Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1895, Page 3, Image 3

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_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DAILY . BEES ] lnDAYfAROIT \ 22 , 1895. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : J . .
, -rt COUNCIL nrU I S.
Itlvttd by artier to eny pat of the rlt , .
I 11. W. TILTON , I.uee.
'ELDtlmaS-1ue'nul Omet , No. 4 : night
lor , No. U.
Ml."Ul M1.'iTION.
I Grand , Council 13utt. E. F. Clark , prop.
} fa)1 Red Estate agtncy. 63 ! Droalhuy.
Annul eleclon ' of ofcers of SI. Anllrews' (
Melety tonight In room No. 22G , Merriam
Jens n. Ntleen nnll AndrM Johnson , both
of Council Bhlr , were married YNterllay
by Justce Walker.
LIly Cnllp , Aid socIety , D. N. of A" , will
meet this afternoon with Mrs. Brhlensteln ,
21 Tenth avenue.
Unity GuIld wilt meet thIs afternoon with
, Mf. Maynard , North First streel. Refrcsh-
t Inents wi bo Bervtd between 4 anti I
Captain Dahl of the Oanymco ( Wheel 1 club
has announced Ihe frt club run of the season
next Sunlay morning , to Missouri Valley al\l
The Oates Lumber cun'llny ' rOltencCl nn
action In the ditrict court yesterday against
the Little Hoclt Lumber comjany , for $1IGJ
on n note.
Wllnm Copelnli Is 10 have n hearing In
Justce Cooks court Monday morning at !
o'clork on the charge of comm\ln nn ns.
sault anti battery on Samuel ltlcliartlon.
The back door of \'ollmnn's jewelry
store was found unlocked nt , I o'clocl yes-
terday morning. 1 was thought lt first that
burglar might have been al work , hut no
trace of them could be found inside.
Bluff City lodge No. 71 , Ancient Free and
Accepted Masons , will meet In special com-
municton thIs , Irltlay. evening for work
In tht first Ilegree. All Masons are cordially
Invited to attend. J. D. Atkin , secretary.
A meeting of the Council limits as ocll'
lon Is to be held lomorrow evening for the
purpose of beginning correspondence with
the executive committee of the Iowa Iowlng
association relative 10 holding the slate re-
cala her .
lenry Keler reported to the police yes-
terllay morning thaI two men came In on hIm
nt his resMenc/ In the willows , near the
motor bridge , and stoic al overcoat , a pair
of trousers alll a sl\'e watch lie furnished
their ieserlpton to the oflicers.
lianna. wie of Wilam Horn , died of the
grip Wednesday afternoon at .1 :30 : o'ctocll at
ber resilience In Plumer settlement. aged 7
years. The funeral will take place this afternoon -
noon at 2 o'clock , and the remains will be
burled In the Lutheran cemeter
Articles of Incorporation were fed yesler-
day with the county recorder hy the Oak-
land Cemetery association of Oakland , la.
The capital stock I $1,200. and the Incorllor-
nlors are L. F. Paler , S. S. Rust , J. Q.
McPherrln and W. II. I.'recman.
Charles Scott. charged with stealing A.
Russell's diamond ring. half his case changed
to Justice Vien's court yesterday and con-
tinned until Monday nl 1ZO : p. m. The belief
of the polce Is that hy that time Russell
wi have been Induced to pull II his hors
and allow Scott to go free.
The trIal of John gmarlne on the charge of
nssanl with Intent to commit mUllcr occulllrd
all of yesterda In the dIstrict courl. The
principal feature was the long , tedious cross-
examination of the state' witnesses. The
court room was fled with Interested spectators -
tators , however , several of them being ladles.
Maria , wife of L. 1 JenEel , aged 37 years ,
died of consumption yesterday morning at 5
o'clocl . after an illness of six months , at her
bore , corner of McGee avenue ali harrison
street. The funeral will be held Sunday
, l1orllng at 10 o'clocle at the Later Da-
Saints' ting. church , Hev. T. W. WillIams ofclat-
Hev. G. W. Williams wIll speak on the
subject , "Woman's Place In the World , "
next Suhtay evening at the Latter Day
Salnls' chureh. ' The conditions confronting
women , young aml old , and the duties 'of
all Christians regarding them , wi b con-
sidered. Arrangements have bee made to
seat quite a number more nt the church
! \ The stereoptc n exhibItion given at Dc
Long's hal last evening for the benefit of
the Girls' Industrial school was n success In
every particular. The room was packed
with nn audience which fully appreciated
the views shown by Mr . J. II. Shaver of the
American Express office. There was n large
variety , consIsting of scriptural , scenic , temperance -
perance , historic and comic vIews. The
amount 'cleared was about $10.
A challenge has been extended by G. C I
Drown , A. C. Graham , John Olver , Robert
Graham , F. T. Neal , Charles Conley and
Phi ! Wareham to the winners In the recent
- . . , - - - shooting match between tim Counci Bluffs
' and Omaha shooting clubs to n conlest. The
challengers were not Invited to take part In
the contest , and they wanl to try conclusions I
with the other fellows. A match wi prob-
ably bo arranged for the near fulure. '
. . The "bone case , " growing out or dispute
between A. C. Hackwlz anti Jens Sorensen
over the rIght to the Possession of the
earthlY remains of dead horses that were
buried by htackwitz's father before his death
und handed down to Hackwlz , jr. . as a
legacy , came to an end yesterday afternoon
In Justice Wallcer's court. I was found
that Hael\ltz : , and his partner , Henry Drooge
had begun replevin proeeeilngs without any
cause , Inasmuch lS they had possession of the
articles In controversy. The case was dls-
missed by them at theIr own costs.
And ' Helen , who hall his siloon open until
after ) o'elocll Tuesday night was Ull In
- a police court yesterday for violating the slate
liquor law The law forbids the opening of
saloons after 10 v. m" , and It Is only by n
specIal clspelaton of police force that the
saloons of Council Bluffs are allowed to re-
maIn open until midnight There was a
strong prima facie case against Helen , and
the judge saul he would assess n fine of $50
and costs against him , that beIng the minimum .
mum offense. At the request of Itohien's attorney -
torey , John M. Calvin , however he decldtl
to take the caw under advisement until this
morning In orJcr ] to give his compassion as
much chacce lS Possible - to sprout
Wo have onr $300,000 10 loan upon 1m.
proved Iowa farms. Farmers desiring loan
can save money by dealing direct with us ,
thereby saving agent's commission. We do
hot loan on wild land . nor In Nebraska.
Luiee & Towle - , 23G , Pearl - Itreet.
J. H. McPherson , 10rlst , cut fewer and
plants. Design work n specialty . Wire orders .
der day or night 1281 E. hiorce Council
I3lufr. _ _ _ _ _
Davis drug , paint , glass man. 200 h3'way.
, . . J..I..OI.rJ'ls.
Dr. T. U. Lacey Is In Sioux City .
Mrs. Lila 1mmoll , mother ofV. . S. ' '
Dlmmock , Is very I with the srlp 'I
Mrs. Jessie lassenburg of Fort Robinson , I
Neb , h the guest of Mrs. W. J. Daveqpot.
