- . , . . . I H THEY OMAHA ; DA.ILY BEE. . , - tI t ' ! . 1 I . , ESTABLIShED JUNE 10 , 1871. ' O\AlIA , FRIDAY MOItNJiNG : , : MARCII 22 , 1895. SINGLE . COpy FIVE C.1 N'rS. , , . . STATE COUNCIL ADJOURNED Emperor Wihm Congratulates Them on the SUCCES ) of Their Labora VA UBLE ( Bf SS FOR GOVERNMENT ACTION - neelnru 10 WIll 01"0 11/ 1'eron1 Atten- ton to 1'ltllJ Inlo 1'Ifct : the He- eOllrll"tllI If the Cllncil - Ubllle.tvlh 'rhnnks. ) , DEn.IN , March 21.-Emperor William : formally c0s the sl"slons ot the state . In he mallo speech council today 10 doing a ' In which hc said : "After an ar.luous . 11s- eusslon ot eight days you have now reached the end ot your laborR. If , perchance , the result doc $ not satIsfy In every respect the I , high eXllcctalons formed In some quarters , It Is nevertheless of great moment to the government . whose task Is to employ nil effective means ot relieving the distress In lIuslanry that your deliberations renlerell [ i the limits attainable In thin .Iomal more clearly apparent after exhaustIve ( hiscuSslon . I Is universally mlmlle1 ( [ that the agricultural - : tural ( dlstre , Its cames and sequences , be- aldcs the careful examination ot the reledles , which hlvo heretofore been propose1 [ either publicly or In the course ot your thicussion form a valuable basis on which the govern- mont may fouml future Ieclslons. "The technical knowledge and practcal ex- perlelho which are htre represented , ali to which expression has been given during the , course or the debates , afonl mo an especIal guarantee that the ProPosals resulting tram our deliberations will prove when conslderid by the government , to bo suitable and Ilract- cable. Such rcmedl(8 , however , as are ree- , , , , nIni hv "ni In hn ! ! NIIINI to attain - - the ' , h.- ' _ , , _ . w . . . . . . u _ . . - - , end In view . or Impractical . - or dangerous - - - to the malntcnance of constItutional an1 [ ccon- 011c order , anti are , accordingly , rejected , the governineilt wl bo nib with less hesitation Iovermont to e1chHlo Cram further consideration , anll their decisions I Intend shall ho carried Into effect WithoUt dela ) ' . In conclusion , I beg you to consllel' your part In the maier and ' - to Inculcate the country I\strlcls within your reach with the feeling that when , In the future , other questous similar to the present financial distress and the measures to he talen for Its relIef excite the mInd , the goverment should be Ilnelllel , ) pettoned ' the aoption oC suitable , with the view of mlopton suiable measures for securIng suitable relief. I In- tend at once to give my personal attention to the requlslo measures , and I neces- Imry , to snlmon the state council. In co - Ins the proceedings I beg 10 offer you my . " royal thanlts. Before the a1ournment the state council adopted a resolution declarIng that the pro- posals or Count Van Kanitz , the agrarian leader for the establishment oC a state monopoly In grain , were Incompatible with a , correct Interpretation or the present position or tie state regarding , industry and Inter- national trade , and were Irreconcilable with Germany's commercial treaties. DIOlB1S UIIIJ V11'h1 1'OLICE. - Trouble Growing Out If the 10hln ! of I' Market In the Strpet. Jlnrl e LONDON , March 21.-For Clree evenings past Throgmorton street In the cRy portion or London , a thoroughfare where , after hours a curbstone marlet Is held has been a scene of great disorder. Throgmorton street being quite narrow , the assemblage or brokers ) . almost completely blocked It trom 4 p. m. to 6:30 : p. m. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings there , \as no serIous trouble , although - though the 1)011CCvere vigorously chuffed. This evening , however , when the brokers gat'lred In Throgmorton street , the police diverted vehicles unnecessarily Into that thoroughfare with the view oC dispersing the crowd. Mr. Paxton , a prominent member of the Stock exchange expostulated with a po- lice inspector and , this caused a renewal oC the disorder , resulting In the arrest oC Pax. . ton. ton.Tho The arrest caused great excitement and a crowd at brokers atempted to rescue the 1 ' prisoner , who had been taken to the police taUon through a by street. TI brokers ieemed pleasel trat a 11romlnent member oC the Stock exchange was arrested , declaring that the whether question Throgmor- ton strr"t can bo used after hours as a mar- . - Itt wi " nrw bo settled. The general opinion exprossCl Is that the police wi bo worsted DS u market . his blen held In that street wIthout interference for years . tim street dealings being chlel ) ' In American and South African securities. . I . ( IANltl 1 U JI.Ui MOIRittTE. 5.C'llIt Thoujht * IrlnR n Uhnnod Oplnon ! In thin ' ,1iitter. tl' 111tCr. LONDON , March 21.-'bo rolowbg semi- official statement was obtained by the Asso- , Ialed press tonight hi regard to the troublt between Great Britain and Nicaragua : General BarrIos , the Nicaraguan envoy , I r London whel the Irlhh maio demands for compensation In the sum 15,000 for the epulsion from luefelds or Mr. latch , the lrllsh consular agent there , aUI uho for the appointment or n committee .0 adjudicate the damages sustained by the persons and Ilrop- erly or British subjectc expelled from the 1losqulo reser\llon. General larrlos , 1 Is inderstood has since submitted tie mater to the Ionrment oC the Unlel States , with the object or enlisting sympathy and ald. 'fho stalemcnt that threat Britain stipulated , that 10 cItizen at the United States should 110 a member of the commission mentonll Is inaccurate. I Is the opinion In diplomatic circles hero thai time demands oC Great Ilrlaln are eXCllltonaly somali and , time aggra- vatonarmntoJ even severer mcasurcs. JtV.tI'RSI : : 1"1 : la' blnNOHOUNU , II0I'lrll,1 to Un" Ileen "een ( OI the .hult , . . uf Earitinia. LONDON , March 21.-The Times has this dispatch Crom its S'mlghal corresllondent , which wl bo pUblshel1 tomorrow : A Japan- cso feet Is reported off the Iescadol' hla1ls , which lie a short distance 10 the eastward of central Vormosa l . being separate < 1 from that island ' by the straits at Vornmosa , Torpedoes to prevent the entrance at the ships have been ji1acd 11 the ( harbor at Amoy , a treaty 110rt ot the province oC I ' nlln , which Is selllrdlell fl'oln the Iescador Iblands by the IlrrOW lescldor chiunnei. ' tram the north Telegrams report that many JallUICte'csbels arc off SiiunIahm-Rmmnami and ICiim Chow on the Unit or I.lao-hiung.Tong. 1 Is eJlctell that there wi bo un early landing of Japanese forces lt the o Iloris. J' ' . tn"tll Ihll 11 "rlIIA' " * MR.lo tn 111. I.ONDON Marl'h 21.-Sir l'tward Gray , rrllnK to 1 question In time 1boUu or Coin- aloha tollS ) ' regarding the tHntment at Chief 1Italfl ot aamOl , nceoidin to a ri'eently : Illhlsh d letter of nccollnK lob"lt I.