' ' " . ' ' . . . , . , , . . , . . ' fl' . . . * - . , .1 I , . . . " . ' THE OMAHA DAILY .BEE. . , . . . : ; . . . . . . ' 'i.- t t .i 1 , I ES'rAJ3J.JI&rED JUNE 17 , 1871. OMAIIA , r'IIUnSOAY MORN1G , MAtO1I 21 , 1895. SINGLE COPY FIVE CEN'l'S. .f. . SO1E SCHOONER WAS \ \ SUNK - Only Point on WhIch There Is Uncertainty is the Ship's Identity - RUMOR STEAMSIIIP lAS BEEN FIRED UFO Jcport thlt " "cRRcl ' 'I Sent to the not- , tom Off I'tirrto 1'llr. Cuba , hy R HIIUIRh Ulnholt IR Now Conlrm.I , TAMPA , Fin. , March 20.-The steamer Mas- - otto arrlvNl here last evening direct from nrwana and brought later reporls from the Beal of the revolution. CopIes of 1.3 I.ueha confirm the report of the sinking of the Bchooner by the Spanish gunboat : off Puerto I'allrE In the slme Issue there are reports of the departure of General Dc Jorge Carrleh and Colonel Santo Sidac , with their commands before Jhuanl , and . theIr attack on the Insur- gents al Los Negros , al which place a battle was fought. This confirms previous reports A letter received from Santiago stated , thai , thirty leading young men of thaI place had gone In the field under command of a prominent - nenl lawyer named Jomoyu. Letters assert that In Los Vias the Insurgents are rapidly gaining both strength all confidence. Organ. Izec bands are beginning to arise In different 'sectons of this district , and especially near Santo Syrite. For two days uncertain anti untraceable reports - . _ ports have reachell here regarding an American - f can stcamshIJ imeimmg fred on by I SpanIsh gunboat on the south coast of Florida. To- day's steamer brought news from Key Wesl which Is said to be authentic , claIming thai time steamer Irene of Key West hall been frcil upon anl IIsra te,1 , by the lufanta Isabel near Charlotte harbor after the steamer went ashore , where she lies above Soulh harbor. I Is grneraly believed that the authorities al Wadllugton have been notified. The Irene Is a coasting hooner of sixty tons , corn- manlled by Captain Garblles , ' and originally carried a crew of ehht. SPAIN HAS NOT APOLOmZED. MADRID , March 20.-m Coral denies em- ' phstcaly the truth of the report that the Spanish government has sent to the United States Its disapproval of time acton of the gunboat which I Is cldimeil fred on tile American steamer Aliiancn. WASINGTON , Mardi 20-Senator Frye was asked today what ht thonghl of the prospect of an amicable settlement of the Alanca Illrcnly with Spain mmmi , replied : "Unfortunately the late reports make It ap- pear to be very good. I looks as If Spain would ! make the required apolog and I EO , nil will soon be settled. I hall hoped It would S be otherwise and thai Spain would assume such a belligerent tone that tt would be necessary - sary for the United States to go over and take possession of Cuba.'e certainly ought 10 have thai island In order 10 round up our possessions as they should be , and If wo can- nol buy I I for one should like 10 have an opportunity 10 acquire I hy conquost. " Inasmuch as Mr. Frye Is a member of the senate committee on foreign relations , his ul- 3 teranc possess coniiiderable . slFnlfeanee , In- - dIcatng as they (10 the early revival of efforts to acquire Cuba . NEW YORK , March -Captaln Cross- man was seen by an Associate press reporter - .c porter today just heforo his steamer , the AI- lnnea , sailed for Colon , and was asked what ho bad 10 say regarding the statement that President Cleveland had expressed great dis- satisfaction with what were claimed to be glaring InconsIstencies In time chart and state- mont sulnnlted hy Captain Crossman. " " 'el " said he , "I don't care to erltclse time president of the United Stales , bnl I do thInk I. know my business. I have spout tbiry-stx \ years learning It and I think I am competent to prepare an accurate chart and descriptIon . of my ship's course 01 sea. I time president had requeste IUY appearance Washington to personally explain the mat- ter t thInk I could have satisfied him In lIve a'ThilmlmtOS . There Is nothing more 10 be said about the nmatter. " maler. . 110100 I"OX I. . . ' 1IWV DlO"'l 1. nero of I'IIY 'c"Iules : Loses Ills LIfe ' hlo Y"ehtll In 4tuqtrnhis. NEW YORK , March 20.-The Yachtsman , a London paper of the date of March 7 , con- tains an account of the capsizing of a yacht ' In time Swan river , Perth , \Vesl Australia , on March 4 , when several lives were lost. Among those reported to have been drowned was Edward Fox , a former New Yorker , known to his friends as "Modoc" I ox. Mr Pox earned the sobriquet of "Modoc" when acting as correspdndent of the New York herald In lie 1odoc war. After leaving I'4' newspaper work he became a promoter of tqiI various enterprises anll several years ago he m vent to . England making London his head- quarters. Mr. Fox became prominent a few years ago as a IIrrty to time Drayton-Dorrowo duel negotiations. lie was one of lalet Alsopp florrowo's seconds , and wih larry Vane 1Ulball [ , accompanlell Dorrowe 10 Paris where the question of a duel was submitted to the Due deory. . The Iluit decided thai Nr , Coleman Drayton ha.l placed hl1stt beyond - yond time 11Ie by Iccel.tUI monetlr ) con- sideratons after an alleged knowledge of lhe cause whIch 1111 up to hIs chnlenge of Dorrole , anll was therefore nol a gelteman deserving of recognition under the cole , SUbsequenty II wits reported that Dorrolo amid Fox fougll a duel In lelglum because 10rrole accused his former second of selling . Information concerning the Borrowe-Dru.ton affair to time newspapers. ' Fox was all 10 have received , u slghl ! woull In that encounter - counter , hut tile ( facts were never inmbiic'ly lUoln antI time lajorlty of IJeOllle 01 this side of the water doubted that a 11uel ( was C ever fought , Mr. Fox hall heen engaged II Ilnhll enterprises of late year amid was In Australia as the representative of an Englsh company , Borrole Is now connecled with the trolley railroad Ine In Newarl , N. J. The Dray tOi divorce suit I In the hands of aNew Now Jersey rrferee. . flruNs' ,11 : .ltE - wumTl.Wl 11.1. JrjlnnllJ of the Enmiof HID UOl'lock II time , l"h".lr. 1'11.1" t Irl. DOVEfl , ' Del. , ! larlh O.-There was much exclemelt when the first ballot was taken today and I was fOUll1 that Higgins' folio- wer with time exception of Represeimtattive Wilson , hall deserted and voted for Edward 0 , BraMol1 of Newcastle , ! one ) and Walker , IIglnl men. who were absuflt , were uialrd , On the first and second ballot lug- gums got 1 vote and Bralford G. On the third balot IIg118 gal I , Bracurll 1 and Iram U , lurtol of Suslx county 6. Fourth I ballot - lot , higgins. 1 i Burton , 6. FIfth balol , Ilg- , glnl , 7 The desertion was entirely uuex- pected. IepreBentath'e Moore , an Addlckl IH\erent , says thh Is the beglnnlug of time cud , Representative hall , anolwr . \dleks follower , can\ase1 the rellublcls In the houBa In Jbe Interest of larry A. Icharll- ! n of Donr. but without aUCCI. So far ehhly.sl ; ballots have been tll.en since the ' , delllt'l ( began . . O"f ; IHi IUI."IWU ; U : ' RW"IU . UUI".rt. I'hht with Two lol"er II ( 'I"I"rlull ( ll' i 'I uln"I , IDDESI0IO , Ky , . March 20.