April , 1857 , bringing
their two children , Joln J. Monel , at whose
home Mrs. Monel lived for the past four-
teen years , and Annie Monehl . who becamc
the wife of the late Senator Hitchcock , and
who died In 1877.
llrs. : Monol was a member of the Episcopal -
pal church 1\(1 ( until feebleness conflnet . her
at home she was a regular attendant at
Trinity cathcdral
The funeral will be held from the rest-
denco this afternoon . at 3 o'elocl
I.RSlllollhlo I'cutllo Arc Asldlg ueh Other
where they wilt spend ( lie summer. Assunt-
Ing you arc one of them and an eastern ' recort .
Is selected , you will bo Interested In Imowlng
that the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern
Ry Is the direct and popular lne for this
class of travel between Chicago and the east.
M. S. Gles , T. P. A. , Chicago. C. K. Wil-
ber , W. P. A. , Chicago. .
_ HI' _ . . . . . _ . .
. J.uu.z .HU > ss.L .l" ' ,
The tIme card on tl.iomotr postal service
between Omaha amid South Omaha has been
Improved 10 that fifteen , lines Is saved over
tile old schedule
At Temple Israel this evening Dr. Leo 1.
I.'ranlin wi lecture on the subject of
"Truo anti False Conceptions ot FrIendship , "
Services begin at 7:30 : Scats are free and
all ale welcome to attomid.
The execUtiVe committee of tile Municipal
league had an Inormal meeting at the Coin-
merclal club rooms last night to discuss ]
some of the politIcal plans of the organlza.
Thin Phenix foundry , located < at Lake street
ant tle ( Belt Line tracks , was closed by the
101.tgagees yesterday I Is probable that the
company whit be reorganized and resume
For the benefit of time church George Mus-
son wi tell of "Andersonville Prison Life . "
The lecture trill bo given at the Christian
church , Twent.slxth and Grant streets . , this
Twent-nvo Iul1red people have called at
, .Stoetzei's . store next to the postotee , ta see
the first safe gasoline stove ever Invented ! .
Every one admits that un accident I Imposl.
ble with this doye I will ifly you to go and
see It.
A permi ( was issued to Mary E , Snowden
yesterday to erect a $ i00 retilleneo at
25G4 landerbon street C. T. Johnaon has
talen a permit to build a franie structure at
2,122 Ilnno ) street for a paste manufactory ,
I will cost $1,5\0. )
A lighted match Bet fro to a curtain at
the Academy of the Sacred heart , Twenty.
seventh street and St. 1\larY'8 avenue , at 2:30 :
yesterday afternoon. A tIre alarm was
turnCl tn , but the blaze was extnguished before .
fore tIme apparatus arrived. No dantage
Officer Starlley has filed cOlplulnts agaInst
the Delono hotel and Wilam Carter for
vIolating the saloon law. It Is Ileged that
liquor was sOhl at the hotel bar on Sun.
( lay , all Carter is accused 01 neglecting to
remove his screens.
YeEta : Chapter , No G , Order of the Eastern
Star , will give a progressive high live and
toehlln the banquet hal of Masonlo temple ,
corner sixteenth street and Capitol avenue ,
lila evoultig. All member anti friends
are cordially Invited. Iefreshments will b3
sen'el . and a general good tme I ontlel-
The Building Trades council has issued a
notice to laborer4 condemning the curse of I
grading contractor , who II now performing a
Imllortsnt conlract. I Is alleged that he Is 1
paylllg wages at the rate of 00 cents a day
and for this reason the council hiss resolv 1
that its members .hal declIne employment OJ
any building the excavation at which \
made by the lo.crlb l contractor ,
. a " , . &nMILjl.
Corucr 15/h / and Douglas Sircels .