\ull 5te'etisoii. said that wlWI Mllttarl ) 'lelll',1 ( he was given no ussuimmmce 'ept that hlH Ifu would be aSSUrIC' . ( : ' 11 - - - 1"111111 of Chic 1.,1 I'nlrh. YICTOIIA. n. C. , March 21.-Time st"aI01 : Miseimlet , trol the vest coast , reports the folioing lenllg catChr : nora Seward , 55 ; J\lle , 95 : Iemmtrice 7 ; 'I'ritmmnlihi , 1 : : 1ay 1Iel . j6 : .llolea , 51 I : I < nlhlrlne , tI ) . ' 'h\ weallcI' hnl been very , ollh , 1111(1 < the duwimbog ur soimie Indian haulers Is drowlln ! 80lt 11lul re- Jlol.tel. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1111.h 'uhjecIs AuI' bhl(1 ( for ' 'hol.cl" . i.ONION . March 2.-11Ie rlprelentlt\e of time ssot'iatci1 11rcMI learns that the . li'itIshm coycrl\ent has sent mme Instructons 10 10noluiu regarding the releaH' of time llllsh subjects who wel'U sentenced to liii- prlaol\cnt tor cO\\lclY In the lecent ro- 't , oust IiisilIg. ' _ _ _ \ _ _ _ _ . , U nr /1 Not I. . , II'dan" ' . , (1''Y 0- MEXICO , March : -The I report that war hind becim declared between wlr hud beel decltred between Iex- leu and Guatemala nnd 1 > orlul1nl had been summoned to intel IIvrl I > untrue. . llSS JISrl'lCli U .1 , ' 'or lJ.llWU. lut I II i Said the Ix-N.hrn knn "II Leave fRttl for A'"s'ln ' ' SEA TLE , Wash " , March 21.-Special.- ( ) The investigation or harrison Dostwlck has en.ll . by the commIttee or attorneys , to whom was referred the atatter . finding that the charges ct falsifying a eonwllnt were not proven. This conclusion \3 bame4 on the testimony at the fIle clerk and the stenog- rpher In the ofce ot Wiey & Dostwlck , who each salt that the alterations had been made In the complaint before I was fed In court , but thal they hal \ neAlectNl to change the copies served on the parties defendant to correspond . The commllee oC the bar , on this showing Ilelnell to fasten the guilt oC the aCcusation on Boatwick although thsre was no satisfactory explanation uf the nt- tempted changes In the his pendens and the otflc. ltn notice fed for record In the auditor's ' lostwlek was attorney fcr the Stetson & Post Mill company In a smut against Mary F. Thompson and husband nn action on a mmiate rlalman's len to recover $330 for lumber fur- nlhed the Thompsons for a residence In Lln- denau addition . all when suit was com- mence1 he fell a len atl lbs pOndens on lot I , block 2. There were a number of In- lervencrs , and when the case came up beforetime the court the .lsco\'er ) ' was : : \Ic that the c0l1pllint dId not correspond with the copies served emi the parties defendant 'he (1e scripton had bezn changcd from "lot 1. block 2 , " 10 "block No.2. " As the bouse In realty stnnds upon a porton or lots 1. 15 and [ 16 , block 2 , the lien under the description - scrIpton first given was valueless. Whcn time announcement was made that the description had heemi changed , several or the attorneys recalled , a conyersaton with Ihost. wick In which they had told him of his error but he hind [ Insisted that the complaint was a' right. Yet nn examinaton or time papers I showe1 [ that the entire second page of the complaint hal , lem rewritten. In the orlgin'l the words "Iol 1 In" endEd a line , all the change was easily made by omitng them In copying the page. But the attorney appears 11e atorc In int'o m""rolnl hlmooff fnr In t th . "r.ln.1 ! imle i " 'lp ; : II : -.h ; ; ; ' - , il - ' 'I " ' names m of . Parties In capials , while In the altered complaint - plaint the names are In lower case. During the Invstgatcn by the commlte : some tsti- loony was offered tendIng to prove that Bost- wick went Into the aUI ' tor's olce and at- temiliel to change the len notice and lie penlens [ also , bUt was dlscoverel by one of the deputes , who hall a sharp converaton wih him. 'hen the question came up In the superior court Judge Iangley referred the matter to Orange Jacobs president of the Seattle Bar association , 'who In turn appointed John Arthur , George lyle Preston and Alfred I Bate a commllee to Invstgate , This com- immittee . after numerous Esslons extending labor over tim past ten days , has just finished its A Ihough Bostwick nominally has the deci- Sian It Is unlerstod he Intends to leave for I Alaska by the next steamer , and malte a new start In the gold-bearing territory under the frozen pole. . .J.U'IX lJUES JiTIh'tXT l'BICE. , \'llce of the People I Stl Loud tl Con _ tnul ( tin % 'ar. I YOKOHAMA , March 21-I Is expected the negotiations for peace between China and Japan will not be successful. The army Is time domInant power In Japan , and the mmmiii- tary , men are bent on continuing the cam- paign Fresh troops are being hurried Cor- wanl. In the House oC nepresetatves no- tco has been given of a melon declaring that the time for peace negotiations has not arrived. hONG HONG March 21.-Time Japanese feet has blocked Tamsul , a treaty port or China on the norlhwestern coast at the Island oC I ormosa. No rlNG IIL4tttIJ UJ' TJI IHENE YET Identity of the Schooner Sunk by the ! pnn- lards Stilt In Ioubt TAMPA Fla. , March 21.-The fate of the schooner Irene , which was reported as having been dlsmasted and sunk by the Infanta Isabel Is still shrouded In mystery. I Is stated that the Irene has for some time been tme under suspicion and that time officials or the United States and Spain have been watching 1ler. Time last heard or her she was In the vicinity oC Boca Grande. 1in Clara Acosta has arrIved tram 1atan- zas , Cmiba She reports that tim civil guard and about eighty Cuban cItizens met In con- filet there on tim night of the 13th Inst. , and thaI tie latter were forced to beat a hasty rotreal. One Cuban was wounded. I Is rumored there that nlC blacks are conspIring to rise ugalnst the whites. Cubans claIm that this report Is being circulated by l'ne Spaniards In tha hope of dividing the Cuban Corces. On the 6th Matanzas was patrolled by Iho Spaniards and cannons were wheeled [ Into place In front or the Jai , where a double guard was stationed. , These precautions alarmed time Inhabiants , Negroes who chance to bo out late lt night there arc hall'd by the police arid 6110t on the slightest pretext. 'l'hmo Spaniards who have served their tlmo In the mIlitia ore being recalled Into service from al parts or the island . , Latest estimates are that In the vicinity of Guantanamo there are fully 0,000 Insur- , , gents. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ StdtIN tilts SENT NO ANI AS YJn % 'muIthimg for Replies from Cutl' Irnrdln ! I ho l'lrlnl on the . \lhlca. MADIUD , March 21.