-Hchber attacked I'rank Bell , George Neo . and Ilb- boil In ( 'ulborllll Gap tlnm'l thll lornllf - Bell anll his c0l\anl0l1 were armed ald U I IJtl ( timSued Fifty shell wlr" exelmangei. Ono robber was Wounded , but eacIJed. Gb- sop Wo slightly 'loun\led. The 1luls\'lle & Nabmlls ) IIY ; ralm ; IHIUc\1 over . the road Nn.\)111 Jrlll toll ) ' , .111 i is : 'UlI1\1 " time robbers iere f . ' , 3ljilp . fur I. . . . . . . a Ii.tT1I OF ui.vin.tr AI.IJI fl.ttIftt7 ] l.ITl NIUtI . . 11IHC.IT Oraimt'u. 1llltlr , Secretary Rnl JIUurl.n i'MSNCS , Away tn New , Jruey RDOEWOOD , N , J" , March 20.-General laceau , who was on the staff of General Grant 08 military secretary and who after- warlls served as secretary of the AmerIcan legation In LOldon , Is dead ' , aged Gi years. Death was caused by apoplexy The gen- era was stricken at about I o'cick yesterday - day afternoon while talking wih his adopted son , George Consa. The two hall been together - gether about fifteen minutes when the gen- oral began to gasp and foil back Into the arms of Mr. Cora , dying In 1 few minute , . During the past six months the general has had to uldergo several operations to remove cataracts from hi eyes. lie hall resided wih George Cora alll Miss Chllau , his adopted < children , since last fail. The funeral wi probably take place on Friday from time church of our Lady of lount Carml. nshop Wigger will omclatl at the requiem mass. A < lam Ballenu was imrn In New York City Decem her 2. 1831. Ills e < lucaton WI ! re- relvel through Ilrl'nte instruction and , at a Instructon lJarlln school In Tarrtown , N y lIe vulunteerell In the military service of the tnlel ! States 11 16G2 alll was appolntell nude oil time stnt of Urlgaller Gelerl Thomas w. Sherman In thut capacity he served tn 1,011Rllna until MI ' 2 capact 1861 , when hens u'vorely wOUlllel , IlmoRt lt the same tune with hl commandln olcer , In lending nn a M:11Il : on till eonfellprte works at Port 1Ie on. In : 'dnrch IhGl , he was Illpolnlell mnhlitumy ' Gemmerni Grant with mllll' secretary to Glllral Grnt wih limo nmiimk UrAl of lieutenant colon mind uferwarll of colonel. On thts duty hl nccomllnle(1 the general In time \Vilderness nail Appomatox Camlll nR , 1111 rellined on his stat Int Marcim . ISr9 , whln he was re- tired from the army Ilth the fiI rank of captnln11 the hrev't rank oC brigadier gen- III of the United States arm ) ' . lie also received n similar brevet In the volunteer tervke , From : May to Dcpmber , 186 , he was secretary of the legation nt hommdcmn. . DurilISjO he was sent to Madrid n ! a bearer of government Ilsl1ntches. anl In 11IY returned to 1onlon lS consul gen- frl , retaining that Office unt September 1881. In 18jj 11,1 , ISTS he WIS given leave of ahsencI' by the State Iepartment to ucConi- 1)itmlYGeneral Grant on his tour remind the worll He WIS consul general nt 1avanl from 11w , 1882. Inll April , 16SI. and then reslgnell ( b"eause he was not permllell by the State department to Rlbstantlate ( 'lmmtmges of corruumtiomi. of which he acelsed its nllllnistrton , lie had been nIpointPd ) \llel States minister 10 Brussels in lS5 , all 10 COllelhagen In ISS1 . htmL declined hell amimoimmt muon tmm. He im its n tmlii ( cued "The \ 1 lhOll , " a collection of es\s : ( New York . 18' ) : " : ( ltal' 1Istorr of Ulysses S. Grnnt" 1 : volumes , 15Gj.81 ) ; 'Conspiracy : A Cuhan Hlmance" ( ISS ) : "Arlslocrac tn (8h Encland" (1SSG ( ) , and "Grammt II P < uce" /1 I r" \ , . . . . . . IVCIISS CH' LEuS 't' ER DI , \I Most leluttll " 'oummlmIm of the Illltel 1ln- dma nlCR It 1lenlole. JENTON , larch 20-The duchess of I.elnster , widow of the Ith duke of I.eln- ster , who , le' In IS93 al Carton , county Ihlare , Is dead. The duchrss was married to the dule of Lelnster , who was premier duke , marquis and earl of Ireland , In 1884. Sue was a daughter of the first earl of Fcverham and was reputed the most btaul- ful woman lu tIme Un led KIngdom. ltr son. the present duke or Lelnster , was born In 1887. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Dellh of I'rimca % % mstdeimmmr ; . BERLIN , 1Iarch ZO.-Prlnce 'aldemar , reignIng prince of I.lppe-Detmold , Is dead , aged 71. lIe leave no Issue. The wi 01 Prince \\'uldemar appoints Prince Acol 01 Schaumburg-Lippe toMe re- gent , penilng his succession to the throne. Prince Allolf Is the eldest son of his serene imIghness. the Prince SehaumLurg-Llpp . lIe was born l ebral'y 23 , 1883. Owner of : lolot :1rnroJor Iemmd. : SARATOGA , N. Y. , March 20.-Duncan McGl'egor , aged 87 , Is i den at Glen Fails. He formerly owned Mount McGregor , which was named after him and where ex- President Grant spent his last days. . M.UtE llUtWUUJS JCEEI'S . S7L1NT. Decilimes to Sty a Word About Her .pple - tel fur 1'111 8el.rl\on , SAN JOSE , Cat March 20.-iiss Marie Burroughs was seen at the Auditorium , where she appeared In the "Profligate , " and when asked 'about her divorce case said In quite a chiing manner thaI she and her husband , L F. Massen , were on time best of terms and If she had begun an acton I was their private business. Under cross-questionmng she finally admitted unwillingly that she had begun suit for divorce and on the grounds of Inl- doilty. She seemed very much surprIsed thai the news had transpired and acted as though she considered II I secret which belonged exclusIvely to her and which no one else would ever learn. "Has a reconciliation been effected between you and your iiusbapml ? " "I decline to state anything , " she said curt ) ' , " 1 don't want to be quoted. " Then she swept Into the dressing room. The application Cor a legal separation was ned In' the superior court In San Francisco last weel Miss Burroughs was then play- Ing In that city as leading lady In "The Profligate" and "Judaim. " The complaint bore the title of "LIhlie Lee llassen against LouIs Frederick Macson" and attracted no attention 01 the time. I simply charged neglect and Infllely , Massen has made no reilly ; und thlb has given rise to the rumor lhll they have agreed on a mutual seplra- tton. ' The statement thaI she and Massen are on the best of terms was apparently true so far lS external evidences went , for they were nol only on friendly terms about the theater but he frequented her Ilressing room and they occullyapartuenls together at the hotel Vendame. They are playing here nighty In the aame company Mare nurroughs . Is I . California girl. I ' II.\ DOW.V .1 1s.ZNJ , ) 01' IWIIUWS , Ciizens ' of nn 1.lnl' Town . ) "v. n loit limit Tlmo "lh tllhwI'lon. IIItIIMEN , Ind . , March 20.