Satttrday's Our Great Day-
To make it so we ' place on sale new
spring suits for men and boys , at Au-
gust prices- lst think , you can buy a
first cass spring suit for yourself for $5
-and one for your boy for 95c-that
you , viI say are \VOlth twice " ) .1
' '
our taking price-'There's no \
longer denying our supremacy , } ( \
as Bargain Givers- are ( ;
clothing the entire vest with
our good , substantial , hard-to-
wear- out suits at prices within
the reach of the poorest patroiL
1'hese ptices : are for Saturday. jV
Mett's Spring Stilts"'I'
. '
Some anti of more the , go nobble tomonol u.prlng lor suIts only. . . worth . . . . . $0 . .I. ji5 00
Blue and hla"l < chioviots slnglc.brelRtCl $7 . 25
caches . $ l Is their \'all , tiut they so for. . ,
Oxford pin ehiel : cle\'lotq-lr tley htmidmi't
they been are iold . 10 . l . : ' . } IU'o . . . jJ . . } . $13 . . lor . . . thcm . . . . , . llI . . , $7.50
Beaver mixed 11ngo101 < le\III , such os } on
they pay $14 are far . , . but . . . at . . our . . . bIg . . . : . otulln . . . . } . ' . . ut . . ¶ 775
. . '
Gray sir ] otel'-bulall pin check n'l ( Is. . . . sure . . . . to . . pay . . $7 . 95
FIne Saturday biminess for suii only tlut . . . ) . 'Ol . . 1) . ' . ' . $20 . . fOI' . . . , go . . $10 . 00
. . ,
The fittest 5UI' rlleh 3S you pay $ Z ;
sale for anl . more-go . . . . . . . . at . . thIs . . . big . . . . Saturday . . . . . $12 . 00 . ,
: Boys' Suits--
. - ' ; The Latcst for Spring.
, -5' ) Sprinf.
' I A combination suit . lke
I nothing else in town , vit1i an
extra pair of patits , a \
Th be mixture $5-for , omdlrmariiy Saturday tt' It . . . gumty295\ . . . . . I
. tJ
\ . Tiova' gray cheviot all wool
.1 / Saturday 2'plcce suits for. , . . worth . . . . . . $3.50-go . . . . . . . . .
ii . ; Boys' 11Ie cheviot. mst ( ( JO' $
C ' 2-plec down to fult . . , . . cut . . . irol . . . . $1 . 6195
, Boy' ' 2-plece 5ul ' . union
-p ensaiThele elsP1r $2. that - -go sell .for n\'wher . . . . . 95 C
Sal of MetlS D rbys. ,
400 dozen to sell Saturday at hal price.
. - - You
\ . save , , -
just :
one- :
95c half $1.50
on [
$1.25 day $1.95
' iltertuLtuiustcuitI to Ito
Course of l'olllllr ltertnlnlell. 10
Olen nl ASsociation ilall .
The Young Men's ChristIan association
opmis a new venture next Monday evenIng
In the line of popular entertalnmentu' for
the members and the publIc , rather after timeline
line of lie llglsh "Pops , " or popular en-
tertaintflent-Z , by the best talent at a nominal
11rlce. The course of seven entertainments
Is arranged for the small price of 50 cents
for members of the Issoclatlon and $1 for
others .
The Sutortus Mandolin cub , Miss Day , the
olocutiomiist. and Mr. Gopclnd , basso present -
sent the filet entertalJunellt , on Monday
evonlng. The aim Is lQ give bright , attrac-
iso programs of IIPuiar music , lively and
catchy , but all of tiie best character , nothIng -
lag of the kindergartoti order
Following I ; a list or , ( lie dates :
Monday , Mal'ch 2 - Sltorlus Mandolin club ,
Uss Day and Mr. Copmmlnd .
) Tuesday , AprIl 2.1lntlsh songs and hal-
lads ; quartet , Mlullrte Coon , soprano :
Mrs. A. P. Ely , aUal' ! ilr . W. B. Wilkins ,
tenor : Mr. 1' . J. Pnnel , bass ; Mr W. S.
Marshall , accompanhl
Tuesday , April 9PQpular songs , Mozart
quartet and Mrs. It m , Sunderlaud .
Monday , . \prl l/\Uanjo ! , mandolin and
guitar orchestra , elsllt11 pieces , Mr Goilon-
beck , leader ; Impenolons , Mr. 'l'hmonipson.
Monday , APrIl 23lopulr ballad concert ,
arranged .by Mr T. J.IKehiy ,
Monday . April 2WOrhestrl recital , Mr.
Burt Butler , concert enaster
Mends ) ' , May 6-MlseIlaneotts popular pro.
gram ; vocal amid ' Inltrllmental music. Arranged .
ranged by Mr. Thomas J , I'ennehl.