-The under secretory ot the foreign ofllce , Senor Viilaurrumtl , In In interview today , fall that no reply hal been given to the Unle1 Stales minister , : Ir. Taylor , regarding llO question ot the firing UIOI the Amel'lcan steamer Allanea , pend. lug the reeehlt oC officIal news trom CUb.1 , trom time governor gentral at that Island , Co 11ja , and tram the conllanler or the Spanish war shIp concerned , prrsumably the Condo de Veimandito . Senor Vtllurrul said he considered the language oC the American press on the subject exaggerated anti thought the commlnler [ or the Spanish war ship incapable . capable of acting rsh ! . In time opinIon of the unler secretary Iho Allanca was un- doubtely chalenged In Cuban waters and Ilould have 11ald heed to time signal at the war shill ) instead ot rnnning away In a suspicious - piciousanner. . In conclusion Senor VII- laurrnl recalled time fact that contraband of war Crom AUlerlca had been anlppld to Cuba ' I dmmrlmmg former rebllione. lie also remarlted timid lie believed [ the matcr wouli bo Iml- cubly settled . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l'I.ISI VI' 1'111' ( Il" OUft\UI : : . " cirit Stories frum Arl0111 Coimiirmmmeui . mu l'mrkliim Soltiler . LONDON , larch 21.-The correspondent In Armenia oC the Daily News lends to that po per a slory toM by a 'uIIlsh soldier wlo took part In the Sabfoln outrages , und who has sInce quitted the arl ) and fled across the Hnulan border . Ills story confrms the worst I1COUUt5 at the Outrages ' 'hl Turk ! 50)'S that two Inlnen80 Ireleh s were lug and the soldier leers told off into parties to butcher the imiimatmitants. For a Ind one party or another : was marched at nightal 10 time tnnches , Ihere the sellers were ordered . 10 ba'onet und hutcher batches of unarmeI , hrlpllh Artmieimtaime In an editorial comment on the foregoing dl&IJlteh , the DaIly News says : "The ordinary - nary calculatous ot dllllolRey can have no ) Illaco In time deliberations of the powers In this crisis oC the ratr or Armenia " . \ .I.I.l'CAlltl U lI.11 11 > 1. . . Slnrllul1111101 uf me ilav.iii " t 1'1' ' I tn'crlhl c lil I 1"1111 , 0 I.V\NA , Cuba , March I.-La Lueha u. eerie tha time steamship Alliance , wien fret on by the Span"h cruiser Coude tie'ena. . dlto , hid Oi board the Cuban rebel general . Anlonto I.ce" . alHI his brother , Jose ard Ihat Ih. Idl.lelIhem at : ali ) ' lo le. The "Ieam"r 1\IOnlu Xlii. arrIved al Ouantln"11 ) 'elerd.y whim Live ballloni ot cdona IntU.ln' : , which were embarld at liar- TREASON TRIALS - ARE ENDED . Seward Will Bo n Ootenrarian When His Sentence is O mpotot1. . HAWAIIAN REVOLT - A TIlING OF hISTORY Last If thl , 'rlllPI ln\o had Scntenco I' lscd 11\1 'Flmniit-Mmujor Seuvard's l'IlcOIR 1\111'fal to no Slut nll 1010'Uelly , NEW YORK , larch 21-A special dls- patch to the World Cram 10noluiu says : Time recent rebellion Is now legally a thing at the past , for time jude amivocate or the military COl mIssion has announced that time govern- ment had mme more cases ot trcason to bring before that body Time lat lot of prisoners I sentenced were twenty-live ragged and pov- ert-strlcken natves who were given a brie trial oceupylng less than an hour's time . antI they were husted ) 0 ( to the penitentiary as one man. Twenty-three or these natives were sentenced to five years Imprisonment and two to six years eacll , No one Scens to know what action wi betaken taken In the case at the exquceimvlmo Is stl a prisoner la ono or the rooms or time Ilalaee. Time ex-queen contInues In good henlth. At the conclnslon or her trial for treason , whIch occupIed but three days , a number of well Imown Americans ali some ot the more 11rol1nent women oC 10noluiu culled twice upen Presldenl Dole to Inter- cede In her belmalf. Generous offers Were math to haye 'Ier released emi bond , bnt the gnl'ernment onclals refused to consider the Quutrn. : O"rr 300 political prisoners have been sentenced - tenced 10 tHms c hnprlsonment In the Ilenl- tenllar Ind fuly JOO othere have either been bammihhed , or released on parole. One thin , Is certain , lmowever there will be no capial executions. 1001 after the conylcted rebels wure sNltenced to death time 10noluiu news- lalHrs reprinted the declaration oC United States enators Whie , Teller , lorgal , blow- Icy , Cal a \1 others who were opposed to callial IJnl11lent. and It Is salll that tt was oIling to these statements that Presi- dent Dolr and h\ cabinet concluded It to bl bedt t change the dEath sentences to long terms or Imprisonment. Seward , the gray amid bent alI veteran of th9 Grand Army or the Hepublc , will bo a 11le ! more than 101 ' years 01\ \ when he has served out his sentence - tence , If lie lives until then. ThIs American prisoner , Seward , after having received \lls thlrty.fvo years sentence to the penitentiary i made a piteous all pathetc appeal to Presi- dent Iole On behalf of Major Seward and at hIs request JoaquIn Miller undertook to carry to PresIdent Dole a message asking for mercy. Jts substance was an entreaty by Major Seward to be taken out and shot rather than be kept In prIson. When this message was delivered to President Dole he was started not a lte , Ho Is a man oC ImposIng presence and courteous anti kind to a degree. After being told and retold that Seward Insisted upon being shot , time pre'dent made thIs filial statement : "I Ion't thlnl there Is a man In that 11rlson who was adjudged guilty of a political crime who wl have . . to . serve . - out _ u. his sentence . . I he does what eider Is best right. for \'e . " imave done wlat1'0 con- MONAnCmSTS CRY FOR ANNEXATION. WAShINGTON , March 21.-Lato advices received hero from Hawaii state that Charles HawaI D. Wilson , confidential advisor oC the ex- Queen , John Colbern one DC her cabinet at the tme she was deposed Antonio Hose , ex- attorney general under time king , and John Richardson , tormerly on the queen's stat- all or them prominent royalists-have taken part In forming an annexation cub among the Hawaiians. This Is regarded as a declaration among the chief royalists that the monarchy Is dead for all time. At a recent meotng In Honolulu these prominent royalists took part In forming a constitution and artIcles oC belief. These state : , , artcles 1. We believe that the republccan Corm of government has come to stay In these islands. " 2. Wo believe that every person shoull assist the government In the carrying outer or its policy oC political annexation or these islands to time United States. " The third artcl3 declares that the present Dab government secures liberty , security free speech and free press , restriction of Aslato emigraton and cable communication. Time constitution restricts members ot the consttuton new organization to natives or those having Hawaiian blood or foreigners who have married In Hawaii . ! There was no fresh developments today , concerning the demand for Mr. Thurston's I recali. All parties mnlntaln silence. The next step , It Is presumed , will be acton by hawaii on time request or Secretary Gresham. - - 1"UU'J ) TIE lllIISUNS a UITl' . lus"I11 : Goes for Ute In.l . the Wlf" for Twenty Yearm. BUFFALO , March 21.