Mr. anti Mrs H. Morgan expect t ( leave
loon ( for ' Delwer , whore they wi make their
Ovld Vlen returned last evening from
Ies Moines , where he hoe hem attending the
state assocIatIon convention . of the AmerIcan ' Protective
Judge V. ' . 1. Smith , accompanied by his
reporter , 13. 0. Irulngton , returned yesterday -
day from At9ntc. where he has been holding
a term or district court. They will remain
hero several days
W. II. Stlwel of Des Moines , division
superintendent of the Rock Island railway ,
O. W. Jones at Del Moines , assistant ilivi.
sian sUlltrlnlendent , a 111 A. I. . Siuller of
stuart , master mechanic , are In the city.
J. II. Slmls , organst ! at St. Paul's
church , received a cablegram W'ednesjay
night announcln the sudden death of his
father at Stourbrdge ! , Enslald , at the ago
of 74 ) ' eors , lie lied never been sick a day
. In Isis life , and was In good health almost
to the day of his dealh.
% Vhe.n Baby was . ic' , we gave her Cr ,
Whoa sa wao 1 Child , bhe crk for Ctor
" 110 she became ) \ she clung to Cor
Wbei she had Chl'D , she gave them Ctr .
Miss Mary Rncmu'sel's ' Ab3ano3 OMma le
Frieuda Much WOf ,
SHE lAS BEE MISSING NEARLY A WEEK liar , home In UntrrvooII 1.aRt . FrhllY
% 1Jh to Como to This City , but
1. . Not Iron .Seeii hereby
b ) liar l'rloOb.
Mary ) ' flamussen . n young lady hiving at
Underwood , boarded n train nt her home lat
Friday night to come to Council Bluffs
and visit her sister Mrs. FrancIs Graham , '
10 West Broadway . lIar father became uti- '
easy yesterday when he had heard nothing
from her , anti came here to look her UI
When he arrived nt his daughter's house he
found that her sister hail not been there nt
all. lie was greatly alarmed for fear soma
harm had befallen her , and notified the p0-
lice , requesting them to assist him In 10011-
log her up lie esrelbed her as 20 years of
age , slender medium complexion , brown hair ,
blue eyes wearing n black cashmere dress ,
short black jersey coat , with narrow sleeves ,
and a black velvet hat , with one black antI
one white feather. She hall been suffering
with lung trouble and was very pale and
somewhnt stoop-shouhlerell , She was hot
much accustomed to travelng , One time she
got on n train at CouniIl Bluffs to go to Un.
tlerwood , but forgot to get elf when she
reached hume , and was carried to Neola.
lIOa'I ' UN ' ;
101'l'U : S''UIU' .
I'or 1 1'0' 11)0 UIH the ( "llo"ln ;
List Ir Ir lrhlo 3i'reliandko l It
( ircathy Itr'duceil J'rleC5.
ThrJmllson's glove fitting corsets , thaI sold
from $ to $ t.75 , at 2c , range of sizes nol
complete. ,
Jackson corset waists , former price $1 , reduced -
dueed to 50e.
See extra \'alues offered In bedspeals. ,
$1.50 crochet and $1.75 MarseIlles quits reduced -
dueed to $1.19 each Sco show window 500
dozen hand embroidered and Initial handkerchiefs .
kerchiefs , worth Sc , reduced to 3e or 2 for
A new hue oC Irish poInt embroideries
Just received , SEe our prices.
I.adles' night gowns , worth from 45c to
050 on sale at : ( c.
45c ladles' tucked skirts : t 25c each. See
show window ,1splay , for other prices.
Big lot or silk Inlshel , oulanl's figured
muls and Swise ! . worth from lOc to 15c ,
10 close at lc a 'ard.
All sizes of children's light wool anti cash-
mere hose worth 25c , at 12'c I pair.
Council Bluffs.
A new stock of sporting goods has just
been nut In bY Call & Cole. Fishing , tackle.
guns , cameras , ammunition . etc. Sportsmen
need not go out of town to buy the best and
latest In this line at correct prices.
Mrs . It " , ,1:11" 1i3'IiIlotiZel.
\Villlani Randall , who lives nl the corner
of Thirteenth anti Corby streets In East
Omnha watt In the' city yesterday lookIng
for his wife who left him four weers ago ,
al\l he claims Is now living with a man
nnmed Harris somewhere In Council Bufs ,
For a good many years they lived together
wihout any ilhilIculty. But some time ago
she fell In with harris , whose ways she
found so winsome that she was totally una-
hie to resist him. Randall males no charges
against his wife and says thaI he still be-
leves she Is n good , woman and was merely
hypnotIzed by harrIs into thinking that
ho was more handsome than her husband.
After he' had been keeping bachelor's hal
for I month and had nearly starved to
death one or his neighbors came In one
InOrnln and gave him I tip as to his wlfe's
whereabouts. He said she was Ivhlg with
HarrIs nt the corer or Broadway and
Twenty-slxlh stre/ts In this city , and that
Harris' ' p-slster , Jane hardIng and a
man named Burton were living there also
Ho nt once crossed the river and instituted ,
a search , but was unable to find either
Harris oMrs. . Randall . He called on the I
city attorney and wanted to file an Informa-
ton against his ' wife and her aleged para-
mour , but left without doing 50.
A II ! l'urohaso.
Wo have just bought for spot cash , nt less
titan 10 cents on the dollar , a manufacturer's
entire surplus tock , 12 dozen ladles' and
children's lace and Irish point embroIdery
collars ; also the very latest style Vandyke
point collar and cuff sets Ale In this same
lot are thlrly-three dozen IndIes' white hem-
sUch embroidered atoll ties. They sold at
\\'llesale at $2 to $4.50 per dozen. On sale
Saturday evening at 2'c and 5c each or per
'ecl. See them. Now displayed In our show
windows Walt for this sale.
DENNSON 131105. ,
'sunm luno :
FurnIshed and unfurnished rooms for rent
at 710 FIrst avenue ; also a honse 023 Broadway -
way , seven rooms , suitable for hoarding or
restaurant ; also four rooms adjolulng , nl 621
Broadway. E. \ \ Jackson
I the "Coal 1lng" (1) ( ) of Cenlervle has
got n cinch on the coal bllness of Council
lurs let him prove I to the puhitc. Best
Cenlervle lump coal $2.50 per ton
Mi-i' . I' . C . ' , .
: ro. G. Ir'alt 111\1.
A telegram was reeeivell yesterday an-
10uncing tIm dEnlh of Mrs. P. G. Bryant ,
widow or Judge A , S. Bryant , nt Frankfort ,
Ky. , last Wednesday night. SIte was , her
October 21. 1813 , and had rca deti In Council
Bluffs ever since 1851 untIl asl fall , when
she went 10 Kentucky to slay with her rela.
tives Judge Bryant died In 18S5. She
loaves no chliirun , IJta11 several nephews
and nieces , among them Mrs J. P. lien-
nesey . Mrs. Johns G. Tipton anti H. 1' , hiry-
ant of this cIty. The remains will arrive In
the city Saturday moring , accompanied by
Mrs. Hogan , a niece of Ohio deceased , Ind
will be taken to lhe residence .
wi resloence of Mrs. Hen.
lesey , 825 Sevenlh avenue The funeral will
take place Sunday afternoon nt 2 o'clock ,
lte' EV. I . A len olclatng , The irnhl-
hearers wi be C. W. 1rynnl , H , T. Bryant , i
P. J. liennosy. J. I. Arnold , Iarlon Owens
and H. H. Field.
llw. , , l''rl < for StiI.
\'e offer for sale , for n short time only , the
followIng Iowa farms : I 287-acre farm In
OUlhrle county , I 40-acre farm In Manana
county , 100-aere farm In Monona , 70-acre
farm In Union county , IGO.aere farm In Wool-
bury county , 120-nere flrm In Woodbury
county , two SO-acre farms In harrison county.