-A desperate encounter - counter with a gang of desperadoes ) resulted In the capture of six after a sharp flgimt. Jacob Miller , a faniler , was hel , ' up by a gung al Liteton , a village seven miles north of here on the Wabash road , and robbed of a large sum of money. lie traced the rob bets to this city , where r warranl was issued fur their arrest. In atemplng 10 make the arrest time outlaws opened fire on the olU- cers Shots were exchangel from both Ides. Ciizens wlh revolvers and shot guns came' ' tu the rescue of the olulcers , when the gang fired promiscuously Into the crowd and began retreatimmg. llarshal Kaurman during the fight clme near being shot down , a number of bullets Ianlng lhrough his hnt all clolh- Ing. After an hour's chase by 100 men six of the gung were captured anti landed In jail . The gang ; will be taken to South Bend for trial _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . ' .UI II 1.lS .lm J'JItI' j'LU'rU'cl. It Now Seoiim that .iii nf Iii lrloumde I NOy 8.01u Imt . \I IIR lally 111011" 1'\0 ' lime mi ' 1 $ UII'ollr , SAN FJ1ANCISC'O . , March O.-The legal contest over the hJOOO.OOO left b ) the late James O. Fair bas been a topic of general discussion hcre sInce time producton of the later alelcl will In the superior court yes- terday . I Is nol rumored that still another and later will Is In exlstenc The report Is tull ten dayi ; before his death Fair executed anothtr will and etmtrusted II .to the keeping of Mrs. Irsslo Paten , sister of limo wife of . Colonel Warleld , ProPrietor of the Calrol nla hotel . The late mllenlll and the Wlrlelh were rrlrm ! Mrs. Paxton has heft thu city for I.os , \lgeles : and the rumor cannot bo verified. \umon of other alleged ! wils were also heard aimfi II Is hinted thai II may be shuwn that the late millionaire had a manIa for enculllg last Wl3 and lestaments and enlrlfln thel to the keeping of hh lady Inc ails . . , Ulrell 'ourt " ' 11 Nnt HI1' " 'I'ysnl' , tll'I'R : , ' Ia\'h 20.-Time lulreme raurt thhi arerlucn refused a \\1 of hlbea t'npul for 1"1' ) ' ' 1'101 , whose ! sentence to Ii iummmmgcil II 1 ! Wil IUs\Onlt',1 becuu he imeraumie Insllu , but who \ lal 10llel Ie- muimml , " , ' ' . ' , lurell III 111 rcstimtemmct't Tyaon't nt I \ orll n tfolIIQWI er. that If n writ dice or CCEQ' IN ' II i .lvplt e. ( ror ,1 , tIP r cdell will nt TONS OF DYNAI1TE EXPLODE Ships Into Which it Was Doing Loaded Blown to Atoms Iown SIX PERSONS KNOWN TO BE KILLED how Mammy More 1.lves Were Lost "hy Never Ito " . .cerl"lnllI.gomOlnt of I'romrty Je . ' lrU'CII-Wlnllow. Irokcn Miles Awa ) ' . COLOGNE , March 20.-A terrible explosion of Ilynamie . took place In Salmouth , In the district of Dusseldorf. The cargo of the shIp Elizabeth , consistng of 2.000 kilos of d'na- mile , was being loaded when the explosion occurred , killIng a numb of people and do- lag a terrible amounl or damlge. The exact numher of people killed Is not yet krmowmm . Another vessel which was alongside the Elza- both cauEhl lire and was burned. The force of the explosion was felt for mies all was 01 first believed to have been time result of an earthq ake. Several houses collapsed al Keolten anti other villages , and windows were shatered wIthin n wide area. Al Cleaves , five mies from the scene of the explosIon - plosIon , doors were blown off and window frames were smashed. The bodies of five victims of time explosion have aleady : been recovered and six persons believed to have been killed are missing. The force of the explosion was so great that three vessels al Ioblh , the last Dutch village on the Rhine , were sunk. Two huncred and lwenly tons of the explosive were taken In six bOlts from Loblh to Salmouth last January enroute to Antwerp , whence I was to have been shipped to Australia. Owing 10 the Ice blockade In the river the dynamite was landed at Sal- mouth , where It las stored awaiting the reopening - opening of miavigation. In the meanthno time Elizabeth had been chartered to take the dynamite - namite forward and the cargo was being stored yesterday when hart of I exploded. The cause of time exploslol Is unhnown , \rlRt 'hit Clvn VI' time l'letnro. I'AltlS 1Inrch 20.-Time somewhat familiar caRe of Sir William Eden ngalnst James M. W'histler , the wel known artist , was decided - cided by thl COlrt hprl today n"nln,1 'hI &intj. n'n i ctl "li - , vaibroiigl t i-s r'l l : ' , Ham to compel Whistler to deliver a Imor- trail he had \alnted of Lad ' Eden am \101- \ pay H IIalage3 for delaying the delvery , The court comlanled llr , Whister to re- store the picture to Sir William I , a check for ( ItO , with 5 per cent Interesl , and pay 1,0 francs damages timid the costs or the action. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acton.Wil 10 No COI.or.lnn of thin I.oan : , BERLIN , March ZO.-nefore time budget commitee of the nelchstag today , Von Wegner-Posadowsky , replying 10 n queston regarding the Ieport < d conversion of the 4s I of the Imperial ' loan , said that so bug as the I government was not convinced that the present abundance of money was an Iml- cnton of n permanent economic condition the government would not resort to con- version. Iii no CaRl would the government be guided exclusively by fiscal reaRons. Not " 1 In [ ' 'VOl of imneimstlomm. ST. JOHNS , N. F. , March 20-The Anti- Federation league held a lllle meeting In British hal last night. Four tholsnnl - pIe were presenl. Mr. George Knowlng acted as cimmtlrmmtn Resolutions were adopt- 0(1 requesting I the government to refuse to , , nn,1 .lninnntna tn ? vn , enJn nr at.nrn made ; 1w ' leadIng ' ; " citizens l " against x i to the uomlnlon. IYl15 Irothors Commlttel for Trial. TORONTO , Ont. , March ZO.-The prelm- mary trial of the Hynms brothers closed this afternoon and resulted In both being committed for trial at the next court or competent Jurisdiction , which will be held In Aprli. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ oeret ' C II\leo to Dlsol's the Nonsvemrlnmms. STOCKHOLM . March 20-Jn compliance with the klng's message , the House of the Hlgsdad elected members of a committee which wi secretly discuss the Norwegian question. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ l'OOn P1tNTEl TO WED .iN JI11ItESS Captain . 1itmtior' Ullchter 10trothod to , John nohen of flotomi. BOSTON , March 20.-John Dohen , a printer of this city , Is soon 10 marry Miss Theresa Gertrude Butler , only daughter of Captain Howard G. Butler , time Philadelphia million- aire. The engagement hns been kept a secret , It Is said , 01 time desire of the young : woman's parents , who do not favor the malch. After an extended tour In Europe In pursuit of her studies , during which she received tile Ilentons of many titled butterflies , Miss Butler returned home. She Is a beautiful girl the Idol of her mother's heart and the prIde of her rich father , wllh lhree.quarters of a million In her own rIght Last August Miss Duter , wllh her parents , went to Newport , where lhey were the guests of Mrs. I3igelow. At about the same tme Mr. Bohen , with a party from Doston , went 10 Newport 10 attend a lance gIven In the Newport Bazaar. There he first mel Miss Butler. They mel often and time story goes that the girl's parents ordered Dohen to cease his attentions. The order was nol obeyed and secret meetIngs followed. In I this way a month was passed and then , Mr. nolen returing to Doston , they began to communIcate by letter , becomIng engaged about the middle of last January . Mr. and Irs. Butler protested , but their dlughter Insisted - sisted that alma loved young Dohen and that his poverty shoulc nol be a bar to their unlomm Then tim parents gave theIr consent and on Wammhmitmgton's birthday the couple met In New York and arranged for lhelr marriage. The wedding will lake place In the resIdence of the bride In Philadelphia . but there wi be no display. I Is planned thlt their honeymoon - moon will be spent In a New EnHlanc town und then time couple will go 10 Europe for a ' . 