-Clarence Robinson has been round guilty of murder In time second degree and his wife , Sadie , of manslaughter for the killing oC Montgomery Gibbs. The verdict was rendcred hnmedlately upon the opening at court today , the twelve men havIng - Ing been out since 2 o'cloek yesterday after- noon. So Intense was the interest In the outcome that time city hal corridor were crowded long before time hOlr ot opening the conrt. Sumerilt's deputes struggled with time throng to keep them from burstIng In time court room doors I was with difficulty that a passage - sage was cleared for the entrance ot the haniculed 11rlsoners and the judge . When the jurors were In their places the Intense straining or atenton to hear theIr verdict made the court room as silent as a lamb. The jury was a8II [ : "Gemmtiemen , have you agreed upon a verdict ? " . Time venerable . foreman replied : "We have " " 110w do you find ? " ) fnll" "Clarence Hohlmon gui ) , or murder In the second degree ; Sadie Robinson , guilty or manslaughter. " , A mete fem a new trial was denied nod the court sentenced Robinson to life 1m- le mont and hIs wife , Sable , to twenty years at Auburn 1lIUU l ! U.JJ .t 11.1 fn UJ lHl I. lUX , I10w 011(1 the Situ In I UUlljH10n 1115e IUII . " "lk. SAN DIEGO , Cal , March 21.- robbery ' Is reported front nsenada , Lower California , by which Dorm Manual lUverol , the shipping anti cOlmlsslon merchant , and Godbe & Co. , bankers , are losers to the alount ot over $ l , OOO. A gold bar valued at about $13,000 was plueed In charge at time Hvcrol Ilenc ) Monday by the Ibrra Gold Mining cOlpany for bhlllent to this city . Other gold bars or Hmaler value were also In mverol's Ilos session awaItIng shipment to banks here 'f I C ) ' were placed , together wih the big bar 1rol the himarra I mines , In the safes at the once , which were blown open wlh dynamite some time last nlCht nail the contents to- immoveil Gndbe's bank ale lost $ 3.00. Time thieves are believed to vo In nsennda , but poues are scouring the country In that vicinity - I ) ' In tearch of timemmm A lberal reward Is offered for their appreimensioum l"hl U. . time . Jailer muimd 1"1uo,1 , 1'11",1 , , \V1CIII'FA , Kun . larch 21-A speclnl to the ' : from Woodward Old. itmgie 1'I\le , Olt. , tonight sI's that three Ilsllel men went Into the county jaiber'ai olco wlh rifles arid liii. crated all the 111 tone 111. 'l'hey larchel anl the rout a hiI mile over the prairie udJolnln lown , where they kept him ioimg nouRh for the ( prisoners 10 get awn ) ' be- fore thC alarm could be Ivcn. Among the not,1 , Ilrlsonrr" ralea et [ mire 'room Yo e" CU Ithr and Curiey Dennl" A ItOKse I' ' or"lullnl to scour the country :1lltIOrIIUI HaleH c of 111 Wie , POll'I'fAND , Ore . Mmtmchm 21.- lrl. F . \ . ( "urIc . wle cf the manaln editor uf the ! Orefonlan , died today or heart failure. Mrs , Carlo wus wel known In St Paul , where her imu1'mmnti ' was managing editor or time 1ionecr-1'ress for ) 'UT. JlJW .l Iuix.q.fLio.vjttj C.tfllEfl. - Ulnf l.thn\ny , Who Cumnltttl Suicide him lCslon. IIi a Itteml. BOSTON , March 21..Tbb Adams hous sulehle was thIs noon positively identified as Clara Hathaway b ) three women residents ot'thls city . but whose names are concealed , who called at the undertakerH rooms One or Ito ( women stated that she had met the .Ieall girl tWO years ago , mInd that she knew she was In love wIth "Dick" Laird , and she believed unrequited ( affection and financial belevet troubles cnusCI the sulcl4e. IITTSBUHO , larch 21-Timo IdenUfca- Lion or the woman who committed suicide at ton Adams house In Boston as Clara latha- way forms a new chapter In a scandal which first eamo to the surCace In this city on August 6 last In tIme e\'enlng or that date Clam Hathaway cale,1 at , the once of tIme wholesale shoe house or Lain & Hay anti hall a long conversation with itlelmarui Laird , one oC time partners. What passell between them ts not known , but 1"lr was seen 10 " push her Ihrugh the door When she trlell to force her way back again the police took her In charge. On time way to the police staten she placed to her mouth a immmnthkcr- chler saturatell with clmlorotornt but I was taken away rrom her before any harm was done. On time morning after hei arrest she prom- ISCI to leave town and was escorted to the hotel where sue had been stopping by an omcer . Upon reaehln her room she plaee1 a revolver to her brlasl and threalenel , to kill herseI I any OIUj approached her. 1 lnal . after luch persuasion , she was 11r- ) vlded wlh a ticket anti $20 by Ialrll , and took a train for Doston. nul upon arriving at Ihladelhla site took the first train back to Pittsburg. The Colowll& tiny she retained - tained on atorey anti entered sllt against I.alrt for the part he took In forcing her to lea\e : the city . afterwards entering a suit for breach of promise or marriage. A short time after time scandal came out time firm oC Lain & Hay was , dissolved and the Cormer left time city. - ) I ( ) 'PIVIWS AU J'LE.ml ) NOT OU1LT1' ! 'en of time Eleven JIII.t"ll New York I'nilcmmieim . \ 11' ' ' II Court . NEW YORK , Irch 21.-Tea oC the eeyen Indicted pollo officials apllarcd before Jus- tce Ingrham In the court of o'er and ter- miner today and pleaded not guilty to the Indictments - dictments returet against them on Tuesday The absEntee was ex- " 'ardl an James Burns , who Is said to be out oC thd city . I Is said that time defense , will bo prepared by Colonel E. C. James , who will have time assistance of Trace , Dcar\man [ \ & Piatt . A. J. Ellus , Emanuel M. Frleld and Louis J. Grant. Some police rleords which lmavc been miss- Ing Cram the files ot'the deplrlment for over twelve years were returned In , a most unex- peeLed way to Chief Clapp today. They are a portion or time record which was wanted by the Lexow committee and 'hlch that eommlt- tee rtprlmanded the department for not havIng - Ing on file. ' The records were round a few days ago In the safe oC , the Metropolitan hotel , on Broad- way when everythIng In the place was sold at auction. With the restorell records came a letter from Horace Russell , who was the at. torey for the board or pflce at the time of the HoesPvll Investaton , In 1883. who explains thattJe ; papers ' having boon used at Ihat time appear to have been put In the hotel safe where tjiey were forgotten until the s3le. Lawyer Friend said ! the proceedings were over Unit urer never Intended to raise any -Ilemurer. "We . do not intend . , ' . he said , "to delay the'rful In nay way.oT rise any demurrer _ We Ir qulto'wiing to meet tin'missue. he p1eadlng not guilty today however , does . .not lebar us from malting n moton to quash the Indictments when thl trial Is cahied . " Colonel Fellows wiil camii ct time trials In II rson. He will be wi concllct ux.Surl'ogto Rollins and Austin G. I"ox. Assistant District - trict Attorney Lindsay was also called In to assist Colonel , , Felows ! Tim ( 'nml.b.1 UI ) for Coitempt. NEW YORK March 2i.