Very low priceavhi be made In artier 10 effect .
fecI Immediate rnles. Wi take some trade ,
Can make liberal terms on these properties ,
Cal or write for liarticulars. James &
O'Keefe , 17 Pearl street.
Council Bluffs here market , Auction sale
every Friday afternoon nt lCiel's barn Irlng
In your horses I you want them sold ,
: II\rllln 1'0 ( ' ' ,
The following marriage licenses were Issued .
sued by the county clerk yesterday :
Name and Address . Age
Hollnd E. Dodge Iotnwatlmle county. B
1lnervl D. Shearer . 1'ottavattainits Co. . . 18
\llln A. MeDonahl Council Bluffs. . . . . 19
Iln Campbell , Council Bluffs . Uurs. . . . . . . :
Heinrich I I. . tluehiienbruck Council Bluffs. 70
t'lrlcko luehlenbruckl n Counci . Blurs. . . . . C
Joits' It. Nels"I Council BhuiT3 . . . . . . . . 28
Aldrea Johnson , Counci Bluffs. . . . . . . 19
. \ n UII .tiiiigc.
"lIe who by his biz would rise .
lult either bust or advertise "
We have advertised , and are doing the
business , All frames and pictures lt halt
price until April 1. I. L. Smith & Co" , 45
Main streel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
.ort'I'roull. fatNorii' ,
NaIl Murphy has had n great deal at
trouble during the past few year with the
rather obstreprous society of squaterJom ,
In the region south of : llnaI8. WEdnesny
afternoon two men giving their names a
A. H. and William Cedar appeared on the
land she claims to own and commenced
building n shanty. They were well supplied
with toots lumber and the other requisites.
Nora disputed their rhb to slay there , but
they flashed n deed from one Pomeroy of
B le\'ue. Neb. , claiming that they hail paid
him $200 for the land. Nora Immediately
mounted her charger and rode In hot haste
to the ofce of Sheri lazen and demanded
his assIstance . She got a writ of injunction
from the district court and lnzen went
down during the evening and served It on
the Cedars , He found the shanty all ready
for Occupancy The Cedars claIm to be innocent -
10cent purchasers of the land , anti are now ,
looking for Iomero ) ' In order to make hIm
give them back the money they paid him.
1.eaqun Shed , . Oflic.'t , .
The League held its annual meeting last
evening In its cozy quarters In the Merriam
block , and the memberhp was well repre-
sentcd. The stockholders first met and
after hearing the reports of the ofcers for
the year and the transaction of routine busl-
ness. the following bard of directors was
chosen : I. M. Treynor , B. I W. iiart . J. M.
Barstow J. J. Shea Ir F. lenllcks , Deli .
G. Morgan and George I Iayne. After the
slockholders' meeting hall adjourned the
directors mel and elected the following on-
cers : President , I. M. Tre'nor : vice Itresi-
( lehht . J , M. Bartow ; treasurer Ira p lien.
Irlels ; secretary George Ii. Ma'ne. Messrs.
Tre'nor. Bartow and Ma'ne were chosen
an executive committee. After the meeting
n lunch was served 10 the members 111 a
few invited guests The League Is In a hros-
Porous cdndlton , the membershIp bell ! large
and the debt which -so often dtllresses suit-
liar Instutous , n minus quantity. The
rooms are handsomely furnished and are
flell each evening by the members. The
yeaI just entered upon promises to be oven
more prosperous than tl Inst.
"We0 CIIJht Ihliti. "
I Is n wel known fact that when n dls-
honest man Is being cornered to closely he
wi set UD the cry of "Thief lhlef. " In artier ,
to throw 8lsplcl01 upon some one else , when
I he would keep quiet the public would
think hens In honest man.
We 110 not claim to own all the mines nt
Cenlervle , but will sel you the best Cenler-
villa lump coal nt $2.50 ptr toiL
BnOW 'S C O. D.
Yes , the Eagle laundry IS .thnt good
laundry , " and Is located nt 724 Broadway
I In oubl abOtlt this try I and be convInced.
Don'l forget aetna and number. Tel. 157.
Meal tickets good for 21 meals , only $4
eae'l ' , at hotel Inman. I '
nealh ni thin Itihh.
Wilam hunt . a wood sawyer , living In
Missouri Valley , was killed by an Incoming
passenger train on the Northwestern road
) yesterday morning a mile east of Missouri
Valley , while walking the track . lie wa
crossing a small bridge not more than eight
feet above the ground , according to the ( story
told by the trainmen , but Instead or saving
himself hy Jumping off he stationed himself
at the side of the bridge and leaned outward
In order that the train might pass lIe did
not lean quite far enough and the cowcatcher .
catcher struck him In the hend. lie lived
only a few seconds after Idng strucl I
Is claimed ho was deaf and did not hear the
Irnln I nnll I I wn" nlmnt 1 nnnn it liii . anti fad
to - collect ' hIs - wits soon - enough to n decide i upon ;
the best plan of eEcalle The bed ) ' was
brought Into Missouri Valley on the train ,
and an Inquest was held.
nlllll ! itt I'ul lhhiiqI.
Our mine al Cantervle Is now , running
nl full blast , and \e arc turning out the
finest coal we have ever mined , and can name
) a price or $2.,10 per ton , ali to the CouncIl
Bluffs dealers wouhl say that our agent wIll
cal on them In a few days , and can furnish
a very fine quality of coal , just the same as
I handle . anti make them a price that they
can meet competItion. W. Ii. DIADLE .
Marcus' fire sale Is drawing the crowds
The stock consists of men's and hays' cloth-
Ing , gents' furnishing geuls , boots and shoes ,
hats and caps , trunks and valses , The goods
are slightly damaged by smoke , hut not In
article Is offered that Is not worth two or
three times the price aslled. Open evenings
The auctIon sale of shoes Is still running ,
and the longer I runs the cheaper the prIces
of shoes become. $ : shoes are still being
sold occasionally for $1 , and you can , gEt.
any ' amount of bargains al 25 cents on the
dollar . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S'Iiiit 1M In n 'iaino '
Everything. If applIed to a Hardmnn Piano ,
sold by Mueller lane : and Organ company ,
103 Main street
The Aberln , strictly first-class. CuIsine
unexcehled. Beautiful rooms. Sixth avenue
and Seventh street , Council Bluffs .
Evans' Laundry Co" , 520 Pearl ; tel. 200 ;
shirts , collars , cuffs , fine work a speclal )
Gas heating stoves for rent and for sale t
Council Bluffs Gas company's ofhice. I
Dr. Laugel , ofle 410 . 5th ave. ; tel. 180.
l'.SCU.lsr ( JETS . 1.OTJlLJf TIILIL.
Alleged 'Vito lurtoror Sentcnelll to iSo
Jlu'JNI ( live , , B SocolI Chlnco.
MAN DAN , N. D" , March 2L-Wihhiain O.