'ear. 'ear.Miss Butler Is 24 years old and lohel Is a rear her senior , The later has been I compositor on several Boston dailies. Cap- lain Butler Is said 10 be worth $2,000,000 and Is well known on Wall . treet. . "i , \TOn OIWIWE 111. " ] TO 1WSIGH. D"elnl& 10 n"colhler the Anl0nneOlolt lie l.d 1',10 , VICISnUnO , MI8s. , farch 20-In n letter received In this clt ' Senator , recel\d city , George le- dines to reconsider his decision to resign emi time Plea of 011 age , adding : "In doing this I overcome I natural desire 10 lake nn om- elatnri In emancipatng the \eo\le from the CO\lllol of disaster and distress Into which time folly , not to suy the wickedness , of our fnancIal legislation , following simiar Iclon In 1 U ( I nmaim' , a nil prcemiummg , miami induc- Inl similar uctioa In 'rance hus nlueel them . 'fhe ellncl\u lon Is""lre to comeai : COmBO time , but It cannot come before my suc.eSBur 118t be elected , und may not come to me \urlug the oUclal life which nmnlnl , ml r. I-mmm.i. II'clue < t 10 10 a CumUI"le , \ICJI1\ , Kmmmi , March 20.-Mrs. Mary Ehlemm Ltase today declnell the clndldac ) ' for mayor of WIchita . 'fhe citizens' con- vnton nOlhlte < l .t. 'r. Ilurweii. one 01 the wcalhlest mmiemi In the btate. To an Asso- eilted . l.re88 reporter 111 Lease said : " 1 felt highly honon'd , hut I 1m too busy on the Stale Hoar of Charities to give to the olce len'es ( f muor the attention which I do- , lul.chollcr In \ ( IU'OiIICII'\ I TOJ'1 iA III. , Murch 20.-Uovernor Ior- ri has dele,1 to investigate time charge u/llm.t State fenltor louseholder In his capacity f1 a Illbel' of time Stlte Boanl of lhnrlt ' . ( 'immmmges \ue sworn to und lhled I ) ' I'nt JcAllrewl . a Conner Iml.lo't' iId the Insnne as 'lnl. } , lcAnlJrews eharjes hn- \roller l'onJlct betwen Householcer mmd In- , . ' . unl 111.1 ot the am.ylum. - - l'xTr"8ur.r'4 . "hurl"c' ) liroko Ils Ilmiimk . IiOISr.z Idaho , March 20.- Word is l received - celnd here that the Commercial bank of Moscow closed Its doors today , Time prtsl- I dent If the Itank II 1. ( HatabaUgh \ ho ' was ( OUI ) ' ttlUlurer UII to January I. , lie owes the state U7L9 und the olcials have been vu hlnC him for u settlement. U.\T UF TIm IfWTJ1 ? . .LNIWTLI ) . - I Sew 011":1" 0111'\ Jut , l3zUphum ' ; 1 Long . ' . U'tofVrMMtme NEW OItLEANS , March 20.-Time grand lury came Into time crlmlna\ \ dIstrict court Ihls afternoon , and after the usual formaii- ties time foreman presented fifteen indictments - mentR , charging lwenlelghl men with mur- tier committed on last 'uesday morning In the levee troubles , TruQ bIlls , charging mlrder , were presented ! aalnst the follow- Ins parties : George , alas "WhI8ky" noyll , Henry laddy , John MurphYI W Maher , J. I ) . WillIams , Thomas Ryan , John Iemler- gast , Wiiam Nelson , lave Wlilaml , Janme , , alas "Iel' " Hawkins , Thomas , alas "Stut- lerlng" Fay , JIm Pcrriers I\oberl \ Iehoe , Nelson , alias "Meyer" 1.lght , Joe Casey , Jamel O'Brien , Martin Owens , lId lcCue , for the murder of John Pa'ne. Tony Dowd , Phi Quarto and Tom Pender- gast were indicted for time murder of Henry James : same for time mUrler of Morris Mitchell ; same for time mureer of Fred Lopez ; same for the murder of Leonard Mmil- lard lard.Holerl Brooks Phi Mahoney alil Nelson Lighty for the murder of Leonard Mallard : same for the murder of Fred Lozlez : same for the murller or MorrIs MItchell ; same for the murder of 'Helry James. Wilam Cahilcie . Dave Burke amid John , alas "fled" . Culen , for the murder of John John Flrness , allan "Dago , " Tom Devln , alas "Tom , the Devi , " amid Jack Bowen for the murder or John Ia'ne , These men were nil arrested nl various tmes during the troubles anti eommllell for trial by the police JuaIce All time In- dlclments contain the ellusc "anll other per- sons whoso names are as yet unknowl to the grand jurors , being workmen ane Inbor- ers In the occupaton of roiling , placing and stowing commmpressed cotton on board oes - eels at the port of Nel Orlens . " Most of time men indicted ' have been under survelanco for several days , amid II was nn easy later to locate them ns soon as time capiases were Issued. The IlrCllles which unset time goverlior In handling the troubles have been further complcated by a strong immtlmnatiomm from the merchants thaI no furlher flnls will bo contrlitited by lhem for time support of the trool's. They say lhal more decided measuresshould have been adopted In dealing wlh the rioters , and thai time trouble should have been finally quieted some days agb. The governor Is i In consul- I taton with his ad\lsers. striving to fnc' ' means to pro\hlo for the support of the troops , the state miiia fund beIng alto- gether Inadequate for time purpose. . 'TUlt'AIU 1UUI'S - DOWN . 110 USES. Many l'ersons " ' ' 10 IImjmmrJdrat , Auglsla , Georgia , ThI8M"rill : . AUGUSTA , Ga. , March 20-A _ tornado struck thIs cIty at ! o'clock this morning. Many houses have been blown down-and a number of people are injured. COLUMDUS , Ga. , March 20.-A heavy wind In the nature of a whIrlwind " passed over lhls city and Orard , Ala. , "at 6:5 this morn- Ing. Little damage was done on this aide of the river , but lhree resIdences were leveled on the Alabama side The Columbus Fel'tl- zer company's , buldhtg was partially unroofed - The first Ilouse struck was hurled across McKlnner street and thrown jgalnsl the house on the , ,0poslt sIde. Its sole oecu- panl , a. , clor IwOlilin , \8' bacy ! hurt. Nothing ' time floor oHlh ] .lmu B was lef In the 'exl house celrllhel 'ere a negro , woman and fve cimlldren . - burled under time wreck , but after n hpur's'hard work"tb were extricated alive , "thoul som of them , were badly , bruised. , p ' the eplral south1f Part of time city , n.ozen , houses wee .wreeke ] and all along the , palh of time stonn trees fenceJ and ' dutbuitdlngs were leveled. A small house wa hurled ; wee the roof and into one of the big rooms of the Miller four mill. The Central railroad round house and I paint shops were demoIished . and one engine i lies smashed under th debris. I 18 extraordinary - ordinary thai no lves were lost , and that few people were hurl The nlre police and fro forces , reinforced by ianie I numbers of citizens , are al work oi the ruined houses and they who have been hurt In the build- " lags cared for al the hospital. - KANSAS CITY , lnrch 20.