-'Judge 11eAdams has issued an order Ieturnable at 2 o'clock tomorrow , calling on dx.Congressman Tlm- otimy J. Campbell to show whY he shoul not bo punished for contempt of court for steltements made \y him at the hearing of his contest agulnst He\r ' C. Miner for the representation of the , Eighth congres- sional diStrict. Campbell alleged that John Sbmipson , the republican candidate wag replaced on the list of candidates by the mandamus of a 'famman Judge ( lcAdams ) and ( lreeted to Tnmmany Ilolce commissioner - donors. 'fhc district a\torney's \ dice Wii / notified to have a represent"t\"e present In notfed [ McAtlnmim' court tomorrow , when 1r , Camnpbehl has been ordered to appear and show cause why he shou\l not iii punished for contempt for /ublshlng a " ( also and grossly inaccurate / stutem nt" concerning the Judge. The representative Is wanted to look Into the crIminal end or the matter . Ir there be any. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 'tblIek' Ien ' tick tn 11m. DOVER , Del" , March 21.Therc was an- other sensation at the Bltte house today when the two branches ! f the legislature met In joint sessIon to ballot fer a United States Bonator to BucceCl ; Higgins All of the democrats deserted Chancellor Walcott , the caucus nominee , andlYeast their VOleB ( or. gdward Hdgely of Dover. When the last ballot WUt taken ) 'esterday six of Ilg- gins' supporters , who hud. temporarily deserted - serted his cause for H. O . Jiradortl returned - turned to their first choice , and the ox- Benator receIved seven votes nt the close. 'foday there were two ballots . amid , Mr. Ilig- gins was only givemi one vote , u m new man , Benjamin Fields of Wilmington . receiving seven of the rrlmhlcn votes AlhllclB' lilies remained unhroltel , hIs orlglnul sup- porters slcllnl to hIm. The III 'I'IS erowllrd , and the Injellon of new nameK Into the light proVdei 'much food for gossIp - sIp and speculatIon. Nut : U"nnln I 'i I' nn the l'ohIco ll I , .I.TA1Y , N. Y. . Ilar'h 21.-A numher of republcan . senators huve nnnounced today < thnt they will not he bpund hy the caucus nction or Inlt nIght upon the New York acton ' "n .nnI7ntnn * hiL 'rhlN hiL which ) his t11c1onermtt1icalchiRflgemSsiflCiiItWfts i : " ' - " ' ' - , I Ii- trollucell by Mr. I.exow , nOW provides for the rcorgmmnization of the department by time present Ilolce commllsloners , threp or ' whosu four 1mleIR' holdovcrs from revlols ndnilnistimutlotmt' , anl , Iccordln to ) ' , the mem- otme conctrtmctlon If ( t pI'oylslons - lne hers or the hoarl eOlld mat he removed , I ii Mayor Strong aCer the _ C\ went Into elec hr Stink UI ' .x"on UI " IJwlrch I'r. plrt" . SALT JAIG : . Utah. , , Mar h 21.-Ylr ) lt- tIe rogresK was mmudti.tut1my ' In the const- tltonal convelitiomi . The commitee oC the whole took up secton 4 of , he I preamble mind declaraton or rlfhtl lefltlDI 10 tlxlton oC church property , ete . p14 after a lon , ; ticimato the whole sectipn - was Ilhl on the tmtimlt' . 'fho leeton l'eCerh / f ' (0 the susllen- slon oC ( imp hlbea ! corlul'pn'cllalec can- slde1hle discumemilon. \Vheh ' time eonvlnUon adjo\'ne,1 , section 10 , teftrlng to trial by jury , wal being thiscusmtL1 , _ ( irimnied lloIo ' 4 ; ; v Trill , Irnnlod 101n , r " BOSTON , March 2I.-In time United States cl'cllt court today Juiige'i'utnani granted / time muotlomi of the 1Ialnut for a new trial In time iiimtl ClS0 oC 11' . Jlen II Gougar of Iufaotl In < . rignivi4t.Conn'mmman 1 ljah ) Morse or limIts . state , , TlrpnSlrmimiirrl iiriIime , 'lhrpo ! 1fHI.r 1AI.1101 . March , :1-Thrce large ocean steamers are now overlle at this port. They are the JntRule : and Ient- more which have been out twenty days frol 1lvcr" ai , and tU 111k IteUlrhll1 ( ruin Hoterdal , 1.1 CUI11ne , over three weeks at tea , 'fhe trip ' should not hay aI- ceventen oeIghteen daym4. It cllei over levente orelfhteen , Ilart I I Ihoulht the vessels have ' hiten delayed Iy stormy weuther. . ( ii'iimitrl "rm' " . bit to 'Allku I r.n iii ST. LOUIS , larch 21.-'l'ime receivers of the St 1,011s & San Francisco toda petitioned - toned Judge Cahdwehl or time United Stales circuit court of uIlell1 fO.the authority to ad"ance , hy time way of u Joan , one.hulC ot $2GIt 6 , ( ha the Atlantic & Paelu l fIIII' malH comptilmy . This loan Wil 10 ho fh'el on account of ) roiling stoCk . Judge Caldwel grunted the remueEt. II II''HI lmll fll" I'rr M.le II nl rnulr , ST. IOPIS , March 21.-The heaviest Hale or grain In volume ever made In this r/ar- ket was con lmmate today . I was mode ' ' time I'nited Ie\'ator ' t time E. \ ) l'nled ; \ c J1pn ) J U. Whie Grain cOII'an ) ' , and coil ' 'c I Cf JO.o bushels at No 2 cirmi . 'he Ihllnt Is to be made between nou' and Ap.1 [ and goes by rail to the Atlantic seeb.arii. TOO nOT FOR I TiE FIRE IN Large Implement Warehouse and Linseed on Mills at Sioux City Burned , LOSS Will \ REACH OVER HALF \ A MRLIN .hl .bk.11 lt Url'nrhlcnt In Other Tlnll I , IJlt lhi'qumeat Wil 8Ih\e11Irll ) " Clltr - iuimuimiicii-Timo 1"110111 hun , \ OlO to Fight , SIOUX CITY , Iarch 21.-One of the most . serious fires In the history ot Sioux City completely destroyed the wareholse or the Western Transfer company today , logether wih its coimtents entailng a loss or moro than $300,000. The high wlll1111ch was blowing cOlllnlcattl this lire to time linseed oil mi across time street all It was par- taly destroyed amid the greater part of its contents consumed . total , malelng a loss oC $500,000. ' Time wind , which had been from the soulliemist . now change1 [ and Increased In velocity , blowing for a time directly rrom time cast. ThIs communlcatOI time fames to tht two big lanlls oll'ne1 by tIme linseed oil mis and the platorm on which ' they , rested began to burn. Thousands of people had con- gregalct by this timmm . amI when they saw the tanls on lra there was a wild stammmpNle . I The storage building was an Immcnse structure , 500x50 feet , Including the brIck storage annex. The mnln part of the elev- tar wasve stories hIgh and had I capacity oC 150,000 hushels. OIL CAKE AND OIL BLA'/E. In the bins at the ( hue were store 100,000 bushels of flaxseed an1 [ on the lower floor several thousand tons of linseed oil cake was ready for the market. In the annex the oil was In hnge tanks. haYing an estmated capacity ot 120.000 gal- Ions. When It was Illaln that nothlnA cou1 , bo done toward saving the Implement warc- house the fremen turnel their attention to saving the oil ml storage house. Mayor Fletcher telegraphed to Lemars and MIs- court Valley for the fro departments lu those towns , anti [ thlY were soon ready to respond but when It