Pancoasl , the Ohlobanl ( robber and alleged
wife murderer , sentenced to hang May 23 ,
will have a new lrlal. Pancoast robbed
. bank or several thousand dol-
a Medina , 0. , ( -
lore u few years ago , ran away to Canada
and then to Minneapolis , where he changed
his name 10 Myron O. Kent. There he
marrIed Miss Julia holmes , a young lady
In the frst circles , and In the tall of 1892
moved to a farm near amlan. In March ,
1893 , Mrs. Kent was murdered and Kent dls-
appeared A hired man named Sorabeskl
I vas arrested ant confessed that he killed
Mrs. Kent for $1,800 , which Kent promlsel ,
to give him , Kent was arrested In Colorado , I
hrought ) back here and convctet ) of first degree -
gree murder. The supreme court of Dallota
In granting a new trial , holts that when
the defendant presents an allavit stating
that he can not have I fall trIal by-reason
of bias anti justIce of the judge , It Is the
absolute duty of such judge 10 cal In another
judge to help try the case. The court says
the word "may" In the statute must be con-
strued ns mandatory. .
Stein trout the .1 . P. ' 11111 l'lrm.
Nrv YORK , larch 21.-Barry Mints or
Port Richmond , H. I. , Is under arrest on 1
charge of having stolen lverl thousand
dollars from the banking firm of J. 1 Mor
gan & Co. Mines was In th ello or lhe
Irm , Ils fahl his stealing . will r ) ICl $10OJ.
hIIf.f ' Hi HJJBU.SI
- -
ne/erlly Fair 111' W.r'lor wIth Irlsl ,
hllth % VI nil < .
\VASIINGTON , March 21.-'he oreeasl
for Friday 11 :
For Nebraska and Knitsas-Gonerally fair ;
Wllmer In the eastern portion ; hrlsl , anti
high southerly wititlit , shIfting to wcslerly.
FOI" South Dakota-Fair ; south 10 welt
winds ; slight changes In temperature Fri-
(1 ( ii Y .
For MIssouri anti Iowa-Warmer ; gen.
trl ) ' fall ; brisk southerly winds.
J.II11 Il"rll.
OII 01 TiE WIM'flER 1Um .U.
QMA1IAinrcht 21-011hl record at lem-
pemtule and rainfall , comnred wills the
cerreponding duy of the past foul' years :
) Iki)5 ) , IS9i Ib03 1892.
Maximum temperature . . 52 7 37 20
tiininwn , lemllo3rture . ' 28 48 30 22
: lnllul
Average lemperatule . . . 40 C 31 I 20
i'recihitntton ) . . . . . . . . . .0) .01 .O .13
Condition or temperature anti precljl1aton
at Omaha for the day and since 1larch I ,
1193 :
Normal temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30
Excess for SIte day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Normal llreelpltaton . . . . . . . . . . .05 Inch
Delcleney for the Ila ) . . . . . . . . . . . < Inch
Total precipitation since March 1. . .40 Inch
Delclency since March I. . . . . . . . . .3 Inch
1"Iortl trol other StatIons It K 1' . U.
8 ,
i .
! '
- or' -
g- !
a H g 3 , . WEATUlm.
i1 / " ? .
: C .
.w , ; : . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 02 - .
North ' : : = 6 ! 59 .00 Cl'ar. i :
\lleulno. . . . . . . . Oil I ! .ou Clear .
Cnlcu"o . . . . . . . 28 s : ,00 Clear
81. Lula. . . . . . . . U I ,10 Clear
St. l'aul . . . . . . . . 42 44 ,00 Clear ,
Dln'clllorl. . . . . . . 42 40 ,00 Cle ' .ir.
Kansas City , , . . . . .it$4' . ' .00 Cloudy.
" . 3/
Ciy. . / :
Denver. . . . . . . . 6. 68 .00 Clear.
Sal ! Ciy. . . . .8 60 .00 ' Cloudy .
lat'ldCly. . . . . . . , I tl ,00 Clear
helena . . . . . . . . . 4 : .1 .00I'arleloudy.
Hisutarcic . . . . . . . . .1 ( \ .00 l'arleloudy.
St.Vlncoul . . . . 40 02 . 00 Cloudy
\llcolI .
\ . .t I : .01
Cheyenne . . . . . . . : 41 , ou Clear .
1111 City . . . . . . . tO ) I : ' 1' 'Clear.
. . . . '
Galveston------------ - I : I' .00IJ'arlcloldy
"r" Indicates trace . ot precipitation.
1 A. WELH , Obsener
- .
Story of Two OUumWi . , izms Who
Deviated from Virlt r l Pnth
_ _ _ _ ' ' ill
Ch\let : with Supporting , ' i . " 1.Ivllolnn .
on " "unt 1 ltlU8tOll to-11m for ,
. '
the Ilencilt of t 1.11 'I'oor
Illelt . ,
ot , thc City. , I
. " 1'
OTTmlWA , In. , March 21.-Speclal ( Tele-
gram-Tho ) pnthwny of the overseer of the
city poor here seems to be paved with temp-
tntons , Patrick Brady , the democratic of-
fcial who was sentenced to two 'ears' Imprisonment -
prisonment In the penitentiary for buying
railroad tickets for mythical women and
chlhlren , was succeeded by Jnmes Bowles , a
prominent citizen nnl republican iohitician .
Last night he was caught In a room with n
woman of the lawn , whom the democratic
organ claims lie was slpportng with the
pUblc funds , 'anti 1)leadet ) . guilty anti was
fled $50. As the city marshal who male
the arrest 18 a democrat the republIcans
claim that n trap was delberntel ) set 10
catch him to even up the Brady disgrace.
Time republican organ demands the immediate
dismissal of Dowles by the repub-
Ican 10arll of Supervisors The affair
has created a tremendous sensation ,
ltciire5ofltntI'c ot thin ( Order In JO\V" Hle-
.I" Ilelnp e lnin" . .
ngS MOINES , : lllch 21.-Speclal ( 'rele-
grain.-Tlme ) state councIl of the A. P. A .
tOlny elected these oleel's : President , Ii.
P. Bowers , Clinton : vice Irtshlent , DI' . n.
F. DIIIIR ! . Sioux City ; secretary of state ,
J. 11 , Campbell , Des Iolns : chaplain , J. S.
Ferguson , I\eolmk ; secretary . n. ltoblnt.on ,
tiisiouri , " ' treasul'er , ltmncan Grant ,
:1s80url Valley : trt18\'er l\nran Grnt
1 Oe : sergeant-lit-arms , N. D. lorleu , 1101-
miIY : Jlarlll B. :1. Cobb , : lnl'u8 : sentinel ,
'I. Ii. : tIoretlyke . "llsCl ; lrusteel , J , E.
WikinI. Des MoInes ; Ollle "len , Council
BUIR ; Slluel A. Smith , Lithe City ,
Des ' Iolnes was select 11 as the next Illnce
of meetlnl I was 111111td that the per \
capita tux shoull he rellucell to : : rents per
a ttntmni. An nmelhltnt 1 wal IHssel1 tit a t no
ineniber sthmll he dropped - of
lemhel' Ihl : trolllelor ) 10n-IIYlent
title's untIl he Is one year In nrrelr :
Hesolutons were passl ellor8ln" the
stlnl , taken by the muyor oC Savannah re-
' the true American Itlens ,
cenl ) its UIholdllg 1Iels
anti princIples ) of governitietit . 111 a
memorial wits Ilolltell Col' thl' Into Dr. Ieii-
ale Mtirphiy of " 'est Liberty. 'fhls aflrnonn
the stat ' counci m'ttibcrs Itscusslng the
Insulnce ClUtHtlOIt . They expect 10 Illsh
tonlghl. _ _ _ _ _ _
( \ , \ :1NI : IS IIWU , . A IIUUCTU .