-The storm throughoul the west and southwest last night was so severe as to completely prostrate tele- graph wIres. The Western Union Telegraph company this mornIng las posted notices to time effect that no business for Kansas and nc Colorado points wIll b& accepted except sub ject to delay. I Is i not exactly known what time nature of the Interruptin 18 , but It Is thought thai many poles were blown down by time strong wind. 'o , reports of other damage have yet reac . 11h j city. I.IS' OISE CM1 , UP lo COURT. Contest of the ' Two Iactioos for Posession . . of U"Oki end necord CLEVELAND , March -The factional fight In the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks \as brought up ror'i hearing In the United States cIrcuit 'courl before Judge Hammond 01 Tennessee . .Thq Jamestown faction was represented . by ; A. C. Wade ot Jamestown , A. J. \Vo1r pf Youngstown , Thomas Turner ot Canton Robert Murray or Youngstown , Allen 0 Meyers of Clncln- nati 1 and harry Robe of lteyer . For .he Atlantic City faction there were present . g. B. hay , grand exalted ruler , of Washington - ton : George A. Heynolcs , tramid secretary , 01 Saginaw , Micim. ; I.eroy irnnc of Buffalo and 1. A. I orn of this clf' Last year enD faction haul Its meeting In Jamestown , whie the other 11rty met In . Atlantic City . both sIdes claiming to be the I legally authorized delegates to the annual convantiomi. The legal conllst Is to deter- . mine which faction Is entitled to the books and the records of the order , which ore now In the hands of the Jlleltown faction. At the trial today It wa evident from the start thlt the Jamestown racton was rely- lug on technlclltea to , prevent the Atlantic City Party from getting the books . 'fhey fluid raised the question , of . Jurisdicton , and alllrenty hesitated about attacking the merltR of the case 'l'he Irgum.nt upon the lechnlcnl ob- jectiomis to the proceedings made by the defense - ( ease eontmlld all day , and the hearing of testimony will nol begup hpqre tomorrow , testmony wi beglj tjfqre , Jm nlTEI.11NFl : q 11. JE JUtI ( , Wi Violate limo Law. 11\ 'ot Sent to time s . I l0""r1' CLEVELAND . , 0. , Mrlit 20.-A hand ( iii of socialistic und poptilletle , rformera have begun the formation fthio : Workhouse I climb. 'fhe idea l Is to obln 1,0 members , till of them unemployed Workmen , and be- al unemployQ anl gin operations at 1t ilellng .of outdoor work In the spring . H iadedaled thul they wi first march In I tQi ' tp the city hal and demand of the dlreclr of publo works that he give them umfmlQymllent , , Ir he say that he / not able to do so , which they 8aYl tcllli tt they propose ' 11\rullnl In a boly to thE fPlce court amid re uCtng the judge to 5511(1 timem to thmo wemrlctmouse timmit timey ! I ! a ' Jhl I.l ! ! r , nflt. l.nuo wnrmr ' , 1 nintbin , , u , ul In.1In , . If the " judge - ' refuses : wiijclm " time j ; ' consIder probable , they tecurl they ' will deliberately violate fome city orlnlQI ! In order to be arrested and tnt to the , w/ll\hou e , prob- ably hy tramping on be grucs II the pub- lie quare or tlklng IJh IIHS oC a freight train. One of the men'back tf time scheme Is Robert Ilanmliow Of lime Central Labor . union antI recently its pre8ldent. unl recent ) Is Muny IlollUlstl and 10eialstlI are . wih him , LOB1NS0.S' P.f TJVJlfJY' $ 11.1 .VIS. lIJU..I , . JfU"IJ.J. UtfenAe hIa'l , 10 'Vlncl' - s Ind limo Case W. , s Quickly Eodcd. nlI FAIO , llalch > -In the Hoblnsons' trial today the defnse movell for their dis- nmissal Upon Ihls belJ ! denied tIme defense submilt' their case wlhout argument or evidence 'fhe district attorney Immell- atel ' $ . mmuimmmrmg I' Illgan summinG imp Time judge gave his hlrGe to the jury after the noon recess , nail the case wen I to the jury at 1 : : : . . - 1 rack Ild 1.11 s " 11' roil With. MACON , March 2'rho southbound yes- tbule Iraln emi ' the futher railway was wrecked near 'Jaeklon nt : o'clock Ihll morning . Hlltes hall beqmm drawn and tim ' rails ' preld , eau h'tt. . entrt train to leave time track "lremRn , Hoberls was badly slahhIl anSI ! Ina die. 'rimis 1 > time fourth wreck since Iarch I , cllulel by malicious luUI . lNE HORROR IN WYO \ \ lNG Bodies of fifeen of the Kicl Rave Been . REcovertd . NO HOPE FOR OTI RS IN THE MINE - Exact Numb.r ( f : \rn In time Pit lllknown but I. SUI'IJRed 10 I" " , HeNI . 1rI\c.n Twemmty-rivo amid Elfi ' . 1111 I'try. EVANSTON , W'o. , : llrch' 20.-Al 5:45 : this evening an explosion of gas occurre1 In the Hocty Iountaln Coal anti Iron com- pany's mlue No.6 al lied Common , seveu mlcs from I'anston , with terrible results. James n. lruce , minD foreman , amid cx- county commissioner of Ulntah count ) ' , " 'y- omlng , was Instanty killed by flying tmber , also five others. As far aa founc the others arc : WILLIAM SI LI.ElS , jr , rope runner. JAlIS CLARK. BDWAHn COX , head car putters. O. n. lIALTUY , superlutenlenl or power. JEURY CILA'A'l"OltD ' , a boy . Time other man has not been hlentfed , All , were killed by fying tmher. J ' rom t lenty.f'e to fifty men were lu time mInI at the time of the explosion. Al this writing . they have not been rescued amid ore cetain ! ) dcnd. Ancrel Mason Is i bally injured , but may recover. Aboul 150 men arc emplo'el In this mine , but most of lhem hall gOle out. Among those In the mine thoughl 10 be dead are : Wlarl trown , John l erl , Samuel Thomas and son , ell Mr. Durton , Samuel lutchlnson and \llam Sellers , sr. , and son. The covering of the slope amid buildings nt the mouth were blown to sphimmters. The mine was eonlcerel one of ! ie saresl anti best conducted In the ftate. Later-Elghl men have been brought out from the mine so burned as to be past Ilent- fcaton , with the exception or one , Jame 1.1mb. All hope of rescuing anybody alive Is given UI ) . The death roll now nUlber fifteen. DENVER March 20.-A special ! to the News Crom Evanston 1 , " 'yo. , says : "A force of lwent-onl mcn his gone Into the maine to recover the deal bodies of the men caught In the mine , estmated to be from forty 10 seventy-five. ThD exact number I unascertainable - tainable , and none of them can b alive . Two have been brought OtmL Their names arc : James Limb and Fred Morgan. They were found In the man way. All are men of fami- lies , as arc mosl of those nol yet recovered The cause of the explosion Is a mystery , nl. ! though gas was always troublesome. . CUT 'fN TWO BY AN ENGINE , I'ataAccident In 1. 