was Cound that the fire could bo controlled messages were sent to hold them back The bulling of the Western Transfer company - pany was a mammoth structure , six stories Imigim covered with corrugated Iron. The Iron aided the fame ' , as It kept water from rcach- log tIme woodwork The huge four-story anl basement warehouse , 100xl , was fled from top to botom with ( aria Implements end machInery - chInery , "alued at about $200,000. This machinery - chinery was owned by about twenty Imple ment comllanlcs In different parts oC the United Stalls , The list oC these companies Is l as follows : LIST OF TiE LOSERS. Rock Island Plow comllany , Rock Island , Iii. : Nebraska Moline Plow company , Omaha , Neb" ; Sandwich Manufacturing company , Sandwich , ill. ; Walter S. Wood Harvester company , St. Paul , limo : J. F. Seiberlng & ! ; o" . , Akron , 0. : Aulman & aYlo , Machinery company , Mansfield , 0. : Advance Thresher compan , Battle Creek , Micim : Kingman & Co" , Omaha , Neb. : Norwegian Plow company , Dubuque , Ia. ; Chambers , Bering & Quinlan company , Decatur , Ill. ; F. D. Tate & Co. , Decatur Ill . : Hurst , Dunn & Co. , Peoria , Ill. : nocltrord ManufacturIng company , noclt- lord , Ill , : Oliver Chilled Plow works , South Bend , Ind. ; Sterling ManufacturIng company , Sterling , Ill. ; Stoddard Manufacturing company - pany , Day tn , 0 ; James Selby & Co. . Peoria , ' Ill. ; Selby , Starr & Co. , PeorIa , Ill. ; Acme Harvester company , Pe.lln , bIb . TIme contents oC time burned warehouse carried Insurance aggregating $31,750 , In the rolowlng companies : Insurance Company of North Amer- . Icu . . . . . . . . . . ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3C50 Liverpool , London and Globe. . . . . . . . 4.00 Hoyal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 Commercial Union . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0 Phoenix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,500 Norwich Union . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,0 , Trailers' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . G Ilnl ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Pimilamleplimia , Ummderwrlters . . . . . . . . tO Phlaleplhla Underwriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Time warehouse itself was protected by $30- 000 Inmraneo In the Liverpool , London & Gobo company. Insurneo on the oil 'ummiii cannot bo ascertained , as time Natonal I.ln- seed Oil company haJles time insurance on al its plants. Time Franklin and PennsylvanIa 1 companies each carried $3,000 and the ComI I merclal Union $6,000 al seed In the elevator ' ' ' 00 value at the contents or the elevator at time market price would maleo time loss $200,000. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' 'IIUm JUSIS 10USW ' , : nUHNlm , - I Sorlll Fire at tafmmyotto , Aln. . for Which I 10 Cause Cii ito ' \RIJned , LAFAYETTE , Ala , March 21.-At an early hour this morning the east sIde of time public squire was dlscoYered to b on fire . Scheuder Bros' . dry gods store was burning. 'he alarm was given and time fire company wen I to work , hut al efforts proved futile till the business houses or Webb & Farrell , Schuesler liros and n. V , ' . Allen & Co. were completely destroyed . Webb & Farrell lost eli their goads , wih but $1,000 Insurance. Schuesler Bros lost nil their dry goods , but saved a part or their ( fteck. There was an Insurance on the build. Ings and goods amount'ng to $12,000. n. W Allen & Co. saved nearly oil their goods . Insurance ammd their building Is They had no aul buiding a total Ion. The origin of the fire Is ummktmown . IUIN11 IIASTINi"i' , 110 UIIS' ( JJ ] " Fire CUlsn a 1.ln If Forty FIve ' 'hlunll Uollll him 11 iluitir , HASTINGS , Mareh 21.-SpeclahTelegram. ( ) -Tho fine three-story &team grIst mi or Humphrey & dgerton was destroyed by fro this afternoon . I appears the fro started on the first floor whie the hands were al at dinner. Time cause oC the fire Is unknoln , but the supposition Is that I was spontaneous commibustion. TIme fire company arrived at the scene prompl ) but the fro hall too big a start. A fierce southeast wind was blowing at the tlne 0111 carrIed large pIeces or hurn- log tmber over four blocles , which caused several otimcr buildings to catch , but timey were soou extingulslmeih Time fremen sa \1 [ several adjacent imuiidlngc [ . 'ho total loss to Humphrey & de'rton I Is about $ i5,000 t : In- Burlnee $15,000. l Ahllnn % "rOWI lily : t "rchoJa OPEI.liCA ' , Ala. , March 21.-A telegram was received lucre at ' 10 o'clock this moring that the whole town ot Lafayette , I.a. , was that burnIng aut aakell for Imeip . Mayor 1)augim- erly soon had the fire dpartment called out and got ready 10 leave for the scene , but before arrangements couli bo comillete for a ' special train Informuton was recalved < 1 that thE fire was under control The whole bUll. ness portion or time town Is under lood 10 10 dstrO'ed. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Cottmi'i 11. 11 ( , ' " Ult II Sum Iko NEW ORLEANS , March 21.-A fire In yards Nos. 1 and 2 of time International Cot- Ion Press at Gallnio and South Peter trets , which broke out at 3 o'clock this morning , was not extinguished unt JO:30 : this noon burnIng between 16.000 and 20,000 bale ot cotton , Time loss will probably exceed $250- 000 , all covered by In8urauce , .U'I'UlST1.1 1:0.1. " .IS IfECIl P'Elt. " ' 11 Take UhRr/1 of time Oregemi "hltt ltno % , , I h .hll/ " Sit ii bunmi'4 ( 'ulRnnt , POITI.UI OrE . larch 21.-t became known today that Judge Glhert of the UrlCI States circuIt court bas appointed John M. Egimi I receiver or the Oregon Short Line nl11 Uah Northern railway subject to the imp- 11ro\'al or JUlg Sanbr or the district of \'yomoing . \omlnl. 'fho order appoInting time receiver Is to take effect only upon time emitry In the district W'omlng ot an order directing the Union Pacific reNl\rs no\ In chnrRe to tralsfer tIme propert to Egamm . who Is appoilted receiver at the Short 1lne. Three hills were hrought by time Amerlcal I Loamm R11 Trust eompan ) In time proceedings In the limited States court here , One was an Inten'enlnj Ilrtton In the Ames stilt , which was by mutual consent shelved 11 the hearll ! Another was an intervening leti- ton t In the t Dion stilt . an < Judges Olhert I anl , lellnRer hamlet dOlI n their opinion yesterday . The other was the suit In which Egan I was appointemi [ The apllolntment was n great surlrlse , folowing so closely upon the ollinion at yesterday . which was con "lctl adverse to the American 1.11 nmmd Trust com- . anl 11al ) ' , I dhl not beome gencrl ) ' Itoll'n unt today that such an order hind been mmmnde. Mr. Egan Is wl1 known among railroad men , havIng t natonal rCl1taton throuh his posiion or chairman of the General Mminmigors' assoclnton lurlng lImo great strIke last summer. Ills bond Is l1e1 [ itt $20,000. Judge [ Gilbert says : "The 111pointment oC Mr. Egimmi ns receiver of the Short Line Is not Intende.l . to blnl time court W'omlng , but It Is merely advisor . In case time matter comes up In tIme W'omln" court nail Jlulge Sanbor sees lit to take the slmo acton lS this court time receiver will be renly to take charge of the tooth . " 1. Last Decemb2r the American I.oan anl Trust compnny hrought stilt In the Unltet States circuit court for time foreclosum or their o\n mortgagl on time Oregon Short LIne ammO Utah Northern Inl , the allpolntment or a separate receiver , oIl It was In this suit thnt Judge Gilbert allllolutell Mr. ggan receiver. Egmimm's alll1lntment will not stand unless the W'omln court , Ieciles to appoint hIm after the clse has been tried there. BOSTON , 1IIreh 21.