. . . d _ _ I
Efforts II ( llerntnri to ( lrnIOn Silo Lro-
( duct" M"y l'r'o'l"r. .
BOONE , la. , Marcia 2l.-Specinl ( Tele-
gram.-Last ) Satullny the coal operators of
Boone county sent a circular to tile mlnels
uollng them 10 Ippolntm cOumllee to confer -
fer with the operalors. concerning l 1110-
posel lellcton In tii' Ince of mining ,
which Is now $1 n ton. 1'he operatols
clulme,1 that the big mile ! 1n the southern
and , eastern parIs of tl . ate tire paying
hUt 7 : cents , amid are 1helb ) ' enauled 10
ullerrel the operators ler and are getting
the trlle which geogrllhlclll } ' helongs to
Boone county , and that 'uliess ) the rate Is
lowered here ) the mlne9' ultait close.
Today watt the tme set , for the confel'-
ence , but the mIners , rcfuteti 10 consller
the niatter . They 11i' thC ) ' 10111 leave
the whole mater 10 tile Ilate executive
hoard of the Mlmier'i /claton. . ' 1hls
board Is Illcrstold to be commlte.1 . to the
mnlntenence at the Priemltschtetltile. 'fhe
agreement with the itilters.fot , ' the $ rate
lasts emily ! ll April I , ( , td' lifter that time ,
unless tie 1t\ give In , H'ls likely the mines
will be closed.
Jlnniclpt ittmtmkk' tlrokel.
I . DO ONE , . La. , \1arolg1.-Spee'lal- , : Qle-
.n \
, . . ' , . this
gramn.-Tlttt. denIUock'In cIty over the
police nlPolnlments emloddn'l ' compromise
between the mayor tend ) city council this
afterminon. Last nIght the council met and
refuse to contIm the maU"s nOllnulons
for city marshal Inc four polcem.n and the
mayor refuse to wihdrw the names
Later In the nIght I secon.1 meeting \a -
h.ld anti nn agreement reached. ThIs 'after- '
noon the council met tn sleclnl session and
conlrmed four new nominations made by
the ma'or. The . appoIntment of city mar-
shal WaS left ovci Cor further conshleraton ,
The four men 111110lnted were men who
took tie active part In the late biter election
whtn alI factIon elected the mayor amid
the other the councimen , The new men are
on duty' , tonIght Doone line been wlhoul
police ofcers since Monday cvenlng.
\1. In No hurry to nle.
CRESTON , In. . lanh 21.-Speeini ( Tele-
gram-CI1rles ) Mason , 1 phologralher ) was
arrested today for perjury and jailed. lie
then utlmlld lu kil himself with 1 re-
voiver which the olcera had failed to take
from him. He hail laid his watch In front
of him and set tl time for the execution ,
uli just a second 'H're the fatal moment
and while he h31 thE revolver at his temple
11 fellow prisoner pounced upon him and
saved his Ilf ! .luon , Is Ic ! fellow whl '
was lu peclU \olsolng tilts Wie several
monlhs ago. _ _ _ _ _ _
loaltmner"IM II C oiitrremict' .
DES MOINES , March 21.-Spccial Tele-
grarn-Thie democratic state central com-
mitee held I secret conference here today ,
but so far lS cnn be learned nothing dclnlte
was accomplished. A delegatIon from Mar-
uccomplshel. deleguton 111-
shllown , hemle,1 , hy Colouel I. M. Martin ,
watt here In thc interest or hnvlng the coit-
vwton helel thert hut the matter was not
tlecideil. The tinieVttS spent In clsclslng ! I
itrohiable candidates and considering questions - i
tons that should go into Ito platform , lS ,
well ns means for conductng the coming
campaign , _ _ _ _ _ _
Ix-I'oot Yeln or ( mist 10111.
OTTUMWA . In. , March 21.-Speciah ( Tele-
grant-Tito discovery of a full slx.fool vein
or coal . at Eddyvliie. ten miles north of this
city , has Inlerested the railroad companies ,
amid , It Is announcPl1 that the Northwcstel'n
will moon hegln Site worl ( of extending its
hrneh 10 thaI 1)lace. In that case the road
wile pushed on 10 Ottuisms'a . I dl 'vile
has exhnlBte s quuntteH of good \ufiiing
stone besides this rh'h . coal had .
EXI"IUnl \11 mitt 11 Cnl.lllt ( Iroaith. ,
IIINVER , March 21.-The capitol grounos
at Broadway anti Colax avenue have been
chosen as the sItu for the mining antI Industrial .
dustrlal exposition .
Second Annual :1CCtn- the Locsh Or-
Innlznton I.Mt Eonhmim. :
Lest evening the second annual meeting
of the lrotherlood of st. Andrew was hell
In St. John's Episcopal church at Twen-
sixth and Franklin etreets. The seating cc-
plclty of the church was taxed nnd a large
portion of the aisle space was used to set
the large aUllene . The uulon service of
the city chapters woo partelpatolln by memo
bets from all the Episcopal churchel In the
city. The music was rendered by a yestell
choir , of forty \'olcts.
The speakers of the evening were Re\ n.
P. Silver and Rev J. P. U. Llw'd , Mr. 511-
\r spoke on "lirothierhiootl Worl . " lie
showed how thE work couh bo carrIed en In
every lly life In the factrles , the shops anti
the stores nUl In fact In all occullatons ,
lie stated that the Christian Ilfuence of tInt
members at the brotherhood could , with success -
cess , b 'lrc ed to Induce people to attend
church servIces who would not otherwise attend .
tend ,
tenl.Ir. . 1.lwyd's subject was "Personal Service. "
10 said that ( Ito cr'lnl need of this time
was an organization such as tIme brotherhood
Is and thaI men would be able to llerce'o
the benefits Df the workings of the organlza-
tion. Ills talk covered the 1010 general
features of the brotherhooll Infuences ,
The lrotherhooll of Sl. Andrew Is 1 'oung ,
organizatIon . anti but a few years igo II wa
started as nn auxIliary by a few 11cople In
Chicago. I has grown rapidly until It now
Inclules thousands of peoille from all the
states and territories In this countr . The
membership Is eomposell of confrmell male
memhers of the clitmrclm The b-Iaws of the
brolherhood are sImple all Ilromuignte emily
two rules ; a rule of prayer by which each
member Is bOlul to offer daily lra'erR , tihitl
a rule of service , each memb to make al
effort each week to prevai upon al least ese
mnlo to alend the ( services of the church.
Clrrelt TUlio ( itib 1111 , ii Seioii UI
! Olcrl Illct,1151.
There was a very large ntelulance nt the
mcelhl of ( Ito Current Topic club last evemi-
lug In the Young Ien's ChrIstian associatIon
hal , whIch hnll evidently bcen atrnctell by
the announcement hint the club ivotihti ills-
cuss tic merits all donerls of "Coin's 1.1-
Mncal School , "
Mr. n. D. Howell Ireshled ) anll Introduced
Major Inlonl , who gave I very interestIng
anll amusing talk on the two topics which
are elgrossln the pUblc Ihul at present \ ) ,
the belligerent attitude of Great Britain
toward Venezuela and the Cuban rebelon ,
Mr. C. B. Uoslwlell read I carefnl ) lIre-
I'arel pallor , In which he Ilolnled out some
ef the more Important fallacies or the apes-
ties or free silver antI called atenton to
thc ( glaring mistakes made by "the new .