The series of "Nights of Nations , " instituted -
tute at the Young Men's ChrIstian assocla-
tton , Is 11rorlng one of tie most popular
features over inaugurated there Swedish
sod Scottish nights were thoroughly charac-
tensIle of the nations. Friday evenIng time
Danes have their turn , and they are all
prepared to celebrate. Mr , Thedore Olsen ,
city cotmtptroller . presides and makes the
opening address , Major lalord welcomes
the visiors , time Scandinavian Gee club
sings , "Ir. Sophus Neb Ie tlelh'er an address .
dross , Mr. Jukebol gives a recitation , 1lr :
Wolf , Mr. Ityan and Mir Mathisen sing
Every Dane In the city Is Invited . They
wIll receive a cordial welcome front the ( as-
aoclalol. - .
Lookitug After the .temclcs.
General Manager Turnbull , who looks after
the western agencies of the Bradstreet com
puny , was In the city Thursday lie departed .
parted for 1\1 ) 'Q.terdIY , where
JI Wi remain seine dan , returning next
. . _ . _ . , . . _ ,
- -
II-- . 1 " - - . .
week , at which time .
tmo he may appoint a man-
nger for the Omaha
agency to fill the ( Vacancy .
cancy ' caused by the resIgnation ( oV. . 0.
- .
.J N.YU USURlE.Vr.y .
The great glorIous metropolitan success of
two years In New York , " 192 , " wIll be sew
here at Doyd's theater for four nights and
Salurday matinee , commencing Sunday even-
Ing next. It Is n combination of opera ,
comlque , farce , vaudeville and burlesque. Its
theme ludicrously deals with tIme voyage of
Christopher Columbus In discovery of the
now world , and the principal characters are
King I Ferdinand Queen Isabella , the Fraulein ,
royal treasurer , Christopher Columbus , the
tramp and the copper 'rho performance Is of
a strictly refIned nature , and includes ] novel
specIalties of a high order , tableaux , mareheH ,
ballets , songs and danc ' s. Elegant scenery ,
handsome costumes , stereoptcon , electrIcal
and calcIum features form In immiportant
factor In the play The ballets are strictly
original and ineludo : "Tho Daily Hints from
Paris , " "Tllo IClck anti 1101 Hurrah
' 'Dudes " "The Chefs , " "Tho Chapples" and
"Tho Newsboys , " The principal songs Intra.
duced are "J.'alr Hosie 1y Posle , " "Annk ,
Mooney , " "Tho Midway Plaisance , " "The DDg
that I.OVf the ellne , " "Slnct McCarthy
Wrote the Number on lie ( Door" sail ( "Tho
'fra'eer' ] Inn " The sale 01 seats for the (
entire cngagement will . open this niorning.
Millinery opening today and tomorrow , 117
Douglas street 1 Everybody Invied , Mrs. J.
M , ( Jetty , agent. p
( rdlIICU 1IP4 Nol . Jlll 1''mitor .
John Cook and Louis Brady were arrested
yesterday for hautng garbage , Their
cases were act for hearing tie later
part of next weel A number of arrests
have been made within thc past weel for
this offense , and some of lie defendants have
been hued The cases are Invariably ap-
llealed anti ! tie result Is tlat the offenders
escape. Judge lerka contenda that It Is
slm\ly wasting their lmo to trr these men
under the provisions at the ( present ortll-
nance. Not a single defendant has yet been
convicted In the district court.
I'icasaiit to ' ale
Tile Northwestern lIne fast s'estibuled Clii-
cage train that glides east from the Union
Depot every afternoon at 5:46 : and into
Chicago at 8:45 : next morning , with supper
and la carte breakfast , Every part 01 the
train Is mOHT.
Oilier eastern trains at 11:05 : a. m and 4
p. 1. daily-good , 100.
City ticket olte , UOl Farnam street.
' _ _ ' ' 4 _ _ ' _ . ' . _ _ . . . .
- - -
- - - _ _
One Dollar
Doys' Suits that are worth every farthing of $ , .oo
arc now at ; special offer , $1.75'
\Varranted strictly ' all wool cheviot-the cloth
noted for good and clean wear
eec cean
Lovely patterns , light brown and gray chccked-
double. lincd---sewccl all with
double-breasted--serge lncd-sewed al over
silk-patent rubber loop waist- band-made a sequel
to any high priced suit : , neatness and fit , ages , 4 to 1
\Ve most emphatically insist that they're worth J.
and sold anywhere for $3 . oo a Ruit-that is , a suit
perhaps of as good material as ours , Suits just like
ours are found elsewhere , after we sold them , Our
suits are niadc for us , firstVe handle none of that
that is made for everybody who sells boys' clothes ,
Q.B11ila. ? ; e ,4
. . '
Open evenings till 8.