-Owing to the con- fctn ! renorts oC the lecslon renlered by JIHlgo- ' Gilbert at Portal\l , are. , yesterday , In the alllcaton ) of the Amerlcnn 1.an anti Trust compan , for time apl0lntmcnt or a i new reeelnr for the Oregon Short 1lno and Utah Nortimern Railway coummpany , time Ummion l'aqlfic officials in this city wired for time correct version of thus ulecisiomi thus evening. Secretary Alexander Miller of time receivers said in regard to time tlecisiomi : "This order does mmot iii any nmanmier chmauigo time commiltion createul by time dismissal of time lietitiomm for a separate receiver , as tIme whole questioum will lmow go tmefore Jumthge Saumbormm on mmpplicatlomm iii time W'youmilmmg district. Coumumsel for time Ammierican Loan amid 'Trust compaumy will nmove for a hearing In time \\'yornlmmg cifmrt amid umoticevihl be served on time counsel for the otlmer imarties. It seemmms to be time opinion lit Union Pacific circles that time ex-parte order obtained lum Portland will be favorable to time receivers. - III'L1c.1Jo .51101' 111' TIII0 OPPJC1IES , Ttioumia Itlmuumck Rhilcih A fter % omimmdIng ( immo ( , t Ills Pursuers , SEATTL1 , Wash. , March 2l.-Thmomas 1iinncl , tue doi'perndo , was mihmot amid killed by deptmty shcriiTs near Kemmt. Time battle was aims of time most desperate imaginable and vmts fought out with only ten feet separating time foes. ThIs afternoon word caine to Kent that Ilianek was Penmmed in hOar Oriliya. Bob Crow , . mmmi Joimmm Shepicim , who carried riflem' , started up tIme Nortimern Pacific railroad trnck , IVhmen tlmey were about a mile liortim titey saw a man coining townrti them down time traclc. They imnAl no idea when they saw time nian up- proaclming that tIme ) ' were going to meet the ( lespem'ntio. and got within temm feet of imimn before time remmi ( longer ( leveloled itself. 'I'he stranger valked niommg vltimout uiutyimmg a vend nnti Ihuiably Crow and Slmepichm called to imim : "Tlmrow tip youmr immtmmds. " The man , witlmout fumrtimer delay , drew a live- milmooter ( mmii hIs pocket mmmd opened lire. Timemi time men with thmo rUie counnmemicemi pumping bullets imito their antagonist. It was a regular fusilade , and not ummtii time decpermmtlo imad emptied his revolver at' all its idiots , wounding Slmeptcbm anml being boreti through mind through , ivns the battle .wer anti time tlespet'ado lay oIl tIme track lifmiess. Shmelmicim and Crow imad kIlled time Jesse , Jaunes of the umor timvcst , Thomas Jiiammchc , alias Framik llamilton. ULdIM 2'JII1' KEJ'TALL T1IIJCICII ORE. Mtumhumg Compuimy Cuuo H time dtrrot of Two 2Llmmors aim thou Chuuirgo of 't'imoft , COLORAIO SPRINGS , i'tarcim 21.-Solon McCbomikey and Tremimont McCioskey , at'- resteul at Cripple Creek emi time cimarge of steniimmg ore fronm time Utmion Gold Mimiimmg comupany , were brought to this cIty and released - leased , after furumlsimimmg $5,000 bail eacim , TIme comuplaint alleges that symiternatio steal- tug wnme carried emi for about one year , anti aggregates a miumim of betwecum $50,000 and $100,000. Time McCioskey brothers hind mu lemtmmc on time main workings of time 1'tc's l'ak lode , whicim they secured fmoun time Ummion compammy. Sonic time ago time royalty on ore fromn time lease tiu'oppeul to a very low ligum'i' . 'rime company began aim investiga- tioii , wimicim emmtied ill time arrest of time broth. ers. It ii claimed timat their unetimoti was to chip off gold-bearing reek from tile qtmam'tz timey unimmed amid mmumbject it to a iroccss of timeir own 1mm order to get ( lie gold otut of it. Thu. urn they imad suimjected to timia test was timen , it ii ; cimmurged , nuixcd with common rock oii time dUlmil ) mtimd shipped to time snmelt- em's. Coumsequentiy time smelter retuirmmmi were mmot huif of wimmut timey would imave been immul not time gremiter part of time gold becim out out of time quam'tz , tile retorts timtmmi secured ielumg kept by time mnlmmermi , wimu diii umot have to share in time prollts. TJtIThT .dCCU.'ilW 01" JIOJ.Df.\J OUT. t'culiatlomlmuI cimmirges : ComicermmImi tlio Ium- vrymmlmco FlIt ml by m ho VhuIsluy 'L'nimt , INDIANAI'OLIS , Mmtrcim 21-Louis Ew- , , , , , at TiIn , , n , . nil , wnll tnin. , tit , nOr , uensationnl developments In time WhIsky tmummt roceiverm'imlp t'ace many be expected 50011. Itelmitivo to tue deed lmoing 111cm. ! in time vam'lotis couilitleum t ) ' order of time Utmited Shmutes court , i.aw'er Emvbnnka saitl : "fills dccii now imi time bmmmhdmi of tile mecormier of Iearboin county tucluually conveys less than omii'.fltit at' time real estate beiongiumg to time trust , mmd mmoume of time imersonal estate. Time descriptions nrc prllmteii imm cmmmail , close set typo maid cover i'levetm large vance , mmmiii lime 'hmruses whilcim declare coimtlmmutl on'mmem'mmhmip of time iiercommui estate mmliii of so mmmuchm of time remml estut are introduced about limo immiuidh' of time pmmge , In aIm tmnobtl'miclv mmtumumt'r , Of Coors ? time notion of the olhicerim Iii mmslmmg mu p rimmtetl ( I escmi ut limo of time lmroPt'rt y I II % vii helm these objectiomitublc' pilruses ume lounml , anti timereby falling to obey time nuder of time court , Immity imavo been emmtlm ely tmmmmocemmt , 01111 if so timey ivlli miuubtlesmi imaslcn to cxecmmtv' a new mleti , ietummhiy eonvc'yltmg time itroim- cr1) ' ivimicim It describes. " , lIi thy : om Imlmmg .tthioull I himi t'hiorliigo , CARSON , Nev. , Mumreim 21-It is inmpossl. ble to get tL direct stmutemmmcnt ( roam time mmiimlt offliuls or employee , vimo maly no lmmormmimm- Ilomi can be given omIt until time lumepector tinisimes ills Investigmutiomi , It is mciiored missmi'ers have bc'omm busy cimimimlg oft hilts of cevemai bore of iiuililon omm imaumd mummul testing timeni , but o'erytiiimlg Iii miii right so ( ui' . 'l'imo exuct tilnount of time u'bmortmigc' is now snld to be 3,100 oulmces of gold hiuhllolm at $20.50 imer 0(11105 ( tmmmd 1,000 ommumeemi of mmiivor Itt fl cm.'imtmi imor ounce , immalcing a total of $61,110. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lthIiiig I him , mug hteser olr , SANTA FE , N , hi. , lulmurcit 21.-Waler be. aum potmrlnm through time mmpiiiway of time bIg reservoir near hero today.Yomk limos heemi progresmmlmmg ( or two years , and mmow a lake Is forrmemI , hmmii ( a nub Iozmg , mu quarter of ii uniie wimle , amid seveluty ( vet dccii , 'I'imeuo is emmougim water liaising timrougtm the caumyomt to liii timis reservoir , wimicit uioume will hold mvuier enough to irrigate 6,000 aemes of s'aibey lands , % iovemmmommts of sO4gohtm S'rtIcIS , Cbmmrehm 91 , At Now York-Arrived--Cevic , ( rein Liver- pooiVerkendain ; , from 1tottendamn Majestic , from Liverpool ; Lalmum , from liremnen ; % 'iIe- imad , fronm liremnen , A t Uremerim ave n-A r rivemi-I Iavei , Uomn New York , via Southampton. At Naples-ArrIveci-Werra , from New York , At London-Arrived-Maistuclmusettu , from New York , DEATh LIST GRO\\TING \ \ Details of the Evanston Disaster Only Servo to McI to Its Horrors , AWFUL EXPLOSION fl4 A WYOMING MINE Many Slain Outright and Others IllIprisonoll in a Living Tomb , NO hOPE ThAT ANY WILL BE RSCUED D2bris Blocks tile Shaft anti Prdvauts till Attempts to $ ave Life , ( hUNDREDS ARE WIDOWD AND ORPHANEI llvartreiiuhlumg Semn's atm tIme Sumrfmico- Force of ( liii Expioslimmi iostro3'od Alt t hun 3imu'hihmicr3'-I.omig 1.ist ot time lemimi ) , DENVE1t , Cob. , March 21.-A special t time Nens ! roumm EvammstommVyo , , sal's : It is now kmmowmt tiat : mU least sixty memu are be- yoimti hue remueim of imummiamm imelp ; thmmut fifty- ammo vommmen ore vidoivmi is mihremitiy known tQlny wimo vere lmimpy wives yesterday , aima ' tlmttt froumm 200 to 300 little cimihmireut mum fatim- erless. Nimme of time sixty victimums of timi terrible accudeumt wore 'ouummg ammO tmimummnr- - rieti mmmcii , Scvemt ummeum were kilbeui outside at tIme ummutmtim of time lo1iC. Fiftecmi ecmirred aumI mmimmtilateti bodies Imavo imecit recovercmi ( rain time grtmesommme deimthme of time mmmimme , ammO twemmty- eight others ima\'o linus Imur defied nil ettort to re'aelm timemmi. W'itim time bodies of time seven mmmcii killed at time surface , time total recovered is twenty-two. Time work of recovery goes slowly on hccnumse of time immsecumrity of time mmmcii emmgnged lIt it. Time first party to g dowum laud to be rescumed , imaviuig been over- conic by tIme imoxiotms gmmscs aumti ( mummies of lmumrmit imumumiamm flesim amid time stelmcim of the siumgeti nmmui cimarreti ummumles timat were caught with time tmmmfortUmmate mimeit iii thIs cave of deatim , Time vioiemmco aimti coimscqmeumt % fatality of time expiosiomt sumrpass'cs belief. Out of sixty-one persons affected , fifty-eigimt were killed iii- clammIly , so doctors anti old umlumers say , Ommo , a boy , Jerry Crawford , died iii his father's arias whIle being carried bmouite , amid within a few minumtes muimotimer , Mr. Maitby , wimiio imavilmg 110 external brumhses , ammti being 100 feet frommi time ummoutim of limo immiuje , limmgercti about two imoumrs , antI Andrew Mason , time ommly per- soul viio 'cumrvivetl longer , is umow at tite point of tiemmtim , his skull lmavimmg been fractured by flyiumg pieces of timmmber. I LIST OF DEAD AND MISSING. EVANSTON , Wyo. , March 21.-Time total imumber ( lOW knowmm to have nerishmed in the mnimme disaster at Ilcd Canon yesterday cyon. , hug is sixty , of which Ilfty.one are nuarrto men amid nIne youmng men and boys. Up t timls hour tue bodice b ! time foliowiumg out of - total of llfty-tlmree ivito met thucir death ia time mine have been recovered amid turned . over to their relatives : - BREWER. JAMES BRUCE , otututitle boss. JAMES W. CLARK. EDWIN COX , time outside carpenter. V. JER1tY C1IAWFORI ) , a boy , JAMES GEIINICY , an Austrian. JAMES LIMB. 0. Il. MALTBY , foi'emimaul. ANDREW MASON , FIlE ! ) MORGAN. - NEEX. WiLLIAM SELLERS , Jr. , rope runner. ANGEL 1)EitMODI. WILLIAM G1LIEVES , a boy. ' fr f BAPTIST JUL.IAN. ' \v , BERT CLARK. DAVID LAURIE. \v. II. GIIIEVES. ThOMAS BOOTH. BENJAMIN COLES. ChARLES CLARK. GEORGE HIDES. SAMUEL HU'I'CIIINSON. ' JOhN LOCIc. . WILLIAM 2iiOltfllS. JOhN MORRiS. Ccx. Bruce , Clark , Sellers , jr. , auitl Gornk ? were killed in time power imoumse , wimibe Maitby , Crawford and Mason were injured amid dicil. * 50011 afterwards , tIme last timreo beingabotit time itower lmommae at time time of time exjmloiofl. 4 TIJOS1i STILT. IN TIlE MINE. The foliowiumg persoums are believed tb be still In time mimine soil no hope is cntertaIae timat any viil be recovered alive : WILLARD BROWN. .AARON BUTLER. JOHN CI1ITCI1LY , JOHN FEAI1N. .JO1IN FERRER. (1ROIWE llARIY , JOSEPh ! nlclii'roN , ThOMAS JAMES. WILLIAM LANODON. JOhN MAIt'FIN. , JO1IN MAI1TIN , jr , 10. SLOAN. W'ILLIAMVIIEDUL' . JOhN 1VEIG1IRII , hENRY BURTON. IIOLSTON. ul'.umtumi miAmuiJ I . lAVII ) LI.O\'D. W'Ii.LiAM SELLERS , ar , SAMUEL flA9'ES. 4 \\'AIJTER MIhLEII. IIbiNi'm' SCOTiLitEN. I AARON liU'l'T. \V1LL1AM G1IAILAM. Jr. , MAIIS1IALI4 LANG1)ON , lAVhi ) LOWOY , Jr. JAMES IItJ'rCiIINSON. GUS ICA7OhA. CIIAi1LES ICA'ZOLA. JOilN W1LIcES. \\'ILLIAM b'OlE , 11 . A. ii 'hh/i1tN , MATT JOiINION , buN LA I'AR. ISAAC JOhNSON. , JohN DEX'I'Ebt. MAT'L' SiUrA , JOhN LiiiiTi. \'Il.LlAM W'/uGS'l'AFIC. jour' : LESTIi1. SAMUEL CLAY , son of J. II , Clay , 'fimis leaves thmlrty-tlmree unrecovered bodI. iii time nmitme , 'i'imo timbering Is largely biowrs alIt amid tm m'alIa amid roof of time whole in- terlor are wrecked ammml ehmattereul 10 timat time volmmvmteer searcimimlg party of eIghteen now seoklumg time bodies of timeim' conmrmides are every mnommmetmt lii danger of beimmg buried , i coroner's jury line beemm emmiparmeled , wimichi views time remains as brougimtto time surface ammul they are timemi turned over to relatives. Time agommizltmg screaumle of widows antI cimlidremi aimoult time mumouthi of time maIne beggars doscrp- $ ( Ion , Time mmmuies timat were in time mine are Ito imimrnt timat timey t'lli have to be removesi on mmccotmnt of time odor before work caa imrcceed , Thin horror occurred at fi:45 : yesterday evening at No. 5 CentaI Pacific Imlilmo , Re % Canon , fire malice mmortim of Evammetoim , 'Vhs. exhmlosion in time tahoe simockeml time wimi. country around. wrecked the pam'er plant , a famm house atmul meveral ot'aor butidimige , entailIng - tailIng imeayy lose , but time death roll far over- simadows otimer considerations , Around time unlue WSB a great throng of' people anxiously Immqulring regarmilog friends kimown to be in time maine , anti all hope of ny of tiiemmt being alive i5 gone. No aims attU seeing time gimastly ipectaclo pl'esentotl by the Iwo bodies brought out of the slope could ) , mv5 hopes of any in the mIne beimmg alive. ! fImessu bodies were burned and blackened , with get- meats torn to sbreds1 making It almost Ira.