Moses \vho has slidenl ) sprulg ; Into notoriety
and who Is ullertaldng to head the pcople out
of their fnancIal troubles by means of ' 115
itcitool. "
Mr. C. J. Smrth advocated the free anti un-
lmited coilage of silver lt the rte of 16
to 1 wlhout waiting for the aid or consent
of umty other nation on earth and was loudly
allplaude by lie free slverle . who hud
evidently turned out In large numbers.
Whcn Mr. hi. Salisbury , who was the last
Chicaleer on the program , rose to address the
Illenee , owing to lie fact thaI tIme 'IOlr for
closlmig had arrived , , MrV . J , Fischer mowd
that the discussion bc adjoured until nexl
Thursda evening and the motion was car-
rIed. ,
. :
l x'Slltor I'amltlick U.carc That Nr'
br.I" : Ia , :0 Hile' ' , r yc.
Ex-Senator . S. Paddock was nt lie Del-
lone last e\'enlng on his way home from the
east , where he spent three weeks. Mr. Pad-
dock says that In New York and Boston he
observed an Increasell activIty In the real
estate market , and that there Is a much
more hopeful feeling among merchants ( and
inanu tacturers. , I
"Not very Importanl ( , " said Mr. Paddock
In rewonse to a quehton whether the ] drouth
In , N brsllaa.s . having ) ,1 , deterrent effect
on eastern investors In wesler enterprises
"Intelligent. men there know well hat the
droulh Is conflmiecl chiefly to the
confned chlefy more re-
centy dovelopell parts of the ( stale. They
still abide In lie convicton that Omaha Is
lie ( best city west of Chicago and orouth
talk , true as much ot I Is , hns not hurt us
as luch as we might suppose. I found that
the opinion generally In the east was lint
the \yorst was over anti better times arc
expect eu. "
Mr. Paddock will leave for his home al
Beatrice today.
, .
10yoII Comiipnruaoii.
Are the good qualities possessed by Hoed's
Sarsaparilla , Abvc all It purifies the blood .
thus strengthenIng the nerves ; It regulates
the digestive organs , Invigorates the kIdneys
and liver . tonea and buIlds up the entire
system , cures scrofula , dyspepsln , catarrh
and rheumatism. Get Hood's and only
Hood's Pills cure nil liver ills , biliousness ,
jaundice . indigestion , . sick lieadaclte 25c.
'lC.\UT WAS 'lED ) Br MB.S. .lIOOTli.
balltol Army \o..ln , nt Uln.lnnnt wih
II III Irlen rnl"II , lul.
CINCINNATI , March 21.-The first wed-
lIlI In which the ( ofclallng mInister was I
woman occurred yesterday here. Irs , Bal-
Unglon Booth of the Salvation army was time
minister. 'rhe brIde amid bridegroom were
Lieutenant Alice Talbott of Cleveland and
Adjutanl Joseph Hargreaves of Cincinnati ,
bath of the Salvation army. The Salvation
army temple was crowded , though the admission .
mIssion was 50 cents There were no flowers
except a whIte rose worn by Ihe ( brlle ,
whose dress was Ito conventional army
black , relIeved by n white silk sash , The
hrldegroom war" hIs unIform After ( hit '
ceremonies were over lie hrlle amid groom
each lelverel , addresscs. Mrs . Booth closed
with nn address. .
I.nvl.t on OnM , nllUI1 Stn ( ,
CHICAGO , March 2I.-The AmerIcan Exchange -
change National hauk has orlere,1 n le\ )
mule on the stock of time Hyde Parll Gas
company , owned by Charles II. laule of
Phlallolphla , TIme atachment was malle on
n note given to tie t banll. hank was formerly
treasurer of the company and Is now one
of Its clrectors ,
- - - - -
, ' ' _
, "
* A " I@ BRAND
/ I / . Collars & Cliffs
/IIe.\ / \ ,
uii . AT YOUR
. Outfitterso
. .
H -4
. i I <
But let us ( free ) our SOUVENIR 01 FASHIONS.
, lca It carefully ( at YOUI' loluro ." , COON & cO'1 Makers. Fmiotom'Iea : Troy , N. Y.
. , . . . . .
' '
" '
" , , . ; :
- MANHOOD RESTORED Thlilcat Vluhll.
, I
" . ton ot a lamoull'rcneb . . l'hlcu , with quicklycuro omiof all her-
\ \ VOW dls.ases ' or the gelcraU\'e ergaits , IIe4 8M l.osi . r ,
litsommula t'nlnlln , .
. , Jnaomnt Ito Jlnckemllnl 1111"n. , Zcn'otis lebUlty ,
.JJ I'lmpies , ( Jntiiness to Marry , . , . ' ' UpIUI
. J'lmple nlines ICxhau.Unl 1)rsitts , 'ttrlcoecIe " "
- Constlpation H .II' " oil houses bydny or IlghL J'1eVe111 { quick.
J ! or discharge , which It IIOt citeciecti loads 10 fpermalorhml stud
all ( Ito liorrorti ci Impotency . CL1111)ENI
B E FORE A flR alllolorrOrotmllolelcr. : cletezasca tltehiver , the
BEFORE AND AFER and the CI"'ItN.cJcllcllbu1v 110
kidneys uinary orgatt ot all jwpurJIlca.
CUI'IDENJ . 'trongthens antI restores 8mal weak ortanl . ilwlurle8
'J'bo ICOn sut1erem . UfO not cured by footers Is b.u.o nInety per cent ere troubled ' with
.ro. ' . . . . . 0 U ( 'IIEN 111.ho only know rempdr t. cure wIthout lfr oplrlul. i.'llmont-
" . A wrll' Kuarano given anti money relurne,11 I alx honl does no' e.hIttci is 3tCrWvu& cure.
'I'a boa , ilL tur t s.ea , b ) inch . * ena for YJlcrullr and tt.lmolll 'Iul I J'onuWcl'curo
' Addte8 ZLtVL IEIUCINE CU , ! ' . 0 , ihozIC7CSanl'raiiclscoCni. J'Sle rJ
- . - - -
Questions that Must Bo ectlcl Before tnc
R03t is Opened
mnlm Street RihlwmsCnmnt'tsny : Nnt In-
olnil In Uo More Tlul I I :1' ,
Uoluj-A Talk \ I I I ho
The future of Courtanl bench n a plea ure
resort Is being vcry serlousl consiietll just
al 'pesent by the association whIch has its
affairs In chnrge. Is prosperous Benon
last year has lncouragell the mnnngers to
hope for t\'en better returs this year , but
accordIng to J. M. U\ughcrty , secretary and
treasurer . there are many questions to be
dl'ehlel before the Iolc ) ' of the association
cnn be lettmlntl for the preselt 'er.
To his mhul strNt car facilities 18 Iho ( most
pressll ! subject for the ( cousldtraton of the
assocIation. 's the ( quantity of water
In the hake not being ! unclent to
warranl any prcparaton for the seasoti ' , he
does not consiier this for a 10mtlt In con-
necton with the case. In fact , he fears too
much vater.
"Thera has been nn element In Omaha
constanly , ( Pllostl 10 Courlaml beach " /:11
Mr. 1)ottglicrty "This I certainly surprisIng -
Ing In view of ( lie fact that It Is an Omaht
Instuton ( nll every dollar thus far re-
celnt has been client In Omaha . The most
Persistent Ollilosilon , 1 think , comes from
those Interestell ( In : Iana\a.