, = . = , . - . . , _ . , - - - . .wJ- _ _
_ r
Limo1 II _ ll _ 0 ILJDI II C1- EnIEI
. CD
o .
D 0 0
8 Why Put Off 0
D . taking medicine until you are sick ? ' EI
D You can keep a box of Ripan's E
D Tabuleb in the house and at the 0
first signs of a headache or biiols LI .
U D. attack a single tabule will ftJieve E
D you LIp
o 0
Bipatis Tabules , : Sold by dlUgglstl. . or by mat It . 0
O the prIce ( O cents . 1 box , ) I. sent to . the Ripani ,
. Chemical Compiny No 11 Spruce SC , Now York 0
. . .
rTe " 456" " ; " -
To Retail Dealers of Cigars :
To introduce OUI' new brand 45Gu without expense oC
oC traveling , wo will scud you the
Omaha Dully Bee for 3 months Gratis t '
With cacti thousand clgal's purchased. These cigars :
are without doubt the finest $3j.00 cigars in the market. . ;
A trial order will con\ucc you. ;
I Tom'ins 30 d ! ' 1-2 per cent lot cash , <
DUFFY & CO. , 01tu1ta , Neb.
. - # " , , , , # , , , . , . , aN" #
- - -
V _ . _ ' ' 'ThlsPamou. RemedY curol quickly ormnuonU '
' ; J4i : _ T1 all nervous diseases , Wouk , lofury.Lou . 0/ limb I'oler.
_ , . . , .
_ llontiitctio . , WaituiuIao8s , , Iuot Vialiy IIIbUy omls .
r. slon.evii , ru wolw olenclnd wastIndleeascs caus-
slulIovl . < . ; wn.UIidl.unfos
'r a < by , . . 'nutblul crroru or exce. " Cullnlnl : . . p
. opiate I I nerv. tunlo Inl blood . buldcl' nlntcs
; , . ( tie palo and . i'unT strong I anti piumu. . tany carried its ,
vosipocket. 1rc rcI rc : r 'Itymallprer'tltlwjtli . .
' 1 wrHIcnjnarnnloo locuroor , intinoy rofulded. , \\rIIPUI \
. free m".lenl hook soalcd plaIn . wrapmierwitti , . testt' . .
I.DU , , .DU ' . eA . . "O monlalA nn'iiinnnemnlroforcnecs. . Nocharveforc.nsttita- ,
lIons. IJrvare 01 ntLotions. ( Bold by our ngents , or.uddlcs Nereced Co , MnsonJo ' ' larrnflla ChlcOID
Sld In Omaha by Sherman & UcCunel. iCubi. . C and b Vickera A Merchat Drl I.1
Mra . UUIlor utIS from Injuries Caused by
"n Xlllollou ,
As a result or lie fro which occurred (
Wednesday afternoon at lie ( Henderson hotel ,
Eighteenth and Nicholas streets , Mrs Margaret .
garet Burner lost her life.
She was the wife of George W. Durnel' ,
a traevlng salesman for a wholesale grocery
house of this city Ho Is also badly burned ,
hut wi rccover.
Mrs Burner had turned down tIme wide of
n small oil stove , preparatory to refillIng I ,
and supposed lie ( lame was alit . hut this (
not being lie case. the burning wick ignIted
the oIl anti cause ( ! thc can , which she was
holding , to explode , In a moment she was
envllop In Ilanies. gvcr'thlng was done
that ( was possible In lie ( way of medical assistance .
sistance . ler two sisters , Mrs. Charles God.
frey of rcmonl and Miss Susie Hush of ( huts
city , aided hy the proprietor ' of the hotel
a 11 his ello'es , worked unlrlngly to try
and save her , but she thou . at 5 o'cloele ycster- (
day mOlln ! : , remaining unconscious to the
Mrs Burner vas a member of time Order of
lie World , Lodge No 200. She heaves one
child . a girl about 1 years of age , 'fhe
funeral 1\1 take place tomorrow , ( Wrldd ) ,
funeral will take place today at 2 ) I.
from the ( hotel , Thu relains wIll be Intern'l
In Forest Lawn ceumietery
HoleI 1"Iry } ' ( ' , .r.