8 ! I. YRrds It foot of Copltll . \ venue , ' Time mangled body of a man was dIscovered - ered last night al 11:45 : In time D. & M. raIl- tad yards at Eighth street and Capitol ave- flue . The body was Cut In two at the waist , and had evidently been lyIng there for some time . as time bOy was cold when round. Carl Lund , the night clerk for time Dur- Inglon , as he was mnklng his accustomed trip 10 the upper yards to eheel 1 ' the cars , found the body He reported the fact to Orcer ' Meals , and time coroner was notified. The ground amid tracks In time vicinity where time body was found \ero carefully examined , and from Indicatons the man had evidently gone down Capitol avenue to time platform al the 10rth side of the Deerlug buiding and falen to the tracks from the east end of the platform , whIch Is about twenty feel from the grommmmd . A large pool of blood was found about twelve feet from where the body was lying when found. Time skull was crushed as though from a fall or a very hevy blow. Yard engIne No. 22 backed up over this polnl al 1 o'clock for a short dIstance and pushed lwo. cars. The body had been struck by these nail dragged for a shorl distance to a switch , where II cughl and remained while the cars anti engine made two trips over II. The engine was manned h ) P. Ar- nold , engineer : O. Hungate , fremln : J , C. Daulhet , F. A. Pjerou mind J. H. hunt brake- nmeum Nol oue of the crew had notcel time accident. At the morgue a key ring was taken from one of the pockets on which , was engrave "I. D. Harts , 1216 Leavenworlh street. " I was son learned that the body was that of Isaac D. Harris , 'a stationary engineer In tIme service of the Omaha Sleam Laundry company - pany , 178 Leay-enworlh slreet. He was about 4Oyoars old , and leaves a wife and one child . The family residence Is 824 Sonth Seventeenth street. p ( OL'S , ' TJCZKE1IX LlC TIlE 011.1 . NO JC , Ralph 11JIII"y leslJns from the l'rcM- deney uf time COlpIIY , PITTSnUnO , March 20.-Ralph Daggaley , president of time Unied Stales mass com- Imny , has resigned , and n. C. npley , for- merly president of the company , has been elected to time poaitiomm. Time United States mass company has a con1lele monopoly on time flint glass trade by a cOlblnaton of nearly nil the factories In the country. For the past eighteen monlhs the Irlnt mass Workers union has been on a strIke against the company for a recognition of the uulon scale The strikers believe that the new administration will adopt a more lIberal polIcy - Icy wIth the worlnnen amid the strIke wi be terminated soon . Poor health Is the relson assIgned for ! r. Daggaley's resignatiomm . FIGht lolwo.n ( minim RII NOlullun Ilel DOW AOAC , Mlchm , larch 20.-Thls city , which Is the location of the Immense plant of the Round Oak Stove works , Was time scene of a serIous strife between union and mmon- union immen . Lster Cooper , a nonunion man , was struck whim an axe and probahly fatally Injure In the melee , which became general , mind I score of workmen were seriously In- ured . Arrests have been made and II Is feared serious trouble Is immmmuimment . The company - pany , until a recent lockout , employed union labor excluhively , The present trouble Is the outgrowth of differences between employer and employes. I"valunc" ly time lIUulll Tulo 1'orkmi , ST PAUL , larch 20.-The National Tube Works company of Chicago , whIch Is gradu- ally 8sumlng time appearance of a trust de. signed to control the output Of wrought iron pipe and plumbera' 5uJples generally . has absorbed the wel known firma of I , 1. Rugg & Co. of this city . ThD frl of I , p Hugg & Co. Is one of time oldest In the city and northwest well known to dealer throuhout the . I'at ( 'rowe's "Ictl Uelll , DEN\'EH , Colo. , March 20.-City Delec- live AI Moore who wait last nIimt shot by Pat Crowe , time fumous timid , died tonight , after the amputation or hlH leg , Several arrests were made toda ) ' . All time suspects ) were suhselluenty rel'asel UK there was no evIdence a/alnst timemmi Time Pinkerton / detectives state that they knew of Crowe' presence In Denver unll were working to cupture him when the shootng oecurr d. - I' I , . ' l.t-rfn ! 11""Y I' IHul Si iil omme rim's. DETItOI'l' , lareh -The thIrd annual , ' of the ' Hunda ' o nfen'nee Ireshterlan Hummday Ichool 118110nlrils of the northwest ollelel today In \\'l'stmlnlter l'hurch , 'Jherl arc ahout twenty.lle1 slonurlel frol half a Iln ) states IlrfHenl Hev , H. J Ferguson - son or Iowa openel , the session wih u ills- . C\II:11 oJ I mJllon8rlt ' ! ome , 1.1- . . lIIILSZCL' TIHIST 'WIW TlhtN . IS : f" . 010 UuIUa.lln ! Collny ( olr" to Termim' " 11 all h l.rmtlY , NE'a'OitK , March I 20.-Presidemmt Curls of the Alerlcll DistrIbuting company made a report today to the dIrectors of the 1)ia- ) tilling & Catlefeellg comllnny touchlug the fnancIal questions nl Issue betlcen the two companies , which was accepted nll n settle- menl has been mal'e ' I hleh Is agreeable to both shle8. ChICAGO , March 20.-Negotiations are now completcd which eel a combinaton of nil the whisk ) ' Interests In the country anti practically ISSlre to time SpIrits Distlng association , of which Receiver ! lcNula of the trust Is chalrmll , absolute control of the spirit outpul of time United States There was , the receivers of the trust claln , but one large outstanding Inttrest , nll that an eastern concern , whim which a satisfactory settlement was rlchld , The executve coma- mlteo of the Sllrls lstllnl ) assoelaton I was II se8slon tel a ) ' , anti In cOllunlcaton with representatives of the easlern concern , who were mretng In New York. A time cncluslon of the immcetimmg here neneml Mc- Icetnl : ula , as chairman , annollcll thll a sat- Isfnetory setemenl of < lrerencrs hall bNn completed , ammO that only the citielal 1 notlfi- caton of the olpJslng ! interests was neces- eary to settle ! the alair , This , the receivers claim , 11 effectively sience time oPllosllon to the Ditling Issocatol from Cincinnat amid places where time whisky Interests arc on n firma anll paying basis. In nn interview given to time , \ssoclate1 press , General Mc- I Nuita salmi " associ- Null slll : "The Spirits 19tlng - aton Is mme trust. We Elmp\ act ns a con- fcrenco of the distilling hJrests to Prevent the enormous loses which hale heretofore atenllell the manufacture of spIrIts. On time basis no\ reached the Producer will receive n fixed profit of one. half of I cent \er Proof galen , auc the price of whisk ) ' will follow that of grain All this clamor agalnsl the 'trust' Is Inslllrel by stock gamblers who hope to malt mmmoney b ) batng time stock tip anti down. Wih that element .lmlnatel time success of limo receivership Is apsured amid 1 thlnlt I mmmay say It Is mmlm-ealy assure.l. The" successful completion of limo efforts to effect 1 settlement ef time Illerences wih the oimt- . stan lug rasler Interest will assure an amicable - cable adjustment of all limo 1111clllc' which have confrontec time distilling < associaton . " NE\ ' YORK . lllrch 20.-Articles : of , In- cJrpnaton : were f'ec lt the county clerk's office today hy the Distilling amI Dstributng company , wih a capital of $1.000,000. In connection with the handlng of spirits II \ O- distilleries. moses to do bu'lug , selng Inc delivering of ChICAGO . Iareh ZO.-The Unlel Slates circuit court of appeals handed down several decsions tOla ) Time most Important case was thai of the nl1pcal of the Whisky trust from a decision of Judge GrosSCUI ! , gl\lng Gottscimalk & Co. , agents of time trust , a jtmdg- immemmt for $37,112. The comimpany suel 1mm tlm lower court to recover that mimmmotmmmt of rebates - bates , wimlcim it is clammed time trust refmmsed to pay on time ground timnt time agents haul imammdleml other simirits timami timose mmiammufac- timred by time trust. Time case , wimicim was knowmm as tIme rebate certificate case , attracted - tracted mitcim atteumtioum iii time lower court. Time decislomm of time lower court was afflrmmicil. ( ) UES T10.