"Now this talk aLuul ? the lake Ir'lng tip Is
nonsense Some have circulated the ( report
Ihal ( hero Is scarcely any water In front of
even the 11I on , when , In fact . there Is 'I '
twetity feet of water al thaI Ilolnl now , nl,1 ,
lS soon as the river rises It will mid Ile feet !
to the ( I\rescnt deitthi ) In fact , \e ha\e
always feart,1 too much water , rather than
too little. \\'hr , for more thnn ( eIght years
the ice campa nits hale been lalelnl on an
average thrto ( feet of lea yearly out or the
hake , anti It appears to 10 If It was so
rapidly dryhtig imp this would contribute to l
thaI enti .
"In truth . one season of \tt wrather1
fl tl : lale to its original proportloits. hut
\e have considered the queston of an artf-
cal supply In lho event thaI there Is little
mitt this ' . tleflnlte has
rin ) 'elr. Nothing defnie been
delermlnC In this himie . but I canal to Flor-
ence lalle coull easily be eonstrneted , though
we want a better qualt ) : of water ( lion ( that
source will stmpply Another plan Informaly
, lseusse,1 Is that of I nUlher of artesian
\tls on the ( bluffs to ( lieiest . or e\'en In
the beach grotlittis. Experts on the ( subject
are confdeut of a snncltnt stilply In either
case. lInt , In alllilon , there are other
sources for a sunnlIf' Ilr" wnlpl whl h. )
, present. however , .1 ama ; t"nl--lltri ) io" discuss " at
"Thtc' question or I 11ferent arrangcment
or strcet car transfers I the great 'lueston
to be settletl.Vo cannot open until II Is
termlned , overt If we are comlleled to leI
the IImeu5e Impro\'ements : staml idle , , I
cost Ito Ieople too much lone ) ' to reach the
each. We want the Omnha Street Railway
company to concede transfers emi sOle of the
side hues , so thnt It \1 cost al least 5
cents less than It did Insl year for a person
to reach the beach from Walnut 11 or Ito (
I.'drnam street line. The Omaha street car
people seem unable to arrange Ihls , antI I
do not tltiitk we can io more than wo have
done. _
"We halo $75,000 permanently Invested at
the beach , ald0 employ a large force of
men during the summer. Our expenses while
open aggregate $250 per tiny , antI all this
Is spent In Omaha. Heretofore this money
went to CouncIl Dlues anti Manawa . We
think , In view of \lls \ fact , we are entitled
to some consderation. The street
consIderton. car people ; I
we think , should remember that oils would
bo practically host to bent but for our Investment -
vestment , They claim that they carry 11as.
sengars under the . present nrrangement as
cheal ns the circumstances will permit , but
we are inclIned to thlnll thaI they can 1m-
11rO\'e' the situation . Certainly something
must be Iione In this respect before the sea-
son can b3 opened at the beaeh. "
The Omnha Street Railway people do nol
feel thaI they are under any special obhiga-
tons to io more for Courtanl beach than
lhey havL already done. They insist that
they hay done much to contribute to the
convenience anti comfort of those who
patronIze the beach As' an Omaha Insttu-
than , they explain that they made even better
terms thou ( ho situatIon from a fair busi.
ness point warramtted , but in ortler to encourage -
courage the enterprise , had made inaity con-
cessious ,
Secretary Gootiricli of tile Omaha Street
Railway conipaity saId : "Since tIm Cotmrt-
land iteach insthttitiomt is an Otmialia coitcera ,
ive nnttirally feel very khntlly ( award it , anti
actIng on tIde himie , have domte what we comi-
either a great deal to promote ( lie cause.
results from tbemmual treatmentofblootl trotmbiee
by which the syatem is tilled with mercury atiti
potash mixtures-moro to be dreaded thiami the
disease-and In a short while is In a worse condition -
dition than bcfor .
RH EU MAlI S sv. n a session ramoaati takes of poe- the its
fltooting Pains
attd aching joimtts make life inleeraitle. 8.5.5. In
a reliable euro for mercurial rbcuinaismii , and
affords relief even after
ailelsolats failed , Itis
guaranteed purely vega-
table , anti absolutely sss
harmless ; take ito sub-
stltttte , Send for otw
treatise on blood and
tkiii diseases , maiied free to any addrets.
SWIFT SPECIFIC COM1'AN' , Atlanta , fin ,
, .
, " . . . . . -
s"c - EXAMUATIOU ) mci : .
No Operation. ? o Detention from Business ,
ThE 0. E. MILLER Co. ,
307-308 11. Y. Life Bids. . OMAHA. NEIl.
Teeth Without PIate
DEN 113 T.
I'axtoit hilock.
1 0th imiuti i"arittti St )
, 'o , , IO43 ,
Full get Tiethi.5 00 I Silver FiIhltmts , . . . * l 00
imebi Ti.'etim , , , , . , 7 00 I l'uro field Fihlmtst 2 00
Tluimi ' . . . . . . . . . 00 i Uolti Crown -2.hit. U
l'aliihess Extraet'mi fiuc I lhridgo Ttitii-tootii ti U , )
Teeth Out In Morning ,
New Teeth Sama Day
.A M U B 'l Ii N 'r ,
' 4 NIghts , hleglmmmlig ,
Sun. , Mar. 24
( Matinee \YclnestIay )
I No Rice's Surprise Party
I Ad- tin the
I iii leratic 'I49 '
_ 'ganza '
Splendid Costumes , Scenery antI BIecirical Br.
hale of seati wiii epee faturday at usual prices
There are numerous favors granted. which ,
while the public Is not interested
iii theni dIrectly , yet cro ltonis of
considerable expense. Thso eom
timider ( lie bead of advertising special
cxhlbitiomis on our cars , tirranging faoIhitie
for carrying crowds rapidly , anti other tea-
lures whIch bring no mnoro rettrns to this '
company thait would ( ho htreParation for the
regular traffic , Iii demandhmig comicssionua
amid tite rearrangement of our transfer aye-
tern , I think that ( ho beach confuses tms with
thin East Ontaha Street Car conipamtWe
can have no control over that line , Its interests -
terests are wholly separate fromu ours , It
cannot affortl to carry liasseligers for less
titan at present , since its traiflo comnes at ,
ciii ) ' a brief leriod each year , anti we are
in no tioCltion to rearrange dir entire trans. .
fer system for the benefit of cite Omaha in-
stitutlonVt have ninny athter big Ontaha
coiicermts to consIder. as vehl nit ( he beach
anti all titlist limive fair treatuitent.
"Thte Courtlantl bench itianagers forget that
they contribute little new bttsimmess to the
Otnitlia street ear system. They merely
turn It iii a tiifforent direction , Thoc vhto
now go to the beach formuerhy iveitt to thiG
larks. Where we gout in cue ilirectiomi we
lose in anatiter , We are tlhsposc'ii ( o treat
tltent liberally , but they certainly get their'
share of all titat its now contributed by their
patrons. I do not understantl , with duo ro-
garul to all interests c.rnceriieti , htov this coiti-
unity caii do very munch hitoro for Coitrtlautml
bench tttuii It has sthreatly dour. W'e are
at till tintes mostly , Itowever , to consider any
ProPositiolt lookimig to tin lntprovemnent or
facilities siiicht i'ill ettabla tue masses to
take brief outiitgs at ( lie smallest possible ox-
' 1 lie 1l mui'rmt % Viiy
Commends itself to the well Inforincil , to 'b '
Iileasauitly amid effectually vhta ( ns tormiterhy'
done in the crutiest mitannor anti disagreeably.
as s'cll. To cleanse ( Ito syteimi cmiii break
tmii colds. iteatlaches anti fevers without an-
pleasant after effects , ttso ( ho ( lellglhtfuh
hiqttld laxative rotnetly , Syrup of Figs.