Time was when the "giorioul clmato of
California" did : not attract tourists But
year after year tIme tide of travel sets In
stronger and stronger every fail and winter
toward this favored regloii There is ! no 11-
mule like It IJn huts ( continent for winter
resort , antI limo Isual dna service on the (
Union Paeila fyrteuli has this ( season been
brought to a degree of perlecton which
leans nothing to he tI.slre.
City Ticket Agent -a 1302 Farnam street
hiiiuihIZ nl.t lcL aba luull'r. .
'fhe preliminary examlnuton of 1lesrs ,
Schultz and McCabe for arson was resumed
Schulz yesterday morIng , The moat liii-
portant testimony Introtlucell was that
of itIrs J\atf Trlnor , who resides
kt 277 Jackson street . Mrs , 'fray-
nor Iloslh'ely Identifed some of the furs
found In the room In the Sheelw block a her
property , which she had loft at the store to
have remade. This contradicts the story of
McCabe who asserted that ( the furs wee
some which ! .lolcel to hImself and not to
the firni.
The case ruted I , CI O In the afternoon
anti lie defense decided not to Introduce
any evidence on the pIca that th state hail
not connected McCabe or Schultz wRit ( hits
crimemo Judge HerlU ruled otherwise ana 'A
hound both defendants over to tIme dlstrlcl
court , Bail was fxed . at $1,400 each
'fhoy I'ut In I Night l'lyllll ) Their \'ooa-
I ion Allll the ci my.
Seven burglaries were reported ( Welnesday (
night , and as they occurred In
dlrrerent parts of lie city It Is
II'oluhlo that they were all the
worl of lie same partIes , 'fho Indications -
louts ore hint time sorlm was done by alna-
( curie , as In most cases thor seem to have
jileked ' 11 the frt artIcles they could lay
their hands on , and got away without look-
lag any further
'he reshlenco of Mrs. Catherine Jewett nt
roi ; I SOllh 'fwenty-elghth was among , ( hits
first vlsle\ ( \ . here the ( thieves oblalned
conic airmail articles of jewelry anti 1 ejuan-
tit ) ' of chothiitig. At Mrs , Augholo's , at Six-
teenth und 10\\rtl streets , a number ot
.Iress . paterns ( wee carried oI , but so for a )
hos ben learned this was the extent or
thai depredu tlon. .
A Hlmlar entrance ( sao effected ( to ( hits
resllenee of 0 , 1' . lock , al North Twenty-
10lenlh avenue anilS'ebztcr . street. lIero
the thieves seemed to have been frlltenet ( _
away before they had time ( to go througl I
lie ( house , us the Dily articles Illslng are "
few Illeees o ! clothing , which h are of little
At Otto W'oriill's sale n , ThlrtcI'uth aulit
Oorcas streets , they had better .iticlc . 'fhey <
entered ! hy pr'lng open a rear wlndolV and
went through the saloon , Nothing hail ( hecli :
heft In the till , so they contented themselves
with tal.lnl half a dozen bottles uf sylne
cigars. some la61\ ( ! wIIlsly and five boxes ot
cigar.A lie dwelling of I , . Wilson nt Cl8 Soutb
lghteenth 1 street a lot af chbell , hummers
and drills were ( alien . As nothing Ilso was
touche It Is IIrcsllol1 that the thieves had
a safe blowing xpetlltlon In view and tolc
the tools to atKlbt them In theIr work . N (
report hUI been made of tiny effort to eracl
II safe , but the police are of the opinion ( haL
this will bo heard of before long.
During the night a harness was stolen
from what : Is known na the " ( /welerad / [
ront" livery barn at Seventeenth Itrcti
and Si . Mary'l a'enueonll a quantity of
clothing was taken from them reldenco or
'f. J. Moore at 1518 DolIghas . ftre t.
Karl's Clo'e Hoot wl purify your blood ,
< 10.1 rll' clplexlon , rfqulato your boweh
and 111 ; ( your head clear 14 a bell ; 25c , Go
and II.QO ,
- . - . . - . -------I , - - - - .