\'S (3 0 J'ElIN.STENT Fl U UIWS , Onmimigo Jomimi Emirnimir l'uts limo % imemit tim Fnrnmors' iImimt , Much Iilglmor. CHICAGO , March 20.-TIme Orange Jimild Farmer this week , in discussing wheat reserves - serves and commiparimig Its estimnase of 154O00- 000 busimels witim time government estimate of 75,000,000 bushels , will declare that the gov- , . .fi.,4 , . . , . , . , . , . , , m.ie. . . . , , . . . . . . Ut , . UUU tJ flJ Ut 1(1ST o. . statistical experience , arbitrarily redmmced time returns of Its dorrespoiident by from 50,000,000 to 60,000,000 busimels. 1mm proof of this , it declares timat its returns and time gov- ernmmment returns comae from the annie class of peoimle , subject to the same mnfluezmccs , and their figumres of percemitages of wheat eu time farnm Is but little more timamt imaif that returned - turned to time Farmmier. Time statistician of time Orange Judd Farimmer was formerly assistant statistician of the Agricultural department , nail is commeequmently fanmihlar with the work- itmgs of timat office. If timis charge is true time govormimmment correspommilents , time F'armmmer will say , mmmmmst have reported 120,000,000 to 130- 000,000 bushels 1mm farmers' hands March 1 , 1mm- stead of 75,000,000 busimels , as declared by time bureau. p M..ISY .4CE 1101'I.G 2 ( ) TI1I1 .SOU2Jl. 1"mrmmm Property 'I Iiroimghmou ttimit Sectlomm licluig iiommglat by Nortimcrmio-s , BALTIMORE , March 20.-Thiq Soutimern States Mmtgmmzine of Baltitnore Imas recently hail reports from mt nimnmber of real estate agemmts in differemmt parts of the imoutim , These reports simnw that time southward moveimment of population is very great. One firm In Atlanta has sold in mminety ilmmys amm aggregate of 2,740 acres of tarnm property for $30,700. The same fIrm Imas an order for a tract of f0OO0 to 100,000 micres for colonies of Swedes amid slmnilmir orders from Ne- bram'ka , Peimnsyivmimmia acid Ohio for smaller tracts for colonization. A Menipimis firm imaa oid since September 1 21,625 iicres of farm land 1mm MIssIssippi , Arlcmmnsaa anti Loimlimiana for $1115350 , the Imurcimasers , Wimo were in part from Iowa , Dakota. Nebraska amid Illimmols , buying for immediate' occu- ianc and cultivation , At Cemmtemville , Miss. , twenty-two fmurnms were sohmi to buyers ( rota Illinois , Kumisas anti Pennsylvania , .II01t1i if i'lIRSCJC OF U1f00JICJ ) 11011K , Mayor Major's Em1rte to I'orpatmmmmto Ills l'ovem' 1mm Toledo Im.mng tJmeovereil. TOLFDO , 0. , March 2o.-'rime board of elections today discovered additiommitl cvi- demmee of crooked vot'k iii commmmt'ction whim the Jmrinmar ) ' elections lmmmmt Friday night. In canvassitig time vote of time Second wimrd it was founmi timmut time returns fromn one pre- duct were missing , ammd wimmit humus hnicomne of timem is mmot. known. It is asscrtetl timat timoy would immive elected time mmmiti-Mujam delegmi tea , mm nil conseqmmemm II ) ' imlmm cOil hims tiiemm in a mmminorlty In tIme coumvemmtiomi. 'i'imere was some talk today of a milmeclmli sensiomm of time gratmti jury being called to hmmvestigmmte time alleged corrimimt lmmnctit's : , 'l'im" ophmoumemmtmm of time mayor clalineti to have evimienee stmill. ciontiy strong to convict several of imis imromnimient workers , - - - - Ehien itemcji Yitw's Emmgimg.ummeuit Aumnommmcoii , KANSAS CITY , Marcim 20.-Time Stam this nfternmoomm imilmmts time fohiowlimg : Miss Ellen tiemtciu Yaw is engaged to be mimarrieti , 'I'hc emmgagemnetmt is time result of u.n exteummied "Emermmonlimmm s'mnlmosiuni , " au time brimic- groomn-to-be cimmurtmeti.mrlzeci It , aumd time mmmnmm hum qumemution is HV , Vtmck , mu yoummg lawyer emmmjmioyed by time St. I'aul ( lioie as a sjmechal writer , nnhi private secretary to Federal Arcimitect Fiwemrui ( P. Bamisunti , Nmmimc'rvisor fem time new St. l'aui ; mOteiiiCo building. Air. \'ack is also itmteuested iii art arid hits imuim. ilsimed a lmook om two. 'rime iittte of time veil. ding immms not been mixed ummd svlil not lie ummtli Alias Yitw returns ( ioumm a yeimr's study abrommil. She leaVeS Aimmerlea at time coumolim- slomi of lien preeimt totmr. ( oi , so nyu t or for 31 rs , I I iii in ii mm ii , J. . I iii mon. .ISTSTTSTI , n.,1. A . . .l'l. . lh.4 _ - 4'-Jb ' . . " . . , , . - ' , . - - - , , . , - mick Cmimmsimiy was today mmppcmimmted ccii- imervatur of time piomerty of Airs. "liamimontl" JOimflBOfl , time result of lirrceedlmmgs instituted imy time iuttem'a imumhaummi , Air , , ioimrmsomm ni- ieged thmmmt lila wIfe hind gIven diamnoumuli. of great value to imen eommcimmmman anti Imm.d otimerwisum imciWfl lmermmelt imicapable or ummmtmm. mtglimg imer affairs , Mrs. Joimnmmon aumlidllmitted time muppoimmtmneumt of time commmmers'ator mmmmml die. tmppeamm'd train time city , nmmd It Imi bellevel sue huts left time state , hilme tOoi with her $13,000 1mm batik emotes and 17,00' ' ) 1mm bonds. I , mc.orporm.tI a g t Immi tmuim.rail U Ex 1)051 t iomm , IENVER , Macelm 20.-Articles of mi-or- poration of time ( 'oiorado Mining anti lndums. trial exposition vhil be Illod whOm the scene- tmmr ) ' of mutate tomnorrow , Time Immearporatora ivihl be 1) . 11 , Alofmttt , J. 13. ( Irant , John Camnpion , V. Ii. hiusim , Al. J. MeNoinara , J. IC. ( 'lmomtte , Rodney Curtis , I" , S' . Crocker , 'alter H. Cimeesemarm , ilenry It. \'oleott uiii J , L , ilrmmsim. 'l'ime expommitloum wIll be CtmlmitUhiZed at ll,000'O' ' ) in utimares of Ii eacii , -p _ _ _ _ Fatted to I..icmmt.s tim. , I.vak iii limo U hut , CAItSON ( 'ITY , Nay. , Marcit 20.--Time only tmei' tievelopumment iii time mnint scandal 1m tim' report whicim remieimed here this e'euiiumg timat two bats of golti imulhion hmmmd lieemm soiti re- cermtly 1mm 'Irginia City to J. C' . l.ughmmm. , a stock iroimrr. It Is also rt'purtpi mluat lIme exact uniount of time simortage limuit beemi 11g urod at AG4V , Tke saint mmmcmi stIll refuse Ii talk , \\1LL \ \ ALL COTO BOYD COUNTY Btrrott scott's AUegetl Murderers \ViIl B Arraignediti Butte. COMPROMISE REACHED AT CONFERENCE l'nlqnmmcr , Agree to ( in ( lmm'r , lVmmise Iitmuma. tmmu t ii liii i'mmnm helm flaiL 1mm t in Stmmmm of l5,0H ) Eneim for A lImm'mmr- nmiee in ) tmmy. O'NEILL , Neb. , Aimircim 20.-Spcclal ( Telo- gram.