TO Ilf.L 1)1.I TI : A t.t4 .stwr.i
ir , i'ermIeti h'Irtttin Shut 311.sttmiitry % 'orme
ml , . for Christ .tbiiii % il BIno ,
fllTitO11' , March 21-lr , Jemites A.'or -
den of PhiladelphIa minnie a strong stand
for non-seciarian missionary mtiehotls today
dtmriitg tlto sessiomi of ( lie Presbyterian iitIs-
sicinary contoreitce , C
Tue qtteetloii was tuiion the adntisslon to 'u
assocIate maemtibersltip of C. W. l'otter , a missionary -
sionary ot' ( hue Simnday School union , Dr
W'ortleit declared : "if there is a drop of eec-
tarlan blood iii our 'ehmis , we want to get it
out. W'o nra all doing this iorhc for Christ.
W'te are lighting ( Ito worhti , the flesh amid tht
dcvii ; icc are hot. fighting Citrist or any that
belIeve in him , aliut arti tryiitg to do this
'ork In tlto naiie of Ciirist , ' ' '
Details of ( lie 'ttriotts blanches of Sunday
school work were discussed thtrougliout the
Killed tim 'oniami Stiffriago 11111.
AUGUSTA , Me. , March 21.-In tlte senate
yesterday ( lie wontan suffrage bill was do- '
foateti 15 to Il , A few weeks ago the house
hiassod ( lie biii.
S8O in iiiD IJrowns a i1an
At the burning of a etcanihoat ott th lint-
isomt River 40 yettrts pgo , luau ) ' of the hiaescn.
gers were drowmied. Aiiioitg the bodies
brougitt iii ) front ( lie Imttoin of the rIver by
grappling was that of ii iiittn liiowii to
have been timi excellemit swimtimer. Around
his valst vtts a belt commaltiimig ( nearly $800
in gold. 'l'itat tohtl ( lie stoc ) ' .
In old antI ehit'oitic cases of Intilgestion
( dysicpsla gtistrltis-It is all the same )
( lie sufferer develops it great variety of
S'miiptoms amid ofteit thies-pohtuonod by the
Products of his own torpId anti hummed
stoniachi. Ills footl , instea l of beiiig digested , '
anti so furnlshimig strength and Physical
substance , fermemits amid putrihlesu within
hilni. The chief itrocess of life is arrested
at a vItal hiOlilt. The more lie eats the
worse off Ite Ia. Amid yet unless lie can be fed
lie must also lierish , People do so die , daily ,
by ( liuusands. but we doctors seltiom have
the moral courage to give ( lie cause 1(8
true name lest we should be laughed at
for our inability o cttio so 'simple' a thing
as indigestiomi. Simple ? Why its the cap.
8tono of all compiaihts-.and thit mtlther o
the most of thtent.-So writes a fninoua
English Iiii'siciaii.
Some of ( lie s3'mptorn alluded to are
these : Loss of appetite , distress after eating '
heart burn anti paipitation , gIddiness ; foul
taste Ia ( Ito mouth ; the risimig of nauseous
acitis antI gases into the throat ; furred ton.
gue ; spots before ( lie ayes ; unteccountabho
wearimiess anti fittigite ; sluggIsh circulation ; " ,
weakness and nervous prostration ; consti.
patton or diarrhoea ; discolored skIn. etc.
'l'he sufferer's ft-lends often advIse him to
cheer up ; to throw off his lethargy and eat
freely. Bath adVice , lie kmiows hottom' , "No , "
lie nnswem'14 , "I cannot ; itty food tiocti mae
Ito good. " lie is right. Food now is gold
in ( lie slietit swimmer's bolt.
Take light nourishment. toiloweti immediately -
ately by a those of Sitaheer Digestive Cordial
-a new and ratiical remuetly discovered
mid hircPnrcd by the Shakers of Mt. Lebmi-
non , N. Y-tlto essence of mnedichiiai hierbte
anti plants cultivatetl by them alone , Then
comitimiuo with it. RelIeves at once ttnd soon
cimmes. l'leasnnt. to the palate amid adapted
to nil constiutlon.
Trial Ijotties-which prove its merits-at
ten centS. For sale by iteaiiy all dt'uggists ,
Wheii. Buyitig
Fruit Trees ,
Buy the best.
A niimitite lost can never be recovered ,
and it's a calamity to lose severai Years.
wltichi so mutiny Iowa and Nebrttska people
htreve domte whiemi thtey lmavo hiotighit foreign
grown , umiticehimateul fruit trees.
\Vero born omt ( lie hantis where ( heir nurse.
ry stock is groivmt , ttmid yeum's of patient ,
imttehigcmit experimnemit htavo tnujhit them the
best varIetIes for thIs climate , Cotisequemitly
titcir haute srns'n stock is as htartly as the .
forest ( iCes. They hmave a 'ery large stock
for the sltritmur delivery amid t'very tree its
wtirrantetl true to nitmue , Orchard , Vinyard ,
Lttwmi , l'arking 'i'rees mind Ornamtientai stock
? uitmhce mm nihistalie imi your urtieruu , South us
your Ihet of s'ants for Prices. We can plense
yeti iii prices nhiti stock. licferemit'es : Council
Ihitiffs lianles , Council Bluffs lepai ( meat
Omaha lIce , rind liromnimieiit. htimuilitests inca.
NurserIes six nihlea north of Couqehi Blfts1
P. 0. Address , 4
Crescent , Iowa ,
I'residcnt. Cashier.
First National Dank
of COUNCIL I3LUFF3 , Iowa.
Cnpitul , a $1OOOO
ltufitH , _ - - 12,00 ( )
Ott of tius oldest banks In time state ot Iowa.
SVe solicit your buatneus and collections , Ys
l1a0 uer cent on tints depc'aita. We will b.
pleased to sea anti .ervo yoU ,
qiiit , ( flAIl4itPlflPP Attiirmmeys-tet.Lsw
Ui. lit U IJOIttI4CILUUUJ Pritotico imi the 8ttotms
iimitl iudei'ai Courts. ltoomtis : m0i.7.8.j , t4iiugar
hilochc , Coutiumi hIiitt , , Iowa ,
Special Nots-OouociI Bluffs
sat iturk , , at "V. B. llorn.r'i , 33 Broadway ,
court hioUe. Apply atlie. cilhce , Council Bluff , ,
Fiith'FAItM /uNl ) OAItlllN LAND FOIl
sale clieal , and cit easy ( onus. Buy & lies , , a
I'eaei street.
- _ _ _ _ _ _ _
FOlt III1NT , AN ( ) 'ACItlil'AlihtS , S MIIJB3
front Council Bluffs' court house ; real only
13.00 per ache. Ah.tly to i.ttiiartI Ilvervtt , l'earl
for rent at 710 hat avenue , aIaQ 10 macmn , at 1ZI
llroadtvay , II , V. Jackn ,
1"Olt ItlB'1' , A NICII 7.1(001.1 COi"rAF ] , FUR-
mmisuted ; tine latin ; good barn , utah on paved
, .lreet. it , I' , Oiiicer , 12 BuIlt street.
c h'IItW1
ClNhiBtti FOil HAIli , 200 WAGON LOADB.
Burke , at IIWIVI'II , 48 Broadwuy.