-Attorncy ) Geumeral ( Jlmtmrcimill mmml tim nttormmeys for time uicfemmse reacimetl ami agree- mmmemmt t imhs cvermimmg a mmmi al I t lie lirisa ners lmeltl here for the mmmtmrmier of Barrett Scott wtl * be ttmrumeii over to Sheriff Stniulltord of lioyut coimnty 1mm time mmmorumimmg. lie viii take lucia at. omice to liutte' . Timey wIll be taimemm tleforG Jmmdgo Sluice amid will be lmiaceil tmmmtic'r $5,00G bomitis eacim to apimear before time district court at ilutte 0mm May 7 , 1S95 , to stmmmmtl tnimmi for the mmmtmrtler of llmmrrett Scolt. It. was agreed in time cotmference timat tins lirleoners wommlul tvaivo exmmmmilnntioim , nial titus ammmoiimmt of time homimi was also mmgrecii impomi. Simerhif Siaumdiforti receIved a teicgrammm front imis deputy at litmttc ammmmotmmieimmg hum cafe an- rIval there with time lmrimommer , Stammtoum , Jammio l'tmmkermmmamm will probably be arrested toimtgimt. amid takemi to lltmtto tommiorrow vitim time ottiers. Attorney ( Icmiermmi Clmtmrcimill left this even- tag for Atlciumsomm , frommm wimlcim imiace ime will go to iCeya I'alma coimmity to look mutter time lymiciming of Airs. lioltomm , tmear hirecimsbmmrg. Aitmilhlmamm , Elliott , harrIs ammmi ltoy were commthneti during the day Itt time hiolt cemmmmty jaIl , where timey were piacc hmmimmiedlntely tufter their arrest , whIch wan mantle abommt 10 o'clock last mmiglmt by Slmeri himmummiitomm. The sheriff cialmmmmm timmit a varrant. was swormi ommt for timeir mmrrest , 0mm wimichi autimonity lie arrested timemim , Time lIce repro- . snmmtative was at time coimmmty judge's 0111cc , but faIled to flimmi a commiimialmmt there , mmor cammid ho fimmui out vlmetimer a warrant was immammed for- their arrest frommi that oullce , Jummigo Mc- Cmttclmumm is otmt of time city auimi imis son is. looitimig after time 0111cc today , amid lie Wa unable to say wimether time varrammts vero Issued or not. Cotmaty Attormmoy Mmmrpimy soya lie does mmot kmmomv aimytimtmmg abotmt time ro- arrest of time mmmcli or wlmo swore out tiun warramits-timat ime Was umot comisimited about time case amid ime knows mmotimimmg atiommt iL 1IlNIt\ STANTON ARItES'l'El ) . Simeniff Standiford of lloyd commmmty arrested Henry Stammtomm about 11 o'clock this mmmonmmimm ammil hO is mmow 1mm tIme cmmstody of that oiflccr. After time arrest lie wmms takemm to mmcc lila attorney - torney , Al. F. llarnimmgton. Stammtomm will probably - ably be taken to lloytl cammmmty tim's mmftermmoan , Time dlsmmmissai of time case last mmigimt ammd time rearrest of time men by time officers of timiB. commimty is time sole tOlmic of commversatIomm upon time streets this morning amid mmmany mire tiio- comijectures of time possible outcoae : of time recent - cent developments. Sheriff Statmmlifortl made a demimanmi for the- prIsoners timis afternoon , lie was Iumiorumiet ! that owing to time presemit condition of attains they could not be turned' o' r td imIni. Attorney General Churchill amid Al , F. hiar- nington , attorney for tue defemitiamita , w erotu consuttatmon lids evetung. 'oimmmng was uonu- by the attorney .gemrat thmls afterhoomh. 116' was waiting to see what de'velopmients Lim& would bring fortim. Time greatest mmmyster obtains as to wimo swore out time ccmmmplain. agaimmst time prisoners now in jail. No on seems to know' who it wits , and diligent. humqtmiry ammiomig time attonmieys fails to securO time desired immfornmmttion. Omie of Simoniff Stamidifonti's deptmties left tlmimi afterumoon for Boymi coumity t'ltlm iIenry Stanton , wimo was arrested , Time road tG Butte is rlgimt throtmgim the vigllmmmmtes' strong- iiolii. and timey will cross time Nlobrara river elm Wimlting's bridge , wimero time body of tjm murdered ox-treasurer was faummmi. Omme of the deputies froni Boyil county , im company witim City Marsimiml hail of this city' arrested Augimst. Oimenlcm at his hmomime about sixteen miles nortlm of timis city this after- 1100mm , amid ime was brought to this city ani Is now 1mm time ctmstody of the lloyd county offl- daIs. The officIals will keep Imim hero to. night , and will take him to Bo3'.l county tomorrow - morrow , where they will go before Judga' Slumse for a prelimimlnary cxamimmatiomm. Sheriff Staniliford Informed The Bee reporter - porter timis eveniimg that time lmnicommors were arrested last nlgimt lillOli a warrant wimch ! ime saw , altimommgh lie dId miot know who made the campiaimmt. It was rimunoreml tmpamm time streets. here today timat , timey were placediui jail at time request of the attorneys for the defen atmil witlmout a warrant belmig issued , All the warrants in time possession of time lloyd county oflicials were mnade out emi conmplaltmt of Dell Mlcen , cimargimm' the prisoners with time mur. der of Barrett Scott. BUTTE , Nab. , ( Via Stuart , Nob. ) , March 20.-Demuty Lauicaster arrived mit Butte to nIght witim Harry Stanton , under arrest for- be1ni itmmpfleated intheScott mnurder trial. uonsuaome imooten us VXmJCdti.Mi iummmzmm. uviima timreo more prisoners. No trouble is untict. patcil , altimommglm time jail i under heavy guard. OTlIth0 Nlt' J 'rilE liOI.TIJN CASE. ( 'ounty Attorumey Lommr has ltettmrimet to. SirIIIgvl.uv to ulivmtlt 1)ovoiopimmemmtil. SPRINGVIIIW , ( VIa Ainswortim ) , Neb. , Alercim . 20.-Simecmni-Commrmty ( ) Attorney Lear retmmrmmed fromn time Iloitomi manrim today. 'fhmci'o are no miew uievelopmmments. 1)rs.Veb - ster aimmi hi'ans of thus place immauhe a potummor- temm ) exa ummlmmation , wimicim alias ed that Ales. Iloltoum caine to imer ticutim by umtraimgmmhation1 which agrees with time coroner's lnqmmest , p- . % 'ICOII ( ) PlO.h1il. ' Li'i'JILEI ) 1'It , IIISON' . . 'mlob Tmukemu limo LmtuY I , mto Its Owua ilantie lii 'I'rmmumiimsseo , 1CA\'E'fT1V1LLU , Temmn , , Mauchu 20.-News has reacimemi imere that Harriet Tmiiley , colored , vas imnmigetl night imeforo last imy a imiob nemi Peteniiurg , She was tmspet'tcm1 of burning time dwelling of Air , Martlmall mmear hero ( cmv ummummUms ago. ltelimmt Itegemit. , % % 'amm 'i'oplmeavy , NEW YOIIK , Murcim 20.-Conmtmmander Fmtmnk Foummammd , stuthummeti at time hirooklyn navy ) 'audR os duet of t'eummttrluctlumm , imaim today : "Jtmat afier time Columimlmlmmuu naval celebraticxm time Itciummu ltegcmmtm , win , iii our large dry dock 1mm emir mmnvy ymirmlmt hero , ammul I hind a gmiu'l ' clmminco to Htti'ly ' hem' iotemts ihimo svan aboumt lime lutist top imemmvi' $11111 L ever i4mtw , liar otllcu-ra ttmfornmnl ummu that stme Immuti 4t touts or w'mmte'r lnmmummst mum mier .lmmtmidc lmott uimmh3 to kecim im tim' ( m-tmmm molling- 0er , Ilimo imad ma greet mimmioUmmt of ( moo boarti mmd ) mem imea'y battery vmia mmmnmmnttmii toq hugh. Simo wmLm3 a. CImlenlid ( eximtmml'ie ' of wimat a mmmut'al commel rmmctor mmimoui'i ' avoId , \'imon w took imer out of time dry dock here I wus im deadly feat' almo womiltl tOpimle tiver , " p 'l'hu roe Clii I II roum II Imrgm cmi I mu liomi I Ii , -5 F31'ltIN(1F11114) . Ale. , Mnrc'im 20.-Timreo eimilmli'en of ( 'lmam lea lIons , a imiboter , werG Imicketl 1mm timelr ihomne while time Imaremmts went visititmg , A Imumnp was left Iimnmmimmg ; and time bemuse cimtigiit tti 0 , All tIme cimlImli-n wet' but-ned to deaths , All vore umidei' 3 years o uge. _ . ) lov.uimeumls mif mrmigotiig ' .ssils . , lmmrcim 9t At Glasgow-Arnlvctl-AmU'imOi'la , from Nev l'onle , At Queemistowmm-Ai'rlved-Teutommlc , fromz New Yuuk , At New Yc.rlc-Aruled-Fulthm , feommi lire. mmmen ; Nornianimttt , from Genoa. At hJostoim-AmnivetI-l'ataiwiifl , from Liver. reel , . , tt JLotterd'amn-Arrl ed-Vcemmlammm , frorm New York , - At Tunis-Arrived-Aumgmmtml , froexi. ( lermoa for ilamnlmurg , 4 At UVnimol , % rnived-'feutomiiq , ( noun New york. york.t : t New 4rniyed-Y'esterlaulLi , fro * Aatwerp. Majctl1 tromn Lt'crl'o(4. (